What sections and appendices the plan consists of. Control tasks. What are the plans

Greetings, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

This is part 2 of the instruction "How to draw up a business plan" and today I will answer the questions: what is the structure and content of a business plan? What sections does a business plan consist of and how to fill out each of them correctly?

Let me remind you that in part 1 I told what a business plan is, what it is for, what a SWOT analysis is, and also superficially touched on the sections of a business plan.

In part 3 of our instructions, we will consider a simplified model of a business plan using the example of opening an anti-cafe.

Before proceeding to the description of the sections, I will say that there is no specific technology for writing a business plan adopted as a standard. In each case, it is individual. The main thing is not to complicate this process too much so that everything is clear to you and your potential investors.

I will describe the sections from my experience in obtaining investments for commercial projects. This information will be quite enough to open your own small business without large investments or to secure additional funding by attracting an outside investor for your project.

  1. Introductory part (summary)
  2. Organizational plan
  3. Financial plan(budget)
  4. Expected results and prospects (final part)

1. Introductory part (summary)

The purpose of this section is to make a positive impression on investors and to provide an overview of the business plan as a whole. The resume should not be long, its optimal length is from 2 to 4 pages.

Only the most important thing should be here:

  • Direction of the company;
  • Target sales markets and the company's place in them;
  • Return on investment and return on investment;
  • Personnel and responsible persons;
  • Planned quantitative and qualitative indicators as a result of work by periods.

The "Summary" section when writing a business plan should provide answers to 2 main questions:

  1. What will investors get with successful implementation project?
  2. What are the chances of losing capital or part of it in the event of an unfavorable development of events?

The resume should be written at the very end, when the main part of the business plan has already been written. As you can see, a resume contains a summary of the sections of your business plan.

Describe here the goods and services that your company plans to sell. To do this, carry out preliminary work, which will include:

  • Description of the main goods (services) of the company and secondary ones;
  • Taking pictures of your products;
  • Determination of the portrait of your ideal consumer;
  • Conducting market analysis for the presence of similar goods or services in your target market;
  • Planning the organization of the service (if required by the specifics of your company);
  • Description of the pricing model. Will you be able to compete with the existing companies in your segment ?;
  • Drawing up a single detailed table of your goods (services) according to the above parameters.

After conducting such an analysis, you will clearly understand what and for whom you are producing, as well as understand the characteristics of your products and sales market.

Have you ever had a situation where you want to launch your project, but all thoughts are confused, a lot is not clear? I think yes. It is especially important to articulate everything clearly when you plan to launch a commercial project.

Who will be your customer and what is their place in the market? You need to know this.

Marketing is one of the most important business processes.

It includes an analysis of the market environment, competitors and your strategy for promoting a product (service) in the current environment to the end consumer.

To write the marketing section as accurately as possible, answer the questions:

  • What market conditions will your company operate in?
  • What competitors can you highlight in your area?
  • What promotion methods are used by your competitors and can you promote better?
  • What promotion tools are you planning to use? (perhaps advertising, direct sales, merchandising, sales promotion, etc.)
  • Why should a consumer choose your product (service) under other conditions? Refer to the description of the product (service) from the section of the business plan "description of goods and services."
  • Does your business have a seasonality and if so, at what time?

All these questions must be answered in writing in this section and logically link these answers.

For example, suppose you are selling in the b-2-b (business to business) sector and find that there are many competitors in your market, and you have a limited advertising budget. In this case, it is better to focus on direct sales ( individual work with the client), and not for image advertising or distribution of flyers on the street.

At the end, be sure to draw up an approximate sales plan by quarter in order to understand how much revenue and net profit can potentially bring your business.

The main thing is not to overestimate the level of expected sales, really look at things.

Remember to believe in the best and work on it, but you also need to be prepared for a pessimistic turn of events.

This point of the business plan is not required for companies that do not plan to directly engage in production. This section can be skipped if your company is going to provide services or sell goods, that is, engage in trade.

If your company plans to engage in the production of products, then in this section you will need to answer the following questions:

  • How much production capacity do you need to implement a production (production line)?
  • In what sequence will the equipment be installed and prepared for operation?
  • What is the projected growth trend in production over time?
  • How will the delivery be carried out necessary materials to the place of production, and who will be the supplier of raw materials? Here it is necessary to describe the logistics issues and characterize your suppliers;
  • If your company has any fixed assets or production facilities, how will they be docked with the newly installed equipment?
  • What will the entire production process look like? Here it is desirable to provide a visual diagram with explanations (it can be included in the annex to the business plan).

5. Organizational plan

In this section, it is necessary to reflect your actions on organizing the business, broken down into specific steps with the timing of each stage, the person in charge and the expected results.

The best way to do this is in the form of a table like this:

Here write what needs to be done first, what second, and so on.

For example, you already know that you have a base of potential customers, and they are ready to buy goods and services from you as soon as you start your business.

In this case, one of the first things you need to do is to officially register as individual entrepreneur so that on legal grounds conduct your business and be able to accept payments by bank transfer.

6. Financial plan (budget)

In this part of the business plan, you make a detailed estimate, that is, plan your costs to the smallest detail.

This is also best done in a table format. Moreover, you will most likely have one-time and recurring costs.

One-time costs include the purchase of equipment or premises, advertising sign etc.

In accounting terminology, such long-lived assets of the enterprise are also called fixed assets.

Example of a one-time cost table:

Recurrent costs include consumables, raw materials, rent, utility bills, wages, purchase of goods.

These are expenses that you incur frequently, that is, periodically. In accounting terminology, such quickly spent assets of the enterprise are also called current assets.

Example of a recurring cost table:

After filling in these tables, you will need to calculate the break-even point *

Break-even point - the minimum volume of sales of goods or services of your company, at which all the costs of organizing a business for certain period will be covered by income from doing business, and each subsequent sale will bring a net profit.

For example, if you spend a total of 50,000 rubles per month on setting up a business, taking into account the depreciation of equipment *, and your markup per unit of goods or services is 500 rubles, then you need to sell 100 units of goods per month so as not to go into negative territory. This will be your break-even point.

Depreciation is the transfer of part of the cost of equipment to a product or service produced by it.

That is, if you are a hairdresser and bought a hair clipper for 3,000 rubles, then with each haircut its value will decrease due to its wear and tear. And the cost of such wear will be included in the cost of each haircut using this machine, for example, 5 rubles.

Do not forget to include tax and pension contributions in your recurring costs, so you will have a real picture of the costs of your business.

7. Expected results and prospects (final part)

Here you can consider several options for the development of events regarding your business: from pessimistic to optimistic.

Based on the estimated financial indicators, summarize all the material of the business plan, take a comprehensive and unbiased look at your project. What do you see? Do you understand it? If you were an investor and you were offered to invest in such an enterprise based on this business plan, would you agree?

If you answered yes to these questions, then congratulations! You have a pretty good chance of a successful outcome of your case.

Now, following this plan, take action!

In the next final part, as promised, we will consider the application of this structure of a business plan using the example of opening an anti-cafe.

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1 STRUCTURE of the civil defense plan (name territorial body federal body executive branch) The plan consists of a text part and annexes. The text part consists of three sections. SECTION I. Brief assessment of the possible situation as a result of enemy action 1. General information o (name of the territorial body of the federal executive body) - the structure of the territorial body of the federal executive body; - general characteristics the territorial body of the federal executive body and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body (addresses of organizations continuing to work in wartime, categories of organizations civil defense, the number of the largest working shifts of subordinate organizations, the presence of sources of potential danger, etc.). 2. Possible scale and nature of the consequences after an enemy attack: a) the degree of possible destruction of buildings and structures of facilities of the territorial body of the federal executive body, estimated losses of workers, production facilities, forces and means of civil defense; b) radiation, chemical, biological, fire and medical conditions, the formation of catastrophic flooding zones in areas where the territorial bodies of the federal executive body and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body; c) the approximate volume of the upcoming ASDNR in the territorial bodies of the federal executive body and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body, with the systematic alerting of civil defense and with a sudden attack by the enemy. 3. Conclusions from the assessment of the situation a) indicators of the conclusions from the assessment of the possible situation for making a decision on civil defense, including:

2 2 forecast of the total volume of debris formed on targets to be hit as a result of enemy strikes and requiring clearing before carrying out rescue operations; forecast of the size of the areas of zones of strong, medium and weak destruction resulting from excessive pressure during explosions of warheads of precision weapons; forecasting the size of the areas of the resulting fire zones requiring the use of fire extinguishing forces; forecast of the size of the areas of flooded zones; forecast of the amount of work on the organization and conduct of the evacuation of the population, material and cultural property from lesions; forecast of the size of areas of radioactive contamination, chemical or biological contamination; forecast of the medical situation; forecast of irrecoverable and sanitary losses of workers due to the impact of secondary damaging factors; b) an indicative list and scope of the main forthcoming ASDNR, held in the territorial body of the federal executive body after an enemy attack, including: reconnaissance of routes, foci of destruction to support the actions of civil defense forces; dismantling of debris; clearing routes and arranging entrances in rubble; the amount of solutions, formulations and substances used in the elimination of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities; elimination of accidents on communal and energy networks; localization and extinguishing of fires; localization of foci of chemical contamination; sanitization of people; decontamination of equipment; decontamination of buildings, structures and roads. Section II. Implementation of measures with the systematic alerting of civil defense 1. The procedure for alerting civil defense 1.1. The procedure for organizing, the volume and timing of the implementation of priority civil defense measures: a) the procedure for organizing, the volume and timing of the implementation of the priority civil defense measures of the first stage; b) the procedure for organizing, the volume and timing of the implementation of the priority civil defense measures of the second priority: c) the procedure for organizing, the volume and timing of the implementation of the priority civil defense measures of the third priority:

3 Civil defense measures, when the President of the Russian Federation makes a decision on direct preparation for transfer to work in wartime conditions when the threat of aggression against the Russian Federation grows before the announcement of mobilization: setting tasks for direct preparation for the implementation of measures for civil defense and population protection plans; clarification of plans for civil defense and protection of the population, formalized documents on civil defense and the main indicators of civil defense; clarification of the procedure for interaction and exchange of information in the field of civil defense in the implementation of civil defense measures of the first, second and third stages; clarification of the composition, officials authorized to solve tasks in the field of civil defense and included in the composition of operational groups, which are withdrawn to reserve command posts, tasks and the order of their work; checking the readiness of communication systems and civil defense warning; clarification of plans for the supply of products (work, services) to ensure the implementation of civil defense measures carried out according to the mobilization plan of the economy of the Russian Federation clarification with the military control authorities of the routes, the procedure for use Vehicle, equipment and communications for carrying out evacuation measures and creating a grouping of civil defense forces in safe areas; analysis of the readiness of the municipality and organizations to conduct civil defense, submission of reports on the progress of direct preparation for the implementation of civil defense measures under civil defense and population protection plans. 2. Organization of measures for the protection of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body a) organization of a shelter in protective structures: the presence and need for civil defense protective structures; the procedure and terms for bringing to readiness of protective structures of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body, laying in them stocks of food, medicines and other necessary property, calculating the distribution of sheltered ones; the procedure and terms for the construction of missing protective structures and their material and technical support, the calculation of the distribution of sheltered ones; b) organization of radiation and chemical protection: the need and availability of radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices, dosimetric control and personal protective equipment; the procedure for providing employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body with personal protective equipment, devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric control;

4 4 the procedure for the introduction of radiation protection regimes and work in conditions of radioactive contamination; identification and assessment of the radiation and chemical environment; organization of radiation and chemical control; measures for the detection and designation of areas exposed to radioactive, chemical, biological and other types of contamination; organization of sanitary treatment of people, disinfection of equipment, buildings and structures; organization of protection of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body from radioactive substances, toxic substances, emergency chemically hazardous substances and biological agents; name, quantity and number of forces and assets involved; c) organization of medical protection: the procedure for carrying out medical measures, the forces and means of medical protection, bringing them to readiness; organization of medical support at points of permanent deployment, when carrying out evacuation measures and in safe areas of the suburban area; the procedure and terms for issuing personal protective equipment and radioprotective drugs; organization of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures; the name, number and strength of the forces involved; d) organization of evacuation measures: general order carrying out evacuation in the territorial body of the federal executive body, its bodies, subordinate organizations and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body, including: the procedure for notifying about the start of evacuation measures; lists of subordinate organizations continuing to work in territories classified as civil defense groups, indicating the number of dispersed employees and evacuated family members, areas of dispersal and evacuation in the suburban area; lists of subordinate organizations transferring activities to the suburban area, indicating the number of evacuees, areas of placement in the suburban area and the availability of infrastructure for resuming core activities in these areas; lists of subordinate organizations that stop working in wartime, located in the territories assigned to civil defense groups, indicating the number of employees and their families; transport and other types of evacuation and dispersal support; management procedure during the period of evacuation measures and after arrival at the points of evacuation and dispersal; the procedure for the export of material assets;

5 5 the procedure for storing documents, equipment and property remaining in the points of permanent deployment, as well as the procedure for their transfer and protection; the procedure for the preparation of points (bases) intended to accommodate the evacuees; the name, number and strength of the forces involved to ensure the evacuation. 3. The procedure for organizing control, communication and notification a) organization of notification and gathering of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body when alerting civil defense; b) organization of control at points of permanent deployment, during redeployment to alternate control points and in the suburban area; c) the procedure for alerting reserve control points; d) the composition and tasks of the operational groups departing to the reserve control points, the dates of departure and arrival at the reserve control points; e) the timing of the occupation of reserve control points; f) organization of communication. 4. The procedure for alerting the civil defense forces to conduct the ASDNR a) the composition and equipment of the civil defense forces intended to conduct the ASDNR; b) the procedure for alerting and organizing the use of civil defense forces; c) the composition of the forces and means of civil defense acting in the interests of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 5. Organization of provision of measures for civil defense, the procedure for organizing the main types of support for measures for civil defense, including: general intelligence; engineering support; radiation, chemical and biological protection; medical support; material support; technical support; transport support; fire safety; hydrometeorological support; guard public order.

6 6 SECTION III. Implementation of measures for civil defense in the event of a sudden attack by the enemy 1. Organization and implementation of measures at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about an air alert, chemical alarm, radiation hazard or the threat of catastrophic flooding a) the organization of notification of the leadership of the territorial body of the federal executive body, the procedure for notifying organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body; b) the introduction of modes of light and other types of camouflage, the procedure for shutting down the systems of electricity, heat, gas and water supply at the facilities of the territorial body of the federal executive body; c) organization of the issuance of personal protective equipment; d) organization of shelter for employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations in protective structures. 2. Organization and holding of events on the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the clearing of an air alert, chemical alarm, radiation hazard or the threat of catastrophic flooding a) restoration of control and communications, the procedure for occupation by control bodies of alternate control points; b) organizing the collection of data and assessing the situation resulting from an enemy attack; c) the procedure for alerting the civil defense forces and organizing the ASDNR, including the procedure for providing medical care and evacuation of victims in medical institutions; f) organization of the main types of support for civil defense measures. Appendices: 1. Possible situation in the territorial body of the federal executive body as a result of an enemy attack. 2. The main indicators of the state of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body, as of January 1 of the current year. 3. Plan of organization of management, notification and communication of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 4. Calendar plan fulfillment of the main measures for civil defense. 5 Plan for building up the engineering protection of the territorial body of the federal executive body when alerting civil defense.

7 7 6. Composition of forces and means of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 7. The main indicators of planning evacuation measures in the territorial body of the federal executive body. 8. Plan for the evacuation and dispersal of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 9. Calculation of the shelter of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body at the point of permanent deployment in work time in case of a surprise attack by the enemy, as of January 1 of the current year. 10. Calculation of security and the procedure for issuing personal protective equipment to employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 11. The composition of the operational groups and the order of their departure to the reserve control points. The head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature

8 8 Neck specimen. Appendix 1 to the civil defense plan the name of the territorial body of the federal executive body (hereinafter TO FOIV) POSSIBLE SITUATION as a result of an enemy attack (executed on a map with an explanatory note) Symbols The head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature

9 9 Neck specimen. Appendix 1 to the civil defense plan EXPLANATORY NOTE to the possible situation as a result of an enemy attack (executed in the form of tables on the map and separately textually, in A4 format in a book form in MS Word format) В explanatory note reflects: a) the area of ​​zones of possible strong and weak destruction, possible dangerous and strong radioactive contamination (pollution), possible dangerous chemical contamination and possible catastrophic flooding, as well as the number of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body that falls into them; b) the total area of ​​contamination with emergency chemically hazardous substances resulting from secondary foci of damage; c) general, including irrecoverable and sanitary, losses of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body; d) characteristics of zones of possible catastrophic flooding (area and number of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body that falls into them). The head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature

10 10 Neck specimen. Appendix 2 to the civil defense plan MAIN INDICATORS of the state of civil defense as of January 1 of the current year unit Name of the measurement indicator Total I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Territory area thousand km 2 2. Territories assigned to a special group of civil units. defense 2.1 Area thousand km Population, total: thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 years thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand people 3. Territories assigned to group I by civil unit. defense 3.1 Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age group: children under 1.5 thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand people 4. Territories assigned to the II group by civil unit. defense 4.1 Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people 5. Territories assigned to the III group of civil defense units.

11 11 unit Name of measurement indicator Total Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 thousand children children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand adults thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand people 6. Settlements not assigned to groups of units. civil defense, which have facilities classified as "of special importance" 6.1 Area, thousand km Population, total thousand people by age group: children under 1.5 thousand children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand adults thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand people 7. Organizations categorized by civil unit. defense: 7.1 "Of special importance" units. 7.2 I category unit 7.3 II category unit 7.4 Railway stations of the I category unit. 8. The number of personnel of organizations classified as civil defense: 8.1 "Of particular importance" thousand people. 8.2 Category I, thous. 8.3 II category thousand people 8.4 Railway stations of the 1st category thousand people 9. The number of the largest working shifts of organizations assigned to the categories of civil defense: 9.1 "Of particular importance" thousand people. 9.2 Category I thous. 9.3 II category thousand people 9.4 Railway stations of the 1st category thousand people 10. Radiation dangerous objects units Number of personnel thousand people Number of LDCs thousand people Area of ​​zones of possible hazardous radioactive contamination (contamination) thousand km Number of population living in zones thousand people possible dangerous radioactive contamination (contamination) 11. Chemically hazardous objects units.

12 12 unit Name of measurement indicator Total Number of personnel thousand people Number of LDCs thousand people Area of ​​zones of possible hazardous chemical pollution (contamination) thousand km 2 11.4 Number of population living in zones thousand people of possible hazardous chemical contamination (contamination) 12. Biologically hazardous objects units Number of personnel, thousand people Number of LDCs, thousand people Area of ​​zones of possible biological pollution (contamination) thousand km. of possible biological pollution (contamination) 13. Hydraulic structures units Number of personnel thousand people Number of LDCs thousand people Forecast area of ​​catastrophic flooding thousand km Number of population living in the zone thousand people catastrophic flooding II. SHELTERS FOR POPULATION AND LDCs 1. Population (including LDCs) subject to thous. Shelter 2. Population is hiding, thous. 2.1 in shelters of all classes thousand people in anti-radiation shelters thousand people 2.3 in pre-fabricated shelters thous. 2.4 in shelters with simplified equipment thous. 2.5 thousand people in subways 2.6 in basements and other buried premises thous. People 2.7 in underground mine workings thousand people Population is hiding% in shelters of all classes% in anti-radiation shelters% in pre-fabricated shelters% in shelters with simplified equipment% in subways% in basements and other buried premises% in underground mine workings% 3. Number of available protective structures pcs. civil defense to shelter the population 3.1 shelters of all classes units. 3.2 anti-radiation shelters units. 4. The capacity of the existing protective structures, thous. civil defense to shelter the population 4.1 shelters of all classes thous. 4.2 anti-radiation shelters, thous. 5. The number of protective structures of civil defense units.

13 13 unit Name of the measurement indicator Total for the shelter of LDCs 5.1 shelters of all classes units. 5.2 anti-radiation shelters units. 6. Capacity of civil defense structures thous. defenses to shelter LDCs 6.1 shelters of all classes thous. 6.2 anti-radiation shelters, thous. 7. Condition of existing shelters 7.1 ready to receive sheltered items. 7.2 is limitedly ready to receive concealed units. 7.3 items not ready 8. The state of the existing PRD 8.1 is ready to receive the sheltered units. 8.2 is limitedly ready to receive concealed units. 8.3 not ready items 9. It is planned to use basements and other items. buried premises 9.1 capacity, thous. 10. The population takes refuge in a sudden attack of a thousand people. enemy 10.1 in shelters of all classes thousand people in anti-radiation shelters thousand people Population takes cover in case of a surprise attack% of the enemy in shelters of all classes% in anti-radiation shelters% III. SECURITY OF RPE AND RADIATION AND CHEMICAL INTELLIGENCE AND CONTROL DEVICES 1. Population to be provided with RPE 1.1 children under 1.5 years of age - protective cameras for children thous. 1.2 children from 1.5 to 17 years old - with children's gas masks, thous. filtering 1.3 of the adult population - civilian gas masks, thous. 1.4 respirators thousand people 2. Provision of RPE for 2.1 children under 1.5 years of age with protective cameras for children thous. 2.2 children from 1.5 to 17 years old - with children's gas masks, thous. filtering 2.3 of the adult population - civilian gas masks thous. 2.4 respirators, thousand people Provision of RPE for children under 1.5 years of age - children's protective cameras% of children from 1.5 to 17 years - children's gas masks% filtering the adult population - civilian gas masks% respirators% 3. The need to provide RHR and K devices

14 14 unit Name of measurement indicator Total of rescue teams and rescue services (order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia 999) 3.1 Radiation reconnaissance devices thousand pcs. 3.2 Chemical reconnaissance devices, thous. 3.3 Control devices thousand pcs. 4 Provision with radiation and chemical reconnaissance and control devices 4.1 Provision with radiation reconnaissance devices, thous. 4.2 Provision with chemical reconnaissance devices, thous. 4.3 Provision with control devices, thous. Provision with devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance, control Provision with devices for radiation reconnaissance% Provision with devices for chemical reconnaissance% Provision with control devices% 5. Organized storage of RPE: 5.1 In warehouses of executive authorities of constituent entities thousand pcs. Russian Federation 5.2 In the warehouses of local government bodies thous. 5.3 In organizations, thous. 6. Gas masks to be disposed of: 6.1 In the warehouses of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, thous. Pcs. 6.2 In the warehouses of local government bodies, thous. 6.3 Organizations, thous. IV. POPULATION EVACUATION 1. Population to be evacuated (on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) thous. 1.1 including by territories from settlements attributed to groups by civil defense thousand people from settlements not assigned to groups by civil defense, with thousand people objects "OV" from settlements that are not assigned to groups by HE, with objects of category I (except for settlements specified in p) thousand people from settlements with railway stations of category I thousand people from areas of possible catastrophic flooding in thousand people within a 4-hour run of a breakthrough wave from areas of possible hazardous chemical contamination thousand people from areas of possible hazardous radiation contamination thousand people 1.2 including by the method of evacuation on foot thousand people by rail thousand people by car thousand people by water transport thousand people by air transport thousand people 2. It is planned to use vehicles: units. 2.1 trains unit

15 15 unit Name of measurement indicator Total cars units. 2.3 river and sea vessels units. 2.4 aircraft, helicopters 3. The total period of evacuation hours. 4. It is planned to evacuate the population (on an increasing thousand people. Total) 4.1 For 6 hours, thousand people. 4.2 For 12 hours thousand people 4.3 For 18 hours thousand people 4.4 For 24 hours thousand people 4.5 For 30 hours thousand people 4.6 For 36 hours thousand people 4.7 For 42 hours thousand people 4.8 For 48 hours thousand people 4.9 For 54 hours thousand people For 60 hours thousand people For 66 hours thousand people For 72 hours thousand people For 158 hours thousand people For 6 hours% For 12 hours% For 18 hours% For 24 hours% For 30 hours% For 36 hours% For 42 hours% For 48 hours% For 54 hours% For 60 hours% For 66 hours% For 72 hours% For 158 hours% 5. The population to be evacuated to the territory of another federal district of the Russian Federation thous. 6. The number of evacuation populations per thousand people. subordinate territory 6.1 Including evacuation from other federal thousand people. districts located on the subordinate territory 6.2 In existing buildings, of which: thous. people in the housing stock (by sharing) thous. people in public, buildings of institutions and enterprises thous. people. 6.3 In the temporarily deployed housing stock (tents, modules), thous. 7. Existing opportunities to provide the evacuees in their places of accommodation on the territory under their jurisdiction (according to the current regulations):

16 16 unit Name of measurement indicator Total by protective structures of GO, basements and other thousand people. underground premises 7.2 with water thous. 7.3 food thous. 7.4 daily necessities thous. 7.5 medical services thous. V. CIVIL DEFENSE FORCES 1. Rescue military formations of the EMERCOM of Russia (to be filled in by the regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia): 1.1 personnel, thous. 1.2 engineering equipment unit. 1.3 special equipment unit 1.4 road transport equipment unit. 1.5 aviation equipment unit. 2. Subdivisions of the Federal Fire Fighting Service (filled in by the regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia): 2.1 personnel, thousand people. 2.2 engineering equipment unit. 2.3 special equipment unit 2.4 motor transport equipment unit. 3. Emergency rescue teams: 3.1 personnel, thous. People. 3.2 engineering equipment units 3.3 special equipment unit 3.4 motor vehicles unit. 4. Rescue services: 4.1 personnel thousand people. 4.2 engineering equipment units. 4.3 special equipment unit 4.4 motor transport equipment unit. 5. Forces and means allocated according to plans for interaction with the military command of the RF Armed Forces and other branches of the armed forces: 5.1 in the interests of the Civil Defense (EMERCOM of Russia): personnel thousand engineering equipment units of special equipment units of motor vehicles units. 5.2 in the interests of the military command and control bodies of the RF Armed Forces from the EMERCOM of Russia: personnel thousand engineering equipment units of special equipment units of motor transport equipment units. 6. Institutions SNLK including: ed. 6.1 centers of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance units. 6.2 veterinary laboratories unit 6.3 design and survey stations and agrochemical units.

17 17 unit Name of measurement indicator Total laboratories 6.4 hydrometeorological stations units. 6.5 other units 7. Non-standard emergency rescue teams units. 7.1 territorial units 7.2 organizations units 7.3 Total enrolled in NASF, including: thousand people territorial thousand people organizations thousand people 8. Available NASF, by purpose: ed. thousand people 8.1 for carrying out emergency rescue operations unit. thousand people 8.2 medical units thousand people 8.3 radiation, chemical and biological protection units. thousand people 8.4 fire-fighting units. thousand people 8.5 animal and plant protection ed. thousand people 8.6 intelligence units. thousand people 8.7 sanitization and disinfection of units. thousand people 8.8 protection of public order ed. thousand people 8.9 for the maintenance of protective structures unit. thousand people providing (food, clothing supply, water supply, vehicle support) thousand people other items thousand people Vi. PROTECTION OF WATER SOURCES AND DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS 1 Objects of centralized water supply systems 1.1 Number and capacity of head structures units. thousand m 3 per day including those based on underground sources units. thous. m 3 in them - provided with a backup power supply day. units thousand m 3 per day 1.2 Water volume in water supply and distribution systems thousand m3

18 18 unit Name of measurement indicator Total including those meeting the requirements of the standards thousand m Number and volume of tanks drinking water units thous. m including those meeting the requirements of the norms. thousand m 3 2 Stand-alone water supply facilities 2.1 Number and flow rate of water supply wells units. thous. m 3 per day including those meeting the requirements of the norms. thousand m 3 per day of them - provided with a reserve source of units. power supply thousand m 3 per day. The head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature

19 19 Neck specimen. Appendix 3 to the civil defense plan PLAN for the organization of management, communication and notification (developed on a map with an explanatory note) Legend Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of signature

20 20 Neck specimen. Appendix 3 to the civil defense plan EXPLANATORY NOTE to the plan for the organization of control, communication and notification (executed in the form of tables on a map and separately textually, in A4 format in a book format in MS Word) The explanatory note reflects: a) calculation of forces and means of communication and control point alerts; b) a table of call signs of officials; c) table of call signs of communication centers; d) table of control signals and alerts. APPENDICES: 1. Scheme of operational communication indicating the directions of communication with subordinate and interacting control bodies, types and means of communication. 2. Scheme of notification of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 3. Schedules of occupation of reserve control points of operational groups and the main composition of the territorial body of the federal executive body. The head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature

21 Neck specimen. Appendix 4 to the civil defense plan CALENDAR PLAN for the implementation of the main civil defense measures Name of civil defense measures Scope of work performed, unit of measurement Duration of the first day Dates of the second day Executors next day minutes hours hours I. When civil defense is systematically alerted a ) measures for civil defense of the first stage b) measures for civil defense of the second stage c) measures for civil defense of the third stage d) measures taken with the receipt of an order for partial evacuation e) measures taken with the receipt of an order for carrying out evacuation measures in full f) measures taken with the receipt of an order for the drawdown (release of water) of large reservoirs

22 22 Name of civil defense measures Scope of work performed, unit of measurement Duration of execution the first day Dates of the second day Performers the next day minutes hours hours g) activities carried out with the receipt of an order to withdraw formations to the suburban area II. In case of a sudden attack by the enemy a) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the air hazard ("Air alert") b) by the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the clearing of the air hazard ("Clearing the air raid") c) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about a chemical alarm d) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the clearing of the chemical alarm e) by the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the radiation hazard f) by the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the release of radiation hazard Head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature

23 23 Note: 1. The application should be executed on an A4 sheet in landscape form in MS Excel format 2. The lines (arrows) of the deadlines for the implementation of the main civil defense measures are highlighted in the colors below (it is desirable to copy them to the performer's computer) (the color of the edging line is black): I. With the systematic alerting of civil defense a) civil defense measures of the first stage green b) civil defense measures of the second stage blue c) civil defense measures of the third stage red d) measures taken with the receipt of an order for partial evacuation lilac e ) measures carried out with the receipt of an order to carry out evacuation measures in full f) measures carried out with the receipt of an order for the depletion (release of water) of large reservoirs g) measures carried out with the receipt of an order for the withdrawal of formations into the suburban area II. In case of a sudden attack by the enemy a) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the air hazard ("Air alert") violet blue dark green crimson b) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the clearing of the air hazard ("Clearing no air alert color") c) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the chemical alarm yellow d) by the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about clearing the chemical alarm gray e) on the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information on radiation hazard brown e) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the release of radiation hazard orange

G) at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about the threat of catastrophic flooding turquoise 24

25 PLAN for building up engineering protection Neck copy. Appendix 5 to the civil defense plan Number and capacity Type of work with u t k and Note At the point of permanent deployment 1. Bringing in readiness of existing shelters 2. Adaptation of existing basements and buried premises 3. Completion of shelters according to the plans of the current year 4. Construction of pre-fabricated shelters 5 Construction of the simplest shelters Total: 2. In a suburban area 1. Adaptation of existing basements 2. Construction of anti-radiation shelters 3. Construction of the simplest shelters Total: Head of a structural unit (employee), authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal body executive branch signature transcript signature

26 26 Neck specimen. Appendix 6 to the civil defense plan COMPOSITION of civil defense forces and means Total number of employees people, of whom enrolled: people in rescue services (%) people in emergency rescue services (%), including people in non-standard civil defense units (%) not subject to enrollment in emergency rescue teams (services) people (%) %) units (%) of control, units Equipment of communication means, units of vehicles, units of special equipment, units Time of readiness, "Time of receiving a signal" executive authority signature transcript of signature

27 MAIN INDICATORS of planning evacuation measures as of January 1 of the current year Name of the main indicators I. Planned for general evacuation and dispersal 1. Total to be evacuated: - employees of the central office - employees of territorial bodies - employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body 2. In total, the largest working shift is to be dispersed 3. It is planned for evacuation: - by rail - by road - by water transport - on foot 4. Planned vehicles - by trains - total amount wagons in them - cars Grif specimen. Appendix 7 to the civil defense plan Value quantity quantity quantity quantity - ships II. Planned dynamics of general evacuation (cumulative from the moment of receiving the order for general evacuation) 1. Evacuated: - 12 hours before - 18 hours - 24 hours 2. The second and third shifts of organizations that continue to operate in wartime within hours are dispersed. III. Planned dynamics of partial evacuation 1. Planned for partial evacuation, total Including: - by road - by rail 2. Evacuated: - in 1 day - in 2 days

28 28 - for 3 days - for 4 days - for 5 days Name of the main indicators Value IV. To be placed in a suburban area 1. Total to be placed by evacuation 2. Total to be placed by dispersal V. Total dispersed and evacuated 1. Total to be evacuated Secretary of the Evacuation Commission signature Signature decoding

29 29 Neck specimen. Appendix 8 to the civil defense plan AGREED Head of the executive body name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation signature decryption of signature APPROVED Head of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of signature 201 201 AGREED Head of local government (name of local government) signature decoding of signature AGREED Head local government body (name of local government body) signature decoding signature 201 201 PLAN for evacuation and dispersal of workers and their families (developed as a text document with attachments in A4 format in a book format MS Word) Yagodny town 2012

30 30 The textual part of the evacuation plan for employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families shall reflect: 1. The procedure for bringing the evacuation bodies on alert. 2. The procedure for notifying about the beginning of evacuation, gathering of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families and instructing them; 3. The number of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families to be evacuated; 4. Information about the BOT, the deployment time of the BOT and the arrival at them of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families; 5. Preparation procedure required documents and the minimum necessary cargo for evacuation, loading them onto vehicles and unloading at the points of evacuation; 6. The procedure for the transfer of documents, equipment and property remaining in the points of permanent deployment; 7. The order of storage of documents, equipment and property taken out to the points of evacuation and remaining in the points of permanent deployment, as well as their protection; 8. Evacuation routes, intermediate evacuation points, embarkation and disembarkation points, the number of vehicles allocated for evacuation, their distribution by routes; 9. Chiefs of evacuation echelons, senior road convoys and other officials responsible for organizing transportation to the suburban area; 10. Organization of the protection of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families in places of assembly, on evacuation routes; 11. Organization of control and communication during the evacuation. APPENDICES: 1. Map of evacuation and dispersal of workers and their families 2. Plan of placement of workers and their family members in the suburban area Chairman of the evacuation commission signature decoding of signature

31 31 Neck specimen. Appendix 1 to the plan of evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families MAP of evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families Legend Chairman of the evacuation commission signature decoding of signature

32 32 Neck specimen. Appendix 2 to the plan for the evacuation and dispersal of workers and their family members PLAN for the placement of workers and their family members in the suburban area (developed on the map (plan) of the safe area of ​​the suburban area) Legend Chairman of the evacuation commission signature decoding signature

33 33 Neck specimen. Appendix 9 to the civil defense plan CALCULATION of the shelter of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body at the point of permanent deployment during working hours in case of a sudden enemy attack as of January 1 of the current year Hiding, people Name Number In the structural shelter Shelter In the workers of the subdivision 1 2 in the underground In the basements underground passages Note Total: Head of a structural unit (employee), authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body Signature Signature Signature

34 Neck specimen. Appendix 10 to the civil defense plan CALCULATION of the provision and the procedure for issuing personal protective equipment to employees Name of the structural unit Total To be provided Gas masks Respirators Medical protective equipment, including the presence of a first-aid kit for individuals and employees dual need, availability / need of PPI, presence / need of PPM , availability / need Place of issue Note: PPI individual anti-chemical packages; PPM medical dressing package Note Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body Signature Signature transcript

35 Neck specimen. Appendix 11 to the civil defense plan COMPOSITION of operational groups departing to alternate control points to solve problems in the field of civil defense Surname, name, patronymic Position occupied Mode of transport, route, time of arrival at the alternate control point Note Operational group 1 Operational group 2 Operational group 3 The head of the structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve tasks in the field of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature decoding of the signature


STRUCTURE of a civil defense plan (name of an organization classified as a civil defense and (or) continuing to work in wartime) (hereinafter referred to as KOE) The plan consists of a text

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 27, 2012 N 23622 Approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 16, 2012 N 70 DSP PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPMENT, AGREEMENT AND APPROVAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE AND POPULATION PROTECTION PLANS

Extract from the Procedure for the development, coordination and approval of plans for civil defense and protection of the population (plans of civil defense), approved by order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia dated 16.02.2012 70 (registered

Approved by order of 16.02.2012. 70 Development order, coordination and approval of civil defense and population protection plans (civil defense plans) I. General Provisions This Development Procedure,

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 26, 2008 N 12740 MINISTRY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR CIVIL DEFENSE, EMERGENCIES AND ELIMINATION OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF NATURAL DISASTERS ORDER dated November 14

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION of June 22, 2004 No. 303 MOSCOW On the procedure for evacuating the population, material and cultural values ​​to safe areas In accordance with the Federal Law


MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER of December 9, 2009 N 552 On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation In accordance with

Topic 1.5. Purpose, structure and tasks of civil defense (GO) Contents: Purpose, history of the creation of civil defense Tasks and main measures of civil defense in the conduct of hostilities Purpose, history

GOST R 42.0.02-2001 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION CIVIL DEFENSE TERMS AND DEFINITIONS OF BASIC CONCEPTS Gosstandart of Russia Moscow unofficial publication GOST 42.0.02-2001 Foreword


CALENDAR PLAN of the main events of Tuvinsky State University Kyzyl-2012 2 First 1. 2. 3. 4. Notification of management and employees structural units authorized

Administration of the Mordovsky District of the Tambov Region DECISION June 16, 2016 R. p. Mordovo 368 On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Mordovian district of the Tambov region

ADMINISTRATION OF THE TASHARIN REGIONAL REGIONAL COUNCIL OF THE MOSHKOV DISTRICT OF THE NOVOSIBIRSK REGION DECISION dated 05.17.2013 63 On approval of the Procedure for preparing for the conduct and conduct of civil defense in the Tashari village council

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Irkutsk Region Ust-Ilimsky District Tubinsky Municipal Formation ADMINISTRATION DECISION dated 16.07.2012 56 p. Tubinsky On approval of the Regulations on Rescue Services

ADMINISTRATION OF LOKTEV DISTRICT OF ALTAI REGION RESOLUTION dated December 22, 2009, 804 gornyak On planning civil defense measures in the territory of Loktevsky district In order to organize planning

ADMINISTRATION OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATION "BARYSH DISTRICT" P O ST A N O V L E N E 02.02.16 52-A Barysh Ex. On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in municipality

HEAD OF THE CHISTOOZERNY DISTRICT OF THE NOVOSIBIRSK REGION DECISION of 20.06.2007 405 On the advance preparation of the suburban area and the conduct of evacuation measures in wartime. In accordance with the Federal

Privolzhsky regional center for civil defense, emergencies and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters (Volga Regional Center EMERCOM of Russia) METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for

G. Yuzhnouralsk Russian Federation Chelyabinsk region ADMINISTRATION OF THE YUZHNOURALSKY CITY DISTRICT On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Yuzhnouralsky city district

RESOLUTION OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATION "LIMANSKY DISTRICT" of 02.16.2016 72 On approval of the Procedure for preparing for the conduct and conduct of civil defense in the municipal formation

Federal Law of February 12, 1998, 28-FZ On Civil Defense (as of December 2009, as amended by FZ 51-FZ of June 19, 2004; 122-FZ of August 22, 2004; 103-FZ of June 19, 2007; 267-ФЗ dated 25.11.2009) Adopted

ACCEPTED APPROVED on general meeting Director of GBOU SOSH 2 Protocol _1 "_10_" 01 2012 L. I. Akhmerova Order 16 of "_11_" 01_ 2012 REGULATIONS on civil defense and mobilization activities of the state

Emergency situations, as well as determination of the forces and means involved for this. 1.3. Responsibilities regarding the development and implementation of the Plan, as well as responsibility for its compliance with the requirements

February 12, 1998 N 28 FZ RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON CIVIL DEFENSE (as amended by Federal Laws of 09.10.2002 N 123 FZ, of 19.06.2004 N 51 FZ, of 22.08.2004 N 122 FZ, of 19.06.2007

REGULATIONS on the organization and conduct of civil defense in GBOU SOSH 1912 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ "On civil

REGULATIONS ON CIVIL DEFENSE IN GBPOU "SOLIKAM TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE" 1 SCOPE Date of introduction - 2015-04-03 1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure for organizing and holding events

February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON CIVIL DEFENSE Adopted The State Duma December 26, 1997 Approved by the Federation Council on January 28, 1998 List of amendments

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF SEVASTOPOL State budgetary educational institution of the city of Sevastopol "Secondary school 61 named after Hero Soviet Union A.I. Marinesco "299006,

APPROVED by the decree of the Head of the Lokomotivny city district dated October 10, 2014 No. 84-P REGULATIONS on civil defense rescue services and emergency rescue teams of Lokomotivny

The civil defense plan of an organization not categorized as civil defense. 1. When communicating to an organization that terminates production activities in wartime on the territory of Snezhinsky

ADMINISTRATION OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATION "KOTLAS" DECREE from "_27_" _ February 2009 _277_ On approval of the Regulation on the organization and conduct of civil defense on the territory of the MO "Kotlas" In accordance with



See a graphic copy of the official publication Federal Law of February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ "On Civil Defense" (as amended on October 9, 2002, June 19, August 22, 2004, June 19, 2007, 25


February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON CIVIL DEFENSE (as amended by Federal Laws of 09.10.2002 N 123-FZ, of 19.06.2004 N 51-FZ, of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ, of 19.06 .2007

Appendix 1 to the order dated January 27, 2014 01-05 / 11 APPROVED Director of the Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College, Director of the Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College Zh.V. Safonov January 27, 2014 / SIGNED / Regulations on the facility evacuation

Approved by the decree of the Shevchenkovsky Administration rural settlement dated 24.05.2013 27 REGULATIONS on the procedure for the creation of emergency rescue teams on the territory of Shevchenkovsky rural


A S5 * \ & l m p h>: and 4- \ 1> sz- -s "l?" Y ??? # * * w REGULATIONS on the organization and conduct of civil defense in MAOU "Gymnasium 6" SED-01- 02-8 E. A. Vasilieva 1. General Provisions 1.1. These Regulations

GOVERNMENT OF ASTRAKHAN REGION DECREE 01/22/2016 1-P On amendments to the Government decree Astrakhan region from 05.11.2008 566-P In order to bring it in line with the legislation

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Irkutsk Region Municipal Formation "Ust-Ilimsk District" ADMINISTRA TION POS T A N O V L E N E of 14.01.2016 Ust-Ilimsk 5 On approval Organization regulations

ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF SOSNOVOBORSK RESOLUTION OF April 2016 On approval of the regulation "On the organization and conduct of civil defense in the city of Sosnovoborsk" In accordance with the Federal Law of

Protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​in modern warfare Moscow 2014 Organization and conduct of civil defense are one of the most important functions of the state,

CHAPTER OF THE ISTRA MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE MOSCOW REGION P O ST A N O V L E N E from 09.06. 201 6 g. 163/6 On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Istra municipal

For official use Ex. SAMPLE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. APPROVED First Deputy Governor of the Kurgan Region Director of the Department Agriculture and processing industry Kurgan

KURGAN REGION ALMENEVSKY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION RESOLUTION April 2016 p. Almenevo On the organization and conduct of civil defense on the territory of the Almenevsky district Pursuant to the Federal

2 - advanced training of the heads of the NF Academy under the training program for officials and specialists of civil defense and emergency situations in the educational and methodological center for civil defense and emergency situations of the Ulyanovsk region and at the courses of the state MBU "Management

HEAD of the city of Vyshny Volochek, Tver region Resolution of 03.03.2016 62 On approval of the Procedure for preparing for the conduct and conduct of civil defense in the municipal formation "City of Vyshny Volochek"

Topic: "Actions of personnel when bringing an emergency rescue team on alert" 1. Purpose and procedure for creating a NASF.

Resolution of the Mayor of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny dated 01.02.2016 М 30 On amendments to the Procedure for preparing for the conduct and conduct of civil defense in the municipality of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, approved by

EMERCOM of Russia Southern Regional Center for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for planning and preparing for the evacuation of material

Russian Federation ADMINISTRATION of the Romanovsky village council of the Aleksandrovsky district of the Orenburg region

NOU VPO ESSENTUK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS AND LAW ORDER 09/20/2011 Essentuki 40 On the implementation of " Job description civil defense engineer authorized to solve problems

APPROVED Chairman of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Safety (name of organization, facility) 2014 Plan - outline for conducting a lesson with non-standard emergency rescue teams (Study group 1 Basic training) Topic

Entered into force Order 108 of 30.09. 2011 Approved by the Head of the School: Ignatiev M.V. REGULATIONS on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the municipal educational institution"Yuzhno-Podolskaya

P E R E CH E N normative legal, organizational and planning documents and documents for the management of civil defense and emergency situations, for development in organizations, enterprises and institutions (economic objects)

Topic 5: Object link RSChS and Civil defense in an educational institution. Regulatory legal support Federal laws 1. 28-ФЗ dated 12.02.98 "On Civil Defense" 2. 68-ФЗ. from 21.12.94

A business plan is a detailed document that contains the main areas of activity, describes necessary resources, working conditions, as well as the expected results of entrepreneurship.

A business plan is necessary for any enterprise, but its sections and their content will differ significantly for a large company and for a small business. Developing a business plan, first of all, will help to adequately assess the company's capabilities, use its strengths and find ways to cover up weaknesses.

When building a new business or expanding and improving an existing one, it is necessary to develop an activity strategy. Constant verification with the sections of the business plan will always help to correct events in a timely manner and direct the work of the enterprise according to the planned scheme.

A list of the main sections of a business plan may look like this:

  • summary;
  • goals and objectives of the company;
  • analysis of the market situation;
  • production plan;
  • marketing plan;
  • management organization plan;
  • financial plan.

Each of the items can be divided into other sub-items, have different names, but the essence remains the same as in the presented list. Also, the indicated main sections of the business plan of the enterprise can be supplemented with other necessary branches.

Description and description of the main sections of the business plan

  1. Summary - this is the first section of the business plan, and it is summary the whole document.

    The resume is drawn up last, when the entire business plan is ready. The purpose of this section is to attract an investor, to interest him, to outline in a nutshell the prospects of the project.

  2. Targets and goals - a SWOT analysis is carried out, which shows the market opportunities for purchasing the offered products. The goals of the developed project and the tasks by which they will be achieved are described.
  3. Analysis of the market situation - competitors are assessed.
  4. Production plan - the production processes, technologies required for this, raw materials, workers, intermediaries are described in detail.
  5. Marketing plan - the study of the level of prices and profitability of sales, the needs of buyers. The costs of advertising, improving the company's image and the level of sales of goods and services are calculated and analyzed. This section is the main section of the business plan.
  6. Organizational plan - contains information about partners, describes the process of organizing management. Provides a diagram of the structure of the enterprise, examples of possible staffing table... The costs of labor remuneration and staff development are calculated.
  7. Financial plan - summarizes all the previous parts and provides data in terms of value. One financial plan is drawn up for the entire duration of the business project. Possible sources of funds are described.

In practice, the composition of the sections of a business plan is almost always different from what is proposed in theory. Each company develops it for its specific needs, presents certain requirements and is looking for various ways for successful activities. Since there are no identical situations, it is impossible to find 2 identical business plans, since the characteristic feature of this document is individuality.

The main sections of the business plan help describe how the company will function, how the set goals will be achieved. This is not a static document - sections of the business plan can be updated, amended and changed. Such adjustments can be associated both with transformations within the firm and with modifications during external environment(on the market).

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Currently, there are no specific methods for preparing a business plan, however, the general structure of a business plan, in accordance with UNIDO standards, must adhere to the following main sections: 1. Introduction (summary): 2. Description of the company and industry; 3. Description of products (services): 4. Marketing and sales of products (services); 5. Production plan: 6. Organizational plan 7. Financial plan; 8. Direction and efficiency of the project; 9. Risks and guarantees

1. Introduction. This first and concise section of the business plan contains the title page and general conclusions from the following sections. Title page includes the full name and address of the company, the names and addresses of the founders, the essence of the proposed project, the total cost of the project, including the need for external sources funding, a link to the confidential nature of the project. The importance of properly drafting the introductory part is that potential investors, based on the brief description of the proposed project, should be convinced of its economic efficiency and the possibility of implementing the conceived project.

2. Description of the enterprise and industry. This section describes: a) General information about the company; b) Financial and economic indicators of the enterprise; Management structure and staffing; c) Areas of activity, products, achievements and prospects; d) Branch of the economy and its prospects; e) Partnerships and social activity.

3. Description of products (services). In this section, you must define and describe those types of products or services that will be offered on the market.

Here you should indicate some aspects of the technology required to produce your product or service. It is important that this part is written in clear, concise language that is understandable to a layman, do not use professional jargon.

Describe the main characteristics of your products, while focusing on the benefits that your products bring to potential buyers.

It is important that you emphasize the uniqueness of your product or service: new technology, product quality, low cost, or some special advantage that meets the needs of buyers. It is also necessary that you emphasize the possibility of improving the given product (service).

Describe your existing patents or copyrights for inventions, or give other reasons that could prevent competitors from invading your market. Such reasons may be exclusive distribution rights or trademarks.

4. Marketing and sales of products (services). A marketing plan is needed to turn potential customers into real ones. This plan should show why customers will buy your products or use your services. You need to think over and explain to potential partners or investors the main elements of your marketing plan: pricing, distribution scheme, advertising, sales promotion methods, organization of after-sales support, image formation . If you do not have a special education, you should read books on marketing, seek professional advice.

5. Production plan. This section should describe all manufacturing or other work processes that take place in your firm. Here you must consider all issues related to the premises, their location, equipment, personnel. Consideration should also be given to the planned involvement of subcontractors.

You should briefly explain how the product (service) release system is organized and how production processes are controlled.

You should also pay attention to location issues. production areas and equipment placement. Finally, this section should reflect issues related to delivery times, the number of major suppliers and how quickly production can be increased or decreased.

6. Organizational plan. This section explains how the steering group is organized and describes the main roles of each member. Shows the project management team and leading experts, legal support, available or possible support and benefits, organizational structure and the project schedule. This section should provide information about your partners, their capabilities and experience. You should highlight the mechanism of support and motivation of leading leaders, provide how you are going to interest them in achieving the goals set in the business plan. Therefore, establish how their labor will be paid (for example: salary, bonuses, profit sharing).

7. Financial plan. The purpose of this section is to show the main points from the mass of financial data. Here the standards for financial and economic calculations are given, direct (variable) and fixed costs of production, calculation of the cost of production, cost estimate for the implementation of the project, need and sources of financing, the table of expenses and incomes, the flow of real money (cash flow) are calculated, forecast balance.

8. Direction and efficiency of the project. The section indicates the focus and significance of the project, indicators of the effectiveness of its implementation, and analyzes the sensitivity of the project.

9. Risks and guarantees. Business risks and possible force majeure circumstances are shown, guarantees of return of funds to partners and investors are provided.

How to develop a business plan? What sections does a business plan consist of?

In response to these business planning questions, the following are precommendations for developing a business plan

Business plan: Introduction

Business plan is a comprehensive description of the business and the environment in which it operates, as well as the management system that it needs to achieve its goals.

There is no standard for developing a business plan due to the difference in business goals and the endless variety of variations in the environment in which it operates. Therefore, it takes skill and perseverance to describe a 3 or 5 year business outlook, especially in rapidly changing economies.
conditions of the NIS. Therefore, a significant part of any business plan will be sections of systematic control and regulation of the business.

Though business plan is generally considered a tool for obtaining a loan, it also serves other purposes:
... identifying business goals
... assisting in the development of strategy and operational tactics to achieve business goals
... establishing a performance measurement system
... providing business management tools
... providing a means of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a business, and identifying alternative coping strategies.
There are a significant number of developments on the preparation of a business plan, but they are all similar and differ only in the sequence of sections. This material should be considered as a guide to drawing up a business plan.

The main sections business plan are as follows:
1. Brief description
2. Business and its strategy
3. Market and marketing strategy
4. Production and operation
5. Management and decision-making process
6. Finance
7. Risk factors
8. Applications

This section, unfortunately, is often underestimated by developers. Although it is one of the most important sections of the plan, as it may or may not arouse the interest of the reader (who could become a potential banker or investor).

Business plan: Short description checklist

_ Short story business describing the period of its creation and growth
_ short description the current stage of business development and the environment in which
it is underway
_ a brief description of the distribution of shares, responsibilities, etc., and the involvement of management in making strategic decisions
_ a brief description of the business objectives (for example, guidance on the added value of products in processing and marketing)
_ a description of how it was decided to implement the proposed business plan and
where can it lead the company

_ a brief description of what makes the product unique and those distinctive features that put it out of competition in terms of pricing and / or quality and / or duration of raw materials supply

_ existing market capacity, growth
_ domestic and / or international
_ distribution channels
_ projected growth
_ estimated market share (based on confirmed estimates)

Management and staff
_ how staffed is it?
_ what is the educational level?
_ what is the unemployment rate in this business area?
_ a short description of your experience (highlight your strengths!)

_ a description of the exact objectives of the required funding
_ forecasting income and net income after taxes by three
next years
_ designing the beginning of the receipt of profits

Business plan: Short description

This section is a thorough description of the company. It should not exceed 5 pages.
_ Checklist for describing the business and its overall strategy
_ a description of the organization of the business, forms of participation in it, the board of directors, management scheme and highly professional personnel
_ description of business goals
_ What economic benefits do you see?
_ will the added value of production of products or services be a characteristic of the processing and marketing process?
_ Description of business strategy
_ What stage is the business currently at?
_ what stages of growth can be predicted for the next 3-5 years?
_ Description of the main characteristics of products and services:
_ prices and quality
_ cost versus competitors
_ any negative characteristics of the business, and how they can be corrected or eliminated
_ rules and regulations and how they should be followed
_ Description of the management strategy and marketing strategy that need
follow, for example, to reduce costs, obtain higher added value, acquire a leadership position in product quality
_ General description of the market
_ which market will you target?
_ is the business creating new demand or is it meeting existing demand?
_ what is the potential market growth?
_ what are the products for the buyer?
_ who are the buyers (eg wholesalers, exporters)?
_ who are the competitors and what is their market share, strengths and weaknesses?

Business and its overall strategy

Business plan: Marketing Analysis

The entrepreneur must show that he has a good understanding of the market and requirements.
market to their products. This section will evaluate the estimated per-
the course of your business.
This section should consist of:
industry sector analysis
... the structure of a given sector has a great influence on the success of a business
analysis of consumer needs
... your business must meet the expectations of consumers, such as retailers or wholesalers, and / or end users who own stores or processors of your products
competitor analysis
... the market economy is competition. To survive and be successful, you need to know who your competitors are, how they do business, and, if possible, the key factors of their success.
SWOT analysis
... taking into account all the aspects previously described, a SWOT analysis can be carried out.

This analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a business, based on the study of the actual and potential markets. This analysis serves as a vehicle for identifying the comparative advantage of your business.
_ Checklist for Market Analysis

Business plan: Industry Sector Analysis
_ What is the total sales for this sector?
_ What is the total sales of the products covered by the business plan?
_ How much of the product needs to be sold in the regional, national and international markets?
_ What are the trends (forecasts) of sales of products in the domestic and international markets?
_ What is the typical gross margin?
_ What are the market segments (geographic, industrial, wholesaler,
etc.) in the industrial sector that the business represents?
_ Describe all relevant market segments and their growth trends
_ What is the average profitability of the respective product?
_ What are the restrictions on product sales this business, and how are they supposed to be overcome?
_ Describe the size and location of a business similar to the one under consideration.

Business plan: Assessment of consumer needs
_ What product packaging is required?
_ What is the shelf life of the products?
_ How often can deliveries be made?
_ What are the terms of payment (crediting)?
_ What are the required guarantees?

Business plan: End user:
_ Who are the end users?
_ Where are they located?
_ How often are products purchased?
_ How do they react to the price of products?
_ How is product quality determined?

Business plan: Marketing analysis and marketing strategy
_ What special product qualities do you want?
_ How much would you like to pay for the service?
_ How satisfied are you with existing products?
and especially for consumers:
_ Types of people buying products
_ What factors do they use to make a purchase decision?
_ What is their income level or what group do they belong to?
_ What stores do they go to to buy products?
_ Do comparative shopping?
_ What type of product promotion will drive their purchases?

Business plan: Competitor analysis
_ What is the quality of the products and services?
_ What is the reputation?
_ Are their customers loyal to them?
_ What is the size of the business ( quantitative assessment) ?
_ What type of guarantees are offered?
_ How are their products distributed?
_ How effective are they?
_ Are there reliable financial resources?
_ Is the business well managed?

Business plan: SWOT analysis

It is not possible to create a checklist for conducting a SWOT analysis, as the content of such analysis is very specific (the main points are not outlined anywhere). To make things easier, we only provide a description of the SWOT analysis concept and provide some examples ...

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Before you start investing money and time in any business project, it is strongly recommended to carefully weigh everything and think it over.

The result of these mental struggles should be a document called a business plan.

Purpose and objectives of the business plan

The better the business plan is, the more attention is paid to the cornerstones of the business in question, thereby the likelihood of a successful start, good profitability and payback is higher. ... Otherwise, without such a document, all activity risks turning into chaotic movements and into a hopeless search for luck and success.

A business plan is needed not only for the business owner to use it as a roadmap. With a well-developed plan, you can go to investors or potential creditors, who, through this document, will find it convenient to get acquainted with the proposed project and make a decision on it.

This plan is unique, describing non-recurring events. It has a clear structure that is generally accepted for this kind of documents. Its main task is to comprehensively reflect all aspects of the project implementation. That is, a business plan is a planning document that has its own structure, which reflects the direction of the project's development.

Compilation techniques

There are different compilation methods. Each of them was developed by separate international organizations, for the efficient provision of loans. Among them are such techniques as:

  1. UNIDO technique was intended to assess investment projects... According to this technique, the project, or rather, its progress, should be designed as a cycle of pre-investment, investment and operational phases.
  2. KPMG Methodology provides for the creation of such a document that was intended for the leaders of the organization, and not for investors. According to this method, the plan is more saturated with information that is of interest to the management of the enterprise and its employees.
  3. Methodology of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development provides for more emphasis on credit accounting and SWOT analysis. This method produces the shortest of all plans.
  4. BFM Group methodology offers to work out plans aimed at investors.

Standard structure

Depending on the method used, the business plan structures differ from one another. Nevertheless, there are many similar sections among them. Most business plans have a resume, a description of the product or service being promoted, market analysis, marketing and production plans, risks and a financial component.

At the beginning of the document is a summary. Any business plan starts with this section. It states:

  • objective of the project;
  • who is its leader;
  • how much money is needed for its implementation;
  • payback period.

All these data should be based on calculations that are done further in the text of the document.

The summary also indicates the idea of ​​the project itself, what it is supposed to do and why it should be profitable. This section should interest the investor, and if this happens, he will begin to study all the rest of its content.

We describe the provided goods or services

In this section, which follows the resume, you need to fully describe the type of activity, what and how you plan to do it. The main thing that people pay attention to in this section is to indicate the reasons why the product or service will be in demand.

Again, you need to indicate the amount of finance and what they will go to, how exactly the conceived business will develop, and how many staff will be required for this. If you need to purchase equipment for your business, then you should attach the price lists of the companies that sell it, and in the section make short review and a link to the attached sheets. It is not recommended to make this section more than 1 page.

Conduct a market analysis based on objective research. Research information can be obtained from expert data from various analysts. It is necessary to describe the potential client, indicate their category, approximate number.

The figures should convince the investor that there is a demand for the final product of your business in the region, it will be bought for specific objective reasons.

Following this, describe the level of competition in the region, indicate your potential direct competitors. This will interest investors. Through the study of competitors, they can additionally come to the conclusion for themselves how profitable and filled the niche is.


Often times, this section is described in a general rather than specific way. Business start-ups mistakenly believe that the entire business consists of purchasing equipment, renting premises, hiring personnel and organizing production process... Therefore, their business plans focus on these processes. But this is not true, especially if such a plan is designed to receive an investment or a loan.

The diagram shows a presentation of a business plan from a marketing perspective

Those who give money are interested in the question of how exactly clients will be attracted, who will bring money. The absence or presence of a sufficient number of clients makes a business either unprofitable or profitable. And attracting them, making them buy, is a whole art.

Whether the product is at least three times of high quality, if the customer acquisition system is poorly delivered, it will sell poorly. Conversely, a mediocre product or service can sell very well through effective promotion.

The investor knows this, so this section will be of particular interest to him. And if he sees only general phrases in it, he will not read further. Therefore, in the marketing section, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. How does the pricing work, what market research does this conclusion come from?
  2. How will it be organized advertising campaign, how much money will have to be spent on it and how quickly will they pay off?
  3. How will the fight against competitors take place, what promotions and discounts will be used for this?


The next section in the business plan deals with the production process itself. In it, you need to indicate how the process and payment will take place, work with suppliers and customers. If production is planned, then you need to indicate the components necessary for it, who the supplier is, what will be produced at each stage and how the final product will be protected from defects.

In the organizational section, you need to indicate the number of personnel that is needed for the business, what requirements for it, what functions each employee performs and what costs the enterprise will bear on wages.

In the financial part of the business plan, you need to calculate all the capital investments in the business that are foreseen. This includes expenses for:

  • paperwork;
  • rent or purchase of premises;
  • purchase of equipment and raw materials;
  • wages;
  • utilities;
  • advertising, etc.

It is better to divide all expenses into two positions - at the start and every month. But the entire required amount must be summed up. It is she who is displayed in the summary of the business plan.

After that, calculate the profitability of the project for the year. Make two choices, one pessimistic and the other optimistic. Here you need to indicate the projected flow of customers, how much the product and service cost, staff work schedule, etc.

The profitability of the project is calculated on the basis of a pessimistic forecast, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the return on investment.

In the section of risk analysis, it is necessary to provide for those probable factors that can negatively affect the functioning of the project. These can be changes in the tax policy of the state, energy prices, increased competition, etc.

Possible additions to the structure

If necessary, the business plan can be supplemented with other sections. For example, you can enter a section justifying the choice of the legal form of the enterprise.

In it it is necessary to show why the chosen form will be optimal, how financial resources will be saved due to this choice. Sometimes the plans indicate the form of the enterprise, but why exactly it is not given the answer.

What you need to write in each section was indicated above. Now about how it should be written. It is advisable to write briefly and to the point. They need dry numbers, facts, so that everything is clear and simple. The more the plan meets these requirements, the more likely it is to obtain consent from investors or lenders. Learn more about writing a business plan competently in this video:

The results of drawing up and applying a business plan

A business plan is drawn up not only for the investor or lender to give money for the project. It is needed for planning economic activity enterprises for different periods. It serves to help the entrepreneur:

  • define specific areas of activity - for example, or;
  • formulate goals, both long-term and short-term;
  • establish marketing activities;
  • foresee possible unfavorable factors, etc.

Do not think of a business plan as an application to receive money from investors. It should not be a dead document, which, after it has been drawn up and considered, is deposited far into the drawer.

If so, it means that it was drawn up incorrectly, and the investor or lender felt it and refused the request. But in the case when the plan is really working, worked out for each section, it is positive result... You not only receive investment, but also have a clear guide to action.