Tracking postal aliexpress by number. We track the order on AliExpress. Contact the seller via feedback and ask them to give you a real tracking number

More than 80% of all international shipments are made by Chinese online stores and most of them are sent by c sellers. At the same time, buyers from the CIS are the largest audience of the site.

The most popular products with Aliexpress are electronics and clothing, shoes, household goods, hobbies, repairs, construction and highly specialized products for professional work, you can buy anything on Aliexpress. Cheap prices and a huge assortment make shopping on Aliexpress profitable and so attractive. In the special section "Hot Products" on the Aliexpress website, interesting products with good discounts are posted daily, and the Russian interface of Aliexpress greatly facilitates the shopping process.

Delivery methods with Aliexpress

The key moment of shopping on Aliexpress is the delivery of parcels to the buyer. In February 2017, Aliexpress limited free shipping for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus due to the increasing cases of non-receipt of shipments and obliged sellers to send goods worth more than $ 2 with track numbers. Such parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by number.

However, most of the goods from Aliexpress remained with free shipping, marked as "free shipping", or rather, the shipping cost is already included in the price of the goods.

There are a variety of ways to deliver goods with Aliexpress - by state postal services, including EMC door-to-door delivery, as well as commercial courier services, ground transport and airmail.

The most commonly used shipping methods are China air post, ePaket, China post registered air mail, China post ordinary small packet, China post air parcel, Hongkong post air mail, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, Sweden Post, DHL Global mail, 4px, Posti Finland, Posti Finland Economy, Omniva Estonia post, Correos, SPSR. Of the more expensive ones, these are EMS, DHL, Fedex, UPS.

Usually, Aliexpress sellers offer several options for sending goods, and depending on the carrier chosen, the delivery method and its cost, parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by track number, partially tracked only in China or without the possibility of tracking. As a rule, goods with free shipping are sent, and such parcels are tracked until they are delivered to the buyer. Some items prohibited by China Post (built-in and optional batteries) are sent by , . Parcels are delivered on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and, accordingly. Also, commercial carriers are engaged in the delivery of parcels from Aliexpress. Often, when 3-4 carriers are involved in the delivery of a parcel from China. The most famous Chinese carriers,; Russian courier services,; Ukrainian and .

Aliexpress Standard Shipping - Aliexpress Standard Shipping Tracking

You can also very often come across the Aliexpress standard shipping method, when Aliexpress itself organizes the subsequent delivery of shipments from its logistics center, where completed orders from sellers are received.

Delivery from Ali with this method of sending is provided by postal operators and commercial carriers with whom there are direct contractual obligations. Delivery times to the buyer vary from 15 to 45 days, a more specific delivery time is indicated in the estimated delivery time. As a rule, sellers, along with Aliexpress delivery, offer a choice of sending by several more postal operators.

The main advantage of Aliexpress delivery is that if the goods are not received, the dispute immediately escalates, bypassing "pre-trial bickering" with the seller.

Tracking Aliexpress Standard Shipping, as well as tracking other parcels from Aliexpress, is available on the order page. In "My Orders", click "View Details" and the "Logistics Information" section will display detailed data about the package. Aliexpress will indicate the parcel number in the "Tracking the shipment of your order" section.

Exactly the same information is available on the official website of Cainiao Global - ..

Aliexpress Premium Shipping - tracking paid shipping with Aliexpress

Also, for some goods, Aliexpress offers more expensive and reliable delivery Aliexpress Premium shipping. And if Aliexpress Standard Shipping is free and paid, then Premium Shipping is always only paid.

Aliexpress Saver Shipping - Aliexpress Saver Shipping Tracking

This type of delivery implies the mandatory tracking of Aliexpress parcels by postal ID for goods less than $ 5 and weighing up to 2 kg, as the most economical delivery method. Aliexpress organized this type of delivery in conjunction with the Russian Post. It is also free and paid. For example, the delivery of this product with shipment to Russia by the Saver Shipping method costs 44.99 rubles.

Like Standard shipping, parcels with Saver Shipping delivery are sent by the Ali seller to their logistics center and, after sorting the shipment, are transferred to the carrier for further delivery to the buyer.

Saver Shipping tracking is not individual, a single tracking number is assigned to a common dispatch, that is, several small packages. After receiving the notice, the parcel can be received at your branch.

The choice of this delivery method is fraught with a deliberately losing position in the conduct of a dispute on the return of money if a separate parcel is lost from the common bag. Because for Saver Shipping parcels, the Russian Post registers only the arrival at the place of delivery and the Aliexpress mediators will not take into account the arguments about the non-receipt of the package due to loss.

Examples of Aliexpress Saver Shipping track numbers:

  • ZA---LV (ZA123456785LV) - small package with delivery through Latvia;
  • ZA---HK (ZA123456785HK) - small package with delivery via Hong Kong.

Also, the choice of this method of delivery loses its relevance when ordering several units of goods due to restrictions on the cost of the goods and its weight. For example, the cost of delivery of 2 units of the same towel is no longer 44.99 rubles, but 102.86 rubles, that is, it is summed up.

Cainiao Super Economy Tracking

This new type of super-economical delivery of goods with Aliexpress appeared relatively recently - in the summer of 2018. Tracks of parcels sent in this way look like UA ... HK and are tracked only in China. Therefore, this option should rather be attributed to the next group of so-called trackless shipments. They are also slow, and due to incomplete tracking, it hardly makes sense to use this delivery method if Aliexpress Saver Shipping is available.

What is Seller's Shipping Method and how to track such a package

Seller's Shipping Method is essentially the choice of the carrier at the discretion of the seller. Sellers Shipping tracking is available in your account and the carrier will be indicated on the Aliexpress tracking page with a link to it.

By choosing this method, your order can be shipped by almost any postal or logistics service operating in China. But it goes without saying that the seller will not choose it to the detriment of his pocket. That is why it often happens that, as a result, such parcels go either with only partial tracking in China, or without it at all. This point should be taken into account if you suddenly see Seller's Shipping Method in the list of delivery methods for the product you like.

Tracking trackless mail with Aliexpress

Where is the parcel from Aliexpress - buyers often ask this question when the seller sends the goods, ignoring the agreements with the buyer and the parcels from Aliexpress are not tracked or tracked incorrectly. Sometimes because the seller wants to earn an extra few dollars by sending a package instead of paid shipping by a cheap carrier. Sometimes, without sending the goods, it gives someone else's or non-existent track number, thereby misleading the buyer.

In any case, purchases from Aliexpress are protected by buyers, and tracking parcels from Aliexpress by all postal operators and courier services in one place will not allow you to keep abreast and open disputes on time using the "deadline" option.

On the Aliexpress website, you can find and order a huge number of good quality goods. The only inconvenience is the long delivery of parcels. In this regard, there is a desire for buyers to receive an email with a code to track the location and promote the purchased items as soon as possible. But not all users are aware of how to find out the track number of a parcel on Aliexpress on their own.

The ability to track the order allows the buyer to forget about the worries about the fact that the paid goods will be lost on the way. And if this happens, you can find it or receive monetary compensation without any problems. Therefore, it is so important to be aware of what a track number is and how to find it on Aliexpress.

General concept

The track code is a unique postal identifier that allows you to track the stages of movement and the location of the package on a specific date. It consists of thirteen characters. The postal ID might look something like this: RC0784960767CN. The first letters are the designation of the type of shipment, the last - the code of the country of origin.

Often, sellers provide such postal identifiers that you have to think for a long time about which private courier delivery service the package was sent to and where to track the proposed track code. This information must be provided by the store owner. If the buyer did not find the delivery method and the shipment ID, then he can contact the seller with a question about how to find out the track number of the parcel on Aliexpress.

When is a shipment ID assigned to an order?

Many buyers look for a tracking number immediately after making a payment and panic if they cannot find it. The departure ID is assigned after a few days. After paying for the purchase, the payment is processed for 2 days, then the seller receives a notification about the receipt of the next order. Then he purchases goods from the supplier if they are not in stock. Further, the parcel is packed and sent to the addressee within 1-2 days. The order is processed no more than seven days. The track code is assigned three days after the shipment of the goods.

Where can I find out the track number of the parcel to Aliexpress?

On the main page of the site in the drop-down menu there is a section "My orders". By opening it, the user is taken to a page with a list of completed purchases. In order to view the details of the order, it is necessary to check the item "Details". A page will open where we find out the track number of the parcel to Aliexpress and other useful information.

In the column "Tracking the shipment" is a code consisting of capital letters and numbers. This is the track number. In rare cases, the shipment ID can only consist of numbers. Many sellers, after sending the package to the post office, immediately mark the track code on the order card and offer the user to follow the link to the website of the company delivering the package.

The trading platform itself is designed in such a way that the seller cannot mark “Sent” in the order status without indicating the track number. Even if the store representative warns in advance that there is no traceability, the buyer can find the code on the details page. This combination of letters and numbers means nothing. The seller may indicate a deliberately incorrect track number if he did not manage to send the package to the post office within the allotted time. In this case, the merchant sends the parcel a couple of days later, and then marks the correct track code instead of an invalid number.

Will the track number be tracked?

The buyer may receive a notification that it is not possible to check the location of the parcel by the item ID. This means that the seller is working with a carrier that does not provide such services. The store representative will suggest the buyer to wait patiently. How to find out the track number of the parcel on Aliexpress if you need to track the location of the order? You can pay the seller a couple of dollars for shipping with tracking.

If there is no such notification and it is not possible to find the parcel by the track code, then this means that information about the received parcel has not yet been entered into the database of the company's information center. After re-checking in a week, the situation will become clearer. If the parcel is not tracked after this period, this means that the seller deliberately indicated the wrong track number and does not intend to send the goods.

Aliexpress Tracking: How do I know where my package is now?

If you have a track code, you can always determine the location of the order. If it is lost by mail, it is possible to demand that it be sent again or receive the entire amount or part of the funds back in the form of compensation. Many shipment IDs are automatically tracked on the site. Where can I see the track code on Aliexpress and the status of the package at the same time? To do this, there is a description page for the order. To the right of the track number, information about the location of the parcel is displayed. It should be borne in mind that data may be transmitted with a slight delay. In order not to miss the status update, it is recommended to install the Aliexpress Tool extension. The plugin allows you to get to the required section of the site and track the location of the package in one click.

Specialized Sites

For the convenience of tracking purchases, many services, programs and mobile applications have been created. The Aliexpress marketplace, due to its great popularity, has led to the emergence of sites specializing in orders from China. If the user knows what the track number is and where to find the track number of the parcel, then copying and pasting the shipment ID into the search bar on one of these services will not be difficult for him. The results are displayed on the page within a few seconds.

You can also check the location of the parcel on regional services that allow you to track international shipments. If the buyer has chosen free shipping, the seller will send the order by China Post. On the official website, you can track the parcel only until the moment of departure from the country. Next, you should check the status of the shipment using the Russian Post service.

Why is there no information on the track code?

The buyer cannot track the package if the shipment ID was provided less than 3 days ago. If the track number has spaces, lowercase letters and more than 9 digits, then this means that the store owner made a mistake in writing the code. The seller may also have provided the wrong shipment ID on purpose. How to find out the track number of the parcel to Aliexpress in this case? This aspect should be clarified with the store owner. If the seller has already sent the order without a postal identifier, then it will not be possible to get the correct track number. Usually, the store owner reduces the price of the goods by sending the package without a tracking code, and the buyer gets the opportunity to save money.

What should I do if I can't track the parcel using the track code?

The buyer should wait at least ten days. If during this period the situation does not change, then you need to write a message to the seller and find out all the information. There may be a mistake in the track number. Also, sellers often send goods without a shipment identifier and provide a template track code. In the message, you can write that the buyer is worried because he is waiting for the package by a certain holiday date.

How to find out the track number on Aliexpress if the seller does not give the correct shipment ID? Then you should threaten to open a dispute. The store owner can ignore messages. In this case, it is recommended to open a dispute immediately. The reason should be "No tracking information". The next step is to request a full refund.

Escalation of the dispute

Some store owners immediately return the money.
The sellers know that they did not send the goods, and see no reason to prove otherwise. Others object, offering to wait some more time. Store owners can give many reasons for not returning money. The buyer decides whether to wait further for the package.

Some orders without a track number successfully reach the addressee. The rest of the entries don't even exist. If the maximum delivery time indicated by the seller is coming to an end, and the goods are not yet available, it is recommended to escalate the dispute. In most cases, such issues are resolved by the administration in favor of the customer.

More and more often all over the world, purchases are made in online stores. The reason for this is the many advantages of such purchases, but there are also disadvantages. For example, very often buyers of one of the most famous electronic stores ask themselves the question: “How to track a product on Aliexpress?”, More precisely, an already sent parcel. This article will help you figure it out.

How to track an item from China

Goods shipped from China, ordered on the Aliexpress website, can be tracked at one of the 2 stages of transportation:

  1. The item has already been shipped and is in China.
  2. The goods have already crossed the border and are in Russia.

How to get more information in both cases? First of all, the customer will receive a letter from the seller to his e-mail address that the goods have been sent. Most often, it is received 2-5 days after placing an order, but the store allows Chinese entrepreneurs to think up to 10 days.

Even if the letter was not received even within this period, additional information on how to track the goods on Aliexpress can be obtained by following these steps:

  • Go to your personal account.
  • Select the required order.
  • Select "Details" item.
  • Copy the number in the opened tab.

The resulting alphanumeric code is the so-called order tracker, it is individual and attached to a specific package.

How to track a package using a tracker?

After a certain track has been assigned to the order, you can easily figure out how to track the goods on Aliexpress by number. Going to the order information tab, where you can see the parcel number, information about the site is also reported, by going to which you can find out where the ordered goods are located.

It is important to know that even after receiving a letter stating that the package is on the way, but not finding the track number in the order information, you can be sure that an error has occurred. In this case, be sure to contact the seller. Information about it can be found on the same page as the track. Most conscientious suppliers monitor the movement of the parcel before it passes through customs. On the specified site, the status of such a parcel can be easily traced.

There are situations when the seller does not provide any information other than the number. How to track the goods on Aliexpress in this case? You can try to check the status of the order on the ChinaMail single site by entering the track number in the No. field. Another hint for this case: all packages ending in SG can be tracked on the Singapore Post website.

China post parcel location

Information about where the parcel is located in China usually consists of the following: its status is set to “waiting for departure to the country of destination”. However, as soon as the goods pass customs clearance, it will be listed as "exported" or you can also see such a value: "departed for the country of destination."

On average, 25 days should pass from one status to another, but there are exceptional situations when this period can reach 40-45 days. Now, knowing how to track a product on Aliexpress, and finding out if the status corresponds to a certain location of the order, you can be calm for the vending and long-awaited product from a well-known online store.

Location of the parcel at the post of Russia

So, the customs is passed, and the order is in the territory of our country. And now how to track the goods on Aliexpress? The Russian Post provides all the information for this on its official website. All currently existing Internet resources that offer tracking take information from the mail site. However, they are excellent helpers in the case of several parcels: you just need to copy the numbers to the service. Russian Post currently offers a more grueling tracking procedure.

What to do with untraceable parcels?

There are situations where the item cannot be tracked. Reason 2:

  1. It has not been 10 days since the order was placed.
  2. Unreadable tracker.

If in the first case you just need to wait a little, then in the second case, how to track where the goods are from Aliexpress? The best solution is to write a message to the supplier that the tracking number is invalid. If there is no further action on the part of the seller within 5 days, you can safely open a dispute. Then you will need to provide information on whether the package has been received, how much money the buyer wants to return.

A dispute is also opened if the order has no problems with the track number, but it was not delivered. It is no longer so important to figure out how to track a product on Aliexpress. Russian Post - that's what you need to deal with, it is because of its work that such errors are very common.

In this case, it is also very important to monitor the end of the automatic completion of the transaction between the seller and the buyer, this date is set from the moment the supplier sends the goods. A dispute can only be opened during the time period is valid, otherwise the money will be transferred to the seller even for undelivered goods.

Disputable relations between the parties to the transaction must be settled in a short time - 5 days. Otherwise, the money requested by the buyer will be returned to him.

Each buyer of goods from China on the Aliexpress website knows that after sending the parcel, the seller must provide him with a unique track code, by which you can at any time see the location of the order, as well as track all its movements from point "A", that is, China, to point "B" - your post office. However, parcels from Aliexpress are not always tracked properly, and sometimes they are completely lost. We will talk about how to act in these cases, as well as what you need to know about track numbers and their tracking in this article.

Due to the fact that there are quite a lot of questions regarding track numbers, we have divided this article into the following parts:

1) Where can I find the track number of the order from

2) Types of track numbers and the procedure for tracking them.

3) A detailed description of each point of the parcel from the official website of AliExpress.

4) Possible problems in tracking packages from

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Where can I find the track number of the order from Aliexpress in Russian?

According to the rules of the official website of Aliexpress, sellers of goods from China, when sending an order to the buyer, are required to provide him with a track number by which it will be possible to track all the movements of the parcel from Aliexpress.

After the order is shipped by the seller, the status will change from "Item waiting to be shipped" to "Item waiting to be picked up". As a rule, when the status of the package changes, you will receive a notification by mail with a link to your order. Therefore, it is almost impossible to miss this fact.

Going to the order page, in the section " Shipment tracking» you should see the track code provided by the seller:

It is worth noting that the order begins to be tracked, as a rule, 5-7 days after you receive the track number. Therefore, do not worry if during the week you do not see his movement. But if it does not appear on any of the popular tracking sites for more than ten days, then you should immediately contact the seller.

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Types of track numbers and the procedure for tracking them

International mail is divided into the following categories:

By weight:

  1. Parcels. Their weight is over 2 kg.
  2. Small packages Their weight is less than 2 kg.

Tracking options:

  1. Registered (Tracked).
  2. Not registered (Not tracked).

Parcels and other shipments via EMS are always registered shipments. Small packages may or may not be registered.

According to the international standard, all official postal services in the world use track numbers that look like this - XX123456789YY.

This tracking number is decoded as follows:

XX - This is the code that indicates the type of shipment.

  • Package (more than 2kg): CA-CZ;
  • Express Departure(EMS): EA-EZ;
  • Small package of registered mail(weighing less than 2 kg): RA-RZ.
  • Unregistered IGO, weighing less than 2 kg (small package): LA-LZ. This type of shipment is not tracked.

The digital part of the tracking number (123456789) is divided into two parts. The first eight digits are a unique number, and the last is a verification code, which is generated by the calculation method using the formula of the first eight digits. The verification code is necessary to avoid errors when reading the track by automated mail sorting systems.

YY - This is the code of the country from which the parcel is sent. For example, SG - Singapore, CN - China, DE - Germany, etc.

It should be noted that it is impossible to determine the recipient's country by the track number of an international postal item.

You can track the movement of a parcel with goods from China AliExpress on the following sites:


Of course, there are a lot of sites in order to track a package from AliExpress by track number. But the ones proposed above, as a rule, provide information about the location of the shipment most quickly and accurately. In addition, it is best to check the track number in several services. This way you will get the most accurate information. Quite often, some parcels are more accurately tracked on one site, and some on another.

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Detailed description of each point of the parcel with AliExpress

If you have previously ordered any goods from China on Ali, then you are most likely no longer surprised by the duration of their delivery.

And the thing is that the international delivery of parcels includes a lot of various operations that are performed at different speeds. And this speed is influenced by factors such as:

  • seasonality (parcels move more slowly from October to March);
  • all kinds of force majeure situations (earthquake, fire, flood, etc.).

Consider the approximate route for an Aliexpress parcel from China to Russia:

  1. 2014-03-30 00:00 Reception, Guangzhou, Russia
  2. 2014-04-01 00:00 Export, Sorting, Guangzhou, Russia
  3. 2014-04-03 00:00 Packing in a general package, Guangzhou, Russia
  4. 2014-04-07 00:00 Sent by Airmail, CAN, Russia
  5. 2015-04-14 09:46 Import of international mail, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1, weight: 0.390 kg
  6. 2015-04-14 09:49 Reception at customs, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1, weight: 0, 390 kg
  7. 2015-04-15 18:24 Processing, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1 Left the place of international exchange
  8. 2015-04-15 22:45 Processing, 102002 Moscow-Kazan railway station PZHDP shop-1 Arrived at the sorting center
  9. 2015-04-17 01:14 Processing, 102002 Moscow-Kazansky station PZHDP shop-1 Left the sorting center
  10. 2015-04-19 15:58 Processing, 625960 Tyumen MSC Arrived at sorting center
  11. 2015-04-20 15:26 Processing, 625960 Tyumen MSC Left sorting center
  12. 2015-04-21 15:26 Processing, 625960 Tyumen MSC Arrived at the place of delivery.
  13. 2015-04-24 15:26 Processing, 625960 Tyumen Delivery to the addressee Weight: 0.390 kg

2014-03-30 00:00 Reception, Guangzhou, Russia
This entry indicates that the parcel was sent to the post office in Guangzhou. It can also be seen that the parcel is sent to Russia.

2014-04-01 00:00 Export, Sorting, Guangzhou, Russia
This record indicates that the parcel was processed by the receiving point and transferred further to the sorting shop for its further direction to the place of international mail exchange.

2014-04-03 00:00 Packing in a general package, Guangzhou, Russia
For greater convenience, sorted parcels are packed in large bags.

2014-04-07 00:00 Sent by Airmail, CAN, Russia
This means that the parcel is ready to be sent from the place of international mail exchange, however, before being sent from China, the parcel will lie in the warehouse for a few more days, waiting for its turn.

2015-04-14 09:46 Import of international mail, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1, weight: 0.390 kg
Finally, the parcel got to the Russian customs and was unpacked from the general package.

2015-04-14 09:49 Reception at customs, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1, weight: 0, 390 kg
Next, the package is transferred to the hands of customs officers. They check its contents (as a rule, if the package does not arouse suspicion, then it is translucent and passed on).

2015-04-14 09:50 Customs clearance, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1 Issued by customs, weight: 0.392 kg
The parcel was weighed, the weight was recorded.

2015-04-15 18:24 Processing, 102976 Mr Lts Vnukovo shop-1 Left the place of international exchange
After the customs clearance has been completed, the Russian Post employees pick up the parcel and take it to the sorting shop to be sent to the destination.

2015-04-15 22:45 Processing, 102002 Moscow-Kazan railway station PZHDP shop-1 Arrived at the sorting center
Since the parcel is sent to Tyumen, it was brought to the Kazansky railway station. There she again ended up in the sorting shop so that its employees would choose the right mail car and send the parcel to the right city.

2015-04-17 01:14 Processing, 102002 Moscow-Kazan railway station PZHDP shop-1 Left the sorting center
The parcel was sent further to its destination.

22015-04-19 15:58 Processing, 625960 Tyumen MSC Arrived at sorting center
The parcel arrived at the sorting shop in order to be sent to the correct post office.

2015-04-20 15:26 Processing, 625960 Tyumen MSC Left sorting center
The parcel went to the right post office.

2015-04-21 15:26 Processing, 625960 Tyumen MSC Arrived at the place of delivery.
Now you can pick up your parcel. But it's better to wait for the notice from your post office. Don't forget to take your passport with you.

2015-04-24 15:26 Processing, 625960 Tyumen Delivery to the addressee Weight: 0.390 kg
Parcel received. And in a very short time frame.

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Possible problems in tracking parcels from the Aliexpress website in Russian

In this paragraph, we will consider the most common problems that ru Aliexpress buyers face.

Problem 1. The parcel is moving to another country or to another address.

There are only two reasons for this problem:

1) The seller mistakenly provided you with a track number assigned to the parcel of another buyer.

2) The seller specifically provided you with the wrong track number to mislead you, and then stretch out the time until the order is automatically closed and get your money.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, we recommend that you immediately contact the seller and demand clarification from him on this fact. If the seller does not get in touch or assures you that everything will be fine and you will receive the package, then the best way out in this case is to open a dispute. The reason for opening the dispute should be indicated - "Sent to the wrong address."

Problem 2. The track number has not been displayed on the parcel tracking site from www.AliExpress for a long time.

Please try to check the tracking number on several sites before emailing the seller to resolve this issue. If this action does not lead to a positive result, then it is worth contacting the seller. If the seller tells you that everything is in order and the number will be tracked soon, then there is a reason to wait a few more days.

Note that these situations arise due to the fact that sellers of Chinese goods often reserve track numbers even before sending parcels. They themselves collect more orders in order to take them to the post office at a time. That is why it takes quite a long time from the moment you receive the track code to the start of its display on tracking sites.

Problem 3. The seller provided a track number consisting of numbers only.

This situation may mean that:

  1. The item was shipped via Chinese domestic courier service. The essence of this method is that the parcel goes to the border by courier service, and then by state mail. Also, the parcel can be sent by domestic courier to Singapore, and then also by regular mail. In such a situation, you should definitely ask the Chinese seller to indicate the website of the transport company, where you can check the movement of the parcel.
  2. The item is sent via DHL, where the tracking numbers consist of 10 digits.
  3. If the value of your order does not exceed $ 10, then the seller may have saved money and sent you a package without a track code. However, the AliExpress system does not allow shipment without a tracking number, so sellers often add fake tracks to the system. In most cases, such parcels still reach the addressee, but you can only find out about their arrival at your post office by receiving a notification. As a rule, honest sellers, when sending a penny product, warn about the incorrectness of the track code, assuring buyers that the package will be delivered soon. The main thing in this situation is not to forget to follow the order protection timer.
  4. You have come across an unscrupulous seller who wants to cash in on someone else's expense.

We wish you only correct track numbers and the fastest delivery of parcels from the Aliexpress online store in Russian!

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Problems with the track number on Aliexpress

The action algorithm is as follows:

1. Contact the seller via feedback and ask them to give you a real tracking number. How to do this is described in detail. If the seller assures that the goods have been sent and you have time to wait, just track the protection period on the order page. As soon as less than 7 days remain on the timer, open a dispute!

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The seller on Ali gave an invalid track (Sellers Shipping Method 21934961)

What it is? It has not been tracked anywhere for more than 10 days. Most likely the track is invalid. The action algorithm is as follows:

1. Contact the seller via feedback and ask them to give you a real tracking number.

How to do this is described in detail. If the seller assures that the goods have been sent and you have time to wait, just track the protection period on the order page. As soon as less than 7 days remain on the timer, open a dispute!

2. Read the reviews on the seller page.

You have the right to open a dispute if the track number is not tracked. When opening a dispute, do not forget to attach screenshots from tracking sites that confirm your words.

3. If the track number is tracked correctly, but the seller indicated the name of the recipient incorrectly.

The address is correct. Unfortunately, there may be problems when receiving the package at the post office, as the name indicated on the package will not match the one on the document proving your identity. Be sure to contact the seller and point out his mistake. If he does not offer a solution to the issue, open a dispute.

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To confidently buy on Aliexpress,

  • In the article, you will learn why we choose to buy from AliExpress stores, how the Aliexpress marketplace scheme works, what is the review system and how does it work?

  • Chinese sellers on Aliexpress often take advantage of the ignorance and inattention of buyers, as a result of which they are left without money and without ordered goods from China from AliExpess com.
  • How to track a parcel from Aliexpress? This issue is very relevant in the era of high technology and the widespread use of Internet commerce. Knowing how to track a parcel from Aliexpress, you can independently control the movement of the ordered goods without much difficulty. We will talk about all the details of the tracking process in this article.

    Tracking AliExpress parcels from China

    How to track a parcel with Aliexpress? There are several ways to do this, depending on which one is more convenient for you.

    Options for tracking AliExpress parcels from China can be conditionally divided into 2 stages:

    1. AliExpress parcel tracking in China.
    2. Tracking a parcel from on the territory of our state.

    How to proceed in the first case? To begin with, you should receive an email to your email address, which is a confirmation of sending to your mailing address. It should be noted that such a letter usually arrives in 2 - 5 days from the date of placing the order, and the maximum period for such a procedure is up to 10 days. If during this time you have not received a letter, you must enter your personal account on the official website of AliExpress. After selecting the desired order, you should click on the link "Show details". In the tab that opens, you will find the tracker number, that is, the number of your package. It is by this code that it will be possible to track where the AliExpress parcel is at the moment.

    AliExpress parcel tracking by track

    When tracking an Aliexpress package along the track, remember that the tracker (package number) is displayed in your personal account only after the seller sends the package. If you received a letter with a shipment notification, and you did not find the parcel number in your personal account, then this indicates that something is wrong with your parcel, so you need to contact the seller and clarify the details.

    In your personal account - in the same place as the track number of the parcel - contains information about the seller of your purchase. Most suppliers on their websites track the fate of the parcel until it passes Chinese customs. Therefore, you can go to the specified site and determine the status of your purchase by the tracker.

    If this is not the case in your case, then try to go to the China Mail website, enter your parcel number in the “Item No” field and see its location. If your parcel tracker ends with "SG", your parcel was sent by Singapore Post and its location can also be tracked on the Singapore Post official website. The steps to find the status of the package on the site are similar to those in the previous case.

    Speaking about how to track a parcel from Aliexpress in China, you need to pay attention to the timing and some features characteristic of this stage.

    Don't know your rights?

    China Post. How to track the parcel and understand what is with it and where it is

    At China Post, tracking AliExpress parcels is not difficult. Until the item is shipped out of China Customs, the status of the package will be set to "Awaiting Shipment to Destination Country". Immediately after it passes Chinese customs, its status will change - now next to the track number of your purchase will be "Export" or "Flew from China to the country of destination."

    Speaking about how to track a parcel with Aliexpress from China, it is necessary to recall the duration of the customs clearance procedures and the movement of the purchase through the country. In China, your purchase will stay on average 25 days, although in some cases the period may be delayed up to 40 - 45.

    Post office. How to check the parcel of Aliexpress on the website of the Russian Post

    How to track an AliExpress parcel in Russia? Very simple: this is done on the official website of the Russian Post. This is the most reliable and reliable source. In fact, all sites that allow you to track the location of parcels from China (they can be easily found on the web by entering the required query in the search box) simply receive information on the Russian Post website for you. Therefore, on the Russian Post website, tracking an AliExpress package is as easy as using Chinese services: you need to dial the number of the postal item and get comprehensive information about the location of your package.

    However, when deciding how to track your parcel with AliExpress, you need to consider the number of your parcels. The fact is that if there are several of them, then each AliExpress parcel will have to be tracked separately, that is, you will need to enter the order data several times in the search form. And if you have not one, but several parcels, the search can turn into not the most pleasant pastime. In this case, it will be more convenient to track the package from Aliexpress through special services that will save you from having to repeatedly enter numbers.

    How much does a parcel with Aliexpress take?

    Also, each buyer is interested in how much the parcel goes with Aliexpress. It all depends on the time of your order, as well as the will of the case. If there were no problems on the way of the postal item, then the purchase will come to the owner in about a month and a half. But there are also delays, and very tangible ones.

    Delays can be caused by many reasons, in particular, public holidays in China or the recipient country, long-term dispatch of the order by the supplier, difficulties in customs clearance, etc. In such cases, you can wait for the package for more than 2 months.

    If the parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked or has not arrived, what should I do?

    AliExpress parcel is not tracked in 2 cases:

    1. less than 10 days have passed since the application was made (the seller simply has not yet managed to assign a track number to the parcel and therefore there is nothing to track);
    2. Also, the parcel cannot be tracked when more than 10 days have passed, but the track number is not readable.

    In the first case, you should not worry before the expiration of the 10-day period: it is quite possible that everything will be decided by itself, you just need to be patient.

    In the second, you need to write a letter to the seller and notify him that the tracker does not work. If within 5 days from the date of sending the letter the seller has not taken measures to rectify the situation, feel free to open a dispute. To do this, follow the link "Open Dispute" and write why the dispute arose, whether you received the package, what is the cost of the return and what actions you want to take.

    If the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive, the actions are similar - we open a dispute. We have already described how to do this above, so now we only draw your attention to the time remaining until the automatic completion of the transaction. This time is indicated in your personal account. During this period (that is, until the scheduled delivery date) the buyer's rights are protected, but once the period expires, the sale is considered completed and the money goes to the seller. Therefore, you need to open a dispute before the end of this time.

    If the seller has not resolved the conflict within 5 days from the date of the open dispute, the dispute is automatically terminated in favor of the buyer and the money is returned to him. Of course, after the dispute is over, the AliExpress parcel from China will not come to you, but you can return your money.