Experience in the field of procurement. Public procurement - requirements for an employee. Who is a Purchasing Specialist?

Is it possible to build a public procurement business from scratch? Yes, definitely. Is it difficult to do this? No, if you know how. Public procurement for small businesses and medium-sized entrepreneurs can provide invaluable assistance. And within the framework of this article, various aspects of this case will be considered.

general information

Entrepreneurship lives on the production of goods, trade and the provision of services. All this is needed by the state, which can become a regular customer. For businesses, this situation is an excellent way to expand their sales market and increase turnover. You can often come across the opinion that it makes no sense to contact the state, because there are kickbacks and other manifestations of corruption all around. But the real situation is quite strikingly different from the mythical image. Yes, from time to time you will have to meet with significant competition. But if you offer favorable terms, consider that the contract is already in your pocket. And electronic auctions, where all the conditions and needs are indicated, are of great help in this. Competition in this case depends on the amount of the proposed contract and the scope of activity. And a small encouraging fact: approximately 40% of all electronic auctions are recognized as failed. And the reason is ridiculous - there are no participants who want to participate in them. There may be suspicions (not groundless) about some specific moments, and they do take place, but not on such a scale. As a rule, such a situation arises precisely because there really was no one who would be interested.

Choosing your niche

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with a large number of different documentation. Specialists can help with this for a fee. If there are no free funds, then you will have to figure it out on your own. And this article will help here. In addition to it, you can also pay attention to various special manuals and training courses that are conducted by public organizations (for the most part) and state business support services. For starters, you can pay attention to not very large, but still real electronic auctions, where there will be a small number of competitors. After that, you must send an application for participation in it and attach all the necessary documents. The tender commission will choose the most advantageous offer (that which meets all the requirements and has the lowest price). With a reasonable approach, public procurement for small businesses turns into a profitable source of income.

How does it work?

As part of the article, much attention will be paid to electronic trading platforms. Why? The fact is that thanks to them it is very convenient to look for interesting offers. In addition, filing an application in this case does not require spending a lot of time. And the open form of work on the principle of an auction allows you to monitor the honesty of the work of the commissions and complain to the appropriate authorities. However, one point should be taken into account. Any commercial organization can take part in tenders, but for admission it is necessary to know the rules and algorithm of work. Therefore, the following will be carefully considered:

  1. Principles of operation of the public procurement system.
  2. Open and closed competitions.
  3. Auction (including electronic).
  4. Who can take part.
  5. specific moments.
  6. We start cooperation.

Principle of operation

If you are interested in, say, a public procurement business from zero to 100 thousand rubles or a million (for starters), then you cannot do without this moment. What should we talk about first? About interaction. The state can be considered as a specific commercial structure. And she needs certain services. Since the scale of work and influence of the state is truly enormous and affects almost all spheres of life, the list of necessary services is practically unlimited. Moreover, any state institution periodically needs third-party organizations - agriculture, engineering, space, education and others.

But there are strict requirements for tenders. And first, the process of choosing a contractor for the production of goods and the provision of services should be as transparent as possible. As soon as the organization meets the requirements put forward, it can offer its own conditions and its own price. In the case when it is the most profitable, the order is received. It should be noted here that, despite the seeming simplicity, there are frequent cases when organizations resort to legal tricks that influence the choice of a contractor. In order not to fall victim to such circumstances and build a successful business in the field of public procurement, it is necessary to carefully study how this system works. In the Russian Federation, several types of trading are approved by law.

Open and closed competitions

The first option is the most common way of organizing government orders on the territory of the Russian Federation. Its essence lies in the fact that all interested parties are informed about the order through the media: printed newspapers, on thematic sites. In general, everything is done to find the optimal contractor. A large amount of material is being prepared for an open competition, and all conditions are documented. Applications are being received throughout the month. After that, the opening procedure is carried out, and the founding commission decides who will fulfill the order. Such an approach, however, requires regular monitoring of relevant sources, which is not very convenient. A feature of the closed competition is that the customer independently sets the circle of performers who can cope with the order. This approach is practiced in cases where you have to work with confidential information or the work performed is very specific. Although it can be used even when it is unprofitable to familiarize numerous performers with it.


They, like competitions, are open and closed. The contractor in this case is selected according to the principle "ready to perform the required amount of work for the minimum amount." Moreover, the lowering of the rate is carried out according to predetermined parameters, which is regulated by law. A feature of closed auctions is the maximum degree of confidentiality. Thus, the customer is protected from possible collusion. Particular attention should be paid to electronic auctions. They are held on virtual trading platforms that have been accredited by the regulatory body. In this case, you can only apply online.

The ever-increasing popularity of the global network leads to the fact that many countries legally oblige their institutions to purchase everything they need with the help of electronic auctions. Modern technologies make it possible to make the process of choosing a contractor for the needs of the state extremely honest and reduce the risk of criminal conspiracy. In addition, entrepreneurs who take part in auctions can see the selection procedure with their own eyes. And if there is someone offended, then what will refrain him from reporting to the police and the prosecutor's office?

Who can take part?

Many are especially interested in the question of individual entrepreneurs. They can take part in public procurement, but there are certain restrictions. So, individual entrepreneurs cannot participate in those tenders that provide for work exclusively with a legal entity. In all other cases, in order to participate in the process of meeting the needs of the state, you just need to meet the requirements of the customer and it is highly desirable to have successful experience in the selected category of entrepreneurship. And what form of organization will be - an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity - does not play a role. It is only important to obtain an electronic digital signature and register at the public procurement site, which has been accredited.

Step-by-step instructions for entrepreneurship

Now let's look at how to build your public procurement business from scratch. More convenient is the option of working with electronic resources. Therefore, attention will be paid to him. This state of affairs is facilitated by easier interaction, and the lack of difficulty in tracking new tenders in real time, and many other pleasant moments. Therefore, every entrepreneur who plans to develop in this direction should take the following steps:

  1. Get a digital signature. In the modern world, it is becoming more and more necessary for every entrepreneur and legal entity. Why? The fact is that according to the legislation of many countries, including the Russian Federation, the EDS is equivalent to the standard signature of the director. Only it was created specifically for use via the Internet. And in some areas of activity it is even provided that without an EDS - nowhere.
  2. Select a site. After the digital signature is ready, you should decide where it is most convenient for the contractor to look for orders. In Russia, you can use the following sites that offer: Unified information system in the field of procurement, JSC "Goszakupki", RTS-tender, Sberbank-AST. Of course, there are others. Which one to choose among them - it all depends solely on who wants to serve the state. The main thing is that the site is accredited. Everything else is a matter of taste.
  3. Passage of accreditation. To register and gain access, you must identify yourself. This procedure is carried out for each portal separately. For accreditation, as a rule, it is enough to fill out a special registration form and attach founding documents, such as: a charter, an extract from the state register, a power of attorney to participate in the auction (if this is not done directly by the head of the organization), certificate. After that, the portal administrator must review all the documentation within 5 days.

Small steps towards a great future

So, there is access to everything you need. What to do now? The next steps for an entrepreneur are:

  1. Use of collateral. Initially, you will need to place funds on an account that is linked to the site. When an application is submitted, the system will deduct up to 5% of the tender cost along with it. After the auction is completed, the amount will be returned to its owner, and it can be freely returned. If there is no money, then the application will not be carried out.
  2. Drawing up an application. This is an important step that many underestimate. The success of a potential contractor depends on how correctly the text of the application is written. It consists of two parts: informational and anonymous. The first contains all the necessary information and documentation. In the second, a detailed description of the product, service, production process, delivery, implementation, consent to work, and so on, which the contractor deems necessary, is written. The customer, after receiving all the information, informs the portal operator about his choice. And he is already contacting the performer.

As you can see, the public procurement business process is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. In addition, newcomers in this business can be approached from the position of "the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." And over time, when there will already be enough experience, these actions will not create difficulties.

Useful Rules

So it was considered what public procurement is. Small and medium-sized businesses, one has only to want, can make good money on them. But if you follow a few simple rules, you can significantly increase the success of your activities. What are they? Initially, you need to put together a public procurement business plan. It is not necessary to show it to anyone in the future, but it is still useful to have a clearly defined and outlined system of interaction, decisions, and preparation. In addition, it is necessary to track the order, which is of interest, to the end. It is possible that the customer will change the conditions, and you need to be prepared to familiarize yourself with the new requirements. This is a rather tricky mechanism for choosing the artist that is needed. It is also necessary to be attentive to those customers who set the price several times lower than the market. Most likely, this indicates dishonesty. It will not be superfluous to make a black list or use something similar made by another person.

Alas, the public procurement business also has such a negative side. Reviews in this case, too, will not be superfluous to study. In addition, you can see how a person writes in the comments. If politely - a successful outcome is more likely, rude and boorish - expect problems. Now the participation of small businesses in public procurement, as well as medium-sized entrepreneurs, is still a novelty. But if you already have a desire to become an entrepreneur, then it will be much easier to act in this field.


Significant efforts should be made to ensure that the share of participation of small businesses in public procurement is constantly growing. After all, this, although not a lot, is jobs, and, potentially, medium and large businesses in the future. And what state will refuse to grow large companies and enterprises, like potatoes in the garden? Therefore, it is necessary to support and give the opportunity to do business to everyone who wants to. After all, the public procurement mechanism can be called a protectionist tool that helps to intensify the creation of our own powerful and confident economy, which we need so much in this difficult time.

Average salary for the public procurement profession in Moscow: 49,000 rubles

Jobs 1-13 of 13

  • Moscow‎, HR Support


Higher education, legal as an advantage.

Confident knowledge of 44-FZ, 223-FZ, 135-FZ.

At least 3 years of experience as a procurement participant.

Deep knowledge of the functionality of government and commercial electronic platforms.

Proficiency in effective negotiation skills.

Experience in regulatory agencies is preferred.

Attention and organization.


Determination of the necessary information and documents for participation in the procurement.

Preparation of documents for participation in the competition, auction,

  • May 4, 2019
  • Moscow‎,


  • Implementation, on the basis of the estimate and / or design documentation provided by the customer, of a selection of materials and / or technical requirements (functional and quality characteristics) for them;
  • Formation of a bill of materials (Information on materials, form 2) for the purpose of subsequent inclusion of this bill as part of the technical specifications of the documentation for the procurement procedure;
  • Preparation of the first parts of applications for participation in the procurement procedure during the procurement procedures;
  • Consideration of the first parts
  • May 4, 2019
  • Moscow‎, GEM


  • Monitoring of announced tenders, analysis of documentation: preliminary examination of documentation regarding the expediency of participation.
  • Preparation and completion of packages of competitive, auction, quotation applications, cost calculation, preparation of specifications, terms of reference, etc.
  • Placing applications on electronic platforms.
  • Participation in electronic auctions.
  • The conclusion of the state contracts based on the results of trading.
  • Control of the execution of the state. contracts.
  • Representing the interests of the organization in the implementation of competitive procedures.
  • Conducting business correspondence, negotiations.


  • May 4, 2019
  • Moscow‎,

Job responsibilities: procurement in accordance with 44-FZ and 223-FZ; request for commercial proposals; conclusion of contracts of small volume (development, coordination, negotiation, conclusion and control over execution); support of procedures for concluding, executing, amending and terminating contracts; placement of information in the register of contracts; preparation and placement in a single information system of reports; monitoring changes in legislation on...

  • May 4, 2019 — www.adzuna.ru
  • Moscow‎, VISAVI Consult

Job Responsibilities: The group of companies invites for cooperation a specialist with successful experience in the field of public administration. purchases under 44-FZ and 223-FZ. Our main activity is related to the supply of spare parts and units for vehicles, municipal and special equipment. We are ready, together with you, to develop other areas of activity. The greatest interest is the supply of building materials, electrical products, various assortment of consumer goods, as well as the provision of...

  • May 4, 2019 — www.adzuna.ru
  • Moscow‎, HR Support

Requirements: Higher education, legal as an advantage. Confident knowledge of 44-FZ, 223-FZ, 135-FZ. At least 3 years of experience as a procurement participant. Deep knowledge of the functionality of government and commercial electronic platforms. Proficiency in effective negotiation skills. Experience in regulatory agencies is preferred. Attention and organization. Responsibilities: Determination of the necessary information and documents for participation in the procurement. Preparation of documents for participation in the competition, auction,...

  • May 4, 2019 — www.adzuna.ru
  • Moscow‎, YUST

Responsibilities: Based on the estimate and / or design documentation provided by the customer, selection of materials and / or technical requirements (functional and quality characteristics) for them; Formation of a bill of materials (Information on materials, form 2) for the purpose of subsequent inclusion of this bill as part of the technical specifications of the documentation for the procurement procedure; Preparation of the first parts of applications for participation in the procurement procedure during the procurement procedures; Considering the first parts...

  • May 4, 2019 — www.adzuna.ru
  • Moscow‎, GEM

Responsibilities: Monitoring announced tenders, analysis of documentation: conducting a preliminary examination of documentation regarding the expediency of participation. Preparation and completion of packages of competitive, auction, quotation applications, cost calculation, preparation of specifications, terms of reference, etc. Placing applications on electronic platforms. Participation in electronic auctions. The conclusion of the state contracts based on the results of trading. Control of the execution of the state. contracts. Representing the interests of the organization in the implementation of competitive procedures. Conducting business correspondence, negotiations. Requirements:...

  • May 4, 2019 — www.adzuna.ru
  • Moscow‎, JСat, OOO

Do not write to JobCareer.Ru about this vacancy. The vacancy is posted on the website www.LabExch.ru. Initial analysis of incoming documentation; Data collection (request for commercial proposals, search for information in open sources); Communication with suppliers and customers; Work with databases, estimates and other sources of information; Structural analysis of the collected data, generation of a report on the work done; expert opinion.

  • August 25, 2018 — labexch.ru
  • Moscow‎, FKU "ODEZ FTS of Russia"

Description: Required public procurement manager Requirements for the applicant: Higher education (legal, economics), additional professional education in continuing education programs or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement. confident knowledge of the procedure and system for placing government orders, knowledge of the requirements of 44-FZ, the legislative framework. knowledge of the practice of applying legislation in the field of procurement, skills in working in EIS systems, experience in interacting with electronic trading platforms. pc advanced...

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The public procurement system in Russia has undergone many changes to date. The change in the state structure since the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century in the country has also changed the approach to the institution of public procurement. On January 1, 2014, Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” came into force. This Federal Law provides for an integrated approach to the procurement of goods (works and services) for state and municipal customers. This approach has been expected for a long time, but as always, the theoretical desire is one thing, and the real execution is quite another. The previous Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs” regulated only the direct placement of orders. The current law 44-FZ regulates the entire procurement process, from planning to control. The field of activity is vast and uneven, let's understand.

The existence of the law and relevant rules has already required specific knowledge both from the representative of the customer and from employees of companies that want to participate in competitions as performers. At the moment, the commercial market is getting smaller, against this background, budget orders are becoming more interesting, for their sake it makes sense to study the procurement procedures. Moreover, the impossibility of winning the competition, playing according to the law, is greatly exaggerated. It is quite possible to win competitions under the law 44-FZ, especially if you do not make the stupidest mistakes in paperwork. On the other hand, state employees need suppliers who can play by the new rules.

Who is a Purchasing Specialist?

Let's talk about the desirable qualities of an employee who deals with competitions.

Let's say right now you want to change the field of activity and take up public procurement issues. On the side of the customer or supplier, you are going to work, it doesn’t matter yet. Where to begin? And is it worth it for you? In my opinion, first you need to critically assess your abilities. Public procurement procedures are becoming quite complicated and it will not be possible to get off with a mechanical presentation of a commercial offer or their collection. At the moment, work with public procurement is a rather “dusty” job that requires certain personal and professional qualities.

First quality a public procurement specialist is. In addition to the inevitable “paperwork”, you will have to communicate a lot with suppliers or customers, which means you must have competent coherent speech, the ability to listen and hear, that is, communication skills, goodwill and quick wit. We are all different, we are all imperfect, so anyone can be on the other side or the other end of the wire. It may turn out that the difficulties of the interlocutor in terms of communication may be your difficulties.

Second quality. You should know the basics of civil law and have at least a minimal knowledge of accounting. It is highly desirable that you have experience with contracts and related technical documentation. Be very careful with documents, working both on the part of the customer and on the part of the supplier. Sanctions for violations of Law No. 44-FZ are spelled out quite specifically, including not only against a legal entity, but also in relation to the specialist himself. When we say “minimum knowledge”, this means that you need to understand where you can find the required information and from whom you can learn what you need. If you have anyone to ask 🙂 This implies another quality - the ability to self-learn.

The third quality is learning ability, which allows you to quickly gain those knowledge, skills and abilities that are not enough initially. If you prefer to study on your own, then you should start, of course, with the letter of Law No. 44-FZ itself. Further, public procurement forums will come to your aid. There are not many main sites for this, but many of them are not needed. For example, I mostly use two. Please note that on the forums you need to a) closely monitor the logic and flow of thought of the inhabitants, sometimes it is difficult to catch, b) study the legal grounds on which your colleagues from the forum build their recommendations. People are often wrong. Of the benefits - the forums come across a good visual material. In addition, on the Internet you can find a lot of webinars, recorded seminars, you can also get access to online broadcasts, including free ones. The article on this site is also not the last on this topic.

The fourth quality- systems thinking. I believe that complex issues should be dealt with mainly by people with an engineering education who perceive the world around them with the help of logic and a systematic approach, and not through emotions. “Techies” and “physicists”, in my opinion, have the most structured thought. This is what you need when you have to regularly collect puzzles from the articles of the "raw" law, advice from colleagues and common sense in order to correctly and efficiently carry out all procedures.

Work with public procurement - where to start?

Much depends on which side you have to work on. The goals and objectives of the supplier and the customer are very different, so the functionality and specifics of the work are different. Both the supplier and the customer have their own difficulties. Based on my experience, I can say that working on the part of the customer is much more difficult and responsible. The practice of applying and clarifying the law 44-FZ only lead to an increase in the amount of work every year. As for the work on the part of the supplier, here a lot depends on the goals and objectives of the organization itself.

In any case, the first desirable action before starting practical work should be the completion of refresher courses. You need to understand that in itself, obtaining a certificate of completion of courses in practice will give almost nothing, this is not the case. Firstly, for normal work it is still necessary to obtain a set of knowledge, and secondly, in this direction you will have to continue to study constantly. As for the required number of hours of courses on 44-FZ and the relevance of information on this subject from organizations promoting their services, this is a separate issue 🙂

Less than a year has passed since the entry into force of the law 44-FZ, and several federal laws have already been adopted with amendments to it. Obtaining up-to-date information is possible from fresh articles in specialized publications, as well as various free seminars and webinars on the Web. In addition, there are many paid Internet resources, but their use depends on the size of your wallet and determination.

Questions to ask yourself before starting work

  • are you ready to study every day, and in a few years to find out that everything has changed dramatically again and no one needs this knowledge;
  • are you ready to look for opportunities for competent and qualified activities, and not to resent injustice;
  • are you ready to go where you have to work for three (especially at the beginning), and get paid for one.

And remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse!

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