Funny ad. funny ads funny ads

Advertisement: "An experienced surgeon will help a bad dancer."

What do we do when we get together? Yes, we drink our light advanced beer! And, if a question arises, then always one! WHAT GOAT BROUGHT KLINSKOE!!!

Good news from Pepsi: the Coca-Cola plant burned down!
A drop of nicotine kills a horse, and a bottle of beer revives a crew of plumbers.

The sponsor of the program "Shameful Ten" on MTV is the VAZ company.

- Oh, NATS, come in.

- It seems I was wrong.

What are nauseating bars?

- Hello - I'm "NATS".
Hello, I'm Brain.
Hello, I'm Grass. Only I can let you talk to chocolate!

- Hey, Bush!
- Hi, NATS!
- Where is the BRAIN?

Promotion: buy a car "Tavria"!
Under every third cover of the hood is an engine.
In every tenth engine - oil, in every hundredth - engine oil.
Hurry, the number of engines - three.

The girl calls the beauty salon:
- Excuse me, but photoepilation - how is it?
- In Photoshop...

Mercedes - now your car with removable brakes!
What Russian does not like fast driving!!!

Sticker on the STELLS aircraft:
If you could read this inscription, then we threw out 50 million bucks in vain on this flying crap !!

The slogan of the manufacturer of wooden furniture: "We will turn the most" wooden "ideas of the customer into a work of art!".

Don't slow down - bumper off!

A new brand of vodka "Lord of the Rings" has been released! Two fortresses - 80 degrees. Feel like a goblin.

Great 100% tea, with even more tea content!

Terminator 3 - The Most Expensive Election Video Ever!

Once upon a time in the village of Gorkoye there were people who never tasted sweet things. And then a peasant came to them, and brought them sweet, semi-sweet, dry and semi-dry.

MTS: new tariff "Shiza" - call yourself!

Have I drunk enough Fanta, Anna Karenina thought, seeing that the train was not going to stop.

In terms of "quality-price" ratio, "beer for free" is beyond competition.

The inhabitants of Vilaribo are in grief - the hemp fields are burning, and the inhabitants of Vilabagio are happy - the wind is blowing in their direction.

At the station in Mineralnye Vody, two posters hang on the same wall:
Poster 1, Aeroflot: "Fly with Aeroflot planes - it saves time!"
Poster 2, railway, with the inscription: "What is more valuable to you - life or a saved minute?"

VAZ - the key to the roads of Russia! What roads, such a key!

Road. Turn. On the side of the road there is a monument with the inscription: "If you didn't slow down, you snickers."

The store "Old Man Hottabych" offers its customers a flying carpet.
It looks like an ordinary carpet, stands - like an ordinary plane.

I wake up in the morning, I look in the mirror...”Yes-ah-ah! It was not Nescafe!...”

Zoology lesson at school.
Teacher: Children, who knows what a muskrat looks like?
Petrov: This is such a cute, useful animal with a soft skin and a fluffy tail.
Teacher: Who knows what a rat looks like?
Ivanov: This is a nasty animal with rough sparse hair, terrible fangs and a nasty bald tail.
Teacher: So, children, know that the muskrat is also a rat, ... it just has better PR.

The car "OKA" is the best keychain for your "BELAZ".

- Laundry soap - one of its kind kills any bacteria!

The wife says to her husband:
- Look, dear, how perfectly white your T-shirt has become after washing with Tide!
- Yes. But I liked her much more with stripes!

In order to maintain my vitality, I need to consume 485 Tick-Tock dragees daily instead of food. Now I breathe fresh but rarely.

Daughter. The same taste. Mom The same tea. Grandmother. The same pack that fell behind the sideboard in the eighties.

New tariff "Passive" - ​​We are paid without talking!

- "People! We have been fooled for so many years! It turns out that Knorr bouillon cubes are not cubes at all! They are parallelepipeds !!!"

Carefully the doors are closing, the next station... and we will only know the correct answer after the advertisement!

New year's night. On the clock 23:55. TV announcer:
- And now, dear viewers, we will listen to the New Year's greetings of the President of the Russian Federation ...
(Pause, the speaker listens to the earpiece). - And we will find out the name of the President after the advertisement!

A new cure for sclerosis has been invented! It's called "Is that how it is?"

There was a king in a kingdom and he had a daughter. There was a terrible spell on that princess: everything she touched melted... metal, plastic, glass.

The king once called a magician and asked how his daughter could be cured. The wizard replied that the spell would break as soon as his daughter touched something that would not melt in her hands.

The king announced a competition... whoever brings something that won't melt in the hands of the princess will get half the kingdom.

There were three daredevils. The first brought a huge diamond, but as soon as the princess touched it, it melted. The second brought a steel bar, but he suffered the same fate. And the third asked the princess to put her hand in the pocket of his trousers, which she, blushing, did. And Hurray! What was in the pocket of a brave man did not melt!!! What was in his pocket?

And there were M&M's chocolates in my pocket, because everyone knows that M&M's melt in your mouth, not in your hands!

The slogan of the travel company (Moscow) "With us - around the world."

The inscription on the bottle: Drink "Pinocchio", made from natural extracts of wooden men.

New Year's gift from our dealership!
Each buyer of "AUDI" - the book "The Lord of the Rings"!

Two ants eat an elephant. Ten years pass.
- Same taste.
-That elephant.

Grandma, I again flew in a dream!
- So it's you, you bastard, cut me off?!

"Bee Line" offered new tariff plans:
- "Stutterer" - the first 10 minutes for free and "Brake" - hourly payment.

Killed the gnome - saved the chocolate bar!

Kolyan and I took a sip of Fanta and stopped the Cossack, took another sip and stopped the Zhiguli, took another sip of Fanta and stopped the coolest Mercedes. What should we not stop - we are traffic cops with Kolyan.

Validol is the official sponsor of the Russian national football team!

Gillette" for the new Russian: one blade shaves cleanly, the other shaves cleanly.

New PEPSI Promotion:
under each cap is a bottle of PEPSI.

The match was hot. And the beer quickly ran out. In the meantime, I went for a new mug - ours scored a goal! .. Hence the rule: the goalkeeper should not go for beer!

The sponsor of the Russian national football team is non-alcoholic Baltika beer. Let's soberly assess our chances!

Marketing in action

So, you came to the party and you see that in front of you is a pretty girl. You walk up to her and say: "Hi, I'm irresistible in bed!"

What is it? That's right, it's direct marketing.

So, you came to the party; Opposite you is a pretty girl. You give your friend an assignment. He, without thinking twice, crosses the hall, approaches the girl and says: "See, there, on the contrary? This is my friend. So, he is simply irresistible in bed!"

You came to a party and see that in front of you is a pretty girl. By hook or by crook, you will find out the number of her mobile phone, dial it the next day and say: "Hi, I'm irresistible in bed!".

This thing is called telemarketing.

You came to a party and see that in front of you is a pretty girl. You are familiar with her. You strike up a casual conversation, doing everything possible and impossible so that she remembers you. Finally, when the girl is in a good mood, and laughs after your next joke, you say: "I'm irresistible in bed!".

This is customer relation management.

You came to a party and see that in front of you is a pretty girl. You put on the appearance of a very busy person. You are a genius. You are irresistible in oratory. You keep your back straight, you open the door for the ladies; You smile like a movie star, there is an amazing aura of success around you. Finally, you approach her and say: "Hi, I'm irresistible in bed!"

This is the art of direct selling.

And finally, you came to the party and see that in front of you is a pretty girl. She herself comes up to you and says: "Hi, I heard that you are irresistible in bed ...".

Silent scene? No - just brand strength.

The Art of Selling

Walking around the supermarket, the director noticed that the new Salesman was talking to an imposing Man. The director decided to watch the salesman. After talking for about 5 minutes, the man bought a fishing rod, fishing line, floats, hooks, spinners, etc. After talking with the seller a little more, the man bought waders, a rubber boat, a boat motor, a tent, a sleeping bag, folding furniture, a bowler hat, a flashlight, a radio, a gas stove and a set of dishes. After talking a little more with the seller, the man bought a car trailer, where he loaded everything. After talking a little more with the seller, the man thought about it and wrote out a check for a jeep SUV, after which he said goodbye to the seller and left the store. The dumbfounded director approaches the seller and says:

I myself love fishing, but I have never met such avid anglers!

Yes, he is not a fisherman at all, he never even held a fishing rod in his hands!

He wandered around the store, waiting for his wife, who was buying Allways pads. Well, I asked: "Why don't you go fishing while your wife has critical days?"

- Comrade commander, take me to the partisan detachment.
Let's test you first. Here, take a pack of flyers, distribute...

Moishe returns a week later, exhausted and thinner. Gives the commander a bundle of money:
- Well, you handed me a fellow, comrade commander ...

Classification of project managers

If you get in my way, I will destroy you!
- Ideal project manager.

If you get in my way, you will destroy me!
- Nearly perfect project manager.

If I get on my way - I will destroy you!
- A somewhat misguided project manager.

If I get in your way, I will destroy you!
- Tough project manager (eats glass, cats, etc.).

If you destroy me - then I laid on you and on your path!
- Functionally illiterate project manager.

I am the way! Destroy me if you can!
- Messianic project manager.

Out of the way - I will destroy us all!
- Suicidal project manager.

If you destroy me, I will stand in your way!
- Selfless but ineffective project manager.

If I destroy you, I will get in your way!
- A project manager with obvious problems.

If I destroy myself - You will get your way.
- Pragmatic project manager.

Destroy me, this is the only way!
- Every modern project manager.

If we take all possible paths, then who will we destroy?
- Extremely confused project manager.


1. If you are offered a loan, tell them that you have just filed for bankruptcy and, of course, you will really need extra money.

2. If they start the conversation by asking, "How are you feeling today?" say, "Why do you want to know about this?" Then you can
add "I'm so glad you asked me about it, because no one cares these days, and I have all these problems: with a stomach, eyes are inflamed, my beloved dog died yesterday ..." If they try that sell something to you, just keep talking about your "problems".

3. If they say they are John Smith of the XYZ Company, ask them to spell their name. Then ask them to spell the name of their company. Then ask where they are. Keep asking them personal or company questions for as long as necessary until they hang up.

4. After they introduce themselves, shout in a well-imitated voice full of joy and surprise: "Judy! Is that you? Oh my god! Judy, where have you been all these years?" Hopefully this will put Judy in complete horror for a moment as she tries to figure out how you might know her.

5. Say no, then again and again. Maintain an even pace even if they are trying to speak. You will get the most pleasure if you hold out until they hang up.

6. If a telephone company representative calls you and offers to sign up for their plan, answer him in the most sinister voice you can: “I have absolutely no one to call, I have no one, I don’t even have friends ... maybe you can be mine friend?"

7. If they clean carpets, ask them, "Can you remove blood? Can you remove goat blood? What about human blood?"

8. Let the caller go through the opening chit-chat, intermittently inserting "whoo", "really?", "how cool". After all, when they ask you to buy a product, ask them to marry you. When they're a little taken aback by your offer, tell them that you can't give out your credit card number to the first person you meet.

9. Say you work for the same company. For example,

Caller: This is Bill from Water Tronics.
You: Water Tronics!!! Hey, I work there too. Where are you calling from?
Caller: Hmm... Dallas, Texas.
You: Great, so there is a group there too? How are you/weather?
Caller: Sorry, we can't sell to our employees.
You: Too bad. Till...

10. Tell the caller that you are very busy right now, and if they give you their phone, you can call them back later.

Caller: We are not allowed to give phone numbers.
You: I guess that means you wouldn't want someone to bother you during work hours, would you?
Caller: Yes.
You: So you understand how I feel now.
And hang up the phone.

dead donkey

Moishe bought a donkey from an old peasant for a hundred dollars. The peasant had to bring him a donkey the next day. The peasant came as agreed, but without the donkey.

I'm sorry, but the donkey is dead.
- Well, then return my $100.
- I can't, I already spent them :-(
- Okay, then just leave me the donkey.
- But what will you do with it? asked the old man.
- I'll play it in the lottery.
- But you can't play the lottery for a DEAD donkey!!!
- I can, believe me. I just won't tell anyone that he's dead.

A month later, the peasant met Moisha:

What happened to that dead donkey?
- I played him like I said. I sold 500 lottery tickets for $2 each and made $898 in profit.
- And, that, no one protested??
- Just one guy. The one that won the donkey. He got very angry... well, so I just gave him back his two dollars.

The publicist is dying.

Apostle Peter meets him and asks:
- Where do you want - in PR-heaven or in PR-hell?

The PR man asks to be shown Hell first. They show him the office of the PR Agency, where a lot of people at the computers type something at a frantic pace, call, coordinate, and red-eyed demons run between them, beat everyone with whips and shout:

Hurry, Hurry!!! Deadline on the nose!!!

The PR man asks to see heaven for him - and, to his surprise, he immediately finds himself in exactly the same office, full of typing, calling, etc. people, and the same demons run and shout in the same way:

Hurry, Hurry!!! Deadline on the nose!

The surprised PR man turns to Peter and asks:

What then is the difference between PR heaven and PR hell?
-In paradise, only the work that the client accepts is done.

Desert. Moses and his people flee from the Egyptian army. The Dead Sea is ahead. Moses announces a halt and calls the Supreme Commander to him:

Moses: The Egyptians are two hours away from us and we have nowhere to run, tell us what to do?
Supreme Commander: Give me three days and we will build fortifications that will protect us from the enemy!
Moses: What three days? We only have two hours left! Go away!
Even more saddened, Moses calls for his Chief Architect.
Moses: The Egyptians are two hours away from us and we have nowhere to run, tell me what to do!
Chief Architect: Give me one day and I will build you a pontoon bridge across the Dead Sea. This is how we will be saved from the Egyptians!
Moses, frustrated by the answer, calls on his Press Secretary.
Press secretary: There is nothing easier than helping you! I will tell you what to do - you gather the people, go to the seashore with a staff in your hands, read a prayer loudly and beat the staff along the shore. The sea parted, you and your people cross it along the bottom, and the Egyptians drown when the waters close over their heads.
Moses: What are you? Could this really happen?
Press secretary: I don't know whether it will work or not... but I can guarantee two or three publications in the Old Testament based on the results of this action!

The world's first marathon race, the only participants in which were the leaders of the two superpowers - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy. The Soviet press happily reports on success: "Our dear Nikita Sergeevich came to the finish line second. Kennedy was only penultimate" ...

After the completion of the construction of the Winter Palace, the entire Palace Square was littered.

Peter was informed that in order to clear the area, it was necessary to hire carts for an amount equal to the cost of the building. And then Peter ordered to promulgate the decree: During the week, anyone can take anything from the Palace Square for FREE! Within a few days, peasants from the surrounding villages cleaned the area to a shine.

Two boys go to football.

An angry bull terrier attacked one of them. Another did not lose his head, grabbed a stone and, hitting the dog on the head, finished off the animal. Right there is a correspondent of the newspaper "Sport-Express". Runs up to the guys

Do you want me to write an article about you? And I already came up with the name: "Valiant fan of Spartak saves a friend from a rabid animal"
- The article is great! .. But we support CSKA ...

The reporter said nothing and left. The next day, an article appeared in the newspaper under the heading "Angry CSKA fans kill service dogs."

Beautiful office of a successful company.

A trained and well-trained sales manager meets the client at the doorstep.
Smiling broadly: HELLO!!!
Look, we've got this, we've got this, and we've got this!
Embarrassed customer: You know, I forgot the money.
Manager, losing interest in him grimly: goodbye!
The client, thinking: Can you pay by bank transfer?
Manager: And HELLO AGAIN!!!

20 ways to have fun during negotiations

  1. Stealthily shake someone's hand and whisper in the corner of your mouth, "Do you feel IT?"
  2. Draw a huge x in your notebook and quietly show it to the person sitting next to you, asking his opinion.
  3. Chew tobacco.
  4. Put on a hands free phone and periodically say something unrelated to the topic of the meeting, for example, "I don't care that the dwarfs were not found! The show must go on anyway!"
  5. Write in a notebook "He dreams of you" and show it to a neighbor, quietly pointing at someone with a pencil.
  6. Answer all serious questions with the words "I don't know what to say: I'm certainly flattered, but it all happened so quickly."
  7. Thoughtfully shave one of the wrists.
  8. Draw a circle around one of the chairs with chalk, and then avoid sitting in it until the meeting has begun. When someone does sit down there - close your mouth and stop breathing.
  9. Turn your back to the meeting and stare out the window with your legs outstretched. Loudly declare that "you love this fucking town."
  10. Approach one of your colleagues and stand nose to nose with him for a minute or two, looking straight into the eyes and remaining silent.
  11. Let the sunbeams into the eyes of those present with the help of a watch glass.
  12. Noisily gurgling, gargle with water.
  13. Repeat every thought expressed in a child's voice.
  14. Gradually drive away in your chair closer and closer to the door.
  15. During the entire meeting, hum softly with your mouth closed.
  16. Get a huge wad of money and defiantly count them.
  17. Pull a live hamster out of your pocket and offer to pass it from hand to hand, which should, in your opinion, symbolize the exchange of ideas.
  18. When presenting with a slide show, use a hunting knife instead of a pointer.
  19. Make an attempt to hypnotize everyone present Using your pocket watch.
  20. Referring to someone, call them "your darlings."
  21. In the most unexpected places, insert long pauses into your speech. If anyone wants to intervene - shout "I AM NOT FINISHED YET"

Lost lottery "Russian loho". Everything is honest! new

Washing powder "MYTH". The name speaks for itself. new

Night. The street. Lamp.
Pharmacy. I buy vaseline...
Then two people chased after me:
Azerbaijani and Georgian.
And it all started all over again
And everything repeated as of old
They fucked me on the bench.
Pharmacy. The street. Lamp. new

By opening and closing the Nokia 7110 slider 20 times per second, you will get an excellent massager.

There are new gaskets Olweis plus with wings. Reduced wing load by half and increased maneuverability.

Instead of "Cheerfulness" tea, a new "Greed" tea went on sale. All twenty-five bags are tied to one string.

Do you have wrinkles? Dry skin? Crooked legs? Calm down! A bottle of vodka given to your husband will instantly restore your former freshness and attractiveness!

We select the best coffee beans and send the rest to you!

Mega news: In addition to the DAV intimate soap, Company X has launched the VZYAV mouthwash liquid on the market.
MTS - people say. FSB - we are recording.

Buy from Matrena a LITER BOTTLE OF MOONSHINE - and on the rag with which it is plugged - you will find the designation of super prizes: pickles, sauerkraut and the most important surprise - one more bottle of moonshine!

Over a cup of Nescafe, your innermost thoughts turn into desires, and over a bottle of vodka - into actions!

Mayonnaise "Ryaba": ate a spoon and the whole face was speckled.

New from Danone: Yoghurt for men RastiShishka.

Grandpa, what juice has the most apples?
- I think in pineapple.

As the years go by, toothpastes get better and teeth get worse.

Do you eat Rastishka by Danone? From Danone I eat Mezim ©

Buy shampoo "Nizoral Super". Your dandruff goes away on its own! Slowly wrapped in hair!

ISP offers the Golimy tariff plan, which includes 100 hours of free attempts to establish a connection.

Travel agency "Moses". Tours in Egypt...
A drop of nicotine kills a horse, and a drop of "Fairy" kills a fat horse!

Released a new radar. Already 500 meters before the traffic cop, he begins to moan: "Get the money, get the money!"

Make an elephant out of a fly! Grenade launcher "Fly" - the best remedy for elephants!

Yesterday I discovered "Always" vodka. And today I have an amazing feeling of dry mouth.

Technology works wonders. Now "Ariston" not only guesses your desires, but also does laundry.

Introducing the new Goventa vacuum cleaner - disgusting in our house.

Buy shampoo "Nizoral-Super"! Your dandruff goes away on its own! Slowly, wrapped in hair.

Everyone who buys alpine skis from us will receive crutches for free!

Buy shawarma - help clean up the city from stray dogs!

Chocolate "Russia" - small joys, big problems.

Pee in a snowdrift, feel like a laser!!!

New gaskets - "Аllwауs-Winter"! Wings to the knees!!

"The new "Rich Access" brush penetrates even the most
hard-to-reach places." - And I have no teeth in hard-to-reach places!

The sponsor of the Russian national football team is non-alcoholic Baltika beer. Let's soberly assess our chances!

Do you hate seeing bacteria on the toilet seat every day? BUT
imagine WHAT THEY see every day?

"Immodium" will quickly and effectively get rid of "Danissimo"!

Collect 500 Maggu Dice Wraps and win a free
ulcer treatment!

These diapers absorb up to 30 liters of moisture! The baby always stays dry! It just can't move.

There are six signs of unhealthy hair. Our shampoo will give you another one.

Sausage "Amateur" - love at first stick!

Try Harakiri! Discover the inner world!

Juicy pulp of the stomach and all the sharpness of sensations! "Harakiri" - Samurai pleasure!

Vodka "Time Machine"! I drank - and already tomorrow !!

New SAMSUNG vibrators - good where we are!

Cigarettes Peter I - cut a window in the lungs!

Biotampons Samsung: selected leeches will support you in critical days!

New from Wrigley's: nothing chews like .... snot!

The inscription on the condoms: "This product has not been tested on animals."

Perfume "Panel No. 5"

When Snickers saw how I unwrapped Alyonka's chocolate, it became 20% larger!

Nescafe coffee is made from beans carefully selected from blacks!

We ate Maggie's soup - we didn't have enough paper!

Pea air freshener - for strong-willed men!

Great 100% tea! With even more tea!

Tights Eleduyu - put on and fuck!

In cramped but not in Ob (from Johnson & Johnson)!

Tampons TAMPAX: In every hundredth pack there is a cracker and a surprise!

There are many reasons for sadness: Gallantry, tenderness have gone to nothing, and TAMPAX has replaced men In the fight for the female crotch!

Our team will go to the World Cup!!! They collected 5 Snickers labels!

In order not to spend money on Dirol Kids chewing gum tomorrow, do not forget to use Reflex gum for adults today!

Collect 10 sewer caps and send them to us by mail, you will receive a SUPER PRIZE and pi * duley from Vodokanal and the Main Post Office.

Baldness remedy. If a bald man drinks it, then there will be one less bald man!

New gaskets - "Аllwауs-Winter"! Wings to the knees!!!

Morning chair from Danone! Now with fruit pieces!

I used to lose a lot because of brittleness... but now I don't break!

The new "Rich Access" brush penetrates even the most hard-to-reach places." - And I have no teeth in hard-to-reach places!

Condoms MACH 3 - you make one move, they make three!

Let's draw the face of your enemy on toilet paper.

I upholster the doors with the customer's skin.

The sponsor of the Russian national football team is non-alcoholic Baltika beer.

Let's soberly assess our chances!

Super-promotion of the Coca-Cola company for extreme sports: "After every seventh bottle you get a cap!"

My wife washed me with Lenore, and for two weeks now not a single skirt has stuck to me ...

Do you hate seeing bacteria on the toilet seat every day? Imagine what they see every day...

Box of chocolates "Russia". What could be tastier?

Only sweets can be tastier than boxes!

When using diapers, buttocks become healthier twice....

Brewer Ivan Taranov is very fond of Pete beer and Zhrat vodka.

New pillows "Orbit", now without pillowcases

Try Harakiri! Discover the inner world! Juicy pulp of the stomach and all the sharpness of sensations! "Harakiri" - Samurai delight!

Give dandruff another chance!

"Timotey" cares for healthy hair, returning them to their former dandruff.

New Kodak cameras specially for Russia, now red nose removal effect has been added to the red-eye reduction effect.

All household appliances break! Proven by a crowbar!

Camey - the irresistible art of intimidation...

Over a cup of NESCAFFE even the most intimate dreams turn into words, and over a bottle of vodka they turn into actions!

In the morning, even if you had a little snack on the cable of the nearest power substation, you will either have a dirol throat or eyes from their sockets.

Since I tried the new Dove, my skin has rejuvenated, become soft, pleasant to the touch. The pores opened up. I felt a surge of vivacity, new strength! I even surprised myself! Though it tastes like soap...

The problem of caries has been solved in the Netherlands... Just ten grams of cannabis in toothpaste - and your children start brushing their teeth not two, but three, four and even five times a day!

And the barrow grew. And there was fire. And there was a battle. And the soldiers returned, but did not find the barrow. Eternal history. Theft of building materials...

A drug addict boils heroin over a candle. The phone rings. He picks up the phone.

Are you still boiling?

Then we go to you!

Again this heaviness in the stomach. Probably exams, stress.

Okay, Dasha, stop trying to calm yourself down.

He was an ordinary cat. He ate sour cream, lay on the stove. But the army got to him. Watch the video "Puss in Boots"

It is known that the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive. The Garnier laboratory solved this problem. We will transplant your eyes where the skin is not so sensitive!

Our garbage removal company provides the following guarantee: if you are not satisfied with our work, we will return your garbage in double the amount.

Attention! A new product on the world market from the creators of Pedigree and Rastishka! FAGGER - buy in the stores of the country ...

Welterweight boxer puppies for sale.

The District Military Commissariat invites young men aged 18 to 27 on an exciting two-year cruise on the northern seas. Meals and uniforms at our expense.

Grandfather, how many apples are in "Beloved"?

Ten! And that's just in banana. Imagine how many of them are in a tomato!

He was dressed in a CSKA T-shirt, a Lokomotiv hat, a Dynamo scarf and put him in the Spartak sector! Watch on TV "The Last Hero-3".