Service personnel requirement. General requirements for service personnel according to state standard Requirements for service personnel

GOST R 54603-2011

Group T58


Accommodation Services


Services of accommodation facilities. General requirements to the maintenance staff

OKS 55.200*
OKSTU 0131
* In IUS 3-2013 OKS 03.080.30. - Database manufacturer's note.

Introduction date 2013-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification" (JSC "VNIIS") with the participation of the Department of Tourism and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 199 "Tourist services and services of accommodation facilities"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 8, 2011 N 737-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the general minimum requirements for the service personnel of accommodation facilities of various types and categories of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

The provisions of this standard can be used in the selection and placement of personnel, certification, development of job descriptions and work standards for the staff of accommodation facilities.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 12.0.009-2009 Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety management system at small enterprises. Requirements and recommendations for use

GOST R 50644-2009 Tourist services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists

GOST R 50935-2007 Catering services. Personnel Requirements

GOST R 51108-97 Household services. Chemical cleaning. General specifications

GOST R 51142-98 Household services. Hairdressing services. General specifications

GOST R 51305-2009 Trade services. Personnel Requirements

GOST R 52024-2003 Sports and fitness services. General requirements

GOST R 52058-2003 Household services. Laundry services. General specifications

GOST R 52493-2005 Household services. Bath and shower services. General specifications

GOST R 53423-2009 (ISO 18513:2003) Tourist services. Hotels and other tourist accommodation facilities. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 53998-2010 Tourist services. Tourism services for people with disabilities. General requirements

GOST R 54604-2011 Tourist services. Excursion services. General requirements

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding annually published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms according to GOST R 53423 and GOST R 50935, as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

3.1 administrator / senior administrator (manager / specialist of the reception and accommodation service): A specialist responsible for the reception and accommodation of tourists, including meeting, registration, accommodation by rooms, payment for accommodation and additional services, as well as for coordinating the interaction of services of the accommodation facility

3.2 housemaid(section housekeeper, maid): An employee whose main responsibility is to clean and furnish the rooms (rooms) of the accommodation facility, keeping them in proper sanitary condition.

3.3 head maid (supervisor): An employee whose main responsibility is to control the sanitary condition of the room fund and public premises, the work of maids and cleaners of public premises.

3.4 public area cleaner An employee whose main responsibility is to clean the public premises of the accommodation facility and maintain them in a proper sanitary condition.

3.5 booking manager (booking specialist): A specialist engaged in booking and promoting the services of an accommodation facility for the purpose of their implementation, including accommodation, catering, conference services, spa services, fitness services and other additional services.

3.6 porter: An employee whose main responsibility is to keep records of the number of rooms, draw up documents for the accommodation of tourists, issue keys, control over the timely preparation of rooms for the accommodation of tourists.

3.7 floor attendant: An employee who receives on the floor, accommodates tourists by rooms and controls the timely departure.

3.8 concierge: An employee whose main responsibility is to provide guests with the necessary information about the accommodation facility, the services provided, the events being held, the reception and execution of instructions for residents of tourists, including orders for booking tickets for various types of transport, cultural and entertainment events, excursions, etc., work with VIP guests.

3.9 porter (gatekeeper, dormen): An employee whose main duty is to meet tourists and guests at the front door.

3.10 porter (luggage carrier, bellboy, bellman): An employee whose main responsibility is to deliver the baggage of tourists.

3.11 security worker (guard, security guard, janitor, controller, watchman): An employee who ensures the protection of the accommodation facility, compliance with the established access and intra-object regimes in order to ensure the safety of life, health, property of tourists.

4 Classification of service personnel of accommodation facilities

4.1 The service personnel are divided into the following groups depending on the affiliation to the services operating in the accommodation facilities:

- personnel of the reception and accommodation service (front office, front desk);

- reservation service personnel;

- personnel of the room stock service / room stock maintenance / operation / housekeeping and maintenance / housekeeping;

- service personnel;

- food and beverage service personnel (Food Services, Food & Beverage, catering service);

- personnel of services providing additional and related services (security / internal control services, sports and recreation, medical, trade services, business center services, conference center services, etc.).

4.2 The reception and accommodation service (front office, front desk) includes personnel of the following positions: administrator, senior administrator, manager of the reception and accommodation service, service manager / assistant manager, accommodation specialist, floor attendant, assistant on duty floor, porter, etc.

4.3 The reservation service includes personnel of the following positions: reservation manager, reservation specialist, etc.

4.4 Room stock/room stock maintenance/operation/housekeeping and maintenance service (housekeeping) includes staff of the following positions: head maid (supervisor), maid, office and public premises cleaner, etc.

4.5 The service department includes personnel of the following positions: concierge, doorman (gatekeeper, dormen), porter (luggage carrier, bellboy, bellman), etc.

4.6 The food and beverage service includes staff of the following positions: head waiter (hall administrator), hostess, waiter/waiter assistant, bartender, sommelier, barista, bartender, steward, cashier, cook, chef, etc.

4.7 Services providing additional and related services include personnel of the following positions: security officer (guard, security guard, watchman, controller, watchman), trainer, sports instructor, methodologist, salesperson, hairdresser, manicure, pedicure specialist, cosmetologist , massage therapist, beautician, receptionist, operator, housekeeper, guide, tour guide, guide-translator and others.

5 Basic and additional criteria for assessing the staff of accommodation facilities

5.1 The main criteria for assessing service personnel, which must be taken into account in the selection and placement of personnel, appointments and movements, are:

- the level of professional training and qualifications, including theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in accordance with the established requirements , , ;

- the ability to serve and take care of tourists (guests);

- knowledge and observance of professional ethics;

- possession of professional terminology in accordance with the current legislation and GOST R 53423;

- knowledge and observance of labor legislation and legislation on administrative offenses;

- knowledge and observance of job descriptions and internal labor regulations;

- knowledge and compliance with work standards;

- knowledge and observance of corporate ethics;

- possession of the rules of etiquette when communicating with tourists, guests and colleagues;

- knowledge of the issues of ensuring the safety of life and health of tourists (guests), the safety of their property and environmental protection in accommodation facilities in accordance with GOST R 50644 within the scope of their duties and the ability to apply them in practice;

- knowledge and observance of instructions and rules of conduct and work in emergency situations and the ability to provide assistance to tourists and guests in ordinary and emergency situations;

- knowledge and compliance with the requirements of industrial sanitation, personal hygiene and workplace hygiene;

- knowledge and observance of labor protection and safety regulations, fire safety requirements.

5.2 Additional criteria for evaluating managers and specialists are:

- knowledge of the basics of legislation in the field of tourism and hospitality, other regulatory legal acts relating to professional activities;

- knowledge of the basics of the scientific organization of labor;

- the ability to organize service, manage personnel in the organization of service in the accommodation facility;

- the ability to apply the system of motivation in the services;

- the ability to implement and control systems for the quality of services and staff incentives;

- ability to manage conflict situations;

- the ability to properly distribute duties and determine the degree of responsibility of subordinates;

- availability of communication skills;

- knowledge of the basics of management and marketing of hotel services.

6 General requirements for service personnel

6.1 Basic requirements for the staff of accommodation facilities

6.1.1 The service personnel of accommodation facilities must have education, professional training (retraining), work experience in accordance with the position held.

The degree of training should correspond to the level of services provided and the category of the accommodation facility.

6.1.2 The service personnel of the accommodation facilities (except for the linear one) must improve their qualifications at least once every two years.

The administration of the accommodation facility should develop a system of measures to improve knowledge, improve the skills and professional skills of the service personnel, taking into account their theoretical training, practical skills and abilities.

6.1.3 Maintenance personnel must know and comply with the basics of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, job descriptions, internal labor regulations, fire safety rules.

6.1.4 Service personnel must undergo mandatory training in order to familiarize themselves with the rules for the provision of services in a particular accommodation facility and work standards.

6.1.5 The staff work standards should contain the rules of staff conduct, procedures and technology for servicing tourists (guests).

The administration of accommodation facilities organizes the study of work standards by service personnel, conducts training, trainings and monitors the implementation and compliance with work standards in the process of serving tourists (guests).

6.1.6 The job descriptions of the service personnel must contain the functional duties, rights and qualification requirements for the service personnel and comply with the requirements,.

Job descriptions for service personnel are developed by the administration of accommodation facilities, based on the requirements of the current legislation, the qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists and other employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of accommodation facilities.

6.1.7 Maintenance personnel are obliged to regularly undergo health and safety briefings in accordance with the requirements and GOST R 12.0.009, to know and follow instructions on actions in emergency situations.

6.1.8 The attendants must know the characteristics of accidents and the rules and techniques of first aid and be able to provide first medical and other aid (in case of injuries, accidents, a sharp deterioration in the health of tourists), organize and carry out protective measures in case of emergencies (fire , natural disasters, the threat of terrorism, etc.).

The administration of accommodation facilities must arrange for the study by service personnel and monitor compliance with emergency procedures, fire safety measures, labor protection and safety regulations.

6.1.9 Maintenance personnel must undergo medical examinations (certifications) and hygiene training in accordance with established requirements.

6.1.10 Service personnel must comply with the business style in clothes, must be neat and tidy. Uniforms and shoes must be in good condition and without visible damage.

The service personnel of accommodation facilities that have a category in accordance with the requirements must be dressed in the appropriate uniform of the accommodation facility of the sample established for each service. On the uniform of an employee of accommodation facilities of the mini-hotel category and one or two "stars", a service badge (badge) indicating the name / surname and position in Russian must be attached. In accommodation facilities of the category from three to five "stars", the name of the employee and his position must be indicated in Russian and in Latin letters.

6.1.11 The professional ethical standards of behavior of the service personnel of accommodation facilities should be: hospitality, courtesy, tact, sociability, goodwill, patience, restraint, attentiveness, correctness and courtesy in relations with tourists, guests and employees. When serving, it is unacceptable to use a rude, aggressive style of behavior, the use of profanity, focusing on the racial, national, religious affiliation of tourists and other forms of behavior that offend the personality and dignity of a person.

6.1.12 The service personnel of accommodation facilities must know the specifics and features of servicing tourists from foreign countries, the rules of international etiquette, and be able to communicate with guests in a foreign language on the subject of their service.

For accommodation facilities that have a category, the level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​must not be lower than the established requirements.

6.1.13 When gaining access to personal data of tourists, service personnel must take measures to exclude the possibility of their disclosure.

6.1.14 Service personnel must pay special attention and provide the necessary assistance to tourists with disabilities, including the disabled, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53998.

6.1.15 Service personnel should be aware of the needs and expectations of tourists, methods of dealing with claims and complaints.

6.1.16 The attendants must know the basics of their own service and the specifics of the work of other services of the accommodation facility, the technology of interaction with other services, the rules and mode of their work, the list of services provided.

6.2 Additional requirements for service personnel of various services

In addition to the basic requirements set out in 6.1, the requirements for the maintenance personnel of various services are presented in Table A.1 of Appendix A.

Appendix A (recommended). Additional requirements for service personnel of various services

Table A.1 - Additional requirements for service personnel of various services

Service name

Service personnel requirements

Possible job titles for service personnel

Reception and accommodation service (front office, front desk)

Personnel must know:

Rules for the registration of tourists and the passport and visa regime;

Fundamentals of psychology;

Fundamentals of marketing and management;

Emergency telephone numbers for emergency services;

Security systems for accommodation facilities;

The system of safe storage of valuables of tourists and the system of deposit boxes;

Location of all services and divisions of the accommodation facility;

Location of rooms and standards for equipping the number of rooms and public premises of accommodation facilities;

Rules for the operation of equipment and instruments installed in the accommodation facility and related to the performance of official duties;

Types and systems of room keys;

Payment systems and settlement procedures with tourists.

Personnel must be able to:

Maintain the information base of the reception and accommodation service;

Carry out work on departure, as well as settlements with tourists (current and upon departure);

Track the balance of the deposit for telephone communication and other paid services of the accommodation facility;

Coordinate the work of the staff of their own and other services for the reception, accommodation and escort of guests (only for managers);

Use modern means of communication and office equipment installed at the workplace, use the telephone, fax, personal computer, have the skills to work with software systems and information
telecommunications network Internet;

To work with mail (correspondence) and messages;

Work with the claims of tourists (guests) and answer their questions;

Contact with guests in a foreign language (on the subject of service)

Administrator / senior administrator;

Reception and accommodation manager;

Service manager / assistant manager;

Reception and accommodation specialist;

Floor attendant / assistant floor attendant;

Booking service

Personnel must know:

Rules and methods for organizing the service process in the accommodation facility;

Modern systems and technologies of booking;

Fundamentals of labor organization and management;

Rules of etiquette when communicating on the phone;

Tariffs and price lists for basic and additional services of the accommodation facility;

The mode of operation of all services and divisions providing services to tourists (guests);

Rules of interpersonal communication;

Features of work with corporate clients (consumers of services).

Personnel must be able to:

Carry out work on business planning and promotion of services of accommodation facilities;

Bring to potential consumers information about the services provided and their cost, accept orders and send them to the appropriate services for execution;

Perform work on booking accommodation facilities and additional services (food, business services, sports and
wellness, etc.);

Coordinate and supervise the work of the personnel of the services of the accommodation facility (only for managers);

Apply modern booking systems and technologies in practice;

Consider consumer complaints related to booking and quality of service, and make decisions on them;

Take into account the limited physical abilities of people with limited mobility when booking places in an accommodation facility;

Own Internet
technologies for booking services, methods of electronic marketing, effective sales techniques

Booking manager;

Booking Specialist

Room Fund/Operation Service/
room service/housekeeping and maintenance/housekeeping

Personnel must know:

The organizational structure of the accommodation facility, the structure of the room fund service;

Equipment, instruments and materials used in the work, rules for their operation and application;

Range and characteristics of consumable (renewable) materials;

Characteristics of the detergents, cleaning and other chemicals used, including insecticidal preparations;

Types of cleaning of rooms, service and common areas, as well as non-standard cleaning procedures;

Personnel must be able to:

Carry out cleaning of rooms, office and public premises in accordance with approved procedures and work standards;

Maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition in the rooms and the level of comfort in residential and public premises;

Change bed linen and towels, replenish the necessary supplies of consumables;

Provide household services to guests (laundry, dry cleaning, clothing repair, etc.);

Monitor the quality of cleaning rooms, public areas

Head maid (supervisor);


Office and public premises cleaner

Customer Service

Personnel must know:

Foreign language within the required conversational minimum and professional terminology;

For an accommodation facility that has a category, a foreign language (fluency) in accordance with the requirements;

Planning and equipping of the accommodation facility;

Organization of work of all services;

Rules and procedure for booking rooms and reserving services in the accommodation facility, tariffs for the services provided;

Forms of work with claims and complaints of guests;

Security alarm systems and rules for working with them.

Personnel must be able to:

Control the lists of incoming tourists, highlighting the VIP category, and provide this information to the interested services of the accommodation facility;

Check rooms intended for tourists classified as VIP;

Timely provide tourists with information about the accommodation facility, services provided, ongoing events;

Organize work with mail and messages and their timely delivery to the rooms;

Carry out personal assignments for residents of tourists and guests;

Provide assistance to resident tourists in emergency situations;

Perform cash transactions, ensuring the correct maintenance of financial reporting documents;

Fulfill guests' orders for booking air, rail, bus, cruise tickets, as well as tickets for entertainment events;

To have information about the sights and events taking place in the region and provide it to guests;

To contribute to the achievement and maintenance of a high level of service for tourists (guests) in the accommodation facility


Telephone service operator

Customer Service

Personnel must know:

Rules for servicing tourists in the accommodation facility;

Planning and material and technical equipment of the accommodation facility;

Location of rooms, services and public spaces;

Rules of interpersonal communication and etiquette;

Security alarm system and rules for working with it;

Emergency telephone numbers
in emergency situations.

Personnel must be able to:

Accept and timely fulfill orders and requests of tourists (guests) in accordance with job responsibilities and work standards;

Provide assistance to resident tourists in emergencies and emergencies

doorman (dorman);


Wardrobe attendant;

Porter (luggage carrier, bellman, bellboy);


Food and Beverage Service (Food Services, Food & Beverage, catering service)

Requirements for food service workers in accordance with GOST R 50935

Maitre d' (hall administrator);







Services providing additional and related services
Requirements for personnel of trade facilities in accordance with GOST R 51305 and organization standards


Hairdresser, beauty salon, SPA center

Requirements for hairdressing staff in accordance with GOST R 51142 and organization standards

Requirements for the staff of SPA centers in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the standards of the organization


Specialist in manicure, pedicure;
Requirements for the personnel of the excursion service in accordance with GOST R 54604



Business center, conference center

Requirements for the personnel of business centers, conference centers in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the standards of the organization




Security service (security/
internal control)

Requirements for personnel in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of security and organization standards

Security worker (guard, security guard, janitor, controller, watchman)

The functions of the services can be redistributed between the services depending on the specific conditions of the accommodation facilities.

The service personnel may provide additional information services, including business center services, conference services, etc.


Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011 N 302n "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical inspections (surveys) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2011 N 22111)

Electronic text of the document

prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2013


In the field of inbound and domestic tourism, hotel service includes a whole range of services for tourists and is the most important factor determining the prospects for the development of tourism. Market experience in the hotel industry shows that the relationship between the consumer and the employee accounts for 75 to 90% of the emerging "abnormal" situations, which result in consumer dissatisfaction with the quality of service. For this reason, the professional training of hotel staff and the application of effective human resource management concepts come to the fore.

1. Requirements for hotel staff

Professional standards allow the employer to clarify and expand the list of job responsibilities, to select and place personnel, taking into account the characteristics of a particular hotel.

The highest energy potential

Enthusiasm at work

Exceptional ability to interact with people

Patience in dealing with clients and self-confidence

Neat appearance, good diction, knowledge of a foreign language

Ability to work independently

High performance and endurance

Rationality of work style

Ability to overcome crisis situations and find the right way out of the situation.

Qualification requirements are regulatory documents designed to determine the job responsibilities of employees, plan their professional growth, organize professional training and advanced training in accordance with the development of requirements for the quality and productivity of services, selection, placement and use of personnel, as well as justification of decisions.

Qualification requirements have been developed for two sectors of the tourism industry: “Tourist activities” and “Hotels”. Several sub-sectors have been identified in the “hotels” sector:

reception and accommodation service;

maintenance of the hotel fund;

catering service.

The positions of employees included in the qualification requirements are grouped into three qualification levels depending on the direction of the employees' activities, the complexity and volume of the duties performed, the degree of independence and responsibility in making and implementing decisions.

So, in the reception and accommodation service:

The first qualification level corresponds to the positions: telephone operator, porter, porter;

The second qualification level corresponds to the positions: reception and accommodation manager, guest service manager, administrator, porter.

The main activities of these employees are meeting and registering guests, settling, paying for accommodation and services provided, as well as performing other duties related to the activities of the reception and accommodation service.

At the same time, the level of education can be different. This is both primary and secondary, and for managers - higher professional education.

The third qualification level includes positions: head of the reception and accommodation service, senior administrator, etc.

The activities of these employees are connected with the management of the reception and accommodation service of the hotel, monitoring the performance of duties by employees of this service.

The level of education of workers of the third level should generally correspond to higher professional education.

In the subsector "Servicing the hotel stock":

The first qualification level includes the following positions: maid, janitor of service and common areas, housekeeper, laundry and dry cleaning workers;

The second qualification level includes positions: head maid, tailor, etc.;

The third qualification level includes positions: head (manager) of the hotel fund service, floor attendant, heads of linen and dry cleaning.

All these workers are employed in servicing the hotel fund of the hotel and have different levels of education.

Requirements for hotel staff.

Requirements for hotel staff can be divided into 4 groups:

Qualification (for all categories of hotels)

1. All service personnel and managers must be professionally trained.

The degree of training should be appropriate to the services they provide.

2. Knowledge of a foreign language.

For hotels of category 1 star, it is sufficient for the employees of the reception and accommodation service to know one foreign language (the language of international communication or the language most used by the clients of the hotel complex in this region).

For 3-star hotels, all personnel who have contacts with residents must have sufficient knowledge of at least two languages ​​of international communication or other languages ​​most commonly used by hotel guests in this region.

2. Behavior

The staff of all categories of hotels must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, must be ready to kindly fulfill the request of the resident, and must show patience and restraint in relation to the resident.

3 Medical requirements

4. Uniform

Personnel of all categories of hotels that come into contact with residents must wear uniforms, in some cases including a personal badge indicating the name and surname. The form must always be clean and in good condition.

In hotel complexes of any category, separate conditions for recreation and meals for staff should be created. The scope of such conditions should correspond to the number of personnel.

The number of staff in the services depends on the size of the hotel complex and the volume of services.

2. General requirements for the staff of catering establishments serving hotel complexes:

1. Cooks, waiters, head waiters are accepted on a competitive basis based on the results of qualification tests and tests.

2. Head waiters, waiters, bartenders must know at least one of the European languages. The brigade includes waiters who speak different languages.

3. Regularly, but at least once every five years, recertification of production, maintenance, administrative and managerial and technical personnel is carried out to confirm or improve their qualifications.

4. Not less than three years later, professional retraining of employees of a tourist enterprise should be carried out at advanced training courses according to a special program.

5. All employees must be dressed in uniform, special or sanitary clothing and footwear of the sample established for the given enterprise, which is in good condition without visible damage.

6. All employees of catering establishments serving tourists must wear a personal badge with the emblem of the enterprise, position, surname and name on their uniforms.

7. The headwaiter's uniform must be formally finished or include a tailcoat or tuxedo.

8. Service personnel must be outwardly neat, cheerful and have a smart appearance.

9. Employees serving guests must be polite, attentive and helpful in dealing with visitors. In the event of a conflict situation, the employee must invite the administrator on duty, the head waiter or the director of the enterprise.

10. Employees should not engage in extraneous activities in the workplace.

11. Employees of the kitchen, technical services and support staff (cleaners) should not appear in the premises for visitors in sanitary and special clothes, unless this is related to the performance of their direct duties (carrying out urgent repairs).

Hotel staff is the face of any hotel. The people who work in the hotel form the client's attitude towards it no less than the interior or the menu. Among the most common positions presented in hotels: concierge, porter, maid, technician, head waiter, cook, waiter, security guard, hotel manager. Large hotels hire animators, doctors, masseurs, croupiers as permanent employees.

Approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 21.08.96 N 524


GOST 30524-97/GOST R 50935-96

1. Developed and introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 347 "Trade and Catering Services"

2. Adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of August 21, 1996 N 524.

3. Introduced for the first time. Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on April 26, 1997 as an interstate standard GOST 30524-97 by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated April 16, 1998 N 122 GOST 30524-97 was put into effect as the state standard of the Russian Federation from the moment the specified regulations and recognized as having the same force as GOST R 50935-96 on the territory of the Russian Federation due to the complete authenticity of their content.

4. Reissue: January 1999

1 area of ​​use.

This standard establishes requirements for service personnel of catering establishments of various types and classes, regardless of ownership. The standard is used in the certification of catering services, and can also be used in the qualification of service personnel. Safety requirements are set out in 4.7, 4.8.

3. Definitions.

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions:

3.1 Public catering service - the result of the activities of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the population in nutrition and leisure activities (GOST R 50647).

3.2 Service process - a set of operations performed by the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of services in the sale of culinary products and leisure activities (GOST R 50647).

3.3 Consumer service method - a way to sell catering products to consumers (GOST R 50647).

3.4 Form of consumer service - an organizational technique, which is a variety or combination of methods for servicing consumers of public catering products (GOST R 50647).

4. General requirements for service personnel.

4.1. The service personnel of the enterprise include: maitre d' (hall administrator), waiter, bartender, cook engaged in the distribution of products for distribution, bartender, cashier, cloakroom attendant, doorman, seller of a culinary store (department).

4.2. When establishing requirements for maintenance personnel, the following evaluation criteria are taken into account:

The level of professional training and qualifications, including theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice;

Ability to lead (for maître d');

Knowledge and observance of professional ethics of behavior;

Knowledge of normative and guiding documents related to professional activity.

4.3. Service personnel of enterprises of all types and classes, regardless of their form of ownership, must be instructed in order to familiarize themselves with the internal regulations and organization of the enterprise.

4.4. The functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of the maintenance personnel must be set out in their job descriptions and approved by the head of the enterprise.

4.5. Job descriptions for maintenance personnel are developed by the administration of the enterprise, based on the requirements of this standard, the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions (1), taking into account the specifics of the work of each enterprise and the requirements of current legislation.

4.6. The head of the enterprise must systematically improve the knowledge, qualifications and professional skills of the personnel on the basis of their theoretical training and practical activities.

4.7. Service personnel must ensure the safety of life and health of consumers, as well as the safety of their property during service at the enterprise. All personnel should be trained in safe work practices (2).

4.8. The following general requirements are imposed on the service personnel of enterprises of all types and classes:

Knowledge of and compliance with job descriptions and internal regulations of the enterprise;

Compliance with the requirements of sanitation, personal hygiene and workplace hygiene (5);

Knowledge of and compliance with fire safety measures, labor protection and safety regulations;

Possession of a common culture, observance of professional ethics in the process of servicing consumers;

Knowledge of the requirements of regulatory documents for products and services of public catering;

Advanced training for all categories of employees (at least once every 5 years, except for the cloakroom attendant and doorman).

4.9. The service personnel of the enterprise must be dressed in uniform or sanitary clothing and footwear of the sample established for this enterprise, which is in good condition without visible damage and pollution.

The uniform of a doorman, a cloakroom attendant, a maitre d', a waiter and a bartender in restaurants and bars of all classes should ensure style unity at the enterprise.

Employees of the enterprise on uniform must wear a service badge with the emblem of the enterprise and an indication of the position and profession.

4.10. All employees of the enterprise must be subject to periodic medical examination (З). Upon admission to work, the personnel of the enterprise must undergo a medical examination and take a course in sanitary and hygienic training (5). In the process of working at the enterprise, service personnel periodically, at least once every 2 years, must pass exams on the sanitary minimum. Each employee must have a personal medical book, which includes the results of medical examinations, information about infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum. Persons who are a source of infectious diseases are not allowed to work at the enterprise (5).

4.11. The professional ethical norms of personnel behavior are: courtesy, tact, attentiveness and caution in relations with consumers within the scope of their duties. Personnel must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, show goodwill and patience towards consumers, be self-possessed, and have the ability to avoid conflict situations.

4.12. In restaurants and bars of luxury and higher class, service personnel who are familiar with the specifics of culinary and service in other states should work.

5. Requirements for specific positions and professions of service personnel.

5.1. Requirements for the maitre d' (hall administrator)

5.1.1. The maitre d' (hall administrator) must be professionally trained.

5.1.2. Know the basics of labor legislation, the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". Rules for the production and sale of products (services) of public catering (4), sectoral guidance documents relating to his professional activities, including certification of services.

5.1.3. Responsible for preparing the hall for service, observing the working hours of the enterprise, for maintaining proper order in the hall.

5.1.4. Know and follow the rules and techniques of customer service, the basic rules of etiquette and table setting.

5.1.5. Know the main commodity, technological, sanitary indicators of the quality of food, culinary products.

5.1.6. Know the traditional methods of preparing culinary products, drinks and the rules for serving them.

5.1.7. To know, within the limits of a conversational minimum, a foreign language of international communication and professional terminology (for those working in restaurants and bars of luxury and higher class).

5.1.8. Know the features of the design and serving of national, branded and custom-made dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines (for those working in restaurants and bars of luxury and higher class).

5.1.9. Know the features of serving celebrations and other special events, as well as individual contingents of consumers.

5.1.10. Know and follow the rules of international etiquette, techniques and specifics of servicing foreign consumers (for luxury and higher class enterprises).

5.1.11. Supervise customer service by waiters and bartenders.

5.1.12. Provide a friendly atmosphere in the hall, conducive to the rest of consumers, consider customer complaints related to the service, and make decisions on them

5.1.13. Organize services for the elderly and disabled (B halls of cafes, canteens, snack bars with self-service).

5.1.14. Know the location of fire protection and alarm equipment, as well as the rules for using them.

5.1.15. Organize the evacuation of consumers from the enterprise in extreme situations, ensure that the police, ambulance, fire brigade are called if necessary.

5.2. Requirements for a waiter

5.2.1. The waiter must be professionally trained.

5.2.2. Know and be able to put into practice the rules and techniques of customer service, the basic rules of etiquette, the rules of table setting.

5.2.3. Know the types and purpose of tableware, appliances, table linen used in serving consumers.

5.2.4. Know the rules and sequence of serving dishes, drinks, requirements for their design and temperature, the compliance of the range of wine and vodka products with the nature of the dishes served.

5.2.5. Be able to prepare menus for banquets, formal and informal receptions.

5.2.6. Know the rules of international etiquette, techniques and specifics of servicing foreign consumers (for those working in restaurants and bars of luxury and higher class).

5.2.7. Know the peculiarities of preparation, presentation and serving of national, branded and custom-made dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines (for those working in restaurants and bars of luxury and higher class).

5.2.8. Know the features of servicing receptions, banquets, celebrations and other special events, as well as individual contingents of consumers.

5.2.9. Know the characteristics of dishes and drinks, be able to offer them to the consumer and provide brief information about them during the service process.

5.2.10. Know a foreign language and professional terminology within the limits of a conversational minimum.

5.2.11. Know the rules for operating cash registers, the procedure for issuing invoices and calculating them with consumers.

5.2.12. Know the forms of settlements with consumers, including those with foreign currency and credit cards.

5.2.13 Know the basics of psychology and observe the principles of professional ethics when servicing.

5.2.14. In order to ensure the safety of consumers during service, the waiter must be careful and attentive when setting the table, transporting trays with dishes around the hall, transferring dining utensils and utensils: monitor the condition of the floor in the hall and around the distribution.

5.3. Requirements for a bartender

5.3.1. The bartender must be professionally trained.

5.3.2. Know the basic rules of etiquette and customer service techniques at the bar and in the hall.

5.3.3. Know the range, recipes, preparation technology, rules for the design and serving of alcoholic, low-alcohol cocktails, drinks, as well as snacks, dishes and confectionery.

5.3.4. Know the rules of international etiquette, the specifics and techniques of serving foreign consumers (for those working in luxury and higher class bars).

5.3.5. Know a foreign language of international communication within the spoken minimum.

5.3.6. Know the types and purpose of inventory, tableware, appliances, equipment used in the preparation and sale of drinks and snacks.

5.3.7. Know and comply with the conditions and terms of storage of culinary products and purchased goods, temperature regimes for serving drinks and snacks.

5.3.8. Know the rules for operating video and sound reproducing equipment.

5.3.9. Know the rules for operating cash registers, the procedure for issuing invoices and calculating them with consumers.

5.3.10. Know the telephone numbers for calling a taxi, police, ambulance, fire brigade, etc.

5.4. Requirements for a cook engaged in the release of dishes for distribution

5.4.1. The cook involved in the distribution of dishes (distributor) must have special training and education as a cook.

5.4.2. Know the rules for portioning and dispensing dishes, be able to use specially designed equipment for dispensing dishes.

5.4.3. Know the technology of cooking, the rules of registration and the temperature of serving dishes.

5.4.4. Provide consumers with brief information about the dishes being sold.

5.4.5. Know and comply with the requirements of regulatory documents on the conditions and terms of storage of culinary products.

5.4.6. Know the device and follow the rules for the operation of dispensing equipment (heating and refrigeration) in order to ensure safety when servicing consumers.

5.5. Requirements for a bartender

5.5.1. The bartender must be professionally trained.

5.5.2. Know the procedure for customer service and settlement with them.

5.5.3. To sell culinary products, purchased bulk goods to the consumer in strict accordance with the norms for their output and release.

5.5.4. Know and follow the rules for the operation of commercial refrigeration equipment to ensure the safety of consumers during maintenance.

5.5.5. To know the assortment, recipes, technology of preparation of sold dishes, snacks and drinks.

5.5.6. Know the rules for cutting products, the rules for the design and release of dishes, individual goods.

5.5.7. Observe the commodity neighborhood, terms and temperature conditions for the storage of dishes, semi-finished products, culinary products and purchased goods.

5.5.8. Know the types and purpose of the used utensils, appliances and equipment.

5.5.9. Know the methods, rules for placing and displaying goods on buffet counters and counters, modes of storing food in refrigerated cabinets.

5.5.10. Know a brief commodity-technological and culinary characteristics of goods and products sold.

5.5.11. Know the methods and rules for packaging goods and products.

5.5.12. Know the rules for operating cash registers, the rules for calculating the cost of purchases and settlements with consumers.

5.6. Requirements for the cashier

5.6.1. The cashier must be professionally trained.

5.6.2. Know the procedure for performing cash transactions, the rules for calculating with the consumer.

5.6.3. Know the range of products sold, its output and prices for products and services provided.

5.6.4. Know the signs of the solvency of state banknotes, the procedure for receiving, storing and issuing funds and securities.

5.6.5. Know the device and operating rules of cash registers of various systems.

5.7. Wardrobe requirements

5.7.1. The cloakroom attendant must be instructed on the rules of work.

5.7.2. Know the rules for receiving and storing personal belongings of consumers.

5.7.3. Accept from consumers for storage outerwear, hats, shoes and other personal items (umbrellas, bags, briefcases) and be responsible for their safety in the prescribed manner.

5.7.4. Provide assistance to the elderly, disabled and women in the service process.

5.7.5. Provide, if necessary, services to consumers in the form of cleaning or minor repairs of outerwear (sewing on a hanger or button).

5.7.6. Be responsible for the values ​​of consumers accepted for storage.

5.8. Requirements for a doorman

5.8.1. The porter must be instructed on the rules of work.

5.8.2. Know the rules of customer service at this enterprise.

5.8.3. Know the location of fire protection and alarm equipment, as well as the rules for using them.

5.8.4. Inform consumers about the location of the halls and the availability of seats in them, the location of the nearest catering establishments.

5.8.5. Monitor the serviceability of the entrance and internal doors at the enterprise, illuminated advertising, as well as the sanitary condition of the lobby and the area near the entrance doors.

5.8.6. Know the telephone numbers for calling a taxi, police, ambulance, fire brigade, etc.

5.9. Requirements for the seller of the store (department) of cooking

5.9.1. The seller of the store (department) of cooking must have special training.

5.9.2. Know customer service procedures in grocery stores.

5.9.3. To know the assortment and a brief description of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products sold in the store.

5.9.4. Know the range and commodity characteristics of purchased goods, signs of their poor quality and the procedure for writing off products.

5.9.5. Know the terms and conditions of storage of sold semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products (temperature conditions, commodity neighborhood).

The requirements for the personnel of public catering establishments are determined not only by the organization itself, they are also dictated by GOST. Catering establishments are places where many people come, expecting not only to enjoy delicious food prepared in the right conditions, but also to receive high-quality service. There are state standards that such enterprises must comply with, and these standards also specify the requirements for personnel.

It is important to note that for all the exactingness and strictness of GOST, catering establishments - canteens, cafes and restaurants - nothing prevents them from maintaining their own style and making additional requirements when hiring staff.

The staff at catering establishments includes not only the cook, waiters and kitchen workers. All workers are divided into three categories:

  • administrative staff, which includes the director, accountant and managers;
  • service personnel, which include those employees who are in contact with customers and are directly responsible for the quality of service in the institution - administrators, waiters, head waiters, bartenders and barmaids;
  • production personnel, this category includes cooks, technologists, sushi chefs, culinary specialists, confectioners, etc., that is, those who are engaged in cooking.

General requirements for employees of all categories

There are such requirements that apply to employees of public catering enterprises when hiring, regardless
which category they belong to.

First of all, a sufficient level of professional training is required, which guarantees the employee's knowledge of all the theoretical and practical features of the profession. So, cooks must have certificates of graduation from educational institutions in the profession of a cook. This specification must be strictly observed.

Observance of sanitation is mandatory, which implies the presence of a valid medical book for all staff, including waiters and hall workers. This means that the company obliges the employee to comply with the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the workplace. Personal hygiene is very important. For example, chefs are prohibited from having long fingernails and manicures, and from keeping personal items such as cell phones on work surfaces in the kitchen.

All workers must be made aware that they must comply with health and safety regulations in their workplace. Such training should be carried out by the company itself for its employees.

Requirements for production personnel

The most stringent requirements are imposed on those who work in the kitchen and are engaged in the preparation of food and cooking for the guests of the institution.

In particular, such employees should always wear only sanitary clothing and footwear at their workplace. They cannot work in their home clothes. At the same time, such clothes and shoes should undergo regular dry cleaning in order to always be without traces of any contamination. Company logos or badges may be placed on such clothing.

At the same time, it is forbidden to go out into the hall in sanitary clothes and communicate with consumers of catering services.

All personal clothing of personnel in which people come to work should be stored during the day in a specially designated room.

If catering workers show signs of illness, cuts or burns on their hands, the administration of the organization should immediately find out about this and immediately remove this employee from work until he fully recovers.

Service personnel requirements

The service staff of a public catering enterprise - waiters, administrators, bartenders - is constantly in contact with visitors, so the success and profitability of the business largely depends on its literacy and professionalism.

The main characteristics of such workers are the ability to be polite, tactful, friendly even during conflict situations. Such staff should be available to assist guests, for example disabled guests, if necessary.

Waiters must have an impeccable knowledge of the menu, including the ingredients and how each dish is prepared.

Administrators must have the skills to deal with complaints and complaints from guests, as well as be responsible for the correct and coordinated work of all employees.

Requirements for administrative staff

Personnel management in a catering establishment is the responsibility of administrative staff. The competent organization of the activities of the entire institution depends on it.

Such employees should be able to monitor the effectiveness of the activities of employees and production, know the methods of introducing new, modern technologies, control the quality of service and conduct safety briefings at the workplace.

Administrative personnel must carefully monitor compliance with the requirements of labor protection and sanitary condition of the enterprise and its employees.

One of the most important requirements is knowledge of the technological process, the procedure for developing and compiling menus, skills in determining the norms of loss of raw materials. Thus, a technologist or process engineer must be able to monitor the quality of products used in the preparation of dishes, semi-finished products and other culinary products made by employees. They are also responsible for grading and organoleptic testing, which must be carried out within the established time frame by all organizations working in the field of catering services.

The requirements for the warehouse manager are the ability to properly organize warehouse management and equip storage facilities, as well as supply the organization with material resources that are necessary for uninterrupted activities.

The warehouse manager must know all the standards and specifications that stipulate the storage of products and semi-finished products. He must also be able to systematize and properly save all incoming documents to account for raw materials stored and used. The head of the warehouse is responsible for monitoring the correct operation and timely repair of warehouse and refrigeration equipment. In the event of breakdowns, the warehouse manager must immediately report this to the management and call repair specialists.

The main requirement for the storekeeper is the ability to receive incoming food products, check documentation on site and distribute stocks.

Additional requirements

It is important that all staff know how to properly store the products from which dishes are prepared for the guests of the institution.

First of all, personnel should monitor the presence of labeling on all food products that are stored and used. He must control the quality of these products and their timely write-off.

When receiving packaged products, it is necessary to control the correctness and integrity of the packaging. An important requirement is knowledge of the rules of the commodity neighborhood when storing ready-made dishes, preparations and semi-finished products.

GOST R 54603-2011

Group T58


Accommodation Services


Services of accommodation facilities. General requirements to the maintenance staff

OKS 55.200*
OKSTU 0131
* In IUS 3-2013 OKS 03.080.30. - Database manufacturer's note.

Introduction date 2013-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification" (JSC "VNIIS") with the participation of the Department of Tourism and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 199 "Tourist services and services of accommodation facilities"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 8, 2011 N 737-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the general minimum requirements for the service personnel of accommodation facilities of various types and categories of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

The provisions of this standard can be used in the selection and placement of personnel, certification, development of job descriptions and work standards for the staff of accommodation facilities.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 12.0.009-2009 Occupational safety standards system. Occupational safety management system at small enterprises. Requirements and recommendations for use

GOST R 50644-2009 Tourist services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists

GOST R 50935-2007 Catering services. Personnel Requirements

GOST R 51108-97 Household services. Chemical cleaning. General specifications

GOST R 51142-98 Household services. Hairdressing services. General specifications

GOST R 51305-2009 Trade services. Personnel Requirements

GOST R 52024-2003 Sports and fitness services. General requirements

GOST R 52058-2003 Household services. Laundry services. General specifications

GOST R 52493-2005 Household services. Bath and shower services. General specifications

GOST R 53423-2009 (ISO 18513:2003) Tourist services. Hotels and other tourist accommodation facilities. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 53998-2010 Tourist services. Tourism services for people with disabilities. General requirements

GOST R 54604-2011 Tourist services. Excursion services. General requirements

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding annually published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms according to GOST R 53423 and GOST R 50935, as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

3.1 administrator / senior administrator (manager / specialist of the reception and accommodation service): A specialist responsible for the reception and accommodation of tourists, including meeting, registration, accommodation by rooms, payment for accommodation and additional services, as well as for coordinating the interaction of services of the accommodation facility

3.2 housemaid(section housekeeper, maid): An employee whose main responsibility is to clean and furnish the rooms (rooms) of the accommodation facility, keeping them in proper sanitary condition.

3.3 head maid (supervisor): An employee whose main responsibility is to control the sanitary condition of the room fund and public premises, the work of maids and cleaners of public premises.

3.4 public area cleaner An employee whose main responsibility is to clean the public premises of the accommodation facility and maintain them in a proper sanitary condition.

3.5 booking manager (booking specialist): A specialist engaged in booking and promoting the services of an accommodation facility for the purpose of their implementation, including accommodation, catering, conference services, spa services, fitness services and other additional services.

3.6 porter: An employee whose main responsibility is to keep records of the number of rooms, draw up documents for the accommodation of tourists, issue keys, control over the timely preparation of rooms for the accommodation of tourists.

3.7 floor attendant: An employee who receives on the floor, accommodates tourists by rooms and controls the timely departure.

3.8 concierge: An employee whose main responsibility is to provide guests with the necessary information about the accommodation facility, the services provided, the events being held, the reception and execution of instructions for residents of tourists, including orders for booking tickets for various types of transport, cultural and entertainment events, excursions, etc., work with VIP guests.

3.9 porter (gatekeeper, dormen): An employee whose main duty is to meet tourists and guests at the front door.

3.10 porter (luggage carrier, bellboy, bellman): An employee whose main responsibility is to deliver the baggage of tourists.

3.11 security worker (guard, security guard, janitor, controller, watchman): An employee who ensures the protection of the accommodation facility, compliance with the established access and intra-object regimes in order to ensure the safety of life, health, property of tourists.

4 Classification of service personnel of accommodation facilities

4.1 The service personnel are divided into the following groups depending on the affiliation to the services operating in the accommodation facilities:

- personnel of the reception and accommodation service (front office, front desk);

- reservation service personnel;

- personnel of the room stock service / room stock maintenance / operation / housekeeping and maintenance / housekeeping;

- service personnel;

- food and beverage service personnel (Food Services, Food & Beverage, catering service);

- personnel of services providing additional and related services (security / internal control services, sports and recreation, medical, trade services, business center services, conference center services, etc.).

4.2 The reception and accommodation service (front office, front desk) includes personnel of the following positions: administrator, senior administrator, manager of the reception and accommodation service, service manager / assistant manager, accommodation specialist, floor attendant, assistant on duty floor, porter, etc.

4.3 The reservation service includes personnel of the following positions: reservation manager, reservation specialist, etc.

4.4 Room stock/room stock maintenance/operation/housekeeping and maintenance service (housekeeping) includes staff of the following positions: head maid (supervisor), maid, office and public premises cleaner, etc.

4.5 The service department includes personnel of the following positions: concierge, doorman (gatekeeper, dormen), porter (luggage carrier, bellboy, bellman), etc.

4.6 The food and beverage service includes staff of the following positions: head waiter (hall administrator), hostess, waiter/waiter assistant, bartender, sommelier, barista, bartender, steward, cashier, cook, chef, etc.

4.7 Services providing additional and related services include personnel of the following positions: security officer (guard, security guard, watchman, controller, watchman), trainer, sports instructor, methodologist, salesperson, hairdresser, manicure, pedicure specialist, cosmetologist , massage therapist, beautician, receptionist, operator, housekeeper, guide, tour guide, guide-translator and others.

5 Basic and additional criteria for assessing the staff of accommodation facilities

5.1 The main criteria for assessing service personnel, which must be taken into account in the selection and placement of personnel, appointments and movements, are:

- the level of professional training and qualifications, including theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in accordance with the established requirements , , ;

- the ability to serve and take care of tourists (guests);

- knowledge and observance of professional ethics;

- possession of professional terminology in accordance with the current legislation and GOST R 53423;

- knowledge and observance of labor legislation and legislation on administrative offenses;

- knowledge and observance of job descriptions and internal labor regulations;

- knowledge and compliance with work standards;

- knowledge and observance of corporate ethics;

- possession of the rules of etiquette when communicating with tourists, guests and colleagues;

- knowledge of the issues of ensuring the safety of life and health of tourists (guests), the safety of their property and environmental protection in accommodation facilities in accordance with GOST R 50644 within the scope of their duties and the ability to apply them in practice;

- knowledge and observance of instructions and rules of conduct and work in emergency situations and the ability to provide assistance to tourists and guests in ordinary and emergency situations;

- knowledge and compliance with the requirements of industrial sanitation, personal hygiene and workplace hygiene;

- knowledge and observance of labor protection and safety regulations, fire safety requirements.

5.2 Additional criteria for evaluating managers and specialists are:

- knowledge of the basics of legislation in the field of tourism and hospitality, other regulatory legal acts relating to professional activities;

- knowledge of the basics of the scientific organization of labor;

- the ability to organize service, manage personnel in the organization of service in the accommodation facility;

- the ability to apply the system of motivation in the services;

- the ability to implement and control systems for the quality of services and staff incentives;

- ability to manage conflict situations;

- the ability to properly distribute duties and determine the degree of responsibility of subordinates;

- availability of communication skills;

- knowledge of the basics of management and marketing of hotel services.

6 General requirements for service personnel

6.1 Basic requirements for the staff of accommodation facilities

6.1.1 The service personnel of accommodation facilities must have education, professional training (retraining), work experience in accordance with the position held.

The degree of training should correspond to the level of services provided and the category of the accommodation facility.

6.1.2 The service personnel of the accommodation facilities (except for the linear one) must improve their qualifications at least once every two years.

The administration of the accommodation facility should develop a system of measures to improve knowledge, improve the skills and professional skills of the service personnel, taking into account their theoretical training, practical skills and abilities.

6.1.3 Maintenance personnel must know and comply with the basics of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, job descriptions, internal labor regulations, fire safety rules.

6.1.4 Service personnel must undergo mandatory training in order to familiarize themselves with the rules for the provision of services in a particular accommodation facility and work standards.

6.1.5 The staff work standards should contain the rules of staff conduct, procedures and technology for servicing tourists (guests).

The administration of accommodation facilities organizes the study of work standards by service personnel, conducts training, trainings and monitors the implementation and compliance with work standards in the process of serving tourists (guests).

6.1.6 The job descriptions of the service personnel must contain the functional duties, rights and qualification requirements for the service personnel and comply with the requirements,.

Job descriptions for service personnel are developed by the administration of accommodation facilities, based on the requirements of the current legislation, the qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists and other employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of accommodation facilities.

6.1.7 Maintenance personnel are obliged to regularly undergo health and safety briefings in accordance with the requirements and GOST R 12.0.009, to know and follow instructions on actions in emergency situations.

6.1.8 The attendants must know the characteristics of accidents and the rules and techniques of first aid and be able to provide first medical and other aid (in case of injuries, accidents, a sharp deterioration in the health of tourists), organize and carry out protective measures in case of emergencies (fire , natural disasters, the threat of terrorism, etc.).

The administration of accommodation facilities must arrange for the study by service personnel and monitor compliance with emergency procedures, fire safety measures, labor protection and safety regulations.

6.1.9 Maintenance personnel must undergo medical examinations (certifications) and hygiene training in accordance with established requirements.

6.1.10 Service personnel must comply with the business style in clothes, must be neat and tidy. Uniforms and shoes must be in good condition and without visible damage.

The service personnel of accommodation facilities that have a category in accordance with the requirements must be dressed in the appropriate uniform of the accommodation facility of the sample established for each service. On the uniform of an employee of accommodation facilities of the mini-hotel category and one or two "stars", a service badge (badge) indicating the name / surname and position in Russian must be attached. In accommodation facilities of the category from three to five "stars", the name of the employee and his position must be indicated in Russian and in Latin letters.

6.1.11 The professional ethical standards of behavior of the service personnel of accommodation facilities should be: hospitality, courtesy, tact, sociability, goodwill, patience, restraint, attentiveness, correctness and courtesy in relations with tourists, guests and employees. When serving, it is unacceptable to use a rude, aggressive style of behavior, the use of profanity, focusing on the racial, national, religious affiliation of tourists and other forms of behavior that offend the personality and dignity of a person.

6.1.12 The service personnel of accommodation facilities must know the specifics and features of servicing tourists from foreign countries, the rules of international etiquette, and be able to communicate with guests in a foreign language on the subject of their service.

For accommodation facilities that have a category, the level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​must not be lower than the established requirements.

6.1.13 When gaining access to personal data of tourists, service personnel must take measures to exclude the possibility of their disclosure.

6.1.14 Service personnel must pay special attention and provide the necessary assistance to tourists with disabilities, including the disabled, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53998.

6.1.15 Service personnel should be aware of the needs and expectations of tourists, methods of dealing with claims and complaints.

6.1.16 The attendants must know the basics of their own service and the specifics of the work of other services of the accommodation facility, the technology of interaction with other services, the rules and mode of their work, the list of services provided.

6.2 Additional requirements for service personnel of various services

In addition to the basic requirements set out in 6.1, the requirements for the maintenance personnel of various services are presented in Table A.1 of Appendix A.

Appendix A (recommended). Additional requirements for service personnel of various services

Table A.1 - Additional requirements for service personnel of various services

Service name

Service personnel requirements

Possible job titles for service personnel

Reception and accommodation service (front office, front desk)

Personnel must know:

Rules for the registration of tourists and the passport and visa regime;

Fundamentals of psychology;

Fundamentals of marketing and management;

Emergency telephone numbers for emergency services;

Security systems for accommodation facilities;

The system of safe storage of valuables of tourists and the system of deposit boxes;

Location of all services and divisions of the accommodation facility;

Location of rooms and standards for equipping the number of rooms and public premises of accommodation facilities;

Rules for the operation of equipment and instruments installed in the accommodation facility and related to the performance of official duties;

Types and systems of room keys;

Payment systems and settlement procedures with tourists.

Personnel must be able to:

Maintain the information base of the reception and accommodation service;

Carry out work on departure, as well as settlements with tourists (current and upon departure);

Track the balance of the deposit for telephone communication and other paid services of the accommodation facility;

Coordinate the work of the staff of their own and other services for the reception, accommodation and escort of guests (only for managers);

Use modern means of communication and office equipment installed at the workplace, use the telephone, fax, personal computer, have the skills to work with software systems and information
telecommunications network Internet;

To work with mail (correspondence) and messages;

Work with the claims of tourists (guests) and answer their questions;

Contact with guests in a foreign language (on the subject of service)

Administrator / senior administrator;

Reception and accommodation manager;

Service manager / assistant manager;

Reception and accommodation specialist;

Floor attendant / assistant floor attendant;

Booking service

Personnel must know:

Rules and methods for organizing the service process in the accommodation facility;

Modern systems and technologies of booking;

Fundamentals of labor organization and management;

Rules of etiquette when communicating on the phone;

Tariffs and price lists for basic and additional services of the accommodation facility;

The mode of operation of all services and divisions providing services to tourists (guests);

Rules of interpersonal communication;

Features of work with corporate clients (consumers of services).

Personnel must be able to:

Carry out work on business planning and promotion of services of accommodation facilities;

Bring to potential consumers information about the services provided and their cost, accept orders and send them to the appropriate services for execution;

Perform work on booking accommodation facilities and additional services (food, business services, sports and
wellness, etc.);

Coordinate and supervise the work of the personnel of the services of the accommodation facility (only for managers);

Apply modern booking systems and technologies in practice;

Consider consumer complaints related to booking and quality of service, and make decisions on them;

Take into account the limited physical abilities of people with limited mobility when booking places in an accommodation facility;

Own Internet
technologies for booking services, methods of electronic marketing, effective sales techniques

Booking manager;

Booking Specialist

Room Fund/Operation Service/
room service/housekeeping and maintenance/housekeeping

Personnel must know:

The organizational structure of the accommodation facility, the structure of the room fund service;

Equipment, instruments and materials used in the work, rules for their operation and application;

Range and characteristics of consumable (renewable) materials;

Characteristics of the detergents, cleaning and other chemicals used, including insecticidal preparations;

Types of cleaning of rooms, service and common areas, as well as non-standard cleaning procedures;

Personnel must be able to:

Carry out cleaning of rooms, office and public premises in accordance with approved procedures and work standards;

Maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition in the rooms and the level of comfort in residential and public premises;

Change bed linen and towels, replenish the necessary supplies of consumables;

Provide household services to guests (laundry, dry cleaning, clothing repair, etc.);

Monitor the quality of cleaning rooms, public areas

Head maid (supervisor);


Office and public premises cleaner

Customer Service

Personnel must know:

Foreign language within the required conversational minimum and professional terminology;

For an accommodation facility that has a category, a foreign language (fluency) in accordance with the requirements;

Planning and equipping of the accommodation facility;

Organization of work of all services;

Rules and procedure for booking rooms and reserving services in the accommodation facility, tariffs for the services provided;

Forms of work with claims and complaints of guests;

Security alarm systems and rules for working with them.

Personnel must be able to:

Control the lists of incoming tourists, highlighting the VIP category, and provide this information to the interested services of the accommodation facility;

Check rooms intended for tourists classified as VIP;

Timely provide tourists with information about the accommodation facility, services provided, ongoing events;

Organize work with mail and messages and their timely delivery to the rooms;

Carry out personal assignments for residents of tourists and guests;

Provide assistance to resident tourists in emergency situations;

Perform cash transactions, ensuring the correct maintenance of financial reporting documents;

Fulfill guests' orders for booking air, rail, bus, cruise tickets, as well as tickets for entertainment events;

To have information about the sights and events taking place in the region and provide it to guests;

To contribute to the achievement and maintenance of a high level of service for tourists (guests) in the accommodation facility


Telephone service operator

Customer Service

Personnel must know:

Rules for servicing tourists in the accommodation facility;

Planning and material and technical equipment of the accommodation facility;

Location of rooms, services and public spaces;

Rules of interpersonal communication and etiquette;

Security alarm system and rules for working with it;

Emergency telephone numbers
in emergency situations.

Personnel must be able to:

Accept and timely fulfill orders and requests of tourists (guests) in accordance with job responsibilities and work standards;

Provide assistance to resident tourists in emergencies and emergencies

doorman (dorman);


Wardrobe attendant;

Porter (luggage carrier, bellman, bellboy);


Food and Beverage Service (Food Services, Food & Beverage, catering service)

Requirements for food service workers in accordance with GOST R 50935

Maitre d' (hall administrator);







Services providing additional and related services
Requirements for personnel of trade facilities in accordance with GOST R 51305 and organization standards


Hairdresser, beauty salon, SPA center

Requirements for hairdressing staff in accordance with GOST R 51142 and organization standards

Requirements for the staff of SPA centers in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the standards of the organization


Specialist in manicure, pedicure;
Requirements for the personnel of the excursion service in accordance with GOST R 54604



Business center, conference center

Requirements for the personnel of business centers, conference centers in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the standards of the organization




Security service (security/
internal control)

Requirements for personnel in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of security and organization standards

Security worker (guard, security guard, janitor, controller, watchman)

The functions of the services can be redistributed between the services depending on the specific conditions of the accommodation facilities.

The service personnel may provide additional information services, including business center services, conference services, etc.


Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011 N 302n "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical inspections (surveys) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2011 N 22111)

Electronic text of the document

prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2013