Test task for a copywriter. Tests for a copywriter: WordFactory experience. How ready are you to implement creative solutions

What distinguishes bright authors? Why does the customer give preference to them, and not to beginners who have many years of experience as a copywriter on other portals. Any employer needs strong evidence confirming the competence of the performer:

  • rating,
  • stardom,
  • status (not the one that the performer himself writes, but the title that he earned on the stock exchange based on the results of his work).

Each content service is slightly different from the others, but they are united by the desire to “show the product face”, to present performers in a more favorable light in front of customers. For this, a test task for a copywriter is carefully developed.

What could be more deplorable than an illiterate writer? On the part of the buyers of his articles, accusations, claims, refusals will fall. Bad picture. Almost every content exchange is trying to insure itself against the dominance of incompetent, random people who wandered into the light in an attempt to make easy money. And they brought themselves, the administration and customers a lot of disappointment.

The administration has the right to test each author for compliance with the high rank of a copywriter. The texts of each artist, if they get on the site, will be read by thousands of people. It is necessary that articles meet certain parameters, be written.

Having successfully passed the tests, each writer simplifies further work:

  • gets access to expensive orders,
  • raises qualifications, status,
  • is of interest to customers.

It would seem so obvious: passed the tests, gained a lot of benefits. Why are writers afraid or unwilling to take test assignments? We read horror stories that it is difficult to pass, they are afraid. Although fear is easily overcome.

The system of test tasks on content exchanges

The set of tasks on each content service is slightly different, often a two-part exam:

1. Test tasks in the Russian language, consisting of 10/15 questions with ready-made answers. For each question, the correct answer is given, according to the writer. It is enough to score 7 correct answers out of 10 or 12 out of 15. The test for a copywriter is considered to be successfully passed by 70, 80, 90%. The result can be improved by retaking after a certain period of time, which is given to repeat the rules.

Why is it necessary to prepare for tests? The rules of the Russian language are complex, easy to forget. They must be repeated before taking the test. Every author knows his weaknesses: spelling or punctuation errors. Having refreshed knowledge, you need to boldly take it again, especially since several attempts are given.

2. Writing an article. This exam is akin to an "essay". Its meaning is to check how the author creates the text, builds sentences, formats, punctuates, which .

The moderators do a full "debriefing", describe each mistake, due to which the author did not receive the desired level of skill and the coveted red stars. Parsing allows you to “pull up the tails”, with a new attempt to avoid old mistakes.

Not on all exchanges, writers poke their noses at the mistakes they have made. Sometimes moderators and editors, when checking texts, simply give a score or issue a verdict of “negative result”, without explaining why the exam is considered not passed. It's more difficult, you have to guess what's wrong.

that will help everyone, without exception:

  • it is easier to write, without intricate sentences, in which it is easy for the author himself to get confused and make mistakes,
  • carefully, double-check your text 10 times.

Do not rush to submit an essay that takes several days. Every word in it must be verified. For dubious variants and individual compound words, rules are searched for, their spelling is specified.

For example, only two attempts are given. After the second unsuccessful delivery, the author can say goodbye nicely or the work will be complicated by troubles.

Answers to test tasks

Some copywriters go to the trick. They ask philologists they know to pass tests in Russian for them, write an article. Hurray, the system of test tasks is overcome!

Unfortunate consequences will inevitably follow. If a person has not personally confirmed literacy and the ability to write, what does he hope for? For disqualification? Having received several claims from customers, he will ensure that the administration cancels the results. You will have to take the tests again.

Can I use ready-made answers?

Dangerous and dubious option. The answers are easy to find on the internet. Compassionate writers share them on forums, insert them into reviews (those who make extra money on reviews on the Internet). It seems to be great, no need to strain!

Where the probability that the result of the test task is correct, the author is not mistaken, especially since he himself passed by 70-80%. The person who believed him and remembered the answers will make the same mistakes, plus a few more of his own, the test will be successfully failed.

Second found example:

In any situation, the easiest way is to rely on yourself, trust yourself!

Pay attention to the inscription pointed to by the arrows. Not every author is a good Samaritan who wants to disinterestedly make humanity happy. Read the example below.

An unpleasant experience from personal experience

A copywriter is akin to Plushkin. He drags on his computer everything that he can ever need. Ahead of time, in the hope of inserting them into a suitable article at any opportunity.

So, once again, material is being collected for a new article, the answers to the test accidentally caught my eye. It was decided to download them, maybe some suggestions will be needed for examples. The first wake-up call was left unattended - the browser did not want to go to the page. Forcibly given the command to "allow" the transition.

The file ended up on dropbox - the second wake-up call: the author has a personal dislike for this service. The file was successfully downloaded, it turned out to be executable, packaged in .exe - the third call, which was again ignored. Well, the creator wanted to pack it this way.

Antivirus checked, said OK. The file is unpacked, something has been thrown onto the Desktop (but it is closed by working programs, the shortcuts are not immediately visible), something got into autoload. I had to slow down, prohibit registration in autoload. This was already the last call that caused an alarm - there is nothing to do in autoload for strangers.

Who to test? The temptation is great to test everyone without looking at the resume. Yes, so you look only at the result of the author's work. But it is more effective to immediately weed out those who are obviously not suitable. We have those who:

  • do not send a resume, but only a cover letter or "note",
  • write poorly,
  • pupils,
  • do not meet the mandatory requirements of the vacancy (for example, appropriate education for the author of technical texts),
  • show texts that did not impress.

Make your own list to save time and cost of processing test papers (like editor's fees).

How to write a test? Ideal first job for a copywriter:

  • Plus or minus on a free topic, for example: “Professions that can be learned in one month”, “Domestic manufacturers of building materials”, etc. They better reveal the potential of the author, reflect the course of his thoughts.

Our most unsuccessful test task was: "Write any article about horoscopes/zodiac signs." Most of the authors simply rewrite the horoscope for a month.

  • Corresponds to the education or position of the author. Let's say we're constantly looking for multi-station writers and occasionally for highly specialized writers.

One day I noticed that technical writers massively merged during the testing phase. It turned out that civil engineers were scared off by the prospect of forever being stuck writing articles about the weather (at that time it was the subject of our test).

  • Helps to assess mindfulness. For example, ask the author to be sure to enter an anchor or highlight the key with a green fill.
  • Demonstrates the ability of the author to follow the instructions, fulfill the conditions of the TOR. You can attach a long instruction and ask to follow it in everything. Some candidates will not bother with instructions or further technical specifications for real clients.
  • Shows whether a person is able to learn independently. A candidate without copywriting experience will for the first time encounter such concepts as “frequency”, “keyword”, “anchor” in the TOR. If you give a description of these concepts in the instructions, the author will just need to show how attentive and diligent he is. If you don’t give it, you will see if the author is able to independently find answers in open sources and do the job correctly.

Do you specify a deadline? Everything is simple here:

  • yes, if you want to assess whether the candidate is doing well with time management and how he works in a short time,
  • no, if you want to check how much he is interested in your offer.

How to properly evaluate a test?

Rule number one: Only a professional evaluates candidates. I fully trust the experience of Tatyana, our editor with a specialized higher education and more than 10 years of experience. She checks the test papers with all rigor and decides for herself whether she is ready to proofread the texts of today's candidates in the future. If you are a brilliant programmer, SEO specialist, entrepreneur, resist the temptation to check the work of the author or ask a philologist friend for help. At least temporarily seek the help of a professional editor. Yes, you can also visit us WordFactory.

Rule number two: Evaluate text objectively and subjectively. On the one hand - errors, typos, rules. On the other hand - your personal "like - dislike". Let’s say I don’t like texts written in the spirit of “life is pain”, when the author complains, writes on the negative, sees only problems in everything. If the test is 100% correct, the written language is literate, the deadline is met, but the candidate writes exactly like that, we will not consider him further.


The thing that I am still ashamed of is the way we gave feedback on tests in the first year or two of work. Yes, we sincerely wrote that a test that does not meet the TOR, is written with typos and errors or is not on time, is not paid, and we do not send a response to such resumes. Yes, if the author was persistent, with some degree of irritation, I could write that, they say, it's time to go back to school and learn the rule of "zhi-shi". Yes, the editor and I are philologists to the marrow of our bones, we are pissed off by “Majito” and “in general”, but still, at some point we started getting too much negativity. The authors were upset that they were not answered or answered harshly.

One incident completely shocked me. It turned out that we were testing a 21-year-old girl who has serious health problems, and remote work is the only chance to try to earn money on her own. The test was terrible in every way, we criticized it ruthlessly. When I received a response letter, I decided to do the following:

    • Give feedback on each test. The editor proofreads the file in review mode and attaches it to the letter. The author sees his mistakes and can draw conclusions.
    • Our rejection cover letter is standard, non-emotional, and looks something like this:
  • Plus, the editor in the work itself comments on some indicative errors and shortcomings. For example, if the author’s style is excellent, but punctuation is a problem, or if a person writes very competently, but abuses clerical writing, the editor will definitely write that you need to tighten up just a little bit - and you can get to work!
  • As before, we pay for each test that matches our assignment. Even the one that we subjectively do not like. Even if the candidate is not considered further. Even if the candidate has done something that we will never work with.

Result? We are getting more and more emails like this:

Want to get 5 copywriting test examples we use? Send a letter with the subject "5 tests" to the mail [email protected].

Natalya Voskoboynikova,
Content Studio WordFactory

“We choose, we are chosen, as it often does not coincide,” - there was a second of the good old banality with you. Now to the point: customers and copywriters are looking for each other. And just as the groom chooses the bride, so the content customer for the site chooses the artist. Since we are modern people, we do without ceremony. We enter into fleeting relationships, and nepotism, and problematic ones - in different ones. But, as normal and, moreover, business people, we still want to avoid relations that are obviously erroneous.

The mistake often occurs at the selection stage. Namely: you, as a customer, do not realize what kind of content you need, so you are looking for a copywriter according to rather mysterious (including for you) criteria. I will now make the search process easier for you: I will tell you what type of artist (copywriter, web writer) you need. To do this, you will need to answer the test questions.

Since no one will see the results of this test except you, answer as honestly as possible. I understand that we all tend to choose the answer that best describes us. But are you interested in the truth? Then learn it from the results of honest answers, and then read other possible options.

So, telling the truth is easy and pleasant:

What do you call relevant information in your field?

A. Information on how to contact us and order/buy from us.

B. Optimized texts on the topic of keywords.

C. The information my target audience is looking for.

D. Different types of information that is relevant to the topic and useful or interesting to a wide audience.

How do you select a list of topics for a copywriter's assignment?

A. What everyone usually has on their websites, I also need it.

B. According to the list of keywords.

C. I create a detailed list by site structure and categories: what texts, how many, what are the priorities.

D. Based on the study of consumer segments of my market and competition.

What do you rely on when creating a list of topics?

A. On the site template: it says what should be on the link.

B. Web analytics data regarding key phrases containing standard questions.

C. To the questions that users ask most often, to their needs.

D. To analyze a wide range of data.

How do you plan the scope of work?

A. How it will turn out.

B. I give assignments to various copywriters and employees, and then I figure out what to do next with their texts.

C. I will agree with the copywriter the plan and the preliminary schedule of publications.

D. Taking into account changes in the company's activities depending on the season, sales cycle, changes in the industry or within the company itself.

How do you coordinate the activities of contractors (website developers, copywriter, employees)?

A. I don't have to coordinate anything, I decide everything.

B. They themselves say what they need, I manage and supervise as much as possible.

C. All working materials are located on a remote server, each contractor knows his tasks, schedule and interaction scheme.

D. The team is involved in the creation and promotion of my resource: they have already been coordinated with each other.

Do you provide copywriter materials for work?

A. No, let him look for information himself.

B. I provide content that is in my possession or taken from open sources.

C. I provide communication with it by carriers of different knowledge and competencies so that they help prepare content.

What quality characteristic of the content of your site will suit you?

A. Texts are checked for uniqueness, optimized, without errors.

B. Texts are relevant to topics, easy to read, bounce rate on the site is less than 20%.

C. All texts work for tasks, and even those texts that were written optionally generate traffic.

D. Users are willing to recognize that the site is a unique and valuable source of information.

What style of communication with a copywriter is most comfortable for you?

A. I am a customer who is always right.

B. I am not a model of composure and efficiency, but I am democratic.

C. I am a competent and demanding leader, I appreciate diplomacy and diligence, but also welcome the initiative.

D. Like a professional with a professional in his field.

How ready are you to implement creative solutions?

A. No, I don't need creativity.

B. Let the copywriter prove that creative solutions are effective, and I will think at my leisure.

C. I recognize that creative solutions can be a serious tool, I am ready to try.

D. Creative solutions are an integral part of marketing, so I am fully prepared.

What do you bet on when ordering content?

A. I want to get normal quality content at economy prices.

C. The professionalism and experience of the copywriter.

D. To the consumer impression: “Wow, what a great resource!”

How do you rate the work of a copywriter?

A. The contractor announces his price tag on the exchange, I pay in accordance.

B. I look at the average market rates, then the copywriter's rates, then I negotiate a discount.

C. If the copywriter proved to me that he is a pro by the test result, I agree to his terms.

D. Make high demands and pay lavishly, but be warned that fees may be subject to change.


I specifically did not suggest taking a test on the service so that you can see all the answer options at once.


There are many people who want to earn extra money by writing texts, and therefore there are many offers of such services. Novice authors usually go to stock exchanges, which is psychologically priceless: everyone has to start somewhere. They want to try themselves, "get their hands on it" and understand that they cannot compete with the pros. Actually, it compares them with customers. Another type is graphomaniacs who register in all exchanges and rivet texts according to the principle: "Twenty times five rubles is one hundred rubles." Both those and others usually take on any order, especially since exchanges usually have a sweatshop policy: you need to fulfill as much as possible.

The advantage of such cooperation is clear - savings. And until recently, it corrupted customers, because methods of website promotion worked differently than they work now: stupid text optimization, links from stupid articles, etc. In addition, you can still console yourself with the hope that it is easy to get a copywriter from the stock exchange, promise cooperation and have high-quality content for little money for a long time to come.

The problem with this collaboration is in your setup. It seems to you that stock-quality content is enough for the success of your site. But in fact: you paid nonsense - they wrote nonsense to you. Why be surprised if your site fails to promote. And this is at best: search engines can also impose a filter on a site that “is of no value to users.”


Everything happens in life, including an acute need for money. And in our country there will always be many writers who experience this need. Of these, only a small percentage creates their own "agencies" and "bureaus", but in this case they also take on almost any order. So they will do what you want.

The advantage of such cooperation is that you do not have to understand what you want, be a good manager, and even understand the topic that your site is dedicated to. After the prepayment, the copywriter, so that you continue to order from him, will explain everything to you and write to you. He will even conduct conversations with you without billing, advise, offer - in general, behave like that bride who really wants to get married. And at least it's nice.

I personally see the main problem of such cooperation in the fact that concepts are being replaced here. That is why the human factor is too strong. You are not very versed in the issue, the copywriter explains to you, but he is, as it were, not an authority for you. A copywriter's self-esteem is different, and he has different expectations - like a bride. Therefore, once there was a misunderstanding, the second, and the third is already growing mutual irritation. It will inevitably arise if you do not coordinate the work of everyone who works on your site. And if you are not ready to start with yourself, then you will endlessly engage in nonsense until it dawns on you who you need and why.


Most likely, you make your choice based on the results of monitoring (personal or with someone's help). And, when you look at the copywriter's website, his resume, examples of work, and so on, correlate this with the task that lies ahead of you. At the same time, it is important for you not only how a person presents himself and how he writes, but also how relevant he thinks to your topic, your tasks.

Such cooperation has many advantages. In fact, the freelancer aspires to this type. He does not agree to sit in the office, but he agrees to work hard for a fair fee. He knows that he can not only fulfill the assigned task, but offer, explain, and this will be perceived. When cooperation happens, the site systematically "takes off" even without much effort to promote it in search engines.

The problem of such cooperation is also related to the human factor. After all, a specific person hires a copywriter, and this does not always mean subsequent coordination of processes. There is an effect of a “damaged phone”, and even direct sabotage by others involved in the process. There are no statistics on how many wonderful beginnings of cooperation with a copywriter came to a bleak ending. But it's the same as a relationship. With the difference that everything depended on one side.


That is, not just a performer, but the owner of experience and skills sufficient to not waste time explaining. When a customer and a performer of this level meet, this is a different alliance than an interpersonal business relationship. Such an alliance assumes that everyone has their own resource capable of working for the cause. In our case, we are talking about content marketing - creating content that is useful to consumers at all stages of getting to know the site. Such a specialist is simply "too tough" for those who do not have ambitions and are not ready to pay for them.

There is no need to elaborate on the benefits here, because if you turn to a specialist of this class, they are already clear to you. It is only necessary to stipulate that this type of cooperation is appropriate only for the development of the company (brand), but not at the stage of creating the site.

The problem here arises when both the customer and the contractor did not bother to prescribe the terms of the contract. Paradoxically, the same situation may arise as with the customer of stock copywriting services: “Obviously, what I want, give it to me!”. It is solved, in my opinion, subject to two conditions. First: to have a product that the market definitely needs. Second: know exactly what you want in the foreseeable future.