Classification of marine robotic systems. US combat robots - under water, in the sky and on land. “We are clearly aware and understand that the increase in the combat capabilities of multi-purpose nuclear and non-nuclear submarines will be ensured through integration into

List of abbreviations.


1. Issues of terminology and classification.

2. Historical digression.

2.1. Development of MRI abroad.

2.2. Development of domestic MRI.

3. Features and prospects of applied technologies.

3.1. Communication and interaction.

3.2. Navigation.

3.3. Movers.

4. The use of MRI for military purposes.

5. The use of MRI in offshore operations.

6. Wireless sensor networks and their application in the sea.

7. Communities of interacting robots

8. Marine robotics + augmented reality.



Applications. Appendix 1. "Catalogue of domestic and foreign ROVs". Annex 2. "Catalogue of domestic and foreign AUVs".

List of abbreviations.

AUV - autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle

ROV - remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle

INS - inertial navigation system

GANS - hydroacoustic navigation system

GANS DB - GANS with a long base

GANS KB - GANS with a short base

HANS UKB - HANS with an ultra-short base

UUV - uninhabited underwater vehicle

PPA - receiving-transmitting antenna

OPA - manned underwater vehicle

AR (augmented reality) - augmented reality

AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) - autonomous underwater vehicle

ROV (remotely operated vehicle) - remotely controlled vehicle (moving)

SAUV (sun autonomous underwater vehicle) - solar-powered AUV

UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) - uninhabited underwater vehicle

USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) - uninhabited surface vehicle

UXV (Unmanned Generic Vehicle) - an uninhabited vehicle of a general (any) class


If you lost a needle in a haystack as a child, you will find it, at best, by the time you retire. But if the inhabitants of the nearest anthill are mobilized to solve this problem, then the needle will be brought to you in two minutes. Checked many times. If it was not possible to agree with the ants, then students of a technical university who are passionate about robotics can be attracted. They are quite capable of creating a group of miniature devices equipped with magnetic sensors that can move around and interact with each other. The creation of robots capable of interacting with each other in order to most effectively solve the task is a new direction in the development of robotics, called "flock robots", whose apologists promise a revolution in solving many labor-intensive tasks. Flock robots will be discussed in the penultimate chapter of our review. By the way, if swarming robots are deprived of the ability to move, then we will move on to another, also promising, but preceding them in time, scientific and practical topic - to the topic of wireless sensor networks.

Interesting practical results have already been achieved in this direction. We will present the principles of construction and examples of the implementation of networks in the 6th chapter of the review.

In the meantime, it's time to remember that our review is devoted to the use of robotics in the sea, and not on land or in the skies, i.e. you have to imagine looking for a needle not in a haystack, but on a seaweed plantation, which will seem like a more laborious task. Wi-Fi practically does not work in water, the propagation of electromagnetic waves is extremely difficult, it is difficult to use an optical channel, i.e. issues of communication, interaction, navigation, surveillance, etc. acquire their own, purely maritime specifics. The 3rd chapter of the review is devoted to the features of the implementation of communication, interaction, navigation, propulsion, sensors and manipulators in marine robots.

Modern robotic systems are used in almost all areas of underwater technical work. However, the main areas of their application are: military, work on the extraction and transportation of fuel and raw materials, search and rescue operations and oceanographic research. With the features of their use in these areas and examples of application can be found in chapters 4-5 of the review. It is in these areas that the greatest progress has been made in recent years in terms of the use of new technologies for communication and navigation of underwater vehicles, equipping them with new sensors and manipulators, and improving the efficiency of management and maintenance. The Appendix contains a catalog of modern ROVs and AUVs.

So why don't we see robots in the fields of the country looking for needles in haystacks? Yes, because no one set them such tasks. Apparently the needles are no longer lost. And speaking seriously, setting goals, developing scenarios for the use of robotics in solving practical problems, including taking into account the prospects for the development of this area, is the most important organizational task. Not without reason, in the Pentagon's plans for the coming years, projects to develop concepts for the use of robotics in the army are given the same importance as projects to develop the robots themselves. Moreover, they have a priority, as they are able to give impetus and determine the direction of the design of robotic systems. We will present our proposals on this issue and other problems of the development of marine robotics (MRI) in Russia in the Conclusion to this review.

The exploration of the depths of the World Ocean is a task no less difficult and dangerous than the exploration of outer space. And in terms of economic and environmental importance, it is even more of a priority. In solving this problem, marine robotics is called upon to play the role of not just a human assistant, but a full participant, since it should not only make the depths of the ocean more accessible and safe for humans, but shoulder the bulk of the work on their study and development.

1. Issues of terminology and classification.

In the field of marine robotics, a single generally recognized terminology has not yet been developed. Some experts use phrases where the word “robot” is the base word, for example: marine robots, marine robotics, robotic complexes or systems, etc. Others tend to do without the term “robot”, focusing on more etymologically intelligible phrases, for example, “uninhabited underwater vehicle” (NPA). In this review, we will adhere to the terminology that emerged from the works of M.D. Ageev and his colleagues at the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which he headed from 1988 to 2005, paying tribute to their contribution to the development of domestic marine robotics. These are such terms as "uninhabited underwater vehicle" (UUV), "remotely operated uninhabited underwater vehicle" (ROVU), "autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle" (AUV) and a number of others. At the same time, in the text you will also find all kinds of “robotic” terms so as not to distort the ideas and conclusions of the authors who used them in their works. Be that as it may, we do not see a big contradiction here, because a UUV is just an apparatus operating under water (or on the surface of the sea, or even above the water surface - a marine drone), and a robotic complex or system is already a ship support and m.b. a system of navigation beacons, without which the device cannot do without to complete its mission. So the diversity in terminology, we hope, will not confuse anyone. Everything should be clear from the context.

There is also no uniformity in foreign sources on this topic. More often than others, the term ROV (remotely operated vehicle) is used - a remotely controlled vehicle (moving) or instead of a vehicle - a vessel, i.e. vessel. Abbreviations such as UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) - unmanned underwater vehicle, USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) - unmanned surface vehicle, UXV (Unmanned Generic Vehicle) - unmanned vehicle of a general (any) class, etc. are also used. At the same time, the authors allow very loose interpretation of these terms, especially ROV. There are also other terms and abbreviations that are close in semantics, which we will not focus on now. In any case, you can always use the "List of abbreviations" section of this review.


Classification in any scientific direction is a conceptual issue both in terms of the interaction of specialists and in terms of the development of this direction. The diversity of NPAs created in the world makes it difficult to categorize them strictly. However, some classification schemes have been proposed that can be relied upon.

Firstly, the division of underwater vehicles into manned and uninhabited - UUV and UUV is well known. Habitable submersibles can be hyperbaric and normobaric (a strong hull protects the hydronauts from water pressure). Further, these two subgroups are divided into autonomous and tethered.

Uninhabited vehicles are primarily divided into remotely controlled and autonomous.

Most often, the mass, dimensions, autonomy, mode of movement, buoyancy, operating depth, deployment scheme, purpose, functional and design features, cost, and some others are used as classification features of marine RTCs (NPAs).

Classification by weight and size characteristics:

  • - microPA (PMA), weight (dry) - mini-PA, weight 20–100 kg, cruising range from 0.5 to 4000 nautical miles, operational depth up to 2000 m;
  • - small UUV, weight 100–500 kg. Currently, PAs of this class account for 15–20% and are widely used in solving various problems at depths up to 1500 m;
  • - average NLA, weight more than 500 kg, but less than 2000 kg;
  • - large NLA, weight > 2000 kg.

Classification according to the features of the shape of the supporting structure:

  • - classic shape (cylindrical, conical and spherical);
  • - bionic (floating and crawling types);
  • - glider (airplane) form;
  • - with a solar panel on the top of the housing (flat shapes);
  • - crawling NPA on a caterpillar base;
  • - serpentine shape.

Classification of marine RTK (NPA) according to the degree of autonomy.

AUV must meet three main conditions of autonomy: mechanical, energy and information.

Mechanical autonomy implies the absence of any mechanical connection in the form of a cable, rope or hose connecting the UA with the carrier vessel or with the bottom station or shore base.

Energy autonomy implies the presence of a power source on board the UA in the form of, for example, batteries, fuel cells, a nuclear reactor, an internal combustion engine with a closed operating cycle, etc.

The information autonomy of the ROV implies the absence of information exchange between the vehicle and the carrier ship, or the bottom station or coastal base. At the same time, the ROV must also have an autonomous inertial navigation system.

Classification of marine RTK (NVU) according to the information principle for the corresponding generation of UV.

Offshore autonomous RTK VN (AUV) of the first generation operate according to a predetermined rigid unchangeable program. Remote controlled (RC) ROVs of the first generation are controlled in an open loop. In these simplest devices, control commands are sent directly to the propulsion system without the use of automatic feedback.

AUVs of the second generation have an extensive sensor system. The second generation of DUNPA assumes the presence of automatic feedback on the coordinates of the state of the control object: height above the bottom, depth of immersion, speed, angular coordinates, etc. These next coordinates are compared in the autopilot with the given ones determined by the operator.

Third-generation AUVs will have elements of artificial intelligence: the ability to independently make simple decisions within the framework of the general task assigned to them; elements of artificial vision with the possibility of automatic recognition of simple images; the opportunity for elementary self-learning with the replenishment of their own knowledge base. DUNPA of the third generation are controlled by the operator in an interactive mode. The supervisory control system already assumes a certain hierarchy, consisting of the upper level, implemented in the computer of the carrier ship, and the lower level, implemented on board the underwater module.

Depending on the diving depth usually consider: shallow-water ROVs with a working depth of immersion up to 100 m, ROVs for work on the shelf (300–600 m), medium-depth vehicles (up to 2000 m) and ROVs of large and extreme depths (6000 m and more).

Depending on the type of propulsion system one can distinguish between ROVs with a traditional propeller group, ROVs with a propulsion system based on bionic principles, with water jet propulsion and AUVs - gliders with a propulsion system that uses a change in trim and buoyancy. In turn, rudder propellers are divided into electric and electro-hydraulic. Features of various propulsors are discussed in Section 3.3.

In addition, in a number of works, NPAs are divided into inspection and working ones. First of all, this applies to TNLA. Inspection ROVs are light and medium-sized devices designed for inspection, underwater photography, research using various sensors, and working ones are heavy, weighing up to several tons, ROVs designed to perform work using manipulators and various tools, as well as to lift cargo. The paper provides the following classification table of TNLA.

This classification does not reflect new trends in terms of contactless sensor networks (“smart plankton”) and flocking robots, but this, apparently, is a matter of the near future. When examples of the implementation of these technologies in real offshore projects appear, then the classification will be able to adjust.

In this review, we equally pay attention to ROV and AUV. Each of these types of marine robotics has its own specific scope, which is directly related to the advantages and disadvantages characteristic of each type. The main advantage of the ROV is that it is connected by a cable to the support vessel, i.e. energy and information is fully provided. It can work underwater for an arbitrarily long time, be quickly controlled by the operator from the carrier ship, and carry a large load - tools, powerful manipulators, lighting equipment. In fact, TNLA can only be attributed to robotics with a big stretch, rather, it is a remotely controlled instrumental complex. ROVs perform the largest volume of inspection and search, rescue, repair and construction work. At the same time, the rigid binding to the carrier vessel is also the main disadvantage of ROVs, which does not allow them to perform functions related to autonomous operation, for example, covert reconnaissance, sabotage, penetration into spaces where an external cable would become a hindrance. And a network of sensors or mobile devices for working on large areas cannot be built from ROVs. Therefore, the ANPA has its own rather extensive field of activity. Unfortunately, the AUV has at least two serious drawbacks. This is an underwater connection and a limited energy resource, and underwater navigation leaves much to be desired. Scientific work to solve these problems is being carried out quite actively, which will be discussed in the relevant sections of the review, and if they bring practical results, this will give a powerful additional incentive to the development of marine robotics.

2. Historical digression.

2.1. Development of MRI abroad.

The beginning of the production and use of uninhabited underwater vehicles abroad can be considered the end of the 50s, the beginning of the 60s of the last century, when the US Navy seriously took up the development of this direction.

Thus, in the early 60s, a very successful ROV model was created, which can be considered the prototype of all modern tethered underwater vehicles. The device was called the Cable-Controlled Underwater Research Vehicle (CURV) and had a tubular frame with four torpedo-shaped buoyancy and a total length of 3.3 m, a width and a height of 1.2 m. The propulsion system consisted of three 10 hp engines. On board were: a sonar and a hydrophone, a TV camera and lamps, as well as a camera for 35 mm film. The CURV was equipped with a 7-functional gripping arm that can grip large cylindrical objects. All drives, including engines, were hydraulic. The CURV immersion depth was 600 m. Subsequently, CURV II and CURV III modifications were created with a immersion depth of up to 6000 m. CURV and its modifications lifted hundreds of torpedoes from the bottom, participated in search and rescue operations. One such operation was to search for and raise a hydrogen bomb from a depth of 869 m in the Palomares region (Spain) in 1966.

In the 70s, Great Britain and France actively joined in the creation of uninhabited underwater vehicles, and from the end of the 70s and especially in the 80s, Germany, Norway, Canada, Japan, Holland, and Sweden actively joined the race. And if initially the production of NPA was financed by the state, and the use was limited mainly to the military sphere, then already in the 80s the main volume of their production began to fall on commercial companies, and the scope spread to the field of business and science. This was due, first of all, to the intensive development of offshore oil and gas fields.

In the 90s, the ROV crossed the depth barrier of 6000 m. The Japanese ROV JAMSTEC Kaiko reached a depth of 10,909 m in the Mariana Trench. The US Navy has begun replacing pilot-operated rescue systems with modular systems based on uninhabited remotely controlled vehicles.

The appearance on the market of a wide variety of UUV models led to an active search for new areas of their application, and this, in turn, found a response from UUV developers and manufacturers. Such a reciprocal process, stimulating the development of this direction, is taking place now. Currently, there are more than 500 UUV manufacturing companies operating in the foreign market of marine robotics from various countries, including even Iceland, Iran and Croatia.

2.2. Development of domestic MRI.

In our country, the creation of uninhabited underwater vehicles began around the same years as abroad. At the Institute of Oceanology in 1963. development began, and in 1968. ROVs "CRAB" and "Manta 0.2" appeared, equipped with a TV camera and a manipulator.

A significant contribution to the development of marine robotics at different times was made by such organizations as:

  • - Institute of Marine Technology Problems FEB RAS (IPMT FEB RAS);
  • - Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Shirshov;
  • - MVTU im. Bauman;
  • - Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University;
  • - Central Research Institute "Gidropribor";
  • - Leningrad Polytechnic Institute;
  • - Engineering center "Depth";
  • - ZAO Intershelf-STM;
  • - SSC "Yuzhmorgeologiya";
  • - Indel-Partner LLC;
  • - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "OKB Oceanological Technology RAS".

Currently Tethys Pro OJSC is actively operating in the Russian market, providing Russian consumers with products from leading foreign manufacturers, providing their localization and technical support.

Institute of Marine Technology Problems FEB RAS was established in 1988. on the basis of the department of underwater technical means of the IAPU Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

At different times, the institute created ANPA "Skat", "Skat-geo", "L-1", "L-2", "MT-88", "Tyflonus", "OKRO-6000", "CR-01A ”, “Harpsichord”, small-sized “Pilgrim”, solar-powered AUV (SANPA); ROV of the MAKS series (small-sized device with cable connection). In total for the period 1974-2010. more than 20 uninhabited underwater vehicles for various purposes were created.

The devices created at the institute were used in rescue operations, to search for sunken objects, to survey underwater structures: pipelines, platform supports and berthing facilities. A unique operation in the Sargas Sea to search for and survey the nuclear submarine "K-219", which sank in 1987. at a depth of 5500 m, was the world's first deep-sea operation carried out exclusively by an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle ("L-2"). The created robotic complex was used to survey the area of ​​the death of the nuclear submarine "K-8" in the North Atlantic and in the search for a South Korean passenger aircraft in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe island. Sakhalin. In 1989, the L-2 submersible participated in search and rescue operations in the Norwegian Sea in the area of ​​the K-287 nuclear submarine accident (Komsomolets).

In 1990 The MT-88 AUV received in San Diego (USA) the international diploma INTERVENTION/ROV"90 of the first degree for the best work of the year and contribution to the progress of world underwater robotics.

at the Institute of Oceanology, as mentioned above, the first domestic ROVs of the CRAB and Manta series were created.

At MVTU im. Bauman research on the creation of underwater technology began in the late 60s at the department SM-7. To this day, the departments of "Oceanotechnics" and "Underwater robots and vehicles" train specialists in the development of underwater vehicles. In the engineering center "Glubina", together with teachers and students of the department "Underwater robots and vehicles", a multifunctional ROV "Kalan" was created. By the way, Engineering center "Glubina" in the early 90s, he developed another small-sized inspection ROV Belek.

Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" he was noted for the development of TNPA "TPA-150", "TPA-200" and "Rapan". However, during the operation in "Rapan" a number of shortcomings were identified and its use was discontinued.

In 1990 the Leningrad company ZAO appeared on the market "Intershelf-STM" with their developments of ROVs, with which the Ecopatrol ships were later equipped. In 1998 this organization, commissioned by Exxon, performed work on the study of large sections of the bottom as part of a project to develop offshore oil and gas fields.

SSC "Yuzhmorgeologiya" based on the Black Sea coast, 40 km from Novorossiysk. This organization is the developer and owner of three RT-1000 PLI, PTM 500 and PT 6000M ROVs.

With the help of these devices, a number of underwater technical works were carried out: search for chemical and bacteriological weapons burials in the Baltic Sea, inspection of oil pipelines, inspection of the exhaust manifolds of treatment facilities and port pier facilities in the Black Sea, work on sunken objects - "Admiral Nakhimov" and APRK "Kursk", inspection of the coastal part of the underwater pipeline "Blue Stream", search and recovery of the black boxes of the Airbus A-320, which crashed near Sochi, and a number of other works.

Indel-Partner LLC founded in 2001 is well known, thanks to its miniature and inexpensive (3-7 thousand dollars) inspection class ROVs of the GNOM and Obzor series. These devices are widely used for underwater photography, observation of fish and bottom inhabitants, inspection of sunken ships and search for various objects. GNOMS are purchased and successfully operated by the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, Rosenergoatom, large oil and gas companies, divers and divers.

FSUE "OKB Oceanological Technology RAS"- another well-known manufacturer of various underwater equipment, in 2006. developed and produced a multi-purpose ROV working class ROSUB 6000 with an immersion depth of up to 6000 m. The weight of the apparatus is 2500 kg, the payload is 150 kg.

OJSC "Tetis Pro". In 2010, the rescue forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet adopted a new remote-controlled autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle Obzor-600, created by the Russian company Tethys-PRO. Previously, the Russian fleet used British-made AUVs. We are talking about the devices Tiger and Pantera+ manufactured by Seaeye Marine. "Obzor-600" belongs to the class of small AUVs and is capable of operating at a depth of up to 600 meters. The mass of the apparatus is 15 kilograms. "Obzor-600" is equipped with manipulators that allow you to capture cargo weighing up to 20 kilograms. Due to its small size, the AUV can penetrate complex or narrow structures underwater.

3. Features and prospects of applied technologies.

3.1. Communication and interaction.

It is obvious that in this section we will focus exclusively on the communication and interaction of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), since ROVs are connected to the support vessel by cable, and surface vehicles - by radio channel. Due to the fact that electromagnetic waves in water quickly decay, radio communication in the HF and VHF bands is partially possible only at periscope depth. Underwater robots designed to work at depth are not interested. Studies carried out primarily in the interests of the military submarine fleet have shown that of the physical fields known in nature, the following are of greatest interest for solving the problem of communication with underwater objects:

  • - acoustic waves;
  • - electromagnetic fields in the range of ultra-low (VLF) and extremely low frequencies (ELF), sometimes they are called extremely low frequencies (ELF);
  • - seismic waves;
  • - optical (laser) radiation (in the blue-green range);
  • - neutrino beams and gravitational fields.

It was decided that backup communication with submarines under water anywhere in the world's oceans is most realistic using antennas that emit ultra-long waves. Multi-kilometer antennas were built in the USA, in the Great Lakes region and here on the Kola Peninsula.

In the ELF range, one-way sending of a message and its reception at any point in the ocean is possible, but ... one short word for ... 5-20 minutes. It is clear that such one-way communication can only be used as a backup, for transmitting, for example, an emergency command "to surface and contact the center in any way possible."

Therefore, to date, the only way to communicate with the surface of the ROV or with other underwater vehicles is acoustic communication in the low-frequency range. An example is the LinkQuest UWM 4000 acoustic transceiver modem for underwater communications from LinkQuest.

Today it is one of the most advanced and sought-after products, thanks to: an improved modulation scheme to improve the signal-to-noise ratio; stabilization of the communication channel to combat multiple signal re-reflection; error correction coding; automatic adaptation of the transmission rate to deal with changing noise conditions in the environment.

However, even at such a speed it is impossible to transmit significant amounts of information. You can only send commands or exchange small files. In order to transmit a photo or video image, or to download an array of accumulated data to the processing center, the AUV needs to surface and use radio or satellite communications. To do this, most modern vehicles (except for specialized bottom network sensors) have the necessary means of communication on board.

So, for example, in the Gavia AUV, the communication and control module has the following capabilities:

  • - wireless local area network
  • (Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11g) range - 300m (optimal range - 150m);
  • - satellite communication: Iridium;
  • - hydroacoustic communication system for receiving system status messages, range - 1200 m;
  • - data retrieval: wired LAN (Ethernet) or wireless LAN Wi-Fi.

Underwater optical communication.

Compared to air, water is opaque to most of the electromagnetic spectrum except for the visible range. Moreover, in the clearest waters, light penetrates only a few hundred meters deep. Therefore, acoustic communication is currently used underwater. Acoustic systems transmit information over fairly long distances, but still lag behind in transmission time due to the relatively low speed of sound propagation in water.

Scientists and engineers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have developed an optical transmission system that ties into existing acoustic systems. This method will allow data to be transmitted at speeds up to 10-20 megabits per second over a distance of 100 meters, using a low-power battery and an inexpensive receiver and transmitter. The invention will allow underwater vehicles, equipped with all the necessary devices for this, to transmit instant messages and video in real time to the surface of the water. The company's report was presented on February 23, 2010 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland Ore. When the ship goes to such a depth, when the optical system is no longer working, acoustics enters.

Material on the results of testing this technology appeared on the WHOI website only in July 2012. Apparently, the creators have been solving some commercial or copyright issues for so long. It was reported that blue light was used in the optical modem, as other light waves propagate less well in water, and "near real-time" video transmission from the bottom of the sea has been made up to 200 meters away. It was also reported that the creators of the technology formed an alliance with Sonardyne for the commercial promotion of their product, which they called BlueComm.

For reference, here are the basic basic information on wireless optical communication in the air.

The technology of wireless optics (Free Space Optics - FSO) has been known for a long time: the first experiments on data transmission using wireless optical devices were carried out more than 30 years ago. However, its rapid development began in the early 1990s. with the advent of broadband data networks. The first systems manufactured by A.T. Schindler, Jolt and SilCom provided data transmission over distances up to 500 m and used infrared semiconductor diodes. The progress of such systems was held back mainly due to the lack of reliable, powerful and "quick-firing" radiation sources.

Currently, such sources have appeared. Modern FSO technology supports connections up to OC-48 (2.5 Gb/s) with a maximum range of up to 10 km, and some manufacturers claim data rates up to 10 Gb/s and distances up to 50 km. At the same time, the indicator of the real maximum range is affected by the availability of the channel, that is, the percentage of time when the channel is working.

The data rates provided by FSO systems are about the same as those of fiber optic networks, so they are most in demand in broadband applications in the last mile. Wireless optical systems use the infrared radiation range from 400 to 1400 nm.

The ideology of building wireless optics systems is based on the fact that an optical communication channel imitates a cable segment. This approach does not require additional communication protocols or their modification.

Optical systems have certain characteristics that make them quite popular in the market:

  • good channel security from unauthorized access. Unauthorized removal of transmitted information is possible only when the signal receiver is placed directly in front of the transmitter, which inevitably leads to interruptions in communication in the main channel and registration of such an attempt. Optical systems can be used when organizing a channel for applications requiring a high level of security (for military purposes, in the banking sector, etc.);
  • significant information capacities of channels (up to tens of Gbit/s) provide the possibility of stable cryptography with a high level of redundancy;
  • high noise immunity of the channel. Unlike radios and leased-line modems, optical systems are immune to interference and electromagnetic noise; channel organization does not require obtaining frequency permits, which significantly reduces the cost and speeds up the creation of a network. For the use of such devices, a hygienic certificate is sufficient, and if they are used in public networks, a certificate from the Electrosvyaz system is also sufficient.

The construction of all infrared transmission systems is almost the same: they consist of an interface module, an emitter modulator, transmitter and receiver optical systems, a receiver demodulator, and a receiver interface unit. Depending on the type of optical emitters used, laser and semiconductor infrared diode systems are distinguished, which have different speeds and transmission ranges. The former provide a transmission range of up to 15 km at speeds up to 155 Mbps (commercial systems) or up to 10 Gbps (experimental systems). It should be noted that with the tightening of requirements for the quality of the channel, the communication range decreases. The latter provide a significantly shorter transmission range, although as technology develops, the range and communication speed increase. .

3.2. Navigation aids.

The history of maritime navigation goes back centuries. Even ancient navigators were guided by coastal markers, and far from the coast - by the stars. Yes, this is how you can find your way home, but for search operations that require precise positioning of both the search object on the bottom of the sea and your own coordinates under water, fundamentally different navigation methods are needed. Despite technological progress, quite recently, half a century ago, navigation aids did not provide the necessary positioning accuracy under water. From the memoirs of American specialists - search engines, it is known about the difficulties they encountered in 1963, when the American submarine Thresher sank at a depth of 2560 m, and in 1966 a hydrogen bomb was lost off the coast of Spain. The accuracy of underwater positioning could not provide an accurate re-exit to the sunken object. It was these and similar incidents that led to active research and development of sonar positioning methods. Later, the advent of satellite navigation systems further enhanced the possibilities of navigation at sea.

At present, NPA navigation systems include:

  • - satellite systems;
  • - hydroacoustic;
  • - onboard autonomous.

Satellite navigation systems GLONASS and GPS (+ in the future Galileo) provide the ability to quickly and accurately determine the coordinates of a marine object, synchronize the relative position of various objects in space, determine the speed and direction of movement of objects in real time. Taking into account wide-area additions, such as American WAAS, European EGNOS, Japanese MSAS, positioning accuracy on the sea surface can reach 1-2 m. However, when the ROV goes under water, communication with the satellite is terminated. Then the UUV position is determined by the dead reckoning method using onboard navigation aids (compass, speed sensors, depth sensor, gyroscopes), or using hydroacoustic positioning.

Hydroacoustic navigation system positioning beacon (GANS) is a system consisting of several stationary transmitting hydroacoustic beacons installed on the seabed and the accompanying vessel, a beacon responding to the UUV and an information processing unit. However, other methods of placing beacons are also used. Depending on this, there are GANS with a long base (GANS DB), GANS with a short base (GANS KB), GANS with an ultra-short base (GANS UKB), their combinations and combinations with satellite navigation.

HANS DB use several beacons (transponders) with acoustic transceivers installed on them. These beacons, located at locations with known geographic coordinates, emit sound waves, allowing UUVs to determine their distance. At least three acoustic beacons must be used to operate the system in a given area. The UUV triangulates to calculate its own position relative to them. Three or more beacons permanently installed on the seabed, at a distance of approximately 500 meters from each other, are used to build the GANS DB. The advantages of such systems are the high accuracy of determining coordinates (submeter accuracy), the absence of influence on the accuracy of sea waves, and the unlimited depth of use. Disadvantages - the need for an accurate display of lighthouses on the seabed, the need to raise them after the work is completed. The main application of GANS DB is long-term work on the survey of any underwater objects, the construction and operation of oil platforms, and the laying of pipelines.

HANS UKB works on the principle of determining the coordinates of the beacon - the defendant by distance and angle. The range of such systems reaches up to 4000 m. Usually, when working up to 1000 m, the accuracy of determining the coordinates is not worse than 10 m. This is sufficient to determine the location of the ROV, but not enough to perform complex underwater drilling or construction work.

The advantages of such systems include their relatively low cost and mobility. They can be used on almost any vessel, up to a rubber boat, by attaching a transmit-receive antenna (RTA) to the rod. The disadvantages include a high degree of influence of pitching on the accuracy and performance of the system.

An example of GANS UKB is the GANS TrackLink 1500 of the American company LinkQuest, which is a portable portable system capable of operating from any type of carrier ships and small boats. Several dozens of receiving and transmitting elements are structurally combined in a single housing, which can be lowered into the water directly from the side of the carrier vessel. Such a construction, on the one hand, makes it possible to achieve high positioning accuracy, and on the other hand, to reduce the overall dimensions of the system and the time it takes to prepare it for work, which is important in search and rescue operations. When performing underwater operations that require high-precision positioning, such as laying and surveying pipelines, building hydraulic structures and oil platforms, etc., it is recommended to permanently fix the PPA on a special rod for launching from the side or mount a retractable rod in the vessel's hull. This method of fastening ensures a stable position of the PPA relative to the carrier vessel, especially when operating in strong waves and currents.

For installation on underwater objects, the GANS includes various types of transponder beacons, unified in terms of weight and size and continuous operation time. The beacons are powered by built-in batteries or from the onboard network of underwater objects. The use of modern technology in the production of batteries ensures long-term operation of responder beacons in active mode. In the event of a long absence of request signals from the PPA, the responder beacon automatically switches to standby mode to save battery life. Such an algorithm of operation ensures a long-term (up to several months) presence of the transponder beacon under water.

Processing of all signals from the PPA is carried out in the surface control and display unit, which is a stationary computer or laptop. Unlike most similar systems on the market, the PPA data cable is connected directly to the serial port of a computer (laptop). Mathematical and graphical data processing is carried out using special software. The current coordinates of underwater objects, parameters and trajectory of their movement relative to the carrier vessel are displayed on the monitor screen in real time. The software has the ability to additionally process and display data from the GPS navigation system and an external motion sensor. These devices are connected to a laptop via a serial port or interface unit.

The LinkQuest manufacturing company offers a special modification of the GANS TrackLink 1500LC to work with miniature remote-controlled underwater vehicles of the SeaBotics type. Such a system has a special hydroacoustic antenna with protection against surface noise capable of operating from small boats or boats and a small responding beacon (weight in water is less than 200 g). The technical capabilities of the system allow positioning of the underwater vehicle in the entire range of working depths.

The GANS TrackLink 1500 kit includes:

  • hydroacoustic antenna with 20 meters cable;
  • responder beacon (depending on the type of underwater object) with a charger;
  • laptop with installed software;
  • transport case;
  • ZIP kit.

Additionally can be supplied:

  • up to 8 responder beacons;
  • GPS navigation system (DGPS);
  • external motion sensor.

Short base systems (GANS KB) have several hydrophones spaced apart from each other, located in the lower part of the carrier vessel. The processing unit, using hydroacoustic distance signals of the responder beacon, gives the coordinates of an underwater object in real time. The advantages of such a system are mobility and sufficiently high accuracy (about a meter). The working depth is limited to 1000 m. Disadvantages - requirements for the minimum length of the carrier vessel. The need for accurate calibration of the system, high sensitivity to sea waves. Recently, these systems have been replaced by simpler and more advanced UKB systems.

In recent years, a fundamentally new hybrid system has appeared on the positioning systems market, which uses the principles of constructing GANS DB and KB types with simultaneous comparison of coordinates using signals from DGPS (differential GPS). Let's take an example of such a system.

Hydroacoustic positioning system "GIB"(from the English GPS Intelligent Buoys) of the French company ACSA is designed to determine the current coordinates of underwater objects with great accuracy. The system is based on the principle of determining the coordinates of an underwater object relative to several surface floating buoys, the location of which, in turn, is determined using the global positioning system GPS or GLONASS. A floating buoy consists of a sonar receiver (hydrophone) and a GPS receiver. A hydroacoustic beacon with a certain signal frequency is installed on the underwater vehicle. Each buoy uses a hydrophone to determine the bearing and distance to the sonar beacon. At the same time, in strict time synchronization, the current geographic coordinates of the buoy are assigned to the obtained values. All received real-time data is sent via radio modem to the tracking post located on board the ship or on the shore. Special software using mathematical processing calculates the real geographic coordinates of an underwater object, the speed and direction of its movement. All initial and calculated parameters are saved for further processing; at the same time, the location and trajectory of the underwater object or objects, the carrier vessel and floating buoys are displayed on the screen of the tracking post monitor. The parameters and trajectories of movement can be displayed either in relative coordinates, for example, relative to the carrier vessel, or in absolute geographical coordinates, plotted directly on an electronic map of the area of ​​underwater operations. When performing work on the detection and recovery of fragments of sunken objects, hydrophones installed on buoys also determine the bearing and distance to the hydroacoustic beacon, the sunken object. The coordinates and depth of the beacon are displayed on the electronic map of the tracking post, and the operator can direct underwater vehicles or divers to the object, guided by the data displayed on the monitor. - ""&HYPERLINK " /des.asp?itm=3469&tbl=02.04"tbl=02.04

Due to its mobility, high deployment speed and undemanding to the type of support vessel, such a system is ideal for rescue and search operations. A special module attached to this system makes it possible to take direction finding acoustic signals from the black boxes of crashed aircraft or helicopters and to display divers or underwater vehicles on them.

Airborne autonomous navigation aids include: navigation and flight sensors (depth gauge, magnetic and gyro compasses, roll and trim sensors, relative and absolute speed meters - induction and Doppler logs, angular velocity sensors) and an inertial navigation system (INS) built on the basis of accelerometers and laser or fiber optic gyroscopes. The ANN measures the displacement and acceleration of the ROV along three axes and generates data to determine its geographical coordinates, angular orientation, linear and angular velocities.

In conclusion, we give an example navigation system of the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle (AUV) GAVIA. The navigation complex consists of onboard, hydroacoustic, satellite navigation systems:

- DGPS receiver with WAAS / EGNOS corrections

- 3-axis inductive compass, 360° orientation sensor, acceleration sensors

- ANN with Doppler lag

- Hydroacoustic navigation system with a long and ultra-short base.

The onboard system is a complex Doppler-inertial system consisting of a high-precision strapdown inertial navigation system (INS) with laser gyroscopes. The ANN is corrected by the data of the Doppler log, which measures the speed of the device over the ground or relative to the water.

The use of data on the height above the ground, provided by the Doppler log, allows the AUV to withstand the depths required to perform a survey of SSS or photographic surveys. A DGPS receiver is used to obtain a surface position. The hydroacoustic navigation system provides identification of the AUV with the installed transponder beacon relative to the receiving-transmitting antenna, or relative to the beacons installed on the bottom, emitting signals to the environment.

In the coming years, in our opinion, it is quite likely that a new navigation method based on the use of augmented reality technology. Means that implement this method can be very effective in positioning AUVs in closed spaces, such as the interior of sunken ships, pipelines, pools, as well as in complex bottom topography, crevices, fjords, harbors. You can read about this method in section 8. “Marine robotics + add. reality".

article "20.07.2013. Development of marine robotics in Russia and abroad" You can discuss on

Military Marine Robotics

The most important direction in the development of world civilization in the third millennium was the development of the resources of the oceans. Russia is interested in this region not only in terms of developing the natural resources of the World Ocean, but also in terms of ensuring the country's national security.

Illustration of "network-centric space"

In the Russian Federation, the relevance of issues related to the development of the underwater space and resources of the World Ocean is defined in the “Concept for the development of deep-sea forces and means of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2021”, approved by the President of the Russian Federation. The main directions of the development of military operations at sea are associated with the implementation of the concept of "network-centric space" based on the use of network technologies for information transfer, including the use of developed underwater infrastructure. Surface and underwater surveillance systems integrated with communication systems and naval weapons carriers into a single information network should be deployed in key areas of the World Ocean. As the main elements of the information network, along with traditional forces (ships, aircraft, submarines), robotic systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), uninhabited underwater vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned boats (UCS), as well as operationally deployable . mainly from underwater carriers, bottom equipment of various nomenclature and purpose.

Leading foreign states are already armed with underwater robotic systems (RCS), which perform the tasks of illuminating the underwater situation, detecting and destroying mines, and work is underway to create underwater vehicles capable of carrying weapons. Therefore, in the process of planning the development of the Navy, global trends in the creation and use of robotic systems for warfare at sea should be taken into account.

Currently, there are a number of problems of a regulatory and organizational nature that hinder the development of underwater robotics:

1) the lack of a regulatory framework both in the field of development and application of robotic systems;

2) the absence of a specialized sector in the industry of the military-industrial complex;

3) the absence of the institute of the General Designer. responsible for the practical implementation of the state technical policy in the development of underwater robotics;

4) the absence of a permanent testing ground on the territory of the Russian Federation for testing RTC samples and practical training of tactics for their use;

5) the imperfection of the system of interdepartmental exchange of information on the results of scientific research and technological developments in the field of underwater robotics.

Let's consider some ways of solving these problems.

Automation of planning for the development of marine RTCs

Program-target planning for the development of marine RTK

Program-target planning is built according to the logical scheme "goals - ways - means". With regard to the development of RTK:

Goals - the needs of the fleet;

Ways - models of the use of marine RTK;

Means - nomenclature and performance characteristics of the RTK.

Automation of planning for the development of marine RTCs implies the implementation of an information and analytical system that allows solving the following tasks:

Determining the place of the developed MRS in the Navy;

Development of operational-tactical models for the use of MRS;

Development of models for the use of NPA, BEC, UAVs and conducting research modeling;

Determining the direction of development and the optimal composition of the developed IRS;

Determination of the composition of weapons for the developed promising MRS;

Formation of plans for the development of marine RTK;

Comparative assessment of the military-economic efficiency of programs and plans for the creation of the RTK;

Monitoring the implementation of RTK development plans.

Complex for modeling marine robotic systems

One of the key issues in planning the development of RTCs is the modeling of the functioning and methods of using promising RTCs. The creation of a modeling complex will allow you to perform:

Calculation, evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of options for constructing MPS to solve the tasks;

Development of typical formalized descriptive application models;

Evaluation and analysis of various tactics for the joint use of various types of RTK in solving particular tasks of the fleet;

Development of operating modes and logic (tactics) of the functioning of the marine RTK control system;

Justification of tactical and technical requirements;

An assessment of the achievable performance characteristics of promising RTCs.

Educational and training complexes

An important issue for the effective use of RTK is the development of appropriate training and training tools for operators to control it. The existing simulators have a number of significant shortcomings that do not allow their use in the training of military RTK operators.

A prototype of a training complex for operators of a remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle (TYPA) has been created at JSC "Central Research Institute" Kurs ", on the basis of which it is possible to create simulators for operators of underwater RTCs.

The main advantages of the complex:

1 use of standard TYPE control panels;

2. the ability to add new types of TYPE, whose operators are trained on the simulator;

3. the ability to change the design of the TYPE while maintaining the adequacy of the model (attached equipment);

4. independent formation of training scenes by the instructor;

5 the ability to change the parameters of the external environment during the passage of the mission by operators;

6 automated evaluation of operators' actions and report generation;

7. recording and subsequent playback of the passage of mission operators;

8. modeling of the processes of the influence of the current on the dynamics of TYPE, plankton, vegetation on the bottom;

10. availability of reference information about the device and operating rules of the TYPE.

Complex for modeling marine robotic systems

Appearance and screen forms of the training complex for TN PA operators

Normative and methodological materials

JSC "Central Research Institute" Kurs "(within the framework of the SC R&D "Robot-Norma-K") developed the Draft Unified System of the Regulatory Framework of Documents (ESNBD) regulating the processes of development, testing and application of NLA in terms of radio-electronic systems of underwater robotics, consisting of drafts of the following standards:

“Uninhabited underwater vehicles. Autonomy and management”;

"Remotely controlled underwater vehicles (TN PA)";

“Uninhabited underwater vehicles. Payload physical interface.

In the draft standard “Uninhabited underwater vehicles. Autonomy and Control” proposes a classification of autonomous ROVs and introduces a unified terminology in the development of underwater robotics. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the functioning of an underwater vehicle in autonomous mode, criteria for assessing the level of autonomy of underwater vehicles are established, a functional separation of the subsystems of the UUV control system is proposed, the functional capabilities of UUV are listed and described, which, to one degree or another, should be implemented in autonomous civil or dual-purpose vehicles. . In addition, the standard establishes a list of elementary commands available for various NPAs.

The draft standard "Remotely controlled underwater vehicles (ROV)" contains terminological articles, introduces a detailed classification of remotely controlled underwater vehicles, establishes a list of project documentation that must be created at the stages of development of ROV. complex, control devices, manipulators, "surface" equipment - control panel and power supply system for ROVs, equipment for lowering and lifting).

Draft standard “Uninhabited underwater vehicles. Payload Physical Interface” regulates the characteristics of the payload modules of an autonomous UUV. The normative document is intended to provide the developer with the parameters necessary to integrate various combinations of system components and payload modules determined by the mission of the vehicle. At the same time, it does not specify the models and types of special equipment and does not restrict the possibility of using new types of equipment for underwater robotics. The standard defines the physical characteristics of payload modules, including the maximum weight and dimensions of the modules and contains requirements for mechanical and electrical detachable connections of payload modules, design requirements , the requirements for the presence and construction of the module's own control system, as well as its interaction with the control system of the vehicle itself. At the same time, decisions on the choice of such payload module control system parameters as hardware implementation, operating system and programming language are not limited by the standard.

L.M. KLYACHKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chairman of the NES of the Maritime Collegium, General Director of OAO Central Research Institute Kurs, OAO Concern Morinformsistema-Agat V.V.KHANYCHEV. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy gene. Director of JSC "Central Research Institute" Kurs ", JSC" Concern "Morinformsystem - Agat"

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conceptual issues of robotization of marine equipment

S.A. Polovko, P.K. Shubin, V.I. Yudin

St. Petersburg, Russia

a conceptual issue of robotization marine engineering

Scientifically based concepts of the urgent need for robotization of all work related to marine equipment, designed to take a person out of the high-risk zone, increase the functionality, efficiency and productivity of marine equipment, as well as resolve the strategic conflict between the complication and intensification of the management and maintenance of equipment and limited capabilities, are considered. person.


The article describes the concept of evidence-based robotics urgent need of all work related to marine technology, designed to bring people from high-risk areas, to improve the functionality, flexibility and performance of marine applications and enable strategic conflict between complexity and intensification of management and maintenance of equipment and disabled person.


As fundamental, conceptual issues of scientifically based robotization of marine equipment (MT), it is advisable to consider, first of all, issues that directly follow from the reasons for the need for robotization. That is, the reasons why MT objects become objects of the introduction of robots, robotic complexes (RC) and systems. Here and in what follows, the RTC is understood as the totality of the robot and its control panel, and the robotic system is the totality of the RTC and the object of its carrier.

Robots, as evidenced by the experience of their creation and use, are being introduced primarily where human labor and life activities are difficult, impossible or fraught with a threat to life and health. For example, this takes place in areas of radioactive or chemical contamination, in combat conditions, during underwater or space research, work, etc.

With regard to maritime activities, these are primarily:

deep sea research;

diving operations at great depths; underwater technical work; rescue operations; search and rescue operations in adverse hydrometeorological conditions (HMU);

extraction of raw materials and minerals on the shelf.

With regard to the military field: mine and anti-sabotage defense;

reconnaissance, search and tracking; participation in hostilities and their support.

Thus, almost the entire range of objects: from underwater MT (diving equipment, manned underwater vehicles - OSU, submarines - PLPL, technology for the development of the shelf zone of the world ocean), surface (ships, vessels, boats) to air MT (aircraft - LA) are objects of robotization, i.e., they are objects that are subject to the introduction of robots, RTK and systems on them.

Moreover, with varying degrees of risk to human life, not only work outside

MT object, overboard, at depth (diving work), but also work directly at the offshore facility. Obviously, the sequence of robotization should be directly related to the magnitude of the risk to the life of personnel (crew members). Quantitatively, the magnitude of the risk can be measured by the statistical or predictive (calculated) probability of death of a person, depending on the type of activity per year [year-1], as shown in based on statistical data and literature data.

Let's take into consideration three levels of risk presented in the figure, depending on the type of activity and the source of risk according to . The higher the risk value, the closer this type of human activity (and the corresponding type of technology) to the beginning of the queue for robotization. This refers to the priority creation of robotic zones both outside and inside the MT facilities, zones for the functioning of robots, in order to remove a person from a high-risk zone.

Let n. be the serial number in the queue for the robotization of the given (/th) MT object, and m., respectively, the probability of death of the crew members of the /th MT object per year. Then, to estimate the order of robotization, we can get:

n1 =1+|(r); /(1L (1)

where |(t.) is a step function of the risk value:

|(t.) = 0, with r. > GNUR =10-3 year-1;

|(t) = 1 at tHur > yr > GPDU = 10-4 year-1;

|(t) = 2 when tpd > r, > tpd = 10-6 year-1;

|(T) = 3, Г1< гппу.

Estimating the required degree of robotization of the i-th object of MT $ 1"), it is necessary to focus primarily on the degree of reduction in the number of personnel in the area of ​​activity with increased risk, which is assumed to be proportional to the degree of excess of m over the GPD in the following form:

5." = 1 - tPDU t(2)

Estimation of the share of personnel from the total initial headcount (W) at the i-th marine equipment facility remaining after the implementation of the RTC will have the following form:

№b = [(1 - poison]. (3)

The degree of robotization, i.e. the degree of implementation of the RTK in order to replace the personnel of the i-th object of the MT,

can be expressed as a percentage in the following way:

five . \u003d (F - No. b) F-1 - 100%.

It obviously follows from (2) that for m > rHyp > 5m > 90.0%. That is, almost all personnel should be removed from this facility (from this zone) and replaced by the RTK.

The principle of replacing human labor with robotic labor in high-risk areas is by far the dominant one, as evidenced by the active introduction of underwater robots - uninhabited underwater vehicles (UUVs). However, it does not exhaust all the needs for the implementation of RTC in maritime business.

The next most important principles should be recognized as the principles of expanding the functionality of marine equipment, increasing the efficiency and productivity of work through the introduction of marine robots (MR), RTK and systems. So, when replacing heavy diving work, for example, in the case of inspection, inspection or repair of objects under water (on the ground) by an underwater robot, the functionality expands, the efficiency and productivity of work increase. The use of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles (AUVs) as submarine satellites significantly expands the combat capabilities and increases the combat stability of the submarine. The active development and use of unmanned boats (BC) and ships (BS), as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) abroad, also indicates the promise of a robotic MT. Indeed, even other things being equal, the risk of losing the crew of the MT object when working in complex GMUs is excluded. In general, we can talk about the relatively high efficiency (utility) of marine robots (UV, BC, BS, UAV) at a relatively low cost.

The next conceptual issue in the problem of scientifically based robotization of MT objects is the classification of marine robotics, which not only captures the current state of affairs and experience in the development and use of robots, but also allows us to predict the main trends and promising directions for further development in solving problems of external robotics.

The most validated approach to the classification of marine underwater robotics

presented in . Under marine robotics we will understand the actual robots, robotic complexes and systems. The diversity of NPAs created in the world makes it difficult to categorize them strictly. Most often, the mass, dimensions, autonomy, mode of movement, buoyancy, operating depth, deployment scheme, purpose, functional and design features, cost, and some others are used as classification features of marine RTK (NVU).

Classification by weight and size characteristics:

microPA (PMA), mass (dry)< 20 кг, дальность плавания менее 1-2 морских миль, оперативная (рабочая) глубина до 150 м;

mini-PA, weight 20-100 kg, cruising range from 0.5 to 4000 nautical miles, operational depth up to 2000 m;

small UUV, weight 100-500 kg. Currently, PAs of this class account for 15-20% and are widely used in solving various problems at depths up to 1500 m;

average NPA, weight more than 500 kg, but less than 2000 kg;

large NLA, weight > 2000 kg. Classification according to the features of the shape of the supporting structure:

classic shape (cylindrical, conical and spherical);

bionic (floating and crawling types);

Underwater (diving)

work _2 --^ 10

Service on the PLPL of the Navy -

Shelf development

Motor transport



Natural disasters -





Levels of risk of death of a person (probability - g per year) depending on the type of activity and the source of risk,

as well as the accepted classification of risk levels: PPU - the most negligible level of risk; MPC - maximum permissible level of risk;

NUR - unacceptable level of risk

glider (airplane) form;

with a solar panel on the top of the housing (flat shapes);

crawling NPA on a caterpillar base.

Classification of marine RTK (NPA) according to the degree of autonomy. AUV must meet three main conditions of autonomy: mechanical, energy and information.

Mechanical autonomy implies the absence of any mechanical connection in the form of a cable, rope or hose connecting the UA with the carrier vessel or with the bottom station or shore base.

Energy autonomy implies the presence of a power source on board the UA in the form of, for example, batteries, fuel cells, a nuclear reactor, an internal combustion engine with a closed operating cycle, etc.

The information autonomy of the ROV implies the absence of information exchange between the vehicle and the carrier ship, or the bottom station or coastal base. At the same time, the ROV must also have an autonomous inertial navigation system.

Classification of marine RTK (NVU) according to the information principle for the corresponding generation of UV.

Offshore autonomous RTK VN (AUV) of the first generation operate according to a predetermined rigid unchangeable program.

Remote controlled (RC) ROVs of the first generation are controlled in an open loop. In these simplest devices, control commands are sent directly to the propulsion system without the use of automatic feedback.

AUVs of the second generation have an extensive sensor system.

The second generation of DUNPA assumes the presence of automatic feedback on the coordinates of the state of the control object: height above the bottom, depth of immersion, speed, angular coordinates, etc. These next coordinates are compared in the autopilot with the given ones determined by the operator.

Third-generation AUVs will have elements of artificial intelligence: the ability to independently make simple decisions within the framework of the general task assigned to them; elements of artificial vision

with the possibility of automatic recognition of simple images; the opportunity for elementary self-learning with the replenishment of their own knowledge base.

DUNPA of the third generation are controlled by the operator in an interactive mode. The supervisory control system already assumes a certain hierarchy, consisting of the upper level, implemented in the computer of the carrier ship, and the lower level, implemented on board the underwater module.

Depending on the depth of immersion, they usually consider: shallow-water PTVA with a working immersion depth of up to 100 m, PTVA for work on the shelf (300-600 m), medium-depth devices (up to 2000 m) and PTVA of large and extreme depths (6000 m and more) .

Depending on the type of propulsion system, one can distinguish between UUVs with a traditional propeller group, MRs with a propulsion system based on bionic principles, and AUV-gliders with a propulsion system that uses a change in trim and buoyancy.

Modern robotic systems are used in almost all areas of underwater technical work. However, the main area of ​​​​their application was and remains the military. Military UAVs and UAVs have already been included in the navies of the leading industrial states, which can become a highly effective and hidden component of the system of means of armed struggle in the oceanic and maritime theaters of military operations. Due to the relatively low cost, the production of NPA can be large-scale, and their application can be large-scale.

In terms of creating NPA, UAVs and military BS, the efforts of the United States are especially indicative. For example, AUVs are attached to every multi-purpose and missile submarine. Each tactical group of surface ships is assigned two such AUVs. The deployment of AUVs from submarines is supposed to be carried out through torpedo tubes, missile launchers or from places specially equipped for them outside the submarine's strong hull. The use of UAVs and UAVs in the fight against mine danger turned out to be extremely promising. Their application led to the creation of a new concept of "hunting for mines", including the detection, classification, identification and neutralization (destruction) of mines. Mine-

Airborne UUVs, remotely controlled from a ship, make it possible to carry out mine action operations with greater efficiency, as well as increase the depth of mine action areas, and reduce the time for identification and destruction. In the plans of the Pentagon, the main emphasis in future network-centric wars is on the large-scale use of combat robots, unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned underwater vehicles. The Pentagon expects to robotize a third of all combat assets by 2020, creating fully autonomous robotic formations and other formations.

The development of domestic marine robotic systems and special-purpose complexes must be carried out in accordance with the Marine Doctrine of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, taking into account the result of the analysis of global robotics development trends, as well as in connection with the transition of the Russian economy to an innovative development path.

This takes into account the results of the implementation of the federal target program "World Ocean", an ongoing analysis of the state and trends in the development of maritime activities in the Russian Federation and in the world as a whole, as well as systematic studies on issues related to ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the field of study, development and use of the oceans. The effectiveness of the implementation of the results obtained in the FTP is determined by the widespread use of dual-use technologies and modular design principles.

The purpose of the development of marine robotics is to increase the efficiency of the use of special systems and weapons of the Navy, special systems of departments operating marine resources, expand their functionality, ensure the safety of the crews of aircraft, NK, submarines, underwater vehicles and perform special, underwater technical and emergency rescue works.

Achieving the goal is ensured by the implementation of the following development principles in terms of the design, creation and application of marine robotics:

unification and modular construction;

miniaturization and intellectualization;

combination of automatic, automated

bathroom and group management;

information support for the management of robotic systems;

hybridization for the integration of heterogeneous mechatronic modules as part of complexes and systems;

distributed tracking infrastructure combined with on-board information support systems for maritime operations.

The main directions of the development of marine robotics should provide a solution to a number of strategic problems of the complication and intensification of military equipment associated with interaction in the "human-equipment" system.

An internal direction aimed at providing robotization of energy-saturated sealed compartments of NK, PL and OPA. It includes intra-compartment robotic equipment (including mobile small-sized monitoring equipment), complexes and systems for warning about the onset of dangerous (emergency) situations and taking measures to eliminate them.

External direction, in providing robotic diving and special marine operations, including monitoring the status of potentially dangerous objects, as well as emergency rescue operations. It includes UAVs, BPS, MRS, AUV, unmanned underwater vehicles (BOPA), marine robotic complexes and systems.

The main objectives of the development of marine robotics are functional, technological, service and organizational.

Promising functional tasks of marine robotics in the framework of in-vehicle activities:

monitoring the state of mechanisms and systems, parameters of the intra-compartment environment;

carrying out certain dangerous and especially dangerous work inside and outside compartments and premises;

technological and transport operations; ensuring the performance of crew functions during the period of unmanned operation of the NK, PL or LA;

warning about the occurrence of emergencies and taking measures to eliminate them.

Promising functional tasks of marine robotics within the framework of functioning on the surface of an object, above water, under water and at the bottom:

monitoring and maintenance of OC, PL and OPA (including the collection and transmission of information on the state of the OPA);

performance of technological operations and provision of scientific research;

performing tasks of reconnaissance, surveillance, conducting certain military operations independently;

demining, work with potentially dangerous objects;

work as part of navigation systems and hydrological and environmental monitoring systems.

The main promising technological tasks in the field of creating marine robotics:

creation of hybrid modular autonomous MRS with operational modification of its own structure for various functional purposes;

development of methods for group control of robots and organization of their interaction;

creation of telecontrol systems with volumetric visualization, including in real time;

MRS management using information and network technologies, including self-diagnosis and self-learning;

integration of MRS into higher-level systems, including means of delivery to the area of ​​their application and comprehensive operation support;

organization of a human-machine interface that provides automatic, automated, supervisory and group control of the MR.

The main service tasks in the operation of marine robotics are:

development of ground and onboard infrastructure for testing support and maintenance of MRS;

development of situational simulation and simulation complexes and simulators, special equipment and tooling for training, maintenance and support of MRS;

ensuring the maintainability and the possibility of recycling the structures of equipment, instruments and systems.

As part of the main organizational tasks and activities for the creation and implementation of marine robotics, it is advisable to provide for:

development of an integrated target program (CTP) for the development of marine robotics (MT robotization);

creation of a working body to substantiate and form the CPC of MT robotization, including planning events, creating a list of competitive tasks, examination, selection of proposed projects and possible solutions;

carrying out activities for organizational, staffing, personnel and material support for testing and operation of marine robotics in the fleet.

As indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of the development and implementation of marine robotics, it is advisable to consider the following main ones:

1) the degree of replacement of the personnel of the facility;

2) military-economic efficiency (the criterion of efficiency is cost);

3) the degree of universality (the possibility of dual use);

4) the degree of standardization and unification (constructive and technological criterion);

5) the degree of compliance with the functional purpose (the criterion of technical excellence, the possibility of further modernization, modification, improvement and integration into other systems).

The main condition for the development and implementation of the RTK, systems and their elements is the successful solution of economic and organizational problems, primarily the tasks of developing and implementing the KTsP of MT robotization and federal procurement programs of the RTK.

One of the most complex and time-consuming processes in the development of the CCP involves the compilation of a list of works and technological maps of their implementation (cataloging of works) to solve problems that require the use of robotic tools. Each typical operation carried out by the forces of the Navy and other interested departments must be presented in the form of an algorithm, or a set of typical actions or scenarios. From the resulting set of scenarios, those that require the use of robotic tools should be selected. The selected scenarios (individual operations) should be summarized in a single updated register of works involving the use of robotic tools. This list should have a strict hierarchical structure, reflecting

the degree of importance (priority) of these works, information on the frequency or repeatability of their implementation, cost estimates for the development and manufacture of robotic tools for their implementation. The developed list should become the initial information for the subsequent decision on the development of the necessary tools within the framework of the CPC.

The already well-known thesis is of conceptual importance: many important tasks of the fleet can be successfully solved if we focus on the group use of interacting relatively inexpensive, portable, small-sized robots that do not require a developed infrastructure.

structures and highly qualified service personnel, instead of a smaller number of large, expensive, requiring special carriers, and even more so inhabited, underwater, surface and aircraft.

Thus, the robotization of marine equipment is designed to take a person out of the high-risk zone, increase the functionality, efficiency and productivity of marine equipment, as well as resolve the strategic conflict between the complication and intensification of the processes of management and maintenance of equipment, and limited human capabilities.


1. Aleksandrov, M.N. Human safety at sea [Text] / M.N. Alexandrov. - L .: Shipbuilding, 1983.

2. Shubin, P.K. The problem of introducing unmanned technologies to offshore facilities [Text] / P.K. Shubin // Extreme robotics. Mater. XIII scientific and technical. conf. -SPb.: SPbGTU Publishing House, 2003. -S. 139-149.

3. Shubin, P.K. Improving the safety of energy-saturated objects of the Navy by means of robotics. Actual problems of protection and safety [Text] / P.K. Shubin // Extreme robotics. Tr. XIV All-Russian. scientific-practical. conf. - St. Petersburg: NPO Special Materials, 2011. - T. 5. -S. 127-138.

4. Ageev, M.D. Autonomous underwater robots. Systems and technologies [Text] / M.D. Ageev, L.V. Kiselev, Yu.V. Matvienko [and others]; Under. ed. M.D. Ageeva. -M.: Nauka, 2005. -398 p.

5. Ageev, M.D. Uninhabited underwater vehicles for military purposes: Monograph [Text] / M.D. Ageev, L.A. Naumov, G.Yu. Illarionov [i dr.]; Under. ed.

M.D. Ageeva. -Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2005. -168 p.

6. Alekseev, Yu.K. State and prospects for the development of underwater robotics. Part 1 [Text] / Yu.K. Alekseev, E.V. Makarov, V.F. Filaretov // Mecha-tronics. -2002. -No. 2. -S. 16-26.

7. Illarionov, G.Yu. A threat from the depths: XXI century [Text] / G.Yu. Illarionov, K.S. Sidenko, L.Yu. Bocharov. -Khabarovsk: KSUE "Khabarovsk regional printing house", 2011. -304 p.

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B.A. Lopota, E.I. Yurevich // Issues of defense technology. Ser. 16. Technical means of countering terrorism. - M., 2003. - Issue. 9-10. -FROM. 7-9.

It is customary to divide unmanned (uninhabited) vehicles used in fleets (navies) according to the environment of use into surface and underwater, as well as remotely controlled and autonomous. Also, various robotic systems can be used on inhabited ships.
Boarding robots, torpedoes capable of automatically attacking ships of a given type, search boats, anti-submarine boats, target drones for training ship crews in firing or testing automatic weapons systems, demining equipment, etc. have been developed. The variety of submersibles is expected to soon be expanded by underwater robopods with payloads ranging from drones to missiles.

Classification, history, trends

Depending on the main purpose, naval military vehicles are divided into the following categories:

Search and reconnaissance devices for surveying the seabed and other objects. They can operate autonomously or in remote control mode. One of the main tasks is countering mining, detecting, classifying and localizing mines.

Shock underwater robots. Designed to fight enemy ships and submarines, etc.

Underwater "bookmarks" - robocapsules that are on duty underwater for many weeks or years, which, on a signal, emerge and activate one or another payload.

Surface devices for patrolling and detecting surface hostile activity in controlled waters

Surface devices for automatic detection and tracking of submarines

Automated fire systems to deal with fast-flying targets.

Devices to fight against pirates, smugglers and terrorists. If any of the dangerous situations is detected, such a robot can give a signal to the control center. If the robot carries weapons, then having received a signal from the command center, it can use on-board weapon systems on the target.

Boarding robots capable of quickly getting special units on board the ship

Robotic torpedoes capable of automatically recognizing the type of corbal of a certain type and attacking it with or without the command of the operator.

By form factor marine robots can be divided into:

Robotic remote-controlled boats

Robotic autonomous surface devices of various designs

Underwater remote-controlled uninhabited devices

Underwater autonomous uninhabited devices

boarding robots

Robopods to keep payload in position underwater in ready-to-operate mode

Target drones for crew training

Robotic torpedoes

Hybrid designs capable of operating both as a submarine and as a surface boat

History, trends



PMS 325 USV Sweep System - a development for the US Navy as a support for ships in the coastal zone.

High-speed surface air-winged drones USSV-HS and low-speed ones USSV-LS are being developed.


Since 2004, the Aegis shipborne missile defense system has been operating, capable of automatically detecting and counterattacking missiles heading for ships.


The United States has begun using autonomous robots to search for underwater mines.

Released remote-controlled boats Owl MK II, Navtek Inc. for use in port security systems.

The Spartan remote-controlled boat was developed jointly by developers from the USA, France and Singapore to test technologies. Released two versions - 7 m and 11 m. Modular, multi-purpose, reconfigurable for the current task.

Announced unmanned boat Radix Odyssey, further information about it is not found.


In the United States, a surface remote-controlled target launched from a ship, SDST, appears. Later it will be renamed to Roboski.


Since the 1980s, US Navy ships have been using Mark 15 Phalanx automatic anti-aircraft artillery systems - multi-barreled robotic guns that are guided by a radar signal.

The fleets of the United States of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden use remote-controlled boats for mine clearance.


In 1954, the successful High-Speed ​​Maneuverable Marine Mine Trawl was created in the USA. Known projects of mobile unmanned targets - QST-33, QST-34, QST-35 / 35A Septar and HSMST (High-speed maneuverable seaborne target), USA.


In 1944, the Ferngelenkte Sprenboote radio-controlled fireboxes were created in Germany. The development of Comox radio-controlled torpedoes was carried out in Canada, similar work was carried out by France and the United States.


The appearance in the RSFSR of radio-controlled boats Volt and Volt-R. Development of the Special Technical Bureau under the leadership of Vladimir Ivanovich Bekauri (1882-1938). Radio station "U", electromechanical steering "elemru". The disadvantage was the lack of feedback - the boats did not transmit any signals to the control center, they were guided to the target visually, remotely.

In 1935, a Soviet-made G-5 torpedo boat appeared.


At the end of the 1920s, under the leadership of A. Tupolev, Sh-4 radio-controlled torpedo boats with two torpedoes on board were created in the RSFSR of the last century, made of duralumin, without cabins and cockpits. A. Shorin was engaged in radio equipment. Issued in divisions. Later, boats began to be controlled from MBR-2 seaplanes flying at an altitude of 2,000 meters.


The "torpedo boat" of Nikola Tesla is known, which the inventor called "tele-automatic". The prototype of the boat was remotely controlled by radio, the model was driven by an electric motor. The device was demonstrated at the Electrical Show in New York. The project was financed by Morgan, the design of the boat was carried out by the architect Stanford White, Tesla led the project and provided all the "electrics" and "radio" products. The length of the prototype boat is 1.8 m. The payload was supposed to be explosives. The idea was not claimed by the US War Department. Tesla had a patent called "Methods of control and control devices for radio-controlled boats and wheeled vehicles."

even earlier

The prototype of unmanned military naval vehicles were fireships - floating vehicles loaded with combustible materials, set on fire and directed towards the enemy fleet in order to cause fire or explosions of enemy ships. Before the invention of radio, they were uncontrollable.

Known Issues

Platform Stability

Payload Standardization

Standard interfaces with mother ships

Legal problems (Ottawa convention, abandoned ships)

Creation from scratch, like a drone or conversion of habitable vehicles into unmanned vehicles

In modern robotics, robots are defined as a class of technical systems that reproduce the motor and intellectual functions of a person in their actions.

The robot differs from a conventional automatic system in its multipurpose purpose, great versatility, and the ability to be reconfigured to perform a variety of functions.

Robots are classified:

By areas of application - industrial, military, research;

By the environment of application (operations) - ground, underground, surface, underwater, air, space;

According to the degree of mobility - stationary, mobile, mixed; - by type of control system - software, adaptive, intelligent.

A variety of devices belonging to the class of industrial robots and designed to automate manual, heavy, hazardous, dangerous or monotonous work can be classified according to:


degree of universality;

kinematic, geometric, energy parameters;

control methods (the degree of human participation in the programming of the robot).

By purpose, currently known robots can be broadly divided into the following three groups: for scientific purposes, for military purposes, for use in production, in the service sector.

More and more often, demands are made on a person, the fulfillment of which is limited by his biological capabilities (in space conditions, increased radiation, great depths, chemically active environments, etc.).

When examining planets and other space bodies, vehicles must be equipped with manipulators for the crew to communicate with the outside world. If the device is not inhabited, then the manipulators must have remote control from the Earth. In such automatic devices, the "hands" of the cameraman are the most important means of active interaction with the environment.

Television cameramen and robots have found no less extensive use in various works at great depths of the seas and oceans. Previously, a person descended to the depths in a special apparatus and was a somewhat passive observer; now, recently built underwater vehicles are equipped with “hands” controlled by a person inside the deep-sea vehicle.

Cameramen and robots are used for laying cables at depth, searching for and lifting sunken ships and cargo, and for various studies of inaccessible sea depths.

Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle - AUV (eng. autonomous underwater vehicle - AUV) an underwater robot somewhat reminiscent of a torpedo or a submarine moving under water in order to collect information about the bottom topography, about the structure of the upper layer of sediments, about the presence of objects and obstacles on the bottom . The device is powered by rechargeable batteries or other types of batteries. Some types of AUVs are capable of diving to a depth of 6000 m. AUVs are used for areal surveys, for monitoring underwater objects, such as pipelines, and for searching and clearing underwater mines.

A remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) is an underwater vehicle, often called a robot, that is controlled by an operator or a group of operators (pilot, navigator, etc.) from the ship. The device is connected to the ship by a complex cable, through which control signals and power supply are supplied to the device, and sensor readings and video signals are transmitted back. ROVs are used for inspection work, for rescue operations, for sharpening and extracting large objects from the bottom, for providing support for oil and gas complex facilities (drilling support, inspection of gas pipeline routes, inspection of structures for breakdowns, performing operations with valves and gate valves), for operations for demining, for scientific applications, for supporting diving operations, for maintaining fish farms, for archaeological research, for inspecting urban communications, for inspecting ships for the presence of smuggled goods attached to the outside of the board, etc. The range of tasks to be solved is constantly expanding and the fleet devices is growing rapidly. The operation of the apparatus is much cheaper than expensive diving operations, despite the fact that the initial investment is quite large, although the operation of the apparatus cannot replace the entire range of diving operations.

In addition to the listed areas of application in hazardous conditions, teleoperators and robots are used in the repair and replacement of nuclear engines, while working in contaminated areas, in mines.

Work is underway to create a special robot for coal mining. As planned by Korea Coal Corp, the robot will not only extract coal, but also collect it, and then place it on a conveyor belt, which will deliver the rock to the top. The mechanics located on the surface will control the work.

Modern robotic firefighters have the ability to:

Reconnaissance and monitoring of the area in the zone of emergency situations;

Fire extinguishing in the conditions of modern man-made accidents, accompanied by an increased level of radiation, the presence of toxic and potent substances in the work area, fragmentation and explosive damage; using water-foam fire extinguishing agents;

Carrying out rescue operations at the site of a fire and an emergency;

Demolition of rubble for access to the burning zone and liquidation of emergency situations;

With appropriate re-equipment, it is possible to carry out fire extinguishing using powders and liquefied gases.

For example, the El-4, El-10 and Luf-60 robots, designed to extinguish man-made fires without human intervention, took part in extinguishing a forest fire in 2010 around the nuclear center in Sarov.

Many types of production require the use of robots. Using them frees the worker from labor in exhausting and difficult conditions. In the forge shop, a robot can be installed to move and install heavy hot workpieces on the hammer. Robots can paint products, freeing a person from being in a room with sprayed paint. The most dangerous and harmful are operations with radioactive substances and nuclear equipment. Such work has long been performed by the "hands" of cameramen.

To work with nuclear reactors and radioactive installations, mobile teleoperators have been developed, in which a sealed cabin is equipped with protective walls for working in a radioactive environment.

There are many examples of the use of robots and cameramen in hazardous and hard work. It is rational to use robots for monotonous repetitive operations, for example, installing workpieces and parts on a machine. The robot can pick up and move fragile glass and small parts.

Another direction in technology should also be noted - this is the creation of special amplifiers of human physical capabilities - the so-called exoskeleton (from the Greek. external skeleton) - a device designed to increase the muscular strength of a person due to the external frame. The exoskeleton repeats human biomechanics for a proportional increase in efforts during movements. According to open press reports, currently operating samples have been created in Japan and the USA. The exoskeleton can be integrated into the suit.

The first exoskeleton was jointly developed by General Electric and the United States military in the 60s and was called the Hardiman. He could lift 110kg with a lifting force of 4.5kg. However, it was impractical due to its significant mass of 680kg. The project was not successful. Any attempt to use a full exoskeleton ended in intense uncontrolled movement, resulting in never being tested with a person inside. Further research has focused on one hand. Although she was supposed to lift 340kg, her weight was three quarters of a ton, which was twice the lifting capacity. Without getting all the components together to work, the practical application of the Hardiman project was limited.

According to the degree of universality, all robots can be divided into three groups:

Special, for example, a manipulator for turning over and installing kinescopes in a vacuum or a manipulator for installing workpieces in a special stamp. As a rule, these devices have one to three degrees of freedom and work according to a strictly fixed program, performing a simple operation;

Specialized, the scope of which is limited to certain conditions and space. For example, robots with adjustable arm length and several degrees of freedom in space to perform only "hot" work - casting or heat treatment;

Universal devices moving in space, for example, robots with a large number of degrees of freedom and adjustable length of functioning limbs, capable of performing a wide variety of operations with a wide range of parts. A versatile general purpose industrial robot can be switched to another job and quickly reprogrammed to perform any cycle within the technical capabilities.

According to the kinematic, geometric and energy parameters, the devices are divided as follows.

By kinematic parameters, robots can be classified depending on the number of degrees of freedom, possible options for the action and movement of functional organs, as well as the speed of their movement.

By geometric parameters as a classification feature, robots are subdivided depending on the size of the functioning organs and the ranges of their linear and angular displacements.

According to energy parameters, robots are divided into groups according to their load capacity and developed power.

By control methods, industrial robots of the first generations can be divided into robots:

Controlled by numerical control systems;

with cyclic control systems;

Autonomous, computer-controlled (control machines capable of collecting and analyzing information in the course of action, responding to this information, changing the program accordingly).

Television remote control systems have been developed that provide a stereoscopic image of the coverage area. They are used in medicine (da Vinci robot) and telepresence systems.

In robot CNC systems, the recorded program is repeated many times.

Changing the character of the robot's movements can only be achieved by introducing a new program. Programming the work of such robots is not difficult and is the simplest form of their “training”. In this case, a person exercises only periodic control over the operation of the robot and a change in the program.

Computer-controlled robots have a control system capable of collecting the necessary information in the process of performing work, processing it with the help of an electronic "brain" and making the necessary changes to a previously entered program.