Significant violations of the minutes of the general meeting snt. What are the grounds and procedure for declaring the decision of the general meeting of SNT invalid? The procedure for recognizing the general meeting of SNT invalid

Recently, this problem has become very relevant among members of horticultural non-profit partnerships.
This applies to both initiative groups of citizens - members of the SNT, who are trying to establish "order" in their partnership, and ordinary summer residents who noticed that their rights began to be infringed to one degree or another in relation to the use of their land.
This can be expressed, for example, in addition to paying membership fees, in the unauthorized collection of money for some incomprehensible needs of SNT, which, as it later turns out, go into the pocket of the chairman and his entourage. Or in the development of neighboring plots with obvious violations of building codes and regulations, with the permission of the chairman and an allegedly organized and conducted commission check.

In such a situation, remember the main thing that you are a member of your SNT, and, accordingly, you have a certain amount of rights and obligations, primarily enshrined in the Federal Law "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and summer cottage non-profit associations of citizens." This normative legal act regulates the activities of the chairman, as well as the organization and implementation of the board at SNT.
If in SNT there is a need to discuss any issue (amending the charter, choosing a new chairman, exclusion or admission to SNT members, etc.), then the SNT board is obliged to convene a general meeting of SNT members, which is the supreme body of SNT ... Based on the results of the meeting, a decision must be made. According to the law, such meetings must be held at least once a year.

The held general meeting of SNT members is recorded, signed by all participants and ends with a decision, which is binding.
However, such general meetings often take place with gross violation legislation, charter, and, as a result, lead to violation of the rights of members of SNT.
This can be attributed to improper notification and lack of notification to members of the SNT about the intention to hold the meeting, as well as about its place, date and time within the time frame established by law; or failure to comply with the meeting agenda; or the holding of the meeting by an unauthorized person; or lack of registration of participants general meeting; or lack of quorum, etc.

IN similar situations, first of all, it is necessary to apply to the court with an application for recognizing the decision of the general meeting of SNT as invalid and not giving rise to legal consequences. The application must indicate what violations were committed in organizing or holding a general meeting of SNT members with mandatory references to the SNT charter and federal law.
As shows arbitrage practice, in the presence of an evidentiary base and the participation of a competent legal specialist, you will have every chance to achieve justice in court and bring to justice the unscrupulous chairman.

Sample statement of claim

To the city court

SOURCE: _______________________
The address:________________________
SNT Chairman: ____________________

on recognizing the decision of the general meeting of SNT as invalid and not giving rise to legal consequences

The plaintiff is the owner of the land plot located on the territory of SNT. Also, the plaintiff is a member of SNT, which is confirmed by the gardener's membership book. The plaintiff pays for all the necessary membership fee.

"___" _________ 2012, a general meeting of members of the partnership took place in SNT, the process and decision of which were recorded in minutes No.__ dated "__" _________ 2012.
The plaintiff believes that the meeting was held in violation of the legislation and the SNT charter. Thus, the decision of the general meeting of SNT from "___" _________ 2012 is invalid and does not give rise to legal consequences for the following reasons:
1) The general meeting of SNT was held in violation of the provisions of the Federal Law "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", namely, the plaintiff was not properly notified of the intention to hold the meeting, as well as its place, date and time within the time frame established by law.
The plaintiff found out about the meeting after it was held, which thereby significantly violated his rights as a member of SNT.
2) The plaintiff learned that the meeting was held with the participation of citizens registered in the list of the meeting, who are not currently members of SNT.
Also on the list were members who were not even present at the meeting.
This fact will be confirmed by witnesses during the trial.
These circumstances are illegal and unacceptable when organizing and holding a general meeting of SNT members.

Based on the above and, guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation,

To recognize the decision of the general meeting of members of SNT from "___" ________ 2012
invalid and not giving rise to legal consequences.


1. A copy of the statement of claim;
2. A copy of the gardener's membership card;
3. A copy of the decision of the general meeting of SNT;
4. Receipt of state duty.

____________ (date) _______________ (signature)



Resurrection City Court of the Moscow Region consisting of:

presiding judge S.

under secretary G.

having considered in an open court hearing a civil case on S.'s claim against the Garden Non-Profit Partnership "NZ" to invalidate the decision of the general meeting of SNT "NZ" to exclude him from SNT members

installed: S., represented by his representative K., filed a lawsuit against SNT "NZ" to invalidate the decision of the general meeting of SNT "NZ" to expel him from SNT members, to restore his membership, to recover from the defendant SNT "NZ" the state fee in the case in the amount of 300 rubles 00 kopecks.

His claims were motivated by the fact that the plaintiff is the founder of SNT "NZ", created by employees of the USSR Government Office on the territory of the Voskresensky district in the village of Zolotovo on the basis of the decision of the Moscow Oblast Executive Committee, owns a land plot in SNT "NZ" and houses on the specified site, his rights property is registered, about which there are certificates of state registration of rights. During the entire period of membership in SNT, inclusive, he conscientiously fulfilled his obligations to pay membership and targeted fees. He was the chairman of the audit commission of SNT "NZ".

The general meeting of SNT "NZ" made a decision to expel him from SNT members on the basis of an oral presentation by the chairman of the board V. and the Chairman of the general meeting of G., in which they accused him of non-payment of membership fees, targeted fees, non-payment for electricity and unwillingness to be a member of SNT ...

Considers the decision of the general meeting of SNT "NZ" to exclude him from the members of SNT not relevant requirements of the law, since he fulfilled the obligation to pay membership fees and electricity costs, the decision to exclude him from the SNT members was made on the basis of inaccurate information about him, while he was the chairman of the meeting Full name 4 was deprived of the opportunity to give explanations and submit paid receipts, thereby violating equality the rights of participants in the meeting during its holding.

In addition, there are violations of the procedure for holding a meeting: In violation of Article 181.2, Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there is no indication of the time and place of the meeting, information about the persons who participated in the meeting, who counted votes and voted against the decision of the meeting. Thus, there is a violation of the rules for drawing up the protocol.

In addition, no claims were ever made against him by SNT NZ, he was not invited to meetings of the board to present any financial claims against him, no measures of influence were applied by the board.

The defendant SNT "NZ" submitted a response to the statement of claim, supported by the chairman of SNT "NZ" V., in which he indicates that the plaintiff did not submit payment documents to confirm his rightness. Failure to fulfill obligations to pay membership and other fees is a legal basis for exclusion from members of SNT. The annual contribution of 8000 rubles was approved by the minutes of the reporting meeting of SNT "NZ". As of the date of the meeting, S. has an arrears in the annual contribution in the amount of 2,000 rubles. Indicates that the amount of the penalty for the indicated amount was 10,200 rubles. In addition, S. has a debt for electricity consumed by an automatic meter in the amount of 1,391 rubles 51 kopecks. In addition, indicates that the specified amount accrued penalties in the amount of 791 rubles 70 kopecks. There are no documents confirming the payment of the debt. Minutes of the meeting of authorized SNT "NZ" approved the target contribution of 7000 rubles for a single-phase meter for automated system accounting of electricity consumption SUP-04, and S. has an arrears in the payment of a target contribution of 7000 rubles, for which the amount of a penalty of 12600 rubles was charged. There were no documents on the absence of this debt.

Considers that the procedure for holding the meeting has not been violated, since the time, date, venue of the general meeting were communicated in a timely manner, the general meeting was held on time, the minutes were drawn up in accordance with Article 181.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, has an Appendix "List of members of SNT" NZ "present at the general meeting with the signatures of those present.

The plaintiff was repeatedly notified in writing of non-payment of the annual and targeted fees and penalties, he was warned by the decision of the meeting of representatives, due to the presence of arrears for consumed electricity, the plaintiff was subjected to a measure of influence - they were limited in electricity consumption based on the decision of the board of SNT NZ. The fact that by a court decision the restriction was recognized as unreasonable is not evidence that measures of influence were not applied. The general meeting did not consider intentional or systematic violations, exclusion from the members of SNT "NZ" for filing claims and defense legal rights the general meeting did not consider.

The plaintiff S. did not appear at the hearing, the case was considered in his absence. Earlier, the plaintiff S. in the court session supported the claim on the grounds set out in the statement of claim, explaining that 3-4 days before the meeting he saw the announcement of the meeting, but there was no agenda in it, it was only indicated that it was reporting and elective, the agenda was recognized only at a meeting attended by 40-50 members of SNT. He was surprised, since for the entire existence of SNT, only he was expelled from the members of SNT. Before that, no one from the board had contacted him about the debt. After the chairman's speech, he was not given the floor, everyone began to disperse, the decision was made simply by their heads, the counting of votes of the present SNT members was not when the decision was made, since everyone rose and left. Some people left before him. In court, the electricity debt was not collected from him, the reason for his exclusion from SNT was the chairman's personal dislike of him. He learned about his exclusion from SNT members<дата> from written notice.

The plaintiff's representative K. supported the claim on the grounds set out in the statement of claim, explaining that the plaintiff did not have arrears in payment of membership fees, and there is a dispute between the plaintiff and the defendant regarding the amount of 2,000 rubles, since this amount was paid, but it is documented cannot confirm. The plaintiff did not pay the target fee for the metering device, there was a legal dispute on this matter, the plaintiff will appeal the decision in the case. There was no quorum at the meeting. The representative of the defendant confirmed that the total number of members of SNT is 171 people, and the court established this fact. The representative of the defendant explained that the three are not members of SNT. There are 85 signatures in the list of those present, and four are not members of SNT. He also explained that not a single member of the SNT was expelled for arrears in payment of membership fees, before that, no penalties were charged, and at the time of the meeting there were none.

The representative of the defendant, the chairman of SNT "NZ" V., did not admit the claim, confirming the reasons for the withdrawal of the statement of claim, explaining that the gardeners indicated by the representative of the plaintiff were not members of the SNT "NZ", since they were not accepted as members of SNT in the manner prescribed by law and were excluded from it ... He recognized the fact that there are 171 members of SNT. The representative of the defendant also explained that earlier, even 30,000 rubles were not excluded from the membership of SNT “NZ” for payment arrears, but in this case the general meeting decided so. Written warnings to the plaintiff about a possible expulsion from members of the SNT were made, about which there is a note about the transfer of the letter to the plaintiff's wife. In addition, he refers to an error in the counting of votes, that in fact, 87 SNT members attended the general meeting, taking into account the persons who participated by proxy, and not 85, as indicated in the minutes. 80 members voted for the exclusion of the plaintiff from the SNT members, 3 abstained, 4 were against. In court, the debt from the plaintiff on the contribution and interest was not collected.

Witness 1. testified that he was a member of SNT "NZ". The meeting announcements were posted on the gates and notice board. The question of excluding the plaintiff from members of SNT was raised, since he violated the charter, the payment for electricity, annual fees and payment of electricity meters was violated. He also filed a lawsuit over the payment of the meter and was obliged to pay. The meeting was attended by 87 members of SNT, votes were taken into account in proportion to the ownership. S. was given the opportunity to speak at the meeting, he began to talk about feasts, and at the request of members of the SNT, S.'s debate was terminated. There were 1 or 2 abstentions, 4 were against, the rest were for the exception. S. was repeatedly told about the debts, but it was impossible to contact him.

Witness 2. testified that he is a member of the board of SNT "NZ". Notices were posted before the meeting, indicating all the issues to be discussed. The Board approved the agenda. The total number of SNT members is 140-150, 89-90 people were present at the meeting, since the counting was done. The reason for S.'s expulsion was that he had not paid the dues for several months, did not agree with the installation of meters. There are no other debtors in SNT. The plaintiff's debt is known from the words of the chairman.

Witness Z., the plaintiff's daughter, testified that she attended the meeting on behalf of her father by proxy. A notice was posted about the meeting. The chairman of SNT said that the plaintiff would be expelled from the members of SNT for appealing to the court. At the meeting, the father tried to give an explanation, but the chairman did not give him. They pay according to the meter installed in their house, and they have not received any claims for payment since the meter was replaced. They turned off the power, and there was conflict situation... They have payment documents for paying for electricity through the bank, but the chairman does not want to look at them.

Having heard the parties, having examined the case materials, the court finds the claims subject to partial satisfaction due to the following:

According to clauses 1, 4, article 18 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", members of the horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership (horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership) can be citizens Russian Federationwho have reached the age of eighteen and have land plots within the boundaries of such a partnership (partnership). The founders of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association are considered to be admitted to members of such an association from the moment of its state registration... Other persons entering into such an association are admitted to its membership by a general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association.

Based on the provisions of Article 19, Clause 2, Clause 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" the charter of such an association, taxes and payments. " Article 20 of the Federal law establishes that “The governing bodies of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association are the general meeting of its members, the board of such an association, the chairman of its board. The general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association is the supreme governing body of such an association.

In accordance with article 21, clause 1, clauses 1-4,10,12,14 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", "To the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit association (meetings of authorized representatives) include issues of admission to membership of such an association and exclusion from its members; determination of the number of members of the board of such an association, election of members of its board and early termination of their powers; election of the chairman of the board and early termination of his powers, unless otherwise provided by the charter of such an association; making decisions on the formation and use of the property of such an association, on the creation and development of infrastructure facilities, as well as setting the size of trust funds and the corresponding contributions; approval of the income and expense estimate of such an association and making decisions on its implementation; approval of reports of the board, the auditing commission (auditor), the commission for monitoring compliance with the legislation, the mutual lending fund, the rental fund ...

Notification of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association about holding a general meeting of its members (a meeting of authorized persons) can be carried out in writing (postcards, letters), through appropriate messages in the media, as well as by placing relevant announcements on information boards located on the territory of such an association, unless a different notification procedure is established by its charter.

A general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) is legally competent if more than fifty percent of the members of such an association (at least fifty percent of authorized representatives) are present at the said meeting. A member of such an association has the right to participate in voting personally or through his representative, whose powers must be formalized by a power of attorney certified by the chairman of such an association. The chairman of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) is elected by a simple majority of votes of the members of such an association present at the general meeting.

Decisions on amendments to the charter of such an association and additions to its charter or on the approval of the charter in new edition, exclusion from the members of such an association, on its liquidation and (or) reorganization, on the appointment of a liquidation commission and on the approval of the interim and final liquidation balance sheets are adopted by the general meeting of the members of such an association (the meeting of authorized representatives) by a two-thirds majority. Other decisions of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or summer cottage non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) are made by a simple majority of votes. A member of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association has the right to appeal to the court against the decision of the general meeting of its members (meeting of authorized representatives) or the decision of the governing body of such an association that violate the rights and legitimate interests of a member of such an association.

According to Article 16 of the said federal law, the charter of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association must indicate the grounds and procedure for exclusion from members of such an association and the application of other measures of influence for violation of the charter or rules internal regulations such a union.

The charter of SNT "NZ" in clause 6.3.2 stipulates that the competence of the general meeting of members of the partnership includes exclusion from members of the SNT at the personal request and for failure to comply with the requirements of the Charter of the partnership specified in section 4.2, that is, obligations, including the payment of target and membership fees, taking into account the relevant measures previously taken to the excluded.

Thus, the adoption of measures of influence to the members of SNT who do not fulfill the obligation to pay contributions before deciding on the exclusion from SNT members is a prerequisite for the implementation by the general meeting of the competence to exclude from the members of SNT.

According to article 61, clause 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, “The circumstances established by a court decision that has entered into legal force on a previously considered case are binding on the court. These circumstances are not proven again and are not subject to dispute when considering another case in which the same persons are involved. " In accordance with Art. 68, clause 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, “The recognition by a party of the circumstances on which the other party bases its claims or objections frees the latter from the need to further prove these circumstances. The confession is recorded in the court record. The confession set out in the written statement is attached to the case file "

The court established, and this is not disputed by both parties, that the plaintiff S., the owner of the land plot in SNT "NZ", is a member of SNT "NZ", which is confirmed by a copy of the membership card. The specified SNT was created on the basis of the decision of the meeting of employees of the Government apparatus, creating the gardening partnership "NZ".

According to a copy of the minutes of the general meeting of SNT "NZ", the reliability of which was not disputed by the defendant, a general meeting of SNT "NZ" was held, at which, according to the data specified in the minutes, 87 SNT members were present and on the sixth issue of the agenda by a majority of 80 people for , with 4 against and 3 abstentions, it was decided to expel S. from the members of SNT.

This decision is illegal, taken in violation of Article 16 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" and clause 6.3.2 of the Charter of SNT "NZ", since, although Article 16 of the said federal law includes an exclusion from members of SNT to the competence of the general meeting of SNT, however, clause 6.3.2 of the Charter of SNT "NZ" contains an indication as a condition for the exercise of this authority by the general meeting of SNT "NZ" to take other measures of influence against a person who has not fulfilled the obligation to pay contributions until the issue of exclusion from members of SNT. According to the arguments of the plaintiff S., no warnings, other measures of influence in connection with the arrears in the payment of membership, targeted contributions and electricity supply were not applied to him before the contested decision was made, evidence of the application of such measures of influence, bringing information about their application to the plaintiff S., to the court not presented. The arguments of the representative of SNT "NZ" that such a measure of influence is to limit the power supply of the plaintiff's site cannot be taken into account by the court, since the decision of the Voskresensk City Court that entered into force invalidated the decision of the Board of SNT "NZ" to restrict the supply of electricity to the land plot No. belonging to S. Thus, the court cannot take into account the measures declared invalid by the court decision, which entered into legal force.

Under such circumstances, the decision to expel S. from the members of SNT "NZ" is illegal and must be canceled.

In addition, the court agrees with the plaintiff's arguments that when the general meeting of SNT "NZ" was held and the decision to expel S. from SNT members, the meeting was not provided for by Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" quorum. The representative of the defendant recognized that the total number of SNT members is 171 people, and therefore, in order for a quorum to exist, at least 86 SNT members had to be present at the said general meeting. The defendant's representative also acknowledged that 87 people were present at the meeting, which is also reflected both in the minutes and in the inscription under the list of SNT “NZ” members present at the general meeting. However, this list contains signatures of persons who, as recognized by the representative of the defendant, were not members of SNT "NZ" at the time of voting due to their exclusion from SNT members and the absence of a decision of the general meeting on admitting SNT members. No evidence was presented to the court that they were members of SNT NZ. Thus, 84 members of SNT were present at the meeting, and the one stipulated by Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" was absent. The lists of SNT members presented at the meeting, copies of powers of attorney presented by the defendant cannot be taken into account as evidence of the presence of all representatives indicated in the powers of attorney at the meeting, since the personal participation of representatives is necessary for the exercise of powers under powers of attorney, and the court proceeds from the one presented by the defendant the list with the personal signatures of those present at the meeting, since in accordance with Article 181.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the protocol on the results of the in-person voting must contain information about the persons who took part in the meeting, and the specified list with signatures, being, according to the defendant's arguments, part minutes of the general meeting contains such information.

According to Article 181.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the decision of the meeting is considered adopted if the majority of the participants in the meeting voted for it and at the same time at least fifty percent of the total number of participants in the corresponding civil society participated in the meeting.

The minutes of the decision of the meeting are drawn up in writing. The minutes are signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary of the meeting.

date, time and place of the meeting;

information about the persons who took part in the meeting;

Based on the above data, taking into account the list of gardeners presented to the court, as indicated above, there was no quorum at the meeting.

In accordance with Article 181.4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the decision of the meeting may be recognized by the court as invalid if the requirements of the law are violated, including if: there has been a significant violation of the procedure for convening, preparing and holding the meeting, which affects the expression of the will of the meeting participants.

Since the presence of a quorum in accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" is a condition for the authority of the general meeting, the absence of a quorum during a general meeting is a significant violation of the procedure for its holding and entails the invalidity of the decision of the general meeting adopted in the absence of a quorum , and, since the invalid decision of the general meeting cannot give rise to legal consequences, the restoration of S. in the rights and obligations of a member of SNT from the moment of his exclusion.

In such circumstances, the court finds S.'s claims to be satisfied.

According to Article 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, “To the party in whose favor the decision of the court took place, the court awards the other party to reimburse all legal costs incurred in the case, except for the cases provided for in part two of Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. If the claim is partially satisfied, the court costs specified in this article are awarded to the plaintiff in proportion to the amount of the claims satisfied by the court, and to the defendant in proportion to the part of the claims in which the plaintiff was denied. "

Plaintiff S. on account of the state duty paid in the case incurred expenses in the amount of 300 rubles, which is confirmed by a check for. These funds, based on the provisions of Article 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, are subject to collection in favor of S. from SNT "NZ", since his claims are satisfied.

Based on the foregoing, guided by Art. Art. 194-199 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, court

i decided: S.'s claims against the Garden Non-profit Partnership "NZ" to invalidate the decision of the general meeting

Latest press releases

The owners of garden plots sometimes have no less legal problems than residents apartment building... But even resolving a conflict with neighbors is sometimes problematic due to the imperfection of the legislative norms developed for horticultural non-profit partnerships (SNT).

We can say that SNT are created to make life easier for gardeners (although legal practice sometimes shows the opposite - people have continuous problems with the partnership and its solutions). Such organizations are legally responsible to the state. All contracts with them are concluded as with legal entities... For example, on the supply of electricity or garbage disposal, which is very convenient - gardeners do not need to negotiate individually... However, in the event of a fine imposed government organization, its payment is borne by all members of the partnership.

Any illegal action by one of the members of the organization will automatically fall on the shoulders of all participants

To resolve all issues related to the life of the partnership, it is permissible to hold public meetings (Federal Law No. 66). They can be attended by both gardeners personally and authorized or representatives. Also, the law provides for absentee voting or an emergency meeting.

There are six ways to hold meetings:

  • all participants are present in person;
  • correspondence form for all participants;
  • only authorized persons are present;
  • correspondence form of holding for authorized representatives;
  • full-time extraordinary holding for everyone;
  • extraordinary extraordinary holding.

Any of the meetings is general, even if only delegates were present. It is illegal to try to involve a small group of people in running a partnership.


Lack of quorum is the most common problem for partnerships. Some of the gardeners ignore the meeting invitation, others are newcomers and do not come, and others have not received a notification - the reasons for their absence may vary. But the result is more often the same - all decisions made will be unauthorized and will cause outrage among people who were not present at the meeting. This is the source of all kinds of complaints to government agencies. Although, none of them, in fact, are able to solve the partnership problem because of the vaguely spelled out legislative norms concerning such issues.

The best solution to the problem is to elect the delegates. This does not contradict Federal law. Each of the commissioners will protect the interests of a certain number of gardeners. The number of authorized representatives and the dependence of this number on the number of all participants are not indicated in the laws. But experts advise choosing delegates only in partnerships with a total number of participants over one hundred and fifty people. In other cases, you can get a quorum without any problems.

In the organization's regulations, it is also necessary to provide for the possibility of recalling authorized representatives due to a loss of confidence in order to avoid conflict situations.

It would be prudent to allow the presence of delegates at the meeting for any member of the organization or his representative with the opportunity to speak and make proposals (the so-called advisory vote)


The question of whether the assembled people are endowed with the right to make important decisions is far from idle. Most appeals of dissatisfied participants of partnerships to the courts is connected precisely with a complaint of incompetence.

Federal law, adopted in March 1998 under number 66, states that a meeting that has reached a quorum (clause 2, Article 21) is considered competent - that is, more than 50% of all members or exactly 50% of authorized representatives must be present. The calculation is based on the total number of members.

Thus, you need to take care of the quorum first. And then the question of eligibility will disappear by itself.

Proper organization of meetings

It should be noted that meetings should be held regularly. Members are elected of the board, decisions are made on the collection of funds for various needs of the partnership, and reports of the board on expenditures or work performed are carried out. If the meeting is not held for a year or more, this is a reason to change the board and its chairman.

The organization of the meetings should be dealt with by a special commission already elected at the previous meeting of all participants. The general regulations of the partnership indicate the powers of the commission and the specifics of its work. Usually, members of the commission approve the budget (expenses for office supplies and rent of premises, if necessary, are taken into account) and notify the members of the partnership of the date of the meeting (by phone, in person or in another acceptable way). All activities of the commission are highlighted on the information board.

Meetings are usually scheduled over the weekend so that all members of the organization or their representatives can attend. Saturday is considered the best day, as on Sunday gardeners come more often in the afternoon.

Carrying out

To avoid any claims to the legality of the meeting, it is necessary to register the participants at the very beginning. The registration sheet must be attached to the minutes of the meeting and serves as a confirmation that the quorum has been reached. The registrar is obliged to verify the membership documents before the person is added to the list of participants. Such a document for representatives can be two types of power of attorney - notarized for people who are not members, and certified by the chairman for members of the partnership.

Any meetings are held in accordance with internal regulations or bylaws. For meetings by correspondence or with the participation of only one authorized the charter is preliminarily entered into state Register... This legal step will avoid problems in the future - disgruntled members will not be able to appeal the decision of the assembly in court.

You should also distinguish authorized from representatives. The commissioners are elected by the members of the partnership - this is a kind of elective position, and the proxies are issued a power of attorney to represent or protect the rights of any participant who cannot be present in person. The representative can be a person who is not a member of the organization.

Any decision is considered adopted if the majority voted for it and participated in the voting by at least fifty percent.

All decisions are recorded in writing in the minutes

Any member of the organization can be chosen as chairman. Election is made by a simple majority. In order to exclude the influence of an unscrupulous chairman of the board on the general meeting, he and the members of the board can be deprived of the right to chair such a meeting by prescribing an appropriate clause in the regulations or charter. This legal nuance will help to re-elect the chairman without any problems.

Any citizen can be a secretary, even if he is not a member of the partnership. This position can be elected by general vote or appointed by a decision of the board.

Conducting a meeting is the following sequence of actions:

  • handling of the opening speech;
  • speakers' speeches;
  • discussion of each report;
  • vote;
  • reading of the adopted decision and closing remarks.


The most important document confirming all decisions of the meeting is the minutes. Particular attention is paid to the correctness and clarity of its filling.

The document displays the following items:

  • what the meeting is about;
  • the date, time and address are recorded;
  • information about the participants is given (the so-called turnout list) and total members;
  • clearly describes the agenda;
  • the names of speakers and persons who criticized or supported;
  • voting statistics are recorded for each of the questions;
  • decisions made are recorded;
  • followed by a record of the closing of the meeting;
  • the document is signed at the end by the elected chairman and secretary (not board members!).

The finished protocol is deposited with the current chairman of the board.

It should be noted that inaccuracies in the information part are not taken into account even when citizens go to court, since they are not important for making a general decision. Therefore, many experts advise not to enter the names of all the members who took part in the debate. It is much more important to correctly spell out the decision made.

At the meeting itself, it is quite difficult for the secretary to avoid mistakes when drawing up the minutes. Therefore, in most cases, the document is drawn up after the meeting, in a calm atmosphere, with correct wording all items excluding contested in court.

Power of attorney

A member of the partnership has the right to send his representative to the meeting, to whom a power of attorney is pre-written. The document is certified by the chairman of the board (notarization is not required). Under this power of attorney, a citizen is allowed to vote.

A power of attorney can be issued to a family member, or to any person who is not a member of the organization (in this case, a notarized document is required). Cases are widespread when one member of the NST issues a power of attorney to another member. In some cases, one representative (participant of the partnership) may have several votes at once, received by proxy.

A member of the partnership is a person who has the right to own a plot. It is he who draws up the power of attorney.

Access to documents

In the event of a disputable situation, an ordinary member of the partnership may need to obtain a copy of the protocol or get acquainted with its contents. In most cases, the chairman of the board conducts just an introduction - he shows the paper, then the person signs on the card and leaves, barely remembering the contents. Formally, the law is respected, however, there is little benefit for the applicant from such familiarization.

To obtain a copy, you will need a request on behalf of the organization that needs the document. For example, a request can be filed by a court. But for this it is necessary to submit a statement of claim to the courts. The court will oblige the applicant to expel written request with acknowledgment of receipt (via mail), and the chairman will have to send a copy of the document, certified by the seal and personal signature.

Lawyers recommend that this issue be covered in advance in the organization's charter and clearly spelled out the mechanisms for providing documents for review by any of its members. Then it will be possible to avoid going to court due to the ambiguous interpretation of the law.

Going to court

There are frequent cases of challenging decisions taken by the general meeting, by one of the members of the organization or several of its participants. Basically, claims are made to the inaccuracy of the minutes - the document does not reflect the essence of what happened at the meeting. Decisions taken or violations of gardeners' rights are also contested.

Article 66 of the Federal Law provides for individual farming within horticultural partnership... An individual (as people who carry out gardening activities on their own are most often called) has the right to participate in the general meeting, but his voice is advisory. Such a person does not pay membership fees and does not participate in decision-making. Typically, such gardeners conclude an agreement on the use of the common infrastructure.

The user fee cannot be higher than the membership fee for members of the organization. In case of violation of the rights reflected in agreement, an individual must contact the board of the partnership with a statement (the document is sent via mail by letter with a notification of receipt). Knowledge about you may need. Such an application is submitted a maximum of twice and if it is not considered by the board, the gardener has the right to go to court with a claim. The court will only consider the violation of the clauses of the contract concluded between the gardener and the entire partnership.

Members of the organization have much more rights. They have the right to challenge the decisions of the general meeting. You can go to court within the next three years. And in case of violation of rights (for example, disconnecting from the water supply without written notice), a citizen can contact the police, and then turn on the water supply on his own, keeping the receipts for payment for the work of plumbers. And only after that, file a claim with the court, attaching checks (receipts), an agreement with a repair organization, an act on the performance of work. The purpose of such an appeal is to compensate for moral and financial damage. If a claim is filed against SNT in connection with an illegal decision, a copy of the minutes of the meeting is attached to the application and the clause of the organization's charter that was violated is indicated.


In the name of the Russian Federation

<дата> Voskresensk Moscow region

Resurrection City Court of the Moscow Region consisting of:

presiding judge Kretova E.A.,

with the participation of lawyer A.A. Zanozina,

under the secretary Gulyaeva S.E.,

having examined in open court a civil case on the claim of FULL NAME12 against the chairman of the Gardening non-profit partnership<данные изъяты> FULL NAME1 on recognizing the minutes of the general meeting of SNT members invalid and restoring the right to the extent that existed before the violation of the right,


FULL NAME12 applied to the Voskresensk city court with a claim against the chairman of the Gardening non-profit partnership<данные изъяты> FULL NAME1 on the recognition of the minutes of the general meeting of members of SNT<данные изъяты> from<дата> completely invalid and restoration of the right to the extent that existed before the violation of the right. Motivated his claims by the fact that<дата> a general meeting of SNT members was held<данные изъяты> by the address:<адрес>, which addressed the following issues: election of members of the board of SNT<данные изъяты>; election of the chairman of the board; election of the audit commission. Following the consideration of the agenda items, the meeting made the following decisions: FULL NAME1, FULL NAME2, FULL NAME3, FULL NAME4 (not a member of SNT), FULL NAME5 (not a member of SNT), FULL NAME14 (not a member of SNT) were elected to the board. The plaintiff believes that the meeting was unauthorized and its minutes were invalid on the following grounds: the meeting was held in violation of Art. 21 p. 2 para. 6 of Federal Law No. 66-FZ dated<дата>(notification of the general meeting ... is sent no later than two weeks before the date of the meeting. The notification of the general meeting ... must indicate the content of the issues to be discussed); Of the SNT Charter, clause 6.4 (notification of the members of the partnership about holding a general meeting with the content of issues to be discussed can be carried out in writing "postcards, letters", by means of appropriate messages in the media or by calling by phone, as well as by placing appropriate announcements on information boards located on the territory of the partnership). The plaintiff, his neighbors and many other members of SNT were not properly notified of the meeting and learned about it after it was held. The plaintiff is a member of SNT and has the right to participate in the general meeting of SNT members and influence, through his participation, in decision-making. Thus, the plaintiff's right to participate in the life of the partnership and other members of the SNT in case of non-compliance with the legal procedure and the procedure for holding a general meeting in the SNT turned out to be significantly violated. The meeting was held in violation of Article 21, Clause 2, Section 7 of Federal Law No. 66-FZ dated<дата> and the Charter clause 6.4.1 (the general meeting of members of SNT is competent if more than 50% of the members of such an association are present at this meeting). The meeting was not attended by 51% of members of SNT, which is necessary for the competence of the meeting. According to the plaintiff, the number of SNT members present at the meeting, indicated in the extract from the minutes of the general meeting, is overstated by about three times. Persons who are not members of the partnership were elected to the board, which contradicts clause 1 of Art. 22 No. 66-ФЗ dated<дата> (the board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association is elected by direct secret ballot from among its members ... unless otherwise provided by the charter). According to the SNT Charter<данные изъяты> p.6.5.2 The Board is elected from among the members of SNT for a period of 2 years by the general meeting. (ld 6-7, statement of claim).

In written explanations (ld 35-36) FULL NAME12 indicated that at the meeting<дата> 51% of SNT members were not present, this fact is not disputed by the defendant in the response to the statement of claim. The defendant did not provide a list of SNT members present at the meeting in the amount of 250 people; in the minutes of the general meeting of SNT members from<дата> the data of the voting results on the election as the chairman of the board of SNT are presented<данные изъяты> FULL NAME1: “for” - 243; Against - 3; "Abstained" - 4. In the extract from the protocol, which was submitted to the RF Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for<адрес> when registering name1 as chairman of SNT<данные изъяты> indicated: "for" - 238; Against - 9; "Abstained" - 4. There is no protocol of the counting commission, which must reflect the results of the vote and the composition of the counting commission itself, which must be elected by the general meeting of SNT members. Under these circumstances, it is impossible to establish how the voting took place, who carried out the counting of votes, the protocol was not signed by the secretary FULL NAME2, from the protocol it is seen that non-members of SNT were elected to the board and members of the audit commission. The procedure and procedure for preparing the general meeting of SNT members have been violated. The plaintiff was not properly notified about the place, time of the meeting and about those issues that were submitted to the meeting of SNT members<дата>, thus, the right of the plaintiff to participate in the meeting, the right to elect and be elected was violated. The defendant recognized the fact that the general meeting was incompetent, in connection with which the decisions made and passed at it are illegal, including on the election of members of the board, chairman, members of the audit commission, and the minutes of the general meeting from<дата>, in which these decisions are reflected, cannot be recognized as consistent with reality (ld 35-36).

At the hearing FULL NAME12 stated requirements supported in full, previously given to the court explanations confirmed. At the hearing<дата> explained that at the meeting<дата> was not present because he was not notified of this meeting. He explained that he comes to the garden on 20-25 May, earlier about the meetings held by his comrades verbally, about the meeting<дата> he was not notified. He explained that the secretary is obliged to keep the minutes of the meeting, however, the secretary's signature is not under the minutes or under other documents. Currently, OBEP according to<адрес> Completed check on misappropriation money members of SNT, in relation to abuse by the chairman of SNT. (p. 37-41). At the hearing<дата> explained that there are 81 members of SNT, many nonresident from<адрес>... There were no announcements of the meeting, no announcements by phone calls, postcards, or through the media. The fact that the announcement of the general meeting was posted at the gate of SNT cannot serve as a justification for properly notifying the members of SNT about the meeting, since it turns out that the plaintiff must appear in the garden in order to find out if the announcement was posted there. Considers that the defendant's statement that at the meeting is not true<дата> attended by 450 people. At this hearing, he explained that the defendant did not provide lists of registered persons at the meeting<дата> During the court hearing, the defendant recognized the absence of a quorum at the meeting<дата> The meeting was attended by non-members of SNT who took part in the voting. Non-members of SNT were elected to the board and audit committee. Signatures under the protocol from<дата> in the column "secretary" and in the extract from the minutes of the same meeting in the same column "secretary" are different from each other, which gives reason to assume that the signatures were made by different persons and different time... In the minutes of the general meeting of<дата> in the column "secretary FULL NAME2" signature is absent to date. Considers that under such circumstances, the minutes of the general meeting of SNT<данные изъяты> cannot be recognized as legal and having any legal consequences.

According to the response of the defendant to the statement of claim, as of February<дата>... SNT<данные изъяты> consists of 490 members of the SNT. Collection from<дата> on election as chairman of the board of SNT<данные изъяты> FULL NAME1 was indeed, like all previous meetings, illegitimate. Due to the lack of initiative of SNT members, holding general meetings in the off-season, when about a third of gardeners living in<данные изъяты> or other districts of the region, do not have the desire or ability to come for 2-3 hours, reluctance to attend general meetings regardless of previously posted announcements indicating the date and time of the meeting, do not make it possible to ensure a quorum of the present SNT members during general meetings. Collection from<дата> was organized in the same way as other meetings. The announcement of this meeting, indicating the date, place, time and agenda of the meeting, was posted at both entrances to SNT two weeks before it was held. On the election of the new board in May<дата> the decision was made at the general reporting and election meeting<дата> Plaintiff FULL NAME12 was not at the meeting<дата>, the plaintiff believes that he has the right to defiantly not comply with the decisions of the meetings of SNT, for 2010. FULL NAME12 membership fees in the amount of 3600 rubles and land tax in the amount of 450 rubles have not been paid. (ld 11-13). In written objections (ld 27-29), the defendant indicates that in accordance with the text of the contested protocol, 250 members of SNT took part in the meeting<данные изъяты>... The notification of the members of the partnership about the holding of the general meeting was carried out in writing by means of the corresponding messages on information boards located on the territory of SNT. The defendant indicates that the general meeting of SNT members<данные изъяты> <дата> was carried out in full compliance with the current legislation. The plaintiff's arguments are not consistent and do not contain circumstances indicating a violation of the current legislation, which can serve as an unconditional basis for recognizing the decision of the general meeting of SNT members<данные изъяты> from<дата> invalid in full and actually boil down to a formal disagreement of the plaintiff with the decision of the general meeting. SNT Chairman<данные изъяты> is responsible for all obligations of the SNT only from the moment of election, which excludes the possibility of answering disputes related to the procedure for holding general meetings held before the election as chairman. (ld. 27-29).

In the response to the statement of claim (ld 53-54), the defendant indicates that the general meetings of SNT members are the supreme governing body of such an association and has the right to consider any issues of the activities of such an association and make decisions on them. Notification of a general meeting of SNT members can also be carried out by placing appropriate announcements on information boards located on the territory of such an association, unless a different notification procedure is established by its Charter. In SNT<данные изъяты> the procedure for organizing a general meeting has developed, according to which a meeting of the Board of the Partnership is held 2.5 - 3 weeks before the General Meeting, at which the agenda of the upcoming meeting and the decisions proposed by the Board are determined, which are submitted for approval to the general meeting. Then on the information board, gates, pillars, appropriate announcements are posted. In addition, the Board, if possible, organizes telephone information. Personal notification of each member of the partnership is not provided for by either the Charter or FZ No., except in cases of exclusion of members of the partnership. Thus, FULL NAME12 had the opportunity to get acquainted with the announcement of the meeting. According to the minutes of the general meeting of SNT<данные изъяты> from<дата> of the 455 gardeners on the payroll, 250 were present at the meeting, that is, 54.94%. The absence of a quorum does not correspond to reality, since the secretary of the meeting is counting the members of the SNT present at the general meeting. Neither the Law on Horticultural Non-Profit Associations nor the Charter provides for mandatory registration of those present at the meeting. The board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association is elected by direct secret ballot from among its members for a period of two years by a general meeting of the members of such an association (a meeting of authorized persons), unless the Charter of such an association provides otherwise. Neither the Charter nor Law No. contains a categorical prohibition on the election to the board of non-members of SNT, whose election was an expression of the will of the gardeners present at the meeting, was carried out in the interests of the entire SNT<данные изъяты>... Indicates that partially recognizing the claims in the court session<дата> the defendant was delusional about the legality of the choice of members of the board of persons who are not members of the gardening partnership, in addition, indicates that she recognized the fact of elections to the board of the above persons in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 68 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and the indication in the protocol on the partial recognition of the claim is a technical error. (ld 53-54).

Defendant - Chairman of SNT<данные изъяты> FULL NAME1 - in the court session the claims FULL NAME12 did not recognize on the grounds set out in the objection to the statement of claim, previously the explanations given to the court confirmed, at the court session<дата> explained that the meeting<дата> was legitimate according to the protocol, but in fact the lists were written, but she could not confirm the number of participants in the meeting, she explained that the lists seemed to be written down, but she could not explain what went where. Announcements were posted on billboards at two entrances about the meeting, and partly announced orally. There are many SNT members and there is no way to call everyone, she explained that about a third of gardeners from the region and<данные изъяты>who did not attend the meetings in March more often. Explained that the ineligibility of the meeting<дата> expressed in the fact that non-members of SNT were elected to the board, the defendant acknowledged this fact. The meeting was attended by 250 people, who was engaged in the counting of votes - I could not explain. She could not explain how many people actually attended the meeting, pointing out that "the meeting was numerous." (l.d. 37-41). At the hearing<дата> FULL NAME1 showed that the frequency of the meetings - once a year is mandatory, which is most likely written in the Law, in the Charter of SNT, an additional meeting can be held on necessary issues. Announcements about the meeting will be posted in plain sight, at the entrances, and those who do not live in the area, i.e. citizens from other cities, they cannot be forced to come to meetings, therefore, a reference is made to 51%. (ld. 71-81).

The defendant's representative lawyer FULL NAME16 objected to the stated requirements, the defendant's arguments in support of the stated objections supported, argued that the witness FULL NAME6, interviewed at the hearing, has a personal hostile relationship to the defendant, since Order No.<данные изъяты> from<дата> FULL NAME6 dismissed from office due to incompetence. The witness concealed this fact when giving testimony at the hearing<дата>

Witness FULL NAME6 at the hearing<дата> testified that she was the chairman of the meeting<дата>, does not have hostile relations with the parties. She showed that the meeting was attended by 100 or over 100 people. She did not count the people present at the meeting, she did not have lists of those present at the meeting, but judging by the people, there were no 450 people. There was no quorum at the meeting, but the gardeners decided to hold the meeting, because they thought that more would come to the next meeting. fewer people... She explained that she did not have the minutes of the meeting, but most likely it was kept. The secretary of the meeting was FULL NAME2, her duties included keeping the minutes, drawing up an extract from the minutes. She showed that she was engaged in drawing up an extract from the protocol, since she asked FULL NAME1, with whom they agreed, that she came to the witness in the morning and began to negotiate the extract. FULL NAME1 asked "how many people are needed", and offered to write how much is necessary, the witness agreed. The minutes indicated 250 people, and there were 100-150 people at the meeting. She showed that the secretary is obliged to sign the minutes of the meeting. At the meeting<дата> secretary FULL NAME2 was present. She showed that the protocol was executed by a witness (FULL NAME6), as it required FULL NAME1, after a month and a half from memory. The protocol made by the witness was signed by the secretary FULL NAME2 and the witness. She showed that the duties of the chairman of the meeting include running the meeting, there was no counting commission. She showed that the documents for the meeting are prepared by the secretary of the meeting, brought to the chairman for signature, the secretary of the meeting also issues documents. An extract from the protocol is prepared and issued immediately, since the registration period with the tax office is limited, and the protocol can be made later. The witness was not aware of the timing of the production of the protocol, she explained that she should not sign the protocol, which is kept by the secretary. The chairman is responsible for the meeting management system. The chairman of the meeting is not responsible for the preparation of the document. The chairman simply leads the meeting, the secretary writes the minutes. She explained that she knew about the meeting, as an advertisement was posted. At the hearing<дата> witness FULL NAME6 showed that hostile relations with the parties does not have, everything said earlier confirms. Showed that<дата> was relieved of his post as an accountant, this issue was decided on the Board in the presence of members of the board and full name 1, which said - "either I or she." The witness said that she could not leave the garden without a chairman and left. She showed that she got acquainted with the order after<дата> and the order is not her signature. She does not remember on what grounds she was fired, but not in accordance with her professional incompetence. The witness asked FULL NAME1 why there are no checks, no waybills, and the defendant “quickly dismissed her”, showed that the board had a fight. She showed that she didn’t know if she was legally fired; for 9 years of work as an accountant, she had no comments on the work. When asked by the court, she testified that the signature in the order was not hers and the order was not handed to the witness by the chairman. Before the order was issued, the note to the order was not introduced, and at the board meeting, when the order was issued, the note was not read out. When asked by the plaintiff, she showed that labor agreement and an employment contract with SNT<данные изъяты> did not conclude, was selected as an accountant at the meeting and worked as an accountant for 9 years. On the question FULL NAME1 showed that the note on the board was not announced and FULL NAME1 did not give an opportunity to answer all points. To the question of the court, the witness explained that she had no hostile relations with the parties, personally with FULL NAME1 there were no hostile relations.

Witness FULL NAME3 at the hearing<дата> <дата> attended, learned about the meeting by the announcement, there was also a call with a message about the meeting from FULL NAME21. She showed that the chairman of the meeting was FULL NAME6, I did not see the secretary at the meeting. Registration of those present was not carried out, since the witness was not registered. She showed that there are only about 580 members of SNT. At the meeting<дата> there were 50-70 people, no more. The counting of votes was carried out as follows: they read out all the candidates, decided to vote with the list. One person nominated candidates for board members. None of those present nominated a candidate. The lists were already ready. The list was suggested by the chairman of the meeting, whether there were any other proposals - he does not remember. She showed that she could not offer full name 1 to the chairpersons of SNT, as indicated in the protocol, since she met her only at the meeting<дата> She explained that the number of those present at the meeting was determined “by sight”.

Witness FULL NAME34 at the hearing<дата> showed that there are no hostile relations with the parties, at the meeting<дата> attended, found out about the meeting by the announcement, passed by in a car and saw the announcement. She does not remember who was the chairman of the meeting, she showed that there are only about 500 members of SNT. At the meeting<дата> there were 70 people, which I identified visually. She showed that the announcement of the meeting did not indicate the agenda, but simply current issues, showed that they were not going to elect the chairman. I did not see the secretary of the meeting.

Witness FULL NAME8 at the hearing<дата> showed that she has no hostile relations with the parties, was present at the meeting<дата>, which I learned about from the announcement at the substation, permanently lives in SNT<данные изъяты>... She showed that there are more than 500 sites in SNT, at a meeting<дата> there were not 500 people, but there were 200, "maybe more, maybe less." There was no registration before the meeting. There was a table on which people were recorded and from which site. She does not remember who was the chairman of the meeting, she explained that in August<дата> the husband was at the meeting, at which meeting she was herself - he does not remember. Showed that at the meeting<дата> was present, and was elected a member of the audit commission, and at this meeting the defendant was elected as the chairman of SNT. At a meeting from<дата> there was a registration led by two people, the witness is on the lists. Voting was open, everyone raised their hands, the chairman, accountant and secretary FULL NAME2 were counting.

Witness FULL NAME9 at the hearing<дата> showed that there are no hostile relations with the parties, attended the meeting<дата>, is a member of SNT, plot no. She showed that there were about 500 SNT members, 50% of SNT members were at the meeting, I found out about the meeting through an announcement, she lives in SNT almost constantly, in<дата> lived in the summer. The meeting announcement was hung a week before the meeting, at the meeting<дата> 230-240 people were present, registration was carried out, there were tables and there was a magazine, they wrote down the numbers of the precinct, registration was at almost all meetings. Showed that at the meeting<дата> the people were more than usual, the chairman of the meeting was FULL NAME21, whether there was a secretary, could not explain. At the meeting, when voting, the counting of votes was carried out openly, all raised their hands, considered FULL NAME21, FULL NAME2. The counting commission was elected. The counting commission was FULL NAME25. What was at the meeting, does not remember, it was noisy, there was a proposal to elect FULL NAME1 chairman. The majority of votes elected FULL NAME1

Witness FULL NAME10 at the hearing<дата> showed that he has no hostile relations with the parties, is present at all meetings at which announcements are posted. At the meeting<дата> was, learned about the meeting through the announcements. One was from the side<данные изъяты>, the other at the pump station. At the meeting<дата> there were many people, almost half of all SNT gardeners. The question of appointing the chairman of SNT was decided. Before the meeting, we registered, but cannot say for sure. The chairman of the meeting was an accountant - FULL NAME21, who recorded something and was the leader of the meeting. The new chairman was elected by an open vote, everyone raised their hands, the count was led by FULL NAME21, at the meeting<дата> there were more people than usual, it was a day off and the issue of a new chairman of SNT was being decided. There were always 150-200 people at the meetings, I could not explain exactly, from one site it happened, 3-4 people came. Witness section no.

Witness FULL NAME11 at the hearing<дата> showed that he is a member of SNT, plot number, there is no hostile relationship with the parties. I was constantly at meetings. At the meeting<дата>When the new chairman was elected, I was not sick, but if I had not been ill, I would have come to the meeting, as I saw the announcement that hung at the pumping station. He has been living in SNT permanently for the second year. I knew from the announcements that all meetings would be held and was a member of the board.

Witness FULL NAME2 at the hearing<дата> showed that she is a member of the board of SNT with<дата> There is no hostile relationship with the parties. At the meeting<дата> I was present as a secretary, was elected secretary, but did not write the protocol because when she was elected, she said that she would not do paperwork. The witness was told that she would be a secretary, but she would not write the protocol, read and sign it. Showed that<дата> registration of members of SNT was, there was a table and lists were written. He doesn't know where the lists are. She showed that the meeting was attended by about 150 people approximately, as the witness counted people. She signed the minutes in a week, maybe in two and in the minutes of the general meeting from<дата> her signature is on, her signature is also on the extract from the minutes of the general meeting. On the question FULL NAME1 showed that the chairman of the meeting was FULL NAME6, which appointed her secretary. At this meeting, the board was elected, the issue of electricity was decided, there were many questions. The wishes of the gardeners were expressed. She explained that in Order No. according to SNT<данные изъяты> there is her signature, that there was a meeting of the board on the dismissal FULL NAME6 On the board was raised the question FULL NAME1 about whether she is the chairman or FULL NAME21 accountant. All were against FULL NAME6, since before that the audit commission was held and saw how the statements were kept. On the question of the lawyer FULL NAME16 showed that it was noisy, the witness constantly persuaded FULL NAME6, was in an agitated state and something said FULL NAME1 showed that FULL NAME6 left quietly. When asked by the court, she explained that the board raised the issue of dismissing the accountant from office and everyone voted for dismissal.

After hearing the plaintiff, defendant, lawyer, interviewing witnesses, examining the case materials, The court considers claims FULL NAME12 subject to satisfaction due to the following:

By virtue of Article 19 of the Federal Law of<дата> N 66-ФЗ "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", a member of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association has the right: to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of such an association and its control body; to receive information about the activities of the management bodies of such an association and its control body; ... apply to the court to declare invalid decisions of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association or a meeting of authorized persons, as well as decisions of the board and other bodies of such an association, violating its rights and legitimate interests ;

A member of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association is obliged: ... not to violate the rights of members of such an association; ... to participate in general meetings of members of such an association; to comply with the decisions of the general meeting of members of such an association or a meeting of authorized representatives and decisions of the board of such an association;

By virtue of Art. 20 ФЗ № the governing bodies of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association are the general meeting of its members, the board of such an association, the chairman of its board.

The general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association is the supreme governing body of such an association.

According to Art. 21 of the Federal Law of<дата> 66-ФЗ "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", the following issues fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of the horticultural, vegetable garden and dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives):

1) amendments to the charter of such an association and additions to the charter or approval of the charter in a new edition;

2) admission to membership of such an association and exclusion from its members;

3) determination of the quantitative composition of the board of such an association, election of members of its board and early termination of their powers;

4) election of the chairman of the board and early termination of his powers, unless otherwise provided by the charter of such an association;

5) election of members of the audit commission (inspector) of such an association and early termination of their powers;

6) election of members of the commission for monitoring compliance with legislation and early termination of their powers;

7) making decisions on the organization of representative offices, a mutual lending fund, a rental fund of such an association, on its entry into associations (unions) of horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit associations;

8) approval of the internal regulations of such an association, including the conduct of a general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives); the activities of his board; the work of the auditing committee (auditor); the work of the commission for monitoring compliance with legislation; organization and activity of its representative offices; organization and activities of the mutual lending fund; organization and activities of the rental fund; internal regulations of the work of such an association;

9) making decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of such an association, the appointment of a liquidation commission, as well as the approval of the interim and final liquidation balance sheets;

10) making decisions on the formation and use of the property of such an association, on the creation and development of infrastructure facilities, as well as setting the size of trust funds and the corresponding contributions;

11) setting the amount of penalties for late payment of contributions, changing the timing of making contributions by low-income members of such an association;

12) approval of the income and expense estimates of such an association and making decisions on its implementation;

13) consideration of complaints against decisions and actions of members of the management board, chairman of the management board, members of the audit commission (auditor), members of the commission for monitoring compliance with legislation, officials mutual credit fund and rental fund officials;

14) approval of reports of the board, the audit commission (auditor), the commission for monitoring compliance with legislation, the mutual lending fund, the rental fund;

15) encouragement of members of the board, the audit commission (auditor), the commission for monitoring compliance with the legislation, the mutual lending fund, the rental fund and members of such an association;

16) making a decision on the acquisition of a land plot related to common property, into the ownership of such an association.

The general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) has the right to consider any issues of the activities of such an association and make decisions on them ...

Notification of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association about holding a general meeting of its members (a meeting of authorized persons) can be carried out in writing (postcards, letters), through appropriate messages in the media, as well as by placing relevant announcements on information boards located on the territory of such an association, unless a different notification procedure is established by its charter. A notice of a general meeting of members of such an association (a meeting of authorized representatives) shall be sent no later than two weeks before the date of its holding. The notice of a general meeting of members of such an association (a meeting of authorized representatives) must indicate the content of the issues to be discussed.

A general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) is legally competent if more than fifty percent of the members of such an association (at least fifty percent of authorized representatives) are present at the said meeting. A member of such an association has the right to participate in the voting personally or through his representative, whose powers must be formalized by a power of attorney certified by the chairman of such an association.

The chairman of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) is elected by a simple majority of votes of the members of such an association present at the general meeting ...

The decisions of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized representatives) shall be brought to the attention of its members within seven days after the date of the adoption of these decisions in the manner prescribed by the charter of such an association.

A member of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association has the right to appeal to the court against the decision of the general meeting of its members (meeting of authorized representatives) or the decision of the governing body of such an association that violate the rights and legitimate interests of a member of such an association.

According to Art. 22 ФЗ №, the board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or summer cottage non-profit association is collegial executive body and is accountable to the general meeting of the members of such an association (the meeting of delegates).

In its activities, the board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or suburban non-profit association is guided by this Federal Law, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts bodies of local self-government and the charter of such an association ....

Meetings of the board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association are convened by the chairman of the board at the time established by the board, as well as as necessary. Meetings of the board are competent if attended by at least two thirds of its members.

Decisions of the board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association are binding on all members of such an association and its employees who have concluded employment contracts with such a union.

The board of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of such an association, has the right to make decisions necessary to achieve the goals of such an association and ensure its normal operation, with the exception of decisions that relate to issues referred to by this Federal Law and the charter such an association is within the competence of the general meeting of its members (meeting of authorized representatives).

According to Art. 27 of the Federal Law of<дата> 66-ФЗ "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", minutes of general meetings of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association (meetings of authorized representatives) are signed by the chairman and secretary of such a meeting; these protocols are certified by the seal of such an association and are kept in its files permanently. Minutes of meetings of the board and the audit commission (auditor) of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association, the commission of such an association for monitoring compliance with the law shall be signed by the chairman of the board or deputy chairman of the board, or, respectively, the chairman of the audit commission (auditor) and the chairman of the commission of such an association for monitoring compliance with legislation ; these protocols are certified by the seal of such an association and are kept in its files permanently. Copies of the minutes of general meetings of members of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association, meetings of the board, the auditing commission (auditor) of such an association, the commission of such an association for monitoring compliance with the law, certified extracts from these protocols are submitted for familiarization to the members of such an association at their request, as well as the local government body on the territory of which such an association is located, state power the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, judicial and law enforcement agencies, organizations in accordance with their requests in writing.

According to clause 4.1.1. Part 4 of the Charter of the Gardening Non-Profit Partnership<данные изъяты> a member of a horticultural non-profit partnership has the right to elect and be elected to the management and control bodies

By virtue of clause 6.1 of the Charter, the governing bodies of the Gardening non-profit partnership are the general meeting of the members of the partnership, which is its supreme body, and in the period between meetings - the board of the partnership and its chairman. The competence of the general meeting of members of the partnership (meeting of authorized representatives) includes the following issues: ... Determination of the quantitative composition of the board, election of board members by open vote and early termination of their powers (by decision of the meeting, the board can be elected by secret ballot), election by open vote (or by secret ballot by decision respectively, meeting or board) chairman of the board and early termination of his powers ....

According to clause 6.4.1. Of the Charter A general meeting of members of a horticultural non-profit partnership is legally competent if more than 50% of the members of the partnership or delegates are present at the general meeting or meeting of authorized representatives.

By virtue of cl.<дата> Of the Charter, the minutes of general meetings (meetings of authorized representatives) are drawn up within seven days, signed by the chairman and the secretary of the meeting, certified by the seal and kept in the affairs of the partnership permanently.

FULL NAME12 is a member of SNT<данные изъяты>, which is established by the plaintiff's explanations, is not contested by the defendant and is confirmed by a copy of the receipt for the cash receipt (ld 10).

<дата> in SNT<данные изъяты> general meeting of SNT was held<данные изъяты>, the protocol of which is available on case sheets 64-66, extracts from the protocol on case sheets 8,9, 25, 26. Decisions taken and the minutes of the general meeting are contested by the plaintiff.

Arguments FULL NAME12 in support of the stated requirements the court finds consistent, confirmed by the investigated materials of the case and the testimony of the witnesses interviewed in the case. In the minutes of the meeting of the horticultural non-profit partnership<данные изъяты> from<дата>, represented by FULL NAME1, a copy of which is available on ld.64-66, listed composition of gardeners 455 people, at the meeting are present - 250 people. In an extract from the minutes of the general meeting of SNT<данные изъяты>, signed by the defendant, states: the list of gardeners is 450 people, 250 people are present at the meeting (ld 8). SNT member lists<данные изъяты> and lists of registration of meeting participants<дата> the defendant's side in support of the arguments of the objections to the stated requirements are not presented, the defendant FULL NAME1 explained that the lists “were recorded, but that did not know where it was”. Witness FULL NAME2, showed that she was the secretary of the meeting, however, she did not keep the minutes, showed that the number of members participating in the meeting was approximately 150 people. Witness FULL NAME6, chairperson of the meeting, also showed that 100-150 people were present at the meeting, witness FULL NAME3 showed that 50-70 people were present at the meeting, in addition, denied the fact that at the meeting proposed the defendant FULL NAME1, explaining that before meeting was not familiar with her, which did not find objections from the defendant. Testimony of all interviewed witnesses about the number of members of SNT<данные изъяты>, as well as about those participating in the meeting<дата>, are contradictory and do not prove with certainty about the presence of a quorum. Evaluating the testimony of the witness FULL NAME6 the court finds them reliable, since the absence of a quorum at the meeting was confirmed by the testimony of other witnesses interviewed during the trial, and also confirmed by the defendant in a written response (ld 11). The testimony of the witness FULL NAME6 is confirmed by the testimony of the witness FULL NAME2, which did not deny that the minutes of the meeting did not keep, did not make it later. This witness (FULL NAME2) also showed that the number of those present at the meeting was approximately 150 people and she kept counting those present.

In extracts from the minutes of the meeting of a horticultural non-profit partnership<данные изъяты> per l.d. 25, 26, signed by the chairman of the board FULL NAME6 and the secretary FULL NAME2 there are discrepancies in indicating the voting results at the choice of the chairman of the board: in the extract from<дата> on case sheet 25 it is indicated: voted: “for” - 243 gardeners; Against - 3 gardeners; “Abstained” - 4 gardeners. In an extract from the protocol of the reporting and election meeting of SNT gardeners<данные изъяты> per l.d. 26, submitted to the IFTS for<адрес> and also certified by the signatures of the chairman FULL NAME6 and the Secretary FULL NAME2, it is stated: “for” - 238; Against - 9; “Abstained” - 3. In addition, the signatures of the secretary FULL NAME2 in extracts on ld.25 and ld.26 are different. Also, the signatures of the secretary FULL NAME2 and in the minutes of the general meeting differ visually from<дата> (ld 64-66) and in the extract for ld 25.

The plaintiff indicates that he did not participate in the meeting<дата>as it has not been properly notified. Witnesses FULL NAME8, FULL NAME9 and FULL NAME11, who informed the court that they learned about the meeting from the announcements on the SNT billboards, showed that they permanently or predominantly live in SNT. The court finds consistent the plaintiff's arguments about his improper notification of the upcoming meeting, and thereby violating his rights as a member of SNT to take part in the meeting and to be elected, since the plaintiff does not reside permanently in SNT, but arrives in May 20-25, which is not contested by the defendant. In addition, the defendant FULL NAME1 at the hearing explained that about a third of the gardeners live in<адрес> and area. In this way, The court considersthat the procedure for notification of the meeting<дата>provided by Law No. and the Charter of SNT<данные изъяты>was not properly respected, informing only by placing advertisements on billboards is not enough and is not appropriate for nonresident citizens.

Thus, the arguments FULL NAME12 to substantiate the stated requirements, the court finds that they do not contradict the Federal Law "On horticultural, gardening and summer cottage non-profit associations of citizens", the Charter of SNT<данные изъяты> (l.d. 58-63).

i decided:

Claims FULL NAME12 satisfy.

To invalidate the minutes of the general meeting of the members of the Gardening Non-Commercial Partnership<данные изъяты> from<дата>by obliging the chairman of the Gardening non-profit partnership<данные изъяты> FULL NAME1 within ten days from the date of entry into force of the court decision, transfer the powers of the chairman to the former chairman of the Gardening Non-profit Partnership<данные изъяты>

The decision can be appealed to the Moscow Regional Court through the Resurrection City Court within 10 days.

Judge: E. A. Kretova

Representing the interests of the plaintiff, a decision was made in the case of invalidating the decision of the general meeting of SNT and invalidating the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the appointment of the defendant as the chairman of SNT.

Client lawyer Lavrova E.A. applied to the court with the specified claim due to the fact that she is the elected and registered chairman of SNT. However, in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, printed from the website of the tax inspectorate, the chairman of the board indicated the defendant on the basis of the minutes of the general meeting of members of SNT Veteran-1. The specified re-election of the chairman of the board was carried out in violation of the requirements of the legislation and the charter of SNT, since the general meeting was not convened, members of the SNT were not notified of the meeting, the required quorum was missing. The list of SNT members presented by the defendant does not correspond to reality: some of the persons who took part in the voting did not have the right to vote, since were not the owners of land plots in SNT. The notice of the meeting must be sent no later than 2 weeks before the date of the meeting, it must contain the issues to be discussed. The decisions made must be communicated to the members of the SNT within 7 days after their adoption, which was also not done.
The defendant objected to the satisfaction of the claim, indicating that the plaintiff had missed a 6-month time limit for appealing the decision.
Having studied the materials of the case, after listening to the opinion of the parties, the court considered the claims to be satisfied. So, according to Article 181.5 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by law, the decision of the meeting is void if it is adopted in the absence of the required quorum.
In this case, according to the contested minutes of the general meeting, 24 people were present, including 20 members of SNT. At the same time, from the list of SNT members presented by the Administration of the Lyubertsy District, it appears that 41 people are SNT members. From the minutes of the general meeting of owners of SNT "Veteran-1" it follows that the members of SNT, according to the attached list, were admitted to 14 people. At the same time, only two of the accepted members of the SNT are listed in the list of SNT members. At the hearing, the defendant did not deny that he had not notified the meeting of persons admitted to SNT members, since he did not know about their acceptance. Thus, the defendant also violated the procedure for notifying SNT members about the general meeting.
The court also established that the ownership of land plots for a number of citizens has not yet been registered on the date of the contested meeting. Since these persons were not yet the owners of land plots, therefore, they could not be accepted as members of SNT and, accordingly, take part in the voting on the agenda items.
Under such circumstances, taking into account, also, that it is not possible to reliably establish the number of SNT members, the court concluded that the decisions made at the meeting were invalid (null and void), since there was no quorum necessary for making decisions.