What birds stay for the winter. Birds at different times of the year. Listen to the singing of the yellow-headed king

According to statistics, on the territory of Russia there are more than 60 species of birds that fly to winter in warm regions. Seasonal migrations are the prerogative of all migratory birds, without exception. Relocations are made both for long and rather short distances. To understand which species of birds are migratory, it is necessary to understand that their migrations depend on what they, in fact, are. Most in nature insectivorous birds... They are balanced by carnivorous and granivorous birds.

With the onset of cold weather, all the insects that many birds enjoy with pleasure disappear. In this regard, birds have to fly to where there is never snow, where the abundance of tasty insects does not end all year round... Such migratory birds include robins, finches, and, of course, "spring messengers" - swallows.

Swallows feed on rather large insects, among which are dragonflies and May beetles. They catch them on the fly. They hibernate on the Mediterranean coast. It is curious that some of them fly to hot Africa at all. Therefore, it is simply impossible to meet swallows in Russia in winter.

In winter, rivers and lakes freeze, which poses a great threat, for example, to carnivorous herons that feed on frogs and fish. They also have to leave their native lands. The "vegetarians" who eat grasses and seeds also suffer, since in winter all this is covered with a white sheet of snow. The thermophilic cranes are one of the most famous herbivorous migratory birds.

If you closely observe the cranes, you will notice that already in September they are preparing to leave. At this relatively early time for relocation, they are already gathering in flocks. The cranes leave their native land until spring, saying goodbye to people with their beautiful guttural cry. For complete objectivity, it should be noted that not all types of cranes fly away. This is done only by those who are forced to nest and breed in the northern regions of Russia.

Who stays for the winter?

Only those birds that have managed to "find a common language" with humans remain to winter. They are called sedentary. The most famous of them are pigeons, sparrows, tits. The fact is that they have adapted to feed on waste found in landfills and in garbage cans. In addition, a person feeds them, resorting to the help of special feeders.

Bird's "compass"

Scientists have proven that migratory birds are perfectly oriented in the geography of their migrations. They can sense not only latitude, but also longitude, guided by the sun and stars. This is one of the versions of this bird phenomenon.

According to another version, migratory birds return to their permanent nesting sites, focusing on the Earth's magnetic field. A corresponding article was published in the journal Nature on this topic. In addition, it has been documented by ornithological scientists who ring migratory birds and then observe them in the same places for several years in a row.

However, despite this, there is still no consensus among ornithologists and researchers about the work of the so-called bird's "compass".

Hibernating birds are those that stay in their native land all year round. Animals are guided not so much by the air temperature as by their personal abilities and the specifics of the food supply in the region.

Warmth in the cold is only fed birds. This means that a wintering bird should be able to get food among the snow. Accordingly, insectivorous species fly away in winter. Remain content with berries, seeds and predators hunting mice and hares. There are about 70 wintering bird species in Russia.


Their body temperature, like other birds, is 41 degrees. This is one more proof that in the presence of food, feathered frosts do not care. not easy wintering birds, but "tied" to a specific place. Flying away from the "native nest" for thousands of kilometers, gray-gray always come back. People took advantage of this by starting to send letters with pigeons.

Taking them to the addressee, the birds returned. Scientists argue about how birds find their way home. Some refer to magnetic fields. Others believe that pigeons are guided by the stars. Pigeons are faithful not only to their native lands, but also to partners. A pair of birds is chosen once and for life, like swans.

Pigeons are very attached to habitats and do not leave them if they have food


Group of wintering birds consists of several types. There are two living in Russia: urban and field. The latter is typical for rural areas. The total number on the planet is close to a billion. Accordingly, one bird for 8 people.

Considering that birds feed on grains, this is a threat to the harvest. In the PRC, they even carried out an action to destroy sparrows. Having found out that they cannot fly for more than 15 minutes, people frightened the birds, not allowing them to descend to the ground. Approximately 2 million individuals fell dead. However, in the absence of sparrows, it bred - another delicacy for birds. She ate the harvest instead of the birds.

Like pigeons, sparrows tend to choose one partner for life. At the same time, birds have hot blood. Instead of 41 degrees, the sparrow's body heats up to 44 ex. This is typical of small birds. They lose energy faster. Interestingly, the sparrow has 2 times more vertebrae in the neck than the giraffe. It's about the length of the fragments. In sparrows, they are flat.


This bird of the finch family with a curved, curved beak. Its structure is determined by function. The crossbill picks up grains from the cones with its beak. At the same time, a characteristic click is heard. Hence and name of wintering birds.

Despite the adaptability of the beak, it is impossible to take out all the pine nuts. The cones thrown by the birds are cleaned. The males of the species are red-brown, while the females are gray-green-yellow. Birds become such by 3 years of age. As adults, the crossbills do not exceed 20 centimeters in length and weigh about 50 grams.

The intelligence of ravens, by the way, is comparable to the development of 5-year-old children. Birds solve the same logic problems. One of the indicators of the mind is the way of protecting the nests. Ravens throw stones at enemies, raising them in tenacious paws.

In food, birds are unpretentious, they absorb grains, vegetables, and bread. The birds often destroy the nests of other birds. But, the ravens' favorite delicacy is carrion. There is a lot of it in winter, because not all animals can withstand the cold. Here birdsand remain to winter.

In years poor for prey, snowy owls migrate to the forest-steppe zone. The bird is large, up to 70 centimeters in length. The feathered one is gaining 3 pounds. Harry Potter held about as much on his hand. The hero of the work, J.K. Rowling, often used Buckley's services. That was the name of the white owl, who served as a messenger for the wizard.


The bird feeds on pine nuts. For them, the bird has a hyoid sac. It carries about 100 nuts. The Russian taiga is rich in cedar, which means that the bird has no need to fly away in winter. Some of the cones remain on the trees in winter.

We hide nutcrackers that do not fit into the hyoid sac within a radius of 2-4 kilometers from the tree on which they ripen. In winter, reserves are buried in snowdrifts, and in summer in the ground. There is a monument to the nutcracker in Russia. He stands in Tomsk. The Siberian city is surrounded by cedars. The inhabitants of the region know and love their inhabitant, admiring her all year round.


Listed in Red. The bird easily endures Russian winters, but cannot adapt to the reduction due to the destruction of the taiga of its fiefdom. However, owls are capable of living in captivity. In zoos and private owners, birds lived to be 68 years old. In nature, the eagle owl's age is limited to 20 years. Like the white owl, it hunts rodents, hares, martens.

Birds catch them around the clock. The main activity is at night. Eagle owls sleep more often during the day. Eagle owls swallow small prey whole. The birds first tear large victims into pieces that can squeeze into the throat. Cases of eagle owls attacking young roe deer and wild boars have been recorded. This indicates the impressive size of the birds.


The bird has a bluish back and a white belly. The feathered sides are red with black stripes. On the paws - curved sharp claws. With them nuthatches dig into tree trunks, moving quickly and dexterously along them. The bird is looking for hidden insects, their larvae. A sharp, long beak allows the nuthatch to get them in winter. The bird studies every crack in the bark with it.

They prefer to settle in oak forests. Where oaks do not grow, birds choose parks with deciduous plantings. Nuthatches are looking for trees with hollows, settling in them. If the entrance to the house is wide, it is coated with clay. Nuthatches are engaged in this work in the warm season.

Nuthatches prefer to survive the cold by settling in the hollows of trees

Yellow-headed beetle

Only hummingbirds are smaller than him. The bird has a yellow crest resembling a crown on its head. This association prompted the name feathered. The king does not pull, because the size of a dragonfly. The weight of the bird is about 7 grams.

They live in coniferous forests. Unlike hummingbirds, Russian dwarfs among birds endure a harsh climate. Even in winter, beetles manage to find insects and their larvae. On a day, the bird eats as much edible as it weighs itself.


It is considered migratory. However, some of the siskins remain for the winter in Russia. Birds are ready to survive the winter here next to non-freezing water bodies. The birds nest in the roots of trees near them.

Small birds so skillfully camouflage their homes that they became heroes of the legend of the invisible stone. Our ancestors believed that such a crystal was placed under the nest, hiding it from prying eyes.

Winterers include grouse and partridges. They warm themselves by burying themselves in drifts. Under the snow, the birds are looking for food - last year's grains and herbs.

Black grouse uses snow as a warm overnight

In severe frosts, birds try to avoid flying. The body area that increases with the wings open leads to greater heat loss. The feathered one runs the risk of freezing instead of catching prey or getting to places with better weather.

Wintering birds of Russia

Let us consider in more detail the species of birds that remain to winter in Russia.

Since not all types are listed in the picture above wintering birds of Russia, for the sake of completeness, let's call them: Sparrow, Crows, Dove, Woodpecker, Nutcracker, Crossbill, Yellow-headed Kinglet, Partridge, Muscovy, Owl, Nuthatch, Grouse, Waxwing, Tit, Bullfinch, White owl, Jay, Magpie, Grouse, Eagle owl , Lentils, Siskin, Goldfinch, Schur.

Russia is a large area of \u200b\u200bland inhabited by many species of animals. includes about 780 species. About a third of birds are migratory. They are often called migratory, since after the onset of cold weather they have to temporarily leave their habitual terrain and migrate to the wintering area.

Where do migratory birds fly

Migratory birds make constant seasonal movements from the nesting site to the wintering site. They fly both long and short distances. The average speed of birds of different sizes during the flight reaches 70 km / h. Flights are made in several stages, with stops for feeding and rest.

It is known that not all males and females from the same pair migrate together. The separated couples reunite in the spring. Places with similar weather conditions become the end point of bird travel. The forest bird is looking for areas with a similar climate, and wild birds are looking for areas with a similar diet.

List of migratory birds

Barn swallow

These birds from Russia spend the winter in Africa and South Asia. Swallows fly at low altitudes during the day.

These birds migrate from the end of August, they fly mainly in the evening and at night. During migration, herons can reach flight altitudes of up to 2000 meters.


This small bright bird migrates to autumn period long distances and winters in tropical Asia and Africa.

Most of these birds, in the cold season, move to the south of Europe, to Egypt, Algeria and India. They return to nesting sites early, when there is snow.


Zaryanka is a medium-distance migrant.

Field lark

In the spring, the skylark is one of the first to arrive from wintering, in March. Larks fly in small flocks day and night.


Most often, quails during migration move through the Balkans and the Middle East. The first migratory flocks are almost entirely males.

The cuckoo mostly flies at night. It is believed that cuckoos can fly up to 3,600 km in one flight without stopping.

Marsh warbler

They arrive at their homeland only at the end of May. Arrives for wintering in Central and South Africa.

White wagtail

Autumn migration is a natural continuation of the summer migrations of young adults who have completed their reproduction. Migration occurs mainly along water bodies.

Which birds fly south first?

First of all, birds fly away, which are very dependent on air temperature. It:

  1. Herons
  2. Cranes
  3. Storks
  4. Wild geese
  5. Swans
  6. Blackbirds
  7. Rooks
  8. Swallows
  9. Starlings
  10. Larks


Many people believe that birds fly away because the changes in the weather do not suit them. Most migratory birds have good warm plumage that traps heat. However, the main reason for flights is the lack of food in winter. Birds that fly away to warm regions in winter feed mainly on worms, insects, beetles and mosquitoes. During frosts, such animals either die or hibernate, therefore, during this period of the season, the birds simply do not have enough food.

Migratory birds - video

The term "migration" owes its origin to the Latin word "migratus", which means "to change." Migratory (migratory) birds are characterized by their ability to make seasonal flights and change their nesting sites with habitats suitable for wintering. Such birds, in contrast to the representatives of the sedentary species, have a peculiar life cycle, as well as some essential nutritional characteristics. However, migrating or migratory birds, in the presence of certain circumstances, may well become sedentary.

Why birds migrate

Migration, or flight of birds, is the migration or movement of representatives of a group of oviparous warm-blooded vertebrates, which are traditionally considered as a separate class. Bird migrations can be caused by changes in feeding or environmental conditions, as well as by the peculiarities of reproduction and the need to change the nesting territory to the wintering territory.

The flight of birds is a kind of adaptation to seasonal climatic changes and weather-dependent conditions, which most often include the availability of sufficient food resources and open water. The ability of birds to migrate is due to their high rates of mobility due to their ability to fly, which is not available for most other animal species leading a terrestrial lifestyle.

Thus, the reasons that cause bird migration at the moment include:

  • search for a place with optimal climatic conditions;
  • choice of territory with an abundance of food;
  • search for a place where breeding and protection from predators is possible;
  • the presence of stable daylight;
  • suitable conditions for feeding offspring.

Depending on the flight range, the birds are divided into sedentary or non-migratory birds, nomadic representatives different typesthat leave the nest and move a short distance. However, it is the migratory birds that prefer to move with the onset of winter to warm regions.

Thanks to numerous studies and scientific observations, it was possible to prove that it is precisely the reduction in daylight hours that stimulates the migration of very many birds.

Types of migrations

Migration occurs at certain time periods or seasons. Some representatives of the group of oviparous warm-blooded vertebrates are characterized by very irregular migration patterns.

Depending on the nature of seasonal migrations, all birds are included in the following categories:

  • sedentary birds, adhering to a certain, usually relatively small zone. Most sedentary bird species live in conditions with seasonal changes that do not affect the availability of food resources (tropics and subtropics). In the territories of the temperate and arctic zones, the number of such birds is insignificant, and the representatives of the group most often belong to the synanthropes living next to humans: the dove, the house sparrow hoodie, jackdaw;
  • semi-sedentary birds, which, outside the season of active breeding, move rather short distances from the location of their nests: grouse, hazel grouses, black grouse, common bunting;
  • birds migrating long distances. This category includes land and birds of prey that move to tropical regions: the goose, black-breasted and American coastal birds, long-toed coastal birds;
  • "Nomadic" and short-distance migrating birds, moving out of the season of active breeding from one place to another in search of food. Short migration is caused directly by unfavorable food and weather conditions, which have a relatively regular character: red-winged stinolasis, pronuks, larks, finch;
  • invading and dispersing birds. The movement of such birds is due to a sharp decrease in the amount of food and unfavorable external factors that cause frequent invasion of birds on the territory of other regions: waxwing, Spruce Shishkarev.

Migration timing is strictly controlled and genetically encoded even in many resident bird species. The propensity for navigation and the ability to orientate during the entire period of migration is due to genetic information and learning.

It is known that not all migratory birds fly. For example, a significant part of them carry out regular migrations exclusively by swimming, and easily overcome thousands of kilometers during such periods.

Migration destinations

The direction of migration routes or the so-called "direction of bird flights" is very diverse. Birds of the northern hemisphere are characterized by a flight from the northern regions (where such birds nest) to the southern territories (optimal wintering places), and also in the opposite direction. This type of movement is characteristic of birds of the Arctic and temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere, and its basis is represented by a whole complex of reasons, including energy costs.

With the onset of summer on the territory of northern latitudes, the length of daylight hours noticeably increases, due to which the birds leading the daytime lifestyle get the optimal opportunity to feed their offspring. Tropical bird species are noticeably distinguished by not too many eggs in a clutch, due to the peculiarities climatic conditions... In autumn, a decrease in the length of daylight hours is noted, so the birds prefer to move to regions with a warmer climate and an abundant food supply.

Migration can be dividing, rippling and circular, with mismatched autumn and spring routes, while horizontal and vertical migration are distinguished by the presence or absence of preservation of the familiar landscape.

List of migratory birds

Seasonal regular movements of birds can be made not only for close, but also for quite long distances. Bird watchers note that migrations are often carried out by birds in stages, with stops for rest and feeding.

White stork

The white stork (lat.Ciconia ciconia) is a large-sized wading bird belonging to the stork family. The white bird has black wingtips, a long neck, and a long and thin red beak. The legs are long, reddish in color. The female is indistinguishable from the male in color, but has a slightly smaller stature. The dimensions of an adult stork are 100-125 cm, with a wingspan of 155-200 cm.

Big bittern

(Latin Botaurus stellaris) is a rare bird belonging to the heron family (Ardeidae). A large bittern has a black plumage with a yellowish edging on its back and a head of the same coloration. The belly is ocher in color with a brown transverse pattern. The tail is yellow-brown with a noticeable blackish pattern. The male is somewhat larger than the female. The average body weight of an adult male is 1.0-1.9 kg, and the wing length is 31-34 cm.

Sarich, or Common Buzzard

Sarich (lat.Buteo buteo) - predatory bird, belonging to the order Hawk-shaped and the Hawk family. Representatives of the species are medium in size, have a body length of 51-57 cm, with a wingspan of 110-130 cm. The female, as a rule, is slightly larger than the male. Color varies greatly from dark brown to fawn, but juveniles have more variegated plumage. In flight, light spots on the wings are visible from below.

Common or field harrier

Harrier (lat.Circus cyaneus) is a medium-sized bird of prey belonging to the hawk family. The lightly built bird has a length of 46-47 cm, with a wingspan of 97-118 cm. It is distinguished by a rather long tail and wings, which makes low movement above the ground slow and noiseless. The female is noticeably larger than the male. There are pronounced signs of sexual dimorphism. Young birds are similar in appearance to adult females, but differ from them by the presence of a more reddish tint in the lower part of the body.


(lat. Falco subbuteo) is a small bird of prey belonging to the falcon family. The hobby is very similar in appearance to a peregrine falcon. The small and graceful falcon has long pointed wings and a long wedge-shaped tail. Body length is 28-36 cm, with a wingspan of 69-84 cm. Females look slightly larger than males. The upper part is slate-gray, without a pattern, with a more brownish tint in females. The area of \u200b\u200bthe chest and belly has an ocher-whitish color with the presence of numerous dark and longitudinal streaks.

Common kestrel

(lat. Falco tinnunculus) is a bird of prey belonging to the order of falconiformes and the falcon family, the most common after the buzzard in the territory of central Europe. Adult females have a dark transverse band in the dorsal region, as well as a brown tail with a large number of pronounced transverse stripes. The lower part is darker and heavily mottled. The youngest individuals are similar in plumage to females.

Dergach, or Crake

(lat. Crex crex) is a small bird belonging to the shepherd family. The constitution of this bird is dense, characteristically compressed from the sides, with a rounded head and an elongated neck. The beak is almost conical, rather short and strong, slightly pinkish in color. The plumage color is reddish-buffy, with the presence of dark streaks. The sides of the head, as well as the goiter and chest area of \u200b\u200bthe male, are bluish-gray in color. The upper part of the head and back is characterized by dark brown feathers with a light ocher edging. The belly of the bird is whitish-cream in color with a yellowish tinge.

Pygalitsa, or Lapwing

(Latin Vanellus vanellus) is a not too large bird belonging to the family of plovers. The main difference between lapwings and any other waders is black and white color and rather dull wings. The top has a very strong metallic green, bronze and purple sheen. The bird's chest is black. The sides of the head and body, as well as the abdomen, are white in color. In summer, the goiter and throat of the feathered one acquire a very characteristic black color for the species.


(Latin Scolopax rusticola) - representatives of the species belonging to the Bekassovy family and nesting in the temperate and subarctic belt of Eurasia. A rather large bird with a dense constitution and a straight, long beak. The average body length is 33-38 cm, with a wingspan of 55-65 cm. The color of the plumage is patronizing, generally rusty-brownish, with black, gray or red streaks on the upper part. The lower body of the feathered one has a slightly paler cream or yellowish-gray plumage with transverse black stripes.

Common tern, or river tern

The common tern (Latin Sterna hirundo) are representatives of a bird species belonging to the gull family. In appearance, the common tern resembles the Arctic tern, but is slightly smaller. The average body length of an adult bird is 31-35 cm, with a wing length of 25-29 cm and a maximum span of 70-80 cm. The slender bird has a forked tail and a red beak with a black tip. The main plumage is white or light gray, and the upper part of the head is painted in deep black tones.

Ordinary or simple nightjar

(lat.Caprimulgus europaeus) is a not too large nocturnal bird belonging to the family of true nightjars. The birds of this species have a graceful constitution. Average length adult is 24-28 cm, with a wingspan of 52-59 cm. The body is elongated, with sharp and long wings. The bird's beak is weak and very short, but with a very large opening of the mouth, in the corners of which there are hard and long bristles. Feathered legs are small. The plumage is loose and soft, with a typical patronizing color.

Field lark

The common lark (lat. Alauda arvensis) is a representative of the passerine species belonging to the lark family (Alaudidae). The bird has a soft but attractive plumage color. The area of \u200b\u200bthe back is gray or brownish, with the presence of motley blotches. The plumage of the bird in the abdomen is white, the rather wide chest is covered with brown variegated feathers. Tarsus is light brown. The head is more refined and neat, decorated with a small tuft, and the tail is bordered by white feathers.

White wagtail

The white wagtail (lat.Motacilla alba) is a small bird belonging to the wagtail family. The average body length of an adult White Wagtail does not exceed 16-19 cm. Representatives of the species are characterized by a well-visible, long tail. The upper part of the body is predominantly gray in color, while the lower part is covered with white feathers. The head is white, with a black throat and cap. The unusual name of the representatives of the species is due to the characteristic movements of the tail of the wagtail.

Forest accentor

The Lesser Accentor (Latin Prunella modularis) is a small songbird that is the most widespread species of the small Accentor family. The plumage is characterized by a predominance of gray-brown tones. The head, throat and chest, and neck are ash gray in color. There are dark brown spots on the crown and in the nape of the neck. The bill is relatively thin, blackish-brown in color, with some expansion and flattening at the base of the beak. The belly is slightly whitish, the undertail area is grayish-buffy. The legs are reddish brown.


(lat.Turdus iliacus Linnaeus) - the smallest in body size and one of the most common representatives of thrushes living on the territory of the former Soviet Union... The average length of an adult bird is 21-22 cm. In the region of the back, the feathers are brownish-green or olive-brown. In the lower part, the plumage is light, with the presence of dark spots. The flanks of the chest and the underwing coverts are rusty-reddish. The female has a paler plumage.


Bluethroat (lat.Luscinia svecica) is a medium-sized bird belonging to the Flycatcher family and the order of passerines. The average body length of an adult is 14-15 cm. The region of the back is brown or grayish-brown, the upper tail is red. The goiter and throat of the male are blue with a rufous or whitish spot in the middle. The blue color at the bottom is bordered with a blackish tint. The female has a whitish throat with a slight blue. The tail is red in color with a blackish upper part. The plumage of the female is devoid of red and blue. The throat is whitish in color, bordered by a characteristic half-ring of a brownish shade. The beak is black.

Green warbler

The green warbler (Latin Phylloscopus trochiloides) is a small songbird belonging to the warbler family (Sylviidae). Representatives of the species outwardly resemble a forest warbler, but have a smaller and more stocky physique. The back area is olive green, and the belly is covered with grayish-white plumage. The feet are brown. The green warbler has a small, white, inconspicuous stripe on the wings. The average length of an adult is approximately 10 cm, with a wingspan of 15-21 cm.

Swamp warbler

Marsh warbler (Latin Acrocephalus palustris) is a relatively medium-sized songbird belonging to the Acrocephalidae family. Representatives of this species are characterized by an average length of 12-13 cm, with a wingspan of 17-21 cm. The outward appearance of the Marsh Warbler practically does not differ from the common reed warbler. The plumage of the upper part of the body is brownish-gray, and the lower part is represented by yellowish-white feathers. The throat is whitish. The beak is rather sharp, of medium length. Males and females have the same color.


The coot redstart (Latin Phoenicurus phoenicurus) is a small and very beautiful songbird belonging to the flycatcher family and the order of passerines. Adults of this species have an average size of 10-15 cm. The coloring of the tail and abdomen is rich red. The back is grayish in color. Females tend to have more brown plumage. This bird owes its name to the periodic twitching of its bright tail, due to which the tail feathers resemble tongues of flame.

Birch or pied flycatcher

Birch (lat.Ficedula hypoleuca) is a songbird belonging to a rather extensive family of flycatchers (Muscicapidae). The color of the plumage of an adult male is in black and white, of a contrasting type. The average body length does not exceed 15-16 cm. The back and the vertex are black, and there is a white spot on the forehead. The lumbar region is gray, and the tail is covered with brownish black feathers with white edging. The wings of the bird are dark, brown or almost black in color with a large white spot. Juveniles and females have a dull coloration.

Common lentil

The common lentil (lat.Carpodacus erythrinus) is a migratory bird nesting in forest zones, belonging to the finch family. The size of adults is similar to the body length of a sparrow. In adult males, the back, tail and wings are reddish-brown in color. The feathers on the head and chest are bright red. The abdomen of representatives of the species Common lentil is white, with a characteristic pinkish tinge. Juveniles and females are brownish-gray in color, and the abdomen is lighter than the plumage of the back.


Reed (Latin Emberiza schoeniclus) is a small bird belonging to the bunting family. Such birds have a body length in the range of 15-16 cm, with a wing length in the range of 7.0-7.5 cm, as well as a wingspan of 22-23 cm. The color of the chin, head and throat to the central part of the goiter is represented in black. The lower part of the body has white plumage with small dark lines on the sides. The back and shoulders are dark in color, ranging from gray tones to brown-black with side stripes. There are light stripes on the edges of the tail. Females and juveniles are devoid of black plumage in the head area.


(lat.Corvus frugilegus) is a large and noticeable bird quite widespread in Eurasia, which belongs to the genus of ravens. Omnivorous birds nest in large colonies in trees and have a distinctive appearance. The average length of adult representatives of this species is 45-47 cm. The plumage is black, with a very noticeable purple tint. In adult birds, the base of the beak is completely bare. Young individuals have feathers located at the very base of the beak.


Klintukh (lat.Columba oenas) is a bird that is a close relative of the rock dove. The average body length of an adult is 32-34 cm. Males are slightly larger and heavier than females. The bird has a bluish-gray plumage and a purple-greenish metallic tint in the neck. The chest of the clintuch is distinguished by a well-developed pinkish-wine tint. The eyes are dark brown in color and there is a characteristic bluish-gray leathery ring around the eyes.

The most interesting thing for children is watching live birds on a walk. Often, babies have their favorites among the birds, to whom they give names and even claim that they can distinguish them from all other birds of the yard.

Make a feeder, pour food into it. Very soon the birds will get used to the fact that there is always food for them here, and will begin to fly to your feeder. Watch them with your baby. The most useful and interesting thing is to make a whole series of such observations. A series of observations will give the baby much more for his mental and speech development than just reading a story about wintering birds or watching a cognitive film. After all, the film is likely to be quickly forgotten without consolidation and application of the information received.

In observing living nature, the child will learn to compare, draw conclusions, ask questions and look for answers to them, describe, find the exact words to express his thoughts.

What can we see in such observations? What should children pay attention to?

1. How do birds differ from each other in appearance? How are they similar? (They have a head, eyes, a beak to peck seeds, wings to fly, a torso, legs, a tail, the torso is covered with feathers)

Compare, for example, a sparrow and a crow - how are they different, and how are they similar? (The crows are large. And the sparrows are small, gray-brown, they fly in a flock, they are nimble, they jump on two legs. The crows are gray-black, the crow flies alone. The crow walks waddling, importantly, slowly). How are sparrows and pigeons similar and different? (A sparrow is smaller than a dove, it is of a different color. A sparrow jumps and a dove walks. A sparrow chirps and a dove coo)

2. What is the difference between the habits of different birds:

  • how they peck food in the trough (they immediately sit down on the trough or be careful and first sit on the bushes, and only then fly up to the trough),
  • quarreling or not, are they inferior to each other,
  • how birds fly and how they walk,
  • are they close to people
  • live alone or in flocks,
  • what kind of food do they like (titmice and woodpeckers like to eat unsalted bacon, bacon can be hung on a string to the feeder, bullfinches and waxwings are berries, seeds are eaten by all birds, but sparrows and oatmeal like oats and millet)
  • what time of day do they arrive at the feeding trough (when it is light),
  • in which cases the birds make sounds - scream, echo, and in which cases they silently peck grains,
  • what is the beak of the birds and is it possible to guess by the shape of the beak what the bird eats (it is possible, in birds that feed on insects, the beak is thin and narrow, and in those birds that feed on grain, the beak is duller and thicker)
  • what footprints do birds leave in the snow? (try to sketch them and learn to read "bird stories" in their tracks - which birds flew in, whom did they meet at the feeder, how many birds were there?). Children like this task very much. They feel like real trackers.
  • why, when a crow flies up, sparrows and doves fly away? (The crow is big, it has a strong beak, and small birds are afraid of it. That is why it is better to feed the crow separately so that it does not take food from small birds)

Here are some notes for observing wintering bird habits with children.

Sparrows - nimble, cheerful, mobile, often quarrel. They are bullies, they love to snatch her seeds from under the nose of a titmouse, they keep a flock.

Here have arrived tap dance ... They are noisy, they resonate with each other. Peck seeds. Tap dance can be different. There are brown tap dancers with a gray breast, and there is a red breast. Tap dancers are our guests. They come to us for the winter from the north.

Pigeons slow, calm, not so shy, come close to a person.

Bullfinches - calm, sedate birds. And the sound of their voice is special - they whistle softly (ring like bells). If they need to fly somewhere, then they become animated, call out to each other and fly away in a flock. Bullfinches love to eat berries, grains, ash and maple seeds. They come to us from the north - they are also our guests.

Crows, magpies, jackdaws - these are all "relatives of the crow". They come to us from the forest in winter. In the forest, they always fly away from people, and in the city they are less afraid of people. In the evening they fly in flocks over the city, and then they fly to the park, sit there on tree branches and fall asleep until morning. Crows are smart, do not come close to a person, cautious, waddle around. Magpies are large, gray, and the head and wings are black. Her sides are white. Therefore, forty are called "variegated". The magpie jumps up. She loves to eat unsalted bacon at the feeder.

Titmouse have a yellow breast and a black cap on their head, white cheeks. They like to peck fat, swinging on a rope for which the fat is attached to the feeder.

Goldfinches arrive in flocks. They are very beautiful - there is a red speck on the forehead, and yellow stripes on the black wings. They are very mobile - real gymnasts! Goldfinches are fidgety, noisy, constantly shouting, quarreling, making noise, squatting, eating seeds.

During the observation, you can read poems to children about these birds. You will find poems about wintering birds for the little ones and older children in this series of articles. It is very convenient to write out or print out poems on cards (the size of a quarter of an album sheet) and carry with you for a walk in your pocket or purse. At any time, you can take out a card and read the desired poem or make a riddle.

Wintering and nomadic birds in fairy tales, games, stories, riddles and tasks for kids

Very often we, adults, ourselves do not know what kind of bird it is, we cannot interestingly tell children about it or answer the numerous questions of our why. Therefore, I decided to make a kind of anthology for kids and adults on Native Path, I prepared pictures of wintering birds, coloring books, games, informative stories and fairy tales, assignments, poems and riddles on this topic. This anthology will consist of several parts. and about each wintering or wandering bird you will find a separate article with fairy tales, stories, pictures and tasks, cartoons.

I deliberately did not distribute this material by the ages of the children. You can choose by yourself the excerpts, games, tasks, fairy tales, poems you like and use them to develop your kids and familiarize them with the world around them

Wintering birds. Pictures for children.

Compare with the baby the birds in these pictures. How are the two birds in each picture similar? What is the difference?

It is very convenient for such paired pictures to make riddles-descriptions of wintering birds. And all the kids love to guess riddles and invent them! You describe the bird (without naming it) - talk about what wings, breast, head it has, how it walks, what it eats, and the baby guesses who you have guessed. Then the kid will be able to ask you a riddle himself by describing the bird.

Speech game "Say the opposite"

In this speech game, the baby will learn to use words that are opposite in meaning to the given word (we - adults - call such words antonyms).

Always draw on your child's experience when coming up with tasks for these games. Show birds in a picture, photo, or real birds at the feeder.

Sample assignments for children on the topic "Wintering birds":

  • The crow is big, and what is the sparrow? (small)
  • Long-tailed magpie, and what sparrow? (short-tailed)
  • Long-billed woodpecker, and what sparrow? (short-billed)
  • The crow's beak is large and thick, and what sparrow? (small and thin)
  • The bullfinch has a red breast, and the titmouse has…?
  • The bullfinch flew up to the forest, and the sparrow - ...?
  • The bullfinch sits on the top branch, and the sparrow sits on ...?

Speech exercise "Name affectionately"

This exercise is aimed at developing a sense of language, which allows the child to experiment with the word and come up with new versions of it.

You can play this game in a "magic version". You give the child a "magic wand", and the baby transforms the big one into a small one (a magic wand is an ordinary but beautiful pen or pencil; to get a magic wand, you can wrap the pencil with foil or decorative paper). A wave of the "magic wand" - and a small bird will turn out from a bird, and a small tail from a large tail. Here are some sample words for a game on the theme "Wintering Birds"

  • Bird - bird
  • Feather- ... (feather)
  • Wing - ... (wing)
  • Tail - ... (tail)
  • Beak - ... (beak)
  • Tit - ... (titmouse)
  • Chick - ... (chick)
  • Sparrow - ... (sparrow)
  • Crow - ... (crow)
  • Dove - ... (dove)

We play hide and seek.

The game “Whose? Whose? Whose?" on the topic "Wintering birds"

Tell your baby: “You are already familiar with many wintering birds. They decided to play hide and seek with you. Guess who hid from you behind the twig? " (the speech grammatical game "Whose? Whose? Whose?" - we learn to use possessive adjectives - pigeon, passerine, magpie, crow, titmouse, bullfinch, etc.). It is not necessary to use ready-made pictures. You can hide pictures behind your palm, showing the baby only part of the image - for example, the tail of a bird or only the breast of a bird. And the child learns from this detail what kind of wintering or nomadic bird it is.

Here are my kids puzzle pictures. All these pictures in good quality and permission is in the presentation at the end of the article. The presentation can be downloaded free of charge.

Answers to riddles:

  1. Tail, beak and breast bullfinch. Bullfinch tail, bullfinch beak, bullfinch breast. Ask the kid how he guessed that this is the beak of a bullfinch, because the beak of other birds is very similar? (on the red breast)
  2. it passerines feathers and tail are also passerine. The sparrow is easily recognized by its gray and brown plumage.
  3. Head and beak pigeon. The dove is easy to recognize by its gray feathers.

Game task on the topic "Wintering birds" - "Expand the stamps" (for children 5-7 years old)

In this game the kid will learn to classify pictures and distinguish three subgroups in a group of birds: wintering birds, nomadic birds and migratory birds.

Tell your child a story. Explain what a stamp is and why you need it, why without a stamp the letter will not reach the addressee. And then tell the story about the boy Vanya.

Vanya decided to collect stamps with images of various animals, insects and birds. Here are the brands he has.

Ask the child: "Help Vanya arrange the stamps in his album." Vanya came up with that. Migratory birds will be on one page of the album. On the other - wintering ones (those who live next to us both in summer and in winter). On the third - nomadic (our winter guests). But he got confused, which birds winter where. Can you help him figure it out? "

  • Look, here is Vanin's stamp album. This is a page with a picture of a palm tree. What bird stamps do you think will be on this page? That's right, there will be stamps with migratory birds that fly south and winter there.
  • And here is the second page. It depicts rain and snow, summer and winter. So what kind of birds will be on it? (wintering birds that live next to us both in summer and winter).
  • And here is an icicle. This is our resort "Icicle" from a fairy tale. Here will be our winter guests - nomadic birds.

Look at Vanina's stamps. What stamps would you put on a page with a palm tree? What are these birds called? (These are migratory birds - swallows, storks)

And what nomadic birds are on the Vania stamps? (bullfinch, waxwing) On which page of the album should Vanya put these stamps?

What kind of birds live with us both in summer and winter? (sparrow, crow). On which page of the album will we put these stamps?

You can use other options for this game:

1.Print pictures with the image of stamps and the image of the album on a printer. Then you get a sheet with an assignment in which the child draws lines from the bird to the desired page of the album with stamps.

2. Give the child pictures of birds and ask them to divide them into three groups.

3. If the exercise is carried out with a group of children, then each child can be given a picture with a picture of a bird. Draw three circles on the floor with chalk. In one circle put a picture with a palm tree, in the second - pictures of summer and winter, in the third a picture with icicles - a sign of nomadic birds that have flown to us at the Icicle resort.

Children represent birds. At the signal "day", the birds begin to fly. At the signal "Home!" children are looking for their flock and run to the right circle. Migratory birds run in a circle with a palm tree, nomadic ones - in a circle with a flying bird, etc. You need to have time to find your home and your flock of birds before the signal: "Night!" Then the birds fall asleep - each flock in its own house. At the signal from The Day, the birds begin to fly again, peck at grains, and flap their wings. Then the signal “Home!” Sounds again. and the birds fly to their flocks.

You can introduce an additional character into the game - a cat or an owl, which will catch birds at night. The rule is that you can only catch those birds that did not have time to hide in their house. If the bird is caught, then it becomes a cat (or an owl) in the next game.

4. A deliberate mistake can be introduced into the game - for example, giving a child a picture of a squirrel along with pictures of birds. When the baby begins to lay out the pictures into three groups, ask where he will put the picture with the squirrel, because it also does not live in trees? This is a problematic situation for a child, because indeed, a squirrel lives on a tree! What to do with this picture?

But does a squirrel look like birds? Does she breed chicks? Does it have wings? How does it differ from birds? Can it be attributed to one of these three groups of birds? No!

In such problematic tasks, the baby learns to distinguish the main from the secondary, and this is very important for his intellectual development! And he also learns to defend his opinion and not succumb to provocations!

Believe it, check it out.

Folk signs about wintering birds

In the following articles you can get to know the wintering birds better. We will talk with each of them, listen to fairy tales about them, guess riddles and learn interesting games. On this topic you can read:

And together with the children you can see the pictures of this article in high quality as a presentation here. To view the picture in full screen mode, click the icon in the lower right corner.

Presentation for children "Wintering birds"

You can present a presentation for children with pictures from this article in high quality for printing or showing to children on the screen, as well as in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" (see the section of the "Documents" group under the community videos).


"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"