Environmental problems of mining enterprises in the Kuzbass. Range of problems in the mining industry Environmental problems of the mining industry

  • Number of slides: 19

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_0.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Environmental issues of the mining industry">!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_1.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY is a complex of mining industries. This is the most important start-up industry,"> ДОБЫВАЮЩАЯ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ - комплекс отраслей, занимающихся добычей полезных ископаемых. Это важнейшая отрасль начального этапа, включает добычу полезных ископаемых– горючих, рудных и нерудных.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_2.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Extraction of minerals can be carried out: - in an open way from the earth's surface at"> Добыча полезных ископаемых может вестись: - открытым способом с земной поверхности при неглубоком залегании; - подземным способом при глубоком залегании путем проходки шахт, штолен, а для жидких и газообразных полезных ископаемых - буровых скважин.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_3.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e The impact of the mining industry on the OS can be significant and lasting."> Воздействие добывающей промышленности на ОС может быть существенно и длительно. Воздействие на ОС при добычи полезных ископаемых становится важной проблемой для промышленности и занятых в ней трудовых ресурсов.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_4.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e The mining industry has the most negative impact on land (soil) resources, yes and wider - by"> Добывающая промышленность наиболее отрицательно воздействует на земельные (почвенные) ресурсы, да и шире – на литосферу. Также она влияет на водную оболочку и атмосферу, а следовательно, на весь природный комплекс. Проявляется такое воздействие в разных формах: в нарушении земель в результате оседания поверхности; в загрязнении почв и горных пород, в изменении режима поверхностных и подземных вод и их химического состава; в запылении атмосферы.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_5.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Individual sub-sectors of the extractive industry have their own specifics. The total environmental damage from open method of extraction"> Отдельные подотрасли добывающей промышленности имеют свою специфику. Суммарный экологический ущерб от открытого способа добычи примерно в 10 раз больше, чем от подземного. К этому нужно добавить, что морская добыча нефти и газа на шельфе почти неизбежно приводит к загрязнению морских вод. Подземный (шахтный) способ добычи и скважинный способ с применением подземного выщелачивания в наибольшей мере сказываются на оседании земной поверхности. Открытый (карьерный) способ ведет к изъятию земель и изменению водного режима, а также химического состава вод, к заболачиванию, образованию оползней, да и к загрязнению воздуха.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_6.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e The impact of the extractive industry directly on the Earth's surface goes in two directions: -first,"> Воздействие добывающей промышленности непосредственно на поверхность Земли идет по двум направлениям: Во-первых, это изъятие из земной коры все больших объемов полезных ископаемых. Во-вторых, это возвращение в литосферу огромной, причем все время возрастающей массы твердых отходов, измеряемой уже десятками и сотнями миллионов тонн в год.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_7.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Mass distribution of pollutant emissions into atmospheric air by stationary sources, taking into account attribution"> Распределение массы выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух по стационарным источникам с учетом отнесения к видам экономической деятельности в 2010 году, КО!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_8.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e The largest contributors to air pollution from extractive industries come from enterprises involved in booty raw"> Наибольший вклад в загрязнения атмосферного воздуха от добывающих производств вносят предприятия, занимающиеся добычей сырой нефти и нефтяного (попутного) газа.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_9.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Emission dynamics">!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_10.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Volumes of polluted wastewater discharges into surface water bodies, million m3">!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_11.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Waste generation, million tons">!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_12.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Mineral coal (bituminous, brown) and oil shale;"> На территории области выявлены полезные ископаемые уголь (каменный, бурый) и горючие сланцы; чёрные металлы - руда (железная, марганцевая); цветные и благородные металлы - руда (серебро, ртуть, свинец, цинк, медь, барит, бокситы, нефелиновые руды); нерудное сырьё для металлургии (кварциты, пески формовочные, глины огнеупорные и тугоплавкие, известняки флюсовые, доломиты); нерудные полезные ископаемые (тальк, фосфоритовые руды, диабазы, цеолиты); строительное сырьё (15 наименований).!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_13.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e The coal industry is the main contributor to the pollution of the CBO:"> Угольная промышленность вносит основной вклад в загрязнение ОС КО: Загрязнение атмосферного воздуха происходит в процессе угледобычи на угольных разрезах и шахтах, при транспортировке угля, а также при переработке его на углеобогатительных фабриках.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_14.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Mine mining method: The main sources of air pollution from coal mining in mines -"> Шахтный способ добычи: Основные источники загрязнения атмосферного воздуха при добыче угля в шахтах - отвалы пустой породы, угольные склады и главные вентиляционные стволы шахт. Большое количество породы со значительным содержанием угля из шахт приводит к самовозгоранию терриконов. Объем породы, выдаваемой из шахт и уложенной в террикон, составляет миллионы кубических метров. Температура горящих терриконов достигает 800°С снаружи и до 1500°С - внутри. Горение сопровождается выделением окиси углерода, сернистого газа и продуктов возгонки смолистых веществ. Следует иметь в виду, что большинство терриконов расположено вблизи жилых поселков.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_15.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Open pit mining One of the main sources of dust and gas generation in open pits - massive"> Карьерный способ добычи Один из основных источников пыле- и газообразования в карьерах - массовые взрывы. При взрывных работах, в воздух выбрасывается пылегазовое облако на высоту 150 - 250 м, распространяемое затем по направлению ветра на значительные расстояния. Объем пылегазового облака составляет 15 - 20 млн. м3, а концентрация пыли в зависимости от различных причин изменяется от 680 до 4250 мг/м3. После каждого взрыва в атмосферу выбрасывается до 200 т пыли, а также газы - в основном окись углерода и окислы азота. Характерная особенность угольных карьеров - пылеобразование вызывается не только производственными процессами, но и естественным выветриванием пород, эрозией почвенного слоя с нарушенным растительным покровом. Пыль, образующаяся в карьерах при различных операциях, - основное вещество, поступающее в атмосферу. В витающей пыли содержится около 9,0 - 11,7% свободной двуокиси кремния. По дисперсности большинство пылевых частиц (82,9 - 97,3%) имеют размер до 5 мк.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_16.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Due to the accelerated development of open pit coal mining and the construction of powerful coal quarries"> В связи с ускоренным развитием открытого способа добычи угля и строительством мощных угольных карьеров особую важность приобретает их оценка как источников загрязнения воздуха. Было установлено, что воздух загрязняется более всего в зимнее время, что связано с ухудшением условий рассеивания выбросов. Вывод: таким образом, предприятия угольной промышленности загрязняют воздух пылью, сажей, окислами азота, окисью углерода, сернистым газом и фенолами. Эти предприятия иногда располагаются в зоне жилой застройки городов и поселков, как правило, не имеют необходимых санитарно-защитных зон и тем самым оказывают неблагоприятное влияние на санитарно-бытовые условия жизни населения.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_17.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Protection of the earth's surface from the harmful effects of mining is carried out in two main directions ..."> Защита земной поверхности от вредного влияния горных разработок осуществляется в двух основных направлениях. Уменьшении нарушений земной поверхности с помощью горнотехнических и специальных охранных мероприятий. Ликвидации отрицательных последствий горных работ путем восстановления (рекультивации) нарушенных земель. Генеральным направлением рационального использования земель в угольной промышленности является рекультивация нарушенных площадей и возврат их в народное хозяйство как продуктивных угодий в виде пашен, лугов, лесонасаждений, искусственных водоемов.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/13-dob_prom.ppt_images/13-dob_prom.ppt_18.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Thank you for your attention !!!">!}

During the extraction and processing of minerals, a large-scale human impact on the natural environment occurs. The resulting environmental problems associated with the extraction of minerals require a comprehensive study and immediate solution.

What is the mining industry characterized by?

The mining industry is widely developed in the Russian Federation, because deposits of the main types of minerals are located on the territory of the country. These accumulations of mineral and organic formations located in the earth's interior are effectively used, ensuring the life of people and production.

All minerals can be divided into three groups:

  • solid, subdivided into: coal, ores, non-metallic materials, etc .;
  • liquid, the main representatives of this category are: fresh, mineral water and oil;
  • gaseous, which include natural gas.

Depending on the purpose, the following types of minerals are extracted:

  • ore materials (iron, manganese, copper, nickel ores, bauxite, chromite and precious metals);
  • building materials (limestone, dolomite, clay, sand, marble, granite);
  • non-metallic resources (jasper, agate, garnet, corundum, diamonds, rock crystal);
  • mining and chemical raw materials (apatite, phosphorite, sodium chloride and potassium salt, sulfur, barite, bromine and iodine-containing solutions;
  • fuel and energy materials (oil, gas, coal, peat, oil shale, uranium ore);
  • hydromineral raw materials (underground fresh and mineralized waters);
  • mineral formations of the ocean (ore-bearing veins, layers of the continental shelf and ferromanganese inclusions);
  • mineral resources of sea water.

The Russian mining industry accounts for a quarter of the world's gas production, 17% of the world's oil, 15% of coal, and 14% of iron ore.

Extractive industries have become the largest sources of environmental pollution. The substances that are emitted by the mining complex have a detrimental effect on the ecosystem. The problems of the negative impact of the mining and processing industries are very acute, since they affect all spheres of life.

How does the industry affect the earth's surface, air, water, flora and fauna?

The scale of development of the extractive industry is striking: when recalculating the volume of extraction of raw materials per one inhabitant of the planet, you will get about 20 tons of resources. But only one tenth of this amount is accounted for by final products, and the rest is waste. The development of the mining complex will inevitably lead to negative consequences, the main of which are:

  • depletion of raw materials;
  • environmental pollution;
  • violation of natural processes.

All this leads to serious environmental problems. You can look at individual examples of how different types of extractive industries affect the environment.

At mercury deposits, the landscape is disturbed, dumps are formed. In this case, the dispersion of mercury, which is a toxic substance, has a detrimental effect on all living things. A similar problem arises in the development of antimony deposits. As a result of the work, there are accumulations of heavy metals that pollute the atmosphere.

In gold mining, technologies are used to separate the noble metal from mineral impurities, accompanied by the release of toxic components into the atmosphere. The presence of radioactive radiation is observed on the dumps of uranium ore deposits.

Why is coal mining dangerous?

  • deformation of the surface and coal-bearing layers;
  • air, water and soil pollution in the quarry area;
  • the release of gas and dust during the removal of waste rocks to the surface;
  • the shallowing and disappearance of rivers;
  • flooding of abandoned quarries;
  • the formation of depression funnels;
  • dehydration, salinization of the soil layer.

On the territory located near the mine, anthropogenic forms (ravines, quarries, waste heaps, dumps) are created from raw material waste, which can extend for tens of kilometers. Neither trees nor other plants can grow on them. And water with toxic substances flowing down from dumps harms all living things in large adjacent areas.

At the deposits of rock salt, halite wastes are formed, carried by precipitation into reservoirs, which serve to supply residents of nearby settlements with drinking water. Near the development of magnesites, there is a change in the acid-base balance of the soil, leading to the death of vegetation. A change in the chemical composition of the soil leads to mutations in plants - a change in color, ugliness, etc.

Agricultural land is also polluted. When transporting minerals, dust can fly over long distances and settle on the ground.

Over time, the earth's crust is depleted, reserves of raw materials decrease, and the content of minerals decreases. As a result, the volumes of extraction and the amount of waste are increasing. One of the ways out of this situation is to create artificial analogs of natural materials.

Lithosphere protection

One of the methods to protect the earth's surface from the detrimental effects of mining enterprises is land reclamation. The ecological problem can be partially solved by filling in the excavations with waste products.

Since many rocks contain more than one type of minerals, it is necessary to optimize technologies, producing and processing all the components present in the ore. This approach will not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also bring considerable economic benefits.

How to save the environment?

At the present stage of development of industrial technologies, it is necessary to provide measures for environmental protection. The priority is the creation of low-waste or non-waste industries that can significantly reduce the harmful impact on the environment.

Activities to help solve the problem

When solving the problem of environmental protection, it is important to use complex measures: production, economic, scientific and technical, social.

The ecological situation can be improved by:

  • more complete extraction of minerals from the bowels;
  • industrial use of associated petroleum gas;
  • integrated use of all components of rocks;
  • measures for water purification in underground mining;
  • the use of mine wastewater for technical purposes;
  • use of waste in other industries.

During the extraction and processing of mineral resources, it is necessary to use modern technologies to reduce emissions of harmful substances. Despite the costly application of advanced developments, investments are justified by improving the environmental situation.


1 UDC Kuzmenkova A.M. Scientific supervisor Morzak G.I. Environmental problems of the mining industry The mining industry is a complex of industries for the exploration of mineral deposits, their extraction from the bowels of the earth and primary processing and enrichment. Every year the technogenic impact on the natural environment of the enterprises of this industry is increasing, since it is necessary to extract mineral resources in increasingly difficult conditions - from greater depths, in difficult conditions of occurrence, with a low content of the valuable component. The mining industry is divided into: 1. fuel production (oil, natural gas, coal, shale, peat); 2. ore mining (iron ore, manganese ore, mining of non-ferrous metal ores, noble and rare metals, radioactive elements); 3. Industry of non-metallic minerals or building materials (mining of marble, granite, asbestos, chalk, dolomite, quartzite, feldspar, limestone); 4. mining and chemical (extraction of apatite, potassium salts, nepheline, saltpeter, phosphate raw materials); 5. hydromineral (mineral underground waters, water for water supply and other purposes). The peculiarities of the use of natural resources in the field of the extractive industry is that the corresponding enterprises are created directly 118

2 at the field itself; their production capacity and service life mainly depend on the size (volume) of mineral reserves. The extractive industry is characterized by the scale and high specialization of production, due to which there is always a tendency for the enlargement of mining companies. The extractive industry is a very large consumer of material resources, primarily natural resources, and is accompanied by a large-scale impact on the natural environment. In the area of \u200b\u200boperation of mining enterprises, land is withdrawn from agricultural circulation, the integrity of the earth's interior and the water regime are violated, the earth's surface, water sources and the air basin are polluted; in the end, new landscapes are formed, which in many cases do not meet the conditions of normal human life. All methods of field development are characterized by the impact on the biosphere, affecting almost all of its elements: water and air basins, land, subsoil, flora and fauna. This impact can be both direct (direct) and indirect, which is a consequence of the first. The dimensions of the zone of distribution of indirect impact significantly exceed the dimensions of the zone of localization of direct impact. Not only the element of the biosphere that is directly affected, but also other elements fall into the zone of distribution of indirect impact. In mining, the main types of activities in which these or those violations of the environment of varying intensity occur are: mine workings for the extraction of minerals and maintenance of mining operations; 119

3 transportation of rock mass by rail, conveyor, road transport or hydraulic method; processing of minerals; storage of minerals and mineral waste and their subsequent disposal; ventilation of mine workings, neutralization and detoxification of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere during the operation of machinery and equipment, dust suppression and dust collection; purposeful change in the properties of the rock mass, where the mine is located (freezing, plugging, thermal action, etc.); power supply for mining enterprises; reclamation and stowage works; drainage and drainage activities. The main negative factors of environmental impact include: use of natural and energy resources; subsidence of the earth's surface as a result of mining; the formation of a significant amount of enrichment waste with the alienation of land for their storage; emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment. During the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, the atmosphere is polluted in the process of grinding and burning natural and artificial materials, in which up to 2% of the processed mass of material can enter the atmosphere. The main emission is dust and gaseous emission. Stripping, drilling and blasting 120

4 work, loading and unloading of rock and minerals, their transportation, crushing and screening, ore processing, disposal, waste storage lead to intensive dusting. Emissions are generated during the processing of minerals, which consist of particles of the mineral itself and rock. Opencast mining of mineral deposits is usually characterized by more intense air pollution with harmful substances: dust and gaseous products formed during massive explosions and transport operations. During the development of mineral deposits, a significant amount of waste rocks is extracted along with them, and significant accumulations of them are formed on the surface of the earth. As a rule, the extracted raw materials are further processed. If, for example, the ore contains 30% of the useful substance, then the remaining 70% of it is waste rock, which is separated during the beneficiation process. Further, the concentrate, which already contains about 60% of the useful substance, enters the technological processing, as a result of which waste is also created. Waste accumulations form man-made formations on the earth's surface. Waste is often the reason for the formation of a catastrophic environmental situation in the region. Mining and chemical wastes are generated during the mining and processing of ores. These ores are characterized by a complex mineral composition, complexity and low content of the main component. They are usually used as raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers with the extraction of basic ones. At present, only the most studied ores are subjected to complex processing. Nonmetallic group of wastes generated during the extraction, processing and use of nonmetallic waste 121

5 materials are among the largest ones. Most of them arise during the work of quarries and mines, which extract minerals mainly. Waste from these enterprises is overburden, tailings and substandard products. The expansion of mining, the laying of engineering and transport communications lead to a sharp increase in areas with disturbed soils and relief. As you know, in the mining industry, the most economically attractive method is open pit mining, in which labor productivity is 5-6 times higher, and the cost of production is 2-3 times lower than in underground mining. But it is open-pit mining that is accompanied by the most significant disturbances to the landscape and hydrological conditions of the mining area and the disturbance or complete loss of soil cover in large areas. It can be concluded that the expansion of mining, an increase in the extraction of minerals with existing technologies always turns into a reduction in biologically productive lands and a violation of the existing ecological balance. The enterprises of mining and chemical production are quite energy-intensive and energy-intensive. The main type of fuel used at present is natural gas (reserve fuel oil). In addition to electricity and fuel, enterprises consume thermal energy in the form of superheated steam and hot water. For the production of a heat carrier in the form of hot water, superheated steam and a heating agent, mainly direct 122

6 fuel combustion, which today, taking into account the available technologies in the world, is not the best option. The main share in the consumed fuel and energy resources (FER) falls on electricity. There are many unresolved issues in the problem of environmental protection from the harmful effects of mining, due to a number of objective and subjective reasons: insufficient substantiation of environmental restrictions in the technology of mining and processing of minerals; qualitative differences in the circulation of matter and energy in artificial (economic) systems in comparison with natural (ecological); contradictions between the requirements for improving the technical and economic indicators of mining and the need to maintain the biosphere in an optimal state; insufficient development of methods for economic assessment of natural resources and damage caused by mining to elements of the biosphere; departmental approach to the protection and rational use of natural resources; insufficient erudition of mining workers in environmental issues. If earlier environmental protection assumed the development and implementation of measures only of a protective nature, now the level of development of production (and mining in particular) requires the expansion of this concept to include in it the planned management of natural resources. The introduction of modern, reliable and energy-saving equipment is aimed at 123

7 uninterrupted production of all types of energy. The main directions for reducing the consumption of fuel and energy resources for enterprises of the mining and chemical industry are: 1. reduction of material costs (in the form of costs for electricity) in the structure of total costs; 2. introduction of modern technologies for the production of own, cheaper electricity; 3. modernization of technology for the production of thermal energy to technologies available in the world practice; 4. modernization of power and technological equipment; 5. Updating the organizational structure of energy saving management, using modern principles of energy saving management. To minimize the harmful impact of production on the environment, mining and chemical enterprises develop and implement a number of measures. In particular, selective mining of mine fields is increasingly being used, in which productive layers are extracted, and waste rock is left in the worked out space, which makes it possible to reduce the amount of waste generated, to reduce the area of \u200b\u200balienated land for creating waste storage facilities, to a certain extent to reduce the subsidence of the earth's surface. To obtain systematic operational and complete information about the state of the environment and sources of pollution, monitoring is carried out over the state of atmospheric air at the boundaries of sanitary protection zones of enterprises, sources of emissions, surface and ground waters, soil, deformations of the earth's surface, etc.

8 fairly complete information about the actual state of the environment. Bibliographic list 1. KN Trubetskoy. Ecological problems of subsoil development during sustainable development of nature and society / K.N. Trubetskoy, Yu.P. Galchenko, L.I.Burtsev. M .: Publishing house Nauchtekhlitizdat, p. 2. Vronsky, V.A. Applied ecology: textbook / V.A. Vronsky - Rostov n / a .: Publishing house "Phoenix", p. 3. Slastunov S. V., Queen V. N. and others. Mining and the environment / Textbook. M .: Logos, p. 4. Energy characteristics of the enterprise [Electronic resource] / Open joint-stock company "Belaruskali" .- Soligorsk, Access mode: characteristics of the enterprise /. 5. Andrizhievsky, A.A. Energy saving and energy management: textbook. manual / A.A. Andrizhievsky, V. I. Volodin. Minsk: Higher school, p. 6. Shenets, L.V. The main directions of energy saving in the Republic of Belarus / L.V. Shenets // Energonadzor and energobezopasnost S Romanyuk V.N. Energy consumption and energy saving potential in industrial heat technologies and heat power engineering / V.N. Romanyuk, D.B. Muslina, A.A. Bobich // Energy and Management C

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CONTENTS p / p Name Page 6. Methodology for assessing the impact on the environment. 6-1 6.1. Determination of the spatial scale of the impact. 6-3 6.2. Determination of the time scale of the impact.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Transbaikal State University"


Mining Faculty

Department of Mineral Processing


by discipline: "Mining law"

Topic: "Environmental problems of mining"

Completed: Art. group OPz-11 Bachurin A.A.

Checked: Professor V.G. Romanov

Chita 2015









Mining production is technologically interconnected with the processes of human impact on the environment in order to provide raw materials and energy resources for various spheres of economic activity. Elements of nature that may be involved or are already used by humans in economic activities to meet various needs are summarized by the concept of natural resources. In broad terms, a resource should be understood as the sources of obtaining a substance, and the space-environment of their placement and life.

The rapid growth in the consumption of natural resources is accompanied not only by a change in the quantitative scale of anthropogenic impact, but also by the emergence of new factors, whose influence on nature, previously insignificant, becomes dominant. The damage inflicted on natural components leads to tangible consequences and reflects the reverse reaction of this impact (negative for society), generalized by the concept of "modern ecological situation".

The historical development of the Earth and human society has shown how the initial manifestations of the activity of natural (natural) or anthropogenic (associated with human activities) processes can be transformed into certain consequences, the nature of which manifests itself to varying degrees and ambiguously corresponds to the functioning and state of the source of impact. Consequences in natural objects are perceived mostly as evolutionary changes, the patterns of which are studied with the aim of more efficient use in economic activity of the processes and phenomena themselves (selection, energy supply) or the accompanying useful properties (development of mineral deposits). The conditions for their development ensure the state of balance and interrelation of living and inanimate nature in the general circulation of matter and the exchange of energy.

The consequences of the impacts of the economic activity of society are associated with the peculiarities of the development of social production (industrialization, chemicalization, intensification) and the nature of the way of human life (urbanization, migration, living conditions). As a result, the directions of the search for the principles of interaction between social production and the natural environment are formed, making it necessary for purposeful management of the use of resources.

The mining complex of our country, the most important basic element of the national economy, plays a decisive role in the national economy and is the supplier of most of the mineral raw materials and fuel. With the total extraction of mineral resources of more than 6.5 billion tons, the total losses in the subsoil are 2.5 billion tons, including 5-7 billion rubles that can be eliminated with the current level of technology. At the same time, the production activity of the mining complex has a significant impact on the environment: about 50 million tons of harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere, more than 2 billion m3 of contaminated wastewater is discharged into water bodies and more than 8 billion tons of solid waste is stored on the surface of the earth.

Research is widely carried out in our country to prevent the negative impact of mining on the environment. They are attended by scientific research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, various ministries and departments, educational institutions and other organizations. mining fossil deposit

This made it possible to develop and transfer for practical application in the mining industry major measures for the protection and rational use of various types of natural resources during the exploitation of mineral deposits.


All methods of field development are characterized by the impact on the biosphere, affecting almost all of its elements: water and air basins, land, subsoil, flora and fauna. This impact can be both direct (direct) and indirect, which is a consequence of the first. The dimensions of the zone of distribution of indirect impact significantly exceed the dimensions of the zone of localization of direct impact and, as a rule, not only the element of the biosphere, which is directly affected, but also other elements, falls into the zone of distribution of indirect impact.

In the process of mining, spaces are formed and rapidly increase, disturbed by mine workings, dumps of rocks and processing waste, which are barren surfaces, the negative impact of which extends to the surrounding territories. In connection with the drainage of deposits and the discharge of drainage and waste waters (waste of mineral processing) into surface water bodies and watercourses, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe deposit are drastically changed, the quality of groundwater and surface water deteriorates. The atmosphere is polluted by dust and gas organized and unorganized emissions and emissions from various sources, including mine workings, dumps, processing shops and factories. As a result of the complex impact on these elements of the biosphere, the conditions for the growth of plants, the habitat of animals, and human life are significantly deteriorating. The subsoil, being the object and operating basis of mining, is most affected. Since the subsoil belongs to the elements of the biosphere that are not capable of natural renewal in the foreseeable future, their protection should provide for the provision of scientifically grounded and economically justified completeness and complexity of use. The impact of mining on the biosphere is manifested in various sectors of the national economy and is of great social and economic importance. Thus, indirect impact on the land associated with changes in the state and regime of groundwater, deposition of dust and chemical compounds from emissions into the atmosphere, as well as products of wind and water erosion. It leads to a deterioration in the quality of land in the zone of influence of mining. This is manifested in the oppression and destruction of natural vegetation, migration and reduction in the number of wild animals, a decrease in the productivity of agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries.

At present, it is not possible to give a comparative quantitative assessment of the environmental impact of mining and other human activities, since there is no scientific and methodological basis for such a comparison. The use of various particular criteria does not allow obtaining an unambiguous answer to this question. So, if we compare the absolute costs for the construction of treatment facilities in the nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy, heat and power and mining industries in the United States, then the greatest costs fall on the heat power industry. Non-ferrous metallurgy takes the first place in terms of the relative share of these costs in total capital investments.

In terms of total costs for combating environmental pollution in the United States, for example, the pulp and paper industry is in the lead, followed by energy, nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy. However, these criteria do not take into account all aspects of the direct and indirect impact of mining on the environment and therefore cannot be considered sufficiently objective.

Table 1 gives a qualitative comparative assessment of the environmental impact of some types of industrial production.

Table 1

Comparative assessment of the impact of various types of industrial production on the environment


The impact of the industry on the elements of the biosphere

Air pool

water basin

earth surface

flora, fauna

Surface water

The groundwater

Soil cover


Chemical and petrochemical


Pulp and paper

Fuel and energy





O - no impact,

H - minor impact,

Wed - the impact of medium strength,

C is a strong impact.

As follows from this table, mining has the broadest impact on the biosphere, affecting almost all of its elements. At the same time, the impact of some types of activity on certain elements of the biosphere is more intense.


Japanese scientist M. Nakao divides the negative impact of mining on the environment into the following groups:

1) subsidence of the earth's surface due to the formation of underground voids and cavities that arise during the extraction of minerals and pumping out of mine water;

2) damage to agriculture and fisheries from the impact of pumped out mine waters;

3) damage to agriculture and forestry from emissions of gases containing sulfur oxides;

4) damage to living beings. Buildings and land due to the formation of waste heaps, mine water sedimentation tanks and waste storage.

This classification is very narrow and does not reflect all the features of the impact of mining on the environment.

Polish experts E. Malara, T. Skawina, and Z. Boyarsky believe that this effect is caused by geomechanical, hydrological, chemical, physical-mechanical and thermal changes in the environment.

Geomechanical changes are due to:

1. Construction of quarries, dumps, sediment reservoirs, various embankments and trenches.

2. Deformation of the surface as a result of mining.

3. Storage of waste products from processing plants.

4. Installation work, work of heavy equipment, etc.

As a result of this impact, the following occur: changes in the terrain, the geological structure of the rock mass, soil and building material; mechanical damage to the soil, soil elimination and the creation of soilless areas; damage to construction objects and engineering structures.

Hydrological changes are due to:

1. Drainage impact of underground and open mine workings.

2. Deformation of the surface as a result of rocks.

3. Construction of quarries, dumps, reservoirs, various embankments and trenches.

4. Displacement of river beds, construction of reservoirs, drops and other hydraulic structures.

5. Water pollution.

6. Using groundwater for various purposes.

7. Drainage of deposits.

As a result of this impact, there are: changes in the position and movement of the groundwater level and the hydrographic network; deterioration of the water quality of shallow aquifers, the geological and engineering conditions of the building bed, the water regime of the soil layer; reduction of groundwater resources; increased suffusion and mechanical compaction of soils; changes in the morphodynamic regime of rivers; floodplain creation.

Chemical changes are due to:

1. Emission of gases and reactive dust.

2. Discharge of saline and polluted waters.

3. Exposure to toxic components contained in waste dumps and tailings.

As a result of this impact, changes in the composition and properties of atmospheric air, water and soil occur.

Physical and mechanical changes are due to:

1. Emission of dust and aerosols.

2. Discharge of water contaminated with suspension and hydrosols.

As a result of this impact occur: changes in the composition and properties of atmospheric air, water and soil; calculation of channels and streams.

Thermal changes are due to:

1. Air pollution.

2. Discharge of heated water.

3. Injection of heated water into the rock mass.

As a result of this impact, changes in the quality of atmospheric air and water basin occur.

The classification proposed by Polish experts seems to be insufficiently successful for the following reasons:

1. The principles underlying the classification of types of changes are unclear, since the same reasons cause different changes in the environment.

2. The same mining impacts are classified in different classes.

It is more appropriate to classify the impact of mining on the environment by individual elements of the biosphere. The main types and results of the impact of mining on the biosphere are given in table. 2.

table 2

The main types and results of the impact of mining on the biosphere.

Elements of the biosphere

Impact on the elements of the biosphere

Impact result

Water pool:

underground waters

Drainage of the field, discharge of waste and drainage waters.

Reduction of reserves of groundwater, groundwater and surface water. Violation of the hydrogeological and hydrological regimes of the water basin.

surface waters

Drainage and transfer of surface water bodies and watercourses, discharge of waste and drainage waters, water intake for technical and domestic needs of enterprises.

Pollution of the water basin by waste and drainage waters. Deterioration of water quality as a result of adverse changes in the hydro-chemical and biological regimes of surface and groundwater.

Air pool

Organized and unorganized emissions of dust and gases into the atmosphere.

Pollution (dust and gas pollution) of the atmosphere.

Soil soil

Carrying out mine workings, construction of dumps, hydro dumps, tailings and reservoirs. Construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures. Construction of roads and other types of communications.

Deformation of the earth's surface. Violation of the soil cover. Reduction of areas of productive land for various purposes. Deterioration of soil quality. Changing the appearance of the territory. Change in the state of ground and surface waters. Deposition of dust and chemical compounds due to emissions into the atmosphere. Erosional processes.

Flora and fauna

Industrial and civil construction. Deforestation. Disturbance of the soil cover. Change in the state of ground and surface waters. Dust and gas pollution of the atmosphere. Industrial and household noises.

Deterioration of habitats of forest, steppe and aquatic flora and fauna. Wildlife migration and decline. Oppression and reduction of species of wild plants. Decreased productivity of agricultural crops. Decrease in the productivity of animal husbandry, fish and forestry.

Mine workings. Extraction of minerals, enclosing and overburden rocks. Drainage of the field. Watering of areas of the field. Combustion of minerals and waste rocks. Disposal of hazardous substances and production wastes. Wastewater discharge.

Change in the stress-strain state of the rock mass. Decrease in the quality of minerals and the industrial value of deposits. Subsoil contamination. Development of karst processes. Loss of minerals

Currently, solid mineral deposits are developed mainly in three ways: open-pit, underground and geotechnical. In the future, underwater mining from the bottom of the seas and oceans has significant prospects. Academician N.V. Melnikov noted that the general direction of development of the mining industries is to ensure the outstripping growth of the progressive open pit mining, which accounts for 75% of the production of coal, ores and nonmetallic raw materials. It is expedient to use underground method to extract coking and valuable power-generating coals, which occur at great depths, iron and manganese ores, as well as vein ores of non-ferrous metals, potassium salts and part of phosphate raw materials.

Academician V.V. Rzhevsky identifies open-pit mining of a mineral deposit relative to the earth's surface:

1. Surface view, i.e. deposits directly exposed to the surface or located under low (up to 20-30 m) pumps. The occurrence is horizontal or gently sloping. This type includes most of the development of placers, natural construction mining, a significant part of coal and a small part of ore development.

2. Deep view, i.e. deposits located well below the prevailing surface level; the thickness of the strata of desert rocks can be from 30 to 250 m. The bedding is often inclined or steep. This type includes most of the ore, nonmetallic and partially coal mines. Careers are gradually deepening; their final depth can reach 400-700 m. All types of rocks are exploited by such quarries.

3. Upland type, i.e. deposits located above the prevailing surface level on a hill or slope of a mountain. This type includes mainly the development of various ores and raw materials for the construction industry. Mineral resources and overburden are mainly rocky.

4. Upland-deep type, i.e. deposits, one part of which is located above, and the other - below the prevailing level of the earth's surface. The bedding can be in agreement or disagreement with the slope relief. A deposit can occupy all or part of a hill (mountainside). This type includes the development of ores, coal and raw materials for the construction industry. Minerals are most often of the rocky or semi-rocky type.

5. Underwater species, i.e. deposits, the roof and soil of which are located below the open water level. The overburden is usually low in thickness. This type includes, in particular, development in the floodplains of rivers and lakes. The breeds are most often soft or semi-rocky.


Recently, among other problems associated with mineral resources, more and more attention abroad is paid to the problem of the impact of the extraction and use of mineral resources on the environment, which is explained by a number of reasons, including:

1. Major violations of the state of the biosphere in a number of mining regions, endangering the health of people living there.

2. The possibility of replenishing the reserves of many types of mineral resources in a number of countries only at the expense of environmentally "dirty" sources, such as oil sands, bituminous shale, poor ores, etc., the development of which seriously threatens the natural environment.

3. The restructuring at present or in the near future of a number of technological processes (due to energy difficulties), which can significantly worsen the state of the environment.

4. The visibility of the negative impact of mining on the environment (creation of a technogenic landscape, violation of water and air regimes in mining areas, etc.).

5. "Responsibility" of mineral resources used in various industries and agriculture, for the environmental friendliness of the subsequent production chain.

It should be stated that there are still many unresolved issues in the problem of protecting the environment from the harmful effects of mining, due to a number of objective and subjective reasons: insufficient substantiation of environmental restrictions in the technology of mining and processing of minerals; qualitative differences in the circulation of matter and energy in artificial (economic) systems in comparison with natural (ecological); contradictions between the requirements for improving the technical and economic indicators of mining and the need to maintain the biosphere in an optimal state; insufficient development of methods for economic assessment of natural resources and damage caused by mining to elements of the biosphere; departmental approach to the protection and rational use of natural resources; insufficient erudition of mining workers in environmental issues.

If earlier environmental protection assumed the development and implementation of only protective measures, now the level of development of production (and mining in particular) requires the expansion of this concept to include in it the planned management of natural resources.

The most important aspect of the problem of interaction between mining and the environment in modern conditions is the ever-increasing feedback, i.e. the influence of environmental conditions on the choice of solutions in the design, construction of mining enterprises and their operation (method of drainage of the deposit, type of reclamation, method of breaking the rock mass, placement of external dumps, etc.).

To develop and successfully implement a long-term national program for the rational and efficient use of mineral resources in combination with environmental protection, it is necessary to consider the activities of a mining enterprise from a different angle and intensively develop scientific research in this direction.

Our time is characterized by the emergence, development and formation of new sciences and scientific directions. They are born when the level of scientific knowledge and the development of research methods make it possible to reveal the fundamental commonality of processes and phenomena that previously seemed far from each other. In applied sciences, which include mining science, the creation of a new direction can also be dictated by the pressing problems of the practice of developing mineral deposits, especially since measures for the protection and rational use of natural resources, which are developed and implemented by various ministries and departments, are not they still have a single theoretical and methodological basis, and therefore are not sufficiently comprehensive and effective.

Each separate science (including mining), taken by itself, is a conceptual system of ideas and concepts that has a closed character. At the same time, in the sciences that study the earth, the dialectical idea of \u200b\u200bthe interconnectedness and interdependence of the phenomena under study is being increasingly asserted. The current stage in the development of mining science (a system of knowledge about the conditions, methods and means of mining and enrichment of solid minerals) shows that the barriers that protect it from other sciences are disappearing, and at the junction of mining science and ecology, based on the scientific ideas and developments of academicians M. AND. Agoshkova, B.N. Laskorina, N.V. Melnikova, V.V. Rzhevsky, E.M. Sergeeva, A.V. Sidorenko, N.F. Fedorenko, T.S. Khachaturova, S.S. Schwartz et al., A new direction in mining science is emerging - mountain ecology, which is of great theoretical and applied importance.

Mountain ecology studies the patterns of human impact on the environment in the field of mining and, first of all, the relationship of physical and chemical processes that underlie the extraction and processing of minerals with the circulation of matter and energy in the biosphere. This direction has a goal: to formulate the essence of the entire problem as a whole; to develop a scientific program and methods for studying the problem; build general and particular models of human interaction with the environment in the field of mining; to summarize the results of the research carried out and to develop the scientific foundations of technological processes that ensure the optimal level of environmental impact.

The formation of the mining and ecological direction corresponds to modern trends in the development of ecology in general, which arose more than 100 years ago as the doctrine of the relationship "organism - environment" and before our eyes becomes the theoretical basis of human behavior in industrial society.

The theoretical and methodological basis of mountain ecology is the Marxist-Leninist doctrine of the processes of man's relationship with the environment. The laws of these processes are due to the development of the productive forces of society and social production relations. The dialectic of relations between society and nature is based on the specific position that a person occupies in the biosphere. On the one hand, the biosphere is the operational basis of man, i.e. he consumes its natural resources, uses the natural processes occurring in it, and at the same time exerts a large-scale effect on the biosphere. On the other hand, the biosphere is a habitat, and all anthropogenic disturbances of the biosphere, ultimately, are reflected in the conditions of its life and activity.

Evaluating the possible results of the economic use of nature by man, F. Engels wrote: “Let us not, however, be too deluded by our victories over nature. For each such victory, she takes revenge on us. Each of these victories has, however, first of all, the consequences that we expected, but second and third, completely different, unforeseen consequences, which very often destroy the significance of the former. "

Mining and ecological research is based on the wide involvement of data from various sciences for the discovery and analysis of interdisciplinary (in scientific terms) and intersectoral (in practical terms) links, allowing to approach a comprehensive consideration of the problem of "mining and the environment". This approach covers three aspects of the problem under consideration: mining as an object that affects the environment; the environment as an object that determines the conditions for the development of mining; the interaction of these two objects.

Studying the processes of mining and their impact on the biosphere and taking into account the multiplicity and variety of types of this impact, mountain ecology uses methods of physics, chemistry, biology. Mathematicians, mechanics, geology and mining, and methods used in economics and sociology.

Mining and environmental studies are aimed at solving the following key issues:

1. Creation of scientific foundations of Mining and ecological monitoring (observation, control, management) of that part of the biosphere that is exposed to the impact of mining: for the elements of the biosphere and ecological systems capable of self-cleaning, self-healing and development, the creation of a network of control points is of great importance in order to obtain information about the permissible level of impact, about the natural resources of these systems and the level of their effective use; for elements of the biosphere and ecological systems that do not have the ability to self-purify and self-heal, their protection and rational use are of particular importance. An important place should be occupied by the study of the state of the environment in terms of its impact on human health. It must be borne in mind that the processes and phenomena occurring in the environment during the development of mineral deposits are quite diverse. In their limiting values, the speed of these processes and phenomena can be catastrophically high or barely differ from zero. Accordingly, there may be sharp shifts or less noticeable changes in the state of human health, which, however, can lead to chronic diseases.

2. Development of principles for the economic assessment of changes in the biosphere under the influence of mining and the overall environmental efficiency of all measures for the rational use of mineral resources and their protection.

3. Development of principles and ways to optimize the impact of mining on the environment. At the same time, the importance of taking environmental factors into account when planning the development of productive forces in the regions is sharply increasing. Industrial and agricultural facilities should be designed and located so as to ensure the economic feasibility of processing and using mining waste (the use of mine water for irrigation of agricultural land and in metallurgical processes, disposal of products accumulated in dust and gas cleaning plants, etc.)

3.1 Environmental Impact Concepts of Mining

In modern conditions, the solution to the problem of optimizing the impact of mining should be based on the following two concepts:

1. An intensive path of development of the mining industry (the concept of intensification).

2. Unity of problems of rational use and protection of subsoil and rational use of natural resources and environmental protection (mining and ecological concept).

About the first concept. Production intensification involves:

improvement of the location of productive forces and the organization of social production, the use of highly efficient equipment and technology, the implementation of a progressive resource policy.

The intensification of the mining industry is understood as an increase in the coefficient of extraction of minerals from the subsoil; increasing the coefficient of extraction of components from the rock mass during dressing, increasing the specific production capacity of enterprises; increasing the efficiency of land use; decrease in total water consumption and increase in the coefficient of recycling water use; increasing the utilization rates of accumulated and current waste; provision of proven reserves of operating, under construction and projected enterprises; increasing the efficiency of foreign trade; reduction of the level of costs per unit of the final product of the mineral resource complex.

New progressive organizational and technical solutions require significant capital investments, can have a positive effect only after a few years, and raw materials, fuel and energy are needed today. Therefore, the most complete use of what has been created and accumulated is truly a key task.

The issues of intensifying the use of mineral resources are solved in different ways in the production of mineral raw materials and in the field of their consumption.

In the field of production of mineral raw materials, this is the integrated development of large raw material regions, the optimization of the amount of losses during the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, the integrated use of all useful components contained in the raw materials, the disposal of enclosing rocks and production wastes, the revision of conditions and commissioning based on progressive technological solutions. deposits of mineral raw materials with reserves previously classified as off-balance. This will make it possible to more fully use natural, labor and financial resources, and reduce transport costs.

According to Acad. N.N. Nekrasov, the study of natural resources, the identification of the economic efficiency of their integrated use is one of the main problems of the regional economy.

In the field of consumption of mineral raw materials, this is a reduction in the consumption and loss of raw materials through the use of more advanced technology, the use of secondary raw materials and waste, the replacement of mineral raw materials with artificial materials.

About the second concept... In accordance with this concept, in order to successfully solve the problem of rational use of mineral resources and protection of subsoil, it must be considered as part of a single problem of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Mining production affects all elements of the biosphere. In mining practice, there have been numerous cases when the adopted technological solutions turned out to be effective in reducing the cost of production and processing of minerals, but caused significant damage to the integrated use of mineral resources. There are known situations when the mining process, positively affecting one of the elements of the biosphere, has an extremely negative effect on the other. The essence of the mining and ecological concept is to consider any mining process in its direct or indirect connection with all elements of the biosphere. In accordance with this concept, the process of making the final decision on a particular option of equipment and technology in order to ensure the optimal level of the impact of mining on the environment should take place in two stages:

At the first stage, the impact of this technical and technological option on each element of the biosphere is analyzed;

At the second stage, a summary assessment of the above local impacts is made and the optimal option is selected.

The mining and ecological concept must also be used when considering the activities of a separate open pit or mine, since the high economic efficiency of production from the standpoint of an individual enterprise is not always the same from the national economic standpoint, since it is sometimes achieved at the cost of a large consumption of natural resources and environmental pollution.

An environmental strategy for the development of the mining industry should be based on optimizing the impact of mining on the environment.


Analysis of the problem of interaction between mining and the environment made it possible to identify the patterns of this interaction and outline the main ways of solving the problem in the future. Of fundamental importance is a new classification of the types and results of the impact of mining on various elements of the biosphere, which makes it possible to more reasonably develop a strategy for the development of mining. Optimization of the impact of mining on the environment can be achieved by creating an environmentally friendly production.

This requires extensive development of mining and environmental research aimed at the development and subsequent implementation: monitoring of that part of the biosphere that is affected by mining; principles and methodology of economic assessment of the effectiveness of measures for the rational use of mineral resources and environmental protection; techniques and technologies of low-waste, and subsequently - waste-free mining.

Environmental protection measures, scientific and practical work to optimize the impact of mining should be based on the concept of intensification, which presupposes an intensive path of development of the mining industry and a mining and ecological concept based on the unity of the problems of rational use and protection of mineral resources and rational use of natural resources. resources and environmental protection.

Knowledge of the laws of the biosphere and their consideration in the organization of mining is an important condition for preventing the harmful effects of mines, mines, quarries and processing plants on the natural environment and improving its condition in the future.

A correct assessment of the provisions of modern ecology makes it possible, through an insignificant change in the system of economic development of individual regions, to coordinate the interests of the development of industry and agriculture while maintaining the optimal state of the natural environment.

Man must learn to manage the evolution of natural populations, minimize the possibility of the appearance of specifically adapted harmful forms, and promote the appearance of useful ones.


1. M.E. Pevzner, V.P. Kostovetsky, "Ecology of mining", - Moscow, "Nedra", 1990

2. A.V. Kolosov, "Ecological and economic principles of mining production", - Moscow, "Nedra", 1987

3. S.N. Podvishensky, V.I. Chalov, O. P. Kravchino, "Rational use of natural resources in the mining complex", - Moscow, "Nedra", 1988

4. E.I. Zakharov, A.A. Lebedkova, “Environmental protection. For students of mining specialties ", Textbook. - Tula: TulPI, 1987

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The mining industry includes 3 main methods of extracting minerals: mine, open-pit, borehole. Each of them has specific environmental problems. The mine method in various varieties has been used since ancient times. It involves the creation of transport mine workings (mine shafts, adits) "to a mineral deposit and a system of workings intended for mining (lava, drifts) within the deposit. Environmental problems with this mining method are associated with the formation of dumps from overburden (waste heaps), the level of groundwater as a result of their pumping out of mine workings 3-danger of pollution of water bodies by mine (mine) waters.The open method is used for the extraction of solid minerals (coal, oil shale and peat, various ores, more voluminous quarries and open-pit mines, which became possible with the advent of powerful earth-moving equipment. Open way is considered more progressive, since it can significantly improve conditions and increase labor productivity, and allows you to extract minerals. Open pit mines 38% of coal, 88% of iron ore, 96% of chromites and almost 100% of building materials. The load on the environment with this mining method increases many times, in proportion to the increase in the volume of production. Disturbance of land cover during open pit mining leads to the formation of a "lunar landscape" of quarries and dumps, formed by completely barren rocks and subject to fluttering, erosion and leaching of soluble components, with pollution of atmospheric air, water bodies and soils of adjacent territories. At coal deposits, the problem of atmospheric pollution is often aggravated by the ability of certain types of coal that fall into the dump from non-industrial seams.

to ignite spontaneously when air is available in the vicinity of large open pits, depression funnels form, within which there is a significant decrease in the level of groundwater, leading to the drainage of springs and wells. Environmental problems of mine and opencast mining of solid minerals are solved by means of reclamation - a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and national economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions. Reclamation is carried out at the end of the development of a section of the field or the field as a whole and includes two stages: technical and biological. During technical reclamation, the overburden is filled with underground workings: leveling the surfaces of open pits and dumps. Biological reclamation creates artificial soils (based on peat and other materials), landscaping, stocking of water bodies. If it is impossible to perform the vertical leveling of the relief, simplified methods of reclamation are used: the creation of reservoirs in the worked out quarries, the landscaping of waste heaps.

Downhole method it is used mainly for the extraction of liquid and gaseous minerals: natural gases, oil, groundwater. Some types of solid minerals can also be extracted using wells: underground coal gasification, underground leaching of ores. The downhole method, the use of which has become possible since the end of the 19th century with the development of drilling technology, creates a load on land resources that is much less than mine and quarry production. The environmental problems of downhole production are related to the fact that this method affects great depths, where mining and geological conditions differ sharply from near-surface ones. The geochemical environment is reducing, practically oxygen-free, pressures reach hundreds of atmospheres, highly mineralized, aggressive formation waters are widespread. Wells irreversibly violate the integrity of aquicludes separating fresh aquifers from zones of slow and very slow water exchange. With a significant scale of extraction of liquid and gaseous minerals, as well as injecting water and solutions to maintain reservoir pressure, and other impacts on reservoirs, there is a redistribution of pressures, temperatures, geochemical parameters, directions and rates of groundwater circulation. External manifestations of technogenically caused changes in the subsoil are the activation of geodynamic processes, including the intensification of seismicity, changes in water availability, regime and hydrochemical characteristics of aquifers, incl. leading to groundwater pollution. In case of emergency leaks of oil, stratal waters, process fluids, atmospheric air, soil and surface waters are polluted, damage to the vegetation cover and fauna. Massive pollution of the atmosphere, surface waters and soils occurs during accidents leading to gushing oil and gas emissions. The likelihood of accidental leaks increases with the development of corrosion and wear of equipment in contact with corrosive fluids. So, at the end of the 1980s, in the Tyumen Region, about 11 thousand accidents occurred annually per 100 thousand km of oil pipelines. To reduce accidents, the pipeline network is reduced by concentrating a number of wells on one site (cluster), pipes with an internal anti-corrosion coating are used. Permanent sources of air pollution associated with the production and transportation of oil and gas are gas flares, oil treatment plants, gas compressor stations, and technological transport. Utilization of associated gas as fuel or chemical raw material is not always possible, because it may contain a significant admixture of non-flammable components (nitrogen, carbon dioxide). Subsoil protection during downhole production includes complexes of measures developed on the basis of geoecological studies. They include: regulation of the load on the elements of the tectonic structure in order to prevent activation of faults, isolation of aquifers by cementation of the annular space of wells and elimination (plugging) of unused wells, prevention of oil, salt water and process fluids leakage. Highly mineralized formation waters, simultaneously extracted during oil production, are pumped back into the subsoil to maintain reservoir pressure. It is not allowed to pump into the bowels of wastewater containing organic pollution, because when they decompose under anaerobic conditions, hydrogen sulfide is formed. The protection of the atmosphere from pollution associated with the operation of oil treatment plants, gas compressor stations, technological transport is carried out with the help of environmental measures common to various industries and transport.