Samokhvalova E.V. Formation of a positive image of the municipal administration. Formation of a positive image of public authorities Formation of a positive image of public authorities



Dubovitskaya Valentina Nikolaevna,

tambov, Russia

Dubovitskaya Valentina N.,

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Sirotkina Evgeniya Viktorovna,

candidate of Historical Sciences

Tambov Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and

public service under the President of the Russian Federation,

tambov, Russia

Scientific supervisor:

Sirotkina Evgenia V.,

Ph.D. in History

Tambov branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of

National Economy and Public Administration,

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UDC 35

Annotation:The article discusses the importance of image for the state civil service and actual problems arising in the course of its formation. The ways of solving the problems associated with the formation of a positive image of the state civil service are proposed.

Keywords: state civil service, image of state civil service, prestige of state service.

Abstract: The article considers the importance of the image for the state civil service and the actual problems that arise in the course of its formation. The ways of solving problems connected with the formation of a positive image of the state civil service are suggested.

Key words: state civil service, image of the state civil service, prestige of the civil service.

Modern stage of development russian society characterized by rather high requirements for the system of civil service, the degree of efficiency of which largely depends on the success of the reforms carried out in the country. The effectiveness of the activities of public authorities and administration, in turn, depends on the level of trust in it, the degree of its support from the population, which are mostly determined by the image of the public service that has formed in the mass consciousness. With regard to the state apparatus and civil servants, a positive image should be considered as necessary condition their effective functioning and development.

Many authors (Maslova E.L., Pocheptsov G.G., Perelygina E.B., Semenov A.K.) agree that an image is a purposefully created or spontaneously arisen form of reflection of an object in the minds of people, moreover, as the object reflected in the image is a person, a group of people, an organization, etc.

The image of the state civil service is a stable image that has developed in the mass consciousness, the so-called “ business card”, Suggesting a certain reaction, an impression about the civil service. The issue of studying the image of the state civil service at the present stage of development of society is quite relevant due to the fact that it is essentially public. The publicity of the civil service implies that it is constantly in the spotlight of the public, subject to constant assessments and comparisons.

According to E.V. Grigoriev, it is in the field of public service that there is a pronounced need for image structures, stable and long-term image strategies designed to strengthen and increase the efficiency of the entire system of socio-political communications as a whole. Hence, it becomes obvious the importance of analyzing the phenomenon of the image, the current mechanism of its formation, forms, factors, as well as its influence on the ongoing activities of state civil servants. It is the image of the state civil service that ultimately forms among citizens an orientation towards cooperation with its representatives, or, on the contrary, provokes in their minds an attitude to reject it, which, in turn, becomes the reason for the lack of desire to enter into any relationship with state structures.

It should be noted that the institution of public opinion is considered the primary indicator of commitment to power structures, since it is a link between the people and the authorities, the state and civil society. The public's assessment of the activities of the authorities is formed into public opinion, which, in turn, is the most important means of forming a positive image of the state civil service.

In general, the formation of a positive image of a civil servant is a complex and lengthy process, closely related to the image policy of the executive branch. At the same time, the formation of a positive image of the civil service is a paramount stage in the development of the civil service, determining the desire for constructive cooperation between government bodies and society. However, in modern Russian society, when forming the image of the state civil service, a number of problems arise that impede the development and strengthening of its positive component.

Firstly, despite the importance of the influence of the existing image on the effectiveness of the implementation of the activities of the state civil service, this question has not received its clear consolidation. So, since the beginning of the civil service reform, the most important documents, starting with the Concept of reforming the public service system of the Russian Federation in 2001 and ending with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 11.08.2016 No. 403 "On the main directions of development of the state civil service of the Russian Federation for 2016-2018" , noted the improvement of the image and prestige as one of the most important directions in the development of public service. However, no attempts have yet been made to consolidate the image direction in more detail in regulatory legal acts. The lack of special legislation hinders the full use of the mechanisms for forming a positive image, hindering this process.

Secondly, the so-called phenomenon of the associative image hinders the formation of a positive image of the state civil service. It manifests itself in the transfer in public opinion of established assessments, image perceptions and their negative manifestations in the behavior of individual representatives of power structures to the activities of the civil service as a whole. In this context, we are talking about corruption, abuse of power, rudeness, unprofessionalism. In domestic literature, the low efficiency of bureaucracy is explained by the absence of two of its components, namely, public and administrative control, i.e. low wages and a lack of effective controls. Thus, the reforms in the sphere of financing the state apparatus were of an unsystematic nature: the increase in wages mainly affected the highest administrative positions, while the wages of civil servants in general remained several times lower than in the commercial sector, which gives rise to widespread corruption. Note that according to Rosstat data for March 2016, the highest wages employees of the government apparatus receive - their average earnings decreased by 7% compared to 2014 and amounted to 232 thousand rubles; most of all salaries rose in the Federation Council (by 42.2% - to 173 thousand), the State Duma (by 30.7% - to 136 thousand); and in the Investigative Committee, salaries fell by 57.1% to 47 thousand. In the regions, salaries are more modest, average salary officials about 35 thousand rubles.

There are a large number of scientific works devoted to public service, they differ in conceptual and / or disciplinary emphases, but their general content is summarized as follows that the inefficiency of the state apparatus and its inadequacy to public needs is the main obstacle to economic, political and social reforms. The result is ineffective interaction between the state and society and, as a result, low prestige and negative image of civil servants.

Also, the problem of perception by the population of the state civil service in general and its individual officials in particular has not disappeared. In this context, we are talking about the cultural and historical traditions of the perception of public service in Russian society. So, if you look at the development of the civil service in historical retrospect, you can see that in almost all periods there were various machinations of civil servants and the reproduction of those typical negative traits that give rise to negative assessments. In this regard, the stereotype of distrust of state power already lies in the mass subconscious.

Disorder in some structures of the state apparatus, which has become a "norm" of perception for the majority of Russian citizens, as a result of which distrust has increased on the part of the population. Note that a big problem in the formation of a positive image of the state civil service is the structure of public authorities, i.e. constant changes in the number, subordination and functionality of different elements in the civil service system confuse the “consumers” of public services and give rise to ideas about its clannishness, closeness and concern only with self-reproduction.

Thus, the published monitoring of the state service of Rosstat by the end of 2016 shows the off-scale number of officials in some regions. For example, in the Oryol Oblast, the smallest among the Russian regions, with a population of 759,143 people, 13,988 employees work in government at all levels - state and municipal. the ratio of able-bodied residents of Orlov and government officials is seven to one. For comparison: in 2000 total there were 8,652 servicemen in the region (an increase of 1.6 times). The population during the same period decreased by 75 thousand people.

In the Tambov region, the number of civil servants is also growing steadily. So, in 2010, the number of employees of state bodies and LSG bodies of the Tambov region was 13.5 thousand people, and by the end of 2016 17.1 thousand people, that is, increased by almost 20%.

At the same time, insufficient qualifications and violation of professional ethics civil servants, which, in turn, reduces the efficiency of the civil service as a whole and, therefore, affects the image. In everyday consciousness, first of all, the moral qualities of civil servants determine the assessment of the work of a state authority and administration.

As defined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12.08.2002 No. 885 "On the approval of general principles of official conduct of civil servants": a civil servant must be aware of his responsibility to the state, society, citizen and proceed from the fact that the recognition, observance and protection of rights and human freedoms determine the main meaning and content of the activities of public authorities. But at the same time, in relation to state authorities, negative emotions prevail among citizens who have experience of communicating with officials: the general population assesses the attitude of civil servants towards visitors mainly negatively, focusing on their inherent indifference, the desire to end the conversation as soon as possible when interacting with citizens ... Of great importance in this context is the fact that modern russian officials do not perceive their work as activities aimed at satisfying the interests of the population: most of them perceive their work in government and administrative bodies as activities related to the protection of the interests of the state, their ministries and departments, management, as well as their own interests.

It should be noted that now the mass media have a special influence on the formation of the image of the state civil service in the eyes of the public. On the one hand, this is a plus in the formation of the image through the promotion of positive features of employees and their publicity, and on the other hand, it turns out to be a big problem, since the media, in addition to a positive image, can construct a negative one. At the same time, the quality, reliability and truthfulness of the information being replicated differ. Often, the media willingly disseminate negative information about government officials. And since the media are considered the primary and most widespread of all image-forming means, the population tends to trust just such information.

In the process of forming a positive image, it is recommended to pay attention to the coverage in the mass media of the objective successes achieved by civil servants and the positive results of the civil service in general. Such events contribute to raising the awareness and interest of citizens, and, as a result, the growth of the authority of the authorities and the confidence in it from the side of the population.

All these and a number of other problems have a direct impact and impede the natural formation of a positive image of the state civil service, since without the trust of the population in the authorities it is impossible to build an effective system of feedback with society. A stable positive image of the civil service is a necessary component that ensures the stability of various spheres of public life, the effectiveness of the entire system of government and the predictability of public administration.

Today, the creation of a positive image of the state civil service is a task, including for specialized divisions of state bodies for public relations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop public relations, increasing the transparency of the activities of civil servants. It is important to note that all public relations services should use accounting and coordination of interests as a mechanism for their activities (dialogue-parity type of public relations) and should not be a means of unilateral influence on the target audience (propaganda type of public relations).








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In recent years, the reform of the power system has become one of the most intensively renewed spheres in society. A large number of challenges faced by the regional executive authorities also require not only changes in the management and coordination of current activities, but also serious multidirectional support from the population.

The image of the authorities is characterized by the perceptions, ideas and impressions of the population, which largely determines their attitudes and actions. Depending on how high and full-fledged the image of the executive authorities is, the decisions taken by the authorities will be supported by the population, which ultimately allows comparing the image and social efficiency of the authorities.

These tasks are relevant both for the federal and regional levels of the organization of executive power. However, despite the need for the formation of a positive image on regional level, we have to admit that its current state does not correspond to the parameters objectively set by the goals of the control system. This is due to a complex of reasons, which include: the preservation of the traditional for the management system mistrust in science, the dominant attitude in management practice to date. common sense and life experience of the leader; difficulties in organizing interaction with the population. All the above circumstances actualize the problem of scientific substantiation of the development of the image of the regional executive authorities. The dissertation research was focused on its solution. It allows you to come to the following conclusions of a theoretical, empirical and practical nature.

The theoretical and methodological complexity of the study of the image of government bodies is associated with the multiplicity of interpretations of the concept. The analysis of the theoretical foundations of the image from the standpoint of psychoanalysis, intersubject interaction, acmeology made it possible to identify the author's understanding. The sociological concept interprets the image as an important "component" of social management, under the influence of which there is a purposeful formation of the desired impression, an incentive to a certain social behavior... The content of the image consists of ideas about the positioned image, its assessment and, as a consequence, a certain pattern of behavior in relation to it.

The work distinguishes between the categories "image", "image", "reputation". The basis of the image is a fluent perception, the basis of the image is a long-term emotional assessment of the perceived, the basis of the reputation is the rational assessment of the perceived. Upon reaching a certain time, the image can grow into a reputation, provided that it matches the activity.

The analysis of the specifics of the executive authorities made it possible to formulate the following as a working definition. The image of executive authorities is the opinion of the subjects of the image environment about a given authority based on rational and emotional images that have arisen as a result of direct interaction in the process of participation, control or use of the results of its activities, or the image-forming information received about it.

The image, the image of power today are not just scientific categories, but quite practical categories in which certain funds are invested, and to increase the efficiency and significance of which the activities of numerous information, analytical and consulting services are directed, both in Russia and in other countries. ... Coming out mainly from the sphere of activity of business structures, these concepts today are very actively used in the political space. With their help, the ruling subjects maintain a balance in society, purposefully influence public opinion, demonstrate the consolidation of the regime, its readiness to act in conditions of tough international competition.

The image is formed in the public and individual consciousness as an image aimed at a positive perception of power through an effectively pursued policy in the region and, accordingly, causing a certain direction in the behavior of the population.

The conceptual-theoretical approach based on the integration of the systemic and structural-functional approaches, substantiated in the dissertation research, required special attention to the study of the positions of the subjects and the channels of communication between them. In accordance with it, the process of forming the image of the executive authorities is a multifactorial iterative interaction of five subjects: directly the executive authority, the population, the business community, public organizations and the media.

Each of the considered subjects of the system is its active element. The subjects of the system are interconnected and interact with each other in the form of information exchange, emotional and evaluative reactions, and direct interaction. The object is the image itself, the formation of which is carried out by all five subjects.

In accordance with the declared concept of the formation of the image of executive authorities, two components of the cyclical interaction of subjects were identified: direct and reverse. To create a positive image of government bodies, complex and systematic work is required, including jointly with the population, designed to fulfill the mission of government bodies - to improve the quality of life in the region.

During the transition from the theoretical to the empirical level, a methodology and methodology for sociological research of the formation of the image of the executive authorities of the Belgorod region was developed. The conducted factor analysis made it possible to assert that there are communicative problems in the relationship between the executive authorities and the population, and as a result, the authorities' alienation from the population, a low level of trust in the authorities, social apathy of the population, as well as the notion that the authorities do not seek socially significant results and manipulates the population. Such public sentiments lead to the fact that government initiatives do not find adequate support from the population. As a result, certain difficulties are observed in the implementation of certain decisions of the executive authorities.

Based on the opinions of experts and the data of sociological research, it can be stated that the formation of the image of the executive authorities is still not effective enough and is aimed, first of all, at the personal image of regional leaders, and not at the image of the government as a whole.

The assessment of the existing image made it possible to identify an unused resource in the regional administration - the availability of the population's readiness to participate in solving regional problems. This allows us to make optimistic forecasts that the inhabitants of the region may not speak out. only as consumers of public services, but also as a subject of evaluating the work of executive authorities, as well as active participants in regional projects, including RY projects. At the moment, an extremely urgent task is to develop forms and methods of including the population in the process of cooperation with government officials.

These factors indicate the need to form a positive image of executive authorities, build effective system their interaction with the population, while the population itself considers it necessary to form the image of the authorities.

It was noted that the positions of all subjects in matters of image formation are active and there is a desire to participate in this process, but the presence of dispositions does not allow organizing it. The lack of orientation towards joint actions of the subjects does not allow to effectively take into account the views of the inhabitants of the region in the projects for the development of the territory, to maintain balance in society, and to outline the directions for overcoming crisis situations.

Based on the materials received, it follows that there is a misunderstanding between the population and the leaders of the executive branch in the region. This point of view is shared by both parties, both the population and government officials. The respondents noted the lack of mutual understanding. From our point of view, such a situation when both parties are loyal and tolerant towards each other, but believe that they are not understood, is associated with a lack of information about the activities of each of the parties. The existing information channels about the activities of executive authorities in the region are insufficient, and a significant resource of trust on the part of the population remains in little demand. Most likely, today in the region there is a need to supplement the existing information mechanisms for shaping the image of the executive power with new mechanisms based, first of all, on the principle of “live contact”.

To form a positive image of executive authorities in the region, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms for informing the population about their activities.

The results of sociological research show that direct communication with the executive authorities becomes more important for the population in rural settlements than in cities and regions. The explanation for this is the “proximity” of the local authorities of the settlement to the citizens, when the absence (or the presence of an extremely small number) of mass media is compensated by contacts of residents with representatives of local authorities. Perhaps that is why the rural population projects the experience of interaction with municipal authorities on the form of interaction with the regional executive authorities. Requirements for the work of local authorities arising from direct contact, namely: attention to the problems of people in general and to the personality of each resident individually, predetermines the establishment of effective feedback with regional authorities.

The practice of building the image of executive authorities in the form in which it exists today in the region requires further development. Further development image and integration of interested participants depends on the development of special management decisions, the result of which will be the formation of a positive image as an indicator of the settlement of the interests of the state, the population and the media.

At the same time, it is important to note that in order to optimize and effectively develop the image of executive authorities in the region, it is necessary to carry out specific measures to transform the existing stereotypes of perception and attitudes of the subjects of relationships, which are assessed in accordance with a specific situation.

The dissertation examines a number of features that complicate the formation of the image of executive authorities. These include: polysubjectiveness of image formation; the absence of specialized structures that carry out systemic regulation of the image of the regional executive authorities; a small number of specialists who are able to carry out the formation of an image at a professional level; lack of a program-targeted approach to the formation of the image of regional authorities.

The identified features require a regulation strategy and, in fact, the formation of a new mechanism for its implementation. The necessary characteristics of the proposed strategy should be: value-semantic unity, ensured by the existence of a common plan, a single strategic goal, the formation of a favorable socio-cultural environment; maximum purposefulness, focus on the conscientiousness of the actions of the participants; orderliness; fragmentation and differentiation in relation to regulatory procedures.

In the course of the dissertation research, a socio-technological model was developed and proposed, which can be used as a practical guide to optimize the process of forming a positive image of executive authorities. The model has a systemic character and includes five subsystems: structural, activity-target, functional, normative and instrumental.

The structural subsystem reflects the communicative interaction of the subjects of the image environment, directly involved in the formation of the image of the regional executive authorities; the activity-target subsystem includes terminal goals related directly to activities that have emergence, synergy and multiplicativity, and instrumental goals related to the communicative qualities inherent in participants in the formation of a positive image of the executive authority; functional subsystem - the conditions necessary for the formation and development of a positive image of the executive authorities, many functions of the activities carried out, their social and latent manifestations; regulatory subsystem - requirements and rules of activity; instrumental subsystem - means and methods of formative actions, communicative strategies and tactics of self-presentation.

When creating a positive image and maintaining it in society, the executive authorities direct their efforts to improve the functioning of direct communication with the population in the process of implementation state functions... Over the past few years, improving the quality and availability of public services has been one of the main activities of the regional executive authorities, including the development of a system of multifunctional centers, a single portal of state and municipal services, and a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. One of the directions of new types of interaction between the authorities and the population is the creation of centers for telephone service of citizens.

As an effective form of feedback in the work, the meetings of the heads of government bodies with the population, labor collectives, the organization of "direct lines", meetings with the population at the place of residence were noted. The use by executive authorities of forms of direct communication with the population provides a better understanding of the values, orientations, attitudes and expectations of the population, its various groups, makes it possible to catch the emergence of new trends and phenomena in the public consciousness of people, to form a timely and adequate response to them.

The actualization of the problems of image formation is aimed primarily at organizing public participation. This requires the creation of certain conditions under which political identification is possible, the use of the competence of the participants, the use of the experience of cooperation from other spheres. These included: providing methodological assistance in organizing social groups; providing grants for solving urgent problems of the region, providing information and analytical material for the development of concepts for solving regional problems, placing a social order for public organizations, providing an opportunity for active members of social movements in educational programs, etc. Other forms of interaction with public organizations and the population is the use of Internet resources, the organization of feedback using e-mail, as well as the organization of press conferences, briefings, "round tables".

The formation of a positive image should be based on a systematic or frequently encountered positive image. Therefore, a lot of work on the formation of the image should be provided by the executive authorities themselves.

The conducted research allows us to formulate a number practical recommendations to the address of regional executive authorities:

It is necessary to intensify the participation of the executive authorities in shaping their positive image. To do this, it is required to develop and approve by a resolution of the Regional Government a Concept for the formation of the image of the regional executive authorities, on the basis of which a comprehensive program should be developed in the future;

It is necessary to strengthen sanctions for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of public services, which will contribute to improving the quality, as well as increasing the role and importance of the executive authorities in resolving conflict issues;

It is necessary to strengthen the information and analytical direction of activity in the structure of the regional government in order to monitor the state of the image of the authorities and the subsequent correction of the formation mechanisms;

It is advisable to improve the qualifications of personnel for the civil service of the executive authorities, aimed at training employees in the skills of speaking in the media;

Guaranteed rights to adequate information should be developed. For this, the functioning of the executive authorities should be thoroughly reflected in the media, thus achieving public awareness, involvement and potential participation in regional issues;

Support should be provided for the development of forms of self-organization of the population in the form of grants to NGOs, invitations to participate in conflict commissions, coordination councils, and the provision of methodological assistance;

In the region, it is advisable to hold a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the development and testing of modern technologies for shaping the image of government bodies.

Despite the fact that the tasks set in the dissertation research have been generally solved, a number of problems remain that require additional research. In particular, it is necessary:

Correct the diagnostic tools for the image of the authorities;

Develop a methodology for predicting the interaction of executive authorities, the media and the population;

To study the problem of including civil society institutions in the process of complicity in regional governance.

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Increasingly, we are faced with a contradiction when the image of an official, created in the mass consciousness by the media, in particular by the press, does not coincide with his real characteristics and the ability to effectively solve the tasks assigned to him. There are obvious manipulations with the consciousness of the masses, a lowering of the threshold for rational comprehension of political processes.

The image of state authorities, embedded in the consciousness of the masses, appears as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, which reflects a set of his real personal qualities, formed by his activities, the media, political advertising against the background of the corresponding stereotypes of the mass consciousness.

The components of the image are contradictory, since they reflect the discrepancy between the personal qualities of the governing bodies and the role requirements that society imposes on them, taking into account the socio-political and economic situation, between the real image and the “reference image” already formed in public consciousness. Therefore, the study of mechanisms and modern trends formation of the image of public authorities.

A positive perception of the state power and its representatives, formed in society, simplifies the promotion of state ideology and contributes to a faster implementation of state decisions.

The concept of "image" originated in the West in the 1950s. and was originally used in advertising practice. Further, in the 1960s, this term reappears in the field of entrepreneurship as the main means of psychological influence on the consumer. Later, the concept of image became the main element of the theory and practice of public relations, firmly entered the political and public life.

Image management is a reflection of an event aimed at improving the image, intensive possession of information with a predictable reaction to it. In order to draw attention to the image, you need to show it from a new, never seen side, to convince the audience, to keep the public's attention.

As a result of the fear of the mind before itself, a person has about a dozen psychological defenses, and all of them are somehow connected with the image. The image allows you to hide your flaws, forming an appropriate system of impressions in other people.

When forming any image (businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. So, V.M. Shepel distinguishes the following three complexes:

The process of forming the image of a state body is also based on the attitude (hidden or explicit), which manifests itself in the state of public opinion. At the same time, information and communication technologies for forming public opinion are also technologies for forming an image, while the specificity is determined by the object and subject of public opinion and image.

The formation of the image goes in two ways: "spontaneous" and "artificial" (classification of Yegorova E.V.). An “artificial” way implies such a formation of an individual's image, which is carried out indirectly, purposefully and consciously by image makers, PR specialists (Public Relations) or by the person himself (who wants to purposefully create a certain opinion about himself in a group that is significant for him). The “spontaneous” way implies the “unconscious” formation of the personality image “in the head” of the perceiving subject, using the social-perceptual mechanisms of perception. The final "image" will always be the result of the work of the second way of formation, since the first way sets only the direction of work, the second fills with content, images and colors.

The work of specialists and the entire service as a whole will become effective only when the public service bodies, receiving complete information about public opinion, use it as an organically integrated part both in the process of government decision-making and in the mechanism of government bodies' activity.

Pocheptsov G.G. notes the following components of a personal image: past, family, sports, pets, hobbies, weaknesses. According to Pocheptsov, filling in these components is very important, as it makes the “image” more alive and brings it closer to the “population”. If, as the author notes, they are not filled, then they will be filled by the mass consciousness arbitrarily, and then it will be more difficult to introduce new information into the mass consciousness - it will be necessary to overcome the barrier of the already existing attitude.

The specificity of the activities of state authorities is in constant communication with people. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to learn to leave a good impression of yourself, to learn how to form your own image.

Unlike images, an image is a goal and, at the same time, a tool for managing public mood. Such management is carried out by throwing into the public discussion a certain set of ideas about a particular subject of the political process.

When forming any image (businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. There are three following complexes:

1) natural qualities: sociability; empathy (ability to empathize); reflexivity (the ability to understand another); eloquence (ability to influence with a word);

2) qualities instilled by education and upbringing: moral values; psychological health; a set of communication technologies;

3) qualities acquired through life and professional experience.

The formation of an effective image of a public authority should begin with bringing it in line with the general requirements:

a. in the political image must necessarily be present "traits of a winner", "traits of a leader" (personal achievements in professional activity) and "father's traits". Z. Freud: “He will not give offense. He is strict, he can punish, but he will protect ”;

b. openness, “visible availability”. People tend to trust the one who, in their opinion, is able to solve their problems, and for this he must be available, that is, you can contact him, write, tell him about your problems;

in. effective communication. The image translates in the process of numerous communications, in situations of various business and interpersonal communication. Experienced management leaders tend to stick to this rule and win. Neglecting them forms a negative attitude, malice and aggressiveness that is not forgiven in the process of communication;

d. environment. If there are worthy, well-known and recognizable personalities next to the leader or leader, a positive attitude towards them is transferred to the leader himself. The psychological phenomenon of interpersonal relations is triggered, which boils down to the catch phrase: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are";

e. personal charm. It is necessary to develop the psychological components of charm: a sense of humor; attentive and benevolent attitude towards others; emotional contagion; psychological security; communication skills; improvement of "external image" (originality of appearance, memorability).

A person's ability to make a good impression is placed on great importance. With a person who does not know how to express his thoughts, is incomprehensibly dressed, no one will be interested and will not do business. One of the conditions for creating your own image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Like morality, etiquette is one of the forms of regulation of human behavior. You just need to know and follow the rules of etiquette.

To create a positive image, a healthy human psyche, appearance and clothing are of no small importance. Clothes in business communication also plays a significant role, since it carries multidimensional information about its owner: about his economic opportunities, about aesthetic taste, about belonging to a certain social group, profession, about the attitude towards people around him.

In conditions of social tension, the images and categories that make them up become even more distinct, stable and hostile. It is known that in most cases the initial impression of a person is formed by his appearance. Business attire also has its own rules and regulations of business etiquette.

The business world in external appearance rather adheres not to fashion, but to a certain level - to dress in such a way as not to ruin the reputation. In this sense, extravagance and slovenliness are perceived negatively. Clean and tidy clothes and shoes are an important attribute to success.

A man should look solid and self-confident, businesslike and attractive, inspiring confidence, not without a claim to grace and elegance. And a business woman shouldn't let the fashion industry completely determine her dress choices and let her social background influence how she dresses.

For the image, the moral assessment of the individual is of great importance. An impeccable image is the property of moral people who do not deviate from the moral, corporate and legal code of conduct.

The image becomes a real means of influencing the mass consciousness. Working with mass consciousness differs in that we cannot transmit the entire volume of information. It is impossible to present an absolutely complete message about any person. And this forces you to do the following steps:

1.transform it in accordance with the requirements of the transmission channel (for TV - these are some possibilities, for radio - others, for newspapers - others);

2. choose the characteristics for transfer, limiting ourselves to only a small part of them, since it is impossible to transfer the entire volume of characteristics. Only those characteristics that are "doomed to success" are used;

3. to ensure coincidence (harmonization) of characteristics with the requirements of the transmission channel. Ideal in this regard is the one whose natural characteristics coincide with the channel norms.

Image is a subjective image of a person perceived by others. First, the image must be believable and reliable. Secondly, the image must be vivid and specific. It works better, is quickly perceived when it focuses on certain features and highlights one or more characteristic features... Third, the image must be simple. The most effective image is simple and quickly remembered.

The image does not at all give a complete strict analytical representation of the state authorities; the image should become a separate value and be used at every opportunity. Image is the impression made by a public authority.

The formation and change of the image is possible as a result of changes and combinations of the following components:

1. Objective external data of the personality (physiognomy, facial expressions, motor skills, voice timbre);

2. Behavioral features (manner and style of speech, style of dress, gait);

3. Social and professional characteristics (education, social status, profession);

4. Self-perception (how a person perceives himself in the context of the environment);

5. Perception by reference groups, that is, groups with which a person interacts without intermediaries (the media act as intermediaries);

6. A public image created with the help of intermediaries - mass media. The public image is usually focused on target groups with which the person does not interact directly.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to create a positive image without well-built communication. Communication is the basis of society and social relations, which are the field of interaction of various interest groups. Hence the desire and practice of converting communication processes into an institution of social control using a ramified mass media system for effective communicative impact on the audience. Power structures in conditions information society should make the most of the entire resource potential of the mass media in the process of forming both their positive image and reputation.

Mass communications, primarily for public authorities, become a mechanism for socialization and social management of mass consciousness, public opinion and its behavioral manifestation.

The starting point for the implementation of this mechanism is the implementation of the content-semantic side of mass communication, which consists in providing the population with information by its source, which are mainly press services, public relations units of state authorities. At the same time, the content of communication and its transmission through the mass communication system are built taking into account the orientation towards various social strata of the population.

If we talk about the image of government bodies, then its formation by means of mass communications (mainly through persuasion) can be defined as a necessary but insufficient condition.

The main instrument, in our opinion, that is really capable of creating a positive image of power structures among the population is the so-called "policy of real affairs", that is, the effective activity of the state bodies themselves, their full-fledged performance of their power functions in the interests of the entire Russian population. It is a good reputation that leads to a fairly stable, high level of trust and appropriate actions to support the authorities by citizens, which, to a certain extent, can be a guarantee of the stability of the public administration system in crisis periods of social development.

A necessary element of the implementation of the mechanism for the formation of a positive image and reputation of public authorities in the process of mass communication is the feedback of the authorities and the population, constant monitoring of the situation and adjustment of their interaction.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the authorities mainly use manipulative PR technologies to form their own image, often ignoring the negative trends in the development of public administration and taking only their positive advantages as the basis of the modeled image. The creation of a positive image of the authorities is possible only under the condition of using the mechanism of social partnership between the authorities and society and a new state-ideological paradigm, where PR technologies are a tool for establishing relations of public trust and mutual understanding. However, it is too early to say that at the moment they have priority in the application of the Russian authorities.




1.1 The communicative nature of the image of the authority

1.2 Mechanisms for forming a positive image of public authorities


2.1 Analysis of the image of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region

2.2 The practice of implementing image technologies in executive authorities (on the example of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region)


Bibliographic list



image of state power

The concept of "image" has been widely included in the modern Russian language since about the mid-90s of the last century, at first in the political science field, and then spread to other spheres of human life. Today the term "image" is used not only for politicians and not only for a person in general, but also for other objects (the image of a given product, the image of a company, the image of a country, and so on).

It is the image that allows you to create the first impression of a person. In other words, the image is its trademark, its external sign. The more attractive he is, the higher the professional authority and public reputation of the politician.

Image is a superficial, emotional category based on impressions and does not require balanced assessments and conclusions. The image is formed mainly by means of mass communication, often in isolation from real activity and is based on the use of suggestion mechanisms that act on the emotional sphere of perception and the level of the unconscious. According to the researchers, the Russian political market turns mainly to the short-term aspects of the image issue, being carried away by the creation of political “fast brands” that depend on the electoral cycle. However, it should be remembered that an image that is formed relatively quickly is also quickly lost.

Russian society today is experiencing a contradictory and complex state caused by numerous transformation processes. The ongoing political, social and psychological changes in modern Russia are the result of a global transformation state system, which determined the main features of Russian society for most of the 21st century.

Taking into account these circumstances, the problem of developing and building a new strategy for the development of the political system, associated with the development of a fundamentally new policy of power based on the principles of consensus, an open partnership of power and society, acquires particular importance. The need for such a qualitative turn is due to the fact that the pace of transformation of the relationship "power-society" directly depends on the nature of the policy of openness pursued in society, which is key in this period of social development.

The image of state power (including at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) is a kind of construction. The structure can be strengthened, replaced, reassembled, modified, and so on, in any case - you need to work on it purposefully. The change in the perception of the image occurs not only and not so much in the sphere of people's consciousness, but also (and mainly) in the sphere of the unconscious (emotional sphere). It is to this area that the main efforts of the creators of the new image are directed.

The process of forming a positive image can and should be managed. In order to control the process, it is necessary to have at least an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat and in what sequence should occur and at what stage certain intermediate results should appear.

In our opinion, it is urgent to solve the problem of a thorough study of the current mechanism for forming the image of power, analyzing its components, identifying the most effective methods, forms and principles, as well as features of the image of a public authority at the regional level (using the example of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Saratov area). Life has convincingly proved the imperativeness of a regionally adapted policy that takes into account the production-active and socio-cultural potential of a particular region.

In this regard, there is growing interest in such a new theoretical and practical discipline as Public Relations - "public relations" (PR), which are the vehicle of the mutual interests of government and society. PR is known throughout the world as an important element of intergroup relations. In scientific terms, it is a universal theoretical and applied discipline that studies the patterns of interaction of the subject of public relations with citizens, public organizations, parties, authorities and government. PR is an integral part of effective management of any organized form of activity.

The institution of public opinion is the most important factor in adherence to democratic values \u200b\u200band the realization of the will of our population, as it acts as a link between the people and the authorities, the state and civil society. The creative potential of the people, their assessment of the activities of the authorities are accumulated in the codes of public opinion, which is the most important means of forming the image of the authorities.

Trust and understanding on the part of society can be achieved only if government bodies themselves seek to provide the society with objective, reliable and complete information about their decisions and actions, that is, follow the principles of information transparency. Thus, information technologies in the public administration system accelerate democratic processes in society, which contributes to the formation of a transparent state policy.

A special problem of forming the image of a government body is the development of such an economic and political ideology that would be identical to the mental needs of the population, and at the same time, an outstripping information effect would be achieved with the purposeful formation of the economic and legal consciousness of citizens in their organic unity. For example, is the legal role and function of executive bodies sufficiently explainable and understandable to citizens?

The relevance of this thesis is determined by the really existing contradictions between the personal qualities of public authorities, civil servants and those role requirements that society imposes on them, the contradiction between the real image and the "ideal image" already formed in public opinion (consciousness), as well as the need identifying methods that will help remove these contradictions. The urgency of the problem of forming a positive image has become more acute due to the fact that the media have recently been performing both an informational function and an evaluative one. At the same time, the media can bring not only a positive element to the formation of the image, but also a negative one.

The aim of the thesis is to improve the mechanisms of forming a positive image in government bodies.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are distinguished:

Reveal the essence of the communicative nature of the image of the authorities;

To study the mechanisms of forming a positive image of government bodies;

Analyze the image of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services;

Determine the implementation of image technologies for forming a positive image of executive authorities in practice and propose ways to improve them.

Thus, the object of this work is the structure of the image of public authorities, and the subject is analysis methods and conceptual directions for developing technologies for forming a given image.


1 The communicative nature of the image of the authority

In the conditions of the formation of the information society, the role of the communicative component of power, the communicative function of all power structures, especially those who ensure the implementation of the constitutional rights of the individual, objectively increases. In our case, we will talk about the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities. In the conditions of “information civilization”, “information age”, the problem of image as a certain communicative-psychological code of power, its purposeful formation, acquires special significance.

Power, which has a communicative nature and acts as a means of special communication, realizes all its functions with the help of political communication. Social relations in society, in society, are also of a communicative nature. Achieving the identity of the codes of power and media codes allows the formation of a constructively-minded public opinion and, with its use, a positive image of power.

Image (from the English image - image) - formed in the mass consciousness and having the character of a stereotype, an emotionally colored image of someone or something. Let us emphasize that, firstly, this is an image that has developed in the mass consciousness, in the formation of which, in the conditions of building an information society, the decisive role is played by the mass media (media) and mass communication. Secondly, this image is emotional, that is, psychologically colored and has the character of a stereotype, but a social stereotype. Stereotype (German: Stereotyp) is "a firmly established, permanent pattern of something." The latter case involves the inclusion of the use of effective communication and information technologies. But there is another option - from an excess of psychologically and politically unverified information and poorly presented (for example, overly intrusive), the effect is minimal, even negative.

People, just like the media, approach the assessment of society from the point of view of the image. With the help of the image, a person shows what place in society he assigns to himself and what role he plays. For example, a woman entrepreneur can present herself in various situations as both an entrepreneur and a working mother and use these labels in order to get a better sense of where she is in society.

It should be understood that in any particular period of time, society has a specific system of values. The image that a person demonstrates in society shows how much these values \u200b\u200bare in tune with his beliefs.

In addition, researchers of the image define it as a set of certain qualities that are associated with a certain individuality, and distinguish between its following components: symbolic, social and personal characteristics.

Personal characteristics include physical, psychological characteristics, a person's character, personality type, individual decision-making style, and so on. In other words, these characteristics include the existence of a certain quality that makes a person irresistible in the eyes of others and allows him to exercise a certain influence.

Social characteristics are associated with the current situation, which, for example, a business person must fit. This is a rather mobile part of the image, closely related to the requirements of reality. Each time, these characteristics are redesigned based on a thorough analysis of the current situation. These include status, role models, and more.

Symbolic characteristics, on the other hand, are stable and unchanging. They are associated with ideology and culture. In other words, there is a certain set of qualities that characterize the ideal type.

So, the image has two inseparable essential features: 1) communicative, informational and 2) socio-psychological.

Every subject of power, every state body, every ministry, agency, and so on can and does have a certain image. Its activity is based on certain functions of power.

Power performs the following functions: 1) domination (ruling class); 2) leadership (elected external leaders of the country, according to the Constitution); 3) management and organization (appointed heads of organizations, ministries, departments, agencies, etc., in accordance with the Constitution and current legislation); 4) control (the ruling class in accordance with the Constitution and current legislation). The function of management and organization is performed by the civil service.

Public service is, first, a social institution, or more precisely, a social and state institution; secondly, the professional layer of people; third, the power structure.

Formation of the image of the public service in general in Russia has always been urgent problem, and it remains so at the present time. Especially today, in the context of administrative reform and civil service reform, in which the solution of the issue of its transparency, ensuring citizens' access to information is especially put.

A particularly urgent problem is the formation of the image of the bodies of ministries, especially the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services. The relevance of the study of this problem is due to: firstly, the special communicative nature of this institution of power (public service), its representatives, according to their objective status, enter (are forced to enter) into communication with the population. Secondly, all sociological studies indicate a rather low rating and a negative image of housing and communal services. The problem is obviously deeper. It is rooted in communication at the level of everyday social life, its reflection in the mass consciousness.

Thirdly, in the mass media, as studies show, there is a flow of publications about negative, even criminal actions of employees of executive bodies (about corruption, for example).

In modern society, there is a tendency towards public opinion about an official, which, as a rule, is negative. The reasons for this have a century-old history: bribery, lack of control, irresponsibility, callousness, for example, according to the corruption perception index in 2013, Russia ranked 127th out of 175. (See Appendix No. 1).

The Ministry should have its own philosophy, a concept for improving all its activities and a separate concept of information policy. And social upheaval primarily draws into itself the unpopular actions of the executive bodies. If their image is negative, the resolution of this problem deteriorates sharply, if it is positive, it improves.

The reasons that give rise to distrust of citizens to the authorities include: a. “Technical” reasons, when state bodies, due to the lack of structures and specialists in the field of public relations, do not know how to explain to citizens the goals and motives of their activities, do not give an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bits nature and the conditions in which they are forced to work and solve problems;

the essence of the reasons for the "cultural and historical" type is the traditionally high degree of political and social activity of Russian citizens, the predisposition of our society to confrontation between the population and the authorities;

“Organizational” reasons are associated with the lack of qualified and competent professionals, which is caused by the transition to a new model of organization of society and a change in the nature of work with the public;

“Resource” reasons are due to insufficient funding of the civil service, lack of the necessary material and technical base, limited available time resources.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the authorities do not bother to inform the population about their activities, and the media, interacting with them, present that small part of the information and the image of power that is most beneficial. In addition, the controlled media are distinguished not only by their lack of desire to cover the work of state authorities, but also to criticize them. The townspeople, however, have to resort to those means of constructing the image of state authorities that are more accessible, and these are the media. This information vacuum resulting from a lack of information.

Therefore, the formation of the image of the state executive body involves the solution of the following tasks:

study of the place and role of the state body in the development of society in the context of the operation of objective laws;

assessment of the attitude of the population towards this state body based on measurements of public opinion, analysis of the media and mass communication;

study, diagnosis of real characteristics (qualities) possessed by a state body and its employees on the basis of a system analysis, that is, an assessment of the real image based on the results of research and publications in the press;

designing the desired image of this state body requested by the population;

comparative analysis of real and requested image and design of the possible based on the study of basic interests;

analysis of the main communication channels, technologies and means of influencing the consciousness and psyche of people operating in society, assessing their effectiveness in terms of image formation;

identification of effective correctional mechanisms and technologies of image formation;

development of a system of communication and information technologies for the formation of a positive image of the state body and its employees.

There are many definitions of "communication". Distinguish between communication in the general, broad sense, social communication, mass communication. For us, in all existing definitions, it is important to identify the communicative resource of image formation.

Communication (from lat.communication - message, transmission and from communicare - to make it common, to talk, connect, communicate, transmit) as a necessary element of interaction between people, groups, peoples, states, during which the transfer and mutual transfer of information, feelings, assessments, meanings, meanings, values \u200b\u200bthat occupy a leading place in the field of social processes.

“Without communication, the construction of social communities is impossible, social systems, institutions, organizations and so on, the existence of society as such. Communication permeates all aspects of society, social groups and individuals. "

Thus, communication permeates the structure of society and power as a whole, at all its levels. It permeates the state, civil society, state machine, the media system, journalism as a social institution specializing in “targeted regulation of the information sphere”. Communication underlies information and political relations in the system: state - media - civil society.

So, social communication is a means of realizing by the power of one's main function - social dialogue with the people. Power without communication, without social interaction with civil society is a formal power, power captivated by the phenomenon of alienation.

Hence, it is legitimate to put forward the thesis: the image is, firstly, a certain code of power (power without an image is faceless, alienated from the people), and, secondly, as a formed phenomenon, the image is an effective (or ineffective) means of communication in the process of public administration, image works for itself and for itself and is a kind of media code when it attracts media attention.

The image of power is its image in the eyes of the people, in the focus of public opinion. According to the encyclopedic definition, power is the ability and ability to exercise one's will (class, group, party, individual), to exert a certain influence on the activities, behavior of people through authority, law, violence, fear and other means.

The change in communication caused by the purposefully provided information is focused on a change in the perception and interpretation of the government's policy by the population (implementation of the perceptual side of mass communication). It is at this stage of the implementation of mass communication, in our opinion, that the specificity manifests itself in the processes of forming the image and reputation of public authorities by means of mass communication. It is associated with the essential breeding of the very concepts of "image" and "reputation". Without dwelling on their comparison in detail, we will only point out the main essence of the difference. In most studies, the image is characterized as a manipulative mental image designed to influence not the rational, but the emotional sphere and the level of the unconscious; it is an emotionally colored, more often superficial image of something or someone that has developed in the mass or individual consciousness. Reputation is a rational category, it is a more stable opinion, formed on the basis of a conscious, reasonable choice and contains more rational moments, systemic assessments.

So, in the conditions of an information society, power structures should make the most of the entire resource potential of the mass media in the process of forming both their positive image and reputation. However, in our opinion, the modern system of power today requires a much greater use of the tools of reputation management, maximizing the number of rational levers of influence on Russians for their conscious, free approval of state policy instead of image, manipulative, focused on the formation of social illusions and inculcated attitudes.

In conclusion, speaking about the image, I would like to say that it has always and at all times played and plays a huge role in people's lives. The XXI century is the information age, where a lot of information falls on us (especially from television screens) every day in the form of symbols. Not only movie stars, but also politicians, businessmen and even gangsters become symbols of success and prosperity - the rules of the game are the same for everyone. Therefore, the image not only does not lose its significance in our life, but also attracts the attention of theorists and practitioners in the field of sociology and psychology, history and theory of culture, aesthetics, economics and more.

2 Mechanisms for forming a positive image of public authorities

Increasingly, we are faced with a contradiction when the image of an official, created in the mass consciousness by the media, in particular by the press, does not coincide with his real characteristics and the ability to effectively solve the tasks assigned to him. There are obvious manipulations with the consciousness of the masses, a lowering of the threshold for rational comprehension of political processes.

The image of state authorities, embedded in the consciousness of the masses, appears as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, which reflects a set of his real personal qualities, formed by his activities, the media, political advertising against the background of the corresponding stereotypes of the mass consciousness.

The components of the image are contradictory, since they reflect the discrepancy between the personal qualities of the governing bodies and the role requirements that society imposes on them, taking into account the socio-political and economic situation, between the real image and the “reference image” already formed in public consciousness. Therefore, it becomes relevant to study the mechanisms and modern trends in the formation of the image of public authorities.

A positive perception of the state power and its representatives, formed in society, simplifies the promotion of state ideology and contributes to a faster implementation of state decisions.

The concept of "image" originated in the West in the 1950s. and was originally used in advertising practice. Further, in the 1960s, this term reappears in the field of entrepreneurship as the main means of psychological influence on the consumer. Later, the concept of image became the main element of the theory and practice of public relations, firmly entered the political and public life.

Image management is a reflection of an event aimed at improving the image, intensive possession of information with a predictable reaction to it. In order to draw attention to the image, you need to show it from a new, never seen side, to convince the audience, to keep the public's attention.

As a result of the fear of the mind before itself, a person has about a dozen psychological defenses, and all of them are somehow connected with the image. The image allows you to hide your flaws, forming an appropriate system of impressions in other people.

When forming any image (businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. So, V.M. Shepel distinguishes the following three complexes:

The process of forming the image of a state body is also based on the attitude (hidden or explicit), which manifests itself in the state of public opinion. At the same time, information and communication technologies for forming public opinion are also technologies for forming an image, while the specificity is determined by the object and subject of public opinion and image.

The formation of the image goes in two ways: "spontaneous" and "artificial" (classification of Yegorova E.V.). An “artificial” way implies such a formation of an individual's image, which is carried out indirectly, purposefully and consciously by image makers, PR specialists (Public Relations) or by the person himself (who wants to purposefully create a certain opinion about himself in a group that is significant for him). The “spontaneous” way implies the “unconscious” formation of the personality image “in the head” of the perceiving subject, using the social-perceptual mechanisms of perception. The final "image" will always be the result of the work of the second way of formation, since the first way sets only the direction of work, the second fills with content, images and colors.

The work of specialists and the entire service as a whole will become effective only when the public service bodies, receiving complete information about public opinion, use it as an organically integrated part both in the process of government decision-making and in the mechanism of government bodies' activity.

Pocheptsov G.G. notes the following components of a personal image: past, family, sports, pets, hobbies, weaknesses. According to Pocheptsov, filling in these components is very important, as it makes the “image” more alive and brings it closer to the “population”. If, as the author notes, they are not filled, then they will be filled by the mass consciousness arbitrarily, and then it will be more difficult to introduce new information into the mass consciousness - it will be necessary to overcome the barrier of the already existing attitude.

The specificity of the activities of state authorities is in constant communication with people. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to learn to leave a good impression of yourself, to learn how to form your own image.

Unlike images, an image is a goal and, at the same time, a tool for managing public mood. Such management is carried out by throwing into the public discussion a certain set of ideas about a particular subject of the political process.

When forming any image (businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. There are three following complexes:

) natural qualities: sociability; empathy (ability to empathize); reflexivity (the ability to understand another); eloquence (ability to influence with a word);

) qualities instilled by education and upbringing: moral values; psychological health; a set of communication technologies;

) qualities acquired through life and professional experience.

The formation of an effective image of a public authority should begin with bringing it in line with the general requirements:

in the political image must be present "traits of a winner", "traits of a leader" (personal achievements in professional activity) and "traits of a father". Z. Freud: “He will not give offense. He is strict, he can punish, but he will protect ”;

openness, “visible availability”. People tend to trust the one who, in their opinion, is able to solve their problems, and for this he must be available, that is, you can contact him, write, tell him about your problems;

effective communication. The image translates in the process of numerous communications, in situations of various business and interpersonal communication. Experienced management leaders tend to stick to this rule and win. Neglecting them forms a negative attitude, malice and aggressiveness that is not forgiven in the process of communication;

environment. If there are worthy, well-known and recognizable personalities next to the leader or leader, a positive attitude towards them is transferred to the leader himself. The psychological phenomenon of interpersonal relations is triggered, which boils down to the catch phrase: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are";

personal charm. It is necessary to develop the psychological components of charm: a sense of humor; attentive and benevolent attitude towards others; emotional contagion; psychological security; communication skills; improvement of "external image" (originality of appearance, memorability).

A person's ability to make a good impression is placed on great importance. With a person who does not know how to express his thoughts, is incomprehensibly dressed, no one will be interested and will not do business. One of the conditions for creating your own image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Like morality, etiquette is one of the forms of regulation of human behavior. You just need to know and follow the rules of etiquette.

To create a positive image, a healthy human psyche, appearance and clothing are of no small importance. Clothing also plays a significant role in business communication, as it carries multidimensional information about its owner: about his economic opportunities, about aesthetic taste, about belonging to a particular social group, profession, about the attitude towards people around him.

In conditions of social tension, the images and categories that make them up become even more distinct, stable and hostile. It is known that in most cases the initial impression of a person is formed by his appearance. Business attire also has its own rules and regulations of business etiquette.

The business world in external appearance rather adheres not to fashion, but to a certain level - to dress in such a way as not to ruin the reputation. In this sense, extravagance and slovenliness are perceived negatively. Clean and tidy clothes and shoes are an important attribute to success.

A man should look solid and self-confident, businesslike and attractive, inspiring confidence, not without a claim to grace and elegance. And a business woman shouldn't let the fashion industry completely determine her dress choices and let her social background influence how she dresses.

For the image, the moral assessment of the individual is of great importance. An impeccable image is the property of moral people who do not deviate from the moral, corporate and legal code of conduct.

The image becomes a real means of influencing the mass consciousness. Working with mass consciousness differs in that we cannot transmit the entire volume of information. It is impossible to present an absolutely complete message about any person. And this forces you to do the following steps:

transform it in accordance with the requirements of the transmission channel (for TV - these are some possibilities, for radio - others, for newspapers - others);

select characteristics for transfer, limiting ourselves to only a small part of them, since the entire volume of characteristics cannot be transferred. Only those characteristics that are "doomed to success" are used;

ensure coincidence (harmonization) of characteristics with the requirements of the transmission channel. Ideal in this regard is the one whose natural characteristics coincide with the channel norms.

Image is a subjective image of a person perceived by others. First, the image must be believable and reliable. Secondly, the image must be vivid and specific. It works better, is quickly perceived when it focuses on certain features and highlights one or more characteristic features. Third, the image must be simple. The most effective image is simple and quickly remembered.

The image does not at all give a complete strict analytical representation of the state authorities; the image should become a separate value and be used at every opportunity. Image is the impression made by a public authority.

The formation and change of the image is possible as a result of changes and combinations of the following components:

Objective external data of the personality (physiognomy, facial expressions, motor skills, voice timbre);

Behavioral features (manner and style of speech, style of dress, gait);

Social and professional characteristics (education, social status, profession);

Self-perception (how a person perceives himself in the context of the environment);

Perception by reference groups, that is, groups with which a person interacts without intermediaries (the media act as intermediaries);

A public image created with the help of intermediaries - mass communication. The public image is usually focused on target groups with which the person does not interact directly.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to create a positive image without well-built communication. Communication is the basis of society and social relations, which are the field of interaction of various interest groups. Hence the desire and practice of transforming communication processes into an institution of social control using an extensive mass media system for effective communicative impact on the audience. Power structures in the information society should make the most of the entire resource potential of the mass media in the process of forming both their positive image and their reputation.

Mass communications, primarily for public authorities, become a mechanism for socialization and social management of mass consciousness, public opinion and its behavioral manifestation.

The starting point for the implementation of this mechanism is the implementation of the content-semantic side of mass communication, which consists in providing the population with information by its source, which are mainly press services, public relations units of state authorities. At the same time, the content of communication and its transmission through the mass communication system are built taking into account the orientation towards various social strata of the population.

If we talk about the image of government bodies, then its formation by means of mass communications (mainly through persuasion) can be defined as a necessary but insufficient condition.

The main instrument, in our opinion, that is really capable of creating a positive image of power structures among the population is the so-called "policy of real affairs", that is, the effective activity of the state bodies themselves, their full-fledged performance of their power functions in the interests of the entire Russian population. It is a good reputation that leads to a fairly stable, high level of trust and appropriate actions to support the authorities by citizens, which, to a certain extent, can be a guarantee of the stability of the public administration system in crisis periods of social development.

A necessary element of the implementation of the mechanism for the formation of a positive image and reputation of public authorities in the process of mass communication is the feedback of the authorities and the population, constant monitoring of the situation and adjustment of their interaction.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the authorities mainly use manipulative PR technologies to form their own image, often ignoring the negative trends in the development of public administration and taking only their positive advantages as the basis of the modeled image. The creation of a positive image of the authorities is possible only under the condition of using the mechanism of social partnership between the authorities and society and a new state-ideological paradigm, where PR technologies are a tool for establishing relations of public trust and mutual understanding. However, it is too early to say that at the moment they have priority in the application of the Russian authorities.


1 Analysis of the image of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region

IN modern world image plays an important role in the life of a business person. It is the image that provides a huge impact on the creation and development of interpersonal and social relations. The nature of these relationships is determined by the degree of positiveness of a particular image. In the work of public authorities, the nature of the relations of these bodies with society, including with partners and citizens, is important. If public authorities do not dispose of the population, then interaction between them through direct and feedback will be ineffective or completely ineffective. Since the work of the state power system is the result of the functioning of the entire state, it is very important that the state power bodies work using maximum opportunities at a minimum cost. But this cannot be achieved if the population does not trust the representatives of state authorities. Therefore, it is very important to form a positive image of public authorities, since people interact with the system of public authorities through communication and work with employees of a public institution. Consequently, the image of government bodies affects the functioning of the entire state, and a positive image contributes to an increase in the efficiency of not only government bodies, but also the state as a whole.

However, at present, the image of the system of state power in the eyes of Russians is formed mainly due to messages received by citizens from the media. Given the nature of these messages, it can be noted that under the influence of the mass media, the population of Russia has developed a negative image of state authorities (since very often in the media we see and hear about how ineffectively the power structures work, how officials are caught in corruption, how civil servants are rude to people who come to see them, and there are almost no reports that there is a positive dynamics in the development of a socially important phenomenon, and this positive dynamics is ensured by the work of government agencies). A negative image, in turn, contributes to the emergence and development of certain problems in the system of relations between state power and the population, that is, problems of the state and society. Therefore, the formation of the image of public authorities is an urgent problem of our time.

The problem of forming a positive image of the authorities has become relevant at a new stage in the formation of Russian statehood in the context of the development of the information society, when, along with the material resources of management - economic, socio-political, power - intangible resources are of particular importance, among which the image plays an important role. An image resource increases the ability of the one who possesses it to influence other individuals and society as a whole. The image of power, as well as the reputation of power, in Russia has a complex character, since power in the country is distributed at the federal, regional and local levels, which mutually influence each other.

The lack of attention of the authorities to the issues of forming a positive image largely hinders the interaction of these bodies with the population, the formation of a high level of trust among the population and support for the management decisions taken. Possessing a positive image contributes to the strengthening of the positions of the authorities, which also meets the expectations of the population interested in the effectiveness of its work with its own active civic position.

The image of state power is formed on the basis of the real experience of interaction between the population and the authorities and is a stable, rationally conscious, evaluative opinion that develops over time, reflecting a high degree of compliance of state and municipal policies with the interests of society and the individual (meeting modern urgent social needs).

Based on the tasks of forming a positive image of state power (using the example of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, namely: the Saratov region), the following main stages of this process can be distinguished:

The stage of target orientation of the authorities is the initial stage of managing the image of the authorities and requires a clear awareness by the authorities themselves of the need for the purposeful formation of their own positive reputation as the most important strategically significant resource for building an effective system of regional governance as a whole.

The programming stage includes the development of new mechanisms and (or) making adjustments to the existing mechanisms and programs of regional development to overcome the discrepancies identified during the assessment of the image and more purposefully form a positive image of the government. As a result of the implementation of this stage, on the basis of the authorities' awareness of the community of interests with the population of the region, a single ideological and semantic project is being built, containing joint goals, values \u200b\u200band behavior models.

The stage of implementation envisages both the implementation of real political decisions and programs on the part of the government itself, and the formation of the population's intention to act in their mainstream, participating together with the government in the implementation of the project.

The stage of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness includes the process of constantly monitoring the degree of change in the image indicators of the regional authorities, adjusting and evaluating the results achieved during the implementation of programs to form the image.

Let us dwell in more detail on the study of the content of the research stage of the formation of a positive image of regional authorities. The main methods of this stage are sociological: expert and questionnaire surveys, focus groups.

In order to determine the characteristic features of the image by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (in particular, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region), formed in the minds of the population, a sociological study was conducted. The method of collecting information was a questionnaire with open-ended questions (including a survey), since this method allows not only to get answers to the questions presented in the questionnaire, but also in the course of the conversation to understand why people answer in this way and not otherwise. The respondents were residents of the city of Saratov. A total of 50 people took part in the survey (10 of them are civil servants) aged 18 to 65 years. Representatives of all segments of the population were interviewed. Before conducting the study, a hypothesis was put forward: the general idea of \u200b\u200bpeople about state authorities (in particular, the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region) and the work of these authorities is negative.

It seems necessary to single out two priority audiences as objects of research: the government itself (in particular, within the framework of the research conducted - using the example of state executive bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - civil servants of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region) and the region's population as a whole.

At the same time, in addition to the traditional criteria for identifying individual groups (gender, age, type of activity), the degree of social and political activity of citizens, the level of social optimism and trust in various institutions in general are taken into account in the context of identifying the relationship between these parameters and indicators of the content and assessment of the image of power.

Analyzing the opinion of the population, the following conclusions can be drawn: none of the respondents said that the regional authorities are working effectively. 65% of the respondents answered that the state authorities are not working effectively enough, the remaining 35% consider the work of the state authorities of the Saratov region absolutely ineffective.

The majority of respondents, having heard the combination of the letters "Housing and communal services", immediately form a negative opinion due to the fact that in our country the housing and communal services are in poor condition.

Housing and communal services (HCS) to a decisive extent forms the human environment and characterizes the level of his life. The degree of development and quality of the services provided in this industry directly determine the household and sanitary and hygienic living conditions, affect the level of life and well-being of the population, and ultimately form the growth of socio-economic indicators, such as: the level of quality of life, its duration, labor productivity ...

Housing and communal services (HCS) is the most important area of \u200b\u200bthe socio-economic structure of society. The quality of its functioning on the basis of equal existence in this area of \u200b\u200ball forms of ownership allows creating a field of quality of economic relations between owners of housing and communal services and a network environment for the implementation of the principles of a socially oriented market economy.

Housing and communal services perform the most important function of life support for citizens. The weight of this sphere in the country's economy is significant. The most important function for the population of the country can only be successfully solved by an efficiently functioning and dynamically developing industry... Under these conditions, the feasibility of social projects in the housing sector is constrained by the backwardness of the housing and communal infrastructure.

It should be noted that 37% of the respondents answered that a modern manager is decent, polite and honest, and the remaining 63% imagine a negative image of the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the most common quality, in the opinion of these 63%, is commercialism. However, in the eyes of 37% of the respondents, state authorities appear as executive, competent and decent people. Before the study, the forecast was that there will be 2 times fewer people who speak positively about government agencies.

% of the people surveyed noted that an ideal executive authority should be competent, 80% believe that decency is an integral feature, 68% chose responsibility and communication skills as necessary qualities.

Almost all respondents (98%) admitted the existence of the problem of excessive bureaucratization of relations between citizens and the state; all respondents pointed to the existence of such problems as corruption and incompetence of state bodies.

It should be noted that in spite of the negative image of the state authorities that has developed in the minds of Russians, all 100% of the respondents answered that they would agree to work in the state authorities of the Saratov region if they were offered. There is some contradiction here: why would people start working in a field of activity that most of them have a bad impression of. The respondents explained their desire to work in government bodies by the fact that government bodies have various incentives to work: benefits, fairly high wages, and the prestige of the profession.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the impression about the state authorities is formed by the idea of \u200b\u200bcivil servants, or the imposed opinion of the media about the authorities. And the image of a modern official in the eyes of the people of Russia is mostly negative. The problem is that the population does not distinguish between civil servants (the list of positions in the civil service is included in the register of positions) and persons holding government positions (elective positions and are not civil servants: the President of the Russian Federation, Ministers, etc.). Therefore, a negative attitude towards political positions is automatically shifted to persons filling the positions of the state civil service.

The attitude of people to the political and economic measures of the authorities extends to the reputation of civil servants, and the image of a civil servant that has developed in public opinion determines the attitude to the actions of the authorities.

Stereotypes about government and civil servants continue to live on, although they have formed in a world that no longer exists. Until now, many imagine the work of civil servants as completely divorced from the private sector. Another common stereotype is that civil servants do not perform their tasks properly, but, nevertheless, receive undeserved advantages in pay and working conditions in general. Civil servants are accused of spending considerable effort and money on motivating them to do good work, while they are lazy and selfish.

In the minds of an ordinary person, as a rule, the image characteristics of different authorities and officials "overlap" each other and it is important to find out to what extent their specific assessment affects the overall perception of power, what level of power seems to "pull" the rest. The basic image characteristics (structural elements) of the regional government that we are designing can be grouped into four main blocks: socio-economic, political and legal, moral and psychological and institutional (professional are the internal characteristics of the government itself). It is also assumed that there are generalizing, so-called "resulting" characteristics of the image of power (See Appendix No. 2). Thus, according to the results of this stage of assessing the subjective perception of the image of power, it becomes clear with the help of what characteristics people define power, that is, a kind of "ideal set" of essential characteristics of the image of power is revealed, by which the real level of the image of the regional power is further assessed (within the study is offered an assessment on a 5-point scale).

The research hypothesis was confirmed. However, one cannot rely solely on the results of a survey conducted within the same city. In order to have a reliable and complete picture of the image of public authorities, one should analyze the similarities and differences between the results of this population survey with the results of an expert survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion.

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion conducted a sociological study on the topic "Civil servants: tendencies in the development of the personnel of the federal civil service." The study was conducted in the form of an expert survey in November-December 2008, in which 270 experts were interviewed.

The experts took the question extremely seriously: "What qualities should an employee of state bodies possess to the greatest extent?" The answers in decreasing order of importance of the assessed qualities are presented below:

professionalism - 92.8%;

decency - 56.7%;

responsibility - 53.6%;

honesty - 34.0%;

the ability to work with the population - 30.9%;

interaction with colleagues - 28.9%;

creative approach to business - 16.5%;

diligence - 11.3%;

initiative - 11.3%.

Comparing the results of a study in the city of Saratov with the results of a study conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, one can single out general provisions... Both citizens and experts believe that a civil servant should have such qualities as professionalism, decency and responsibility.

According to officials of the Ministry, the majority of respondents do not consider it important to form a positive image - 83%. First, there are more important issues facing employees than "image"; secondly, a huge amount of money is needed to create a PR department; thirdly, work on one's own image is perceived, first of all, as work on the appearance; fourthly, in order to improve the image in society, the main thing will be not how the image in the media is formulated and how employees look like, but how useful and effective their work will be for the population. The rest of the respondents did not think about the issue of improving their image (15%).

The purpose of creating a favorable image of power structures is that power structures should not only work effectively, but all citizens should be convinced that they are working effectively.

When working with the media, it should be borne in mind that the information transmitted by them through reports, articles, etc. can be perceived ambiguously. When organizing a press conference, an employee of the public relations department must prepare in advance, think over everything carefully, organize so that the media representatives are satisfied with the press conference and its results. You should avoid ambiguous expressions, incomprehensible speech turns, harsh statements, since the PR agent cannot control which information about the issues raised at the press conference will be published and whether it will be published at all. Therefore, his task is to present information so that it reaches the end user in the form required for an effective process of forming a successful image.

Based on the identified trends, it is necessary to look for ways to solve problems, use non-standard methods, track the results and, depending on these results, coordinate their activities and make recommendations for coordinating the activities of state bodies.

Nevertheless, building an effective image of power structures is still a task of great difficulty and requires a certain trust on the part of citizens, and rather trust not in the words and messages of power structures, but in their actions.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that, in general, the model of public relations in Russia has not yet been fully formed to obtain effective and positive results. But the services involved in creating a trusting image of state bodies are necessary because it is specialized services in which highly qualified specialists work that can change the current nature of relations between state authorities and the population, which has developed under the influence of negative image the system of public authorities in the eyes of Russians.

2 The practice of implementing image technologies in executive authorities (on the example of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Saratov Region)

"Image" is a concept subject to temporary changes in accordance with modern criteria. Highlighting tendencies and contradictions influencing the formation of the image of a state authority, one cannot say that they will remain unchanged for a long time.

When implementing image technologies, it must be borne in mind that employees of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Saratov Region are state civil servants of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

According to the Federal Law of 27.07.2004 No. 79-FZ (as amended on 02.04.2014) "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (Ch. 1, Art. 5, Clause 3), the State civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is a professional service activities of citizens in the positions of the state civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to ensure the fulfillment of the powers of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the powers of state bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and persons holding public positions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The civil service, despite its certain convergence with market methods, was and remains a special profession, unlike any other. Ideally, its goal is not personal or group enrichment or other forms of individual prosperity, but serving the public interest, which implies the maximum possible assistance to individual citizens and their associations in realizing their legal rights and freedoms, but in the context of broader public interests. For the full performance of such work, a certain personality type is needed, or, in a “high” style, civil service is a vocation. But to ensure at least a relative correspondence of the ideal to reality, a lot is needed. And along with material factors, the ethical factor should play a very important role in this regard.

The problem of the image of the civil service is the problem of the perception of the civil servant both by the society and by the civil servants themselves. In addition, this is a problem of associations, which evokes the image of a civil servant as a whole among most of the country's population. The image, even on an unconscious level, can cause a desire to cooperate, or, on the contrary, lead to a negative perception of the idea of \u200b\u200bcooperation.

In conditions of constant social conflict, only the most distinct, that is, negative categories of the image of a civil servant are reproduced. Civil servants are perceived as a closed caste whose representatives pursue personal or narrowly corporate interests, and their activities are directed not for the good, not to help others, but to the detriment. Therefore, it is necessary to fight against a negative image according to the following directions:

Creation of a PR department or service in the Ministry for the formation of a positive image of its employees, structural units.

The study, the formation of the image, the results of this formation is engaged in PR (public relations or "public relations"). PR is an integral part of effective management of any organized form of activity, both a private company and the state as a whole. Therefore, in public authorities, special units should be created, consisting of professionals involved in the image.

The relevant public relations services or departments, in addition to working on the image, should perform the following functions:

) provision of a favorable internal corporate atmosphere;

) neutralization of conflicts;

) the study of public opinion;

) supervising important social connections;

) analysis of the impact of the organization on the public.

One of the main target tasks of the activities of PR services and the media interacting with them is the formation of a favorable image of a political leader and (or) organization - be it a power structure, including state bodies in general, or its specific subdivision. The task of creating an image is to vividly, figuratively highlight the real advantages of the object and "retouch" unattractive ones.

The image created by PR specialists must have a certain ability to change, if the current socio-political situation requires it (in this case, access to the media is especially important, and the presence or absence of communication barriers that can be created by “non-interested parties”).

It is also worth highlighting the official portal of the highest executive body of state power of the Saratov region: the Government of the Saratov region, containing the heading "Press service". This tab provides opportunities for working with the media (for example, the topics of the PDS of the Deputy Chairmen of the Government of the Saratov Region, the work plan of the Regional Government with the media, press services of the departments.)

Development and approval of a code of ethics for public civil servants, taking into account the functions and powers of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities.

In the context of the daily work of employees, ethical issues seem less important than many others: however, since ethics in one way or another affects the solution of all other problems, without exception, it may ultimately be more important than anything else. Another paradox is associated with the external behavior of a person functioning in the public sphere or associated with it (this applies both to officials who directly communicate with citizens and to government levels). A negative impression from the actions of an official, even if it is groundless or erroneous, still undermines the public prestige of the public service and the credibility of the government, and, consequently, worsens the employee's image in the eyes of the public. Thus, the compliance of employees' behavior with sufficiently high moral standards is the price of the faith of “ordinary” people in democracy. And this stake for a state legitimizing its powers of power through democratic institutions is very high.

The Model Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Civil Servants of the Russian Federation contains only general regulations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In our opinion, the model code is not important, since the designated norms of behavior (including moral and ethical) are based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption", Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ "On the system of civil service of the Russian Federation", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2002 No. 885 "On the approval of general principles of official conduct of civil servants" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and also on the generally recognized moral principles and norms of the Russian society and state.

So, “copying” the norms of behavior in the code of ethics of employees would be rational only in cases of further clarification, expansion and concretization. For example, a Civil Servant is obliged to perform official duties in good faith. The question arises: "How is it?" This need is due to the fact that the norms of morality and ethics are objective, that is, they do not have clear boundaries and it is difficult to find the very "golden mean" between the right and wrong direction in behavior.

Creation of an innovative direction "Crowdsourcing" on the official website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region.

Crowdsourcing (English Crowd - "crowd" and sourcing - "use of resources") - the transfer of certain production functions to an indefinite circle of people, the solution of socially significant tasks by volunteers, often coordinating their activities with the help of information technology. The term was first coined by writer Jeff Howe in 2003. Crowdsourcing is currently actively developing as a model for solving any kind of problems and challenges facing both business and the state and society as a whole. Within the framework of the crowdsourcing paradigm, the solution to the problem is transferred to a distributed and very large group of people, due to which the cost and time to achieve the result are radically reduced.

The proposed direction is characterized by benefits not only for employees, but also for the population. Thanks to crowdsourcing, the population will be able to assess the activities of the executive authorities of the Saratov region (in particular, employees of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Saratov Region) or describe the presence of certain problems, as well as propose a solution.

Questions can be phrased as follows: “Do you trust government officials? Why do you have such an opinion? ”; "How do you assess the activities of the employees of our ministry and why?" (On a 5-point scale: 1-poor, 5-excellent); "Do you consider it necessary to reform the housing and communal services and why?" and other questions.

Interaction with the media.

The mass media are directly involved in the formation of the image. They serve as conductors of the most stable ideas, taking root both domestically and abroad. The language of the domestic media is sometimes replete with ambiguous speech patterns that give rise to doubts, say, about the integrity and stability of the Russian political space.

Public opinion plays an important role in shaping the image of employees and act as one of the existing trends. The opinion of the population consists of personal meetings and communication with employees and through the media. Therefore, some contradiction may arise here, that is, for example, only positive information about the employee is published in the media, while after personal communication with him a negative image is formed (or vice versa).

The negative attitude towards the official was formed in public opinion largely under the influence of the media. This is confirmed by a study conducted in the city of Saratov (data indicated in the previous paragraph). Mass media is one of the technologies of image formation. Information provided by the media can create both a positive and a negative image of an employee and power structures in general.

As for the external environment, it is necessary to conduct constant regular monitoring of public opinion regarding the perception of the image of a civil servant and the civil service in general, using the entire arsenal of sociological methods for this purpose, both quantitative (polls, media content analysis, etc.) and qualitative (in-depth interviews, focus groups and more).

graduate work

1.3 Mechanisms for forming a positive image

So, after the organization has seized a certain niche in the market and established itself in it, it is necessary to act further. Now she can afford to increase spending on publicity and on an image that is finally beginning to be clearly defined.

Publicity is a positive awareness and recognition of the organization, its personnel and its activities in external environment organizations.

Publicity is formed by the main activity of the organization, feedback from customers and partners, as well as by means of PR. Often, the terms "publicity" and "image" are used interchangeably. However, publicity is largely external, for the general public, formed with the widespread use of the media. And the image may have a lesser audience of fame and less reliance on the media.

The formation of publicity or the support of the image by means of PR is somewhat different from advertising. Advertising has the following features: paid; control over what, where, how, to whom and how often. PR means - news releases, articles, reports, press conferences are less under the control of the organization itself. The news editor, the issuing editor, decide whether to use all or part of the story or not at all. Nevertheless, PR tools have advantages over advertising: they have a much lower cost for preparation and placement, and they are also more trusted, because perceived as objective news, not self-promotion in the market. Publicity is of particular importance to an organization in the following cases:

1. Strengthening, improving the reputation of the organization. The implementation of, for example, a philanthropic action is mistakenly covered by advertising.

2. When announcing a new product or service, the formation of positive visibility through PR should precede advertising. The product can be the subject of a press release while it is news, and after the advertisement is released, the product is no longer news and is not the subject of a press release.

3. If the product has been on the market for some time, it becomes more difficult to attract the attention of the consumer. Then the means of forming publicity - special events, sponsorship can renew the market interest in it.

4. Explaining a complex product or service may take time and space not available in advertising. The article may have a lot of space for storytelling.

5. The limited budget for promotion may not allow advertising costs, but allow the article to be placed.

6. Reaction in a crisis situation. In a crisis situation, PR means to maintain the positive awareness of the organization are the fastest and most reliable means. Advertising is appropriate only after the crisis has been resolved.

Image is the image of an organization as seen by public groups.

The image may be slightly different for different groups of the public, as the desired behavior of these groups in relation to the organization may differ. The general public may prefer the company's citizenship. For partners - high competitive position of the company. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - as a representation of the employed about their organization. Therefore, the work on creating the image is carried out purposefully for each group and by various means. Image is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of an organization, i.e. affecting the main aspects of its activities, and focused on the future. A positive image increases the competitiveness of a commercial organization in the market, attracts consumers and partners, accelerates sales and increases their volume, facilitates the organization's access to resources (financial, informational, human, material) and conducting operations. A positive image, like publicity, is created by the main activity of the company, as well as by purposeful information work aimed at target groups of the public. For large organizations, working with the media is especially important in supporting the image. The large scale of operations requires a corresponding wide publicity, attainable primarily through the mass media. The creation of an image in the market environment is carried out using marketing communications, one of which is PR.

Figure: 3. The process of forming a corporate image

The image can be recreated (for new organization), change. Image is the main goal of organizational (corporate) identity management. Corporate identity is a system of names, symbols, signs, logos, colors, myths, rituals that project the “personality” or “personality” of a company. The corporate identity must reflect the mission, structure, business and ambition of the company. Work on corporate identity is so important that it often leads to structural change, or repositioning of an organization seeking to serve other markets. That is, the very "personality", or "individuality" of the organization is changing (Fig. 3.).

A successful image formation process requires management (planning, organization, control). Image formation activities are assessed qualitatively (goals, structure, content, performers, technologies) and quantitatively (costs, terms, results, economic efficiency). The image has its own structure, is described parametrically and is modeled (for example, using the perception profile and the method of semantic differential), as well as the process of its formation. The characteristics of the image are:

Perception group

A set of perceived and measurable properties of the organization, weights and values \u200b\u200bof property assessments,

Duration of existence and stability of the image,

The level of positivity / negativity,


· activities,

· Costs of creating and maintaining the image.

Today, imageology has an extensive arsenal of means of image formation. Here is some of them:

1) Positioning. This technology is the most significant for imaging and represents the placement of an object in a favorable information environment.

2) Manipulation. A fairly widespread method of communicative influence that serves as a "legend" or "myth" that disguises true intentions.

3) Mythologization. It is associated with the construction of a double message, which affects the level of consciousness and subconsciousness. There are myths and archetypes in every person at a deep level, and the task of the image maker is to activate this symbolism in a direction that is beneficial for himself.

4) Emotionalization. This method is associated with the translation of any information from a rational language into an emotional language.

5) Format. It is understood as the processes of creating the contexts specified for the formation of the necessary image.

6) Verbalization. This technique is based on the image maker's ability to communicate in the language of the audience, direct verbalization in the right direction when it is necessary to hide the real state of affairs.

7) Detailing. This technique increases the level of information impact, since the details, being reference signals, are stored in memory longer.

8) Distance. This method is associated with the artificial removal of all negative, negative, which destroys a positive image, reduces its rating.

9) Visualization. This technique involves influencing the audience through several channels of perception at once.

The technology of creating an image involves the active use of two directions: 1. Descriptive (or informational), representing the image; 2. Evaluation, which exists as a stimulating assessment and emotion caused by information of varying intensity, bearing a certain emotional and psychological reaction.

The image is assessed using experience, value orientations, generally accepted norms, principles. Evaluation and image have conditional conceptual differences and inextricable link.

Due to objective conditions, the image can be positive, negative, and fuzzy. The purpose of the structure is to create a positive image that increases competitiveness, attracting the attention of society, accelerating the process of acceptance and increasing the number of supporters, which allows activating financial, informational, human and material resources. The concept of image formation involves the following development stages for a successful movement: a) planning; b) organization; c) control. The main means of image formation include:

1) Form style - the basis of the image, the main means of its formation.

2) Visual means - design techniques for forming an image. 3) Verbal (verbal) means (with the use of NLP) - a specially selected stylistics, focused on the needs of the consumer, is successfully used for broadcasting advertising on the radio. Advertising means - advertising means used in each case, contributing to the formation of a favorable attitude.

4) Representation on the Internet - creating a website in a uniform style of the organization, which will provide all the necessary information. The information on the site must always be up to date. It is also necessary that your site could be found by potential clients who do not know about the existence of your company. The creation, support and promotion of the site is a responsible business, therefore it is better to entrust this work to professionals in this field.

5) PR-events - thoughtful, planned, constant efforts to establish and strengthen mutual understanding between the enterprise and the public. These are exhibitions, presentations, press conferences, sponsorship events. The attitude of target groups to the ongoing PR campaigns, the scale of the audience of the sponsored campaign are also important.

a. Organization of special events

Special events are events held by a company to draw public attention to the company itself, its activities and products. The special events are designed to disrupt the routine and customary course of life in the company itself and its environment, to become an event for target groups of the public.

A successful special event requires more serious preparation than is usually assumed by the audience, participants and invitees. It is important to clearly define the purpose of the special event, coordinate it with all stakeholders and bring it to the attention of all participants in the preparation of the event. This helps to avoid multidirectional actions and to achieve fundamental coordination of efforts. The preparation of a special event involves determining the circle of participants and their roles, the composition of the invitees, the development of a detailed program and a script, scheduled by the minute. All possible deviations from the scenario must be foreseen in advance. Events shouldn't get out of hand. Impromptu and surprises for the organizers of the special event should not exist - they should be left only for the public.

Image of the country in terms of communication

The process of forming the international image of the state depends on many factors - the success of the state's foreign policy, the specifics of the state's domestic policy, the efficiency of the economy ...

Basic concepts of law

The source of positive (coming from the state) law is usually understood as a form of expression of state will aimed at recognizing the fact of the existence of law, at its formation ...

Features of labor motivation of municipal employees

motivation employee incentive ...

The concept of state interest and its specificity

state interest government political state interests are formed in accordance with the geopolitical parameters and resource capabilities of the state at the intersection of a multitude of intertwining, interconnected ...

Motive concept. The mechanism for the formation of criminal motives

Soviet psychological science as a general mechanism for the emergence of motives considered the realization of needs "in the course of search activity", that is, activity ...

Psychological and physiological aspects of drug addiction and taking into account the personality of a drug addict when investigating crimes

All ideas about the mechanisms of dependence formation can be divided into two groups: biological and psychological. The first attempt to explain this disease on the basis that drug addiction is associated with a change in metabolism ...

Natural law theory

Natural law is a concept that reflects a set of principles, rules and values \u200b\u200bdetermined by human nature and, as a result, not associated with their recognition by a specific state ...

Formation of the image of administrative reform

Formation of the image of the head of the municipal formation on the example of the formation of the image of the head of the Starominsky district

Management as a purposeful human activity includes the orderly regulation of interaction and the creation of conditions for the functioning and development of various objects and processes in nature, society and technology. It's special ...

Increasingly, we are faced with a contradiction when the image of an official, created in the mass consciousness by the media, in particular by the press ...

Formation of a positive image of public authorities