The salary of the educator of the 1st category per year. Salaries of educators in russia. Average salary of teaching staff in Russia

The crisis is becoming more and more noticeable in Russia, but the authorities say that they will be actively involved in the social sphere, and will try to do everything so that teachers and educators do not change their occupation, staying to work with children. It is important for kindergarten workers to present, but they cannot answer with confidence. You need to consider the problem from several sides and try to build a logical chain.

Is it profitable for the state to raise wages

In order to spend additional money on some area, the state must provide a justification. For example, increased costs for agriculture can be explained by the need for import substitution, the increased appetites of the power structures - by the need to fight “enemies” and the task of maintaining stability within the country. As for educators, now there is a noticeable "subsidence" in this area. Young cadres are in no hurry to get a job in kindergartens, finding more profitable offer in any other areas. At the same time, the state is actively working on a program to stimulate the birth rate.

It turns out that the problem prevents the implementation of priority projects, which means that something needs to be done. That is why, thinking about whether there will be an increase in the salary of teachers in 2017, one can tune in to the positive.However, it is worthwhile to immediately put before oneself the real facts - you will not have to count on a noticeable increase, especially for residents of small towns. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, educators will be able to receive several thousand rubles from above through local incentive payments, unless, of course, the authorities sharply change the general course and allocate a noticeable amount from the budget, which will be enough for everyone.

Assessment of the teacher's work

At the same time, it is not difficult to guess how the educators themselves are outraged by the situation. A colossal load falls on their shoulders, because modern parents require close attention to each child, of whom there can be about twenty per adult in a group. The authorities in Russia should plan to increase the salary of a junior educator in 2017 because many experienced teachers and methodologists are ready to go to rallies to declare the lack of personnel and the reluctance of young people to work for a penny.

Meeting with Russians, the top officials of the Russian Federation have repeatedly said that education and upbringing of children is a contribution to the future, but things do not go beyond words and decrees signed on paper for several reasons. Local officials do not know how to effectively manage funds, the allocated money does not always go to what it was intended for. Finally, if additional payments are to be made at the expense of the local budget, people working in small towns begin to lose heavily to their metropolitan colleagues.

Comparison of salaries

The salary tables compiled by living people working in the field of education show that in Moscow a teacher lives on 38 thousand a month, and a colleague from Voronezh is content with a salary of 12 thousand, performing the same amount of work. Such a monstrous difference cannot be explained by the fact that “life in the capital is expensive”. To prove this, it is enough to compare the salary of a teacher from St. Petersburg - 19 thousand and Volgograd - 9 thousand. Volgograd is also a million-plus city, but no one pays attention to the problem.

Throughout the country, there is a reduction in educators, because people simply have nothing to survive. Experts say that having settled the situation in Moscow, the local authorities show their superiors that the problem has been solved, but the fact remains that those who have good material support from relatives or husbands can now work as educators.

Arguing whether there will be an increase in the salaries of educators in 2017 in Russia last news advise not to hope for a miracle, but also not to give up.Along with the shaky economy, completely different problems come to the heads of those in power. Now even specialized areas will not seriously deal with this issue, because they understand that all proposals will be shattered by the need to send money to support the market and develop entrepreneurship, which is declining due to broken ties with foreign partners and deteriorating financial conditions.

How to get a big salary

For a modern educator who passionately wants to do his job and really believes that he can realize himself in this area, the only way out is to move to the capital. An alternative option is to work in private kindergartens, where the salary directly depends on the "coolness" of the institution and the contributions of parents, as well as the policy of the authorities.

Salary may depend on:

  • Work experience of the educator;
  • Qualifications;
  • Titles and documented awards;
  • Successful presentations at conferences;
  • Kindergarten attendance.
Perhaps, only the last factor does not depend on the person, because it is impossible to accurately predict how many children will come in the new year.

To make big money, you can use one of the tips:

  • Consider moving to the capital;
  • Try to get a job in a private kindergarten;
  • Suggest to parents additional services (private lessons, developing games with a child);
  • Consider alignment if time remains.
In every city you can find developmental circles for preschoolers, usually they always require people who work on modern techniques... These sessions can be held several times a week. After work, it is convenient for parents to take the kids to classes in the evening. This time can also be convenient for a teacher who is going to earn extra money.

How much should a teacher receive

The teacher's rate for 2017 in the Russian Federation is on average 22 thousand, but this is the data obtained after dividing the teacher's salary in Moscow with a salary of about 40 thousand and in Perm - about 14 thousand.Speaking more honestly, a novice educator can count on an amount of about 10 thousand, and then his salary will depend on the length of service and workload. In other countries, caregivers in government agencies they also don't get much, but, for example, in America they can afford to buy a house, a car on credit, eat well, relax in the summer and dress decently.

The planned indexation of teachers' salaries will take place during the general indexation of public sector salaries. It is not known exactly when it will be, but if the crisis grows, this issue will become even more acute. A small indexation, in any case, will not add any amount, but will keep the real wages at the level of previous years.

Today, the government does not want to speak in advance and does not make promises, because people with small incomes very much hope for support and are completely dependent on the course of the country. In order not to be unfounded, the deputies and ministries shy away from answering, stating that now they cannot say with certainty whether the increase in the salary of educators in 2017 in Russia will or should not expect any changes. If it is possible to carve out additional funds, if the economy of the Russian Federation stabilizes, there will be time and effort to deal with the social sphere. If difficulties arise, which will have to be addressed as a priority, the question of the teachers' salaries will remain open.

We bring to your attention the latest news on the salary of educators in 2018 - up-to-date information collected from open media sources, legislative regulations and statistical data.

The essence of the profession of an educator and the validity of budgetary indexation of wages

The caregiver is an employee of preschool, school and / or specialized educational institutionsthat are in municipal or private ownership. The scope of the study is limited to the wages of educators working in municipal educational institutions, since the wages of private workers are not subject to indexation by the authorities. The salaries of educators are regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:

  • Labor Code Russian Federation: article 129 and article 135.
  • An employment contract or collective agreement between an employee / group of employees and the employer as well as other intra-organizational regulations: Charter, rate scale and so on.
  • Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in particular, order number 1600 and order number AF-947) and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
  • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of this article, the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation issued in May 2012 (in particular, Decree No. 597) are of particular interest for the research and attention of the reader.

The essence of the indexation of wages and the "May Decrees" of the President of the Russian Federation

Indexation, from the point of view of the economy, is an adjustment of the size of wages aimed at reimbursing the material losses of the population associated with an increase in consumer prices. There are two main types of salary indexation: automatic (the growth of salaries of budget employees is proportional to inflation) and semi-automatic (the growth of salaries of budget employees occurs on the basis of agreements between employers and trade unions and / or authorities, which allow fixing the lower level of wages in order to ensure social protection population).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2012 No. 597, the salaries of educators should be increased by 50%. This decision is long-term and should be fully implemented by January 1, 2018. Unofficially, the Decrees issued in May 2012 regarding the increase in the wages of public sector employees were called "May Decrees".

Statistical data on the salaries of educators in different regions of Russia for 2012 in the period before the publication of the "May Decrees" of the President of the Russian Federation

Statistical data for 2017 on salaries of educators in different regions of the Russian Federation

Average percentage of salary indexation of educators from 2012 to 2017 and forecasts for indexation as of January 1, 2018

As can be seen from the above statistics on the salaries of educators in various regions of the Russian Federation, from 2012 until the publication of the Presidential Decrees on increasing the salaries of public sector employees through 2017, salaries were indexed by an average of 30 percent. Thus, on the basis of the data provided in the section "The essence of the indexation of wages and the" May Decrees "of the President of the Russian Federation", by January 1, 2018, the wages of educators should be indexed by another 20 percent. As an example: in the Tula region, the salary should be in the lower limit of about 18,000 rubles and in upper limit about 35,000 rubles.

The authorities of the Moscow region during 2017 will increase the salaries of state employees twice - at once for 10 categories of healthcare and education workers (see "Specifically"). Like last year, the first indexation will take place in the spring, the second - in the fall. Thus, the May decrees of the President of Russia are being implemented in the Moscow region.


From May 1 and September 1 - twice this year - we will increase salaries doctors, middle and junior medical staff- Governor Andrei Vorobyov said at a meeting of the regional government. - And, most importantly, we will increase the salaries of junior educators by 70% from September 1. A large social program - we will continue to continue it in the Moscow region. I ask our MEF, sectoral departments and the Moscow Regional Duma to prepare all the necessary orders and laws in order to promptly bring this to those who receive salaries.

The governor noted that the Moscow region will need an additional 5.4 billion rubles for the May increase in salaries of state employees. 3.6 billion will be allocated from the regional budget. The remaining 1.8 billion of this amount is money that was saved due to more efficient management of budgetary institutions.

IN last years in the region, an administrative reform is being actively carried out, the reduction of the staff of officials, as well as the transformation of territories into urban districts, - explains the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov. - Thanks to these measures, it was possible to achieve significant budget savings. The released funds are directed to the social sphere.


Andrey Vorobyov instructed the Ministry of Defense to prepare a special legal act - to formalize the increase in salaries.

In the very near future, the document will be submitted to the regional parliament for consideration, Bryntsalov said. - It is obvious that this measure (increase in salaries. - Author) is necessary. The region is experiencing a shortage of specialists in health care and education. Raising salaries will be another important step in solving this problem.

It is worth noting that last year, salaries were also raised for public sector employees near Moscow. Then more than 6 billion rubles were allocated from the budget of the Moscow region for this item.


To whom will the salary be increased

2. Nursing staff

3. Junior nursing staff

4. Social workers

5. Cultural workers

6. Teachers in schools

7. Teachers in kindergartens

8. Educators additional education

9. Health Scientists

10. Educational workers who work with orphans

In addition, an increase in the categories not related to the May decrees will be considered: these are junior educators in kindergartens (nannies), as well as specialists in social work and rehabilitation of disabled people.

Published on 09/01/17 09:19 AM

Raising the salaries of teachers in 2017 in Russia, the latest news: On September 1, Russian state employees will receive a raise.

Increase of salaries of state employees in 2017 in Russia: latest news

The salaries of Russian state employees will be increased from September 1, 2017. Incomes will increase among doctors, nurses and nurses, social workers, from cultural workers, teachers in schools and institutions of additional education, from kindergarten teachers, teachers who work with orphans, and from researchers. A total of 10 categories of workers. T

"I want to confirm today that, within the framework of the execution of presidential decrees, we twice this year intkbbee we will increase the salaries of public sector employees. We are allocating more than 5.4 billion rubles for the May increase alone, "said Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov.

It is reported that since September 1, 2017, the salaries of doctors have been raised by 6%, by 19% - by nurses and by 10% - by junior medical personnel. Teachers of schools, kindergartens, institutions of additional education, teachers working with orphans, as well as employees of cultural institutions will receive 5% more. But the salary of the educational support staff of kindergartens (nannies) was raised by 70%. Thus, the average salary of school teachers will rise to 51.1 thousand rubles on average, kindergarten teachers - 58.9 thousand, nannies - 23.4 thousand rubles a month. The salary of workers in the sphere of culture will be 42.3 thousand rubles in state and 39.2 thousand - in municipal cultural institutions.

Were introduced and incentive payments to directors of schools near Moscow.

1.8 billion payments are expected to be provided by optimizing the activities of institutions, the rest of the money will be taken from the regional budget. The increase will be felt most tangibly among junior kindergarten teachers. Their salaries will increase by 70% from September 1.

Despite the official assurances of the government about huge investments of state revenues in the social sphere, real improvements in the state of affairs are not so tangible. The inflation rate is still high, practically covers all the results of the indexation of incomes of state employees, and they have to guess whether they will raise wages in 2017. But the promised program to increase salaries was launched a few years ago and employees government organizations it remains only to wait and believe that it will soon be realized. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to wait, especially for the categories of employees with not the highest wages, for example, for educators.

Meanwhile, employees of institutions preschool education work under heavy loads. The working day lasts about 8 hours and all of it passes in psychological stress - raising children requires great responsibility and concentration. Despite this, the profession of an educator is one of the lowest paid in budgetary sphere.

According to the official data of Rosstat, the salary of educators today is about 25 thousand rubles. The practical data of many polls contradict the official figures - the real income barely exceeds the cost of living.

The government understands the dire plight of caregivers, and to change the situation, a program to steadily increase workers' incomes was launched. social sphere... The increase in the salaries of educators must be carried out strictly until 2018, even if the country is experiencing severe economic problems.

Until now, the schedule of planned income growth for this category of citizens has not been violated, but the situation with 2017 remains in the fog of vague promises.

Teacher salaries in 2017

The economic crisis continues in the Russian Federation and has noticeably hit the wallets of all segments of the population. This circumstance raises concerns - it is still not clear whether funds will be found to increase the salaries of educators in 2017. According to some media reports, the government is not going to deviate from the planned plan and officially, an increase in the salaries of social workers will take place. But, most likely, the procedure will take place with some amendments.

So, perhaps, the government will change the system for calculating payments to each employee, depending on the regional specifics. Together with the working salary, they will calculate:

  • overtime surcharges;
  • bonus money.

Thus, the average income of a teacher will grow significantly with the same unreduced hourly salary. This innovation has not yet been officially introduced, but it has been actively discussed for several years. It is impossible to guarantee such a course of events in 2017, but the chances of this scenario are quite high.

Indexation of teachers' salaries in 2017

Even taking into account all the doubts and concerns, there is no doubt about the indexation of salaries for educators in 2017. Yes, even now the media are shaken by loud statements by skeptics about the abolition of indexation due to a serious budget deficit, but the size of the index itself is still unknown. This indicator will depend on the inflation rate, objective information on which is also lacking.

According to economic experts, inflation will not surpass the 10 percent mark. Based on the plan, indexation should take place in the near future, but the salary of educators in 2017, the latest news reports that it may be delayed by a government decision.

This is due to possible searches for other options for increasing the index. So, the idea of \u200b\u200bdouble indexing has already been voiced: to raise the salaries of teachers twice, but the coefficient will be minimal both times.

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