The essence and types of attestation value. Cheat sheet: Features of certification of personnel of public and private organizations. Features of the certification of personnel in the organization

The essence of the concept of personnel certification

Personnel certification - a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment according to the specified criteria for the compliance of a particular employee's activities with clear standards for performing work at a given workplace in a given position for a certain period of time.

Personnel certification is a narrower concept than assessment. The assessment of personnel is understood as the process of determining the effectiveness of employees in the implementation of the tasks of the organization in order to consistently accumulate information necessary for making further management decisions.

Assessment can be formal or informal, regular or irregular, depending on the specific needs of the company. It can pursue various, rather narrow, tasks, not necessarily directly related to work standards.

The certification procedure differs from a simple assessment by its systematic (regularity) and formalization. Attestation has clearly defined time intervals (once a quarter, half a year, a year), events followed by the attestation procedure (project completion, employee probation). Formalization of attestation means a clear written statement of attestation goals, participants, forms of recording results, instructions for assessors, etc., that is, clear regulation that allows whistling to minimize the subjectivity inherent in conventional assessment.

Stage of the personnel certification process.

The certification process, like any other process in the company, is a structure, an algorithm of actions that are required for the correct flow of both the entire process as a whole and its individual elements (Figure 1). For more structuredness, the process can be divided into four logical stages, including a number of elements of the entire certification process (Table 1).

Table 1. Logical stages of the personnel certification process.

Picture 1. Components the personnel certification process.

Preliminary stage.

Like any project, appraisal begins with a goal. A correctly set goal - necessary condition building a system and achieving results.

The purpose of the qualification must meet the following conditions:

¾ clearly articulated;

¾ measurable (at the end of the certification procedure, the result obtained must correspond to the set goal);

¾ realistic;

¾ take into account the time interval (the period for which the performance is assessed - for the last year, 6 months, 3 months, in organizations with a matrix (project) structure, this can be certification for the period of work on the project);

¾ the purpose of certification should not replace shortcomings in other areas (for example, determining the level of payment of each employee relative to other employees);

¾ should be agreed upon and shared by all employees involved in the qualification process.

"The purpose of certification depends on the position of the company, its activity in terms of development, flexibility of the internal structure and the possibility of employee growth within the company."

The setting of goals for personnel certification is in full accordance with the goals and objectives of the company, its development strategy and is determined by the head (owner) of the company.

In the theory of attestation, there are three main groups of goals (Table 2).

Table 2. Main objectives of certification.

Administrative decisions Change in salary Change in the incentive system (punishment) Compliance with the position held (for subsequent administrative decisions)
Potential (development) Getting feedback from employees Identifying the potential of employees Informing employees about what the firm expects of them Career development Personal development Adjustment of the organization's plans (are our employees able to fulfill the changed tasks) Information for planning the organization's human resources Establishing performance standards
Activity (current, for a certain past period) Past performance in a certain period Achievement of results in the past period Need for training Identify work problems Improve current performance

At the preliminary stage, the readiness of the organization to conduct certification (situation analysis) is also checked, which includes:

¾ readiness of the necessary regulatory documents;

¾ preparedness of managers for certification;

¾ calculation of financial costs for the certification process (1);

¾ analysis of the results of previous attestations, if any, etc.

t i - time spent i-th employee preparation for certification;

z i - salary of the i-th employee per hour;

t j - time for attestation of the j-th employee;

Zj is the salary of the j-th employee per hour,

Z jk - salary of the k-th employee per hour participating in the certification of the j-ro employee;

D org - expenses for organizational expenses;

D np - lost profit;

TO - costs of attracting consultants and purchasing literature.

At this stage, a maximum of information is collected, allowing to correctly design and reasonably make decisions at subsequent stages of certification, depending on the current situation.

Preparatory stage

Group selection attested directly depends on the objectives of attestation. If there are difficulties with the choice of certified workers, then, probably, a mistake was made when setting the goal of certification, or the goal was not specifically formulated.

When choosing a group to be certified, it is necessary to follow the principle: having decided “with the departments in which the certification is carried out, or with the job levels (groups) that are included in the procedure, ALL employees of this department or this steering group must go through the certification procedure. (An exception is made only in the case of attestation for administrative purposes for employees who are not subject to attestation in accordance with the Labor Code.) Selective attestation is impossible - then it is not attestation at all. "

As with the selection of assessors, the selection of assessors is made in accordance with the objectives of the assessment. When carried out for administrative purposes, the choice of workers performing certification is regulated by the Labor Code, art. 82 (in case of dismissal based on the results of certification).

In other cases, the assessment can be carried out by: the immediate supervisor; the head of the head; personnel service representative; self-esteem; peer assessment (peers); evaluation by subordinates; assessment center.

In any case, the selection of assessors is of great importance. These should be people who know what and how should be, can give specific advice.

Development of criteria for assessment is the stage at which the image of the ideal employee occupying a position subject to certification is formed. As a rule, line managers are engaged in the development of assessment criteria, based on job descriptions positions subject to certification.

The development of certification criteria can be presented in the form of an algorithm:

1. Identification of the key factors for the position. Selection of assessment criteria corresponding to key factors.

2. A clear description of the evaluation criteria that does not allow for ambiguous interpretation. The choice of a scale of gradation of the severity of the criterion (two-point, five-point, etc.).

3. Checking how accurately the criterion to be evaluated is defined for a particular job. If the criterion is not clear or too complex, it should be broken down into simple criteria or more clearly described.

4. Separation of criteria into important for this position and not very (the latter must be abandoned). Checking the possibility of obtaining information on the selected criterion to assess the employee's performance on this criterion. Grouping of similar criteria. Merging several similar criteria into one is not permissible.

5. Re-evaluation of the remaining criteria (unambiguity of the wording, accuracy of determining the evaluated criterion). Adjustment of the rating scale in accordance with reality (too high requirements are just as dangerous as too low ones).

The main thing in this process is to determine the key factors for this position, the compliance with which must be assessed during the certification process. To check the selected criteria, it is recommended to fill out the questionnaire presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Questionnaire for checking the selected criteria.

After filling out this questionnaire, checking the selected criteria, you need to answer the questions:

1. Is there enough information to be judged on "Very Important" criteria? If not, you need to think about how to get this information.

2. Is there enough information to be judged on the "Important" criteria? If not, the importance of these criteria should be assessed. If they are important - options for obtaining information.

3. No need to waste time evaluating according to "Unimportant criteria".

The result will be a list of criteria that meet the following requirements:

The criterion should be important for a given position, that is, if the work standard does not meet the selected criterion, the work cannot be performed at the required level;

Sufficiency of information for assessment according to the selected criterion, i.e. the ability to obtain the necessary information to compare the activities of employees in relation to accepted standards.

Method selectioncertification. A lot has been written about the methods of attestation in the literature. Typically, organizations use a combination of different methods:

- Rating methods.They consist in assessing the employee according to the specified criteria in accordance with the selected scale. There are two options - the introduction of rating scales, when the score is from 1 to 3 points, from 1 to 4 points, from 1 to 5 or 10 points - at the discretion of the developers of the scale. The second option is a “list” where the answer is “yes” or “no”.

- Comparative methods - the evaluators compare the employee's performance. There are several options - ranking, pairwise comparison. Application of the method of paired comparisons is limited by the number of compared objects, since the total number of comparisons made is calculated by the formula (2).

, n - the number of compared objects. (2)

- Written methods. First of all, an essay (characteristic of the employee) and the method of critical situations. It is much more difficult to process information obtained using characteristics than that obtained using rating methods. In addition, the characteristics are much more likely to be subjective.

The method is quite complicated and requires high qualifications in preparation. It makes sense to apply it for those works in which the traits of behavior in various situations are very important.

- Management by Objectives (MBO - Management By Objectives).During certification, the employee and the manager evaluate the fulfillment of previously set goals. The assessment is carried out for each goal and personal plan of the employee and, as a rule, is set as a percentage. The assessment is carried out jointly, but the manager has a decisive vote in making the final decision.

As a rule, in practice, certification is not used according to one method, but several, complementary methods are used.

It should be noted the importance of observing the following condition in the assessment methods: “the need detailed description quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the possible states of the indicator. At the same time, we are talking about the desire to minimize the subjectivity of assessments, since it is hardly possible to find a way to achieve their complete objectivity. "

Preparatory activities. After making a fundamental decision to conduct certification working group prepares draft documents and a work plan.

This project a package of documents is submitted for consideration to line managers participating in certification for review and submission of proposals in writing within a certain period.

After receiving comments and suggestions from managers, the final package of documents is formed. An order is issued for the organization to conduct certification. Simultaneously with the order or even earlier, the Regulation on Attestation is brought to the attention of all employees.

At this stage, work should be carried out to clarify the purpose and meaning of the upcoming procedure, most importantly, the benefit that it will bring to its participants and the entire organization as a whole. It is important that the leaders of the organization at all levels become involved in the process, and therefore have an interest in the successful implementation of the assessment.

It should be noted separately work plan, which is compiled after determining the goals and methods of attestation. It includes:

Detailed plan works with an indication of the participants in the process;

Time frames for passing stages;

Resources required;

List of persons responsible for individual stages and the entire process as a whole.

After drawing up a plan of organizational and technical measures, it is again correlated with the goal. With the correct implementation of the previous stages, there should be no discrepancy between the efforts and the expected result. Otherwise, it is necessary to revise the methods and approaches before moving on to other stages.

Stage of conducting

This stage is marked by direct certification of personnel. A predetermined work is carried out to assess, collect and register information regarding certified personnel. The success of this stage depends entirely on the elaboration of the previous stages of the process.

At this stage, the level of subjectivity of the assessors will influence the degree of data reliability. To minimize subjectivity, they must have a clearly debugged "tool" of assessment, understood both by themselves and by those being assessed, know the specific goals of the certification and be interested in its result.


At the end of the certification, the degree of achievement of the set goals is assessed. The results obtained depend on what goal was set, what methods were used. Analysis of the results of certification can provide not only a better understanding of the activities of a particular employee, but also an understanding of the current situation in the organization.

After analyzing the results, an action plan is drawn up - both for the organization as a whole and for individual managers and employees. The action plan is directly related to the goals that were set before the certification. For example, if the goal was to identify training needs for employees, a training plan should be developed.

The plan should be clear, clear and measurable. The content of the plan is communicated to everyone who is affected by it and the implementation of the developed plan begins. Only in this case, certification is a really useful management tool and will justify the effort and expense.


Discipline: Human Resources

Topic: Features of certification of personnel of public and private organizations


group student


(academic degree, title)

"_____" _____________ 2011


1. Basics of personnel certification in the organization

1.1 The essence and concept of attestation

1.2 Certification procedure

1.3 Procedure for using attestation results

2. Experience of personnel certification on the example of a military organization

2.1 Organization of work of personnel bodies for the certification of personnel

2.2 Problems identified during the organization of certification work


List of used literature


personnel organization certification personnel


The transition to a market economy at the present stage of Russia's development practically demanded recognition of the inequality of people in general and, in terms of their professional and personal qualities, in particular.

The market obliges the employer and the owner of the labor resource - the citizen - to look for indicators of the conformity of the workplace and the employee. And, if for employees of state organizations the legislator has already developed the main criteria, then the private entrepreneur - the head of the production structure is given complete freedom of action within the limits established by laws.

The issues of checking the professional suitability of personnel, the main criteria for checking, the frequency of checking, the depth and selectivity of checking, the use of its results are just the tip of the iceberg of the unusually interesting issue of determining the professional "weight" of a particular employee in the labor market, both in public and private structures.

This determines relevance selected topic.

The purpose research is the study of the features of certification of personnel of public and private organizations.

Research objectives :

Consider the essence of certification, the algorithm for its implementation and the procedure for using the results of certification;

For example government organization analyze the regulatory framework for the certification, the organization of the work of personnel bodies for certification of personnel and the problems identified in the course of the organization of certification work;

Object research is the management system and personnel of the military organization.

Subject research advocates certification of personnel of the federal state structure.

Research methods - institutional analysis, traditional scientific literature analysis, document analysis (traditional or content analysis).

Based on the tasks of the research, the following structure of the course work has developed: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of used literature and applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, defines the goal, objectives, object and subject of research.

The first chapter "Fundamentals of personnel certification in an organization" examines the essence of the concept of certification, the algorithm for its implementation and the procedure for using the certification results.

The second chapter "Experience of personnel certification on the example of a state organization" analyzes the regulatory framework for certification, the organization of the work of personnel certification bodies and the problems identified during the organization of certification work on the example of the work of the personnel body of a military unit.

In the conclusion, the main conclusions and recommendations obtained during the work are outlined.

The appendices contain working copies of the documents of the personnel service of the military unit for certification of military personnel.

1. Basics of personnel certification in an organization

1.1 The essence and concept of attestation

Attestation as a procedure related to checking the compliance of an employee, organization or place of employment with established requirements is becoming widespread. In addition to the previously existing certification of specialists and workplaces, educational institutions and various business entities are now subject to certification. State exams in universities have now been replaced by final certification of graduates educational institutions.

Even the ancients said: "States perish when they can no longer distinguish good people from bad" (Antisthenes). This need to distinguish the best from the rest eventually resulted in the creation of a system for attestation of officials of management levels and other categories of workers.

Certification is a subject of research not only for lawyers, but also for managers, psychologists, which must be taken into account in the course of preparation and conduct of certification.

Certification has been studied in labor law, but has never been seen as an independent institution.

It is known that labor law has an impact on socio-economic relations. The new existing labor legislation has been adjusted and brought into line with the requirements of the market economy and the labor market. The dynamics of labor law is determined by technological, organizational and social change in the world of work, which are global in modern conditions. This also applies to the legal regulation of certification, as one of the most important organizational and legal forms of verification and assessment of professional training, contributing to a more rational use of the creative potential of each certified employee.

With the adoption in December 2001 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the conceptual apparatus of labor legislation has undergone significant changes: at the level of law, definitions have been given to many terms, the meaning of certain terms has been clarified, and a number of new concepts have been introduced. One of these new concepts, introduced by the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation, was the concept of "certification", which found its consolidation in subparagraph b of paragraph 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

However, at present there is no legal definition of the notion “attestation” in the legislation. As for scientific, educational and popular legal literature, it should be noted that in it the concept of attestation is interpreted far from unambiguously, which negatively affects law enforcement practice.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the circle of law enforcers of labor legislation is much wider than in other sectors: here, in addition to professional lawyers, there are employers, workers, trade unions, and many other bodies and organizations. Therefore, his concepts, to a greater extent than the concepts of other branches of law, need an authentic interpretation, which will allow avoiding ambiguity, ambiguity in understanding the meaning.

The analysis of the concept of "certification" can begin with the Encyclopedic Legal Dictionary, which says that "job certification is the definition of an employee's qualifications in order to verify the suitability of the position held." A more detailed concept of attestation is contained in the Russian Legal Encyclopedia. IN this definition mentions the official role of certification as a legal phenomenon - determining the level of professional training of an employee.

According to L.V. Trukhanovich and D.L. Schur, certification of workers - “determination of the qualifications of an employee, the level of his knowledge and suitability for the position held. Assessment is designed to help identify common human resources, creation of a reserve of executives and specialists ”.

V.M. Anisimov defines the concept of "attestation of personnel" and says that this is "checking, determining the conformity of business qualifications, the level of knowledge and skills of the employee, and other socially significant qualities of the position." In his opinion, "certification is one of the most important forms of public control (verification) of the quality of an employee's professional activity."

In the above definitions, the generally accepted understanding of certification is laid and the main purpose of its implementation is traced. Based on these definitions of the concept of "attestation" and summarizing them, we can say that attestation is a periodic, comprehensive examination of the qualifications (level of professional training, knowledge, skills) of an employee in order to determine the suitability of the position (work performed).

Some legal scholars view attestation in a broad and a narrow sense. IN AND. Kurilov believes that "the definition of qualifications, the level of knowledge of an employee, student, citizen, the conformity of his business and political qualities to a certain profession, specialty, qualification or position can be called certification in a broad sense." In his opinion, the certification of workers in the narrow sense is “carried out by an enterprise, institution, organization with the help of the certification commission, in order to constantly improve the business qualifications and ideological and political level of workers, improve their selection and placement, periodically check business, political, organizational, moral and personal qualities of workers of a certain category in a special organizational form. "

L.V. Azyamova believes that “the basis for the certification of employees is a comprehensive assessment of their activities, including professional, business, spiritual, moral and personal qualities of the employee, as well as the results of his work, based on a system of relevant indicators characterizing the degree to which the employee has achieved specific goals, his compliance ( inconsistency) with the position held ".

A.V. Khizhnyakova in the concept of "certification of employees" includes a periodic comprehensive check of the level of business, personal and moral qualities of an employee for the corresponding position held by him.

Indeed, when in the days of the USSR, certification was inextricably linked with the verification of not only business, but also political, moral and personal qualities, this was understandable, this was due to the specifics of the time. Checking the level of moral, spiritual and moral qualities of the employee, which A.V. Khizhnyakova, L.V. Azyamova, as well as V.I. Kurilov, cannot serve as a basis for determining the level of qualifications and recognizing an employee as appropriate or inappropriate for the position held (work performed). The assessment of these qualities can be present only when certifying certain categories of workers based on their activities (for example: teaching staff, civil servants, prosecutors, etc.), which should be determined by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

As you can see, there is a lack of uniformity in the understanding of the concept of "attestation", and we are talking about attestation of personnel, or attestation of personnel, on performance appraisal, on job attestation, attestation of employees, attestation of employees, etc. At the same time, different terminology can be used in relation to the specialization of workers, depending on the specifics of labor. This situation gives rise to the formulation of different goals.

If we take as a basis the definition that emerged in the course of generalization of the above points of view that certification is a periodic, comprehensive examination of the qualifications (level of professional training, knowledge, skills) of an employee in order to determine the suitability of the position (work performed), then the purpose of certification will be one - Determination of compliance with the position held (work performed). The suitability for the position held is determined by checking the qualifications (level of professional training, knowledge, skills) of the employee.

Qualification is the level of professional training, the availability of knowledge and skills necessary to perform a certain job, in a certain specialty, position. Unfortunately, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not define the concept of "qualification", but Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation discloses the definition of the term "qualification category", from which one can build on. The qualification rank is a value that reflects the level of professional training. The concept of "qualifications" is a general concept that can be broadly interpreted in relation to the characteristics of the profession, type of activity and working conditions.

For example: certification of rescuers is carried out in order to determine the possibility of performing emergency rescue operations. Consider another example: the purpose of certification of welders is to establish the sufficiency of their theoretical and practical training, to test their knowledge and skills. There is also a disclosure and clarification of the concept of "qualifications" in relation to this type of activity - this is theoretical and practical training and the availability of special skills.

The certification of employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities includes a comprehensive assessment of their knowledge of individual rules, norms and instructions for industrial safety.

From the above, it can be traced that there is no common understanding of certification and the goals of its implementation, not only in scientific, educational and popular legal literature, but also in the current Russian regulatory legal acts on certification. Hence the ambiguous solution to the issues of the formation of certification commissions, preparation and implementation of certification, assessment of the certified and legal consequences of certification. Of course, this can be explained by the specifics of the industries that adopted these certification acts, the specifics of the professions and the working conditions of the certified workers. But these differences would be less if, when solving issues related to attestation, everyone proceeded from a single concept of "attestation" and the purpose for which it is carried out, enshrined in a comprehensive act at the level of federal law.

1.2 Certification procedure

More than thirty regulatory legal acts are devoted to certification issues. Of these, about twenty directly regulate the certification of workers. At the same time, attention is drawn to the disunity of normative acts on certification, their adoption by individual departments in the absence of uniform approaches to solving fundamental provisions affecting the interests of employees.

The Russian government does not play a consolidating role in resolving certification issues. There is not a single fundamental, comprehensive legal act in this area on federal level... It is hardly advisable, against the general background, the adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation of several decrees that solve particular issues of certification. We are talking about decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, such as No. 1479 dated November 22, 1997 "On certification of emergency services, emergency rescue teams and rescuers" and No. 37 dated January 29, 2007 "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations, supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision ”, etc.

Yes, certification, as a mandatory way of checking the compliance of an employee with a position or work performed, is provided for by federal regulations for many categories of employees (in particular, state and municipal employees, pedagogical and executive employees of state and municipal educational institutions, heads of federal state unitary enterprises, researchers , rescuers, workers employed at hazardous production facilities, etc.). It provides for the purposes of attestation, its procedure and consequences, but this does not fill the gap in the legal regulation of attestation for other categories of workers to whom these regulations do not apply.

Different approaches to solving the same situations give rise to labor disputes. For example, in most regulations, the issue of attestation of members of attestation commissions has not been resolved, although it is quite obvious that only the employee who has confirmed his professional skills can check the knowledge and skills of others. So, when certifying civil servants executive power stipulated: "For the period of attestation of a civil servant who is a member of the attestation commission, his membership in this commission is suspended." The most successful solution can be found in the regulation on the certification of workers at hazardous production facilities: "persons who are members of the certification commission must be certified in accordance with the procedure established by this Regulation and have a certificate of certification."

As for the procedure for carrying out certification, in the future, until the adoption of a comprehensive act on this issue at the federal level, it is necessary to be guided by special (departmental) acts providing for the certification of certain categories of workers. And in the absence of a special act, certification can be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the certification of civil servants of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 110) .

It is also possible to regulate the issues of certification of employees who are not subject to departmental regulatory legal acts with the help of local regulatory acts, which seems completely reasonable. But if doubts arise about the legality and validity of the norms of a local normative act, then what normative legal acts of the federal level can be used as a criterion for determining the fate of a local legal act?

The current Russian acts, as we have seen, are mainly departmental (sectoral), and cannot be considered as a criterion for assessment, since they are designed only for certain categories of workers, and besides, sometimes the same issues are resolved in different ways. It can only be compared with the general standards enshrined at the federal level and applicable to all categories of workers. Apparently, the Regulation on the attestation of civil servants of the Russian Federation can play the role of a determinant of the legality and legality of local norms. This Regulation is complex and has the widest range of applications.

To the greatest extent, it seems to us, the procedure for conducting certification is specified in the textbook by A.Ya. Kibanov "Human resource management of the organization." Certification is based on a comprehensive assessment of personnel, determined by the results of their activities and compliance with business and personal qualities, the requirements of the workplace. Content, methods and procedure integrated assessment personnel are given in Table 1. Here we will focus on the disclosure of the assessment procedure.

There are four types of certification of employees (managers, specialists and other employees): regular certification, certification after a probationary period, certification during promotion and certification during transfer to another structural unit.

The next certification is mandatory for everyone and is carried out at least once every two years for the management staff and at least once every three years for specialists and other employees. Attestation after

Table 1. Comprehensive assessment of personnel.

The nature of the assessments Type of assessments, their content Weight ratings
1. Objective (base -individual assessments on knowledge control, tests, etc.). 1.1. Assessment of professionalism (knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.), which is obtained using simulators, personal computers.

1.2. Assessment of personal qualities (psychodiagnostic data).

2. Objective (the base is a generalized group of subjective assessments).

2. Assessment and conclusions of the attestation commission.

3. Subjective.

3.1. Evaluation of the immediate supervisor (results, performance efficiency, labor quality, etc.).

3.2. Assessment of the manager who has the right to a conclusion (decision) based on the results of certification. 30%

the probationary period is carried out in order to develop sound recommendations for the use of a certified employee based on the results of his labor adaptation at a new workplace. Certification in the promotion of service should identify the potential of the employee and the level of his professional training for occupying a higher position, taking into account the requirements of a new workplace and new responsibilities. Certification when transferring to another structural unit is carried out in cases where there is a significant change job duties and the requirements of the new workplace. The list of positions subject to attestation and the timing of its implementation are established by the head of the organization in all divisions of the organization. Attestation takes place in four stages: the preparatory stage, the stage of assessing the employee and his work, the stage of attestation, the stage of making a decision based on the attestation results.

At the preparatory stage, an order is issued on the attestation and approval of the composition of the attestation commission, a regulation on attestation is developed; a list of employees subject to certification is drawn up; reviews-characteristics (assessment sheets) and attestation sheets for the attested are prepared; the workforce is informed about the timing, goals, characteristics and procedure for certification.

The attestation is carried out on the basis of schedules that are brought to the attention of the attested at least a month before the start of attestation, and the documents for the attested are submitted to the attestation commission two weeks before the start of the attestation.

The composition of the certification commission is approved by the head of the organization on the proposal of the head of the personnel management service. The head of the certification commission is the chairman (head of a department or organization). The deputy chairman of the commission is the deputy head of the organization for personnel or the head of the personnel management service. The secretary of the commission is a leading employee of the personnel management service. Members of the attestation commission are appointed from among the employees of the organization's divisions. The Attestation Commission works part-time from the main job responsibilities.

The secretary of the commission is responsible for the preparation of certification sheets, and their immediate superiors are responsible for the reviews and characteristics of the certified ones. The preparatory stage ends two weeks before the start of certification, so that the members of the commission can familiarize themselves with the documents on the certified in advance.

At the stage of assessing the employee and his labor activity, expert groups are created in the divisions where the attested work. They include: the direct supervisor of the attested person, a senior manager, one or two specialists of this unit, an employee (employees) of the personnel management service. The expert group, according to the appropriate methodology, evaluates the indicators of the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, quality and results of the person being certified.

The stage of attestation consists in a meeting of the attestation commission, to which the attested and their immediate supervisors are invited; consideration of all materials submitted for certification; hearing of the attested and their leaders; discussion of certification materials, statements of invitees, formation of conclusions and recommendations for certification of employees.

The attestation commission, taking into account the discussions in the absence of the attested by open vote, gives one of the following estimates: corresponds to the position held; corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement in work, implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission and re-certification in a year; does not correspond to the position held.

The assessment of the performance of the employee who has passed the certification, and the recommendations of the commission are recorded in the assessment sheet. The performance and personal qualities assessment sheet is filled in by the direct supervisor of the attested and a representative of the personnel management service. The attested gets acquainted with the content of the sheet no later than two weeks before attestation.

If the person being certified does not appear at the meeting of the certification commission for valid reasons, it is recommended to postpone consideration of the materials for the person being certified until his arrival at the meeting of the commission. If the person being certified does not appear at the meeting of the certification commission without good reason the commission can carry out certification in his absence. In this case, the direct supervisor of the person being certified must answer all questions of the commission members.

The attestation results are entered in the attestation sheet and reported to the attested immediately after voting.

The meeting of the attestation commission is drawn up by a protocol signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission. The minutes of the meeting of the commission is filled in for all certified persons who were heard during one meeting. If the employees who have passed the certification belong to different departments, then the protocols are drawn up for each department separately.

1.3 The procedure for using the results of certification

At the stage of making decisions on the results of certification (according to A.Ya. Kibanov), a conclusion is formulated taking into account:

Conclusions and suggestions set out in the review of the head of the certified person;

Evaluations of the activity of the certified person, the growth of his qualifications;

Evaluations of the business, personal and other qualities of the person being certified and their compliance with the official duties;

The opinions of each member of the commission, expressed during the discussion of the activities of the certified person;

Comparison of the materials of the previous certification with the current review and the dynamics of changes;

The opinions of the person being certified about his work, about the realization of his potential.

Particular attention is paid to the observance of the certified labor discipline, independence in solving the assigned tasks, the desire for self-improvement, the professional suitability of the employee.

Based on the results of certification, the commission gives one of the assessments:

Corresponds to the position held;

Corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the commission;

Does not correspond to the position held.

Based on the results of certification, a certification sheet is filled in for each employee, which is then stored in the employee's personal file.

The head of the organization, taking into account the recommendations of the certification commissions, in the prescribed manner, encourages or punishes employees. Within a period of not more than two months from the date of attestation, he can decide to transfer an employee who, according to the results of attestation, is recognized as inappropriate for his position, to another job with his consent. If the certification showed that the employee does not correspond to the position held, he cannot be fired immediately. First, it is necessary to offer such an employee any other position (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), even less qualified and less paid. And if he refuses it in writing, then you can safely dismiss him. After expiration the specified period (two months) transfer of an employee to another job or termination of an employment contract with him based on the results of this certification is not allowed.

Russian regulatory legal acts on certification have a strictly targeted purpose and apply only to certain categories of workers. A of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in subparagraph b of paragraph 3 of Art. 81 provided for the termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer for the inappropriateness of the employee for the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification, provided the opportunity for all employers, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, as well as types of activities, to carry out certification of all categories of employees ... The Labor Code of the Russian Federation did not consider the very concept of "certification" and the procedure for its implementation, but only provided for one of the possible legal consequences of its implementation - dismissal.

This situation reduces the effectiveness of labor legislation as a whole, causes labor disputes, worsens the socio-psychological climate at enterprises and organizations, and necessitates optimization of the legislation on certification.

The certification procedure is one of the key in the personnel management system. The certification "works" for the strategic rather than tactical goals of the company. Adjustment of salaries is the most "obvious", but by no means the most important goal of certification. An inventory of the quality of the company's human resources is carried out through the certification procedure. This allows you to draw up training plans and the company's talent pool. The main thing in certification is that through this procedure the company will be able to convey to its employees the content and level of expected requirements in general and to specific positions in particular, as well as show employees what exactly they meet these requirements and what they don’t. The salary change is a logical consequence of the assessment of this compliance and the form in which the company reports the level of this compliance. If it were only about the dismissal of the worst employees and the correction of salaries, it would be economically unprofitable to launch such a resource-intensive procedure as certification.

The economic effect of appraisal is manifested not directly, but indirectly, through changes in the production behavior of employees. When it comes to personnel, it should be borne in mind that the return cycle for financial investments (including in the certification and procedures associated with it) may be delayed. Certification, if carried out correctly, gives a return after 2-3 cycles of carrying out (that is, within 1-3 years from the moment of the first carrying out). Financial investments in the company's human resources should be viewed not as costly, but as investment. Investments of this kind are aimed primarily at the development of the company. Even if the current state of the organization does not allow for the increase in salary, the employee must be aware of the company's requirements for him and his compliance with them, as well as the need to fulfill the development plan.

2. Experience of personnel certification on the example of a military organization

2.1 Organization of work of personnel bodies for the certification of personnel

Let us consider personnel certification using the example of a state organization - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

This organization is characterized by a linear-functional structure and vertical division of labor.

The end product of the organization's activities is the provision to the customer, i.e. to the state, services - to protect the state from external influences with the use of all types of violence in service, including the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The main resources used by the organization are people (human resources), weapons and military equipment, as well as financial means to pay for the work of personnel, purchase new equipment and maintain the existing equipment and facilities in working order. The main task of an organization in the field of their use is to achieve goals with a minimum cost and maximum efficiency.

The following documents serve as the legal basis for the leadership of the RF Armed Forces:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Provision on the order of passage military service: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237;

On the organization of military service for officers and warrant officers (warrant officers) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2002 No. 350.

The following document is applied directly for certification work:

On the procedure for organizing and carrying out certification of officers and warrant officers (warrant officers) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2002 No. 100.

This order defines:

Certification body - a commission appointed by order (Appendix No. 1) and its work plan (Appendix No. 4).

Frequency of certification:

At the conclusion of the contract (they are certified with the preparation of the corresponding certification sheets, in which the feedback is given),

At least every five years of military service,

Upon graduation from military schools,

Upon transfer to the reserve, at least four months before the expiration of the military service

And, as the practice of the last three years has shown, unscheduled, at the direction of the Minister of Defense.

Attestation reporting:

The corresponding certification sheets are drawn up (Appendix No. 2).

Staff coverage:

All servicemen are according to plan

Those sent to a new place of military service as a planned replacement are not planned.

Exceptions to the rule:

Attestation of servicemen holding military positions for less than a year, on maternity leave, on parental leave, doing military service outside the Russian Federation in non-military positions, and also if less than a year has passed since their previous attestation, is carried out after a year from the date of entry into a military position, after the end of maternity leave, parental leave, upon returning from abroad, as well as one year after the previous certification;

For a soldier appointed to a new military position (with the release of subordination to the former commander, chief) less than three months before the start of attestation, a certification sheet containing a review is drawn up, reviewed, approved and communicated to the soldier before he leaves the military unit at the same place military service.

Attestation sheets are not drawn up when considering the following issues at attestation commissions:

On the appointment of a serviceman to the highest military position,

Direction to study,

Inclusion in the reserve of officers for promotion to higher military positions and assignments to study,

Presenting him for the award of the state award of the Russian Federation,

The assignment of a military rank to him ahead of schedule or one step higher than the military position held.

To carry out routine certification with the preparation of certification sheets in a military unit, the following are annually compiled:

Lists of servicemen subject to certification

The schedule of its implementation, which is approved by the commander (chief) of the military unit before August 1 of the year preceding certification, and is brought to the notice of each certified soldier no later than a month before the start of certification under signature (Appendix No. 3).

When appointing certification of all servicemen or their individual categories, personnel bodies (headquarters) of military units develop plans for the training and attestation of relevant servicemen. The plans are approved by the officials to whom these personnel bodies (headquarters) are subordinate.

In accordance with the approved plans, subordinate commanders (chiefs) plan and carry out preparatory work for the certification and certification of servicemen within the established time frame.

The plans include the following activities:

Study with the servicemen subject to certification, the procedure for its conduct;

Establishment of terms for drawing up certification sheets containing reviews, writing appropriate conclusions by direct commanders (chiefs) and submitting certification sheets to the certification commission; consideration by the certification commission of the submitted certification sheets and sending them to the relevant commanders (chiefs) for making a decision on their approval;

Bringing to servicemen the content of the approved certification sheets;

Conducting trainings with commanders (chiefs), personnel of personnel bodies (headquarters) of military units, chairmen and members of certification commissions on issues of upcoming certification, taking into account the accumulated experience (Appendix No. 5);

Discussion at meetings of the management staff of the course of preparation and conduct of certification, as well as its results with the formulation of tasks for the implementation of certification sheets approved for servicemen.

Not later than two weeks before the certification, a certification sheet containing a response is submitted to the certification commission of the military unit for the serviceman subject to certification.

A response to a soldier is drawn up by his immediate superior from among the officers and presented on command.

In the text of the review, set out in any form, as a rule, the following issues should be reflected that characterize the certified soldier:

The level of professional training,

Knowledge of general military regulations, instructions, their duties for the military position and their implementation,

Willingness to perform duties when transferring from peacetime to wartime and in wartime,

Improvement of professional knowledge in the system of command (professional and job) training and independently,

Academic degree and academic title,

Ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice,

The field of activity in which the certified person showed the greatest abilities and achieved high results,

Combat experience;

Personal discipline and diligence,

Demanding to yourself and subordinates;

Organization in work,

Ability to determine the main direction in ensuring a high level of combat and mobilization readiness,

Ability to qualitatively perform assigned tasks, show initiative, navigate quickly and skillfully act in a difficult environment;

Ability to lead, train and educate subordinate personnel and combine high exactingness with taking care of them;

Assessment of the state of the unit (military unit, formation, formation) under command, or the area of \u200b\u200bwork for which the person being certified is responsible (discipline, staffing level, combat and mobilization readiness, combat training, mastering military equipment and weapons, the state of weapons, military equipment and material and technical means, the state of command (professional and official) training, the availability of a reserve of candidates for promotion to senior positions, referrals to study and work with them, the quality of work with junior officers, etc. );

The ability to critically assess their activities, to approach the business creatively, persistence in the performance of official duties, authority in the military collective, the ability to organize the protection of state secrets, moral and psychological qualities;

Health status in accordance with medical reports, performance and physical fitness.

Attestation commissions are obliged to comprehensively study attestation sheets containing reviews of servicemen, establish their compliance with the business and personal qualities of attested servicemen and give opinions on them.

The commanders (chiefs) of military units approve all attestation sheets containing reviews that are reviewed by attestation commissions directly accountable to them.

An exception is the attestation sheet containing a review drawn up by the immediate superior, the conclusions of the direct superiors, if any, the conclusion of the attestation commission and the conclusions of the direct supervisors, if any, on the discrepancy of the certified soldier with the military position held, the dismissal of a soldier doing military service under a contract, with military service to the reserve of his own free will if he has valid reasons or in connection with his failure to comply with the terms of the contract. The specified attestation sheet containing such a review, conclusion and conclusions is approved by the commander (chief), who is granted the right to appoint (dismiss) a serviceman.

The procedure for carrying out the certification itself.

The meeting of the certification commission is held with the participation of the certified soldier, his immediate superior when considering the certification sheet containing a review or conclusion about the inadequacy of the soldier for the military position, or a review in which it is noted that the certified soldier has significant shortcomings in the performance of general, official or special duties, and also in the presence of a statement of a certified soldier about disagreement with the submitted certification sheet and the response stated in it.

The conclusion of the certification commission indicates the conformity (inconsistency) of the certified serviceman with the military position held, as well as an opinion on his further service purpose.

In this case, the following approximate recommendations can be given:

On the inclusion of officers in the reserve for promotion to higher military positions (Appendix No. 9) and sending them to study;

On the promotion of a serviceman to the highest military position - in the order of promotion (for which and when) (Appendix No. 8);

About sending a soldier to study at a military educational institution or to courses (which and when);

On the transfer of a serviceman to an equal military position with an indication of a specific military position and the reasons for the transfer;

On the transfer of a soldier to another military position - command, staff, teaching, to local military administration or another, indicating the reasons for the transfer and when;

On the transfer of a serviceman from a higher military position to a lower one, on what grounds and for which military position it is advisable to appoint;

On the dismissal of a serviceman from military service in cases where, in accordance with the law, he is subject to certification (Appendix No. 2), as well as recommendations on his appointment in wartime.

The conclusion of the attestation commission is entered into the protocol, which is signed by the chairman, members and the secretary of the commission.

The commanders (chiefs) who approve the attestation sheets containing reviews, conclusions and conclusions are obliged to personally record their decision in the attestation sheet and sign it.

Attestation conclusions and the procedure for attestation may be appealed by a serviceman in the manner established by the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service.

Approved certification sheets are communicated to servicemen by their immediate superiors within 10 days after the receipt of certification sheets in the military unit. In this case, the soldier signs in the original copy of the certification sheet indicating the date of acquaintance. For servicemen on a business trip, vacation or on medical treatment, the approved certification sheets are delivered upon their return to the military unit. After bringing the certification sheet to the serviceman, its original copy and one copy of it are attached to the first copy of the serviceman's personal file.

The results of the certification carried out are taken into account by the personnel bodies of military units and are implemented during the passage of service by military personnel.

Annually, the commanders (chiefs) of military units summarize the results of the certification of servicemen, which are reflected in the report submitted on command (Appendix No. 6), reflecting the following provisions:

Positive work experience;

Deficiencies that took place during the certification;

Proposals aimed at improving the certification of military personnel.

To ensure the implementation of certification sheets approved for servicemen, personnel bodies (headquarters) of military units must:

On the basis of the approved certification sheets, develop plans for the implementation of conclusions and conclusions in order to create a prepared pool of candidates for appointment to higher military positions and directions for study;

Draw up lists of servicemen, certified at their request for appointment to lower military positions and early dismissal from military service;

Inform the higher personnel body about candidates for appointment to higher military positions and directions for study, as well as submit lists of military personnel certified for appointment at their request to lower military positions and for early dismissal from military service.

In all cases of the work of the certification commissions, the secretary of the commission keeps the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission in the established form (Appendix No. 7).

To make a decision by the commander (chief) of a military unit, the certification commission issues written opinions on all issues under consideration.

As examples of the work of the certification commission, the fact of dismissal of an officer from military service for failure to comply with the terms of the contract on his part - commission of a crime (Appendix No. 2), as well as two cases of the promotion of officers to higher positions: the category assigned by order of the commander of a military unit (Appendix No. 7 ) and the category assigned by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 8).

2.2 Problems identified during the organization of certification work

After the start of reductions from December 1, 2008, the excessively inflated administrative apparatus of the RF Armed Forces, citizens doing military service in the RF Armed Forces by category, order of service, length of service and gender are classified in accordance with Table 2:

Table 2. Classification of the RF Armed Forces servicemen.


The procedure for passing military service

(division by sex and service life)


On a voluntary basis

(under the contract)

At the call

Men Women Men
Senior officers Up to 55-60 years old Not Not
Officers Up to 45 years old (colonels up to 50 years old) For two years after graduation, but not older than 27 years * * - since 2011 30 years
VVUZ cadets Until graduation from VVUZ Until graduation from VVUZ Before contract


2009 - ensigns)

Up to 45 years old Up to 45 years old Not
Sergeants Up to 45 years old Up to 45 years old 1 year
Up to 45 years old Up to 45 years old 1 year
Incl. foreign citizens

One of the ways of the declared transition of the RF Armed Forces to a “new look” is the replacement of positions performed by military personnel for positions performed by civilian personnel.

And, in connection with this circumstance, it turned out that throughout the entire period of the existence of the RF Armed Forces, their civilian personnel were not subject to certification, with rare exceptions. To eliminate the problem, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation issued an order dated December 22, 2005 No. 545 "On the approval of qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties by federal state civil servants in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2010 No. 1434). But this order only applies to employees The central office The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (i.e., those performing their duties in Moscow and the Moscow region), but what about those who work in military units in other regions of Russia?

The need to certify everything civilian personnel The RF Armed Forces are extremely necessary, since as the legal level of Russian citizens grows, there are many conflict situationsnot provided for by existing regulations.

So, for example, in the command of the departmental paramilitary security in the military unit, the number of appeals to the judicial and supervisory authorities increased three times in 2010 compared to 2008. Moreover, most of the problems arose mainly due to the lack of a regulatory framework for certification of employees ... It is characteristic that the assistant to the commander of the military unit (employer) for legal issues - “Lieutenant Colonel of Justice” in labor disputes arising in the command of the departmental paramilitary security, took the position of an outside observer, and often helped the court to take the side of the workers. Our appeals to the command about the need to develop a Regulation on certification in the command of the departmental paramilitary security did not have a positive decision, mainly because of the position of a lawyer, to whom the commander of the military unit always appealed.

What is the reason for this position of the assistant commander of a military unit on legal issues remains a mystery, let us assume that he was simply preparing a job for himself in this organization after being transferred to the reserve.

Most of the workers in the command of the departmental paramilitary security are military personnel who have served the deadlines for military service, i.e. personnel who throughout their life are in the scope of rather strict military assessment criteria, therefore, our survey of employees (Appendix No. 10) revealed the understanding of most of them in the need to develop criteria for assessing moral and business qualities in the command of the departmental paramilitary security (diagram 1. , where on the axes of the plane are the categories of the stock of the respondents:

Not liable for military service;


Warrant officers;



and evaluation criteria:

All parameters;



Theory, and the vertical axis shows the number of votes).

Diagram 1. Division of opinions of the respondents on the definition of the main criteria for personnel certification.

Thus, from our research, it is obvious that even the employees of the organization in question themselves understand the extreme need to create a system for periodically checking the compliance of personnel with their positions, i.e. - the development and implementation of the "Regulations on the certification of personnel in the command of the departmental paramilitary security", and the main problem is the reluctance of the leadership to make such a simple and overdue management decision.

So, we found out that attestation is a procedure for checking the suitability of an employee for a position.

First, certification will help determine the professional level of employees. Its results will show which specialists are lacking, who should be sent for training, which new positions should be introduced into the staff, etc.

Secondly, properly organized and conducted certification of personnel will be a legal basis for such personnel decisions as transfer and dismissal due to inconsistency in the position held due to insufficient qualifications (clause 3 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, certification of employees will allow monitoring the results of decisions made.

Thirdly, the results of certification are important when carrying out the dismissal procedure in connection with a reduction in the number or staff (clause 2 of part one of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the preferential right to remain at work is granted to employees with higher labor productivity and qualifications, which will be determined by certification of workplaces.

Fourth, job certification motivates employees to work hard. Knowing that there is a knowledge test, employees try to excel - they improve their skills, perform tasks with high quality, and do not violate labor discipline.

For most organizations, employee appraisal is voluntary. However, there are employees who are required by law to undergo certification. For example, state and municipal employees, transport employees, cadastral engineers and rescuers are required to pass certification.

Table 3. Mandatory certified employees.

Staff Base
State and municipal employees

About the state civil service Russian Federation: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ;

Regulation on the certification of civil servants of the Russian Federation (approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 110);

On municipal service in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 02, 2007 No. 25-FZ.

Heads of federal state unitary enterprises On state and municipal unitary enterprises: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 161-FZ.
Pedagogical workers
Aviation personnel and other transport workers

Regulations on the procedure for attestation of persons holding the positions of executive heads and specialists of organizations and their units carrying out the transportation of passengers and goods (approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March I, 1994, No. 13/11).

Customs officers
Rescuers On emergency services and the status of rescuers: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ.
Cadastral engineers On the activities of the qualification commissions for the certification of cadastral engineers: Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. D23-4432.

Attestation, in contrast to the usual assessment of personnel, is a formalized and regular procedure. In addition, attestation and assessment have completely different legal status and different consequences. According to the results of the assessment, it is impossible to dismiss the employee, but according to the results of certification, it is possible (clause 3 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the dismissal will be legal only if the organization has an attestation regulation drawn up and approved in accordance with all the rules of labor legislation.

The possibilities of local regulations are wide enough. These acts concretize the provisions of labor legislation in relation to a certain production, type of activity, in particular, the rules of the internal labor schedule detail and supplement the norms of the labor contract, working hours and rest time, labor protection and labor discipline. The job descriptions specify the rights and obligations of employees, the requirements for occupying positions. The provisions on structural divisions reflect the relationship of various production areas, their rights, duties and responsibilities.

For the effective conduct of certification in the organization, appropriate local regulations and other documents must be developed to ensure the orderliness and objectivity of certification.

The main local regulatory act will be the Regulation on Attestation. Auxiliary - the rules of the internal labor schedule, regulations on structural units, job descriptions, which will reveal the concept of qualification (level of professional training, knowledge, skills). The documents providing the stages and the certification procedure include the employer's orders for certification, reviews of certified employees, certification sheets, certification schedules for categories of workers and structural divisions, samples of minutes of meetings of the certification commission.

With a large abundance of departmental attestation acts, the problem associated with the development of local regulations remains unresolved. The development of a local regulation on certification is advisable only in those organizations that are not subject to departmental regulatory legal acts on certification. At the same time, the presence of special departmental acts, especially in cases of their insufficient legal elaboration, does not exclude the presence of local normative acts.

The departmental (branch) normative acts on certification do not define the content of the local regulation and the procedure for its adoption. It seems that the attestation provision, which is a local normative act, will be adopted in accordance with Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article states that “the employer adopts local regulations containing labor law, within its competence, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, a collective agreement, an agreement. In cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts, a collective agreement, the employer, when adopting local regulations, takes into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. If the collective agreement, the agreement does not provide for another procedure for the adoption of local regulations (Regulation on certification), then in accordance with Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to accept this Regulation alone, and it is not necessary to take into account the opinion of the representative body of the organization, since this is not provided for either in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or other laws and regulations.

Regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions are used during certification to test the qualifications (level of professional training, knowledge, skills) of employees. It is in these documents, in accordance with the state system of documentary support of management, that the functions, duties, and responsibilities of employees are reflected in connection with their failure to perform labor operations for the position performed. Questions asked to an employee during certification should not go beyond the scope of these local regulations. When deciding the fate of an employee on the conformity (inconsistency) of the position held, one should be guided (if there is no job description) by such sections of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers as "job characteristics", "must know", "job examples". When certifying managers, specialists and technical executors, one should use such sections of the Tariff and qualification characteristics by positions of employees as "job responsibilities", "must know", "qualification requirements for pay grades".

HR managers who have begun to develop the local Regulations on personnel certification need to know the position of the Plenum The Supreme Court RF, which in its Resolution of March 17, 2004 No. 2 "On the Application by the Courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" indicated that attestation should be carried out in the manner prescribed by federal law or other regulatory legal act, or in the order fixed in the local normative act organizations. It is advisable to take the Regulation on the certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation as the basis for the Regulation on Attestation.

When developing a regulation, you must adhere to the following rules:

It is imperative to stipulate in the regulation which employees are subject to certification. Certification cannot be carried out for one employee, with the aim of dismissing him;

Certification of employees should be carried out periodically (for example, once every three years). If, in addition to the next attestations, it is planned to carry out extraordinary attestations, then it is necessary to clearly define the grounds on which such attestations will be assigned (for example, if a decision is made to train personnel in order to improve their qualifications or a competition has opened to fill a vacant position);

If the results of the certification can serve as a basis for the dismissal of an employee, a member of the trade union body must be a member of the certification commission (Article 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a trade union in the organization, it is not necessary to include an employee representative on the commission, but if he is present there, this will give additional arguments to the management in favor of objectivity;

An employee can be dismissed based on the results of certification only if it is impossible to transfer him with his consent to another job (part 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you issue a dismissal without offering the employee a transfer before this, the court can reinstate him at work with payment for the time of forced absence;

In the Regulation on Attestation, it is necessary to stipulate by what criteria employees will be evaluated. Moreover, the criteria should be the same for everyone. For example, how employees comply with labor standards, whether they comply with labor discipline, what results they showed at the previous certification, etc .;

The Regulation must describe in detail the entire certification procedure. Personnel certification can take the form of an interview, a written examination or a practical lesson. It is imperative to specify exactly how certification will take place in the organization in question.

The attestation regulation is enacted by order of the employer - legal entity... After the Regulations come into force, all working employees and each new employee must be introduced to it against receipt when hiring. A typical employment contract includes the employee's obligation to undergo certification. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any restrictions on the performance of certification for employees. But you can free from it, for example, pregnant women.

Any certification begins with a decision on its conduct. Such a decision is made by the head of the organization or an employee in whose competence is the appointment of certification, for example, the head of the personnel body. The decision is formalized by order. It includes information:

On the timing (schedule) and place of certification;

About the circle of employees subject to certification;

On the appointment of the attestation commission or on the timing of its formation (appointment or election, if the commission is elected);

If the certification is extraordinary - about the grounds for the certification.

The order may also assign responsibilities to the personnel service, heads of departments for the preparation of documents for certification. For example, the personnel service must promptly prepare and submit to the certification commission information about which of the employees and when improved their qualifications, certification sheets for previous certification, etc.

The certification commission prepares the materials necessary for the certification (copies of documents on education, work experience, job descriptions, characteristics and other documents). The employees who will undergo certification, the commission acquaints, on receipt, with the prepared materials and criteria for assessing knowledge, skills, and abilities.

After all the necessary preparations, the certification itself is carried out in accordance with the certification regulations (an interview is conducted with employees, they perform written assignments, etc.).

Attestation, as a rule, is carried out in the presence of an employee at a meeting of the attestation commission. In this case, not only the submitted written materials can be discussed, but also questions can be asked about the essence of the work performed. If certification is carried out in the form of an exam (oral, written, testing), the employee must be familiarized with the questions in advance to prepare for such an exam. The procedure for keeping the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, the quorum, the procedure for making a decision, familiarizing an employee with it should be established in the Regulation on certification. Then the commission, based on the results of certification, makes a decision on the suitability or inadequacy of the employee for the position held. The motivated decision is reflected in the certification sheet, with which the employee must be familiarized with the receipt. Employees should be given the opportunity to express their opinion on the results of certification, to appeal them if they do not agree with the conclusions of the commission.

Upon completion of certification, all materials are provided to the head of the organization (other authorized person). After the final certification takes place, he makes a decision.

Information about the results of the attestation carried out must be included in the employee's personal card (unified form No. T-2 approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Before certification, it is imperative to check whether job descriptions have been drawn up for all positions in the organization.

If a labor dispute arises and there are no job descriptions in the organization, the court will most likely recognize the results of the certification as invalid. After all, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the suitability or inadequacy of an employee for the position held without having clear assessment criteria.

If the attestation commission has come to the conclusion that the employee does not match the position due to insufficient qualifications, the head of the organization, taking into account other factors characterizing the employee, may dismiss him under paragraph 3 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But at the same time, the following basic rules must be observed, which are also indicated by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in paragraph 31 of the resolution of March 17, 2004 No. 2:

Firstly, certification must be carried out strictly in the manner prescribed by the Federal law or other regulatory legal act, or in the manner enshrined in the organization's local regulatory act (Regulation on certification). The local act must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, agreements.

Secondly, the head of the organization does not have the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee on the named grounds, if certification has not been carried out in relation to this employee, or the certification commission has concluded that the employee is suitable for the position held.

A proposal for another job after certification is drawn up in free text form. It lists all available vacancies that an employee can fill according to his qualifications and health status. An employee's refusal from the proposed positions can be formalized, for example, in the form of an inscription on the notification itself (“I refuse the proposed job”) or in the form of an employee's statement. If the employee refuses to receive a notification or refuses to translate orally, this must be recorded in the appropriate act if there are at least two witnesses.

It must be remembered that if a trade union member is dismissed based on the results of certification, the termination of the employment contract must be agreed with the trade union (part 2 of article 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), to which the draft dismissal order is sent (part 1 of article 373 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The trade union draws up a reasoned response within seven working days (part 2 of article 373 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In case of disagreement, the trade union draws up a protocol of disagreements. But the head can approve the order (part 3 of article 373 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Then the trade union can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate or the court (parts 3 and 4 of article 373 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The conclusions of the attestation commission are considered and evaluated in court in conjunction with other evidence in the case (paragraph 31 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2004 No. 2 "On the application of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by the courts of the Russian Federation", Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2009 No. 1383-O-O). Even if all these documents have been submitted and reviewed, the court is not obliged to agree with the results of this assessment. Without this evidence, the court may recognize the dismissal as illegal, even if you followed the certification procedure and offered all the above available positions. What, then, applies to such evidence? These should be specific, documented facts of non-performance or improper performance by an employee of his job duties, due to his insufficient qualifications. These can be special acts, explanations of the employee, bringing him to disciplinary responsibility, the results of inspections carried out by the employer, etc. In case of an unsuccessful outcome, the court will oblige to restore the employee to his previous job, pay him the average earnings for the entire period of the forced absence, and even, if the employee demands it, compensation for moral damage, the amount of which will be determined by the court.

Thus, certification of personnel requires from the head of the organization and the head of the personnel body knowledge and strict compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations. Mistakes and miscalculations are too costly for the organization.


Thus, as a result of the study, the essence and concept of personnel certification, the algorithm for its implementation and the procedure for using the certification results were studied, the regulatory framework for certification in the state structure was analyzed, the organization of the work of the personnel bodies of the military structure for personnel certification and the problems identified in in the course of the organization of certification work, recommendations were developed on the organization of certification of personnel in the civilian structure.

The main conclusions drawn during the work on the chosen topic:

In view of the above, it seems appropriate for the legislator to introduce a special chapter "Certification of workers" into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which would resolve questions about the concept, types and forms of certification, about the categories of workers subject to and not subject to certification, the frequency of certification, and the list of mandatory certification materials, on the procedure for conducting and on the legal consequences of certification. It is also necessary to clarify the procedure for the adoption of local regulations on certification. This will form the legal field of attestation, give an impetus for the development of departmental acts, outline the main approaches to the adoption of local regulations of organizations;

The need to resolve at the level of federal law or fix problematic issues in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is associated, first of all, with the protection of labor rights of workers in the process of checking their qualifications (level of professional training, knowledge, skills), since based on the results of the certification, decisions are made that change or keep the person being certified in the position held. And also because the legal institution of attestation is very closely connected with other legal institutions - disciplinary responsibility, wages, labor contracts (problems of transfer, changes in essential working conditions, dismissal), with professional training and retraining, advanced training. At the departmental level, these issues are not always resolved unambiguously.

The directions of the country's development proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation are impossible without the contribution of everyone: “The end result of our joint actions will be a qualitative change not only in the standard of living of our country's citizens. We ourselves must change. It is necessary to overcome the widespread notion that all existing problems should be solved by the state or someone else, but not each of us in his place. Personal success, encouragement of initiative, improvement of the quality of public discussion, intolerance of corruption should become a part of our national culture, namely, a part of the national culture ”.

The problems of certification of the organization's personnel, identified in the course of work, are probably to one degree or another characteristic of all structures, therefore our work on the chosen topic is only a small contribution to the consideration of issues of improving the organization's personnel management.

List of used literature

1. Regulations on the certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 110 // SZ RF.-2005.-No. 6.- Art. 437.

2. On the certification of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue teams and rescuers: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 No. 1479 // SZ RF.-1997.-No. 48. -Art. 5561.

3. On the procedure for approving the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Professions of Workers, the Unified Qualification Reference Book of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787 dated October 31, 2002 // SZ RF.-2002.-No. 44.- Art. 4399.

4. On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision: Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of January 29, 2007 No. 37 (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 22, 2007 No. 9133 ) // Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies.-2007.-№ 16.

5. On approval of the Rules for certification of welders and welding specialists: Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 1998 No. 63 (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 4, 1999, No. 1721) // Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies.-1999.- No. 11.

6. Qualification handbook, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (Rostrud letter dated April 30, 2008 No. 1028-s).

7. Medvedev, D. Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Electronic resource) / D. Medvedev.

Business staff appraisal is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of personnel characteristics and results of their activities with the requirements of the position or workplace.

In connection with the characteristics of the business assessment of personnel, it is often said about the certification of employees. The assessment procedure can be strictly regulated, formalized and non-formalized. For example, a daily assessment of a subordinate by a manager, an assessment of the performance of individual tasks. Evaluation can pursue various, sometimes rather narrow tasks, not necessarily related to the assessment of compliance with work standards, it can be a psychological assessment, an assessment in order to strengthen control, etc.

Attestation aimed at assessing the employee's suitability for the position held. This is a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment based on specified criteria for the compliance of a particular employee's activities with the standards for performing work in this position for a certain period. The certification procedure must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and local regulations.

Business appraisal of personnel is an important personnel process that is linked to other personnel processes.

The main business assessment tasks staff are:

at first,determining the value of an employee for the organization based on an assessment of his labor potential, an assessment of the degree of use of this labor potential, as well as an assessment of the suitability of the position held;

secondly,obtaining relevant information for making management decisions on other personnel processes and organization management problems.

The solution of the following management problems is based on the results of the business assessment of personnel :

selection and selection of personnel(assessment of personal and professional qualification characteristics of applicants);

determination of the degree of employee suitability for the position(re-certification of employees; analysis of the rationality of the placement of employees; assessment of the employee after the completion of the probationary period, after completion of the internship; assessment of the completeness and quality of performance of official duties);

improved staff utilization(determining the degree of workload of workers; use according to qualifications; improving the organization of managerial work);

assessment of the contribution of employees to the results of the organization (division):organization of incentives for employees (strengthening material and moral incentives, ensuring the relationship between remuneration and labor results, determining methods of external motivation, organizing bonuses); the establishment of a penalty;

making decisions on professional and professional promotion of employees(formation personnel reserve; career planning for employees);

management of personnel training in the organization(identifying training needs, choosing types, forms and methods of training, assessing the effectiveness of personnel training);

improving the organizational structure of the organization's management(justification of the number of employees in the management apparatus and in the context of categories, by management levels, by positions; development and clarification of job descriptions);

improving management practices(improving leadership style, developing organizational culture, improving interaction between managers and subordinates).

To ensure high efficiency of the personnel business assessment procedure, the following principles must be observed during its implementation:

    the assessment procedure should cover all personnel;

    the technology for conducting a business assessment (methods, composition of indicators) should be differentiated by category, profession, position;

    observance of the unity of assessment requirements for all employees of the same positions, management levels;

    ensuring the objectivity of personnel assessment based on the use of a fairly complete system of indicators characterizing the employee, his activities and behavior;

    simplicity, clarity and accessibility of the assessment procedure. The most accurate and understandable indicators and methods of personnel assessment should be used. The assessment procedure should be understandable not only for developers, but also for all participants in the assessment process;

    providing effective feedback in the personnel assessment process. The employee must know how the results of his work are assessed, what is defined as achievements, and what shortcomings are noted in his work. the availability of information for an objective and reliable assessment of personnel;

    ensuring the publicity of the assessment procedure. Employees should be familiar with the procedure and methodology for assessing. They should have a good understanding of what decisions can be made as a result of its implementation. The results of the assessment should be communicated to all stakeholders;

    democracy (public participation, involvement of colleagues and subordinates in the assessment);

    effectiveness (mandatory and prompt adoption of effective measures based on the results of the assessment procedure).

There are the following types of personnel assessment:

Appraisal of the candidate when applying for a job:

· Attestation - current, periodic assessment.

Personnel performance assessment is designed to help achieve the goals:

1. Administrative purposes. Performance assessment provides guidance on decisions like pay, promotions and demotions, transfers within the organization, and layoffs.

2. Providing employees with feedback on the degree to which their work and performance indicators meet the organization's requirements. This is one of the tools for motivating employees to improve the efficiency of their activities.

3. Assessment of the quality of management activities and improvement of the organization's management system.

4. Improving the personnel management process.

Thus, management based on the results of certification can draw conclusions and make decisions regarding the reorganization of the labor process.

The main tasks of employee assessment are the determination of the employee's growth prospects, the identification of his labor potential, the degree of use of this potential, the employee's suitability for the position held or his readiness to take a specific position when hiring.

Features of the assessment when hiring workers (methodology, procedure)

The task of the personnel service, which evaluates candidates for employment, is, in essence, to select such an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, acceptance assessment is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of the organization's human resources.

As a rule, before the organization makes a decision on hiring, the candidate must go through several selection stages:

Stage 1. Preliminary selection interview. The main purpose of the conversation is to assess the level of education of the applicant, his appearance and defining personal qualities. For effective work, it is advisable to use common system the rules for evaluating a candidate at this stage.

Step 2. Filling out the application form. Applicants who have successfully completed the preliminary interview must complete a special application form and questionnaire. The number of items on the questionnaire should be minimal, and they should request information that most of all clarifies the performance of the applicant's future work. The questions of the questionnaire should be neutral and assume any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer. Points must flow from one another.

Step 3. Conversation for hire (interview).

Step 4. Testing, professional testing. A source of information that can provide information about the personality traits, professional abilities and skills of the candidate. The results will make it possible to describe both the potential attitudes, orientations of a person, and those specific modes of activity that he actually owns.

Step 5. Verification of references and track record. The information of letters of recommendation or conversations with people whom the candidate named as referrals can make it possible to clarify what exactly and with what success the candidate did at previous jobs, studies, and residence.

Step 6. Medical examination. It is carried out, as a rule, if the work has special requirements for the health of candidates.

Step 7. Making a decision. Comparison of candidates. Submission of results to decision-making management. Adoption and execution of the decision.

The essence of personnel certification - objects, indicators, organization of the certification process

Personnel certification - personnel activities designed to assess the compliance of the level of work, qualities and potential of the individual with the requirements of the performed activity. The main purpose of attestation is not to control performance (although this is also very important), but to identify reserves for increasing the level of employee return.

Assessment of labor and assessment of personnel are elements of certification.

Evaluation of labor is aimed at comparing the content, quality and volume of actual labor with the planned result of labor, which is presented in technological maps, plans and programs of the enterprise. Assessment of labor makes it possible to assess the quantity, quality and intensity of labor.

Assessment of personnel allows you to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential opportunities for assessing growth prospects.

Certification is carried out in several stages: preparation, certification itself and summing up.

1 ... HR training includes:

· Development of principles and methods of attestation;

· Publication of normative documents for the preparation and conduct of certification (order, list of the certification commission, certification methodology, certification plan, training program for managers, instructions for storing personal information);

· Preparation of a special program for preparation for certification activities (when conducting certification for the first time using a new methodology);

· Preparation of certification materials (forms, forms, etc.).

2 ... Conducting certification:

· Certified and managers independently (according to the structure developed by the personnel service) prepare reports;

· Certified and not only managers, but also employees and colleagues fill out the assessment forms;

· The results are analyzed;

· Meetings of the certification commission are held.

3 ... Summing up the certification results:

· Analysis of personnel information, input and organization of the use of personal information;

· Approval of certification results.

The assessment method used in the organization should ensure maximum objectivity in measuring specific values \u200b\u200bof the indicator. Therefore, the assessment methodology should describe in detail the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the possible values \u200b\u200bof the indicator.

The main methods of personnel assessment:

    Comparative methods (ranking).

    Written methods.

    Management by goals.

    Behavioral rating scales. This assessment method is based on a combination of rating methods and a description of the employee's behavior in the workplace in different situations. . The main advantage of this method is that the linking of examples of behavior to the assessment scale can significantly increase the objectivity of the leader and outline directions for correcting the employee's behavior.

    Ranging- this is the determination of the order of the arrangement of workers in the list, in which the names of workers with the highest performance indicators are indicated in the first places, and with the lowest ones in the last places. The most famous ranking methods are:

      alternate ranking; ranking by pairwise comparison methods.

    The essence alternating rankingis to rank employees from different ends of the list. First, the employees with the highest and the lowest indicators are determined, then the name of the employee following the best and the name of the employee preceding the worst employee is alternately entered into the list. The list is formed from both ends in the specified order.

    Pairwise comparison methodbased on all possible paired comparisons of all employees with each other. This method is useful in organizations with a small number of employees. The most convenient way to make a pairwise comparison is to create a matrix.

    Written methods. This group of methods includes: writing characteristics of the employee; method of critical situations.

    Critical Situations Method is based on capturing effective and ineffective behaviors during work. These examples of behavior are "critical situations". When evaluating an employee, these records for the evaluated period are used as the basis for discussion of the employee's performance and for the final grade. Such records can be very useful for the manager, as they allow him to be objective when analyzing situations and assessing the employee's performance.

    Questioning. Questioning for the purpose of assessing personnel can be carried out in several modifications.

    Direct questioning.In this case, the employee is invited to independently fill out a questionnaire, answering various questions regarding his professionalism, personal qualities, communication with colleagues, work plans. The data obtained are summarized and analyzed thoroughly.

    Comparative survey.When using this modification of the questionnaire on the evaluation questionnaire, a key evaluation application is developed, which allows you to determine the worst, average and best option for filling it out.

    The given questionnaire.In questionnaires of this type, all questions contain a fixed set of possible answers. The evaluated employee in this case only chooses the most appropriate answer option.

    WITH in order to improve the efficiency of procedures for the business assessment of personnel, we will indicate the most common mistakes, which of course should be avoided:

    1) the use of different standards for employees performing the same work;

    2) changing standards during the assessment process;

    3) the tendency to evaluate the employee in comparison with other employees, and not with the standards set for the job;

    4) attaching more importance to the employee's behavior in the period preceding the assessment, in comparison with work during the entire assessed period;

    5) assessment of the employee not as a whole, but according to one characteristic;

    6) manifestation of the similarity of beliefs, interests, hobbies between the employee and the manager as a factor affecting the assessment;

    7) the tendency of unauthorized distribution of one aspect of the employee's activity to all areas of his activity (the effect of one miss or achievement ").

    1) Essence, goals, objectives and elements of personnel assessment.

    To begin with, assessment is a broader concept than attestation.

    In the course of its life, each organization is faced with the need for an objective assessment of personnel, the results of which will allow for justified rotations and identify the need to develop the competencies of specific employees. Ignoring such an assessment leads to the development of additional internal risk factors.

    Personel assessmentIs the process of determining the effectiveness of the organization's employees in their job duties and the implementation of the organization's goals, which involves the consistent accumulation of information necessary for making further management decisions.

    Assessment of personnel one of its tasks is to compare the real content of quality, volume and intensity of personnel labor with the planned ones. The planned characteristics of personnel labor, as a rule, are presented in plans and programs, technological maps, and the work of the organization. This procedure makes it possible to evaluate:



    Labor intensity.

    Also, the task of personnel assessment is to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential capabilities in order to assess the prospects for growth (or rotation), as well as to develop measures necessary to achieve the goals of personnel policy.

    In general, personnel assessment, in its complex sense, has many purposes. An accessible and schematic classification of these goals was proposed by Douglas McGregor.

    He singled out

    1) Information purpose - providing managers of various levels of management with the necessary data about their subordinates, as well as all evaluated employees with data about their personal achievements, advantages and disadvantages.

    2) Motivational goal - it provides for the relationship of material reward and moral encouragement with work behavior and work results. This approach directs staff to improve individual performance, and as a result - to increase the stability and competitiveness of the organization.

    3) Administrative purpose, which is realized in making personnel decisions on an objective and regular basis, that is, decisions on promotion or demotion, transfer to another job, retraining and retraining, reward or punishment, termination of an employment contract.

    Typically, the personnel appraisal process consists of a number of successive stages.

    1) Actually, the definition of the object of assessment.

    2) Determination of assessment criteria.

    3) Measuring the qualities of employees, their performance indicators and work results.

    4) Comparison of the achieved indicators with the established criteria.

    5) Discussion of the assessment results with employees.

    (This stage does not always find its embodiment in real practice, but historically it has proven its effectiveness. Of course, if the assessment results are discussed with employees, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules, i.e. start with a statement of the positive aspects, highlight the main thing, without focusing on small details, try to criticize not a person, but shortcomings in work, not focus on mistakes, but determine ways to correct them, maintain goodwill throughout the entire discussion process, provide employees with an opportunity to express their opinions and suggestions).

    6) Development and adoption of necessary corrective actions and decisions.

    As for the definition of the object of assessment, the employee's activity can be analyzed in three aspects:

    1) labor activity as a process of realizing a person's abilities, his knowledge, skills, and abilities. In this regard, the psychological, moral, business, organizational, professional and qualification qualities of the employee are assessed;

    2) labor activity as a set of actions during the performance of certain duties. The object of assessment is the characteristics of labor behavior, such as approach to business, attitude to work, to colleagues, to clients, diligence, conscientiousness, discipline;

    3) labor activity as realization, materialization of the qualities of workers and their labor behavior into results. The object of assessment in this case is the characteristics of the results of labor, achievement, implementation, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the product, service.

    In other words, the quality of the employee, his labor behavior and performance results are subject to assessment. And if all these aspects are assessed not separately, but together, then what happens comprehensive employee assessment.

    With regard to the definition of criteria for evaluating personnel, in practice, the most commonly used criteria are:

    Professional knowledge;

    Diligence and activity in work;

    Attitude towards managers and employees;


    Quality of work;

    The pace of work;


    Ability to organize and plan;

    Readiness for responsibility, etc.

    We must not forget that each position makes certain requirements for the employee. Assessment of employees in different positions should be based on different criteria and standards.

    As for the classification of personnel assessments, they can be both partial and complex, when both personal qualities and work behavior and work performance are immediately assessed).

    Also, the assessments differ in the regularity of the conduct. They can be regular; periodic (with a certain frequency - once a year, once every two years, etc.) and episodic (when hiring, at the end of the probationary period, during promotion, etc.).

    Another classification can also be used - flow assessments, final (based on the results of work for a certain period), prospective assessments, the purpose of which is to identify the potential of the employee, his abilities, value orientations, motivation for the result).

    Also, the ratings differ depending on the subject of the assessment. An employee can be assessed by his manager, colleagues, subordinates, clients. Or there may be an assessment by all of the above subjects at once, and plus self-assessment. This is the so-called. "Personnel assessment by the 360-degree method".

    Significantly, the assessment can be both formal and informal (for example, a daily assessment by a supervisor of a subordinate). It can also pursue various, sometimes rather narrow, tasks that are not necessarily directly related to work standards (psychological assessment, adjustment, assessment in order to increase pressure or control, comparing the activities of employees to make administrative decisions, etc.). Evaluation is not always related to work standards - sometimes, especially when it comes to psychological characteristics and personality traits, it has little to do with any standards.

    2. Certification of personnel

    Personnel certification - this the procedure for a systematic formalized assessment according to the specified criteria for the compliance of a specific employee's activities with clear standards for performing work at a given workplace in a given position fora certain period of time. (Criteria and work standards were obtained as a result of work analysis and are reflected in the job description or job description.) The certification procedure must be drawn up in accordance with the legal requirements and local regulatory documents of the organization.

    Key elements of this definition:

    Systematic... Certification, which is carried out haphazardly from case to case, is, in fact, not such. If you decide to carry out certification, you should establish its frequency.

    Formalization (not from the word formality!). You need to thoroughly prepare for certification, including developing forms in which the results will be recorded.

    Criteria must be set in advance, what is being evaluated must be determined. Any final grade is made up of many grades. The criteria must be thought through and must be consistent with the job description.

    Work standards must be established. Otherwise, it remains to operate with the categories "bad-good", and the one who is being evaluated has every reason to disagree with such an assessment.

    As a rule, certification of personnel looks like the result of an assessment of the employee's work for the period of the contract, the work done during the period of the contract is assessed, and the professional suitability and degree of the employee's suitability for the position are determined according to the instructions. Those. certification accumulates the results of work for a certain period of time, agreed in advance. In this it is fundamentally different from the situational assessment. The results of the certification should take into account the work during the entire period, even if there were significant fluctuations during this time.

    Certification is a traditional, one of the most common forms of personnel assessment, both in Ukraine and abroad. In its content, it does not differ from the assessment, but its peculiarity lies in the formalization and systematicity, as well as in the fact that it is carried out by a specially created attestation commission, which usually includes:

    Management representatives;

    Heads of structural divisions;

    HR representatives or HR managers.

    There has hardly ever been a case where line managers were happy to hear about an upcoming assessment or certification. On the contrary, they more often view them as unnecessary additional work with an incomprehensible purpose and result.

    The arguments of the opponents of certification are quite reasonable. Here are just a few of them.

    The manager is already constantly evaluating his employees and does not need an additional external scheme.

    There is a catastrophic lack of time to complete production tasks, there is no time to engage in all sorts of additional activities.

    You can aggravate and worsen relations in a team.

    The bosses need certification to get rid of the unwanted.

    The HR manager needs a certification to demonstrate his worth.

    You can continue for a long time. Supporters of the organization of work in teams, for example, believe that certification can adversely affect the activities of the team - firstly, when organizing work in a team, it is difficult to formally assess the personal contribution of everyone, since standards are determined for the team (project), and not for the individual employee secondly, there are many factors that get out of control, such as customer behavior.

    There is a grain of reason in each of the arguments. Attestation, like any other HR tool, must be applied wisely and in accordance with the real situation.

    At the same time, it is imperative to explain to employees that certification of personnel is not a punitive tool for dismissing unwanted ones; it is designed to help not only employers, but also employees themselves find weaknesses in their professional training and eliminate them.

    The negative aspects of personnel appraisal (assessment) may lie in the fact that too frequent (annual or more often) appraisals demotivate personnel, directing employees' efforts solely to meet the established standards. As a result, everything is ignored for which "marks" are not given. For the employee, it is not the success of the organization as a whole that comes to the fore, but the personal result. In the team there is too much high level competition between employees and interpersonal conflicts erupt regularly.

    In addition, appraisals have become a fairly routine form-filling procedure, with managers simply rewriting forms completed in years past.

    3. Tools (methods) of assessment and certification.

    In fact, personnel assessment is a certain synthesis of psychodiagnostics, management and mathematical statistics.

    There are many different assessment or grading schemes, but in practice they generally represent different variations of the following tools:

    1) Ranging, in which it is required to arrange employees in order depending on their merits or achievements. The use of this method is not very difficult for a manager, especially if the number of his subordinates is small, and besides, the results of the ranking carried out by several managers who know their subordinates well, almost always coincide.

    Ranking can be done by alternating worst and best results. The best and worst, next best and next worst are selected from the list of workers.

    There may be a ranking by pairwise comparisons. Each employee is repeatedly assessed relative to others based on certain criteria. The result is a total score or index of advantages that determine his place among colleagues. But this method is advisable to use only in departments where a small number of fairly homogeneous employees work, otherwise comparative calculations will take too much time. Ranking can be used to determine wages and, to some extent, identify ways to use an employee more efficiently, but not to identify training needs or motivation.

    2) Classification, in which employees are divided into several predetermined categories of achievements (merit) based on the overall performance of their activities. Typically, there are five of these categories: Bad Workers, Below Average Workers, Average Workers, Above Average Workers, Excellent Workers. For these categories, a normal distribution was established according to the following proportion - bad workers in the organization 10%, workers below the average level - 20%, average workers - 40%, workers above the average level - 20%, excellent workers - 10%.

    However, when applying this scheme, the principle of avoiding extreme categories is often triggered, i.e. most workers are classified in the middle categories, and only a few fall into the extreme categories. On the other hand, compulsory allocation is sometimes used to overcome this trend - managers are simply instructed to fill in all five categories in appropriate proportions.

    3) Rating scale Is the most commonly used certification method. It is based on a list of personal characteristics or factors, against each of which a numbered scale is placed, and the manager notes on the scale to what extent this or that factor or characteristic is inherent in the employee.

    4) The so-called method is also distinguished. open assessment or attestation - instead of forcing the manager to evaluate a number of personal characteristics by ticking the checkboxes, the columns require several phrases from him about evaluating the employee. The most common variation on this method is to ask the manager to answer four questions about their employee.

    What are the employee's strengths in terms of work-related issues?

    What are its respective weaknesses?

    What potential does the employee have for promotion?

    Does the employee require training?

    Another approach is to instruct the supervisor to compile a list of work performed by subordinates in the past period, and to propose actions aimed at improving the efficiency of his work. In some organizations, all employees simultaneously draw up lists of work done for a certain period, i.e. their own versions and on their basis offer their own transfer to a new position or training, which, in their opinion, will be useful for their career growth. Then both lists are compared and discussed.

    This method requires a lot of mental effort, the grading scale is easier to complete, and it seems more appropriate if the subordinates perform approximately the same, mostly routine work.

    5) Scale of expected behavior patterns represents an interesting development in the field of personnel assessment methods. This approach is sometimes referred to as the "bars" technique from the English behaviorally anchored rating scale. This method requires the manager to choose those options for the subordinate's behavior that the assessor considers typical for the employee. For example, in the column “Ability to withstand stress,” you need to choose one of the proposed answers to a question that begins with the words “I expect that this employee under stress ... "

    Keep calm

    Will be upset

    Will show irritability

    Will act erratically

    Lose control of himself completely

    The bars system is considered complex, requiring a certain amount of time.

    All schemes require employees to be assessed in relation to the requirements of the work they perform, so it is necessary to have ready-made qualification requirements containing as precisely defined standards of work performance as possible. And it is important to understand that when assessing (attestation) there is not just a comparison of employees with each other, but there is a comparison “employee - work standard”. You can only compare how much one employee more / less meets the standard of work than another.

    In many organizations, certification is a one-way, classified process. But there is also its open two-way procedure, which involves a certification interview.

    4. Assessment center

    Another complex method or technology of personnel assessment is highlighted, which belongs to open forms appraisals assessment center or Evaluation Center.

    This is one of the methods for a comprehensive assessment of personnel, based on the use of complementary techniques, focused on assessing the various qualities of employees, their psychological and professional characteristics, compliance with the requirements of job positions, as well as identifying the potential of specialists.

    Assessment center components:

    An interview with an expert, during which there is a collection of data on the knowledge and experience of the employee.

    Tests (psychological, professional, IQ tests, memory, attention, etc.).

    Brief presentation of the participant to the experts and other participants. (Sometimes audio and video is used, and specially trained assessors (assessors) act as experts

    Business game. Under the supervision of an observer, a group of employees or candidates plays out a business situation according to a prepared scenario.

    Biographical questioning.

    Description of professional achievements.

    Individual analysis of specific situations (case-study), when the participant is asked to choose a specific strategy and tactics of action in the proposed situation.

    Expert observation.

    Drawing up a final report based on the assessment results, issuing recommendations.

    Who conducts all this and who evaluates it?

    As a rule, assessment centers are carried out by external experts: personnel management consultants, since they have such qualities in relation to the organization's employees as




    In addition, their qualifications and experience increase the speed of preparation, conduct and processing of assessment results.

    But managers of the customer company must also participate in such an assessment.

    The Assessment Center method originated in the West during the Second World War. In Great Britain it was used for recruiting junior officers, and in the USA for recruiting scouts. Subsequently, it was adopted by business organizations, and now in the West, almost every large company uses this method to assess personnel. This method came to Russia and Ukraine in the early 1990s.

    Using this method allows you to evaluate an employee or candidate for a vacant position according to a number of parameters, such as:

    Performance of official duties

    Features of behavior

    Performance efficiency

    Competence level

    Level of achievement of goals

    Personality traits

    Work within the assessment center is also carried out in several stages:

    The goals and objectives of diagnostics are clarified with the leadership, the composition of the participants to be assessed is determined.

    Assessment criteria and parameters are formed.

    Assessment techniques and exercises are being developed.

    The sequence of diagnostics of employees is determined, after which a comprehensive assessment is carried out.

    The basic principles of the assessment center:

    Integral assessment. Each participant is assessed by several experts, assesses himself and others.

    The observation and evaluation phases are timed to achieve greater objectivity.

    The observed behavior of the assessed is assessed, not the reasons behind this behavior.

    The assessment center is especially useful during a period of active growth and development, because during this period it is important for an organization to make the most of the available human resources - both managers and specialists. The hidden skills of workers are a potential source of income for an organization. An employee holding a position that does not match his qualities and inner potential can be much more useful in another position that is more suitable for his psychological makeup.

    The use of standard and non-standard assessment methods allows us to identify employees with leadership potential, to appear to people who are invisible in their daily work, but who take leadership into their own hands in specific situations. Thus, based on the results of the Assessment Center, not only the skills available to the employee are revealed, but also his hidden capabilities, which can make his work more effective and productive in the company.

    The assessment center is used when recruiting candidates for work, in training and developing personnel, when appointing employees to managerial positions, to make a decision on the suitability of an employee for the position, to determine the ability to perform new functions, when planning further training of employees within the organization and determining their potential development.


    Revealing the definition of the concept of personnel certification, its goals, objectives, functions and principles in a modern organization, it is necessary to study the scientific approach and views on personnel certification of such researchers as A. Ya. Kibanov, VA Spivak, T. Yu. Bazarov. By analyzing the regulatory legal acts that relate to the area of \u200b\u200bemployee assessment, it is possible to build a model of the certification procedure in companies of any type. Any process in the field of human resource management is a mandatory observance of labor principles. When conducting certification in their companies, managers face a number of difficulties, such as determining the method of certification and, accordingly, the process of preparing for it is not always clear to most company leaders. during the preparation and conduct of certification. The conclusion indicates one of the methods for solving problems associated with personnel certification.



    suitability of position



    personnel Management


    1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) [Electronic resource] // SPS "ConsultantPlus". - Access mode:

    2. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel Management. Textbook / T.Yu. Bazarov. - M: Academia, 2014.- 224 p.

    3. Deineka A. V. Personnel management: textbook / A. V. Deineka. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K °", 2013. - 292 p.

    4. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M .: NITs INFRA-M, 2014 .-- 447 p.

    5. Mitin O. A. Certification of the personnel of a modern organization [Electronic resource] / O. A. Mitin // Internet-portal about security - Access mode:

    6. Spivak V. A. Personnel management for managers: tutorial / V.A. Spivak. - M .: Eksmo, 2012 .-- 226 p.

    7. We evaluate personnel according to the rules: Regulation on Attestation [Electronic resource] // HR Maximum. - Access mode:

    8. Regulations on personnel certification [Electronic resource] // Our archive, expert community. - Access mode:

    9. Popova V. I. Problems of organization of assessment and certification of personnel [Electronic resource] / V. I. Popova // Scientific publishing center "Sociosphere". - 2014. - No. 2. - Access mode:

    In carrying out its activities, the organization periodically encounters macro- and microeconomic changes in its environment. These changes hinder or contribute to the normal development of the organization. These include political instability, changes in legislation, an increase in the amount of tax payments, the demographic situation, scientific and technical progress, the level of education, inflation, and others. To ensure the stable functioning of the company, the management needs to constantly monitor and if it is necessary to update the organizational processes, capital, structure and other components.

    The personnel, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, occupy one of the main positions in the organization, but, like other resources of the company's production cycle, they require control and changes. Working with personnel in an organization is a complex process. The management of this process is characterized by the performance of a number of functions that are important in the correct functioning of the entire organization. One of these functions is personnel certification as a method of assessing the suitability of an employee to his position.

    The essence of personnel certification is to assess the employee's compliance with the requirements of the position. This check is carried out at regular intervals and has a procedure for conducting it.

    In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) there is no definition of personnel certification, but there are articles in which it is mentioned. For example, paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the results of certification may serve as a reason for the dismissal of an employee of the company. Part 3 of Article 82 (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) mentions that representatives of a trade union organization can be members of the certification commission. Part 10 of Article 332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the certification of scientific and pedagogical workers. The concept of certification, the procedure for its implementation, goals and objectives are not contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, many employers, when creating local documents, use the information of the regulation on the procedure for conducting certification dated October 5, 1973, which does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Certification is the subject of study and justification by many scientists and researchers. Each of them gives its own definition of this concept.

    For example, A. Ya. Kibanov distinguishes three types of certification. He defines the certification of workers as follows: "the procedure for determining the qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills, business and personal qualities of workers, the quality of work and its results and the establishment of their compliance (inconsistency) with the position held."

    V. A. Spivak presents certification as confirmation of compliance with the position held, the basis for the employee to perform this type of activity. Also, according to the author, certification serves as confirmation of the distribution of employees by categories and levels of remuneration. V. Spivak notes that during the certification process, feedback is carried out between the employee and his management.

    T. Yu. Bazarov singled out his concept of “personnel certification - personnel activities designed to assess the compliance of the level of work, qualities and potential of the individual with the requirements of the performed activity. The main purpose of attestation is not to control performance (although this is also very important), but to identify reserves for increasing the level of employee efficiency. "

    Personnel certification, like any organizational process, has its own goals and objectives. The goals are: improving the quality characteristics of the staff, assessing the employee's suitability for the position, establishing the need for staff training, career growth of employees, creating a personnel reserve, rational use of the potential of the organization's employees.

    Tasks solved during personnel certification:

    Assess the performance of employees fairly and objectively;

    To form a highly qualified staff in the company;

    Provide an opportunity for staff development;

    To fully use the potential of the organization's employees;

    Stimulate an increase in the efficiency of the entire organization;

    Promote the professional growth of personnel;

    Determine the size of the employee's salary, according to the results of certification.

    Personnel certification in an organization performs its functions:

    1) Control function. Personnel appraisal should control the results of work and the ability of employees;

    2) Communicative function. Providing communication between employees and the manager;

    3) Estimation function. Assessment of the results of work and the qualities of personnel;

    4) Stimulating function. Certification supports employee incentives;

    5) Selection function. Certification assists in selection professional staff, excluding those who do not meet the requirements of the position and organization;

    6) Organizational function. Streamlining work with company employees.

    However, personnel certification cannot fulfill its functions if such principles as objective assessment, publicity, frequency, obligation, the principle of continuous training, democracy, differentiation of requirements for the certified employee are not observed.

    Personnel certification is not just a mandatory organizational process, but also an important element in the management of an organization, without which it is impossible to build a modern, competitive and effective system personnel management.

    It should be noted that the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the compulsory certification only for civil servants; scientific and pedagogical workers; employees whose activities are related to operational dispatch management in the power industry; workers whose activities are related to the movement of trains and shunting work on public railway tracks; workers responsible for ensuring the safety of navigation; workers at hazardous production facilities; employees of chemical weapons storage facilities and chemical weapons destruction facilities; aviation personnel; heads of unitary enterprises and others. If the organization performs a different type of activity, then its leader decides how to conduct a staff assessment and whether to conduct it at all. Labor Code The Russian Federation allows an employer to fire an employee who does not meet the requirements of the position.

    This fact gives the heads of many companies the freedom of action of certification. Namely, the conduct of certification for their own purposes. This is the cause of problems when assessing company personnel.

    In modern organizations, the following problems arise when preparing, conducting and summarizing certification results:

    1) Poor awareness of certified employees;

    2) Conducting certification only for the purpose of dismissing personnel;

    3) Not using the results of certification in further work with personnel;

    4) Subjectivity in evaluating employees;

    5) Violation of the certification process in private companies;

    The first problem is the lack of awareness of employees about the date of certification, about the procedure for conducting it, about tasks, about the rules of assessment. Awareness of employees ensures professional and psychological preparation of the certified employee for the procedure. If this does not happen, then the result of the assessment can be considered distorted, because the rules for conducting certification have been violated.

    The second problem is a consequence of the manager's consumer attitude towards his employees. Certification in the hands of such a manager is a tool for getting rid of unnecessary workers.

    The third problem may also be relevant in companies where certification is a mandatory element of the personnel management system. The problem is that employee evaluations are conducted but the results are not used in any way. That is, the procedure was carried out purely formally, for reporting to higher authorities. This is a very big mistake of the employer, because certification is designed to identify problems in the work of staff. Failure to use the assessment results is fraught with an increase in these problems.

    The members of the attestation commission are employees of the company. Therefore, such a problem as the subjectivity of the assessment is relevant. It absolutely influences the outcome of an employee's assessment. For example, promotion of an employee who is not worthy of it, but is a friend or relative of one of the commission members. Another example is the unjustified dismissal of an employee. As a result, the principle of objectivity of certification is violated. The results of the conduct may satisfy the manager, but they have adverse consequences for the organization.

    The last problem identified is a violation of the certification process in private companies. These violations can be of a different nature. For example, the use of incorrect assessment methods for a certain category of workers; incompetence of employees organizing the procedure and others. What is important is the fact that the leaders of private companies pay insufficient attention to the personnel assessment process. This is especially true for organizations where mandatory certification of employees is required. After all, violation of this procedure will lead to a distorted result. And incompetence, unprofessionalism of employees, not identified in time, can affect the activities of the entire organization.

    The solution of these problems is impossible without expanding the regulatory framework regarding the certification of personnel and the organization of control by the state. This obliges the heads of private companies, which use certification as a personnel assessment, to approach this process more responsibly.

    After analyzing the process of personnel certification, we can conclude that this procedure is important for both the employer and the employee. Because the results of the appraisal allow you to assess the placement of personnel and change it in the most efficient way. For an employee, passing certification is an opportunity to improve his qualifications, professional retrainingmoving up the career ladder. The results of certification help to improve the use of personnel, to apply personnel rotation. For a manager, certification is a pretext for the dismissal of ineffective employees who do not fulfill their main functions. It can be argued that appraisal is a beneficial process for the entire organization as a whole.

    Although certification is not required for all organizations, many managers use it as an assessment of their staff. But if mandatory certification is regulated in detail by law, then in companies where certification is optional, employees are faced with the problem of lack of information when organizing the process. This can cause many problems during the procedure, due to the fact that the organization's management uses the process for their own purposes.

    Consequently, the expansion of the legal framework, control of higher authorities, and the responsibility of the head can help to eliminate problems during the certification of personnel.

    Bibliographic reference

    Kostikova O. N., Kipreeva E. E. PROBLEMS OF PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION IN MODERN COMPANIES // International student scientific bulletin. - 2016. - No. 6 .;
    URL:\u003d16730 (date accessed: 01/05/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"