Indexation of salaries for civilian personnel Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. To the question of indexing

Civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are doctors, electricians, cooks, meteorologists, engineers, drivers, plumbers and other employees working on the territory of military units and creating normal living conditions for military personnel. All of them receive a salary from the military department. In order to save budget funds, many military posts were replaced by civilians. And the responsibilities remained the same. So, for example, the post of the clerk of the combat unit was reduced and replaced by the post of personnel inspector.

The program for increasing the salaries of the personnel of the Ministry of Defense

As proof of the diversity and importance of civil servants, let us list their professions, aimed at fully providing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This includes accountants, cooks, drivers, engineers, pilots, doctors, medics, plumbers, electricians, gas workers, etc.

At the moment, the salary of civil servants of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is established by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2014 (with amendments and additions of September 22, 2015, August 18, 2016) No. 255 "On measures to implement the Government Decree in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation RF dated 5.08.2008 No. 583 ", fixing official salaries, according to the tariff scale. If we compare the incomes of military personnel and civilian personnel, then the salaries of the latter are much lower. Despite the fact that these people often risk no less, performing difficult and dangerous work.

On October 27, 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted the draft budget for 2018 and planned 2019-2020 years. According to this document, civilian personnel are waiting for salary indexation in 2018. The decision on its amount was made together with an increase in the salary of other servicemen, as a result, the civilian personnel of the RF Armed Forces should receive such funding:

  • in 2018 - 234 billion rubles;
  • in 2019 - 236 billion rubles;
  • in 2020 - 245 billion rubles.

As these sums show, the indexation of the salaries of civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense in 2018 and further will be made by the size of the forecast inflation, that is, the salary of civil servants in next year will grow by 4%. The salary increase for civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense in the amount of 4% is scheduled for January 1, 2018. In the next two years, the same volume of indexing is planned, but the terms will be changed. In 2019 and 2020, the salary increase for such workers will take place on October 1.

How the salary has changed in recent years

As you know, the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense have not received a salary increase for five years. For the most part, this is due to the difficult economic situation in the country. So who can get a raise to their salary, and who shouldn't count on it? Many factors affect the amount of the premium:

1. Work experience. How long you worked as a civilian specialist of the RF Ministry of Defense directly affects your possible increase in salary.
2. The title is also of particular importance in this matter.
3. Undoubtedly, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity on which you have spent many years of your life will also participate here.

Everyone is well aware of the current economic situation Russian Federation... So where does the state plan to get money to index the salaries of civilian personnel? The answer is simple - to save. Thus, from January 1 of the new year, salaries will be increased.

Real numbers and payroll

Moreover, from January 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017 minimum size wages (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage) increased by 40% (from 5,554 rubles to 7,800 rubles). The lack of decisions on the indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the "power block" during recent years practically led to the leveling of wages of low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions.

In project federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020, it is envisaged to establish the minimum wage from January 1, 2018 in the amount of 9489 rubles per month (an increase of 21.7 percent), which corresponds to an increase in the minimum wage to 85 percent of the living wage of the working-age population in the whole of the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2017. And from January 1, 2019, a further increase of 22.2 percent to 11,946 rubles is envisaged.

What can the staff of the RF Ministry of Defense expect in 2019?

The civil servants of the Ministry of Defense of our country account for about half of all employees. More precisely, they make up 41% of the total number of the country's defenders. The increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will now take place for sure. For a long time already, officials from the Ministry of Defense, as well as the leadership of the specialized trade union of civil servants, have forgotten about decent wages for the above category. Considering that the number of civilian personnel in the Armed Forces is about 40% of the total number of the army. then this question, you must agree, is important.

Yes, some who have transferred their status to "civil servants" are doing very well. They also get good results. But the remaining 90% of employees receive such a meager wage that they are even embarrassed to talk about it. Not to mention the fact that it is possible to exist on it. We are talking about inspectors and other job titles that have the lowest salaries. Although, in fact, civilian workers do not beat the thumbs, but perform the duties of reduced military posts, and sometimes two. It is much more profitable for the state to pay 9,000 rubles to a civilian than, for example, 50,000 to a major. Therefore, such reforms were carried out. But the range of responsibilities that the "major" performed was not diminished by this reform, but quite the opposite. So a civil servant pulls the strap for a scanty salary.

First, we need to clarify who is called civilian personnel? It's simple - there are specialists in every army, professional activity which consists of ensuring the combat readiness of personnel Russian army... They are:

  • signalmen;
  • vehicle drivers;
  • cooks and other kitchen workers;
  • storekeepers, auxiliary workers, warehouse workers;
  • secretaries, accountants, economists, clerks;
  • professional psychologists;
  • employees of secret institutions.

Thus, no active army can exist without civilian personnel. However, as practice shows, the importance of the work they do is currently not able to convince officials that they, like other military personnel, need to increase their wages.

Will there be a salary increase

To date, the population has quite naturally matured the question: when can one hope that the situation will move off the ground? It was not possible to rejoice even back in 2012, when the salaries of military personnel were significantly raised, and the civilian specialists in the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense did not even remember.

Trade unions, called upon to protect the rights of able-bodied persons, all these years continued to systematically defend what the civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense deserves.

At the end of March 2015, Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova made a statement to reporters that there were no plans to raise wages by the end of the year either, but additional payments that have been applied for several years to certain categories of civilian specialists continue to apply. Thus, the deputy assured that there would be no reduction in the salary intended for civilian personnel who are part of the army.

The official also noted: the traditional indexation of military pensions is expected by October 2015.

Salaries of military personnel from 2012 to 2020

Since 2012, the salary of military personnel has been an order of magnitude higher than the average earnings in the country. So, in 2012, the revenue side amounted to 57,800 rubles, and in 2019 - already 62,100 monetary units in national currency.

Allowances were introduced, varying in accordance with the size of the salary in each individual case, namely:

  • for the leadership of various units, servicemen began to receive an additional 20%;
  • 50% of the usual salary increased the salary for the implementation of diving work;
  • parachute jumps and explosive disposal were estimated at a 50% premium;
  • the fulfillment of a sufficient number of flight hours provided servicemen with up to 70% additional payments.

The year 2014 was marked by the fact that housing subsidies were allocated to the military, thus partially resolving the problematic housing issue, which was on the lips of 4,800 civil servants.

In 2015 at financial content the provision of housing subsidies to the military was spent about 30 billion of budget funds.

What about civilian personnel

returning to civilian specialists, it should be noted that the minimum incentives for civil servants fell on 2014. Separate groups of employees of medical, educational, scientific organizations and state art institutions. During the increase in earnings, 6.7 billion Russian rubles were spent.

The Chief Financial Officer reassures that such work will continue in 2019, but no general wage increases are expected.

Military pensions

In 2012, an updated procedure for calculating pensions for retired military personnel was approved, in connection with which the size of pension payments increased on average by 50-70%.

To date, there is already reliable information on the amount of salary and salary increases for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

As of today, it is already quite clearly possible to judge how much the salaries of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense and employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will increase. This information is quite serious and objective, as it is based on the documents of the draft budget for 2018-2020, the conclusion of the profile Defense Committee of the State Duma and the speech of the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov at the parliamentary hearings on the budget in the Federation Council.

The news, I must say, is not comforting ... Telling the background of the issue of increasing the salary of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, we note that it has not been increased for a long time in such a way that it could be worth living on. At one time, civilians were paid a premium by order 1010, which was a good material support and gave some kind of stability in the matter of financial security. But, lately, premium payments by order 1010 are gradually fading away and are laughable in nature. Quarterly awards under this order, sometimes they do not exceed 2,000 rubles and are paid with a delay. With the growth of the problem of paying 1010, the problem of low salaries of civil servants was aggravated.

Suffice it to say in this aspect that the majority of employees were raised their salaries only after the government adopted appropriate decrees to raise the minimum wage. And they raised again "tunic - in - tunic". That is, for a penny.

There were numerous appeals and numerous petitions both to officials of the Ministry of Defense and to the civilian personnel union. But things are still there. Such is the empty and joyless cart of civilians.

It should be noted that civilian personnel in their positions are by no means idle, but perform a fairly wide range of tasks. But the remuneration for this work is not in any way comparable with the payment and monetary allowance of military personnel.

So. back to the draft budget 2018-2020. How much is it planned to increase the salaries of civilians. Only 4%. This also follows from the conclusion of the State Duma Defense Committee. If after reading the budget there were still doubts about this issue, now they are gone. Yes, 4%

The draft federal budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020 for the remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation provides for the following budget allocations (according to the Register): for 2018 - 233.8 billion rubles; for 2019 - 235.8 billion rubles; for 2020 - 245.3 billion rubles.

At the same time, the annual indexation of wages to the forecast inflation rate was taken into account from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0%, and from October 1, 2020 - by 4.0%.

In this regard, the Committee on Defense notes that in the period from 2014 to 2017, no decisions were taken on the indexation (increase) of pay for civilian personnel of military units and organizations. federal bodies the executive branch (with the exception of categories falling under the "May decrees"). At the same time, from January 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017, the minimum wage (hereinafter - the minimum wage) increased by 40% (from 5,554 rubles to 7,800 rubles). The lack of decisions on the indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the "power bloc" in recent years has practically led to the leveling of wages of low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions.

The Committee emphasizes that it is concerned about such a small increase, which will not solve anything in matters of material security for civilians. But it seems that the matter will not progress beyond "concern", as it has been for the past few years. Another unresolved problem will be the equalization of the labor of low-skilled and high-skilled specialists, which is also unfair.

The huge gap in indexing is also outrageous:

Annual indexation wages to the forecasted inflation rate from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0%.

And in general, it is not clear where such a gap appeared.

I would like to wish the civilian universal patience and a speedy resolution of these issues!

For several years, civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense have not been able to receive an answer to the question of when the increase will be carried out or, in extreme cases, the indexation of current salaries, since living with dignity on catastrophically low wages becomes more difficult every year.

It is worth noting that the issue of increasing the salary of the State Enterprise of the Ministry of Defense is really topical. The numerical strength of the Ministry of Defense, represented by civilians, is approximately 40% of the total number of military personnel... A sufficient number of years have passed since the implementation of the reorganization of the RF Armed Forces proposed by the Ministry of Defense.

According to the plan, the lion's share of the military positions were replaced by civilians. Benefit for state budget was more than obvious: executive retained all the previous duties, the list of which was even expanded, but at the same time everything was performed not by a soldier, but simply by an employee.

Everyone won, except the employees themselves. People were automatically deprived of all military privileges. Now, naturally, they had no right to apply for a package of social guarantees, which were legalized for the military. Besides, official salaries were significantly cut, and the possibility of retiring on an early retirement pension was canceled.

Such a decision in the context of the economic crisis was a good way out for the state. But it did not bring anything good to the civilian personnel of the RF Armed Forces.

Let's take a closer look at a few concrete examples... In particular, the post of military psychologist.

A military psychologist (head of the psychological work group) with the rank of captain receives monetary allowance near 55 thousand rubles monthly, a civil psychologist, performing the duties of a leading psychologist, has the right to apply only to 15 thousand rubles a month.

The difference is huge. Wherein wage recognized (by civil standards) quite high, and the position itself is included in the group of highly paid.

Most of the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense are represented by all kinds of inspectors. So, the position of the clerk of the combat unit has been replaced today with the position of the personnel inspector.

The salary established for her is practically close to the current minimum wage and does not exceed 8 thousand rubles. At the same time, the list of duties assigned to the HR inspector has been significantly expanded.

And such "ridiculous" salaries are laid down for the majority of civil servants of the Russian Armed Forces. At the same time, there has been no talk of indexation or salary increase for a long time. People try to survive as best they can. Some of them leave, but even more remain.The reason is the direct connection of employees with the army.

Very often, such positions are occupied by military retirees or the spouses of contract servicemen who, due to too frequent travel, are not able to get a permanent job. AND The Ministry of Defense unfortunately uses this situation for its own purposes, completely forgetting about civilians in terms of ensuring pay.

2017 has almost come to its end, but no changes regarding the indexation and salary increase of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense are likely to occur.

Even if the decision to perform indexing is nevertheless made, the expected the increase in salary will not exceed 200 rubles.The inflation target for 2017 is 4% and it is by this figure that the indexed part of salaries will be increased.

This does not solve the problem. In order to somehow improve the situation, it is necessary to radically revise both the salary and the wage scale. Otherwise, employees' income will remain practically the same.

Indexation of employees' salaries is planned for 2018 budgetary sphere... This concerns the decision of doctors and education workers. The President also recommended to increase the salaries of state employees who belong to the category of "non-specified", i.e. those that were not listed in the May decrees.

The Ministry of Labor explained that this category includes the following professions - locksmiths, utility workers, plumbers and others. But it turned out that this concerns people who are in the states of local municipalities. Civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense are not mentioned anywhere.

But hope dies last. Many believe that 2018 will bring clarity to such a difficult situation with the financial support of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense. In any case, the indexation of salaries to the rate of inflation will be carried out, but it does not solve the urgent problem.