Goches Engineer What is his work. Ekd is a civil defense specialist. Civil Defense Specialist

Single qualification directory Positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2019
Section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of nuclear power organizations"
The section approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2009 N 977

Civil Defense Engineer and Emergency Situations

Official duties. Organizes and monitors the development and execution of measures to prevent and eliminate consequences emergency situations In the organisation. Develops organizational and administrative documentation on civil defense and emergency situations (GO and emergency). Organizes constant readiness work technical Systems Management, alerts and links of the management points of the IU and EFC. Organizes the holding and analytical analysis of possible emergencies in the organization. Collects, processing and verifying data on staff training to action in conditions of military time and emergency situations and prepares them for a report to higher organizations. Organizes the training of employees of the IU and emergency system to action in emergencies of the natural and technogenic nature of peaceful and military time. Searches for organizational and methodological documentation for staff training to actions in conditions of military time and emergency situations in order to practice its practical use in the organization's system and emergency system. Develops and adjusts the plan of warning and actions in emergency situations of natural and man-made character, plan civil Defense Organizations and other documents on CO and EFC. I predict a possible situation in the organization in the event of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature and when applying modern means of defeat. Provides methodological assistance to the staff of the Departments (headquarters) and emergencies of divisions in the organization of training formations. Carries out control over the content of classes, using the appointment of the educational and material base. Participates in the development, organization and implementation of measures to ensure the constant readiness of services, evacuation bodies and the forces of the organization. Participates in organizing training, exercises conducted according to the work plans of the GO and emergency system. Participates in the work of commissions to investigate the causes of accidents, fires (when inclusive of commissions). Participates in the work of the draft documentation for the Reconstruction, the expansion, construction of facilities, the acceptance and commissioning of factories, shops, installations and equipment (when incorporated by the Commission). Participates in the organization of accumulation, storage, updates of technology and the property of the mobilization reserve, the inviolable stock, equipping the formations of the GO and emergency system. Conducts control over the content of the Fund's protective structures, the management points of the GO and emergency system in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. It works as part of the management center and emergency system. Checks compliance with the instructions for the operation and storage of communications, the presence and maintenance of documentation for communications and alerts, the presence and validity period of the alert schemes in units. Performs the requirements of the rules for labor protection and fire safety, the rules of internal labor routine, the requirements of the secrecy regime, the safety of office, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents governing civil defense issues, including administrative acts of managers of relevant organizations; the list of possible emergencies, the causes of the occurrence, measures to prevent and eliminate the effects of emergency situations in the divisions of the organization; civil defense plans Organization and requirements for increasing the sustainability of its operation; the organization and methodology for the preparation of the governing staff, civil organizations of the system and emergency system, employee training; the requirements of the secretness, the safety of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information; Basics of the economy, organization of production, labor and management; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for security ambient, nuclear and radiation safety; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; Rules of internal labor regulations.

Requirements for qualifications.

Civil Defense Engineer and Emergencies I Categories: Higher Professional (Technical) Education, Training on a special program and work experience as a civil defense engineer and emergency situations of category II at least 3 years.

Civil Defense Engineer and Emergency Situations Categories Categories: Higher Professional (Technical) Education, Preparation for a Special Program and Work experience in civil defense engineer and emergency situations for at least 3 years.

Civil Defense Engineer and Emergency Situations: Higher Professional (Technical) Education Preparation for a special program without providing requirements for experience.

Korenkov G.P., Legal Counsel Center for the Study of Health and Education Problems

The job instruction is the main organizational and legal document defining the tasks, functions, duties, rights and responsibility of employees. Clear organizational and legal regulation of service activities contributes to a rational organization and improving labor productivity, to more complete the use of professional and creative potential of personnel resources, provides greater objectivity in certification of the employee, encouraging it and imposing disciplinary recovery on it.

The job instruction is drawn up for each full-time position, it is an impersonal and announced an employee under receipt at the conclusion labor contract (contracts), incl. When moving to another position, as well as in the temporary execution of responsibilities by position.

The job instructions indicate the name of the institution, a specific position, details of coordination and approval (Appendix 1).

The job instruction consists of four main sections:

General provisions;



The "General" section indicate:

Education level and additional professional training of an employee necessary to fulfill official duties;

Requirements for experience in the specialty;

The basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge and professional skills, as well as knowledge of regulatory documents, methodological materials, methods and means used in the performance of official duties;

The fundamental organizational and legal documents, on the basis of which the employee carries out worker activities and implements its powers;

The list of structural divisions and (or) of individual posts of workers directly subordinate to him by the service (if any);

The procedure for replacing the employee and the execution of official duties in the case of its temporary absence.

The section may include other requirements and provisions specifying and clarifying the status of the employee and the conditions for its activities.

In the "Official Responsibilities" section indicate the responsibilities of the employee, taking into account the tasks and functions of a particular structural unit with a detailed presentation of the main directions of his work. The list of job responsibilities can be supplemented or reduced depending on the external and internal conditions of the institution.

The section "Rights" leads a list of employee rights. It is allowed to specify those or other rights taking into account the specifics of official duties performed by the employee.

In the "Responsibility" section indicate the measure of the responsibility of the employee for non-compliance labor duties. AT this section Also indicate how financially responsible person is borne in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation material liability for damage caused to the agency. The section may include other items specifying and specifying employee responsibility.

An integral part of the job instruction is a review list (Appendix 2). It is allowed to place a mark on familiarizing the employee with the instructions on the list of the official instruction itself. In this case, the corresponding mark must necessarily include the date and signature of the employee.

When executing the job regulations, GOST R 6.30-2003 is recommended "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork", approved by the Resolution of the Russian State Standard of March 3, 2003 N 65-art. Although the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 are not mandatory for use and are a recommendatory nature, uniform approaches to the design of the documentation not only simplify the process of preparing the documents, but also significantly improve their perception by employees.

The approval of the job instruction is located in the upper right corner of the document. The job description is approved by the head of the institution or the specially published document (by order or order). When approving the document, a certificate of claim approval of the document should consist of a word Approved (without quotes), the name of the position of the person who approves the document, its signatures, initials, surnames and approval dates. When approving the job instructions by order or order, the assertion consists of the word approved, the names of the approving document in the articulated case, its dates, numbers. For instance:


order (Name of the institution)

from 27.06.2013 N 18

The procedure for coordination, approval and introduction of the job instruction

The job instruction should be agreed with the relevant legal department (legal adviser) of the institution. If necessary, it is coordinated with other functional units of the institution, the head of the superior authority, the head of the structural unit, in regular schedule Which includes the said position, deputy head of the institution, who oversee the relevant structural divisions and activities.

The job instruction is approved by the head of the institution or other officials authorized by this.

The agreed and approved job description number is numbering, stroke, assure the seal of the institution and are stored in the personnel department in accordance with the established procedure for conducting office work.

For current work from the original of the official instruction, a certified copy is given to the employee and the head of the relevant structural unit of the institution.

The job description enters into force on its approval by the head of the institution or another official authorized to this, and is valid until its replacement job description.

The requirements of the job instructions are mandatory for the employee from the moment it is familiar with the instructions for receipt and before moving to another position or dismissal, which is recorded in the relevant grade of the review list.

Qualification characteristics

Qualification characteristics can be used as regulatory documents or serve as a basis for developing job descriptions containing a specific list of employee duties taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibility. If necessary, the duties included in the qualification characteristics of a particular position can be distributed among several performers. When developing job descriptions, a clarification of a list of works, which are characteristic of the relevant position in specific organizational and technical conditions are allowed.

An exemplary job description of a civil defense specialist and emergency situations is presented in Appendix 3.


Sample design of the job instruction


(establishment name)




(establishment name)

___________ _____________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

"__" ___________ 201_



(Complete name of the post and structural unit of the institution for staff schedule)

I. General provisions

II. Responsibilities ________________________

(Job title)

III. Rights ___________________________

(Job title)

IV. Responsibility ________________________

(Job title)

Head of the Structural Unit


(position name) (signature, surname, initials, date)


Head of Legal Department (legal adviser)


(signature, surname, initials, date)

Introduced: (Date and Signature of the employee)

Appendix 2.

Review sheet with job description


1. A review list must be designed for the number of employees, to which this job description will be brought to the time of its operation.

2. On the turnover of the last sheet they make an entry: "In this job description, it is numbered, and the seal of ______ sheets" (number in words) are printed. The entry signs the head of the institution or face, to them authorized, indicating the date.

3. The Specialist in the Civil Code should know: legislative, regulatory and methodological documents in the field of human protection and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people in water bodies; production and organizational structure of the organization; Advanced domestic I. foreign experience in the region, prevention and elimination of emergencies; office work on the first and emergency; the procedure and deadlines for reporting on the implementation of activities on the Civil the procedure for working with information constituting state secrets and official information of limited distribution; requirements for service behavior; Methods of conducting classes on the Civil Code; Basics of labor legislation; Rules and norms on labor protection, industrial safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety; Basic environmental standards and regulations; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on general industrial safety issues.

4. The Specialist in the Civil Code is appointed and exempt from office by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. A specialist in GO and EFC is directly subordinated to the head of its structural unit or deputy head of the organization's head and emergency.

2. Official duties

Participates in planning, organizing and coordinating work, the prevention and liquidation of emergencies in the organization. Participates in the development and control of the functioning of the system, prevention and elimination of emergencies in the organization in accordance with state regulatory requirements. It interacts with the management bodies in the field of population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people in water bodies. Develops and adjusts the object plan and an object of action plan to prevent and eliminate emergency situations of natural and man-made. Develops other local documents on issues, prevent and eliminate emergency situations. Organizes the training of employees of the organization's organization. Organizes the creation, logistics and preparation of the formations of Go to the organization and in its structural units. Controls the content of protective buildings of civil defense in the organization. Provides in a timely manner to employees of the organization, new regulatory and methodological documents, requirements and guidelines on issues on the prevention and liquidation of emergencies. When receiving a signal about the threat of emergency situations, it organizes the alerting of the management team of the Organization and Commission on the emergency. Plans and organizes command-staff teachings (training) and other exercises to prevent and eliminate Natural and Technogenic Emergency System. Owns in full information about fire condition and constructive features buildings and structures on the subordinate objects, fire hazard of technological processes, the characteristics of fire water supply, the status of travel, communication and alarm. In case of emergency situations, it acts in accordance with the approved Action Plan in case of an emergency, which includes the issues of the alerts and employees of the organization, deploying the formations of the emergence and elimination of emergencies, evacuation, other urgent events. Carries out regular checks of the state of the state and system of preventing and eliminating the emergency in the organization and in its structural units. Based on the results of the inspections, detects proposals for improving the system, prevent and eliminate emergency. Organizes in accordance with current regulatory acts, the provision, update and storage of personal protective equipment, intelligence devices and dosimetry controls, etc. Organizes fire and preventive work in accordance with existing regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety. Conducts fire-fighting briefings of newly employed, organizes and conducts classes for a fire and technical minimum with workers and employees, as well as explanatory work to prevent fires. Organizes and monitors the work of the Fire and Technical Commission (PTK) and the object voluntary fire squad. Carries out control over the implementation of the prescriptions of the state fire supervision. Participates in conducting control over the execution of the budget of the organization in the field, prevention and liquidation of emergencies, conducts an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of financial resources from the point of view of achieving the goals and tasks. Develops proposals for improving the effectiveness of measures to improve the system, prevent and eliminate emergency. Takes part in the work of the Commission on, the elimination of emergencies and fire safety. Provides methodological assistance to managers of structural divisions of the Organization in the field, prevention and elimination of emergencies. Conducts monitoring and constant analysis organizational structure, technical equipment of the organization, industrial, fire and other risks, state regulatory requirements in the field of GO and emergencies, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of GO and EFC. Makes up and provides in the established periods of reporting according to the established form.

3. Rights

Specialist in the Civil Code has the right:

1. To make suggestions to the management on the improvement of the Civil and Emergencies in the organization, incl. on issues of organization and conditions of their work;

2. Use informational materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;

3. Present in the prescribed manner its organization in the management bodies and other organizations on the prevention and elimination of emergency and man-made, fire safety and military accounting;

4. Represent the head of the organization's calculations and proposals for the organization and conduct of measures to ensure and ensure fire safety;

5. Receive from the heads of structural divisions of the organization the necessary information for the implementation of entrusted duties;

6. Conduct control over the implementation of activities on, prevention of emergency and fire safety in the structural divisions of the organization;

7. To prohibit flammable work carried out in violation of fire safety rules;

8. To make the leadership of proposals for the promotion or imposition of disciplinary penalties on employees based on the results of fulfillment of the requirements of the state, prevention and elimination of emergencies, fire safety;

9. To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain an appropriate qualification discharge;

10. Improve your qualifications.

Specialist in the Civil Code uses everyone labor rights In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

A specialist in GO and emergencies is responsible for:

1. Timely and qualitative implementation of official duties assigned to him;

2. Timely and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the leadership, regulatory and legal acts in their activities;

3. Compliance with the rules of the internal schedule, fire safety and safety;

4. Maintaining documentation provided for in existing regulatory legal acts;

5. Compliance with the executive discipline and the fulfillment of official duties subordinate to him by employees (if available);

6. Operational measures taken, including timely informing the guidelines, to eliminate security violations, fire-fighting and other rules that have a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

For violation labor discipline, Legislative and regulatory acts, a specialist and emergencies can be attracted in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

Persons who do not have special preparation or experience of the work established in the "Qualification Requirements" section, but with sufficient practical experience and perform qualitatively and fully assigned job duties, on recommendations attestation Commission Appointed on the relevant posts as well as persons who have special training and work experience.

Registration N 31228.

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.3 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012, N 610 (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3528), order:

Approve a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of posts operating in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, the safety of people in water bodies and mining facilities works B. underground conditions"According to the application.

Minister M. Topilin


Unified qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees


"Qualification characteristics of posts of workers operating in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, the safety of people in water bodies and mining facilities in the underground conditions"

I. General provisions

1. Section "Qualifying characteristics of posts of workers operating in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies, ensuring fire safety, security of people in water bodies and mining facilities in the underground conditions" of a single qualifying certificate of posts managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter - the section) is intended to address issues related to the regulation of labor relations and the provision effective system Management of employees who carry out activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, the safety of people in water bodies and mining facilities in the underground conditions.

2. The section contains the qualification characteristics of the posts of employees of emergency and rescue and rescue formations, civil defense, divisions of the state inspection on small courts, the State Fire Services, the militarized mountainous parts (hereinafter - employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia).

3. Qualification features included in the section (hereinafter referred to as qualification characteristics) are intended to substantiate the rational separation and organization of labor, the correct selection, alignment and use of personnel, ensuring unity in determining the duties of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the qualifying requirements for them.

4. Qualification characteristics are applied as regulatory documents directly or serve as a basis for developing job descriptions containing a specific list of official duties of employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry taking into account the characteristics of the organization of production, labor and management. If necessary, the duties included in the qualification characteristics of a particular position can be distributed among several performers.

When developing job descriptions, a list of works are subject to refinement, which are peculiar to the relevant position in specific organizational and technical conditions, and requirements for special training of workers.

In order to improve the organization and improvement of labor efficiency, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia it is possible to expand the circle of their responsibilities compared with the established qualifications established by the corresponding qualification characteristic. In these cases, without changing the official name, the employee may be entrusted with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the qualification characteristics of other posts close to the content of the work of difficulty, the fulfillment of which does not require another specialty and qualifications.

5. The qualification characteristic of each position contains three sections: "Official duties", "should know" and "qualifying requirements".

The "Official Responsibilities" section establishes the main labor functions that can be assigned to a fully or partially employee who takes this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing to ensure the optimal specialization of employees.

The section "Must know" contains the basic requirements for the employee for special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts, provisions, instructions and other guidance documents, methods and funds that the employee must apply when performing job duties.

The "Qualification Requirements" section defines the level of professional training of an employee necessary to fulfill the provided duties, and the requirements for work experience.

6. For individual posts of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the basis of a qualifying (attestation) commission, qualifications are assigned.

7. In qualifying characteristics, it is envisaged within the same position without changing its name, intra major qualifying categories.

Categories of qualifications of posts of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, contained in the section are established by the head of the relevant institution, taking into account the complexity of the work being performed or professional skills, degrees of independence and responsibilities of the employee when performing duties, attitudes towards work, efficiency and quality of labor.

8. The section does not include qualifying characteristics of the posts of deputy heads. The official responsibilities of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the leaders of the relevant basic positions.

9. Persons who do not have special preparation or experience of the work established in the "Qualifications Requirements" section, but possess sufficient practical experience and performing qualitatively and fully assigned job responsibilities, on the recommendation of the attestation commission are appointed to the corresponding posts as well as Like persons with special training and work experience.

II. Qualification characteristics of the posts of workers of emergency and rescue and rescue formations

Positions of executives

Diving specialist (central aerobile rescue detachment, regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue detachment, maneuverable search group, rescue station)

Official duties. He heads and organizes the work of the diving service in everyday conditions and conditions for the emergence and elimination of emergency situations in the waters. It interacts with the interaction within its competence with other divisions of the central aerobile rescue unit, the regional search and rescue unit, a search and rescue unit, a maneuverable search group, a rescue station involved in the activities of the diving service, to solve the tasks assigned to this service. Organizes the work of the diving qualification commission. Participates in the work of the Dwelle Medical Commission. Carries out control over the acquisition of diving standard or abnormal divisions (stations) by diving and auxiliary personnel, diving equipment and property. Heads and organizes the operation of experimental diving descents, diving descents in special conditions and diving work when eliminating emergencies in the waters and flooded (stuck) objects. Investigation of accidents and accidents with divers. Presents interests in other organizations on the activities of the diving service and the coordination of diving work in the elimination of emergency situations in the waters. Included in the prescribed manner of individual specialists to develop workers on the diving topic (instructions, provisions), training certificates, reviews and conclusions, as well as for consultation. It prohibits the use of faulty diving equipment and other technical means used in the production of diving work. In the event of a detection of unsatisfactory knowledge of the divers, it sends them to an extraordinary testing of knowledge on the diving case into relevant qualification committers or puts the question of release of their position in the prescribed manner from the position. Ensues from the diving descents and works of divers whose actions can contribute to the emergence of an accident or to create a threat to the health or life of people in the preparation, carrying out diving work and during the operation of diving equipment. Prohibits diving descents and work in cases where the requirements of labor protection rules are violated on diving work.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the diving service; Tactical tasks and water supply capabilities; Purpose, device, principle of operation of all types of diving equipment; techniques for working with underwater tools, diving equipment and property; rules and tactics of emergency and search rescue work on water areas using diving technologies; Basics and Radio Rules; rules for first aid for specific diseases of the divers; advanced foreign experience in the production of diving work; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (special) education, additional vocational education in the diving case, work experience in the direction of activity at least 5 years.

Senior Diving Specialist - Higher Professional (Special) Education, Additional Education based on the diving case with the assignment of the highest diving qualification "Diving Specialist" and work experience in the office of at least one year.

Head of the Search and Rescue Division

Official duties. He has managing the activity of the search and rescue unit, coordinating the activities of search and rescue groups in the mode of readiness and activities in emergency situations. Participates in the development of situational tasks and rescue plans, in physical, technical and special training of persons involved in rescue operations. Manages emergency rescue works in an emergency. Conducts work on improving technologies and methods of rescue work, the use of emergency rescue tools and other rescue tools when performing rescue operations, as well as on the introduction of modern, secure methods of work, search and detecting victims. Organizes planning, accounting and preparation of rescue reporting. Provides technically correct operation of the applied equipment, the rational conduct of rescue operations. Coordinates the work of search and rescue groups. Sitates the personnel of rescuers and commanders of search and rescue groups and their alignment. It evaluates the situation in place (object) of emergency rescue work. Informs rescuers about an emergency to organize work on its liquidation. Sets the area for restricting access to unauthorized persons. Controls the application of the necessary means of protection when performing work. Organizes professional training, conducts educational work of the rescuers of the search and rescue unit. Presents suggestions to the promotion of distinguished rescuers.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; regulatory documents relating to the activities of the search and rescue unit and conducting search and rescue and priority emergencies; Tactical tasks of the search and rescue unit; appointment, principle of operation and the rules of operation of technical devices used in the search and rescue unit; Radiocommunication basics in radiotelephone mode; tactics of rescue work on the waters; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of search, salvation, security; first aid rules; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

T.repears to qualify. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in senior positions in rescue formations or as a rescue agent 2 at least 7 years.

Head of the maneuverable search group

Official duties. Manages the activities of a maneuverable search group, diving work and descents. Conducts measures to ensure the safety of people in reservoirs. Participates in opposite events. Conducts explanatory work among the population to prevent accidents on water. He controls the compliance with the divers by the group and persons providing diving descents, rules for labor protection during diving work, the correctness of the operation of vehicles, plaquinity, equipment and diving equipment, the frequency of examination of high pressure vessels. Carries out testing of diving equipment. Leads diving documentation. Provides material and technical supply of the group, the safety of equipment and property.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; regulatory documents relating to the activities of the maneuverable search group; methods of organization and conduct of diving work; specifications and modes of motor vehicles, plaels and equipment and diving equipment; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; The rules for the first aid to victims of water.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher Professional (technical) education without presentation of work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and additional professional education on the established program, work experience in the position of the rescuer at least 3 years.

Head of the post (rescue)

Official duties.Manages the activities of the post (rescue). Carries duty, conducts events on water bodies for the protection of people's life. Provides the readiness of sailors-rescuers and rescue means to help you ending a disaster on the water. Participates in opposite events. Conducts explanatory work among the population to prevent accidents on water. It is responsible for the safety of equipment and property of the post (rescue), maintaining the established documentation. Conducts training sailors and rescuers and rescuers in the rescue techniques to disaster in the water and providing them with first aid.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the head of the post (rescue); receptions of people's rescue on the water and providing first aid; specifications, rules for the use of rescue means; Features of water bodies; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary vocational education, additional professional education on the installed program, work experience in the profession of sailor-rescuer at least 2 years.

Head of the rescue station

Official duties. Manages the activity of the rescue station and seasonal rescue posts. Conducts activities and monitors the provision of people's liveli activities. Conducts explanatory work among the population to prevent accidents on water. Participates in opposite events. Provides and monitors the working conditions of workers of the rescue station, compliance with the rules of operation of vehicles, plaels and equipment of a rescue station, maintaining established documentation. Provides material and technical supply of a rescue station and seasonal rescue posts, is responsible for the safety of the equipment and property of the rescue station.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the heater of the rescue station; Fundamentals of the diving case; Specifications and mode of operation of motor vehicles, plastics and equipment rescue station; Modern methods of assisting a disaster in water; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical) education without presentation of work experience or secondary professional education (technical) education and additional professional education according to the established program without the presentation of work experience.

Head of the search and rescue unit, search and rescue unit (central aerobile rescue detachment, regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue detachment)

Official duties. Manages the activity of a search and rescue unit, a search and rescue unit (central aerobile rescue detachment, a regional search and rescue unit, a search and rescue unit). Organizes the work and interaction of divisions of the search and rescue unit. It coordinates the activities of the search and rescue unit to improve the methods and methods of assisting a disaster. Provides the functioning of technical means for emergency and rescue and urgent work, delivery of goods and rescuers in the emergency zone. Participates in emergency and rescue and emergency work on assistance to people in an extreme situation, to prevent material damage to a disaster based on the introduction of new rescue equipment and equipment, modern rescue technologies, scientific organization Labor, specialized selection and preparing rescuers, improving management in emergencies. Provides the formation and implementation of tasks for conducting search and rescue and priority emergency restoration work. Takes steps to recruit a search and rescue unit by qualified personnel, modern livelihoods, equipment for search and rescue work, delivery means. Organizes systematic professional physical, special, medical, psychological training of search and rescue workers. He controls the observance by employees of the search and rescue unit of labor and fire safety regulations. Carries out activities on the social protection of employees of the search and rescue unit, ensures the conclusion and execution of a collective agreement, labor contracts (contracts). Takes measures to strengthen labor and production discipline, compliance with state interests, the development of the creative initiative and the employ activity of the search and rescue workers. Within the rights provided to him, he solves all issues and instructs the implementation of individual production and economic functions to other employees. Organizes the medical and psychological rehabilitation of rescuers who participated in rescue work.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the search and rescue unit, a search and rescue unit (central aerobile rescue unit, a regional search and rescue unit, a search and rescue unit) and conducting search and rescue and priority emergencies; scope of search and rescue operations; organization of forces and means for the prevention, response and elimination of the effects of emergency situations; the procedure for interaction with the forces of a unified state system of prevention and elimination of emergencies, headquarters to eliminate the effects of an emergency; Characteristics of natural and environmental disasters, production and transport accidents and disasters; appointment, specialization and features of the structure of the search and rescue unit; technology of rescue work; appointment, device, specifications, principle of technical means used during rescue work; regulation of preventive work; the procedure for the development and approval of emergency response plans; Management methods and the procedure for the conclusion and execution of economic contracts, contracts for conducting preventive and rescue work; achieve science and technology in the country and abroad in the field of rescue work and the experience of advanced rescue formations; the structure and rules for the development of planning and reporting methodical documentation, the procedure for its replication, storage and use; methodology for training and conducting training and exercises; Basics of the economy, organization of labor and management; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education, work experience in leadership positions in the search and rescue detachment, division or as a class lifeguard for at least 7 years.

Head of the search and rescue service (central aerobile rescue detachment, regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue detachment)

Official duties. Managing the activity of the search and rescue service, coordinating the activities of the search and rescue service in the mode of readiness and activities in emergencies. Participates in the development of situational tasks and plans for rescue work of workers involved in rescue operations. Manages emergency rescue work in the emergency zone. Conducts work to improve the technologies for rescue work, the use of emergency rescue tools and other rescue funds when performing rescue operations, introduction modern methods Work, search and detecting affected, physical, special, medical and psychological training of rescuers. Organizes accounting and drawing up rescue reporting. Provides technically correct operation of rescue funds, rational conducting rescue operations, nutrition and medical inspection during work related to various loads and climatic conditions. Coordinates the work of search and rescue units. It is responsible for timely information from the emergency zone to compile the correct assessment of the possibility of rescue work or their full or partial suspension, attracting additional forces and means. Evaluates the situation in place (object) of rescue work. Carries out control over the informing of the emergency search and rescue service. Sets the area for restricting access to unauthorized persons. Controls the application of the necessary means of protection when performing rescue work. He controls observance by employees of the search and rescue service rules for labor protection and fire safety, the conditions for conducting rescue work. Conducts educational work with search and rescue service workers to maintain a high spirit of readiness to fulfill the tasks assigned to employees, preventing manifestations of inadequate behavior when working in the emergency zone. Represents suggestions for the promotion of distinguished employees.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of search and rescue work; Tactical tasks and search and rescue services; appointment, device, principle of operation and techniques for working with a rescue tool, other rescue equipment and technical equipment; tactics of rescue work in man-made and natural emergencies; Radiocommunication Basics in the ultrashortovolnic range in radiotelephone mode; advanced foreign experience in conducting search and rescue work; first aid rules; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher Professional (technical) education, work experience in rescue formations as a class lifeguard at least 5 years.

Positions of specialists

Instructor for the preparation of rescuers

Official duties. Conducts exercises, training and other training events for the preparation of rescuers. Participates in the preparation and conduct of educational and methodological activities and meetings, in the implementation of advanced training methods. Participates in the development of educational and reporting documents for the preparation of rescuers. Forms training professional skills and skills, prepares them to apply knowledge gained in practical work. Participates in the creation and improvement of the educational base for the preparation of rescuers.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to rescuer training activities; tactical tasks of search and rescue, emergency-rescue formations; training programs for the preparation and training of rescuers; Technical means of learning and rules for their operation; Basics of pedagogy, psychology; methodology for learning and raising students; appointment, device, principle of operation and techniques for work with a rescue tool, other rescue equipment and technical equipment of the rescue formation; tactics of rescue work in man-made and natural emergencies; advanced foreign experience in the field of search, the salvation of victims; Methods of first aid; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher Professional (Technical, Pedagogical) Education, Qualification class - Rescuer 2 Class 2 without presentation of work experience or secondary professional (technical, pedagogical) education, qualification class - Lifeguard of class 2 and work experience in the direction of activity at least 3 years.

Crisis psychologist

Official duties. Participates in the development, organization and conduct of measures to provide psychological assistance to various categories, social and age groups. Participates in operational work in emergency situations. Provides emergency psychological assistance (including by phone) to persons in the crisis situation. Provides psychological consulting assistance to the population during full-time consultations and by phone. Conducts psychodiagnostic research. Participates in professional selection and certification of specialists. Engaged in scientific and methodical work. Analyzes labor processes and the psychological state of specialists in the process of work. Performs the choice of the most actual questions and problems of organizing labor that require solutions (fluidity of personnel, disruption of labor discipline, ineffective work), determines the ways to eliminate the causes that are causing them. Advises managers of organizations on socio-psychological management issues; Participates in determining the tasks of the social development of the organization.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to psychological assistance activities in emergency situations; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications:

Crisis psychologist I Categories: Higher Professional (Psychological) Education and Work experience in the position of crisis psychologist II category of at least 3 years.

Crisis psychologist II Categories: Higher Professional (Psychological) Education and work experience in the position of a crisis psychologist for at least 3 years.

Crisis psychologist: Higher Professional (Psychological) Education without making requirements for work experience.

Operational duty (central aerobile rescue detachment, regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue detachment)

Official duties. Adding and taking advantage of signals (orders) in case of accidents, disasters, natural disasters and other emergencies. The data collection of their areas of emergency situations, summarizes and analyzes, reports them by the leadership of the central aircraft rescue unit (regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue detachment). He brings to the attention of the executors of the order and guidelines of the central aerobileous rescue unit (regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue unit). Sets and constantly supports communication with interacting authorities whose forces act in emergencies. Conducts control over the serviceability of the communication system and alert, manages the duty of the change of specialists.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the operational duty of the central aerobile rescue unit (regional search and rescue unit, search and rescue detachment); provisions, instructions and other guidance documents on bringing the forces and means of a unified state system of prevention and actions in emergency situations (hereinafter - forces and means); the procedure for conducting measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents, disasters and natural disasters; the procedure for obtaining established signals; dislocation of governing, forces and means and tasks performed by them; information on areas of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, time, place, emergency circumstances caused by damage, the composition of forces and means attracted to eliminate the effects of emergency situations; technical condition alert and communication systems; The procedure for drawing up and submitting reports and reports; the location of the guideline of the central aeromobile rescue unit (regional search and rescue unit, the search and rescue unit and the order of communication with it); Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical) education, additional vocational education according to the established program, work experience in the direction of activity at least 3 years.

Assistant operational duty search and rescue detachment

Official duties. Participates in the reception and bringing signals (orders) to the leading composition of the search and rescue service when emergency situations. Helps an operational duty (central aerobile rescue unit, a regional search and rescue unit, a search and rescue squad) in the performance of official duties. Controls the state of the communication system and alert, takes measures to maintain it in constant readiness.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of an assistant operational duty search and rescue unit; provisions, instructions and other guidance documents on bringing to the willingness of forces and means, conducting measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents, disasters and natural disasters; the procedure for obtaining established signals; information on emergency areas, the composition of forces and funds operating in their territories; communication systems and alerts; location of the leading search and rescue unit and the order of communication with it; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional (technical) education, work experience in the direction of activity at least 1 year.


Official duties.Performs emergency rescue, search and rescue and other urgent work in various climatic conditions Using appropriate equipment. Supports permanent readiness to participate in emergency response work. Search for victims, incl. With the use of special search devices, takes measures to save them, provides them with first aid and other types of help. Carries out duty as part of a search and rescue detachment shift. Explains the rules to citizens safe behavior In order to prevent emergency situations and the procedure in case of their occurrence. Prepares for emergency and rescue, property and equipment for emergency rescue work. Installs and maintains radio communication during emergency operations.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the organization and conduct of emergency and rescue and rescue work; rules, techniques, technology and sequence of search and rescue work, including with the use of cynological calculations; Ways and receptions of the release and transportation of victims; Methods and techniques of work with fire equipment; Stages of the organization of emergency psychological assistance; The procedure for preparing for the work and application of a rescue tool; procedure for establishing communication and radio exchange; methods of orientation on the ground; Basics of survival in extreme situations; Basics of emergency rescue operations with climbing equipment; Technical characteristics of mechanisms, machinery and devices used in conducting search and rescue operations; The main characteristics of individual and collective protection; Methods and techniques for determining the striking factors in the emergency zone; Basics of maintaining diving rescue work; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.

Rescuer: secondary vocational education without presentation of work experience, possession of two working professions necessary to perform official duties in the search and rescue formation.

Rescuer 3 class: secondary vocational education, work experience rescuer for at least 2 years, possession of three working professions necessary to fulfill official duties in the search and rescue formation.

Lifeguard of grade 2: secondary vocational education, work experience 3 grade rescuer at least 2 years old, possession of five working professions necessary to perform official duties in the search and rescue formation.

Class 1 Rescue: Higher Professional Education, Working Class 2 Workwriter at least 3 years old, possession of family workers professions necessary for the performance of official duties in the search and rescue formation.

Savior of the International Class: Higher Professional Education, work experience of 1 classroom for at least 3 years, possession of eight working professions necessary to fulfill official duties in the search and rescue formation, the availability of a document confirming the knowledge of a foreign language.

III. Qualification characteristics civil Defense Workers

Positions of executives

Chief specialist in the mobilization work of institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Official duties.Manages the events on mobilizing preparation of the EMERCOM of Russia (hereinafter - the institution). Develops: A plan of activities performed in the institution in the increasing threat of aggression against the Russian Federation prior to the declaration of mobilization in the Russian Federation; Plan for the translation of the institution to work under military time; plan of priority events of the head of the institution performed when transferring the institution to work under military time; plan of events on mobilization training institution for the next calendar year; A set of documents on the implementation of plans; Project of the Order of the Institution Following Mobilization Preparation for the current year and tasks for the next year; Regulations on the mobilization preparation of the institution; functional responsibilities the leadership of the institution on the organization of mobilization preparation of the institution when transferring to work under military time; reports on the state of mobilization preparation and the implementation of measures for mobilization preparation of the institution submitted by the established procedure; a set of documents for monitoring the transfer of institutions to work under military time; documents for conducting educational and educational and practical training with employees of the institution to improve mobilization preparation; Proposals for financing expenses for mobilization training institutions; Proposals to the management of the institution to improve the regulatory framework on mobilization preparation. Organizes: planning mobilization preparation in the institution; development and refinement of documents of mobilization planning in the institution; planning and conducting work on mobilization training in the institution; planning the logistics of the translation of the institution to work under war times; bringing to the structural divisions of the institution of statements from the plan of measures of agencies in increasing the threat of aggression against the Russian Federation and the transfer plan to work under military time; generalization and distribution in the establishment of best practices on mobilization preparation; interaction with local governments and military commissariats on mobilization preparation, mobilization, booking of citizens staying in stock and working in the institution; preparation of materials for closed meetings on mobilization preparation; Preparation and conduct of educational, educational and methodological and practical exercises on the translation of the institution to work under military time, mobilization preparation. Carries out: Control over the implementation of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the organization of implementation of mobilization training activities; control over the organization of sustainable management in preparing for translation and when transferring institutions to work under military time; for the development (adjustment) of documents of mobilization planning in the structural divisions of the institution; monitoring the organization of logistical support for the translation of the institution to work under military time and in wartime; control over ensuring the regime of secrecy in planning and conducting in structural divisions of agencies of mobilization training activities; control over the state of mobilization preparation in the institution; control over the organization and provision of a sustainable management system in the preparation of a translation institution, translation to work in military time and in wartime; control over the development (clarification, adjustment) of documents of mobilization planning in the institution; control over the introduction of mobilization plans, regulatory legal acts taken during the mobilization period and in wartime; control over the organization of military registration and booking for the period of mobilization and in the military time of citizens who are in stock and working in the structural units of the institution; Conduct an annual analysis of the state of mobilization preparation in the institution.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the main specialist in mobilization work; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (military) education without the presentation of work experience.

Head of Departmental Protection

Official duties.Manages the defendant and economic activities of the departmental protection team. Organizes the protection of protected objects from unlawful encroachments. Approves plans for the protection of protected facilities from unlawful encroachments, guard plans for emergency situations, work plans for the forthcoming period of the team of departmental protection team. Provides selection of frames, taking into account their business Qualities and the level of preparation, exercises their placement. Organizes and conducts briefings of employees of the departmental protection team before interpreted in the guard, classes with employees of the team to improve training training, including the use of firearms, special means and physical strength. It is the work schedules of employees of the departmental protection team and organizes control over the implementation of tasks to protect objects from unlawful encroachments. Organizes the work on the material and technical support of the departmental protection team. Organizes the interaction of the team of departmental protection with the corresponding government agencies security and constantly informs them about changing the operational situation on protected facilities and the territory adjacent to them and water. Provides participation of employees of the departmental protection team in conducting joint activities with the territorial bodies of the internal affairs, the administration of protected facilities to curb the predictions, identifying and detention of offenders. Organizes and personally carries out the area of \u200b\u200bprotected objects in order to identify violations in the storage of material values, monitoring the state of fire safety, the health of engineering and technical means of protection. Controls the implementation of measures for engineering and technical strengthening and equipped with means of signaling buildings, premises and perimeters of a protected object. Analyzes the quality of the quality of the execution by the departmental protection team of the tasks of protection against unlawful encroachments and reliability of protection of protected objects. Defines the tactics of the actions of the guard for the protection of protected objects from unlawful encroachments in emergency situations, as well as to prevent and curb crimes and administrative offenses in protected facilities. Checks the performance of inspection equipment and skip systems of workers, railway and road transport. Organizes accounting, storage, repair, exhibition of firearms, ammunition to it, special means. Exercises activities on the rational use of material resources. Notifies the relevant internal affairs bodies and the prosecutor's office about each case of injury or death as a result of applying employees of the departmental protection of physical strength, special means or firearms. Watch out for the engineering and technical content and operation of service-household premises, equipment, equipment and property of a protected facility.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the security and economic activities of the departmental protection team; the specifics of protected objects; Requirements for equipment fire alarm protected objects; Instructions on bandwidth and injectable modes on protected objects; rules for inspection of personal belongings and personal inspection; procedure for the production of administrative detention, design of materials on offenders, the use of firearms, special means and physical strength; Characteristics of technical means of protecting objects, measures to curb unauthorized access to them; Tactics of protection of protected objects from unlawful encroachments under normal conditions and in emergency situations; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional (technical, humanitarian) education and work experience in senior positions or in the position of specialists in the field of security activities for at least 5 years.

Head of the Office

Official duties.Managing the activities of the management point, supports communications and alerts in constant readiness to work. Participates in the development of a management plan for management. Organizes duty of employees of the management point, protection and defense of the control point, throughput. Ensures the execution of fire-fighting and free-storey events. Develops a plan of measures to equip the management of the control facilities. Carries out control over duty officers. Prepares applications for logistical support. Organizes the current (major) repair of the premises of the control point. Develops instructions for using the control point. Carries out checks of the engineering and technical equipment of protected work premises.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Methodical and regulatory documents regarding the activities of the head of the control point; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the work point of management; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical) education, additional vocational education according to the installed program, work experience at least 5 years.

Head of Workshop Communication

Official duties. Managing the workshop activities. Plans to work workshop on repair and maintenance of communications and alerts. Conducts planned measurements of the basic parameters of communication equipment and alerts. Controls the maintenance of operational and technical documentation and operation of communications and alerts of the workshop. Organizes the educational process of workers of the workshop of communication on the study of the equipment of communication and alerts, measuring the main parameters, maintenance and repair of communications and alerts. He controls observance by workers in the workshop of communication requirements for labor protection during the operation and maintenance of communication equipment and alert.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to workshop activities; regimes of communication and alerts; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher Professional (technical) education without the presentation of work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the direction professional activity Not less than 3 years.

Head of Civil Defense Courses

Official duties. Carries out the leadership of civil defense courses. Organizes the learning process. He controls the educational, educational, methodological work and discipline of listeners of civil defense courses, for the material and technical support of the educational process. Manages the military-scientific, inventive and rationalization work of listeners of civil defense courses. Develops the work plans for the year and a month, the annual plan of recruiting courses by listeners. Conducts classes with listeners of civil defense courses on the most important and complex topics during the school year. Organizes and conducts educational and methodological seminars and meetings, as well as work on generalizing and implementing in the practice of learning new advanced methods.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the Head of Civil Defense Courses; Fundamentals of financial and economic activities; curricula and civil defense programs; teaching methodology of listeners; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (pedagogical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 5 years.

Head of the Training Point (town)

Official duties.Provides and conducts civil defense classes. Organizes the effective use of the training base. Provides the implementation of the work plan (town) work plan. Controls the presence and checks the health of the applied equipment and equipment.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the Head of the Training Point (town), the actions of the population in emergencies; rules of operation of technical training; Civil defense learning literature; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education without the presentation of work on experience or secondary vocational education, work experience in the direction of professional activity for at least 5 years.

Head of the Chemical Radiometric Lab

Official duties.Manages the activities of a chemical radiometric laboratory. Organizes and conducts classes in special training with employees of a chemical radiometric laboratory. Develops plans-graphics of periodic tests of personal protective equipment, radiation and chemical intelligence and radiation controls and other property. Organizes testing of these funds and appliances. Controls the correctness of the test results. Takes measures to ensure a chemical-radiometric laboratory with equipment, devices, reagents, dishes and regulatory documentation. Organizes the operation of laboratory equipment and instruments and their accounting. Controls the correctness of the documentation for laboratory equipment and instruments and fills in passports (form). Organizes reception, accounting and storage of samples presented for tests (research), as well as their disposal. Provides storage of secret samples of substances applied in the testing of personal protective equipment. Hears the material means of a chemical radiometric laboratory. Organizes work on all types of sample analysis (qualitative, quantitative, etc.) using hazardous chemical, poisoning and radioactive substances, on checking (verification) of personal protective equipment, calibration of radiation and chemical exploration and radiation control. Draws up outfits on the performance of particularly dangerous work. Makes reports on the work of a chemical radiometric laboratory. Provides compliance with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the head of the chemical radiometric laboratory; Basics of chemistry and physics; The main properties of hazardous chemicals; physical foundations of nuclear weapons; striking the factors of weapons of mass lesion; types of personal protective equipment; rules for the operation of instruments and equipment of radiation and chemical exploration and radiation control; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (chemical) education and work experience in the direction of activity at least 3 years.

Positions of specialists

Chief Specialist of the Center, Department, Department of the National Management Center in crisis situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (NCUCC)

Official duties. Develops projects of NCUCC orders and other documents. It takes part in the development of projects of the NCUCCC activation plan to work with peaceful time and transfer plan to readiness to actions in the threat and emergence of emergency situations. He keeps accounting administrative entities in which emergency or high readiness is introduced. Participates in the development of documents for the transfer of NCUCCs to elevated degrees of readiness, mobilization documents and documents for conducting training with Employees of the NCUCC. He accounts for accounting and developed in the NCUCH Documents, including documents for official use, ensures their safety. Develops a schedule for secret exchange in the NCUCC and controls its execution.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the NCCC; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical, humanitarian), education availability of admission to secret information and work experience in the direction of activity at least 5 years.

Operational Service Manager of the National Center for Management in the Crisis Situations of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia (NCUCC), the Department of Management in the Crisis Situations of the Regional Center for EMERCOM of Russia (CUGS RC), the Department of Management in the Crisis Situations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the subject of the Russian Federation (CUCS GU)

Official duties. Processes incoming information in accordance with those accepted in the NCUCC, in the TsUKS RC, TsUKS PU standards, rules. Organizes the collection and processing of operational information on facts or the threat of emergency situations (incidents), the course of their liquidation. Conducts an assessment of the accuracy of incoming information and brings it to the attention of operational services of units to take appropriate measures. Leads established by the orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and NCCC documentation.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the Operational Service dispatcher, prevention and elimination of emergency situations, organization of duty dispatch services, information exchange and interdepartmental interaction; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Operational Service Manager of the National Management Center in crisis situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

Operational Service Manager of the Control Center in crisis situations of the Regional Center for EMERCOM of Russia: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 1 year.

Operational Service Manager of the Management Center in crisis situations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the subject of the Russian Federation: secondary (full) general education without the presentation of work experience.

Instructor of civil defense

Official duties.Conducts classes, training and other civil defense training events. Participates in the preparation and conduct of educational fees, generalization and implementation in the practice of advanced training techniques and civic defense skills. Represents the Head of Civil Defense Currency Proposals for improving the work of courses. Participate in the development educational and methodicalreporting documents on civil defense. Forms professional skills and skills from students, prepares them to apply knowledge gained in practical work. Participates in the creation of a civil defense training and material base in order to improve civil defense classes. Provides methodological assistance in the preparation and conduct of classes, teachings and training in civil defense. Participates in explanatory and advocacy with the population in action in case of emergency situations and the elimination of their consequences.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the Civil Defense Instructor; training programs for the preparation and training of public actions in emergency situations; rules of operation of used technical means; Basics of pedagogy, psychology; methods of learning students of civil defense courses; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education and work experience in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity at least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the direction of activity at least 5 years.

Operational duty shift

National Management Center in Crisis Situations (NCUCC)

Official duties. Leads the location of the leadership and employees central apparatus Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in emergency areas, their participation in conducting humanitarian operations, the passage of columns, flights and transportation in the interests of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Brings information on emergency situations to operational duty officers. Brings information on emergency situations to duty dispatch services interacting federal organs executive, departments, organizations. He accounts for accounting of basic activities conducted by the management of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia and the NCCC. Participates in working with documents on operational issues, as well as with documents containing special information. Leads the chronology of the actions of the duty shift. Heads administrative entities in which the "high readiness" and "emergency" regimes have been introduced. Takes measures to eliminate deficiencies in the work of software and technical means, communications and alerts (causes a programmer's duty, and in the absence of a duty assistant to the head of the communications assembly, controls the arrival of technical personnel to eliminate the shortcomings). Adopting an intact correspondence in non-working time, Its accounting and transfer in the prescribed manner into a common department.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the Operational Duty Shift of the NCUCC; instructions and other documents on bringing the forces and means of a unified state system of prevention and actions in emergency situations; The procedure for bringing the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia and the rescue military formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; rules for applying communications; Procedure for processing and storing service information limited distribution on a personal electronic computing machine; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education and work experience in the direction of activity at least 5 years.

Specialist of civil defense

Official duties.Develops regulatory, methodological and organizational documents on civil defense issues. It analyzes the state of civil defense and the preparation of the annual report on the state of civil defense in the organization, keeps records of objects and property of civil defense, chooses methods or logical techniques to justify the decisions made. Participates in the development and holding of organizational and technical measures for civil defense, conducting civil defense exercises. Develops the procedure for organizing and conducting civil defense in the organization. Organizes the collection and exchange of information in the field of civil defense. Distributes and implements the most effective methods Work on promoting civil defense activities. Participates in drafting documents on the organization of civil defense activities, develops civil defense plans and population protection. Prepares proposals for improving work on the fixed area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Participates in the design and implementation of activities aimed at increasing the sustainability of the organization in extreme conditions and wartime.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of a civil defense specialist; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Civil Defense Specialist: Higher Professional (Technical) Education without providing requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the direction of activity at least 3 years.

Civil Defense Specialist of the II Categories: Higher Professional Education and Work experience in the direction of activity at least 3 years.

Civil Defense Specialist I Categories: Higher Professional Education and Work Work in Civil Defense Specialist II Category of at least 3 years.

Leading Civil Defense Specialist: Higher Professional Education and Work Experience in Civil Defense Specialist I category I category at least 3 years.

IV. Qualification characteristics of posts of employees of the state inspection units on small courts

Positions of executives

State inspector on small courts

Official duties. Manages within the competence measures to ensure the safety of people in water bodies. It organizes within its competence supervision and control over the implementation of the requirements for ensuring the safety of people and the protection of people's lives in the bases (facilities) for parking lots of small vessels, beaches, crossing and floating bridges. Organizes and monitors compliance with regulatory legal acts governing the procedure for using small courts, bases (structures) for parking lots of small vessels, beaches, crossing and floating bridges. Implements the classification in the prescribed manner, state registration , Accounting, examination of small vessels used for non-commercial purposes, assigning them identification numbers, issuing ship tickets and other documents to registered small vessels. Adding admission examinations, rules for use and skills of practical management of small vessels used in non-commercial purposes, certification of vesphodents and issuing certificates to the right to control a small vessel. He maintains the register of small vessels and the state accounting of issued certificates for the right to manage small courts, registration and other documents necessary for the admission of small vessels used in non-commercial purposes, and the fudchers to participate in swimming. Depending on the design of a small vessel used for non-commercial purposes, and makes mandatory conditions, norms and requirements for the number of people on board, carrying capacity, maximum power and the number of engines, permissible savage sails, a sailing area, wave height at which A small vessel can swim, sediment, minimal surface board. It establishes additional restrictions on the local conditions for the use of supervised small operating ships and the number of engines, savings of sails and movement speeds. It is in the prescribed manner regular checks of small vessels for compliance with emission standards into atmospheric air of harmful (polluting) substances. Accounting accidents and incidents with small vessels, accidents with people on water. Carries out accounting, examination of bases (structures) for parking lots of small vessels, beaches, crossing and flood bridges, issuing permits to operate bases (structures) for parking lots of small vessels, crossing and flooded bridges, as well as permits for using beaches. Participates in the search and rescue of people in water bodies, in implementing measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations in water bodies. Conducts explanatory and preventive work among the population in order to prevent the accidents of small vessels and reduce injury to people in water bodies. It implements the procedure for administrative offenses within its competence in the prescribed manner. Presents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation information to the tax authorities on registered, taken from accounting and consistent with the small boys and persons on which these vessels are registered. Leads installed service documentation and reporting.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of people's safety on water bodies; Methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the State Inspectorate on Mulberry Courts; Regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the safety of people in water bodies; device of small vessels, their technical characteristics; Conditions, techniques and ways to first-assist people affected by water; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. State inspector for small courts: higher professional (water, naval, legal) education, additional vocational education on the established program without the presentation of the work experience.

State inspector on small courts II category: higher professional (water, naval, legal) education, additional vocational education on the installed program and work experience in position state inspector On small courts for at least 3 years.

State inspector for small vessels I category: higher professional (water, naval, legal) education, additional professional education on the established program and work experience in the position of a state inspector on small courts of category II of at least 2 years.

Captain (senior motorist steering) patrol, rescue boat

Official duties. Manages a patrol, rescue boat, ensures the safety of swimming and the timeliness of the delivery of inspector or rescue shift to the place of patrol or duty. Participates in providing diving descents during the salvation of people. Conduct maintenance Patrol, rescue boat. Organizes and participates in the repair of the hull, mechanical installation and ship systems, represents a patrol, rescue boat to examination. Provides receipt, accounting and storage of material and technical means, combustible and lubricants. Leads ship operational, accounting and reporting documents, ensures the storage of a patrol, rescue boat into navigation and inter-navigation periods.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of people's safety on water bodies; Methodical and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the captain (senior motorist-steering) patrol, rescue boat; rules and rules governing the safety of swimming and technical operation of the patrol, rescue boat; device of the housing of the patrol, rescue boat, mechanical installation, ship systems; techniques to ensure non-optimability and the struggle for the vitality of the patrol, rescue boat; Rules of maneuvering at the approach of the patrol, rescue boat to a person who is tolerant on the water; types of diving signals; the procedure for carrying out diving descents from a patrol, rescue boat; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Secondary vocational education, additional professional education on the installed program without the presentation of work experience.

Captain-mechanic patrol, diving, rescue vessel

Official duties.Manages a patrol, diving, rescue vessel and takes the necessary measures to ensure the safety of swimming and maintain order on it. Provides a watches, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents to ensure the safety of patrol, diving, rescue vessel, people, cargo, technical operation of the vessel, ship and diving equipment. Manages the crew of a patrol, diving, rescue vessel, conducts its training and work on shipment alarms. Manages the actions of the crew to combat the vitality of the patrol, diving, rescue vessel and the salvation of people on the water. Determines the volume of repair work of a patrol, diving, rescue vessel and ensures their implementation, ensures the timely presentation of a patrol, diving, rescue vessel, ship and diving equipment to examine the relevant supervisory authorities. Takes measures to supply, receiving, accounting and storing spare parts, inventory, materials and fuel. Leads ship, technical documentation and reporting.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; the location and rules of swimming on water bodies; Device and rules for the technical operation of a patrol, diving, rescue vessel, ship and diving equipment; Documents governing the provision of a vitality of a patrol, diving, rescue vessel and sailing safety; the procedure for rescue work and diving descents from a patrol, diving, rescue vessel; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional (judicial) education, additional vocational education on the established program without the presentation of the work experience.

Senior State Inspector on Small Courts

Official duties. He led by the inspection unit of the Center for the State Inspection on the Mulware Courts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the subject of the Russian Federation, at the same time performing official duties of the State Inspector on Mulberry Courts.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies; Documents regulating the activities of the structural unit of the Center for the Office of the State Inspectorate on Mulware Courts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the subject of the Russian Federation; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (water, naval, legal), education, additional vocational education and work experience in senior positions for at least 3 years.

V. Qualification characteristics of post-fire service employees

Positions of executives

Captain Fire Ship (Ship)

Official duties. He guides the personnel of the fire ships (vessel). Manages the fire ship (vessel). Provides sailing safety, maintains a fire ship (vessel) maintenance. Leads ship operational, accounting and reporting documents of the firefighter (vessel). Provides storage of a fire ship (vessel) to navigation and inter-navigation period. Provides the execution of a fire ship (vessel) of fire safety rules on a fire ship (vessel), the rules of swimming in the domestic shipping pathways, as well as the requirements imposed by the State River Shipping Inspectorate and the Russian Maritime (River) Register of Shipping. Controls the technical condition of the fire ships (vessel) and, if necessary, fights for his vitality. Ensures maintenance of a permanent telephone or radio with a unified duty dispatch service dispatcher; Organizes and controls the service of the service of a fire ship (vessel). Provides the schedule of training sessions with the personnel of the fire ship (vessel). Controls timeliness, quality of personnel preparation for training activities, readiness to conduct action on fire extinguishing and conducting rescue work. Conducts measures to maintain fire and rescue equipment on fire ship (vessel) of fire and rescue equipment, fire extinguishing agents, means of communication, radiation and chemical protection tools in readiness to conduct action on fire and emergency Rescue work. Provides rules for labor protection, fire safety. Does not allow unauthorized persons. Develops and adjusts documents regulating the organization of the guard service and prior planning actions to extinguish fires and conduct emergency and rescue work. Controls the correctness of accounting for consumption of fuel and lubricants and other operational materials.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service on the Fire Ship (vessel); regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the captain of the fire ship (vessel) in the field of fire safety; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical) education, the availability of a qualifying certificate (certificate) for the right to manage fire ship (vessel) without the presentation of work on experience or secondary professional (technical) education, the availability of qualifying certificate (certificate) for the right to control the fire ship (vessel) and Work experience in the State Fire Service in leadership positions for at least 5 years.

Commander of the fire department (separate post) of the State Fire Service

Official duties. Manages the activities of the department of fire department (separate post) of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the department) directly at the place of extinguishing the fire, the elimination of the accident or the consequences of a natural disaster. Conducts classes with the personnel of the department for the development of practical skills to perform receptions when working with fire and rescue equipment. Ensures compliance with the personnel of the department of labor protection rules when steaming fires, conducting emergency and rescue work, practical exercises, implementation housework. Carries out control over the technical condition of firefighters, fire and technical and rescue equipment, insulating gas masks of the department of separation. It leaves with the personnel of the department for extinguishing fires, eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters. Checks on the task of the head of the guard carrying service by posting and sentigible. Provides the work of special units of fire trucks.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the fire department of the State Fire Service; Departure area of \u200b\u200bthe fire department of the State Fire Service; the location of water sources and especially important objects in the area of \u200b\u200bdeparture of the fire department of the State Fire Service; Tactical and technical characteristics of the fire and rescue equipment of the department; Basics of fire extinguishing tactics; methods and methods for rescue work; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 2 years.

Head of the Council of State Fire Services

Official duties.Manages the activities of the Council of State Fire Services (hereinafter - the detachment). Conducts training activities with the personnel of the detachment. Heads the work on the implementation of fire-preventive and rescue activities on protected and serviced facilities and in the residential sector. Organizes and controls the carrier of the guard service. Takes measures to ensure fire safety protected and serviced objects. Provides interaction with departmental and other rescue services in the development and conduct of fire prevention and rescue events. Organizes measures to improve the methods of rescue work with the use of mechanization tools, as well as modern secure methods for finding and detecting victims. Provides technically proper operation of equipment during rescue operations, informing the personnel of the detachment on the danger of the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Organizes the work on the preparation of plans (cards) of extinguishing fires and rescue work on fire hazardous and especially important objects. It monitors the correct content and operation of fire equipment, fire and technical and rescue weapons. Organizes the work of the gas production service in the detachment. If necessary, leaves for fires extinguishing fires, eliminating accidents, natural disasters. Organizes work on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the public fire services detogs; Location, design features of buildings and structures of the most important objects located in the detachment service zone; Fire extinguishing tactics; fire hazard of technological processes of production; Tactical and technical characteristics of fire and rescue equipment; tactical tasks and capabilities of the detachment units; Fire water supply device; Types of telephone and radio communications in the city and on the facilities serviced; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.

Head of the fire department of the State Fire Service

Official duties. Manages the activities of the fire department of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the fire station). It goes to the place of extinguishing fires, the elimination of accidents, natural disasters. It evaluates the situation during the extinguishing of the fire, emergency rescue work to ensure further work and the attraction of additional forces and means of the fire protection garrison. The situation informs the personnel of the fire unit units in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Organizes and controls the guard service and the planned work of the personnel of the fire unit. Conducted training classes with the personnel of the fire unit. Controls the preparation of the superior composition of the fire department to conduct classes. Manages the work of the instructor composition of the fire department for the implementation of the functions of the state fire supervision in the protected area (at the facility). It oversees the state, the correctness of the storage, operation of oxygen-insulating gas masks and apparatuses on compressed air (hereinafter - insulating gas masks), means of communication, equipment and equipment, rescue means, ensuring the safety of the personnel of the fire unit. Organizes measures to improve the methods and ways to assist people when steaming fires and emergency rescue work. Takes measures to staffing a fire unit by qualified personnel. Organizes work on labor protection. Determines the operation of the personnel of the fire unit. Present when changing Karaulov and checks the sheets of outfits into service. Develops with life support services (ambulance, police, etc.) instructions for interacting with the fire part in the liquidation of fires, the consequences of accidents and natural disasters. Provides content in the constant readiness of technology, fire and technical and rescue weapons, monthly checks their technical condition and maintaining consumption of fuel and lubricants and fire extinguishes. Organizes the adjustment of plans (cards) extinguishing fires and emergency rescue work on fire hazardous and especially important objects. Provides fire protection status and household premises of the fire unit.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the fire unit; operational situation, the technical condition of fireproof water supply, travel and communications in the area of \u200b\u200bdeparture of the fire department; location, design features of buildings and structures of the most important objects located in the fire department service area; Fire extinguishing tactics; fire hazard of technological processes of production; rules of operation and tactical and technical characteristics of fire cars available in the garrison of the fire unit; the procedure for interaction with departmental rescue services, headquarters, to eliminate the effects of an emergency; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the State Fire Service in leadership positions for at least 3 years.

Head of the guard of the fire department of the State Fire Service

Official duties.Manages the Personal Karaula fire department of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - Karaul). It goes to the place of extinguishing fires, the elimination of accidents, natural disasters and leads the work of the Karaul personnel. Organizes and controls the service of service by the Karaul personnel, including those internal outfit. Provides the fulfillment of a combat training plan by the Karaul personnel during combat duty, conducts classes for all types of professional training with the Karaul person. Provides compliance with the rules of fire safety in the service premises of the fire unit. Takes measures to eliminate the violations of the fire regime on protected facilities. Controls the work of the instructor composition of the fire unit during the absence of the fire department. Conducts measures to maintain fire equipment, fire and technical weapons and equipment, search and rescue equipment, fire extinguishes, telephone and radio communications, alarms, fire hydrants and water sources in the area of \u200b\u200bdeparture of the fire department in constant readiness. Informs the personnel of the fire department about the danger in the fire extinguishing area or emergency rescue work. Provides control over the technical condition and the right application of the Karaula of the necessary means of protection when performing work on fire extinguishing or conducting rescue work. Organizes the collection of data on the presence of people at night in educational organizations, health care and social security, timely brings this information to the personal composition of Karaul.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the Karaulov; The presence of departmental fire units in the area of \u200b\u200bthe departure of Karaul, voluntary fire triggers (teams) on the protected facility; the location of important and fire-hazardous facilities, their fire hazard and design features; A device of fireproof water supply and travel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe departure of the fire unit; Tactical and technical characteristics of fire and rescue cars available in the garrison of fire protection; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical) education without the presentation of work experience or secondary professional (technical) education and work experience at least 3 years.

Head of Special Office of the Federal Firefire Service of the State Fire Service

Official duties. Manages the activities of the Special Office of the Federal Firefire Service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - special management). Organizes personnel work, financial and economic activities and logistical support of special management. Conducted training classes with the personnel of special management. He heads the work on the implementation of fire-preventive and rescue activities in protected particularly important and regime organizations and closed administrative-territorial entities. Organizes and controls the carrier of the guard service. Takes measures to ensure fire safety protected and serviced organizations. Provides interaction with departmental and other rescue services in the development and conduct of fire prevention and rescue events. Organizes measures to improve the methods of rescue work with the use of mechanization tools, as well as modern secure methods for finding and detecting victims. Provides informing the personnel of special management about the danger of the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Organizes the work on the preparation of plans (cards) of extinguishing fires and rescue work on fire hazardous and especially important objects. It monitors the content and operation of fire equipment, fire and rescue weapons. Organizes the operation of the gas production service. If necessary, leaves for fires extinguishing fires, eliminating accidents, natural disasters. Upon arrival, the fire is the head of fire extinguishing as a senior operational official of the fire protection (if otherwise established). Organizes work on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection. Organizes, coordinates and controls the activities of structural units of a special management to ensure the established secrecy regime. In wartime, official duties do not change.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating special management activities; location, design features of buildings and structures of the most important objects located in the area of \u200b\u200bservice of special management; Fire extinguishing tactics; fire hazard of technological processes of production; Tactical and technical characteristics of fire and rescue equipment; Tactical tasks and capabilities of special control units; Fire water supply devices; Types of telephone and radio communications in the city and on the facilities serviced; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the State Fire Service in specialists' positions for at least 3 years.

Head of the Special Department of the Federal Firewall Service of the State Fire Service

Official duties.Manages the activities of the Special Department of the Federal Firefire Service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the Special Department). Organizes personnel work, financial and economic activities and logistical support of a special department. Conducted training classes with the personnel of a special department. Heads the work on the implementation of fire-preventive and rescue activities in protected particularly important and regime organizations and in the residential sector. Organizes and controls the carrier of the guard service. Takes measures to ensure fire safety protected and serviced organizations. Provides interaction with departmental and other rescue services in the development and conduct of fire prevention and rescue events. Organizes measures to improve the methods of rescue work with the use of mechanization tools, as well as modern secure methods for finding and detecting victims. Provides technically proper operation of equipment during rescue operations. Provides informing the personnel of a special department on the danger of the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Organizes the work on the preparation of plans (cards) of extinguishing fires and rescue work on fire hazardous and especially important objects. It monitors the technical content and operation of fire equipment, fire and rescue weapons. Organizes the operation of the gas production service. If necessary, leaves for fires extinguishing fires, eliminating accidents, natural disasters. Upon arrival, the fire is the head of fire extinguishing as a senior operational official of the fire protection (if otherwise established). Organizes work on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection. Organizes, coordinates and controls the activities of the structural units of the Special Department to ensure the established secrecy regime.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the Special Department; location, design features of buildings and structures of the most important objects located in the service area of \u200b\u200bthe special department; Fire extinguishing tactics; fire hazard of technological processes of production; Tactical and technical characteristics of fire and rescue equipment; Tactical tasks and opportunities for special divisions; Fire water supply devices; Types of telephone and radio communications in the city and on the facilities serviced; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the State Fire Service in leadership positions for at least 3 years.

Head of a special fire department of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service

Official duties.Manages the activities of a special fire department of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - a special fire unit). It goes to the place of extinguishing fires, the elimination of accidents, natural disasters. It evaluates the situation during the extinguishing of a fire, emergency and rescue work to ensure further work and attracting additional forces and funds. The situation informs the personnel of the units of the special fire unit in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Organizes and controls the guard service and the planned work of the personnel of a special fire unit. Conducted training classes with the personnel of a special fire unit. Controls the preparation of the superior composition of a special fire department to conduct training classes. Manages the work of the instructor composition of a special fire department to implement the functions of fire prevention in a protected organization. It oversees the correctness of storage, operation of insulating gas masks, communications, equipment and equipment, rescue tools that ensure the safety of the personnel of a special fire unit. Organizes measures to improve the methods and ways to assist people when steaming fires and emergency rescue work. Takes steps to staffing a special fire department by qualified personnel. Organizes work on labor protection and fire protection. Determines the mode of operation of the personnel of a special fire unit. Present when changing Karaulov and checks the sheets of outfits into service. Develops with life support services (ambulance, police, etc.) Instructions for interaction with a special fire department when eliminating fires, consequences of accidents and natural disasters. Provides content in the constant readiness of technology, fire and technical and rescue weapons, monthly checks their technical condition and maintaining consumption of fuel and lubricants and fire extinguishes. Organizes the adjustment of plans (cards) extinguishing fires and emergency rescue work on fire hazardous and especially important objects. Provides fire protection status of service and household premises of a special fire unit. Provides the installed secrecy mode. In wartime, official duties do not change.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of a special fire unit; operational situation, technical condition of fireproof water supply, travel and communications in the area of \u200b\u200bdeparture of a special fire unit; Location, design features of buildings and structures of the most important objects located in the service area of \u200b\u200ba special fire unit; Fire extinguishing tactics; fire hazard of technological processes of production; rules of operation and tactical and technical characteristics of fire cars available in the garrison of a special fire unit; The procedure for interaction with departmental rescue services, headquarters to eliminate the effects of an emergency; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the State Fire Service in leadership positions for at least 3 years.

Head of the mobile pump station of the State Fire Service

Official duties.Provides the content of the mobile pumping station of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the pumping station) in a state of constant readiness for fire extinguishing and conducting search and rescue work. Conducted training classes with the personnel of combat settlements of the pumping station and a sleeve car. Organizes and controls the reception of the pumping station of fire and technical equipment. Performs in the prescribed manner maintenance of the pumping station. Leads documentation for the operation of the pumping station. It goes to the place of extinguishing fires, the elimination of accidents and natural disasters. Calculates the required number of fire hoses to submit them to the place of work and working pressure in them. Carries out control over the operation of the engine and special pumping unit units.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activity of pumping stations; technical capabilities and rules of operation of equipment of the pumping station and a hosted car; Methods for calculating the need for water and sleeves for extinguishing fires, elimination of accidents and natural disasters; Terms and volumes of regulatory work of the internal combustion engine and special equipment of the pumping station; device and principle of operation of centrifugal pumping installations; Physical I. chemical properties water; Methods for eliminating faults in the operation of the equipment of the pumping station; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Secondary professional (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity for at least 1 year.

Head of the mobile installation of gas separation of the State Fire Service

Official duties.Manages the activities of the personnel of the mobile installation of gas-water extinguishing of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the installation). Provides the technical content of the installation in a state of constant readiness for fire extinguishing. Manages the current repair and maintenance of the fire car, as well as special fire and technical equipment installed on it. Conducted training classes with a personal installation. Controls the reception by the personnel of the fire and technical equipment of the fire car, leads technical documentation for the operation of the installation. It goes to the place of extinguishing fires, the elimination of accidents and natural disasters, leads the actions of the calculation. Provides a good condition of the engine of the internal combustion of the fire car and special installation units.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the installation; tactics of extinguishing gas chaffers; Methods for calculating the need for the forces and means necessary for extinguishing gas chaffers; physical and chemical properties of oil and natural gas; Specifications and installation rules of installation; Methods for eliminating installation faults; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Secondary professional (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 2 years.

Head of fire train

Official duties.Manages the activities of the personnel of the fire train. Carries out control over the exploitation of fire equipment and fire train equipment, ensures that they are maintained in constant readiness. Organizes and controls the service of the service by the personnel of the fire train, checks the service of the service by the internal dress; ensures the execution of the schedule of training classes with the personnel of the fire train during the duty and personally conducts classes; Controls timeliness, the quality of preparing the personal composition of the fire train to educational classes and their holding. Conducts measures to maintain the existing divisions of the fire train fire and rescue techniques to conduct action on fire and rescue operations. Takes steps to staffing the divisions of the fire train to the personnel and strengthening of its discipline. Implements the economic activities of the divisions of the fire train, takes measures to preserve, the serviceable content and operation of their office rooms, machinery, equipment, special protective clothing and other property. Hears the gas production service of the fire train service is responsible for its readiness for use for purpose, technical equipment.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory documents regulating the activities of the fire train units and fire-preventive work on railway transport; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 3 years.

Assistant Chief of the Council of State Fire Services for Material Relationship

Official duties. Provides a detachment of the state fire service by fire and rescue equipment and spare parts for it, garage and machinery, operational parts and fuel and lubricants, fire extinguishing substances, overalls, inventory. Carry out control over their use and storage. Presents on the set deadlines for providing material and technical resources with justification and calculations in their needs. Organizes the work of warehousing. Makes reporting on the implementation of the material and technical supply plan.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating material and technical support and organization of supply in the system of state fire service; the procedure for the write-off of material and technical means, compiling applications for materials and equipment; The procedure and deadlines for reporting; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (technical, economic) education and work experience in the direction of professional activities in the state fire service for at least 3 years.

Positions of specialists

Firework Dispatcher (Separate Post)

Official duties. Provides reception, transmission and registration of messages entering the location of the fire unit (separate post), sending units of the fire unit (separate post) to fires, accidents and natural disasters. Conducts the performance of communication and alarm performance, contains them in cleanliness and health. Takes reports of fire, accidents, emergency situations. Supports communications with the services of the fire unit (objects) interacting with the fire unit, and, if necessary, sends the forces and means of these services to the fire area (accident, natural disaster) in accordance with the established procedure. It establishes and supports the connection with the guard, who left for a fire (to the place of accident, natural disaster, on practical classes), taking into account the characteristics of the object, finds the operational and tactical features of the object, the level of gas supply, the radiation situation, alleged changes of meteorological conditions, and the like. He keeps accounting objects with a 24-hour stay of people. Leads established documentation.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; regulatory and methodological documents concerning the activities of the Federal Fire Service, regulating the activities of fire protection, organization of fire services; Device and rules for operating means of communication; operational fire atmosphere in the area of \u200b\u200bdeparture of the fire unit units; The list of objects on which plans and fire extinguishing cards are compiled or sent during the fire of the fire unit for an increased call number; location of important and fire-hazardous objects, travel and water sources; The main tactical and technical data of fire cars (ships, trains) existing in the garrison; The procedure for maintaining official documentation; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary vocational education and additional professional education on the established program without the presentation of work experience.

Head of Educational Cabinet

Official duties.Organizes and conducts measures for methodical work with teachers (lectures, reports, consultations, etc.). Summarizes and promotes advanced training experience and methodical work Separate teachers. Organizes and provides an educational and methodical office equipment, visual benefits and educational literature, provides conditions for methodical meetings, individual work Pedagogical composition of the Cabinet, consultations of listeners. Plans to work the cabinet. Heads the work done. Controls the quality of the conducted classes. Participates in conducting trial, indicative and ready-made classes.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Firefare; regulatory and methodological documents concerning the activities of educational and methodological work, advanced training of teaching staff; achieve the domestic and foreign pedagogical science and practices of educational and methodical activities; the procedure for the development of educational and methodological documentation; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (pedagogical) education without posting work requirements or secondary vocational (pedagogical) education and work experience in pedagogical positions for at least 5 years.

Instructor fire prevention of the fire unit (separate post) of the State Fire Service

Official duties. Conducts surveys and checks serviced objects (buildings, facilities, premises and territories) for compliance with the requirements of fire safety and according to their results, it makes the necessary documents. Analyzes the state of fire safety of served objects. Checks the technical condition of fire automation and fire extinguishing facilities, fire-fighting water supply systems and smoke removal, facilities of people alerts during a fire, accident or natural disaster. Prepares projects of orders (orders) on fire safety of the service facility. Conducted classes with members of voluntary fire triggers (teams) and fire and technical commissions, employees of service facilities for fire and technical minimum. Carries out inspection of facts about fires, accidents within their powers.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating activities to ensure fire safety of objects; fire danger of protected objects, sites, installations; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional (technical) education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 2 years.

Engineer of the Council of State Fire Service

Official duties.Organizes the professional training of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit) of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the detachment (fire unit). Plans to organize, conducts accounting for conducting training on the professional training of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit). Analyzes the state of training personnel of the detachment (fire Parts), prepares documents on the basis of the training of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit). Develops recommendations on improving the professional training of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit). Prepares the management documentation on the organization of training and operational work of the detachment (fire unit). Organizes Classes on the physical preparation of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit). Controls the execution of discharge on special initial learning, advanced training, retraining of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit) in training centers, curriculous points of the EMERCOM of Russia. Provides control over the execution of documents on the assignment (confirmation) of qualifying titles to the personnel of the detachment (fire unit). Organizes the preparation and conduct of competitions for professional skill of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit). Prepares reports, certificates related to issues sports training The personnel of the detachment (fire station). Organizes work on the development of fire and rescue sports in the detachment (fire unit). He accounts for accounting and control over the preparation of descriptions of large fires. Organizes the study, distribution and implementation in the detachment (fire unit) of positive experience and advanced forms of professional training of personnel. Carries out control over the implementation of occupational safety and safety measures. Leaves for fires, accidents, natural disasters, takes part in their liquidation. In the prescribed manner, the chief of detachment (fire unit) offers proposals for the promotion and punishment of the personnel of the detachment (fire unit).

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating activities on the training of personnel of the detachment (fire unit); Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.

Engineer of the Council (fire station) of the State Fire Service: Higher Professional Education without the presentation of work experience.

Engineer of the (fire station) of the State Fire Service II category: Higher professional education and work experience in the position of an engineer for at least 1 year.

Engineer of the (fire station) of the State Fire Service I category: Higher professional education and work experience in the position of an engineer of category II at least 3 years.

Leading engineer of the detachment (fire unit) of the State Fire Service: Higher Professional Education and Work experience in the position of an engineer I category I at least 3 years.

Captain Mechanic Fire Ship (Ship) State Fire Service

Official duties.Organizes and controls the carrier of the guard service by the personnel of the fire ship (vessel) of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - the ship (vessel), checks the service of the service of the internal dress. Conducts measures to maintain the technical condition of the ship (vessel), fire and equipment and equipment, fire extinguishers Substances in readiness to conduct action on fire extinguishing. Performs work according to specialization according to one of the directions of operational work. Develops and adjusts documents regulating the organization of the guard service. Provides the execution of the ship (vessel) of the rules for the protection of fire safety, as well as The requirements of the State River Shipping Inspectorate and the Russian Maritime (River) Register of Shipping. Provides maintenance of a permanent telephone or radio communication.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service on the ship (vessel); Tactical and technical characteristics of the ship (vessel), as well as fire and technical weapons and equipment available on the ship (vessel); Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirement of qualifications.Secondary vocational education without making requirements for work experience.

Master of the gas production service of the fire department of the State Fire Service

Official duties. Provides the work of the gas production service of the fire department of the State Fire Service (hereinafter - GDZS). Controls the condition and correct operation of insulating gas masks, full disinfection, charging of cylinders and regenerative cartridges and prophylactic inspections of compressor installations. Help is assisted in the equipment of control posts of GDZS and in organizing the preparation of the personnel of GDZS. Contains in good condition equipment GDZS. Ensures compliance with security measures during its operation. In the prescribed manner, documentation on the accounting of insulating gas masks, spare parts for them and their repair, the presence of oxygen and the chemical absorber. Provides the test of oxygen and air cylinders. It makes checking the auto-manometers in the divisions of the State Fire Service, serviced by GDZS. During fires, accidents and natural disasters provides: delivery from the base GDZS oxygen cylinders, regenerative cartridges and instruments for insulating gas masks; supervision of the technical condition of insulating gas masks; replacement of cylinders and regenerative cartridges.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; regulatory and methodological documents relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of GDZS; device, rules of operation, care, repair and savings of insulating gas masks; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional (technical) education and work experience of at least 2 years.

Operational duty officer of the State Fire Service

Official duties. Leaves on fires and places of accidents, disasters, natural disasters. Hears fire extinguishing and the work of duty guard holders of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as a detachment) participating in the conduct of priority rescue work. Organizes activities aimed at achieving readiness and improving methods and ways to assist in disaster. Informs the personnel of the detachment about the danger of the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bemergency and rescue work and extinguishing the fire. Checks the service of the service and the combat readiness of the duty guard guard, the technical condition of their fire equipment, communication, fire and rescue weapons, the content in the fire prevention service. Conducts classes and teachings with the personnel of the detachment by the solution of fire and rescue tasks; Works out the coherence of the actions of the duty guard guard. Organizes the development and adjustment of plans (cards) of extinguishing fires and emergency rescue work on fire hazardous and especially important objects, checks in fire structures the presence and correctness of their compilation. Carries out control over the preparedness of the personnel of the links of the gas production service to work in an unsuitable environment, the technical condition of insulating gas masks, equipping and maintaining the bases of the gas production service. Organizes the inspection of networks of external water supply on water production. Removes from carrying service and work on a fire or accident persons on duty guard of the squad for a violation of labor discipline, rules for labor protection and fire safety, unpreparedness to the service. In the event of an emergency in the detachment division, comes to the place of event, takes appropriate measures and reports the chief of the detachment that happened in the prescribed manner.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the operation of the detachment; List and location of the most important and fire-hazardous objects; Location of streets, travel, water sources; technical condition of telephone and radio funds located in the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe detachment; information on the presence of fire and rescue equipment, fire extinguishing agents, insulating gas masks, completeness of combat calculations of duty guard; the tactics of extinguishing fires and rescue work; the procedure for interaction with departmental firefighters and rescue services, headquarters for fire elimination or emergency consequences; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher Professional technical) Education and work experience in the State Fire Service of at least 2 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the direction of professional activity at least 5 years.

Fire Rescuer State Fire Service

Official duties. Participates in steaming fires, rescue people, liquidation of fires, accidents and natural disasters. Performs emergency and rescue work and priority emergency work in road traffic accidents. Provides first assistance to victims. Carries out the transportation of victims from the place of accidents. Provides preventive measures to prevent or reducing the effects of fires, accidents, natural disasters.

Must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents regulating fire extinguishing and rescue operations; receptions of the first prefigure assistance; techniques and rules for working with communications, with fire and technical armament and rescue equipment, means of salvation and self-absorption; receptions of the search, extract and transportation of victims in various conditions; the basics of safe working methods during rescue work; Rules of exploitation of personal protective equipment of respiratory organs; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Middle Professional (technical), Education Ownership of at least one profession of workers and work experience of firefighter fire service at least 3 years or secondary (full) general education, training in the direction of professional activities and work experience in the post of fire state fire service at least 5 years.

Fire Fire Fire Service

Official duties. Conducts work on fire extinguishing, rescue people, eliminating the consequences of accidents and natural disasters, evacuation of material values, opening and disassembling structures using special units, mechanisms, insulating devices, and also performs the duties of the corresponding combat-calculation numbers of the fire car. Provides first medical care for victims. It contains in good condition fire and rescue weapons and equipment, maintains its maintenance, testing and troubleshooting that do not require special training. Carries service at posts, in the watch, in the internal dress of Karaula in accordance with the requirements of the relevant charters and instructions, using radio-media and negotiation devices existing in service with the fire unit.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the State Fire Service; regulatory and methodological documents, instructions governing the organization of fire services; device, placement and rules for work with fire and technical and rescue weapons and equipment on fire trucks; device, the rules of operation of insulating gas masks and work in them; Features of extinguishing fires and eliminate the effects of natural disasters and accidents under adverse conditions; The main parameters of the fire hazard of substances and materials; Main ways to save people and evacuation of material values; Basics of fire extinguishing tactics in buildings and structures, in transport and rural settlements; methods of working on opening and disassembling structures; Negative factors and unwanted phenomena arising during a fire in the presence of explosives and radioactive substances; Procedure for checking the fire fighting state of residential and household facilities; the scheme of regions of the departure of the fire unit and the location of particularly important and fire-hazardous objects in it; fireproof water supply scheme; tasks of the garrison and guard service; Rules for rendering medical care; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirement of qualifications.

Firefighter: secondary (full) general education and special initial training of firefighters without presentation of work experience requirements.

Fire 3 grade: secondary (full) general education and special training according to the established program, work experience in the State Fire Service for at least 2 years (if the direction of official activity has not changed).

Firefighter 2 classes: secondary (full) general education and special training according to the installed program, work experience at least two years from the date of assigning the category "Fire 3 class".

Firefighter grade 1: secondary (full) general education and special training on the installed program, work experience at least two years from the date of assigning the category "Fire 2 Class".

Vi. Qualification characteristics of the posts of individual categories of workers of the militarized mountains

Positions of executives

Commander of the Military Mountain Fastener

Official duties.Manages the activities of the militarized mountain alpasal detachment (hereinafter - the detachment). Organizes mountain-sacramental work on the salvation and evacuation of people caught by accidents on serviced facilities, first aid to victims directly in the workplace and towards evacuation. Performs mountainous work and workouts in an insulating respiratory machine. Provides a constant readiness of the detachment to operational response to emergency situations and work on their liquidation. Manages the work on the localization of accidents and eliminate the effects of explosives of explosive materials and mine gases, fires, zagaznors, collaps, molding emissions as a result of geodynamic processes, floodings and other types of accidents in the conditions of underground mining and open mining, as well as technical work using Insulating respiratory devices, other mountains and special equipment. Organizes work aimed at ensuring the emergency response of the services serviced. Encloses contracts for the mountainous service of organizations. Coordinates the elimination plans for the service facilities. Implements programs for promising development and technical re-equipment of the detachment. Provides the implementation of regulatory documents on the maintenance of mountains. Provides the work of special equipment, vehicles, equipment, property, service and residential premises. Ensures staffing by qualified personnel, organizes work to improve the qualifications, training and certification of detachment workers for compliance with the position. Organizes preliminary and periodic medical examinations Employees of the detachment. Organizes the observance by employees of the Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the maintenance of mountainous work in underground conditions; Rules, statutes for the organization and maintenance of mountainous work; Rules for organizing the prophylactic work of the emergency preparedness of serviced organizations; industrial safety rules; technical device, scope, test methods and test equipment testing; Methods and technical means of maintaining mountains; rules and procedure for conducting contractual work; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (mountain) education and work experience in the mountains of at least 3 years.

Commander of the militarized mountain suspension platoon (item)

Official duties.Organizes mountainous work on the salvation and evacuation of people caught by accidents on underground and other dangerous production facilities, to first-assist victims. Manages and participates in the performance of work on the localization of accidents and eliminate the consequences of explosives of explosive materials and mine gases, fires, zagazas, collaps, molding emissions as a result of geodynamic processes, floodings and other types of accidents under the conditions of underground mining and open mining, as well as Technical and other special work using insulating respiratory devices, other skiing equipment and special equipment. Provides passage of service by employees of a militarized mountain suspension (paragraph) (hereinafter referred to - platoon (item) in round-the-clock duty and constant readiness for exit to served facilities for performing mountains. Organizes and conducts training activities with platoon employees (clause). Organizes Preliminary and periodic medical examinations by employees of militarized mountainous parts. Participates in the development of emergency elimination plans on service facilities. Carries out work at serviced facilities aimed at ensuring the emergency readiness of serviced organizations. Participates in training employees of serviced organizations in emergency situations and the right use of individual protection. ensures compliance with the rules and rules of operation, maintenance and storage of the tabletic equipment of the platoon (paragraph). Carries out the economic activity of the platoon (paragraph that). Organizes compliance with the rules for labor protection, safety and fire safety workers by workers of militarized mountains.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of militarized mountainous parts; administrative, methodological, regulatory documents relating to the issues of municipal work, including the rules, charters on the organization and maintenance of mountainous work; industrial safety rules; technical device, scope, test methods and checking equipment; Methods and technical means of maintaining mountains; device and rules for the content and operation of all types of tabletic technical equipment of the platoon (paragraph); Methods and means of providing first aid to victims at various accidents; location of mining workings and emergency elimination plans on service facilities; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (mining) education, training on the established program in specialized training centers without the presentation of work experience or secondary vocational (mountain) education and work experience in militarized mountainous parts for at least 2 years.

Commander of the militarized skiing department

Official duties.Manages the work of the militarized mountainous branch (hereinafter referred to as the department) when performing mountain-trap and other special works on serviced facilities requiring the use of insulating respiratory vehicles, other alpasic equipment and special equipment. Organizes and conducts systematic vocational training of employees of the department for the development of practical skills of maintaining minority work, including using individual means of protecting the respiratory organs and other special equipment, ensures safe execution of these works and training in respirators providing protection of respiratory authorities. Ensures compliance with the mode of service and discipline employees of the department. Organizes observance by employees serviced objects of labor protection and fire safety.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of militarized mountainous parts; administrative, methodological, regulatory documents relating to the issues of municipal work, including the rules, charters on the organization and maintenance of mountainous work; industrial safety rules; device, rules for the content and operation of all types of tablet technical equipment of the department; Rules and receptions for first aid victims during accidents; Mountain production and emergency elimination plans for service facilities; Schemes and methods of alert workers who are in the "Offer service" position; rules and order of air sampling; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Secondary vocational (mining) education, training on the established program in specialized training centers without the presentation of work experience or basic general education, training on the established program in specialized training centers and work experience in militarized mountainous parts for at least 2 years.

Head of the militarized mountain

Official duties. Manages the activities of the paramilitary equal part (hereinafter - part). Organizes mountain-sacramental work on the salvation and evacuation of people caught by accidents on serviced facilities, first aid to victims directly in the workplace and towards evacuation. Provides a constant readiness of part to emergency response to emergency situations and work on their liquidation. Manages the work on the localization of accidents and eliminate the effects of explosives of explosive materials and mine gases, fires, zagaznors, collaps, molding emissions as a result of geodynamic processes, floodings and other types of accidents in the conditions of underground mining and open mining, as well as technical work using Insulating respiratory devices, other mountains and special equipment. Organizes work aimed at ensuring the emergency response of the services serviced. Encloses contracts for the mountainous service of organizations. Coordinates the elimination plans for the service facilities. Implements programs for promising development and technical re-equipment of the part. Provides the implementation of regulatory documents on the maintenance of mountains. Provides staffing by qualified personnel, organizes work to improve the qualifications, training and certification of employees of the part for compliance with the position. Organizes the holding of preliminary and periodic medical examinations of parts of parts. Organizes compliance with the rules for labor protection and fire safety workers.

Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of militarized mountainous parts; administrative, methodological, regulatory documents relating to the maintenance of mountainous work, including the rules, charters on the organization and maintenance of mountainous work; industrial safety rules; technical device, scope, test methods and checking equipment; Methods and technical means of maintaining mountains; rules and procedure for conducting contractual work; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher Professional (Mountain) Education and Work experience in militarized mountains for at least 3 years.

Head of Testing Laboratory

Official duties.Organizes the conduct of physicochemical, mechanical tests and other studies in order to determine hazardous and harmful substances, ensuring laboratory control of the quality of materials and air mixes applied by the platforms (paragraphs). He manages the activities of the testing laboratory (hereinafter referred to as a laboratory), monitoring the observance of methods and methods for conducting analyzes, the state of the equipment and the equipment of the laboratory. It organizes the round-the-clock work of the laboratory on the facilities serviced when eliminating accidents, provides timely representation by the heads of emergency and rescue work information on the results of the research of mine air samples. Controls the presence and compliance with the approved plans and schedules of the selection and analysis of air samples in the intelligence period and ensures the readiness of the laboratory to perform the tasks for the purpose of the exercise of minority. Keeps accounting for selection and conducting analyzes of mine air samples. Provides maintenance of laboratory logs and design results of analyzes. Organizes and conducts training of laboratory workers to conduct physicochemical, mechanical tests and other studies. Conducts classes with employees of militarized mountainous parts operating in insulating respiratory devices, to study the air sampling rules and conducting express analysis of gases, as well as evaluating the explosion hazard of the gas atmosphere. Organizes compliance with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; rules of operation of equipment and laboratory devices; species and methods of analyzes, depending on the specifics (technologies) of mining and other works on the facilities serviced; conditions of metrological support of measuring instruments used in the laboratory; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional (chemical) education and work experience in the specialty at least 3 years.

I. General provisions

1. 1. Engineer for civil defense and emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as an EFC manager) refers to the category of specialists.
1. 2. A person who has higher, vocational education is appointed to the position of engineer on GO and EFS without presentation of work experience.
1. 3. Appointment to the position of engineer for Civil and Emergencies and exemption from office is made by order director of the object in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
1. 4. The GO engineer and emergencies operate in accordance with the current legislation, orders, orders and instructions of the management of the facility, the territorial administration of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a higher organization, this instruction, the rules of the internal labor regulation.
1. 5. The GO and emergency engineer should know: Methodical, regulatory and other guidelines for the organization of civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies of natural and man-made, the basis of labor legislation; Rules and regulations for labor protection, industrial safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, environmental standards and regulations, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for general industrial safety issues, modern means computing technology.
1. 6. In an administrative manner, the ON and EFC engineer is subordinated to the Object Director.

II. Official duties

He and emergency engineer:
2. 1. Develops and adjusts the plan of the object and the protection of the population and the action plan for the prevention and liquidation of natural and man-made emergencies.
2. 2. Develops documents on issues, prevent and eliminate emergency situations on the facility to a new school year.
2. 3. Organizes the training of workers in the object of life safety.
2. 4. Carries out regular status checks on the object.
2. 5. Considers the accumulation and makes the savings of personal protective equipment, intelligence devices and dosimetry control in the warehouse of the object.
2. 6. Organizes the creation, acquisition and preparation of abnormal ASF in the structural units of the object.
2. 7. Controls the content of the protective structures of civil defense in the objects of the object.
2. 8. Develops and promptly submits to the Commission on emergency and OPB to a higher organization of reports and reports on urgent reports, as well as reports and reports to the Commission on emergency and the OPB of the object.
2. 9. Provides new documents, requirements and instructions on civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies to employees of the facility.
2. 10. When receiving a signal about the threat of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature:
2. 10. 1. Together with the dispatch service, the guidance of the commission on emergency and the OBB of the object is organized.
2. 10. 2. Organizes the control over the prepaid for receiving the sheltered protective structures of the estate in the object units.
2. 10. 3. Organizes control over the decrease in the explosion - fire hazardous substances stored at the facility.
2.11. In case of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature:
2.11.1. Participates in organizing the work of the Commission on the emergency and the OPB of the object, provides members of the KEC and the OPB of the necessary documents.
2.11.2. Supports the permanent connection of the CCD and the OPB of the higher organization and the municipal district.
2.11.3. Participates in organizing the intelligence of foci of lesion (destruction) at the facility.
2.11.4. Together with the CCD and the OPB, the collection of data on the situation, which pretended at the facility and prepares the decision of the head of the civil defense of the object to conduct rescue and restoration work.
2.11.5. Represents reports to the CCD and the OPB of the higher organization and the municipal district.
2.12. Plans and organizes command-staff teachings (training) and other physical defense exercises, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies.
2.13. Owns in full information about firefire and the design features of buildings and structures at the facilities of the economy, fire hazard of technological processes, the characteristic of fireflow, the status of travel, communications and alarm;
2.14. Confidential office work.
2.15. Complies with the mode of commercial mystery set in a higher organization.

III. The rights

The company and emergency engineer has the right:
3.1. Present an object in other organizations on civil defense issues, prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies.
3.2. Representing the Object Manager's calculations and proposals for organizing and conducting activities and emergencies requiring an urgent decision.
3.3. Receive information from the workshops and the services of the object you needed to fulfill the assigned job duties.
3.4. Control over the right conduct of the activities of the GO and emergency in the units of the object.
3.5. To make the management of the object's proposal to promote or impose a disciplinary penalty to the object workers based on the results of the fulfillment of the requirements of the Civil Code.
3.6. Use information constituting commercial secrecy, and other confidential object information only in the interest of performance of official duties.
3.7. The realization of the rights provided for in Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

IV. Responsibility

The GO and emergency engineer is responsible for:
4.1. Inappropriate performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. The offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Causing material damage - within the limits established by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.4. Violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, orders, instructions and provisions of a higher organization, an object, the rules of the internal labor regulation.
4.5. Incompretable provision of established reporting.
4.6. Disclosure and illegal use of information constituting commercial mystery, and other confidential information object.
4.7. Incomponsible execution of instructions and orders of the management of the object.

And emergency situations of the Myasnikovsky district

1. General provisions

1.1. Specialist 1 category of civil defense and emergency situations of the administration of the Myasnikovsky District (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Far and Emergencies) is appointed and exempt from the post of head of the Myasnikovsky District, to submit a deputy head of the administration of the German district, who oversees the work of the department, and in coordination with Head of the Department of Civil Code of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Myasnikovsky district administration (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Department.

1.2. Specialist of the category of the department of the GO and EHF is subject to directly to the head of the department of the GO and EFS, respectively, by the Deputy Head of the district (Chairman of the Commission on Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the District) and the Head of the District.

1.3. Specialist of the category of the department for the Civil Code in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other acts of federal executive bodies, the current legislation of the Rostov region, the decisions and regulations of the Head of Administration (Governor) Rostov region, regulatory acts of the Department for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations of the Rostov Region, the legislation on the local self-government of the Myasnikovsky district, the regulations and orders of the head of the district, the Deputy Head of the district - the Chairman of the Court and PB of the district, the Regulation on the Department of Civil Code of the Ministry of Emergency Situations , Regional Law of the Rostov Region on October 25, 2002 No. 000 ZS "On Administrative Offenses", the rules of the internal labor regulation, this official instruction.

1.4. Specialist 1 category of the department of the GO and Emergencies should know the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Rostov Region, the Charter of the Municipality "Myasnikovsky district", as well as regulatory acts and official documents regulating the appropriate scope of activities, the foundations of the organization of labor, order and conditions of the passage of the municipal service , business communication standards, internal regulations, the foundations of office work.

1.5. In case of temporary absence (vacation, disease, travel, etc.) Responsibilities perform another specialist 1 category of department for the Civil Code.

2. Functions

in accordance with the agreements on the transfer of authority by rural settlements of the administration of the Myasnikovsky district.

2.1. A specialist of the category of the department of the department and emergencies is assigned:

Control over the competition of students of young people "School School", the military-patriotic game "Orlenok", Competitions of the RSHN, Exchange, Sanitary Drugs and Posts;

Monitoring and providing methodological assistance for the organization and conduct in schools of training events "Day of Protection of Children" and "Know Day";

Organization of preventive work with a population on security issues in water bodies: in the spring-summer period and in the autumn-winter period;

Control over the implementation of the plan for the interaction of forces and means designed to search and save people who endure disaster on the sea and water basins of the Myasnikovsky district.

3. Main responsibilities

3.1. Official duties

3.1.1. A specialist of the category of the department of the GO and EHF is obliged to notify the employer and the relevant authorities of all cases of appeal to any individuals in order to commit corruption offenses.

Planning and implementing measures to ensure primary fire safety measures in the area;

Organizational - preparatory preparation of officials and the formation of the district link of the regional subsystem of the Russian system of emergency situations on fire safety issues;

Organizing the interaction of attracted forces and funds when steaming fires in the area of \u200b\u200bthe district;

Be able to develop and develop, and implement activities aimed at ensuring primary fire safety measures of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area;

Collection, processing and exchange of information on fire safety issues and organization, timely alert and informing the public about emergency situations;

Organization of measures to fulfill by rural settlements and organizations of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on fire safety issues;

Rendering methodical assistance rural settlements in the development of regulatory and legal acts and activities on fire safety issues;

Conducting information and explanatory work on fire safety issues;

Forecasting and monitoring emergency situations in the territory of the Myasnikovsky district and their consequences;

Rules and procedures for accounting and storing material means.

6. Responsibility

For the implementation of tasks assigned to it;

For the state of labor discipline, fulfillment of duties and the use of rights provided for by job descriptions;

For the timely and qualitative performance of official duties;

For compliance with the requirements of the performing discipline in the work;

For compliance with safety;

For compliance with the rules of fire protection indoors;

For compliance with official secrets;

For the safety and integrity of fixed assets and equipment;

For the level of preparation of documents.

For non-fulfillment or improper performance of their official duties, provided for by the job description, the rules of the internal labor regulation, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law "On the basics of the municipal service in the Russian Federation", regional law "On the municipal service in the Rostov region";

For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the limits defined by the current administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

For disclosing the information that became known to him in connection with the execution of official duties, as well as information affecting the privacy, the honor and dignity of citizens, including after the termination of the municipal service, within the limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing material damage within the limits defined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Rostov region.

7. Qualification requirements

7.1. A person, from among specialists with higher professional education and experience in leadership positions at least five years, is appointed to position.

7.2. Specialist 1 category of the department of the Civil and Emergencies should have professional work skills in the field that meets the activities of the Fire Safety Department, Civil Defense and the Prevention of Emergency Situations, the preparation of projects of municipal legal acts, the fulfillment of the instructions of the direct supervisor, the effective planning of worker (official) time , use experience and opinions of colleagues, the use of office equipment and software products.