Interaction of directum with other systems. Advantages of using DIRECTUM when setting up a QMS. Architecture and technical capabilities of the DIRECTUM system

ECM system with capabilities for document management, business processes, web content. Provides basic functionality via a web server as well as extensions for Sharepoint. There is also a web interface for mobile browsers. For medium-sized businesses and individual departments large companies with the connection of 50-200 users, the DirectumRX cloud solution was developed

Directum alternatives

Directum System Overview

- a corporate content management system (Enterprise Content Management), on the basis of the capabilities of which a full-fledged electronic document management system and an infrastructure for effective interaction of enterprise employees from the top management level to the final executors are built.

DIRECTUM fully complies with the ECM concept according to the model developed

Association for Information and Imaging Management (AIIM), and includes functions:
- Input and conversion of documents;
- Management of joint work;
- Long-term storage of documents;
- Ensuring their integrity;
- Delivery of information.

The system architecture includes a powerful ECM platform that provides high scalability and flexibility of solutions, geographically distributed work, integration with the corporate IT environment, and access interfaces to the system.

Ready-made modules and technical solutions cover applied tasks for managing and approving documents, working with meetings, contracts, record keeping, etc.

Specific business objectives are implemented in a wide range of off-the-shelf business solutions. Each of them includes a technical solution, business consulting and training services, implementation methods and the calculation of the final effect.

The customer himself determines the composition of the DIRECTUM system, getting the opportunity to implement and develop the EDMS both with the help of the DIRECTUM company and with the help of its own IT specialists.

Directum reviews and news

27.02.19. DIRECTUM presented a smart solution for fast and accurate search

DIRECTUM presented - a smart solution for fast and accurate search. The solution is a search site. The user enters the query text in free form, while the site offers a hint with previous search queries and suitable names of publicly available documents. Smart Search takes into account word forms and synonyms, detects typos and incorrect keyboard layouts.

2019. DIRECTUM 5.7 has improved the exchange of documents with counterparties

The system develops the capabilities for the efficient operation of large enterprises and anticipates the actual needs of the business. In version 5.7, the functionality for the exchange of documents with counterparties has been improved, the mechanisms of end-to-end processes within the group of companies have been improved, and intelligent tools for automating routine operations have become available out of the box. In version 5.7, the capabilities of intelligent recognition and classification of DIRECTUM Ario are available. They are used in the modules "Office", "Contract Management", "Financial Archive", and are also closely integrated with the services for entering documents and services for exchanging documents with counterparties.

2018. DirectumRX 3.0: highly scalable, user-friendly web client

In the new version of DirectumRX 3.0, special attention was paid to optimizing scalability for the local installation option for large customers with large amounts of data. In particular, now the contents of all folders and lists of documents are loaded and updated in a split second, regardless of the number of records. The updated web client provides all the benefits of a lightweight, cross-platform web application and can now become the main one - instead of a desktop application. In the new version, you can quickly link documents to each other for picking and easy search; track the progress of work on documents, execution of orders and assignments; find tasks and notifications that you have recently worked with in one click; Receive notifications when a document opened for change by another employee is released. Also, the new version implements a built-in development environment and new applied solutions.

2018. Directum has created a Viber bot to work with the system

Not all employees of the company work in corporate systems. Nevertheless, they also participate in the processes: they get acquainted with documents, execute orders, draw up applications. For them, Directum has created a solution that, using a chat bot, provides employees with access to corporate services. The chatbot works in the Viber mobile application according to the configured business processes. The solution allows you to automate various business processes companies, for example, execution of orders, registration of requests for repairs. The chatbot interacts with the DIRECTUM system using integration and exchange services. For example, when an employee in Viber asks for a 2-NDFL certificate, the task is sent to the accountant in DIRECTUM.

2018. In DIRECTUM 5.6, artificial intelligence reduces the number of routine operations

In April this year, DIRECTUM introduced Ario, a set of intelligent services that reduce the number of routine operations. In the new version, this AI has become even smarter. The flow of incoming documents is now distributed automatically by types, logs and responsible. Thus, the solution eliminates manual operations at this stage. Registration of documents has also become even easier. DIRECTUM Ario recognizes the details of the document, extracts them and fills in the registration card. Now, without opening the document itself, the clerk verifies the details in the area of \u200b\u200bthe RKK preview, if necessary, supplements or corrects them. Also, the creation of instructions from the minutes of the meeting is automated. The secretary only needs to fill out the protocol according to the specified format and press one button. The system itself will create orders, it remains to check them and send them to work.

2018. Directum has developed a solution for the Long-term archive

Some documents need to be stored for 5, 10, 75 years, while the storage period for others is not limited at all. However, the volume of electronic documents is growing every day, the operational storages of information systems are full. Therefore, companies inevitably have two questions: 1. Where to store mountains of paper and terabytes of electronic documents? 2. How to store documents, as well as how to ensure their legal value, if an ordinary ES certificate is valid, as a rule, for no more than a year? The new Directum solution - Long-term archive - allows you to centrally store documents of any kind within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, guaranteeing the legal validity of documents during the entire storage period. This is a standalone independent solution. Other information systems of the enterprise transfer to the archive documents that have come out of operational work, which allows them to unload and increase performance.

2018. DirectumRX 2.8 makes organizing and running meetings easier

A new version of DirectumRX 2.8 has been released. It focuses on solving highly specialized tasks, in particular, holding meetings. Now you can create the agenda and minutes of the meeting directly from the meeting card, all required documents tied to the card and always “at hand”; draw up documents from pre-filled templates - data is automatically pulled from the document card; send decisions for execution in a couple of clicks - the system itself creates orders from the protocol, it remains only to send them to work; monitor the current status of work directly from the meeting card. Also, the new version improved work with organizational and administrative documents, the creation and approval of draft resolutions. And also the convenience of the web client and mobile applications has increased.

2018. Directum has built machine learning into workflow

The use of an electronic corporate content management (ECM) system involves the daily entry of a large number of documents (a card with metadata is created for each document). This is a very boring chore. Directum decided to transfer it to an artificial intelligence named Ario. It analyzes the text of scanned documents, automatically sorts them (with an accuracy of 95-98%), extracts details and enters them into the ECM system with minimal user involvement. In the near future, the developers promise to completely transfer to Ario document annotation, preparation of auto-responses and resolutions, as well as implement "smart" search.

2018. Directum tested for EMM compatibility with SafePhone

Mobile solutions allow you to work with an ECM system outside the office, giving ordinary employees the opportunity to complete tasks, and managers to coordinate documents and monitor the activities of the organization. For a mobile application to become a full-fledged workplace, it is important to provide users not only with a user-friendly interface, but also to create an infrastructure protected from the point of view of information security. Therefore, the specialists of DIRECTUM and NII SOKB conducted tests on the compatibility of their products. The test results showed that, using the EMM-platform of SOKB SafePhone, companies receive reliable protection of confidential information from unauthorized access.

2018. DirectumRX implemented in BP Russia

The Russian representative office of one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world switched to cloud-based electronic document management. All contracts and key purchasing documents are now coordinated in the system. The main purpose of the EDMS implementation was to increase the efficiency and transparency of work with documents. The company needed to organize convenient storage of documents in compliance with the hierarchy, relationships between them and fast search. Support became important criteria when choosing a system. in English and the ability to work with the system remotely. DirectumRX was also favored by a convenient interface and low cost of renting services - the cloud EDMS did not require high start-up costs.

2018. DIRECTUM Solo 2.1 and NOMAD 2.8: multi-system and safety

The new version of DIRECTUM Solo 2.1 has the ability to work with different DIRECTUM systems simultaneously. Now managers can control business processes in independent company branches from one device. When working with DIRECTUM Solo, information is transmitted over a secure channel, documents can be encrypted, and a user certificate can be used for authentication. The NOMAD 2.8 server provides an additional set of security options. Now, if an employee has lost the device, and confidential documents remain in DIRECTUM Solo, you can delete the application data. If the security service is prohibited from working with a certain type of information on the device, the administrator can prohibit the work in the application with this information. You can also restrict work with a document within the DIRECTUM mobile application by prohibiting export to other applications.

2018. Directum has placed its cloud document management system in Technoserv Cloud

Directum, a Russian software developer in the field of electronic document management, has placed its solution on the Technoserv Cloud platform. The cloud version is suitable for midsize businesses that need the most demanded ECM functionality combined with a SaaS service model. After all, deploying such a solution at home requires more serious investments, in particular, in order to comply with strict requirements for information security. The VDC service provided by Directum is a comprehensive solution that allows you to use an easily configurable and scalable set of IT infrastructure elements (resources on demand - servers, data storages, network devices, software) with access to them via the Internet. The provider guarantees 99.95% availability of its service - no more than 21 minutes of downtime per month.

2017. DIRECTUM mobile solutions are compatible with ViPNet information security tools

tested the work of my mobile solutions with ViPNet Network Security products. Tests have confirmed that users of DIRECTUM and DirectumRX mobile applications can safely access corporate data through secure communication channels using the ViPNet Client software complex manufactured by Infotecs OJSC, operating under various mobile and stationary operating systems. The ViPNet Network Security line unites network security components, monitoring and intrusion detection tools. The included solution for protecting ViPNet Client users' workplaces eliminates the risks of external and internal attacks due to transparent encryption and filtering of traffic.

2017. DirectumRX introduces a web client

A new version of the lightweight EDMS system for medium and small businesses DirectumRX 2.7 has been released, expanding the working boundaries - in addition to the already familiar desktop client and mobile solutions, a web client has appeared. In it, the developers have kept the familiar interface and provided cross-platform (for Windows, Linux and Mac). In addition, now you can easily monitor the reliability of counterparties. Counterparty data is now automatically "picked up" from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and USRIP. This speeds up work and eliminates manual input errors. The system also records information about managers and other individuals. persons acting on behalf of the organization. There was a control over the execution of contracts and the completeness of electronic document flow.

2017. DIRECTUM 5.5 - unified ECM-space of the group of companies

The new version helps to build end-to-end processes between different systems in the group of companies and provides a quick transition from internal document flow to external exchange with counterparties. The system now has a solution for the interaction of different systems within one group of companies - DIRECTUM Cross-System Interchange (DCI), or Mechanisms of intersystem interaction. New mechanisms allow organizing a single process between several installations of the DIRECTUM system. DCI services transform data into packets for exchange and ensure their routing and guaranteed delivery Interaction mechanisms are built into the Workflow within each ECM system and link them into an end-to-end business process at the group level. DCI provides synchronization of tasks, assignments, directory entries, and documents of any format and size.

2017. DIRECTUM Solo 2.0 introduces new search and sign capabilities

Directum has released a new version of its mobile executive teleworking application. The new version allows you to sign documents in iOS and Android using certificates issued by the Microsoft Certification Authority. In addition, the same certificate can be used for signing in the desktop client of the system, web access and mobile solution using the Rutoken Bluetooth and JaCarta microUSB tokens. Thanks to new opportunity - search personalization - the user will find the information they need faster. The interface of DIRECTUM Solo has also changed - iOS and Android versions are now presented in the same style. This makes it easy to switch between devices on different platforms. The developers took into account other wishes of users. Now in the iOS version, you can create a document from a file or directly from the camera; sort tasks by importance, creation date and other criteria; it is even safer to pass the authentication procedure in the system using a certificate.

2017. DIRECTUM works on Russian protected computers

The company tested the operation of its ECM-system on the domestic protected computer "Baguette P2A" together with the technological partner and monoblock manufacturer ANO KB "Korund-M". This computer is intended for equipping trusted workstations in systems with increased information security requirements: state structures, banks, industry. Test participants confirmed the correct operation of the system.

2017. DirectumRX 2.6 introduces the Financial Archive

A new version of the DirectumRX 2.6 document management system has been released (this is a simpler and cheaper version of the Directum ECM system). The Financial Archive has appeared in it, which provides a centralized storage of contracts and accounting documents (invoices, acts of completion, invoices, universal transfer documents, etc.), both electronic and paper. In the archive, you can quickly search for documents by requisites and create collections according to specified criteria for reconciliation, as well as for prompt preparation for tax and audit audits. In addition, in the new version of the system, the possibilities of exchanging electronic legally significant documents with counterparties have been expanded, work with powers of attorney has been automated and the integration with 1C has been improved.

2017. DIRECTUM 5.4 improves scalability, Linux and iOS support

A new version of the ECM system has been released. In it, the developers ensured an increase in the scalability of the system for large geographically distributed companies and implemented intercorporate workflow in accordance with new legal requirements. The new version has developed support for working in a Linux-based OS. Now users of the web client on the Alt Linux and Ubuntu operating systems will be able to transparently edit documents directly from the explorer, as well as sign them with an electronic signature. In desktop and web clients, you can generate reports and generate documents from layouts using the free office suites LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice. Added support for the Russian set of office applications MyOffice. New features have become available in the iOS mobile application: approval of documents, signing using the CryptoPro cryptographic information protection tool, and adding message templates to task texts.

2016. DIRECTUM certified for compatibility with Aladdin security systems

Two leading Russian developers, an electronic document management software company, and Aladdin R.D., a manufacturer and supplier of information security tools for corporate systems, have successfully completed compatibility tests for their products and renewed their cooperation agreement. The technological partnership certificate confirms the correct operation of the DIRECTUM version 5.3 electronic document management system with USB tokens and JaCarta smart cards. They ensure the protection of the EDMS and the security of document circulation throughout life cycle documents. The Mutual Compatibility Certificate also confirms the compatibility of JaCarta electronic keys and the DIRECTUM Solo mobile application for the Android operating system.

Meeting the needs of the business, FINEX, which has the status of the General Partner of DIRECTUM, provides a full range of services for organizing effective system electronic document management (EDMS) and office work of the enterprise, based on the best domestic and world experience, the requirements of international and national standards, taking into account the specifics of the activities of each specific Customer.

A combination of the traditions of classic office work, modern techniques management, process approach and advanced automation tools - this is the basis of our work and allows us to carry out projects of any complexity.

Your Goals:

Automation of document flow in order to increase the efficiency of the company, namely:

  • ensuring transparency of business processes,
  • improving performance discipline,
  • reducing the time spent by managers and employees,
  • elimination of information leakage
  • availability of the necessary information "at hand"
  • the most efficient use of software already installed in the company

Description of the service:

1. Survey, identification and description of key documentary processes.
Questionnaires and interviews of key participants in the workflow, identification and visual modeling of documentary processes, their optimization, and development of regulations are carried out. Taking into account the requirements of the Customer, the office work system is brought into compliance with ISO 9000, ISO 15489, GSDOU, corporate or departmental requirements.

2. Automation of document circulation.
As a platform for document flow automation, we offer the DIRECTUM electronic document flow and interaction management system - the market leader in control systems corporate information (ECM systems). EDMS DIRECTUM is developed in accordance with the concept of Enterprise Content Management (ECM), supports the entire life cycle of management electronic documentswithout interfering with the use of traditional office work along the way. The DIRECTUM system performs processes for organizing and controlling the entire document flow of the company, including order processing, organizing meetings and meetings, managing the sales cycle and other processes of interaction between counterparties.

The DIRECTUM system allows you to automate office work and document flow, organize an electronic archive, supports a full cycle of document management (docflow) and has the functionality of workflow systems. Due to the availability of a development tool, a document management system of almost any complexity can be built on the basis of the DIRECTUM system.

Implementation stages:

1. Development of technical tasks DIRECTUM and design of an electronic document management system;
2. Delivery of the required software modules DIRECTUM;
3. Initial installation and configuration of the system;
4. Adaptation of the electronic document management system for the Customer's business processes;
5. Automation of processes of the company's quality management system (QMS);
6. Organization of work of geographically distributed companies and holdings;
7. Ensuring the confidential exchange of documents using electronic digital signature;

8. Training of the Customer's specialists at the Certification Training Center (CSO), organization of training at the Customer's enterprise using a mobile computer class;
9. Technical support at all stages of the project and after the completion of implementation.

With the help of DIRECTUM EDMS they create a wide range of programs aimed at building an effective business management system.

The solution to the described tasks is provided by the Modules of the DIRECTUM system:

    Electronic document management. Creation and storage of various unstructured documents (office applications, graphic and media materials, drawings, etc.), versions and EDS, document lifecycle support, access rights assignment, work history keeping, full-text and attributive search.

    Control business processes... Support for the processes of approval and processing of documents, issuing tasks and monitoring their execution, ensuring interaction between employees in the course of business processes, supporting free and rigid routes (workflow).

    Office. Full compliance with the GSDOU, maintaining a nomenclature of cases with flexible numbering rules, sending and monitoring the location of paper documents, organizing the exchange of electronic documents with EDS between organizations.

    Management of contracts. Registration and approval of contracts and related documents, maintaining registers of documents, ensuring operational work with them (search, signing, analysis, etc.).

    Management of meetings and sessions. Preparation and holding of meetings and sessions (agreeing on the place and time, the composition of the participants, including external ones, agenda), the formation and distribution of the minutes, control over the implementation of the decisions of the meeting.

    Customer Relationship Management. Maintaining a single database of organizations and contact persons, history of meetings, calls and correspondence with clients, support of the sales process in accordance with the regulated stages; planning marketing activities, analyzing their effectiveness.

    Appeals from citizens and organizations. Organization of work with citizens 'appeals in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Citizens' Appeals Russian Federation" in government organizations and at large enterprises.

  • Performance indicator management. Operational control and analysis of business processes of the enterprise by key performance indicators with the support of the balanced scorecard (BSC).

DIRECTUM develops the concept of simplifying the transition to electronic document flow in various fields of activity and, together with its partners, implements the strategy of "Business-focused ECM solutions".

Through the use business solutions (this is a software consulting product necessary to achieve the set goal while solving the required task), the user gets new opportunities for the implementation of electronic document management projects, the organization and interaction of business processes. Due to the elaboration of business solutions and their orientation towards specific business tasks, the implementation of Directum is carried out with minimal risks.

Projects are being implemented generally faster and more efficient. At the same time, various business solutions are built on the same basis - the DIRECTUM system. This makes it possible to ensure their consistent implementation of an electronic document management system at an enterprise and build a corporate information system and electronic document management.

Focusing on business challenges. The goal of a business solution is to meet the requirements of specific business customers and to solve a specific business problem.

Measurable business effect. For each business solution, a range of performance indicators is measured, which allow assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of electronic document management in the authorities state power and at the enterprise

Techniques and business consulting. Business solution, except for the technical part, including there is also a methodology, technological aspects of implementation, consulting.

Business solution based on DIRECTUM EDMS (own development):

Technical solutions based on the DIRECTUM EDMS (own developments):

  • Automation of assignment of rights to DIRECTUM system components when replacing users
The solution allows you to automate the process of adding a replacement user to the groups of which the replaced user is a member and subsequent removal from the added groups after the replacement period expires. As a result, the burden on system administrators to set up access rights to the system components is reduced and the level of security of the EDMS operation is increased by minimizing the "human factor" when setting up temporary access rights to components

The solution is designed to accelerate the creation of new Microsoft Word reports

The module for integrating the EDMS based on the DIRECTUM system with the interdepartmental electronic document management system (MEDO). The solution allows you to ensure the receipt, processing and sending of documents, notifications and receipts from the internal EDMS to other correspondents via the MEDO system in accordance with the approved regulations of the MEDO

The solution automates the coordination of activities (including periodic ones), as well as control over their implementation. It can be used as a mechanism for free assignments of managers, coordination and implementation of measures based on the results of inspections (audits) of departments.

System implementation results Electronic document management DIRECTUM

1. Ensuring transparency of business processes.
The DIRECTUM system allows you to quickly track the stages of business processes, which makes all the company's activities absolutely transparent and controlled. In addition, the business-oriented workflow mechanism includes all the necessary tools to customize processes of any complexity. Business processes are configured by a business analyst without the involvement of additional specialists (programmers). The system becomes a powerful tool for business analysts and helps to improve the efficiency of the organization.

2. Improving performance discipline.
According to statistics, 20% of the tasks received are not performed by the employees responsible for them. Providing full control of all stages of work for the management, the DIRECTUM system directly affects the executive discipline of employees. Using the capabilities of the system, the manager can be sure that the tasks assigned to the employees will not be forgotten or not completed. As needed (at the end of the working day, working week, month) reports are generated indicating overdue tasks. Based on the reports, the head initiates measures to analyze the causes, correct negative consequences, and develop measures to prevent a recurrence of the situation. After collecting detailed information (based on facts) about the employee or department, the manager can take appropriate corrective actions or interventions.

3. Reducing the time spent by managers and employees.
The use of the DIRECTUM system reduces the time spent on almost all routine operations with documents (creation, search, approval, etc.). This frees up time for employees to carry out key work that brings greater returns to the enterprise. In addition, there is an acceleration of the workflow and, as a result, all processes in the organization.

4. Elimination of information leakage.
Leakage of confidential information can lead to millions in losses to the organization. Unlike traditional "paper" document flow, the DIRECTUM system provides access to documents strictly in accordance with the assigned user rights. Document texts can be additionally encrypted using passwords or digital certificates. All actions performed by the user over the document (reading, modifying, signing) are logged.

5. Availability of the necessary information "at hand".
When implementing the process of scanning and entering all incoming documents (including financial ones) into DIRECTUM, managers get the opportunity to promptly receive information about the need for payment (shipment). In conjunction with quick access to information from the ERP system, the manager (or his subordinates) can promptly initiate the payment (shipment) process, for example, review and reconciliation of incoming invoices. Reducing time spent on making financial decisions increases turnover money... If you have any questions about the delivery (shipment), the manager can, within seconds, refer to electronic copies of the originals, for example, in a telephone conversation with the counterparty or the manager / business owner.

6. Making the most of the software already installed in the company. Some of the functions of "heavy" and expensive ERP solutions can be transferred to DIRECTUM. For example, budget approval, approval of a funding application, etc. This will reduce the cost of expanding jobs for "heavy" solutions by using the DIRECTUM system.

  • Focus on improving overall performance.
  • Advanced content management with full life cycle support, document input from various sources, transformation and storage of documents in various formats.
  • Availability of a tool to facilitate identification and retrieval of paper documents.
  • Availability of a business-oriented workflow mechanism and a typical route scheme editor that allows you to model complex business routes.
  • The ability to create and manage document storages of almost unlimited volume in a single system for different kind content throughout the life cycle of documents.
  • Enhanced system functionality thanks to the modules Meeting Management, Contract Management and Customer Relationship Management.
  • Expanded implementation of the electronic digital signature (EDS) mechanism for the transition to electronic document management, including the use of crypto-protection tools certified both in the Russian Federation and in Ukraine.
  • A universal integration mechanism that simplifies the work of SAP, Galaxy, 1C and other ERP systems in DIRECTUM.
  • The presence of a proven technology for the introduction of electronic document management in various organizations and a library of ready-made solutions.
  • Possibility of organizing geographically-distributed off-line work with support for the hierarchical structure of servers
  • There are two ways for users to work with the system: through the desktop client and through the web client (using a web browser)
  • The possibility of organizing the exchange of electronic documents with EDS between different organizations, even if they use different document management systems or do not use them at all.
  • High scalability of the system, providing work for thousands of users and storage of millions of different documents.
  • The presence of a developed toolkit (IS-Builder), which allows you to quickly adapt the system, integrate it with other systems, and also modify it on its own, taking into account the development of the organization.
  • Compliance with Russian standards and norms of office work and management (GSDOU).


  • Dependency on Microsoft platforms.
  • The cost of automation consists not only of the cost of the software, but also of the implementation services. The cost of implementation services is determined depending on the needs of the Customer and can be either equal to zero (purchase of a boxed solution), or reach significant amounts when automating atypical tasks.
  • If implementation requires a system-level development change, then additional time and effort will be required to upgrade to a new version.



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See what "Directum" is in other dictionaries:

    DIRECTUM is a system of electronic document management and interaction management, aimed at increasing the efficiency of all employees of the organization in different areas of their joint activities. The DIRECTUM system is a complete ECM ... ... Wikipedia

    Dominum directum - Dominum utile redirects here because its definition is bound up in that of dominum directum. Definitions Dominum directum (Feudal): the right of the lord (i.e., the right to direct) in the disposition of an asset (typically land). Dominum utile…… Wikipedia

    Dominium directum et utile - is a Latin legal term referring to the complete and absolute dominion; i.e. the union of the title and the exclusive use. See Fairfax s Devisee v Hunter s Lessee (US) 7 Cranch 603, 618, 3 L Ed 453, 458. Categories: Latin legal…… Wikipedia

    Dominion directum - Lit. direct lordship or direct * domain. The ownership of property without having use of it. This was the relationship of the king to land held by his barons: all land was the king s but others had tenure and use. [Lat. dominus \u003d lord + ... ... Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

    nemo potest facere per obliquum quod non potest facere per directum - / niymow powtast faesariy par ablaykwam kwod non powtast faesariy par darektam / No man can do that indirectly which he cannot do directly ... Black "s law dictionary

    dominium directum - Direct ownership, i. e. allodial or legal tenure ... Ballentine "s law dictionary

    dominium directum et utile - The complete and absolute dominion in property; the union of the title and the exclusive use. See Fairfax s Devisee v Hunter s Lessee (US) 7 Cranch 603, 618, 3 L Ed 453, 458 ... Ballentine "s law dictionary

    Nemo potest facere per obliquum quod non potest facere per directum - No one can do by circumlocution that thing which he is not permitted to do directly. Cummings v Missouri (US) 4 Wall 277, 18 L Ed 356, 363 ... Ballentine "s law dictionary

    Praedium domini regis est directum dominium, cujus nullus est author nisi Deus - The estate of the king is direct ownership of which God alone is the author ... Ballentine "s law dictionary

DIRECTUM is an electronic document management and interaction management system aimed at improving the efficiency of all employees of the organization in various areas of their joint activities.

The DIRECTUM system is a full-fledged ECM system (Enterprise Content Management) and supports the full life cycle of document management, while the traditional "paper" office work seamlessly fits into the electronic document flow. DIRECTUM provides effective organization and control of business processes based on Workflow technology: document approval, processing complex orders, preparation and holding of meetings, support of the sales cycle and other interaction processes.

DIRECTUM system composition

  • Electronic document management. Creation and storage of various unstructured documents (Microsoft Word texts, Microsoft Excel tables, Microsoft Visio drawings, CorelDraw, videos, etc.); support of document versions and EDS; structuring documents by folders; assignment of access rights to documents; history of working with documents; full-text and attributive document search.
  • Business process management. Support of the processes of approval and processing of documents at all stages of their life cycle (docflow); issuance of electronic tasks and control of their execution; interaction between employees in the course of business processes; support for free and hard routes (workflow).
  • Management of contracts. Organization of the process of negotiation and registration of contracts and related documents, as well as operational work with them (search, analysis, editing, etc.).
  • Office. Registration of paper documents in accordance with the requirements of GSDOU; maintaining a nomenclature of cases with flexible numbering rules; distribution and control of the location of paper documents; organization of exchange of electronic documents with EDS with other organizations.


The capabilities of the DIRECTUM system are significantly expanded with the following components

  • IS-Builder domain-specific development tool. Modification and development of new cards of electronic documents, reference books, reports, blocks of standard routes; built-in programming language ISBL; integration with other systems.
  • File storage services (DIRECTUM Storage Services). Management of storage of large amounts of data in a single system; archival storage of documents; work with media data; Configuring retention policies that automatically move data across storages.
  • Web access server. Work with electronic documents, tasks, tasks through a web browser.
  • Extensions for SharePoint. A set of out-of-the-box web parts and integration mechanisms that provide access to DIRECTUM data from a portal based on Microsoft SharePoint.
  • Replication server. Creation of geographically-distributed systems that exchange data in off-line mode; hierarchical system of secondary servers; customizable composition of replicated data.
  • DIRECTUM OverDoc. Viewing, editing and signing EDS documents outside the DIRECTUM system for exchange between different organizations; distributed free of charge.
  • DIRECTUM RapID fast document identification technology. Barcode-based labeling and document retrieval, providing quick access to an electronic document from its hard copy.
  • DIRECTUM Capture Services. Bulk input of documents into DIRECTUM from various sources (scanners, MFPs, file system, faxes, e-mail, etc.).
  • DIRECTUM Transformation Services. Converting documents into other formats, extracting useful information from documents.
  • DIRECTUM Integration Toolset. Easy integration with ERP systems: two-way synchronization of directories, inclusion of system objects in workflow, generation of documents and access to them from the ERP system.

DIRECTUM system implementation process

Selecting and purchasing an electronic document management system is only the first step towards building an electronic document management system in an organization. Before the system starts working and really starts to bring effect, the implementation process is ahead.

High-quality integrated implementation is one of the main tasks that DIRECTUM sets for itself and its partners. Based on the company's rich experience in the implementation of electronic document management systems, its own implementation technology has been developed and is constantly being developed, including:

  • library of typical design solutions;
  • business process modeling using the most modern BPMN notation;
  • clear organization of project management in accordance with the project charter;
  • training users on ready-made courses with the subsequent certification of specialists;
  • calculation of efficiency based on implementation results, etc.

The technology provides several options for organizing implementation from the independent performance of work by the customer based on guidelines before implementation on a turnkey basis by specialists from DIRECTUM or its partners.

Thanks to this implementation technology, the process of transition of an organization to electronic document management becomes easier and more consistent. As a result, the customer receives a fully implemented electronic document management system when:

  • work with documents and their approval within the organization is carried out only in electronic form using EDS;
  • top management works with documents from the system;
  • performance discipline control is carried out on the basis of system data;
  • all structural divisions work in the system, including ordinary employees;
  • a unified repository of electronic documents and corporate knowledge was created, with which all employees work in accordance with their powers.

DIRECTUM is an electronic document management and interaction management system aimed at improving the efficiency of all employees of the organization in various areas of their joint activities.

DIRECTUM is a full-fledged ECM-system (Enterprise Content Management) and supports the full life cycle of document management, while the traditional "paper" office work seamlessly fits into the electronic document flow. DIRECTUM provides effective organization and control of business processes based on workflow: document approval, processing of complex orders, preparation and holding of meetings, support of the sales cycle and other interaction processes. The development of the system proceeds within the framework of the concept "Transition to electronic document management is easier, technology is more accessible".

The solution to the described tasks is provided by the modules of the DIRECTUM system:

  • Electronic document management. Creation and storage of various unstructured documents (Microsoft Word texts, Microsoft Excel tables, Microsoft Visio diagrams, CorelDraw drawings, videos, etc.); extended support for document versions and EDS; structuring documents by folders; assignment of access rights to documents; history of working with documents; full-text and attributive document search.
  • Business process management. Support of the processes of approval and processing of documents at all stages of the life cycle (docflow); issuance of electronic tasks and control of their execution; interaction between employees in the course of business processes; support for free and hard routes; rich extensible block libraries for forming routes (workflow).
  • Management of contracts. Organization of the process of negotiation and registration of contracts and related documents, as well as operational work with them (search, analysis, editing, etc.).
  • Meeting management. Organization of preparation and holding of meetings (coordination of place and time, composition of participants, agenda); formation and distribution of the protocol; control over the implementation of the decisions of the meeting.
  • Office. Registration of paper documents as required State system documentation support of management (GSDOU); maintaining a nomenclature of cases with flexible numbering rules; distribution and control of the location of paper documents; organization of exchange of electronic documents with EDS with other organizations.
  • Customer Relationship Management. Maintaining a unified database of organizations and contact persons; keeping a history of meetings, calls and correspondence with clients; support of the sales process in accordance with the regulated stages; planning marketing activities; analysis of sales efficiency and marketing impact.

Architecture and technical capabilities of the DIRECTUM system

  • The architecture of the DIRECTUM system allows you to create scalable, reliable and secure corporate solutions for managing documents, business processes, meetings, contracts and interaction with customers.
  • The adaptation of the DIRECTUM system to the specific needs of the organization and the development of the system along with the growth of business needs is ensured by the capabilities of the IS-Builder development tool, which offers advanced tools for the quick and easy creation of new directories, electronic document cards, scripts, screen forms, standard routes, their individual blocks and other components of the corporate electronic document management system.
  • Integration of the DIRECTUM system with ERP systems, corporate portals and other components of an organization's IT infrastructure is possible in various directions, thanks to the advanced integration capabilities of the DIRECTUM platform based on the DIRECTUM Integration Toolset and an open architecture.
  • Geographically distributed work of large organizations is supported by a replication server, which provides transparent for users and developers the exchange of data - documents, tasks, tasks, reference books - between organizational units.
  • Working with DIRECTUM via the Internet and Intranet is implemented in DIRECTUM in several ways. A web access server enables users to work with DIRECTUM documents and tasks through a browser interface, and DIRECTUM Extensions for SharePoint offer a specialized interface for accessing DIRECTUM system data through a corporate portal.
  • The exchange of documents between third-party organizations is possible thanks to the special mechanisms of DIRECTUM, which make it possible to transfer and control the delivery of official correspondence in electronic form based on the industry format for the exchange of electronic documents. The exchange of electronic documents between partner organizations, even in the absence of an electronic document management system for either party, is possible using free software DIRECTUM OverDoc based on a specially designed structured electronic document format.
  • DIRECTUM administration tools allow you to manage all administration tasks - from user registration to creating policies for document migration between file storages.
  • Technical requirements for servers, workstation equipment and system software are flexible and allow efficient use of equipment for DIRECTUM operation.

Effect of DIRECTUM implementation

Implementation of workflow is not just a "tribute to fashion". This is an awareness of the advantages that the implementation of document flow gives:

  • Transparency of business processes. The DIRECTUM system provides the ability to track the stages of the execution of business processes, which makes all activities in the organization absolutely transparent and controlled. In addition, the workflow mechanism includes all the necessary tools for setting up processes of any complexity. The system becomes a powerful tool for business analysts and allows you to improve the efficiency of describing and supporting business processes.
  • Exclusion of unauthorized access. Leakage of confidential information can lead to millions in losses to the organization. Unlike traditional "paper" document flow, the DIRECTUM system provides access to documents strictly in accordance with the assigned user rights. Document texts can be additionally encrypted using passwords or digital certificates. All actions performed by the user over the document (reading, modifying, signing) are logged.
  • Improving performance discipline. According to statistics, 20% of the tasks received are not performed by the employees responsible for them. Providing full control of all stages of work for the management, the DIRECTUM system directly affects the executive discipline of employees. Using the capabilities of the system, the manager can be sure that the tasks assigned to the employees will not be forgotten or not completed.
  • Compliance with the requirements of ISO-9000 standards. The setting of quality management has now become one of the priority tasks solved by Russian companies. Designed in accordance with iSO requirements 9001 The quality management system (QMS) becomes a conceptual basis for improving the organization's management system. One of the requirements for the QMS is a transparently delivered document flow and information interaction.

    Advantages of using DIRECTUM when setting up a QMS:

    • - ensuring strict adherence to sections iSO standard 9001: 2000 for Document and Records Management;
    • - support for the implementation of regulations by employees within the described business processes;
    • - provision of means for control by the management over the functioning of the QMS.
  • Reducing the time spent by managers and employees. The use of the DIRECTUM system reduces the time spent on almost all routine operations with documents (creation, search, approval, etc.). This frees up time for employees to do other, more intelligent jobs that give more value to the enterprise. In addition, there is an acceleration of document flow and, as a result, of all processes.
  • Ease of innovation and learning. Thanks to the notification system based on the DIRECTUM system:
    • - new rules of work are quickly brought to all employees;
    • - the routes of passage and templates of documents are easily changed, after which the employees automatically start working in a new way.

With the start of operation of the DIRECTUM system, a corporate knowledge base of the organization is being formed, which, in turn, reduces the time allotted for training new employees.

  • Development of corporate culture
    The process of implementing electronic document management establishes and maintains a corporate culture. Optimizing employee interactions and developing horizontal connections lead to team cohesion. At the same time, the responsibility of each employee for the quality performance of the assigned task increases.
  • Growing competitive advantage
    The implementation of the DIRECTUM electronic document management system directly affects the company's competitive advantages over other market players. The speed and quality of customer service increases due to the acceleration of information flows and accurate control of all processes. The functioning of even a large enterprise becomes more mobile and less dependent on specific “irreplaceable” employees.

System advantages

Understanding customer needs is at the heart of the DIRECTUM system's benefits

  • The well-thought-out ideology of the system successfully combines wide functionality and simple operating principles.
  • Focus on improving overall performance.
  • Advanced content management with full life cycle support, document input from various sources, transformation and storage of documents in various formats.
  • Availability of a tool to facilitate identification and retrieval of paper documents.
  • Availability of a business-oriented workflow mechanism and a typical route scheme editor that allows you to model complex business routes.
  • The ability to create and manage in a single system document storages of almost unlimited volume for different types of content throughout the entire life cycle of documents.
  • Enhanced system functionality thanks to the modules Meeting Management, Contract Management and Customer Relationship Management.
  • Expanded implementation of the electronic digital signature (EDS) mechanism for the transition to electronic document management, including the use of cryptographic protection tools certified in the Russian Federation.
  • Universal integration mechanism that simplifies sAP work, 1C and other ERP systems in DIRECTUM.
  • The presence of a proven technology for the introduction of electronic document management in various organizations and a library of ready-made solutions.
  • Possibility of organizing geographically-distributed off-line work with support for the hierarchical structure of servers
  • There are two ways for users to work with the system: through the desktop client and through the web client (using a web browser)
  • The possibility of organizing the exchange of electronic documents with EDS between different organizations, even if they use different document management systems or do not use them at all.
  • High scalability of the system, providing work for thousands of users and storage of millions of different documents.
  • The presence of a developed toolkit (IS-Builder), which allows you to quickly adapt the system, integrate it with other systems, and also modify it on its own, taking into account the development of the organization.
  • Compliance with Russian standards and norms of office work and management (GSDOU).


DIRECTUM partners

DIRECTUM Company has strategic and technological partnerships with the largest suppliers of platforms, equipment and various solutions.

DIRECTUM dealers provide a full range of services for the successful implementation of the system:

  • research of the characteristics of the customer organization;
  • system setup and adaptation;
  • training and consulting users and administrators;
  • organizational and methodological support.

Certified Training Centers (CSO) make quality training and certification more accessible to obtain the status of a certified DIRECTUM specialist.


System cost

DIRECTUM 4. * system software

Descriptionprice, rub.
Basic components
Includes a system server license and user CALs for the Base modules (Electronic Document Management and Business Process Management). The server license of the system includes one set of documentation, an installation disk, a subscription for updating versions for a period of 1 year.
System Server License5 700 9 600 22 800
Client license Base modules3 200 5 100 8 700
Pack of 20 client licenses Base modules60 800 96 900 165 300
Package of 50 client licenses Base modulesno229 500 391 500
Package of 100 client licenses Base modulesno408 000 696 000
Package of 200 client licenses Base modulesnono1 305 000
Client licenses for additional modules
Extend the functionality of the Basic Modules. For each user using additional modules, it is necessary to purchase a user CAL for Basic modules.
Client license Office3 600 5 900 10 100
Client License Meeting Managementno3 500 6 100
Client License CRMno6 800 11 800
Client License Contract Managementno4 800 8 300
Client license Fast document identificationno2 400 4 100
IS-Builder Developer Client Licenseno17 900 27 600
Additional server licenses
Purchased for each server where the corresponding functionality is installed and used.
Server License Secondary Replication Servernono49 200
Server License Web Accessno28 500 45 600
Server License Extensions for SharePointno39 800 63 700
Server License Storage Servicesno21 400 34 300
Server License Document Input Serviceno32 400 54 800
Server license Support for English interfacenono68 700
Server license Connector to 1C: Enterprise 8 *no58 600 86 400
Server license Connector to SAP *nono280 000


  • 1. Prices are indicated in Russian rubles and are valid for settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation. VAT is not levied on the basis of paragraphs. 26, p. 2, art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • 2. MS SQL Server is used as a DBMS for the DIRECTUM system. You can purchase a special version of MS SQL RUNTIME for use in conjunction with DIRECTUM - a price list is provided upon request.
  • 3. DIRECTUM Lite is a lightweight version of the DIRECTUM system delivery for small organizations, limited to basic functionality and the maximum number of client licenses - 20.
  • 4. DIRECTUM Standard is a standard delivery option of the DIRECTUM system, intended for medium-sized organizations (up to 100 users). Designed for use with MS SQL Server Standard Edition.
  • 5. DIRECTUM Enterprise is the most powerful delivery option for the DIRECTUM system, designed for large organizations. Supports high scalability and clustering solutions, uses MS SQL Server Enterprise Edition, has advanced functionality, etc.
  • 6. The number of concurrent users is taken into account. The number of installed client sites and registered users is not limited.
  • 7. Items marked with * are purchased once per system instance and can be used on all secondary servers.