Yana Churikova: Since childhood, I have been asked to say hello to my mother Inna. About new opportunities

Yana Churikova is a Russian TV presenter and producer. Over the course of her career, she has grown from a TV presenter of the Russian channel MTV to the head of channels for youth and music broadcasting of Viacom holding (MTV Russia, MTV Live HD, MTV Rocks, MTV Hits, MTV Dance, VH1 and VH1 Classic). Permanent host of the Star Factory project for ten years.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova was born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. Yana spent her childhood in Hungary, where her father did military service. Mom Elena Churikova is an economist by education.

In 1985, the parents gave the girl to primary school in the city of Tököl, in the center of Hungary. Yana's childhood memories are associated with these places: together with her friends, she was looking for shell casings and cartridges, explored the trenches of the Second World War, the airfield, and the radar. At the beginning of the 2000s, being already a popular TV presenter, Yana made a pilgrimage to the places of her childhood, but found the remains of the garrison, which had fallen into decay.

As a child, Yana was attracted to many professions, but, in her own words, most of this was due to their external attributes. Among the children's hobbies were paleontology, zoology, music and much more, up to the profession of a dentist. And one of the brightest impressions in life was a visit to the opera house, where the girl was amazed not only by the music and scenery, but also by the solemn, luxurious outfits of the audience. Later, Yana decided that she could learn more about all professions at once if she herself became a journalist.

The family of Yana Churikova returned to Moscow in the late 1980s, when Soviet troops were leaving Hungary. At first, the girl had no friends, and the capital itself left a painful impression - a dark, scary city, on the streets of which evil people walk, as Churikova comments on memories of this time.

The girl's life was transformed when she began her studies in the youth newspaper "Glagol", which was an alternative to "Pionerskaya Pravda". Children with a penchant for writing came to this newspaper, where they were taught the basics of the journalistic profession. There Yana made new friends and a lifelong work. In 1994, the girl took second place in the literary Olympiad in Moscow. Also, while working in "Glagol" Yana sings for some time in the rock group "Fairy tales for adults", which, having played several concerts, breaks up.

In 1995, Yana Churikova entered the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Moscow state university... Her graduation project was titled "The Influence of Musical Television on Mass Consciousness on the Example of MTV". After completing her studies, she entered graduate school, where the sphere of her scientific interest is the process of socialization youth audience influenced by television.


During the 1996 pre-election debates, young journalists were invited to the “We” program, including Yana Churikova. Yana's short speech attracted the attention of an experienced journalist and producer of the ATV TV channel, who invited Churikova to practice. The first project of the aspiring journalist was the Vremechko program under the leadership of Lev Novozhenov. For some time, Yana was not allowed on the air, since, in the opinion of the leaders, she had too childish voice. But three months later, Yana Churikova still released her debut report.

A year later, the young journalist gets a job at the MTV Russia television company, first as an editor, and then as a TV presenter. According to Yana, she even had to add several years to herself in the application form to get an invitation to this job. Later, when this circumstance was revealed, the girl had already managed to establish herself as a conscientious employee.

In the early stages of her work, Yana Churikova gained experience in many specialties related to television, which gave her the opportunity to subsequently become the leader of her own team. In an interview with the Echo of Moscow radio station, Yana Churikova notes that she understands what needs to be achieved from people, how to arrange the team's work in such a way that each participant feels comfortable.

Yana Churikova at the "Star Factory"

Among the projects that brought popularity to Yana Churikova, a special place is occupied by the program "12 angry viewers", which she hosted from July 1999 to January 2002. The concept of the program was that the invited participants watched the video and tried to objectively evaluate the video. Since the assessment was often negative, a star was invited to defend the video. According to the results of the program, a vote was taken for the worst video.

Yana Churikova's professionalism as the host of this show was noticed, and she was invited to work on Channel One. At first Yana hosted the youth television program "Objective", then for some time she worked in the program "Good Morning".

Sergey Zverev, Yana Churikova and Dan Balan at the Golden Gramophone Prize

The most successful project in the creative biography of the TV presenter, the musical show "Star Factory", which Yana Churikova hosted for eight seasons, becomes. The work on the "Star Factory" cannot be called easy. In one interview, Yana Churikova admits that this project takes 90% of the time, and sometimes she even has to spend the night at work. But all these difficult circumstances only emphasize the popularity of the show among the audience, and, therefore, all the difficulties of production will not be in vain.

Yana Churikova is considered one of the most popular presenters in Russia. Among her projects are the Golden Gramophone, which Yana hosted together with the popular TV presenter, The History of a Song, and the extreme show Cruel Intentions, remembered by the audience, whose participants undergo difficult tests on the obstacle course to win.

Since 2007, the TV journalist has been working in the Krasny Kvadrat studio, which exists on the basis of the Vid TV company. Twice she appears as the leading music hit parade of the best songs of the year "Red Star". Also Yana Churikova, together with the producer, was a commentator for the Eurovision-2015 song contest.

Since October 2013 Yana Churikova has been holding the post general director channel "MTV Russia". Besides leadership position Yana continues to be creative in other areas. In the same 2013, on Channel One with the participation of Churikova, the musical project "Universal Artist" was released, she also acted as the host of the opening ceremony at the Universiade in Kazan and some events of the Olympic Games in Sochi. In 2014, the journalist became the voice of the Friday! TV channel.

Personal life

Yana's first husband is director and TV presenter Ivan Tsybin, whom her mother introduced the girl to. I didn’t like the professionalism of Ivan and his personal qualities... The couple lived in marriage for four years, after which Yana initiated a divorce, as she began an affair with a businessman and director of a PR agency, Denis Lazarev.

In May 2009, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya Lazareva. In an interview, Yana Churikova reveals the secret of successful motherhood: you only need to shift your own ego to the background and not interfere with children from finding their own path in life. In 2016, changes were outlined in the personal life of the TV presenter: it became known that the couple had separated.

From the first years of her work on television, Yana Churikova was faced with the question of whether she was a relative. As the TV presenter clarifies, the similarity with the star of the Soviet and Russian screens appealed to her, and Yana even calls the actress her “metaphysical mother,” but there is no true relationship between women. Yana and Inna are only namesakes. In 2017, the first meeting of the TV presenter and the actress took place after the performance of Inna Churikova at the Theater of Nations. Yana's photo was posted on Instagram.

Now Yana Churikova is in perfect physical shape, which is noted by her subscribers. According to Yana, with a height of 175 cm, her weight now fluctuates around 67-73 kg, depending on the season. But Yana did not always have such parameters. As a 20-year-old student who was just getting started on television, Yana gained up to 95 kg in weight. Such a complexion did not interfere with the girl until she got into the frame, where she appeared as a co-host on the MTV channel program. Against the background of a slender young man, Yana looked, according to her, four times more.

The girl began to struggle with extra pounds in a simple way - refused food, drank only water with lemon and achieved the desired result: the size of the clothes began to rapidly decrease. After a while, Churikova began to have health problems: tremors of the hands appeared, memory loss affected. Soon the help of an endocrinologist was needed.

The girl overcame difficulties and over time found harmony. She prefers to use meat, fish and vegetables in her diet, excludes refined foods, and her physical form is helped to maintain her fitness by pilates and yoga. A new haircut adds freshness to Yana Churikova's appearance.

Yana Churikova now

In 2018, a number of significant events took place in Yana Churikova's professional life. The TV presenter became the federal ambassador of the World Cup. A thematic composition dedicated to the upcoming event, in which the stations are announced by the voice of Yana Churikova, was launched in the Moscow metro.

At the beginning of the year, with her participation on the Yandex. Music ”began broadcasting a weekly musical talk show. The son of a TV journalist became the co-host of the broadcast.

In May 2018, Yana Churikova was a commentator for the international music competition "". On her Instagram page, Yana, at the request of her fans, compiled a list of her favorite performances.


  • "Big Cinema"
  • "12 angry viewers"
  • "Lens"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Star Factory"
  • "Golden Gramophone Award"
  • "History of the Song"
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "The Red Star"
  • "Universal artist"
  • "Eurovision"

In an interview with the site, Yana Churikova told what principles she adheres to in raising her daughter, why she does not want to celebrate her birthday and what helps her stay so cheerful and beautiful.

Yana Churikova's face has not left the television screens of our country for many years. Together with her we discussed (and are discussing) the clips in the show “12 angry viewers” \u200b\u200bon MTV, followed the musical epic “Star Factory” and celebrated more than a dozen holidays on Channel One.

The career of our heroine began at MTV Russia back in 1998, when the legendary TV channel was just launched in our country - and then overnight it became the coolest media in Russia.

Years passed, time changed, but MTV still lives and pleases its viewers with interesting content. One thing has changed: in 1998, Churikova worked in the frame, and today she is already in charge of the TV channel. On September 27, together with MTV, she will celebrate his big 20th anniversary within the walls of Olimpiyskiy, where a grand concert with the participation of popular stars will take place.

Not long before this event, we looked into the MTV office, where we not only imbued with its atmosphere, but also made a vivid photo session, and also talked with Yana. We discussed everything: work, family, age, and beauty.

website: Yana, where do you feel more comfortable: in the chair of the interviewer or the interviewee?
Honestly, I don't like giving interviews, answering questions, because I don't like feeling unprepared. If I conduct the interview myself, then I prepare and I can control the whole process. Except when the hero is so good that he makes me play by my own rules. It happens (smiles).

website: Today you are the head of MTV, and twenty years ago he became your first place of work. What do you think, coincidence or fate?

J. Ch .: On the one hand, probably, fate. On the other hand, it is a kind of puzzle formed from a chain of events and actions. I am glad to be involved in such a big case. We, as before, take care of producing content that is interesting to today's audience. 20 years ago, apart from MTV - fashionable, cool, open - there was nothing decent. The Internet was just in its infancy, social networks did not exist.

"To communicate with the audience, the artists came to television, and now each of them can simply go live from a smartphone."

MTV today is not a mass, but in some places even an aesthetic world, followed by the thinking part of young people, which is very pleasant to me. Today the audience is highly fragmented: there is not a single media where all of it is concentrated. So, for example, we are K-pop fans: we are one of the few who pay attention to this culture. On our TV channel you can see the groups "We" and "Let's go", which rarely appear anywhere else. And of course, all the most relevant from the world youth culture.

website: 20 years is a long time. In your opinion, what has changed in the TV channel, and what has remained the same?

J.C .: The audience that was with us at the very beginning is dear to MTV today. We cannot ignore people who constantly write to us on social networks: “Show me‘ ’A car for pumping’ ’”. It is clear that you cannot completely immerse yourself in the past, but you should not forget about it either.

“MTV is a brand that cannot ignore its roots. Unlike other TV channels, which can only afford to exist here and now. "

But at the same time, most of the grid is relevant content for those who are young today.

If you think about it, an interesting turn happened in my life. I started my work on the channel in production, the management was located in a separate wing. I went there quite rarely and did not particularly delve into what marketers, merchants and other specialists who ensure the operation of the channel did. I was an editor, presenter, producer, then deputy production manager. And now, several years later, I am becoming the leader of the channel group, and I need to control all processes at once. Against this background, I understand how easy it is for me to conduct concerts, where everything is simple and clear!

J.Ch .: I didn't leave, I just prioritized in favor of leadership work. This was my deliberate choice. The priority today, of course, is managerial work, although I am still doing something. I do not agree to shoot if they fall on days when I need to be in the office, or if I have to take a vacation as agreed with the management. So, by the way, I have already chosen all my vacation days for this year. (smiles).

For example, I really like to host a concert, dedicated to the Day Ministry of Emergency Situations. This holiday has a cool tradition: every year we tell real stories EMERCOM employees are real heroes who save lives. And it is these firefighters, rescuers, not artists, who are the main stars of the evening. Or, for example, the day of the Airborne Forces. I come from a military family, which is probably why such events are close to me.

It's great that I find everywhere what is close to me and what makes me happy. I have the opportunity to communicate with people, be it a Kremlin concert or a chamber event.

“I like being a presenter, that's how I relax. I love this part of my job because it is really easy. "

Compared to the managerial part, which few can withstand, because this is responsibility not only for oneself, but also for all employees. As a leader, I must require each of them to control their small area. This is a whole system, at the head of which you still stand and report to the management. And even if your people were wrong, in fact, you were wrong. I didn’t look at something, I did not build the work process correctly. During the five years that I have been managing the channel, I can say that there is mutual training: I also learn something from my employees.

website: I noticed that you do not have a separate office, you are located in a large office together with everyone.

J. Ch .: I need everything to be at hand. Employees around me, and we can solve any questions promptly. But, for example, if I need to think hard, I start hiding in the corners, I go to these little telephone conversations. Everyone is kidding me about this (laughs).

website: Are you a demanding leader?

J. Ch .: I'm afraid that I have become like this. At the beginning of this journey, I was even glad that the employees call me "mother", they consider me kind and fluffy. But then I realized that you can't be too soft.

“In order to lead, you have to be bad sometimes. And at first I was afraid to be bad, and then the realization came to me that sometimes it was necessary ”.

Let anything they want to think about you, but the process will be clear. I have a position, and I must correspond to it. And “mom” is at home.

"Believe it or not, favorite place on planet Earth for my daughter - this is our MTV office "

website: Do you manage to be a mom? Find time for your daughter?

J. Ch .: Believe it or not, my daughter's favorite place on planet Earth is our office. For the first time I took her with me to work last year: then the nanny could not come, there was no one to leave Tasya with. We go in, I say: "You sit quietly, do not bother anyone." My daughter began to paint, and then it dawned on me that I could give her some simple work. I asked her to make a broadcasting grid. And she made up - from cartoons (smiles)... But she approached the assignment very seriously, asked questions on the merits.

This year history repeated itself, and she was with me in the office for almost a week. We have allocated to the child workplace... They gave her a grid again, this time for the Nickelodeon children's channel. There was a specific list of cartoons: she knew some, while she searched for others on YouTube to understand what they were about. I was interested in whether it is possible to put certain cartoons together, what is the duration of the episodes, is there an age limit. Towards the end of the day, Tasya handed over the grid to the TV channel, and she was told that they would accept the work for execution. I haven't seen my child happier for a long time (smiles).

"This is what all people really need - self-realization."

Actually, this is how we gain time to communicate with each other. Sometimes we have a weekend together. It is a great joy for Tasya and me when the two of us go out for a walk. I try to give my daughter every free minute. Agree, why then give birth to a child if you cannot spend time with him? While our children need us, it makes sense to reshape our schedule.

website: You are a demanding leader, and mom?

J.Ch .: Here, by the way, leadership skills sometimes help. My peers laugh at me that I have to apply methods from managerial practice in education. Yes, it might be funny, but it works.

I don't ask anyone how I can raise my daughter.

“I don’t like it when mothers' forums or social networks begin to teach how to whom to raise children. You will deal with yours first. "

If I need advice, I will find someone to ask him. It is for this reason that I try not to publicly talk about my parenting methods. I believe that there are a lot of people who will support me, but there will also be those who will definitely say that I am wrong: “Do you read books for money? But they read mine themselves. " Seriously? Show me today's kids who read books on a binge without any extra incentive! We have this incentive: Tasya earns in this way, she has her own budget, which she manages and is responsible for. Perhaps someday this system will stop working and I will have to come up with something new.

website: Where do you see your daughter in the future?

J. Ch.: I don't see it by anyone: I don't want the child to hammer into his head the stereotype “You must” received from me. She owes nothing to anyone. I tell her only one thing: “You only owe yourself. It should take place in this life, understand who you are, and walk along this road. I will help you with your search, but I will not decide for you. "

The modern generation of children, one might say, is overfed. In principle, they have everything from an early age. In childhood, we could still be stimulated by buying a toy. And how to stimulate a child who, in fact, has enough of them? By the way, I implore all relatives to give Tase fewer toys so as not to spoil her. The modern child simply needs to be protected from abundance.

“Today children are overfed with information. That is why Tasi does not have social networks; she also goes online in a metered fashion. She's only nine, if anything. "

You can tell me whatever you want, but I think that the abundance of information with which children do not yet know how to manage, hurts them. In the same way, too soft attitude of parents hurts. Think about the fact that your child will grow up and enter the adult world, where no one will babysit him anymore, but will require discipline.

“A woman needs to know her strengths and weaknesses. I demonstrate my beautiful body parts: back, neckline. This is knowing yourself "

site: You are a public person, always in sight, which obliges you to look great. How do you take care of yourself?

J.C .: I can't say that I am a fan of beauty procedures, although I would gladly spend a lot of time in salons. I will not flirt: if I do get to the beautician, then I try to do all the procedures that I can. But I'm still afraid of injections: I just see how I come to the office, and I have bruises on my face. Some women have time to recover after such procedures, but this is not my case at all.

Of course, you need to take care of yourself in order to continue to look good. I always try to find the one that suits me. I'm 40 years old soon, but so far I'm fine with how I look without any hellish interventions. It is clear that I can be overwhelmed in five to ten years, but so far everything is moderate.

"In my opinion, the best thing that can happen to a woman is the ability to accept yourself at the age at which you are, but at the same time not to forget how you look."

Accepting and loving yourself does not mean that you can be fat, with your belly falling out from under a thin T-shirt and say: "I am who I am, I don't care what you think of me." You should not go to the other extreme and be painfully dependent on the opinions of others. Balance is important in all areas of our life.

Score on appearance - this is what I definitely will not do. As well as getting involved in serious interventions. Chip off wherever possible, and I will not reshape myself.

website: Have you always been pleased with yourself?

J. Ch .: Of course not. Dissatisfaction with yourself in good sense is the engine internal development... And I repeat again: the main thing is not to go to extremes. I had the famous experience of losing weight from 90 to 55 kilograms at the beginning of my MTV career. Then the endocrine system suffered, there was a threat of thyroid surgery. This is what I mean: you have to think with your head, and not with established stereotypes. It is clear that a lot comes from childhood, to adolescence this is reinforced by hormones, excessive emotionality and sensitivity. Girls are generally more influenced by those around them.

If you think about it, as a child, so much is poured into our ears. For example: "A boy shouldn't cry." Why suddenly? What if he was beaten and hurt? Or: "A girl should wear pink dresses." Who said it, where is it written? It's 2018: let him wear what he wants. Again, it is important not to go to extremes here. To feel your individuality, to feel your inner self is a great joy and a lot of work on yourself.

Harmony with yourself is what you need to strive for.

“I really once weighed 90 kilograms, and for the frame it was a lot in any case. And I thoughtlessly began to lose weight - I just stopped eating, "eating" "water with lemon."

How I managed to work at the same time, I do not understand. But I am not the first and not the last who went down this road. Today I see anorexic-looking girls who come to a fitness club and, without listening to the trainers, go to swing. They are on their own, in their own world. Girls, welcome to the club ... Only I have already left this club, and you are leaving. Food is life. You need to eat something other than fruit.

“This is the danger of modern society: there is more information, more choice, but we have not become happier because of this. We didn’t feel better about ourselves. ”

Now, if I feel that I have typed, I just regulate myself. Last year I tried detox: a thousand calories a day, only juices and smoothies. I ended up coming home, smelling the boiled chicken and eating it all. And before that, all day I could not figure out and solve some simple office issues. The work went down the drain, I was absolutely unproductive, because I only thought about what to eat. The brain, like the body, needs nourishment.

website: As you rightly noted, girls are the most susceptible to harsh self-criticism. Are you trying to save Tasya from unreasonable dislike for yourself?

J. Ch .: Nobody is immune from this. And Tasya as well. Alas, not everything depends on me, although, of course, I can give her some things. My daughter is not isolated from society and lives in an open environment: she goes to music and regular schools, to dances, she has friends and acquaintances. Children (and all people) are so arranged that someone else's opinion is not an empty phrase for most of them. Someone said something about you, and you start to focus on it. Of course, raising a psychologically stable person is a dream. But is it realizable? Let her be wrong. I'll be there, try to explain.

By the way, we are conducting dialogues on the topic healthy way life.

“Tasi has my inheritance, and I don't want her to dissolve herself. In our case, you will relax - you will immediately go in breadth. "

Therefore, Tasya knows how important it is to respect your body, to monitor your posture and what you eat. True, Tasya is not yet ripe to lettuce, avocado and other “greens”, and I don’t insist. For every girl, girl, woman, this is a very important story that you need to come up with on your own.

“Like all people, the numbers in my passport evoke some emotions in me. I will not flaunt and say that I do not pay attention to my age "

website: If you, I'm sure, are preparing for the anniversary of the MTV channel, then what can you say about your own anniversary?

J. Ch .: MTV anniversary is all that occupies my thoughts today. This is a huge legacy of a whole generation, which suddenly ended up in my hands as well. Therefore, of course, we are in awe.

"As for my anniversary, I have a plan: turn off the phone and dump, and be sure to answer congratulations later."

True, I appreciate support, but at the same time I am absolutely not able to accept congratulations and compliments. Moreover, I am the type of person who is discouraged by compliments. When I get praised, I start to really work badly. I don’t know what it’s connected with: there are probably some underlying mechanisms that say that, perhaps, I am not worthy of this compliment. And the desire to comply with these words immediately disappears. At the same time, you can't scold me either: you need to say something in order to stimulate in me the desire to become better.

Not so long ago, Leonid Slutsky and I (football coach, commentator, - approx. Woman.ru)