Scenario dedicated to Mother's Day in Dow. Holiday script in kindergarten "Mother's Day" material on the topic. Song "Children's Friendship"

"Mothers Day"

Music sounds.

Leading: Good evening, we tell you. We did not accidentally gathered today at this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as a mother's day. Welcome to all moms and grandmothers, who came to our evening, which we devoted the most kind, most sensitive, most tender, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.


Mom is the sky!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

Moms are better not!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a laughter!

Mom is caressing!

Moms love everyone!

Mom smiles

Mom sore,

Mom will regret

Mom and forgive.

Mom - golden autumn,

Mom - the most native

Mom is kindness,

Mom will always help!

Mom, no more expensive,

Mom can all in the world

Mom today congratulations

Mama happiness we wish.

Together. Mom I love you,

Song I give you!

1. Just ______________________________________________________

1. Baby.

There is a lot of good words in the light of good words,

But everyone is kinder and most important:

Of the two syllables, the simple word "mother"

And no words are more expensive than it.

2 baby boy.

There was a lot of sleep without sleeping

Worries, anxiety, not count.

Big bow to you all native moms

But what you are in the world.

3 baby boy.

For kindness, for golden hands,

For the maternal of your advice,

We wish you sincerely

Health, happiness, long years.

2.New ______________________________________________________

IN. Mom, mommy ... how much heat is tatting this magic word, which is called the closest, dear, sole man. And our most expensive people on Earth we dedicate this song.

3.Pesign ______________________________________________________

Poems of children

My mom is best!

1. If it happens to me,

Mom welcome hand

Soothes pain

And carries peace with him.

2. And when a new toy

I am no more rejoice,

Smiling with me

My mother is my mother.

3. Let him carry the wind

That I will open everything:

In the whole world, in general

Mom is best - mine.

4. Our mom is better not,

There is no kind of her, gentle,

Become forever obedient

And congratulate mothers!

5. They wish only happiness,

To calmly in the soul,

So that you left with the soul of bad weather,

Younger and nice!

4. Song ______________________________________________________

Leading We see that you are a little burned, and tears have fallen in front of your eyes. So let the tears from you appear only from happiness and joy. And such joy now will give you to our paddle dance.

Dance "Poles" (Premotion and Log.)

IN. How well, that we can congratulate our moms twice a year: and in the spring, and autumn. And for you, relatives, now the song sounds.

5.Pesign ______________________________________________________

Leading Usually, the artistist is invited to each big holiday. And we also have a surprise for you. While our artists are preparing for a speech, I want to know if you read your parents to children fairy tales?

Check how you carefully listen to them.


1. All the most important is she in the riddle,

Although he lived in the cellar:

Pull out the garden

Grandfather and grandmother helped. (mouse)

2. waited for mom with milk,

And let the wolf in the house.

Who were these

Small children? (seven kids)

3. Calachian blending,

Driving a guy on the furnace.

Rolled around the village

And married the princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale "By whining velin")

4. This tablecloth is famous

The fact that feeds everyone to full

That she herself

Delicious evaches are full. (Tablecloth - self-bare)

five . Sweet apple fragract

Lured the bird to the garden.

Feathers glow fire

And light around, as day. (Firebird)

6. knows a duck, knows the bird,

Where blasphemy death is buried.

What is this subject?

Give the boyfriend soon the answer. (Needle)

7. Like Baba at Yaga

There is no one legs,

But there is wonderful

Flying machine.

What? (mortar)

8. ran away from dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

Looking for them she calls

And on the road tears pour. (Fedor)

9. And the bunny, and the Wolf -

All run to him to be treated. (Aibolit)

10. To visit the grandmother went,

Pies suffered her.

Gray wolf followed her

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

11. Cinderella from legs

It fell by chance.

It was not good

And crystal. (Shoe)

Leading. Well, our artists are ready. They are very worried. Meet them with your stormy applause!

Chastushki. (Sing boys, disguised with girls).

Everything . We are fun girlfriends

We dance and sing,

And now we will tell you,

How do we live with moms.

1st boy . Galya washed the floors,

Katya helped.

Only pity, mom again

Everything was jumped.

2nd boy I say the battle,

Combat, so well.

My mom is combat

Well, then I then in whom?

3 --y boy . Who said I am a hrylast

Who said I scream?

This is me from a cute mom

In my group I'm leaving.

4th boy Rooted soup and porridge,

Salt poured into compote.

How came from the work of Mom,

There was a lot of hassle .

5 --y boy . We got the sandals

On high heels,

Pick on the track -

Ski sticks in hand.

6 --y boy . We step, and under us

Street swinging

How mom goes straight

And not stupid?


We sang you as they managed,

We are only children.

We know exactly our moms -

Best in the world !!!

Leading: There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother, whether our mothers know now we will check. You need to finish the proverb.

Competition 1. Warming up - gymnastics of the mind.

With the sun heat (with a good mother).

Maternal concern in fire is not lit (in water is not sinking)

Bird is glad spring (and baby - mother).

Maternal caress (end does not know).

For mother's child (up to a hundred years old).

Leading: I think everyone will be in the hall, it is interesting to know how well moms know their children.

Questions for Mom: - What do you know about your children?

1. What loves your child from food most? (Answers you found out the scenes until the beginning of the evening).

2. What is she fond of? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Favorite toy your child? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 . Favorite cartoon ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do children know about Mama?

Questions for children:

1. What does mom love to do best?


2. What is your favorite mother's clothes?


3. What is your favorite TV show?


4. What is your mom's eye color?


Leading. Moms love to prepare something delicious for their children. And even with closed eyes can distinguish products: buckwheat, beans, peas, rice, flour, starch.

Game "Guess to Sack"

Leading: Special words are needed in order to thank for the care and caress of our moms.

1 baby

Mommy like a butterfly, fun, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

For her, it is not important for her, me - blue-eyed.

2 baby

Mom, very - I love you very much.

So I love that at night in the dark I do not sleep.

I look into the darkness, morning hurry

I love you all the time, I love mommy.

So the sun rose, now the dawn,

There is no mom in the world better than mom.

3 baby

Mom firmly kiss, hugging her native.

I love her, mom, my sunshine.

Leading: Mother's Day is not only the holiday of Mom, but also grandmothers, they are also moms, but more wise, good, caring. And we give this song to our grandmothers.

6. Song ______________________________________________________

Child. The cradle is my shaking,

You sang my dear.

And now I will sing and I,

This song is for you.

7.Nice ____________________________________________________

Leading: These lines are dedicated to cute, expensive, beloved and only, our mothers.

1 baby

We wish to be such as before

But only slightly honey.

We wish you to come true your hopes,

As early as possible and faster.

2 child.

So that everyday worries,

With a smile face did not drive.

So that you come from work,

Without the shade of sadness and sadness.

3 child.

To autumn breeze,

Blown from the heart of the sort of precipitate,

Only a laugh violated order.

Leading. Now I want to provide the word to our Mama ________________________________________________

Pooh reads mom:

How cool to be a mom of two boys.

And it's anything clear without words.

Being a mom girl, of course, not that.

There are dolls, dishes, hospital, lotto ...

There are magnificent skirts and braids to the pack ...

I gave God ... two boys.

I'll learn with them all the brands of cars,

And one older will become all kinds of their tires.

Still grow up and they will enliver me

How the starter, kartan and jack act.

Without them, I could not know anything.

Why do you need a lobzik? Surely loss?

For us why? To squeeze someone?

Bearings - what is it? With spikes something?

So much that could pass by ...

But here it is happiness - two guys, two sons ...

Leading Poem

Take care of your children

They do not scold them for pranks.

Evil your unsuccessful days

Never break on them.

Do not be angry with them seriously,

Even if they guessed,

Nothing more expensive tears

That from the ciliations of their natives rolled.

If you are tired with feet

Coverage with her no urine

Well, and a son is suitable for you

Or your hand will leave daughter.

Hug their stronger

Children's vocabulary

This happiness is a short moment,

Be happy hurry.

After all, they grow like snow in spring,

Flashed these days these

And leave the focus of the native

Having matured your children.

Leading Dear Moms, was you pleased with the guys? We would like to meet more often in such a warm and friendly atmosphere!

Today is the best holiday,
Today is the holiday mom
Easy clouds went away.
And the sun smiled to us!

(For older children)

1 Presenter: Mom! The most beautiful word on the ground is Mom! This is the first word that says a person and it sounds in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world equally gently. This means that all people worship and love mothers. In many countries, Mother's Day is celebrated. People congratulate their mothers, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them.

The word "mother" calls his homeland. It is not by chance, the folk wisdom word "mother" set close to another great word - "Motherland". "Mother's Mother" - people say and this determine the most sacred, which is on earth.

The people live a lot affectionate words About mom. They are transmitted from generation to generation.

2 Host: Welcome to all moms who came to our evening, which we have dedicated to our Mama.

Today you are expected to meet with jokes and surprises, with songs, verses, in general, will be fun.

1 child:

On this festive day of autumn

In congratulatory telegrams

Almost in each of the proposals

Repeated the word "mother".

2 child:

And then the spring is similar

Suddenly get rain and wind,

Because everything is more expensive

Moms even grown children.

3 baby:

Only mother all warm and tenderness

We will give us to the last crumb,

And it will be able to love wildly,

And it can ponamoshka.

4 Baby:

Because of congratulations

Apologizing big and small

We ask everyone, without exception:

Be healthy! Always Mom!

1 Educator: And now our cute girls sing and walked for our mothers, funny chastushki!

3 girls:

Mother Mom Our Anya

Two candy presented.

Present barely managed

Immediately themselves and ate them!

Dima Paul sater to shine,

Prepared vinaigrette.

Looking for mom, what to do:

No work!

2 Educator: Now the competition is called "mysterious" for you. Guess the riddles:

1) these balls on the thread

Do you try not want?

On any tastes

In the mother's box ... (beads).

2) in mom's ears sparkle

The color of the rainbow is playing.

Silver drop-crumb

Decoration ... (earrings).

3) the edge of her name is fields,

The top is decorated with all the colors.


There is our mom ... (hat).

4) Name-ka utensils:

The handle pinched into a circle.

Damn bake her - nonsense

Same …(pan)

5) in his belly he has water

I lost from heat.

As an angry chief

Quickly boils ... (kettle).

6) it's a kushan for everyone

Mom cooks for lunch.

And the midst here is like

Fold in plates …(soup).

7) Dust will find and NMIG swallows

Clean the clean for you.

Long hose like a trunk nose

The rug cleans ... (a vacuum cleaner).

8) strokes dresses and shirts,

It will reveal our pockets.

He is faithful to another

Name …(iron)

9) here on the light bulb cap

Parts light and darkness.

At the edges of his openwork

This is a different …(shade).

10) Striped Beast at Mom

The saucer screamed sour cream.

And sowing it a little

Castle ours …(cat).

Song: "I love Mommy very much."

1 Educator: Well done! We continue our evening - congratulations to our moms. These poems for you!

1 child:

And the great holiday has come,

It is a pity he just once a year.

And the one who loves his mother

Everything will definitely understand.

2 child:

Why do flowers in the hands of passersby?

What are the postcards in stores a lot?

People around so many on each other are not similar

And everyone has one mother in the world is better!

3 baby:

There are the word eternal in our world,

Short but the most heartfelt.

It is beautiful and kind,

It is simple and comfortable,

It is spiritual, favorite,

Not comparable to anything:

2 Educator: These chastushki are devoted to our mothers.

3 girls:

We are funny girlfriends

We dance and sing

And now we will tell you,

How do we live with moms.

Lera washed the floors,

Nastya helped

Only pity - mom again

Everything was jumped.

Dad decided to me the task,

In mathematics helped.

We then solved with mom

What he could not solve is.

Smoked saucepan

Lena cleaned sand.

Two hours in the trough Lena

Soap mommy then.

1 child:

When I walk around the city with my mother,

For my hand, I hold my mother tightly:

Why should she go and be afraid

What can she get lost?

2 child:

How I love you - do not pass!

You're better than everyone, I will say about it straight!

I want to wish you all my heart

Love, Good luck and Health, Mom!

3 baby:

Mother's favorite, my nice!

I want to tell me how I love you!

You are my defender, the most gentle friend!

It is better not to be deleted anyone around!

4 Baby:

Congratulations to Mother in this nice day!

Pick up the gift is the best for her!

So I want to please something else,

Whether to act diligently will be good!

5 child:

I draw a sun - my mother I will give.

Because mommy I love!

Congratulations on the holiday and wish her

To be happy, laughing cheerful

6 child:

So as not to be tired and did not know the troubles

So that the whole white light is happy!

I tell you thanks, my mommy!

If not for you, native, there was no me!

Song: My Mommy.

2 Educator: And we continue to congratulate our mothers poems.

1 child:

Mommy, love, you are my native.

The best in the world, I know exactly.

You are alone, mom, good one.

My most mommy.

2 child:

I feel good with you, cozy.

You know how to support the word faithful.

You hug me angels will sing us.

So I love you by hand to keep.

3 baby:

They are kindness and love of their

Able to dispel any fogs.

There are no moms in the light of my mile.

Love no one my mom.

4 Baby:

She is for me, like a ray in the night.

When she is near, on the heart of warmer.

Thank you for how to teach

All that you yourself are, dear, can.

5 child:

Dear, Favorite Mom!

I'm talking to you,

For your kindness, and your caress,

I'm talking to you!

6 child:

I climbed me hard,

Gifts so often given

Many gentle and affectionate words

So often you told me.

7 child:

I remember sometimes happened,

You scolded me sometimes

But you are my sweet mom,

Always received rightly.

8 Baby:

I wish you health

And beautiful colors - full garden,

So you smiled in bad weather

And got rid of different obstacles!

Dance with moms. The song "Zoronya Kraš".


Competition for Mother's Day №1. Guess the event!

Now in the slide show you will be shown photos on which events are captured. Your task is to define an event and call those who are photographed there. And, of course, the team wins, which guessed more events. For the competition, you can use photos from personal archives of the class, starting with primary school.

Competition for Mother's Day №2. Find your native child!

From each team on the scene is invited one mom. Now parents will have blindfolded to the touch to determine their child out of five options. Who is the first to cope with the task, he won.

Competition for Mother's Day number 3. They need to know in the face

Competition for mothers. They should call the name, patronymic and surname of the teacher and what subject it leads. For slides, you can use the photos of the director, teachers, teachers and possible with interesting events, with campaign, classroom evenings, etc. Who gave more correct answers, he wins.

Dear friends, on this our evening approached the end. Cute Moms! Let your houses always be filled with light, warm, kindness and love dear to you.

And let the maternal concerns never interfere with you to be young, loved ones and happy!

For the fiction, let them not consider.

I heard it from the Sun:

In the hearts of our roses bloom,

While the heart of the mother beats.

1st presenter. All are good to you, to new meetings!

Scenario of the Holiday "Mother's Day" in children's garden

Dear colleagues, for several years I spend a feast of the mother in kindergarten for several years.

The material that is preparing for this holiday, then partially can be used on March 8, usually for March 8 there is a terrible beast, and the script is almost ready, you only need to repeat something and add something! I advise everyone to do it!

Holiday script

Children enter the hall and get up semicircle.

Vedas: Good afternoon, dear moms, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday - Mother's Day. And even on the street frosting, but from this holiday it makes such warmth that heats all sitting in this room.

(The song "Female Fun to us" D. Kabalevsky)

(Children read)

1. We are here today gathered

To congratulate moms

Big happiness and health

We wish you from the heart!

2. Let the day wonderful this, snowy!

I will remember as the most gentle!

As the most joyful and cute,

Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

3. We congratulate our moms -

And it's so nice to us!

(the song "The most good" Ivannikova)

(Children sit down)

Vedas Guys, and who of you is the most beautiful mother?

Children. I have!

Vedas Guys, and who has the most kind mom?

Children. I have

Vedas And who has the best mom?

Children I have!

Vedas Guys, why do you like your moms?

(children's responses)

(reads child)

Early waking up, sometimes,

I know, although I do not get up:

If I reveal the eyes -

Mom will see his own.

Mom - Dawn Bird,

Sleep and fatigue chasing

Will be like swallow

In the room near me.

Mom - everywhere and nearby

Sunny day -

In gentle word and look

Heats me from birth



Words are more expensive in the world!

For whatever you walked the trail,

Mine love above does not shine.

To help you in a difficult hour.

(Song "Zornyaki Kraš" phonogram)

Vessel ... we call the land so

When we grow bread and flowers,

When in the rocket over her,

And we see what it is from the height.

Pure, clean, all blue -

This is probably because

That moms go on her, smiling,

Children, the future of their own.

Veda: And now we will play the subsection of our moms,

Let them be clear from their smiles to us!

(Games "Find your mother"

"Feed mom"

"Baby Dumps"

Vedas: Guys, and you know that grandma is also a mother of father or mum, so we congratulate our dear grandmothers today

(children read)

1. Hair her strands

Fluffy snow white

At my grandmother old mine.

Then he is heard in the house,

Then near the sister,

In the garden

I am my grandmother

2. Baby cotton, will not fit in the morning

Yesterday I was postponed, today it is time to iron

- "Oh, how I'm tired! "- will say dad

"I barely live! "

And mom is tired

Purses, returning home.

And senior sisters sighed:

- Hurry to bed!

Only our grandmother

Does not want anything


3. We are with my grandmother

Old friends

How good is well

My grandmother is

Fairy tales know so much

What not to count

And always in stock

New is

4. But grandmother's hands

It's just a treasure

Be without grandmother's

Hands do not blame

Golden, deft

As I love them

No others probably

Do not find such.

Vedas For our expensive grandmothers, the girls will dance with scarves

(dance with scarves, phonogram)

Vedas: Topotki da flaps,

For you merry chastushki!

It is impossible to judge strictly boys

Sings after all about yourself!


Veda: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

And who do you most often read them?

(children's responses)

Vedas But today we will ask your expensive moms to tell you a fairy tale, but not only to tell, but also to show!

(Puppet theater-expression "Kolobok")

Vedas: fun, fun

Music plays.

All girls and boys

To the dance invites.

(Dance "Friendly Couples" I. Strauss)

Vedas Dear mothers and grandmothers, and now the question you, what is the first song to hear the child in his life?


Vedas Everyone in the family has its own lullaby song that sow from generation to generation

(invites moms with a child sing)

Vedas: For you, our mother miles.

Let flowers bloom

Gives the sun its rays,

Let dreams come true!

Every day, let it be a festive

And wonderful, as if in a fairy tale!

There will be a life fun joyful,

Good sweet and beautiful!

Vedas We invite all our expensive guests to get up with us in a circle and dance "Bugi-Vui"

(Dance "Bogi-WGOG")

(Children are built up with a semicircle on the final song)

(Song "Guests came to us")

Vedas Our holiday is already over, what else should we say?

Allow your health to wish you

Do not start, do not get sick, never be sad!

Children and Vedas. Here are such young stay forever!

(presenting gifts)

Related records:

Lead 1.

Allow you to congratulate

Joy to leave you in the soul,

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Hobs of adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow disappear

This festive day!

Lead 2.

Good afternoon, dear guests! We gathered today for the celebration dedicated to the mother of the mother. Family celebration! Autumn holiday! I sincerely give poems and songs to you!

Lead 1.

When I say: "Mom" -

Smile on Gubach

And ride the nose is stubbornly

And happiness is in the eyes!

When I say: "Mom",

My soul sings

And heart diagram

I call me calling!

I call my mom

And I look forward to

When she replies

And I will say: "I love!"

(Song "My Mom's Best in Light")

Lead 2.

Mum. With this word, children are born and through the year they carry the love in the heart, which originated in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for mother accompanies a person, feeds it and gives new hopes and forces for new accomplishments! We all love our moms and in this wonderful holiday we gathered here to congratulate those who love us and who we love our mothers!

Lead 1.

What is mom in the minds of their own children? Let's find out sooner! We invite you to the center of the hall of our guys!

(Children tell in advance the educated poems)

Child 1.

What is mom?

This is a bright light,

This is a lot of knowledge,

Dinner and lunch!

Child 2.

What is mom?

Fun, joy, laughter!

Mom as a heart

After all, everyone has a heart!

Child 3.

What is mom?

It's like a wall

Protects from drama

Pope and me!

Child 4.

What is mom?

This is what is!

Child 5.

What is mom?

It's all in the world!

Mom we congratulate

With love, your children!

(Song: My Mommy)

Lead 2.

MUM! - In this word light!

MUM! It is better not!

MUM! Who is more related than she?

MUM! She has spring in the eyes!

MUM! On the ground is kinder than everyone!

Mom gives fairy tales, smile and laughter!


Dear friends, let's listen with you alone.

Lead 2.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

- I do not know why I go to this world. What should I do?

God replied:

- I will give you an angel who will be with you next. He will explain everything to you.

- But how can I understand it? After all, I do not know his language?

- Angel will teach you to her language and protect you from all troubles.

- What is your angel name?

- Never mind. What is his name, he will have many names. But you will call it mom.

(Dance performed by moms and daughters for the song "Mama-first word")

Three girls come out:

1 girl:

Say, Grass:

Do you have a mom?

Then about the first

Think about her

Just be green!

2 Girl:

Say, flower:

Do you have a mom?

Then about the first

Think about her

Opening an interface of the fields!

3 Girl:

Say, Star:

Do you have a mom?

Then about the first

Think about her

Sparkling in the darkness of the nights!

(Grigore Virae)


If a drama suddenly happens,

Who will help? - (all) is mom !!!

(Dance for the song "Mammoth" with balls)

Lead 1.

Now let's see if our mothers know their own direct responsibilities.

Houses will not find a hluma,

I removed everything purely mom!

And glitters in the frame window,

It washed all mom!

Even the sickness delicious

Prepared us mom!

The younger brother was recently

His mother's ripe!

The school was asked to us by Gamma,

My mom will help with her!

If you are not a shame and stamp,

Here are the tasks for moms!

1. Competition: "Book in the family"

Lead 1.

Check how you carefully read the kids fairy tales.


To visit the grandmother went,
Pies she suffered
Gray wolf followed her
Deceived and swallowed.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Ran away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pans.
Looking for them she calls
And on the road tears pours.

And bunny, and a wolf -
All run to him to be treated.

Waited for mom with milk
And let the wolf in the house
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Like baba in jagi
There is no one legs,
But there is wonderful
Flying machine.
What? (Mortar)

Knows duck, knows a bird,
Where blasphemy death lures.
What is this subject?

Lead 2.

Well done, coped!
And now more guys,
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, on the edge,
Decorating a dark boron
Grew motley
all in peas

Lead 1.

(referring to moms)

You probably tired?
How long have you danced?
Well, rather come out!
Handle legs frish!

I invite everyone to dance everyone, because not just work, moms need to relax.

Dancing all together. ("Lavata")

After dance, mom is sitting on.

2. Competition "Cat"

Entertaining questions:

1) He is small or big, it must be stored (secret)
2) in which cell can not be stored a bird (in breast)
3) liquid, not water, white, and not snow (milk)
4) Soft Fish (Herring)
5) the shortest month (May)
6) What question no one answers "yes"? (Are you sleeping)
7) What is standing in the middle of the Volga (letter L)
8) Favorite schoolboy melody (call)
9) what people go barefoot (on earth)
10) In which month, people are talking to the least (in February)
11) What are the ducks float? (from the shore)
12) What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
13) What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
14) What note does not suit the compote? (salt)
15) There is a table that 4ou. Some corner sawlled. How many corners remained? (five)
16) Why do we eat? (at the table)
17) For what, when you want to sleep, go to bed (on the floor)
18) The grandmother at the bazaar carried 100Yets, and the bottom fell. How many eggs remains? (None, everyone crashed)

3 Competition: "Learn Your Child in Voice"

4 Competition: "Draw a portrait of a child with closed eyes."

Lead 2.

What is happiness?

So simple question

Perhaps not one philosopher was asked.

And in fact, happiness is just.

It begins with a height half meter.

These are sprawers, booties and whirl,

Newly described mother Sarafanchik.

Ripped tights, shot down knees,

These are painted in the corridor wall.

Happiness is soft warm palms,

For the sofa of candy, on the sofa of crumbs.

This is a whole Heap of broken toys,

It is a permanent rumble of rattles.

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.

Siggle under the arm, tears and injections.

Absadines and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

This is constant: what? But why?

Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a hill.

Little candle on a huge cake.

This is an infinite "read me a fairy tale",

This is a daily horse with a stepashkoy.

It's warm spout from under the blanket,

Hare on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Splashes across the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet show, Morning in the garden.

What is happiness? Simply no answer.

Everyone has it - these are our children.

Scene of mother and child:

Son: It took three years ... I already grown.

Naturally, the question arose here:

It is known to all that young guys

For some reason send to kindergarten.

And there problems ... where they are just not!

And how to find an answer to questions?

Mom: Well, say, what did you do in the garden?

I recognize everything: I'll go there!

What does it mean to "eat porridge didn't want"?

Why did her face on his head?

Ah, not yourself? Why seven?

Is he a Jabeda? What are you? Oh my God!

And but in the corner! March and not roar!

My father will talk to you!

Son: But kindergarten - flowers and not more

And the berries expect us at school ...

Mom: What did you bring a student today?

Tell me, show the diary!

So ... what is that? Where is Two?

Oh, you again chosen Zoyka?!

Well, answer what you come?

Ah, twice with zyuka for two?

Well done! And what's that? Again?

Broke the window? Have you pushed again?

And you forgot what the word gave me?

Lead 1.

Moms are our pride,

This is our glory, strength!

This spirit is our hardness,

This help in powerless!

We bow my head before mom

And from the soul will congratulate you

So that you, Mamuli, knew exactly

What is the best only for us!

(Song and dance "Mom, Mommy-native beloved" Taisiya Pavali.)

Lead 2.

Well, now cute moms, we have another gift for you! Take a look again on the screen. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. And then we invite you to look at our little art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children. (The phonogram of the song "Mom-First Word" sounds. Personal photos from family albums of pupils are projected onto the screen. After watching slides and children's drawings, parents are invited to a group for festive tea drinking).

Bobrova Oksana Vladimirovna,
Music head MBDOUKS №5,
G. Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo Region., Russia.

"Mothers Day"

Music sounds.

Leading: Good evening, we tell you. We did not accidentally gathered today at this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as a mother's day. Welcome to all moms and grandmothers, who came to our evening, which we devoted the most kind, most sensitive, most tender, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.


Mom is the sky!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

Moms are better not!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a laughter!

Mom is caressing!

Moms love everyone!

Mom smiles

Mom sore,

Mom will regret

Mom and forgive.

Mom - golden autumn,

Mom - the most native

Mom is kindness,

Mom will always help!

Mom, no more expensive,

Mom can all in the world

Mom today congratulations

Mama happiness we wish.

Together. Mom I love you,

Song I give you!

1. Just ______________________________________________________

1. Baby.

There is a lot of good words in the light of good words,

But everyone is kinder and most important:

Of the two syllables, the simple word "mother"

And no words are more expensive than it.

2 baby boy.

There was a lot of sleep without sleeping

Worries, anxiety, not count.

Big bow to you all native moms

But what you are in the world.

3 baby boy.

For kindness, for golden hands,

For the maternal of your advice,

We wish you sincerely

Health, happiness, long years.

2.New ______________________________________________________

IN. Mom, mommy ... how much heat is tatting this magic word, which is called the closest, dear, sole man. And our most expensive people on Earth we dedicate this song.

3.Pesign ______________________________________________________

Poems of children

My mom is best!

1. If it happens to me,

Mom welcome hand

Soothes pain

And carries peace with him.

2. And when a new toy

I am no more rejoice,

Smiling with me

My mother is my mother.

3. Let him carry the wind

That I will open everything:

In the whole world, in general

Mom is best - mine.

4. Our mom is better not,

There is no kind of her, gentle,

Become forever obedient

And congratulate mothers!

5. They wish only happiness,

To calmly in the soul,

So that you left with the soul of bad weather,

Younger and nice!

4. Song ______________________________________________________

Leading We see that you are a little burned, and tears have fallen in front of your eyes. So let the tears from you appear only from happiness and joy. And such joy now will give you to our paddle dance.

Dance "Poles" (Premotion and Log.)

IN. How well, that we can congratulate our moms twice a year: and in the spring, and autumn. And for you, relatives, now the song sounds.

5.Pesign ______________________________________________________

Leading Usually, the artistist is invited to each big holiday. And we also have a surprise for you. While our artists are preparing for a speech, I want to know if you read your parents to children fairy tales?

Check how you carefully listen to them.


1. All the most important is she in the riddle,

Although he lived in the cellar:

Pull out the garden

Grandfather and grandmother helped. (mouse)

2. waited for mom with milk,

And let the wolf in the house.

Who were these

Small children? (seven kids)

3. Calachian blending,

Driving a guy on the furnace.

Rolled around the village

And married the princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale "By whining velin")

4. This tablecloth is famous

The fact that feeds everyone to full

That she herself

Delicious evaches are full. (Tablecloth - self-bare)

five . Sweet apple fragract

Lured the bird to the garden.

Feathers glow fire

And light around, as day. (Firebird)

6. knows a duck, knows the bird,

Where blasphemy death is buried.

What is this subject?

Give the boyfriend soon the answer. (Needle)

7. Like Baba at Yaga

There is no one legs,

But there is wonderful

Flying machine.

What? (mortar)

8. ran away from dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

Looking for them she calls

And on the road tears pour. (Fedor)

9. And the bunny, and the Wolf -

All run to him to be treated. (Aibolit)

10. To visit the grandmother went,

Pies suffered her.

Gray wolf followed her

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

11. Cinderella from legs

It fell by chance.

It was not good

And crystal. (Shoe)

Leading. Well, our artists are ready. They are very worried. Meet them with your stormy applause!

Chastushki. (Sing boys, disguised with girls).

Everything . We are fun girlfriends

We dance and sing,

And now we will tell you,

How do we live with moms.

1st boy . Galya washed the floors,

Katya helped.

Only pity, mom again

Everything was jumped.

2nd boy I say the battle,

Combat, so well.

My mom is combat

Well, then I then in whom?

3 --y boy . Who said I am a hrylast

Who said I scream?

This is me from a cute mom

In my group I'm leaving.

4th boy Rooted soup and porridge,

Salt poured into compote.

How came from the work of Mom,

There was a lot of hassle .

5 --y boy . We got the sandals

On high heels,

Pick on the track -

Ski sticks in hand.

6 --y boy . We step, and under us

Street swinging

How mom goes straight

And not stupid?


We sang you as they managed,

We are only children.

We know exactly our moms -

Best in the world !!!

Leading: There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother, whether our mothers know now we will check. You need to finish the proverb.

Competition 1. Warming up - gymnastics of the mind.

With the sun heat (with a good mother).

Maternal concern in fire is not lit (in water is not sinking)

Bird is glad spring (and baby - mother).

Maternal caress (end does not know).

For mother's child (up to a hundred years old).

Leading: I think everyone will be in the hall, it is interesting to know how well moms know their children.

Questions for Mom: - What do you know about your children?

1. What loves your child from food most? (Answers you found out the scenes until the beginning of the evening).

2. What is she fond of? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Favorite toy your child? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 . Favorite cartoon ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do children know about Mama?

Questions for children:

1. What does mom love to do best?


2. What is your favorite mother's clothes?


3. What is your favorite TV show?


4. What is your mom's eye color?


Leading. Moms love to prepare something delicious for their children. And even with closed eyes can distinguish products: buckwheat, beans, peas, rice, flour, starch.

Game "Guess to Sack"

Leading: Special words are needed in order to thank for the care and caress of our moms.

1 baby

Mommy like a butterfly, fun, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

For her, it is not important for her, me - blue-eyed.

2 baby

Mom, very - I love you very much.

So I love that at night in the dark I do not sleep.

I look into the darkness, morning hurry

I love you all the time, I love mommy.

So the sun rose, now the dawn,

There is no mom in the world better than mom.

3 baby

Mom firmly kiss, hugging her native.

I love her, mom, my sunshine.

Leading: Mother's Day is not only the holiday of Mom, but also grandmothers, they are also moms, but more wise, good, caring. And we give this song to our grandmothers.

6. Song ______________________________________________________

Child. The cradle is my shaking,

You sang my dear.

And now I will sing and I,

This song is for you.

7.Nice ____________________________________________________

Leading: These lines are dedicated to cute, expensive, beloved and only, our mothers.

1 baby

We wish to be such as before

But only slightly honey.

We wish you to come true your hopes,

As early as possible and faster.

2 child.

So that everyday worries,

With a smile face did not drive.

So that you come from work,

Without the shade of sadness and sadness.

3 child.

To autumn breeze,

Blown from the heart of the sort of precipitate,

Only a laugh violated order.

Leading. Now I want to provide the word to our Mama ________________________________________________

Pooh reads mom:

How cool to be a mom of two boys.

And it's anything clear without words.

Being a mom girl, of course, not that.

There are dolls, dishes, hospital, lotto ...

There are magnificent skirts and braids to the pack ...

I gave God ... two boys.

I'll learn with them all the brands of cars,

And one older will become all kinds of their tires.

Still grow up and they will enliver me

How the starter, kartan and jack act.

Without them, I could not know anything.

Why do you need a lobzik? Surely loss?

For us why? To squeeze someone?

Bearings - what is it? With spikes something?

So much that could pass by ...

But here it is happiness - two guys, two sons ...

Leading Poem

Take care of your children

They do not scold them for pranks.

Evil your unsuccessful days

Never break on them.

Do not be angry with them seriously,

Even if they guessed,

Nothing more expensive tears

That from the ciliations of their natives rolled.

If you are tired with feet

Coverage with her no urine

Well, and a son is suitable for you

Or your hand will leave daughter.

Hug their stronger

Children's vocabulary

This happiness is a short moment,

Be happy hurry.

After all, they grow like snow in spring,

Flashed these days these

And leave the focus of the native

Having matured your children.

Leading Dear Moms, was you pleased with the guys? We would like to meet more often in such a warm and friendly atmosphere!

Today is the best holiday,
Today is the holiday mom
Easy clouds went away.
And the sun smiled to us!