Who is he, founder and owner of PokerStars? Who founded the company that bought AIR MOLDOVA? and `00s

While the protests against the protectionist policies of the federal authorities and large businesses took place worldwide, university specialists in Zurich held a mathematical analysis of links of 43 thousand transnational corporations and allocated companies that have a huge impact on the world.

As New Scientist writes to simulate the image of the global corporate system, the experts have processed a gigantic data array reflecting the property relationship between the largest transnational corporations (TNCs).

The idea that several bankers control a significant part of the global economy, no longer seems so illogical, especially against the background of protests started on Wall Street.

"The reality is so difficult that we had to move away from dogmas, such as conspiracy theories or the theory of a free market," the author of the study, theoretics of complex systems James Gluktfelder explained. - Our analysis is based on reality. "

Previous studies have shown that a relatively small group of companies and banks owns the lion's share of the global "Economic Cake", from which only crumbs remain. However, these studies missed indirect relationships - the relations of corporations with subsidiaries and affiliates, which can determine how significant the influence of the TNC Group on the world economy is, as well as how much this system is stable.

Having sorted 37 million companies and investors around the world presented in the ORBIS database with from 2007, the team of scientists took out 43060 companies belonging to transnational corporations, and also revealed their general assets. They then built a model that distributed the economic influence of TNC on the criteria for monitoring some companies over others through the ownership of funds and participation in profits. Ultimately, they managed to form an exhaustive map of economic influence.

Companies owned by the world

Scientists indicate the kernel out of 1318 companies with a blocking of ownership, whose links with other companies are difficult to name differently than "bleed mixing". Each of these 1318 has discovered close relationships with two or more other companies (the average number of affiliate partners was equal to 20). And although the official incomes of these corporations are barely exceed 20% of the global operating revenue, through their Satellites, they actually own most of the world companies operating in the real economy sector (so-called Blue Chip - Markded manufacturers, famous brands and etc.). Thus, about 60% of global income are concentrated in the tentacles of corporate monsters.

In the course of the study, it was also established that most financial chains go in the direction of "Suranclav" from 147 companies. Their assets intersect with each other, actually being a common property, which ensures control over 40% of global corporate wealth to this unlawful financial conglomerate. "In essence, less than 1% of companies are able to control 40% of the entire network," says Glucklefelder. And adds that most of these "supercorporations" are financial institutions. So, the Top 20 includes investment holdings Barclays Plc, Jpmorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

Commenting on the analysis conducted by Swiss specialists, Macroeconomic expert John Driffil from the University of London stated that the value of research is not even that it shows how a small number of people control the entire world economy. In his opinion, the main reason why it was worth conducting such research, is to understand how much this system is stable.

The authors of the study themselves believe that the analysis could help make the system itself more stable. In particular, finding the most vulnerable aspects, economists will be able to offer measures to prevent future collaps that exciting the entire economy. Perhaps the world needs the introduction of global antitrust rules in order to weaken and limit excessively strong links between TNC, Glucklefelder believes. But so far, such norms exist only at the national level.

The concentration of power itself is neither poor nor good, Swiss researchers say. But the close relationship between the corporate nucleus can be assessed in terms of harm and benefit. As the global financial crisis started in 2008, such networks are extremely unstable. "As soon as one company suffers disaster, she immediately pulls the rest," he explained Glucklefelder.

"In general, this study did not open anything new, but only confirmed clearly the conclusions that previously could be made on the basis of simple logic," says the rector of the FINAM training center, K.E.N. Yaroslav Kabakov.

"If the US dollar is the main world currency, then those corporations that are shareholders of federal reserve banks emitting this whole currency, are quite logical with owners and controllers of the lion's share of world assets, - he noticed in a conversation with the site. - Perhaps partial amendments regarding The share in world capital can be made taking into account the fact that a significant part of companies around the world is still non-public, and a significant part is under the control of states. It will be somewhat shifted towards a decline in the share of global wealth controlled by the companies listed, but will not change the essence of the phenomenon ".

The expert also adds that the instability of this system is not its vulnerability or disadvantage - it just allows this group to increase its control. "In periods of crisis, they overlap the money kranel, and then bought cheaper assets for dollars, which prints and provides them with the US FRS firmly controlled by them," Kabakov said.

Top 10 of 147 Super Corporations

The founder and owner of the largest poker room on the planet is Isaiah Sheinberg, Israeli programmer who has ever worked in the Branch of IBM Corporation in Canada. And although the company's turnover reached $ 1.4 billion, and the number of PokerStars employees exceeds 1000 people, the founder of the poker room is extremely small.

Even the exact year of birth of Isaiah is not known - or 1946th, or 1947th. In 1988, he purchased accommodation in the suburbs of Toronto - the house owned by now.

In the 1990s, Sheinberg worked as a programmer in the IBM corporation, where he participated in the creation of the UNICODE standard, and they now enjoy almost all computer firms (IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, HP). In the late 1990s, Sheinberg created a program to play in a virtual poker and registered a firm Rational Entertainment Enterprises Ltd, Based in Costa Rica.

On the creation of Room PokerStars

So the PokerStars site looked at the time of his launch, in 2001

Poker Room Shainberg founded not without the help of his father. In the tragically well-known date of 2001 - September 11 - a beta version appeared. Pomistam offered to play online poker on conditional money. In December 2001 The first games for real dollars began to be held.

As already mentioned, Rum first registered in Costa Rica. Then the firm began to work on about. Maine, this island is under British jurisdiction. Isaiah decided to move to the island, because he attracted almost a complete lack of taxes from commercial revenues.

PokerStars - Internet Gambling leader

PokerStars in 2005 - 20,000 players are played behind the tables

In 2006, the US Congress introduced amendments to legislation on gambling entertainment, as a result, many large organizations, such as PartyPoker, left the US virtual gambling market, since they were registered on stock exchanges, and remaining in the US market could devalue their shares, t. e. In fact, just go bankrupt.

This took advantage of private Poker Rum PokerStars, he did not leave the American market, but found an additional reserves and took the freed segment, going into the industry leaders.

Starza, unlike competitors, took money from American poker. The number of clients has increased significantly.

June 10, 2006, on the eve of the ban on online poker in the US, traffic players traffic on PokerStars was total 14.000 players

June 15, 2006. After prohibiting online poker in the US, traffic players traffic players jumped "to heaven" and no longer fell below 60.000 players

On the screen sizes of the main page Poker Stars, there are visible differences in traffic between 10 and 15, 2006.

Then traffic poker room increased almost 3 times! And all because of the ban on online poker in the United States.

For example, if in 2006, active players were about 20,000, then B. 2009 on the site there were already about 240,000 people. The price of the company has increased to $ 10 billion. However, after the events known as the name "Black Friday" (It happened in 2011), the company stopped accepting users from states.

In early 2006, Sheinberg signed an agreement with the London Investment Bank about the primary placement of the Pokerstars shares for sale in the IPO. Among the potential investors were called such famous brands like Rank Group and Williamhill. Thoughts were expressed that Isaiah would choose a merger with 888Holding. But when the UIGEA law began to act in the United States, PokerStars announced that she was postponing the placement of shares.

Isaiah Sheinberg also loves to play poker. So, for example, in 1996 he became the 25th at the Holdon tournament on WSOP in Vegas.

PokerStars has formed its own group of professionals - Tim Pokerstarz about, with whom RoM signs sponsorship contracts. It includes the best world poker.

For details on the PokerStars Pro Team team, you can read in our other articles:

About Shainberg family PokerStars employees respond as extremely pleasant and friendly people who continue to work on the island of Maine, although the accumulated huge state has long made it possible to leave on peace.

Today, Isaiah and his sons continue to lead Rum. Sheinbergs own a 75% stake in the company, the rest belong to the staff of the poker room.

Personnel permutation of the company

The parent company PokerStars is Rational Group, which is appointed a new person to the position of operating director. They became Rafi Ashkenazi, who had previously been one of the management firms Playtech. Now he leads two leading poker rooms Rational Group, among which and PokerStars.
Rafi is appointed to "be responsible for preserving the" best on the planet customer support and service ", which contribute to the company's leadership in the Internet poker industry."

PokerStars today

Pokerstarc is the largest poker room online. The most popular poker types are available for the game, including Texas Hold'em, Omaha and 7 Stand. The game is carried out on "conditional" and real money (Canadian and American dollars, euros and pounds of the UK). The cheapest games are BB $ 0.02, the most expensive - $ 2000.

The site usually plays at least 130,000 players. In the peak watch or during the organization of popular tournaments, this figure sometimes reaches 350000. PokerStars earlier released the application only for PC, but from 11.05.2012 it appeared for Android and iOS Operations

Total PokerStars has about 50,000,000 participants. The best pokerists are chosen precisely, since no other resource does not pass such a huge number of tournaments and cache games every day. PokerStars has the most reliable Internet security system.

Most recently, the resource has joined the PS family PokerStars.fr.focusing on the French government patent PokerStars.it.which functions on the patent of the Italian government as well PokerStars.ee., Government Patent Estonia.

PokerStars - the official sponsor of the largest offline world tournaments: European Poker Tour (EPT), Asia-Pacific (APPT), Latin American (LAPT), Australian-New Zealand (ANZPT), Russian Poker Series (RPS).

Figures and facts about poker Stars:

Property Form of: Ltd.

Based: 2001

Founders: Isaiah and Mark Sheinberg.

Location: O. Maine, Douglas.

Industry: Internet Gambling.

Turnover: 1.4 billion dollars.

Net profit: half a billion dollars.

Number of employees: more than 1000.

Maternal organization: Rational Group.

Apple was formed in 1976, when two young and ambitious decided to create software and computers. These young people were the name of Steve Wozniak, he was only 25 at that time, and Steve Jobs, who barely achieved the majority, he was 21 years old.

The first day of work is considered to be April 1, 1976. It was on this day that the first Apple Computer I was first introduced to the public. For the first 10 months of work, the company has released 175 such computers collected manually. The company's first computer was a motherboard without a keyboard, mice, graphs and sound. Computers gathered in the old garage of the Parents of Steve Jobs, helped Wozniaku and Jobs them relatives and friends.

At that time, the company even had its own secretary, whose place was taken by Mom Steve Jobs.

The first batch of computers bought a familiar Jobs to his store, where he selected the case, the power supply to Apple computers. The name for the company was invented for a short time, for the inventors, the main thing was that Apple's telephone directory was higher on the list of ATARI popular at that time.

On the first profit of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak rented a mailbox and bought the first telephone line to create at least the visibility of the actual corporation.

Coup into consciousness

Already in 1977, Apple made his first coup in the computer industry: they created a second computer that had color graphics. The sound appeared in it, did not forget the inventors and the keyboard, and about the power supply. It was in 1976 that the most famous company's logo appeared - a colored screwdriver. The company has grown, they opened a real office, the face of Steve Jobs appeared on the pages and covers of glossy business journals. Profit dimensions increased several times. In May 1979, Apple staff began working on a new computer-oriented computer. It is this period that can be called the beginning of the birth of the first Macintosh.

At the moment, Apple's cost is estimated at about 500 billion dollars, that is, the company is one of the most expensive in the whole history. Now the company produces not only computers and laptops, but also computer tablets, smartphones, music players. Steve Wozniak departed from the company's affairs in 1987, and in 2011 Steve Jobs died of cancer, but, despite the fact that both founders of the company are not participating in its development now, the company flourishes.

Today, almost the world is ruled by one transnational corporation.

For example, Apple's capitalization exceeded Russia's capitalization of which, as of January 11, 2016, was 537 billion US dollars. Think: Corporations, in the hands of which all reserves of minerals are focused on 1/6 parts of the sushi, together with the largest Russian banks cost less than one company producing phones and laptops.

Apple is the largest world company. Let us ask a simple question, who owns this company, at the cost equal to budgets of several European countries combined?

It would seem that in the media clearly and clearly states that the main shareholder of some Karl Aykan, an eccentric Jew Billionaire, a cynical shark business, a well-known raider and extortionist, a scandalist and much more that should attract society.

However, after examining the situation carefully, we discover an amazing fact - the billionaire Karl Akan owns only 1% percent of Apple shares.

Of course, the cost of even one percent is a huge amount, but this is only one hundredth part. Where is the rest?

The question is not that hidden, but on the example of the same media not only stupid, but also openly falsified.

Is it really difficult to watch open and quite official data from the register of shareholders? There is nothing easier, and we will easily do it yourself:

Vanguard Group, Inc. (The) 5.68%

State Street Corporation 4.11%

BlackRock Institutional TRUST Company, N.A. 2.72%

Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 1.42%

Northern Trust Corporation 1.39%

Blackrock Fund Advisors 1.21%

We see Karl Akikan not even in the top ten of the largest shareholders of Apple, who are they these mysterious real owners?

In the first place is the Vanguard Group - for the uninitiated reader, and for many economists, the name is unfamiliar, although in any directory you can find information that the company controls assets of 2 trillion dollars, which is three times the cost of the same Apple. These are such models. But in fact, the amount of assets under their control is much more.

Pictures in the media are shirma for true owners that are not very well combined with the fact that all the world's largest companies belong to the same bunch of people. How to hide this obvious contradiction? Everything is very simple - it is necessary to create the appearance that owners (shareholders) are many and they are all "different".

To understand how they implemented total control and comply with the visibility of the lack of one owner, we return to our list of shareholders. In second place is the company:

State Street Corporation - Own 4.11%

And who are these?

And again we google (yahoo) to help:

And who is the largest shareholders?

1.Massachusetts Financial Services CO (Canadian Insurance Company - Who owns confused)

2.Price (T.ROWe) Associates Inc - 7%

3.Vanguard Group (where without him!) - 6%

4. Blackrock (before it comes soon!) - 5%

Look more deeply Who is the shareholder of the price (t.rowe) Associates Inc.

and we see all the same acquaintances: Wangard and Blackrock (Remember this name, it often meets, walking hand in hand with our main hero)

That is, exactly the same manner of Monster Wangard controls both the second main shareholder of Apple. Such reception and ten percent of apple shares are already in his pocket. But that's not all.

In the top ten there are two offices with a similar name Blackrock & Blabl and the third time the name BlackRock is mentioned in the shareholders of State Street. (By the way, Vanangard such subsidiaries dozens - so that it is not a fact that we can count all their possessions even approximately - even the largest)

Naturally, among the owners of BlackRock, we discover all the same faces:

We add four more percent and get 14% of all stocks of EPLA holds one office - Vangard. And again, it's not all.

FMR LLC (Fidelity Management and Research), Fidelity Investments Similarly, we will find exactly identical names among shareholders: Blackrock, Wangard, State Street and so on.

That is, Fidelity - Again the Vanguard Group is controlled.

Total: in the piggy bank "modest" 17%.

Wonderful scheme of mutual possession and cross-incorious. And if some of the shareholders does not seem to be directly related to Vangard, then its shareholders are exactly under their control, and even in the third iteration (level) will also be the same.

That is what the picture has signed the investigation today. The largest companies in the world are banks of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs IMORGAN STANLEY.

Let's see who their largest shareholders.

Bank of America: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, Blackrock, FMR (Fidelity), Paulson, JP Morgan, T. Rowe, Capital World Investors, Axa, Bank of Ny, Mellon.

JP Morgan: State Street Corp., Vanguard Group, FMR, Blackrock, T. Rowe, Axa, Capital World Investor, Capital Research Global Investor, Northern Trust Corp. ibank of mellon.

Citigroup: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, Blackrock, Paulson, FMR, Capital World Investor, JP Morgan, Northern Trust Corporation, IFAirhome Capital Mgmt and Bank of Ny Mellon.

WELLS Fargo: Berkshire Hathaway, FMR, State Street, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, Blackrock, Wellington Mgmt, Axa, T. Rowe anddavis Selected Advisers.

Check further. The largest financial companies are fully controlled by ten stock shareholders, from which the core can be distinguished from four companies present in all cases and when making all solutions: Vanguard, Fidelity, Blackrock and State Street. All of them "belong to each other," but if you carefully approach the balance of stock packages, it turns out that in reality Vanguard controls all these partners or "competitors", that is, Fidelity, Blackrock and State Street.

"Vanguard Group" The word "Avangard" means a military advanced detachment, part of the main forces of the army or fleet in front. In the coat of arms, the "Vanguard Group" was used by Latin "Credo et officium", Credo (Lato. Credo - I believe, believe) - the first word of the Christian faith symbol in Latin. Personal conviction, the basis of the human worldview, in combination with ET Officium translates as believing and serve. "BlackRock" translates as a dark fate, fate, evil rock. The Vanguard Group, the structure of the end owners is not disclosed.

That is, several selected as the largest, companies in various industries controlled by this "big fourth", and at a closer look at Vanguard: Alcoa Inc. Altria Group Inc., American International Group Inc., AT & T Inc., Boeing Co., Caterpillar Inc., Coca-Cola Co., DuPont & Co., Exxon Mobil Corp., General Electric Co., General Motors Corporation, Hewlett Packard Co., Home Depot Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Intel Corp., International Business Machines Corp., Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase & Co., McDonald "s Corp., Merck & Co. Inc., Microsoft Corp 3m Co., Pfizer Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., United Technologies Corp., Verizon Communications Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch "S News Corporation, CBS Corporation, NBC Universal ...

Corporation is an artificial formation, invisible, intangible and existing only in terms of the law.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba legal entity as an independent entity of the right was first implemented in ancient Rome. The first rovists and major corporations were churches. On private corporations mentioned in the laws of the XII tables (451-450 BC). During the colonial expansion in the XVII century, many European countries began to give the right to corporations to conduct business with colonies, these companies became a prototype of modern corporations.

Transnational company (Corporation) (TNC) is a company (corporation), which owns production units in several countries.

The ownership of such a number of money cannot be explained by any bikes about the hardworking boys with hard-selling meat and sichki, even if they were sold in those days to oil, gas, weapons and drugs together Wars, robberies and genocide -Rim-Catholic church and her most powerful order - Jesuits.

The Order of the Templars (one of the orders of the Roman Catholic Church), founded in 1118 was the first transnational financial institution, when in 1135 he began to engage in banking.

The first transnational company was the British East India Company, founded in 1600. The Dutch East India Company, founded by two years later, was the first joint-stock company and the largest of the early international companies. In addition, she was the first mega-corporation in the world, possessing government powers, including having the opportunity to wage war, to participate in political disputes, to minimize the coin, as well as to create colonies. Rim-Catholic Church - formed in the first Millennium N. e. On the territory of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman Catholic Church, the heiress of Egyptian priesthood, is the oldest and richest of the organizations operating in the world. The history of the struggle with the secular authorities made it build a distributed structure, difficult in management, but stable to political and economic pressure.

Masons, Templars, Rosoplacers, etc. Order only small branches of Vatican not possessing force, some of them are simply exists to distract attention. Not only Christianity was created, the Catholic Church was created by Islam, the goal of which is world fascism (Hitler's fascism was founded It is in Islam).

The purpose of the Experimental Project Islam is the creation of a new breed of people without one's own thinking and with absolute subordination. People do not perceive themselves as a person and acting as a single organism "meat grinders" of themselves like, with which the whole world will be captured (by the way, a very effective method for capturing countries with nuclear weapons).

Adolf Hitler- "I learned most from Jesuit a. ... so far, there was nothing more impressive on earth than the hierarchical organization of the Roman Catholic Church. I have given a good part of that organization directly to my own Nazi party. ... The Catholic Church should be used in as an example. ... I will open the secret to you. I base the Order of the SS (Die SS Der NSDAP), the motto: Meine Ehre Heißt Treue- (my honor is loyalty)

And the Catholic Church and in the particular Jesuits pathologically hate Jews. Their war is very long. That is why for Catholics any revolutionary - a Jew and Jv, why the main enemies of fascism communism and revolutionaries of the political system of capitalism, the main sin - pride and not submission. The main thing is not blood and not raus - the main mentality and behavior, since they affect the genetics. The church hates science, hates atheism and sanity (see the statistics of the atheist countries), hates the unity and mutual execution of the people, hates respect for a woman and a strong family. Since they are real antigumanists who consider humanity with a fatal virus.

That unfortunate man, whom he is called Christ, most likely was a real person, a political agitator against a foreign occupant, the first representative of primitive communism. And the Vatican carries his corpse on a stick (cross), not as a sign of worship, but as a hunting trophy on the similarity of the scarecrow, the head of the head on the wall.

Nastya Samoilova

Apple Inc. ("Apple") is a special reputation corporation. Thanks to innovative technologies, exceptional quality and aesthetic design of its products, this company has become a real cult of electronics consumers. Tablet and personal computers, telephones, audio players, Apple software - everything uses unchanged popularity in all corners of the planet. How was this legendary corporation created? Who was the ideological inspirer of her appearance? How was Apple originally called? All of this you will learn from this article.

The first name of the corporation

Apple's Apple Logo has become one of the most recognizable in the world. There are many rumors and legends around its name. Among the most common versions there are some really interesting. Regarding how Apple was originally called, there is no disagreement. Officially registered first name of the company - Apple Computer. She existed under this name for 30 years, until she was renamed simply Apple. This step was quite logical, by that time the corporation released not only computers. But why did the company get a "apple" name? About this speech ahead.

Why Apple?

According to one of the versions, Steve Jobs decided to stay on the "apple" name because it automatically fell to the first lines of telephone directories, immediately before the name of the company ATARI - the manufacturer of computer games. In addition, an apple symbolized the ecological purity of the company's products. Apple one of the first began to process old computer components. All this is true, but if you look at the first logo of the Corporation, then the questions about how Apple was originally called why it was necessary to have other answers that would arise. The symbol of the corporation was a man sitting under the tree, above the head of the apple threateningly hung. The plot resembles a story with Isaac Newton, right? It means that the company name hinted also at an outstanding seamless, inherent in its creators. In addition, biblical motives are traced in the name of the firm. Twisted apple symbolizes temptation. And the popular line of Apple products - Macintosh - was named after the grade of apples, which preferred her creator, Jeff Raskin.

How it all began

The history of the creation of Apple is sheeted by rumors and legends. It all started in the distant 1970, when two comrades, Steve Jobs and created a personal computer based on microprocessor MOS Technology 6502. He was essentially a motherboard and looked very unprepared. However, enterprising friends, one of which (Wozniak) was a gifted electronics engineer, and the second (Jobs) had an outstanding commercial vendue, it was possible to sell several dozen of its products. On the revenue money in 1976, April 1, a new company for the production of personal computers was officially registered. About how Apple was originally called, we already know.

Computer in every home

In 1976, the first Apple microcomputer was released 1. Original Apple products were not revolutionary. In parallel with it, personal computers produced Tandy Radio Shack and Commodore. However, it is the creators of Apple who managed to make their products as bright and desirable for people that they were glad to buy them. Steve Jobs introduced the thought into consciousness consciousness that a personal computer is a thing needed in every home. He achieved that the computer was wondering not only by professional electronics, but also to ordinary people. Apple managed to make his brand legendary. The second generation computers produced in this company became the most sold on the globe. At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, more than five million electronic machines released under the Apple brand were sold out.

Problems with sales

In 1980, an Apple company reigned in the office where Apple was located. Steve Jobs had to deprive the work of forty employees of the company, since the release of third-generation computers was extremely unsuccessful. True, at the same time the company made the largest in history to initial placement of shares on the Stock Exchange. But this was not saved by the situation. The press predicted the quick disappearance of Apple. In 1983, Scully John was invited to the post of president of the company, a talented top manager, who held a similar position in PepsiCo. Between the main ideological inspirer of the corporation, Steve Jobs, and the new leader immediately began friction.

Development of the company in the 1980s

In 1984, Apple's original products were replenished with a ruler of new 32-bit production and selling such equipment for two decades determined the company's main activity. She released computers based on Motorola processors with Apple operating system installed on them, compatible only with corporation's branded products. In addition, the company has traditionally strong positions in educational and government organizations, design and publishing business. A little later, Apple won the leading position in the music industry. The company first equipped its technique with a computer mouse and a graphical user interface. In 1985, Reagan for the development of technical progress awarded Wozniak and Jobs medals.

Steve Jobs

In 1985, another fateful event was happening in the history of the corporation. - Steve Jobs - was forced to leave her due to disagreements with the leadership. This person was distinguished by mad enthusiasm, unbearable character, wild unprincipledness and incredible charm. He knew how to inspire the most insane enterprises. Only Jobs could convince the Board of Directors to give 750,000 dollars to the new-fashioned director (Ridley Scott) for shooting a roller advertising Apple III computers, and pay even more for one minute of superdowed airtime during the broadcast of the European football supercup. Original Apple products at that time were an order of magnitude worse than competitors. But she was bought! For several months, the consumer was needed to understand that a widely mediocre computer with a black and white interface was hidden behind a bright wrapping of advertising and all sewer programs. And the story of how insane Jobs leaked to the research secretary center Xerox Parc and made several revolutionary ideas (computer mouse, a text editor, etc.), so far is the most large-scale theft in the history of the computer industry. However, the methods enjoyed by the legendary co-founder of Apple were too original. Therefore, when sales of Apple III computers decreased sharply, Steve Jobs was asked to leave the company.

Development of the company in the 1990s

Under the strategic and technically-verified leadership, Apple Corporation was launched for many years. The company's development, however, has slowed down every year. And by the end of the 1990s, her affairs were quite bad. Within two years (from 1995 to 1997), sales losses rose to 1.86 billion dollars. Apple experienced no better days. Her ideological inspirer, Satamberry and adventurist Steve Jobs invited to return. He made another gigantic step in the development of the company. He began to seek new, not related to the production of computer equipment, markets, and in this area surpassed himself.

Multimedia Revolution in 2000s

The chronicle of events at this time looks like this:

  • 2001 - an iPod audio player - Apple introduced a portable media player to Customer Customer. He struck the imagination of people with minimal sizes and impressive possibilities.
  • 2003 - iTunes Store - the company has opened a multimedia online store in which you can download a media system in AAC format played on Apple devices.
  • 2007 - iPhone - the company entered the market with its own mobile phone. This touchscreen smartphone has selected from the counters for any money. He is very popular so far.

Our days

In the 2010, Apple's authority in the field of multimedia technologies has become recognized and undeniable. In order to finally be established on this field, the corporation has released a tablet computer in 2010, the famous iPad. This product broke all records in terms of sales. For 28 days more than one million tablets was sold. For comparison: the first iPhones bought almost three times slower. The mark of one million they were overcame in 72 days. Steve Jobs argued that on the first day 300 thousand ipides were sold, 250,000 e-books were injected and approximately 1 million applications. On the wave of an unprecedented demand for Apple's products, its financial position has improved dramatically. In 2011, she was recognized as the most expensive world capitalization corporation, while overtaking the famous oil company Exxonmobil. In 2012, the rise in the value of Apple shares reached its maximum - $ 705.07. However, by 2013, the company's market capitalization decreased by 37.6% and is now constantly fighting for the title of the most expensive company of the world with Exxonmobil.

The company is constantly surprised by the consumer innovative products. In 2013, Apple has released a 64-bit dual-core ARM microprocessor. In 2014, a new personal device appeared on the market - Watch.

Apple Headquarters

Cupertino - the city where Apple is located is located at the Corporation headquarters are sometimes also called "campus" due to large sizes and external similarities with university towns of America. It takes about six tens of buildings. In the six largest of them, on the Street Infinite Loop, are the main offices. They are the face of Apple. Here everything urges to "think otherwise": bright cabinets, driven by ultra-modern technician, laboratories, which experience wireless communication, billboards and stands in huge lobby covered with light. There are also gym, a cafe and a shop selling branded products that are instantly bought by clouds of tourists. The place where Apple is located will soon be replenished with a second campus designed for 13 thousand people. It will be similar to Spaceship of Silver Light. Inside it is planned to break the park. This amazing imagination project was developed with the direct participation of Steve Jobs.

Who is Apple CEO?

In August 2011, Steve Jobs had to leave the presidency of Apple Corporation for Health. This post entered the current CEO company Tim Cook. After the departure of the main ideological inspirator, the value of Apple shares fell by 7%. Steve Jobs died after prolonged illness on October 5, 2011. His end was a resonant event stirred by the whole world. Since then, the company's affairs are moving with varying success. In 2013, for example, a message appeared that due to the fact that Apple's market value fell almost twice (from 702 to 390 billion dollars), Tim Cook could leave his post. However, companies are still manifested by leading positions in the field of mobile industry, and the demand for "apple" products remains consistently high. Now you know where Apple is located, and not only.