Rural tourism in small cities. Rural tourism as a business. Agrotourism in Russia and Europe. Business ideas from scratch in the countryside. Business Description and Benefits

Tourist business in Russia has always been a profitable occupation. The profitability of this direction remains high, despite the emerging crises or complex economic situations in the country.

Recently, rural tourism as a business entrenched in the market, and causes interest among residents of large cities. Agrotourism allows you to plunge into a person in the daily life of the Russian depth. For sophisticated citizens, such a rest is exotic, and for it they are ready to give a lot of money. Organize rural tourism is easy, however, there are some nuances that should be known to know the novice entrepreneur.

Ecotourism as a business is attractive for rural residents who are limited in cash. Small starting

capital will be enough for:

  • The acquisitions or construction of a small house on the household plot;
  • Purchases of the vehicle, which is necessary for the transport of tourists.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase pets and break a small garden, where food will be grown. It is allowed to use the private home of the entrepreneur as a place to stay tourists. It is necessary to divide or highlight a part of the room under the dining room, since food should be prepared in a special equipped room.

Composing a business plan, the entrepreneur must choose the type of ecotourism, which it will offer to customers. There may be several options:

  • Camping on weekends;
  • Accommodation in rural areas from 1 week to month;
  • Comfortable stay in well-maintained cottages.

If circumstances allow a person to invest a large amount of money in organizing rural tourism, it is necessary to conduct careful planning. Before making a business idea of \u200b\u200blife, the entrepreneur must decide on the scale of the project and correctly evaluate its financial capabilities. These factors affect how the infrastructure of the enterprise will look like. It includes places to stay vacationers, meals and entertainment.

Note! The tourist complex can be built in a traditional Russian style, in the form of small wooden lines surrounded by picturesque nature. Food between guests is carried out at the expense of the household.

To the issue of nutrition should be as serious


The organization of leisure is the main part of the tourist rest. The standard service set includes:

  • Hunting and fishing;
  • Excursions in local attractions;
  • Hiking and horseback riding in the forest;
  • Collecting berries, herbs and;
  • Participation in rites, acquaintance with local traditions;
  • Training of folk crafts;
  • Swimming in the reservoir, the Russian bath.

On a note! The list of entertainment depends on the fantasy of the host. What he is wider, the greater the likelihood that tourists come back and will recommend the tourist complex with their friends.

The entertainment program must be saturated

Guest registration

The entrepreneur must develop a program that will describe the order of booking of houses, transportation and check-in guests. Usually, tourists buy vouchers through the official website, in travel agencies or order a number on the phone. Each of these methods must be thought out to be carefully thought out to avoid errors and client discontent.

Legal design

For work in the field of rural tourism, it is necessary to register as an IP. This organizational and legal form is understandable for beginner entrepreneurs and simplifies tax issues. If a businessman plans to build a large tourist complex, it will need to get the admission of SRO. Without this document, the construction will be considered illegal. You can receive guests on the basis of recreation only after receiving the permission of the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological control.

In some cases, you can not register the organization in the tax authorities. For example:

  • If a person plans to place travelers in his own home;
  • If a businessman constantly lives in the village and has a farm.

Rural tourism business plan

The business plan for ecotourism allows the entrepreneur to avoid mistakes and correctly distribute the initial capital. As an example, consider the guest house located on the territory of the loft of the entrepreneur. The room is intended to accommodate 6 people.

The income will depend on the number of tourists who visit the guest house. The average number of vacationers per month is 20 people. The daily rent of the house is 700 rubles per person. It should take into account the income from excursions, nutrition and entertainment programs. For sale additional services will increase the average check up to 1600 rubles. The profitability of the guest house per month will be 32,000 rubles.

These indicators are characteristic of summer months. In winter, the decline comes, and the number of customers decreases. The approach of the guest house will be about 25,000 rubles per year. With the right organization of work, the project will pay off within 12-18 months.

Agrotourism is a type of tourism, involving rest in the rustic wilderness, away from the city bustle and noise. Tourists are offered an alternation of difficult peasant labor and serene rest in nature. Agritourism is not synonymous with downshifting, because downsifting is a renunciation of all the benefits of civilization, and agrotubists can use all the necessary amenities (TV, telephone, Internet). Consider this popular destination in more detail in the article.

Advantages of agrotourism

To retire in the silence in complete harmony with nature - the dream of any person who is tired of the rapid pace of urban life. You can at least for a while forget about the work, daily responsibilities, public transport, traffic jams, crowds of people, queues.

Many agro-tours attracts the possibility of contact with life, culture, folklore and traditions of their country, which are still preserved in the villages.

In countries such as Spain and Italy, lovers of rural tourism are happy to help local residents to engage in viticulture. And in Poland, agro-tours care for horses and participate in horseback rows. In Germany, farmers offer guests to be in the role of shepherds.

The emergence and development of agrotourism

Today, agrotourism is a dynamically developing variety of tourism. He originates at the beginning of the XIX century, but only the last 60 years is becoming popular.

In France, the first agritory association was even created in the world. Ten years ago, such an organization was created in Italy. Now in many European countries there are agritory associations.

Causes of development

The reasons for the development of rural tourism are social and economic factors. For the economy, agrotourism is important as an additional earnings and support for farmers, which with the development of large cities have lost their attractiveness and, therefore, income. Now thus farmers have the opportunity to earn.

Those tourists who refuse the idea to spend their holidays in the hotel by the sea, and they want to be active and non-traditional rest, often the rural tourism is chosen. Not for all vacation is the beach, shopping and noisy parties. Many people tired of life in the metropolis are eager to just relax in nature in silence and tranquility, breathe fresh air and eat natural products.

Essence of agrotourism

Agrotourism is a holiday in the village, which assumes the possibility of working in the garden or in the garden. Naturally, the Agrotist is not obliged to engage in peasant labor if he does not want himself. But thanks to this activity, it will be able to feel complete unity with nature and distract from urban worries and obsessive ideas.

On the characteristics of agrotourism

In addition to rest and labor, rural tourists are offered natural fresh products. Contrary to incorrect to the increasing belief that the Agrotorist should abandon the benefits of civilization and feed on what will collect himself, the agrotourist is offered a comfortable stay in very good conditions, the Internet, local restaurants.

Agrotourism in Russia

The highest development area was obtained in European countries: Spain, Italy, Poland, Norway, Germany and Belarus.

In Russia, agrotourism is still in the initial stage of development. This is due to the fact that the creation of comfortable living conditions, the creation of agricultural and agro-industry, the restoration of old buildings requires ambitious costs. But despite this, in some regions of our country conditions are created for agrotourism. Those farms that are located near large, densely populated cities are enjoyed in great demand.

The Crimean District of the Krasnodar Territory is known for its wine farming with the name "Lefkady Valley". A trip to Lefkadia is an excellent example of agrotourism. This is a favorite place Russian agritory. Here they can join the intricacies of viticulture and winemaking, as well as treat the artisanal cheese, hunt and go fishing. Tourists are involved in a variety of thematic events, such as lavender collection. Lavender tours are held in the last month of summer.

Russian gastronomic tours

A particularly popular view of agrotourism is a gastronomic tour. These are tastings, master classes, as well as excursions to farms. In Russia, there are several wonderful farms that are highly valued by agritory.

One of them is "Bogdarn", which is in the Vladimir region. It is a full-fledged complex: hotel, restaurants, shop, stables and farms. Here they are engaged in the production of yogurt, cheeses (Gaud, Philadelphia, Ricotta), grow bulls, guided by Dutch technologies.

The Zaoksky District of the Tula region has everything necessary for a healthy family holiday: farms, country houses, old manors, rustic restaurants and workshops. "Mark and Lev" - the first Locava restaurant in Russia. Floature is eating only near the grown products. A visit to the restaurant is recommended to combine with excursions on museum estates, master class on baking bread, tasting crafting beer, as well as fishing and horseback riding.

Lukino's courtyard is also located in the Tula region. There are engaged in the production of meat and birds, growing vegetables, the manufacture of fermented dairy products and canned food. The farm has a mini-hotel and a wonderful home restaurant.

In the Tver region, agrotourists prefer to visit the cherryman Pietro Matszi. The cheese is boiled there, guided by ancient recipes, it is prepared by Italian delicacies, they are engaged in sheepship, conduct excursions for tourists, combining acquaintance with the farm and tasting. The farm has a store and a storage courtyard.

In Belarus

In Belarus, agrotourism is the gain of the sphere. About a thousand agroworks are operating in this country! Belarusian rural tourism began its development in 2004.

The most popular Belarusian Agrouse - Komarovo, located in the village of Komarovo. Park, bath, pancake invariably attract people. Tourists leaving reviews about agritourism in the village of Komarovo are satisfied with the local nature, entertainment and service.

Features of agrotourism in Spain

In Europe, revenues from this area are significantly replenished with state treasury. Therefore, the authorities see the meaning in its development. In Spain, cozy farm houses are ready to receive visitors, and the old estates became rural hotels. The welcoming hosts are offered to guests food, overnight, familiarity with the original local folklore and historical events, participation in a variety of festivals and folk festivals. Rural residents are happy to tell legends, fairy tales and beliefs, hold excursions to sightseeing.

In France

France is one of the first countries in the world, which began to develop rural tourism. The result is impressive. Revenues from agrotourism here are calculated billions of dollars.

In addition to the night and food, French farmers offer agriters an interesting program that includes entertainment such as fishing, a tour of the wine cellar or a cheerful, traveling close to the castles, exciting horse riding. Agriturists do not have to be bored. They are waiting for a saturated rest and a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Sometime, many children spent the summer of grandmothers in the village: all day breathe fresh air, bathed in the rivers, drank homemade milk and collected berries and mushrooms in the forest. Helping grandmothers at the farm, grandchildren acquainted with the peculiarities of rural life. But these days most grandmothers themselves were born in the city. Yes, and accommodation conditions that were considered normal about 50 years ago, it is unlikely to arrange modern children and their parents.

Rural tourism has long been popular abroad. But, fortunately, in recent times, many objects of rural tourism appeared in Russia, making holidays in the village not only interesting and useful, but also comfortable.

Classification of types of rural tourism

You can relax in the village in different ways. And it is better to immediately decide what the family is waiting for, going on such a holiday. Depending on this, it is possible to choose a terrain, and a certain recreation center, a farm or estate.

1. Simply staying in rural areas.
2. Life in the village with immersion. This is no longer just life in rural areas, but familiarization with rural labor, animals and plants. Perhaps accommodation in less comfortable conditions.
3. Agrotourism, work on the farm with the provision of accommodation and nutrition.
4. Sport tourism, which includes horseback riding, dog or deer sledding, hiking or cycling.
5. Gastronomic tours.
6. Ethnographic tourism. Traveling to villages with pronounced folk traditions.

Rest with children in the village

Recreation bases located in the villages are usually small. They allow you to be in silence, finally, to spend time with the whole family, not rushing anywhere. Children can try real rustic goat or cow milk. After all, urban children are often unfamiliar with the taste of pair milk. Yes, and many adults have long forgotten the taste of real village sour cream and cream.

Often there is a forest, where you can collect berries and mushrooms. And just take a walk with children, show them powerful pines or white birch trees, oak groves or thickets of nuts. In the spring you can see the blooming valley, and in the summer to collect fragrant forest strawberries.

Not far from the base is usually a river or lake, where you can go fishing. Most of all it will appeal to dads with sons. Moms with daughters can be rolled on a boat on boards with beautiful water lily. And swimming in a clean river will delight everyone.

And in the evening you can watch the whole family for a deep black sky with bright stars. After all, in the city of this never happens.

After spending just a couple of weekends in the village, and adults, and children will feel like after a full vacation. Adults will increase performance. Children will release their irrepressive energy and expand their horizons. And the family will become more friendly and coarse. A joint holiday contributes to significantly better seating in different corners of the apartment in front of televisions and computers.


If children are no longer quite small, then it is quite possible to allow them to plunge into true rustic life. In distant deaf villages are provided at home without water supply. Water drink well or spring. Perhaps children will see a real well for the first time in his life. And such water to taste is often significantly better even bottled. What to say about the fluid that flows in most cities from under the tap.

Gas is usually there. And most often you can order and cooking food. But for those who want, it is possible to prepare and on open fire. And sometimes there is a real Russian oven in the house. Prepare in it with unaccustomed, of course, not easy. But hospitable hosts will certainly help. And then the whole family will be able to appreciate the taste of real Russian cuisine. And in winter on the furnace so nice to warm up!

Citizens can learn how to milk goat or cow, mowing hay, furnace real village bread and do home cheese. The kids will gladly feed numerous living creatures. And finally will be seen animals not in the picture or in the zoo, but under normal conditions. And if animals have kids: chickens, ducklings, calves - then the children's delight is provided.

It must be said that it is possible to talk with animals on the recreation databases with excellent conditions, where the village atmosphere is combined with the usual urban comfort.

But the gadgets better leave at home. During a good village rest on them there will be no time in children. And the adult does not prevent a truly relax from work at all.

But to such a rest you need to be ready. No elementary amenities like not all adults and not all children. If at least one person in the family is not ready for some time to do without the usual comfort, then it is better to find another object of accommodation. Otherwise, rest will be spoiled to everyone.


In rural areas there will be classes and lovers of outdoor activities.

Horse riding walks are especially popular. Depending on the preparation, the routes are of varying complexity. For children and beginners, short walks are suitable on a relatively smooth road. And experienced riders can go to complex campaigns for the whole day.

In winter, walks on sleigh and quad bikes. And in the summer you can ride on bikes.

And of course, what a rest in the village without a real Russian bath, smelling a tree and a haze, with brooms and honey, with diving into a snowdrift or with the velvement of ice spring water. And what could be better than fragrant herbal tea or foam kvass after a bath.

You can go on holiday in the village for several days. And you can also hold all the holidays, I do not have to go to the neighboring village, but somewhere away, to another region. Ecological rest is an excellent alternative to the usual lying on the sea beach. Although the village with a big desire can be found and near the sea. And for lovers of excursions, ethnographic rural tourism is perfect.

Agritourism or rural tourism develops in Russia for several years, but due to specificity is not the market leader. This rest direction involves a visit to the estates and agricultural farms, watching their lives, entertainment in nature, horseback riding, participation in national holidays. Sometimes such trips are accompanied by the ability to work in the field, garden, or to care for animals. Whether such a type of tourism in Russia is in demand, how to organize receptions in the village and what directions are now popular.

Rustic tourism is a relatively new direction of the tourist sector, involving a visit to the estates, villages, farms, watching their lives and even participation in agricultural work. Potential tourists here are residents of large cities, for which rural life is also exotic, like sea coasts and safaris in Africa.

Whether agrotourism has prospects in Russia, at the moment remains a controversial issue. The schedule of life and work of many of our compatriots allows only 1 tourist trip a year, which most prefer to spend by the sea. Many have cottages and gardens, so they are not interested in holidays in rural areas. The demand for environmental tourism is only among very wealthy people and only subject to a high level of service.

The unequivocal concept of agrotourism does not exist. Rural tourism unites several different types of recreation:

  • accommodation in private farms and in the estates;
  • gastronomic tours with tasting dishes from environmentally friendly products;
  • participation in agricultural work;
  • ethnic tours - familiarity with the history and culture of the area;
  • tourist hiking in the forest, collection of mushrooms and berries, hunting, fishing;
  • horseback riding.

However, all types of rural recreation usually combine within the same manor or farm - so you can attract more guests.

Rural tourism - a visit to the estates, farms, villages - one of the trends of the modern tourist sector

How to organize a business in rural tourism

The organization of this business is a very difficult matter. The entrepreneur will have to take into account many factors: from organizing a comfortable access road to an interesting visiting program. To make money in such a way, it is not worth calculated solely on the Russian audience. Demand will be too small. It is necessary to focus on tourists from Europe, which means to provide the appropriate level of comfort, safety and language.

The development of rural tourism without promotion among the foreign audience is impossible. It is the Europeans and, perhaps, the Chinese will "make a cashier."

Consider an exemplary tourism project in rural areas. Suppose an entrepreneur owned land and a good house in rural areas. The plot area should be at least 500 sq.m. Guests can be placed in the house, provided that it is quite spacious and comfortable. Another solution is the construction of a hotel or guest houses. Next you need to provide the road for guests. The advantage will be in businessmen from Central and South Russia - it is easier to get here.

The next step implies thinking and organizing entertainment for guests. Will they observe agricultural work, participate in them? Will they go to the forest, hiking, fishing or hunting? Horse riding? Will they get acquainted with the history of the region, attend the neighboring villages, communicate with the inhabitants? All this organizer must decide in advance by creating several visits programs.

The Association of Rural Tourism on the website shares useful tips and news. If you are looking for a realized business plan for agrotourism with examples, it is worth examining the archive of this portal.

Features of guests

The features of accommodation in rural tourism are important. The fact is that going to the village tour, guests want to keep the ability to use all the benefits of civilization. They do not want to abandon the water supply and sewage, electricity, heat, good roads. Successful projects in this direction prove that the comfort conditions are crucial.

Guests can be accommodated in one big house, in a separate hotel or in guest houses. In any case, it is necessary to provide standard at the level of 3 stars:

  • illumination of the adjacent territory in the dark time;
  • parking;
  • round-the-clock hot and cold water supply;
  • electricity;
  • heating and ventilation;
  • video surveillance (safety warranty);
  • square of the 1-bed room from 12 sq.m., double - from 15 sq.m.;
  • bathroom in the room / house;
  • regular cleaning and shift of bed linen.

Near the placement location should be organized. How exactly the cafe or dining room will work, the owner itself decides. The specifics of such a tour makes it possible to organize 3 one-time nutrition on a schedule, but with the ability to eat at any time of the day.

All vehicles of tourists usually controls the guide. He is responsible for their health, controls compliance with the rules of security tells that it is worth a visit, and where to go should not be.

Separate directions of agrotourism suggest participation in agricultural work

Environmentally friendly products

If we evaluate the forms of rustic tours from the point of view of attractiveness for the "mass" tourist, the unconditional leader will be gastronomic travel. This is the direction of rest when the guest comes to try certain dishes and products, as well as to learn more about the peculiarities of their preparation.

Of course, the most attractive farms offering their own, natural, environmentally friendly products. This applies to vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and bread. Some tourists want to participate in the cultivation of agricultural crops and cooking dishes. The organizers of the tour should think about whether the guests will have such an opportunity.


It may seem amazing, but entertainment are a serious advantage of rural tourism. The fact is that this environment opens a lot of new things for residents of the city. Here they can feel and try such that in the cities is not available: ranging from more traditional fishing and hikes for mushrooms, ending with horseback riding, cycling forests and participation in folk holidays.

The organization of most such entertainment, including customer security, is expensive. For example, there will be several million rubles per year on the maintenance of horses. Therefore, despite the seemingly "low cost" of such travel, they are quite expensive to customers.

Ethnotourism is another interesting direction of rural tours. This is a journey, involving acquaintance with history, customs and culture of the region. An interesting decision will be communication with local residents, accompanied by a guide, participation in folk holidays and even familiarity with rites.

The best directions for rural tourism in Russia

Where to go to relax those who are interested in rustic tourism? Now in Russia there several popular directions:

  1. Eco-Hotel Konovalovo, 120 km from Moscow. Ecoproducts produce and receive guests in a mini-hotel. The farm is so successful that it has already started selling franchise.
  2. "Ryzhovo", Moscow region. Production of eco-products and breeding horses. Guests live in a large mansion with fireplace, bath, table tennis and other entertainment. You can participate in the work of the farm and care for animals, fish and ride horses. Accommodation costs from 10 thousand rubles a day.
  3. Kalina Dolina, Smolensk region. Agriculture, eco-friendly food, bath, fishing, tennis, bicycle rental, snowmobiles and quad bikes. Accommodation from 10 thousand rubles per day.

There are other manors and eco-hotels. In fact, each Russian region can offer its center of rural tourism. They will be very seriously different among themselves in terms of organization and cost. Tours in well-known, well-organized places are 3-4 times more expensive than a 10-day trip to Russian south.

Sometimes a rustic tour involves participation in folk holidays.

Prospects for the development of agrotourism

Does the village tourism have a development prospects in Russia? The demand for such a type of rest is really a little grew. People are ready to pay for rural tours, but provided that they will be comfortable. The reality is such that the trip to the "modern" village with a large estate, natural meal, animals and a variety of entertainment is expensive. Find the price below 10 thousand rubles per day is unlikely to succeed. For comparison in the Krasnodar Territory, in the midst of the season, you can rent a comfortable room near the sea for 3-4 thousand rubles per day.

In addition to high prices, there is another factor that reduces the flow of tourists to the village - bad roads. Before the estates and farms it is difficult to get, guests have to be replaced by several types of transport. It is inconvenient, hard, expensive and does not contribute to positive impressions. All successful tourist villages are in close proximity to Moscow. Whether travelers will go for hundreds of kilometers in bad roads - this is a very controversial question.


Agrotourism is not the most popular destination in the tourism sector, but highly demanded from residents of high-demand cities. Rustic tours are more expensive than marine, as the content of the estates, houses, agricultural farms and animals is expensive by the owners. Guests should always be in comfort and safety, which is also worth a lot of money. It is preferable to open such a farm in the area with a relatively good transport accessibility.