Small business for the delivery of garbage containers. Garbage collection as a business: tips and secrets for beginner entrepreneurs. Expenditure campaign costs

Is it possible to do business ... on garbage? It turns out yes, since the waste comes in all regions of the country constantly, and, consequently, garbage collection as a business has the right to exist as garbage collection. Prospects are variable, as it is possible to develop in different directions of the niche, which will be discussed within this article.

Read in Publications:

  • How to start a business on the garbage.
  • Does the office necessarily have?
  • Preparation of equipment.
  • List of costs.
  • Formation of pricing policy.
  • Let's sum up.

You need to decide on what vector you will move, as this type of business has different ways to carry out services. The business of garbage removal is divided into 3 segments:

  1. Sorting and sinking garbage.
  2. Burial and waste disposal.
  3. Finally, himself.

The last item we consider intently is the most low-pay, but also easier in implementation.

Here are your lifts, for example, exportation:

  • From residential buildings and complexes.
  • From offices or organizations.
  • From construction objects.
  • From factories and plants.

Experienced market players say that the most difficult stage is preparatory, when it is necessary to issue everything officially, to get all the coordination and permissions, according to the current legislation. In other words, you need to create your own company responsible for garbage collection from certain places / districts (choose a convenient form, LLC or IP).

What you need:

  1. License from Rostekhnadzor (it is paid, the official cost within 200,000 rubles).
  2. After checking from SanEpidemstation, permission is obtained.
  3. Finally, the resolution of local authorities.

Practice shows that it takes about 5-6 months. Do not forget about 3 remaining key tasks:

  1. Purchase of special transport (you can choose as new technique and used).
  2. Personnel search.
  3. Collection of the client base.

HELPFUL ADVICE! It is necessary to understand that at the very start it is difficult to count on the signing of contracts with offices serving a residential fund, as it is certainly, they have already established close contact with your competitors under the patronage of the state. Pay attention to offices, public catering and enterprises that are somehow unhappy, as companies with waste.

Does the office need?

In the very beginning, there is no extra money at the very beginning, therefore, many entrepreneurs are convinced that the office is completely optional. This is indeed, so, and medals have 2 sides:

  1. If you do not plan an office while you are planning, you can store equipment on paid car parkings.
  2. It is still better to find reserves, albeit on a small but one's own premises (it can be leased), which will give the organization of solidity, and will not cause the feelings of a one-day company.

The profitability of such a direction as a business of garbage disposal, to a greater extent depends on the quality of equipment. It is necessary to have 2 special vehicles in stock (they can be how to buy, and rent, leasing). You can decide whether to take transport to wastewater export, or stop on ordinary trucks:

  1. If you work with special transport, in addition to them will have to purchase containers.
  2. In the second case, your employees will need to immerse the garbage in the body.

Conduct approximate transport prices - an ungrateful matter, since the market is dynamic, it is constantly changing. If you speak approximately, then on 2 cars used, for example, ZIL, you will spend about 300,000 rubles.

List of costs

Periodic cash infusion is required in any niche, and the business garbage removal is not an exception. Depending on the source data, the numbers and items may vary, but expenditure items are usually as follows:

  • Acquisition / rental equipment, which has already been written above.
  • Payment of the license, all stately and permits.
  • Renting the room under the office if you are planning it.
  • Salary staff, at least 15-20,000 rubles per person.
  • Payment of landfill services, where you will sell garbage.
  • Advertising costs.
  • Acquisition of spare parts and fuel.


Once all technical issues have been resolved, it is necessary to determine the pricing to see the real picture, how to make money on the garbage. Depending on the magnitude of the settlement and the general situation, the numbers will differ. Here are approximate calculations for a major city:

  • Sending garbage from residential buildings and complexes - approximately 1-3 thousand monthly.
  • Export from construction objects - 5-9 thousand per month.
  • The export of harmful waste to the recycling site is 10-20 thousand, the price varies, depending on the complexity of the task.

NOTE! That is, the price range for building organizations and for the residential sector is significantly different, and in the second case it is much lower. When planning it is worth considering.

As a summary

The business of garbage disposal is a promising direction, besides, eternal. However, so that it brings maximum income, it is advisable to attend every stage of the technological chain: exportation -\u003e Sort -\u003e Recycling. In the potential, this will allow each of the steps to collect additional cost:

  1. Garbage collection - margin up to 15%;.
  2. Sorting - another + 15%.
  3. - Approximately the same.

In our country there are no full cycle factories, and new players are increasingly appearing on the market, which are not able to meet the demand for processing and in recycling polygons. It follows from this that it is best to plan a possible expansion to cover all stages.

Useful video

You may come in handy in the framework of the study of the thematic video from American colleagues, which give useful tips and recommendations:

How to organize business for garbage disposal. How to start. Business idea.

How to organize business for garbage disposal. How to start.
Business idea.
Part 1. General concepts and difficulties.

At first glance, that complex in the removal of garbage? - I bought garbage truck or bunkeroza, planted for the driver's battery or got behind the wheel myself and went - it was spinning. Dracking business to share for 3 sectors:

  1. Directly;
  2. Sorting garbage and;
  3. The burial of waste at the landfill.

Each of the sectors requires a lot of strength and money for development, therefore it is more expedient not to try to cover everything. It is best to start with the organization of a destruction of garbage, although this is not the most profitable segment from the chain of waste disposal services.

Let's consider in detail how to implement a business idea for organizing an enterprise for garbage disposal.

The scheme of debris in Moscow looks like this:
1. - Customer Call Dispatcher (ordering for export);
2. - Departure of garbage trucks with an empty bunker at the specified address;
3. - On the client's territory (or under the "loading" when the driver is waiting for the container to be promptly loaded, or the bunker leaves the customer at the agreed time);
4. - Loading with garbage on the machine;
5. - Nearest garbage dispensing or landfill.

It seems to be nothing complicated, although many different "but" lies here.

Problems arising from garbage removal:

- Moscow traffic jams. It often happens that the client refuses to order on garbage removal, just because the car is delayed. And he does not care that on the cork route and the driver can not physically be on time.

- breakdown of garbage truck. Starting from punctured on landfills and sinking wheels, ending with serious breakdowns on the road, requiring evacuation of the car. In this case, you need to transfer the order of the "friendly" company software.

- Accident. Pah-pah-pah - better so that this does not happen. Even if you have insurance and your driver is not to blame for an accident, time to "parses" takes a whole day, and with it and lost profits.

- Dusting Pouring refuses to take your garbage. There may be several reasons. For example, garbage truck brought a dangerous garbage (automotive tires or runner) or does not cope with the volume of bridal garbage.

In this case, you will have to urgently make a decision - where to carry garbage? Either leave MBO in bunkers and wait, when sorting opens, or go to another crosspatch. Whatever you choose, the result is one - time loss and additional expenditures on diesel.

- Driver.Often, this is the biggest problem. Drivers on garbage trucks, especially Slavs, often drink and go to the flight without sober or with a hangover. What it threatens for you - the confiscation of the driver's rights and a simple car when searching for a new "steering".

Drivers find ways to earn on the side.Suppose the client orders one bunker, and in the end, it turns out that the garbage did not fit and need one more. Here the driver on the spot agrees "by - cheaper." Accordingly, the profit remains in your subordinate pocket.

In the next part (how to organize a company of garbage disposal - 2), we describe the most interesting - the economic side of the organization.

More recently, exclusively state-owned enterprises were responsible for garbage collection. However, in recent years, enterprising people in recent years ever visits the idea to open their own business in this area, and in the future they hope to earn good.

At the same time, the highest effect will be achieved if the cycle is closed. In other words, little just take waste. Distilization of garbage should also be carried out. When taking into account all the subtleties and features of this industry, good results can be achieved. And in many ways, novice entrepreneurs will help a properly compiled business plan for "garbage collection".

Where to begin?

Today, a sufficient number of such companies arises, but only a few survive on the market of such services. The main reason for such a trend is a frivolous attitude to the process of business organization itself. Indeed, for the successful functioning of the enterprise, it is necessary correctly and a qualitatively compiled business plan. The garbage collection is no exception.

Some novice businessmen think that it is enough to agree with the transport organizations on the removal of waste and the storage of them on the corresponding landfill. However, the organization of its own case implies the implementation of certain stages, more on which it will be discussed.

Stages of the organization of business

The first stage is the formulation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe classes of concrete business itself. Discussion of it with familiar and specialists from various fields of activity.

The second stage is the registration of a legal entity. This is a necessary procedure, since on behalf of such an enterprise will be the conclusion of various contracts.

Third stage - Registration of a specific package of permits. We are talking about the settlement of all controversial issues with the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service. All official contributions and payment should be included in the business plan.

Garbage collection: Does the office need?

Despite the fact that this sector of services is associated with the constant movement of specialized vehicles, the room under the office is still necessary. After all, it is necessary to place administrative staff somewhere, accounting and dispatchers? It can be a small room equipped with appropriate furniture, communications and computer equipment.

If within the framework of the company's activities, the semicultage and scrap metal is planned, then there will be an additional warehouse type.

When organizing the disposal of collected waste may require additional area where the corresponding mini-plant will be located.


The opening of any business is always accompanied by certain initial costs for the appropriate equipment that can be either purchased or taken for rent or lease.

First, it is necessary to have vehicles (garbage trucks). These are specialized machines that can be used only in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

At the initial stage, it is not necessary to buy new cars at all. To ensure efficiency, garbage trucks with a built-in press are very profitable.

Such equipment contributes to a decrease in the number of flights, respectively, the costs of fuel are reduced. It may also be necessary in large-sized cargo vehicles, if the removal of construction waste is also planned.

As mentioned above, if the semiculate or plastic container is planned, a special press may be required.

And of course, to obtain high economic efficiency of the business, garbage disposal should be provided. To do this, you will need to purchase a special mechanized line for its recycling.

Yes, it entails additional costs. However, when interacting with local authorities, you can imagine your business as a project for garbage disposal. And when approved by the authorities, there is a chance to get some state subsidies.

Waste export and disposal

First of all, it is necessary to organize a special landfill where all the garbage will be overlooked. At the same time, you can additionally earn another sorting. For this, you can make appropriate proposals to local authorities on the installation of individual containers for various types of garbage (separately food and household waste). This is much simplified by the work of an enterprise dealing with garbage and will effectively use waste or buried them on other polygons in the future.

In any case, the business plan should be drawn up with the organization, garbage collection according to which will be carried out within a certain time.

Personnel search

In such an enterprise, specialists will be involved in various classifications. So, it is necessarily recommended to choose a qualitative administrative apparatus. In the accounting department, the presence of professional professionals is needed, since the occurrence of propening risks and the application of penalties on the part of the regulatory authorities directly depends on their knowledge and skills.

Drivers working on garbage trucks and other cargo cars are also required to have appropriate qualifications. If transport is over 10 units, it makes sense to have in the state of mechanic and at least one autoslemer to quickly eliminate small breakdowns.

As for employees involved in the reception points of waste paper or scrap, as well as the waste management, it is not necessary for special qualifications here. The only condition is the observance of all the necessary safety regulations and the presence of decency. But here in many ways will help the coordinating role of administrative personnel.

The expansion of the customer base

The main clients of enterprises of this kind of activity are cafes, restaurants and other catering organizations.

With a skillful organization, entrepreneurs appear an excellent opportunity to conclude relevant contracts with utilities (this, by the way, the largest segment of the service market under consideration), which will allow the garbage from the residential sector. The main interest of cooperation with residential houses is due to large volumes. Despite the fact that the tariff rate in this case is somewhat lower than on the removal of garbage from the commercial sector, due to the volume of the enterprise can work well.

Each of us daily formed household waste. And we are accustomed to and do not even notice the work of organizations on the removal of solid household waste (MSW), and no location, even the smallest, can not do without the services of such organizations. The business plan for garbage disposal will be submitted by us will indicate the main nuances of creating this company from scratch. This example will help make your own planning.

Business Plan Justification

Business launches in the regional center with a population of more than 1 million people. At the time of launch, several large organizations with a similar range of services operate in the region, but the analysis of niche media in the region shows the existence of serious problems in the work of current carriers. This opinion is confirmed by a marketing research (calling potential customers, local business representatives) among the main complaints that are presented by potential customers:

  • Interruptions in the graphs of the removal of MSW, thereby disrupting sanitary standards and aesthetics.
  • Outdated fleet of carriers.
  • The reluctance to move to more modern technologies in the removal of MSW.

To take a steady place in the market, it is planned to create an organization on the removal of MSW with a guide to the provision of high-quality services, which will be focused on HOA, managing companies, as well as other organizations that would like to receive high quality service.

In connection with the definition of the target audience, the following risks and problem places of the business plan are arising:

  • A shortage in the region of qualified drivers, workers and mechanics capable of working with high-quality equipment.
  • An erroneous analysis of the target audience in the selected region.
  • Large starting attachments are required that are not covered by the existing tools.

To level the first risk, it is planned to conduct a study of the labor market proposal, place information about the vacancies in various sources and interview. The second risk is levied by a preliminary study of the needs of leading managers of the city, as well as large productions, developing a business concept, which takes into account the need for the target audience. The third risk is covered by attracting an investor who is ready to highlight at least 50% of the required amount to launch a project. The main source of expenses is the purchase of technology. It is planned to take into lease, which will be paid from income.


For registration is chosen form of activity.

The taxation system of USN 15% is elected, since the company will have substantial costs for the salary fund and other permanent costs (fuel, fleet service, payment of the landfill).

The main OKVED 38.11 "Collecting non-hazardous waste" is selected for work.

According to Law No. 203-FZ, we will need a license for waste transportation (collection and transportation). To obtain all the necessary documents, it is planned to use the services of a specialized licensing agency. These goals will need to allocate 300 thousand rubles. Obtaining a license will take about three months. This task must be concerned immediately, and during the period of registration of the license you can engage in other preparatory work.

Personnel search

Since we have elected format of the organization for the removal of high-class MSW, competent and experienced staff are required. Since we assume work in the regional center, where it is still very far from the culture of separate garbage collection, then we do not plan to make a bias in this direction. But at the same time we plan to acquire modern plastic containers for collecting MSW, as well as a fleet with equipment that meets the latest requirements for the collection and transportation of MSW.

In the position of the head of the production department and the logistics officer, we plan to take people who have extensive experience in this industry, possibly from another region where the system of providing services for the removal of MSW and optimized work is optimized.

Rental premises

Office is planned to rent a room in the city center. Here should be:

  • Two standards of class "Standard" (20 square meters. M).
  • Reception (12 sq. M).
  • Cabinet of the head (10 square meters. M).

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room: 42 square meters. m.

Approximate cost of renting an office: 30 thousand rubles per month. It is immediately expected to pay for rent in 3 months.

We still need a database for parking, inspection and a small repair of vehicles, to which the following requirements are presented:

  • The presence of a garage with an observation pit adapted for trucks.
  • Premises for employees with cabinets for personal belongings and shower (30 square meters. M).
  • The area for storing containers (100 square meters. M).

Approximate cost is: 50,000 rubles per month. It is immediately expected to pay for rent in 3 months.

For a fleet, it is planned to purchase three FAUN POWERPRESS 522 garbage trucks based on the Volvo FM 350 (wheel formula 6 × 2). The cost of each is: 6,500,000 rubles. It is planned to purchase lease for 4 years. Monthly payment will be 497,250 rubles. Initial contribution: 1 950 000 rub.

Total, you will need 2 908,000 rubles when starting.

Business promotion

Business promotion is planned to carry out two directions: offline and online.

From offline methods, it is planned to work as a development officer who will search for potential customers and the subsequent conclusion of contracts for servicing their organizations. For this, commercial offers are sent and meetings with representatives of companies from a pre-prepared list are held.

Landing is created for Internet promotion, SEO-promotion campaigns, targeting and contextual advertising are launched.

Calculation of costs

On start

In accordance with the initial idea, from this amount: 1 472,500 is allocated by the investor, 722,500 rubles from own funds, and another 750 thousand rubles is taken on a bank loan for 2 years under 15% per annum.

According to these terms, the monthly payment will be 36,750 rubles (calculated using an online calculator according to standard conditions, the real value will be different).


How many business brings

Taxable base will be:

2 830 000 - 2 613 500 \u003d 216 500 rubles.

The costs of the ESN will be subtracted from it: 216 500 - 163 500 \u003d 53,000 rubles.

53 500 x 0.15 \u003d 7,950 rubles will be a monthly tax.

Net profit will thus make up:

216 500 - 7 950 \u003d 208 500 rubles per month.

Profitability of the business will be:

(208,500 / 2,613,500) x 100 \u003d 7.97%.

This indicator can be considered very successful for the first year of work. In the future, after paying all loans and leasing, an increase in profitability is expected to 25-30% and, accordingly, profitability. However, to access these indicators it is required to provide greater loading of garbage trucks. Note that about 80% of the possibilities are taken for the calculated indicators. If in the future it is planned to increase the volumes above the calculated, then the auto park will be expanded and the number of employees.

Stripping from the figure of 216,500 rubles per month, consider the return on business.

The return of investments is planned to direct 80% of income. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare distributed to personnel bonuses that arise additional costs and dividends to two co-founders.

216 500 x 0.8 \u003d 173 200 rubles a month will be sent to the return of personal investments of co-founders:

2 908 000 / 173 200 = 16,78.

Thus, the return of own investment is expected 17 months after launch. After that, it is planned to send the released funds to early repayment of the loan and lease for trucks. It is expected that this will allow you to fully pay debts in 36 months. Thus, the payback period of the business is at least 3 years. Upon reaching this period, business will begin to bring at least 1 million rubles every month. Monthly part of the money is recommended to reserve in the transport fund for the purchase of additional garbage trucks. In addition, it is planned to periodically update the fleet. It is assumed that the duration of the service of one transport unit should not exceed 7 years or 500 thousand mileage kilometers.

Business prospects

Further prospects for the development of the company depends on the capacity of the market in a particular region. The first tasks include an increase in the number of customers and the acquisition of another or two cars, thereby achieving increasing profits by 30-80%.

In addition, it is possible to expand the range of services offered: export of large-sized waste, the organization of separate collection of garbage and its recycling, enterprise for waste recycling.


The organization for the removal of MSW looks like a promising business direction for a major city. But do not forget that technology in this field is not in place and for successful business management it is necessary to follow the latest trends in the market for the removal of MSW. This business plan for garbage collection with calculations shows that the main cost of the costs for the future entrepreneur in this direction will be large payments of wages, as well as leased for transport. And to make a profit, it is necessary to find a fairly large amount of customers and comply with their requests.

The market of services for the removal of MSW is interesting because it is a stable business, which is necessary daily by its client, regardless of economic conditions and other negative factors. In this area, organizations are just beginning to appear to appear on the separate collection and recycling of waste, which will be a promising direction for existing and opening organizations in the sphere of removal of MSW.