Effective presentation of business ideas. How to make a presentation of a business project. Purchase of the necessary equipment for the enterprise

To attract investors, novice entrepreneurs are needed not only, but also a good presentation of a business project. Capital owners need to be convinced that the proposed idea is favorable, promising and interesting. With the help of a laconic and visual presentation, it is much easier to achieve such a goal.

The project provides information on the rules for implementing the concept. It provides calculations, plans and estimates. But to easily perceived all the information, a presentation is preparing, consisting of text, video, pictures, graphs or other visual elements. With their help, the process of perception is improved, and beautiful design concentrates the attention of the listeners. All goals and expected results immediately become understandable and remembered well. Such a presentation leaves a good impression of potential partners.

Attention! Information available on slides must be meaningful, relevant, logical and short.

Affordable statement

The main purpose of drawing up the presentation is to attract attention to the project by potential investors, buyers, public or media. If the entrepreneur persuades partners in the success of his project, he will be able to get financing. This is a good chance to establish long-term relationships with investors, as well as become a partner of a large company. With the help of competently decorated and meaningful slides, they are easier to convince them of the relevance of a new idea. Since technical means and new software are used, people do not bored while watching a presentation, enjoying a bright design, competent feeding of information and smooth transitions.

How to make a presentation?

Businessman must submit an idea to investors. The presentation is done in several stages:

  1. Preparation of information. It is carefully studied by the compiler to be ready for possible issues from partners.
  2. Visualization. This is formed containing topical information.
  3. Planning. The presentation contains a description of the idea, potential costs and income, benefits for partners, as well as the contacts of the entrepreneur. Only concrete images, clinging viewers are used.

The last stage is to demonstrate the presentation to listeners. The process should not be too long, so the performance is divided into blocks for a few minutes. All text is divided into separate parts allocated by special labeling.


The presentation consists only of information that can be transferred to listeners for a maximum of 20 minutes. If you talk about your idea less than 15 minutes, the concept does not interest partners or investors, as such an attitude talks about the ill-impaired and negligence of a businessman. If the presentation lasts too long, then it quickly tires the listeners.

The presentation consists of the following elements:

  • summary presented by the description of the idea;
  • setting the problem, as well as ways to solve it;
  • market assessment and competitors;
  • suitable advertising campaign or marketing activities;
  • method of profit;
  • the size of the initial capital;
  • the conditions under which investments will be used;
  • nuances of refund received;
  • businessman team.

During the entrepreneur initially briefly introduces listeners with the position of the company and describes the project. After the idea, it takes about 10 minutes. The text is supported by different tables, formulas and calculations. The end summarizes the results for a maximum of 4 minutes. The entrepreneur tells about how profit is counting as a result of the activities of the new company.

How to interest investors?

Interest of listeners

Properly composed presentation attracts many partners. Therefore, during its formation, different methods are applied:

  1. Providing samples of new products.
  2. Product photos.
  3. Advertising booklets.
  4. Marketing materials.
  5. Colorful pictures.
  6. Competent calculations.

Attention! Experienced investors are focused not only on the appearance of the presentation, but also on the right calculations.

If charged partners are involved, cooperation is carried out in a foreign language.

What factors affect success?

The success of the presentation depends on different moments:

  • the choice of a competent method by which the idea is presented;
  • attractive design;
  • the ability to conduct business negotiations;
  • the correct text structure;
  • conviction skill;
  • creating a setting of mutual trust and openness.

It is impossible to hide significant information regarding the effectiveness of the business model. If an entrepreneur can not answer the questions of potential partners, he shows his ignorance regarding key moments of doing business.

Before drawing up the presentation, it is recommended to study the requirements and priorities of partners in order to comply with their preferences. The entrepreneur must believe in the success of the implementation of the business idea, which is confirmed by clear wording, a confident performance, as well as the ease of information. It depends on this, whether it will receive financial assistance and proposal for cooperation.

Machinery design

During the presentation of the project

The presentation consists not only of text, but also other elements that attract the attention of investors. You can use or other modern software. With these programs, beautiful and informative slides are created. They include not only text, but also numerous visual effects.

The design should not be too bright and distracting from a business idea. Therefore, it is desirable to use the recommendations:

  1. The background is done in unrear shades.
  2. The text is made by large font, not equipped with unnecessary elements.
  3. In the process of designing each slide, business style requirements are taken into account.
  4. Graphic objects should not be overtaken by text.

Attention! The type of project depends on the colorfulness of the design, but investors still pay attention to the numbers and calculations, and not on the cover.

Presentation features for reading

It differs significantly from the presentation intended for a public speech. The nuances of the document refers:

  • the presentation is transmitted using email or is demonstrated by a specific investor through a laptop or other devices;
  • it does not need a speaker because it contains the necessary information for analyzing the proposed idea;
  • the document contains a lot of text, since the information investors receive themselves independently, and not with the help of a businessman describing the concept of the planned business;
  • documentation is created usually in PDF format.

The reading presentation is used in the situation, if it is impossible to invite all partners or investors in another country to the public speech.

Popular errors

Discussion of working moments

When forming a presentation, businessmen often admit the same errors. These include:

  • the use of complex terms in which investors do not understand, so they appear concerns in the relevance of investment;
  • the presence of a long speech in which students begin to miss;
  • the wrong choice of a speaker with an ugly or quiet voice;
  • excessive use of slides with text;
  • the speaker behaves insecure or fussily;
  • not the use of business style during communication with investors, for example, inclusion in the speech of obsceneous vocabulary or slanging expressions;
  • accounting for their income, and not profit that partners can receive in cooperation;
  • the lack of information about the involved experts included in the project team.

If such serious errors are allowed, then the likelihood is that investors will not invest capital, since they will have doubts about competence and businessman's abilities.

Nuances for different ideas

For each idea, its presentation is created, taking into account expenses, income, payback period, targeted audience, marketing materials and an advertising campaign. Nuances are taken into account:

  1. If you plan to open a beauty salon, then a bright, spectacular and unusual presentation, causing positive emotions in the listeners, usually represented by women. Moreover, it is desirable to provide product samples and a list of services that will be interconnected.
  2. When drawing up a project for opening a clothing store, serious calculations are made, reflected in the text. Partners need a qualitative justification for the need to invest money in such an organization during the economic crisis.
  3. When opening a fitness club, it is important to focus on improving the human body, as well as justify what the target audience will focus on the work of a particular organization.
  4. The project of the restaurant should call the desire to visit the institution, and also familiarize yourself with the interesting menus and an unusual kitchen. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare samples of dishes.
  5. If the car wash is planned, the technical features of the future company, the competent location and extended services are taken into account.
  6. The photo studio project requires visuality, as the design must be colorful and unusual.

Each situation is estimated by the features of the selected business.

The presentation of the business project attracts investors to help financially in the process of opening their own business. It is used for speaking or reading. During its formation, computer programs and technicians apply. With its help, a businessman has a positive impression on partners.

By drawing up the presentation of the company, entrepreneurs make focus on design and completely forget that the presentation must first be selling, and only then - beautiful.

Therefore, I prepared a guide to create a selling presentation with samples and recommendations tested in practice.

Selling presentation () Is a set of informative slides about the product / company.

If you think that you can show the product or service in, tell us about it by phone or in the letter and this is enough, then I have a hurry to upset you.

Only marketing whales combines detailed information and colorful visualization, here you will see.

As you might notice, marketing whale contains: a detailed description of the completed projects; Materials used in the arrangement of baths; Real cases.

And precisely thanks to such details, the presentation of the company allows you to involve, warm up and increase the audience.

Who comes up?

Before proceeding with more complex issues, let's understand whether marketing whales will suit you. And yes, you did not hear, some business makes no sense to do it.


Marketing whale is actively used in sales to colorfully present business, as well as in niches, where entrepreneurs are major clients.

And another tool is perfectly suitable if you are engaged in complex products and services, for example, sell software or provide services to build a bath, and may organize holidays.

Not suitable

If you have an online store, you can forget about marketing-whale, as you need completely different methods to work with customers. Therefore, it is better to put in advertising - it will be more efficient and more profitable.

That is, principles are similar to Landing. And that is why I recommend reading the article (it is lower), successful and unsuccessful examples of Landing are described in detail, so you can use them.

Where to use?

You can use the selling presentation both online and offline. For example, create a file in PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint, which can be easily downloaded from the site or send an email.

To use offline, ask the designer a separate print option and use it in the process of communicating with customers.

And below, I prepared the most typical situations for the use of Marketing China:

  1. Business meetings. The correctly composed presentation of the company will increase the loyalty of the interlocutor, and will not throw out, as it looks more like a book than on the advertising material.
  2. . Speaking by the speaker on the offline event, arma the company's presentation. Spectacular slides are able to "back up" a report and form a positive impression.
  3. . Attach a presentation to a personal message or to a mass distribution letter (for example, using Unisender services , Mailigen. , SendPuls (discount - 500 rubles)). Also add a link to the marketing whale to the text.
  4. Online. Button "Download Presentation" or "Watch Marketing Kit" will increase the number of applications. So anyone can examine in detail your company and the advantages of working with you.

Selling a presentation will become an excellent crib for. Only now how effective is the application of marketing whale, depends on its informativeness and structure, then we will talk about it.

Your gifts from partners

Warm and cold

When making a whale marketing, remember. This is perhaps the most important point, since for the cold base, the emphasis is on the benefits of working with the company, and the task of the presentation for a warm base is to push to purchase.

And below, I will define the features of each case, so read and implement.

Cold client

The "cold" audience knows nothing about the trading offer, and maybe not aware of the need for the product.

The ITP can be based on both the right from the purchase and the timing of it, additional characteristics that distinguish it from analogs on the market.

"We sell apartments for 30 days with benefits up to 30,000-50,000 rubles." - Here is the essence of the proposal, and the timing of the result, and the specific benefit in rubles.

Add the logo, company to the first slide, specify the main contact details.

2. Main proposal

Main proposal

What is the essence of the product? Where applies? How many elements consists? Give answers to these questions at the beginning of the presentation.

Before the block on the main proposal, you can implement a description of the problems (pain) of the target audience, to regify the option of exit from it opposite each difficult situation using the product.

I want to note that the block of "pains" and their solutions is optional. In some business niches, it is appropriate to begin with a key sentence demonstration.

3. Product Benefits

Product Advantages

Divide the pluses of the product and service. The first is what is associated with the properties of goods or services, its high-quality characteristics, result. The second is the positive features of the company, maintenance.

Try to look at the product through the eyes of the consumer. What does he expect from buying? What are the most complains of competitors clients?

Also at this stage all the rest of the content is collected. That is, collect key information about the work done and form the case. Similarly, a description of production technology and other important blocks.

Then fill in the brief - a document with answers to questions about business, purposes and presentation format.

It is filled in if, in addition to you, contractors or colleagues will participate in your work. You can see the example of a brief in the picture below.


Step 4. Structure

Now proceed with the preparation of the presentation plan. And no matter, 8 points or 30. The main thing is that the content implied under them closes all possible issues of potential customers and revealed the product in a logical sequence.

Remember the technique "". First, give the answer to the question "What do we offer?", Then tell us than the product is different from the analogues on the market.

And only then colorfully present the result from the use of a product or order service.

The task of the presentation is to reveal the benefits that your customers get. Let after watching the marketing China, a person clearly presents improvements that will happen to him after contacting the company.


Step 5. Prototype

There is the same as in the creation. But if you encountered this understanding for the first time, then let's understand a little.

Presentation prototype is a schematic display of block placement on its pages.

That is, a specialist creates a "sketch" of Marketing China in a special program. Read more about the prototype in the article.

As Sigmund Freud said, "people are strong as long as they defend a strong idea." The key to the success of a person who is ready to open his business will be a competently designed marketing plan and a successfully prepared business presentation for. After the project is developed, it is necessary to carefully develop a presentation, on the success of which will depend on the future of the enterprise, because any idea needs to be finanted. What is a business presentation, for which it needs and how to competently prepare it, we will tell in the article.

What is and to whom it is directed

To create a business based on its idea, a presentation is needed for investors. The presentation is a performance of a person before a certain audience in order to submit specific information, their ideas, showing the personal vision of the presented object. The business presentation makes an overview of the business launch plan, the purpose of which is to attract an investor in the business.

The depositor must be convinced of the success of the idea. This will contribute to the confirmed data, a competent plan, prescribed risks and measures to minimize them, as well as opportunities for additional profits in the future, the development of their business and a personal brand.

Conducting a business presentation must be short-lived, on average 20-25 minutes. During this period, it is necessary to do everything for a successful result, pretend to be as a professional and make such a proposal of cooperation, from which the potential partner will not be able to refuse. All priority partnership features must be stated clearly and it is clear that the investor has a minimum of issues. It is important that the potential entrepreneur himself believed in his own and actually assessed its prospects. Only in this case can you convince the investor in profitability.

Presentation scheme

Preparation of a business presentation begins with the formation of structure and sketches on paper. The competent structure is created in a special software, the classic option is PowerPoint. Clause "Summary" of the business plan is given key attention. He is the first assistant in developing a presentation of this product.

Clause "Summary" of the business plan is given key attention.

Presentation Points:

  • Business name and object description (product / service).
  • Selected niche, competitors in accordance with geography (targeting).
  • Development of marketing business strategy.
  • Financial costs for launching a project.
  • Staff (team of specialists to implement the idea).
  • Cost volumes for what goals and objectives.
  • Conditions for cooperation, investor benefits, money refund period.

Successful sale of benefits to the client - the key to a successful presentation, as a result - investing the project.

Briefly, but Emko should list its strengths as an ideological inspirer, a competent manager and the organizer. You must show that it is capable not only to come up with something sensible, but also use business communications for successful negotiations. Last skill The future entrepreneur has the opportunity to present in fact in the process of communicating with the investor.

In addition, it is necessary to tell about the team of specialists who will participate in the implementation of the idea how business process and their interaction will be built. For investors, it is important to hold the company on whom and how competent the leaders of the future enterprise.

Creating a layout of the presentation

Registration of the business plan for investors is a prerequisite for successful work. As previously said, the presentation needs to be created in a special software. His designer tools should allow making a company's presentation layout with understandable and visual. The computer program format makes it possible to use video in business presentation, create infographics and much more.

Effective abuse and specific design can only distract listeners from information. Everything must be extremely clear.

The development of the presentation by graphic designers will create a strong tool for attracting investors, because the ideal combination of the necessary information and effective visual incarnation will increase the impact on the target audience.

Effective business presentation is a short and capacious text illustrated by images, infographics and videos that help impress investors and help visualize the idea.


The best method of implementing your presentation is practice and self-confidence. Therefore, before conducting it, it should be practiced at least before colleagues and relatives, in advance their fears and uncertainty. They are the enemy of the startup.

The sale of the new product is associated with the presentation of its idea. Her buyer (namely this role is fulfilled by the investor) must be interested in the goods. He will do it, only if the seller himself will be sure of the quality and success of his business and will be able to prove it clearly. Therefore, the presentation technology is partly comparable to the sales technique of goods or services, here a person sells his idea. You can attract some techniques from this area.

A good idea, competently prescribed and decorated presentation, do not guarantee that investors will agree to invest. The art of public speaking is played by the latter role. To become a good speaker, in addition to psychological training, it is necessary to get acquainted with the recommendations of experts in this direction (professional business coaches and other well-known speakers), take it on the receptions that use politicians and actors with a well-set public speaking skill.

Here are several classic tips here, which will be useful in most cases:

  • Speak clearly, slowly and loud enough so that those who are far from you are heard.
  • In the process of presentation, do not be monotonous, change the voice, volume and timbre, make an emphasis at important points.
  • Use the need for small breaks at 20-30 seconds, which will enable it to smoke a new one and generate a creative idea in the presentation process.
  • Use key words that will be interested in investors (for each industry they are their own, among universal - profits, profitability, efficiency, development and others).

Development and implementation of a business plan as a presentation for investors and partners consists of a complex of the above items. Stepodno, step by step It is necessary to implement each item, and as a result, self-confidence will appear, and an excellent presentation, and negotiating skills.

Business plan. Business plan. Business plan. Business plan. Business plan. Development of a business plan. Business plan cafe. Business plan structure. Business planning company. Government business. External business environment. Financial section business plan. Business plan and business model. External and internal business environment. Electronic business technology.

Legal support of business. Business plan pancake. Theme business plan. Business plan. Structure and content of business plan sections. Organization of small and medium businesses. We understand what your business needs. First urban business incubator. Lesson theme: Business plan. Business plan of the economy. Development of a single business strategy.

Business Efficiency Management Concept. Information required to develop a business plan. Games of business leaders of the XXI century. Business applications for enterprise management. Business plan for created companies. How to open a business in Lithuania. Entrepreneurship and drawing up business plan. Personal efficiency in life and business.

Local business environment. Essence, necessity and structure of a business plan. Business plan, as one of the foundations of the company. Theme lesson: business plan development. Drawing up a business plan as art. International School of Business IBS-Plekhanov. Development of a business plan for the opening of a coffee shop. Development of a business plan of the Internet company.

3 business starts on the Internet. Business Application Design Tools. Preparation of a business plan for an innovative project. The course "Organization of small and medium-sized businesses". Karelian Regional Agency for Small and Medium Business Support. Recommended business plan structure.

Business Plan Presentation: Purpose + 4 Basic Functions + Force and Technological Nuances + 9 Primary Points of Plan + 7 Processing Programs + Instructions and Recommendations for working with PowerPoint + 15 Tips for Effective Feed + Typical Errors and Ways to avoid them.

The business plan is a necessary tool for any entrepreneur, regardless of what stage is his case - becoming or development. It helps to correct the priorities, achieve the goals.

However, a presentation plays no less in achieving success. Therefore, it is so important to make a lot of effort to submit it to attractively and interest investors. This article will talk about why the presentation of the business plan needs, and how to competently compile.

Presentation Presentation Business Plan

The presentation of the business plan is a visual demonstration of the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, the benefits of services / goods, the degree of competitiveness, when the project efficiency is justified with the help of accurate calculations and forecasts.

It is referred to as marketing and PR tools. The main purpose that the authors of the presentation are held is a solemn, spectacular presentation of the project, its plan to attract the attention of creditors, media, buyers to business.

During the speech, the speaker adheres to the goal to convince the audience in the success of the realization of the intended, feasibility of financing activities, long-term cooperation.

Based on the outlined information, the following presentations can be distinguished:

  1. Full summary of information.
  2. Establish strategic relations with creditors.
  3. The establishment of benevolent, trust interaction with the public, potential consumers.

1. Forms and technological nuances of preparing a presentation of a business plan.

When you have a ready-made business plan, it's time to start for work.

The presentation will be supplied as an electronic, multimedia version available to display on the projector. By virtue of this, in addition to the text, interactive tools must be present in it: hypertext links, pictures, animations, music, videos, tables, graphics.

But not necessarily all these components include in the presentation of the business plan. Everything should be harmonious. And although the main emphasis is on text information, its authenticity, plays an important role to the visual representation of information and provisions.

Visualization of this kind allows you to better perceive information, focus on specific data, consolidate them in the memory of the audience. In addition, the presentation of the business should be drawn up on a clear structure, have a plot and script.

It is impossible to allow "water" in the text. In order for investors to do not have any questions to you, justify what your product is useful, give marketing research, specify links to statistical collections, reports of analytical agencies, government agencies, etc.

Notify the competitive advantages that your business has. Do not forget to report about the progress and experience of your team. It is also necessary to inform the listeners, at what stage the project is located and whatever the milestones are expected in the future.

Those. All information contained in the plan must carefully work out and choose key aspects from it. The speech is usually given 20 minutes, during which the speaker must submit these fundamental business planning points in the form of small theses.

Will the win-win option, if you concentrate on numbers. But you need to apply them organically.

Read more Stop in the financial unit, since investors are primarily interested in:

  • economic indicators of business efficiency;
  • probable profit forecasts, turnover;
  • the amount of money required, where it will be spent;
  • payback period;
  • the level of profitability and material benefit specifically for the lender.

Introducing information, you should adhere to the logic. See that all important moments of the business make up briefly, but meaningfully. Moderation is the first rule when demonstrating the material.

It is impossible to neglect the quality of business plan. The document must have a professional appearance. Therefore, the compulsion of the presentation and its projection is two nuances that are of great importance.

Ruddy decoration will push the audience and create a negative impression about your business. It is better to seek help from specialists if you yourself do not have experience in making a presentation.

2. Where is it better to make a presentation of a business plan?

To develop a plan and visual display, you can use various programs from a series of constructors of multimedia presentations. They allow you to create frames or slides with text, graphic, sound content, customize design, add all sorts of effects, move buttons, etc.

These programs include:

We will conduct a brief overview of each of them:

    Microsoft PowerPoint.

    This program allows you to prepare presentations for business and not only in the form of a slideshow for further displaying them on a large television screen, the projector. It enters the Microsoft Office package and is the most common program of this class.

    Options make it possible to add and format text, insert drawings, add notes, animation, etc.

    LibreOffice impress.

    The tool is designed to create multimedia presentations. For efficiency, special effects are used, cliparts in 2D and 3D formats, drawing, different styles, etc.

    To simplify work, there are page templates. LibreOffice IMPRESS supports OpenDocument, multimenitics.

  1. OpenOffice.org IMPRESS - a similar program with the ability to convert presentations to PDF files and exports to SWF. It is not rich in embedded patterns, but a lot of user can be downloaded on the network. In the assembly there is a project with a large selection of vector cliparts.
  2. Kpresenter is not difficult in mastering the software, with the help of which the presentations are made. The program is like Microsoft PowerPoint. It contains basic functionality and is able to keep presentations in 5 formats.
  3. With this mechanism you will have an impressive and colorful presentation for business. Here you will find a lot of attractive effects, powerful tools, functions for joint editing and preparation plan.

    KeyNote can be used with PC, Mac and other devices. It has more than 30 topics and transitions, has an understandable interface and compatible with PowerPoint.

    Multimedia Builder (MMB).

    This application was developed for Microsoft Windows. The object object object-oriented, there is a scripting language, can be used for media players.

    Files are obtained by large size, but this drawback is compensated by a sufficient number of plugins.

    Google presentations.

    A free project, at the expense of which you can work together with colleagues to work on business plan and show it presentable.

    It includes a variety of topics, many fonts, animations, video, etc. All changes in the presentation are automatically saved.

Most often, Microsoft PowerPoint is used for technical design to the presentation. It is preferable due to its simplified interface and work opportunities.

The meaning of working with it is to reflect the contents of the plan on the slides and decorate it with the help of photos, schemes that should relate to the fact that the speaker will sound.

For example, we are talking about the financial side of the business of the company represented. Then the author of the presentation must depict the report and profits in it. Back up information desirable results of marketing surveys.

First of all, the presentation must be informative. Develop it with a creative approach. You will have to formulate the main topic, find out who a presentation will be demonstrated.

So in your eyes there is an exemplary portrait of the target audience of your business, or rather his plan. The collected information is systematized, the main thoughts, digital material, information messages are distinguished.

Too detailed graphs, confusing and ambiguous phrases are a common mistake of people who make up a business plan and its presentation. Do not overdo it with the design, because He can lead the attention of the audience from the content!

And a few more tips on how to make a beautiful presentation of the plan for the implementation and development of a business:

  1. Perform a presentation in a single, visual and simple style.
  2. Text business plan If possible, write large, be sure to accompany it with pictures, tables, graphs.
  3. It should not be used with suitivated patterns, quite contrasting colors, miner. Usually, pastel tones are chosen for the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness, the text material is supplied with a lighted font.
  4. The muffled background of dark shades will give a presentation of solidity, thoroughness.
  5. Fonts can be used several, but not more than 3.
  6. Images are placed on separate sheets. You can not put pictures on the back background.
  7. Try so that one slide presentation reflects one promise.

How to create in PowerPoint presentation business plan?

Presentation of the Business Plan in Power Point begins with the launch of the program. Then you need to select the "File" tab on the toolbar, and then the "Create" item. This task is also performed by the Ctrl + N key combination.

You can create a presentation using templates or from scratch. We will first describe the second case. In Power Point, it is done differently, but we use a simpler way.

Using the keyboard, enter the title / subtitle slide.

note: All changes are automatically saved and displayed in the "Structure" and the Slides tab.

Now you need to create some more slides. To do this, right-click on the first slide, then run the "Create Slide" command. Repeat these action required number of times.

To change the background color, select "Format" - "background" in the context menu.

If you look at the left side of the screen, you will see that the program is invited to choose any suitable layout for your plan.

To add a diagram, sound and other object to a business presentation, the Insert tab is intended.

The finished presentation is viewed by pressing the F5 or "view" button - "Slideshow".

There are also a lot of useful tools that you can come in handy. For example, animation settings. Click on the left side of the task area and select the mentioned option from the list.

Here you will find other elements in the presentation: "Slide design", " Clip collection"," Markup "and so on.

It is even easier to work with the presentation of the business plan on the template. In this case, you do not need to choose a color design, just add your text. In the template, everything is being implemented for business plan and presentation.

If you still want to make your components, changes in the design in each slide are made easily. To apply a template, press the "Create" button again. On the left part of the menu click on " Master of auto repairingยป.

In the dialog box that appears from you, you need to choose "Next". Now pick up the suitable view of the presentation ("service" - "business plan").

In the presentation style, you must select the way its output.

Write a header, remove the ticks so that the numbering of slides and the date of making changes are not displayed.

After these actions, click "Finish".

As a result, a business plan template appears with a finished and consistent structure.

Click the Slides tab for the convenience of work. Alternately, each slide of the future presentation of the business plan is edit on your manner.

Similar templates in Power Point a little. In more quantities you can see them and download on the Internet. Changing text and, if desired, the view of the presentation of your business plan, save all edits through the main menu - "File" - "Save".

The next video will tell how to create
Beautiful presentation.

How to effectively present a business plan?

In order not to tire investors and the audience, you should not read all the information contained in the presentation. Constantly look at the slides and do not tear off their eyes - wrong.

Use psychological techniques for the location of the public and retention of visual contact. You can not lose the moments of shifting slides, so your hand should always be on the presentation button.

It is allowed to gessulate, it is important to be open. Because of this, make sure that you do not silence in place. For passion of the public, the presentation process is appropriate asking rhetorical questions on business plan.

A good option will be notes of humor. "Live stories" from personal life and experience will not give the audience to bother. Upon completion of the presentation, do not forget to thank for your attention.

Have a notebook with you. Perhaps your address will come some objections, additions, ideas. It must be recorded and take note. Criticize adequately. Do not join disputes.

Here are some more tips that will help in effectively submitting a presentation:

Situating, we present typical errors allowed by the developers of the presentation, and measures to prevent them:

The level of your preparation and awareness in the case depends on how the presentation of the business plan will be held, and what will be its result. This method of finding investors and partners successfully used Bill Gates, Stephen Jobs and other famous personalities. Focus on them, and you will achieve your goals.

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