Business abroad: what should be considered? Features of doing business abroad

In order to significantly increase the profitability of its case. This article will be discussed about the benefits of business immigration and how IBCC is an international business immigration expert - can help not only speed up and simplify this process, but also significantly reduce the associated costs.

What advantages do business immigration

Let's start with the advantages that business immigration gives, and why today it becomes an obvious trend.

In our dynamically changing world, the borders between countries are increasingly and more often undergo not geographical and political considerations, but rather, according to the principle of economic "division of labor". It's no secret that Switzerland is the financial capital of the world, where you will find the most reliable banks, California - Center IT developers, New York - Paradise for clothing designers. And it is quite logical that the business leaders are looking for such locations to continue their work, which can offer the most favorable conditions for work.

Among such advantages should be noted, first of all, favorable conditions for taxes:

  • special tax breaks for certain activities
  • business security
  • stable legislation, which involves honest conditions for relations with the state.

Other benefits are associated with a professional environment. Just imagine, you develop an IT business, for example, in Ireland, which is already called the European Silicon Valley, there are advanced IT frames with the most modern ideas, the best technological developments, the most modern and dynamic, motivated for success in work. .

Agree, a good business environment, stable legislation and a favorable business climate - a great basis for a dynamically developing business?

So, you appreciated everything "for" and "against" and ready to translate our business to another country. You have two ways: to do this translation yourself or contact professionals.

Are there any benefits at the first way? Certainly there! You will not need to carry extra costs, you will independently open an account, register the company, solve accounting and legal support, taking on all responsibility at each stage.

What professionals are offered

And what can offer a company that is professionally engaged in registration of international companies, for example, IBCC? Our company's proposal is not reduced exclusively to sufficiently developed procedures for the type of registration of companies in various jurisdictions, this is not really very difficult. The main issue of such activities is to develop a strategy for entering an international market.

Very often, clients come to our IBCC who are completely clearly known wherever they wanted to translate business. Their opinion is based, as a rule, in the opinion of their colleagues or information from the Internet. Often, the opinion of our customers can even be called prejudice, we all, alas, are subject to stereotypes, but IBCC is ready to deepen in the study of the client's tasks, setting the right questions, ready to offer the most profitable, cheapest, safe and appropriate options.

Our company can fulfill a clear task. If the client says: "I want to translate business to Hungary, make it quickly, legally and at a reasonable price." We are able to wish the client in accordance with the task set, on time and at a predetermined value, without "hidden tariffs".

But we consider the implementation of another approach to the more important professional task: a comprehensive solution that will bring business to new turnover - a well-thought-out access to the international level.

How it works

The basic principle of our work: IBCC does not offer complex, expensive and unnecessary decisions, our goal is to make the business of our client as profitable as possible by removing the burden of unnecessary expenses. Let's look at the example how it works.

The client of our company led a successful business in the area of \u200b\u200bonline trade in Israeli cosmetics. As a new stage of its activities, he considered the opportunity to start an activity aimed at the European Buyer. He did not have preferences on a specific European country, the main condition: to start trade in Europe as a short time.

We, together with the client, worked a number of decisions, assessed the potential of business development in various European countries, taking into account the specifics of its activities. Registration of the European company for online commerce management in Europe is obligatory, because The opening of the trading account in the European Bank is possible only for the company registered in the jurisdiction of the EU countries.

As a result, we concluded that the company's optimal solution will be the company in Latvia under the European Trading Account program, which includes the company's registration in European jurisdiction and opening a trading account in the European Bank with a good business reputation.

How this decision made it possible to save money from our client:

  • the selected decision made it possible not to open the physical office, therefore, the cost of maintaining the office did not touch our client;
  • latvian banks offer low commission for the processing of customer payments, compared, for example, with Israeli, it made it possible to significantly reduce the costs of payments

We decided and the task with the maximum compressed logging periods, as they picked up the finished European company, which quickly re-registered on the client. Also quickly managed to register the European VAT, as this procedure in Latvia is very fast and simple. Well, the overall level of development of the Latvian banking infrastructure, sharpened to conduct international business in general, and e-commerce in particular, allowed to launch the business of our client as soon as possible.

In this case, it is a well-chosen scheme for doing business and allowed not only much faster to start working and make profits, but significantly reduce costs.

Another example

A customer engaged in the development of software, addressed us with the task of choosing the country into which he could translate his business. Other conditions related to moderate taxation, good climate business, stable working conditions, comfortable and safe living conditions.

After analyzing the available options, we chose in Ireland. The reasons for making a similar solution was a lot, just some of them:

  • fairly low taxation
  • clear and understandable business management procedures with all the advantages of the legislation of the European country
  • business Wednesday: European "Silicon Valley" has already attracted thousands of the best IT developers from around the world.
  • opportunity to get the right to stay and investor and members of his family

A worked outstanding strategy for this market allowed our client to establish a business in a stable European country, to take advantage of a sufficiently soft tax regime, and, therefore, significantly reduce costs, and to get a quiet and comfortable life.

Basic principles of work

We note other principles of our work, and, above all, an individual approach.

For us, an individual approach is not just beautiful words, it is hardly the main postulate of our work. We abandoned a formal approach and offer only individual solutions. The specifics of our activities are such that we are interested in the success of our client and in the dynamic development of its business, and the pledge of such success is always a successful market entry strategy.

Over the years, we have checked dozens of various jurisdictions and can already be firmly able to have sufficient competence in order to offer our customers an exceptionally solution to the decision in accordance with its requirements.

When we receive an application from the client, we consider every little thing, because the success of the business affects literally everything. We do not set our task to open thousands of accounts and register thousands of companies for our customers, with which they will not know what to do. We help to take a thoughtful and weighted solution so that our client clearly understand every step in our work and clearly knew how this step would bring it to the claimed goal.

Of course, a question arises and financial relationships with our clients, in this matter we adhere to the principle of maximum transparency.

It is transparent and honest relationship with our customers that we consider our significant advantage, we offer only a fixed package of prices without any hidden payments. Why usually the costs for which you did not count? Because new data pops up and the need arises in the design of new papers, receiving new signatures, etc. Since IBCC works on this market dozens of years, we do not have "financial surprises" for our customers, procedures are worked out to the smallest things, therefore, We clearly know the cost of each stage of work.

If you want a stable and successful promotion of your business, consider the opportunities that offer business immigration and maybe exactly a similar solution will allow you in the shortest possible time to bring your business to the level of which have not recently and could not dream. We are ready to develop such a strategy for further work, which will allow to implement the most bold plans.

Read more about how to competently organize the translation of the business to another country, find out on the site IBCC Limited Or leave an application in shape under this text and specialists will tell you in detail how to start working in Europe!

Partner Material

When buying a foreign real estate, you will definitely come across the need to transfer money abroad. This procedure on one side is not good, on the other, is requiring compliance with laws. Answers a professional lawyer on the main issues related to monetary translations abroad - in our material.

Mikhail Küurjev, partner of the law bureau A2 answers questions.

What laws regulate the rules for the transfer of money abroad to buy real estate? What punishments are provided for non-fulfillment of these laws?

Relationships in terms of transfer of funds abroad are regulated by federal law of 10.12.2003 N 173-FZ "On currency regulation and currency control". There are a number of laws that establish restrictions for some categories of citizens when transferring funds abroad, for example: Federal Law of 07.05.2013 N 79-FZ "On the prohibition of individual categories of persons to discover and have accounts (deposits), keep cash and values \u200b\u200bin foreign Banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) enjoy foreign financial instruments. "

There are also bypass acts regulating the procedure by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of 21.09.2010 N MMB-7-6 / [Email Protected] "On approval of forms of notifications about the opening (closing), on the change in account details (contribution) in a bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the presence of an account in the bank outside the territory of the Russian Federation."

Responsibility for violation of legislation is established by the Administrative Offenses Code (Article 15.25). For violations for individuals, penalties are provided from 1000 rubles to a fine in the amount of the amount of illegal currency transaction.

Are there any restrictions on the amounts that a citizen of Russia can translate abroad?

There are no restrictions on the transfer of funds to their own accounts for citizens of the Russian Federation. The same applies to cash transfers for currency transactions with non-residents associated with the acquisition of property.

How does a Russian citizen have the right to send money abroad?

You can transfer money abroad in the currency your own accounts, the opening of which a citizen reported to the tax authority, or by paying the value under the contract in foreign currency with cashless transfer from his account to the non-resident account. Calculations between residents in foreign currency are prohibited.

What requirements exist to accounts from which money is translated?

These may be currency or multicurrency accounts in the Russian bank or similar accounts in a foreign bank, whose opening a citizen notified the tax authority.

Persons replacing (occupying):
a) state positions of the Russian Federation;

b) the posts of the First Deputy and Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

c) positions of members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

d) state positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

e) the positions of the federal public service, the appointment for which and the exemption from which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

e) the posts of deputy heads of federal executive bodies;

g) posts in state corporations (companies), public-legal companies, foundations and other organizations created by the Russian Federation on the basis of federal laws, the appointment for which and the exemption from which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

h) positions of the heads of urban districts, chapters of municipal regions, heads of other municipalities that acting the heads of local administrations, heads of local administrations;

and) positions of the Federal State Service, the posts of the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the posts in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state corporations (companies), public legal companies, funds and other organizations created by the Russian Federation on the basis of federal laws, individual positions on the basis An employment contract in organizations established to fulfill the tasks set up to federal government agencies, the implementation of authority on which is involved in the preparation of decisions affecting the issues of sovereignty and national security of the Russian Federation, and which are included in the lists established by the regulatory legal acts of federal state bodies according to regulatory legal acts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state corporations (companies), public legal companies, funds and other organizations created by Russia by the federation on the basis of federal laws;

Deputies of representative bodies of municipal districts and urban districts, carrying out their powers on an ongoing basis, deputies that replace posts in representative bodies of municipal districts and urban districts;
As well as spouses and minor children of the above faces.

There are several bills that impose a ban for the specified persons to purchase real estate. However, most likely, they will not be accepted in the near future, if the foreign policy situation does not deteriorate.

Do I need to report on the purpose of translation and if so, who? For example, is it necessary to report to Russian tax authorities about such a translation? How and when is it necessary to do?

Separately report the translation is not required. If a citizen carries out calculations when buying real estate using a Russian account in foreign currency, the bank will require a transaction passport. The tax authorities are not required to report calculations.

A little different situation in the case when the resident translates the currency at his own account in a foreign bank. And then from this account pays the cost of real estate. According to the result of the calendar year, the resident undertakes to provide in the Russian tax authority at the place of residence a report on the movement of funds on a currency account in a foreign bank within 1 June following reporting. At the same time, the contract of sale and other documents on the transaction are not provided. But the tax authority has the right to request confirmation paper.

What punishment is provided for "not a message"?

Failure to submit a report on the movement of funds on an account opened in a foreign bank entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from 300 rubles to 3000 rubles (with the first violation), or up to 20,000 rubles (with a repeated violation).

What documents and who need to provide when transferring money to a citizen or legal lance of another country in a foreign bank?

When making calculations under the contract of sale of real estate between the resident and non-resident in currency, the Bank in order to comply with the currency control legislation will require the Open Transaction Passport: Fill out a form with an indication of the goal of the operation, as well as provide documents for calculations (including Asked a copy of the contract itself and applications to it).

What documents will the Russian bank be required when transferring money to a citizen and tax resident of the Russian Federation in a foreign bank?

When transferring money from its currency account in the Russian bank to his currency account in a foreign bank, the resident submits a copy of the notice of opening an account in a foreign bank to the Russian bank, containing a marking of the Russian tax authority on adopting such notifications.

The Russian bank will not fulfill the transaction operation without providing the specified document confirming that the resident notified the Russian tax authority about his account, open in a foreign bank.

How and when to report to Russian tax authorities about opening an account abroad?

Residents of the Russian Federation are obliged to report opening and closing accounts (deposits) in foreign banks, as well as about changing the details of these accounts within 30 days from the date of opening / closing / amending the account details, respectively.

In these cases, a notification is approved by the order approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of 21.09.2010 N MMB-7-6 / [Email Protected] "On approval of forms of notifications about the opening (closing), on the change in account details (contribution) in a bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the presence of an account in the bank outside the territory of the Russian Federation."

Almost every entrepreneur dreams of expanding its activities - to go beyond the boundaries of your own local shop. This can be the first step towards the formation of a new major brand and bring large incomes in the future.
How to start and what is necessary to take into account when expanding or translating business to another country?

Of course, the Internet facilitated the possibility of growth and expansion of their own business, since he literally erases the borders. Nevertheless, a few words should be said about the advantage of the opening of a network of real branches in another country.

Neuborible benefits

Moving business or its parts abroad gives a number of certain advantages, namely:

  • the lack of serious competition for the one who is an experienced businessman and a real professional;
  • the possibility of a wide choice of the necessary specialists in the labor market;
  • benefits for business when choosing a certain region, taking into account its specifics;
  • physical presence in the country and the city allows you to establish more productive contact with the consumer;
  • brand development and obtaining the opportunity to provide the franchise of its own brand.

So, the main advantages are disclosed, and it is worth paying attention to the difficulties, without which the transfer to another country will not cost.

Differences as shortcomings

First, an indisputable fact is the difference in cultures and accepting each other:

  • the local population may not like the emergence of a "someone else's" business in the territory, where their own enterprises have long been formed;
  • in order to really understand another culture, it is not enough to read the page in Wikipedia or visit several business trainings dedicated to the variety of cultures. The process of forming a clear idea of \u200b\u200banother country and adaptation in the new environment takes a long time;
  • economic and social ties, interaction with local authorities initially can be carried out not so easily as they would like, especially in less stable regions.

The best solution in this situation can be your own presence - moving to the selected city a few months before making a final decision. Being directly in place, let yourself calmly navigate in what is happening. Communicate with specialists in your field, offer them a preliminary contract, which will play both parties to both parties: you can evaluate the work of your chosen candidates, and they, in turn, will provide detailed information about the domestic market in which they are fully oriented.

An obvious solution that will allow to minimize the problems arising due to cultural differences and a possible negative attitude towards your business is the choice of the "right" country. An entrepreneur from Ukraine, with other things being equal, will be much easier to find mutual understanding and support in Poland than in Germany or Austria. A stable state consisting in the European Union, simplicity of language and a common friendly attitude towards people from Ukraine will simplify the newcomer to enter the European market.

Logistics and decentralization

It is also necessary to solve the issues of transportation and distribution of goods:

  • how large is the moving to a new place? Will this all firm or only part of the business?
  • how best to deliver all goods, equipment and other property to the destination?
  • what are the logistics and distribution systems in this region?

All these questions need to be answered before you decide on the final decision. You can quickly settle in a new place, but if your idea of \u200b\u200bthese aspects is completely and formed in advance, you risk being with empty shelves in the store or you will not be able to deliver the goods to the buyer in time and is looking forward to your purchase.

To avoid unnecessary problems, it is necessary to immediately pay attention to the search for reliable partners among logistics companies that successfully function in the global market and will be able to provide the necessary support during the integration period in a new environment.

Perhaps when moving to the European country, (in the same Poland), you do not even have to change logistics partners - many companies work successfully in close markets. Choosing a country in which business contacts with Ukraine have been established long ago, you will relieve yourself from the role of "pioneer" - because standard interaction schemes are worked out and checked by generations of entrepreneurs.

Personnel question

In addition to this, you should never forget about such things as a cultural shock and staff scatter:

  • the headquarters of your company can remain in the native country, respectively, most of the team will not be involved in moving. However, opening a foreign branch, you will ship work with new people - new members of your team. Most likely, this will lead to some problems in communication (for example, improper interpretations of cultural features);
  • moving for members of your team can become a serious stress, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the team adaptation in a new place;
  • the difference in time zones can also lead to some problems that will require solutions from the team management.

Attach efforts to direct all the teams in the right direction: help establish light communication channels - live communication or internet communication. Let people recognize each other.

Representatives of different, but mentally and culturally close to each other nations are much faster and easier to find a common language than those who grew up in completely opposing environments. So, the Ukrainians easier to understand the Czech or Pole than the Chinese or Australian. It is worth considering the overall distinction between cultures, choosing a country to move and translate business. If the activities of your company are closely related to communications - the state will be the ideal choice with the most close Ukrainian culture.

When the risk is justified

Moving a business or its part abroad is a long process during which the entrepreneur inevitably faces a variety of problems, but their timely decision will be rewarded for the efforts of one who decided on this difficult step. Watch how the business is growing, develops and expands, reap the fruits of their work - that's for nothing to make difficult solutions and go difficult.

Assignment with entrepreneurs who thoroughly studied all aspects and complexity of business transfer abroad can help in preparing for moving. A visit to specialized trainings will be useful. One of these events will be held in Kiev on December 3. Business meeting "Exit to the EU markets. Actual trends. The creation and management of our own business in the EU" will also be held in Dnepropetrovsk (December 8) and Odessa (December 15).

Business abroad - Features of maintaining + 5 factors determining the choice of the country + step-by-step instructions, how to organize a business + 9 countries for business.

The prospect of developing not only within its homeland is increasingly attracting our entrepreneurs to open some business abroad.

In addition, many countries are only happy to attract foreign investment.

Of course, you will have to face a number of difficulties - studying legislation, generating an urgent business idea, search for funds, a language barrier.

But at a high level of motivation and the right setting to work everything will turn out.

Today we will talk about the peculiarities of entrepreneurship abroad on the example of various states, as well as the factors that need to pay attention to their choice.

Features of doing business abroad

To organize a business abroad, it is necessary first of all to explore the legislation of the state where you are going to conquer new horizons.

Business Strategy should be built at such points:

  • government loyalty to foreigners' entrepreneurs;
  • what shares of the share capital of the company can own a foreigner;
  • the presence of tax benefits for non-residents;
  • providing state support.

The next moment to pay attention to how desire to have business abroad is the study of the market.

Fine a few in a particular state and think about how you can advertise your business.

Start business abroad will not work without personal visits to the country.

First, it is a chance to learn the mentality closer, secondly, it's easier and better to negotiate with suppliers and customers.

Factors determining the choice of a country for doing business

There is no specific instruction on how to act if you wish to have business abroad.

After all, various states are inherent in their own characteristics - political and economic situation, currency exchange rate, taxation.

Therefore, each case is considered separately.

There are a number of factors that determine the choice of the country in which entrepreneurship will be conducted:

    Political situation.

    It should be stable, and the government should not change the laws every year.

    In the first place is many European countries, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    Crime level.

    You should be interested in the economic crime in the state, which is the corruption of officials, the presence of raider captures.

    Laws governing the entrepreneurial activities of foreigners.

    It is worth considering how much the government is loyally to non-residents who want abroad - whether to obtain a residence permit or can be limited to a long-term visa, whether it is necessary to constantly on the territory of the country, what size and share of a foreigner in the authorized capital of the enterprise, how to receive licenses or Patents for conducting activities.

    Taxation system and minimum investment size.

    Choosing a state for doing business abroad, it is necessary to study the tax legislation, and make an assessment of the alleged matter.

    With high taxes and the large amount of authorized capital, you may need to look at other regions where these indicators are significantly lower.

    Culture and mentality.

    Differences in culture and mentality can be a serious barrier in doing business abroad, because without cooperation with representatives of the country it is impossible to build their own business.

Planning business abroad

Planning a business abroad, you need more than carefully, prepare and make a clear action plan.

You must realize that entrepreneurial activities are not a resort.

You will have to create new jobs, pay taxes, order materials and engage in the sale of goods or the provision of their services.

So, to open a business abroad, you need to take such steps:

    Generation of several business ideas.

    Come up with several ideas based on your own knowledge and desires, as well as what will be needed to implement them abroad.

    Selection of countries.

    Depending on the invented ideas, look for the countries in which they will be relevant.

    To begin with, consider those in which you have been either who are close to you in spirit.

    Also look for information on how much the market is busy in what you want to implement.

    If the idea is innovative, then think, where it will be perceived with joy and interest, and where they definitely do not appreciate.

    Narrowing of your choice.

    After superficial study, it will become clear what ideas and in which regions can be implemented.

    Choose a maximum of three business directions abroad in which you are ready to work and start studying them more thoroughly.

    Appeal to legal advice.

    In many major cities, you can find firms that provide advice on the opening of a business abroad.

    There you can get information about the necessary documents, permits, discovery timing and taxation system for foreigners.

    Player search.

    After you have decided on a business idea and the state, find a lawyer who will deal with registration issues.

    It will also meet all the necessary documents, will help in the conclusion of contracts with counterparties.

    The services of such a person are quite expensive, but without them can hardly manage to manage the entire process.

Business abroad for example 9 countries

Now you can go to the list of states where you can start a business abroad.

Each of them will have its own characteristics, try to briefly consider the main of them.

1. United States of America

The United States is one of the best and advanced states where you can start your business abroad.

As for the conduct of entrepreneurial activities by non-residents of the country, it is actually everything is quite simple.

The main complexity will be a visa.

The registration procedure of companies is similar to ours - the choice of organizational and legal form, the compilation of a unique name, rental of premises, a state set, permission and licenses, registration in the tax service, opening an account in the bank.

Mandatory is insurance against losses and force majeures.

2. Canada

"The person who was lucky is a man who made the fact that others were going to do."
Jules Renar

If you want to start a business abroad, then look at Canada.

The country's government supports entrepreneurs.

For example, there is an immigrant assistance program that they want - The Canada Immigrant Investor Program.

In addition, here you can get a loan on favorable terms under the program of supporting young entrepreneurs whose age has not reached 29 years.

To open a business in Canada, you must match one of the three requirements.:

  1. You must be a qualified specialist with higher education, work experience and knowledge of state languages.
  2. You must be an entrepreneur in my homeland, which was able to get a profit from its activities in the amount of 300,000 dollars.
  3. You want to be an investor business abroad having a honest earned 1,600,000 dollars, half of which are ready to invest in Canada.

3. Brazil

Deciding on doing business abroad, many forget about South America.

And its bright representative is Brazil.

Despite the fact that the government is encouraging foreign investors, not as it is just to settle here.

You will need at least 50,000 dollars who will give you a "skip" and even the opportunity to get a residence permit.

If you can convince the Immigration Council in the importance of your business, then this amount will be able to be reduced.

But still get ready for big spends.

For example, to get a legal address abroad, it will be necessary to pay more than 10,000 dollars.

In addition, Brazil is a country with a high level of corruption and a complex taxation system.

4. Argentina

Fast and simple registration, relatively small attachments and friendly attitude towards foreigners - all this makes Argentina attractive for those who want to open a business abroad.

The main features inherent in the opening and doing business in Argentina:

  • the minimum amount of authorized capital is 12,000 dollars;
  • the cost of business registration procedure abroad is $ 7,000;
  • to become an investor, which will then have a residence permit, you need to invest about $ 170,000.

5. Germany

One of the most developed and strong countries is Germany.

Previously, she was rarely chosen by those who wanted abroad.

This was due to the fact that until 2012 it was necessary to invest a minimum of 250,000 euros and provide work to five people.

Now, the entrepreneur requires a quality business plan and permission from the authorities of that land where business will function.

But be prepared for the fact that you will most likely have to hire lawyers or intermediaries who will give advice on the opening and doing business abroad.

6. Italy

An important feature and attractive feature of Italy is that entrepreneurs - citizens and foreigners have equal rights in doing business.

Also, non-resident does not need to prove the importance and importance of the discovered business.

It doesn't matter to the government, you will make a profit or not, it is enough to receive taxes from you in full and within a certain time.

Therefore, if in search of a region where business can be conducted abroad, without expecting the receipt of a residence permit, then Italy is a suitable option.

In addition, to register, you will not need to resort to the services of intermediaries, it is enough to collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the relevant services.

And for one day, you will become an entrepreneur on the Apennine Peninsula.

7. China

Need to large - open full-fledged production and hire a large staff.

Only in this case can be expecting that business abroad , namely in this state will bring you a big profit.

Everyone knows that the imminent is famous for inexpensive goods, so it is not profitable to organize small business with a small turnover.

Companies that have a quarter of authorized capital belong to foreigners are called Foreign Invested Enterprise, and those in which non-resident is the only owner - Wholly Foreign Owned Entity.

The size of the authorized capital of the enterprise will depend on the territory of which province you go to start your business.

Also in China there are a number of areas where foreigners are not allowed, so consider it.

8. Japan

Many mistakenly believe that Japan is not suitable in order to open the case abroad.

But in fact, the government's government does not create any barriers to foreigners.

In any case, you will have to receive a tourist or working visa, which will give the right to assign the company's printing required for the registration procedure.

It also gives 5 years to fully make the authorized capital of the enterprise.

In order for the process of opening and doing business in Japan, it is successfully recommended to contact firms dealing with this issue.

9. Australia

If you want to have a business abroad, where the government is still doing what you will do, the main thing is that you give the work of its inhabitants, then Australia will surely suit you.

But to make entrepreneurship here, it is necessary to meet such requirements:

  • availability of a business visa;
  • availability of a certificate of knowledge of English;
  • account in a bank for doing business abroad on which there are $ 250,000;
  • the company will operate at least three residents of Australia;
  • an entrepreneur needs to be on the island at least 9 months, without leaving anywhere.

How to open your business in Australia to those who are going within the framework of student "Immigration to Australia",

in detail told in the video:

How could you notice business abroad - It is possible, but only for those who are ready to work.

Examine your idea that you want to implement abroad, to the slightest details, make a competent business plan, find professionals, and watched their support, start acting.

Remember that success does not come to those who do nothing.

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