Business Plan of Pizzeria "Ecupitz". How to open a pizzeria in a small town? What you need to open pizzeria: equipment, SES requirements and cost calculation What you need to open a pizzeria

Various Italian cuisine dishes are in constant popularity, and the paste and pizza are always at the peak of popularity. Inexpensive and tasty pizza is one of the most favorite dishes on the expanses of the former USSR. Therefore, thoughts on how to open a pizzeria from scratch attend many future businessmen.

To open the pizzeria, it is not necessary to have millions. You can make an institution of a small format, having a sum of 400-500 thousand rubles.

To date, there are several pizzeria formats.

  1. Classic restaurant Italian cuisine. This is the most expensive option to open a pizzeria. In the menu of such an institution at least 7-8 pizza varieties, various pasta and other traditional Italian dishes.
  2. Cafe-pizzeria. The most common option. The menu includes 15-20 pizza species, salads and desserts. The chip of such establishments is a kitchen equipped in such a way that visitors can observe the cooking process.
  3. Food Court or Fast Food Pizzeria. As a rule, such institutions offer American and Italian pizza, snacks, gas production, salads and ice cream.
  4. Institution without a guestroom or simply "Pizza delivery". In such an institution there is only a kitchen, and orders are accepted through the site and by phone. In the assortment of such a place there is at least 25 types of pizzas, on a thin or thick attitude.

You can choose the most suitable option depending on your preferences and financial capabilities. The most common options are cafes and fast food.

Drawing up a business plan

Below is a pizzeria business plan with calculations, an example serves as a pizzeria in the Fast Food format, located on Food Corte, in the shopping center. So costs will consist of the following articles:

  • registration from 15 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • employees salary from 100 thousand rubles per month;
  • kitchen equipment from 450 thousand rubles;
  • furniture for the hall and dishes from 280 thousand rubles;
  • repair from 180 thousand rubles;
  • products for the menu from 200 thousand rubles;
  • another from 80 thousand rubles.

The final amount of the initial costs will be 1320 thousand rubles. Monthly costs will be from 320 thousand rubles.

Based on the average check amount in a similar institution, component of 350 rubles, when attendance from 50 people per day, the monthly revenue will be 525 thousand rubles. With such returns, payback can be waited no earlier than after 8 months.

But it should be remembered that attendance will increase gradually, and accordingly, the revenue in the first months will be much smaller planned. To access to sufficient attendance, it is necessary to promote your institution with advertising.

See also: How to open sushi and roll delivery: business plan

The Guru of this business argue that the markup in a similar institution should be from 250 to 350% of the price of the finished dish. Deals with valuable to pay attention to the prices of competitors - it is impossible to allow your prices to be too high.


Competition in the field of cafes-pizzeria is quite high, so you need to carefully approach the choice of space for the future institution. Given the ratio of the rental price and attendance, the best option can be rented premises in the "Sleeping" area. This is due to the fact that there is a fairly high density of the population and many people are not off after work to rinse and eat or take a pizza home.

Another good placement of pizzeria is the placement of it in the business center. In this case, you can organize business lunches, besides, you will come to you after work to eat or mark some event.

In any case, the room must comply with all sanitary standards and rules. Namely:

  • the area should be at least 50 square meters;
  • the distance to the residential premises should be at least 50 meters;
  • the room cannot be located in the basement or basement;
  • electrical floor insulation;
  • the walls to the level of 1.75 meters should be lined with tiles or painted enamel paint;
  • the presence of sewage and water supply;
  • the presence of a bathroom, warehouse and locker rooms for employees;
  • the presence of artificial and natural ventilation.

Necessary documentation

Before opening the institution, it is necessary to clearly understand what is needed to open a pizzeria. And for this, it is mandatory to issue the necessary documentation.

Start standing with the choice of ownership. The most common form of ownership of catering establishments is a limited liability company (LLC), such a form of ownership will allow you to sell alcoholic beverages in your institution.

For registration of Ltd. you will need to assemble the following documents:

  • statement on registration of LLC;
  • decision on the creation of LLC;
  • charter LLC;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (4000 rubles);
  • lease agreement or documents for ownership of the premises in which it is planned to open a pizzeria.

In addition, you need to open a calculated account in the bank.

Choosing codes of the all-Russian classification of types of economic activity (OKVED), it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • 52.63 - Other retail sale outside stores;
  • 55.30 - activity of restaurants and cafes;
  • 55.40 - bars;
  • 55.52 - supply of public catering.

In addition, you will need to assemble a number of permits and contracts:

  • coordination of Rospotrebnadzor to the premises;
  • coordination of mrs self-visit to the premises;
  • contract for garbage collection, deratization and disinfection;
  • sanitary passport for pizzeria;
  • agree on the menu;
  • license for sale alcohol.

Choosing equipment

For pizzeria equipment, it is necessary to equip the kitchen and the hall for visitors. For kitchen equipment must be purchased:

  • equipment for the kneading test (MUKOPLYER, TESTERS, TOOTBOOK MACHINE);
  • vegetable cutter, bowls, cheerful, knives, cutting boards;
  • boards for pizza, refrigerators, freezing chest;
  • furnace, shape, blades, pizza knives.

Open your own pizzeria from scratch is not easy. You have to go a long way from creating a business concept before purchasing equipment and hiring staff. Take advantage of this material to open a pizzeria as a business for all the rules.

How to open a pizzeria from scratch: choose the format

The first thing to be done is to determine the format of the institution. The main options are two: cafe Pizzeria or Food Court. They are distinguished by the location and size of the room. The cafe is located on the first floor of the building, Fudcourt on the territory of the restaurant area in the mall. The choice of format depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur and its goals. When opening a network of pizzeria, formats can be combined.

How to open a pizzeria: where to start

Business needs to register in the tax inspectorate. To start your own pizzeria, it is enough to make a business as an IP. After registration, you will need to choose the tax system. The most favorable option is the Unified Tax. However, consider that in contrast to the simplified tax system, according to UNDV, there must be no more than 100 people in the state.

When issuing Ltd., choose "Simplified". So you will pay 15% of the profits instead of 20%, as with the main tax system. When registering, be sure to specify what type of tax you want to use. Otherwise you will automatically be translated on the basis.

Opening of a pizzeria from scratch: make out documents

We understand what you need according to the law to open the pizzeria. The main document issues Rospotrebnadzor - This is permission to open the institution on a certain area. To obtain it, Rospotrebnadzor employees analyze documents submitted by the entrepreneur, go to the object and evaluate it.

If pizzeria meets the requirements for the room, which are presented to the publication, the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor are issued sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents that includes:

  • Production control program.
  • Contracts for regular provision of disinsection and processing services. Rooms, ventilation systems and air conditioners, as well as a car (if delivery).
  • The list of products and sold products agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Treaty with a firm for export and disposal of organic waste.
  • Contract with laundry for washing uniform staff.

Pizzeria from scratch: equipment and equipment

Consider how to open a pizzeria and what equipment it is necessary to establish regardless of the format of the institution. Minimum list of mandatory kitchen equipment:

  • Pizza oven. Furnaces are 3 species: Lial, professional for pizza and conveyor. In Italy, the real pizza is prepared in a wood-burning oven resembling a Russian stone stove. In Russia, the optimal option will be conveyor furnace. High-quality equipment for baking pizza is produced in the USA. To date, its analogues in Russia and Europe practically does not exist. American ovens are expensive, but this is a reasonable investment that will pay off at competent marketing.
  • Tests.
  • Testing machine.
  • Refrigerators. Their number depends on the assortment of pizzeria. At the same time it is necessary to take into account that keeping vegetables, meat and fish for sanitary standards is required separately.
  • Freezer.
  • Libra.
  • Hood.

Product storage containers Choose from plastic. The best material for working dishes is stainless steel, but it is too expensive.

What personnel need to be hired to open a mini-pizzeria from scratch?

Minimal staff For a small pizzeria, it includes: technologist, two cooks and two assistants of the cook (they work shifting), two or three waiters, two cashiers, administrator, cleaning lady and mover. Accounting can be given to outsource.

How to make a menu for pizzeria?

The approximate menu should include at least 5 pizza options.: Cheese, pepperoni, branded from chef, meat, with seafood and others. An interesting option that guests will enjoy - Pizza-designer from ingredients to choose from.

The remaining position of the standard menu is:

  • 5 species of salads
  • 4 options hot dishes
  • 3 types of desserts

For the preparation of each dish you will need routingwhich is a chef.

Features of procurement of raw materials

Since imported products are constantly growing in price, most entrepreneurs draw up contracts with suppliers of Russian goods. Only large restaurants can afford to cooperate with companies implementing foreign products. Many pizzeria owners work on a mixed schemeBy purchasing most of the products from domestic suppliers and purchasing certain types of imported goods.

If you are planning to open a mini-pizzeria from scratch, choose the first or second option. The purchase of exclusively foreign goods will be unprofitable.

The basis for pizzas - Cress - can be ordered at the bakery or manufactured independently. Consider that the dough for the Cress is done manually and only then mixes in special machines. When the dough is ready, it is attached to the shape and put it in a frost cabinet. After that, use for pizza or frozen.

Acting cafe as an alternative to opening pizzeria from scratch

We reviewed the main steps that you do when creating a pizzeria from scratch. By making preliminary calculations, you will understand what expenses will require the launch and development of the business. Alternative to opening your own project - buying already working pizzeria. This is a profitable investment that allows you to purchase expensive assets (for example, equipment) at prices below market. Place with high permeability and regular visitors - more significant advantages

In this material:

How to open a pizzeria from scratch? Specialized company will help solve such a problem. But you can do it yourself. Many love pizza, so such an institution will not remain without customers.

This case can become profitable business activities.

About 20% is the profitability of such establishments. Profitability indicator will increase to 60% if the delivery service will be created. About 500-700% is an extra charge on pizza.

After about 1.5 years, the pizzeria begins to bring a tangible income.

Where to begin? To open your pizzeria, you need to deal with competition in this area of \u200b\u200bmarket space and profitability of such entrepreneurial activities.

It is required to analyze the business idea to open a pizzeria. In the field of restaurant business, pizzeria is a successful project, since rapid payback costs are considered characteristic features, low production costs, popularity among customers. Analyze the policy of competitors in detail.

The issue of business registration should be studied in the relevant authorities. It is important to think about what type of taxes, the form of activity to choose. A convenient form of taxation is UNVD. It is required to make a decision regarding the organizational form of business. Register LLC - the most favorable option. Competent selection of the format of the institution, the calculation of the rental cost determines the success of the implementation of your idea of \u200b\u200ba new activity. Requires significant material investments to open such a institution.

Concept of commercial idea

To create a pizzeria, a business plan is absolutely necessary.

There are 2 format of such institutions:

  1. In the metropolis you can open a large pizzeria. Requires huge investments a full-fledged cafe-pizzeria. This is the most expensive commerce option. In the case of competent business, an average of 20% is the profitability of such public catering institutions.
  2. A profile mini-institution that does not require a large amount for opening will be appropriate in an incomplete area. The location of such an institution does not matter. Only the preparation of pizza, the creation of the delivery service implies this option of earnings.
  3. You can significantly increase your income if these 2 options are competently combined. If things go well, a profitability indicator will increase to 50-60%. The purchase service for the purchase of pizza will account for 1/5 of the pizzeria profits.

Where it is better to open a pizzeria

The location of the future institution is of great importance. Large people's passability are an important criterion for choosing an urban area. In the city center - great competition.

It is possible to significantly save on the rental of the room, if equiping the usual room and discover such a catering enterprise in a residential area near high-rise buildings, arrange the delivery of pizza to the house.

There is significantly lower competition, since it is usually not so many entertainment establishments. This means that your future pizzeria has every chance of becoming a favorite holiday destination for residents of the city district. A good solution can be the opening of a diner with a sale of pizza in the city center.

The entrepreneur will have to pay a considerable rent if the pizzeria is located in a modern shopping and entertainment complex. However, in such a trading zone of consumers of any age, there is always a delicious inexpensive pizza, so the visitors of this establishment will be quite a lot.

Near various educational institutions, near the hospital you can create a stationary cafe. For a lunch break to employees of a medical institution, patients and their relatives, students like the fragrant pizza. Significant benefits and weighty income can be obtained if the pizzeria is located close to the office of a large company.

The office can constantly deliver pizza ordered by workers. For a small amount of money you can snugly eat pizza to customers offices.

If the deficit of finances is felt, novice entrepreneurs can create a mobile tent, a specially equipped trailer.

Mobility is the main plus of this outlet. The implementation of the finished pizza using a pizza makes it possible to obtain substantial income. Such a multifunctional electronic device for automatic preparation of fragrant pellet is a novelty in this segment of the Russian market. How to choose a room:

  1. The design organization will help the novice entrepreneur get the necessary permits, create a plan for summing up communications. 25 m² can fit a small institution. About 1/3 of this area will take a kitchen.
  2. To open a public catering establishment with a useful area of \u200b\u200babout 100 m², a significant starting capital is required. From 100 to 300 thousand rubles will cost rental premises for pizzerias. Supervisory institutions are presented with strict requirements. They need to know and strictly perform.

Choice of equipment for pizzeria

At the initial stage, it is necessary to solve this important question. Manual work of employees in fulfilling simple operations is advisable to use in the case of small production in mini-pizzerias. It will be necessary to spend a rather big amount to minimize manual work in a restaurant pizzeria. The number of equipment is calculated based on the number of visitors who are planned to be serviced.

The technological process uses the following equipment:

  • freezer, hood, containers for ingredients, refrigeration cabinets;
  • cutting boards, grates, vegetable cutters, washing bath;
  • special stove, pizza forms, tools for cooking filling, vegetables;
  • special table for pizza;
  • the test machine, the dough separator, the test machine and the mucopper;
  • dishes for the service of visitors.

Household refrigerators are not suitable for the production of Italian national dish. All equipment for the production of pizza will cost approximately 900 thousand rubles.


It is required to consider the costs of the form, wages of employees of the institution. To make visitors to pizzerias are pleased, it is important to hire experienced, friendly and helpful employees. Competent, polite, unobtrusive should be an employee who serves visitors, so the selection of waiters needs to come carefully. Attendance of the institution will depend on the quality, exclusivity of the dishes offered, chef's skill. It should be an experienced professional.

If the opening of a pizzeria is competent, the annual profit of 50 thousand dollars can be obtained in 2 years.

Increase profits, accelerate business payback flexible pricing policy and the correctly formed menu.

Order Business Plan

The company "Pirate Pizza" was organized in 2007 and includes several concepts of catering. For 12 years, Pirate Pizza covered the southeastern part of the Moscow region, opening 18 branches of delivery, including Food-Court format and cafes. Also in 2016, the company opened a restaurant of Uzbek cuisine Chayhan Barashek in Lytkarino. In 2018 ...

Investments: Investments 3 000 000 - 12,000,000 rubles.

Franchise "Dodo Pizza" is its own succeeding pizzeria on the Franchisees. "Dodo Pizza" involves the introduction of technologies, training and maintenance of launch, including the creation of a design project and up to procurement of products. Complete network automation is provided, starting with the kitchen and staff work schedule. Working pizzeria manages the Dodo IP information system. The main advantage of the franchise "Dodo Pizza" today is a powerful business system, ...

Investments: Investments 2 500 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

The brand "Autoshos" and "Autopyzza" is a federal network of cafes with the delivery of sushi and pizza. Our slogan: "We love food!", Therefore, we prepare from raw materials only by the highest category for single standards. Our second principle is superlook (love) to customers! And they pay us reciprocity! The first cafe appeared 9 years ago in Nizhny Novgorod, or rather 22 ...

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 800,000 rubles.

Our company has been steadily developing in the franchise market for more than 7 years. During this period, more than 15 existing, successful businesses, which confirms the correctness of the chosen business strategy. We are engaged in the development of unique brands, as well as the creation of Franchpakers. We treat each project with a maximum responsibility and creative, while with your heads are immersed in research. Competent creative team ...

Investments: Investments from 2,200,000 rubles.

Comedy Cafe - Brand Comedy Club Production, a network of restaurants of humorous topics. On the one hand, it is a bright humor of residents of the Comedy Club to create an atmosphere in networking, on the other - the high professionalism of the company BCA Holding for the rapid and high-quality launch and functioning of the franchisee enterprises. DESCRIPTION Franchise in 2016 Development of the brand has taken on the company ...

Investments: Investments from 8,200,000 rubles.

GK "Conquest" are professionals who are successfully working in the restaurant business of 19 years. Our concepts: Restaurant "At Duc." - a country restaurant of Russian cuisine with a French accent; Restaurant of hospitable kitchen "Adzhikinezhal" - a combination of European interior and spicy Caucasian cuisine; Tepspa-bar "Mint Karas" - Bar of Panasian cuisine, successfully verified audioral; Pizzeria "Drovamuka" - a cozy bar with pizza from ...

Investments: Investments 800 000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

The company "Food Retail" was founded in 2014 for project development in the publication. The first our main project was the network of mini pizzeria "Pizza Pomodoro" format Take Away. After they launched their first 5 pizzerias and worked out all the processes in August 2015 launched a franchise project and the first object on the franchise was opened in September 2015 ...

Investments: Investments 3 000 000 - 10,000,000 rubles.

City Pizza is one of the first delivery of pizza in Moscow, currently we work in 3 formats: delivery point, cafe with delivery and a full-fledged restaurant with delivery. City Pizza is an up-to-date network of urban cafes-pizzerias offering the most beloved food to consumers, primarily American pizza, sandwiches, salads and desserts. City Pizza is actively developing ...

Investments: Investments 25 000 000 - 30,000,000 rubles.

Restorator Franchising Group is a 22-year-old history of building stable business processes, the formation of a hospitable professional team, creating a unique atmosphere of each restaurant. Our concepts of restaurants are created with an idea, inspiration, positive, and every day we strive to surprise, anticipate and delight our guests simplicity and refinement of taste, high level of service, atmosphere of heat and coziness! Our brands: ...

Investments: 8,000,000 - 12,000,000 rubles.

Pope Jones is a whole network of American pizzerias that spread quite well in the world. Now their total number has more than four thousand institutions that are in thirty-five countries of the world. About the company This establishment is rooted to John Tentter, who was still thirty years ago, organized the first company with the slogan "better ingredients - better ...

Investments: 1 700 000 - 2,500,000 rubles.

How much time and money is needed to grow a successful pizzeria that will bring profit from 200,000 rubles a month? Pizzeria is 1000 and 1 trifle they all affect the work and as a result - for profits. You do not have to spend time on debugging your business, "Pizza Time" is: a turnkey business that starts to bring ...

Investments: 27,000,000 - 40,000,000 rubles.

Rosinter Restaurants Holding is a leading franchisor company in Russia and the CIS in the segment of family restaurants. The company manages several restaurants in several networks: "Il Patio", "Planet Sushi" (Japanese cuisine), T.G.I. Friday's (American Cuisine), Costa Coffee (Coffee Shops). The company opened his first institution in Russia back in 1993 and has more than 20 years of experience in the restaurant business. ...


Business, consisting of sales of fast food, is gaining its popularity every year. Beginners entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a pizzeria from scratch, which will be required, how important the attention should be paid attention to.

The beginning should be - opening a cafe-pizzeria

Before you begin any other thing, you need to make calculations, write a business plan. It will help you to spend the existing initial budget.

Standard business plan contains:

  • Careful study of a business idea.
  • Mandatory registration of entrepreneurship in the tax inspection.
  • Choosing a leased room, if a novice businessman has no plans to prepare pizza at home.
  • Acquisition of the necessary equipment (no need to save on machinery).
  • Selection of hired workers (professionals of their case).
  • Detailed calculation of primary financial costs.
  • Organization of effective advertising.
  • Calculation of the estimated monthly expenses.
  • Calculation of the estimated profits.

Before registering your pizzeria, analyze the profitability of this case. During the analysis, it is necessary to compare demand, implementation, competition, the total opening costs. In the big city, it is much easier to open a pizzeria than in small.

This fact is due to the fact that in a small town initially less potential customers, and if there are other similar institutions, there is no guarantee of the popularity of the new point.

Pizzeria: Actual Business Idea

The following important questions are: how much is it worth opening the pizzeria, where to start. The opening of the cafe requires material investments, time. The exact price of opening a pizzeria in your city cannot be called. Everywhere prices are different, depending on the cost of renting the premises, the cost of equipment, the average salary of your district and so on. If initially no required amount, then you can resort to the assistance of investors.

Investors call those people who invest money on the development of promising business, and during its development receive a percentage of profits. But in order to cause interest and trust in investors, you need to make a competent business plan, where to indicate the period of profit.