Business project testing laboratory. Lab diagnostics as a business. Brief description of the company

You decided to create a laboratory of non-destructive testing. Where to begin? From the purchase of equipment or with writing documents? From the appointment of the head and responsible persons or from the name of the laboratory (which is important, approx. Author)? Or do you need to certify a specialist, and he organizes the process of creating? Do you have a certified specialist in visual measuring control, is it a laboratory? Probably not. And if they just control the execution of certain works in the walls of the native factory, is it a laboratory? If they use special equipment, is it enough to be a laboratory? Accordingly, the question arises - what is primary?

The first thing is important to understand where we work. If on a dangerous production facility, then a mandatory requirement for the presence of a laboratory arises. If this is any other object, you are entitled to create a laboratory, so work without it.

Second, who works? You work on a dangerous production facility, your functionality is visual control for your own needs. And in this case, you must be certified as qualified personnel. This is a mandatory law, for those who work in hazardous production facilities, is engaged in controlling, construction, installation, operation, reconstruction, repair, technical diagnostics, industrial safety examination of technical devices, buildings and structures.

And even if one person can conduct control in the state of the enterprise, and the conclusion must approve the boss (not necessarily regular) and, most importantly! It gives the conclusion only a certified laboratory. From here and there is a mandatory requirement for creating a laboratory - as soon as the conclusion is incorrect - there is a mandatory need to create a laboratory, and according to the standard of PB 03-372-00 "Rules of certification and basic requirements for non-destructive testing laboratories". To create a result:

First step - Understanding on what objects will work.

Second Step - Training and certification of staff on PB 03-440-02 It is precisely on these objects by those species (methods) of controls that are specified in the requirements for objects.

Third Step - Acquisition of equipment - the main equipment must be own and only for equipment with high cost and for auxiliary means of control is allowed for rent.

Fourth Step - Development of laboratory documents, including control technology.

Fifth step! - Certification of the laboratory according to PB 03-372-00.

All requirements for the organization of the laboratory arise from one document - PB 03-372-00 "Rules of certification and basic requirements for non-destructive testing laboratories", where in 30 pages everything is already described in detail and very simply described.

P. S. Each member of the webinar I will send the developed job description of the head of LNG on the new professandard!

Turn into an active dialogue!

Tatyana Fedorova

LLC "ICC" Arina "

The level of medicine is growing every day. To date, early diagnosis of diseases is one of the main directions in the work of doctors, and high-quality diagnosis is simply impossible without conducting various analyzes. Laboratories in urban clinics are treated with huge queues every day. In them, people lose not only time, but often nervous cells.

Whether private laboratories are needed

Every day the number of those who are ready to pay for deliverance from queues and unnecessary walking in hospitals for the results of analyzes is growing. Such possibilities provide a private laboratory for analyzes. Services of this kind save the time of those people who are engaged in work that does not allow abolition for a long time. People who make money are increasingly careful about their health, because the disease will bring significantly large losses, rather than will be spent on the prevention and surveys of the body.

State market

To date, the market for private laboratory diagnostics is just beginning to expand. Consumers just recently appreciated all the advantages of such a service and its popularity continues to increase. In addition, in some cities, private procedural offices are highly rare. This means that such a niche is still free and wanting to start their business can think about how to open the laboratory for analyzes.

At the same time, the analysis of the market by experts shows that large network players do not have a wide network on the periphery. This is connected with a number of reasons for both material and legislative. Therefore, local initiatives are more than appropriate in this case and open the procedural office is quite real.

Cabinet of the fence of biomaterial

For those who wondered how to open a procedural office, there are actually many forms of work organization. One of them is the organization of the Cabinet for the preparation of biomaterials. Such an office sends the material obtained from the client to analyze to another laboratory.

The organization of such a business does not require the purchase of complex equipment and attracting narrow specialists than and attracts at first. However, questions arise about transportation and creating the necessary conditions for biomaterials on the road. In addition, the time of delivery of the result is increased by the client with this approach. And this does not most effect on the popularity of the Cabinet.

Medical laboratory

Before opening the laboratory of analyzes, it is necessary to calculate the preliminary costs of opening a business. Laboratory for testing should have excellent equipment. This technique is very expensive and to date, few people are available. That is why the business plan of the medical laboratory requires special attention. To organize such a business, you need large financial injections.

Procedural Cabinet

Costs to open a procedural office are much smaller compared to the laboratory. Therefore, it is the most common option to organize a similar business. You can open the Cabinet as yourself, so bothering a franchise with large market players. Procedural offices can exist both separately and with companies related to medicine.

Beginning of work

To start the medical office, you must first get a license. In addition to the license, before the start of work, permits from SanEpidadzor and from the fire service should be issued. This applies to work in a certain room, which must be purchased or rented.

If, when solving the question: how to open a procedural office, a franchise was preferred, then perhaps the company will offer its services to help upon obtaining a license. It is worth remembering that it always leads to an increase in payment to the parent company.


Not so important, whether the premises are acquired or rented. With its choice, several factors should be taken into account. The first is the compliance with the necessary security standards. Most often, it is necessary to premise with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 square meters and having a separate entrance.

But you can not forget that the location of the cabinet should be convenient for potential customers. Finding public transport stops, the availability of parking and the convenience of other ways - all this needs to be paid attention before opening the analyzes laboratory.

Set of services

With what services will be provided in the office, you will have to decide on the licensing stage. Maybe earlier, if the laboratory business plan will be compiled before that. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the minimum set of medical terms and calculate what equipment and which specialists are needed to provide the service.

Of course, the greater the set of services provided by the laboratory, the better. There may be blood and urine tests (clinical and biochemical), and analyzes for hormones, infections or oncomarkers, PCR studies and much more. The licensing of the PCR laboratory, as well as the cost of its discovery, is not much different from the laboratory exercising an immuno-enzyme analysis.

However, PCR requires a more strict compliance with security measures. The difference of methods is that the PCR study allows you to identify the DNA of the causative agent of the disease in the smears and scraping, and ELISA discovers traces of the pathogen in the blood under study. And the other method allows you to find a significant number of potential customers.

Calculation of costs

Long before opening the procedural office, it is necessary to calculate the initial costs of equipment and hiring of specialists. The equipment set depends on which services are planned to be rendering in the laboratory. In addition to the equipment, it is necessary to take into account the costs of consumables and reagents.

It is worth remembering that today the choice of equipment and drugs of domestic production is quite wide. At the same time, the cost of them is usually a quarter of less foreign analogues. This may be important for those who are just going to open the laboratory. To ensure a different kind of related services and high-quality customer service, you may have to cooperate with other companies.

  • periodic newspapers and magazines;
  • news agencies sites;
  • sites of clinical and diagnostic institutions.
Regulatory documents regulating the activities of diagnostic enterprises:
  • federal laws;
  • Civil and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation;
  • Decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • letters and orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
  • etc.
Statistical information:
  • Federal State Statistics Service and its territorial bodies;
  •, etc.
Analytical information:
  • analytical reports and data of independent experts;
  • reports of state authorities;
  • financial reports of companies;
. Inventica's own forecasts and calculations.

Business Plan Description

For all key issues, this business plan is typical - its implementation is possible in any subject of the Russian Federation. When drawing up a financial plan, the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters defining regional specifics (rental rates, wages, the level of effective demand) were adopted in binding to Moscow.


This business plan is an economic rationale for investing in the opening of the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory.

The business plan includes:

  • analysis of the Russian market of commercial laboratory diagnostics;
  • analysis of assortment and pricing policies in the laboratory diagnostic market;
  • profiles of major players;
  • description of the concept of the project;
  • calculation of financial indicators;
  • project assessment and risk analysis.

Project concept

The concept of the project is basic. If necessary, it can be easily corrected, while all the financial indicators of the project can be automatically recalculated with the help of an attached model, see the following "Business Plan").

This business plan is supposed to open a clinical and diagnostic laboratory (CDL) for research, both with a preliminary fence of biological material and as an outsource company based on a material coming from third-party organizations.

The range of the diagnostic laboratory will include the most popular research groups, as well as additional services for the fear of samples, both with the subsequent conduct of research and without research, with the issuance of samples into hands to customers. In addition, KDL will have a number of additional services, such as the courier delivery of the analysis results, departure to the house for the intake of biomaterial, translating the results of analysis of foreign languages, etc.

Type of company: Clinical and diagnostic research laboratory

Place of project implementation: Moscow

Beginning of the project: March 2011

Specificity of the enterprise: The main stream of research falls on samples from third-party organizations, the provision of services for the fear of biological samples is a secondary function for KDL. The study is carried out through the use of automatic analyzers and other high-tech laboratory equipment, which significantly reduces the study time, contributing to an increase in the flow of orders

Renate Square: Total - ... sq.m, including production area - 292 sq. M., General subsidies and administrative premises - ... sq.m

Rent terms: long term rental

Structure of demand: biochemical studies - ...%; Hematological studies - ...%; urine study - 10.5%; diagnosis of infectious diseases - ...%, etc. More than 20 types of research and services are considered in the business plan.

The average number of customers: Gradually increases from ... people / day in 2011 to ... people / day in 2018

Middle check: at the main services - ... rubles, at additional services - ... rubles. (The average check is calculated in the financial model automatically based on specified parameters and varies depending on the cost of individual types of services and the forecast of the distribution of demand)

Features of consumer behavior of target customers: the need for a wide range of services provided; need to carry out a large amount of different studies; preference of the quality and accuracy of the result; confidence in high-tech research methods; Saving time on the expectation of research results conducted by government agencies; The priority of comfort of receipt of the service and convenience of location

Basic equipment: High-tech medical laboratory equipment, medical equipment for the implementation of the fence, storage and transportation of samples of biological material, ...

Investment budget: ... million rubles.

Credit: 60% of the investment budget, the term - 3 years, the rate is 18% / year, the grace period for the return of the principal debt - ... Mem., Penalty for the delay in payments - ...%.

State: ... people, organizational groups: administration; accounting; Medical personnel, courier service

Operating mode: daily, from 9 to 20 hours

Start of activity: .... 2011

Business Plan Features

1) A business plan has been developed in close cooperation with existing managers and industry experts.

2) Financial calculations for the business plan were carried out using an Excel model, which is
Inventica's own development.

3) Financial model 100% automated

  • Values \u200b\u200bof project parametersAccounted in this business plan can be changed.
  • The total number of parameters made to the financial model - more than 500 (month of starting project,
List and cost of obtaining permits, area of \u200b\u200bpremises, specification
Equipment and its cost, staff schedule, cost of services, distribution of demand
Credit conditions, extra charge in groups of goods, etc.).
  • Changing any of the project parameters leads to automatic recalculation of the model.
  • The possibility of quick recalculation allows you to independently calculate various strategies and
Your business development scenarios, even if you do not own the basics of financial modeling and
investment management.

Thus, you get a universal tool for making decisions, with which you can adjust the concept of the project, pose the optimal values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of your future business.

Financial model is attached to the business plan.

The need for high-quality medical services is relevant even for a small town. Many people do not want to spend time in the queues, risk their health because of a bad service or ride to a large regional center. Therefore, the new company "Lab Pasteur" residents of the old town of Torzhok in the Tver region appreciated. We managed to meet and talk with the general director and co-founder of the company Artyom Chicachev.

The main theses:

  • Type of activity: Medical analyzes
  • Location: Torzok, Retpeskaya Embankment, 20.
  • Rod classes before the start of entrepreneurship: Sales
  • Organizational and legal form of business: ooo
  • Tax form: Simplified 6%
  • Business start date: 2014
  • The size of the initial investment: 700 thousand
  • Source of the initial capital: Cash

Hello, Artem tell me how you came to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating your own business? What did they do before entrepreneurship?

The idea of \u200b\u200bopening a business belongs to my friends, they are far from newcomers in this matter. One of the partners has a medical education, engaged in the laboratory business in Tver. There was no laboratories in Torzhok, so they decided to open it here. The moment came when one of the co-founders decided to sell a share.

A few years ago, I tried to develop my work, there was a firm for the sale of fittings for window organizations in Tver. Then I tried myself in different areas, and when the proposal was made to become the director of the Medical Laboratory, I analyzed this industry and quickly agreed.

Why choose a choice for a medical laboratory? Do you have a medical education?

I don't have medical education, it is rather an exception, to control such a laboratory, specialized education is mandatory. I replenish this gap by self-education and practice, I try to read a lot of specialized literature.

As I said, I was offered to develop this business. Of course, at first, I studied everything carefully and thought that high-quality medical services are always in demand by people.

How much time passed from ideas to realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife?

The opening of the laboratory took place in the spring of 2014. For all preparations for the discovery, several months have passed - this is a choice of premises, buying equipment, checking SES and licensing.

What difficulties had to face early?

The main difficulties were in standards and organizational issues. Medical premises are carefully tested by the quality bodies. We found a room where medical activities were previously carried out, therefore the foundation for the laboratory was already laid. At the same time, much had to redo all the same. Month we were engaged in the repair and training of the laboratory. High requirements are also presented to equipment. Any medical equipment has a high cost, and another cannot be bought.

After preparing the premises, the stage of verification of the sanitary and epidemiological service. During the month, bodies can check the laboratory for certain requirements if the slighted shortcomings are found, they will have to redo. The last stage is licensing, it lasts up to 1.5 months.

A big problem arose with the selection of frames. We needed several nurses, and it turned out to find them in a small town not easy. But now everything is fine, our employees work on an ongoing basis.

Did you make a business plan before the start of your entrepreneurial activity?

A detailed business plan was drawn up, in which all possible difficulties and additional costs have been completed, then started implementing this project.

How was the process of legalization? Why choose LLC?

How does the delivery process and tests take place?

Analyzes are delivered by the courier service in special bags with the necessary temperature mode. In the evening, analyzes fall into the laboratory. There they pass sorting. Moreover, the human factor is excluded. A special barcode is applied to the test tubes, which reads the device. Chances of confusing analyzes are reduced to zero. The results of the analyzes come to the client in electronic form, can be sent to email, if you do not need a paper version with the signature and printing of the clinic.

How promising do you think the branch of private medical services? What advantages have this type of entrepreneurship?

The industry is quite promising, as people always need high-quality medical services. Early diagnosis can make many diseases, including oncological. In most public hospitals, do not fulfill the entire range of analyzes, there are no suitable equipment and reagents.

Another important advantage -Service. Everyone came across a dismissive and khamsky attitude in ordinary hospitals, queues, and a private laboratory is an excellent alternative. You can make an appointment on the phone, online on the site and get the results of your analyzes a few days after passing, the SMS is also valid for the readiness of the results.

The biomaterial fence procedure passes in pure sterile cabinets, using a modern one-time toolkit. For example, now we use a new device for a blood intake from the finger, which significantly reduces pain, even small children do not notice anything.

In a private laboratory, you can work on topics of voluntary health insurance. We have concluded contracts with two insurance companies. People having insurance policies of these companies and the relevant prescriptions of the Medica receive services for free within the insurance contract.

What services are the greatest demand?

Regular analyzes, biochemical blood tests, tests for hormones, infections, oncoprophylaxis, analyzes for allergens are ordered. In a wide range, comprehensive programs are presented. A total of about two thousand studies are held. Obtaining results strictly confidentially, only the patient himself can take them.

There are interesting studies, such as analysis for children, allowing to identify ratios of fast and slow fibers in muscle tissue and determine in which sport the child will reach the greatest success. Also interesting analyzes for predisposition to genetic diseases.

Do you live and work in a small town, does it affect business doing? What problems will have to face the entrepreneur in the city with a small population?

The main problem is superi, you should carefully choose a niche of the future business. It should be really important and necessary to the population. Medicine is needed by all and everywhere, so we did not lose. Demand creates supply.

Clients in a small town are smaller, but also a little competitors. If you take a regional city, then medical laboratories there are more than a dozen.

Very much depends on the solvency of the population. Torzhok in this regard is a fairly stable city, several large plants, located military and helicopter part. Perhaps in another provincial city, the opening of the laboratory will be inappropriate.

In connection with the difficult economic situation, many are afraid to open their own business. What do you say about this, is it really not the best time?

The crisis is felt, but it is impossible to be called destructive or critical. Now there is a slight decrease in demand, however, compared to last fall, the indicators did not change. Usually there is a decline in the summer, more profit in the spring and autumn, in January, also recession due to a large number of holidays. But a significant reduction in the client flow is not yet observed.

Much exaggerates and injected, no one knows how much the crisis will last, whom will affect, but everyone needs to raise this topic. It seems to me that it is necessary to think less about the crisis, because there will never be an ideal situation for doing business.

What do you advise those who want to open their work into a crisis?

It is important to choose a sought-after direction. People try to limit themselves in unnecessary purchases and services, leaving only the most necessary. Recently, a shopping center has opened in Torzhok, we wanted to open a large brand clothing there on the franchise, but at the last moment changed my mind. Not all people can afford to buy expensive, albeit high-quality things.

Open some "lots" I do not advise. It is better to stay on the proven, necessary to each service.

What are your goals and tasks for the next few years?

Purchase of additional equipment and improving the service. Previously, they wanted to equip the cabins of medical reception, but then they decided not to go into multidisciplies. We position themselves exactly as a laboratory for the fear of medical analyzes and the main task of developing in this direction.

Didn't the desire arise at the beginning all the way to throw and take up ordinary work?

This desire and now sometimes appears, especially when you get tired (laughs). But these are second weaknesses and pass instantly. I always give myself a report - what, why and what I do.

It is necessary to constantly maintain motivation and excitement. At the very beginning, you do not have laziness, fatigue, I want to achieve a lot, gradually it can go to the decline. Therefore, you need to put new goals and seek them.

Does a person be able to become a successful entrepreneur or requires talent for this?

The main thing is not to be afraid of possible failures or failure. When a person is afraid, nothing works. Even if it does not work, a tremendous experience will be extracted in further endeavors. Newbie, who tries several times, in the end comes to the wave of good luck. Many are lowered hands after the first failure, and the motivation to try again or change the niche is not enough. Such people quickly go out of business.

The talent of the entrepreneur is self-confidence and huge motivation. If every day take steps to achieve your goal, and not accuse the state and others, then success will surely come.

If it would be possible to return a few years ago, what mistakes would you not allow?

Mostly mistakes were a technical plan. Could be mistaken with terminology, something to imagine with the documentation, but not critical.

What advice can you give those who think about creating their business?

Everyone thoroughly analyze and calculate. Success can come not as fast as we expect at the beginning of the way, so you need to be patient, approach the payback and profitability of business with the "cold" head, without excessive euphoria.

  • Laboratory "Pastera"
  • Address: Tver Region, Torzok, Retpes Embankment 20, 2nd floor.
  • Vkontakte community -

Medical services have always been an income business. In this activity, a special place is drawn to the diagnosis in which a significant role is played by a medleaker. The business plan of the medical laboratory proposed in this material will allow you to carefully calculate the opening costs, draw up the budget of the laboratory for analyzes and calculate the profitability of the enterprise.


The creation of a laboratory does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine from the founder, it is more important to know the algorithm and legal conditions for the creation and functioning of the institution as a business organization.

This business plan for a medical laboratory with calculations is a document for practical guidance when creating a institution and can be used during negotiations with investors and other interested parties.

The opening of the laboratory involves the decision of the following social and entrepreneurial tasks:

  • Satisfying the needs of citizens in conducting diagnostic medical research.
  • Creating new jobs for qualified medical personnel.
  • Replenishment of the budget by tax revenues from the highly profitable enterprise.
  • Profit extraction.

The cost of implementing the project is funded at the expense of bank loan in 1,470,000 rubles with a bid of 14% per annum.

The total estimated cost of the project is 1,470,000 rubles in the life cycle of 2 years.

During the investment period, the Bank will be paid to interest 94,500,52 rubles. Their payment begins from 1st month, which makes it possible to simplify the methods of calculating cash flows and discount loans used in this business plan.

Under such conditions of financing and the estimated forecast of revenue from the functioning of the laboratory for analyzes, the payback period of the project will be:

  • Since the beginning of the project's practical activity - no later than 4 months.
  • Taking into account discounting - no later than 2 years.

For the life cycle, the overall economic effect will reach the value of 21 459,843,65 rubles.

Description of the object

In modern medicine, diagnosis is one of the main factors for the successful treatment of patients. Unfortunately, analyzing services are not always easily accessible due to the overload of existing medical laboratories. That is why the creation of a modern laboratory for analyzes is, above all, a socially significant project that allows to reduce the overall load on the institution operating in this field.

The provision of services in the field of laboratory tests is an extremely complex type of activity in terms of administration both at the initial stage of project implementation and during the functioning of the institution. The creation of a laboratory requires many coordination, compliance with standards and procedures provided for by domestic legislation.

The selection of personnel is essential for the normal functioning of the laboratory. They not only need to have high qualifications, but also be prepared for a continued professional level increase, which is due to the high frequency of updating technologies used in laboratory activities, equipment and the content itself in this area.

It is important to consider that, according to statistics, over 70% of patients contacting the medical laboratory - women. This fact needs to be constantly in mind when planning the premises of the laboratory, the arrangement of their interior and the selection of personnel.

Market analysis

Russia in the issue of creating a network of private medical laboratory, improving their equipment is in the trend of global trends. All new institutions that master the most complex tests and comprehensive medical studies occur in the country and successfully function.

Conditionally domestic medical diagnostic services market is classified into two categories:

  • Instrumental laboratories specializing in the fulfillment of functional (visual) diagnostics (70% of the market).
  • Laboratories specializing in biomaterial analysis. They perform cytological (microscopic), hematologic, biochemical, molecular genetic, immunological and microbiological research.

Medical diagnosis as a business is among the three leading areas of the development of Russian private medicine. In dentistry, it takes 60% of the market, gynecology - 20%, in the overall structure of medical services - 10%. Experts Annual increase in the participants in the laboratory services market is estimated at 170 institutions. To date, there are over 11.5 thousand medical devices operating in various areas, although there are only about 1,000 in a country. Nevertheless, there are about 70% of research on a paid basis.

The growth rates of the number of private laboratories are ambiguously reflected in economic statistics. According to some specialists, the annual growth is 10%, which is slightly higher than the average global indicator (7%). According to others, our market adds 15% every year, and in large cities - up to 30%.

In this area of \u200b\u200bservices, 2 main trends are recorded: centralization and automation of conducted studies. This is manifested in expanding the spectrum of the conducted research, the development of innovative technologies for analytical and laboratory work, increasing the overall culture of patient service. The analyzes laboratories are increasingly implemented into the practice of their activities remote ways of interaction with therapeutic institutions based on the use of modern means of communication and data transmission technologies.

According to the results of the assessment of such indicators as the total population of the country, the demand for medical device services, existing trends in the market, in demand in increasing their amount is 10-15% per year.

Characteristic object

The medical laboratory is an institution that conducts medical analyzes and research on the order of the main consumers of these services: citizens and medical institutions.

The implementation of the laboratory creation plan includes the following main activities:

  • Administrative and legal registration of a business: obtaining a license, permits for its maintenance from Mrs self-visit, SES and other competent authorities.
  • Selecting the room and bring it in line with the requirements of the SES.
  • Acquisition of equipment and materials.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Installation of laboratory equipment and necessary communications.
  • Selection and training personnel for the laboratory.
  • Organization of advertising and marketing activities.

In this business segment, 2 forms of its organization are the most common: creating a laboratory or procedural office.

The second format is simpler and economical. And the creation of a laboratory for analyzes will make it possible to create a case, the development of which will be engaged in decades. Of course, such an institution will require much greater investments than the procedural office.

Select room

The premises for a medical laboratory must be selected, guided by the requirements of the SES. From the point of view of comfort of work and demand of the business, the best option is the room with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 100 square meters. m, located close to public transport stops in places with high pendancy of people. Mandatory requirement is the presence of a separate entrance and bathroom. In the room it is necessary to make a wiring of the water system and be sure to install the phone.

To date, medical laboratories work in two main profiles:

  • PCR studies (polymerase chain reaction) aimed at detecting DNA.
  • Conducting enzyme immunoassay analysis (IFL), which allows to establish the presence of antibodies to specific proteins or their causative agents.

According to costs, these types of laboratories are practically equivalent, although they differ in the distribution of consuming items for the purchase of equipment. In addition, in the second case, more funds will go to the room, because the implementation of PCR there are very stringent PTB requirements.

Acquisition of equipment

Equipment for the medical laboratory today is not a deficit. The market presents many types of domestic and imported equipment in the widest range of prices. Our equipment and materials are practically not inferior in quality import, since in the overwhelming majority are produced under licenses, but their cost is lower by 20-30%. It should be borne in mind that the price of the laboratory reagents exceeds the cost of tubes and other laboratory dishes.

The costs of opening a procedural office are significantly lower and may not exceed 450-600 thousand rubles. Such an object pays off for no more than one and a half or two years.

On average, the implementation of the project to open a medical laboratory can take from two to three weeks to six months. Basically, it depends on the quality of personnel training.

Personnel search

This stage of work is one of the most important in the project, because not only the temporary costs of the implementation of the business idea depend on it, but also the success of the object.

For a qualitative organization of the laboratory activities in this business plan, it is envisaged to have in the state of the institution of three doctors, two nurses, working alone, and cashier-administrator. The recruitment is carried out on a competitive basis in compliance with the established requirements for the qualifications of specialists for this type of activity.

The work of the laboratory may also be involved in couriers who are not included in the staff and perform work under the contract.

Marketing and advertising

In order to promote the laboratory services in the market, throughout its operation, its operation is carried out:

  • Advertising activities in kindergartens, schools, residential arrays.
  • Distribution of leaflets and booklets in medical institutions.
  • Advertising in local media, including radio and television.
  • Edition and distribution of business cards.
  • Website development with online registration services for the provision of laboratory services.

Featuring Equipment Characteristics

For a medical laboratory, the main types of equipment are:

  • Medical microscope.
  • Counters of leukocyte formula.
  • Thermal cyclies and analyzers.
  • Thermostats are air, water and sucho-aggravated.
  • Shakers and centrifuges.
  • Aquadistillators.
  • Scales, thermostats and dispensers.
  • Magnetic mixers and vrats.
  • Special equipment for PCR.
  • Lighting equipment.
  • Ionomers and pH meters and so on.

Depending on the prevailing profile of the laboratory, this list may vary high quality and quantitatively.

Financial plan

The forecast for sales of services for laboratories in this business plan is calculated on the basis of data for 2016, namely:

  • Analysis of service demand.
  • Analysis of the provision of services in the market.
  • Conclusions about the balance sheet market.

In the preparation of the forecast used the lowest profitability indicator of the enterprise at the initial stage of project implementation.

This forecast is based on medium prices for media services in the country.

No p. / N. Name of service average price
(in rubles)
1 Plasma coagulation time 500
Study levels and products
2 Paracoaguration 800
3 Prokalcitonina 2 700
4 Fibrinogen 380
5 Fibrinolytic activity 585
6 Coagulogram 1 100
7 SPE study (acid-alkaline state) 445
8 Research electrolyte 445
9 Measuring the thromboplasty / prothrombin time in the blood or plasma 370
10 Measurement of thrombin time in the blood 445
11 Evaluation of hematocrit 135

Based on these data, during the billing period, the medical laboratory will produce services in the following volumes:

Period Type of services Number of services per month Price Revenue (in rubles)
1-12 m-c (investment period) Complex research 4 000 units. 350 1 400 000
1-12 M-C
(investment period)
Outsourcing 350 units. 550 192 500
13 m-c (functioning period) Complex research 4,400 units. 400 1 760 000
14-24 m-c (functioning period) Outsourcing 615 units. 600 369 000

General expenses on the project will be:

Thus, the object will reaches the break-even functioning point no later than 4 months after the start of activity. During this period, the company make a profit in the amount of 1,052,094,33 rubles. After completing the lending period, it will increase to 1 722 426.67 rubles.

The final gross profit of the project is 39,880,500 rubles.


An example of this business plan of the Medical Laboratory clearly demonstrates that this business is in demand in society and super-profile. Its profitability is determined by the objective conditions for the country's economic and social development. The level of competition in this market allows you to consider a medical device as a promising business in which all investments are quickly paid off and which is not subject to critical risks.

The complexity of business administration will require the founder of high responsibility, perseverance and self-dedication. The discovery algorithm of a medical laboratory requires a thorough study and calculation of all components recommended in this document.