Contact Dmitry Potapenko. Dmitry Potapenko: "The system breaks from the inside, resources are missing at all. Dmitry Potapenko visited the Kaluga region

Dmitry Valerevich Potapenko became known thanks to the criticism of the authorities and recommendations on doing business. He has a lot of experience in retail experience, he is currently led by a company specializing in the management of network retail objects, writes books, leads copyright programs on the radio, posts video on YouTube.

  • FULL NAME: Potapenko Dmitry Valerevich.
  • Date of Birth: March 30, 1970 (48 years).
  • Education: Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.
  • Start date of entrepreneurial activities / Age: 1992/22 years.
  • Position: Managing Partner of Management Development Group Inc.
  • Soc. Networks:

Mr. Potapenko - a figure that attracts attention to himself and does it quite consciously. It does not miss the opportunity to criticize the existing power, the laws of the Russian Federation and the entire system of the modern Russian economy, in which the place of private business, to put it mildly, is non-unquided. At the same time, Dmitry Valerievich promises to teach how to create a business in such disadvantageous realities. From this we can conclude that, despite the loud and often controversial its own statements, the business Dmitry Potapenko is, among other things, also business consulting.

Facts biography

As Dmitry Valerevich himself says, he is a native Moskvich in the fourth generation. Indeed, he was born in an ordinary Moscow family. After school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, where at the end of the training in 1993 received a diploma engineer-technologist.

In the student years, the stormy trade activities turned out - he sold musical and other techniques on the famous Moscow Gorbushka. This was his first business experience. In some sources, the mention of the first business organized by him in 1992, that is, still in studentship. And it was, apparently, a large-scale project is a trading chain of Tusar stores specializing in the sale of electronic technology. However, on the official website of Dmitry Potapenko, there is no mention of this activity.

Business Path

In general, it seems to know the entire entrepreneurial path of this figure seems a very difficult task. Of reliable information in open sources is negligible. Dmitry Valerevich himself in an interview of different periods refers to his rich experience in business, but without specifics.

Structured you can describe the entrepreneurial path of Potapenko in this way:

The entrepreneur is actively developing in the retail industry, first specializing in the technique, and after going to the product networks.

From 1995 to 2000, Potapenko makes a career in the famous German company for the production of household appliances Grundig, for 5 years, turns from the senior manager in the vice president of marketing in the Baltic countries.

Then Dmitry had a short bank episode in the early 2000s, when he tried himself as a vice president of the Investment Development "CreditPexbank".

And in 2003, the businessman returned to retail again, but already grooved, becoming at the head of the sales network "Pyaterochka" in the Moscow region. There he worked for 2 years, having accumulated a considerable experience.

Finally, in 2005, Potapenko became the managing partner of the European company Management Development Group Inc., whose activity, however, seems very vague. The official website refers to the main brands of this group of companies, but no reference or at least brief information about their activities does not contain. According to the entrepreneur himself, dealing with the theory and practice of sales, he is engaged only by network projects with a specialization well a familiar.

These are the products of the format of the inexpensive store at home, eaters and cafes, designed for an unprinating client, the production of food semi-finished products, as well as building materials.

Political career

Dmitry Potapenko's widespread fame as an ardent critical government, who was not afraid of high-profile accusatory statements, began with the 2015 Moscow Economic Forum. Then he entered an open confrontation with the State Duma deputy Vladimir Gutenev and criticized a number of economic decisions from the country's government.

It, which became the winged, the application still loves to quote many bloggers:

"Business dialogue and power takes place for the last 20 years as the dialogue of the butcher with a cow, cautiously peeping into the eyes and holding a knife under the throat with a question: what about today - beef or milk?"

After that, the businessman continued to pin the public and journalists with statements in his straight and incentive manner. On serious and large-scale forums, his call is already afraid, but in the regions from this speaker delighted. Representatives of small businesses willingly acquire tickets to his master classes, where he teaches how to build a retail network, create client bases, how to build work systems in business and a lot.

Seeing the wide resonance of his statements in a public environment, Dmitry Potapenko decided to go to politics.

According to his own words, this step has become a challenge for him and the ability to figure it out if something can be changed at all in the country's political system.

"To reason about the nobility of the authorities without an attempt to change anything, it would be stupid. My life experience is a practice and result, I do not know how to work otherwise. "

The newly made politician spoke of confidence that he would fall into the Duma, because it all has everything: the luggage of knowledge, skills and support of people. His goal was to enter the system and change its principles of action.

In 2016, the businessman ran into the State Duma from the Kaliningrad constituency as a member of the "Growth Party". The results of these elections did not allow Potapenko to change the political system, since the percentage to pass the barrier was not overcome.

Journalistic activity

But the journalist and consulting activities of Dmitry Valerevich after the historic December Forum went to the mountain. Many journalists grabbed the opportunity to chase power and began to be in need of calling Potapenko on an interview that he gives eagerly and rarely shy up in expressions.

This practice even resulted in the author's program on the radio "Echo of Moscow". She is called "Potapenko Course." In the Internet media, the businessman also mastered well and gladly comments on the news of the business environment in its own column of Slon Magazine Media Holding, also known on the Rain TV channel.

All this activity inspired Potapenko to writing books, which are largely based on his speeches and master classes for beginner entrepreneurs. In 2016, I saw the light "Honest Book on how to do business in Russia." A year later, Dmitry Potapenko presented a new creation to the readers' court - "Business is verbs and nouns that end in numbers."

One of the video of the program "is essentially" in which Dmitry participates

Dmitry Potapenko: "I advise you for a long time not to contact Russian banks. Grab "

"Our state wants to be rich citizens. Because the state is not an abstract creature, these are specific people, people with billions. And your "trifle" will help them accumulate another billion. "

Dmitry Potapenko: "Banks that have impaired themselves to the police need to support"

"I'm moving my daughters, a spouse, friends. If a girl who is sitting in a bank, believes that so I finance terrorism ... Let's help you cut the banking system, no one forbade cash. "

"Ponte authorities will not save the economy and demography. Russia will have difficult to all XXI century "

"We are a very much national country. We stopped developing. Our stability means total control that destroys the economy. Conclusion is simple: two deadlines, no more. "

Dmitry Potapenko: "Revenues fall, taxes grow, and even the eye does not twitch"

"New cashiers will give only fines of cultural houses and a set of broken tax links. State of companies with turnover up to 60 million rubles. per year you need to know only what they exist. "

Dmitry Potapenko: "The ban on weapons will not help, the power in Russia will begin to kill with hammers"

"Power does everything right, the question to us: whether we are ready to sell our dead every second, to make stamps, falsify criminal cases. We are doing this with you, not some other Russia. "

Potapenko: "In Russia, the consensus of society and power: they lie to us, we have. National Idea »

Dmitry Potapenko: "Power stifles himself, Putin can no longer accept any decisions"

"Thank you for the power for what she does. Of course, we scream and become marginas, but in general, it is good for the development of the country. The crisis is not avoided, well, if it happens not earlier than 2021-2022. "

Dmitry Potapenko: "Why do we need 10 million migrants by 2025? Feed serve and vote »

"There will be only 3 strata: serve, guest workers who feed them, and the title nation. The latter will dy up, because to feed the miracle of the spent to retirement to their children. It is waiting for those who are now 45. "

Dmitry Potapenko: "Medvedev rejected for 20 years? Why did the power be interested in our income? "

"What Russians and about whose income take care of the government?" With the income of those Russians just everything is fine. If we talk about us, siery and poor, then the main thing is that we bring revenues to their mosna. "

Dmitry Potapenko: "Do you want a business without costs? Lighten the technology of 20 years ago. "

Dmitry Valerevich Potapenko - Successful businessman, publicist, expert, his video on YouTube causes great interest to the audience. Dmitry Potapenko is a senior partner of the Management Development Group Inc, represented in countries as the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, PRC, Czech Republic and Belgium, a variety of retail chains, manufacturing enterprises and restaurants, including "Deli", Prodeco, "Mark", "Hozmag", " Parade Planets, "" Pizza Uno "," ArtPraga ". According to experts, the annual turnover of the Potapenko business exceeds 300 million dollars.

Dmitry Potapenko - Adept of the Domestic Retail, the critic of power for the attitude towards Russian business, became widely known after the bright video at the Moscow Economic Forum in December 2015, the quotes of Potapenko fell into the news and scattered across social networks. Dmitry Potapenko banned from the "Growth Party" in the State Duma in 2016, but did not pass.

Childhood, education

Dmitry Potapenko was born on March 30, 1970 in Moscow. In the biography of Potapenko on the site "Find all" it is reported that Dmitry's parents worked in GRU: According to him, he became the son of two colonels of the main intelligence department.

In the elementary schools of the school, Dmitry studied well. But in the future ceased to show interest in learning. Also Potapenko actively participated in the public life of the school. He was an active Komsomol organizer, visited all kinds of mugs, engaged in karate.

After graduating from school, Dmitry Potapenko entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

From the student years, Dmitry began to live independently. He managed to test himself in various kinds of activity - in his career there was a job by Sanitar in the morgue and psychiatric hospital, and the personal bodyguard of the oligarch Vitaly MalkinaHe was even a security guard in the famous businessman's closed game club Otar Kwatrishvili (Criminal authority killed in the 90s). About these stages of Career Dmitry Potapenko wrote in his biography of "Honest book on how to do business in Russia."

Career businessman

Commerce Potapenko took up at a young age when she resoldred his school comrades.

"In the third grade I have already been stalented by a cheek near the hotel" Mozhaisky ". In the fifth grade, our five-meter cuisine was placed by the liners from the gum with Donaldami - then it was a big rarity, "recalled Potapenko himself in the biography, noting that he did not dream to be a businessman, and was him.

Further, his commercial experience has given itself to know in student years, when Dmitry Potapenko sold at the Gorbushka (the market in the Fillevsky Park near the DC them. Gorbunova) Various audio, video and computer equipment.

Dmitry Potapenko early found in himself a grip of an entrepreneur and already in 1989 established CJSC Black Bars, which was engaged in unloading-loading, sealing of interpanel seams and industrial mountaineering. It was during this period that Potapenko combined his studies at the Institute with many other works, an assistant to the pathologist, bodyguard and a security guard.

In 1992, in partnership with Natashkyang Korotia Systems, importing electronics to Russia, he created a network of electronics stores Tusar.

After graduating from the Institute in 1993, Dmitry in 1995 was working in Grundig for five years. In this company, an energetic young man has advanced in his career: starting the lead manager, Potapenko became deputy president.

Next, in the biography of Dmitry Potapenko, many different very prestigious posts appear. He was the general director of the department of chosen materials in the microdistrict of the edge, established the production and export of competitive chipboard, held the deputy head of investment cooperation in KB "CreditPeks Bank", was the deputy head of Logos companies, in addition, Potapenko began at the head of the company " Centers wholesale sales.

In 2003, Dmitry Valerevich headed the St. Petersburg and the capital offices of the Pyaterochka trading network.

In 2005, the Potapenko businessman took one of the main positions at the Management Development Group. He carried out the development of retail networks, planning, organization and stimulating work with an assessment of the result obtained and determining relevant trends.

"Main part of our business - food shops and inexpensive dining rooms, which are on the edge of demand:" Prodeco "," Groceryr "," Orange "," merchants "," Housekeeper "," Restaurant "True Fish", "Restaurant", " Real Meat "," UNU Pizza "," Dining room number 1 ", dining rooms at enterprises and in business centers. We earn not on charge, but on the number of customers served, "Dmitry Potapenko wrote in the biography of this stage of the business career.

Political activity

Dmitry Potapenko in February 2016 announced that he was going to enter the leadership of the party "Right case", which the business ombudsman should lead Boris Titov. The reason for the entry into politics, as reported in the biography of Potapenko in Wikipedia, was called the desire to "improve their work to help entrepreneurs". In the elections to the State Duma of 2016, Potapenko rankled from the "Growth Party" in the 97th Kaliningrad One-Mandate Election Center (Kaliningrad Region), but was not elected.

Dmitry Valerevich was also included in the outfield of the federal list of "Growth Party", following the elections, a five percent barrier for passing to the State Duma.

Dmitry Potapenko is an expert of the Moscow Economic Forum. In 2015, Potapenko's performance at the Moscow Economic Forum caused great interest, the video during the day did almost 300 thousand views scored on Youtube.

In that video, Potapenko called four strikes on the Russian economy: the embargo introduced for the redistribution of the market for "specific companies, suiced to government officials", extended lending rates, the destruction of products and the Plato system, which the businessman calls the tax Rotenberg. "Now the dialogue of power and business is the dialogue of the butcher with a cow. Affectionate look, a knife under the throat and the question: "What do we have today, milk or beef?", "Said businessman.

Career expert, video, quotes

In his career is a place of journalism, work by an expert on radio and TV. Potapenko wrote articles for the "elephant", "Firm's Secret", led by the author's "hour of entrepreneur" and "cash transition" on the city of FM, "Potapenko Course" on the Echo of Moscow, "Business and a little Personal" at Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda. As an expert Dmitry Potapenko frequent guest in the news of the economy, many media are treated for comments.

Dmitry Potapenko constantly posts the video on YouTube, and they recruit dozens and hundreds of thousands of views. In his video, Potapenko discusses the problems of business and the Russian economy, he is known for sharp statements to the government.

For example, he argued: "There is no justice and will not. Industry will not develop. Tomorrow will be even worse. The authorities will be the same. We can say that a permanent stabilizer has come - the stability of the slaughtering ".

"It's time to legalize the already existing two Russia. One - Provocative, second - all others. And to de-Yura and de facto coincided, on the border of Moscow, it is necessary to build a wall on the border so that "Sidda" did not enter the capital and did not deter kind of walking "boyars." In the "Forbes" rating, the top 500 companies of private enterprises have no longer left. Or state or quasi-state. Approximately 4-5 million people are associated with them from the emperor. It turns out, 5 million people against 140 million, "said Potapenko in an interview with SP.

"Often they argue that in Russia there are low taxes that it dismisses me sharply. On TV they say that taxes are only 13%. But in fact - 43% minimum, because the insurance premiums are paid from each salary. Today they make up 30%. 43% of each salary - exactly the amount pays the employer as a tax agent. Also, entrepreneurs are detached penalties for real taxes. And this is a mass phenomenon, "noticed Potapenko in an interview with SP in 2017.

Dmitry Potapenko talked about how the "fateful" programs of the Medvedev governments affected the lives of Russians, that 47% of the population survives due to the garden of the garden, about the promise of the premiere by 2024 to push the "horizon of global competitiveness and national security" that the government is deceiving people Referring to the external threats, braking, allegedly, the development of the country, the reasons for the crisis should be sought inside, among the elite busy with the looting of Russia.

Criticizing the pension reform, Potapenko said: "I propose to promise voters a pension over a million dollars. Only add small font: "At the achievement of 120 years." And in general, you never agree, because someone will definitely get this pension. If we talk seriously about the retirement age, then there is a bargaining: protest or oloprotest? Normal protest - he originated, and everyone went outside. And when we say "You know, we thought here, we probably will protest" ...

Dmitry Potapenko, 2016 photo Valwell. From the portal, available under license Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Dmitry Valerevich Potapenko Born on March 30, 1970 in the Muscovites family. After graduation, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation and in 1993 received a diploma in the specialty "Engineer Designer-technologist". In 2002, completed the MBA Postgraduate Education Program (Economy), WAVT under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Has evidence of the Moscow Regional Audit Chamber "International Accounting Standards and Reporting" IAS / GAAP.

Dmitry Potapenko - a famous media character, openly talking about business problems in the country and criticizing power, for example, during the performance on December 8, 2015 at the Moscow Economic Forum in defense of truckers protesting against the introduction of the system "Plato" And the subsequent discussion with Vladimir Gutenev. Is the author of articles on the site, leading author programs "Potapenko Course" on the echo of Moscow "Business and a little personal" on the radio "TVNZ". Also conducted author programs "An hour of entrepreneur" and "Cash transition" on city FM.

Participated in the elections to the State Duma of Russia of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation VII convocation (2016) in the internal part of the federal list from "Growth Party" In the first three, along with Boris Titov and Ex-Eser Oksana Dmitriev, but they did not overcome 5% barrier. Banned from "Growth Party" According to 97 Kaliningrad single-member electoral district, the Kaliningrad region, but with a slightly predictable result failed.

As a small entrepreneur, he began to work since 19 years old. Since 2003, he works in Management Development Group., Inc. ( "Management Development Group"), since the 2005th CEO and the managing partner of this online resource. The project provides consulting services in the field of strategic management. One of the domains on which one-page site is located MDG., MDG.SU is also registered in his name (Pruf).

Details: OOO "Management Development Group". Legal address: 117463, Moscow, ul. Inesza Armand, 3. OGRN: 1097746815495. INN: 7728720007. PPC: 772801001. Registration date: 12/18/2009. CEO: Potapenko Dmitry Valerievich. Management Development GROUP Inc. S.R.O., Praha 3, Blodkova 1280/8, PSČ 130 00. Ičo: 28415086. Statutární Orgán: Dmitry Potapenko. Datum Zápisu: 12. 6. 2008.

Dmitry Potapenko positions himself as "Entrepreneur. Advisor. Citizen", "Retail Expert" (in the field of managing large trading networks) and offers consulting services for "Effective Management and Development". Advertising company performances, meetings and seminars with D. Potapenko is carried out on its site

Meetings with him can be interesting to beginner retailers, both managers and owners of small stores or small networks, the limit of the dreams of which is to create your own "Pyaterochka" or "Magnet". Also, his practical experience and advice can be interesting for beginners of the owners of low-budget and nashelifications of catering.

It is not recommended to attend his lectures to those who dream of creating their high-tech startup, travelers who are looking for an internship and young professionals without practical experience, who want to work with him - all these categories of Population DMPotapenko dislikes and ready "Slide their diplomas in Schroeder". Of course, this is a joke, but it is unlikely that he can give a positive advice for all these listeners.

In addition, Potapenko is "Anti-coal" and "Antithetical" "Business Coach". So for several years he repeated about "Feldmarshal Clausevitsa First World War"until the visitors of the YouTube Channel were corrected. And the question of the listener about Michael Porter, he admitted that this does not know [sources: Dmitry Potapenko about business processes, 2012; Council of novice entrepreneurs from Dmitry Potapenko and answers to other questions, a fragment of the speeches of Dmitry Potapenko within "Anti-crisis tour - 2016". Official Youtube Community Businessman Dmitry Potapenko:]. By the way, to the question of the second, American MBA diploma (Business & Economic Option) California State University, Hayward - on the University of California in East Bay) - it was not possible to find a photo of this formation document, although the rest are present, Up to domestic honorary diplomas and performance certificates.

Despite numerous performances and positioning as a successful entrepreneur, it can be assumed that D. Potapenko needs money, since advertising blocks are placed on his personal website. Google Adsense (Pruf), and you can also find an advertisement for advertisers about the possibility of placing a banner for several thousand rubles per month (Pruf). Along with the habit of the character cheap and tastefully dress, for example, his constant polo with a standing collar and his famous blue suit in which he regularly appears from which it has long "increased"But the short brushes of which he wears with the short socks - (see, for example, the screenshot from Potapenko's speech and Catherine Schulman on the 1st Channel 1, 03/14/2017, screen), - All this brings to some reflections ...

In November 2016, the book of Dmitry Potapenko appeared on sale. "Honest book on how to do business in Russia"which contains business information "Without unnecessary theorization, only practice". Edition Available in paper and electronic variant. ISBN: 978-5-17-099208-9. This publication is oriented on novice entrepreneurs and start-ups, for which the author without bills and gloves tells about all the problems and difficulties that they will face starting their business.

Contact information

Facebook: and

Twitter: (Account is not updated from spring 2016) and


Vkontakte community:


G +:


YouTube: and


At the same time watching it:
Investment policy in Russia
M. Delyagin
M. Khazin

Dmitry Valerevich Potapenko is one of the most successful representatives of the domestic retail, the senior partner of the Management Development Group Inc., represented in the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, PRC, the Czech Republic, Belgium more than one and a half dozens of retail chains, manufacturing enterprises and restaurants, including "Deli", Prodeco, " Mark "," Hozmag "," Parade Planets "," Pizza Uno "," ArtPraga ". According to experts, the annual turnover of his business has reached more than three hundred million dollars.

The entrepreneur with three higher education, the certificate of MBA and DNV GL GROUP became famous for the sharp criticism of the country's economic policy. After his spontaneous speech in December 2015, at the economic forum and a sharp discussion with Vladimir Gutenev, the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee in the capital, he won a reputation as a person who knows how to tell the truth, despite positions and faces. However, a number of representatives of the business community refer to it critical, calling the Multi-Point and Machin of the "Great Combinator", the Ostap Bender with the owner of the deceptive charm Ivan Khlestakov.

Childhood and family Dmitry Potapenko

The future charismatic businessman was born on March 30, 1970 in Moscow and, according to him, became the son of two colonels of the main intelligence department.

In school, he gladly participated in public life, was a Komsomol activist and a member of many circles. In particular, he was engaged in karate and even twice became a champion in this kind of martial arts.

It should be noted that this fact, as, however, and some others are questioned. His biography is often too reminded by an adventure novel. Retelling it in an interview, Dmitry noted that she herself surprises himself with his saturation and incredibility of events.

In the elementary grades, he studied well, but, having matured, allegedly lost motivation and cognitive interest in the process of gaining knowledge. Nevertheless, having received secondary education, the young man entered a serious university - Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

Since 19 years old, he began to live separately from his parents and, being a student, managed to change a number of exotic professions - worked by Sanitar in Morga and in a psychiatric hospital, led the closed gambling institution of criminal authority Otari Kwantrishvili, was the personal bodyguard of the oligarch Vitaly Malkina.

Career Dmitry Potapenko

He acquired the first commercial experience in adolescence, reselling his gum peers. In the student years, he has already sold various audio, video and computer equipment at the Gorbushka, in 1989, he established Black Bars CJSC.

In 1992, in partnership with Natashkyang Korotia Systems, one of the first companies importing electronics to Russia, he embodied his first project - a network of electronics stores "Tussar". In 1993, Dmitry defended the engineer's diploma and since 1995, for five years, worked at the Grundig company that appeared in the domestic market, occupying the position of the lead manager, later - Deputy President.

In the period 1998-2001 The young man was the general director of the department of chipstroke materials in the microdistrict of the undergrowth, controlling geographically 40 thousand hectares, has established the production and export of competitive chipboard. At the same time he held the post of deputy head of investment cooperation in the KB "Creditimpex Bank".

In 2001, Dmitry Valerevich became Deputy Head of Logos Companies operating in the distribution market of periodicals, and also stood at the head of the society "Center for Wholesale Sales". In 2003-2005, after repeated invitations of one of the founders of Pyaterochka, Andrei Rogachev, he headed the St. Petersburg and metropolitan offices of the trading network.

In 2005, the entrepreneur took one of the most important positions at the Management Development Group, which defines the general business success - the managing partner. He carried out the development of retail networks, planning, organization and stimulating work with an assessment of the result obtained and determining relevant trends.

Personal life Dmitry Potapenko

Successful Retail Practice is married. His spouse Elena has worked for a lawyer, engaged in issues of bankruptcy firms. In order to increase professional competence, it also received economic education, and after marriage - also a psychologist's diploma, embodying his children's dream. As a result, it became the general director of the Training Center "Maximum", offering a personal development program that improves the quality and standard of living. In addition, it is the creator of the Discussion Club "Perevilov".

Family couple raised two daughters. The eldest of them, Maria Gracheva, according to his father, was a prize-winner of almost all physico-mathematical Olympiads of the country. At the end of the school, she was taken on Physifak MSU without exams. To create comfortable starting conditions, parents gave her apartment. The youngest - Natasha Potapenko - she studied in the lyceum of information technology.

A businessman leads a relatively modest lifestyle, loves to spend his free time with his family, loves a corona dish of his wife - Duck, regularly visits the gym and says that she is pronounced to expensive things, although it has an impressive fleet: Gelandewagen SUV, Lexus, Mitsubishi Pajero, Lexus, Mitsubishi Pajero, Kia Rio , and the Nissan Juke crossover belonging to Elena.

Dmitry Potapenko today

The main part of the business of the domestic gurus of consulting is currently the Prodmatmagazines and cheap restaurants. It combines its main management functions with master classes and consultations on effective management, conducts a number of copyright programs on the radio, is a frequent guest on television.