Evaluation of personnel in the organization. Evaluation of personnel on the example of LLC "Ivanho" Evaluation of personnel examples of companies

Evaluation of personnel is a system for identifying the characteristics of workers aimed at improving the efficiency of the team.

With the concept of assessing staff figured out. In general, everything is clear, you will say. But what to do with it?

And to begin with, I propose to find out whether everyone needs monitoring staff. To do this, consider the situations in which it is unreal without it:

  1. The appearance of frame frames;
  2. Lack of a system for evaluating work in the company;
  3. Making management decisions in personnel policy;
  4. Raising the level of conflict in the team;
  5. Identifying complaints from workers to working conditions;
  6. Lack of employees;
  7. Expansion or updating the company's management staff;
  8. Changing the company in the market;
  9. Changes in the personnel structure of the company;
  10. Strengthening the company's positions at the expense of the personnel reserve.

Know if you are in one of these situations, move and develop further, without estimating the current personnel makes it will simply fail.

Interesting. Each third employee wants to clearly understand the prospects for its development within the company.

The main charm of evaluation

And in order to better figure out what it is eaten with, then I will tell you about key objectives and tasks when evaluating staff:

  1. Audit. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, and use them for the benefit of the company;
  2. Training. Form a plan for learning and the comprehensive development of each in the team;
  3. Raising. Form adequate conditions and criteria for moving through a career ladder;
  4. Feedback.Receive continuous FIDBEK from employees about the quality and conditions of their work;

And the audit will help determine the current state of your company and form its development plan. In addition, if you systematically evaluate the personnel, and take into account the goals of the staff assessment, then the development will become permanent.

Development! That's lovely!

Types of staff assessment

Turning to the evaluation criteria, we can not leave such an important point aside as the type of evaluation.

Therefore, before I gave you a long list of evaluation criteria, we will deal with its views.

1. By employment

You can estimate both already working personnel, including freelancers and a new one. And about it in more detail.

1.1 Certification of current personnel

If briefly, in this assessment, you need to answer only two questions: "How economically beneficial to you a personal employee?", "Does it bring more profit or costs to the company?".

Moreover, both in the short term and in the long run. It all depends on the situation in which monitoring is required.

Believe me, you will absolutely take a look at the same serving if you need to reduce the state or when opening a new direction.

1.2 Evaluation in hiring

This type of rating is somewhat more complicated than the previous one. Here you require "Claints Skills". Just kidding, of course. But only to convey the essence.

You know nothing about the candidate, you have to judge only on summaries and recommendations. Therefore, here to criteria should be carefully, and a candidate is well enough to not be mistaken with the choice.

Use the golden rule in this matter, which I, unfortunately, do not remember. And it sounds like this: "Take a slower, and dismiss quickly!"

2. By planning

The assessment can be carried out systematically, according to a specific schedule, and if necessary, depending on the situation.

2.1 Planned

This species is suitable in a situation of forming a plan for promoting career ladder specialists.

And it is also suitable for the formation of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe competences of the team when planning a new company's strategy or work in the conditions of a highly competitive market.

With a scheduled assessment, the employee has the opportunity to prepare, learn questions and fill the gaps. And most importantly, he will understand that the certification may affect its position in the company and the system of motivation.

2.2 Middle

If you need to urgently accept a management solution, for example, to reduce the state.

A certain cut to assess you, of course, get. But the weak side of this type of assessment is that you do not have pictures in dynamics.

Perhaps an employee whose score is low according to the results of one cut, all these skills have worked in just a week. And another specialist has a good set of skills, but has not advanced over the past couple of years.

Your gifts from partners

3. By way

The assessment can be carried out both in manual mode and using special services and programs.

3.1 Manual

A manual assessment method implies personal interaction with those who appreciate. It can be a personal conversation, oral answers to questions or even written, but tested by separately taken by experts.

With manual estimate, there is always a risk of error in counting and the likelihood of bias and subjectivity.

Especially if we are talking about what evaluates the employees of the same company employee, even if the head, and not the involved specialist.

3.2 Automated

Example: 100% execution of the plan will pay 50,000 rubles. For a month, the following tasks:

Total plan is made by 75% and our marketer will receive 50,000 x 0.75 \u003d 37 500 rubles.

1.3 Rating System Evaluation

Conducting staff assessment This method is as follows: For each task, a specialist receives a certain, previously indicated number of points.

And at the end of the period, let's say a month, a rating of personnel is formed on the basis of earned points .

Example: for each finished part of the machine receives 10 points. At the end of the month, the scores are folded, and we get the most productive employee.

1.4 rank method

Top management is something like a personal rating for everyone in the team or department.

Example: you have 8 shooters in your workshop for sewing. The head of the company, the head of the workshop and the older seamstress constitute ratings based on the annual staff assessment (each independently!) And compare them.

It turns out that seamstress number 2 and the seamstress number 7 was in the last positions in all three lists. Then they can be transferred to the seamans, reduce the amount of orders or send to additional training, transferred to the rank of interns.

How many methods, they all need to be used!

2. Qualitative methods

These are more complete descriptive characteristics of personnel. Often the description occurs in free form. Below I prepared the main approaches to the assessment of the personnel of this group.

2.1 Questioning

The simplest method of quality research is suitable for staff assessment during hiring.

Classic questions for this kind of survey: Experience, desired position, desired payment of labor, priorities in the choice of work (salary, team, self-development, proximity to home, etc.), key skills.

Example: You need to evaluate two employees who apply to one position - the beauty salon administrator.

  1. Candidate 1. Without experience, looking for a vacancy of the administrator, wants the level of payment one that you are ready to offer, but a candidate with experience. Priority in the choice of work is proximity to the house and the level of salary.
  2. Candidate 2. He has experience of 2 years, looking for a position, with the possibility of career growth to the manager of the salon or a few, quit with a similar position due to the lack of perspectives.

And you, in turn, are planning from one beauty salon to become a network of salons by the end of the year. Who choose? Obviously, a candidate 2. Such a simple way will make it possible to appreciate the candidate for hiring.

2.2 Descriptive evaluation

A simple narrative description of the strengths and weaknesses of the employee is often used in conjunction with other methods for the most complete assessment.

The description will allow you to choose the appropriate methods of encouragement, avoid conflict situations in the team and make the right management decisions.

Example: Profile description of a regular accountant. Key competencies: Experience as an accountant in the company for more than 5 years without complaints.

Strengths: competent, punctual, attentive, active, can argue its point of view, offers its own solutions to the tasks.

Weaknesses: nozzle, with difficulty perceives criticism, it is not comfortable to work in a team.

2.3 Mode Matrix

For each position, the so-called "ideal matrix" is formed, that is, a set of characteristics in the percentage ratio.

After that, a similar matrix is \u200b\u200balready working in this position of the employee.

And two matrices are compared, after which the conclusion is made about the suitability of the employee for a particular position. The method is good for staff assessment when hiring.

Example: You are looking for a regular designer. His extended perfect portrait and portraits of candidates look like this

Who will you take to work? That's right, Olga. Just that, despite the high degree of responsibility and extensive experience in Anastasia, Olga more corresponds to your "ideal matrix" of the designer.

2.4 360 degrees

As part of this method, the work of the employee is assessed by his colleagues, head, customers, partners or counterparties with which he interacts, and he himself.

The result is the most complete picture with an understanding of the growth points in the specialist.

Example: Colleagues, in connection with the annual staff assessment, the employee is evaluated by an employee - a consultant to the store of Vladimir's toys, as a specialist knowing a well-known range.

If they do not know something about a toy, they will ask Vladimir, and he will definitely help.

The head appreciates Vladimir as an executive and responsible employee, which sometimes performs even those tasks that are characteristic of the store administrator, and not for an ordinary consultant.

Customers also respond well about Vladimir. They appreciate it that he is not just a toy more expensive, and for a start, finds out all the preferences of the child and recommends that the most appropriate options in different price categories.

So, thanks to the method of assessing 360 degrees, we see that Vladimir has every chance to get a rise before the store administrator or senior consultant.

2.5 Group discussion

Conducting staff assessment by this method similar to the previous one. But in the greater discussion, the head, worker and, if possible, the invited expert in the area of \u200b\u200bthe discussed position is involved.

The expert is needed for an objective, expert assessment of personnel. This method is suitable for assessing the qualifications of a specialist, identifying its attitude to work.

As part of such a discussion, you can give specific cases to solve, to determine how the employee behaves in a similar situation.

Example: for a specialist logistics department: you sent a car with urgent cargo to the customer, and the car driver fell into an accident. Your actions.

What an employee responds that it will find out how serious accidents happened to. Based on this, it will appreciate the delay time for delivery.

Contact the customer, will explain the situation, agree on a delay in time. Apologize for those delivered inconvenience.

Then contact the driver of another car, whose route passes close to the traffic accident and will offer him to deliver the goods.

From this answer, you understand that the employee responsibly refers to work and interact competently with the client, and is looking for rational solutions, without falling into panic.

That's lovely! I will definitely try to evaluate your staff with these methods.

3. Combined methods

That is, the interaction of descriptive and quantitative methods. So, we deal with staff assessment tools.

3.1 Certification on a decisive situation

The company for each employee is formed "correct" and "incorrect" behavior in typical work situations or cases (for example, in accordance with the job description).

After summing points for the decision of the cases, a rating of employees is formed within the framework of a specific period.

Example: for employees of the count center, each successful resolution of the conflict situation with the client. Where successfully \u003d the client was satisfied, he does not hold an evil on the company, 10 points in the ranking.

The method will allow digitize quality characteristics. According to the results of the specified period, the rating of employees is drawn up, from which it is seen who most often shows the "correct" behavior in solving conflict situations.

3.2 Method of scale

As part of the method, a list of skills, qualities, the characteristics required for the position occupied are formed. Each item in the list is assigned the value:

  1. "Excellent";
  2. "Okay";
  3. "Satisfactorily";
  4. "Bad".

Or vice versa, the characteristics of a particular specialist are discharged and compared with the requirements for the position on the scale:

  1. "Much superior to the requirements";
  2. "Exceeds the requirements";
  3. "Complies with the requirements";
  4. "Complies with some requirements";
  5. "Does not comply with the requirements."

So you can appreciate how much this employee meets his position.

Example: for a hairdresser-intern:

  1. Qualification - "exceeds the requirements";
  2. Attitude to customers - "meets the requirements";
  3. Attitude to work - "meets the requirements."

Of which you can conclude that it is time to increase this worker from an intern in a full-fledged hairdresser.

3.3 Grouping

The division of the entire team on the principle of work efficiency, from those who work unsatisfactory, to those who work without complaints.

This method allows us to estimate the effectiveness of the team as a whole. Identify points of growth and raise the question of what to do with a group of workers whose results are low.

Please note if you are not satisfied with the work of even a third of the staff, it is a reason to review their motivation, as well as a system of advanced training in the company.

Example: In your company, three departments: project management - 3 people, sales - 5 people, AHO - 2 people.

At the same time, 1 managers, 2 managers and 1 specialist AHO work well. The remaining employees of the sales department regularly do not fulfill the plan, the managers do not fit on the terms of projects, and a specialist AHO has a shortage of budget.

Only 40% of employees work efficiently in your company.

That is, you need to review the employee motivation system (by the way, in the video below one of the methods of motivation), to identify encouragement and fines, organize a system for advanced staff training.

Step-by-step instruction

All this is good, just wonderful, you will say. But how to apply it? Let's look at step by step, how to spend staff assessment.

Step 1. Description of functions

So, the staff assessment procedure begins with the employee functions. This is the starting point in order to understand how much it meets the requirements, the tasks and interests of the company. It can be decorated in the form of an official instruction.

Details for example

Consider at the example of you already working. For example, according to the instructions, the sales manager includes:

  1. Customer search;
  2. Reception and processing;
  3. Drawing up and concluding contracts;
  4. Transfer of a technical specialist who paid the client;
  5. Getting from the client.

Step 2. Definition of requirements

After the functions are formed, and before proceeding directly to the question "How to conduct an assessment of personnel", you need to define some indicators, whether quantitative or high-quality.

According to these indicators, you can understand how well the employee performs the above-mentioned functions.

Mandatory appraisal condition is to bring to an employee and its functions, and indicators for these functions.

Details for example

For example, for our manager, these numbers will look like this, in order:

  1. Customer search - 10 new customers per month;
  2. Reception and processing of incoming applications - 50% of incoming appeals;
  3. Compilation and conclusion of contracts - the number of correctly decorated \u003d quantity of sales;
  4. Getting feedback from the client is at least 70% of customer respondents.

It will be perfectly if at this step before the introduction of planned certification you will spend the first certification of the employee to determine its incoming indicators, that is, what results for the criteria you have allocated now.

Step 3. Quantitative analysis

For an example of quantitative analysis, take KPI, as this is one of the main methods of staff assessment, and we define the planned indicators. Next, you should talk about these scheduled indicators to your manager.

It should also be explained that on these quantitative indicators will be planned automatic evaluation.

And the salary calculation will be made by KPI, in accordance with the above indicators.

Details for example

Suppose each of the duties (I wrote above them) has a weight in KPI 20%.

Tracking indicators will be using where you can see the number of new customers, new contracts and sales, information on the assessment of services by customers and the presence or absence of missed calls.

Step 4. Descriptive Analysis

At this point, not only quantitative indicators, but also the qualitative characteristics of a specialist and personality come into force.

What will be in priority, high-quality or quantitative indicators - to solve only you. But remember, there is no such profession "good man"!

Details for example

We continue to evaluate our manager. To do this, we will apply the "360 degree" method.

Insure the second manager of the department, the head of the company and the head of the department, several current customers, as well as technical specialists who receive the client from the manager to provide the service.

Step 5. Formation of a general assessment

Just at this moment you need to decide what is more important than the quantity or quality.

Do not forget about the combined assessment methods, which in this case will come to your aid and allow you to form a complete understanding of the level of efficiency of one or another employee.

Details for example

We make calculated quantitative indicators for KPI. And also we get a general description of the qualities of the employee by the method of "360 degrees".

  1. Customer search - 6 per month;
  2. Reception and processing of incoming applications - 30% of appeals;
  3. Drawing up and conclusion of contracts - the number of correctly decorated \u003d quantity per month;
  4. Transfer of a paying client by a technical specialist - 100% of customer services;
  5. Obtaining feedback from the client according to the results of the service provided - 40% of respondents.

Method "360":

  1. Loses in conflict situations;
  2. Polite;
  3. Judits a lot.

Step 6. Comparison with standard

As mentioned above, in addition to the assessment of a particular employee in your understanding should always be that how its effectiveness should be ideally.

At this stage, you compare the estimated specialist with the ideal.

At this step, the matrix assessment method will help us. According to the quantitative indicators "Ideal" or we have a plan.

Details for example

Compare a niche "ideal" matrix with a sales manager matrix. By the way, for its preparation we took into account the results of the "360 degree" method.

Step 7. Final assessment

When the entire set of estimated events passed, and you have data on how it should be as far as a strong gap between these two concepts.

And only after that you can form to conduct an assessment audit and properly characterize the employee.

Details for example

According to the results of the audit of the assessment, the entire manager we received the following indicators:

  1. By kpi.75.4% of the plan were completed;
  2. According to the matrix. Discussion by 20% on two points.

Step 8. Further actions

The resulting assessment is simply necessary to bring to the employee. Discuss with him what he thinks about the result obtained and come to further steps.

Perhaps the result will be the task of improving the qualifications, a change of position or a list of growth points.

Because by itself, the analysis of the efficiency of growth will not bring. It is only needed to form a faithful action plan to improve the situation.

Details for example

Our manager, we find out what prevented a 100% plan and determine the growth points, for example:

  1. Use new customer search channels;
  2. Automate receiving feedback;
  3. Come online course on the theory of argumentation.

After that, we obtain the consent of the manager for these measures and determine the deadlines of the implementation, and also do not forget about control.

Only in this case, all previously done 6 steps will give a tangible result.

We are already over 29,000 people.

Factors affecting assessment

As you understand, the list of such factors is great. Because there was no partition in my article, where I would not call you to take into account the situation, circumstances and features of a particular employee in assessing.

For convenience, several main factors can be distinguished, which are more affected by the staff assessment:

  1. Biological. Half-actual characteristics, mental and physical abilities, the influence of weather and climatic conditions.
  2. Socio-economic. Labor legislation, degree of security, wage level.
  3. Organizational.Working conditions in the company, the tasks that are put in front of the employee, the resources that are in its access to solve these tasks.
  4. Market. The unemployment rate, in demand in the market of specialists of a similar position, the richness of the market by these specialists or their deficit.
  5. Psychological. The moral state of the employee, its attitude to work, relationships in the team. And also the feeling of its own significance, accessories.

Interesting. 41% of employees (according to the results of surveys of the largest HR-portal in Russia) are ready to change the work if they are offered a more interesting project.

It must be remembered that all these major personnel assessment factors affect the employee comprehensively.

Evaluate the impact of these factors on the effectiveness of the employee's work, you can also in the process of a comprehensive assessment of its work.

Errors and complexity

As in any process of introducing the entire new, with the introduction of the personnel assessment system, there are certain problems:

  • Wrong selection of staff assessment techniques. "Single-sided" approach when evaluating personnel is the most common error.
  • Certification is cut off from the motivation of the employee. As a result, he simply does not understand why the certification is needed if it does not affect the current state of affairs.
  • High degree of subjectivity.Determine for yourself how to avoid it whether third-party specialists will be attracted to the expert assessment of personnel.
  • Inaction.After assessing the current situation, the following steps must be formed on the basis of the results obtained.

Briefly about the main thing

The main thing is that it should be noted - the assessment of the staff is definitely a useful procedure in the work of the organization.

It is only important to observe a few simple rules. I prepared for you, the so-called check list:

  • Systematize staff assessment process. That is, it is not from occasion to the case as snow on the head, but to convey the importance of the event to the whole personnel.
  • Provide a system. Estimated based on the results and prescribe the entire list of responsibilities in the job description of each employee.
  • Cut the current state of the collective. Otherwise, your conclusions will be erroneous, and you have nothing to rely on for further evaluation of employees.
  • Use comprehensive assessment methods. That is, quantitative, high-quality and combined to get the most complete picture of what is happening.
  • Form directions for development.It is necessary to implement for each direction so that each of the specialists understand the essence and significance of assessment activities.

And in conclusion, the documents that should be, and which you will help with the introduction of the certification system of employees.

  1. Job description. It is prescribed by all the tasks of a particular specialist, clearly outlined the circle of his duties.
  2. Check Sheets for Express Evaluation. They can still be called the list of necessary conditions for performing a task.
  3. Models or Competence Matrix. They must be clearly formulated, prescribed and understandable. Otherwise you will not be able to use them.
  4. Forms for evaluation. That is, the list of characteristics, and the possible scale for each of them from "much exceeds the requirements" to "does not comply with the requirements."
  5. Questionnaires and questionnaires. It is better to prepare for each activity. They will become reliable assistants when receiving new employees.
  6. Memo for certification. Good for both verifier and employee itself. Because he can always see what is required of it.
  7. Report templates based on analysis and monitoring. Especially relevant for high-quality methods so that the free form of description of the characteristics has not turned into an essay on the topic.

What is the assessment of the staff?

Personel assessment - Assessment of the existing state of knowledge, skills, staff skills of the company with the aim of designing and developing measures to optimize them.

Purpose of staff assessment At the enterprise - conducting targeted and coordinated changes in the current personnel management system, which should ensure the increase in labor productivity, product quality, production culture (equipment and maintenance), corporate culture, etc.

Evaluation objectives in the "wide" use of the procedure

  • Acceptance of work, a competition for filling a vacant position
  • Formation of personnel reserve
  • Rotation frames
  • Determination of personnel readiness to changes in reorganization
  • Reduced staff
  • Determination of developmental potential
  • Determination of learning needs
  • Formation of the system of motivation in promotion

Evaluation objectives in the "narrow" use of the procedure:

  • Evaluation of the current activities of employees.
  • Coordination of goals for the next period.
  • Staff development.
  • Administrative decisions
  • Help managers from the company's divisions to evaluate personnel resources and the effectiveness of their use.
  • Help employees understand the requirements for their position and get the opportunity to find out what exactly they correspond to these requirements, and what needs to be developed.
  • These estimates are designed to assist in making strategically important decisions, improve the organizational structure and conduct an adjustment of official duties.
  • The assessment allows you to answer questions: "What to teach?", "How to teach?", "Who to learn?", Plan training for certain employees, to identify the most promising of them, in which the company will cost ventilately.
  • The assessment should help make relationships in the company's team more business and transparent; To eliminate misunderstanding between managers and subordinates.

The introduction of a system of certification and evaluation of professional-important qualities is an important mechanism for the personnel management system that allows you to monitor the state of vocational training, the functional skills of enterprise employees. The implementation of an integrated certification mechanism and evaluation of employees of the enterprise allows us to apply a wide range of tools for material and administrative incentives, professional and personal social motivation.

The company's staff assessment is the basis for:

  • Systems of material and non-material stimulating staff
  • Personnel selection and adaptation systems
  • Personnel training systems
  • Personnel development systems
  • Forming and working with personnel reserve
  • The very motivation and development of leadership qualities of personnel
  • Systems for improving production indicators

Relying on the many years of experience in the assessment activities of the experts of A-Range Solutions, for the introduction of a comprehensive personnel assessment system, we suggest you to conduct its clear regulation, ensuring relevant procedures and documents, which will minimize personal and subjective factors when evaluating personnel. At the same time, it makes sense to immediately develop two directions of evaluation: official certification (in accordance with the requirements of legislation once every three hundred) and qualifying assessment to determine the directions of development of personnel and its mobilization, analysis of the results of its activities, focusing on the disadvantages and existing problems (annually). In addition, it is necessary to streamline and regulate the procedure for assessing candidates for vacancies.

When does the need to evaluate the staff?

Even before the development and implementation of the personnel evaluation system, it is advisable to respond by several questions to the development and implementation of the personnel assessment system in the evaluation process.

  • How to measure the indicators? How to build an assessment scale?
  • How to assemble reliable information in order to build an assessment?
  • Who will be the appraiser? Is the appraisers for the assessment procedure enough?
  • What to do with the instability of processes?
  • How to deal with the immeasurability of a number of essential parties?
  • How to avoid "bazaar relations," I love - I do not like ", binding to pay each step?
  • How to associate an assessment with the wage foundation in the face of the uncertainty of future payments starting from the "pilot project" before introducing in the entire company, avoiding reproduction of fot?

Most often, the company is thinking about the development and implementation of the personnel assessment system if:

  • There is a stable staff fluidity
  • There is no personnel assessment system in the company in principle
  • It is necessary to accept the management solution in the field of HRM companies.
  • Investments are planned to develop key activities of the enterprise
  • It is planned (or already occurred) change of the company's management team
  • Expected (or already occurred) Change of strategic goals of the company
  • Need to form a project team to solve a strategic business problem
  • Legal basis of movements of employees within the company are very prioritized
  • Reduced standard, standard structure
  • Enter optimization processes in the enterprise
  • Reproduction of the enterprise is preparing
  • Formation of a company personnel training plan requires an understanding of the level of staff competence
  • Requires the formation of a personnel development plan and forming a personnel reserve in the enterprise
  • The trend of the fall of the discipline of labor is traced.
  • Noticeably reduced productivity
  • Permanent conflict situations are observed
  • Charges are recorded with complaints of inspecting authorities
  • "Ripe" the need to form or change the system of stimulating staff at the enterprise.

What methods of assessing staff are there?

  • Analysis of documents - Studying resumes, written recommendations, reviews, education documents, etc. It is estimated by the accuracy of the data provided (education, qualifications, work experience, responsibilities, functions, achievements).
  • Analysis of established standards and standards - There are certain requirements for processes within the company, such as standards and product quality requirements, technological schemes of production. Personnel in the company adheres to established procedures, standards for developing and manufacturing. Under these requirements, standard estimates are developed.
  • Psychological testing - allows you to get in a quantitative and descriptive form the results of the assessment of personal traits. Quantitative results allow you to compare employees for certain qualities. To assess the personal questionnaires can be a specially instructed specialist, and process the results and give recommendations - only a specialist knowing how to use a specific questionnaire.
  • Evaluation of work behavior and evaluation interview
  • Professional tests - Developed to a specific position and test key to her knowledge and skills. A direct supervisor to evaluate them to evaluate their division employees, as well as external experts of consulting companies, profile specialists.
  • Method "Business Essay" - sand a certain time is estimated to describe an existing real problem, suggest a problem solving algorithm / task. This assessment method allows you to identify a comprehensive approach to solving problems, strategic vision.
  • Scale Evaluation - characterize the desired parameters of skills and competencies and a description of each division of this scale. Scale are selected for a specific rating system.
  • Ranging- Comparative analysis of personnel inside the unit and between divisions of the company, building a "chain" rating on advanced criteria.
  • Assessment on competencies - a set of individual characteristics expressed in behavioral indicators and determining the quality of work performed in this position in this organization
  • 360 degrees - This is obtaining data on the actions of the employee in real working situations and the business qualities manifested them. In this case, they receive information from people who communicate with this person at different levels: chief, colleagues, seds, subordinates, customers.
  • Assessment-centre - A comprehensive method for assessing competencies, is a multiple assessment process reflected in 5 basic properties: a group of participants performs a variety of exercises under the supervision of the team of trained observers who evaluate each participant in a set of predetermined directly related to the work of behavioral samples. Decisions are accepted by joint discussion of all data obtained.
  • Management by targets (MBO from Management by Objectives) - begins with a joint (employee and his head) to identify the key goals of the employee for a certain period (from 6 months to 1 year). Such goals should be a bit and reflect the most important tasks of the employee's activities for the next period and be: specific, measurable, achievable, significant time-oriented.
  • KPI(Key Performance Indicators) - Assessment on key performance indicators - so that this type of assessment worked not only to control the results, but also to improve the effectiveness of employees' activity, it should, on the one hand, take into account the company's strategic goals, on the other - to be clear and understandable for Each employee.
  • Personnel audit- diagnosis of the present state of human resources and the effectiveness of the personnel management system for compliance with the strategy, goals and objectives facing your enterprise, identifying risk zones and development zones
  • Certification - This is a systematic formalized assessment assessment of a specific employee's activities in the standard workplace in this workplace in this position.
  • Test - Cases - This is a structured description of the economic, social or working situation offered to analyze and find possible solutions for learning or evaluating subjects for the specified parameters. Determining the current state of professional knowledge, skills, skills in the subject area and the severity of professional subject competence and personal properties.

How is the assessment of the staff?

Standard work list, which conduct experts Consultants A-Range Solutions:

  • installation meeting with the customer. Determining the problem situation
  • preliminary assessment of the conditions for carrying out staff assessment: approval of the goal and objectives, deadlines, labor intensity of work, as well as the budget and composition of the team of experts - consultants. In determining the cost of work, the project amount is compared with the expected effect of implementing measures to improve the system of recruitment and adaptation of personnel
  • formation and coordination of the work plan, approval of contact persons from the customer
  • definition and approval of the methodical part, including the choice of methods and tools of the assessment. Includes work on the publication of internal orders, orders regulating this work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personal notice of the evaluated staff before the start of the assessment.
  • getting from the customer permission to collect and process information, conducting interviews with the staff of the enterprise. Collection, systematization of information. If necessary, according to preliminary agreement with the Customer, experts - Consultants of A-Range Solutions are developed by questionnaires, questionnaires.
  • development and approval of the staff assessment structure. To implement these works, it is important that the Customer provides a proven, reflecting the problem of research, reliable information, ensuring the comparability of data.
  • actually assessment procedures
  • the development of recommendations on the results of the work carried out is a preliminary draft report of the work carried out for discussion and coordination with the customer.
  • formation of the final report. The entire course of work on the assessment of enterprise personnel, the results obtained, as well as conclusions and recommendations are described.
  • choosing experts implementing the implementation of staff assessment results in the enterprise.

What as a result?

Depending on the purposes, tasks, problems, you acquire a systematized structured look at the state of human resources in your company:

  • understanding the current state of knowledge, skills, company staff skills
  • compliance of the qualification level of human resources to the strategic and tactical tasks of the company
  • evaluation of the professional contribution of the employee (s) in the efficiency of the company
  • compliance of the qualifying level of employees to the level of their remuneration
  • compliance with employee duties (s) with zone of entrusted responsibility
  • functional imbalance of the enterprise (in the context of human resources)
  • analysis of the management composition of the enterprise (in the context of HRM)
  • analysis of existing procedures governing personnel assessment system
  • a description of the possible legal risks (the emergence of labor disputes, penalties on the part of inspecting authorities) with reference to the regulatory legal act
  • recommendations to eliminate violations
  • priority tasks in subsequent work with personnel assessment system
  • plan of work on the implementation of the results of staff assessment in the enterprise.


3 staff assessment methods and their classification

II. Applying staff assessment in Kawasaka Restaurant

3 Analysis of the results of staff assessment in Kawasaki


List of used literature


The relevance of the topic of staff assessment is that any organization has the goals and objectives of their activities: the provision of services, works and the manufacture of products of the highest quality with the task of meeting the needs of buyers' products, so highly qualified and effective personnel are required.

The main task of any organization is to fulfill the goals. The degree of their implementation determines how qualitatively and satisfactorily the company works, and employees can actually fulfill their job responsibilities. In order to determine the degree of their significance in the company, it is important to have certain methods for assessing the effectiveness of achieving each employee of their duties for his position.

The personnel assessment system itself implies a meeting to one whole of several basic techniques that are directly related to the effective management procedure.

Reducing in many sectors of production, a change in the economy and other circumstances led to the release of a huge part of the labor force. In this situation, on the one hand, a non-refined working work appeared, and on the other hand, the employer has expanded an additional resource for applicants for vacant jobs, which caused an increase in its requirements, conditions for candidates for employment.

The rationally selected procedure for evaluating employees ensures that the position of the most appropriate candidates, further, the nomination of those worthy of increasing is that in general ensures the result of the company's activities.

This work is to investigate the need for staff assessment, using theoretical knowledge on the example of a restaurant. The staff of the cavisaki restaurant "Kawasaki", Kaluga, becomes the object of study. The subject is the understanding of the practical qualities of the staff.

The goal of the course is to determine the frequently used and useful ways to assess the employees of the enterprise. To acquire the required goal, the following research objectives are resolved in this paper:

Identify the concept and essence of staff assessment.

Defining the tasks and objectives of the staff assessment in the personnel management system.

Consideration and classification of personnel assessment methods.

Sample staff assessment in a particular organization.

Methods for research in the work are observation, interview analysis, testing.

The work consists of administration, two parts of work, namely, theoretical and practical, which include three subparagraphs that meet the objectives of writing this course work, the final part includes the conclusion and list of used literature.

I. Theoretical aspects of staff assessment

1 Concept and essence of staff assessment

Evaluation of the work of personnel is a targeted process for determining the ratio of qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivation and features) requirements of position or workplace. This is a multi-purpose procedure, which, if proper, affects the optimization of a number of business processes of the company.

There are the following types of staff assessments:

Assessment of the candidate when admission to work:

Certification - current, periodic estimate.

The main tasks of the evaluation of the frame are to determine the prospects for the growth of the career staircase, the identification of its labor potential, the degree of application of its potential, the ratio of the position of office, which he occupies or its preparedness to take a certain place when taking a job.

Also an important task of assessing personnel is the presence of feedback - an employee must understand how the results of its work are estimated, its preparation for the most qualitative implementation of management activities. The process of evaluating staff should be systematically implemented mainly to ensure that the workers themselves can know how efficiently they cope with their work. And at the same time that it would be necessary to improve in it for the need, and the governing will, thus, will be able to appreciate the strong qualities of each employee, which as a result will give it to him correctly and efficiently manage the staff and focus the strong qualities of each employee for specific activities.

Personal evaluation criteria. To gain faithful data, it is necessary to specifically and objectively determine the indicators for which the assessment is carried out. In this case, it is necessary to identify accurate and calculated personnel assessment criteria.

The personnel evaluation criterion is the border behind which the position of the indicator will satisfy or not satisfy the (defined) requirements. Such criteria can give a characteristic, both general situations that are equivalent to all frames of the company, and special labor and behavior standards for a particular workplace or position.

4 groups of criteria can be distinguished, which are used in any company (with some changes):

professional staff assessment criteria include the features of professional knowledge, skills, skills, professional experience of the employee, his qualifications, activities;

business criteria for staff assessment contain features such as discipline, responsibility, activity, enterprise;

moral and psychological criteria for evaluating personnel, which are characterized by honesty, psychological stability, self-esteem;

special (specific) criteria for evaluating staff that appear the essences of human qualities and give the characteristic of its health status, position in society, individuality.

A linear leader is a central person in the staff assessment. It is responsible for the objectivity and integrity of the information base, mandatory for the current periodic assessment, and carries out a conversation with personnel, at the same time assessing them.

The task of the recruitment selection department, which assess the applicants when admission to work, is, in particular, to select such an employee who will be ready to achieve the expected result company. In fact, the assessment of the reception is one of the parties to the quality control of human reserves in the company.

Despite the fact that there is a huge number of different approaches to the assessment, they all have a common drawback - subjectivity, the result mainly depends on who uses the method, or who he is interested in the role of an expert.

Mandatory rules and staff assessment requirements:

objectively - look at someone's personal opinion or some views;

reliably - relatively free from the impact of different situation, circumstances (mentally states, weather, failure, or success);

exactly in terms of work - the actual level of skills is estimated - how well the employee performs its work;

with the reality of forecasting - the assessment should provide information on what types of activities and to what extent the employee is capable of potentially;

increasingly, not only each of the participants in the company, but also relationships and relationships in the company itself, as well as the feasibility of the organization in general;

the assessment procedure and evaluation criteria are needed to be available not to a narrow circle of experts, but accurates and obvious, and appraisers, and observers, and actually evaluated;

the implementation of the estimated procedures should not violate the procedure for the work of the team, but to join a single personnel system in the company, thereby truly contributing to its change and improvement.

Before making a final decision on the choice of a challenger, he is obliged to pass several selection steps:

Preliminary qualifying conversation;

Filling the application form;

Conversation for hiring (interview);

Testing; professional testing;

Medical checkup;


Thus, how effectively the work on the selection and evaluation of personnel is built, as a rule, the quality of human resources, their contribution to the achievement of the company's goals and the quality of products or services provided.

2 challenges and personal assessment targets in personnel management

The purpose of the personnel assessment is to control the psychological reserve and professional knowledge and skills of the employee, mandatory to fulfill their designated working functions. The assessment of the staff is the basis for the development of a right decision in many branches of work related to human resources:

1.Set of new employees

2.Organizational work with personnel

.Staff training

.Organizational planning and planning of human potentials

.Creating conditions for compensation and benefits

.Remuneration (Prize) employees

The main goals of staff assessment in the organization:

finding the best organizational structure;

improvement and reform management system;

diagnostics and organization of financial stimulting systems;

confirmed, system training personnel;

establishment, organization of personnel resources;

screening applicants when taking work;

planning for further career employees;

personnel performance management

Evaluation of staff work is also aimed at achieving specific goals:

An administrative goal when a confirmed administrative decision is made (increase or decrease in career ladder, transfer to another place, direction to advanced training or training, dismissal) based on the results of the personnel evaluation results.

The information goal implies that both personnel and managers have the opportunity to acquire reliable data on activities. Such information is very important for the employee in terms of improving their work activities, and leaders give the right to approve the decision correctly.

The motivational goal is that the assessment itself is the most important way to motivate people's behavior, since adequately estimated labor costs will guarantee further growth in labor productivity<#"justify">-to assess the ability to change and reduce the risk of developing incompetent workers;

-form and approve training costs;

-keep the workers a sense of justice and improve working motivation;

-have and exercise feedback with employees about the quality of their employment;

Create training programs<#"justify">The results of the personnel assessment themselves are based on the decision of the following problems in:

Proper selection of personnel for office.

Detection of the degree of reality compliance with their position in the enterprise.

Effective use of frame opportunities.

Defining the contribution of employees to the final results of the work.

The need to advance the qualifications and promotion of employees in the career ladder.

Improved control device device.

Modernization of the control style.

Thus, the most important goals that the organization pursues in the assessment of personnel when admission to work is the importance of an employee for a particular particular company. At the same time, it is more effective if you immediately find the relevant person who is important to the well-being and development of the organization. Each employer is looking for an employee who "burns" at work and is ready to make it qualitatively. Large organizations prefer to take specialists with experience. Because their training is no longer possible to spend time and money. Such workers are well aware of themselves, as well as, what works it is worth spending the simplest interview. Consequently, in a conversation with them, personnel managers or personnel service ask only a few questions and learn recommendations.

It is also worth saying that to build a rating system that will be equally balanced from the point of view of objectivity, accuracy, simplicity and clearer - a difficult task for the management of the organization. Currently, the current diversity of systems and methods of staff assessment may be connected, each part of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

1.3 Personal Assessment Methods and Classification

Understand the personnel manager, a question arises a question of staff attestation. When choosing a method for holding personnel certification, it is necessary not to lose sight of its purpose, and specifically: an assessment of labor efficiency and the ratio of their positions, besides, still finding extensive hopes of employees for their preparation and further promotion. From such a representation of certification purposes naturally follows the division of the certification process into two parts:

Evaluation of labor

-personel assessment.

Evaluation of labor, its goal is to relate a real meaning, quality, size and completeness and work activity with planned. The planned parameters of employees, in most cases, are presented in plans and programs, technological maps, organization activities. Labor assessment allows you to estimate:



-labor intensity.

Evaluation of personnel, its goal to master the degree of personnel's preparedness to fulfill its kind of activity that he is engaged in, and also to detect its possible capacity to assess the growth plans (rotation), as well as the creation of personnel activities that are mandatory to achieve personnel policy.

The study of management practices presents that companies use, as a rule, in parallel both types of employees' labor assessment.

Therefore, events are held, concentrated as an assessment of the results of activities, as individual and business qualities affecting the achievement of these results.

If we talk about the assessment of the staff, it is necessary to allocate that the assessment of personnel can be involved both direct leaders of the estimated and other bosses, employees, subordinates, employees of personnel departments, external experts and, finally, directly evaluated (self-esteem).

Due to the simplest acquaintance with the methods of evaluating staff of all employees - ensuring that the methods used will provide an estimated result.

All assessment methods are divided into methods of individual personnel assessment, which are organized on the analysis of the personality qualities of the employee, and methods of group assessment, which are formed on the ratio of staff efficiency within the organization.

Most of the assessment methods that are applied today were formed in the last century. But, in consequence of evolution, these methods suffered a significant change.

So, consider the most common methods of staff assessment.

)Icliction method

The estimated profile is characterized by a fixed set of questions and representations. The one who appreciates - calculates the presence or absence of the established quality among who is estimated and allocates the desired option.

)Descriptive evaluation method

Assessing should be found and described in the description of the positive and negative parties of the behavior of the certified. This method does not imply accurately consolidate the achievements and as a result, often applied as an application to other methods.

)Classification method

This method is built on the distribution of evaluated employees for specific characteristics, from the best to the worse with the assignment of the established sequence number.

)Param Comparison Method

In this method, it is compared in the group of certified, which occupied one position, one with the other, as a result of which the number of times when the certificate became the best in his pair. Based on the submitted results, a single figure is drawn up.

When there is a comparison on pairs to effectively apply the group estimation form (Scheme 1.1).

At the intersection, note the surname of that employee who seems most effective in this pair.

Scheme 1.1 Group Evaluation Blanc

Families of employeeVanovPetrovovSidorovkozlovanov .... Petrov .... Sidorov .... Kozlov ....

This method is built on the assessment of the proportional relationship of the employee of the position. This method of modeling individual qualities of the employee. One of the main components of this type of evaluation is a list of questions that must be fulfilled by the certificate of employee. After writing this list, a study is carried out in view of the time spent by the employee for approval of solutions, ways to implement the proposed tasks. The settlement is also taken into account how economically the employee is being operated. Then the evaluation of the characteristics of the certified employee on a 7-point scale indicated in the list: 7 is a very high degree, 1 is a very low degree.

Research of results can be carried out either by the ratio of detected estimates with reference (exemplary), or comparing the results submitted from the staff of the same position.

)Method of specified distribution

In this method, the person who conducts an assessment of personnel is entrusted to give employees to assessment in the framework of a pre-approved (fixed) distribution of estimates. For instance:

% - unsatisfactory 20% - satisfactorily 30% - is quite watery 30% - good 10% - excellent total amount - 100%

The only thing that the employee's requirement is presented is to copy the employee's surname to a special card and rank them in groups relative to the appointed quota. The distribution is allowed to perform according to various parameters (evaluation criteria).

)Decisive assessment method

When applying this method, the assessment professionals form a list of representations of the "correct" and "incorrect" behavior of employees in frequently encountered moments - "decisive moments (situations)". Such submissions are distributed over sections with respect to the type of activity. Then, the person conducting the assessment prepares the log for records for a specific employee assessed, he records samples of behavior for each part. Then this magazine is applied to the assessment of the business qualities of the employee.

As a rule, such a method is applied in estimates approved by the head, not colleagues and employees.

Built on the use of "decisive situations" (see the method of assessing decisive situations), of which are followed by the prescribed individuals from human business and personal qualities, which are evaluated by the criteria. Assessing considers in the rating questionnaire an presentation of a particular evaluation criterion (for example, the competence of an engineer) and notes the mark in the scale relative to the qualification of the subordinate. Not a mild and painstaking method, however, and understandable to employees.


Like the previous one, however, instead of establishing the behavior of an employee in the decisive situation of the passing time, the estimated notes on the scale the number of examples when the employee behaved in one or another in a special way before. This method is painstaking and prescribes significant financial costs.

)Profit form and comparative questionnaires

Contains a range of issues or submission of employee behavior. Assessing places the mark parallel to the description of the sides of the character, which, in his opinion, is characteristic of the employee. Either leaves an empty place, nothing is simple. The total number of marks represent a holistic questionnaire rating of this employee. It is used to evaluate leadership, colleagues and employees.


Such a technique was acquired by services for working with satelliology.

Below is an example of an interview plan for the purpose of evaluating a person. In an interview, be sure to extract information about the following elements and characteristics of the employee:

-intelligence-based sphere; Motivational sphere;

-emotionality, character;

-professional and life experience;


-participation to Professional Activities

Initial years;



-training (primary, secondary, higher, professional);

Military service;

-submission to work on the company;


-self-assessment of potential, health;

-marital status, relations inside the family;

-types of recreation, leisure.

)Method "360 Degree Evaluation"

The subordinate is assessed by its head, his comrades for work and its others. Certain forms of estimates may vary, but regardless of this, each estimating fills the identical form and summarizes the results by means of computers in order to guarantee anonymity. The purpose of this method is to improve the assessment of the certified.

)The method of independent courts

The sovereign members of the Commission / independent (for example, 6-7 people) are asked to certify various issues. Such an event is similar to the intersecting interrogation on various fields of work certified. The judge has a computer on which the appraiser presses the "+" key, if the answer is correct and, respectively, the "-" key, if the answer is incorrect. At the end of the process, the program issues a final decision. The processing of employee responses is permissible, manually, in this case, the correctness of the answers is recorded in a predetermined form.


To evaluate the employee, it is allowed to use a variety of tests. These tests are divided into three groups:

-qualifications, i.e. allowing to establish the degree of qualifications of the subordinate;

-psychological, providing the opportunity to assess the individual qualities of the employee;

-physiological, identifying identity physiological aspects.

Positive features of the test assessment are that it makes it possible to earn a quantitative characteristic of most estimated parameters, and computer processing of outcomes is provided. As for the negative side, assessing the possible potentials of the employee, the tests do not take into account how these abilities are applied in practical activities.

) Method of committees

The assessment is carried out by a group of specialists and aimed at identifying the abilities of the employee who represent him the right to qualify for other positions, as well as on the increase.

This technique consists of the following steps:

-work is divided into separate parts;

-the effectiveness of each type of work in the scores on the scale is formed (for example, from-10 to + 10), and therefore establish a step of success;

-there are three list of works: such works that can be solved successfully; which are resolved from the case of the case; and such that never succeed;

-the total aggregate assessment is supplied.

The assessment in a single form contains the following four actions:

-selection of evaluated characteristic features, employee performance indicators;

-application of various methods for collecting information;

-evaluation data should provide a cumulative image of the subordinate;

-comparison of real qualities of an employee with presented.

The analyzed set of qualities is calculated taking into account the tasks carried out by the post. As a rule, there are no such qualities from 5 to 20.

)Method of evaluation centers

-With this method, two tasks are solved:

1.personal and business qualities of the subordinate are determined (in most cases, this method is used to evaluate managers)

2.the program of personal training of the head, which gives it possible to expand and improve its skills, behavioral skills.

-Testing takes a different amount of time, for example, to evaluate the professionalism of the specialist enough for several hours, for a manager not very high level - one day, for mid-level managers - about two or three days, and a little more for managers and top management.

Some procedures are presented to evaluate:

-Implementation of management actions. The subject to fulfill the task is provided for two hours, during which time it needs to be familiar with various orders, business papers, briefings and other data, mandatory for disposal of orders on certain issues (technological, production, personnel). This is how a really existing organization of the organization is fought. Upon completion of two-hour work on the task with an estimated interview.

-Analysis of problems in a small group. This event makes it possible to determine the ability to work in the group. The employee is provided with the material with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves, to make a decision on the challenge and during group discussion (40-50 minutes) to convince other members in its correctness. At each stage, a person is assessed by observers in points.

-Approval of decisions. The subjects are divided into several groups (residents of rival organizations). The activities of companies for several years (3-5 years) are formed. Every hour is considered in one year, during which a number of questions and tasks are solved. The work of each subordinate is assessed by expert specialists.

-Creation and presentation of the project. It is necessary in one hour to prepare a draft plan for the development of any kind of activity, which, as a result, is defended before the members of the Commission.

-Development of a business letter. All subjects prepare business letters on various issues and from different forms: refusal, cancellation, the expression of negative information and other. Everything is assessed by experts.

-In practice, there is also a comparison of the results of the expert assessment of the subordinate with his self-assessment of its potential and business qualities. The results of this ratio should be sufficiently exemplary obvious to both the manual and for the most subordinate.

)Method of business games

The staff assessment is used within the specially created business games aimed at imitation and development. The assessment exists directly by the participants of the business games, as well as observer experts. Attestation business games are carried out, often on the result, it makes it possible to assess the training of workers to resolve current and future tasks, besides, the characteristic and personal contribution of each member of the game. This method of evaluation can be used to establish productive and efficient teamwork of frames.

)Method for assessing the achievement of goals (management method by setting goals)

The head and worker together establish key tasks of staff work for a specific period (year - half a year). Objectives and tasks should be defined, achievable, but labor-intensive, play a role, both for professional development of the frame and to improve the activities of the firm. The objectives created show the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the employee and the circle of his duties for certain deadlines, mandatory for the success of the planned result. These results must be measurable at least in percent. Assessment of results is carried out with the head and subordinates on the basis of special standards of achieving goals, but the manager has a decisive voice when summing up the results.

)Evaluation method based on competence models

Competence models characterize the mental and business qualities of the employee, its skill of interpersonal communication, mandatory for prosperous professional activities within the company's current corporate culture. The interruption between the mandatory and current level of competence turns out to be the basis for creating personal plans of professional growth. Compliance with these plans establishing expression in certain results of professional activities, and is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

Thus, the choice of personnel assessment methods for each particular company seems to be a unique question, which can be solved only by the leadership of this company, probably having professional specialists - consultants. Similarly, as well as the compensation system, the certification system is obliged to take into account and display a number of components - the strategic goals of the company, the position of the external environment, the culture of the organization, the criteria engaged in it personnel. In sustainable companies, it is often possible to effectively apply traditional assessment methods; For active firms that exist in a changing external environment, unconventional methods are most characteristic. When choosing a personnel assessment method, you should pay special attention to its connection with other personnel management systems - compensation, business planning, prof. Training in order to achieve an effective result and evade conflict and contradictions.

assessment staff attestation

II. Application of staff assessment in the organization

1 Quick Feature Restaurant Kawasaki

The network of restaurants of Cavasaka is located in Kaluga, Barrirock str. 137 A, Ul.Dostievsky 27, Str.Cver Mira 4/1.

Kawasaki is a chain of restaurants, sushi bars corresponding to the fashionable concepts of the restaurant business in Kaluga, which are consumed by considerable demand among citizens. The original atmosphere, impeccable staff and a rich selection of dishes in the menu - make a place quite popular both among students and among family couples "with experience." In the sushi bar of Cavasaka, you can warm up with baked rolls, spicy soups, wok, hot dishes, pizza, as well as try new products among traditional rolls, sushi and desserts. Do not want to leave the apartment or expect to visit friends and relatives? Cavasaki will deliver the finished food in the exact hour of you. In addition, the delivery of Kawasaka gives its customers bonuses and discounts and conducts numerous shares.

Since the opening of a restaurant to today's time, the institution strives to maintain a decent level of service with consistently high quality preparation of various dishes.

Characteristics of the restaurant Kawasaki at the address st.Dostoevseo 27:

the establishment is designed for 40 seats;

mode of operation: Monday-Thursday from 10.00 to 02.00, Friday, Saturday, Resurrection from 10.00 to 03.00;

the restaurant is designed for consumers with an average and high income.

the restaurant hall is equipped with several plasma panels, which are demonstrated by various musical, entertainment and sports channels;

the interior of the restaurant is presented in Japanese style, namely Japanese minimalism in the interior, in this case, contrast tones (red, black), engravings, kimono, Japanese attributes, partitions, tea ceremony, etc;

there is a free Internet access (Wi-Fi);

service is made by waiters.

The management of the public office is formed on the uniform rules for the management structure of the creation process. Management tasks, relatively dedicated parties to management, providing the possibility of a guidance. The management of management finds the essence of management as a process, the type of management activities, official functions approved for a specific structural department or employee, establishing and approving a certain organization with the right to make management decisions.

The Kawasaka Restaurant Management Authority appears in the form of a nicely organized association of related elements in solid relations, which guarantee their further growth and activity as an inseparable whole.

A set of management elements in a structural department of management becomes in accurate submission and provides communication between the management system and the controlled system itself.

The elements of control include structural compartments, as well as some specialists who perform official duties in the manual, or any part.

In the Kawasaki restaurant, the linear organizational structure of management. Characterized by the fact that the activities and promotion of administrative decisions (management) and information are distributed from the linear manager (executive director) through the management of structural departments. With a linear control, any element of the structure (link) and the slave are placed in one control, thanks to which all the paths are followed by one path. Consequently, management elements are responsible for the results of their functioning (work) (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 Organizational management structure of the Kawasaki restaurant

Having analyzed the organizational structure of the restaurant management, one can notice the absence of a personnel department, by all issues relating to the selection of personnel, the Executive Director is engaged.

To create a plan and certification of personnel, a restaurant should be interested in an external personnel organization.

2 Personal Evaluation Methods in Restaurant

In the restaurant Kawasaki, the quality of employees is carried out with the use of techniques such as the distribution of professional affiliation staff in the organization, an assessment of the business potential of the employee and the individual assessment of each employee and the production process.

Also in the organization there are qualifying interest indicators of the distribution of employees from positions on which their salary depends. Since the employees occupied by fully in production, that is, sushi, waiters and bartenders, as well as administrators, wages are considered by hourly rate, then the company gives them the opportunity to receive additional payments for the fulfillment of the restaurant budget. The director of the restaurant has a fixed salary, and its premium depends on how interest in the restaurant in the month has exceeded or did not exceed the specified plan. The Director-General receives a percentage of profits in general.

Restaurant business implies a mandatory fact and proof of special, individual information and skills in terms of catering. As a consequence, in the restaurants of the Cavasaka network, the procedure for evaluating staff is manifested separate interest. The assessment is carried out by the Kawasaka Restaurant manager, which gives an assessment of the degree of skills acquired during the preparation period, and approves the decision to enroll in work or not enroll.

With a positive decision and taking to the position, all experts rise in office to the dryer, respectively, the earned fee is increasing by 10%.

For each enrollled employee, a personal card is issued - a document that displays all personal information about the employee and there are all types of documents that contain the results of the employee's work (information and fines, reprimandments, rewards, awards). In the restaurants of the Cavasaka network, any employee in the personal card has a monitoring sheet of observation (CLN). It displays an assessment of the employee's activities for each special position of the restaurant (in% compliance).

The Kawasaki restaurant sushi is gradually studying activities at two main positions: work in the kitchen, service on the rack (counter).

Of particular importance and significance in the preparation and implementation of the certification process are given to the design of observation control sheets, since these sheets contain the following details:

the quality of work done on all positions of the work of the restaurant,

accuracy and proper performance;

the exact ratio of the dress code of the employee Rules, the standards of the Kawasaka restaurant;

evaluation of work indicators.

The monitoring sheet of observation to the employee is managed by the manager. During the whole working day, the manager looks at the work of the personnel and at the end of the day presents the employees of CLN on the signature, justifying all the comments and requirements for the activities that the verifier determined. In the monitoring sheet of observation, an assessment is set in% ratio, reflecting the quality of work carried out for the period of control. The degree of average estimate, calculated, as the ratio of all assessments on their number of CLN affects the results of the personnel assessment. If there are differences relating to estimates, then the act of disagreement of an employee, this act is provided to the director of the restaurant of Kawasaki.

The personnel assessment procedure in the Kawasaka Restaurant is carried out in 2 stages:

certification of employees, at which the Commission conducts research and aware of employees on the results of official activities with the formation of the characteristics to the employee passing certification;

the generalization of the results contained in the assessment of high-quality work, the activities of the certified employee in the situation of the relationship of the professional rules required to be held.

According to the results of the estimation, the Commission announces its assessment of the employee's work, implying a sequence of 4-levels and the reflecting level of staff activities on the results of work in the current period of certification. The Commission approves on the status of an assessment, the Commission approves the decision to increase the salary of the employee or establish the test period for it. The rating system and their characteristics are displayed in Table 1.1. Estimates are set in a personalized employee card.

Table 1.1 The system of assessments of the Kavasaki restaurant staff and their characteristics.

Level Evaluation of the Employee Occland Equity,%. Specifications of activity, During previous certification for the previous indicators, the rather indicatorsC2Thativative indicatorsDan

When issuing an assessment by members of the Commission at the Kawasaki restaurant, all circumstances affect the approval of the decision by the Commission on the result. These circumstances include:

the degree of average arithmetic estimate of the CLN;

fact or lack of non-compliance with the process of commercial and technological nature;

fact or lack of disciplinary comments;

characteristics of marks recorded in the book of complaints and suggestions.

Analyzing the data according to Table 1.1, it can be understood that in the case of assessment D, this assessment is raised for serious violations in the work, an employee during the estimation, it is re-established a trial period - 2 months. This method allows you to see the compliance of employees to occupy positions.

In the absence of personnel assessment procedure without good reasons, the Commission has the right to test without an employee.

Ultimately, the generalized permanent purpose of the evaluation of personnel in Kavasaki is to increase the efficiency of the organization as a whole through the advanced training of its employees. In any case, the evaluation process should be considered as an event that should benefit all participants, and not as a form of service control or disciplinary verification of employees (which, unfortunately, it happens very often).

The following staff assessment methods

Among the methods of assessing restaurant personnel, the following methods are most used: observation, experiment, analysis, biographical method and questionnaire (testing).

In the position of modern maintenance of the restaurant business, not all of them are proportionally effective. For example, answers to various tests. Employees of organizations can easily download on the Internet. However, the joint and competent use of these methods makes it possible to help form an objective representation. From the experience of sets of companies, as a rule, several camcorders placed in the necessary places reduce the chance of abuses by almost 20 percent. And, for example, such a simple thing, as an experiment (program "Mysterious guest, buyer" or controlling the service and compliance with samples) in many institutions where this method applies, saves up to 35 percent of revenues, which in another situation could be lost to the head . The study (analysis) of the activity helps in the discovery of unscrupulous administrators (control of the backup journal) and cooks (control weighing of portions, etc.). Be that as it may, it should be accurately understood: even if the head discovered anything, deviating from a normal course, it is not worth a hurry to accuse staff in unfriendly, or fray. The reason can serve - a banal lack of professional skills on his part.

Consider more details used in the Kawasaka Restaurant:

.Observation is one of the practical methods whose success is in a certain direction. As a rule, several video cameras are used to observe, which in real time (or preferably in recording mode, but it is much more expensive) records the service of visitors in the hall and bar. In Kavasaki, camcorders are installed in the kitchen. The positive side of this method is in objectivity, negative - in the needs of regular control. Another minus of the observation method is the risk of error in verification (confirmation). After all, the human brain is designed so that, sometimes, we see and hear what we want to see and hear (consciously and subconsciously trying to find evidence to our suspicions).

After analyzing all the pros and cons of this method, managers lead observation not all the time, but at specific moments - in the clock of increased coupling hall. In this situation, it is necessary to build a certain plan for myself in advance and specifically to stick to it.

.The experiment is to some extent provocation. For the experiment in the restaurant Kawasaki, a "mysterious guest" study is applied ("Mysterious Buyer"). If necessary, to identify the inclination of one or another employee to inappropriate behavior, a suitable situation is created.

In the restaurant of Cavasaka, this "Secret Guest" method makes it possible:

-Improve guest quality

-Enlarge the income of the restaurant

-Determine the problem areas in the activity of the restaurant

-Increase the number of permanent guests

-Reduce risk

-Influence the effectiveness of employees

-Improve staff motivation system

.The following method used in the Kawasaki Restaurant is a study of product products, namely, diary records, reports, journal books. As well as analysis of the actual position (reducing the bookmarks of some ingredients or portions). In this case, Cavasaka's restaurateurs are attentive as much as possible to the merchant conspicuous restaurant business. Since, for example, the Scottish salmon used in the preparation of most dishes of this kitchen, the Norwegian and the one that has been caught by us, and the price and quality are definitely different. And if not carrying out the analysis of the products, the cooks, inclined to fraud, can take advantage of a similar professional error from the manager, giving one product for another, and putting the difference in his pocket.

3 Analysis of the results of staff assessment in the restaurant Kawasaki

The noticeable advantage of the created and established personnel assessment system is that it has a positive economic effect. The main result of this assessment is the order of salary accrual to employees.

The professional decision on the basis of the evaluation of personnel on the accrual of wages to employees is effective, as it seems to be an incentive for a rational and efficient production process, which, directly, increased the profit of the restaurant. What applies to the social aspects of the effectiveness of the personnel decision, then the employees received awards for their work as part of their own merit, which did not cause any contradictions and conflicts in their turn, as if attempting to assess the potential and individual contribution.

As for the analysis of the method of observation, control over the estimated employee in the unofficial and in professional situation methods of moment observations of working time is carried out. The employee is examined by, without interference in his career.

The advantages of this method:

makes it possible to see the efficiency of decision-making;

it is also possible to observe the relations of workers in the team and activities in aggregate;

provides to assess its individual qualities.

Method disadvantages:

subjective view and position of the observer;

the lack of complete opportunity to evaluate a professional-qualification level;

requires high time.

As for the "Secret Customer" method used in this restaurant, it is also possible to note its advantages - this is obtaining an independent expert opinion on the quality of service in the restaurant.

At the moment, not only the lack of personnel evaluation software are obvious, but also the complete lack of computer programs for supporting management decisions in human resource management. Available programs like "1C - frames", "Boss - Personnel", etc. For a greater degree, focused on solving predominantly accounting and legal issues, but not managers. The likely consequence of a certain problem is a significant underestimation in our country's importance of the human condition, a resource, as significant in the post-industrial environment of the production factor and in the competitive advantage of the company.

To the obvious "minuses" of the methods of methods in general, the weak interest of staff should be attributed to their potential and individual contribution by testing and voice. First of all, the increase in the composition of the staff assessing the subordinate has caused a number of conflicts between him and its employees subordinate to the objectivity of the assessment. The shift in the emphasis towards the potential, which is quite difficult to assess and, most importantly, explain to the measured person, can also become a source of offend and conflict.

Following the analysis of the assessment of the staff of the restaurant, Kawasaki, it is proposed to improve the methods of evaluating personnel, including due to clarification and diversity of evaluation criteria.

Evaluation criteria are key parameters for which the employee's activities will be evaluated. Methods for the development of a system of evaluation criteria are diverse, each enterprise chooses them independently and enshrines this choice in its certification provisions.

In terms of the improvement of the estimated procedure, first of all, it is necessary to bring in accordance with the functions of the assessment, the main directions of the formation of an effective employee model all the basic elements of the assessment, namely: the notice of assessment, the evaluation procedure, written characteristics and the decision of the Assessment Commission.


During the writing of the course work, the concept of staff assessment was presented - this is a targeted process for determining the ratio of qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivation and features) requirements of the position or workplace. This is a multi-purpose procedure, which, if proper, affects the optimization of a number of business processes of the company.

The main objectives and objectives of the evaluation of personnel, the types and criteria for evaluation are disclosed, the methods of staff assessment are presented; The specific applied methods for assessing the staff of the Kawasaki restaurant.

The first chapter of the course work is devoted to identifying theoretical material concerning the evaluation of the staff of the organization.

The task of assessing personnel is to determine the prospects for the growth of an employee for the career ladder, the identification of its employment potential, the degree of application of its potential, the ratio of the position of office, which he occupies or its preparedness to occupy a certain place when admission to work. As well as an important task of the assessment is the presence of feedback.

In conclusion, it can be said that the assessment of the staff is practical not only for the employer, but also the employees themselves this check provides a chance and the right to increase the level of wages and go through the career ladder on. The employer of this procedure provides the opportunity to assess the productivity of employees and improve the workflow, organizing staff in addition, auxiliary incentives for advanced training.

The practical part of the course work is devoted to the study and analysis of personnel assessment methods in the Kawasaki restaurant. There is a large number of methods to evaluate personnel. For each of which their characteristics are characteristic, according to their individual and are characteristic of a certain situation, firms, the kind of activity to a greater or lesser extent. Also, each method has its own "pros" and "minuses", therefore, before the staff assessment, the head and members of the expert commission must examine them quite well and determine the most suitable for this company.

Also, during the study of the organizational structure of the company, it was found that in the restaurant Kawasaka there is no own personnel service, and the executive director of the restaurant is engaged in the personnel. Therefore, to develop a staff assessment provision, the company needs to be interested in an external personnel organization.

The staff assessment is carried out on each organization to determine the further employment potential of the employees and the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

List of sources used

Tutorials and Tutorials

Ashirov D.A. Personnel Management [Text] / D.A. Ashirov - M.: Alpha-book 2009. -193 p.

2. Bazarova T.Yu. Personnel Management: Textbook for universities [Text] / T.Y. Bazarov, B.L. Eremin. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M: Uniti, 2010. -560 p.

Jershin A.P. Personnel Management [Text] / A.P. Syshin - Nizhny Novgorod: 2010. - 720С.

Ivanova-Shvets, L.N. Personnel Management. Educational and methodical complex [Text] / L.N. Ivanova-Shvets, A.A. Korsakov, S.L. Tarasova - M.: Ed. Center EAOI. 2008. - 200 p.

Kabushkin N.I. Fundamentals of management / 11th ed., Act. [Text] / N.I. Kabushkin. - M.: New Knowledge, 2009. - 336 p.

Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management organization. Workshop: studies. Manual [Text] / A.Ya. Kibanov. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Infra-M, 2008. - 365 p.

Kibanov A.Ya. Organization personnel management: selection and evaluation in hiring, certification [text] / A.Ya. Kibanov, I.B. Durakova 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Exam, 2010. - 416 p.

Makarova IK Personnel Management [Text] / IK Makarova M.: IMPE. A.S. Griboedova, 2012. - 98 p.

Makarova IK Human Resource Management: Five Efficient HR-Management lessons [Text] / I.K. Makarova M.: Case, 2012. - 232 p.

Maslov E. Enterprise personnel management: Tutorial [Text] / E. Maslov. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2011.

Maksimtsova M.M. Small Business Management [Text] / M.M. Maksimtsova, V.Ya. Gorphinkel. - M.: 2013. - 269 p.

Macedshin A.A. Organization of labor staff [text] / A.A. Macedshin, E.B. Young, S.A. Overseas, O.A. Popp. - SPb.: SPBGEF, 2011. - 188 p.

Odegov Yu.G. Personnel motivation / Practical tasks [Text] / Yu.G. Odedov. - M.: Prospekt2010. - 640 p.

Stout L. M. Personnel Management. Desktop book manager [Text] / L. M. Stout. - M.: Good Book, 2010. - 536 p.

Internet resources

Volodina N., Ivanova S., Kiye T. et al. Evaluation of personnel,

17.Blanker. RU

All urged Russia certification of personnel. Part one

Restaurant and hotels

Stout L.M. Personnel Management. Desktop book manager [Text] / L.M. Stout. - M.: Good Book, 2010. - 536 p.

Shapiro S.A. Personnel Management Basics in Modern Organizations [Text] / S.A. Shapiro, O.V. Shatalev. - M.: Grossmedia, Rosbukh, 2010. - 400 p.

HR-Portal. Community HR managers. Personal Certification Regulation: Legal Subtleties


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With a corporate assessment system Employees Philips. Fight at the selection stage - before they become regular employees. What qualities should a person have to achieve success in the company?

For us, it is important that he is not sensible to what he does and with whom it works, and also complied with corporate requirements:

  • knew how to work in a team to achieve maximum result;
  • always sought to do more than before;
  • he took responsibility for the process and result.

When searching and qualifying candidates, we pay more attention to the coincidence values A person and companies than "full compliance with the candidate for professional requirements.

With the selection of applicants for all positions, we apply a single approach: we carry out multi-level interviews. Therefore, not only HR managers and direct leaders are involved in the process of assessing internal candidates, but also future colleagues, functional leaders or heads of related departments. Thus, we "scan" a candidate from different sides, as a result of which we obtain an assessment according to the "360 °" method. The decision to admit to work is always taken collectively, because the opinions and teams and the main "players" are important for us. Practice shows: after such an interviewing, the adaptation of the candidate passes much faster, because at the time of employment, he best understands the "Rules of the game" and finds support from colleagues (after all, they chose him).

In our company process annual (main) assessmentpersonnel is held in winter - from December to February. Corporate methodology, methodologies and evaluation criteria, etc. Accepted at the global level, therefore all countries use the same tools (including in Ukraine).

Evaluation System B. Philips.fully automated - in all countries of the presence there is a single electronic system ( fig. one), specially designed for us. All estimates are entered into employee's personal matter; Information from this system can also be used in other internal programs (for example, learning and development). All databases and the necessary services are located on the internal website of the company. Each employee receives personal access to the system where it can perform the necessary procedures, as well as (if necessary), view all its results starting from the first assessment.

Fig. 1. Main page of the automated assessment system

The process of annual assessment consists of several stages:

1. Self-esteem. We believe that a person himself is a "blacksmith" of his career, so the annual assessment begins with self-esteem. Everyone is our employee:

  • independently analyzes everything that did in the previous period;
  • assesses the results achieved by comparing them with those targets that were delivered.

Three main estimates are available in the assessment program:

  • First sheet - last year's evaluation. Here, the employee describes the results over the past period: goals and work done.
  • Second sheet - Evaluation of the upcoming period. Here the employee describes what it will do and defines its goals. If necessary, the manager can adjust the goals, but still the main thing in the process of assessment is to encourage a person to understand and take its part in the company.
  • Third sheet - Assessment of prospects (further development of competencies and career). Here, much depends on the initiative and activity of the employee himself: it has the right to choose the necessary trainings, his opinion is taken into account in the preparation of training plans and development. At the same time, Eichary does not guarantee 100% that the company will confirm all requests for each employee. The decision to conduct certain training depends primarily on the needs of business in the development of certain competencies of this employee.

In addition to filling out the assessment sheets, employees have the opportunity to confirm their readiness to develop career in other offices: at the global, regional or local levels. It helps leadership to seek people for international programs. We constantly "keep your hand on the pulse" - track career capabilities that appear for employees both in Ukraine and in other offices Philips.. Our task is to consider talent on time to grow it, support and enable the opportunity to develop further. The assessment plays a key role in confirming the results achieved by each employee and planning its further promotion in the career.

2. Evaluation of managers. Many of our employees within the framework of the position being held, not only the direct supervisor, which is subject to "vertical", but also "functional" - as part of its specialization / activity. For example, as a staff director Philips. In Ukraine, I obey:

  • directly - the Director-General Philips. in Ukraine;
  • functionally - Personnel Director Philips. Region Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Central Asia, which is located in Moscow.

Both managers are browsing the results of the employee self-assessment results, after which they give an assessment of the individual performance of the subordinate, and also add comments, noting:

  • as far as, in their opinion, he was successful in achieving the goals;
  • what results showed;
  • what changes need to be made for the future period;
  • what areas of development and training programs are agreed upon by the next period;
  • what prospects are considered to promote next year.

The evaluation results are formalized in an automated system ( fig. 2.).

Fig. 2. Example of employee assessment results

Why do we spend time (Eicharov, managers, ordinary workers) to fulfill the evaluation procedures? Because they help both managers and employees receive feedback. IN Philips.the assessment is primarily a dialogue, so we ask all of our colleagues thoroughly to prepare for it; Moreover, we require training and from employees, and from managers.

Preparation should include not only a person's report on their own achievements and successes, but also an analysis of the success of the relationship between the organization with it: that the company should give him and what it may not provide, does not provide.

To refresh the necessary information to refresh the necessary information to refresh the necessary information in memory, over the past two weeks of November, we conduct a session on the assessment preparation, which includes special training - both for employees and managers.

After completion of training, managers should clearly understand the rules for setting goals and be able to organize a dialogue with people. This is very important, because even a negative assessment may be perceived positively, if it is correct to "convey" to a person. At the same time, the wrong dialogue will not fully convey the company's gratitude to the employee, which is expressed in a positive assessment. We strive for communication in the process of assessment procedures not limited to the monologue of the head, which indicates the subordinate, which he did well, and what is bad.

We also target managers to ensure that at all stages they evaluate employees and teams as transparently and weighed. The manager does not just have to put the mark: "I agree / disagree", "reached / not achieved", but also argue its decision, to provide facts and examples confirming its conclusions.

3. "Calibration". In parallel with the individual assessment of the managers of each employee, the "Calibration" process is underway. Its important feature in the company is objectivity: not only its immediate managers, but also managers of other departments that interact with it are involved in the process of assessing the division. First, the leaders assess the teams of their divisions, and then - the whole company as a whole. We believe that the assessment of the employee is the task of not only his manager, but also the whole company as a whole.

In addition, in the process of "Calibration", managers receive feedback from the company for each of the subordinates, and may also compare the effectiveness and quality of work of their team with the success of other departments of the company.

The "Calibration" stage begins in January; We are specially preparing managers in order to begin to be understood - what, first of all, is watching the company that it is important for her. During the "calibration", all participants in the process must come to consensus and develop a single opinion.

As a result, in each of the divisions, and then in the company as a whole determine best team member. These employees become role-playing models for their colleagues. Their success is rewarded; They receive a salary increase (depending on the assessment) and / or promotion within the company - a higher rank of position, participation in new projects:

  • horizontally - improving the professional level in the framework of his position;
  • vertically - transition to a position that is leveling above.

Most of the new appointments (promotion, translation, etc.) in the company are held from January 1 (after preliminary "calibration") or from April 1 - after the end of the entire estimate cycle. In addition, in some cases we practice the so-called delayed raises. For example, a new purpose is postponed in cases where the employee has a good potential, but for some aspects still "does not reach" to the requirements of the next level. In such a way, we give time until October when they have the opportunity to correct the rating (or confirm your previous result). Sometimes, seeing potential in the employee, the company can offer him a new position in the future, even if the new direction is not yet open.

Of course, like any organization, we strive to ensure that we have more highly professional professionals, the results of which exceed expectations. However, we have both employees whose indicators do not reach the required level. This happens for various reasons, for example:

  • the man began to work with us recently; It may turn out that by the time of the annual assessment, its results are not yet visible, so managers are difficult to assess how it will develop in the future;
  • the employee works for a long time in one place, where, in his opinion, the maximum has already reached - in this case, the effectiveness of his work may suffer due to the reduction of motivation, etc.

But in any case, we try 1) to identify, in which area it is necessary to "pull up" the knowledge and skills of the employee, and then 2) to choose the development options, expand the competencies and provide him with opportunities for choice.

4. The final stage. The completion of the assessment process becomes a meeting of the direct supervisor with an employee, where the subordinate receives feedback from the company and coordinates its goals and objectives for the next year.

Information on the results of the assessment is entered into the personal business of the employee (file); It is also available to the employee itself, and his leader, and staff manager. We do not disclose individual results, but be sure to discuss the results of the company's assessment as a whole: how many strong workers, how many it is necessary to "pull up" how many people improved their results compared to the past period, etc.

With regard to revision of wages or benefits, we operate in accordance with internal policies and procedures. As a rule, negative emotions arise from workers if they do not understand the evaluation criteria or grounds for the adoption of certain management decisions. To prevent possible misunderstandings, we strive to make the reasons for moving or promoting employees understandable to all. Therefore, Eicars and leaders Philips.always open to dialogue.

5. Additional (intermediate) estimate.In addition to the basic assessment in our company, an interim summing up of work is held - in the middle of the year (Middleyear), from June to August. Previously, this type of assessment was used only for those workers who, according to the results of the main estimate, were evaluated below the average, but since 2012, the company managers decided to introduce an additional assessment at the global level - for all categories of employees.

Why is this process so important to us? The market situation and, accordingly, the company changes dynamically, therefore goals should be promptly adjusted. An intermediate assessment helps an employee understand: what he needs to improve in its activities, and what tasks (delivered in January-February) can be changed or suspended. It should be noted that an additional assessment is rather a joint discussion of the goals set at the beginning of the year and achieved by the middle of the year. Thanks to the data received, we constantly "keep your hand on the pulse" of the business, and also in a timely manner of the necessary changes in the objectives and plans of the company.

6. Evaluation of behavior. We turned to this type of assessment recently. Now we estimate not only what The employee does, but also as He does it (interacts in the team, takes responsibility, etc.), as far as a result is a result, what values \u200b\u200bis guided.

There is no single "recipe" of this type of evaluation, because "how" is behavioral characteristics specific to each function. Therefore, the compliance of real behavior of corporate principles and standards in various ways is checked.

Sometimes an employee shows an excellent result in the work, but at the same time "does not reach" when evaluating command cooperation or attitudes towards new tasks, and as a result, it receives an estimate below average. We believe that for the worker himself, and for us it is an important signal: you need to work on yourself, and it is precisely on the development of personal qualities (innovation, command, orientation for the result, customer focus, etc.).

Even with such a complex evaluation system - consisting of several stages involving the involvement of each employee, its administration does not cause any particular difficulties. First of all, because all the stages are carefully thought out and are organized, all methods are verified and well debugged. The only difficulty for Eicharov is to meet on time. Despite the fact that the evaluation process lasts three months, we need to constantly monitor all procedures to be carried out in a timely manner and systematically, we all have enough time to prepare and providing quality feedback.

Like Eichar, I am very glad that the company has a corporate assessment system, and that is especially important, this is a "live" evaluation. Employees of our company pass such a complex procedure not "for a tick", not because "so necessary", but because this is the necessary stage of development - both of themselves, and the company as a whole.

I would especially like to note that our assessment system is not aimed at the growth of "internal competitiveness"; We do not compare ourselves with branches and offices Philips. In other countries or other companies. We do not strive to be better than someone, our goal is to be better than we are!

The main task that we successfully helps to solve the corporate assessment system is the development of talents, because we strive for every specialist to be justified and proud to say about yourself: "I am a professional employee of a professional company Philips.

The article is provided to our portal.
edited by the magazine

Analysis of the system of staff assessment of personnel in LLC "Technology"

The solution of many problems of the modern organization depends on the provision and management of qualified and energetic specialists. When analyzing the function of human resources of the under study, it is recommended to answer a number of the following questions: how to characterize the type of workers working at present, and what will be required to implement the sales strategy and in the future? What is the competence and preparation of senior management? Is there a plan of continuity of senior positions? Is there an effective and competitive wage system (remuneration)? Is there a system for evaluating the work of personnel and when such an assessment was held for the last time? Cases of workers' care in recent years and why?

Considering the staff as a whole in the technology "Technology" do not forget about the individual characteristics of each member of the team. Finding into the team, a person brings his values, beliefs, the ability, but at the same time the team as a whole also affects each employee separately, while united collective characteristics of the staff of the institution are formed. The most important thing in the formation and introduction to the organization of new developments and new ideas is necessary to know very clearly and evaluate the characteristics that the staff of the organization possesses: the age of the team, values, labor relations, organizational culture, purposefulness, motivational characteristics of personnel, professional and socio-demographic Characteristics of employees. All this takes into account the management of LLC "Technology" Since the company's staff is the main value and competitive advantage.

Currently, employees of LLC "Technology" have some prerequisites to implement a business strategy for sales.

Employees of the enterprise are ensured by the safe working conditions, the system of remuneration is operating in compliance with the guarantees established by the current legislation of Russia and the conditions of the collective agreement, but in accordance with the German personnel management system. Salary is compensation for the employment deposit of workers in the activities of the enterprise. In this regard, the main function of wages is defined as the motivation of workers to efficiently. The tasks of the remuneration system in LLC "Technology" are in the differentiation of wages, which, on the one hand, motivates workers to efficiently, and on the other, it should be economically justified according to the value of their results.

Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system.

Methodologically, this area of \u200b\u200bmanagement has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special methods and technologies - personnel oborces, adaptation, certification, career and others. Labor resources (personnel) are the main resource of each enterprise, on the quality and efficiency of the use of which the results of the enterprise and its competitiveness are largely dependent. Consider the quantitative composition of the framework of LLC "Technology".

In LLC "Technology" workers know each other, as they work together for more than one year and, moreover, there is a rigid selection system when applying for work, therefore people who are arranged on the enterprise or dismissed immediately or remain. As a rule, this happens during the period of the trial period. Terms of contract that sign with those who endured the test, tough. If in the division due to the incorrect actions of the head or his subordinates there was a difficult situation, then some time is given to correct the situation with their own forces or with the help of other specialists, or the head decreases in his position, and the one who is able to bring to his place The situation of a dead end.

The number of staff LLC "Technology" at the end of 2011 amounted to 54 people, it should be noted that in the period 2009 - 2011. The number of employees gradually increased.

So, compared with 2009, in 2010, the number of personnel rose by 2.4% or 2 people, and in 2011 compared to 2010 - by 7.2% or 6 people, which is due to the expansion of the enterprise During the analyzed period.

In order to characterize the condition of the personnel in LLC "Technology", the indicators of the movement of the enterprise (Table 2) were analyzed.

According to the table, the turnover coefficient of reception, which characterizes the ratio of the number of accepted workers and the average number of employees in the enterprise increased in 2010. by 5.8%, and in 2011 3.4%, which indicates the influx of new personnel on the enterprise.

Table 2 Analysis of the movement of the staff of LLC "Technology" for 2009-2011.


Absolute deviation

Growth rate, %

The average number of employees, people

Accepted for the year, people

Dropped out for the year, people

v.ch. to reduce staff, people

at your own request, people

in connection with retirement, people

in connection with death, people

at the initiative of the employer, people

Employees who have changed position during the year

Workers workers all year

Recovery coefficient

Coefficient of turnover

Yield coefficient

Coefficient of constant personnel

The coefficients of the internal mobility of the staff,%

The turnover coefficient of dismissal reflecting the ratio of the number of dismissed workers and the average number of employees in the enterprise in 2010. Compared with the previous year, it decreased by 2.4%, but in 2011. There was an increase in this indicator by 2.9%.

However, the growth of the coefficient of reception (+5.8; +3.4) exceeds the growth of the disposal coefficient (2.4; +2.9), which indicates an increase in the influx of employees in LLC "Technology" and a decrease in the outflow of workers for the period 2009 - 2011. Such a change is due to the relevant personnel policy in the enterprise, or the strengthening of the financial stability and prestige of the company in the labor market.

On the initiative of the employer, only one employee LLC "Technology" was dismissed in 2009; in the period 2010-2011. All employees who retired from the state of the enterprise quit themselves at their own request.

Coefficient of consistency of personnel in 2010 decreased compared with 2009. by 3.3%, in 2011 Compared to 2010 There was a decrease of 4.7%, which may indicate the insufficient satisfaction of workers with a low wage, there is no bonuses, working conditions, labor and social benefits (Table 3).

Personnel yield coefficient LLC "Technology" in the period 2009-2011. exceeded the indicators of natural fluidity (3-5%), which contributes to the timely update of the collective and does not require special measures from the manual and personnel service. It can be seen that for the analyzed period in LLC "Technology" internal resources mobility, by 4.9% in 2010. and by 5.7% in 2011, which indicates the domestic reserves of staff development and the possibility of using career growth levers for personnel motivation.

Table 3. Foreway Schedule LLC "Technology" in 2011. The size of the salary of workers is shown on April 1, 2011.

Number of units, people

Tariff rate (salary), rub.

Just a month, rub.


Deputy Director

Head of Department

Chief Accountant


Secretary Refefer.

Sales Representative

Head of Personnel Management

HR Managers

Sales specialists

Warehouse Manager


The composition and structure of workers of LLC "Technology" for 2009-2018. Presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Composition and structure of employees of LLC "Technology" for 2009 - 2011.

As Table 4 shows, the staff structure is relatively stable, changing the specific gravity of individual categories of personnel, in 2009-2011. Massed no more than 2%, which is quite a positive moment.

The largest share of workers of Technology LLC is represented by experts (sales manager, purchasing manager, logists, accountants, storekeepers, workers), which make up the main potential of the organization.

The share of managerial workers to which include: General Director, Deputy General Director: In Economics, Sales, Personnel Management, Chief Accountant, Procurement and Sales Department, Head of Logistics and Head of Personnel Management, was in 2009-2011. - 12.5-13% of all employees of the enterprise. The proportion of the workers, which are represented by the storekeners, increased by loaders from 19.6% in 2009. Up to 22.2% in 2011, which is associated with the expansion of trading activities. Assessment of the age composition was carried out on the basis of data Table 5.

Table 5 Analysis of the age composition and structure of employees of Technology LLC for 2009 - 2011.


Number of employees, people

Specific weight,%

Structure change,%

Over 60 years old

Based on Table 5 data, it can be concluded that half of the staff (54.3% in 2009, 50.0% in 2010, 51.9% in 2011) is at the age of 30-35 years.

The age of about 20% of the "Technology" LLC is 35-40 years.

Whereas for 2009-2011. In the Technology LLC, employees whose age is less than 25 years or over 50 years have accounted for less than 5%, which indicates the insufficiency of young personnel in the enterprise, as well as employees who have the greatest experience.

It can be concluded that the majority of employees "Technology" LLC is aged 30-40 years.

Thus, the organization can be attributed to relatively "young", since practically no employees of pension and pre-pre-age age are practically absent.

Table 6 Analysis of the educational composition and structure of employees of LLC "Technology" for 2009 - 2011.


Number of employees, people

Specific weight,%

Structure change,%

1. Steering workers



2. Specialists



3. Workers



Analyzing Table 6 It can be concluded that the majority of managers and specialists of LLC "Technology" have a higher education.

The presence of higher education staff imposes a high level of claims and ambitions, which can create difficulties in the formation of the motivation system.

The number of people having a higher education in the organization must be regulated and comply with the objectives and objectives of the Organization.

Table 7 Analysis of the structure of the specificity of the education staff of LLC "Technology" for 2009 - 2011.


Number of employees, people

Specific weight,%

Structure change,%

1. Steering workers




2. Specialists




3. Workers




As can be seen from Table 7 and Figure 5 Most of the labor collective of the enterprise (47.9% in 2009, 48% in 2010 and 48.1% in 2011) make up people with secondary profile economic education. A feature of the organization is the availability of employees with non-core education.

This drawback can be eliminated due to the receipt of additional higher profile (economic, financial or managerial) education. Employees with non-profile middle education (driver-forwarders and storekeepers) and employees with top profile formation make up a smaller part of the organization's labor team.

Table 8 The structure of the company's personnel in the context of professional experience in LLC "Technology" for 2009 - 2011


Number of employees, people

Specific weight,%

Structure change,%

1. Steering workers

2. Specialists

3. Workers

As can be seen from the table 8, the labor team of the company "Technology" was established, and most of the employees have experience sufficient for efficient work in the company.

The leading employees of LLC "Technology" have, for the most part, work experience in the enterprise from 4 to 6 and more than 7 years. Most experts have experience in the enterprise from year to 4-6 years.

Most workers have work experience from 1 to 3 years.

From the analyzing staff of LLC Technology, it is possible to conclude that the staff of the young, accumulated experience and knowledge is a bit, from here less effective work, slowing down the problems of emerging problems and the weak achievement of the company's goals.

Thus, the analysis of personnel indicators in the structure of the structure and dynamics of staff, made it possible to make a number of conclusions.

The number of staff LLC "Technology" increased in 2010. The number of personnel increased by 2.4% or 2 people, and in 2011 compared with 2010 - by 7.2% or 6 people, which is associated with the expansion of the enterprise's activities during Analyzed period.

Despite the increase in the influx of employees in LLC Technology and the decline in the outflow of employees, the enterprise is characterized by a large fluidity of personnel (especially workers) and low frame rate indicators.

The organization can be attributed to relatively "young", since practically no employees of pension and pre-pre-age age are practically absent, most employees of the enterprise are aged 30-40 years.

The executives of the enterprise have a lot of experience, when employees are dominated by the "technology" of 1-3 years.

Describing in general the work potential of LLC "Technology", we can conclude that these are young, qualified personnel, are in the stage of professional growth.