Beauty salon administrator. Administrator: His Quality, Responsibilities and Job Instructions SPA Center Administrator

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Administrator instructions
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I. General provisions

  1. The administrator refers to the category of specialists.
  2. A person with secondary vocational education is appointed to the position of administrator without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in at least 2 years.
  3. Appointment to the position of administrator and exemption from it is carried out by order of the director
  4. The administrator must know:
    1. 4.1. Resolutions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the work of the enterprise.
    2. 4.2. The structure of the enterprise, the rights and obligations of employees of the organization and the mode of their work.
    3. 4.3. Rules and methods for organizing the process of servicing visitors.
    4. 4.4. Types of services provided.
    5. 4.5. Basics of marketing and advertising organization.
    6. 4.6. Principles of planning and design of premises, showcases.
    7. 4.7. Basics of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology.
    8. 4.9. Basics of the economy, organization of labor and management.
    9. 4.11. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.
    10. 4.12. Rules of internal labor regulations.
    11. 4.13. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  5. During the absence of the administrator (vacation, illness, pr.) His responsibilities performs the person appointed in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper execution of responsibilities assigned to it.

II. Official duties


  1. Provides work on the efficient and cultural service of visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.
  2. Carries out control of the safety of material values.
  3. Advises visitors on the availability of available services.
  4. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.
  5. Considers the claims associated with unsatisfactory service of visitors and conducts relevant organizational and technical measures.
  6. Carries out control over the rational design of the premises, monitors the update and state of advertising in the premises and on the building.
  7. Provides cleanliness and order in the premises and the territories adjacent to them or the building.
  8. He controls the observance by employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.
  9. Informs the leadership of the organization about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, takes measures to eliminate them.
  10. Exercises control over the execution by employees instructions of the organization's management.
  11. Performs separate service orders of their direct supervisor.

III. Rights

The administrator has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
  2. Subject to the management of the proposal to improve work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction.
  3. Within their competence, to inform their direct supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the process and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of the organization's management from enterprise departments and other specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill its official duties.
  5. Attract specialists of all (individual) structural units to solve the tasks assigned to it (if it is provided for by the provisions on the structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the company's head).
  6. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their officials and responsibilities.

IV. A responsibility

The administrator is responsible:

  1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

Administrator's job instruction regulates labor relations. It contains functional responsibilities, rights, types of employee responsibility, the procedure for submission, classes, liberation from office, requirements for experience, education.

The document creates the head of the division. Approves the Director General of the Organization.

The standard form provided below can be used in the preparation of an official instruction of the Administrator of the Shopping Hall, Fitness Club, Store, Hotels, Beauty Salon, Restaurant (Cafe), etc.

A number of provisions of the instruction may differ depending on the specialization of the institution.

Sample administrator typical instruction manual

Administrator shop

The store administrator is setting up and manages the work of the commercial institution, draws up the premises. The specialist is monitored by the location of the goods, the presence and loyalty of price tags. His task includes compliance with the rules of trade, advising visitors.

Specific duties of the store administrator:

1. Monitoring the timely replenishment of the range of goods, the use of technological, commercial equipment.

2. Taking measures to accelerate visitors' service.

3. Participation in the reception, accounting of inventory-material values.

Hotel administrator

The hotel administrator meets, registers, plans visitors to the institution. Its responsibilities include ensuring the timely delivery of customer baggage to the room, informing about the rules of the institution, services.

Specific duties of the hotel administrator:

1. Issuing keys to customers.

2. Transfer of correspondence addressed to customers.

3. Ensuring good functioning, timely repair of equipment.

4. Control over the execution of discipline by customers.

Salon administrator

The beauty salon administrator writes, accepts clients of the institution. Its tasks include ensuring a comfortable stay, visitors, consulting services, institutions of institutions.

Specific duties of beauty salon administrator:

1. Vacation of products presented in the institution.

2. Establishment of the organizational, technical support of the staff of the institution.

3. Planning a schedule for visiting specialists of the institution.

Restaurant Administrator (Cafe)

The restaurant administrator (cafe) manages the work of the institution. He picks up the staff, will teach him, meets, accompanies visitors, establishes labor processes, allows questions, considers proposals, comments of visitors.

Specific duties of the restaurant administrator (cafe):

1. Management of communications with business partners, counterparties, government agencies.

2. Drawing up plans for the activities of the institution.

3. Purpose of purchases of goods, services.

4. Control of financial, current reporting documents.

History from life.

A small interior is empty, and it is empty almost always, the masters are sitting in their workplaces, talk. There is no one behind the administrator. That is, someone from the girls who are enthusiastically chirped about, about ses in the hall - administrator. The lounge is located on the first floor of a small shopping center, the place is a bog. It works a little more than six months. Around, literally in a minute, another 4 (!) Hairdressers work.


Hello, and you only paint "n" paint?

Yes, one of the girls is responsible, with curiosity surrounding the visitor look.

Thank you! Woman sparkling indiscriminately with legs on the leg, looking around the hairdresser. Bye.

Goodbye, the girl answers the girl indifferent to the nodding head.

The client slowly unfolds and leaves. Slowly - keyword. I want to give a chance to girls! But no, nothing happened. Neither the administrator - and one of them is the administrator, nor a master hairdresser made no sound anymore, did not give a business card, never. In full silence, the woman came out of the cabin.

What happened in the example described? A potential client who wants to paint his hair went to the salon. "He himself came!" (from). And the administrator of this beauty salon did not even attempt, first, say hello ("Good day!"), Secondly, go to your workplace and introduce yourself ("My name is Irina!")Thirdly, to meet a visitor ("How can I contact you?")Fourth, answer ("Yes, our salon works on paint N"), fifth, start with a potential customer conversation, asking a question ( "And what paint do you prefer to paint?" or "And what kind of paint do you like?").

And it could be found out that the visitor, in general, and there are no preferences on the specific brands of dyes, it is simply dark hair, a strong pigment and when staining in the blonde of this paint in another salon, the hair quickly grathers, and a hairdresser, instead of To work, told the client, that this is normal than and formed from the last "dislike" to this brand.

What did the administrator of this beauty salon do to write down the client?

Right - nothing! 99% of beauty salons administrators will behave in a similar case as well. And as a result, a potential client will go to another salon or start calling his friends, with a request to advise a good master. Let me ask you a question, dear director: who is to blame for the fact that there are few customers in your beauty salon? Are you wrong? Congratulations! But. Just in case, check. This is not the most difficult example and whether, for example, your administrator, write a service that you do not have?

Administrator duties Beauty salon

The rare administrator knows about his duties in the beauty salon. Moreover! The rare director of the beauty salon knows, and even more rare finds the strength to competently put the work of administrators in its salon. In order for your administrator to bring you the result, and was not part of the interior or "feed-bring-to-removing, write", it should know what to do, be able to do it (!). have appropriate skills and motivate do it. Therefore, the first, where to start the director - this is to reconsider its requirements for the duties of the beauty salon administrator. Clearly prescribe the official instruction manual of the beauty salon.

So, you invest money, time and other resources to make people learned about your salon, called or came to you. And sell your services or, in other words, exercise active recording of customers in the beauty salon No one. Because, at your administrator, the task "respond to phone calls"! In fact, you play the lottery. Lucky - not lucky. Wrong - not recorded. Buy - not buy. Do you think I specifically exaggerate?

Well. The well-known fact is that the word "sales" in the professional segment of the beauty industry is almost abigent. Do you think it is correct that in this way you "guard" the client that the client "does not want to impose"? The client really does not want to impose, on the contrary, he wants to solve his problems, convenience, care. And for this you need to take a proactive position, be able to ask questions, listen and offer ways to solve customer needs. If you initially think that sales are imposing, then recognize that you do not manage the income of your salon. If you think that sales are the essence of your business (beauty salon is a business), then read on.

"Good" news for owners and directors.

90%, and then all 99% of beauty salons exist exactly the same problems like yours! For example, beauty salons administrators do not know the price of basic services and do not know how to simply talk about their customers. What is so good about it? What you have, where to grow. While there is time. Until the cabin director in the neighboring house did not read this material before you. And he did not start to do before you!

And then you will not panic, if in front of your salon, a smart salon-competitor will open, will begin to dumping and spending five beauty per day!


It is worth noting the presence of a certain "fatigue" in the matter of personnel training at the enterprises of the beauty industry. Moreover, it originated not yesterday and in 90% of cases concerns the training of administrators. Unfortunately, there is a category of beauty salons administrators who learn, as a rule, for the money of the salon owner, only in order to replenish the collection of diplomas in a beautiful frame for presenting the next employer. It does not mean at all that all sorts of courses or seminars for beauty salons administors are bad, there are quite worthy offers on the market to choose. But at the same time, their effectiveness is not very high, they say the heads of the salons themselves. Why is this happening?

The administrator is a performer and a team player. Whatever good courses, he, painted, with new knowledge and diploma returns to his salon, to his corporate culture, to his colleagues and masters, to his director, where life flows as his own. There has not changed anything there. Moreover! There no one is going to change. Why suddenly? Result: Three days, a maximum of a week, all the knowledge gained is forgotten, enthusiasm to strive for zero.

I always present an analogy with the orchestra. No matter how well the musician played if there is no score and conductor, there will be no coordinated game. But even more important question is a composer who wrote music. There is no composer, no plays, no score, no conductor, everyone plays what he wants and what he knows how to measure his talents.

There is no investor with a unique idea (composer), there are no internal regulations and standards for working with clients (parties) of the manager (conductor), equal - no system and hosts in the cabin of the wizard. At conferences, seminars and consultations, I am often asked to tell about some unique tools that help unwind salon, about something unusual. No less often complaints about the increased competition and masters-obscons.

Here is my opinion:

It is not necessary to fight against competitors - other salons and masterrooms, and for customers! ". Your biggest enemy is not competitors and not even economic instability, but Bardak in the cabin and untrained work with customers administrators and specialists. What to teach them? First you need to perform execution in the salon of basic actions to attract and hold customers. And for this you need to go through the main points of contact with customers and learn to make elementary actions.

Natalia Goncharenko About typical situations with which the beauty salon administrator is working every day:

In the continuation of the material, I will tell you about the first three standards, introducing which you can see the increase in revenue for two to three months and changing customer attitudes to your salon from neutral to positive, from positive to admiring. According to our customers and salons that we take into management - in numbers it is expressed in different salons from 20 to 35% increase in revenue (not a single burst, but a fixed value).

Three basic standards Administrator's work Beauty salon

  • Standard Consultations and Records by phone
  • Administrator's work standard with primary client in the cabin

Standard consultation and phone records (excerpt)

  • The handset must be removed to the third call. When you take an incoming call, raising the phone, you should safely breathe, smile and clearly introduce yourself: "CK __________, administrator Irina, good afternoon."
  • After a potential client tasks a question / share the essence of the problem, administrator get acquaintedAfter which it answers the question (s) or asks clarifying questions.
  • If the caller specifies a specific question, for example, "how much does a haircut and staining on a 2nd length on the paint n?" Answer also specifically by contacting the calf by name, for example, "Natalia, haircut and staining on a 2nd length on the paint N costs 50 cu.". After that, ask a non-alternative question, offering the day, time and date of the record, for example: "On what day you are more convenient to write down: Weekly or weekend?" In order for the client to not put the phone immediately after you answered his specific question, you need to say any complements And to ask a clarifying question to continue the conversation, for example: "Natalia, haircut and staining on a 2nd length of paint N costs 50 cu, the service will take approximately 1.5 hours. Let me find out what kind of natural hair is? I have dark hair. And in what color decided to paint? I paint in redhead. Fine, always trend color. Our stylists just returned from the next course on color, we will be glad to see you! What day you are more convenient to write down: weekly or weekend?
  • If you do not know the answer to the question of a potential client, you do not need to faint, stutter and scream through the entire salon "Mashaaaa !!!". Turn on the button to lock the sound (or simply lower the tube on the desktop next to the telephone), after saying the client: "Natalia, I need to clarify the answer to your question. It is convenient for you to wait 1 minute on the line or will I call you back? ". When you are ready to provide information, turn off the sound lock button / lift the tube, and tell me: "Natalia, thanks for the waiting" and continue the conversation.
  • Recommended phrases at the end of the conversation: "Thank you for the call! All the best!"

Important: In the process of the conversation, you need to name the name / name and patronymic of the client at least once during the conversation. When recording, specify the name (if the potential client has not introduced) and the phone. A potential client who requested information and did not sign on the procedure, it is mandatory to enter an electronic database to the "Potential customers" list with fields: name, telephone and requested service.

Before moving to Standard No. 2 - another story from life.

Large district center. An empty salon with the prefix VIP is almost in the center. Elegant repair, in the cabin not a single wizard in the workplace, not a single client. Friday. We enter - 2 administrators silently look at us. We are on them.

Sho? - Finally, she utters one girl, trying to smile at the same time.

Sho ??? - We are surprised. Well ... went past, they saw your salon, they decided to go.

Show us at least something ...

Administrator is confused:

Sho you show ... Building ???

Administrator's work standard with primary client in the cabin (excerpt)

  • Beauty salon administrator meets customer standing and leaving him to meet.
  • The administrator greets, smiles, it seems and meets the client. When visit the client, the administrator of the beauty salon greets the first. ("Good afternoon, please!". "My name is Irina, I am the beauty salon administrator (SC) ________________. What is your name? Natalia, what can I be useful for you?").
  • The beauty salon administrator abandon all primary customers to spend a tour of the salon. Note! Excursion to the salon is not a mandatory stage of working with the primary client. There are business models in which the excursion is not conducted to customers. If your excursion standards are provided, hold it by following the following recommendations: after the consent of the client, the administrator holds it on the salon. The task of the administrator does not show furniture and equipment, but introductory with services and products. Motivating excursion is different from just excursions "Shto you show - building ???" The fact that showing the offices, the administrator tells about what needs (solving problems or enjoying, if you are a spa) are solved in each specific office, and then, how do you do it.
  • Throughout the communication, the administrator refers to the client by name.
  • After the administrator introduced the client with the SC and answered his question to offer make up the service / issue a memo (booklet, business card) for SC services.
  • Upon completion of the visit, the administrator helps the client to dress and says: "Natalia, we will be happy to see you again in SC _____________. All the best!"

Stop Do not read on. The next standard, although it relates to the basic, but in reality one of the most difficult in implementation. On our experience in the salons, its implementation takes from 1 to 3 months with constant control by the director of the beauty salon. Make the first two standards. Teach the administrators of your beauty salon, cosmetology center or spa to perform them. Check how it affected your salon revenue. Ask questions in the comments to this article, if something is not clear to you! And only then move on.

Standard planning the next visit to the client

Almost all of our services renewable. Manicure we make every 10-14 days, cut and paint and paint every 3-4 weeks. You need to know and teach your administrators to pre-record the client to the following procedure. Even if the client is not ready. For example: Specialist holds a client to the administrator to calculate and pronounces "Natalia, I will be glad to see you next time on a haircut and staining in a month. Administrator: Today we have April 25, May 25 will be Saturday. Will you be comfortable on Saturday? Customer: I still do not know exactly. If we write you a pre-pencil and call you back on May 22, will you know exactly? Yes thank you".

This is a positive example. It happens that the client resists the record "next time." Moreover. So it will be! First, customers will resist the record next time. Because, before they never encountered it. And all new causes us a natural reaction reaction. In such a case, the administrator still writes the date of the next visit to the pencil: when you need to call back to the client, invite to the service and make a real record.

You should know that the planning of the next visit to the client is the most important component of not only sales, but also the service of your salon. Negative customer reaction will simply arise because they are not used to it. Once, many years ago, for the first time in the salons began to offer tea and coffee. And then, customers were surprised and thought about themselves, hmm ... what is it? Will you not take money from me? Now this is the standard and everything is accustomed to this. Teach your administrators that you do not need to be afraid of failures. Customer failure is normal. Just explain to the customer, why do you do it. That is normal. What do you care about him. So that he always looked good - in the context of the one who he is doing. Housewife You will say one thing, and the business woman is different. And the business man is the third. And the student is the fourth.

Teach your administrators that failures are normal. Not normal - to be afraid of them. Each refusal brings the cherished "yes." Each refusal teaches you better than any training. If you, of course, want to learn!

"I would not like it," one woman told me. Although ....., if I were explained as you just ....

Look at the short video in which Natalia Goncharenko talks about an effective beauty salon administrator:

P.S. The most destructive for any beauty business is the expression of stereotypes. For example: no one does! In the meantime, you are afraid to hear and understand the needs of your customers and think that the duties of the beauty salon administrator enters "Answer on calls in style: yes / No / I do not know" and brew coffee to customers, they, these most customers go from the salon to the salon, "Baby" in the end, not even to another salon. It would not be so sad. And to a concrete master! Therefore, I want to wish you finally not in "Dare!" And "I wish you success!", And the banal compliance with the administrators of your beauty salon of your position. And you - skills and desires this match is to provide.

Order the book "My Salon of Beauty" in which Natalia Goncharenko reveals the effective work of the beauty of the beauty salon, the Cosmetology Center and Spa. And the book "Admin" - Desktop Book of Administrators of Beauty Enterprises

Modern consumer is very demanding about the quality of the services provided to it. Therefore, this sphere is constantly improving. The position of administrator is becoming increasingly popular. So, today most shops, clubs, salons have in their staff such an employee. Customers are more willing attending institutions where such a specialist works. After all, the institution can always be asked for help, ask questions and solve the conflict situation.

The administrator is an official whose work is related to the management of a state or commercial organization. Such an employee is considered to be the main assistant director. Therefore, the requirements for his skills, skills and personal qualities are presented high. According to many employers, a good administrator is the one who:

- is a professional in the field of economics and management;

- disassembled in documents;

- can handle information on a computer;

- skillfully owns communication skills;

- High organizational abilities;

- It has such personal qualities as emotional stability, tolerance, the ability to convince.

Professional administrator duties

These include:

  • Providing quality customer service, creating comfortable conditions for them.
  • Providing the visitor to the desired information regarding the range of services, shares, possible bonus programs.
  • Maintain documentation (recording for reception, filling in the base of customers, etc.).
  • Ensuring public order (takes measures in case of conflict situations, considers customer complaints, follows the discipline of employees).
  • Control over maintaining cleanliness in the room, compliance with the norms of sanitation.
  • Informing guidelines for shortcomings in service.
  • Perform the assignments of the chief.

The administrator is the necessary person in many areas of entrepreneurial activity.

Sphere of trade

Trade is very ancient human classes. And the ability to sell is a useful skill. Today, each commercial enterprise wants to be competitive. To do this, it is already not enough to have a quality product, you need to be able to offer it to the buyer. This feature often executes the store administrator. The responsibility of this official includes the management of the work of the trading hall. It must monitor the reception and delivery of goods, the timeliness of the appearance of products on the shelves, shop windows, check the quality, shelf life of the entire range.

To attract customers, the managerial can conclude an agreement with the company for BTL services. Such advertising of goods in the form of tastings, presentations of new products increases the rating of the enterprise, and the initiator receives a legitimate award.

Also, the store administrator tries not to miss interesting promotions. Because as a result, the enterprise will receive a profitable bonus supply. And it does not happen more than, since sometimes the store is losses due to theft, delay in goods.

Sphere of entertainment

The club administrator is a manager, a representative person who lies with responsibility for the quality of leisure customers. This specialist should control three directions - club room, workers, customers.

A good administrator understands the importance of stylish design and cleanliness of the hall. As well as adjoining territory outside.

In the submission of the administrator there are workers in the kitchen, waiters and bartenders, technical staff, security service. The manager must ensure that they all follow the rules of the discipline, the norms of hygiene and sanitation. If, for example, the client will find in its hair dish, then it will be a guilt of the administrator, since he did not control his staff.

The club manager is obliged to politely meeting visitors, to accompany them to the table and tell about the possible services of the institution. In the case of a large number of guests, he can charge it to an experienced waiter. If conflict situations arise or the client places claims regarding the quality of service, the administrator must delicately listen and take measures to resolve the problem.

Sphere of beauty industry

Work in this area is not so simple, as it seems. The administrator in the beauty salon is selected not only by the level of professionalism, but also by external data, because it will be a "company's person." It is his first and foremost to see customers and judge the level of services of the salon.

The administrator welcomes visitors. It helps to choose the procedure, advises to pay attention to the additional services of the company. He also is engaged in monetary calculations, coordinates the work of other salon specialists.

Whatever the direction of the company, the administrator is primarily a qualified specialist with excellent abilities to organize and self-organization.

Profession Cafe Administrator

Profession Cafe administrator is known as the head manager, Metrotel or Manager. This is a person who manages the activities of the institution as a whole. The main thing is that the cafe administrator is engaged in - organizes the work of the staff (chefs, waiters, wardrobkers, cleaners, guards, etc.), controls the quality of service, solves possible conflict situations and creates a good mood to visitors.

Places of work

The administrator is needed in all catering establishments, be it cafe, bar, restaurant or dining room.

History of profession

The term "Metrotel" appeared in France XVIII century (from Fr. Ma? Tre d'H? Tel - the owner of the hotel). So called the owner of the inn, where the travelers and tourists were resting and dinner. He met visitors, seated them in the dining room, took orders, made the calculation and commanded the servant in the kitchen.

Today Metrotel is an administrator of a restaurant or cafe, without which it is difficult to imagine any point of catering.

1.4. A person with secondary vocational education is appointed to the position of administrator without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in at least 2 years.

1.5. The administrator must know:

- decisions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to the work of the enterprise, institution, organization;

- management structure, rights and obligations of workers and their work;

- rules and methods of organizing visitors service;

- types of services provided;

- the foundations of the economy, the organization of labor and management;

- layout and order of design of premises and showcases;

- Basics of aesthetics and social psychology;

- labor legislation;

- rules of the internal labor regulation;

- Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. The administrator submits directly ___________________________.

1.7. During the time of the temporary absence of the administrator, his duties are assigned to ___________________.

2. Official duties.

2.1. Work on the efficient and cultural services of visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

2.2. Ensure control over the safety of material values.

2.3. Advise visitors on issues related to the services provided.

2.4. Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.5. Consider claims related to unsatisfactory service of visitors, conducts the necessary organizational and technical measures.

2.6. Control over the appropriate design of the premises, monitors the placement, update and state of advertising indoors and on the building.

2.7. Provide cleanliness and order indoors and on the territory adjacent to it or building.

2.8. Control observance by subordinate workers of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2.9. Inform the guidance on the available shortcomings in the service of visitors accepted by measures to eliminate them.

2.10. Provide execution by employees instructions of the enterprise management.

2.11. The official duties of the administrator are determined on the basis of the qualification characteristic of the administrator's position and can be supplemented, refined in the preparation of the official instructions of the administrator, based on concrete circumstances.

3. Rights.

The administrator has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

3.2. Within its competence, to inform the direct authorities about all the disadvantages identified in the process and make proposals for their elimination

3.3. Give orders and instructions and make appropriate actions to eliminate the reasons that created a conflict situation.

3.4. Proposals to the management of the enterprise (agencies, organization) to improve work related to its official duties and provided for by this official instruction.

3.5. Receive information from structural units and specialists to the documents necessary to fulfill its duties.

3.6. Attract specialists of all structural divisions of the enterprise to solve problems assigned to it (if this is provided for by the provisions on the structural units, if not, with the permission of the company's head).

3.7. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility.

The administrator is responsible for:

4.1. For improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this Official Instruction.

4.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the Labor and Civil Law of the Russian Federation.

4.4. Invalid information about the status of obtained tasks and orders, violation of the timing of their execution.

4.5. Failure to comply with orders, orders of the director of the enterprise.

4.6. Violation of the rules of the internal labor regulation, fire safety and safety regulations established in the enterprise.

Administrator's job descriptions and his duties

The administrator must supervise the implementation of other employees of the main functions, and if necessary, the solution of controversial situations. The task of the administrator includes ensuring the coordinated work of the entire team and constant control over the quality of the obtained products or services. To be appointed to the position of administrator, it is enough to have a complete secondary or higher education. Many companies require work experience in the profile specialty, which is at least 2 years.

What should the administrator know

  1. Manuals, decrees, decisions and other orders of higher authorities or legislative acts that relate to the charter of the life of a particular public group, which obliges to make a job description of the system administrator.
  2. Structure and features of management activities, the ability to control the functions of other employees. The rights and designated duties of each employee, as well as the mode of operation, together with possible processing or short days, which obliges to make a job description of the cabin administrator.
  3. The main rules for servicing visitors, as well as methods of improving the service.
  4. A complete list and accurate varieties of services that have an enterprise.
  5. The main issues of the economy, in most cases concerning the features of the organization of labor and management issues of each employee for justice and according to the company's charter, legislative standards, which provides for the job description of the store administrator.

See also: Terms of recovery on the executive list by bailiffs

Basic administrator skills

  1. The main positions of marketing, as well as the basics of organizing advertising, its planning and successful positioning of products or services, the ability to supervise the surveillance of operations, designed to popularize products or services in society.
  2. Layout of all production and indicative premises, features of the location of strategically important objects, design of each room, if necessary, conduct an inspection or excursion for certain compartments or rooms. This applies to those whose guidelines are the job description of the hotel administrator.
  3. Aesthetic concepts about beauty and social psychology, which can be focused, taking the most important decisions.
  4. A full range of legislative acts relating to the protection of workers and their protection against negative incidents during the work of work.

What is guided by the administrator

  1. Public Charter, especially its common provisions.
  2. Orders and orders that make up the authorities.
  3. Internal regulations that are spelled out in legislative acts and orders of each organization.
  4. An official instruction that combines the rights and obligations of the administrator.


Each administrator is obliged to carry out the following functions:

  1. Control and independent acceptance of participation in the economic activity of a specific working group.
  2. Implementation of the rational application of funds, excluding unreasonable spending.
  3. Constant maintenance of reporting activities within its competence and qualifications, giving them to the upstream superiors. This provides for the job description of the administrator of the hotel.

Main responsibilities

  1. Maintaining controlling functions for the integrity and safety of all objects representing material value and are part of a particular organization.
  2. Measurement, if urgent or conflict situations arise, requiring an immediate decision. It should be reacting quickly, so the administrator's work is associated with a large moral, and sometimes physical exertion, which prescribes the job description of the beauty salon administrator.
  3. Considering and partially make decisions about complaints received from customers who are unhappy with the service or work of employees. In the second case, the administrator can often apply penalties or other measures to curb the unsatisfactory work of employees. He must also understand the situation, and not just to do the work, so many argue that such activities is difficult in morally, which regulates the job description of the cafe administrator.

Main prescriptions

  1. Watch all the premises are properly decorated. Also carry out control of the proper appearance, placement and timeliness of the change of advertising objects both inside and outside the room. This primarily concerns employees who must be executed by the official instruction of the beauty salon administrator.
  2. Control the provision and continuous maintenance of order inside and outside the room, which is an integral part of the image of the building or a specific firm, which shows a sample of the administrator's job instruction.
  3. Control over the observance of employees of the main norms of labor discipline, as well as fire safety and other safety measures, which provide for administrator job descriptions.
  4. Bringing the information received or seen to the immediate boss concerning all errors in the work of employees, and also provides possible measures that are aimed at eliminating all problems and erroneous actions, which obliges to make an official instruction of the cafe administrator.
  5. With the help of the teams supports cleanliness and order in the workplace, supervising the work of workers or hiring special teams. Also, the administrator duties include verification of the health and appropriate state of the technical appointment and the equipment being necessary for the work, the purchase of furniture for office or other premises, equipment and goods of various purposes, which will be suitable for both technical and economic purposes.

Functional responsibilities

  1. It produces an organization, forms the routine and assigns the work time of the cleaner, and also checks the result of the work.
  2. Organizes congratulatory events or purchase of gifts, bonuses in honor of the festive events for employees of the company, as well as past and true partners, regular customers or all those who used the services or products of a particular enterprise.
  3. Fully solves all issues with the landlord concerning public utilities, which leases the firm, which provide for administrator job descriptions.
  4. Conducts organizational events about the good work of all equipment, if necessary, assigns repair work, determines their time, speed, coordinates the cost, chooses masters or firms that provide optimal services for the appointed fee.
  5. The stationery and other technical supplies, equipment, equipment and all elements on the economic part is constantly conducting accounting, provides a timely amount of the amount and spectrum of these devices to employees.
  6. Makes up, checks and publishes the documentation contained by reports from various spheres for each past period, which define administrator job descriptions.
  7. Conducts an organization and controls the proper and dosed nutrition of workers, which occurs during the lunch break, distributes portions, if provided for by the Company's charter.


The administrator has such rights:

  1. Making requests for the status and quality of equipment supplied, the presence and quantity, the flow rate of materials for production.
  2. Conduct and make suggestions about improving the work of the company or modernizing the actions of managers.
  3. Ensure the requirements for managers to ensure good conditions for employee responsibilities.
  4. Adopt rapid and rational decisions that are within the framework of the Administration's competence, which is specified in the Firm's Charter. This approves administrator job descriptions.

A responsibility

The administrator is responsible for the timely provision of the necessary materials and resources for work, maintaining cleanliness and safety at a specific object, finding documentation in good condition. Also, the administrator depends on the correctness of the compilation and timeliness of the provision of reports.

He has no right to disclose a commercial secret, as well as all the information he learned by chance, when performing his immediate duties. That this employee could work without problems, he must fulfill his duties in a timely manner. It is responsible for the safety of entrusted property, as well as for fulfilling the requirements of the job instruction.

Administrator job duties: sample

Administrator duties are established by higher management. All of them must be listed in the job instruction, and otherwise they have no legal force. In addition, this document must be submitted to the administrator to familiarize himself directly before its entry into a new position.

Competent, competent managing - real treasure for beauty salon director. But, unfortunately, purposeful to this position are units, but the flow of applicants, who consider the work of the administrator as temporary, considering it not promising and not prestigious. Many suggest that the work is only in order to say hello to the client, to offer tea or coffee, to spend the wizard and take money. Is it so?

Tell me what is included in the obligations of the hall administrator,his position in the cabin and why this position is one of the key.

You can control the work of the manager and the quality of the duties executed by them online in the convenient Arnica program. Try now.

Keep accounting

Responsibilities of the Manager

The beauty salon administrator and the hairdresser must organize high-quality customer service. To do this, he coordinates most of the business processes, providing the necessary materials and customer information, personnel, head.

The manager refers to the category of specialists or managers. Depending on the circle of responsibilities and the degree of independence in decision-making, qualifications can be assigned - "senior" or "presenter".

Main tasks and functions

The manager must perform a number of functions. We bring them in the table below.

Responsibilities of the control cabin beauty and hairdresser

Knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill duties

Personal characteristics

Increase sales

Create comfortable conditions for customers

Rules and methods of organizing visitors service process

Basics of aesthetics

Rules of layout and design of premises of beauty salon, shop windows.

Desire to help the customer (empathy)


Good memory

Fast reaction

Ability to quickly switch attention

Stress tolerance

Ability to keep attention for a long time

Communication skills

Accuracy (in clothing, workplace, documents)


The ability to plan your working day and perform the intended

No harmful habits (smoking, alcohol)

Inform customers on availability of available services

Presentation rules

Stages of sales

Rules of telephone conversations

Types of services provided.

Quickly and accurately make calculations with customers in cash and b / cash

Procedure for Cash DS and Bank Cards

DS Return Procedure
Maintaining a cashier book - operator in the presence of KKM

Ability to work in programs (1c, hornica, malachite, universe, etc.)

Inform customers about new services (make up interior space, on the Internet, SMS - mailing, open door days)

Know the features of the perception of information and be able to apply in practice

Basic work skills on the Internet

Plan customer visits in conjunction with masters, make a pre-entry

Know the conditions for conducting procedures, the time of procedures, frequency, the possibility of combination, etc. Conditions.

Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

Basics of ethics and social psychology

Basics of conflictology

Reduce loss of materials

Observe the order of work with the TMC

Rules of work with TMC

Rules for inventories.

Know internal TMC spending standards

Minimize checks when checking

(Rospotrebnadzor, Labor Inspection, Tax, Prosecutor's Office, etc.)

Consider claims related to unsatisfactory visitors service and conduct relevant organizational and technical measures.

Consumer Protection Act

The procedure for resolving conflict situations

Control observance by employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

The structure of the management of the enterprise, the rights and obligations of employees of the organization and the mode of their work.

Rules of internal labor regulations.

Safety regulations

Provide cleanliness and order in the premises and on the territories adjacent to them or the building.

The order of cleaning the territory

Production control program

Requirements of Rospotrebnadzor

Provide protection of personal data of customers and employees

The law on the protection of personal data.

Enhance the performing discipline

Control over the execution of employees guidelines for the organization.

Basics of the economy, organization of labor and management.
Skill of drawing up internal regulatory documents

The ability to work in programs (Megaplan, Outlook, etc.)

Execution of instructions of the head

Time management

The commitment to the head shares the thematic blocks. We'll figure it out what the managing should do:

1. Organization and planning of the hall, whose goal is to reduce costs and improving the quality of customer service. That is, control over the effective use of material, technical and labor resources in the process of activity, work on the reduction of costs. Accounting and timely provision of reporting to management.

2. Work with the cash register. Issuance of checks, receiving payment for services rendered.

The significant requirement for the administrator is knowledge of legal acts, current legislation. These knowledge may be required in different directions of work - from the presentation of the interests of the owner when checking before developing advertising campaigns with compliance with the requirements of the Law "On Advertising" and "On Communication".

3. Working with staff: to keep the accounting table of working hours, monitor compliance with the work schedule, the appearance of employees (dress code and uniforms).

4. Control of cleanliness, rules and safety standards, safety equipment for customer service.

5. System work with a client base: maintenance, update and replenishment, as well as work on the formation of loyalty (mailing for customers of information, congratulations, reminders, etc.)

6. Communication with customers, namely, answers to all incoming calls, consultation (services, prices, products) and recording customers - it should also do a megnunger. This will take a meeting of the client, keeping the client to the master (acquaintance with the master), the client's support after the provision of the service, as well as collecting information for subsequent use of it as the basis of new shares.

7. Since the manager is obliged to control advertising and other shares, it can be asked to apply in practice the basis of marketing, advertising and merchandising.

8. In small offices, the work of the head in something similar to the work of the office manager - it is responsible for the performance of the hall, tracks the availability of paper in the printer, stationery, toilet paper in the toilets.

Also, the head regulates emerging conflicts, leads the book of feedback, works with claims.

The commitment to the manager includes the implementation of one-time instructions of the head

Elena Valeeva, director of Natalia (Kaliningrad): "In our salon, the administrator duties include: to answer phone calls, write, advise the client, coordinate the work of specialists, to help in choosing suitable procedures, offer and show additional services, sell cosmetics for home Care, control the availability of necessary funds, the serviceability of the equipment, to produce cash payments, the calculation of employee wages. For the head, tactfulness and professionalism in work are important. An experienced, responsible and reliable he is the support of the head of the hall and the key to the development of the company. Taking on the work of the manager, we pay attention primarily for personal qualities, you can and devoid professional. "


Certain requirements are presented to the head. So, he must have the following knowledge:

  • marketing Basics and Advertising Rules
  • fundamentals of the economy, organization of work
  • PCs and basic programs, for example, 1C
  • features of the sphere, for example, cosmetology, nyl-industry, visage
  • internal Labor Rules
  • basics of psychology
  • ethical standards.

In addition, the manager must have certain skills. Typically, this profession requires managerial and organizational skills, skills of conducting and analyzing marketing activities, the skills of the Merchandiser and designer designer.


The manager has certain rights. These include:

  • the requirement from the director to create favorable and relevant legislation requirements
  • obtaining information on all director solutions if they are associated with the direct execution of labor functions by the administrator
  • informing the head about the problems in the work of the enterprise and participate in their elimination
  • the adoption of independent decisions included in the list of its competencies
  • making proposals relating to the execution of labor functions or activities of the beauty salon.

A responsibility

The manager is responsible for:

  • reliable attitude to duties
  • failure to comply with director orders
  • violation of commercial mystery
  • violation of the internal labor regulation, discipline, safety and fire safety regulations.

Administrator is a real person's person. He not only regulates and organizes work, but also introduces the client's hall and often it is determining the choice of one or another salon by the client.