How can not store automotive tires. Seasonal storage of tires and wheels auto business plan storage tires

With each seasonal change of tires before car owners, the question arises where to store rubber. Well, if there is your garage, but what about those who live in apartments and does not have any more premises where you can store the rubber? It is this reason that caused the discovery of a separate direction of business - the so-called "hotels" for seasonal storage of tires. Wheels are stored in heated and well ventilated rooms, where the straight sun rays do not fall. For rubber, it is properly monitored - thoroughly dried and packaged. Such warehouses are a modern high-tech service, where everything is on its own, clearly indicated places ...

Service of storage of rubber-one of the types of business

Rubber storage service is exclusively urban and not at all of Russian origin. In Europe, there are already dozens of years there is a similar business that is called "Tire Hotel" - hotel for storage of tires.

Open your business on seasonal storage tires is better already when working tires - in fact, the client base has already been formed. So, however, and makes most of the tire workshops, who have free squares for these purposes.

Step-by-step opening plan of tire storage

If the business opens what is called "from scratch", then significant investments in advertising will be required. At a minimum it is necessary to bypass all the next time-tire services and offer them cooperation. Another mandatory marketing tool is your website on the Internet. In major cities and megalopolis, people have long learned to find services and services using the Internet. Therefore, without a site you can miss the lion's share of customers.

Such a service can be offered not only in the absence of a customer from the client for rubber storage. According to experts, the correct care is important for the rubber, and it is necessary to store it at a certain temperature and humidity. Tires should never be stored in a standing position - they should be suspended or in a horizontal position, ideally on wooden pallets. Tires that are not mounted in the disk are required to be stored vertically and they should be rotated every four weeks, in order to avoid the pressure of pressure only in some places. They should not be suspended and folded one to another. Deformation, microcracks, loss of strength and elasticity - all this consequences of incorrect storage of tires.

Of course, few of the car owners complies with these rules - often the rubber rushes somewhere in the dusty corner of the garage and raises there until next season. Therefore, if you correctly explain to the car ownership of this service, it can take advantage of even those who have where to store tires. Here are just some confirmation of all gaining tire storage services:

This is an image from the "kompanomator", which shows that more than 500 people took advantage of the Sinohran service.


The organization of business will require a fairly spacious room. It is logical that the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the more you can accommodate rubber, and therefore earn more. Calculation of approximately the following: The rubber set (4 wheels) takes about 1m2 (depending on the storage method), respectively, 100 sets - 100m2. At the same time, it is not necessary to rent a large warehouse. Such a number of rubber can fit at a much lower area, due to the installation of two or three storey shelving systems.

What equipment to choose to storage tires

The setting of the warehouse may die from 100 thousand rubles and above, depending on the condition and size of the room. What can money be spent? In order to store rubber, it will be necessary to buy racks, racks or pallets. To maintain the desired temperature, installation of the air conditioning and ventilation system is required. Do not forget about the condition of the walls and the ceiling, for the repair of which, too, can escape a certain amount (elementary whitewashing). At least 30,000 rubles need to create the same site for advertising services.

Financial calculation

Now about income. The cost of seasonal storage of one set of rubber (4 wheels) is an average of 1500 to 3000 rubles depending on the wheel diameter. Or may be the monthly storage of rubber, for example 100 rubles / month per wheel. When renting rubber on storage, the car owner is issued a receipt. The return of the wheels is carried out only on this paper.

From the room at 500m2 per six months, you can help: 500 sets of x 2000 rubles per kit \u003d 1 000 000 rubles or 166,000 per month. From the resulting Sumy will have to subtract:

  • Warehouse rental - 20,000 per month
  • Tax (ENVD or USN) - 10,000 per month
  • Salary and insurance deductions (1 employee) - 20,000 per month
  • Consumables (detergents, processing agents, etc.) - 5,000 per month
  • Advertising - 15,000 per month
  • Other expenses - 10,000 per month
  • Common monthly costs - 80,000 per month.

How much can you earn on the storage service tire

Hence the approximate monthly profit will be: 166,000 - 80,000 \u003d 86,000 rubles. This, of course, subject to the presence of a customer base of 500 people (which still needs to be able to work).

The profitability of this case is extremely difficult to determine - a lot depends on the abilities of the business organizer. But there are facts that indicate whether or not to open a business on the seasonal storage of tires. For example, such a "banal" indicator as the number of residents of the city and their standard of living. Small and middle cities of the Russian depths with a population of up to 200 thousand inhabitants are excluded immediately. After all, to allocate 2000 - 3000 rubles for six months, not every citizen can afford for "some storage of rubber".

An article about how it is possible and how cannot be stored car tires, depending on various factors and conditions. At the end of the article - video about 3 basic tire storage rules.

Unfortunately, many motorists are not paying special attention to this issue. But the wrong choice of a tire storage method can lead to deterioration of their properties and technical parameters. This is especially true for winter tires, because the safety of all road users depends on the winter from their high-quality properties.

General storage requirements

  • It is necessary to march each wheel With the place of installation by car. If necessary, you can mark the outer and inner side of the tire.
  • Before storage, check pressure (If the tire is stored for the disk) pressure gauge, if necessary, bring its indicator to the values \u200b\u200brecommended by the manufacturer.
  • Thoroughly wash the wheel after removal, inspect the entire surface of the riding. Remove the pebbles and other foreign objects from the tread, make sure that there are no cracks.
These requirements are an absolute minimum that needs to be performed with each seasonal shift change.

Storage on or without disks

Many car owners face a question - will it be correct to store rubber on disks or their removal is a prerequisite? It is clear that both methods are permissible, but there are a large number of nuances for everyone and them.

On disks

If such a type of storage was chosen, then the necessary requirements should be followed to prevent deformation and deterioration of rubber properties. In no case cannot be installed tires on the disks vertically. If the place allows, you need to put the pallet from the tree to the floor, to store the wheels in a horizontal form. It is allowed to lay them on each other.

Some motorists suspend the wheels to the ceiling. This type of storage is admissible, especially when restricting free space in the garage.

Without disk

With the method of storage without disks, all the rules are opposite to the above described. It is prohibited to store in horizontal form, installing tires on each other and hanging.

Installation is allowed only in a vertical position, and every three or four weeks the rubber must be turned. A good solution will collect a special rack that will be attached to the wall.

Ignoring these rules can lead to strong shin deformation and the subsequent impossibility of balancing on the tireboard, that is, a complete damage.

Storage at home

How to store it is impossible

  • On the balcony, if it is uncrowted. This type of storage of tires is equivalent to street. The aggressive impact of cold, wind, sun and moisture can lead to unrelated damage for three months.
  • In the total apartment Tambour, on the staircase and other places of mass passage of residents at home. In addition to inconvenience, which will create wheels, and fire safety requirements are violated, since in case of an emergency situation, the evacuation of people will be difficult.
  • Next to hot batteries, under the current pipes, in cold unheated premises. Such storage conditions will affect the quality of the rubber surface, which will subsequently lose their operational properties.
  • On the floor with sharp edges or uneven surface. It will be the cause of deformation and damage to the tire, which hello to the impossibility of its further use.

How to store can be

  • Glazed heated balcony Apartments or houses.
  • Dry storage room apartment. It is clean and dry place without temperature drop, exposure to sun rays. As a rule, the pantry is dark, which is one of the positive factors for rubber storage. It is only necessary to make sure that the storage room will not get wet air and couples from the kitchen or bathroom. It is also not allowed to keep various chemicals.
  • Heated garage. Next to the tires can not store chemicals, and sparks and open fire in the production of work should not fall on the rubber itself. However, if the garage is metallic, then in it winter tires in summer is undesirable, because in this case the effect of temperature drop is very hot in the garage, and at night the temperature is falling inside. Such oscillations will lead to cracking of rubber.
  • Dry cellar.If the temperature in it is more or less constant, and humidity within the normal range.

Effect of various factors for tire safety

When storing rubber at home, many factors arise that may affect its further state.
  1. Indoor temperature. A feature of modern quality rubber is strictly compliance with the temperature regime. Negative values \u200b\u200bare not recommended, but not allowed above +25 degrees. For this reason, the unheated garage does not fit, as well as storage near batteries, heat guns and other sources of heat.
  2. Sun rays. Their impact leads to drying and cracking of rubber. Cracks during visual inspection can not be found, but if during the movement the wheel will fall into the pit, then the likelihood that it bursts is raised several times.
  3. Humidity. Storage of tires with disks, so without them is allowed only in a dry room. It is not recommended to pack them into polyethylene bags that create ideal conditions for moisture condensation. If the tires are stored with the disks, the latter begin to rust. There are special non-woven bags for storing wheels, and for each wheel you need a separate bag.
  4. Chemical substances, Sich a large amount in any garage, have a destructive effect on the tires. These substances are different oils, gasoline, acids.
  5. Deformation. With long-term storage in one position, rubber deformation occurs. It is recommended to turn it out from time to time.
  6. Storage time. Depending on the composition of rubber, the storage period of the tire can vary, but usually it does not exceed six years. After this period, the use of the tire becomes unsafe.
Compliance with all the rules listed above will help maintain rubber in proper condition for many seasons, and its use will not lead to road accidents and other undesirable consequences.

In fact, it is for our country that the problem of storing a set of summer tires in winter, and the winter - in summer is one of the most pressing thanks to the specifics of the climate. Without two sets of tires, year-round operation of the car is impossible, and this means that the car owner has to constantly hold four tires somewhere. Well, if there is a place in the garage or in the country. In any case, weave twice a year, we remain on the extraction of dumping tires from dark corners, transporting them to the tire workshop and back. About how random storage conditions are affected by the operational qualities of rubber, in general no one thinks: not "bald" - and okay. In solving all these problems, the car owner lies a fairly large resource for attracting and holding customers.

We live in the age of global outsourcing. No one has time to independently deal with the solid problems of medium difficulty. Even if a person knows how to change the locks in the doors, gaskets in the cranes and sockets in the walls, he prefers to call masters who specialize on it. It fully applies to the car service - few independently digging at leisure in your car, even if something is understood in this. All do specialists. And only the drainage and storage of tires remains the lot of each individual car owner, as in the days of developed socialism. Meanwhile, the psychology of people has long changed, and the demand for the service, in fact, has already matured. As soon as the car owner tries to take advantage of it once, he already wants to return to independently with tires. In the same way, few people have already had their own car on their own - much easier and more convenient to pay money for the sink.

Suppose the client is really ripe. But is it important for the car service money, which he is ready to pay for the fact that his winter or summer tires just lie for half a year? And how significant will the costs for the provision of such a service for the car service itself (after all, in essence, are we talking about the organization of an additional warehouse)? While free areas are one of the most expensive resources after time. Car owner is conveniently shifting on someone this burden, but is it profitable to take it by car service? This is a complex question. However, by and large, the market has already been predicted to him. The development of the situation pushes the main players - official dealers - on all new ways to attract and retain customers, especially in the situation sharply aggravated control of independent services. The economic situation does not make it possible to earn on some sales, and dealers began to actively develop not only post-warranty service, but also additional services. And the tireage in Russia is one of the most attractive types of car service. On the "Tinsmith Day" will fall far from everyone (fortunately) a car. But the "day of the tire" does not avoid anyone (unless, of course, does not want to get to the "tinsmith" already guaranteed). In an effort to attract clients of tire-based networks and individual independent workshops, dealers are increasingly actively implemented and offering customers seasonal storage services.

Everyone knows how interconnected in the tire-based sale of tires and actually their seasonal replacement. We sell to mount, and mounted to sell. So, these are only two China's China. Third - storage. It is he who provides high customer loyalty. A man, as a rule, mounts tires where and buys. Once. Where he stores them, he is serviced constantly. And in the end buys new tires.

Attracting and holding customers is not the only one, however, the reason for which official dealers develop seasonal storage programs. The fact is that the availability of such a service directly requires partner companies if the dealer participates in the leasing program. The presence of a dealer of the "bus hotel", where the "not a season" will be experienced by the lessee car covers, is in some cases one of the mandatory conditions of the lessor. And creating a "tire hotel" for leasing, it will be developed for all customers.

Thus, the question arises: how to organize seasonal storage? Due to the shortage and high cost of free space, especially in major cities, the organization of the system primarily requires a competent organization of space. The more tires are placed on the unit area, the lower the cost of storage. The second problem is logistics and accounting. The more tires you take storage, the higher the payback of costs, but in a large number of storage units, it is necessary not to get confused, especially in the "Pereobulation" season. The problem of ordering processing speed is also associated with this season: if the client is waiting for too long, the value of the service in his eyes will noticeably decrease. Quick processing of orders is associated with another, personnel resource: How many people should serve the "tire hotel" so that he successfully coped with his tasks? Finally, the issue of the maintenance of products: how to provide it with a large number of various tires? Here it is necessary to take into account the aspect that if the damaged tire is installed on the car, an accident may happen for which the "tire of the tire" will have to be answered.

After making the decision to create a warehouse of seasonal storage of tires, it is necessary to take all these questions.

Storage on science

When organizing the storage of tires, it is necessary to take into account that they should be stored, observing certain rules, - in adverse conditions and in case of improper handling of the tire lose physical properties, the result of their service is reduced and they can become unsuitable for operation. Many forget about it or do not know. By the way, detailed information informing customers about the rules of storage of tires and the reasons for which they must be observed largely contribute to the contact of car owners to the seasonal storage service.

The right storage conditions of tires are described in ISO 2230. For storage of tires and automotive cameras, it is necessary to equip the room - keep them outdoors, including under a protective canopy, is unacceptable. This room should be cool, dry and dark, it should be equipped with good ventilation, and there should be no drafts - direct airflows are excluded. The rubber properties may change and reflect on the functional characteristics of the tires if they are stored at temperatures above 25 ° C or below 0 ° C. The temperature is optimal about 15 ° C. If it is necessary to remove the heating, it is necessary to remove products from heat sources; In addition, the tires must be protected from direct sunlight or intensive artificial lighting, especially with a high ultraviolet component. Extremely harmful to ozone tires, which has a strong destructive impact. Consequently, there should be no its sources in the room, such as fluorescent or mercury lamps. It is also necessary to exclude high-voltage electrical equipment, electric motors or any other electrical appliances that can create a spark or electricity leakage.

High humidity also negatively affects tires. The appearance of condensate on them should be excluded, not to mention the hits of any precipitation. In addition, the tires need to be protected from the effects of any solvents, oils and lubricants, including even short-term contact. The tires must be stored freely, without affecting them any external loads.

Proper storage of tires is not such a primitive task as it is customary. Starting its decision stands with the study of the warehouse technology market. As a rule, in Russia, two main ways of warehousing tires are used: in bulk and on various racks. Probably, it is not necessary to explain that the first least is convenient and safe, and the rational use of the squares does not have to speak at all. "Shaking" tires above human growth, even very neat, one to another, will not work, therefore, the efficiency of the use of the premises will be minimal. Nevertheless, it is one of the most common methods in our country, which is practiced even well-known tire networks. In fairness, there is a "naval" and the positive side: no additional investments, in addition to the cost of itself under the roof, are not required in this case. Thus, at the time of the business organization, you can invest noticeably smaller. However, if you don't buy anything at all, you can save even more.

Another, quite widely practiced and well-known method - rack storage. You can independently weld a two- or three-tiered rack made of metal corner, as often do roadside sellers of tires. You can buy ready-made racks of a wide variety of designs and quality - a lot of offers on the market, any plant of metal products or a firm manufacturing metal furniture have several types of such products in their assortment. You can order racks under your specific needs, taking into account the premises. It is more convenient to work with such racks, it is possible to more rationally use the available room. But there is no high efficiency, however, it is not worth it: with a huge selection of manufacturers, almost none of them makes specialized tire racks.

Economically and logistics

Meanwhile, technical progress does not stand still and in the organization of tire storage. Relatively recently, a new development of the German company Scholz RegalSysteme has appeared relatively recently on the Russian market, which specializes in technology for the automotive business and several years investigated the issue of the most efficient storage of tires. The result of the research was the specialized system for storing Yesireb tires, which, due to the maximum calculation on a volume unit, it allows you to store more tires on a smaller area.

YesireB is based on Scholz specialists classification of tires by sizes using the most compact display field. YesireB makes it possible to maximize all three space parameters: length, width and height of the room with minimization of working passes. Unlike methods with a mezzanine level, a new system does not require stair marches, elevator zone and auxiliary passes due to the building of the warehouse of light-grade cells with low metal-intensity to a height of up to 6 meters. As a result, the efficiency of the use of the room grows up to 50% - the savings are very tangible, and in the conditions of rental of the room - permanent. An important advantage of cells is also the opportunity to easily and quickly disassemble and transport themselves to a new place.

But yesireb is not just racks, let modern, high quality and well-thought-out ergonomics. The system allows you to solve not only the problem of economical placement and proper storage of tires, but also such a complex and urgent question as the logistics of the adopted property. This is especially important in the case of seasonal storage of clients' tires, when it is not just necessary to know exactly where it is a product of a certain name, and find a completely specific tire belonging to a specific owner. And such tires - hundreds, or even thousands. Yesireb offers ready-made warehouse technology, which also looks comfortable and attractive for end customers. Each set of tires assigned its own cell, a special sticker is mounted on the tire, and the owner receives a control ticket that can be pasted inside the car until the next "Perevoolev". The owner of yesireb gets a product for managing the boss, which includes a classifier, marking, reporting form and address storage system.

Since one of the features of the system is to use the upper part of the warehouse volume, Scholz Regalsystem offers a specialized electric loader - orders for working at height. In fact, it is a small autonomous electric car with a cradle and a cargo platform on the retractable lifting guide. The order packer is characterized by compactness and mobility, it does not require special management skills and has several security degrees. In addition to the Scholz RegalSysteme pc created a whole set of specialized tools intended for quick and convenient acceptance, storage and tire issuing. All these technologies allowed the company to even get into the Guinness Book of Records for Speed \u200b\u200bWelding Tires. The record in the book is literally the following: "Only yesireb system allowed to upload for a record short time - 8.59 minutes on an area of \u200b\u200b1 x 2.16 m with a rack height of 5.24 m 128 wheels dimension 225/45 / 17." It is worth adding that record load was carried out only by two workers. This is another advantage of the system: two employees are enough to cope with the warehouse service of almost any volume, while one person works at the acceptance, and the other on the tires loading. Considering that the computerized system allows you to plan customers in advance, you can manage queues. It is clear that in the season mass "Pereobolation" this is one of the decisive competitive advantages: seeing the queue, a potential customer can go in search of another company, "where the people are smaller." The use of Yesireb system will allow you to constantly collect these "surplus customers", which did not have time to serve in other companies.

However, it would be an attractive to the use of modern high-tech warehouse systems, any businessman concerns the issue of the price. The cost of the Yesireb set begins from 1,500 euros. According to the calculations, the payback of the system in the capital may occur in three months at one hundred percent loading of the warehouse, in the regions - for six months. At the same time, it is obvious that, one way or another, it is possible to store tires and without using any technologies and without investing any means. You can calculate such a one-time savings at one point; Calculate losses from the loss of time and the lost profits from customers who have left for competitors, of course, more complicated. In addition, it is necessary to consider another aspect. Seasonal storage of tires - the service in our country is quite new. The middle class pay for it is not used to, and offering storage to customers, you need to bold it to advertise it. People need to make feel convenience and benefits from the use of the "bus hotel". At the same time, as well as new, clients of the upper segment are primarily beginning to resort to seasonal storage, for which the cost of this service simply does not matter, but its quality and level are important. And here, of course, it is worth offering a specialized branded system, and not just ordinary racks, because you need to do so that you don't have to blush if the client suddenly wishes to familiarize himself with the place where his precious tires do.

Two sets of wheels are convenient - you can fasten at any time. Saving time and money on tireboard. The only question is where to store? Consider the issue of seasonal storage of tires and wheels - what conditions and cost of this service.

What conditions

Seasonal storage of tires suggests that they will be in a clean, dry, and well ventilated place (temperature of 10-15 degrees), but not on draft. It is impossible to leave tires in rawrooms, on fat surfaces and under the right rays of the sun. According to the rules tires store in a vertical position to avoid deformation And for ease of treatment with them. If it is stored only in a horizontal position, the wheels of the passenger car are stored in the stacks not higher than 1 meter, and truck tires are not higher than one and a half meters.

Before passing the tires for storage, they should be blown by 50% of the normal pressure. Nippeli save on the spot. Before laying the tires, you need to make sure that the place is clean, without dirt and moisture. Tires should not be contacted with oils, fuel, asphalt and placed on special shelves or stands. A place in which the tire touches the oil - swells, although later it acquires a normal form and looks intact. Permissible load on it will be reduced.

Some car enthusiasts before passing tires are treated with silicone lubricant or tires ink. As you know, these tools help restore the structure of rubber products. Rubber will not dry and save its original appearance.

Also useful to mark the tireswhere what was on the car. For example, apply a marker or school chalk for each wheel of the "PL" designation, which denotes the "front left". "ZP" means "rear right". This is especially true if the tires are directed and it is better not to change places. In addition, each tire has its own characteristics - pulp, the depth of the tread. If the method is not working with a marker or chalk (erased), then we bind the clamp. For example, one clamp denotes that the wheel stood on the left, 2 - rear on the left, and so on.

How much is

You can try to create perfect conditions in the garage. If it is not possible to store an additional set of house tires (for example, on the balcony) or in the garage, it is better to give to specializing companies (usually these are the same companies that sell wheels). Plus, you can produce tires and storage of wheels in one place.

The cost of the service is not high and ranges from 50 to 100 rubles per month, depending on the size of the tire. Maximum price for keeping a set of rubber / disks - 320 rubles / month. Total it turns out, on a car with 15 'wheels, seasonal storage of four tires for 6 months will be from 1200 to 1500 rubles. Agree, not such big money. For an SUV, the cost will rise one and a half times. It should be borne in mind that if you want to temporarily save the bus along with the disk, then the price also rises.

When choosing a company where you give a storage tire, specify in where they will be located. Some firms store the wheels outdoors, which is bad. They should only be in special premises.

Storage time tires in stock Storage of wheels assembled (Autoresina and discs included)
R12-R13 R14-R15 R16-R17 R18-R19 R20-R22.
1 month.
6 months

2 200r.

2 400r.

2 600r.

3 200r.

3 600r.

12 months

3 600r.

4 000r.

4 400r.

5 600r.

6 400r.

Storage of automotive tires in Moscow and Moscow region

The clients of our tire center often arises the question: "What rules should be followed during the storage of automotive tires?". Among motorists a large number of those people who live in apartments. Therefore, they most often sharpen the question of where to store tires for its "iron friend". After all, the content of the set of tires of the house creates a lot of inconvenience and problems, taking the precious square meters of living space, say, on the balcony or in a storeroom. Absolutely, each of us wants to use your car tires to the maximum, as long as possible to depart in its rubber and maintain its operational characteristics. It is possible to achieve high durability in the only case. To do this, it is necessary to carefully handle the tires, carry out timely checks and inspections for the presence of foreign bodies in the protective, and individual attention should be paid to the cross-season storage of the wheels. This approach will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations on the roads and achieve a high level of security while driving.

The issue of seasonal storage of tires in Moscow is given almost every second car owner. After all, for many, this task is very difficult. The right choice of room parameters is the key to the successful seasonal storage of automotive tires. As soon as the season ended and you prepared your car, for example, by winter, the summer set of rubber should be placed on storage in a specially equipped room. Save the physical properties of rubber and disks while waiting for the next season, special preservative compositions will help you.

If you feel about the category of people who prefer to store automotive tires and discs on their balcony or in the garage, then you should closely monitor the room temperature in the room below 10 ° Celsius. Recommended storage room no more than 60%. Remember, daylight lamps can have a detrimental effect on the tires, so it is best to minimize lighting during seasonal storage. It is ultimately not recommended to place automotive tires on the upper shelves of racks.

Another common mistake, which is very often found at car enthusiasts during the storage of tires at home - packaging rubber in cheap sealed packages. In fact, following such imaginary storage rules, you make tremendous harm to your wheels. Being a new season, condensate begins to accumulate in hermetic packaging, which is subsequently negatively reflected on the durability of tires. Experienced specialists in the service and repair of cars strongly recommend using only vacuum packages.

If you do not use your vehicle in the winter, then in order to prevent the rubber deformation and maintain the working condition of the tires, you need to roll the car, at least once a week.

Seasonal storage of automotive tires.

In the modern world, specialized rubber storage services are gaining great popularity. List of basic advantages of using this service in our tire center:

  • We provide a high level of service.

We offer our customers to leave tires on a spacious warehouse equipped in accordance with generally accepted standards and standards;

  • We care about your customers.

You will have a unique opportunity to avoid conflicts in the family about "tires on the balcony." Giving rubber for storage in service, you can save a precious place in an apartment or a garage;

  • We work at adequate prices.

The cost of the service depends on how many sets of automotive tires and for what time you pass to storage.

Experienced employees of our company will help correctly draw up a car rubber storage agreement, with which in the future you will easily find tires in stock. Each set is given to its sequence number, followed by an individual place. During storage, the rubber is in dry rooms, with normal humidity, the temperature in which does not exceed 20 ° Celsius. Not every service is able to provide the client as far frequent conditions for storing rubber in the offseason.

We fully comply with the installed rules for the safety of automotive tires. Our employees know perfectly well that the tires can not be kept near chemicals, oils and gasoline, because it may be adversely affected by the quality of rubber in the new season. Moreover, the storage of tires in specialized services implies that the tires will be in the covers. Such an approach will avoid sunlight on rubber and, as a result, keep the performance characteristics.

Experienced specialists pay great attention to the equipment designed for storing tires. It is believed that the wheels assembled in the horizontal stack - the correct storage option. When taking into account that each stack contains no more than 8 car tires. Specialists in this field of activity argue that for the period of storage it is necessary to double tire pressure. In no case can not store automotive wheels and discs in a vertical position.

Inslace tire placement rules during storage.

In order to avoid the deformation of the automotive tire without a disc, the masters are placed vertically on the solid surface and turn over at least once a month. Storage of rubber in suspended state or horizontal stacks will adversely affect future, so similar methods should be excluded.

The company "Shine-Mir.rf" offers you a professional storage of tires. With each client, we conclude an agreement for seasonal storage of tires in Moscow. Take advantage of this service can both physical and legal entities. The list of services that we provide in accordance with this contract:

  • technical sink of wheel set, drying of automotive tires and discs;
  • processing with a special solution;
  • careful inspection of rubber for deep cuts and the lack of foreign bodies. The data obtained is entered into our computer;
  • Wheels seal;
  • providing the necessary documentation on rubber;

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rates for the seasonal storage service of automotive tires. We strongly recommend that you choose professionals. Such an approach will help you to keep the tires in a suitable condition, and eliminate the need to acquire a new rubber set in each subsequent season.