How the speed and volume is measured. What is measured by the speed of the Internet: Counting and Example Calculation of the Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection

Hello! I am quite often asked what the Internet speed is measured and how it can be checked. In fact, everything is quite simple. Separate nuances consider in the current publication.

To begin with, let's see, in which units of measurement calculate the speed of connection with the global network and, what is the practical benefit from these numbers. See on, there will be an example.

Internet speed measurement units with example

Most often there are two units:

  1. Kilobit per second (kbps);
  2. Megabit per second (Mbit / s).

Speaking by a simple language, the more, the faster. Let us turn to the example for calculations in which the following values \u200b\u200bare used:

  • 1 megabit (Mbps) is 1024 kbps;
  • 1 megabyte (MB) is equal to 1024 kilobytes (KB);
  • 1 KB is 8 kbps.

Suppose the connection speed is 4096 kbps - it is exactly 4 Mbps. If we translate into KB and MB, then 512 KB / s and 0.5 MB / s are respectively.

Let's explain on the usual situation. Suppose there is a file, the size of which is 700 MB. When viewed in the speed example, it can be downloaded for approximately 23-24 minutes. Calculated simply - 700 divided 0.5 MB and then for 60 seconds.

I note that many different parameters affect high-speed values. In professional subtleties, we will not understand now, we will not only say that it depends on them the specific speed of connection at every time of time. That is, it can change over time.

Calculating the speed Internet connection

What can be measured the speed of the Internet looked at the numbers of different units of measurement. Now I will tell you how to check the speed of connecting to the global network. However, before you need to know that the connection speed is divided into 2 types:

  1. incoming;
  2. outgoing.

The first shows the speed of information transfer from the Internet to the user's computer, the second is the opposite.

You can perform checked fast enough. For example, here or here. If desired, the possibility of carrying the necessary tests can be found on other sites, however, the listed options, I think it is quite enough.

Do not be surprised if, with each new check, the speed parameters differ slightly from each other. This is usually a normal phenomenon. Why this happens, explained above.

Remote work and Internet speed

Remote work by a designer, a video processing specialist and in some other areas of employment may be associated with the need to transmit, download large amounts of data. As you understand, high-speed qualities of the network connection are important here, as they affect the time of execution of a specific order.

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"Connection speed" is called the amount of information downloaded in a second.

Bits per second are used as units of measurement of this magnitude. Bit is a binary value (1 or 0).

The use of unit bits for measuring the connection speeds would be too bulky values.

Therefore, for the designation of a large number of bits, metric consoles are used: kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-

That is, the speed of 1 kb / s (kbps) means that in a second the device receives 1000 bits of information. How to measure the speed of the Internet yourself?

Modern communication technologies allow you to use megabits as a standard unit at the user level.

The average speed of the Internet connection in the world for 2014 amounted to 3.9 Mbps.

Modern providers provide tariff plans up to 100 Mbps. This is the maximum limit of most home ports, at least today.

The most common connection technology is a broadband cable connection. This type of connection came to replace the switched connections via the modem.

The use of own fiber-optic lines, instead of the telephone network, allowed to significantly increase traffic volumes.

So the modem connection provided not more than 56 kbps.

Note! Standard for a home broadband connection is considered to be 10 MB / s. That is, for most of the users who have no special requirements for the connection speed, this is sufficient. This meaning is enough to download files, work with cloud services and comfortably feel online.

With commercial networks, things are somewhat more complicated. Each enterprise has its needs and, most often, an individual contract formed under certain conditions is formed.

Small companies and offices of sufficient and domestic connection.

Important: Providers prefer to silence that the rate of outgoing traffic is an order of magnitude lower than the speed of the incoming. For ordinary people, this is not as critical, but if you need to send large amounts of data, then this circumstance is better to consider.

In any case, the connection rate declared in the tariff is somewhat less in practice. The quality of communication at each moment of time depends on the set of factors.

The loading of the provider nodes and the quality of setting up home devices affect the connection speed.

The Wi-Fi connection is influenced even more circumstances:

  • Distance to access point;
  • Physical barriers to the signal path and their material;
  • The presence of interference in the radio;
  • Quality and receiving device.

And this is in addition to the characteristics of the wired connection. As a result, it turns out that the actual connection speed will always be somewhat lower than the tariff declared.

Measurement of the actual speed of the Internet

He has more than seven billion checks.

The service allows not only to measure the speed, but also to keep the test results in the profile, publish them on social networks and in public comparison.

By the way, the average value of all inspections is 22.7 Mbps.

Let us turn directly to the process of measuring speed.

In the example, the ADSL connection is connected via a Wi-Fi router with another active user. Tariff Speed \u200b\u200b5 Mbps.

To begin with, you will need to go to the SpeedTest website.

After loading, it will look like this (in the photo below).

The definition of the region and the most suitable server is automatically, but each user can select any one of the servers available worldwide (1 selection on the world map, 2 - navigation through the site).

White points on the map indicate available servers.

In addition, the check counter (4) is displayed, as well as the current IP address with the name of the provider (5). You can start checking (3) immediately after loading the interface, or after determining the required server.

First of all, the service freezes ping (1). Ping is the time for which the data packet overcomes the path from the user's PC to the server and back.

This value is measured in milliseconds.

The greater the indicator, the slower the connection, the sites are loaded longer and games are worse.

This indicator reflects the amount of data received from the server per second. Here it is very clear how the tariff rate (5 Mbps) differs from the actual one.

In the example, an ADSL connection was used, so the reversal in the values \u200b\u200bis so large.

In broadband wired connections it will be an order of magnitude less.

Testing the Internet speed is completed.

In addition, you can send results to a Public Rank (2). There are collected and compared the results of all checks.

Gratitude to the creators of the resource for the services provided can be expressed not only by good karma, but also quite material means (3).

The most objective results are usually obtained after several checks. D.

the optimization of the process is provided by a new check button (4). It is possible to initiate verification with another server (5).

Interesting! There is a mini version of the service that can be embedded in sites. Apply for free. You can use both personal needs and registering in the Ookla service, then the load on the channel will grow up, then it will take measurements from around the world using a registered server.

There is a version for mobile platforms. Downloads for free in the AppStore or Goggleplay. A mobile version for smartphones and tablets supporting Internet access is available.

By defining the connection speed, some measures can be taken to improve it. Of course, if the values \u200b\u200bare arranged, there is nothing to be worried.

The ability to accelerate the connection will be discussed below.

Increase the speed of the Internet

The first thing that comes to the mind is to change the tariff plan or provider. But these are cardinal steps designed to significantly increase the speed.

Some speed freight can be obtained and due to small manipulations with their own computer.

Here are some ways to help increase the speed of the Internet.

In fact, the number of downloadable megabits will remain the same, but by optimizing work with traffic, you can achieve greater browser performance:

  • Dosing the load on the network. During the surfing, you do not need to open many tabs with various sites at once. Load on the network leads to a slowdown in work. In systems with a small rapid memory, the drop in speed is also caused by the fact that its volume is missing;
  • Disable automatic update. The most valid for this item to automatically update Windows. Other programs can also occupy traffic search and downloading updates. Disable updates will help unload the network;
  • Disconnect torrent managers. The work of such programs and generally different downloads "eat" a lot of traffic. Timely shutdown of unnecessary downloads can save a lot of traffic;
  • Disable advertising. Many pages are overloaded with advertising banners and other marketing triggers, and their download also affects the speed. With the help of special browser extensions, you can reduce the amount of prival content of the advertising;
  • Turbo browser mode. In most browsers he is. Its inclusion reduces the quality of images, and it turns off them at all. Such a move allows to reduce page loading time;
  • Reducing the distance between access point and device. The signal will overcome the smaller distance, therefore, the speed of the Internet will increase somewhat. Reducing the number of obstacles on the signal path will also lead to an increase in speed;
  • The speed of Wi-Fi connections falls when many users are connected to one router. Changing access password will help exclude unauthorized connections.

With the information provided in the material, controlling the speed of connection, its measurement and optimization of working with the Internet will not differ.

How to check the speed of the Internet

How to measure the speed of the Internet yourself?

Newbies in the computer sphere, which are already used by the Internet for some of their affairs or for work, are often asked as a question: "How to find out what is my Internet speed, quick or brake"? Especially often, such a question may occur when downloading any large files from the Internet, when you see that for some reason the files are downloaded very slowly and at the same time you know that you have to have a high connection speed with the Internet. In this article, I will show visually, where and how you can check the speed of your Internet connection, as well as why it is necessary.

Why it may be necessary to recognize the speed of the Internet connection and from which it depends

The question of users about what they have the speed of the Internet, by the way, is correct, because the speed of the connection to the Internet must be checked for everyone. It happens that (I myself was) that you connect the Internet from any provider, you promise speed, suppose 50 Mbps. Conclude a contract, start using and do not even suspect until some point that the speed is two times lower or even more. Or, for example, changed the tariff with 30 Mbps by 60 Mbps, and there is no sense, as they downloaded at the same speed, and you download, only we remember money for the services. In these cases, if you measure your speed of the Internet and will definitely know that there are no reason for lowering the speed on your part, you can safely call / write your Internet provider and complain about the quality of services that you have such a thing, and Pay you for such something (significantly greater).

Immediately, I will explain that they mean the meanings in which the speed of the Internet connection is changed, i.e., for example - 50 Mbps. The speed of the Internet in any tariffs of any providers, as a rule, is indicated in Mbit / s (megabit per second). In this case, the computer can have incoming connections, for example, download something and outgoing when you download something into the network. In this regard, in the tariffs of providers, 2 speeds are usually indicated: incoming (download) and outgoing (UPLOAD). Sometimes these speeds may be the same, and sometimes outgoing speed lower than incoming.

But the speed specified in Mbps. - It is not your real download speed / recoil. Real speed on devices is measured in MB / s. (Megabyte per second).

In order to calculate the actual speed (for example, the download speed) based on the claimed speed of the Internet connection from the provider, the speed in Mbit is divided by 8. For example, the stated download speed \u003d 50 Mbps. 50/8 \u003d 6.25 MB. Those. In this case, the maximum speed with which you can download any of the Internet is 6.25 MB.

Of course, the speed of the Internet connections may depend not only from the provider. For example, if you use Internet access via Wi-Fi wireless network, then the real speed may be lower than that reason that the Wi-Fi router itself (then the device that provides wireless communication in your apartment / house) cannot issue the declared The speed due to its technical characteristics or is his poor coverage area, i.e. The square in the room where you can connect to Wi-Fi and get a good quality of communication. You can also be at a point where the signal from the Wi-Fi router is bad. For example, sit through 2 concrete walls, at a direct distance of 10-15 meters from the router. Then, of course, the quality of the connection will be wetted (the signal will be strongly repaid through 2 walls) and the speed of the Internet connection will be appropriate.
Well, another reason is the load on the network from you. For example, you swing something big from the Internet and 2 more people are sitting at your home and also actively wool internet, the video is looking, downloading. In this case, the speed of the Internet on one computer will not be the maximum possible, because it will share between all the devices that are currently online.

You should know that in order for the quality of the Internet connection to be the best, you need to use wired Internet access, and not through Wi-Fi wireless network. On the quality of the Wi-Fi wireless network connection can greatly influence your location in the house / apartment, as well as the technical features of the Wi-Fi router itself. If you connect to the Internet on the cable, you will get the best quality connection.

Now consider how to measure the connection speed from the Internet, both inener and outgoing.

How to measure the speed of the Internet connection

So, if you need to measure Internet connections, then it is very simple! This can be done online on many sites, but I will stay on two of them. Two Because if one suddenly does not work, you can always use others for measuring the speed of the Internet.

Option number 1

You need to go to the site:

We wait for the site download while in the center of the screen reminiscent of the laptop screen, the Start Check button will not appear.

Click "Start Check".

The program will start searching for the server nearest to you, with which signal exchanges will occur to measure speed. After a few seconds, the process of measuring the speed of the incoming connection will be launched, i.e. Your download speed (on this service is referred to as "receipt speed"):

You will not need any action. The arrow on the "speedometer" will start to show the speed, and the actual speed will be displayed after a few seconds when the arrow falls back to 0.

Immediately after measuring the incoming speed, the outgoing speed will automatically begin (in this service "):

The results are visible at the top under the appropriate "speed of receipt" and "transmission speed" headers.

Please note that the speed is measured in Mbps. As I already said above, to find out with what real speed you will download and transmit files on the Internet you need to translate units to MB / s. For this, the speed indicators are divided by 8.

Also in this window, the "Ping" will be displayed next to the speed. This is the signal delay indicator and is measured in milliseconds. The lower Ping, the better the quality of communication.

Also on the left at the bottom in the same table will be visible your IP address on the Internet:

Someone at the same time can come in handy.

Option number 2.

The bottom of the device will be displayed on the left, through which you entered the site (IP address, browser, screen resolution and your region). And below under the heading "Technical Information" provide more details.

To start the speed test, click the Measure button:

The speed of download (incoming), and then the transmission rate (outgoing) will begin to be measured. After a few seconds you can already see the results:

Here is the speed of Mbps. Immediately translates into MB / sec., Conveniently.

Presented above in two ways can be measured the speed of the Internet connection not only from the computer, but from the smartphone and tablet. Check your speed with the one that is declared providers at your rate and if you do not have any load on the network (for example, you are sitting on the Internet), connected via the cable and at the same time the real speed differs significantly from the claimed, then this is a reason to contact Certain provider! You still pay money for a certain speed, and not half of it :)

Have a nice day and excellent mood! See you!

Internet channel bandwidth or, simply speaking internet speedThis is the maximum number of data adopted by a personal computer or transferred to the network for a certain time unit.

Most often you can meet the measurement of data transfer rate in kilobits / second (CB / s; Kbps) or in megabits (MB / s; Mbps). File size, as a rule, is always indicated in bytes, Kabletes, MB, and GB.

Since 1 byte is 8 bits, in practice it will mean that if the speed of your Internet connection is 100 Mbps, then the computer can accept either to transfer no more than 12.5 Mb information (100/8 \u003d 12.5). It can be explained, so if you want to download the video, the volume of which is 1.5 GB, then you will have only 2 minutes.

Naturally the above calculations are made in ideal laboratory conditions. For example, reality may be quite different:

Here we see three numbers:

  1. Ping is a number of time for which network packets are transmitted. The smaller the value of this number, the better the quality of the Internet connection (it is desirable that the value is less than 100ms).
  2. Next is the speed of obtaining information (incoming). This is this number and offered when connecting Internet providers (this is the number "megabits" you have to pay your blood earned dollars / hryvnia / rubles, etc.).
  3. The third number remains, meaning the information transfer rate (outgoing). It will naturally be less than the speed of receiving data, this providers usually are usually silent (although, in fact, a large outgoing speed is rarely required).

From which the speed of the Internet connection depends

  • The speed of the Internet depends on the tariff plan that establishes the provider.
  • The speed also affects the technology of channel transmission channel and network loading by other users. If the total bandwidth of the channel is limited, the more users are on the network and the more they download, the more the speed falls, because there is less "free space".
  • There is also a dependence on the speed of downloading sites to which you appeal. For example, if the server can give the user to the user with a speed of less than 10 Mbps, even if you have a maximum tariff plan, you will not achieve more.

Factors that also affect the Internet speed:

  • When checking, the speed of the server to which you appeal.
  • Setting and speed Wi-Fi router if you are connected via it to the local network.
  • At the time of checking all the programs and applications on the computer.
  • Firewalls and antiviruses that work in the background.
  • Settings your operating system and computer itself.

How to increase the speed of the Internet

If you have a malicious or undesirable software on your computer, it may affect the reduction of the Internet connection speed. Trojan programs, viruses, worms, etc. who got into the computer, can take part of the channel bandwidth for their needs. For their disposal, it is necessary to use antivirus applications.

If you are using Wi-Fi, which is not password protected, other users are usually connected to it that do not use free traffic. Be sure to set the password to connect to Wi-Fi.

Reduce the speed and parallel program programs. For example, simultaneous download managers, Internet messengers, automatic operating updates leads to an increase in the processor load and therefore the Internet connection speed is reduced.

These are these actions, in some cases help to increase the speed of the Internet:

If you are connected to a high Internet connection, and the speed leaves much to be desired - increase the port bandwidth. It's easy enough to do it. Go to "Control Panel" Next to the "System" and in the "Equipment" section, then click on the "Device Dispatter". Find "Ports (COM or LPT)", then unfold their contents and find out "serial port (som 1)".

After that click the right mouse button and open the "properties". After that, the window will open, in which you need to go to the "Port Parameters" column. Search for the "Speed" parameter (bit per second) and click on the figure of 115200 - Next OK! Congratulations! Now you have a bandwidth port speed. Since the silence is set to 9600 bits / s.

To increase speed, you can also try to disable QoS Package Scheduler: Run the GPedit.msc utility (Start - Run or Search - GPedit.msc). Next: Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Package Scheduler - limit the redundant bandwidth - enable - set 0%. Click "Apply" and restart the computer.