Military album: Chronicles of the Second World War. Military album: Chronicles World World Front Photos 1941

A series of documentary photos for the Victory Day in Went of 1941-1945. A selection of 95 rare pictures of military equipment and participants in World War II. A unique photo from the places of events 1941-1945g., Military actions in the history of black and white photography. We watch online documentary photos of BOB 1941-1945.

Junior Sergeant Konstantin Alexandrovich Jeschi (06/18/1926-27.12.2004) (left), Brother Mikhail joke, with a fellow soldier, also a junior sergeant.

Junior sergeant, mortar - Nikolai Polycarpov on the firing position near Kiev. 1st Ukrainian Front.

Marine American of the American 5th Division, killed by Japanese sniper shot in the head (visible a bullet hole on a helmet).

Sailors of the Soviet destroyer of the project 7 "crushing" with a ship pet, the area of \u200b\u200bnasal torpedo, a view of the nose.

The German Picker Bombarder Junkers Yu-87 "Stuka" (JU 87 "Stuka") is repaired at the field airfield.

The beginning of the counterattack of one of the divisions of the 270th Rifle Division of the Soviet 7th Guards Army on the Kursk Army.

The head of political management of the 4th Ukrainian Front General-Major Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), the future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the parade of Victory.

Head of Communication 51st MTAP Bykov V.V. Instructs Radiers shooters before the flight Kolberg (Germany) - Pernov (Estonia). From left to right Mikhalev, Karpov, Archakov, Shishkin, Volkov, Chekanov, Bulls.

Unknown guerrows 1st proletarian brigade Noah, armed with Czech manual machine guns ZB VZ. 26. Zharkovo village near Belgrade on the eve of the battle for the city.

Unknown Soviet girls snipers at the bludge. On overcoats, sergeant shoulder epaulets, in the hands of Mosina rifles with an optical sight PU (shouting).

Unknown American soldier of the 87th United States Infantry Division, killed by the German sniper in the spring of 1945 in the city of Koblenz (Koblenz), Germany. Soldier weapon - automatic Bar rifle.

German 105-mm SAU VESPE (SD.KFZ.124 Wespe) from the 74th regiment of self-propelled artillery of the 2nd Wehrmacht Tank Division, drives alongside an abandoned Soviet 76-mm tool ZIS-3 in the city of Orel.

German SAU "VPE" after hitting a large-caliber projectile.

German SAU "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery in the area of \u200b\u200bLviv in July 1944.

German Sau Marder II in ambush, between houses, in the Ukrainian village.

German quadruple 20-mm anti-aircraft self-propelled installation (ZSS) "Verbelvind" based on a pz.kpfw tank. IV, destroyed by direct hit of a large-caliber projectile.

German huntsman at the MG-34 machine gun on the Eastern Front.

German officers captured by French soldiers during the liberation of Paris. Hotel "Majestic", lured by the Wehrmacht during the occupation.

German infantry and tankers choose bottles with alcoholic beverages in stock.

German soldiers in the captured Soviet tank T-34. The machine is prepared for shipping to Germany for testing. The inscription "O.K.h.wa is distinguished on the windshield. PRVF. 6 "(military acceptance 6).

German soldiers examine the captured positions of the sequel troops.

A series of documentary photos for the Victory Day in Went of 1941-1945. A selection of 95 rare pictures of military equipment and participants in World War II. A unique photo from the places of events 1941-1945g., Military actions in the history of black and white photography. We watch online documentary photos of BOB 1941-1945.

Junior Sergeant Konstantin Alexandrovich Jeschi (06/18/1926-27.12.2004) (left), Brother Mikhail joke, with a fellow soldier, also a junior sergeant.

Junior sergeant, mortar - Nikolai Polycarpov on the firing position near Kiev. 1st Ukrainian Front.

Marine American of the American 5th Division, killed by Japanese sniper shot in the head (visible a bullet hole on a helmet).

Sailors of the Soviet destroyer of the project 7 "crushing" with a ship pet, the area of \u200b\u200bnasal torpedo, a view of the nose.

The German Picker Bombarder Junkers Yu-87 "Stuka" (JU 87 "Stuka") is repaired at the field airfield.

The beginning of the counterattack of one of the divisions of the 270th Rifle Division of the Soviet 7th Guards Army on the Kursk Army.

The head of political management of the 4th Ukrainian Front General-Major Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), the future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the parade of Victory.

Head of Communication 51st MTAP Bykov V.V. Instructs Radiers shooters before the flight Kolberg (Germany) - Pernov (Estonia). From left to right Mikhalev, Karpov, Archakov, Shishkin, Volkov, Chekanov, Bulls.

Unknown guerrows 1st proletarian brigade Noah, armed with Czech manual machine guns ZB VZ. 26. Zharkovo village near Belgrade on the eve of the battle for the city.

Unknown Soviet girls snipers at the bludge. On overcoats, sergeant shoulder epaulets, in the hands of Mosina rifles with an optical sight PU (shouting).

Unknown American soldier of the 87th United States Infantry Division, killed by the German sniper in the spring of 1945 in the city of Koblenz (Koblenz), Germany. Soldier weapon - automatic Bar rifle.

German 105-mm SAU VESPE (SD.KFZ.124 Wespe) from the 74th regiment of self-propelled artillery of the 2nd Wehrmacht Tank Division, drives alongside an abandoned Soviet 76-mm tool ZIS-3 in the city of Orel.

German SAU "VPE" after hitting a large-caliber projectile.

German SAU "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery in the area of \u200b\u200bLviv in July 1944.

German Sau Marder II in ambush, between houses, in the Ukrainian village.

German quadruple 20-mm anti-aircraft self-propelled installation (ZSS) "Verbelvind" based on a pz.kpfw tank. IV, destroyed by direct hit of a large-caliber projectile.

German huntsman at the MG-34 machine gun on the Eastern Front.

German officers captured by French soldiers during the liberation of Paris. Hotel "Majestic", lured by the Wehrmacht during the occupation.

German infantry and tankers choose bottles with alcoholic beverages in stock.

German soldiers in the captured Soviet tank T-34. The machine is prepared for shipping to Germany for testing. The inscription "O.K.h.wa is distinguished on the windshield. PRVF. 6 "(military acceptance 6).

German soldiers examine the captured positions of the sequel troops.

During the years of the Great War, thousands of photographers made millions of pictures. Some of these pictures have sunk in the fly, others - entered the story.

Faces of Jewish children in the ghetto of the Polish city of Schidlovets occupied by the Nazis. December 20, 1940.

Examination of the Kiev Jews by German soldiers next to Ivangorod. Ukraine, 1942.

This photo was sent from the Eastern Front to Germany and was intercepted in the post office of Warsaw by a member of Polish resistance, which collected documents testifying to the war crimes of the Nazis. The original belongs to Tadewsha Mazur and Yezhi Tomaishevski and is currently in the historic archive in Warsaw. Original German inscription on the back of photography: "Ukraine 1942, Jewish operation, Ivangorod".

In this photo, which the Associated Press Agency received from the neutral side of September 25, 1942, we see a bomb that has just been reset from the plane over Stalingrad.

Three Russian children in the ruins of why home. The Germans took the parents captured and destroyed the house, leaving children on the ashes. 1942 year.

Horse among the ruins of Stalingrad. December 1942.

Farewell to peer, spring 1942.

During the years of the blockade, Leningrad lost about a million of its inhabitants. Most died of hunger. The shortage of medical equipment and accessories made every disease and wound much more deadly.

Cemetery of tanks on the site of Rzhevskaya battle, December 21, 1942. They say, on this cemetery - about two thousand tanks.

Russian woman looks at the burning house. 1942 year.

The German military pass through the ruined generator power plant in the factory area of \u200b\u200bStalingrad. December 28, 1942.

The Soviet tank T-34 rushes through the area of \u200b\u200bthe fallen fighters in Stalingrad. January 1943.

Soviet infantrymen on the snow-covered hills around Stalingrad in the preparation of an operation to remove the siege of the city. Beginning of 1943.

As a result, the Red Army surrounded the enemy; About 300 thousand German and Romanian soldiers were captured.

Soviet soldier will strike the German prisoner. February 1943.

A few months after the surroundings of the Soviet troops, the remnants of the German sixth army capitulated. At this point in the battles and from hunger, about 200 thousand people were killed.

Soviet soldiers lying on the backs, shoot at enemy aviation from rifles. June 1943.

The soldiers of the Red Army in the trench, over which the Russian tank T-34 passes. Battle on Kursk Arc, 1943.

Soviet lieutenant somewhere near Kursk gives cigarettes by German prisoners. July 1943.

The division of the B-24S of the 15th US Air Army bombing railway warehouses in the Austrian Salzburg. December 27, 1944.

The unit operates under the command of Major General Nathan Tweening. Smoke fires mixed with smoke chimney.

Severe German soldier carries a box with ammunition. German counteroffensive to Ardennes, January 2, 1945.

The infantryman from the airborne division of the 82nd Army of the United States goes to a single college under the cover of comrades. The surroundings of Bra, Belgium, December 24, 1944.

This school teacher from the Aosta Valley and her husband fight in Italy in the area of \u200b\u200bPass Small Saint-Bernard. January 4, 1945.

The activities of Italian poppies are little known outside Italy, although they undergoing constant danger, fought with the fascist regime since 1927. Their targets were Germans and Italian fascists, and the battlefield - the snow-covered Alps on the border of France and Italy.

In these photos, the reaction of a 16-year-old German soldier, captured by the American troops. Somewhere in Germany, 1945.

Unknown American soldier shot down by the German sniper continues to compress the rifle and manual grenade. Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

View from the Town Hall Dresden to the Old Town, destroyed by the bombings of the Allies from February 13 to February 15, 1945.

3.6 thousand aircraft dropped on the city more than 3.9 thousand tons of fugas bombs and incendiary shells. As a result, a fiery storm was formed, which burned almost 40 square kilometers of the city center and killed more than 22 thousand people.

Soviet officers and American soldiers during a friendly meeting on the Elbe River in April 1945.

The Czech elderly woman from overwhelming her emotions kisses the Russian soldier, thanks him for liberation from the Nazis. Prague, May 5, 1945.

The famous photo of Evgenia Haldey "Raising Flag Over Reichstag", Made on May 2, 1945.

In the picture, Soviet soldiers raise the flag of the Soviet Union at the Dome of the Reichstag Building after the end of the Battle of Berlin. The photo captured not the original moment, and later the staging that the dispute was spoken about the ethics of the reporter and the authenticity of the documentary photograph.

Celebration of victory on Red Square in Moscow. On May 9, 1945, fireworks was arranged, accompanied by outbreaks of shots and beams of spotlights.

End of World War II. Destroyed Reichstag building with a broken German military machine in the foreground.

Color photo of the bombed historical part of German Nuremberg in June 1945, after the end of World War II.

From 1927 to 1938, Nuremberg accepted the huge congresses of the Nazi party. The last event was scheduled for 1939 and was canceled under the last minute due to the fact that the next day the invasion of Poland should have started. The city was also becoming the place of birth of anti-Semitic Nuremberg laws, inflicted in the rights of Jews of Nazi Germany. From 1943 to 1945, more than 90% of the city center were destroyed by bombing and more than 6 thousand inhabitants were killed. Soon, Nuremberg will once again become famous - it was here that the Nuremberg process was held, a series of military tribunals, who judged the surviving leaders of Nazi Germany. They were accused of a variety of crimes, including "crimes against humanity" - the intentional murder of more than 10 million people, including about 6 million Jews.

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Another solid portion of retro photo in the project 20th century on color photographs.
Today we will see what the world was many years ago. More precisely, not the world, but.

In general, a lot of color pictures of 1941. The Germans were filmed on Agfa (Agfacolor) film, Americans and the British on Kodachrome. Soviet color photographs of the Great Patriotic War are not known.

As you know, the German attack on the USSR directly preceded Blitzkrieg against Yugoslavia. The operation lasted from April 6 to 17, 1941 and ended on April 17, the capitulation of this Balkan kingdom.

Parts of the 14th motorized vessel of the Wehrmacht in the Serbian city of Niche, April 1941:

At the same time, the Germans in April 1941 captured Greece. The rise of the Nazi flag over the Acropolia:

In 1941, the so-called " Battle for England"- Air war between Luftwaffe and royal air force (RAF).

Some scenes of this war captured the famous photographer Robert Kapa.
Here we see a damaged Benheim BRANDER bomber who managed to make an emergency landing on its territory:

The English-German war went to the sea.
The German battleship "Sharnhorst" at the end of the Berlin operation, during which 8 British transport ships in North Atlantic were surrounded, March 1941:

Outside of Europe from the very beginning, 1941 were fighting on the African Theater. Back in December 1940, the British from Egypt were transferred to the offensive against the Italian grouping in Libya and caused her substantial defeat.
During February 1941, German troops were transferred to Libya under the command of General Rommel, which led to a stop of further promotion of the British. And at the end of March, part of Rommel moved to the offensive.

Column of German troops in Paris, 1941. Photographer Andre Zucca:

The Germans arrange a parade on trophy french tanks in Paris, 1941:

Hitler and generals examine an instrument of 800-mm "fat Gustav" in 1941:

The gun "fat Gustav" weighed 1344 tons and for moving it along the railway tracks a dismantling of some parts was required. The gun height with a four-storey house, had a width of 6 meters and a length of 42 meters. The service of the gun "Tolstoy Gustav" was engaged in a team of 500 people under the command of a high-ranking army rank. The team required almost three days of time to prepare an instrument to shooting.
A fundamental projectile from this gun could hit the target at a distance of 45 kilometers.

May 1941 Technique of the 6th German Tank Division in Eastern Prussia before the invasion of the USSR:

German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop at a press conference in Berlin announces the beginning of the war against the Soviet Union:

In 1941, there was something about one and a half million cameras in the hiking wiring of the Wehrmacht.
German soldiers, officers and photoconducts met every step on Soviet land. Of course, they especially loved to shoot trophies and broken Filmography of the Red Army.

Soviet Tank T-28:

Hitlermen inspect the Soviet T-34 Tank:

Soviet tank KV-2 shot in battle for the city of the island, July 1941:

The battlefield under the island, beginning of July 1941:

Damaged Soviet fighter I-16:

Damaged Soviet fighters and-153 "Seagull":

In his front of the front, the Finns were also filmed, often in color.

Burned Soviet armorAutomobile on the Karelian Isthmus, 1941:

Germans in Grodno, June 1941:

Germans in Lithuania, June 1941:

The bell tower will be restored only in 1973.

July 41st:

Soviet prisoners of war:

In September 41, the Germans captured Kiev:

In the 20th of September, the enemy took Peterhof:

On October 2, 1941, Petrozavodsk was occupied by the Finnish Karelian Army and was renamed Jaanislinna (Äänislinna):

Advanced German parts of the 11th Tank Division under Volokolamsky, November 1941:

Here and came the end of their blitzkrig.

Now a small gallery of satellites of Nazi Germany in 1941.

Soldiers of the Spanish "Blue Division", who fought against the USSR near Novgorod and Leningrad, 1941:

Soldiers of the French Voluntary Legion, 1941:

Having defeated Yugoslavia, the Germans created on the part of its territory the puppet "independent state of Croatia", whose army became one of the most zealous satellites of Hitler.
In this picture, the commander of the Croatian land forces General Slavko Stantzer, 1941:

On December 7, the Japanese army committed a sudden attack on the US Naval Base in Pearl Harbor. The Second World War has opened a new theater in the Pacific Ocean.
Light boat takes part in the salvation of the crew of Lincher West Virginia, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941:

Under the Hawaiian tradition, American sailors honor the memory of the dead comrades after the shelling of Pearl Harbor, 1941:

From December 41st, the Japanese led simultaneous war against Americans, the British and the Chinese. War with the latter began in 1937.
The color film from the Japanese was not, so you have to be content with painted pictures.

Japanese Light Tank Type 97 Te-Ke on the background of a burning house in China, 1941:

Acting on an unimaginably huge space, the Japanese in 1941 captured French Indochina and Dutch East India (now the territory of Indonesia).

Soldiers of the 5th Infantry Division of Japan in the occupied Saigon, December 1941:

Japanese battle "Hija2 at sunset in Saka Bay, 1941:


Do not forget to tell friends

Wars should not be a place in a civilized society, but they are large or small, continuously. We all saw many photos of the time of the Great Patriotic War. Photocondunts, risking life along with the military, were able to leave us a lot of evidence, thanks to which we can plunge into history ...

Russian prisoners of war. Lithuania, Vilna, June 1941.

Military correspondent. Summer, 1941.

But how many of us have seen military evidence from the other side? Is it interesting for us? Are we ready to see how the invaders of our Earth took this war? Still, no matter how hurting to look at some of these pictures, the study of them can give a lot to understand the page of our story.

Fit Russian officer. Summer, 1941

Soldiers on a landing boat. Summer, 1942

Citadel prisoners during operation. Summer, 1943

Motorized detachment. Summer, 1943

SS officer. 1944

SS troops on a privala. 1944

Jet mortars. Summer, 1942

Crawler tractors and guns. March-April 1944.

German cavalry of the SS. July 16, 1941.

Column of Russian prisoners. July 1941.

Officer Tanker. Summer in 1941.

Tankers. Summer in 1941.

Conductive soldiers. Summer in 1941.

Himmler in Kharkov. 1942-1943

Himmler with officers. 1942-1943

Soldiers from the Rib are shooting from a grenade launcher. Summer in 1941.

Column of German assault tools Stug III on a march in the Caucasus.

Column of Soviet prisoners of war. In the center of the running soldier - perhaps trying to escape.

Column of the Division of the SS division "Lakebstandard SS Adolf Hitler" under Kharkov. The third battle for Kharkov.

Commander of the 5th Tank Division of the SS "Viking" Standarithrer Johannes-Rudolph Mülenkp with a foxterrier in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Covel.

The commander distributes cigarettes to its soldiers. Pomerania, end of February 1945.

Commander of the Red Army before execution. August-September 1941, Ukraine

Tankists consider the trail from the Soviet projectile on the armor of their tank.

Commander of the Finnish squadron at the Utti aerodrome at the Messerschmitt fighter BF.109G-2

German soldiers inspect the Soviet Pricing Bomber AR-2 shot down under the Demyansky. Very rare machine (produced only about 200 pieces).

German soldiers crossed the state border of the USSR.

German soldiers posing against the background of the French Giant Char 2c Tank.