"Siberian Health": reviews of doctors about the first major Russian producer of Bad. "Siberian Health": reviews of doctors about the first major Russian manufacturer Bad Siberian health Consultation doctor online

There are still disputes on whether to believe or not believe the manufacturers of dietary supplements about the efficiency of their products. Also many concerns the question of the attitude of medicine to such funds. Today we will look at the activities of the Corporation "Siberian Health", reviews of doctors about her products, negative points of self-treatment, and also try to understand the role of the dietary supplement in a person's life.

Employees of the Siberian Health Corporation suggest that they set themselves the goal of creating high efficiency funds for the recipes of Russian scientists, physicists and pharmacists. According to them, the company's mission is to help a person create his own world full of health, harmony and self-realization, because consumers of products have the opportunity not only to buy it with a discount, but also to build an honest business based on sales and build on it. Dealer network.

Due to the popularity of the population of Siberian Health, reviews of doctors make it possible to conclude the benefits of these drugs, the use of which in comprehensive treatment with medicines gives an excellent effect.

State awards and patents

Siberian Health was founded in Novosibirsk in 1996 and at the moment is the leading Russian developer and manufacturer of health products and cosmeceticism confirmed by patents. Raw materials comes from mountain altai, Baikal and other protected areas of Siberia: Medicinal herbs are used, their roots, berries, flowers and seeds.

At the moment, the company has already earned 26 awards for the effectiveness of its high-tech drugs and the successful development of production. The popularity of "Siberian Health" became known in Germany, the Czech Republic, USA, Bulgaria and Mongolia, where the representative offices of the corporation were opened.

Siberian Health: Products

The company's drugs are aimed at caring for body, face and hair, as well as to improve human well-being. Therapeutic cosmetics is a synthesis of pharmacology and cosmetology achievements, based on scientific developments for the delivery of beneficial components directly into the cells, which leads to the effect comparable to the results of the plastic surgery.

Doctors have always been careful in statements about their participation in unconventional methods of treating patients. There is a certain unwashed postulate: if the Medic is prescribed according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, then in the case of death or other health problems, there is no guilt. When the doctor begins to use the methods of alternative medicine in his practice, comprehensive treatment with the help of dietary supplements, then in this case it takes responsibility for the result on itself.

This fact clarifies a little why not all doctors use such drugs in their practice or not advertise it, but when they receive a persistent result from many patients, they penetrate deep respect for products and successfully apply it in their practice. Based on the foregoing, about the products of the company "Siberian health" reviews of doctors to find on the Internet is difficult. Therefore, it remains content with the stories of the patients themselves about their recovery or negative experience.

Siberian Health: Negative Reviews and Positive Results

The reason for the success of a particular drug in one patient and the complete failure of it with another to explain difficult. This may be due to the characteristics of the body in which special treatment schemes are needed. A suitable scheme for one person may not help another. In addition, the diagnosis can be delivered incorrectly. In any case, the decision on the adoption of the BAA remains for the patient himself, and we can only tell you about the rules for receiving medications based on plants.

How to take BAA correctly:
  1. Carefully read the instructions. Begin not from the recommended doses, but with the minimum: if it should be taken on one tablet three times a day, then limit only one per day. The body that did not make earlier herbal medicines will be difficult to cope with the abundance of slags, which it will start to output. The minimum dose at the beginning of treatment and abundant drink will help get used to drugs without exacerbations.
  2. Specify the consultant at what time of day it is better to take each drug (some can be used strictly in the first half of the day due to their diuretic or invigorating effect).
  3. Bad is a supplement to food, take capsules and solutions exclusively with food by drinking with one glass of water.
  4. On the day you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid.

Schemes used by the doctors of Siberian Health Corporation.

The principle of creating such schemes one - in accordance with the program "Clean-Energy -

1 stage - cleansing.

It is possible to use the "sources of purity", "Lymphosana - K", "Lymphosana - C", "Vitela", tea "Pure lake". However, the greatest effect can give a scheme:

Morning: "The origins of purity" + "Epaam-900" - 5-7 drops + tea "pure lake" (optional)

Dinner: "KKK" - 3 capsules 30 minutes before meals + "Epaam-900" - 5-7 drops, after eating -1 Ch.L. "Cleansing Balzam".

Evening: "The origins of purity" + "Epam-900" 4- Tea "Magic Sleep"

2 stage - Restoration and maintenance of health (adaptogenic and
bioenergetic correction + harmonization of cellular functions)

There may be several alternative schemes scattered for 2-3 months:

    "Live cell-III"

    "Peak" - 1 coffee spoon 40 minutes before breakfast + Eiclen - 1 capsule 2
    once a day while eating (morning and lunch). - 2-3 months in a row. And peak
    accepted by courses for 20 days with a 10-destruction break, and Eiclane - without

    "Peak" + oil "Siberian amber" - 1 tsp. 3 times a day together with food, 2-3
    months (10-day peak breaks)

    "Covertin" - 1 tablet 3 times a day + Eiclane 1 capsule 2 times a day -
    Covertin - 1 tablet 3 times a day + Siberian amber oil for 1 h. 3.
    times a day together with food.

    "Fitobalans-w" 2 capsules 2 times a day

    Phytobalans-W 1 capsule 2 times a day + Eiclen or Siberian Yantar Oil
    in the dosages indicated earlier.

    "Peak" + "Vitakaltia" 2 capsules 2 times a day after meals.

    "Novomin" - 4-10 capsules per day in one taking in the morning after eating, drinking
    milk or sour milk product. Perhaps a combination of nominal with everyone
    the above bod.

These schemes are connected in parallel or adapts 1 drop 2 times a day in the morning and at lunch, or "Epama" -44,1000-in stress "4- with atherosclerosis" or 24-on-clicks) - 5 drops 3 times a day Or "Golden Balm" "Siberian Propolis" for 1 tsp. In the morning in the morning 15 minutes before meals, and with Klimaks - "Malachite" and teas "a strong heart", "Magic Sleep", "White Swallow" - depending on the situation. In Tea, it is recommended to add "Cardiovit". To quickly reduce arterial pressure, the method of resorption "Cardiovit" under the language has proven itself.

Schemes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 can be alternate among themselves. But every 3-4 months it is necessary to conduct a cleansing program.

Normal Pressure Program: Scientific Justification of Complex

applications of Bad Corporation "Siberian Health" with elevated

arterial pressure and hypertensive disease

(Exposures from the NIC Bulletin)

The reasons for an increase in blood pressure are distinguished by several basic, which cause up to 90% of cases of hypertension. All these reasons can be successfully affected by biologically active foods.

1. Disorders of the nervous regulation of blood pressure (stress, nervous emotional loads, climax).

    Violations of vascular control of blood pressure (increased excitability
    cells of the vascular wall).

    Blood coagulation disorders (inclination to thrombosis and narrowing of the lumen

    (imbalance of the nervous hormonal system of blood pressure regulation).

    Raising cholesterol and atherosclerosis of blood vessels (decrease
    elasticity and narrowing of vascular lumen).

    Activation of oxidative processes in heart cells and vessels, which leads to
    increase their excitability.

To date, in the assortment of Siberian Health Corporation
natural therapeutic and preventive products for the correction of all the above reasons for increasing blood pressure (Table 8).

Table 8 "Therapeutic and preventive products of the Corporation" Siberian Health "

for correction of increased blood pressure "

Reason for raisingarterial pressure


Mechanisms of action

Violation of the nervous regulation of blood pressure


Contains a complex of medicinal plants with adaptogenic effects, i.e. Normalizing nervous processes


Phitchy "Shang Zurhan"

Violations of vascular control of blood pressure


Phitchy "Shaig Zurhan"


Blood coagulation disorders (tension to thrombosis)


Oil-balm "Siberian amber"

Violations of the normal structure of the biiority of the cardiovascular system

"Health Rhythms" "Live Cell III"

Contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals and special vegetable components that contribute to the harmonization of biiorims of cardiovascular and nervous systems

Raising cholesterol levels

and atherosclerosis of blood vessels

Oil-balm "Siberian amber"

Contains lecithin and gamma linolen

acid that contribute to lower cholesterol

"Live cell III"

Contains medicinal plants that reduce cholesterol levels

Activation of oxidative processes in heart and vessels

"Live cell III"

Contains antioxidant vitamins and minerals, as well as a whole complex of plant antioxidants, which impede the oxidative damage to the cells of the heart and blood vessels

Oil-balm "Siberian amber"

Rich source of vitamin E, beta-carotene and lecithin, which have pronounced antioxidant activity

Method of application and dose

In the morning: 1 capsule of the morning formula "Rhythms of Health", 2 capsules of the morning complex "Live Cell III" and 4 capsules "Eiclane", as well as 1 drop of "adaptation" dissolved in water. Products take immediately before meals.

Happy: 1 drop of "adapts" dissolved in water, 4 Eiclane capsules and 1 tablespoon of Siberian amber oil with meal.

In the evening: 1 capsule of the evening formula "Health Rhythms", 1 capsule of the evening complex "Live Cell III", 2 teaspoons "Cardiovit" and 1 cup of Shang Zurhan tea (1 pack per glass).

Doctor - Anesthesiologist Abramov Vladimir Ivanovich

Application of Siberian Health Corporation productsfor the prevention and treatment of diseases in men

Recently, the usual ideas about the strong and weak field have changed. A man is much more vulnerable to most diseases and more often than a woman becomes a victim of accidents.

Statistics show that boys are born more, but over time this advantage is lost, and by the 60-70 years old men becomes almost twice as smaller. The duration of their lives is significantly inferior to feminine. Born by 9 girls - 10 boys.

early childhood: 1st year - boys and girls - equally.

3-5 years old - boys are more active, more often suffer from the overwhelming of parents.

7-14 years - injuries, accidents (boyfriend - researchers).

14-25 years - drug addiction, toxicism, alcoholism.

18-20 years - the army - 2% in peacetime is not returned. And in the conditions of hostilities, this percentage increases sharply.

25-30 years old - harmful habits (alcohol, nicotine), dangerous professions.

35-40 years - during this period the amount of sudden stopping of the heart increases sharply.

40-55 - strokes, heart attacks.

The average life expectancy for men is 58 years old, in women - 65 years. At all times, the man was assigned the role of the miner, hunter, warrior (high degree of risk). A woman is the upbringing of children, homemade comfort. Men tend to sharply move from superfluous activity to passive pastime. It was the lack of movement, adamius, led to an increase in cardiovascular diseases that constitute almost half of the mortal cases. Alcohol, Nicotine - Serious Risk Factors. Together with other reasons, they contribute to stagnation in the small pelvis organs, provoking the development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. The diseases of the prostate gland will disappear to the most frequent diseases of men, starting from the average years.

Causes of prostate diseases

The prostate gland is a vital body, called often "; the second heart of the man";, the role increases it over the years. For boys almost until the adolescence, it does not represent interest. Then the prostate begins to develop and becomes a functioning body. The appearance of symptoms of a disease, which is called "Youth Prostatitis" is possible. From 20 to 40 years old, chronic organ disease is rapidly. According to statistical data, prostatitis is sick from 25 to 40% of men (according to some sources up to 80%). It is possible to talk about the age increasing prostate Already with 40 pcs. But her height goes so slowly that only after 60 years old men notice a violation of the act of urination. The need for operational treatment occurs in 5% - up to 50 years, in 10% - from 50-60 years. After 60 years. It is observed in each third of four, and after 70 years - almost everyone from everyone, although there are only 2-3 men each. Operational teaching is necessary to each seventh.

Male over 45 years old, it is necessary to undergo an annual preventive inspection of the urologist.

Causes of prostate diseases:
1. Lifeline lifestyle;

    Uncontrolled drug use;

    Population allergy;

    The consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP;

5. The increase in the number of venereal diseases and many other factors.

Diseases of prostate glandProstatitis

Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland - common urological disease, often flowing is hiddenand leading to violations of sexual function and infertility. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland there are two types: microbial and migratory (aseptic) nature.

Pre-providing factors:

1. Work associated with shaking, sitting on a solid surface (vehicles,
motorcyclists, equestrian sports, vibration).

2. Mental labor workers (executives, scientists, programmers, ITER,
writers, etc.).

    Stressful situations.

    Supplement, seating on cold earth, wet legs.

    Violation of metabolic processes and blood circulation, the presence of stagnant phenomena.

    Chronic diseases: polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, cardiology cardiovascular
    vascular system. The cause of the inflammatory process is:

    microbes (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, staphylococci, streptockers, etc.).

    Sexually transmitted infections, venereal diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV).

    It is possible to develop a disease caused by viruses, fungi, worms,
    allergic factors and vegetative disorders.

Clinical picture of acute prostatitis:

High body temperature, general weakness, chills, sharp sweating. Feeling

voltages and pressure in the region of the urethra and rectum.

Urination is painful and rapid.

Clinical picture of chronic prostatitis:

Increased irritability, quick temper, lethargy, fast fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleep disorder, reduced performance and creative activity. Urination disorders and pain syndrome. Painful pain in

the sacrum, crotch, scrotum.

Treatment of prostatitis

With acute prostatitis and exacerbation of chronic, you need to see a doctor -
urologist. Take appointed medication. From products "; Siberian
health "; recommended:

1. The first stage - the relief of acute inflammation.

1. "Forests of purity"

Providing a powerful cleansing effect on the whole the body, "sources of purity" significantly improve the state of the men's urogenital system. In this case, stagnant and inflammatory phenomena in the urinary organs and the prostate gland are reduced, local immunity and protection against bacterial and viral infections increase, and, most importantly, the exchange of male genital hormones is normalized, and there is neutralization of harmful substances that can cause tumor processes in the prostate gland.

2. "Lymphosan andrological"

Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect (reduction of stagnant phenomena in the organs of a small pelvis, the disappearance of pain and sensation of gravity in the crotch area)

    Restoration of blood circulation and lymphocyerculation in men's genital organs;

    A significant improvement in the sexual function;

Reducing the size of the prostate gland, pain, swelling, irritation, hot temper, hormonal background is improved.

Accepted by the usual scheme:

In the morning for 30 minutes. Before eating - 5g powder brew 1 glass of boiling water, 5 minutes under the lid, drink with a sediment.

It is better to combine the "lymphosan andrological" with Epamom-900 - 10 drops after 1 hour -1 day, then 10 drops. 3 times a day.

Lymphosan andrological + "Epaam-8" (if there is a blood squirrel in the urine in the secreet), 5 drops after 1 hour - 1 day, then 5 drops 3 times a day.

"The origins of purity" take on the usual scheme + "Epama Revival 2" - 10 drops 3-4 times a day.

Note:together or instead of "Epama", the use of Balzam "Silver" from the Siberian Propolis series is 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

2. At the second stage we connect:

"GEMOS" - Powerful immunomodulator, increases the protective properties of the body.

"GEMOS" - 1 capsule 2 times a day - 10 days - 3 courses with 5-day breaks + Epam-900 - 10 drops 3 times a day.

    Recovery Stage:



    Enhances local and general immunity.

    It has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfecting effect.

    Provides antispasmodic effect.

    It helps to reduce stagnation.

    It helps to slow down a benign tumor growth.

2. Pangematogen " Act:

    Increases overall tone, performance, blade, organism resistance.

    Carefully acts on the mental sphere.

    Beneficially affects endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular and other systems.

    practice 18 p. - Bibliogr.: With. 18 . - 03.00 ... S. T. Basics of electrical safety: Abstract lect. / S. T. Gonchar, M. ... 208 p. - (reference book doctorgeneralpractices). - Bibliogr.: With. ...

  1. Annotations Articles Preventive and Clinical Medicine Scientific Journal 2008 No. 4 Public Health and Health 01_983 © 2008


    V.A., Yuriev V.K. Course lectures For public health and ... Infectious diseases: Guide for doctorsgeneralpractices. - M.-SPb., 1995. ... Belakova G.A., Gromova LD, Spirin V.F. The influence of "small ... blood circulation - 18 human. Myocardianiodistrophy ...

For the first time about Siberian health I heard from a friend, she wrote that according to reviews on the forum products are good, threw me a link and it turned out that there is a shop not far from me, and I decided that it was just the fate of the fate-fate. On the same day, I ordered both a balm and in addition tea from the same series, so that I certainly worked for a shock dose and organism, like a clock - Tik-so, Tick-so .... I just got on The share of this product so both healing products cost me less than 250 rubles.

The first thing I was surprised - the fact that on a box with tea and a balm and in the method of application from the site contains different information (+ photo) so I as an annoying mouse asked a question on the site why so:

"Good afternoon! On the company's website and on the packaging, various application techniques, for example, malachite balm is written, it is written in strong water, and on the package itself it is written just to take in pure form (without options), also with tea on the package it is written twice in the package day after half a cup, and on the site once a day the whole glass. Which of the ways is faithful and most effective? After all, it is certainly not for nothing that the water should be strong and not just from under the tap, and drinking a glass or half a cup still not In vain, it is not said about the course of treatment, nothing is said, just a bottle need to drink or for several months it should be drunk? "

the answer was vague as the result from Balzam (+ photos from the monitor)

I regarded the answer as - I can not really say anything that you are filming, just so that there are no problems. As if we wrote so much here, and here it is so, and who will see that it uses, and if we are kosyor, then we have two options for the development of events or not compliance with the recommendations from the site, or on the package, but in general it is necessary consult (I really do not really understand how I consult with your doctor ... ask - how do you think the grass is Siberian to drink, eh? You do not know what is it? Well, I must comply with your recommendations, so let's advise me and issue a recipe that you consonted.

I read a couple of feedback on different sites about these products, and honestly led, believing in the fact that both the strength of my belief and faith in a miracle will help me), maybe I just did not clearly express my desire? They say that it is necessary to formulate more clearly ... .

In general, a month passed, the course of treatment is finished, probably a little, I drank a balm, it is necessary to join it with liters, but the effect is zero. Acne and before that I had a little and rarely, and the problems with hormones remained the same, absolutely.

How loyally, I did not try to treat that this is the grass and not a medicine that I saw little, maybe it was wrong, but it could stand on my head taking a balm or brew tea on a lit candle, or through the enema so that it was better to be better, the essence remains alone - the effect of zero. .. maybe for the skin it is useful to someone will be, there they say the acne disappear ...

i guess I am an evil alley, since my hormones did not affect my hormones, but I think that a great chance - the wonderful improvement of the disseminists of the biddles than what he was not impressed)