List of services provided by the company. Dining room - public catering company Full list of services provided and

Restaurant is a catering company with a wide range of complicated dishes, including custom and branded, wine-vodka, tobacco and confectionery, with an increased level of service in combination with leisure organization. The restaurant service is a service for the manufacture, implementation and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacturing from various types of raw materials, purchased goods, wine-vodka products, rendered by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of high comfort and logistics in combination with leisure organization.

The restaurant provides consumers, as a rule, lunches and dinners, and when serving participants in conferences, seminars, meetings - a full diet. The restaurant organizes the service of banquets of various species, thematic evenings. The restaurant provides additional services to the population: the service of the waiter at home, ordering and delivery to consumers of culinary, confectionery, including in banquet design; Reservations in the hall of the restaurant.

Services in the organization of leisure include:

  • - organization of musical services;
  • - organization of concerts, variety programs;
  • - provision of newspapers, magazines.

Consumer service is carried out by metals, waiters.

The restaurant has besides a regular signboard light with elements of design. For the design of rooms and rooms for consumers, exquisite and original decorative elements (lamps, drapery, etc.) are used. Furniture in a well-furnished restaurant, suitable room interior; Tables have a soft coating. Soft chairs or semi-chairs with armrests. A great requirement is presented to dishes and devices. Used utensils made of melchior, nezilber, stainless steel, porcelainyans with a monogram or decoration, crystal, artistic decorated glassware.

The service is the result of the direct interaction of two entities: the customer (consumer) and the performer. As it, the result of its own activity of the latter, aimed at satisfying certain needs. In Russia, there are several options for the classification of useful activities. Consider further what kind of services are existing today.

General classification

Human activity is embodied in specific goods or exists as a useful effect from his work. According to these criteria, material and intangible types of services are distinguished. For example, the tailor sews clothes. The transformation of the material in a particular item acts as the service of this person. Its activity is thus material, since it is embodied in a particular product - clothes.

One of the most important features of services that exist today is considered a useful effect for the consumer. In this case, such an action also has live labor, and work, emitted in a particular product. This, in fact, determines the fundamental purpose of the entire service sphere. It, in particular, consists in the formation of comfortable conditions for people during rest, in transport, in a public or in other place. The useful effect of activity is a complex of property properties that are directed directly to the satisfaction of those or other human needs.

Economic types

In modern conditions there are non-market and market types of services. The latter are for a specific fee. Prices for such activities are established so that the performer cannot only cover the costs incurred, but also receive income. Market types of services are thus equated to products and act as an object of the transaction. Non-market activity is carried out free. Usually, they have a socio-oriented character. Their financing is carried out at the expense of the budget or funds of public organizations (trade unions, parties and others). Consumers of such services are or households, or all society as a whole.

Important moment

It should be noted that almost all existing types of services can be rendered as a fee (fully or partially) and free. As an exception, the activities of management bodies (including law enforcement and defense institutions), charitable organizations and churches enters. Services of these subjects are always free. Today, in accordance with the recommendation of the UN Statistical Commission, any activity that is offered at economically significant cost is recognized as a fee.

Market types

In the modern economic system, much attention is paid to statistical analysis and forecasting. For the most successful implementation of this activity, it is necessary to carry out proper market segmentation. When solving this problem, it is advisable to apply the following classification of paid beneficial activities of people:

Purchasing power

As an essential factor that needs to be taken into account in the process of researching paid beneficial activities in Russia, the distribution of the population is in terms of average per capita income. From its size (under other equal conditions), the volume and structure of expenses for paid services directly depends. According to statistical data, low-income citizens refuse 5, 6 and 7 groups. Moreover, due to the lack of necessary funds, they cannot allow to fully use the proposals of 1-4 categories. Thus, without having to pay for utilities, for example, the population accumulates debts.

Features of market segmentation

In theory, each citizen of the country has the opportunity to purchase any service from the first to the seventh group. In this regard, the entire population of the country can be considered as a combination of customers who are subject to segmentation. But this procedure cannot be carried out throughout the market as a whole. It should be carried out relative to each group separately. In this case, the amount of segments in one case will differ. For example, there is no real estate in the housing market, which belongs to the owners. Therefore, segmentation is carried out among users of hired areas, for which citizens pay rent, and rented premises. The market for paid home service needs to be distinguished from the self-real estate sector, where buying and selling. The latter operates according to other laws of trade.

Paid transport services do not apply to some categories of citizens. Their number, in particular, includes those who have the right to free travel (disabled, pensioners, police officers and others). The International Tourism Sector attracts mainly the population with high income. Its part is less than 10% of the total number of citizens of the country.

Significance and mass

The most important today is considered:

  1. Domestic services.
  2. Passenger Transportation.
  3. Communication.
  4. The content of children in pre-school and school institutions.
  5. Medical services.
  6. Improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment.
  7. Sport and physical culture.
  8. Legal services.
  9. Financial services.
  10. Tourist-sightseeing sphere.
  11. Scientific sphere.

The present list of services are located according to the degree of decrease in priority for the population. This indicates that the first two groups have less elasticity from the size of the consumer ability of citizens.

Household sphere

Each group consumers are offered a specific range. Household services include:

  • Individual tailoring and repair of clothing and shoes.
  • Ritual services.
  • Repair of household appliances, radio electronic equipment.
  • Mating and tailoring knitted articles.
  • Production and repair of jewelry and others.


For each group, a certain characteristic is envisaged for which the consumer estimates its significance:

  1. Housing and communal services involves the provision of services for the repair of equipment and residential premises, the allocation of hired and leased areas. By the same category include the cost of gas, electricity, heating, sewage, water and other things.
  2. Housing services. They include directly obtaining hired areas, for which citizens are deducting the rent.
  3. Municipal sphere. It involves the supply of gas, electricity, heat, telephone, water, sanitary cleaning, and so on.
  4. The household sphere includes a rather extensive spectrum of activity - from repair and tailoring of shoes and clothing items to the photoabeel and rental points.
  5. Passenger traffic suggests the use of urban, long-distance, international transport for the movement of the population and baggage. These also include related activities of certain institutions: the sale of tickets to the cashiers, recreation rooms at stations and so on.
  6. The provision of cultural services is carried out by theaters, cinema halls, libraries, philharmonic, clubs, and so on.
  7. Preschool institutions include nursery, a child's houses, kindergartens.
  8. Paid educational and medical services involve the activities of private clinics and educational institutions, tutoring, etc.
  9. Tourist-sightseeing sphere offers reception and maintenance of foreign and Russian tourists, including the design of the necessary documentation, accommodation, food, business, entertainment program.
  10. Financial organizations are carried out both free and paid useful activities. The first includes the opening and maintenance of the account, deposits, to the second - currency exchange, storage of values, rental of safes, etc.
  11. Legal services are provided by security firms, notaries, lawyers and others.

Market stability

The sphere of some services, for example, domestic, depends on the priority level of certain their species. The market stability is celebrated among technically complex activities that it is almost impossible to exercise at home (bus repair, cumbersome technique, etc.). A large fluctuations are subject to the market of those services that can be at home. These, for example, include repair of shoes and clothing, hairdressers, laundries.

Intangible activity

It acts as a special object of statistical research. When calculating the category of paid intangible operations included services:

  • Domesticity.
  • Transport and communications.
  • Preschool institutions.
  • Sports and physical investigations.
  • Legal companies.
  • Insurance, financial firms, etc.

Currently, the Classifier has been operating in the Russian Federation approved on January 1, 1994.

Public services

They are included in a separate category. This activity is carried out at the requests of the applicants under the authority established by the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the subjects for the respective structures. Public services provide:

  1. Russian Government.
  2. Extrabudgetary fund.
  3. Executive structures of the regions of the Russian Federation.

This activity is carried out in accordance with the functions that are defined for these subjects in the Constitution of the country, federal and regional laws.

The service is the result of activities aimed at meeting the needs of the consumer.

Catering service: the activities of the artist (catering enterprises of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) to meet the needs of the consumer in public catering products, in creating conditions for the implementation and consumption of public catering and purchased goods, in leisure and other additional services.

Catering services must meet the following general requirements:

  • - social targeting;
  • - functional suitability;
  • - security;
  • - ergonomic;
  • - aesthetics;
  • - informative;
  • - flexibility.
  • 1. The requirement of social targeting services provides:
    • - provision of catering services and accessibility for consumers of various categories;
    • - compliance of services, consumer expectations, including the range of products offered, method and form of service, professional level of service personnel, the range of services provided;
    • - the presence of certain benefits and conditions for the service rules for the priority categories of consumers (children, people with disabilities and other physical abilities).
  • 2. The requirement of functional suitability of services provides:
    • - accuracy and timeliness of the provision of services, including compliance with the established mode of operation of the enterprise, compliance with the range of implemented dishes, products and beverages, compliance of the service time, order waiting time, consumer service, etc.;
    • - ensuring conditions for the choice by the consumer of services of various types;
    • - Compliance of the service personnel in professional purpose, including competence and qualifications of personnel, the ability to communicate with consumers, knowledge and observance of professional ethics of behavior.

Consumer services provided to consumers, in terms of terms and conditions of service, must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents on the services of a specific type, the terms of the service contracts or the terms of the order for the provision of services in force of the provision of services.

  • 3. Safety requirements for consumer services.
  • 4. The requirement of service ergonomics characterizes the compliance of the conditions of service and used in the process of maintenance of furniture, equipment hygienic, anthropometric and physiological capabilities of consumers. Compliance with the requirements of ergonomics ensures the comfort of service and contributes to the conservation of consumer health.
  • 5. The requirement of the aesthetic services characterizes the style unity, the harmonicity of the design of premises for consumers and maintenance conditions, including the appearance of the staff, the design of the menu, table setting, design and flow of dishes and drinks, etc.
  • 6. The requirement of information responsibility involves full, reliable and timely informing the consumer about all services provided in the hall and outside the enterprise hall, which ensures the possibility of their correct choice, as well as information about the manufactured and sold catering products.

Information about the services are adjusted to consumers in a visual and accessible form by designing information stands or folders for consumers, in the menu, price list or other methods adopted by the Contractor of the Services.

The requirement of informativeness involves the use of a variety of types of modern advertising.

7. Catering services must comply with the requirement of flexibility that characterizes the ability of services to change in accordance with the changing requirements and conditions.

The services provided by the restaurant are reduced to Table 1.

Table 1 - Services provided by the restaurant


Catering services

Food service restaurant

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery

Production of culinary products and confectionery products for customers orders, including in difficult design and with additional design at catering

Services in the organization of consumption and maintenance

Organization and maintenance of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events

Booking places in the hall of catering

Organization of rational integrated nutrition

Services in the organization of leisure

Music Services

Organization of concerts, programs variety and video programs

Organization of training to culinary skills

Other catering services

Guaranteed storage of consumer values

Organization of storage products.

In the restaurant "Ivanho" special attention is paid to the procedure for storing products, since properly organized storage of food products is the keylessness of the break-evenness and uninterrupted activity of the restaurant. Control to ensure proper storage of products is entrusted to the procurement department and storekeeper.

The decisive role plays the temperature. In refrigerated warehouses, the temperature reaches 22 ° C for storing frozen products and 2-3 ° C to store cooled food products.

Not perishable foods are stored in clean, dry, carefully ventilated warehouses or storage rooms at moderate temperatures. Moreover, products are stored in bags, boxes or boxes, which to a certain extent protects them from adverse environmental impacts.

The storekeeper monitors to avoid storing foods on the floor, where they are more susceptible to the hazard of the dish.

The second important factor is the duration of storage: the faster the process of turning in stocks, the less the possibility of their damage and losses. Even frozen foods have restrictive freezing storage. The storekeeper should not forget that in all cases we are talking about food products and food products, which always have restrictive storage time. It should not allow the accumulation of excessive reserves, reduce the timing of their turnover, accelerate the rate of production and essays - these are the basic rules that must be observed.

Organization of cooking.

Of great importance in the restaurant "Ivango" is given to the cooking process. The chef of the restaurant personally controls the cooking process, heads the kitchen, has absolute power and carries all responsibility for the quality and variety of dishes, i.e. Ultimately for the success of the entire restaurant business. The chef is developing a menu. At the same time, it should not only provide a variety and attractiveness of it for customers, but also to establish such prices that will also provide the necessary profitability and the download of the restaurant, and this is not so simple, because with increasing prices, the download in principle falls.

In order to prevent food poisoning that are frequent in public catering, the restaurant has been developed internal rules, instructions for all kitchen workers.

Very few products are completely safe (most croup, candied and dry foods), and meat, dairy, marine products, eggs and rice are potentially dangerous. The fact is that the finished food is good conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, they accelerately multiply at a temperature of from 5 to 63 ° C, (ideal temperatures for them is 37 ° C, and an ideal humidity - 70%). Maintaining such conditions for 2 hours is enough to obtain food poisoning. Especially dangerous slow cooling of finished foods with subsequent heating. Therefore, heating from the technology should be excluded from technology.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the "Consumer Protection Act", the consumer has the right to demand information about what products a submitted dish was made, and whether the conditions for its preparation were made.

The "Avengo" restaurant exists the following rules for preventing food poisoning:

  • - Finished food must be in a closed dish;
  • - only clean devices (knives, forks, spoons) and equipment should be used;
  • - rags must be disposable;
  • - Careful cleaning and disinfection (There are several types of cleaning: Daily - everything is removed from the outside, weekly - rubbed dust from the shelves, monthly - wardrobes inside);
  • - raw and finished food must be stored separately (individual refrigerators) and when they are processed, you need to use different devices;
  • - Do not touch your hand;
  • - Avoid when storing the hazardous temperature regime (5-63c);
  • - materials used in the manufacture of kitchen equipment and decoration of the room must easily clean, wash and disinfect;
  • - meat, fish and bird should be stored separately from each other;
  • - If the finished food is designed for storage for some time, it must be cooled to + 3 ° C in 90 minutes, then it can be stored no more than 5 days. Frozen products (up to -18 ° С) are allowed to store up to 8 weeks. Generally speaking, each product has its temperature and storage time limits. Hot food (for example, a buffet) can be stored no more than 2, and cold - 4 hours;
  • - The cook should not try "from a spoon" and put food with hands.

The kitchen staff of the restaurant "Ivanho" carefully complies with hygienic requirements, follows the purity of the body, head, hands, nails.

Kitchen workers wash hands before entering the kitchen, touching food, after processing raw food, waste, food, smoking, and, of course, toilet.

The kitchen is equipped with a washbasin with hot water, soap and dryer for hands. In the kitchen, staff can only be in clean overalls, which is issued to each shift. Hair closed. There are no rings on the hands of cooks. Employees, having cuts, wounds, ear disease, throat, nose, eyes are not allowed to work. Smoking is not allowed in work premises. Kitchen staff periodically passes medical examinations.

Customer service management.

In the restaurant "Ivango" Metrotel organizes work in the halls for visitors.

The Metrotel Restaurant defines the table for each order and instructs the waiters. Metrotel welcomes guests at the entrance, escorts them to the table, dissolves, the menu is sending a waiter.

Metrotel distributes work between waiters, checks their appearance, the presence of the necessary equipment (trays, dishes, napkins, etc.). Set on the tables, cleanliness of dishes and tablecloths, health of furniture, carpets, lighting. He also accepts customer complaints (low-quality food and drinks are replaced with free).

In the case of a banquet, the Metrotel Restaurant explains in detail the scheme of service organization, distributing the obligations of each group of waiters, feeding dishes and wines. Determines who and when the guests are the main dish, side dish, sauce, who, when and what method makes the cleaning of used dishes and devices or shift them, who makes dishes in the hall and who, where and when it takes out used dishes and devices, etc. .

Collecting waiters at the end of serving tables and other preparatory work, Metrotel clarifies them features of some snacks, dishes and beverages included in the banquet menu and the sequence of their feed. In addition, it distributes waiters by the service sectors at the table by charging the supply of wine or dishes; At the same time, more qualified and tall waiters who have experience in servicing such banquets, wines fails. Metrotel informs the waiters to service the guests in their sector in accordance with the instructions received by the owner of the table or the representative of the Protocol Department of the Organization, a suitable banquet.

In the state of the restaurant, more than half of the waiters own English in the amount necessary to fulfill their duties. The enterprise administration strictly monitors the clarity and rapid service of tourists.

The main figure in the restaurant "Ivango" are waiters. Functions of waiters:

  • - The waiter takes and checks the tablecloths and appliances assigned to it the tables, first of all, so that they do not swing.
  • - Steel tablecloths, under which a special soft gasket for sound absorption is mounted. Corners of the tablecloth must be at an altitude of more than 10 cm from the floor and lower than 25 cm from the edge of the table.
  • - wipes and lays dishes on the table, devices, glasses, napkins. Glasses, by sanitary norm, you need to put up the bottom and turn into the working position immediately before servicing customers. At the same time, the glasses are taken behind the legs, and all objects for the handles.
  • - directly serves customers, accepts an order, brings ordered dishes and drinks. Cuts, folds, decorates, opens bottles. Pouring, removes dirty dishes, counts the client.

The workplace of the waiter is a rack, in the boxes of which stored cutlery, tablecloths, napkins, menus, matches, etc. The skill of the waiter assumes a virtuoso possession of a spoon and fork (water hand) when folding food, the ability to wear three plates with food, trays, separated fish, etc.

In the restaurant, clean dishes put on the left of the guest, the food on the plates are put on the left, drinks (including coffee) are poured on the right, the dirty dishes are removed on the right.

Standard equipment of the waiter of the restaurant "Ivanho": a professional corkscrew (on which there is also a foil cutting for cutting with water and beer bottles), a fountain pen, lighter, towel.

The main commandment of the restaurant service - dishes must be served hot. Therefore, it is necessary to work quickly, but without fuss.

When serving clients, the waiter must perform the following operations:

  • 1. Clear guests, submit a menu;
  • 2. Pour water;
  • 3. Take an order for an aperitif / cocktail - bring an order;
  • 4. Accept the order on the menu, offer wines;
  • 5. Remove dishes after an aperitif;
  • 6. Bring snacks;
  • 7. Remove the dishes after the snacks;
  • 8. bring first dishes;
  • 9. Remove the dishes;
  • 10. Imagine the main (second) dish; The dish first is demonstrated by the guest, which must confirm the order and be satisfied with its appearance;
  • 11. Remove the dishes;
  • 12. Suggest dessert;
  • 13. Suggest coffee, brandy;
  • 14. Write an account (not in front of the client), get money, help get out of the table, say goodbye to the client at the same time the tips on the client's eyes are not recommended;
  • 15. Remove the table.

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Public diet is a focal economy, the basis of which is the enterprises characterized by the unity of the forms of the organization of the production and maintenance of consumers and differing in types, specialization.

Catering development:

· Gives substantial savings of social labor due to more rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials;

· Provides hot food workers and employees during the working day, which increases their performance, maintains health;

· It makes it possible to organize a balanced rational nutrition in children's and educational institutions.

Public food One of the first branches of the national economy fell on the transformation rails, having accepted the load of the acute problems of the transition period for market relations. The privatization of enterprises was the rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of catering enterprises has changed. A large number of private small enterprises appeared. In 1995 Comes out of the Russian Law "On State Support for Small Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation". This law is one of the fundamental for the period when the course changes from one hundred percent state monopoly in the farm to market relations. It determines which of them can count on the support of the state. Therefore, specialized enterprises that began to disappear in the first years of privatization, the pace in their development (skewers, dumplings, pizzerias, bistro, etc.) are being gained.

Many catering enterprises are purely commercial, but along with it develops social nutrition: dining rooms in manufacturing enterprises, student, school canteens. Power plant appear, firms that take on the tasks of organizing social nutrition.

Public catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:

· Production of culinary products;

· Realization of culinary products;

· Organization of its consumption.

Characteristics of the restaurant, a list of services provided (according to GOST 50-764-95).

In accordance with Sipboa 500761-95 "Catering services. General requirements "for catering services are subject to certain requirements. Catering service is the result of enterprises and entrepreneurs' citizens to meet the needs of the consumer in nutrition and leisure. The service process is a set of operations performed by the Contractor with direct contact with the consumer of services when implementing culinary products and leisure activities. The quality of services must satisfy the established or alleged needs of consumers. Catering services must meet safety and environmental requirements, intended purpose and be provided to consumers in the conditions that meet the requirements of existing regulatory documents. In the process of consumer service, the service complex must comply with the type of enterprise. When providing services, the requirement of ergonomics must be taken into account, i.e. Compliance of the conditions of maintenance of hygienic, anthropometric, physiological needs of consumers. Compliance with ergonomic requirements provides maintenance comfort.

The provided service must meet the requirements of aesthetic. The aesthetics is characterized by the harmony of the architectural and planning solution of the enterprise premises, as well as service conditions, including the appearance of the service personnel, table service, design and feeding of culinary products. The consumer must receive full, reliable and timely informing about the provided service.

Main catering service power service . Food service is services for the manufacture of culinary products and the creation of conditions for its implementation and consumption in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise and are divided into the following:

· Restaurant power service;

· Bar power service;

· Cafe power service;

· Dining room service;

· Snack service service.

Services for the organization of consumption of products and maintenance include:

· Organization and maintenance of celebrations, ritual events;

· Nutrition organization and maintenance of participants in conferences, meetings, cultural events, etc.;

· Delivery of culinary products and confectionery and maintenance of consumers in offices and at home;

· Consumer service in the path of passenger transport;

· Service in hotel rooms;

· Organization of rational complex nutrition, etc.

In restaurants, bars pay great attention to the organization of leisure service. Services in the organization of leisure include:

· Music service organization:

· Organization of concerts, variety programs;

· Providing newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Service Culture - One of the main criteria in assessing the activities of catering workers. The main factors determining the service culture include the presence of a modern material and technical base, the types and nature of the services provided, the range and quality of products, the introduction of progressive forms of service, the level of advertising and information work, the professional skill of catering workers. High level service culture increases the competitiveness of the enterprise, which is very important at market relations.

Restaurants and bars in terms of service and the nomenclature of the services provided are divided into three classes - suite, the highest, the first to comply with the following requirements:

Luxury - sophistication of the interior, high level of comfort, a wide selection of services, an assortment of original, exquisite custom and corporate dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and branded drinks, cocktails - for bars;

"higher"- The originality of the interior, the choice of services, the comfort, a varied range of original, exquisite custom and corporate dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom drinks and cocktails - for bars;

"first "- harmony, comfort and selection of services, a varied range of corporate dishes and products, drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, incl. Custom and branded - for bars.

Restaurants distinguish:

· according to the range of products implemented Fish, beer, with national cuisine or kitchen of foreign countries;

· at the location - Restaurant at the hotel, in the recreation area, car restaurant, etc.

The main types of banquets.

Banquet - This is a solemn soul breakfast, lunch or dinner, arranged in honor of any person, events or celebration. Banquets may be official (receptions) and unofficial (family celebrations, friendly meetings, etc.).

Depending on the forms of service, banquets - receptions can be divided into several types: a banquet reception at the table with full service of waiters; Banquet at a table with partial service of waiters; Banquet-buffet, banquet-cocktail, banquet cocktail buffet, banquet tea, coffee.

The organization of any banquet includes the reception and placement of the order, the preparation of a banquet to service and maintenance. Organization and clear work on preparing for the service of the banquet depend on how many details of the banquet between the customer and the performer (by the administration of the restaurant) are due and coordinated and coordinated.

Orders for service of weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations are taking director, Metrotel or Administrator, when placing an order with the customer, the date of service of the celebration, the number of participants, maintenance, reason for the banquet device (meeting, anniversary, wedding or holiday date, etc. ), Venue (name or room number), start and end time, approximate menu and preliminary order value. At the reception of the order, the organizer is offered to get acquainted with the room for a banquet, the placement of tables, the placement of guests, the design of the hall. It will also be clarified whether the aperitif will be served, whether flowers are needed to decorate the table, music during a banquet, a place for dancing. An employee who takes an order introduces the Customer with the rules of the work of the enterprise, the order of service, as well as with the procedure for compensation for possible losses due to the customer's fault and guests.

The banquet menu is compiled at the request of customers, depending on the possibilities of the enterprise. After making the Customer's menu, the Customer introduces 50% of the cost of the order, the cashier discharges a cash order and receipt to it, which is given to the customer. The order is registered in a special book accounting book.

In the future, no later than two days before the start of the celebration, the Metrotel is with the customer and makes an order-account.

The order is discharged in five copies, is approved by the head of the enterprise and is transmitted to the cashier. The cashier takes extra charge from the customer for the order (on the basis of the parish cash order), assures the order-account with his signature and puts the "paid" stamp.

The first copy of the order order is transmitted to the Customer, the second remains at the cashier, then it is transmitted to the accounting department together with a cash bill, and the third, fourth and fifth are directed, respectively, a brigadier of waiters, which will conduct a banquet service, in the kitchen and in the buffet. The fourth and fifth instances of the account of the order after completing the order are rented in the accounting department .

New forms of service

Buffet Type Service It is primarily in the acceleration of consumer services, which increases the throughput of the trading room, requires a smaller number of qualified personnel, etc. This form of service is used in restaurants, where a large number of visitors are constantly used by breakfasts, dinners and dinners.

There are no special requirements for commercial chairs for the organization of visitors to this method. The shopping chassions should be bright, well ventilated and fairly free to create visitors the necessary amenities.

Depending on the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe dining table, its configuration and location of doors, windows, columns, etc., as well as the intended number of visitors who can come simultaneously, set one or two handouts in the hall.
The handouts are set at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from the walls, and the need to exclude counter-streams of visitors is taken into account. On the rest of the free area of \u200b\u200bthe hall plays tables, chairs. They are covered with white or colored tablecloths. If the tables of the tables have a hygienic coating, cover them with the tablecloths optionally.

The product range can be suggested:

Breakfast - Oil, sausage, ham, salads, vegetables, pancakes, cheesery, porridge, meat, vegetable, dairy, egg dishes, fermented milk products, various juices, flour pastry.

Lunch - A variety of fresh vegetable salads, vinaigrette, herring, fisher, oil, oil, cheese, sour cream; from the first dishes - broth with croutons, pies; puree soup, borsh and others; From the second dishes - fried fish, boiled meat, cabbage rolls, potatoes, carrot cutlets; Garniirs - fried potatoes, crumbly porridge, cabbage stew; For dessert - compote, kissel, jelly and hot drinks (tea, coffee).

Dinner - oil, cheese, roast beef, buoyhenine, fermented milk products; Hot fish dishes, natural meat, vegetables stew, casserole, dishes from cottage cheese, baking in assortment, tea, fruit, juices.

It is important that the range of dishes and drinks is varied. The consumer must be able to try a little bit of several dishes - this is one of the benefits of a buffet. The product range must be changed by week.

Visitors before entering the hall, pre-pay the cost of one-time nutrition. For the organization of groups of visitors, the cost of the power can be paid for pre-cash, and each visitor is issued a pass-pass for separate meals. The menu is postponed near the ticket. At the entrance to the hall, visitors give a check or coupon control and are sent to handouts. Visitors choose dishes, put on plates and sit at the table. The hall is waiters who serve tables, remove the used dishes. At the request of consumers, waiters can serve them at the table - taking into account age, physical disadvantages and other reasons. Here, in the hall, the sale of beverages, tobacco products in cash can be organized through a small bar or using special carts.

Coffee break refers to the number of short-term and intermediate forms of banquet services.

It is suitable for short-term breaks at meetings, press conferences, etc. no more than 15 minutes. Canapes and small pastries are served. Flow methods are different, but mostly, as at the reception-cocktail, mainly on the "Hand" tray in connection with the rules in time and organization in various kinds of premises.

In the commercial hall, where the coffee break is carried out restored tables equipped with express coffee makers and samovars. On separate tables, bottles with mineral water and soft drinks are exhibited. Clean glasses are placed here

Diplomatic reception

Diplomatic techniques are one of the generally accepted and common forms of foreign policy activities of governments, departments of foreign affairs, diplomatic missions and diplomats. Receptions are conducted as in commemoration of important events (national holidays, anniversary dates, anniversary of the signing of contracts, as well as on the occasion of a high guest or delegation in the country) and in the order of daily activities of the ministries of foreign affairs and embassies. Takes organized by diplomatic representation contribute to the establishment, maintenance and development of the contacts of the embassy from the country of stay. At such techniques, foreign diplomats clarify the policies of their countries, collect information about the host country, exchange views on important international issues. Therefore, any diplomatic reception has a large political importance as for those who are satisfied and for guests present on it. An even more important political character has techniques organized by the governing bodies of the country in honor of high foreign guests or delegations. The traditions of holding techniques leave their roots in deep antiquity. The hospitality was and remains a significant indicator of honor and dignity of the people and the state. Accommodation, service at the table is conducted in accordance with the protocol. The word "protocol" means a combination of rules, traditions and conventions, complied with governments, officials in the communication of an international nature. In international communication, compliance with the Protocol is required; Each country can make their changes with regard to national characteristics, customs, etc.

Only those who occupy official positions invite diplomatic techniques. These banquets are strictly official . Perennial international practice has established types of diplomatic techniques, methods for their preparation, diplomatic etiquette, which adherence participants are held.
Business techniques can be classified as follows:
Takes passing sitting with the presence of landing places;
Takes standing - without landing.
Distinguish the following types of diplomatic techniques

"Glass of Champagne" and "Glass of Wine"

These two types of receptions, which are considered a type of a "cocktail" type, begin at 12 hours. And end in 13 hours. During such a reception, champagne, wine, juices are usually served. As a snack - a small cake, sandwiches-canape, nuts, etc. Reception "Cocktail" passes, as a rule, in the standing position. Clothing form - casual suit or dress.

The reason for such techniques can serve as a national holiday, the arrival or departure of the delegation, the signing of a contract or contract, departure an ambassador, the opening of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. As a rule, these techniques are held in the same building where a solemn event was held, in a specially equipped room for this room or a foyer. Drinks and light snacks spread waiters. The main drink is champagne. Candy, fruits, canape sandwiches and other, not requiring cutlery and table settings are considered light snacks. Strong drinks - brandy, vodka, whiskey, gin - not served on day receptions. At the same time, sometimes the bar is organized separately or served on the tray of whiskey, gin, vodka.

A characteristic feature of this reception is the need to make meals standing. Sit down in the form of exception is allowed for a while only elderly women. For men, regardless of age, there is no such exception.

Special order accommodation is not provided: they dispersed in the hall chaotically. And one more feature: these techniques belong to the category of official, i.e. there are only officials without spouses.


Lunch is a soul breakfast, or a second breakfast, which often replaces light lunch. Lunch may be light - for those who lunch in the evening, or a dense, replacing dinner for those who only dinner. Its time starts from the interval between 12.00 - 12.30, which in many European countries coincides with the time of the lunch break in institutions, firms, concerns. Lunch is continuing for Western European cuisine dishes served in lunch, limited. These include: all sorts of souffle (from game, goose liver, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower, potato, chicken, duck, out of lobster, from semolina, from noodles, etc.), chicken wrapped in a cake. Chop and cutlets, boiled chickens and fish are also quite allowed, but fried meat pieces, large in volume, usually stay for lunch. Even light soups are possible, although on this occasion there are no time and forever established rules. Abundant salads, spaghetti in similar dishes of simplified cooking on unofficial lunches, guests impose themselves, the service of the waiters is not envisaged. The official lunch in most details resembles a formal lunch, although it has some differences. So, he cannot take place without the participation of a certain number of service personnel - waiters. But unlike the official dinner, such staff can be both men and women.

Official lunch is usually prescribed at 13.00. If, after the official dinner, guests can remain for a long time to communicate, then after the official lunch - within 30 minutes after receiving write. Another difference - women during Lunch are allowed to stay in hats, although they leave the upper clothes in the gloves in the wardrobe. United Lunch provides for the flow of three dishes: soup or snack, the main dish, dessert. In rare cases, the fourth dish consisting of seafood is served. It is offered in front of the soup. Most often, the menu is limited by fruit salads, seafood, one hot dish, such as fried chicken with salad. For any lunch, the abundance of baked bagels, sprinkled with poppy or nuts, puff pastries. Waiters on the tables in advance next to the baked products arrange dishes with butter, which is attached to the shape of roses, curls, balls, but not cubes, as during a regular breakfast. In advance only dishes with fruits, sweets, nuts. Plates with hot dishes fill in the kitchen, they brings a waiter. After the delivery of a hot dish, in front of the dessert, the table is fully released, including the dishes with bread, the list, straps. For lunch, it is appropriate to submit some one variety of wine, such as Reinwine or claret. Mandatory is tea or ice coffee. Always on the table should be a jug with water or glasses with water before each device.

Official lunch

Official dinner is considered the most honorable type of reception. It begins in a period of time between 17.00 and 19.00. In diplomatic practice, lunch begins at 20.00 or 20.30, but no later than 21.00. It lasts 2 hours, but maybe longer. At the same time, guests are located at the table of about 1 hour, and the rest of the time in the living rooms. In some cases, after lunch there is a cocktail. Then guests present at the dinner, at his end to another room, where faces invited to a cocktail were already gathered.

Official lunch regardless of the number of participants is subject to strict rules - from the arrival of guests to their departure. The very concept of "official" means that dinner is accompanied by a multitude of ceremonial procedures, complied with all the details. For example, official dinner requires maintenance exclusively male personnel, although this condition is often not performed. Guests must arrive exactly on time, but not before. I'd rather be barely late.

« Tea"

It is arranged between 16 and 18 hours, as a rule, only for women. For example, the wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs suggests tea for the head of the heads of diplomatic missions; Ambassador's wife - for wives of other ambassadors, other women, etc. Next. There may be cases invitations for tea also men. For tea, one or more tables are covered depending on the number of invited persons, confectionery and bakery, fruits, dessert and dry wines, juices and mineral water are served. Snacks (canapes with spark, fish, cheese) are rarely served for tea, and if they are served, then in a small amount. Duration of tea - 1-1.5 hours.

"Jour Fix"

This type of reception is arranged by the wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs or another member of the government, or the wife of the ambassador once a week on the same day and an hour during the entire autumn-winter season (from autumn until summer). Invitations to such techniques ("media", "Thursdays", "Fridays") are sent once at the beginning of the season and act until the end of the season, if there is no special interruption notice. The invitation to "Journal Fix" can come to him without additional invitations. By the time of holding and treats and the form of clothing, this reception is not different from "Tea". Sometimes such adhesives are the form of musical or literary evenings. Men are also invited to the trees "Zhftiks".

"Cocktail" or "A La Futer"

Start in a period of 17 to 18 hours (at 17, 17:30, at 18) and last two hours. Consumption - various cold snacks and confectionery, fruit. Sometimes hot snacks are also served. The treat should not be abundant. At the receptions of this type, alcoholic beverages are exhibited on the tables or, being spilled in glasses, are spread by waiters. Sometimes a buffet is satisfied in one of the halls, where the waiters spill drinks for those who want.

At the end of the reception can be filed champagne, then coffee.

Receptions like "Cocktail" or "A La Founds" are held. Guests come to the tables, gain snacks on their plates and depart from the tables to give the opportunity to approach them to other guests. Tables with treats are recommended to install not in the middle of the hall or room, but along the walls with small intervals from the walls for the service personnel. The center of the hall or room must be provided to guests.

The form of clothing on this reception is a casual suit or tuxedo, depending on the specific case and instructions on this score in the invitation .

"Lunch Buffet"

This type of reception from ordinary lunch is characterized by the following features: guests are searched for separate tables of 5-6 people, a treat on the principle of self-service. Guests themselves take the eats that stand on a separate table. This type of reception is less official than the usual lunch. Clothing form depending on the instructions in the invitation .


It starts at 21 and later. The dinner and wine menu are the same as at dinner. Clothes form - black suit, tuxedo or fracture; For women - evening dress.

Dinner dinner differs only time to start it - no earlier than 21 hours .

The varieties of receptions are film techniques, musical and literary evenings, in the evening of friendship, meetings for playing chess, other sports games, etc. Next. These listed activities are usually accompanied by a slight treat. The form for such events is a casual costume, for women - a suit or dress.


Speaking about the rules of etiquette, taken into account in the organization of business techniques, it is necessary, first of all, to mention invitations.
Invitations are usually performed by the typographical way, and additional information (surname, name, patronymic of the invited) can be inscribed by hand.

The invitation does not put the date of departure and signature.
The first invitation lines provide information on who (what organization) and what about inviting reception. Usually used turnover "invites" or "Honor to invite", then there is a surname, name, patronymic of the invited.
In the second part of the invitation, it is indicated which will be a form of reception (lunch, cocktail, etc.), when it takes place and where.
In the invitation for breakfast, a glass of champagne, a glass of wine, a cocktail is taken to indicate the start and end time of the reception, for example 12.00-13.30.

Invitation, as a rule, contains a request for confirmation of intent to attend reception. Accepted this request to sign up with capital French letters: R.S.V.P. (Repondez s "Il-Vous-Plat -" Answer, please ").

If in the invitation of the letter R.S.V.P. Strained or absent (this takes place mainly in invitations to the techniques, conducted by standing, without seating at the table), not need to give this or that answer. All generally accepted conditional texts in etiquette (similar to the text given above) are usually represented in French.
Invitation, like a business card, is printed on paper of good quality, white or any light shade. Inappropriately considered various decorated elements - vignettes, flowers, figures, etc. Strict font, clearly and clearly printed text in compliance with the rules of etiquette and using mandatory "politeness formulas" - this is what is required from the perfect invitation to business reception. Invitations are sent depending on local practice no later than two or three weeks before acceptance. The package for a shorter period may result in many refusals due to the adoption of invitations sent earlier. Depending on the specific circumstances, the invitations are sent with the courier or, which is extremely rare, by mail. Invitations to officials and prominent leaders are advised to always send with a courier

Selection of type of reception.

Depending on the case by which it is necessary to arrange a reception, the type of reception is elected.

In case of arrival in the country of stay with an official visit of the Soviet government, parliamentary or another delegation, on behalf of the head, it is given a breakfast or lunch in honor of the person who takes the delegation, and the diplomatic representative suits the type of "cocktail" type "on the occasion of stay (such) Delegation ... ". However, it is always necessary to take into account the protocol traditions established in the given country. These traditions will help in choosing a type of reception.

When receiving an order, in addition to the venue, date, start and end time, the forms of service, refineed whether to post national flags, install the microphone on the table, whether the speech of the orchestra is required, etc.

Diplomatic reception with full service waiters on the occasion of the arrival of the Turkish ambassador for 90 people

The banquet at the table with full service by waiters on the occasion of the reception of a high guest for 90 people (lunch) will take place in the "1001 night" restaurant in the "main hall" of 15FEVRAL 2010 at 17 o'clock.

Restaurant "1001Nef" is the embodiment of Eastern worldview. The external is inextricably linked with the inner, each detail has its particular importance - nothing superfluous, nothing lacking is the Eastern Philosophy. Therefore, everything around should be wonderful and delight: white-eyed walls covered with elegant bulk carving, marble mosaic floor, sparkling waterfall of a huge crystal chandelier, mother of pearl

The main restaurant hall is made in the style of the Eastern Palace and at the same time similar to the fabulous cave with treasures .. Stone laying of walls, blue tones - hanging lamps, hookahs, patterns on the tables and plates, wrought iron and soft sofas.

The service is carried out by the restaurant administrator and waiters who own a foreign language.

Seating at the table

If the business reception is designed for several dozen or hundreds of people, it is advisable to thoroughly think about the placement of the tables and determine the guests for guests.
In a small room, it is unwise to arrange techniques for a large number of guests, and a small number of invited will feel uncomfortable in a large, spacious room.
What is considered too big or too small for business reception? There are no strict standards for it, but it seems that the optimal will be calculated - at least 10m2 per person, including the place at the table.
If the reception is designed for a sufficiently large number of guests, you should take care of how to send them, and how to bring information about this to those invited.
When organizing modern business receptions with a large number of guests, the seating plan is usually highlighted in several places in front of the entrance to the hall, where the reception will be taken, or is depicted on a special sheet - the liner in the invitation, or is awarded to each invited when entering the hall.

In addition, in the dining room, a card with the name and surname of the invited can be put on each place at the table.
Tables for seating guests can be put indoors in a different way.

The first option (letter "P"):

The second option (letter "sh"):

Third option (letter "T"):

With a large number of guests, it is advisable to place tables in the form of the letter "sh"

The following rules of seating are complied with:

· Nearest places to the owner and the hostess are considered the most honorable. The further place from these individuals, the more honorable it.

· The most honorable places are those that are located face to free space, i.e. to the front door. However, simultaneously with this, the honorable place must be maximally removed from the entrance door.

· The least honorable places - at the end of the table, back to the front door. Usually there are no seats at all, but if you still have the need to use these places, it makes sense to plant young men from among the employees of the hostess; Women and men of the middle and "more than the middle" age for these places is not worth seating ..

· If you are able to guests - men and women, they are seated, alternating representatives of the other sex. But practice shows that men are always more on business receptions.

· In distemming, it is necessary to take into account the knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bsitting near the guests.

Recommended minimum table surface area,
Allocated for one guest - 60 (70) x40 cm. Although some sources give a 50x40 cm digit, it should still be borne in mind that some full people will not be able to feel comfortable at the table within this framework

The procedure and rules for design and making menu

. Menu This is a list of snacks, dishes, drinks, flour confectionery products on sale for a given day with an exit and prices. The menu must be signed by the director, head of production and calculator. Depending on the type of enterprise and the maintenance of the contingent of consumers, various types of menu are used: with a free choice of dishes; comprehensive dinners and dinners on subscriptions; day diet; duty dishes; dietary and baby food; Banquet.

Menu Baneta It is drawn up in each case when receiving an order for a banquet, taking into account the type of banquet, the wishes of the customer.

Sequence of the location of dishes in the menu

Branded dishes and snacks

Cold dishes and snacks:

1. Chang grain sturgeon fish, salmon fish

2. Fish is low-salted (salmon, salmon with lemon)

3. Fish cold dishes:

4 Fish gastronomy and canned food:

5. Different sea products

6. Salads and Vigrets

7. Meat Cold dishes and snacks:

8. Poultry and game Cold

Hot appetizers

1.Bed, from non-breaking products of the sea

3. From subproducts

4. Birds and game

5. Vegetable and mushroom

6. Egg and flour

1. Transparent

4. Dairy, cold, sweet

Fish hot dishes

Meat hot dishes

Hot dishes from poultry and game

Dishes from vegetables, croup, legumes, pasta, flour

Eggs and cottage cheese dishes

Sweet dishes

1. Hot (apple in dough, porridge guryevskaya, puddings, donuts with jam and others)

2. Cold (Kissels, Mousse, Jelly, Sambuki, Creams, Ice Cream, Cream whipped with fillers, Compote from fresh and canned fruits)

3. Fruits, natural berries and syrup

Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate)

Cold Drinks Own Production

1. From fruits and berries (own production)

Flour culinary and confectionery (cakes in assortment, cakes, cupcakes, pies, pies, etc.)

Menu design

The restaurant menu is a business card of an enterprise, one of the means of advertising. Therefore, its appearance should produce a good impression.

The menu design is determined by the nature of the enterprise. In the enterprises "Lux" and the highest-class menu and the price list must have an emblem or company sign of the enterprise, to be printed in a typographical way; The cover of the menu is made of coated paper, cardboard or leatherette. The decoration of the folder should reflect the style and the thematic orientation of the restaurant, bar or cafe. At the top of the opened menu, it is recommended to provide brief information about the work of the enterprise. In the menu, you can give information about branded dishes, drinks, this information is advisable to supplement with relevant drawings, an entertaining historical reference about a particular dish to attract attention to it. For the convenience of servicing foreign tourists, the menu and price lists must be printed in Russian, English, French and German.

Price List of Wine-Vodka Products


Banquet at the table with the full service of waiters on the occasion of the reception of Turkish guests.

Restaurant "1001 night"

Number of customers: 90 people (lunch)

Home Service 19.00 Date: 15.02.10.

Cold snacks

Baskets with crabs .................................... .. ( 100g )

Salmal salmon with lemon ............................ ( 175g)

Sultan salad ................................................ (100g)

Salad "Goldfish" .................................... .. (100g)

Assorted "Eastern" - a roll of calf clipping with nuts and prunes, a roll of chicken fillet with spinach and spices ......................................................... ... (180g)

Eggplants in Istanbulski .............................. ... (150g)

Hot appetizers

Tolm - beef with rice in pickled grape leaves ............................................................... (175g)

Sig in pitaist - Sig fish fillet with seasonings baked in the pita ............................................................... (150g)


Lagman ............................................................ .. (250g)

Asparagus soup ………………………………………( 250g )

Second hot dishes

Salmon on fire Salmon fillet in sour cream ............... (100 / 150g)
Veal with yogurt ....................................... .... (75g)

Baked potatoes - rosy halves of potatoes with sour cream or oil .......................................... .. (200g)

Vegetables on vegetables on coal-delicacy from eggplant, tomatoes and peppers baked on fire and roasted with herbs .......... (250g)

Sweet dishes

Studel - with apples, cherries and cinnamon. ... (150g)

Hot drinks

Coffee black "Arabica" ............... .100 / 10

Tea "Ahmat" ........................... 100/10

Wheat bread .... (100g)

Rye bread .......... (200g)

Metrotel ______________

Banquet at the table with full service of waiters

A feature of this banquet is the supply of all dishes, drinks and fruit waiters. The indispensable condition for servicing such banquets is the speed of feeding dishes, drinks and appliances change, as the time to serve guests at the table should not exceed 50 - 60 minutes. Maintenance involves a large number of highly qualified waiters. Practice shows that in full service banquets, it is most advisable to proceed from the norm of 3 waiters by 12 - 16 participants of the banquet. When serving banquets at the highest level (diplomatic techniques), a waiter serving drinks works in a pair with each waiter; The number of waiters can be increased at the rate of two waiters by 6-8 people. When servicing, it is necessary to follow the order of feeding dishes and snacks: cold fish snack or natural vegetables, meat snacks, poultry, game, hot snack, soup, hot dishes from fish, meat, poultry, game, vegetables, dessert, fruit, hot drinks ( Tea coffee).

For a banquet, special tables are convenient than 1.2 - 1.5 m wide. The total length is determined at the rate of 0.6 - 0.8 m per guest. The length of the tables should not exceed 10 m, so as not to make the work of the waiters.

The tables cover the flannel and lay the banquet tablecloth, so that the aligned middle passed along the axis of the table. The tablecloth should descend from the sides of 25 - 30, from the ends - by 30 - 40 cm. At the walls, in the corners of the hall there are utility tables at the rate of one table or a servant for 12-15 guests.

After covering the tables with tablecloths, they are served.

The setting begins with small dining plates serving a stand under a plate of snack bars, deep or under cups of broth. Having determined the center of the table, on one of its parties put the first - the central plate from which the 60 - 80 cm in the right and the left side is located at a distance of 60 to 80 cm. One of another certain number of plates in accordance with the placement plan. Then set the plates on the other side of the table - one against the other.

When laying a plate, the following rules comply:

· Borf plates should be at a distance from the edge of the table by 2-3 cm;

· On the table of the table intended for honorable guests, the plates set up with a large interval - up to 1 m;

· The sign of the company, the company shown on the plate should be before the guest.

The dining plates put snack bars, and at a distance of 10-15 cm, on the left, cakes.

Following the plates lay down the devices. The table knife is put on the right of the dining room, the blade to the plate, so that half of it covers the board the plates, then a fish, a tablespoon (if there is a soup in plates), a snack knife. If the first dish is fed in the broth cups, then in this case the dessert spoon is supplied with the soup and the tablespoon do not put. To the left of the tablespoon lay the dining room (it, like a table knife, should be covered with half a plate), a fish plug and a snack horns up. The ends of the handles of all devices are aligned parallel to the edge of the table for 1-2 cm from it.

Dessert devices are placed behind the dining plate - knives blade to the plate, knives and spoons - right, forks - with a handle to the left, they can be placed behind the crystal. An individual oil knife is put on the right edge of the piring dish blade left.

Having finished serving the table with devices, lay the glasses, glasses, glasses. They are put at the dining room small plate or right of it, for devices. First put wine glasses for a plate at a distance from it by 3-5 cm, closer to the plate the place of dessert devices. When shifting Fogere, it put it near the tip of the blade of a cutle knife. Behind the fuels to the right to one line or at some angle to the edge of the table put wine glasses for wine (Lafithite, Rhinevine), for vodka. In the second row they put a glass for champagne. Cognac and liqueur glasses put on the table before serving a brandy and a liqueur to coffee or tea.

Having finished serving a table with a crystal or glass, lay the linen napkins for individual use. They are coagulated in a certain form and put on the snacks. The table necessarily put strains and peppers through the device on the line of glassware.

The table is decorated with necromozda compositions from the living colors in low vases.

For each participant in the banquet, a card-menu can be provided in typography or on a computer. For diplomatic techniques, it is printed in two languages \u200b\u200b(Russian and foreign). It indicates the nature of the service (breakfast, lunch, dinner), a list of dishes and drinks. The card menu is constructed to each instrument behind the piring plate. In accordance with the plan to accommodate guests in front of the device of each guest (behind the dining room), small cards are laid with the names of the names, the initials of the banquet participants.

A few minutes before the guest invitations, a 6-8 mm thick bread lay down to the table. The bread is laying on a piring plate of two or three pieces with crusts to the edge of a plate.

At the end of serving a banquet table on the utility tables arranged dishes, devices, napkins for shift.

For 15-45 minutes before the start of the banquet, drinks are made in the hall (except for champagne, brandy, liqueur), placed on the utility tables, labels are facing the hall. Bottles must be clean, without traffic jams; They are covered with napkins.

In order for guests to have previously familiarized themselves with them in the room, intended for the collection of participants of the banquet, an accommodation plan for the banquet table is exhibited.

When organizing a banquet, an aperitif is usually provided. It is served in the hall intended for the collection of guests for 15-20 minutes. As an aperitif, cocktails, fasteners, semi-sweet, dry wines, juices, and in summer, in addition, water, beer can be served as an aperitif. When applying an aperitif, snacks can be offered: canapes, sandwiches, tartlets with different fillings, pies, etc. In the Avanzala, there are low vases with nuts, put cigarettes, matches, put ashtsi. The aperitif is served in glasses, in special glasses (juices, cocktails) filled with 2/3 of the volume and put on small trays with a napkin.

Upon completion of aperitif, guests go to the hall where the banquet begins.



Number of dishes, units

Name of dishes


In dishes

Salmon little salmon

Dish oval

Baskets with crabs

Round dish

Eggplant in Istanbulsky

Dish oval

Sultan Salad


Veal with yogurt

Dish oval


Soup bowl

Salad "Goldfish"


Asparagus soup

Soup bowl

Assorted "Eastern

Round dish

Dish oval

Sig in pitaist

Round dish

Salmon on fire

Dish oval

Baked potato

Round dish

Vegetables on vegetables on coals

Round dish

Metrotel _______________

Metrotel ______________


Metrotel _______________


Name of dishes and appliances

Quantity, pcs


Table plates


Plate piers

Dessert plates

Drop dining plate

Soup bowl

Dish Round (300mm)

Oval dish (300mm)


Vase "Plateau" for cake

Tea cups with saucers

Cups coffee with saucers

Coffee pot

Teapot custard

Teapot drawing


Devices for spices:




Water glasses

Fools for juice

Ryumki. :

Vodka (50 cm)

Cognac (25 cm)

Rannner (100 cm)

Lafithic (125cm)

Jugs with lids


Knives, table forks

Knives, forks snack bars

Knives, Fork Forks

Knives, forks dessert

Tea spoons

Coffee spoons

Knife, cutting plug

Salad layout spoons

Spoons are spreading

Pastry tongs small

Vacopa confectionery

Metrotel ______________


Personal Metrotel Plan.

Metrotel (Hall Administrator), being the organizer of all work in the hall, is guided in its activities by the official characteristics approved by the Director of the enterprise.

Metrdotell is responsible for organizing the service process, manages the work of waiters, buffetchiks, cleaners of commercial premises, washers of dishes, workers of servicing, breadstivers, silver, as well as musicians and orchestra artists, makes an alignment of waiters on workplaces, determines the plots of work units, makes output schedules To work, accounting for the working time of waiters, provides timely and proper preparation of the hall to open, the presence of a menu and price list. The waiters conducting the waiters before starting work, checks the content of the premises of the trading group (shopping hall, buffet, lobby, wardrobe), compliance with the employees of the hall of a single form of clothing, personal hygiene rules.

In addition, Metrdotell monitors the serving tables, as well as compliance with the rules of trade, the discipline of prices in the hall. It controls the timeliness and correctness of the compilation by the waiters of account registry, delivery of revenues to the cash desk and copies to the scope, is responsible for the correctness of billing of the waiters, for the operation of trading furniture. Conducts for the preservation of dishes and inventory.

Metrotel is constantly in the hall, meets guests, offers places at the tables, provides the presentation of the books of complaints and proposals for the first demands of visitors to the waiters, allows conflicts that arise between hall workers and visitors. It leads records with the appropriate registration of bookkee service orders for cash, ensures its proper organization, conducts systematic work to improve professional knowledge of waiters, as well as educational work among them. Metrotel participates in the design of the hall, service program and the menu preparation. He also takes part in the work of assessing the quality of labor (by the labor group), leads the magazine accounting for the quality of labor reduction.

Professional Metrotel Knowledge Very extensive: Rules and Technology Services; rules of etiquette; order of receiving the order and organization of servicing celebrations; Basics of cooking technology, requirements for their quality and design; service forms; rules of work on cash registers; Pricing at catering establishments.

Before the start of the banquet, the Metrotel collects waiters, explains the features of the banquet, the order of feeding snacks, dishes, beverages, service sequences, distributes the responsibilities between them, puts the waiters by sectors and explains in detail the service scheme. During the preparation of the banquet and in the process of serving guests, Metrotel manages the work of the waiters, controls the performance of the service scheme. He monitors the timely preparation of dishes to feed in the hall, gives permission to enter the waiters to the hall with another dish, as well as to exit the hall.

Meeting and placement of guests and service order

The front door opens a doorman or specially intended for this service personnel from among men. He is often (if there is no special wardrobe) takes up the top clothes and indicates the guests the road to the hall where lunch passes.

When meeting and accommodating guests, special attention should be paid to the honorary guest. He is offered to sit down, having put forward a chair and invites him with a gesture, after which they offer to sit down the rest. Waiters offer menus in the cover in the deployed form on the left left. Suggestions the menu, the waiter draws attention to the company dish.

It should be borne in mind that on business receptions one of the rules of secular etiquette - to serve first a woman, and then a man - does not work. As mentioned earlier, the main thing is a job status, so the service is starting with honored guests, and then serve everyone in turn. Kushany is served by a guest to the left, while liquids are tea, wine, coffee on the right.

Rules and techniques for feeding dishes.

When servicing, waiters should work quickly, clearly, without unnecessary movements, go into the hall for the order of the numbers of served sectors, keep portable items on the palm of the left hand covered with a napkin or handbrake, at the elbow level, moving around the hall synchronously. Going to the honorable guest from which the service begins, stops behind the face to the table. According to the symbol, the metallone is simultaneously offering dishes. Dishes, side dishes to them in multi-speaking dishes are served on the left side, holding on his left hand without touching the table with a dish.

The instrument handles are facing guests. The guest can itself with the help of these devices shifting a dish on a plate. Serving one guest, a waiter, raising the dish from the table and retreating the step, comes to the next guest. If you refuse any dish, the waiter should remove the device intended for this dish. The dishes in the individual dishes put the right hand in front of the guest. Drinks pour on the right right hand, holding a bottle with a label to the guest. When all the participants of the banquet are finished, there is a submitted dish, all waiters simultaneously remove plates and appliances and begin to feed the next dish.

Applying a dessert and hot drinks precedes thorough table cleaning

Responsibilities of the Waiter's Maintenance Waiters.

The waiter must have professional training, to be able to apply the rules and technical techniques in the practice of consumer services, make a menu for banquets, know:

· Rules of etiquette, table setting;

· Types and appointment of dining rooms, appliances, table linen;

· Priority for feeding dishes, beverages, requirements for their design and temperature, compliance of the range of wine-vodka products with submitted dishes;

· Technical and specificity of servicing foreign consumers (for workers in restaurants, luxury and higher book bars);

· Features of servicing techniques, banquets, etc. Special events;

· Characteristics of dishes and drinks, be able to offer them to the consumer;

· Within a conversational minimum foreign language and professional terminology;

· Rules for the operation of control and cash registers, the procedure for calculating consumers;

· Basics of technology and apply them when servicing consumers;

· Observe security rules when servicing.

Cleaning, transferring and delivery of dishes.

In the process of service, the waiter must quickly prepare the table to supply the next dish, collecting the used dishes and devices and replacing them clean.

When cleaning the plates with the remains of food, the waiter is suitable for the honorable guest, takes a plate with appliances into the right hand and shifts it into the left hand, while holding with great and index fingers. Next comes from the right side to the next guest and sets the plate on the fingers of the left hand: the middle, Unnamed and Mysiline. The devices from the first and second plates and the remains of food it adds on the bottom plate. When servicing a guest group, one waiter can make up to ten plates.

The waiter believes the used plates on the auto table and immediately brings clean plates. When servicing a group of guests, two waiters one of them collects used dishes and appliances, and the other puts clean on the table. To do this, a stack of plates in the required quantity are put on a restless table. A linen napkin is put on the top plate of the feet, folded fourly, on it knives and forks, as well as when serving tables.

The glass dishes put on a tray covered with napkins, and carry on the left hand.

The replacement of the tablecloth in the presence of the consumer is produced, not barring the table covers.


The most important component of the protocol of any country is to organize diplomatic techniques, their ceremonial and etiquette. In international life, diplomatic techniques are one of the generally accepted and common forms of activities of diplomatic missions, legislative and executive bodies, as well as other ministries and departments engaged in foreign policy and foreign economic activity. Protocol events play a very prominent role in international economic cooperation.

The organization and order of business techniques is based on the rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol. Receptions serve to establish and develop business and personal contacts, and not only with business partners, officials, but also with the authorities of the host country, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of various institutions, corporations and firms.

Official receptions with the invitation of members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the business world may be arranged by the head of state, the head of the government, the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign economic departments in accordance with the basic rules of the Protocol operating in each state.

Receptions are a widespread and international communication form of official and working meetings. They enable the establishment and consolidation of business connections, obtaining information, explaining the policies of their country and important aspects of economic cooperation. Along with this, diplomatic and business techniques, with their correct organization, allow in a relaxed setting to probed or discuss topics that, by virtue of certain circumstances, undesirable to affect the official level.

Types of diplomatic and business techniques are sufficiently diverse, the generally accepted rule of the norm of the protocol, based on the principles of international courtesy, is based on their preparation and conduct.

The choice of a type of one or another reception is also associated with the need to comply with a number of protocol formalities associated with its preparation and holding (invitation and response to it, form of clothing, the order of coming and care, meeting and wires, making a menu, table setting, toasting the need to perform Definct the requirements of etiquette, etc.).