Sample letter from an individual legal. Registration of the details "Address a letter from an individual to the organization

According to GOST R 7.0.82013 "System of standards for information, library and publishing. Discovered and archival business. Terms and definitions "The addressee is a details of a document containing information about the recipient of the document (clause 67).

Requisites "Address" is used in business letters and internal information and reference documents (reports and service notes, statements, etc.).

The requisite "addressee" includes:

  • name of the addressee (letter recipient);
  • mail address or phone number - fax, email address.

The recipient of the letter can be:

  • officer / several officials;
  • organization;
  • structural division of the organization;
  • group of organizations;
  • individual.

Address - official

According to GOST R 6.30-2003, the initials are written before the surname of any official. If the letter is sent head of State BodyThe name of the organization is included in the position, Full name Specified in the duty case, the initials are written before the surname:

If the letter is addressed head of a commercial organizationThe position includes the name of the Organization, indicating the organizational and legal form (in full or abbreviated form), the initials are written before the surname:

If the letter is addressed deputy Head.The name includes the name of the organization. Surname is indicated in the dutiful case:

If the document address is head of the Structural Unit, I first indicated the name of the organization in the nominative case, then in a duty case, the name of the position of the person with the indication of the structural unit, for example:

According to paragraph 5.15 of the new GOST:

  • when addressed to the letter, the initials officers are put after the last name;
  • before the surname, it is allowed to use the abbreviation "Mr." (Mr.), if the addressee is a man, or "Ms." (Mrs.), if the addressee is a woman:

Address - organization

If the letter is addressed to the organization, its name (full or abbreviated) is indicated in the nominative case:

When adding a letter to the organization, its full or abbreviated name is indicated, for example:

Addressing in the organization is applied in cases where the sender is not known who is the leader of the organization, his last name, initials.

Address - Structural Division

The document may be addressed to the structural division of the organization. As a rule, this method of addresses is possible if the consideration of the question is devoted to the competence of the structural unit.

When adding a document to the structural division of the organization in the destination "addressee", the name of the organization is indicated in the nominative case, below - the name of the structural unit in the nominative case, for example:

What changes GOST R 7.0.97-2016? Nothing.

Address - individual

Registration of the details "Address" when conducting correspondence with individuals has its own characteristics. First, the surname is specified in the duty case, then initials and then - the postal address:

What changes GOST R 7.0.97-2016? Nothing.

Address - several organizations
Or structural divisions

Business letter can have several addressees. GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes a method of generalized recipient design when sending letters into several homogeneous organizations or in several structural units of one organization. Here are two options for the design of the props.

Option 1: Indicate several addressees in the destination of the "addressee".This option is used when the letter is addressed to the organization or official (this is the main destination) and for information - in a number of other organizations or officials.

The addressing is issued as usual in the upper right corner as transferring the details of the addressee for each body / organization or structural unit of the Organization.

In this case, the total number of addressees should not be more than four.

All addressees are drawn up on the document itself, the word "copy" in front of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th addresses is not specified.

All printed instances of the letters in this case are signed as originals. Each instance is sealing into a separate envelope, on which the mailing address of a particular organization or structural sub-separation is drawn up.

Option 2: The addressee specifies generally, If you send a document to a group of organizations (managers of organizations) of one type or to structural units (branches, representative offices, etc.) of one organization:

If the number of addressees at the same time, more than four are additionally drawn up a list of writing (mailing list), which indicates specific recipients and their addresses. This is done in the details of the "addressee":

The approved form of the distribution sheet no letter. The form of the sheet can be consolidated in the instructions for the organization's office work. In fact, the mailing list is the details of the "addressee" proper sheet, which means its content must comply with this requisite. In the details of the "addressee" three information blocks: the name of the organization, position, initials and surname. In the mailing list to the letter, we reproduce the same information blocks, but we place them in the string, and not on the right side of the sheet. You can also position the data in the form of a table. The order of the location of the addressees may be arbitrary, but it is better to build alphabetically.

Information about the outgoing email number, date is made after its registration (Example 1).

All letters sent to the addressee group have one outgoing registration number, the incoming room for all letters will be different.

What changes GOST R 7.0.97-2016? Nothing.

Placing the details "Address" on the form

The requisite "addressee" is located in the upper right of the document (on a blank with the corner location of the details) or to the right under the details of the form (on a blank with the longitudinal location of the details). The location of the destination "Address" is shown in Appendix B GOST R 6.30-2003:

  • on a blank with an angular location of details - Example 2;
  • on the blanket with the longitudinal location of the details - Example 3.

What changes GOST R 7.0.97-2016? Nothing. The props "addressee" remains at the same place.

Technical questions

  • Does the intervals of the addressee details?

Requisites "Address", as a rule, takes several lines.

In paragraph 6.1 of Methodical recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 (approved by Rosarhim) it was said that the details of a document from several lines are printed through one line interval. Composite parts of the details "addressee", "Vulture of the document", "mark on the presence of an application", the "document haruing of the document" separate 1.5-2 by the interval intervals from each other.

A similar norm is contained in the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016 in Section 3, which establishes general requirements for the manufacture of documents: "Multi-line props are printed through one line interval, composite parts of the details are separated by an additional interval":

  • How to level the details "addressee"?

The multi-line destination "addressee" is issued with alignment on the left border of the zone occupied by the props, or core relatively long string, for example:

We continue to talk about claims. Here - about how to write a claim Buyer (client) addressed to the seller. This unpleasant need may arise from each of us. We will figure it out how to write a complaint competently and send it to the recipient so that our requirements are heard.

Recall the main rules of any complaint.

FirstlyThe addressee must violate something (contract, prescription, law, etc.). This is very important, especially with regard to complaints from individuals. Feel the difference: Claim about the fact that the waiter incorrectly drawn up, with the check app, and the claim due to the fact that the same waiter was impolite.

SecondlyThe claim must necessarily attach documents confirming the violation of your rights: checks, copies of contracts and warranty coupons, etc. The more evidence of the violation, the greater the chances for satisfying the requirements.

ThirdlyRequirements. They must be in the claim. It would seem that it would be obvious, however, there are often claims, in which either simply sets out a violation, or it is worth the phrase "I ask for measures." Measures that, in your opinion, must be taken, please set out in full.

How to describe your requirements? Most often, the buyer when writing a letter of claim is guided by the Law on Consumer Rights (Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Consumer Protection"), namely, his article 18, which is called "Consumer rights when drawn in the product of shortcomings". Buyer can:

"- to demand the replacement for the goods of the same brand (the same models and (or) article);

- to demand the replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with the appropriate recalculation of the purchase price;

- require a commensurate reduction in the purchase price;

- require immediate gratuitous elimination of the flaws of a product or reimbursement of consumer correction costs or a third party;

- Refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with disadvantages.

At the same time, the consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for damages caused to him due to the sale of goods inadequate quality. Losses are reimbursed within the time limits established by this Law to meet the relevant consumer requirements. "

Note - only one of the listed requirements may be specified in the claim.. You can not require simultaneously, say, the repair of the goods and the amount paid for it.

Now directly about how to write a claim. There is no unified form for it, which means it is written in a relatively free form. Letter-a claim can be scored on a computer, and you can write from hand, it is not applicable and there is no special rule for this.

In the upper right corner of the sheet is written destination: At first, his position, then the organization, at the end - initials and surnames in the duty. Here, after the word "from", in the parental case we write your data: Fully name, surname and middle name, address and contact phones. Remember that the nameless claims the addressee has the right not to take, as well as letters without the contact details of the sender.

General Director of Fabric Store

I.V. Romanova

from Svetlana Arkadyevna Mikhailova,

mail. Address 123456, Izhevsk, ul. Dubravskaya, d.24, square. 7,

tel. mob. 8-123-321-45-67

Then follows title: CLAIM. I recommend typing (write) this word with capital letters.

After that go to main Part And set out the facts: what happened when you can confirm the violation of your rights. It is necessary to refer to the norms that were violated by the Claimer's addressee. Please note that ordinary buyers are not obliged to know the exact article of the law and apply to legal advice. Therefore, it will be enough to refer to Consumer Rights Act or another regulatory act, which was broken, without clarification. If a treaty was broken, the instance of which is in your hands, items are indicated. Do not forget about what was mentioned above: Be sure to specify your claims in the claim.

For example:

September 25, 2011. In the Health Store, I acquired a cosmetic kit for the care of the beauty of "Beauty" worth 500.00 rubles (I attached a cash check No. 01/0034 of 09/25/2011). At home, opening a set, I found that all the cosmetics included in it are overdue: their shelf life ended on September 01, 2011. On September 26, the senior seller of the Health Store Elena Sokolova refused to return me money for poor-quality goods without explaining the reasons. These actions are a violation of the Consumer Rights Act. I demand to return to me in the amount of 500 rubles paid for this set, otherwise I will be forced to contact the Department of Consumer Rights.

On August 16, I ordered in the "Best Furniture" store, located at Ulyanovsk, Pioneers Avenue, 4, sofa bed. Shop manager Evgeny Persov has concluded a sales contract No. 456 with me. I made a prepayment of 100% in the amount of 20500.00 rubles (check of 08/16/2011 No. 5). According to clause 3.3. The contract furniture was supposed to deliver to me on August 20. However, this has not yet happened, which is a violation of the contract. In accordance with Article 23.1. The Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" I demand transfer to me a previously paid product no later than September 12th. Otherwise, I will be forced to apply to the court.

A mandatory part of the letter of claim is. We scrupulously list here all copies of the documents attached to the letter. Note - apply copies! Who knows if your conflict does not reach the court, and there will be the originals.


1. A copy of the cash receipt No. 34-3453 of 09/15/2011 per 1 liter. in 1 copy

2. A copy of the contract of supply No. 1234-P of 09/15/2011 by 5 liters. in 1 copy

3. Photos of damaged goods by 8 liters. in 1 copy

After applications, slightly retreating down, put numberstill a line below - its signature and her decipher:

Viktorova / MD Viktorova

A ready-made claim should be conveyed to the addressee and get confirmation that it is accepted. If you can get to the office personally, do it. Give a letter to the secretary or in the office and make sure that the reception date is also supplied. If the addressee is far from or you doubt that your claim will be accepted, use the services: send a registered letter to the attachment and notification.

Within 30 days from the date of reception, the claim writing you must answer.

Emergency questions appeared to the organization that should be fixed? In this case, irreplaceable is writing a written circulation. However, not everything is as simple as it seems. Regular business letters - whole science. And everyone will not hurt to learn or remember the basic skills of its compilation.

To begin with, we will define how it is convenient for you to write a letter or request to the organization. Most often use online messages using Internet resources. If you write a letter in this way, you can't do without:
  • Computer (laptop);
  • Text editor;
  • Email.

If you are using a manual way of writing, you also need a printer for printing.

The first step of writing a letter is "hat." At the top of the page must be attended:
  1. The name of the organization where you appeal;
  2. FIO of the director of the organization or responsible person;
  3. Address of the institution;
  4. Date of the application;
  5. City of circulation.

The coordinates of the enterprise can also be attributed to the desired points of "caps" - fax, telephone, email address, OKPO, OGRN, INN / KPI. Depends on the topic of circulation and the organization itself.

Then you need to introduce yourself. Employees of the institution must understand from whom the letter and have feedback with you. Therefore, it is important to specify not just a name, but also an email address, a mobile phone, home address (for correspondence by mail). If you present the interests of any company, you need to use a corporate form with its coordinates. When sending an email email, be sure to use the "theme" block so that the staff can streamline their documentation.

Prepare the body of the document itself - the title and the meaningful part. Here, an important point is, for what purpose you are applying to the organization. Eliminate such types of appeals:
  • Advertising letters;
  • Letters of recommendation;
  • Information letters;
  • Accompanying letters;
  • Thanksgiving letters;
  • Congratulatory letters;
  • Instructive letters;
  • Requests requests;
  • Request letters;
  • Replies' letters;
  • Notific letters;
  • Invitation letters.

Depending on what type of appeal you use, specify the correctly substantive part. For example, if you make a positive feedback in the organization, it is necessary to describe in detail the reason for your appeal, which you liked it and so on.

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An important element of writing a letter to the organization is "not pouring water" and write essentially. Say your thoughts in such a way that your letter is interested in company employees. For this, according to the rules of business etiquette, use special "intrigative words". However, it is not worth over with this, because we are talking about a document, not a personal correspondence. Describe the situation is concisely, but that it is read. If the conversation is about compliance with legislation - be sure to make references to the laws of the Russian Federation. When describing a conflict situation, a proposal of a number of measures for the escalation of the incident is welcomed.

When contacting the state institution, follow the law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for consideration of citizens' appeals". Here are the rights and obligations of individuals in their appeals and terms of consideration. The law also registered the procedure for collective appeals to government agencies or local governments. The final stage of any business letter is the date and signature. At first glance, an insignificant, but very important item. Signature It is advisable to put from hand on the printed document. If you submit the interests of the company, use its coat of arms or print facsimile.

Competent letter drawing into the right organization is the key to the success of your appeal. Study carefully all the items described above and feel free to start work. Do not forget that the letter should not contain spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

An integral part of business document management of the company is to prepare and obtain official letters.

Several types of data of documents issued in accordance with certain requirements, which will be discussed in this article.

One of the ways to exchange information is considered an official letter. These documents constitute a substantial part of the incoming and outgoing documentation of any company or organization.

Allocate 3 types of letters:

  • personal;
  • semi-official (usually about request for receiving any information);
  • business (in other words, official).

The last type is the most common and diverse. The text of the official letter must be compiled in accordance with the requirements of business etiquette.

In such documents, greetings on a solemn case, congratulations, wishes, are transmitted to any information regarding business, etc. For example, thankful letters contribute to strengthening partnerships between enterprises or their employees.

Allocate several types of official letters:

  • advertising;
  • accompanying;
  • information;
  • warranty;
  • instructive;
  • complaints;
  • commercial;
  • letters alerts;
  • confirmation letters;
  • letters with a request, response, request or reminder of some event.

The document should be decorated on a sheet of paper A4 format or a special brand name of the company. In the first case, the details of the organization sent to the instructions.

The use of A5 paper is allowed, however, the official form of the enterprise is used to enjoy large confidence of customers and counterparties.

  • "Cap" (enterprise details);
  • writing date;
  • the purpose of the appeal (the main essence of the letter);
  • conclusion (summary summary, demand, waiting for a response to the question, etc.);
  • information about the sender and feedback method;
  • applications.

For business correspondence, it is important to comply with certain rules and style of communication, which will be discussed below.


If the appeal is drawn up on the company's branded form, re-details indicate no need. The sender is entitled to add the site of the organization, name and phone number of an official who prepared the text of the document.

Details that are usually indicated in letters:

  • company name;
  • oKPO code and / or oxud;
  • the logo of the organization (if the enterprise state or municipal, is indicated by the state coat of arms);
  • postal, electronic and legal address;
  • phone numbers and fax;
  • bank details;
  • address information;
  • signature of the sender.

If the letter is a response to the appeal of a citizen or organization, in his "hat" reference to a document in which the question was asked and the date of its preparation. In addition, after details in the center you need to write a letter name (for example, "solution", "notification", etc.).

The document is considered valid if it specifies the actual date of its design and subsequent sending to the addressee.

Goal of request

In this part of the text, you must specify the motives for contacting the company. If an event was the reason for any event (for example, the rendered court order or the acquisition of poor-quality goods), a reference to this factor and the substantiation of its position with the help of evidence is obligatory.

If necessary, the sender comes to the main letter, documentary evidence of its position.


In this part, the person who addressed the organization with the help of a business letter lists the conclusions made by him on the basis of the above observations, puts forward the requirements or suggestions, asks the question, etc.

In practice, official letters may include only the final part.

Information about sending

Typically, personal data on the sender is indicated in the "Cap" document. At the end of the business letter should be the applicant's signature. Usually, this duty falls on the shoulders of the head of the enterprise, and in its absence - an authorized official (for example, a deputy).

If the appeal is sent on the initiative of a citizen or IP, the document is put by personal signature of the individual and its full name.


Not a mandatory letter addition, but if necessary, joins the document on separate sheets.

The contents of the document are described by a simple and understandable language, without using coarse or non-cultural expressions. It is recommended to make text with a volume that does not exceed one page or sheet (when filling on both sides).

The main features of such letters:

  • informativeness;
  • brevity.

Warranty letter to the legal address

The obligatory condition for registration in the tax authority of the newly created legal entity is the presence of its legal address, which will be submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The legal address of the organization's location firstly determines its territorial binding to a specific tax authority, which will give reporting, and secondly, the entire official correspondence will come to this address.

Usually the newly created legal entity does not have its own premises, which can be registered as a legal address. Currently, there is a practice of providing the owners of the premises of the newly created legal entities to legal entities for the passage of its registration in the tax authority.

Also, the existing organizations also enjoy this service, which for one reason or another want to change their legal address.

To successfully pass the registration of the newly created legal entity or the replacement of the legal address to the tax authority, a guarantee letter from the owner of the premises should be provided.

Letter of guarantee. First, it is drawn up on the form of the organization - the owner of the premises, in which all its details should be reflected: the address of the location, OGRN, INN, telephones for communication, as well as the name of the authority in which this letter is provided.

The warranty letter must contain an obligation of the owner of the premises to provide the newly created legal entity for a specific legal address for its registration at the specified address with the indication of the proprietary full name of the registered organization.

To sign the warranty letter must be the head of the enterprise that has the right to dispose of property.

A copy of the title document is attached to the warranty writing (property certificate), as well as a copy of a mass plan.

If the legal address provides an individual - the owner of the apartment, then the warranty writing is also drawn up as a legal entity with a mandatory application of a copy of the evidence of the living area.

Such a warranty letter can provide only the owner of the apartment.

Additionally view

Sample warranty letter

from the owner of the room - legal entity

Sample warranty letter

from the owner of the room - an individual

How to answer an official letter of a legal entity to a physical person?

Texas dissident enlightened (35698) 2 years ago

You just start with the words: "In response to your letter (statement, request) from (date) for no. I inform the following." From the next line from the Red Row, we set out the essence of the case.

Sasha Balabuz Artificial Intelligence (132266) 2 years ago

The form of such

In the upper left corner (retreat 10 cm. From the top cutting sheet).

Recipient position

The name of the organization where the recipient works

The last name of the recipient, its initials (in the parental case). Before the surname write "Mr. (Ms.)"

Skip one line

Address of the recipient

In the upper right corner on the same line, on the point, the recipient's post is sending your letter.

We skid 3 lines and write from the left side by the recipient details:

Your last name, initials in the nominative case

Below, skipping the line, your home address.

Miss 2 lines and write: "On your number 1811-bl dated 09.28.12" (clear case, that without quotes).

Miss another line and write the text of the answer to the letter. At the same time, try to avoid the pronoun "your", "your", "yours", and write the name of the organization, from the movie sent you a letter. And they write it from the 3rd face.

We miss 2 lines and sign, and next to the right to write your initials first and behind them your last name.

If you need to attach some documents, then you skip 3 lines and sign up. Writing: "Appendix." Application application. If it is a copy, then you write "a copy of such a document. Ex.". If there are several copies, then numerate each and write about each single line as the other.

Envelope: In the lower right corner, repeat the "cap" of the recipient in the same sequence as in the letter. Your address on the reverse side of the envelope.

The letter is sent only to custom, with a notice of presentation and under a separate receipt.

And also: do not forget to make a copy of your letter.

Legal aspects

Warranty letter to the legal address Sample from the owner for registration of LLC. The form. Content. Legal and practical importance when registering a legal address.

Warranty letter to the legal address from the owner for registration of LLC is actually the first and only legal (except for the certificate of ownership), a legal document in which the future tenant (buyer of the legal address) and the landlord (in our case, this is the seller of the legal address), Legally make up their agreement that in the case of the onset of certain legally significant events (registration of a legal entity), the parties enter into a valid lease agreement. The shape and sample of the warranty writing may be different. Usually, government agencies carrying out legal entities are not too pressing for the form of this document, however, a little lower I will give a completely legally verified and competently compiled sample letter from the owner of the non-residential premises, which should be provided in 46 MIFES to register a legal address.

In terms of law

For the sake of justice, I will immediately note that even one only such a requirement to provide a guarantee letter in 46 MYFS to verify the legality of the provision of the legal address, in itself is a direct violation of the law by staff of 46 MYFS (registering authority in the city of Moscow). This document is not included in the closed list of the necessary and mandatory documents submitted to the tax inspection, and even more so on the presence or absence of a warranty letter cannot be put on the dependence itself the fact of registration of a legal entity!

In principle, who wanted to submit to the court to the court and with 100% probability will benefit, but is it worth half of the life of walking on legal and judicial offices of pleasure from this little victory over the system? Everyone chooses himself, but I as a lawyer with many years of experience, used to give advice that makes the life of my principals as much as possible. So my advice to you - just trust the professionals from registration, and let's do this small capricious tax authorice with you. I promise you that we will do it correctly, and the registration of your legal entity will take place as quickly as possible and comfortable first of all for you.)

Let me now conventionally agree that on the basis of the realities of the practice of law enforcement, submitting a warranty writing to verify the legal address and further fragile registration of a legal entity is obligatory & Hellip)

Read more about the warranty letter

In general, the legal nature of the warranty writing is initially much more wide and everywhere applies to business trafficking, but now I will not go into legal debursions, and we will talk about the guarantee letter exclusively in the context of the question of interest to us - confirmation of the legal address by the owner. Those. This is when the owner of non-residential premises (office) simultaneously guarantees the future tenant that he concludes a contract with him, and in the realities of our business to the fore, in general, the meaning of the warranty letter is in general as written confirmation from the owner for the registering authority (46 MYFNS) of its consent The fact that the newly created legal entity specifically indicated the address of its premises as its address of the location (legal address).

Importance, and the actual commitment to put a guarantee letter from the owner at the time of the registration of the registration case into the tax inspectorate especially acutely stood in recent years. It is no secret that the tax inspectorate since the time of the USSR continues to try to force the entrepreneur to register at any particular legal address, and with the perseverance of better use, approximately once in one - two years recalls this and puts forward increasingly absurd requirements and ways to combat companies which she (tax inspectorate) considers one-day. So the last couple of years, remembering this mythical struggle, the MIFNS decided that such a document as a guarantee letter from the owner, provided before the decision to decide on the registration of a legal entity should become a panacea.

Of course, no warranty letter for the purposes of this holy struggle does not have and never had the slightest practical benefit. Anyway. We are not lazy people. You need another useless paper - well. We will not be much understood to prepare it and sign the owner of the legal address.)

We emphasize once again that no warranty letters, as well as a number of other documents, except those that are specified in the Federal Law of N 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs." Chapter IV, Article 12, the tax authorities do not have the right to law. Including any documents and verification of the so-called. Legal address!

Now we define the form. What is a warranty letter and what exactly does it guarantee? In a broad sense, a warranty letter is a business letter containing confirmation (guarantee) of performing any actions or compliance with certain conditions (for example, the timing and fact of payment for the products obtained, the work performed or the services provided). In other words, the warranty letter is a way to ensure the execution by the parties to the transaction of certain obligations.

If we consider this concept in the context of registration of legal entities, then the warranty letter is a document provided by the owner of the leased premises and guaranteeing the placement of the organization at the address after its registration.

Warranty letter Each owner of legal addresses is usually independently independently, but I personally recommend to adhere to my form of a warranty letter to the tax.

The warranty writing may be assigned to print and be sure to signitate the owner. Many owners try to make their documents unique and noticeably different from the warranty letters of colleagues in order to thus minimize the possibility of fake documents to their legal address.

  • what organization it is provided (in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of FTS No. 46 in Moscow)
  • who exactly provides this warranty letter (LLC "Owner" in the person of the General Director Ivanova I.I.) or, if the owner of the legal address is an individual (from the owner (or manager) of non-residential premises Ivanova I.I.)
  • place and date of its signing
  • the name of the company in respect of which this letter is provided
  • text of the letter
  • I, Yavlinsky Gregory Alekseevich, being a manager (owner) by the premises on the basis of a power of attorney from the age of thirty-first, two thousand of the twelfth year (registered in the register of the city of Moscow Petrova Petr Petrovich for № 7-312) issued by the owners of non-residential premises (certificate for ownership of Part of the building 23-ZhZ № 123456 dated January 1, 2012), Sobchak Ksenia Anatolyevna and Novodvorskaya Valeria Ilinishny. hereby inform you as follows:

    Forms of official letters from individuals

    Cancel service

    The letter is provided to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator. Extension of domain registration in the removal process

    The letter is provided to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator. Transfer of rights to domain administration to another person

    The letter is sent by the domain administrator in LLC "Realcom. DS". Transfer of rights to domains (confirmation of intent to accept domains)

    The letter is sent to LLC "Relock. DS" by the person who is transferred to the rights to administer domains. Change recorder. Transfer of a domain for servicing from LLC "Relock. DS" to another registrar

    The letter is sent to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator. Change recorder. Transfer of a domain for servicing in LLC "Relock. DS" from another registrar

    The letter is sent by the domain administrator in LLC "Realcom. DS". Amendments to the identification data of an individual

    The letter is sent to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator. Change Password Access to the domain registration system

    The letter is sent to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator. Consent to the processing of personal data

    The letter is sent to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator. Consent to the use of personal data in search engines

    The letter is sent to LLC "Relock. DS" by the domain administrator.


    If the letter from an individual is sent to the office of LLC "Relkom. Business Network" by mail or with a courier, then the signature on the letter must be certified by the official person of any organization (for example, DEZ, the personnel department at the place of work), and The letter should be attached to a copy of the general public passport (p. 2-3, 4-5)

    In case the letter is delivered to the office of LLC "Relkom. Business Network" by an individual personally, then the letter is adopted upon presentation of the general passport.

    In this case, the letter must be signed by an individual.

    If the letter is delivered to the office of LLC "Relcom. Business Network" by a representative of an individual, then a notarially decorated power of attorney for the right of a representative (trustee) must be made to the authority to make all the necessary actions related to domain administration.

    In this case, the letter must be signed by a trustee.