An example of a letter from an individual legal entity. Power of attorney for post office in Russian Post. Types of business letters

Currently, in order to register a new organization, it is necessary to specify its legal address, which will subsequently be listed in the unified state register of economic entities.

Reference. Based on the submitted legal address, the newly created organization is assigned to a specific tax inspectorate. In addition, all official correspondence will also come to this address.

In this way, the tax authority needs to submit a warranty letter to the provision of legal addresswhose purpose comes down to the following:

So, you can highlight two situations when it is necessary to provide such a document:

  1. In case of creating a new organization.
  2. When changing the legal address of an existing business entity.

Despite the fact that legislation in the field of state registration does not contain clear indications of the need to provide such paper, the less its absence may entail a refusal to register a new business entity.

For details on what a warranty letter is about providing a legal address, we told in, and how to make such a letter from the landlord, read.

Features of the document

There are no significant differences in the content of the warranty letter compiled by a physical and legal entity. but some features inherent in a document prepared by a private person can be distinguished:

  • the document is drawn up on conventional paper A4 (legal entity usually uses a corporate form);
  • in details, only the name of the landlord is indicated;
  • at the end of the document there is no print.

What is included in the maintenance?

On a note. The content of the document on the provision of a legal address, compiled by an individual, is usually arbitrary.

At the same time, the following items must be reflected in it:

  • "Cap" document;
  • paper name;
  • the main content (in more detail this item will be scheduled below);
  • attachment;
  • the signature of the landlord, as well as its contact number.

How to issue every item?

Below is a detailed instruction on the procedure for writing paper on the provision of legal address:

Important! The date of compilation can not be set, since the current legislation does not limit the term of paper on the provision of a legal address.

In addition, it should be noted that when drawing up such a document, you must follow the following rules:

  1. the text must be set fastened and without errors;
  2. when writing, it is necessary to use exclusively business style letter;
  3. at the end of the letter, the signature of the owner of the premises should be established, as well as the attitude of the property to property.

Who goes and how?

This paper is prepared by the Lessor at the request of the tenant. Then it must be sent to the address of the IFTS.

At the same time, the owner of the premises must be informed that it should be constantly in touch at the specified number.

There are several ways to send documents to the tax authorities:

  1. by personal visiting;
  2. by transferring documents through an official representative with a power of attorney certified by a notary;
  3. by registered mail;
  4. through express delivery services;
  5. through the service "Applying Electronic Documents for State Registration".

Summing up, it can be noted that the individual is entitled to the owner of the building (premises).

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Now many receive parcels, parcels and letters (departure) in Russian Post Offices (the official name of the FSUE "Post of Russia"). According to the postal regulations, correspondence is entitled to pick up only that person on whose name it is addressed (addresis) or his representative. The right to get any registered departure (that is, with the track number) you can instruct another person if you give him a power of attorney to receive in Russian Post.

Let's first figure it out why another person cannot get correspondence without written confirmation of authority. The issuance of a foreign person is a gross violation of postal rules, and a communications worker who made such a violation may be seriously punished and fined. The transfer of letters to a strangers will lead to the disclosure of the secret of correspondence, and the extradition of the parcel will lead to property damage. Therefore, in the branches of communication, the requirements for issuing "not addressees" are applied solely after checking the authority. The rule about the need to verify the document with powers, including spouses and close relatives living together with the recipient.

Rules for issuing departures

Mail delivers different departures and for each of them there are certain requirements for attorney:

  • Simple departures (Letters, simple parcels, postcards) do not have track numbers and delivered to the recipient's mailbox. For such shipments, the document with the authority is not required.
  • Registered departures (Custom letters, registered parcels) have a unique track number. They are personally received by the addressee or his authorized person. You can get ordered correspondence by proxy, certified by an employee of mail or certified at work, study or treatment, or certified by a notary.
  • Securities (Valuable letters, valuable parcels and possesses with declared value) also have a track number. They are awarded personally to the recipient or his representative. Current correspondence can be collected by proxy certified in the communication separation or certified by the notary.
  • Money transfers, benefits, subsidies, pensions, monthly payments and compensation For the addressee is entitled to receive only a representative by proxy, decorated from a notary.

For the convenience of perception, information on the possibility of obtaining various types of departures for various forms of attorney is reduced to the table:

Rules for registration and certification of powers

Let's look at how to make a power of attorney for mailing:

- notarized power of attorney. May contain the highest possible powers to receive any letters, parcels and money. For registration, the principal needs to be referred to a notary with his passport and passport data of a trustee. The notary will independently prepare a draft document on the basis of data received from the principal. For registration services, notary will take a fee.

- power of attorney certified in the post office. Allows you to get any departure other than money. This document can be drawn up independently in a simple form () based on the filling sample. After filling in the form you will need to go with it to the mail and ask for an employee to assure it. With me, you need to have a passport. The possibility of assuming power of attorney directly in the post office is provided for by the working instruction, which is an internal document of Russian Post. This service is provided free of charge. In this order, you can make a power of attorney to receive a parcel from China from the Aliexpress website (

Filling sample:

When applying a citizen with a request to assure power of attorney, an employee of the post office must act in the following order. Before the start of provision of services, the head (or deputy) of the post office checks the principal passport. After that, the following actions are performed: checks the correctness of filling out the form of the document, makes the inscription "in the personality of the personality" at a power of attorney, fits his position, surname, name and patronymic, signs and puts off the calendar stamp of the postal office. When dealing with such a power of attorney to the department in which it was issued, a trustee can receive everything without exception to postage (except pensions and money transfers).

Power of attorney to receive mail, certified by the organization in which the principal works, learns or is on treatment. For such a document, the employee may contact his employer, the student can appeal to the administration of the educational institution, and the patient who is in stationary treatment has the right to appeal to the Administration of the Medical Institution (Hospital). Power of attorney is drawn up in simple form (), after which it is transmitted to the head of the organization, to assign the signature. Given that to get to the head of the Organization, it may not be easy to get to the head, it is advisable to first appeal with the prepared project to a lawyer of the organization with a request to assure it in the manner provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 185.1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A lawyer will tell how to sign the document from the head of the organization and will help to comply with the internal rules of the organization. Certification service should be provided for free.

Sample design:

A power of attorney to receive a parcel to mail or letters can be issued for any time. If assurance is required, then you need to be prepared that the principal will have to sign the document in the presence of an official (head of the employer, educational or medical institution, notary, employee of the post office).

Directly in the separation, the representative will need to present his passport and the power of attorney to receive the parcel or other type of departure. Legislation does not oblige to leave the original or a copy of the power of attorney in organizing communication, but employees often make such a requirement. Therefore, in order to save your time and nerves, it is better to have a copy with you.

Power of attorney to receive mail from a legal entity

Power of attorney from an organization can be drawn up in normal form and does not require assurance. Such a document is signed by the head of the recipient organization and can be issued to any adult citizen, even if he is not an employee of the company. Powers can be provided to one or more representatives. By this document, you can receive any correspondence and sending to the recipient's organization. On the signed form it is recommended to put the organization of the organization. The rules of registration are described in detail.

GOST 7.0.8-2013 "System of standards according to information, library and publishing. Discovered and archival business. Terms and definitions "secured the main values \u200b\u200bof the concepts that we will further use:

  • destination - props containing information about the recipient of the document;
  • requisite document - Document design element.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to the new term attributewhich is actively used when working with electronic scientific and technical documentation and is considered as mandatory component of the requisite Document. The rules for designing the destination "The addressee", established by GOST R 6.30-2003, provide for various options for its design - they are different in different ways or the main attributes of the addressee details are issued.

And finally, the term destination need to distinguish from the outdated concept addresswhich is nevertheless referred to in the annex to the rules of office work in the federal executive bodies (appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477) in the meaning author. sender document (and above all letters).

Since the correspondence is usually more than 80% in the amount of document management of organizations, the rules for designing the destination "addressee" will consider on the example of official service letters that are compiled in paper form and are sent to the recipient mainly by mail.

In the process of conducting correspondence, managers, employees and office management service should take into account the following factors:

  • technologicalwhich means that the Organization will send its letter through the postal office or resorting to the services of companies that are engaged in the delivery of correspondence. These companies and Russian posts in the delivery process act as independent third parties. Making a letter, it must be taken into account how it will be sent, packaged that the order and sequence of registration of the postal address attributes are established by the rules for the provision of postal service services, which are approved by the RF government decrees and periodically updated;
  • managementbecause The letter can lock:
    • a specific management solution, a proposal, a report or a claim - it can be addressed to a higher organization or equifiable partner, the client;
    • required instructions or regulatory legal act, which is sent to the subordinate organizations for execution or for information.
      That is, the goal of the creation and content of the document, the place of organization-author in the management system and the relationship with the recipient of the letter affect the execution of the details "Address". In addition, the letter should be sent to the point (organization, official, specialist, structural unit), where there are authority to resolve the issue set forth in the document, finally and essentially. If you have a few questions / suggestions for this organization, not linked to each other and the solution of which is within the competence of different persons, it is better to write a separate letter to each "final recipient". And if you do not know who "will" write "the work on your questions, you can present them in a letter addressed to the Director-General or address it in general to the organization;
  • factor etiquette - The need to comply with adopted politeness rules, taking into account the specific situation of business communication, the status and position of the recipient (legal or natural person, the superior or subordinate organization, the letter is sent for the first time or constant correspondence, etc.).

Letter blank organization

To perform correspondence, almost every organization develops and approves its letter blank. The composition of its details and examples of decoration can be found:

  • gOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "(Figures B.2 - B.4) and
  • Guidelines for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, appliance. Order of Rosarhiva dated December 23, 2009 No. 76 (p. 3.3.1 with applications).
    The organizations pay great attention to the development of the letter of the letter and even include it in the book of "branded" style, which is completely fair, because He is a "face" of a legal entity, forms the image of the author's letter and the impression of him. But it's not just as paper and paint colors used for the manufacture of a form. The form indicates the full and abbreviated name of the organization, organizational and legal form and subordination. The most important thing is to trace the correct design of information about the author, which are indicated on it, listing all the ways of communication with the author. To the external environment, this transmits signs of sustainability, readiness to contacts, openness and "goodwill" of the organization.

The location of the details in the form can be:

  • longitudinal (as in Example 1) or
  • angle:
    • centered (as in Example 2) or
    • flagov (Attributes are located in the same side zone, but the text of each row begins on the border of the left field).

Longitudinal and angular blanks have a different location of the details "addressee", it is indicated by the orange fill (compare examples 1 and 2).

Attributes of the Requisite "Address"

And the answer to the question "Where?", I.e. the postponement of the "Postal address" attribute, GOST considers Optional. If it fits, its elements are written in the sequence provided by the rules for the provision of postal services (this is established by the methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies, Appendix No. 11). Specifying the postal address on the letter itself becomes convenient when using an envelope with a window in which all data will be visible (to whom and where to deliver the letter will be visible), then this information does not have to duplicate on the envelope manually or by sticker the "labels". With large volumes of correspondence, this approach saves time and money.

If the letter is addressed state body, local government body, higher authority, higher organization, the attribute "Postal address" is still not issued (it is only indicated on the envelope). See Examples 3 and 4.

If the letter is sent to the first head of this "higher organization"The name of the organization is included in the position, see examples 5 and 6. and the position, and F. I. O. are written in a dutiful case.

Example 1.


Example 2.


Example 3.


Example 4.


Example 5.


Example 6.


If the letter it is addressed by a third-party equifestyle or lower organization, The details of the "addressee" of letters can be included with the postal address, which is better separated from the name of the organization 1.5-2 by interval intervals and start with a small letter as prescribed GOST R 6.30-2003 (for example, "ul." or "pr. "):

Example 7.


If the letter is addressed head Organizations, then the position includes the full name of the Organization, indicating the organizational and legal form:

Example 8.


If the letter is addressed to the head of the organization, with which communication is not carried out for the first time, the mailing address is better not to indicate.

If the letter is addressed deputy Head or other official (and not the first leader)The options are allowed (with the addition of postal address or without), and attention should be paid to cases, line intervals. Addressing the official is always made in a dutiful case; If the name of the organization is separated from his position, it is written in the nominative case:

Example 9.


Example 10.


If the letter is addressed structural division of the organization, in the details of the "addressee", first indicate the name of the organization (prescribed reductions are allowed), and only later this structural unit in the nominative case.

The range of interval in Examples 7, 10 and 11 to separate the attributes of the destination requisite is desirable to do to speed up the perception and dissection of information by the recipient, but this is not a rigid requirement.

Example 11.


Example 12.


If the letter is addressed to the head of the structural unit, then the name "Address" includes the name of the organization (in the nominative case), and the name of the unit is included in the full name of the position in the duties:

Example 13.


GOST R 6.30-2003 sets the method of generalized registration of addressees when sending letters in several homogeneous organizations or in several structural units One organization. This method provides:

  • on the letter, the registration of the generalized name of the addressees;
  • additional compilation of a separate list to the email newsletter, which includes their specific names and postal addresses.

Example 14.


Example 15.


See the article "Creating Envelopes in MS Word" to learn how to configure your sender's address, quickly form a variety of envelopes on a given template and mailing list, decorate their background either in the picture (ideas are proposed for envelope design by February 23 and March 8

List of newsletter or mailing list Formed by the executor of a letter based on the classifier of organizations and their addresses, which is usually accumulated in the office work service as a result of performing documents registration operations (in SED or in Word, Excel tables). At each envelope, in which each instance of the letter is selected, the specific name and address of the organization in accordance with the list on the newsletter are specified. Based on this list, printing information on envelopes can be configured automatically even through Word.

It is necessary to pay attention to that this method is usually applied by a higher organization when sending letters to its subordinate authorities.

but if recipients of one letter not more than 4All addressees are drawn up on the document itself, then you can do without a mailing list (the word "copy" at the same time before the 2nd, 3rd and 4th addressee does not fit). This limitation by the number of recipients in one letter establishes GOST R 6.30-2003 and common sense. The addressing is issued in this case in the upper right corner as the transfer of the details "Address" for each body / organization, but all instances of such a letter are signed as originals, and each instance is sealing into a separate envelope, which makes up the corresponding specific mailing address.

This addressing method is convenient to apply when it is necessary to notify the facts of violations, about significant events are primarily superior, controlling and regulatory authorities. So all recipients will see who else has been sent this letter.

Example 16.


If the letter of the same content (letter-proposal, for example) needs to be sent by several "independent" organizations, then every letter is better to issue in the status of the original, i.e. Each can specify an individual addressee. In this case, the registration numbers from these letters will be different.

Registration of the details "Address" when conducting correspondence with individuals It has its own features. The first attribute is the last name in the duties, then go initials and then - the postal address:

Example 17.


When adding a letter to the official person with an indication of his position, the initials are issued before surname (see examples 9, 10, 13), since the main identification of the recipient is carried out by the name of the position. When adding a letter to a private person, his initials are indicated behind Surnames (example 17), since our identification as citizens is carried out primarily by the name. When making the surname and initials, they are separated by a space, the initials between themselves are not divided, i.e. "I.I. Ivanovo, "but not" I. I. Ivanov. "

How to reduce the double names in the business correspondence in the business correspondence, written through Défisc, for example, Hog-Ahmed Sultanovich, Khalimat Abrek-rovurn? See the answer to the question "How is it right in business correspondence to reduce the double names and the doubles of the addressee written through a hyphen? "

In order not to make a mistake when addressed, on the sites of organizations it is necessary to find out the exact postal addresses, F. I. O. and the names of managers, other information that will help to fully establish communication at the first stage of the perception of the document. Such information can be tried to get at the secretary, to learn from the documents received from this organization.

Special attention is paid to the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the names of organizations and posts. The norms of the Russian language assume writing positions with a lowercase (small) letter, but a particular high position can also be written from the capital letter, if it is provided for by the constituent documents and local regulatory acts of the recipient's organization. Pay attention to these subtleties.

Factor etiquette

Appeal - Conditional etiquette phrase, speech formula, which expresses respect and friendly, polite attitude towards the addressee. It is recommended to finish exclamation familiar, emphasizing the significance and issue, and appeal to this person.

Treat most often by name-patronymic (Example 18), much less - by position (Example 20). The second option is strictly business and is used when contacting a person engaged in a high official position in state and municipal bodies, a large organization. Even less often turn by last name without initial (Example 19) - this emphasizes the "distance", the officialness of the relations of the author and the addressee is rather characteristic of a correspondence with a private person.

Example 18.

Appeal by name-patronymic

Collapse 20.

Another way to a particularly respectful attitude towards the addressee is manifested in the "Ethiolete Frame": "Deeplywater ....""With deep respect,"It is used when contacting the higher person (chairman of the Board of Directors, the head of the superior authority or management, etc.), as well as in the case of registration of congratulations, for example, with the anniversary date.

Appeal "Dear..." Even in the case of congratulations, the addressee should be consumed with caution, because In official relations, some managerial distance must still be observed.

Appeal "Dear" Currently, it is considered obsolete, redundant - not relevant standards of the modern business style of the Russian literary language.

Special circulation rules gradually formed when working with citizens' appeals. In response to their letters "best practics" The state bodies and local governments recommend the following speech formulas:

Example 22.


But regardless of the question raised in the appeal of a citizen, from the situation (conflict, complaint or appeal on the personal issue, for the first time or re-etc.), still universal formula to appeal to citizens is the appeal by name and patronymic (as in Example 18).

Commercial organizations in correspondence with clients and consideration of their complaints can be guided by the same recommendations.

Probably, each at least once had to face the need for writing a business letter. When it is compiled, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that it is not easy. There are many rules and standards for writing business letters to know. The article describes in detail the process of drawing up the document, presents samples of a business letter, consider their types and design.


Finished forms will give solidity and indicate the reliability of the company. They contain the necessary information about the organization, such as:

  • Name.
  • Address.
  • Contact phone numbers.
  • Website.
  • Email.
  • Logo.
  • Other contact details.

There are no strict rules for books. Therefore, in each organization they independently decide what information to lay in them.

How to write business letters? Preparation

Business letters are written and are issued in a certain way, obeying the rules and requirements inherent in them. Depending on the purpose, the author thinks in detail the content in order to obtain the result calculated by them. It must clearly submit what information the addressee already knows on the topic of the letter, which will come from and what will happen in it. Arguments depend on what the authority is the author. The process of preparing a business letter can be divided into the following steps:

  • Studying the issue.
  • Writing a letter of writing.
  • His coordination.
  • Signing.
  • Check in.
  • Sending to the addressee.

Structure of business letters

When drawing up a letter, it is necessary to satisfy it, that is, to invest all the necessary information. It may be simple or complex. In a simple letter, the content clearly and briefly displays information, which is mainly not requiring a response from the addressee. Comfortable can consist of several sections, paragraphs and paragraphs. In each paragraph outlines one aspect of the information. Samples of business letters of this type usually consist of the introductory, main and final parts.

Below is an example of writing a business letter - its opening part.

The main part describes situations, events, their analysis and evidence is given. It is in this part that they believe that it is necessary to do in one way or another, prove how the matter was and informed about the need for participation in any event, leading different arguments.

The conclusion contains conclusions that are made in the form of proposals, requests, reminders, failures, and so on.

An example of writing a business letter - the final part of it - is presented below. It summarizes the requirement set out in the main one.

All given information should be optimally consistent and understandable for perception.

Each letter begins with an appeal, aligned in the center. This little part is extremely important. When his choice, the author must consider:

  • Position of the addressee.
  • The nature of the relationship.
  • Official.
  • Etiquette.

At the end of the letter must contain a polite form. For example: "... I express hope for further cooperation (thanks for the invitation) ...". After these phrases, the author follows the author.


All letters must be made in an official-business style, which means the use of speech tools for official-business relations. Features of such a language are formed under the following circumstances:

  • The main participants in business relations are legal entities, on behalf of the leaders and officials of whose letters are written.
  • Relations in organizations have a tough regulated character.
  • The subject of communication is the company's activities.
  • Management documents mainly have a specific addressee.
  • Often, in the process of organizing the organization there are the same situations.

In this regard, the information set forth in the business letter should be:

  • Official, impersonal, emphasizing the distance between participants in communication.
  • Address faithful to a specific addressee.
  • Relevant at the time of writing the letter.
  • Reliable and impartial.
  • Argued for encourages the recipient of any action.
  • Complete to make a decision.


Business letter must comply with the following requirements:

  • The speech is standardized at all levels - lexical, morphological and syntactic. It contains many turns, terms and formulas.
  • The writing tone is neutral, discreet and strict, without the use of emotional and expressive linguistic expressions.
  • Accuracy and clarity of text, without logical errors, clarity and thoughtfulness of the wording.
  • Laconicity and brevity - without the use of expressions carrying additional meaning.
  • The use of language formulas formed as a result of repeating situations.
  • The use of terms, that is, words or phrases having special concepts.
  • The use of abbreviations that may be lexical (that is, comprehensive words formed by the removal of letters from parts of words: LLC, GOST, and so on) and graphic (that is, the designations of words in abbreviated form: GR-H, ft and other).
  • Use of structures in parent and efficient cases.
  • Phrases with exclusive nouns ("support" instead of "support").
  • Using simple common offers.

The above samples of the business letter are shown in the full version (with the main part). Information meets all the requirements of official-business style.

Types of business letters

The best business letter to write on any particular question. If it is necessary to solve several questions immediately, it is recommended to make several different options.

Business letters can be in their maintenance:

  • Accompanying. Such letters are usually needed to report on where to send documents.
    (How to write a business letter? A sample of the accompanying letter will help those who need to make this type of document.)

  • Warranty. They are written in order to confirm any promises or conditions. It can be guaranteed, for example, fee for work, lease, delivery time and more.
  • Thank you. They began to apply especially often recently. Such letters demonstrate a good tone of partnerships. They can be decorated on a conventional form or on colored paper with a beautiful print.
    (How to write a business letter? A sample of a thankfulness is compiled in free form, depending on the tasks that they are solved. In this case, the letter in the shortest form expresses its essence. Such a sample, made on colored paper with an ornament, can hang on the wall indoors Companies at the honorable place.)

  • Informational.
  • Instructive.
  • Congratulatory.
  • Advertising.

There are also letters:

  • Cooperation proposals. The recently commonly transmitted organizations are often advertising, for example, like this sample. Commercial letters to write quite difficult, you need to take into account the many nuances to pay attention to it, and even more so are interested. But if you draw up the sample below, it has every chance of success.

  • Invitations. They are sent by offering to participate in various events. They are usually addressed to the head or official, but they can add a whole team.
  • Requests.
  • Notifications.
  • Requests and many others.

How to write an answer to the letter. Example

The answer must be started with the repetition of the request set out in the first letter. Then the results of its consideration and the approval or a failure is expressed. A business letter-response may contain an alternative solution to expected information. It usually meets the following principles:

  • Availability of reference to the first letter and its content.
  • Same linguistic means.
  • Comparable volumes and aspects of content.
  • Compliance with a certain sequence.


In addition to using branded blanks of business letters, it is necessary to take into account other subtleties in their design. These are details, cutting rules, address writing, heading, text length, field width and more.

Samples of business letters help to make it, given all the subtleties and nuances. They enjoy both novice recorders and experienced workers. Thanks to the samples, they learn to make letters correctly and save a lot of time.

Warranty letter on the provision of legal address: Sample 2020 with a list of mandatory requirements - so that there are no questions left.

Confirmation of the legal address of Ltd. at registration - standard procedure.

The warranty letter to the legal address does not appear in, without which it is impossible, but the tax nevertheless requests a letter.

You will need a sample letter of the guarantee of providing a legal address to minimize the likelihood of refusal registration due to the inaccuracy of the specified information. This sheet agrees the consent of the owner (landlord) of premises for business registration at this address and confirms that the rental of space does not harm the interests of third parties. There is no type of writing letter, but it is not necessary to find a sample of the warranty letter from the owner of the work space.

The warranty letter from the landlord to the legal address is mandatory contains the following information:

  • Requisites of the Landlord, if it is legal, or passport data if the landlord is a physical face.
  • The name of the IFTS, which will be registered LLC.
  • Address address and characteristics.
  • Name of the registered LLC and F. I. O. Head.
  • Consent to the transfer of premises to use under the lease agreement.

After establishing a guarantee letter when registering a sample Ltd., ask the landlord to remain in touch at the specified number so that the employee of the registering authority is convinced of the truth of the agreements.

Form of the warranty letter on the provision of legal address

  1. If the warranty letter of the owner of the provision of a legal address is issuing a legal entity, ask the document on the branded form to fully follow the business etiquette. If the warranty letter to the legal address gives an individual, sufficiently competent compliance with the sample.
  2. In the case where LLC is registered in the apartment of the head, confirms the legal address of the consent of the owner of the premises and (at the request of individual inspections) the consent of the persons prescribed in the premises.
  3. And to the consent of the owner of the residential premises, and a copy of the certificate of ownership is attached to the guarantee letter for registration of the legal address.
  4. Dates are not necessary, since the validity of the warranty letter on the provision of legal address law is not limited.

Warranty letter to legal address: Sample for LLC

You will not experience difficulties with the design of the warranty letter, if fill it in sample:

After placing a guarantee for registration of LLC, the owner of the premises is not obliged to conclude a lease with the founder and has the right to go to the opponent. It is important to understand that the warranty letter from the owner on the provision of the legal address confirms exclusively the fact of consent to the registration of LLC at this address, nothing more.