Personnel selection system in the organization. Recruitment. Recruiting principles

Recruitment consists in creating the necessary pool of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization selects the most suitable employees in the future. This work is done literally in all specialties - office, production, technical, and administrative. The amount of recruitment required is largely determined by the difference between the available labor force and the future need for it. The organization determines this need at the previous stage - personnel planning, which we have considered.

To recruit candidates, the organization formalizes the requirements for the candidate. Formalization - A clear and detailed description of the ideal candidate's profile. Information for this is the analysis of the work performed at the planning stage, as well as the wishes of the line manager.

According to a sociological study (see note), when asked whether there is a formalization of requirements for a candidate in the company, 33% of respondents answered in the affirmative, which indicates a careful attention to the preparation of requirements for applicants for a particular vacant position. 28% of the respondents limit themselves only to a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal candidate, based on the description of job duties and the wishes of the line manager; 17% of respondents, speaking about formalization of requirements for a candidate, mean the presence of a minimum set of characteristics necessary for a given vacancy (education, work experience, knowledge of foreign languages); 11% of respondents are guided by an application for filling a vacant position from a line manager.

So, social data. Research has shown that managers are well aware of the need to formalize requirements for a candidate, but they pay unequal attention to this. Some companies consider this a necessary condition for successful personnel search, while others rely on intuition, trying to exclude a too “formal” approach to this issue. However, to ensure the effectiveness of recruiting, a combination of the HR manager's intuition, which is usually the result of many years of experience, is necessary; and a detailed profile of the ideal candidate, which greatly facilitates the selection procedure.

Sources of recruitment (recruitment, search) are external and internal. This is determined depending on the position, terms, time and personnel policy. All this is approved at the planning stage.

External dialing tools include:

Placement of advertisements in the media;

Contacting recruiting agencies;

Search for candidates using Internet resources;

Participation in job fairs, career days.

A survey of leading Russian and foreign companies has shown that the most popular recruitment method is placing advertisements in the media (mainly in specialized print media). The respondents note the relative cheapness of this method of recruiting candidates and a fairly quick response to ads, although this method also has a drawback - a lot of irrelevant responses, that is, a large flow of people who do not meet the requirements, and the associated significant costs of internal resources of the organization.

About 50% of survey participants are looking for candidates using Internet resources. According to the respondents, this method is good for its low cost, but it requires a certain amount of time and knowledge of the principles of electronic recruiting. In addition, not many people use the Internet in Russia yet.

At least 40% of respondents, when searching for candidates for a vacant position, are guided by the recommendations of the company's employees. The respondents note the cost-effectiveness of this method and believe that it provides an influx of professional candidates that meet the requirements of the corporate culture of the organization. Moreover, in some companies there are various systems for rewarding employees who have recommended a subsequently accepted candidate. Some respondents believe that along with a reward system, there should be a system of punishments (for an unsuccessful candidate). Others believe that it is enough to reward the employee without making him responsible for the “quality” of the candidate, since this limits the initiative of the company's employees, because in any case, the responsibility for hiring lies with the organization.

In addition, 33% of respondents turn to partners, colleagues and acquaintances for recommendations. 17% of respondents to attract new staff (mainly young professionals) participate in job fairs, career days, hold presentations for senior students and graduates of educational institutions.

So, as the survey data show, organizations use all recruitment methods in a complex. The main priority for many is the cheapness of the method. However, we believe that the potential of young professionals is underestimated by the majority of enterprises as a means of recruiting personnel, only 17% participate in job fairs and other events.

All of the above methods give employers the opportunity to attract the largest number of relevant candidates and provide them with the maximum choice, which allows them to fill vacant positions.

Most organizations prefer to recruit primarily within their own organization. 50% of respondents use this recruitment method, because, as a rule, it does not require significant financial costs, helps to strengthen the authority of management in the eyes of employees and does not put the selected candidates before the need to integrate into the company. It also increases morale, morale, and employee attachment to the firm.

When recruiting candidates within the company, the HR department announces vacancies using internal media: the corporate newspaper, information leaflets, and also asks line managers to nominate candidates. Some organizations have the practice of notifying all their employees of any vacancies that open up, which gives them the opportunity to apply before outsiders are considered. This approach ensures the rotation of personnel in the company and opens up reHealth for each employee.However, internal recruitment also has negative sides: according to respondents, they face resistance from line managers who do not want to lose valuable employees. The stage of recruitment (search) is decisive, since the recruitment of “wrong” candidates already guarantees unsuccessful recruitment. That is, if you choose from unsuitable applicants, then it is not possible to find suitable (corresponding to this vacancy). As we can see, the main problem of this stage is the contradiction (conflict) of the requirements of the line manager and the personnel manager. And as a consequence, the lack of clarity in the priority of these requirements, which does not allow effectively organizing the tactics of recruiting candidates.

How to properly plan and organize the recruiting process? How to improve its efficiency? What problems are there? Is it possible to automate the process of finding and attracting personnel? What modern technologies, programs, recruitment systems help to carry out automation? What are the benefits and advantages of this for your company and HR department? Answers to these and other questions, as well as comments, consultations and expert advice can be found in this analytical article.

The main stages of the selection of employees at the enterprise

We are talking about a software HRM complex that will help formalize and debug in a single information environment all business processes related to personnel management, including selection. The solution should include setting up the basic processes of the structures responsible for working with personnel, selecting and implementing a suitable information program, consulting services (consulting), comprehensive support and technical support.

Features and benefits of automated HRM systems
  • Flexibility. The described solutions can easily and easily adapt to any user, any specialization, any scale of entrepreneurship (be it small, medium or large businesses).
  • Integration with 1C. Most of the HRM complexes presented on the Russian information technology market are developed and implemented on the 1C: Enterprise platform (the most famous and popular accounting system in our country). Therefore, these systems can be easily integrated with such 1C configurations: for example, with 1C: Salary and Personnel Management (ZUP), 1C: Recruitment Agency, 1C: Personnel Assessment, 1C: Integrated Automation (CA), 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management (PPM) and with any version of the 1C platform (7.7, 8, 8.2 and 8.3). With 1C, staff recruitment becomes better and more efficient.
  • Quick search for candidates for a particular position. The automated system for recruiting personnel allows in a matter of seconds to receive a list of all possible candidates from the Internet that meet your requirements. You don't have to go to each site separately and spend time setting up search criteria.
  • Elimination of manual data entry. Information about the candidates you are viewing is automatically loaded into the 1C database. You do not need to manually enter first names, surnames, phone numbers and other information. All fields are automatically recognized, and based on this information, cards of candidates and applicants are formed in your 1C database.
  • Instant job posting. The use of automated systems for the search and selection of personnel makes it possible in a matter of seconds to post the vacancies you are interested in and receive responses to them. You can also upload selected CVs of candidates, while expanding your base.

    The possibility of remote, remote selection. Thanks to the new service for search, selection and assessment of personnel "EFSOL: HRM.My personnel", which was developed by the specialists of EFSOL, you do not need to spend time on questioning and evaluating candidates. All this can be done remotely (via the Internet) by passing special online tests by applicants. You get a finished result with a full analytical description of the selected candidate (psychological state, analysis of competencies, skills, suitability for the required position, and much more). This service makes recruiting faster, simpler and more convenient.

    The latest selection methods and technologies, implemented in this automatic system. You get a powerful functional tool that can quickly and efficiently select the frames you need.

Figure 2 - Functionality of the "Recruitment" block within the personnel management system

Automation takes place in several stages:
  • Analysis, audit of personnel selection; identification of problems, errors, subtle points.
  • Development and approval of technical specifications (TOR).
  • Selection of the required software (software).
  • Implementation (installation) and launch of a personnel selection system.
  • Setting up and testing, if necessary, revision, adjustment.
  • User consultations, training to work with the system.
  • Subscriber support of the recruitment program, technical support.

Depending on the tasks set, the development company assigns you a leading specialist who oversees your interaction with the project team (consultants and programmers).

To optimize personnel management, contact the specialists

EFSOL is a recognized expert in the development and implementation of automated HRM systems and other products and software for business automation. The HR department of our company successfully uses EFSOL programs in their own work with personnel. Therefore, we offer services for the development and implementation of an effective recruitment tool, which has been repeatedly tested on our experience.

You can order and buy the solution both in Moscow and in any regional office of the company in Russia (St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod), as well as by the specified phone numbers or using the online order forms on the website. By sending an electronic application or asking questions to a consultant by phone, you can clarify the content and cost of automation services, implementation, various conditions of cooperation. Advice, advice, advice from our recruiting experts is free.

EFSOL specialists will provide you with qualified assistance, optimize all HR-processes, implement the necessary IT programs and systems, help find, attract and select the right candidates, job seekers for work in your company. 1C: Recruitment agency


System integration. Consulting

What are the most effective recruiting methods? What should you pay attention to when searching and selecting personnel? What kind of employees and workers should you hire?

Hello dear friend! With you again one of the authors of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we are pleased to invite you to the “open day” of a human resources employee who will share with you all the secrets of finding and recruiting employees who can bring your enterprise success and prosperity.

Ksenia Borodina, a recruiting and recruiting specialist, is our guest again.

In one of the previous articles, Ksenia has already told our readers, and today she will help us reveal the topic of high-quality recruitment.

This article is packed with invaluable practical tips to help you understand and easily apply the intricacies of the art of finding the right people.

Enjoy reading!

1. Personnel selection: basic concepts and terms

In order for the “personnel issue” in your company to be resolved effectively and competently, it is necessary to approach the recruitment business consistently and professionally.

The phrase “cadres decide everything” belongs to I. Stalin: if we ignore the political aspect, one cannot but appreciate the wisdom of this statement.

This expression became popularly loved and is widely used to this day.

As a recruiter with 5 years of experience, I can confirm that the well-being of the company, the atmosphere within the team, the prospects for the development of the company and much more depend on personnel.

The HR department of the company (the term comes from the English "Human Resource" - "human resources") is engaged in the selection of personnel, taking into account the long-term development prospects of the organization. Sometimes companies resort to the help of head hunters, which literally means "head hunter".

This is how professional recruiting agents are called today, who "lure" already working employees from one company to another on its order, offering the best working conditions.

A successful business requires that employees are not only talented in their fields, but also know how to work effectively in a team.

Finding qualified personnel is the first thing the head of a new organization has to do.

The selection of employees is also relevant for an already operating company, if suddenly there is a stagnation in work or there are prospects for expanding the field of activity.

To begin with, let me remind you the meaning of the main terms and concepts.

This will help you understand the terms better.

Staff recruitment Is a purposeful work to attract candidates to the company with the qualities and skills necessary for the current and long-term needs of the organization. In other words, it is searching, testing and hiring people who can and want to work, have the competencies and knowledge the employer needs, and share the company's values.

Job seekers - persons applying for a vacant position.

Job description - a document regulating the range of duties and rights of employees, as well as the nature of their service relationships with other employees.

Recruitment agencies - professional organizations that act as an intermediary between a company that needs to find employees and job seekers.

Qualitative selection of employees:

  • increases the company's profits;
  • increases labor productivity;
  • allows the company to grow.

An unprofessional approach to hiring employees is fraught with delays in the execution of work, a decrease in the company's income, and disruptions in business processes. Ultimately, you will have to return to the starting point - start searching and spend money and time on recruiting new employees. Systemic errors in the selection process - I have observed this in practice - significantly increase the costs of the company.

2. Types of recruitment sources

There are two types of recruitment sources: external and internal.

In the first case, personnel are selected from among the employees of the company itself, in the second - at the expense of external resources... It is clear that internal sources are always limited, and it is impossible to completely solve personnel problems with their help.

The most common sources of hiring workers are external. Conditionally, they can be divided into 2 subspecies: budgetary and expensive.

Inexpensive sources are, for example, government employment services, contacts with universities and colleges. Expensive sources are professional recruiting agencies and media publications.

There are completely free sources of personnel - Internet sites that publish vacancies and resumes of applicants, for example - HeadHunter, Job, SuperJob.

Even in every large city, there are usually several such local sites. Even small towns often have their own city websites where you can post job advertisements.

In addition, organizations can always obtain resumes directly from job seekers who do not go to intermediaries.

Practice shows that even in times of crisis and unemployment, finding a qualified narrow specialist in any field is not an easy task. Personally, I have repeatedly had to use expensive sources to find the best representatives of the most demanded professions. However, for jobs that do not require specialized knowledge, the cheapest recruitment methods are usually used.

Types of external recruiting sources:

  1. By recommendation. Attracting candidates on the recommendations of relatives, friends and acquaintances of company employees. The oldest method, very effective and more suitable for small organizations. Statistics show that in organizations where the number does not exceed 50-60 people, 40% of new employees enter the service through acquaintances. This approach has a significant drawback - there is a risk of hiring an unqualified specialist.
  2. Direct work with potential employees. Work with "independent" candidates - people looking for work without contacting special services. Such candidates themselves call the company, send their resumes and ask about vacancies. This is usually due to the company's leading position in the market. Even if the organization does not need such a specialist at the moment, his data should be saved in order to use it if necessary.
  3. Advertising in the media. This is the most common way to attract job seekers. Advertisements are given in newspapers, on Internet portals, on television, after which the candidates themselves call or come to the company. There are specialized publications and websites targeting a wide range of professions or specific industries. The use of online resources and print publications is the most effective and popular tool for attracting candidates, but in order for ads to hit right on target, the requirements for applicants and their future job functions should be as accurately as possible.
  4. Contacts with universities. Many large corporations working for the future are focused on attracting graduates of educational institutions who do not have full-time practice. To this end, employers hold events at specialized universities or participate in job fairs. Since it is difficult to assess professional skills without work experience without work experience, personal characteristics, planning and analysis skills are assessed.
  5. Labor exchanges are state employment centers. A developed state is always interested in increasing the level of employment of citizens. For this purpose, special services are being created that have their own databases and work with large companies. The method has a significant disadvantage: not all applicants apply to government agencies for the unemployed.
  6. Recruitment agencies. Over the past decades, recruiting has become an actively developing branch of the economy. Personnel companies have constantly updated databases and independently search for candidates in accordance with the tasks of customers. For their work, firms take a solid remuneration - sometimes up to 50% of the annual salary of the employee they find. There are companies specializing in mass recruitment or, conversely, engaged in "exclusive search" - the selection of executives.

The right choice of external sources ensures success in recruiting competent employees that match the company's profile and its spirit.

The table shows the comparative indicators of recruitment sources:

Personnel search methods Average time spent Total time
1 Through the mediaThe announcement in the newspaper is published in 5-7 days. For electronic media, the term is reduced to the day the announcement is submitted. It takes 5-7 days to process CVs from candidates and preliminary interviews with candidates 6-14 days
2 Through friends and acquaintances3-5 days are enough for a full survey of the social circle 3-5 days
3 Among university graduatesCommunication and interaction with employees of the relevant services of universities (5-7 days). Collecting a resume with subsequent processing - another week 2 weeks
4 Inside your own companyTo analyze possible candidates from among the employee, 1-2 days are enough 1-2 days
5 Through employment centersBringing information to the responsible employees of Employment Centers - 7 days. Applicants' resume processing - 5-7 days 2 weeks
6 Through free recruiting agenciesEstablishing relationship with agency employees - 3 days. Data processing - 7 days 10 days
7 Through recruiting companiesProviding information to company employees - 1 day. Search and selection of candidates for the position by a recruiting agency - 5-10 days 1-2 weeks

3. Basic methods of personnel search

Let's take a look at the classic and newfangled employee search methods. I must say right away that experienced personnel officers always combine methods of attracting personnel in their work.

In some situations, you can really "not warm your head" and take advantage of the recommendations of colleagues at work, looking for a position for your friend or relative. In other cases, a multi-day search for a narrow specialist is required through specialized recruitment agencies and other paid channels.

Let's consider the most effective search methods.

Method 1. Recruiting

Recruiting is a method of recruiting employees for common professions. Usually these are specialists of the so-called "line level" - sales agents, ordinary managers, performers, secretaries. Recruiting itself consists in drawing up a competent job description and posting this description where it will be seen by potential job seekers or sites looking for personnel. The emphasis in this case is on people in the immediate process of looking for work.

Method 2. Executive Search

Selection of management personnel - heads of departments, directors of companies, heads of regional divisions. This also includes the search for rare and unique specialists. In contrast to recruiting, "exclusive search" involves active actions on the part of the interested company. Usually specialized recruiting agencies are engaged in this type of recruitment.

Method 3. Headhunting

Literally - "headhunting". The method of searching for or enticing a specific specialist (a recognized master in his field) from one firm to another. The methodology is based on the premise that top-level workers do not look for work on their own and sometimes do not even think about changing one. The task of the "hunter" - an employee of a recruiting agency - is to interest the candidate with more favorable conditions or development prospects from a competing organization.

Method 4. Screening

Quick selection of candidates based on formal criteria. Psychological characteristics, motivation, personality traits are not taken into account during screening: the main criterion for such a search for workers is speed. The screening period is several days. The technique is used when recruiting secretaries, managers, sales consultants.

Method 5. Preliminaring

Attracting candidates for a position through the internship of young specialists (graduates of specialized universities). The choice of a future employee presupposes the conformity of applicants to certain psychological and personal qualities.

Preliminaring focuses on the company's long-term business plan: it is the most promising way to build a strong and productive work community.

4. Recruiting companies - a list of reliable recruiting agencies, an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using the services of recruiting companies

In my work, I have often had to resort to the services of personnel and recruiting agencies. The method is certainly costly, but quite effective.

The list of the main advantages of working with an intermediary includes:

  • The presence of a huge database. The average number of resumes in the archives of recruiting agencies is 100,000. However, given the current possibilities of the Internet, it is not difficult to collect the required number of jobseeker questionnaires from job sites. Of this number, only "worked out" resumes are really useful - that is, those for which the recruiter contacted the applicant and received permission to use the questionnaire.
  • Professional and comprehensive approach to employee search.
  • The presence of a standard guarantee - a free replacement of the applicant if he did not fit the employer or he himself refused employment. The warranty period is valid up to six months.

With regard to such a service of recruitment agencies as a "appraisal interview", then in most cases you should not rely too much on the effectiveness and "exclusivity" of this proposal. Recruiting agencies conduct such interviews mostly remotely, and without a personal meeting, a correct assessment of professional and personal qualities is impossible.

The cost of agency services is calculated depending on the complexity of the search and the speed of filling a vacancy. Usually it is a certain percentage of the selected specialist's annual salary. The market average is 10-30%. Services are paid in about a week from the day the employee leaves for work.

I ask you to pay attention to the fact that due to the wrong approach and without due attention in the field of hiring, Russian companies lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Among the disadvantages of recruiting employees through agencies is the risk of facing an unfair approach by recruiting companies to their functions. The result of this is that the “wrong” employee who does not have the necessary knowledge and qualifications comes to the workplace. And this negatively affects the activities of the enterprise and adds to me, as a personnel officer, "headaches" and red tape with paperwork.

To avoid this, I advise you to pay special attention to the choice of the company with which you want to cooperate. Be sure to study reliable customer reviews about the agency's work, check for guarantees, evaluate the speed of feedback from company employees.

Here, for your convenience, we have already analyzed several reliable recruitment agenciesto help you find the best employees for your business:

  • Friendly family ( - Moscow
  • StaffLine ( - Moscow
  • Inter-HR ( - Moscow
  • Gardarika ( - St. Petersburg
  • ANT Group of Companies ( - St. Petersburg

5. The process and stages of searching for employees of the company

The employee selection process consists of several stages that candidates for the position must go through. At each stage, part of the applicants is eliminated or they themselves refuse the vacancy, taking advantage of other offers or for other reasons.

Now we will consider with you the main stages of selection.

Stage 1. Preliminary conversation

The conversation is conducted in various ways. For some positions, it is preferable for the candidate to appear in person at the potential job, in other cases, a phone call with a HR representative is sufficient. The main purpose of the preliminary conversation is to assess the applicant's level of training, his communication skills, and basic personal qualities.

But here it should be remembered that only at the level of visual communication can you get the most accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of a job seeker. Therefore, now more and more I conduct a preliminary conversation via Skype.

Stage 2. Interview

The extended interview is conducted directly by the personnel officer. During the conversation, it is important to get detailed information about the candidate and provide him with the opportunity to learn more about his future job responsibilities and the corporate culture of the environment where he will work.

Please note that at this stage it is very important not to make one mistake. It is impossible to attach importance to personal sympathy for the candidate for the position. You may like a person outwardly, his behavior and manners are close to you, and even you and him found common interests in life. Under the influence of emotions and feelings, you are undoubtedly sure that the best candidate simply cannot be found and that he, like no one, will “fit” into the team in the best possible way. And so there is no point in “torturing” him and asking tricky questions.

It is necessary to conduct a full testing of a potential employee and if he does not meet the established requirements for important technical points, then feel free to refuse him employment.

There are several types of interviews:

  • Biographical, during which the applicant's past experience and various aspects of his professional qualities are revealed;
  • Situational: the applicant is invited to solve practical situations in order to clarify his analytical skills and other qualities;
  • Structured - the conversation is conducted according to a pre-compiled list of items;
  • Stressful - is carried out in order to test the applicant's stress resistance and his ability to adequately behave in provocative and non-standard situations.

Stage 3. Professional testing

Conducting tests and trials to obtain information about the professional skills and abilities of the future employee. The test results will assess the current and potential capabilities of the candidate, form an opinion about the style of his work.

It is important to ensure that the professional testing questions are up-to-date and in line with the law.

Step 4. Verification of track record

For a more complete picture of the employee, it is worth talking with his colleagues at the previous place of work. Many people have a bad "professional history", although the reason for dismissal in the labor force is "on its own".

Therefore, if possible, it would be good to talk with the direct supervisor of the applicant to find out the reasons for the employee's departure from the previous job, this will improve the quality of personnel selection. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the recommendations, characteristics, rewards and other points of the track record.

Step 5. Making a decision

Based on the results of the comparison of candidates, the one who best meets the professional requirements and fits into the team is determined. When the decision on admission to the state is made, the candidate is informed about it orally or in writing. The applicant must be thoroughly familiar with the nature of the upcoming activity, informed about the work schedule, vacations, days off, the rules for calculating salaries and bonuses.

Step 6. Filling out the application form

Candidates who have successfully passed the first and second levels fill out an application, a questionnaire and sign an employment contract. The number of points in the questionnaire should be minimal: information that clarifies the performance of the applicant and his main qualities is important. The information provided relates to the candidate's past work, professional skills, mindset.

Below you can download samples of these three documents that are current for 2016.

This is followed by the official inauguration. Usually, this term is understood as the first working day of a new employee, during which he directly gets acquainted with the procedure and rules of work and starts his job.

6. Non-traditional recruiting technologies

Unconventional recruiting techniques are becoming increasingly important. I have compiled a list of the most effective non-traditional ways to hire employees:

  1. Stressful (or shock) interview. The point of such a conversation is to determine the candidate's stress tolerance. In the course of such an interview, various techniques are used, the purpose of which is to unbalance the interlocutor. For example, the person in charge of the conversation is initially late for the meeting - 20-30 minutes or even more. Or you can disdain the titles, merit and academic degrees of the candidate (“Moscow State University is not an authority for us - our cleaner graduated from Moscow State University”).
  2. Brainteaser interview. Applicants need to answer some intricate or tricky question or solve a complex logical puzzle in a certain time. Usually, these methods are used when selecting creatives, marketers, programmers.
  3. The use of irritating factors. Such factors are: a bright light in the eyes, as during interrogation in the NKVD, indecent questions, too high a chair. The subject can be seated in the center of a circle around which representatives of the employer are located.
  4. Staff recruitment based on physiognomy. Assumes the definition of a person's character by his appearance and socionics.

Unconventional methods allow us to assess the flexibility of a candidate's thinking, test his quick wit, assess his ability to be creative, and finally test his ability to work under pressure, which is important in a competitive business environment. In some large corporations (in particular - in Microsoft), stress interviews are used on a mandatory and massive scale.

Talent shortages are forcing HR managers to be creative in finding employees. Traditional methods of searching for employees are no longer enough, because there is a real "war" for personnel. Consider modern personnel search channels that you can use to expand your arsenal.

Announcements, leaflets, billboards.

Posting ads with a list of open vacancies in the organization is an effective and low-budget tool. You can get the most out of your ads by constantly posting and updating your list of vacancies periodically. Use the designated areas to avoid trouble. Recently, many companies have appeared that provide services for the placement of information on glazed stands located near residential buildings, in entrances and in elevators.

The distribution of leaflets on the streets and in the mailboxes of residential buildings now more often leads to a negative effect. Residents of cities are already tired of paper waste on the street and in the entrances. And the effectiveness of reaching the target audience is extremely low.

For mass recruitment of employees, it is possible to apply the placement of ads on the back of the rent receipts. To do this, it is worth contacting the housing and communal services of the city.

Billboards installed on important transport arteries of the city, crossroads, roadsides, sidewalks, public transport stops are good in that they provide a constant return at a one-time cost. If you have a constant need for employees of certain categories, it is advisable to make an appropriate billboard and place it on the side of the road next to the enterprise.

Benefits: effective for closing bulk positions in the shortest possible time (search for sellers in connection with the opening of a new store or handymen in connection with the expansion of production).
Disadvantages: narrow territorial coverage, suitable mainly for finding low-level personnel. Careful selection of candidates is required to eliminate the risk of recruiting candidates with “problems”.

Regional print media and free classifieds newspapers.

Placement of vacancy announcements in news newspapers or in specialized print publications for job search (newspapers "Work for you", "Vacancies", the magazine "Work and Salary", etc., which are distributed in your region).

As a rule, placement in newspapers from organizations is paid, discuss the most convenient conditions for you (tariff plan). If you do not have the financial means to pay for the services of placing ads, then use the newspapers for free ads.

Print media advertisements are more suitable for the selection of low-skilled personnel and candidates of the older age category. they do not have access to the Internet.

Benefits: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time from groups without access to the Internet, as well as almost the only way to select specialists from the older age group.
Disadvantages: Many of this category still do not know how to write a resume and are afraid of interviewing. Here the emphasis is on telephone interviewing and then inviting to a face-to-face meeting.

Advertising on television and radio.

Placing advertisements on radio and television in big cities is quite an expensive way to find personnel, but in the provinces, placing such information on local radio and TV broadcasting studios does not cost much, there this method has already established itself as one of the fastest and most effective.

Benefits: effective for closing bulk positions in the shortest possible time.
Disadvantages: high cost of advertising on television, low efficiency of the creeping line.

Online recruiting resources.

Most often, vacancies are published in specialized job search portals (for example,, hh. Ru, superjob. Ru, rabota. Ru, etc.).

You register on the portal on behalf of the organization following the proposed instructions. After confirming your registration, start posting vacancies. It is recommended to pre-compile the entire list of vacancies in a separate document. Indicate the title of the position, responsibilities, requirements for work experience and education of the applicant, write down on what conditions you offer the job (salary, schedule, place of work, etc.), as well as phone numbers or email addresses. And then copy it into the form on the site.

The second method is to analyze the resume of job seekers on job sites. When using this method, the selection scheme for applicants is as follows. First, the most suitable candidates are selected based on formal criteria (whether qualifications meet the stated requirements or not), conduct an initial interview by phone, after which they are invited for a face-to-face interview.

Benefits: Alerting a wide range of job seekers about vacancies. Complete structured information from job seekers. Education, experience, achievements, personal qualities - simplifies the selection and narrows the number of candidates.

Disadvantages: Recently, portals and job search sites are introducing a paid service for organizations. This is either a fee for registering an enterprise in the system, or a fee for removing the restriction on the number of posted vacancies, or paid access to the bank of job seekers' resumes. You can find a specialist of any level, but the search time can be delayed.

Social networks.

Today, social networks are a relevant tool used to establish valuable connections and find employees of all categories. Currently, HR managers use social media to screen a potential candidate even before the interview. First of all, employers study the interests and hobbies of the candidate, look through his photos and professional contacts, check the accuracy of information from the resume. Pay attention to materials that may compromise the applicant.

For this type of recruiting in social networks, the organization must have its own account (group). The account (group) must contain information about the organization, news, press releases, information about services or released goods. In general, be alive and regularly refilled.

If an HR manager is looking for employees on social networks from his personal profile, then the information and photos on the page must strictly correspond to the goals (photos in a work environment, information about membership in professional associations, publications in the media, etc.), otherwise the employee's profile can damage the reputation of your organization.
The most popular resources in Russia are Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, My Circle, etc.

The main options for finding candidates using social networks:

1. Post information in your group and wait for responses.
2. Make a mass mailing of vacancies for subscribers of the group.
3. In social networks, there are a huge number of groups that unite users on different grounds. The recruiter can only choose the right group to search for potential candidates. Professional groups, by interests, age groups, etc.
4. Professional social networks, LinkedIn, etc. Very suitable for finding candidates for key and top positions. In these networks, users provide information about their education, work experience, professional achievements and qualities.

Benefits: the number of users of social networks is growing rapidly, and given the fact that a large number are dissatisfied with their current job, the flow of those interested in the vacancy will be steadily high. By offering better working conditions, it is possible to quickly fill vacancies from service personnel to high-level specialists. This method is one of the cheapest and fastest.
Disadvantages: a large flow of "interested" in the vacancy, but not meeting the requirements set for the vacancy. To minimize it, you need to set clear requirements for job seekers, as well as describe your working conditions and bonuses.

Corporate website.

Your corporate website is the face of the company, and your staff is its content. Therefore, your site must have a section "Vacancies" or "Career in the company".

The section should contain a welcome speech by the head of the personnel department, information on corporate values, employee success stories and career growth, etc. And the most important is the section on open vacancies and recruitment to the personnel reserve.

It is necessary to technically organize the possibility of sending a resume from the site for the vacancy you like or general to the reserve. Here you are free to arrange everything according to your taste. Develop a resume form for further automated processing, only the information you need and nothing more. And also through the corporate website you can organize online professional testing for the primary screening of candidates for a vacancy.

Benefits: an applicant who has left an application from the site is interested in a vacancy and work in your company.
Disadvantages: as usual, low traffic to the corporate site. Vacancies should be updated periodically.

Cooperation with educational institutions.

In search of personnel, many companies choose to cooperate with educational institutions. Now universities willingly cooperate with enterprises in view of the fact that the criterion for assessing the effectiveness of a university is the percentage of graduates who are employed. On this issue, you can talk with the rector or vice-rector for educational work of the university.

The most common option is to post information about vacancies in the academic buildings of specialized universities, on the university website, in the university newspaper.

A more effective way to attract the attention of students and alumni is to conduct a company presentation within the walls of an educational institution.

Conclusion of agreements on the direction of students for practical training in the organization. You can talk with the leadership of the university to recommend the most gifted and responsible students.

A more promising option for the future- conclusion of contracts for targeted training of students in specialized specialties. What do you get as a result:
organization of a competition among applicants for target places;
more in-depth study of subjects by students in your profile;
attracting the best graduates of specialized educational institutions;
the formation of a stable professional interest of students to work at the enterprise;
formation and strengthening of a positive image of your organization as an employer among the student audience.
passing all types of practices at your enterprise, getting to know the enterprise.

Young employees turn out to be generators of various ideas for the organization, as well as a source of information about the latest scientific developments. At the same time, the costs of remuneration of interns are usually much less than the costs of salaries of specialists who work at the enterprise on a permanent basis.

Benefits: relative cheapness and high loyalty of "grown" employees. Identification and attraction of creatively and professionally active youth. In addition, in this way an important social task is being solved - assistance in the employment of young people.

Disadvantages: the method is mainly focused on closing initial positions.

Head hunting. Hunting for professionals.

Organizations that need key or rare specialists on the market cannot do without headhunting. All kinds of trainings, exhibitions, seminars, specialized sites and communities are effective enough to establish professional contacts. A recruiter needs to be able to easily enter any professional "get-together", this speeds up the process of reaching the right candidates.

You can also engage in "poaching" personnel from competitors - in war, all means are good. For example, send a meeting invitation via social media. The main thing is to respect confidentiality, because many are in no hurry to leave their place of work or position, and they are also afraid to compromise themselves.

At the meeting, it is necessary to state the advantages of changing jobs and special conditions for a specialist (high pay, employment without a trial period, corporate events, etc.). If you refuse, ask for the recommendation of your colleagues who have the appropriate professional characteristics and may be in search.

Benefits: direct access to candidates who meet the company's requirements.
Disadvantages: high price, limited use for ethical reasons, lack of motivation on the part of candidates to change jobs.

Recruitment agencies.

One of the most modern methods of personnel selection, which has recently become more and more attractive for firms, is the technology of personnel selection through recruiting agencies.
Such organizations charge all the work on their shoulders, and the employer only has to dictate his own conditions and sort out the candidates found by the agency. The success of the selection in this case largely depends on the correctness of the compiled profile of the candidate and on the accuracy of the agency manager's understanding of the requirements formulated, and of course on his professionalism and conscientiousness.

Sometimes it is more effective to contact agencies that specifically specialize in finding employees of a certain level (top management, managers and directors, or vice versa, workers and lower personnel) or in recruiting personnel for professions of a certain orientation (engineers, IT specialists). In any case, no matter what agency you turn to, here it is worth understanding that their services are usually paid and they are not cheap.

Benefits: providing candidates that meet the company's requirements.
Disadvantages: high price.

In the process of recruiting, you should constantly analyze which search sources are most effective. The necessary information can be obtained from the statistics of phone calls and the data of the questionnaires and resumes completed by the applicants. Based on its results, a decision is made on the appropriateness of one method or another. For example, street advertisements are the most popular source of information for job seekers applying for low-paid and low-professional jobs, followed by newspaper advertising. Candidates for more prestigious and highly paid ("top") vacancies receive the necessary information on the Internet or through professional connections.