What you need to open a bar. How to open a restaurant from scratch and how much money does it take? Step by step instructions. What documents are needed to open a cafe

If you plan to open a pub from scratch, then first you need to register. An individual entrepreneur has the right to sell only beer and beer drinks.

If in alcohol, the share of ethyl alcohol exceeds 9%, then it is necessary to register an LLC to obtain a license for the sale of strong alcohol.

You can open a beer pub by registering an LLC with a code. OKVED 55.40 "Activities of bars", as well as code 56.30 "Serving drinks" (in this case, the sale of alcohol in packaged form is not allowed).

What documents are needed to open a pub?

It is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Premises lease agreement.
  2. License for the sale of alcohol (license price starts at $ 900 and depends on the region).
  3. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on alcohol consumption at the place of its sale;
  4. Conclusion from the fire department.
  5. Waste disposal and disposal agreement.
  6. Cash register registration document (cost about $ 80, registration must be done at the Tax Office).
  7. Maintenance agreement for ventilation systems.
  8. Sanitary control program.
  9. SES permission.
  10. Permission of Rospotrebnadzor for placement.

SES requirements for a beer bar

Business requirements are presented in GOST R 50762-92 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises ".

SES notification is a document confirming that the bar room meets the existing sanitary requirements. The examination is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. This document says that the premises and technical equipment of the institution comply with GOST.

Sanitary standards are set out in SanPiN 42-123-5777-91 and SanPiN 2.3.6 107901.


It is better to give preference to a room of at least 100 m2. The following places are good for opening a bar:

  • the central part of the city;
  • dormitory area;
  • places near large gatherings of people (train stations, ports, production centers, etc.).

Space requirements for opening a pub

You can open a pub from scratch in a room that meets the following requirements:

  1. Compliance with the requirements of SES.
  2. The presence of the necessary communications, the presence of a well-functioning ventilation system.
  3. The area is not less than 100 m2.


What do you need to buy to start a pub? To open your pub you need the following equipment:

  • Refrigeration unit - $ 1,000
  • Bar counter - about $ 400
  • Cabinets - about $ 400
  • Furniture (tables, chairs or sofas for visitors) - $ 3,000
  • Sinks - $ 100.
  • Production Cabinets - Approx. $ 300
  • Coffee machine - from $ 1000.
  • Beer Taps Module - about $ 100
  • Tableware - about $ 400
  • Checkout - about $ 200.
  • Plates - $ 1,000

You can purchase used equipment that costs significantly less. The total cost is about $ 7900. When purchasing used equipment, you can save a lot by spending about $ 4,000.


You don't need to hire a lot of employees to open a pub. For the full functioning of the institution, it is enough to hire the following specialists:

  • 1 bartender;
  • 2 waiters;
  • administrator;
  • cleaning lady.

All employees must have experience in this area. The total amount for the salaries of employees is about $ 3,000.

How to open your pub?

Opening a pub isn't limited to choosing a venue, buying equipment, and hiring staff. There are several necessary operations on which the success of opening a pub as a business depends.


It is necessary to think over what will be the specifics of the institution, come up with a name, create a general concept. For example, you can open a pub specializing only in the sale of beer and beer drinks, where you can order any alcoholic beverage.


To begin with, a sign is bought that attracts attention. An advertising campaign to promote a project may consist of:

  • Radio advertising;
  • Conducting promotions and contests;
  • Creation of your own website;
  • Banners and pavement signs with pointers, etc.

How to open a pub in a small town?

A pub in a small town, you first need to study the need of potential customers for a similar establishment. If there are competitive establishments, it is necessary to open a pub that will either provide better services, or will differ in specifics from competitors. It is desirable that the pub is located far from competing establishments.

Business plan

When implementing any business project, a detailed business plan is drawn up, including expenses, organizational issues, as well as possible income.

Expenses and income

A pub is a profitable business that requires a lot of money. You need to have about $ 20,000 - $ 30,000 to start your own business. Here is a rough list of expenses:

  1. Premises rental - $ 1500 (premises from 100 m2 at a cost of $ 12-15 per 1m2).
  2. Room decoration (renovation, decoration) - $ 5,000
  3. Registration of all necessary documents - about $ 2,000.
  4. Purchase of equipment - about 8000 thousand dollars.
  5. Advertising campaign - from 1000 $.
  6. Employee salary - $ 3,000
  7. Utilities - about $ 500

How much does it cost to open a pub from scratch

Will be about 21 thousand dollars (small pub). A pub or pub will bring in about $ 6,000 per month, after deducting all expenses, the net profit will be about $ 2,500 - $ 3,500.

  • (185)
  • (102)

This checklist of 13 points will give you the opportunity to learn the whole process of creating and opening your own bar. This article will be the first in the series "How to open your own bar?" Over the next 2 months, I will tell you about each stage in more detail, but for now, a brief summary of what awaits you and some pleasant bonuses for those who are really interested in opening their own bar.

THE FITZ BAr, Odessa (design Denis belenko)

In general, the opening algorithm for a bar is not very different from opening a cafe or restaurant. The steps to be taken are actually the same. However, any business format has its own subtleties. It is on these subtleties that emphasis will be placed on each of the points of the step-by-step plan. Before we move on to listing the steps, I want to draw your attention to 3 important conditions, without which the application of this plan may not bring a positive result.

  1. The devil is in the little things. In this type of business, little things determine the essence
  2. Build a bar ( to realize the idea) can be done for 2-4 months... But, in order to find a worthwhile idea and form the concept of the future institution, it takes much more time.
  3. If, you have absolutely no experience in this business, then a simple understanding not enough. Find time and money, go through training, attract consulting, which will help you understand complex and non-obvious issues. I do not at all want to say that you are not capable of anything, I just make it clear that experience in building such a business greatly increases your chances of a return on investment and reduces risks.

1. Idea.

“When I didn’t have enough money, I sat down to think, and did not run to earn money. The idea is the most expensive product in the world! "

Steve Jobs

Find a bright idea. Everything was invented before us, don't reinvent the wheel. But! Remember! Just copying other people's ideas will not lead you to success. You need to take a meaningful approach to this issue and figure out how to adapt the found idea to the realities of your market and the needs of your future guest. It is important that the idea you decide to implement is simple and straightforward. Ideally, this is when the idea that will form the basis of the future concept of your bar will be relevant to your target audience. Implementation period: individually.

2. Concept.

"The concept defines the strategy of action."

Based on the idea, develop a concept for the future bar. Concept is what as your bar will be perceived by your guest, what he will see him and why he will choose it from the many options on the market. The concept defines the format of your future bar, target audience, average bill size, location, interior and exterior, atmosphere and key product that will attract the guest. Remember, the concept is the most important part, it is the skeleton of your future business. At this stage, it is very important to focus on actual needs of your future guest. Open a bar from the position "I want exactly this"it is possible only if you are clearly sure that your desires coincide with market trends and consumer demand. Otherwise, you will create a project that no one needs. Implementation period: from 7 to 15 days.

3. Product.

"Make a good product and the money will come."

John Ive

There is a belief and even confidence that a good and high-quality product is an important competitive advantage. I hasten to dispel this myth. The quality of your product is essential but not sufficient for success. The time when the quality of the product alone could be detached from competitors is inevitably a thing of the past. Today, the key advantage of any product for the consumer is the ability of this very product to solve consumer problems, satisfy the most important needs, and meet expectations. The consumer usually strives to satisfy two key needs - rational and emotional. A rational need is associated, first of all, with the need to satisfy hunger and quench thirst. Emotional, these are not dishes or cocktails - these are the sensations that the guest experiences when he gets to your bar. The main thing that you must remember is that the guest comes to the bar not so much for a drink, but in order to communicate and enjoy the atmosphere and service, to be present at the event that will leave fond memories of him. When creating a key product for your bar, you must combine high quality, relevance, presentation format (focusing on the concept) and optimal price. This will allow your target audience to notice you and identify you among others. But remember, doing exactly what your competitor is doing and saying “we are better” is not worth it, just like doing what no one needs. Implementation period: from week to month

4. Analysis of competitors.

"Learn from your competitor, because he will learn from you."

Jeff O'Leary.

Perhaps the most significant stage in your work. If the market is empty and you have no direct competitors who own the bars, don't flatter yourself. You will compete for the target audience with those players who are already on the market. If you have no competitors, it's too early to rejoice. Do not forget that the consumer is not ready for experiments, it takes time, which means you need to find the shortest way to the heart of your guest. Otherwise, the risks will multiply. Why do you need this analysis? Most of those who do not understand the answer to this question have remained far in history. You must do an analysis in order to understand how you can differentiate yourself from your competitors, where you can surpass them, what weaknesses you can exploit, what strategy to attract a customer can be effective. What should you pay attention to ?! In more detail about this, in my opinion, the most important stage of building a business, I will tell you in a separate article. Implementation period: 7-14 days.

Artesian Bar, London

5. Business model.

"The business model serves to describe the basic principles of creation, development and successful operation of an organization."

Yves Peigne

It is the business model that will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main aspects of your future business, and give you an understanding of how your business will function. Describe the key activities, distribution channels, all possible costs and consumer segments, figure out what you own, how important it is to your consumer and how you can present it to him. The issues related to building a business model are most often overlooked not only by newcomers entering the restaurant business, but are also often ignored by professionals. You can learn how to fill in the table in the full course of study, which will appear closer to the beginning of December. In the meantime, study carefully the template that is located in this section of the article.

6. Financial model.

“It costs more to save your money than to get it.

M. Montaigne

The financial model is fully based on the concept of your future bar. Pay close attention to the word model. In this case, everything you do when calculating the model is a hypothesis that you have to test.It is very important to clearly understand and know what cost items you need to take into account in order to correctly draw up investment plan (click here, useful table)that is part of the financial model. The financial model consists of the following important components:

  1. Break-even or zero profit point - the point at which the cost markup covers all expenses (salaries, rent, utility bills, taxes, general expenses, food cost, marketing)
  2. Planned revenue. You need the planned number of your seats, multiply by the rotation factor for your format, and then multiply again by the sum of the average check ( key indicators for calculation). The resulting figure will be your bar's estimated daily average revenue. Now we multiply by the number of working days and we get the probable gross revenue per month. We see if there is enough revenue to cover the zero profit point. If not - look for an error in the model, if yes - the model has the right to life, now it has to be tested on a real room that you will rent or buy for a future bar. Implementation period: from 7 to 14 days.

Everything I wrote above is preliminary, painstaking and important work, which is the basic foundation of the future business. Let's move on to the implementation.

7. Registration of a legal entity and other formalities.

  • Register a legal entity
  • Sign an agreement governing the relationship between business partners or between an investor and a performer. This agreement should regulate your mutual financial obligations and relationships, clearly describe the sequence of your actions if you decide to break off partnerships, close at a loss, etc.
  • In the future, after signing a lease agreement, you will need to prepare project documentation for architecture, a technological project, a package of documents for the placement of outdoor advertising and registration of a trademark, a package of documents for obtaining a license, a project of equipment for a fire alarm room, a package of documents for Rospotrebnadzor notifying the beginning of your activity. Get an alcoholic license. Buy and register a cash register with the Federal Tax Service. Prepare a package of documents for inspections by Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate (medical books, technical specifications, declarations ...) Check the required list of documents for starting a catering company on the website of Rospotrebnadzor and other supervisory authorities in your region, since requirements in general may differ. Implementation period: from a month to three.

8. Search and rent / purchase of premises.

Decide on the location and characteristics of the premises for rent. Build on your concept and financial model. Look for a space that will effectively accommodate the number of seats you need, will allow you to implement your format and will fit into the fixed and variable costs that you indicated in the financial model. Based on the product and menu, you will understand what equipment you need. Based on the condition of the premises, the tenant's requirements and the area, you can predict the size of the future investment. When concluding a lease, remember! lease contract should be concluded for a period of at least 5 years, registered in Justice, must protect your interests and not have clause according to which the landlord can evict you unilaterally, indexing annual rent should not exceed 10% , the agreement must be signed in rubles (not for all regions this is possible, so act as appropriate), the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises must be at least 60 m2 in order for you to obtain a license to sell alcohol. Remember, the future of your business, and hence the future of your money, depends on how much your rights are protected with the help of a lease agreement. We'll talk more about this in a separate article. Implementation period: from a week to several months.

9. Design and renovation

“Design cannot dominate people and things. Design should help people, this is its role. "

Dieser Rams, world design guru.

This is perhaps one of the most important moments in the implementation of a future project. The time when design played a key role in the perception of the catering enterprise is gone. But, the importance of design today is equally important in the perception of you as your guest. Do not make rash mistakes, do not hire a designer who does not have experience in implementing projects in the restaurant sector, and even more so, do not take on the design yourself, unless, of course, you are a designer with experience. Remember, the design of the bar space should be based on the concept, not dominate and create an atmosphere that makes the guest comfortable. Design is like a good thing, if dressed to the place - decorates, if not - repulses. Renovation, another significant event in the future life of the restaurant. People who know how to work quickly and efficiently should build and repair. For everything about everything, you have 2-3 months.

10. Equipment.

Usually the inventory of equipment is based on the concept and product that you plan to manufacture. When ordering, consider a few main points:

  • you can't skimp on quality, you'll lose more.
  • it is necessary to take into account the delivery times of some rare pieces of equipment, they can be up to 3 months.
  • it is impossible to save on heating and refrigeration equipment, there are constant high risks in case of failure. Your entire business can stop and you lose money.
  • Ice and its quality are the main success factors for your product.
  • The ergonomics of the bar are a key factor in the speed of work, and therefore the size of your revenue.

Mootee bar, Johannesburg

11. Marketing.

"People buy not what you create, but why you create it."

Simon Sinek

Marketing is responsible for communication between your bar and your guest. With the help of effective marketing, you will be able to convey your idea in an accessible form to the target audience. Marketing is an effective tool in the right hands, it is not “wasted money” as it is commonly believed. Although, if money falls into the hands of a fool, it ceases to have any value and to be useful. Effective marketing is the most important investment in your future. You can assemble the best team, come up with the coolest product, but if no one finds out about it, all efforts will be in vain. Use different local marketing tools, experiment with digital, invest wisely in SMM, but remember, if you don't have a strategy to promote your bar, no tools will help you. Think through what channels you will deliver information to guests and who will do it? Implementation period: from a month to two.

12. Team.

"Gather talented people and let them do their job"

Recruit staff in accordance with the format, concept and planned sales volumes, use a financial model. Recruit people with bright eyes, people in their hearts, the idea of \u200b\u200byour bar is on fire, the rest can be taught. Recruit and train your employees, establish a dialogue with them. Remember, today line personnel (bartenders, waiters, cooks) rely not only on material motivation, but also on other values \u200b\u200b- a friendly team, the opportunity to gain experience, pleasure and satisfaction from what they do. Develop a system of financial and non-financial motivation, let them realize themselves in those issues in which they are interested. Conduct tastings of all your products for employees - they must not only know the composition, but also represent the taste, otherwise they will not be able to tell the guest about the product.

13. Opening.

The opening of a bar is always an event for the team and your guests, but before doing it officially, let the team work together and find the best ways to interact with the guest. Open doors to friends and close acquaintances, respectfully listen to criticism and comments, hold daily meetings and adjust team work. After a while, you will not recognize them. And the guests who come to the official opening will be very pleased. Yes, and also, my experience shows that a good team is the most effective word of mouth. When they like their place of work, they are useful and appreciated fairly, they magnetically attract everyone they know, just to come and buy what you offer.

That's all for today. Had to read? Well, as you would like. If you need to figure something out, you will have to spend time. I wish you good luck. Look forward to a series of articles on each of the 13 points. It will be interesting and, as always, useful! If you have any questions, ask them

If you are sociable, like fun, holidays and gathering of people, it is not surprising that you wanted to get your own bar and profit from all this. Immediately a lot of questions arose: how to open your own bar, how much money needs to be invested in development, what is the profitability, what documents, equipment, premises are needed ... A bar, first of all, is a drinking establishment and a place for communication, and it does not require so much costs to open it like opening a restaurant. Where should you start, and what difficulties may await you on your way?

Placement and room for the bar

How to open a bar in a place that provides a stable income? To do this, you need to carefully select the area in accordance with the concept of the bar itself. For example, in suburban and residential areas, where residents like to sit on a bench with beer, it makes no sense to open an expensive bar with elite alcohol, just as in an expensive area a beer bar without seating is unlikely to be popular.

You need to carefully study the situation in the proposed location of the bar, be sure to inquire about the presence of offices, schools and kindergartens there. Obviously, you shouldn't place a bar in the immediate vicinity of a children's educational institution.

Concept and staff

When a place for the future bar is found, it is necessary to decide on its type and an approximate menu. The bar can be a beer bar with a large assortment of coffee, or perhaps the bulk of the drinks in it will be wines or other types of alcohol. If you are planning a drinking establishment with 20-25 seats, the list of staff will be as follows:

  • two bartenders with a shift work schedule;
  • two or three waiters for serving the hall;
  • cashier (this role can be played by bartenders or waiters);
  • cleaner (this position can also be combined with the main one);
  • administrator;
  • security guard;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • IT specialist.

If it is assumed that hot dishes will be served as an appetizer, the chef and a couple of assistants for him will be added to this list. The main thing is to carefully select the personnel so as not to face the problem of theft or unfair performance by employees of their duties.

You will also have to periodically conduct training and certification of personnel. Obviously, skilled workers can improve your bar's reputation and accelerate ROI by increasing the speed and quality of work.

In the service sector, cadres decide, if not everything, then a lot.


To open a bar, you will need - although this registration option is more expensive, it involves an impressive amount of documentation and has more difficulties with tax reporting, a license to sell alcohol is issued only to LLC.

After registration, you must obtain all necessary permits and licenses to open the bar.

List of documents for opening a bar:

  • premises lease agreement;
  • a license for the retail sale of alcohol (it will cost from 50 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the city / region);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on alcohol consumption at the point of sale;
  • fire conclusion;
  • an agreement on the removal of food and industrial waste;
  • a document on the registration of the cash register with the tax office (RUB 4,500);
  • agreement on the implementation of systematic cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • production and sanitary control program;
  • and, finally, the state permission of Rospotrebnadzor for placement. It is this document that establishes the right to start an enterprise.

Brief business plan and pricing

How much does it cost to open your own bar? The amount of funds that you will spend on opening a bar will depend on many nuances: the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, the number of employees and an approximate menu.

If you are going to open a bar without hot dishes, there will not be much equipment, and it will be compactly located on the territory of the bar counter. It is mandatory for an establishment with 20-25 seats to purchase such equipment as:

  1. Bar counter.
  2. Cupboards and small equipment.
  3. Hall furniture.
  4. Cash machine.
  5. Refrigerator.
  6. Showcase.
  7. Coffee machine.
  8. Ice maker.
  9. Ice crusher.
  10. Module for installing beer taps.
  11. Shakers.
  12. Dishes and bar accessories for preparing drinks.
  13. Dishes for the hall.

One point of the bar for the purchase of equipment and utensils, as well as for paperwork, will need from 300,000 rubles at a time. Next, consider the costs by month: the cost of renting premises differs in cities and regions, and ranges from 60,000 thousand rubles per month, that is, from 720,000 thousand rubles. in year.

Do not forget to add to this the salary of employees (from 500,000 rubles per year), the cost of food and alcohol (from 50,000 rubles per month), utility bills, unforeseen situations (refrigeration equipment out of order or crashed in a month a lot of dishes), paying taxes, etc.

In the first month, you will have to spend about 600,000 rubles. In the future, the cost per bar per month will be reduced to 100-200 thousand rubles per month, and when establishing contact with suppliers, it will become even less. Now, depending on the amount of expenses you have received per month, you need to start pricing so that the bar will pay off the money invested in it.

The trade markup for the bar's payback should be at least 300%, that is, the average check should be 600-700 rubles.

The minimum period for which a bar can pay off with a successful coincidence of circumstances is six months, but most often it takes from one to five years. That is why it is important to draw up a detailed business plan for the bar, which will cover all costs and estimated revenues.

What is the article about?

The sphere of entertainment and public catering is attractive for many businessmen, because there are a lot of people who want to have a good time with friends, eat tasty food and drink alcoholic beverages. The services of bars and pubs are in great demand among the population, besides, in almost all such establishments, there are quite high markups for products sold. Therefore, the maintenance of your own bar is a promising activity that can bring a stable high income.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a bar

Before starting a bar from scratch, aspiring entrepreneurs need to understand all the intricacies of this difficult business. Running your own drinking establishment has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Despite the low level of income of our compatriots, bars not only have not lost their relevance, but on the contrary, their number is growing every year. Particularly popular are small drinking establishments selling their products with a moderate margin. It is known that bars and pubs make money mainly from the sale of alcoholic beverages. Since such a product has a long shelf life, entrepreneurs practically do not risk anything by investing money in it.

Also, among the advantages of this business, high profitability should be highlighted, because, depending on the bar format, the margin can vary from 35 to 50% (and even more). However, it should be remembered that without the owner's personal interest in the success of the enterprise, this business will be unprofitable.

Entrepreneurs looking to open their own bar or pub should be aware of the negative aspects as well. First of all, it is worth highlighting the high competition in this niche. It is easy to guess that the popularity of entertainment establishments is finding more and more people who want to make money on it. Moreover, entrepreneurs are not stopped even by the fact that selling alcohol in bars is quite an expensive pleasure for the owners themselves, because this requires acquiring an appropriate license and regularly paying state fees.

Among the pitfalls of a business in maintaining a drinking establishment, one should separately highlight the deception of entrepreneurs by employees. Unfortunately, this tendency is observed everywhere, because where there is real money (and in considerable quantities), there are always people who are dishonest. Fraud and theft not only lead to the fact that the businessman does not receive some of his money, but can also directly affect the reputation of the bar. For this reason, many entrepreneurs recruit staff on recommendation or closely monitor their activities.

Among the disadvantages is the fact that bar visitors often conflict with each other after drinking alcoholic beverages, arrange fights and often cause material damage. If such precedents occur frequently, the bar will cease to be visited by a large number of citizens, which ultimately will negatively affect the level of income. Do not forget about the people around you, because if the institution is located in a residential area, complaints will come to the police about it in the event of fights and loud noise.

How to open a bar from scratch - step by step instructions

Let's consider the main stages of starting a business.

Concept selection

Consideration of step-by-step instructions for organizing your own business on the maintenance of a bar should begin with choosing a concept for the future establishment. It will depend on its format:

  • identification of target visitors;
  • choice of premises for activities;
  • product range;
  • customer service form;
  • territorial location.

Important: due to the great competition in the entertainment industry, you should initially choose the format of the future bar in such a way that it is focused on a specific target audience. This approach will allow you to stand out among similar establishments and provide the company with a flow of regular customers. The concept of the bar also presupposes the original stylistic design of the interior, the development of the menu, the exterior, the appearance of the staff, methods of customer service, musical accompaniment, a bonus program for visitors, etc.

  1. Bar (classic). In such an institution, there are mandatory reception areas for visitors near the bar and in the hall with tables designed for the simultaneous accommodation of 4-8 people. In the classic version, you need to provide musical accompaniment, because most of the clients come to drink and dance. Typically, the bars offer a wide range of alcoholic drinks and popular snacks. For such an institution to be successful and bring tangible profits, you need to come up with an unusual idea for its creation. As a result, the owner will be able to successfully compete with other bars (of which there are a huge number in cities, especially large ones) and popularize his own enterprise.
  2. Wine glass room. Such a bar does not require large investments from an entrepreneur at the start, such as organizing a tea business from scratch. For the activities of a drinking establishment, you need to find a small room and install several tables inside it. First of all, wine-glasses are designed for clientele with a minimum level of income. Due to the low mark-up on cheap alcohol, there will always be a lot of customers (hence the earnings). Often, wine-shops are visited by marginal people and a similar contingent, so this fact should be taken into account before the start. Nevertheless, it is the wine glasses that can bring good (and most importantly, constant) income if they are located near large manufacturing enterprises.
  3. Beer. As well as wine-glasses, beer houses are very popular among the population. Visitors are offered a choice of several types of light and dark beer (keg, bottled, canned), as well as non-alcoholic varieties. As a snack in such bars, a person can buy a variety of snack products. A more expensive variety of such establishments are pubs, which offer a large number of beers.
  4. Coffee bar. Customers are offered a large assortment of different types of coffee, tea and confectionery here. Elite alcoholic beverages (cognacs, brandy, whiskey) are often sold here, which brings a good additional income.
  5. Sports bar. From the name it becomes clear that alcohol is not sold in such an establishment. The target audience of sports bars is those with a healthy lifestyle. They sell water, juices, all kinds of cocktails made from natural ingredients and calorie-free meals.
  6. Cafe for children. Such bars are specific because they are designed for a children's audience. There are usually light snacks, non-alcoholic cocktails, sweet water, juices, ice cream and pastries on sale. The peculiarity of children's bars is the original colorful interior design and the presence of a play area for young visitors. Many owners of such cafes work closely with holiday agencies, which generates additional income.
  7. Thematic bar. In thematic institutions, as a rule, people of the same interests gather. For example, you can organize a brasserie for rockers with the appropriate setting or club music lovers who will be regular customers. To increase income at night, entertainment of the category "18+" (erotic dances) can be organized for visitors.

Business registration

Having decided on the concept of the future bar, it is necessary to register your enterprise, issue permits, and also coordinate the activities of the institution with Rospotrebnadzor. To register a business, you need to contact the FTS branch at your place of residence. In addition, entrepreneurs can use the website of the State Service, as well as visit multifunctional centers.

If you plan to open a non-alcoholic bar, you can issue an IP. To sell alcoholic beverages, the company will have to be registered as an LLC. In this case, the amount of the obligatory state duty is 4 thousand rubles (for individual entrepreneurs - 800 rubles). The sale of alcoholic beverages requires a mandatory license. To get it, an entrepreneur needs to pay a fee of 65 thousand rubles.

Important: registration of a license is carried out quickly enough. After receiving it, you can start selling alcoholic beverages. It is issued for a period of one year, after which the entrepreneur needs to pay the fee again and receive a new document. It is imperative to avoid mistakes when submitting documents.

Also, the entrepreneur will have to obtain a number of permits from the regulatory authorities. Even at the planning stage of the future bar, you should take care of the placement of equipment and organize its activities in accordance with SanPiN No. 2.3.6. 1079-01, otherwise the SES will not approve the start of the enterprise (this also applies to businessmen who, for example, want to open a bakery from scratch). It is imperative to obtain permission from the fire supervision. To do this, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of engineering networks, install a fire alarm and provide an emergency exit.

Selection of premises

To open a bar, it is necessary to correctly select a room for these purposes, and the number of visitors depends on its dimensions. For example, in an institution with a total area of \u200b\u200b150 sq. m comfortably accommodate 50-60 clients. It is also worth highlighting 8-10 sq. m for the installation and organization of the bar counter.

The bar should be located in places with a large traffic of people, which will ensure a good flow of customers. Thematic formats can even be located in a residential area, but care should be taken to conduct an appropriate advertising campaign. Over time, the word-of-mouth effect will work, and clients will find the place themselves.

To ensure the smooth operation of the bar, you need to check the serviceability of engineering systems. These should include:

  • electricity grid;
  • ventilation system;
  • water pipes;
  • sewerage;
  • gas pipeline.

Since the connection of bar and music equipment will require a powerful electrical network, you must obtain the appropriate permission from the energy supplying organization. To replace the wiring, you need to invest about 50 thousand rubles.

If a businessman wants to make a stylish interior, you should use the services of professional designers. This approach will allow creating a unique concept of the establishment and comfortable conditions for clients' recreation (entrepreneurs who want to open a barbershop from scratch can also use their services).

As for the size of investments for the decoration of premises and repairs, a businessman needs to spend about 300 thousand rubles one-time. The rent of a 150 sq. m will cost an average of 75 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

It is impossible to write a business plan if the expense does not include the cost of purchasing bar equipment. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that you need to equip the guest room, bar counter and kitchen. To do this, you will need to purchase:

  • cash register - 7 thousand rubles;
  • bar counter - 50 thousand rubles;
  • furniture (tables, chairs, soft corners) - 200 thousand rubles;
  • shop windows - 15 thousand rubles;
  • racks - 20 thousand rubles;
  • tVs - 60 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator - 20 thousand rubles;
  • bar accessories - 30 thousand rubles;
  • a coffee machine - 30 thousand rubles;
  • dishes - 50 thousand rubles.

You also need to equip the kitchen, for which you need to buy an oven, ovens, microwave ovens, refrigerators, mixers, dishes and cutlery, the cost of which ranges from 240 thousand rubles. In total, 722 thousand rubles should be spent on the purchase of equipment for the bar.

Attracting staff

The success of the bar largely depends on the professionalism of the employees. An entrepreneur must understand that it is easier to hire inexperienced bartenders and waiters and then train them than to hire professionals. In addition, it is easier to monitor newcomers in the process of work and control so that they do not deceive customers and do not enter into conflicts with them.

As for bartenders, such employees must have basic rules for communicating with customers, merchandising skills (for displaying alcoholic drinks), the ability to make cocktails and correctly place an order. It doesn't hurt to invite a professional to the bar who can give master classes for inexperienced employees and teach them the basics of freestyle. Over time, bartenders will be able to run shows, which will certainly increase the number of regular visitors.

When drawing up a business plan, the number of employees should be considered, as well as labor costs. They will be (2 shifts):

  • administrator (2 persons) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • cook (2 people) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • waiter (4 people) - 60 thousand rubles;
  • bartender (2 people) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • dishwasher (2 persons) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • cleaning lady - 15 thousand rubles.

Total - the total cost of staff salaries is equal to 245 thousand rubles. The average salary of an accountant is 25-30 thousand rubles per month. But at the initial stages of work, the entrepreneur himself can cope with his duties.

Advertising campaign

One of the most important issues that businessmen face is advertising and promotion of a bar, because the attendance of the establishment and the amount of profit depend on their effectiveness. The first thing to pay attention to is the sign and exterior of the bar. The number of clients depends on how attractive they are. It does not hurt to use advertising channels such as:

  • a television;
  • printed editions;
  • distribution of leaflets and flyers in public places;
  • advertising in transport;
  • The Internet.

It is advisable to develop a website for your bar and place on it prices for products, kitchen novelties, a list of entertainment programs and promotions. It is also necessary to create communities on social networks and promote the institution. Entrepreneurs need to order loyalty cards with certain discounts and bonuses. Visitors will certainly appreciate this kind of attention. It will not hurt to take part in all kinds of city events, fairs and other celebrations, which will attract a considerable number of new customers. Typically, the cost of an advertising campaign is about 30 rubles per month.

Bar business plan

What do you need to know in order to correctly draw up a bar business plan? When calculating it, one-time investments (initial investments) and fixed (monthly) expenses are taken into account. As practice shows, renting premises for drinking establishments is the most optimal option for entrepreneurs. In addition, this approach to organizing the activities of the bar allows you to significantly reduce the amount of initial investment.

You can also use your own premises for the activities of a drinking establishment or take a loan from a bank (if necessary, it will not be difficult to find a formula for calculating a loan and find out the costs). It should be remembered that in the case of an unsuccessfully chosen location, the bar will not make a profit, so it is better to limit yourself to a rental space. Initial costs will be:

  • organization of the authorized fund - 10 thousand rubles;
  • registration of an enterprise - 4 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a license - 65 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining a BTI plan - 1 thousand rubles;
  • trade patent - 3 thousand rubles;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • design, renovation of the premises - 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 722 thousand rubles;
  • launch of an advertising campaign - 30 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of initial investment is 1.215 million rubles. Now let's calculate the amount of required monthly costs. These include:

  • rental of premises - 75 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 30 thousand rubles;
  • salary of employees - 245 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 45 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of food and alcohol - 150 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs are 545 thousand rubles. Please note that we did not include in the calculation the amounts that could be stolen by unscrupulous employees, as well as the costs associated with damage to products and property, since it is impossible to predict them. It is important to understand that the amount of profit directly depends on the number of visitors to the bar and the size of the average check. To find out the approximate number of customers who will come to the bar, you need to monitor competing establishments.

The average bill in bars in small towns is 700 rubles during the day and 1.2 thousand rubles at night. These figures for the capital of Russia are 1.3 and 1.7 thousand rubles, respectively. Suppose that 40 customers will visit the bar per day, and the average check will be 800 rubles. Then 40 * 30 * 800 \u003d 960 thousand rubles per month. From this amount, you need to subtract the monthly mandatory costs of 545 thousand rubles, we get 415 thousand rubles of net profit. With such an income, it will be possible to return the investment in less than 6 months from the start of work.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 940 000 ₽

Initial attachments

1 170 000 ₽

350 000 ₽

Net profit

6-30 months

Payback period

Are you dreaming of opening your own bar? We offer you a guide with an analysis of all the key points of starting a dream business, which can bring in a profit of 4 million rubles per year.

Step 1. Assessing the market and idea

The initial stage for any business idea should be its evaluation. Ask yourself questions: is this in demand in the market? What is the level of competition? Why do you need to build a business in this direction?

In recent years, the culture of public catering has been actively developing in Russia. As a result, the rapid growth in the number of establishments and the variety of offerings that form the special interest of Russians in eating out. Even during the economic crisis, the population does not refuse to visit catering establishments, although they try to save on this type of expenses. According to experts, the domestic catering market has growth prospects, since it is quite capacious. Consequently, the catering sector is still relevant and promising.

No wonder the entertainment and catering industry is so attractive to entrepreneurs. Therefore, there is high competition in the catering market. Lots of burgers, sushi restaurants, coffee shops, pizzerias ... You can choose any direction, but why is it worth opening a bar or pub? Firstly, the very concept of the bar assumes a more informal atmosphere: this is a place where you can get together with friends, relax in the evening after work, have a tasty meal and drink alcoholic drinks. Secondly, the bars have quite high markups for alcohol, which allows for significant profits. Thirdly, bars can be used as venues for various events. Fourth, opening a bar is much easier than a full-fledged restaurant with signature cuisine.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a bar



    high business profitability (up to 50%);

    fast return on investment;

    no need for a large staff;

    narrowly focused, specific niche;

    high income due to the margin on alcoholic beverages;

    high demand for such establishments among the population;

    relatively small amount of investments for the industry;

    business scalability

    high level of competition in the market;

    expensive rent of retail space;

    complexity in organizing a business;

    the need to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages;

    business requires the constant involvement of the entrepreneur

Step 2. Defining the concept of the establishment

First, you need to decide on the concept of the future establishment. This is what will depend on:

    determination of the target audience;

    choice of premises;

    form of service for visitors;

    territorial location.

In addition, a well-chosen concept is a good competitive advantage. When the market offers many different establishments, only those who offer an interesting concept can stand out and attract their customers. Therefore, this stage of the bar opening is so important.

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When defining the concept of an institution, you should understand what target audience it will be focused on. The concept of the bar also involves the development of a menu, stylistic interior design, ways of serving customers, musical accompaniment, "chips" of the institution, pricing policy and so on. For a clearer understanding of what the bar format can be, consider a few examples.

Basic bar concepts:

    Classic bar... The hall is divided into two zones: a bar counter, where visitors can order signature drinks, and an area equipped with tables and sofas for 4-8 people. The bar offers a wide range of alcoholic drinks and popular snacks. This format involves the organization of entertainment events: discos, karaoke. Therefore, it is worth considering a dance floor.

    Bar-pub... This format refers to pubs where visitors are offered several types of beer and various snacks. A more expensive variety of such establishments are pubs offering craft beer or mini-breweries. In such establishments, it is recommended to install screens for viewing popular sports events.

    Thematic bar... It can be the format of a classic bar or pub, the main feature of which is in a pronounced theme. What could it be? A bar dedicated to a particular musical direction, film, director, cars and so on. You can spy on ideas implemented in other cities and even countries.

Depending on the chosen concept, the target audience is determined. It is wide enough for bars. The main category of consumers is young people aged 18 to 35, regardless of their income level.

Step 3. We are looking for a suitable place, we plan to renovate the premises

For any catering establishment, the right location plays an important role. The search for a bar space is determined by a number of important nuances. One of the most common options is a non-residential premises equipped on the ground floor of a multi-storey building. But it should be borne in mind that the nature of the institution can interfere with the tenants of the house, so the most suitable option would be a detached non-residential building, on the ground floor of which you can equip a bar. Its location itself is not so important, although it should meet some requirements. On the one hand, good traffic will attract the attention of new visitors. On the other hand, with the proper organization of the institution itself, the location can be somewhat neglected and save on rental costs. The main condition for the location of the bar is the convenience and safety of the entrance or approach to the establishment.

But for the very room of the future bar there are more requirements, it should be selected especially carefully. Each room intended for a catering establishment undergoes a thorough inspection by state bodies - the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspection. Strict requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the kitchen and ventilation, compliance with working area standards, finishing materials, organization of food storage, etc. In addition, the functionality of the premises should be assessed - the possibility of redevelopment, the availability of all communications (water supply and sewerage, electricity, gas), which will ensure the smooth operation of the institution. Particular attention should be paid to the power of electricity, since food processing equipment consumes a lot of electricity. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic requirements set out in Law No. 171-FZ, which regulates the circulation of alcohol.

Another frequently asked question is whether to buy a property or rent it. As practice shows, at the initial stage it is impractical to buy a building. It is better to direct the initial investments into purchasing good equipment, creating an attractive interior, and promoting the establishment. However, when drawing up a lease agreement, it is recommended to immediately negotiate a possible purchase of real estate in the future. Also pay attention to the length of the rental period. It will not be profitable for you to move to another place in a year or two: first, you will have to spend a significant amount on the move; secondly, the loss of a "promoted" place can deprive the institution of a share of the clientele. Therefore, it is worth discussing in detail with the tenant all the nuances of the contract.

Ready ideas for your business

The area of \u200b\u200bthe premises depends on how compactly the clients will be placed and on the total capacity. Given the experience of the existence of drinking establishments, 150-200 sq. m is enough. Depending on the layout and furniture arrangement method, this room can easily accommodate from 30 to 60 people. It should be borne in mind that the entire area is divided into separate rooms: the main hall, kitchen, utility rooms, and a bathroom. The kitchen should be allocated at least 60 sq.m., and the hall for visitors - 100 sq.m.

The average rent for a normal bar space is about 100-150 thousand rubles, depending on the location and characteristics of the room. We advise you to pay attention to the premises in which there were previously catering establishments. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and speed up the bar opening process. Now you can find many options for suitable premises, in which the space is divided into zones, the kitchen is equipped with ventilation and hoods, and the hall is equipped with an air conditioning system. Renting such premises may cost a little more, but the benefits will be greater. It's easier than starting from scratch.

Ready ideas for your business

Also, when choosing a room, you should be guided by how the interior of the bar is supposed to be. Different concepts will require different planning solutions. During the renovation process, you need to focus, first of all, on the convenience and comfort for visitors. Tables should be large to accommodate 6-8 people, and sofas or chairs should be comfortable. It is desirable that each table be in relative isolation from each other, because the privacy of the company is also a kind of comfort. The cost of renovation can be completely different: it all depends on the idea, the materials used and whether you use the services of a designer or not. That is why it is rather difficult to name the exact amount of repair costs. The average cost of renovation and decoration of the premises is about 200 thousand rubles.

Particular attention should be paid to the interior, which creates the right atmosphere and supports the theme of the institution. The interior plays not only an aesthetic role, but also allows you to create "chips" of the institution, a memorable corporate identity. This makes the interior an effective tool in bar promotion. It is better to entrust the creation of the interior to a professional designer. Then it will be possible to create a unique space in the bar where people want to spend time and where they want to return.

Step 4. Prepare documents

Having decided on the room for the future bar, you need to start collecting all the necessary documentation. This process is quite laborious and includes several directions. For convenience, we will consider each separately.

    Organization registration. The legal form of an enterprise depends on the format of the institution. If strong alcohol is sold in the bar, then a license is required, which is issued only to LLC. If the bar will only trade in beer, then a license is not required for this and you can limit yourself to an individual entrepreneur. According to the new classification of OKVED, 56.30 should be selected as the type of activity

    Registration of documents for the premises

    Registration of the cash register and its registration with the tax authorities.

    Obtaining permits from the SES and the fire service.

    Registration of all the necessary documentation at the sanitary and epidemiological station, which is required to start the work of a catering establishment.

    The final stage is obtaining a license to trade in alcohol. This requires a list of documents.

Documents required to open a bar

    A photocopy of the receipt for payment of the state duty, constituent documentation, papers confirming state registration.

    SES conclusion.

    Certificate of absence of arrears in payment of taxes and penalties.

A comprehensive list of required documents for obtaining a license can be obtained from the local licensing authority.

The license is issued for a period of 1 year, subject to the following requirements by the institution:

    premises over 50 sq.m;

    availability of necessary communications - water supply, electrical wiring, heating;

    distance of at least 100 meters from educational, medical and sports institutions.

The license cost will be 70 thousand rubles. We also draw your attention to the fact that since 2016, a mandatory stage is registration in the Unified State Automated Information System of all who are engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages. This system is designed to combat counterfeit alcohol. The penalty for neglecting registration is a fine of up to 200,000 rubles.

And now, once again, we briefly list the list of documents that will be needed to open a bar:

    Enterprise state registration documents.

    Documentation confirming the right to work in the premises: lease agreement or owner's certificate.

    Permission from SES and Fire Service.

    Garbage collection contracts, disinfection, personnel health records.

    Production control program.

    License for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Step 5. We buy equipment

To open a bar, you will need different categories of equipment, namely:

Ready ideas for your business

  • Furniture (tables, sofas, chairs, bar counter).
  • Refrigeration equipment (refrigerators, wine display cases, bar equipment).
  • Heating equipment (ovens, stoves, hot showcases, barbecue makers and so on).
  • Bar equipment (blenders, coffee grinders, mixers, toasters, juicers, and so on).
  • Electromechanical equipment (vegetable cutters, bread slicers and so on).

Moreover, do not forget about sinks, trash cans, cabinets, umbrellas for ventilation, scales, distribution lines, shelves and so on. In general terms, it is necessary to spend about 200 thousand rubles for the purchase of kitchen equipment for a small-scale bar.

The list is provided for information only and can be adjusted according to the preferences of the entrepreneur. You should also take into account the cost of furniture for decorating the main hall. For a bar with 60 seats, you will need the following set of furniture: 20 double sofas and 8 large tables, 12 chairs and 6 small tables for two, a bar counter and 6 bar stools, as well as racks for alcohol. The cost of furniture and decor for the bar will be from 150 thousand rubles.

Step 6. We draw up the menu, organize the supply

At this stage, you should determine the composition of the menu, the list of dishes, their cost and selling price. To calculate the cost of the dish, you will need a technological map, which is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES. The flow chart indicates the consumption of products per portion and the volume of this portion. To determine from what to form the menu, you can study the proposals of competitors. It makes no sense to include in the menu of the bar any complex dishes designed for gourmets. The menu will be based on various drinks and snacks. Nevertheless, it is recommended to provide for the presence of signature cocktails and one signature dish, which can become a "chip" of the institution.

When the menu is ready, you should decide on the suppliers and establish supply channels. The main categories of bar suppliers:

    supplier of meat and poultry;

    supplier of fresh vegetables and herbs;

    supplier of alcoholic beverages;

    supplier of various snacks (chips, nuts, etc.);

    tea / coffee / beverage providers.

For certain categories of supplies that provide the main menu, it is recommended to conclude exclusive contracts with one trusted and reliable supplier. It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the institution with branded dishes and equipment.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. Typically, the shipping costs of the ingredients are borne by your facility. To reduce this cost item, you should choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment. The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, the flow chart for the preparation of products and the expected sales volume. It is important that the recipes of the dishes comply with GOSTs or separately adopted TU.

Since in restaurant practice there is often a supply agreement with deferred payment terms, the initial investment in working capital should be no more than 30% of the total cost of meals for the first billing month.

Step 7. Planning promotion

One of the important points when opening a bar is preparing and implementing an effective marketing strategy. It includes the development of the name of the institution, its logo and corporate identity; organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will allow you to distinguish the institution from the many proposals on the catering market and emphasize its concept. It is also worth considering the cost of a catchy, attention-grabbing sign. This type of cost will have to spend about 30 thousand rubles. To prevent advertising costs from eating up a significant part of the budget, you should use promotion channels rationally. The target audience of the bars is young people between the ages of 18 and 35. Ads should be placed where potential customers are.

Various marketing tools can be used to promote the bar: advertising videos in the cinema; online promotion; sponsorship participation in cultural projects; installation of billboards and signboards; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with menus; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on. Not so long ago there was a fashion for intellectual games, which are held on the basis of the institution. This is a very effective promotion tool that allows you to attract an additional audience.

Social media advertising targeting youth is also an effective method. Within the framework of social networks, you can conduct a "happy repost" campaign, a "feedback contest", etc. This tool aims to attract additional audiences. You can also provide for the "happy hours" promotion - the time during which the institution offers discounts, a special menu (for example, business lunches), etc. The use of this advertising tool should be carried out subject to the following recommendations:

    planning an action for weekdays;

    increasing the price of the most popular menu items to cover the difference in costs;

    short and clear slogan for the promotion;

    one group of drinks or food participating in the promotion;

    tracking the profitability of the stock.

The use of this or that tool depends on the target audience of the institution and the project budget. On average, about 100 thousand rubles should be spent on promotion in order to quickly gain an audience.

Step 8. Recruitment

For a small bar with 50 seats, you will need to hire:

    2 bartenders... Bartenders serve clients at the bar, prepare cocktails, and are responsible for the cash desk.

    2 cooks.Chefs coordinate the work of the kitchen, develop recipes for dishes and menus, control food costs, are responsible for preparing dishes, storing food, work at one or more kitchen stations, depending on the distribution of responsibilities.

    4 waiters.Waiters take orders in the hall, provide customer service, keep the hall clean, serve the table, accept payment for the order, are well versed in the menu and can give recommendations to visitors.

    2 dishwasher cleaners. Dishwasher cleaners are responsible for the use and maintenance of dishwasher equipment, monitor the cleanliness of dishes, kitchen and hall.

    2 guards.Security guards monitor public order and quickly resolve emergencies.

    Accountant.The accountant keeps financial records of all transactions and works remotely.

    Administrator.The administrator organizes the workflow, hires and manages personnel, is responsible for marketing policy, monitors the ratio of profit and loss, accepts and scheduling reservations and reservations, and controls the work of staff.

Requirements for the staff of a public institution:

    all employees must have health books with appropriate marks;

    all employees must be instructed before being allowed to the workplace, study the safety instructions for operating the equipment.

To improve the quality of service, it is necessary to regularly certify personnel and send them to improve their qualifications. To avoid staff turnover, decent wages should be set. On average, the payroll will be 350 thousand rubles.

Step 9. Draw up a financial plan

At this stage, we answer the most important question - how much does it cost to open a bar from scratch? To get an accurate calculation, it is recommended to develop a business plan that will take into account all costs in terms of current prices for a specific region and a specific idea. Speaking abstractly, to open a bar "without bells and whistles" you will need about 1 million rubles.

Initial investment for opening a bar

Amount, rub.

Initial payment for the lease of the premises

Repair of premises

Furniture and decor


Business registration, preparation of permits

Purchase of raw materials

Apart from the upfront costs, the project has monthly costs that should also be planned. The monthly costs are divided into variable and fixed costs. Variable costs consist of the costs of ingredients that are used in the preparation of meals, as well as payments for the capacities consumed in the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewage). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs can be calculated based on the amount of the average check (1000 rubles) and a fixed trade margin of 250%.

Fixed costs consist of rent, utility bills, payroll, advertising costs, taxes, and depreciation charges. The amount of depreciation is determined on a straight-line basis based on the useful life of fixed assets of 5 years.

Fixed costs


Amount per month, RUB


Communal payments


Payroll with deductions

Now let's calculate how much you can earn on the bar. With a capacity of 60 people and a 65% occupancy of the hall, 1,170 visitors can be expected per month. With an average check of 1,000 rubles per person, the monthly revenue will be 1,170,000 rubles, and the net profit will be approximately 350,000 rubles. At this level of profit, the initial investment can be recouped in six months. The profitability will be 43%. For beer restaurants, pubs, bars, the maximum payback period is 2-2.5 years.

Step 10. We take into account the risks

There are risks inherent in any type of business. What difficulties can you face when opening your own bar?

  • Poor choice of location and location of the bar. You can easily overestimate traffic or underestimate the competitive landscape. When choosing a room, some nuances that will appear during work may be missed. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the analysis of the outlet and take into account various factors;
  • Rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials.In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with a competent choice of suppliers and the inclusion in the contract of all the necessary conditions that provide for the supplier's material liability in case of their violation;

    Competitor reaction.Since the foodservice market is quite saturated and highly competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. To minimize it, you need to form your customer base, conduct constant monitoring of the market, introduce customer loyalty programs, create competitive advantages and unique offers;

    Refusal to lease premises or increase in the rental price.To reduce this risk, it is necessary to conclude a long-term lease agreement and carefully choose a landlord;

    Fall in effective demand.This risk can be mitigated by developing effective loyalty programs, including discounts, happy hour services, etc .;

    Personnel problems, which mean low qualifications, staff turnover, lack of employee motivation. This can lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the establishment. The easiest way to mitigate this risk is at the recruiting stage, by hiring employees who meet all the requirements. You should also provide for a bonus system for personnel;

    Equipment breakdown and production downtime. The risk will be mitigated by regular maintenance of the equipment in order to maintain its operability;

    Spoilage of products due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Surplus products can arise for two reasons: firstly, due to low sales and unpopularity of some dishes; and secondly, due to errors in forecasting sales. It is possible to reduce this risk by competent planning and forecasting, revising the assortment, excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Food storage errors, breakdown of refrigeration equipment can lead to food spoilage. It is possible to avoid this threat by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular equipment maintenance;

    Decrease in the reputation of the establishment among the target audience in case of mistakes in management or a decrease in the quality of services. This can be avoided by constant monitoring of product quality, receiving feedback from customers of the institution and taking corrective measures.

Having drawn up a detailed business plan, competently organizing work at each stage of the project and foreseeing the main risks, you can build a profitable and promising catering business.

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