Selection of tenders from all sites. The program for the search for tenders. Paid or free search programs

Every year more and more private companies transfer their supplies to electronic trading platforms. As a result, the trading volume on such resources is constantly growing.

accompanying the tender

That is why more and more suppliers start each business day with tenders search engines. Note that there are usually no questions about the search for government tenders. With tenders from private enterprises, everything is completely different.

Today there is no single platform for bidding: to find commercial tenders, you need to visit and study more than two hundred different sites. Bypassing such a large number of sites, even if possible, will probably take an entire working day. There will be no time for anything else.

What is a tender and how to find it?

More and more often in the news feed the terms "tender", "government procurement" are heard. Ordinary citizens associate this concept with corruption, large sums of kickbacks, dishonesty of officials. Although this is far from the complete picture.

Several thousand new tenders are posted on online trading platforms every day, which are offered to companies profitable terms cooperation, delivery of goods, performance of any work, or just the opportunity to make good money.

And if we take into account the fact that options appear daily, then the efficiency should be appropriate. If you are late with the submission of the application, having spent a sufficient amount of time searching, the company will simply miss the opportunity to fulfill the order it is interested in.

When a company is first faced with finding suitable tenders, it faces many obstacles and challenges. The most common are shown in the table below.

Problems when working with tenders




A huge number of sites, electronic platforms offering assistance in searching

Regarding the search for commercial tenders, since there are not so many Internet resources for searching for public procurements. A large number of sites leads to the fact that a large amount of time will have to be devoted first to finding a suitable place where tenders are placed, and only then it will be possible to start bids.


Unsatisfactory search result

It is difficult to find a suitable option according to the description, since the maximum detailed descriptions customers place in the form of attached documents. This complicates the search process.


The need to constantly track changes in procurement in notices

If a company leaves an application for a tender, it is necessary to monitor possible changes until the very moment of confirmation. If the customer changes the conditions even insignificantly, the potential contractor will not react to this, the application will be rejected.


The need for constant accounting, data systematization

It is necessary to control everything: how many days are left before the selection of the contractor, what documents will be needed first of all, how not to miss the deadlines, etc.

All this greatly complicates the work of any company, and takes a huge amount of time. Therefore, for a start, you should study all the nuances of the system, systematize the work.

Difference between public procurement and commercial tenders

Before you start looking for a suitable offer, you should understand the features and main differences between government and commercial procurement. Despite the fact that the rules for conducting both types are identical, state organizations must obey stricter rules.

Installed by the customer

Electronic platforms

List of approved sites only

Any electronic platforms at the discretion of the customer

As for government orders, they have their own subspecies. The most popular of these is the electronic auction. Thus, two thirds (67%) of purchases in the country are organized. Among non-electronic types, purchases from sole supplier and request for quotes.

If we consider the factor of the final price of the contract, then the distribution is as follows:

Free tender search

Free access and participation in procurement is provided by 5 electronic platforms approved by law. To use their services, you must be accredited for each of them.

Free electronic platforms






A subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia, the most popular ETP.

Initially, it was created exclusively for Moscow state customers. Once successful, beginnings will expand.

The most popular site.

One of the oldest public procurement service platforms. At first, she focused exclusively on state tenders of the Republic of Tatarstan

A subsidiary of the MICEX.

To participate in the auction on the listed resources, neither the customer nor the performer is obliged to pay anything, since they provide their services free of charge. Participants are only required to collect and fill in the necessary documentation for accreditation.

The most popular and demanded one is Sberbank-AST, where about 50% of all state auctions are held.

The financial success of companies that apply for public procurement depends on prompt search and timely application submission. Since it's pretty laborious processrequiring certain knowledge and skills, it is necessary to develop systems approach to resolve the issue.

To quickly find a suitable offer, you can apply the following system:

  1. Clearly define the basic parameters of the tender of interest (available finances, scope of implementation, etc.).
  2. Customize the search system according to certain parameters.
  3. Decide on the option for searching for public procurement (visit the official portal, develop your own monitoring system, use various special web resources for searching).

Features of order search on the official portal

Search work on the public procurement website can be carried out in the following ways:

  • if the order number is known in advance, it is enough to enter it into the search box located in the corner of the site on the right;
  • if there is no number, you will need to go to the advanced search.

The advanced search form allows you to set the following criteria selection:

  • method of placement;
  • determination of the current stage of placement;
  • name or lot number;
  • amount parameter;
  • date of placement;
  • customer details (name, identification number);
  • search region.
  • keywords of the required documentation.

If you need to find a contract, knowing its number, you can use the quick search option. If there is no number, you can search by price, publication date, payment information, suppliers, objects.

Important! The official site provides information only about existing tenders. The auctions themselves are held on electronic trading platforms, the list of which is given above.

Search for a commercial tender

Commercial tenders are the most difficult part of procurement. In principle, it is unrealistic to fully cover and study this market, since there are such customers who post their offers exclusively on their own websites, bypassing trading platforms.

And the most large enterprises and do own their own web resources, on which their rules and certain fees for participation apply. At the same time, the documentation is hidden from unregistered users.

There are a lot of similar operating sites. They can be classified by types of services, significance and purpose of transactions (international, federal, etc.).

Categorizing by industry makes searching a lot easier. And to make the work with tenders even more efficient, it is better to use electronic trading platforms regional level... Auctions of a certain region of the Russian Federation are held on such web resources. Such a system greatly simplifies searches, since it establishes a territorial limitation for those wishing to participate in the presented tenders.

Information about commercial tenders can be posted both on and on the corporate websites of customers. Search options for such offers are very diverse:

  1. Manual search is the most time consuming method. It is more suitable for small organizations that rarely participate in tenders, and mostly state-owned.
  2. The use of specialized search programs, services. This method significantly reduces the time required and increases the efficiency of searching for a tender of interest.
  3. Help from outside professionals or organizations. This approach is one of the most costly, and most of the proposals found will not meet the requirements of the customer of tender services.

Information systems or applications

It's always best to search for yourself. But since it is very long and difficult to do it manually, an excellent way out of the situation is special software development.

Applications of this type help sort the offers of interest by setting the desired parameters: price, due dates, region, method of conducting, etc. In addition to search, the programs allow you to track any changes in orders, technical documentation, conditions and wishes of the customer.

This method is very convenient for finding commercial tenders, taking into account their huge number. But even computer programs cannot guarantee the most accurate selection of options. Such programs select really interesting offers according to the parameters you set.

Our experts guarantee compliance with the requirements of the law at all stages of the tender support. Settlement of disputes with customers, appeal against decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, work on all trading floors.

To take part in the auction, first of all, the contractor needs to find the purchase that interests him. There are several ways to do this: if the company participates only in state (i.e. federal and municipal within the 44-FZ) tenders, then everything is simple.

All government purchases are published on 8 federal platforms that have the right to conduct them.

When it comes to tenders that are held in accordance with 223-FZ, then finding tenders is more and more difficult, they can be scattered across many sites, and there are several dozen of them at the moment.

For example, Sberbank has its own portal where trades are published, which are held to meet the needs of this organization. Similar services are available from Gazprom and other large corporations.

Advice: in order to effectively select and not miss important purchases, it is necessary to constantly monitor their updates by various means.

If you are interested in effective participation, use our full support service. To search for tenders and auctions across all sites, you can use our.

It is very time consuming to carry out the selection of purchases manually. To do this, it is best to have your own tender department, which will deal exclusively with this issue. For many organizations, creating such a department is unprofitable and costly.

In this case, it is possible to use 2 options:

  • hire a separate specialist who, according to the specified parameters, will monitor the ongoing bidding;
  • use the program to search. RusTender offers a solution to this issue, you can order a service for the selection of auctions you are interested in. It will be done manually, and you will receive only purchases that are relevant to you.

Search engine for trades and auctions

Let's take a closer look at what programs are for searching for trades by electronic platforms... There are many such services, they can be found on the Internet. In general terms, their essence lies in the fact that they combine the data of electronic sites (mainly the portal and others, depending on the capabilities of the service functionality) and carry out the selection of purchases.

Basically, these services are paid. They have a more extensive selection of filters than the sites themselves. We can say with confidence that it is most convenient to use software tools to search for federal tenders.

RusTender offers to use the search program for both government and commercial purchases -.

Selection of tenders - free and efficient

Let's consider a number of advantages provided by the program for searching for auctions and other purchases from RusTender:

    Access to all sites- monitoring is carried out on the basis of data from more than 100 sites;

    Free access - our program provides a trial free two-week access and you can use it immediately after registration;

    Wide search range -we use an advanced search for tenders, i.e. we use a large number of filter parameters that must be taken into account or, conversely, excluded;

    Ease of search - the program for the selection of auctions makes a selection by keywords, purchase number, OKPD2, the amount of the contract, the region, the customer and other important criteria. You can use several of them to find as many trades as possible interesting for you;

    Only relevant information - synchronization with sites is ongoing, so you will always see the current full list auctions and changes that are made on them.

    All interested purchases in one place- the biggest plus, of course, is that you can see all the trades in one place, instead of looking at dozens of sites to select the procedure that suits you.

Using our program greatly simplifies monitoring and selection of auctions of interest, especially if the company participates in commercial auctions.

Try it and you will use the advanced features of the program to search for tenders and auctions.

Ltd IWC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without specifying the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Hello dear colleague! Today we will talk about how to find a suitable tender. This question is most often asked by newcomers who are just starting to participate in procurement. Therefore, in this article I tried to answer in as much detail as possible to this questionso that you have a clear vision of what to look for and where. So let's get started.

1. What is a suitable tender?

This is a very subjective concept, since each supplier has its own idea of \u200b\u200ba suitable tender. Let's take a look at the criteria by which you can determine whether this or that tender suits you or not.

  1. The subject of the tender (this is the supply of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services corresponding to your field of activity);
  2. Type of tender (government, corporate or commercial);
  3. Method of placement (electronic auction, open tender, request for quotations, etc.) You can learn more about all methods of placing purchases in this video:

  1. Initial tender price;
  2. The region of the customer, as well as the address of the place of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services;
  3. Date of the tender;
  4. Availability and amount of the application security;
  5. Availability and amount of contract enforcement;
  6. Terms of execution of the contract;
  7. Availability of an advance payment.

I have listed only 10 main criteria that are most often used by procurement participants to make a decision to participate in a tender. However, this list may differ for each supplier.

2. Where to look for tenders?

In order to answer this question, first of all, you need to determine which tenders you will be looking for: state (within the framework of 44-FZ), corporate (within the framework of 223-FZ) or commercial?

According to the requirements of 44-FZ, all government tenders must be placed by customers in the United information system (EIS), and before putting it into operation on the Official website of the Russian Federation for placing orders - Those. absolutely all state purchases of the Russian Federation are placed on this resource, and you should look for them here.

Corporate purchases under 223-FZ are also posted on the website. However, in parallel with the posting on the official website, such information can be posted on the corporate resources (websites) of these organizations. Those. you can search for such tenders both on the website and on corporate websites.

If you plan to take part only in government or corporate procurement, then the official website will be more than enough for you to work. However, there is one point, which I will talk about a little later.

The situation with commercial tenders is much more complicated. Currently, there are over 6,000 different commercial sites in Russia, where information about tenders is posted and purchases are carried out. It is unlikely that anyone can manually “monitor” such a number of sites, therefore, to search for commercial tenders, various search engines or programs that we will talk about later in this article.

3. Search options for tenders

Let's look at what search options exist.

First option - manual search.

This option is suitable for small organizations or individual entrepreneurs who occasionally take part in procurement, mainly in state ones.

Second option - search using paid and free search services or programs.

This option, in my opinion, is more preferable for most organizations, because allows you to perform a full-fledged search for both government and commercial purchases, and also significantly reduces the time spent on this task.

Third option - entrust the search to another specialist.

This option is good because you can entrust the search for new tenders in your organization to a specific employee. However, you must first teach him how to do this. And also equip it with additional services or software.

Fourth option - resort to the help of an outsourcing company.

In my opinion, this is the most irrational and costly option, which has proven itself poorly in practice. As a rule, organizations providing such services have a lot of diversified clients. And the whole problem lies in the fact that the outsourcing company employees do not delve into the specifics of the activities of a particular client. And they don't need it.

Therefore, 90-95% of the tenders they find will go to you in the trash bin. Such companies use in their work paid programs to search for tenders, carry out a selection according to the search queries of customers, and then send out the found tenders to email... This is where a reasonable question arises. Why then pay someone to do something that you can do yourself, armed with such a program? You can get free access to one of these programs.

4. Paid and free resources for finding tenders

At the end of 2014, my colleague Andrey Pleshkov and I monitored paid and free resources on the search for tenders, tested their functionality and quality of work. Below you will find two tables with paid and free search engines and a short resume.

The market situation is constantly changing, some search engines cannot withstand competition and cease to function, others appear in their place. Therefore, do not be surprised that by the time you read this article, some of the search engines below may no longer function.

free search services.

Free search services

The far right column contains links to the so-called “Dead” services, the information on which has not been updated for a long time. Those. if you suddenly stumble upon one of the services indicated in this column, then know that there is no benefit from it and for work it is absolutely useless.

And finally, the middle column "Search services with limited search, long registration and other problems." All these services are available and work, however, different reasons they are not on the main list of preferred search engines. Either it is a long registration, or a limited and inconvenient search, etc. Try to go to these resources on your own, it is quite possible that one of these services will also interest you, and you will adopt it.

The figure below shows a table with paid search services.

Paid search services

In the left column I have indicated the most popular and noteworthy search engines. The other two columns show other paid search services that, in my opinion, are less useful and less convenient to work with. But this is my personal opinion.

As I mentioned above, my colleague and I, having not found any structured information on the search for tenders on the Internet, decided to fix this gap and released a full-fledged training video course "How to effectively search and find tenders?" consisting of 46 video tutorials (this is more than 3 hours of video). If you are interested, you can go over and learn more about this course.

5. Search for purchases on the sitewww. zakupki. gov. ru

Searching for the required tenders on the official website is quite simple and intuitive. However, there is one point that I promised to tell you about at the beginning of this article. This moment lies in the unstable work of this resource, since it is constantly subjected to heavy workload and endless improvements from the developers. From time to time, it works incorrectly or even "hangs". But let's not talk about the sad, I hope that over time this problem will be eliminated. So, in order to start searching for tenders, you need to go to the main page of the site.

Quick search

On the main page of the site you will see two tabs "Quick search" pos. 1 and "Advanced search" pos. 4.

The quick search mode allows you to search by order name, lot, customer, as well as by the notification number. A string for entering a search query pos. 2 contains 122 characters (including spaces).

To start the search, enter the name of the order, customer, lot or notice number in the search query input field and click on the "Find" button pos. 3 located on the right.

After clicking the Find button, a search is performed and the results are displayed in the center of the page.

The search is performed according to the combined register of orders and purchases according to the entered search query (i.e., both for purchases carried out within the framework of 44-FZ, and for purchases conducted within the framework of 223-FZ).

But I want to warn you right away that a quick search is convenient only if you know the name of the order (or part of it), the name of the lot, customer, or the number of the notice. For a more detailed search, it is recommended to use the advanced search.

Advanced Search

In order to get into the advanced search, you need to go to the corresponding tab on the site.

After clicking on this tab, an advanced search page will be displayed in front of you in the central part of the site.

To start the search, in the search box located at the top of the page, you must enter a search query in accordance with the displayed prompt: “Enter all or part of the notification number, purchase (order) or lot name, full name Customer ". And only then configure the necessary search parameters.

In this article, I will not dwell on how advanced search options are configured, since this is a fairly large topic that deserves a separate article. Try to go to the site and practice on your own with adjusting the parameters, I am sure that you will figure it out yourself. If not, then you can always turn to our help for help.

6. Seldon - procurement search system # 1

Today the Seldon system is the undisputed leader in the search engine market. It is not just a search engine, but also a powerful analytical tool.

In order to describe all the possibilities and advantages of this system, more than one article will be required, so I will limit myself to listing only its main features:

  1. Collection of information on government, commercial, international, and planned procurement;
  2. Providing fast, accurate and efficient search in the largest database, including archival bases of purchases, contracts, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  3. Formation of various analytical reports based on the available information, as well as the provision of statistical data on customers and suppliers;
  4. Setting up various "smart" filters and complex work with information;
  5. Integrated access to legal system "Guarantor" and the base of arbitration cases.

If you are interested in trying this system in action, you can leave a request for test access here. Better to try once than hear a hundred times.

7. How to quickly find the required tenders?

So, in order to quickly find tenders that interest you, you need to remember a few rules.

Rule # 1. You should know the OKPD codes that customers use when posting information about the procurement of goods, works or services that correspond to your field of activity.

Rule # 2. You should know the keywords that customers can use in describing the subject of the purchase.

Rule # 3. You should use the saved search filter settings so that you don't have to manually set the parameters each time.

Rule # 4. You must subscribe to the RSS feed of the search results according to the configured search parameters (this rule applies to the site

Rule # 5. You should search for information on new purchases at least once every 2-3 days.

Rule # 6. You should regularly monitor changes in the information on the selected purchase on the website (since changes may be made to the purchase notice, clarifications are given, or the purchase may be canceled).

Rule # 7. If you regularly participate in tenders, you should use paid search engines and software tools whenever possible, as this will save you a lot of time.

This concludes today's article. If something remains incomprehensible to you, then ask questions below in the comments. I hope that this material was useful to you, and if this is really so, then share this article with your friends and colleagues at social networks... I wish you good luck and effective search!

On electronic platforms. In addition to the complexity of the process, searching can be quite costly. In order to rationally select tenders and participate in them, it is necessary to have clear knowledge about tenders, about the places where tenders are placed and the individual characteristics of each order in order to choose the right order for yourself without spending extra money, and maybe even free of charge.

How to find a suitable tender?

First of all, you need to select the criteria for a suitable order in order to save time. Simple and accessible rules will help with this issue.

  1. Features of the order. You need to decide on what services, goods or purchases the organization can provide in order to narrow down the choice of orders. Each tender has its own specific framework, for example, medicine or aviation.
  2. Search for accommodation. Placement can be through an auction, open tenders or requests for quotes. Provided that the organization is small, it is recommended to look specifically for requests for quotations, because they do not have the obligatory presence of an electronic digital signature, and the documents for submitting participation in the tender are the simplest. Placing through auctions implies financial investments, availability and registration on portals.
  3. Region of the application. This is the main criterion for. Small organizations it is recommended to submit participation in the tender only in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation in order to avoid unpleasant consequences of non-fulfillment of purchases at the federal level.
  4. Terms of execution, as well as the presence of an advance payment, payment methods and other minor nuances in the order.

Where can I find a suitable tender?

Placed tenders are divided into three categories, each covering its own resources. It makes no sense to search for tenders for all sites at once, you just need to decide in which purchases there is an opportunity to participate, and only after that start searching for sites and portals.

  1. State procurements. All tenders public procurement on the relevant Federal Law must be presented on the single official portal of the Russian Federation. It is very easy to search for such government tenders by registering on the government procurement portal.
  2. Corporate purchasing. The Russian government has obliged to place such tenders at at least two sites. This is the official portal of public procurement and the corporate website of the Customer. You can apply for participation in tenders at both sites or at one or the other.
  3. Private procurement. There are no restrictions on placement, so tenders are put up on any of more than a thousand Internet sites, sometimes specially created for publication. Finding private purchases sometimes takes quite a long time. When looking for private tenders, they usually look not for the order itself, but for its placement.

How do I do it for free?

The most important thing in free search procurement tenders is the understanding that such methods have some limitations, and the time costs may increase. It is rather difficult to track tenders, therefore there are special free sites and programs in which search engines, whenever possible, give out the most detailed information on tenders at most sites.

Typically, such sites or programs provide limited free functionality or a trial version, after which it is offered to purchase a subscription. There is also an option to manually search for orders.

Today, the problem with a negative result for the search for tenders and with the maximum investment of efforts is widespread.

The reason for such unsuccessful searches is incorrect, and sometimes even completely incorrect queries, after which the search engine gives a completely wrong result.

In this case, in order to unload both your own and working timeit is recommended to hire and pay additional workerwhose responsibilities would include manual monitoring of procurement or service tenders.

On the one hand, this method does not look free, on the other hand, there is no need to pay for participation in dozens of sites, only one person is paid to view the available tenders.

In addition to searching for orders by keywords, most entrepreneurs focus more on order classification. The identification number is assigned to state tenders in accordance with the established Law of the Russian Federation and applies to such areas of activity as the production and sale of medical equipment, construction, pharmacology, and the provision of socially oriented services.

Find the OKDP code ( All-Russian classifier species economic activity, products and services) necessary direction in purchases, you can in the order card on any commercial or state portal.

When the desired purchase is found, you can take part in it yourself, or use the services of tender support. Both options have their pros and cons.