Why seminars are held. "Consultant Plus": training to work with the system. Hiring additional workers to help

What is common between the training and the seminar, and how do they differ from each other? Is it possible to combine them, and in what cases is it best to choose them? We will talk about this, as well as about many other things, within the framework of this article.

The symbiosis (combination) of educational forms makes it possible to achieve maximum efficiency from training. They complement each other and eliminate disadvantages educational process... Especially if you have chosen such forms of education as training and seminar, thanks to which it becomes real to create optimal conditions for mutual learning, scientific research and self-improvement.

What do these forms of education have in common and how do they differ from each other? Is it possible to combine them, and in what cases is it best to choose them? We will talk about this, as well as about many other things, within the framework of this article.

What is a workshop?

The seminar is a training-practical session, the participants of which discuss previously published or read abstracts, messages or reports written on the results scientific research... The main task of the seminar is to consolidate the material under discussion and develop professional communication skills.

This form of training allows you to openly express your views, listen to opponents and defend your opinion with arguments. Educational process seminar built in the form of a light version of the lecture, which at any time can be interrupted by discussions with the audience.

What is training?

Training is a form of active learning, aimed not so much at developing knowledge and social attitudeshow much for the acquisition of practical skills and abilities. This is a kind of training, during which students gain new knowledge and have the opportunity to "rehearse" their application under the guidance of a teacher. Thanks to the practical learning model, the participants in the training process the information much better. After all, a person remembers much better what he did himself than what he heard.

What is the difference between a seminar and a training?

The main difference is that the seminar focuses on theory, while training - the acquisition of practical skills. In addition, there are a number of differences that we have collected in one table:

However, these forms of education have common features. Namely, both the seminar and the training pursue the same goals and objectives:

  • familiarization with the ideology and technology of the subject under discussion;
  • analysis of key techniques;
  • assimilation of knowledge and the formation of practical skills;
  • the formation of personal goals and objectives;
  • development of the ability to work in a group.

Scope of seminars and trainings

The seminar is actively used in context post-training... Studies have shown that up to 85% of the information received during the training is gradually forgotten and in practice a person uses only up to 20%. And often it's not the quality of the training, but how much the person needed it, how much it met his expectations. To avoid such a situation, training organizers often conduct post-trainings (including in the form of a seminar).

Also, trainings are often organized as a building block of a workshop. The goal is to combine as efficiently as possible the pedagogical potential of both forms of education. This is an opportunity to harmoniously combine theory with practice in real time.

For example, a finance seminar would be appropriate to provide team building training. He will help explain the importance of mutual assistance and friendly ties in a team, form the ability to organize a team and successfully lead it, achieve high results through effective interaction. Thus, the participant training seminar will not only receive and analyze the theory of teamwork, but will also see how to put this knowledge into practice on the very next working day.

The most popular types of training seminars

Classes can be held in different formats, depending on the number of participants and the form of holding. However, the most popular today are such types of training seminars as:

  • Individual training seminar. As a rule, they are held for employees of one company in order to take into account the specifics of its policy. It helps to formulate specific goal and tasks for the branch, department, head.
  • Open training seminar. Such classes are cheaper than individual ones. The acquired knowledge and skills will enable everyone to independently introduce new technologies and knowledge in the professional field.

The topics of the training seminars concern absolutely all areas of our life: “ Bad habits... Their impact on the life and future of adolescents ”,“ Organization of a system of active sales ”,“ Analysis of the audience, the ability to be heard and understood ”,“ Problem and prevention of extremism. Innovative Forms of Working with Youth ”,“ Leader Ideology - Ideology of Success ”,“ Social Networks for Business ”,“ The ABC of Health and Happiness ”,“ The Art of Forgiving ”.

Specificity of conducting a training seminar

Characteristic feature of the lesson in this format, it is dynamism. There is no strict regulation of the time allotted for each form of work. Its structure depends on the purpose, individual needs and competencies of the participants. Often the lesson is carried out in the form of a game, which allows you to work out practical skills in a relaxed atmosphere.

The main stages of the training seminar are the discussion of the principles of work in groups, the analysis of methods for solving professional problems, the practical implementation of exercises, and the results. Tasks, as a rule, are carried out in groups, where part of the audience is working and part is watching. Everyone should visit both the one and the other position. Often, training seminars are filmed for further analysis. The main focus of the lesson is self-development and activity.

Another one interesting feature conducting such classes is the use of non-standard forms of work. In addition to lectures, exercises and presentations, teachers actively offer: psychodrama, role-playing games, fairy tale therapy, disputes, problematic tasks, interactive technology "brainstorming", binary (integrated) lesson, thematic reports, master classes.

The training seminar is an excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge and consolidate it directly in the classroom. You will learn how to achieve your goals and develop specific professional skills.

Getting knowledge is a long and difficult process. In universities there are different forms of classes that contribute to the assimilation of material, mastery of a specialty. One of the most important types learning activities - seminars. What is a seminar?

Historical excursion

The word "seminar" has been known since antiquity. Translated from Latin, it means "hotbed", probably because teachers "sow" knowledge, passing it on to students.

Seminars are not for obtaining academic knowledge (there are lectures for this). These classes are interactive, with communication, exchange of views. In this form, the teaching of humanitarian disciplines was built in Ancient Greece and Rome.

Since the 17th century. in universities Western Europe seminars are becoming a form of independent work of students to study sources. In Russia, seminars have been held since the 19th century.

Today, a seminar is called a group session that combines theory and practice, involving the independent preparation of students on a specific topic. Classes are held under the guidance of a teacher.

Purpose of seminars

What are the seminars for, and what they are. They are intended for in-depth study of the subject. They can be built in the form of disputes demonstrating different views, theories, and maybe short reports of students.

In seminars, students learn to apply theoretical knowledge. During the lessons, the material is repeated and consolidated, the skills of using scientific terminology are developed. Teachers have the opportunity to assess the ability of students to independently work with sources and literature.

In addition to higher educational institutions, there are scientific seminars where information, achievements are exchanged, familiarization with scientific work... There are also seminars in various industries for advanced training. Recently, online seminars that are held on the Internet have become widespread.

This is the kind of change that the seminars have undergone during their existence.

In this article, we will tell you about such a form of communication with the public as a seminar. This is necessary so that everyone who reads the information understands why the seminars are held, how they are conducted and what is needed to conduct them. This type of interaction with the audience is very common lately. It is important to remember that in order to successfully conduct a seminar, everything matters: the place, and the form of holding, and the preparedness of the leader. Not every person can do this event. And now let's talk about all the information in more detail.

What is a seminar: the meaning of the word

To begin with, let us clarify that the word "seminar" itself comes from the Latin term seminarium, which translates as "greenhouse", "hotbed". Of course, our workshops have nothing to do with gardening. But, drawing conclusions even from the word itself, one can understand that a seminar is a kind of communication with people, which implies the presence of an audience, that is, spectators, and the one who conducts the seminar.

It is important to know that during the seminar there is a discussion of a topic, an exchange of views, but all this takes place only in the theoretical field. In order to conduct a seminar competently and effectively, it is necessary to prepare for it thoroughly enough. The topic of the seminar is always known in advance, so not only the presenter, but also the participants can prepare for this event. Scientists have proven that seminar forms of classes were used in Ancient Rome and Greece. Then in educational institutions they discussed various issues, there was a communication between the teacher and the students. In Soviet times, seminars were used in higher educational institutions, where some disciplines required more thorough and in-depth study.

Types of seminars

So, we have already understood that a seminar is a conversation with an audience. What are the types of seminars in our time?

  • The business seminar is held in the company, and its purpose is to improve the professional level of employees.
  • A scientific seminar is held for the exchange of experience and communication between people working in the same research direction.
  • A training seminar is conducted for a detailed study of a topic.
  • Webinar, or online seminar, carried out remotely, can have a different focus, both advisory and training. A special feature is that it is carried out not in person, but using programs such as Skype, ooVoo, TrueConf and others.

Business and scientific seminars

Speaking about scientific seminars, it should be noted that they are theoretical in nature. During such a seminar, scientists make reports that they have prepared in advance. And although the essence of the report is based on practical experience, at the seminar the participants only present the results of their observations and works, answer the questions of colleagues and listen to criticism or praise.

A business seminar is something different. Unlike scientific seminars, such seminars are used not so much for the exchange of experience as for training the personnel of a firm or company in new methods of work. Business seminars help to establish the right atmosphere in the company, improve the quality of employees' work, and raise their professional level. Business seminars are both closed and open.

  1. A closed seminar is held in-house only for employees with a specific purpose.
  2. An open seminar is held for everyone, mainly for representatives of one profession.

In the face of aggressive competition, seminars greatly help company managers to keep the skills and abilities of employees under control.

Training seminars

A training workshop means an in-depth study of a specific topic by students. To begin with, preparations are made for the seminar. Students are told the topic in advance so that they can find as much information as possible on it in different sources... The teacher also conducts training, he draws up a seminar plan, divides the topic into sub-topics, thinks over the methods and forms of communication with the audience. The purpose of this is that after the lesson, students will learn much more about the subject of discussion than they knew before.

The big plus of this form of training is that at the seminar people learn tolerance, the ability to accept the opinions of other people, and not impose only their own vision of the problem. Also, the seminars perfectly develop the culture of correct communication and the search ability of a person.

Seminar or training?

Some people confuse the concept of seminar and training. It is worth knowing that these are far from the same thing. What is the difference between a seminar and a training, and which one is better?

  • A seminar is a theoretical exercise. It may include many reports, examples, discussions, but all this is just theory. This is the main disadvantage of such events. After the seminar, the participants know a lot, but they cannot put it into practice, since usually theory alone is not enough. It also takes practice.
  • Training is practice. The word is derived from the English Training, which means "training". The main task of the training is to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. The methods of work can be different: in groups, in pairs, independently, etc. The leader in this case is not the main character, he only coordinates the actions of the participants.

Making a conclusion, we can say with confidence that seminars are quite a useful form of work with any team. The main thing is to choose the right form for conducting such a lesson and not forget to supplement the theory with practical exercises.

Seminars at the university, along with lectures, are the most important form of conducting classes. Historically, the seminar as a form of education originated and was widely used in ancient Greek and Roman schools. The essence of these seminars was that the students made messages that were discussed and commented on by other students, and then the teacher made a general conclusion. The word seminar (seminarium) is of Latin origin and means, translated into Russian, a greenhouse, a nursery. This translation means that the ancient Greeks and Romans considered training seminaras a condition for the cultivation of literate and creative people, and the teacher acted as a sower of knowledge in the minds of his students.

In the modern sense training seminar - this is a form of practical training, in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, consolidate and develop the theoretical knowledge gained, acquire practical skills in the process of discussing the issues provided for by the plan seminar session... Today seminars at the university when training a specialist, 30-40 percent of the classroom hours are. However, undergraduate standards are dramatically changing the situation, and according to these standards, up to 60 percent of the study time will be devoted to seminars. Moreover, a significant part of them will have to be carried out using interactive methods.

This indicates that the emphasis in teaching is on students' independent work and seminars.

The duration of each seminar is determined by the curriculum. Usually, it is one pair (80-90 min.) Or two pairs (160-180 min.).

The topic of the seminar is determined by the curriculum or the teacher in advance. She is often tied to lecture topics. The seminar can be conducted on one or more of the lecture topics covered. Although training seminar it may not be tied to lecture topics, and is designed for students to independently study materials. Seminar questions are contained in the curriculum or given by the instructor. They build preparation for the seminar.

The purpose of this form of conducting classes is to consolidate the material passed through, gain practical skills, and develop the skills of conducting a professional discussion. At the seminar, students discuss their reports, essays, speeches, and also work out the issues specified in the seminar plan. In this case, the use of illustrative material, slides, films is encouraged. During the seminar, practical problems can be solved, life situationsheld business games etc..

For student seminars at the universityare a special tool for training a professional. In the course of these classes, cognitive, educational and control-evaluative functions are realized. If the lectures develop the ability to perceive information by ear, to analyze it quickly, to select the most important and essential, then the seminar classes teach independent work, self-improvement, work with scientific literature, the ability to verbally communicate their thoughts to others, to defend their position. The seminars develop the skills of oral presentation, logical thinking, and free handling of scientific and professional terminology.

Preparation for the seminar

What is preparation for the seminar? Where to begin? First of all, plan in your schedule the time you are going to use to study scientific sources. This usually takes two to three hours. But if you plan to do presentation at the seminar, then the time will be much longer. Decide where you will be preparing: at home, in the college library, etc. For serious preparation for a seminar, it is absolutely not enough to use only your own or someone else's lecture notes... It is necessary to refer to the scientific literature, which is indicated in the plan of the seminar. It is, of course, commendable if you cover a wider range of sources. And here's how to work independently with scientific literature- this is already a topic for another conversation. Therefore, make a selection of literature, if possible, you can use materials from the Internet for preparation.

Carefully read and think about the topic of the seminar, understand it. Then refer back to the workshop plan. Think about the logic of the construction of the seminar and the essence of the main questions of the plan. And only after that start working out the questions of the seminar. You need to deal not with individual questions that are interesting for you, but with all the questions indicated in the plan of the seminar lesson.

As you work on each question, make up, at least mentally, your own plan for answering it. Then it will be clearer what to focus on. First, refer to key concepts and definitions. Having dealt with them, it will be much easier to move on. Pay special attention to controversial problems, i.e. problems for which there is no definite answer in science. Try to give your answer to this question, but think carefully about your reasoning.

Of course, in the course of preparation for the seminar, you may encounter such questions that you will not be able to deal with on your own. Do not despair, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that you yourself would like to get answers to these questions. Be sure to write them down. On these questions, you can consult with the teacher before the start of the seminar or ask them during the seminar lesson.

Similar information.

Hello dear friends!

And in either case, we want to show off our skills effectively. To amaze with knowledge and win over the listeners. Have you ever blushed at a performance, for your sudden stupor, or broadcasting complete nonsense in a moment of excitement?

If yes, then my article today will be extremely useful for you. After all, we will try to find an answer to a simple question. How to conduct a seminar brightly and effectively? How to tame panic and, opening up to people, charge them with the knowledge and positive energy?

Earning the title of "successful speaker" is not so easy. To do this, you need to make some effort, master cunning tricks and, of course, apply the learned basics in practice.

Do you like listening to a skilled master of word creation? It is much more pleasant to follow a person who understands what he is saying, as well as the main reason why! If the question of building the structure of the seminar was previously ignored by you, then, I think, after today's material, you will become more competent in the correct organization of your public speech.

So, a seminar is a very popular way of teaching and broadcasting information. In addition, this applies to various areas of knowledge. If you soon happen to do something similar in a group of people, and you do not know how to do it, then use the tips that I have prepared for you.

The ideal ratio of sections in a workshop is divided into three main stages. I will omit the greeting and introduction part, but mention the theoretical part, practice and of course practical exercises.

It is clear that the ratio of these headings will directly depend on the topic of your pretext to collect and the complexity of the material being assimilated. In special cases, you can try to replace training tasks and practice with two-way communication, which compensates for the lack of communication with the listener.

And one more important aspect. Before writing and filling your personal event scenario with material, you should decide in advance on the form of the narration: is it a club seminar or a master class? Maybe this is a webinar? Training or presentation?

Think about how it will be easier for you to open the topic and what tools should be used?

Before starting a performance, you should carefully check necessary equipment... You will definitely need chairs, bottled water, stationery for questionnaires or notes.

If you have chosen the form of a webinar, you need to install the appropriate software or programs on your laptop in advance, like Skype. This will make the performance more dynamic, modern and educational.

For a club seminar, which is traditionally held over a cup of aromatic coffee or tea, you will need to prepare provisions and think over delicious supplies.

And keep in mind that you will most likely need additional, and most importantly, reliable equipment. If the audience will include a huge number of people, then in the absence of a microphone, you risk being unheard and breaking your voice. The tribune also looks good, raising the speaker above the bulk of the people, allowing not to miss the slightest nuances.

Concerning . First of all, you need to introduce yourself to the audience. In addition to your full name, I will advise you to name the regalia and the company or position you represent.

If there are about 10 people at your event, ask them to introduce themselves in a similar way. Firstly, it will create a more friendly and homely atmosphere, and secondly, it will be more comfortable for them to communicate with each other during group assignments or exercises.

If the meeting is intended for a wider audience, then, alas, you will not have an opportunity to get to know them.

Of course, each of those present would like to understand the program they came to, having allocated a certain amount of time. To spread along the tree and turn the plan into a complete one, I would not advise you.

If you have made a program in advance and laid it out according to the seats, you can still skim through the key stages of the meeting.

The observations of researchers tell us that it is very difficult to keep the focus and attention of people for more than 20-30 minutes. The audience does not perceive the audio stream and is frankly tired.

In order to avoid such a nuance, I will advise you to interrupt your own monologue with tasks and practical exercises.

Choose those questions, the answers to which will prevent the emergence of secondary and consequential. This way, you eliminate the possibility of repetition and chew the material again.

No matter how interesting the content is, remember that the presentation is not designed for you, but for the people who came to the audience. Watch for reactions, cues, and general mood.

Try to present summaries in an interesting and lively narrative manner. Sight-reading, I do not recommend you. This will bring to the audience a sense of roboticism and isolation, as well as the speaker's uncertainty.

Exercise present the material interesting... So, if you presented it to your loved ones or your children. Cut off the desire to cheat and not give all the best. Diversify the dialogue with videos with plots, warm-ups and breaks for humorous interruptions or memories from life on the topic.

Prepare assignments for those present in advance. For example, in printed form. This way you will save time by spreading them out on the guests' chair.

Involve all members of the event. Distribute collective and individual exercises so that the audience does not have the feeling of "the same players on the field."

Do not single out personalities from the total number of people who came. Such a technique speaks of incompetent behavior and annoys people. Be confident, good-natured, and as responsive as possible.

A special, ritual property is possessed by a certificate or evidence that the listener has successfully completed one or another course of additional training on the chosen topic.

I advise you to leave your personal contacts and post-materials in which you indicate the program for further meetings, trainings or master classes.

Be sure to ask the audience at the end of the seminar what exactly they liked? What information was the most useful and valuable? And what needs to be improved? Feedback in this field it is not just important, it is fundamental!

Friends, today's article has come to an end.

Subscribe to the update of my blog and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us about how you managed to hold such events? What tools have helped you make the workshop successful? And what difficulties did you encounter?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!