Role-playing games about professions. “All jobs are good, all professions are important. Preparing to play

"All jobs are good, all professions are important"

for children of the middle group

Purpose: Orientation of children to productive and necessary work for other people.


1. Help create a playful environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.

2. To form in children the ability to play according to their own design, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game.

3. To form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

4. To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, a builder.

Preliminary work.

1. Conversations about professions using illustrations, examining paintings, illustrations.

2. Reading fiction: V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

3. Reading K.I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit".

Vocabulary work:phonendoscope, construction helmet.

Methodological support:building sets, attributes for the game "Hospital", a bus made of chairs, a steering wheel, a conductor's bag, a traffic light, a car, a suitcase with a tool, a telephone.

Audio means: tape recorder, cassette with the soundtrack “We are driving, driving, driving.

Motivation: The teacher's offer to go on a trip to a magical town

Approximate course of the game.

Children enter the group, stand near the teacher.


You all have years growing

There will be seventeen.

Where to work then

What to do.

Children, let's talk with you about what professions you know (children call). But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you first need to grow up, finish school, get a specialty. Oh, how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult and work right now. Truth?

Let's go on a journey to a magical town. It is called the "City of Masters". All children, getting there, become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there?

Educator: And what are we going to use?

Children: Let's take the bus.

Educator: Tell us about the rules of conduct in public transport... What rules must be followed?

Children: While driving, do not touch the doors with your hands, talk loudly, lean out the windows.

Educator: Can you go out where?

Children: At the bus stop.

(There are two rows of chairs in the group).

Educator: What are the names of those people who ride the bus?

Children: Passengers.


Correctly. Passengers.

You will be the passengers and I will be the driver.

Or maybe any of you want it?

Let's count.

"Traffic light" counting room.

Where have you been until now?

The traffic light stopped.

Red - clear - the path is dangerous

Yellow is the same as red.

And green in front - come in!

(Chose a chauffeur)

Educator: Guys, who else works on the bus?

Children: Conductor.

Educator: What does the conductor do?

Whoever says it right will be.

(The conductor takes a bag of tickets and sells tickets to the children. The children give the conductor money (pretend)).

Educator: And so, let's go!

The song "Merry Travelers" is played

“We go, we go, we go

To distant lands .... "

(Children sing along at will)

Educator: Guys, look, someone stops our bus.

Probably someone needs our help.

The driver stops the bus and asks;

What happened?

Danya D .: Well, the wheel is not spinning, Help me, please.

Driver: I'll bring the tools now.

The driver helps Dana:

Dania D .: Thank you very much.

Where are you going?

Chauffeur: To the “City of Masters”.

Danya D: Can I go with you too?

Driver: Let's go.

"I swing, I fly at full speed,

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance "

Conductor: Stop "City of Masters".

Educator: Look, here is the "City of Masters".

How do we get there?

Children: We must cross the road.

(Children look at traffic signals).

Go through the transition.

Educator: So we got to the city of masters.

You can choose a job you like,

You can work wherever you like.

(Children dispersed at will)

(Girls organize a s / r game "Hospital", and boys build houses)

Educator (for girls):

Listen to what I have to tell you;

"Who is most useful in the days of illness,

And heals us from all diseases? "

Children: "Doctor"

Educator: Guys, let's see what's in this box.

Children review medical supplies, name them.

(phonendoscope, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, bandage, cotton swabs, green stuff).

Educator: Guys, for whom are these accessories?

Children: For the doctor and nurse.

(The crying of a child is heard).

Educator: Oh, it's a girl Masha crying.

She must be sick.

Masha, what hurts you?

(Masha shows - throat, head, stomach.)

We need to do something urgently!

How can you help Masha? Than?

Educator: I came up with an idea, I will put on a white coat and will treat the sick.

How are we going to treat Masha?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Here is our magical city of "Masters".

Look at each other.

You have become adults

And here we have construction site.

The whole area knows the builder,

He is a great master

He is building a brick house with his team.

Educator: The profession of a builder is very dangerous.

What do builders wear for their safety?

Children: They wear helmets on their heads.

Educator: Now you can organize the teams and start building.

(During the construction of the house, Danya D. injured his arm, bruised his leg)

Educator: Dania, what's wrong with you? You need to see a doctor.

(The teacher calls the hospital by phone).

Educator: Doctor, at our construction site a worker was injured.

Doctor: Bring him to the hospital immediately.

(Danya is being treated at the hospital).

Along the way, the teacher helps to create a playful environment, to establish relationships.

Educator: What a beautiful city you have built, people really need all the objects: houses, a shop, a zoo, kindergarten.

Well done! No wonder the proverb says. In which?

Children: "The master's work is afraid."

Educator: Evening has come in our city, the working day is over, the hospital is closing, work at the construction site is over.

Let's go back to kindergarten.

And if you liked the town, then we will go there every day.

Date of publication: 01/13/18

Card file of role-playing games "Modern professions" for older children preschool age

« Rescuers»

goal: Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the work of the service salvation, lifeguard profession.

Tasks: To teach how to find a way out of a difficult situation on their own, to act in an organized, coordinated manner.

Develop creative activity in children, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.

Continue teaching children to follow the rules of etiquette in communication and behavior. To foster in children respect for the people of this profession.

Preliminary work: didactic games, reading books, watching TV about the operation of the service salvation in extreme conditions (fire, earthquake, flood, explosion, etc.)... Consideration of illustrations on topics of extreme situations and compilation of stories on them. Show nurse correct first aid. Creation and solution of problematic situations:"What would you do?","What to do, if"Acquaintance of children with the rules of behavior and evacuation in case of fire, about fire prevention measures (do not play with matches, gas and electric appliances, etc.)

"Tourist agency"

Goal:To expand the knowledge of children about the professions of Travel Agency employees: director, manager, tour operator, guide, courier.

Tasks: To form knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about what a "travel agency" is, its purpose.

Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about professions tourism business: director of a travel agency, manager, courier, cashier, guide.

Improve communication skills, the ability to conduct a dialogue.

Foster respect for the work of travel agency employees.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about children's family travel;
  • Informative conversations with children on the topic: "Travel to geography";
  • Acquaintance with the professions of the Travel Agency employees: director, manager, tour operator, guide, courier. Cashier, tourist;
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs different countries (postcards, magazines, booklets);
  • Coming up with the logo, the name of the travel agency;
  • Making attributes, replenishing the developmental environment for the game;
  • Reading of poems by Iraida Reutova "Travel around the world", "Travel";
  • Listening and singing songs "We are going, going, going", "Song of friends" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians".

"Sewing Studio"

Goal:expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about working in a sewing atelier about the profession of a tailor.

Tasks:to form an initial idea that a lot of work is spent on the manufacture of each thing, to strengthen the skills of social behavior, to thank for the help and care provided, to develop and strengthen friendly relations between children.

Preliminary work: Reading works: S. Mikhalkov "Hare tailor", Viktorov "I sewed a dress for my mother", Greenberg "Olin's apron". Didactic game "What's your wool?" Examination of tissue samples. Conversation "What fabric can be sewn from?" Examining fashion magazines. Application "Doll in a beautiful dress".

"We are the Oilmen"

goal games: To expand the knowledge of children about the profession of oil production operator, driller, laboratory assistant.

Tasks: develop in children initiative of the imagination. Develop the ability to act in accordance with the role assumed and the general game plan. To acquaint childrenwith the properties of oil and its usefulness in human life.

Preliminary work:

viewing pictures « Drilling » ,"Driller","Oilman","First production","Fire Department","Laboratory";reading books: "How they looked for oil","Samotlor's Gold"; acquaintance with the topography of the soil: sand, clay, water, oil, stone. Experiments with sand, clay, water.

"Veterinary clinic"

Goal: introduce children to the profession of veterinarian

Tasks:arouse children's interest in the profession of a veterinarian; to bring up a sensitive, attentive attitude to animals, kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication.

Game actions:Sick animals are brought and brought to the veterinary hospital. The veterinarian accepts patients, listens carefully to the complaints of their owner, asks questions, examines the sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, makes an appointment. The nurse writes the prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, lubricates with ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office, changes the towel. After receiving the sick animal, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.

Preliminary work:A conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing "My favorite animal" Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (bathrobes, hats, recipes, etc.)

"Photo studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge of working in a photo studio, foster a culture of behavior in in public places, respect, polite appeal to elders and to each other, to teach to thank for the help and service provided.

Game actions:The cashier accepts the order, receives the money, knocks out the check. The client greets, makes an order, pays, takes off his outerwear, tidies himself up, takes pictures, thanks for the service. The photographer takes pictures, takes photographs. In a photo studio you can take a picture, develop a film, view a film on a special apparatus, take photographs (including for documents), enlarge, restore photographs, buy a photo album, photographic film.

Preliminary work:Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Examining an album with sample photos. Acquaintance with the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Examining family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

"Traveling by plane"

Goal:To acquaint children with such professions as: pilot, stewardess, radio operator, dispatcher.
Tasks: To expand the knowledge of children about air modes of transport, about the purpose of the aircraft, about how to service the aircraft

Game actions: the teacher invites the children to take an airplane flight. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Pilot, Stewardess, Radio Operator, Dispatcher, Loader. Those who wish to buy tickets at the box office, present them to the Stewardess and get on the plane. Movers are loading. The dispatcher announces the departure of the aircraft. During the flight, Passengers are viewed from the window (images in the paintings) different kinds - seas, mountains, rivers, forest, tundra. They arrive at a given city. Walking the streets, admiring the sights. Upon their return, the children share their impressions.

Today, much is said about the fact that modern children differ from the children of the last century, including the organization of play activities. Today, kindergarten teachers are faced with an acute problem associated with the organization of the play activity of modern children. Children are spoiled by the abundance and variety of games and toys that do not always carry the necessary psychological and pedagogical information. Difficulties are experienced by both parents and educators: what games the parents played and what educators have practiced and used in their lives for years now - in the changed conditions - has ceased to work.

Play - in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard - acts as a form of socialization of a child.Play is not fun, but a special method of involving children in creative activity, a method of stimulating their activity. The social and communicative development of preschoolers occurs through play as a leading child's activity. The game is school social relations, in which the forms of the child's behavior are modeled. And our task is to correctly and skillfully help children acquire the necessary social skills in the game.

Play gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in an imaginary social life... Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions and adequately interact with others. Role-playing game is an activity in which children take on labor or social functions adults and in specially created playful, imaginary conditions reproduce (or simulate) the life of adults and the relationship between them.

I want to present the experience of the teachers of our kindergarten in building preliminary work for role-playing games with a professional storyline "DOCTOR", "FIRE", "RESCUEER of the Ministry of Emergency Situations".

What prompted us to do this:

A large flow of information from the media about emergency situations, disasters and catastrophes in the world;

The need to update children's knowledge of actions in emergency situations;

Not enough frequent use of role-playing games with modern themes.

This fact is confirmed by a sociological study conducted by the Moscow Center for the Sociology of Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of V.S. Skobkin. During the survey, senior preschoolers answered the following questions: what games do you know? What do you like to play? Do you know the rules of your favorite game? The results of the answers, their analysis gave the following picture. The first place is occupied by outdoor games with rules - 45%. The second place - 25% are role-playing games, among which the traditional “mothers and daughters” took the leading position among girls (11.2%); among boys the most popular games are "toy cars" (5%). Other plots of role-playing games, such as “shop”, “hospital”, “robots”, “school”, were named by less than 1% of children.

These statistics allow us to say that the role-playing games of children are very monotonous and limited mainly to family themes. There are practically no games with professional stories. Meanwhile, it is these games that, to the greatest extent, contribute to the child's entry into the world of adults - the play role in a concentrated form embodies the connection with society. Taking on the role of, for example, a “doctor”, a child must perform role-playing actions that are inherent in people of this profession.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, one of the most important tasks in the upbringing of children is: “Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with oneself, other children, adults and the world. " In solving this problem, play activity is most effective. One of the priority tasks of modern preschool education is to ensure high level social and communicative development of future first graders as a prerequisite for their successful adaptation and socialization in the children's community.

Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society in which he will live. A preschool child does not perceive the social world around him in the same way as adults perceive and understand it. This is due to little life experience, developmental characteristics, perception, thinking, imagination, high emotionality.

According to the FSES DO, the main tasks of the social and communicative development of older preschool children are:

1. Create conditions for preschool children to master the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society.

2. Develop social and emotional intellect children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy.

3. Promote the development of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of children's actions.

4. Form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to your family, community of children and adults in the team.

5. Form the basics in children safe behavior in everyday life, in society, in nature, as well as the willingness to interact with peers.

The solution of these problems can be effectively carried out by means of Plot-role-playing games with a professional plot. We decided to focus on such professions as firefighter, doctor, rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies. Plans: traffic inspector, policeman, military professions. Since by doing so we solve the problems related to safety - one of the most pressing topics of recent years.

In the course of observing the play activity of children, the question arose: Why do children not play, for example, in firemen? Do they have enough knowledge to organize the game? Are the children familiar with professional actions, with the names of attributes? Do children even have an interest in these species professional activity adults? We carried out diagnostics.

Diagnostic technique:

1. Didactic and verbal games "Who needs what for work?", "All professions are needed", "Who does what?", "Pick and name" (who has lost what) - using this method, we check the vocabulary different professions, tools, materials, purpose.

2. Based on the questionnaire of L.V. Kutsakova on the topic "Professional activities of adults" we have developed our own.

1) Knowledge about labor activity adults: - Who works where? (in the hospital, in case of accidents, on fires).

2) Knowledge of basic labor processes: - What is he doing? Doctor, Veterinarian, Firefighter, Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, policeman, military, traffic police inspector.

3) Knowledge about materials, tools, tools and mechanisms necessary for work: - What does he use (what tools)? Doctor, Veterinarian, Firefighter, Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, policeman, military, traffic police inspector.

4) Knowledge about the interaction of people of different professions: - Who helps whom? Who works together?

5) Respect for the work of adults: - How should we treat other people's work? What are we doing for this? How are we behaving?

3. Method of observing game activity.

As a result of the diagnostics, the following was revealed:

- 50% of children have a low level of knowledge about the professions proposed for consideration, especially their labor actions, tools and materials of each profession;

- 65% of respondents have a narrow active and passive vocabulary for this topic;

- 45% of them carry out assignments and labor actions without desire, only out of necessity (because it is necessary, the teacher said so, etc.).

We were convinced of the need to create such a system of work so that children “start playing”. At the first stage, the group analyzed and adjusted the necessary conditions: a long-term work plan was drawn up, the subject-developing environment was replenished with attributes for role-playing games, new didactic games and manuals on the topic "Professions", children's fiction and pictures on this topic.

We introduced children to the professions using different types of joint children's activities: play, communicative, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, etc.

The following forms of work with children were used:

- conversations with children on the topic,

- examination of illustrations and pictures (photographs) on this topic,

- viewing videos and presentations,

- reading literary works, poetry, riddles,

- development of a cognitive GCD using an interactive whiteboard,

- carrying out physical culture entertainment "We are firemen",

- role-playing games "Firefighters", "Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations", "Hospital", etc.,

didactic games "Who needs what for work", "All professions are important ...", etc.

The work on familiarizing children with professions was carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils:

- decoration of the exhibition of drawings of co-creation of children and parents "Such necessary professions",

- conducting a quiz with children and parents "All professions are needed ...",

- preparation of visual information for parents "Introducing children to the professions" Firefighter "," Rescuer "," Policeman ",

- conversation with parents "Tell your child about your professional activity",

- GCD with parents using an interactive whiteboard,

- master class for the parents of the group on making models.

As a result of the work carried out, the following results were achieved:

1. Children are motivated to independently familiarize themselves with a number of professions.

2. Children have learned to reflect the peculiarities of professions in the role-playing game.

3. The children got an idea of \u200b\u200bthe professions in demand in modern society.

4. Parents have become active assistants in the upbringing and education of children.

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler. Role-playing games reflect children's ideas about the world around them, relationships and professional responsibilities of people. The child is transferred from everyday routine: he tries on an interesting role, uses images of memory and fantasy to act in a fictitious situation. The role-playing game not only entertains the child, but is also an element of the educational process in kindergarten.

Goals and objectives of role-playing game in kindergarten

The essence of the role-playing game consists in the child inventing a fictional situation, choosing attributes and acting in accordance with the intention.

Children play in the Toy Store. Goods (toys) are placed on the table, price tags are attached to them (provided that the children are already familiar with numbers and numbers; these can be ready-made stickers or self-signed leaflets). On the "counter" there is a toy cash register with banknotes and coins. Children are assigned roles: salesperson, cashier, buyers. A fictional situation is played out: the choice of goods by the buyers, the help of the seller, making a purchase at the checkout.

According to child psychologists and teachers, interest in the role-playing game arises by the age of three. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life, the child accumulates ideas about the world, learns to act with objects, and develops coordination of movements. However, the initial elements of the role-playing game can be traced in the independent activities of children 2–3 years old, when children in actions with toys reproduce what they saw in everyday life.

The initial role-playing game consists of reproducing the adult action seen by the toddler in everyday life.

When the author of this article became a mother for the second time, the first son was barely one and a half years old. Naturally, the older child watched the baby and how his parents took care of him: they bathed, swaddled, fed from a bottle, put to bed. And at the age of two, his son repeated scenes of everyday life with toys. He rocked the teddy bear in his arms and hummed a lullaby melody, gave him a pacifier and a rattle, rolled in a wheelchair. That is, the child tried on the role of a parent.

In preschool childhood, play is educational in nature: with its help, important personal qualities are formed and mental abilities are developed. Role-playing game is one of the main teaching methods: a culture of relationships within the team is laid, respect for the work of adults and various professions is instilled, simple social competences (how to behave in society). The purpose of carrying out role-playing games with preschoolers is the diversified development of the child's personality in a fictional situation.

The game has been acting as a form of education practically since ancient times.

Jan Amos Comenius

Table: tasks of the role-playing game

Age category of children Tasks
3-4 years
  • Formation of the ability to act in accordance with the proposed scenario.
  • Development of imagination, the ability to come up with a simple plot in a fictional situation.
  • Enrichment of active vocabulary.
4-5 years
  • Development of communication skills.
  • Formation of the ability to independently distribute roles, select items for the game.
  • Enriching the social experience of children (rules of conduct in the library, shop, public transport, clinic, etc.).
  • Development of the skill of dialogical speech.
5-6 years
  • Development of the ability to independently determine the rules, improvise during the game.
  • Encouragement to use images and plots of works of art in games (from fairy tales and stories, films and cartoons).
  • Activation of dialogical speech.
6-7 years old
  • Development of children's creative abilities: the desire to use musical instruments in the game, add elements of dance, singing.
  • Creation of a sustainable interest in the professional activities of adults (playing police officers, rescuers, doctors, astronauts, scientists, etc.).
  • Creation of motivation to make decorations and attributes for future games.

In a role-playing game, children consolidate knowledge about the profession (salesman-cashier) and learn the culture of shopping

Types of role-playing games

According to the orientation of the teaching goal and the ways to achieve it, the role-playing games are divided into creative, didactic and interactive ones.

According to the subject, role-playing games are conventionally divided into business, modern, games according to the interests of boys and girls.

When to conduct role-playing games

Role-playing games are usually held between classes and in free time during the second half of the day. You can play the game while walking.

Role-playing games are often included in the structure of speech and creative activities. The role of the educator is to articulate the conditions and plan of the game and to control the actions of the children, since play in this case is a learning tool.

A role-playing game acts as a means of speech development. In a speech lesson, children study visual materials on the named topic, talk with the teacher, learn new words and explain their meaning. The teacher offers to immerse in the topic and play, actively using new words in dialogues.

Role-playing game "At the doctor's appointment" is used in a speech lesson on the topic "Polyclinic" in middle group... Children assign roles: dentist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, patients. The teacher gives the task: in the dialogue between the doctor and the patient, words on the topic of the lesson should be used (names medical specialties, "Examination", "symptoms", "diagnosis", "prescription").

In a role-playing game, children apply the knowledge gained in a speech lesson on medical topics

To activate imagination and develop talents, role-playing games are carried out in creative classes: music, choreography and theatrical activities. After acquainting children with a certain group of musical instruments, they are invited to play a game "Wind / string / folk ensemble", in preparatory group role-playing in a musical lesson becomes more complicated.

Playing in the preparatory group "Symphony Orchestra" presupposes knowledge of the pupils professional responsibilities conductor and his interaction with all members of the orchestra. To play the roles of musicians (violinists, flutists, drummer, etc.), children should be familiar with all groups of instruments and methods of playing them.

Music lessons and especially choreography lessons include role-playing dance games. Children perform movements to the music in accordance with the theme of the composition: "On the forest edge" - children depict bunnies, foxes, bears, "Dance with sabers" - improvisation on a military plot, "Lumberjacks", "Mowers" - modeling in the dance of labor activity.

To the music, children move in accordance with the plot of dances: the wolf catches rabbits

Also, the role-playing game is the first stage of the theatrical activity of preschoolers. Staging games based on literary works are held with children (in the theater corner or circle additional education): "Teremok", "Turnip", "Fox and the Hare", "Moidodyr", etc.

The staging game is based on a fairy tale known to children

Role-playing games in kindergarten

The organization of role-playing games begins with the preparation of attributes and toys. For younger preschoolers, subjects for specific games are selected by the teacher and placed in the play area for free access, which stimulates interest in developing independent activities. For children 4–7 years old, attributes are stored in the play area in sections / boxes by topic ("Dishes", "Tools", "Medicine"). The children of the older groups are happy to make materials for games with their own hands: swords from cardboard, plasticine products, painted substitute pictures.

The play activity of younger preschoolers is activated with the help of a ready-made set for role-playing game

Methodology for organizing a role-playing game

The teacher gets acquainted with a long-term plan for the development and enrichment of play activities, identifies the personal interests of children and the ability to independently think through the plot. Taking into account the data obtained, he proceeds to organize a role-playing game in a group.

  1. Choosing a theme for the game, drawing up an approximate game plan with possible plot options.
  2. Preparation of the game environment: pieces of furniture, game attributes and substitutes, costume details, materials for self-made items by design.
  3. Creating motivation and starting the game:
    • the teacher creates a play or problem situation ("Guys, Cheburashka has never been to the circus, shall we show him a performance?", "The inhabitants of the Chunga-Changa island invite us to visit!", "The dolls have accumulated a lot of dirty clothes, we will arrange a laundry for them!" );
    • conducting a short conversation on the topic of the game ("What numbers are performed in the circus?", "What is needed for a sea trip?", "What household appliances are there in the laundry?");
    • guidance to the game (for younger preschoolers - direct, for older children - indirect): distribution of roles, designation of an approximate plot;
  4. Maintaining the game situation: control over the emotional state of all participants in the game, tips for enriching the plot, encouraging;
  5. Completion of the game: analysis of the roles played, the embodiment of the plot idea, praise for initiative and the manifestation of imagination.

Video: organization of role-playing games in kindergarten at all age stages\u003dRQ_AAg7vfdE Video can’t be loaded: A story-driven role-playing game in modern daycare (\u003dRQ_AAg7vfdE)

Role-playing games card file - table

Age group Methodical techniques Approximate topics
First junior (nursery) Role pair interaction: the teacher, as a play partner, develops the child's abilities, plays a "leading" role.
  • Everyday subjects: "Home", "Family", "Mom and Baby", "Family Tea Party", "Exhibition of Animals" (with plush toys), "Dinner for Dolls".
  • Professions of people: "Shop", "Mail", "Driver and Passenger", "Builders", "In the hairdresser's".
Second youngest Role dialogue:
  • with a teacher;
  • with a classmate.
  • Household: "Birthday", "Party with the family", "Going for a walk", "Zoo" (with toys-substitutes or animal masks).
  • Business: "At the doctor's appointment", "Hospital for dolls", "Cooks", "Toy store", "Postman".
  • On the themes of literary works: plots of folk tales "Mitten", "The Fox and the Hare", "Teremok", "Kolobok", based on the author's fairy tales "Travel with Aibolit", "Moidodyr visiting the guys."
Average The construction of the game is based on the ability to change the role of the same child during one game:
  • at the initial stage of mastering a new way of playing, the teacher is a partner, helps the children (“Now I am also a bus passenger. Now I am a conductor / road inspector / gas station worker / car mechanic”);
  • games with a partner and in small subgroups.
  • Household: “We have a baby in our family”, “Mother's holiday”, “Big wash” / “General cleaning”, “Bath day” (with dolls), “In the metro”.
  • Business: "Truck Drivers", "Department Store", "Construction" (houses, bridges, towers, fortresses), "Ambulance health care”,“ In the pharmacy ”,“ Veterinary center ”,“ Sailors and fishermen ”,“ In the circus ”.
  • Literary: "Postman Pechkin in Prostokvashin", "Travel to Cheburashka home", "Holiday on the Chunga-Changa island".
  • Heroic-patriotic: "Firefighters".
Older Children develop the ability to act in a role-playing game according to the "Semantic Bush" principle: one child changes several roles per game. A developing element in the game for senior preschoolers is the introduction of a non-standard character (Baba Yaga in a hairdresser's, Gena the crocodile in a museum, Cheburashka in space, etc.).
  • Household: "Moving to a new apartment" / "Housewarming", "Rules road traffic».
  • Business: "In kindergarten" (dolls replace pupils, children play professional roles - educator, manager, nanny, caretaker, etc.), "Treatment room" / "Trauma center", "In the savings bank" / "Bank", "Designer studio ”,“ Autoservice ”,“ Fashion studio ”,“ Photo salon ”,“ Beauty salon ”/“ Manicure studio ”,“ Library ”.
  • Literary: "The Gray Neck", "The Frog Princess", "Dunno in the Flower City".
  • Heroic-patriotic: "Rescuers", "Border Guards", "Defense of the Fortress", "Launching a Satellite".
Preparatory Role-playing games are built by children 6-7 years old according to the principle of inventing:
  • "Loosening" the plot of a familiar fairy tale;
  • coming up with a new fairy tale;
  • telephone conversations;
  • inventing real stories from life.
  • Household: "Walk around the city", "Excursion to the museum", " New Year in the bosom of the family "," Renovation in the apartment "," We participate in the cleanup "," Our pets ".
  • Business: "Correspondents", "Cafe", "At the Theater", "City of Masters", "At the Office", "Travel Agency", "Communication Salon", "Fashionista - Studio for Ladies", "On Television", "School" , "Railway station" / "At the airport".
  • Literary: "Winter", "Chuk and Gek", "In Search of Snowdrops", "The Princess and the Pea".
  • Heroic-patriotic: "Rescue Service" / "Emergencies Ministry", "Police Station", "GIBDD", "Flight of Yuri Gagarin", "Landing on the Moon".
  • Directing: Children teach puppet or finger theater characters to play their roles.

Time plan for kindergarten play

The regulations of SaNPin on the organization of the work schedule in the preschool educational institution do not contain direct instructions on the duration of the play activity of preschoolers. Since the role-playing game organized by the teacher is considered a form of education in kindergarten, let us equate its duration with the temporary norms of educational and physical education.

Table: approximate timeline of games

Topic, group Beginning of the game The main part of the game End the game Total duration
"At the reception at the clinic", the first younger group The teacher invites the children to play in the "Polyclinic", shows the doctor's office, assigns roles (the doctor, patients waiting in line with various complaints), speaks with the children exemplary partner dialogues.
2-3 minutes
Children in pairs act out dialogues ("What are you complaining about?", "Doctor, it hurts ...", "We will conduct an examination", "I am assigning you ..."); the role of the doctor is transferred several times to different pupils.
9-10 minutes
The teacher praises the children, asks about the moments they liked, asks to put the toys in place.
2-3 minutes
15 minutes
"A trip to the subway", middle group The primary distribution of roles, the guys try to think over the plot on their own, select the attributes.
3-4 minutes
The teacher prompts the pupils to change roles, guides the plot, suggests using additional game materials.
12-14 minutes
Discussing the game as a whole, expressing impressions, planning possible options to enrich the plot
2-5 minutes
20 minutes
"On the border", preparatory group Distribution of roles, drawing up a game plan, preparing a place, making some attributes for the game, reincarnating in a corner of dress.
4-7 minutes
Building the plot according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe pupils.
Analysis of the game: what attributes were missing, how to improve, diversify the plot, what to add in costumes.
3-5 minutes
30 minutes

If the teacher sees the children's interest in longer play and does not observe signs of overwork or excessive overexcitation, it is worth slightly increasing the time for playing.

Video: Role-playing game "Travel to Space" in the preparatory group (30 minutes)

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Beauty Salon" in the middle group - table

  • Improve the ability of children to unite in the game, distribute roles, perform game actions.
  • Develop the ability to select items and attributes for the game.
  • To foster respect for the work of beauty salon workers.
  • To form the ability to communicate benevolently with peers, to take into account the interests of comrades.
  • Expand children's ideas about the work of adults (hairdresser, manicurist, cleaner).
Equipment Substitutes, waste material, sets of special toys "Children's hairdresser", towels, aprons, peignoirs, children's toys for cleaning, screen, tape recorder, badges.
Preliminary work An excursion to a beauty salon, a conversation with employees, viewing illustrative material, making attributes for the game.
Game Guide - Children, today we will go to a very interesting event, which will take place in our beloved city of Serpukhov. Let's put on jackets, hats (showing), stand in pairs. Be careful and attentive on the street (soundtrack "Street noise" sounds).
- Here we are. Here on this beautiful day a new beauty salon "Cinderella" opens. And we will be its first visitors.
- Tell me, children, what are beauty salons for? (children's answers)
- What are people doing in a beauty salon? (children's answers) Who works in the salon? (hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, masseur, cleaner). Let's go to Cinderella. The doors are open for salon visitors! (solemn music sounds).
- Look what a beautiful and cozy salon! This is a convenient waiting room for clients, where you can look at fashion magazines and choose a beautiful haircut, hairstyle. This is the room where hairdressers work. What kind of work do hairdressers do? What do they need to work? (children's answers)
- Liza told about the work of a hairdresser better than others. You will work as a master behind this chair (showing). And the second master will be Kostya. I noticed that he really likes this profession. This is yours workplace behind this chair (showing). Do you remember? Let's get through
further. This is a manicure room. What is the name of the master who works here? (manicurist) What is she doing? How many of you could work as a manicure master?
- Okay, Katya, you will work in the manicure room. You told me that there is also a cleaning lady in the salon. What she does is very important. The cleaning lady keeps the salon clean and tidy. And when the salon is clean and tidy, customers like it. It's always nice to be in such a room. The hairdressers are grateful for her work. How many of you guys could handle this role? Who can be entrusted with this responsible business? You, Arina, will be a cleaner. And with your permission, I will become the owner of the Cinderella salon. I will oversee your work and help.
- So, our hairdressers are Liza and Kostik, the manicure master is Katya, the cleaner is Arina, and the rest are visitors. Take a seat in the armchairs and on the sofa, look at the magazines. Do not forget to be quiet and calm, wait for the master to invite you. And you take everything you need for work and go to your chairs. Be attentive, polite and welcoming with clients. Handle equipment with care. Our salon starts its work! (music sounds).
Perform game actions.
- Children, the working day is over, it's time for us to close the beauty salon. Tomorrow he will definitely open his doors for you.
- What roles did you like to perform?
- What was interesting about the game?
- How many of you would like to work in a beauty salon when you become adults?

In a role-playing game, children learn to master the elements of new professions, for example, nail master

Attributes and visuals for games

There are many ideas on how to diversify children's games with various attributes and design options. Objects and substitute toys for role-playing games are easy to make with your own hands, including from junk material. Pupils and parents should be involved in replenishing the material base of the playing corner.

Video: attributes for role-playing games\u003dCyranziRHJw Video can’t be loaded: Attributes for Kindergarten Role Play (\u003dCyranziRHJw)

Photo gallery: ready-made sets for games

Work clothes and tools for playing construction site Phonendoscope, other tools and bubbles for playing the role of doctor Cash register, basket and goods for playing in a supermarket / store Menu and a set of products for playing in a cafe A set of dishes for playing with a family, kitchen, restaurant

Tools for haircuts, styling and hairstyles

The toys in ready-made sets are functional: cash register a calculator is built-in, the burners light up on the kitchen stove, the hair dryer makes noise and blows, the drill rotates at the drill, etc. These attributes for games are the most accurate copies of real devices and tools, they are bright and comfortable.

Photo gallery: attributes from waste material

Attributes for playing in space travel Attributes for playing in a grocery store or cafe Attribute for playing construction or renovating an apartment Attributes for playing correspondents Attribute for playing in an office, agency Attributes for playing in a kitchen, cafe, farm Attribute for playing in a clinic Attribute for beauty salon / nail salon games

The use of homemade objects in games creates genuine interest in children and stimulates the imagination. Children often create simple substitute items for games themselves: sticks as sabers, elements from the constructor as tools for construction, etc. Waste material is used to enrich the play environment: bubbles and jars for playing the pharmacy and treatment room, empty bottles and boxes with labels - for filling the shelves grocery store, bottles of shampoos, nail polishes - for a beauty salon.

Photo gallery: role-playing costumes

Ready-made costumes for role-playing games can be placed in a dressing-up corner or play area A simple version of do-it-yourself role-playing costumes: decorate aprons with special designations of professions Attributes and elements of costumes for playing on a sea voyage Do-it-yourself cosmonaut costume Hats for a game based on a folk tale

Children love to reincarnate, to try on the elements of workwear: caps, construction helmets, aprons, hats. Role-playing costumes for children's games are easy to make yourself: add a symbolic designation of professions to aprons, make hats or masks for heroes story games- performances.

A case from the life of the author of the article: children invented a game about superheroes. There were no special masks or clothes at home, and the imagination immediately turned on! The superhero mask was made from a piece of dark fabric with slits for the eyes. The Wonder Girl costume was made up of my mother's T-shirt and a plastic sheet hat.

Children are incredible dreamers, they make costumes from simple things and can imagine themselves as anyone

Photo gallery: design of the gaming environment

A pharmacy showcase with a window was made by hand using printed images of medicines (leaflets can be taken at any pharmacy) Filling with real objects (samples of fabrics, sewing accessories, magazines with patterns) encourages children to get acquainted with the design of the atelier Original design of the play environment using junk material ATM for a modern game can be done out of a regular box The most important thing in a gaming environment on nautical theme - the presence of a ship The game environment consists of homemade items with the symbols of the Russian Post For a modern role-playing game, equipment was used, and for the decoration of the game office - drawings of children The game environment is filled with real objects (tools and devices) and an important homemade attribute - a table for assessing vision

As mentioned above, the game activity is developing rapidly using real objects and junk material. Children try to bring their games as close to reality as possible. Therefore, in the design of the gaming environment, it is advisable to use non-working household and technical appliances, magazines and books, empty containers with labels, plates with the logos of existing companies.

Analysis of the role-playing game

In order to identify the effectiveness of the teacher's organizational abilities in role-playing games and adjust the plan for further activities, the teacher analyzes the game.

The protocol is drawn up according to the following criteria:

  1. Compliance of the theme and content of the game with the interests of the pupils and the level of their playing skills.
  2. Compliance of the preparatory stage with the age category of children.

    The playing environment, the choice of attributes and the plot plan are thought out by the educator - for younger age... Children independently selected attributes from the proposed ones and outlined a game plan - middle age. In accordance with the theme of the game, the pupils themselves prepared the subject conditions, made material and attributes, assigned roles and developed the plot - older preschoolers.

  3. Description of methods for guiding the course of game activity, their effectiveness.
  4. What tasks were implemented in the game.
  5. Assessment of pupils' performance:
    • means for the embodiment of roles (use of costumes, facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech);
    • use of attributes;
    • communicative aspect in the game (interaction with a partner, help, absence of conflict situations).
  6. Completion of the game: the logical finale of the game plot, the emotional state of children (signs of overwork, high spirits, desire to develop the plot of the game in the future).
  7. The direction of the subsequent work of the educator: adjusting / improving the methodology of conducting the game, what means to enrich the children's play experience.

Competent organization of play activities in kindergarten contributes to the development personal qualities pupils. In role-playing games, children expand their ideas about the relationship between adults, form primary professional competencies, and imbued with respect for human labor. Children show initiative in developing stories on everyday and fantastic themes, reveal their creativity, transforming into the assigned role.

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Subject: "Journey through the land of Masters"

goal: To acquaint children with the professions of adults through play activities.


  • Strengthen children's knowledge of professions.
  • Ability to generalize and classify concepts.
  • Increase motivational interest in professions through play.
  • Develop the communicative function of speech, develop cognitive interest.
  • Develop coordination of movements in children.
  • Assign tools to relevant professions. Foster interest and respect for adult work.

Government, deputies, gamekeeper, traffic controller, fashion designer, border guards, oil workers.

Equipment: Pictures of professions, costumes, loto, music, flower, album with photos, houses with attributes, suns, family tree, matryoshka.

Preliminary work:Reading poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings. Conversations about professions. Tour of the kindergarten, excursion to work to the parents. Photos from the work of the parents. Sewing costumes in the corner of role-playing games. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Profession"

Role-playing game on the theme "Professions"
"A journey through the land of masters"

Organizing time:
We welcome everyone who came to visit us today
We will travel through the land of all masters
We give smiles to people like sparks of good
And we want to wish you to smile at you always.

Magic Fairy: -Guys, we will not have an ordinary trip today.
We are going to the "Land of Masters". And we will travel with a magic flower. These guys are not an easy country, everyone in it does something. And therefore our flower will help us in this.
-We will play with you in the Land of Masters.
(Children stand in a semicircle, all dressed in costumes of their profession)

And so we need to say magic words and our flower will tell us which master we will get to. And the magic words are:
- “Help us with the magic flower, bring us to the master's house. (Children repeat magic words). (The flower is spinning, and there is a riddle on the petal)
-Guys flower tells us that we have to guess the riddle

Riddle: This sorceress,
This artist
Not brushes and paints,
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
By a mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become beautiful.
(The hairdresser.)

Guys, here's an envelope. Let's read what the master wrote to us.
(V.F opens the envelope and reads the task of the game)

Guys Master asks us to play the game "Name the profession"
(Pictures with professions hang on the wall, children come up one by one and name the profession)

V.F- Guys, do you know any proverbs and sayings about labor.
(Children read sayings and proverbs about work)
(After the game, the children sit on the chairs)

V.F - You guys are so small, and you know so much.
- And so our journey continues. Let's say magic words to the flower together. (Children say magic words, the flower is spinning)
(There is a riddle on the petal):
Tell me who is so delicious
Cooking cabbage soup,
Smelling cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, dinners? (Cook)
(Children guess, and find the master's house)
- The guys are the masters of this house, they want us to talk about the tree of professions.
- Who will tell? (One child goes out and talks about the professions of his family and friends)

V.F - Guys, who remembered the profession to their grandmother or their grandfather. (Children call)
- It is very wonderful that you know the profession of your family and friends.

Child: - "Magic flower help us, bring us to the master's house" (the flower is spinning)

V.F - Guess the riddle
Riddle: Who teaches kids to read and write,
Love nature, respect the elderly?
- And so, where is this Master's house ………
- The teacher wants us to play the game "Who is doing what?" (Children answer with a full answer), and now tell me the guys of the profession, those who help us to protect nature, create laws, etc. (Children call modern professions)

V.F:- Children, did you notice the flower. How funny he is, he smiles, he probably loves to have fun. Let's have fun with you too. The game is called 1,2,3,4, (Children stand in a circle and perform rhythmic movements to the music)

V.F: - The flower smiles, the games continue.

Child:Magic fairy, and to which master are we going now?

V.F: - It is necessary to find out from our flower. You (child's name) help me say the magic words and we will find out. (The flower is spinning, the children guess the riddle)
Riddle: Who is most useful in days of illness
And heals us from all diseases? (Doctor)
Guys, the Doctor is interested in whether you know the "Attributes and Tools of the Masters !?" Now we are going to play the "Pick up an instrument" lotto.
We will have two teams: a team of girls and boys. Each team has two professions, you must select tools and attributes related to their profession. (Children at the table collect lotto, then each team names their professions and what they picked up for them)

V.F: - You all have growing years
There will be seventeen
Where do you work then and what do you do.
What do you children want to become, tell us as soon as possible: a magic flower will help you to say. (Children pass a flower to each other, say who they dream of becoming and read poetry about that profession)
All children pronounce the magic words to the flower
Riddle: We must fight fire,
We are partners with water.
Everyone needs us very much,
Answer quickly, who are we?

V.F: The guys here are a magic nesting doll, and she wants us to play with her. An outdoor play matryoshka. (Children stand in a circle and say the words: "You run, run matryoshka, right, right into the round dance, whoever has a matryoshka in his hands, he will call the movement"

V.F: The journey continues: "Help us bring the magic flower to the master's house"
Riddle: Fits just right
He will sew a suit for you.
Everything will be done according to science, and walk your hands in trousers (tailor)
This Master has a poem:
Stroke what a house is, how many bright rooms there are
Bears, bunnies, nesting dolls, dolls, balls, balls
You can't find a better home, this house is very good.
We all love our kindergarten, everyone around us knows it.
That "Bobek" is everyone's best friend!
Guys, let's tell you who and by whom works in our kindergarten.
(Photos of all employees were taken, and from the photo they name their profession and name, patronymic)

V.F.- We learned many professions, one more interesting than the other. We learned that it's not easy to become a master of your craft. To do this, you need to know a lot and be able to. You also need to love your job and work hard. There is a lot of useful work in the world. The main thing is to choose a business to your liking. And remember guys, "The sun paints the earth, and man's labor."

And I want to offer you guys, give our guests
"Sunshine" so that their profession is always light, warm and comfortable.
(Children give suns to guests)

V.F.: - It was fun for all of us and the flower played.
But it's time for you to return and enjoy the surprise.
Goodbye guys.
(Children go to the group with a treat)

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the profession of a doctor, seller, hairdresser.


  1. Help create a playful environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.
  2. To form in children the ability to play according to their own intentions, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game.
  3. To form friendly relationships in the game, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

game progress:

Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

Educator: You, everyone, will grow seventeen years.

Where do you work then, what do you do?

Educator: Children, let's talk with you about what professions you know

Children: doctor, salesman ...

Educator: But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, seller, you must first grow up, finish school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult and work right now. Truth?

Educator: Let's go on a journey to a magical town. It is called "City of masters" ... All children, getting there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there?

Educator: And we will go there on this bus. (There are three chairs in a group)... You will be the passengers, and I will be the driver.

I'm swinging, flying at full speed.
I am a chauffeur and a motor!
I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance.
And so let's go!

Educator: Everyone has arrived! Come out, please. Here is our magic city "City of masters" ... Look at each other. Everyone became adults. That would be a job, right? And where you can work, I'll show you now.

Here we have "Barbershop"

It's light and interesting here:
Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs, the hall is large,
But it can be seen, even,
Better than your trellis.

Now we are in the store - All products in the showcase:
Tea, candy, sausage - Eyes run wide.
Come buy,
Give the money to the cashier.


Always attentively, with love. Our doctor treats you guys.
When he improves your health - He is most happy!

Educator: Now you see how many interesting things there are in our town. You can work wherever you like.

In the course of the game, the teacher helps to create a playful environment, to establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles; helps to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.

Educator: Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital and the shop are closing. Everyone gets on the bus and goes back to kindergarten.

And if you guys liked the town, we will go there every day.

Role-playing game "Professions"

(2 junior group of kindergarten)

Educator Elena Viktorovna Teslya

Software content:

Develop children's interest in role-playing games, help create a playful environment.
Develop speech, enrich vocabulary, strengthen sound pronunciation.
To form in children the ability to use building floor material, to act with it in a variety of ways.
To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser.
Cultivate friendships in the game.

Preliminary work

Conversations about professions with the use of illustrations, viewing the album "Professions";
Making riddles, memorizing poetry about the profession, about the game;
Excursion to the kitchen, medical office;
Reading fiction: nursery rhymes, songs, Russians folk tales "Kolobok", "Fox and Hare", "Cockerel with a Family" by Ushinsky, "Masha the Confused" by Voronkova, "How We went to the Zoological Garden" by Zhitkov, "How Masha Got Big" by Permyak, "Petr Pig and the Store" by Petrushevskaya, “Toys” by A. Barto, “Aybolit” by K. Chukovsky, “Moidodyr”;
Finger games word play “Guess what kind of profession a person has”;
Consideration of the issue "Game" on parent meeting.

Working with parents:

Making attributes for the role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters" (sewing doll bed linen, clothes for dolls); design of the album "Professions"; production and exhibition of homemade toys.

Game progress:

Small chat in the locker room.


What professions do you know?

(Children's answers.)


But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, graduate from school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult and work right now. Truth? Let's go on a journey to a magical town. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there? Where are we going?

Children offer (one of three options is chosen by children):

By train

To make the train go, knock on the wheels. What wheels? With corners? (No, round, without corners.) Round wheels spun (movement with arms bent at the elbows), buzzed ooh, hissed, steam comes out shhhh. The locomotive says "I will run away", and the carriages answer "I will catch up".

Music sounds, children sing:

Here is our train, the wheels are knocking,
And the guys are sitting on our train.
Chukh-chukh-chukh - the locomotive hums,
He took the guys far, far away.

By plane

We will fly by plane.
Swing the plane tires - shhhh.
Pour kerosene into the tanks - ss.
Start the engines - d-d-d.
The planes flew!

Music sounds, children fly and sing:

The plane flies, the plane hums
He landed and is silent.

By car

Open the tank - chi-chik-chik.
Pour gasoline - ss.
Close the tank - chick-chick-chick.
We rock, we rock
We inflate air into the tires.
We check every time
And we have no accidents.
Passengers, hurry up
Sit down two by two.
There's a chauffeur behind the wheel
He looks at the traffic light.
Red traffic light is on:
No way - stop chauffeur.
Yellow shines - it means wait
Green light ahead.
The chauffeur presses the pedal
And the car rushes into the distance.

Music sounds, children sing:

The car, the car goes, hums,
In the car, in the car, the driver is sitting.
Here is a field, here is a river, here is a thick forest,
The driver has arrived, stop the car!


Here is our magical town. Look at each other. Everyone became adults. That would be to work! And where you can work, let's see.

Here we have a "Shop". Sellers know the goods!

1 child:

They don’t waste time
This is their usual work!

And here we have a "beauty salon".

The master will do the hair
Hairdryer, brush and comb.

2 child:

Curl curls magnificently,
Brush the bangs with a brush.
Everything in his hands is on fire -
He will change appearance!


Look, what is this red cross? What's in there? That's right, the hospital.

3 child:

If your ear hurts,
If your throat is dry
Don't worry and don't cry
After all, a doctor will help you!
And here we live

4 child:

Dolls, hares, bears,
They are waiting for someone to come to them
Baby moms!


How many interesting things we have in the town.

We play in the profession
We choose them to our liking.
And we dream sooner
Mom and dad become older
To not just dream,
What do you want to become today Elina? (children's answers.)

The game begins.


We build cribs, a chair, a faucet for washing hands, set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without disturbing anyone. The doctor, the hairdresser and the salesman go to their work. And the rest of the kids take care of their kids. ( I help to expand the game, establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, I help to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.)

A certain time of the game passes.


Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital, hairdresser's, shop are closing. We put everything in place.

I play finger games with children who have already put everything in place:

1. Finger on finger
Knock-knock-knock (2x)
Friendly together
Clap our hands (2 times)
We dance like little springs
Let's bounce like balls (2 times)
The arms are dancing, they are dancing beautifully,
Spun, spun,
And then they stopped.

2. Goodies, goodies,
Where were you? By Grandma!
Collected in wrinkles
And grandmother has her hands -
Everyone worked their hands
For long years.
Warm hands smell
Cabbage soup, pies.
They will stroke your curls
Kind hands.
And they will cope with any sorrow
Warm hands.
Okay, okay,
Where were you? By Grandma!

3. This finger is a grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

4. Point, point,
Two hooks.
Spout, mouth, turnover.
Stick, stick
Rolling pin, rolling pin.
Gherkin - so the little man came out


All the guys did it, tell me who you were today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter with? Julia, on which bed did you put your daughter to sleep? What kind of doctor was Kirill? The hairdresser? Seller?


Well done, today everyone was kind, attentive, caring.

Together with children.

We fought, we made up,
And they argued at times.
But they became very friends
For our game.
Game turns into game
The game is over.
And friendship does not end!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


To quickly return to kindergarten, we will fly by plane.

Children "fly" into the dressing room. The game is over.

Natalia Zolotova
GCD role-playing game "All professions are important"

Gcd role-playing game"Everything professions are important»

goal: arouse interest in the work of adults of different professions;


Learning tasks:

Educate children about species professions;

Clarify, generalize and expand children's knowledge about the features hairdresser profession, doctor, nurse, salesman, builder, architect, conductor.

Developmental tasks:

Strengthen the children's ability to plan the game and independently select

game material, necessary attributes;

To promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, to activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson;

Create a need for children to respond with full common sentences.

Improve the skills of role interaction, in accordance with the norms of etiquette;

Educational tasks:

Arouse respect and desire to imitate adults, work

consistently and conscientiously;

Create conditions for a good attitude towards people of different professions.

Integration: "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development", "Reading fiction".

Game material:

1. "A family"

Attributes for room equipment

2. "Construction"

Construction material

Construction plan

Substitute items

3. "Barbershop"

Barber clothes

Cape for the client

Hairdresser tools

Album with samples of hairstyles

4. "Score"

Seller clothes



5. "Polyclinic"

Medical spatula

6."Souvenir shop"



Corrugated paper

Velvet paper

Dictionary activation: Hairdresser, shirt front, hairstyle, seller, buyer, pay to the cashier, cashier, counter, jewelry, foreman, plan-scheme, cement, souvenir, medical spatula.

Preparing to play:

Album compilation "Everything professions are important» ;

Conversations about professions people using illustrations;

Didactic a game"Who needs what for work?";

Making attributes for the game;

Conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;

Reading Vasiliev-Gangnus "ABC of courtesy";

plot-Role games with children "A family", "Barbershop", "Score", "Polyclinic", "Construction" "Souvenir shop".

Game progress.

Educator: Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

You, everyone, the years are growing

You will be seventeen.

Where do you work then

What to do?

When you grow up, what will you work as? (Answers of children.)

Children recite poetry:

I want to be a chauffeur, DANIEL

Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet, FAI

Better there is none in the world.

I want to become a cool doctor, Vanya

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Delicious like candy

I ate it - there are no diseases!

I don’t have tea in paints, TIMOFEY

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait,

I can handle it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, do not argue, EGOR

I want to be the first in sports.

To hammer the puck is a trifle

I playing for"Spartacus"!

I want to become a pianist, ANYA K

A wonderful artist

Music with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming a RATE S

Educator of children.

Sing with them, walk, play,

Celebrate birthdays.

Educator: Everything professions are wonderful,

Everything professions are important,

Know everything your hands

The Motherland will need it.

But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, graduate from school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult and work right now. Truth?

I know one such city where you can find your favorite job. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and choose for themselves profession... Would you like to go on a journey with me to the magical “City of Masters”? (Answers of children.)

What do you think you can use to travel? (Answers of children.)

Children: Let's take the bus.

Educator: Do not forget about the rules of conduct on public transport.

Children: Do not touch the doors while driving.

to talk loudly.

lean out the windows.

(There are two rows of chairs in the group).

Educator: What are the names of those people who ride the bus?

Children: Passengers.

Educator: Correctly. Passengers.

You will be passengers, and GOSHA will be a driver, since only he knows the way. (I put on my cap.)

Educator: Guys, who else works on the bus?

Children: Conductor.

Educator: What does the conductor do?

(Children answer)

(The conductor takes a bag of tickets and sells tickets to the children).

Educator: Today I will be a conductor.

And so, let's go!

The song is playing "Happy Travelers"

I'm swinging, flying at full speed. Gosh

I am a chauffeur and a motor!

I step on the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance.

Conductor: Stop "City of masters".

Educator: Look, here it is "City of masters".

Here we are! Come out, please. Don't stray far, you can get lost in an unfamiliar city. Everyone is ready for a city tour. (Answers of children.)

Oh, what's wrong with you? You have all grown up.

There are no workers in the “City of Masters”, but there are different organizations. Let's go through and see what this city has.

Now I will introduce you where you can work in the magical city of craftsmen.

Here we have "Barbershop"... A hairdresser works in it. What does a hairdresser do? (Children's answers).

It's light and interesting here: DASHA P

Mirrors, perfumes and chairs












{!LANG-f6b37f4d70c123c5063f8285eeeb31c7!}: {!LANG-44f97f238a88c0afdc0e86ed76567b0f!}.







Here we have "Score".





Come buy,

Give the money to the cashier.




{!LANG-8615e91654a91d20f3bfc64322094acd!} {!LANG-f20006962272fab98e1f5ac04cc9928a!}{!LANG-516414011b7bb9256adcd37a00702126!}






{!LANG-3bb2d6eab687fcbef3bd871aaf02299c!} "Polyclinic"{!LANG-a9d930e307f5c572dd397dc5ed1f9a06!}






{!LANG-c7e4315a3a66c0952002431dc4d99dd7!}: {!LANG-5b9ccae9a9f2f584081c3a958cf00aa6!}.

{!LANG-857d612b055fdcd1c871fc64332fad47!}{!LANG-a104ec74d324aae1e8b58b884cfbafe8!} {!LANG-0f01dec173589c10ee5b28a32bbf28a4!}{!LANG-61bcb8686037fdbafa583c043bfdfcfc!}





Educator{!LANG-cf577ffd3861cdb1725c947afa2d8a72!} {!LANG-5ac684dbfd7d467c908600218c5f60bb!}














{!LANG-de2ee1acc3528adeeb295d79fc80dcae!} {!LANG-752ce0696db54316f8d91c4267160a05!}{!LANG-afae0a8fb6b40102dccf8502fcc78b1e!} {!LANG-bceaaedb13550e53310707755ec925c6!}{!LANG-d04845e3f72b23846c7011e0732b1908!}


Dolls, hares, bears,





















{!LANG-1493a00db1f7f7cb09ea882791ce1713!} {!LANG-4eaebd85778b9b40bcbc1ca0cad5ed58!}{!LANG-10f50482d4968c10313b8cee48f136da!}


{!LANG-68d26832eeda9fe52d1558caac23f29a!} {!LANG-484e5ca3a1d7e9c0398ec1e59c3b2635!}

{!LANG-8631f058fb9f3082434c8edb87551ec1!} {!LANG-44330d6d2a46e94f88b902cf5d90d72d!}{!LANG-5e8df5faab064c7319036bf27a2aec9e!} {!LANG-1bddc22e32167d5a8e39a432644be7ac!}{!LANG-df45dfe35250ad376bd6c2756ae99cf2!} professions{!LANG-9f8b69668bee66d4ed6433238d517446!} a game{!LANG-d96d62e6bb1094ec88fd4353b83d0606!}

Educator{!LANG-0732d84fa3a81ca134f49dd5203f7b5d!} {!LANG-23f2d7df895fd6d70f4255c254abd2b5!}{!LANG-95cae99fbb351a8ce9122dbc7b5f85df!}





Game progress:{!LANG-bc517aa49587928afa05e2af693e4400!} {!LANG-876e045b2e189215f9f82ee50ee0f3a0!},


Game progress:{!LANG-f7f5b8d48fb42c4402cd1ac99ea8a8f4!}


Game progress:{!LANG-b30da78c99ba4b02e8c41ad55d938d96!} {!LANG-bb16449dbf081000501c06473b3ed2f9!}{!LANG-58cfb37930ce8d3d09492735e78cebdc!}


Game progress:{!LANG-2d270573708db052ccb370ff5b9244cf!}


Game progress:{!LANG-1556dda87ffc054173cb55f935a827db!}



Game progress:{!LANG-d9087dd2e8874ef5c8c19ce6c26116c5!}


Game progress:{!LANG-1bb33d2bc2d208129513ce9080766ece!}


Game progress:{!LANG-6dd987c1bfdca6dea2f0d8628bb3e52d!}


Game progress:{!LANG-92b60daecc63b8f7255017e7ebc1e4f3!}


Goal:{!LANG-0ab17c34d4307d4553d613fbe303bfd5!} {!LANG-0556ffe35307d60c8af84bd71f95751e!}{!LANG-cfa6b8d10d00da30c456a67676440a3e!}
Game progress:{!LANG-ae0d7e2b730c0bef606c83362426eb3f!}


{!LANG-5fcbec488d5d29889cc39741642c0784!} {!LANG-2ecb708ff5cc69049c1e7148e4055c7a!}{!LANG-8e6dbcc8ac90bc45e034cc580db6f23e!}
Game progress:{!LANG-02e2b3269b7005e574463ad0bfdf849b!}


Game progress:{!LANG-b1927b97efaedf87d56c6ccc958c5588!}


Game progress:{!LANG-a98323850d42f14506cc177d88151f30!}


Game progress:{!LANG-c8ea3d3e877e9ea27a595d0fdadbae9b!}


Game progress:{!LANG-54e38c24e9a5edb3c4c2a809f59a3437!} {!LANG-4408593f8e4f05be95185155e27d9e38!}{!LANG-c40a9528864f1c963880d1b4da145b12!}

{!LANG-f1f9c6208ef4a85a9c91c122fb977a1b!} {!LANG-ad198e53f56fdd88dac1c00a479fd23e!}{!LANG-57e8f08405b77bc8326d01978362302c!}

Game progress:{!LANG-598276ffa741be17c3fc6a3e8889c779!}


Game progress:{!LANG-07e4bf4596313b917bec33033625ece8!}


Game progress:{!LANG-d8f5fbb4a6e5fada0e0a7341a85905bc!}


Game progress:{!LANG-943f46956b26058e552eac24181aa8af!} {!LANG-7d64010becd4e8eef9e619202a0ac8b5!}{!LANG-f0fd85981afd5b3197e6a1a5fbf05d71!}


Game progress:{!LANG-3c9cd793040a0a2fe7b3cb387423c27f!}