Scenario of a career guidance event for young people with disabilities. Interesting activities in the library for career guidance. Our parents' professions

Material prepared

primary school psychologist

MBOU SOSH №19 Lysko OS

Extracurricular activity on vocational guidance

for junior schoolchildren "Travel to the world of professions"

Jr school age is the most fruitful for the personal development of the child. Through play activities, cognition of the surrounding world occurs. In the games of vocational guidance content, the child has the opportunity to get ideas about himself, his qualities, interests and opportunities. Through the game, the inner world of the child is enriched, he receives knowledge and productive experience.

Career guidance work in primary school allows students to expand knowledge about the world, gain knowledge about professions, and also contributes to the development of the child.

Purpose of the lesson : forming students' understanding of the world modern professions.

Tasks :

    To activate and systematize the existing knowledge of students.

    Introduce students to new professions.

    Through the development of speech activity, contribute to an increase in vocabulary.

    Develop skills to work in groups, collaborate

    Promote the development of cognitive processes.

    Foster a respectful attitude towards work.

Age of students : 3-4 classes.

Equipment : computer, subject pictures, posters, handouts.

Course of the lesson

    Organizing time .

The board is decorated with drawings of children, which they drew at home on the theme "The professions of my parents."

Guys, who guessed what we are going to do with you today?

Today we will go on a journey into the world of professions. We will try to unravel the secrets of the professions, learn the peculiarities and subtleties of the professions of your parents.

Are you ready to hit the road?

2. Communication of the topic of the lesson and goal setting.

If you agree to set off a path through the world of professions, then we will set off with you. But on the way we will meet different tasks and competitions. Having traveled with us on a journey, you will meet different professions, remember what you know about them, share your knowledge with classmates, and some of you may hear and learn something new. Our journey will take place on different islands, where you will participate in quizzes, solve riddles, draw and receive a secret prize at the end of the journey.

We will work in groups of 5 people, so the result of our trip depends on each of you.

3 . Updating knowledge about professions, applying knowledge when performing tasks, riddles, games.

Our journey begins and the first island that we meet is an island "Collect a word"

The teacher distributes envelopes to each group of students with letters, from which you need to collect 2 words - the name of the profession.

(Cook, doctor, teacher, educator, driver, writer, military man, miner, crane operator, salesman).

Children work in groups.

When the task is completed, a discussion of the professions that have turned out begins.

The next island that comes our way"Island of mysteries"

The teacher reads the riddle, if the students guess correctly, then an image of a representative of this profession appears on the computer screen.


Riddles about dad's profession

He is a very good master,

Made a wardrobe for us for the hallway.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter.

Furniture makes ... (joiner)

Traffic rules

Knows without a doubt.

He instantly starts the engine

Driving by car ... (chauffeur)

On a dark night, a clear day

He fights with fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

In a hurry to fire ... (fireman)

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for children

Not a miner or a driver,

We will build a house ... (builder)

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

Gives advice to everyone ... (lawyer)

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,

Protects our peace.

A person who is faithful to the oath,

Called ... (military)

The knock flies from under the wheels

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver

Not a pilot, but ... (driver)

Riddles about mom's profession

Who will prescribe vitamins?

Who will cure sore throat?

Don't cry on vaccinations -

He knows how to be treated ... (doctor)

The bell rang out loud

The lesson began in the class.

The student and the parent know -

Lead a lesson ... (teacher)

All products on display:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits.

Tomato and cucumber

Offers ... (seller)

Teaches us courtesy

Reads a story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is the nanny- (educator)

You guys are good guys with riddles you quickly coped!

The next island is already waiting for us and this is an island"Quiz".

To visit this island of professions, you need to remember the professions of literary heroes.

    Who came to help the animals that got sick in Africa? (Dr. Aibolit).

    What was Pechkin's profession? (postman).

    Who was the old man in the tale of the goldfish? (fisherman).

    Who was Buratino's father by profession? (joiner).

    Who were the sisters by profession in the tale of Tsar Saltan? (cook and weaver).

    Pilyulkin's profession? (doctor).

    Uncle Styopa's profession? (policeman).

On this island, you did very well with the tasks and we are sailing to the next island"Who does what" .

Children in turn from each group, take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does.

Cook ... (cooks food)

doctor ... (heals people),

a teacher teaches children),

builder ... (builds houses),

artist ... (draws pictures),

pianist ... (plays the piano),

writer ... (writes books),

dressmaker ... (sews clothes),

washerwoman ... (washes clothes),

cleaning lady ... (washes the floors),

the seller ... (sells the product),

photographer ... (photographing people),

teacher ... (brings up children),

weaver ... (weaves fabrics),

driver ... (driving the train),

controller ... (checks tickets),

typist ... (types on a typewriter).

The last island that we still need to visit today is called"Find a Pair" , students from one group take objects from the magic box that are typical for various professions, and students from the other group must show a picture of the corresponding profession. And so all groups pass the test.

4. Summing up the trip.

Our journey comes to an end, we visited different islands and completed many different tasks. Let's look at the board, how many different professions you have drawn. Your parents work in different fields. Everyone fulfills their duties and everyone's work is valuable and necessary!

The world of professions is very interesting and diverse. Today we got acquainted with some professions. On that, our journey is over, and now the promised secret "sweet gift" gift!


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    Teaching methodology of the course “Your professional career» [Text]: book. For teacher / S. N. Chistyakova, I.A. Umovskaya, T.I. Shalavin, A.I. Tsukonov.-2nd ed.-M .: Education, 1999


  • identifying the inclinations of students to various types of human activity;
  • the formation of theoretical ideas and concepts related to the world of professions;
  • informing students about the diversity of the world of professions;


Educational - Expand the horizons of students in the world of professions, acquaint with the terminology of the world of professions, increase learning motivation students,
Educational - expanding children's knowledge about the basics of choosing a profession, about the world of professional work, updating the already existing knowledge about professions; to reveal the creative potential of students, diagnostics of readiness for choosing a profession.
Correctional and developmental - fostering cohesion, a sense of collectivism, development of the desire to learn new things about the world of professions, correction of incorrectly pronounced sounds and phrases.

Materials and equipment:

1. Multimedia equipment for demonstration of the presentation "Kaleidoscope of professions";
2. Subjects: spoon, pen, scissors, thread, syringe, newspaper (guessing the profession);
3. Poster "Why I choose this profession."

Location:cool room.

Preparatory work: drawing up a presentation for an extracurricular event. Preparation of attributes for competitions, development of memos for students, test for belonging to the type of profession, processing of test results.

There are many professions in the world
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.
All professions are very different,
Interesting and dangerous
They can become destiny for someone.
It is difficult to make a choice at times.

I am glad to see you

Guys, what do you think will be discussed at our extracurricular event?

Today we will plunge into a diverse world - the world of professions! Raise your hands. Who has already chosen their profession? There are more than 40 thousand professions in the world.

But this huge figure is far from certain. Life does not stand still, and all the time some old professions die off, and new ones appear. This is why familiarity with modern professions is essential.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when you have to decide where to continue your education or where to go to work, that is, practically choose a profession, your life path.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a profession? First of all, study professions. For acquaintance, take closer ones - those to whom your parents and acquaintances dedicated their lives. It may seem to you that you know these professions well, but this is not so. Try to get to know the profession more deeply, and you will see a lot of new and interesting things in it.

It's all about a person's attitude to his work, his love for his profession, the desire to know more and work better.

The main thing is to love the work, know it and become its master.

Question: What did you want to become when you were in the third grade? And in the fifth? And now? That's it. Tastes change over time. This also applies to clothing and books. And professions too.

Question: So can you say that your taste for a certain profession has been determined, if you simply have not heard anything about others, let alone a comparison?

  • To find a job you love, you need, first of all, to know well what kind of work there are in the world.
  • Each person can like not just one, but five, ten, one hundred different works, if he gets to know them closely.

What does the word "profession" mean? profession (lat.professio -from profiteor - I declare my business), genus labor activity, which requires some preparation and is usually a source of livelihood.

There is also such a thing as “ specialty"As you understand it?

Specialty(from Lat. specialis - special, special, species - genus, species) type of occupation within one profession

For example, you will not meet a “teacher at all”. It will be either a teacher of mathematics, or geography, etc. The same can be said about other professions: doctor - pediatrician, surgeon, dentist ..., lawyer - lawyer, prosecutor, notary ..., locksmith - locksmith of emergency recovery work, locksmith -toolman, mechanic locksmith ... etc.

And when people lived in caves, could there be any professions? (student answers)

Yes, indeed, men went hunting and got food. What profession already existed at that time? (hunter, fisherman)

Women guarded the hearth, cooked food, raised children. What professions can you say about the existence? (housekeeper, cook, educator)

The most fashionable professions: lawyer, economist, manager, top model, TV presenters, journalists, car mechanic, oil worker, plastic surgeon, ecologist, president (this is the position).

Most Forgotten: groom, chimney sweep, valet, coachman, miller, saddler (horse caring person).

Professions that are always needed: doctor, teacher, janitor, builder, driver, hairdresser, policeman, baker, farmer, livestock breeder, cook, accountant, locksmith, plumber.

The most courageous: firefighter, stuntman, sailor, submariner, mine rescuer, race car driver, sapper, miner, military man, astronaut

Can a person get a profession immediately, without preparation? (children's answers)

That's right, first you need to study at a technical school, institute or other educational institutions.

I suggest you play a little and learn a thing or two about the existing professions in the game.

Warm-up - humor game

Assignment: rearrange the letters in the proposed words so that the names of the professions are obtained.

Rvach - B - medical worker (doctor)
Gauze - M - multi-colored worker (painter)
Lender - d - head of the enterprise (director)
Old man - c- junior medical worker (orderly)
Drain - C - livestock profession (cattle breeder)
Fiacre - F - magic circus profession (fakir)

There are many different professions and specialties, and it is quite difficult to find a job for yourself.

Having chosen a profession, you need to read about it, ask adults, or better representatives of this profession, what abilities are needed for work, and then compare your abilities with those necessary for the chosen profession. The necessary abilities can be developed.

The rarest professions. What is it? This is either a very old or very new business, or so complex, requiring such a level of skill that very few people master it. Or the demand is small, but there is still a need for specialists in such professions. The names of some of them sound mysterious and incomprehensible: titester, pastiger, sommelier. The names of the others, although they are of foreign origin, are very well known to everyone (for example, pyrotechnics, stuntmen, astronauts). After all, rare professions are chosen at the call of the heart. As a rule, people know very little about these professions, because they rarely come across specialists in these fields in everyday life. Today you will be introduced to several such professions.

Pastiger- a specialist in making wigs, mustaches, beards and sideburns from natural hair and artificial fibers.

Stringer... Sometimes professions fall into the category of rare because they are too dangerous, and there are few people who are ready to earn money at the risk of their lives. This is precisely the new profession of stringer for us - a freelance correspondent who works, as a rule, in extreme conditions: these are zones of military operations, natural disasters, and riots.

There is the rarest profession on Earth in Antarctica - Penguin flipper... Maybe she's officially called something else, but that's not the point. The fact is that if the penguin falls on its back, it cannot stand up on its own. Under normal conditions, the penguin actually never falls on its back, whether its tail interferes with it, or the center of gravity is so located. But in Antarctica, near airfields, where all sorts of airplanes, helicopters fly, penguins raise their heads so much at the sound that some of them will take and clap on their backs without the hope of getting up on their own. And for these purposes, there is a penguin flipper. After each takeoff or landing, he walks around the airfield and puts the poor penguins on their feet. Very rare and at the same time one of the kindest professions.

Contest "Guess"

The participant, having groped the object, must guess it and suggest in the work of which professionals it is used.

(items: spoon, pen, scissors, thread, syringe, newspaper)

The task: Blitz survey

Cat, syringe, medications (veterinarian)
- mirror, scissors, comb (hairdresser)
- a set of needles, threads, fabric (seamstress)
- notebooks, pointer, cool magazine (teacher)
- bag, newspaper, letter (postman)
- camera, film, receipt (photographer)
- television, radio, microphone (journalist)

The further path of each of you is a professional educational institutionin which you will continue your education and get a profession. And what influenced the choice of your profession, we will now find out.

Creative competition

Everyone says who he wants to become and answers why. Choose answer options, or suggest your own.

Here is a poster "Why do I choose this profession?"

  • popularity of the profession
  • opinion of educators
  • for a company with friends
  • close to home
  • i'm interested in this profession
  • there is an opportunity to work abroad
  • my future profession is well paid
  • this profession is very necessary for people.

If you agree with the statement, circle the answer “yes”, if not, circle the answer “no”. At the end of the test, count the number of positive and negative responses.

On pre-prepared tests, questions:

1. The profession is chosen once and for all (yes) (no).
2. The choice of profession depends on the "thickness" of the wallet (yes) (no).
3. You need to find the profession in which you will be the best (yes ((no).
4. The profession is intended for a person from birth (yes) (no).
5. The psychologist is not an assistant in choosing a profession, he works with "psychos" (yes) (no).
6.A profession can be chosen based on the knowledge of parents and friends (yes) (no).
7.A profession should be chosen after becoming an adult (yes) (no).
8. If you have money, then career guidance is not needed (yes) (no).

In fact, all of these statements refer to common misconceptions that often prevent a person from choosing a profession.

Calculate how many misconceptions you agree with.

0–2 - you are doing an excellent job with the problem of choosing a profession, your level of awareness of the world of professions and how to choose one is high.

3-5 - you lack information and confidence in how to choose a profession. Maybe you are faced with difficulties that seem almost insurmountable to you. Think about where you can turn for help - a psychologist, social educator, to educators.

6 or more - you agree with many stereotypes, try to honestly answer the question: “Why is it so difficult for me to take responsibility for myself?”, Perhaps by answering it, you can understand how to become more independent.

Game "The most - the most" Try to answer the questions with elements of humor.

Name the profession:

1. The sweetest (pastry chef, seller in the confectionery department);
2. The most monetary (banker, model,….);
3. The hairiest (hairdresser,….);
4. The funniest (clown, parodist, humorist);
5. The greenest (gardener, forester, florist ...);
6. The most childish (educator, pediatrician, teacher ...);
7. The most serious (sapper, surgeon, psychologist ...).

While playing, we refreshed our memory and remembered a wide variety of professions and specialties.

Would you like to know what professions you are inclined to?

We each have a leading, predominant interest; the abilities of one person are better expressed in 1–2 areas. So the classification of the types of professions could not appear one day. "Man-nature", man-sign "," man-man "," man-technology "," man-artistic image. "The spontaneous choice of a profession quite often leads to a person's dissatisfaction with his life, work becomes a burden, the consequence of which can be depressed, stressful.

We conducted a test and determined what type of profession you belong to.

Differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO) E. A. Klimova

You have received the diagnostic results. In your opinion, did your idea of \u200b\u200breadiness coincide with that of the test?

One kind and wise writer said: "Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and you want to go home in the evening." Simple, right?

Question: So all the works are good! Aren't there any bad jobs?

Answer, summarizing what was said: The work itself, if you forget about the people who do it, can be neither good nor bad. Any work is just a set of some operations that end with a certain result. Whether the work is good or bad is only in the assessment of different people. You can call some work bad - and you will be right. You don't like it - there is nothing you can do about it.

You should not focus only on the prestige of the profession.

Blindly following your friends, you run the risk of choosing the wrong profession if you are guided only by someone else's opinion.

It is worth learning as much about the profession as possible in order to consider both the pros and cons.

Not knowing your abilities, you run the risk of choosing an inappropriate profession, which will not work for you, will not bring pleasure.

Outcome... So our Kaleidoscope of Professions program has come to an end. Do you think today's conversation was helpful to you? (Student responses)

I wish you that in any situation you always have the strength and courage to achieve your goal and that in your life there is a favorite profession that is useful to people. Dear guys, there are a lot of professions in the world - interesting, bright, exciting, but, you know, it is not so important which one you choose, the most important thing is that this choice is made correctly!

Used Internet resources.

We met today to talk about your future. Do you love life? Do you want to be happy? What are the questions? Life is wealth, given to everyone from the very beginning, and I really want it to be beautiful and happy. What is good life? Let's reflect on the phrase: “ Happy life - this…." Happiness is about being necessary the right personis to love life, people, your future profession.(slide 1)

(opinion exchange)

People have been looking for a formula for happiness for a long time. One of these formulas sounds like this: happy is the one who happily goes to work in the morning and returns home with joy in the evening. That is why it is so important to choose the right profession. Sooner or later, society will demand professional self-determination from each of us.(slide 2)

And today there are those among us who have already made such a choice, as well as those who have yet to make it. How to take the right decisionthat you wouldn't have to regret later? What is the formula successful choice? I propose to call our meeting today three in simple words: Want. Can. It is necessary. And together with you today we will try to discover the secret of the correct choice of profession.(slide 3)

Exercise "Hand of Fate"(Slide 4)

Now I suggest you write your dream profession on a piece of paper. Wrap the paper, put it in the chest. I have your dream in my chest. If I were a wizard, I would certainly make it come true. But life does not always happen the way you want. Imagine that 10 years have passed and you have become ... ... (handing out leaflets). Did the reality make you happy or disappointed?

Remember the formula for a successful choice (I want, I can, I must). You have now written about your preferences. Which of these words have we revealed? I want - this is what I like, what I have a soul for.

One scientist, who wrote a book on choosing a profession, worked at school for many years and was always interested in the future of his students. When they met, he asked them the invariable question: "Are you satisfied with your chosen profession?" And the following statistics came out: about every third made a mistake in their choice, every second admitted that he was not completely satisfied, and if he had to start over, he probably would have gone the other way. Why do you think so often people make mistakes when choosing a profession?

(exchange of views) (slide 5)

All errors can be divided into groups:

1. Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession.

2. Ignorance of the world of professions.

3. Ignorance of oneself.

In order not to be mistaken in choosing a profession, you need to know the requirements that apply to each of them. List the requirements for doctors and teachers. That is, what qualities must they possess in order to become true professionals in their field?

(opinion exchange)

You described a doctor and a teacher, and many of your characteristics were similar, why? These professions belong to the same group: human-human. Scientist Klimov came up with a classification of professions, based on the subject of labor. (slide 6)

A type

Subject of Labor


Man - man

people, groups, collectives

doctor, teacher, salesman

Man is a technique

machines, mechanisms technical systems

electrician, locksmith, driver

Man is nature


vegetable grower, veterinarian, agronomist

Man is a sign system

texts, numbers, drawings, maps, conventional signs, codes

programmer, secretary

Man is an artistic image

literature, painting, art history

actor, artist

What professions do you know related to these groups? Those sitting on my left hand call professions like "Man - ...", and those sitting on my right hand - "Man - ...". So, let's begin.(cheat sheet for us

Name the professions related to your group. Examples of children's answers: - Veterinarian, agronomist, hydrologist, sheep breeder, breeder, livestock technician, dog handler, geologist, game manager, ecologist, land reclamator, etc. - Driver, locksmith, engineer, designer, pilot, machinist, electrician, builder, car mechanic, plumber., miner, etc., - Teacher, doctor, journalist, salesman, nurse, educator, waiter, lawyer, hairdresser, - Accountant, scientist, economist, mathematician, programmer, notary, etc. - Artist, actor, director, artist, designer, sculptor, conductor, magician, poet, composer, ballerina, photographer)

IA Krylov said: “Take what you are inclined to, if you want a successful end in business"(Slide 7)

And you must agree that this is happiness when abilities and interests, i.e. "I want" and "I can" are the same.

How can this be called in one word? (Vocation)

However, satisfy the needs and interests "I want ..." in life is far from easy. (slide 8)

The first obstacle on this path is the qualities of the person himself: there are physiological and psychological limits that determine the capabilities of the individual in the implementation of this activity. For example, I want to be an Olympic figure skating champion, but can I?

Exercise "Sun".

Take a piece of paper and draw a sun with diverging rays. Imagine that the sun is you, and the rays are what will allow you to achieve success in life. Write on the rays those abilities that you have at the moment.

(opinion exchange)

E. Asadov has the following lines:

How important in life, remembering desires,

Don't forget your opportunities ...

Slide 9)

It is known that professional work makes specific demands on a person in terms of his health, physiological and psychological characteristics, the level and quality of educational training. Therefore, one of the first questions when choosing a profession is "Can I, am I capable?"

Abilities are qualities that ensure success in an activity. A person's abilities at any given moment are his “I can”.

Discussion exercise

“Who does our village (district) need?(slide 10)

We live in the same region. Who would you like to become in our area, what profession would you choose? (Each participant mentally chooses a profession for himself. Then the selected options are announced, and it will probably turn out that there will be a very unreal situation).

The discussion will probably show that the district cannot live with such a set of professions. For it to exist, it is necessary to have many professions, including not prestigious ones, but those needed by society, without which one cannot live. Therefore, some of you will not be able to find work “at will”. Thus, the participants will come to the conclusion that the vital needs of people and society dictate their own rules for choosing a profession.. (slide 11)

What do you think are the most popular modern professions? (slide 12)

And which, in your opinion, are the least popular at present? (slide 13)

What do you think is the difference between popularity and demand?

The difference is that the demand for a profession is the need of employers for a large number of relevant specialists, while the popularity of a profession is the desire of a large number of people to acquire it. The most popular professions do not always enjoy the same popularity in the labor market. The real value of a profession often does not correspond to its prestige.

What is the current situation in the labor market?


This year, the labor market of the Rostov region is dominated by the demand for personnel in blue-collar occupations - 76%, the demand for specialists and employees is 24%.

The most demanded professions of specialists and employees are such professions as a doctor (any) (16.2% of total professions), engineer (any) (7.4%), nurse (any) (8.2%), manager (any) (5.8%), teacher (any) (3.1%).

The most demanded working professions: driver (any) (6.1% of the total number of professions), bricklayer (1.7%), painter (1.6%), assembler (any) (3.8), salesman (any) (3.3%), cook (2.1%), operator (communications, CNC machines, computers, food production lines) (2.6%), concrete worker (1.6%), finisher (any) ( 1.0%), locksmith (any) (4.3%), plumber (0.9%), profession agriculture (1.9%), turner (1.1%), tractor driver (1.2%), seamstress (2.3%), plasterer (1.5%), electric (gas welder) (1.1%), electrician (1.2%), military service (1.8%).

In the next three years, the regional economy will also need qualified workers.

Slide 14

Slide 15

Watching the film UCZN

Test "Man". Maybe a test with geometric shapes will help you understand yourself a little.

You need to draw a figure of a person, made up of 10 elements, which may include triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, superimpose on top of each other as needed. It is important that all three of these elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is ten. If you used a larger number of shapes when drawing, then you need to cross out the excess, if you used less than ten shapes, you need to finish the missing ones. Complete the drawing according to this instruction within 30 seconds. "

Processing test results

Data processing is carried out as follows: the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a man is calculated (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where

  • hundreds indicate the numbertriangles,
  • tens - the number of circles,
  • units - the number of squares.

These three-digit numbers make up the so-called "drawing formula", according to which the drawing is assigned to the corresponding types

Personality types

Type I - "head ". Usually these are people with a penchant for leadership and organizational activities.Picture formulas start at 9.8, 7, 6.

Type II - " responsible executor"Has many features of the" leader "type, however, there are often hesitations in making responsible decisions.

This type of people is more focused on "the ability to do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and exactingness towards themselves and others, highly appreciates righteousness.Picture formulas start with number 5.

III type - " anxiously suspicious"- is characterized by a variety of abilities and giftedness - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually, people of this type are cramped within the framework of one profession, they can change it to the completely opposite and unexpected, also have a hobby, which, in fact, is a second profession. Physically intolerant of clutter and dirt. Usually they conflict with other people because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. Need gentle reassurance.

Picture formulas start with 4.

IV type - "scientist ". These people easily abstract from reality, have a "conceptual mind", are distinguished by the ability to develop their theories "for everything". Usually possess peace of mind and think through their behavior rationally.

Picture formulas start with 3.

V type - "intuitive ". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high exhaustion. They are highly sensitive to novelty. They often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imaginations.

Picture formulas start with 2.

VI type - " inventor, designer, artist". It is often found among people with a "technical streak". These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in different kinds technical, artistic and intellectual creativity.

Picture formulas start with 1 and 0 ..

Slide 16


And now transfer your emotions to the drawing, give it the feelings that arose during our work, draw a face for him, and let it be either funny or sad. Or indifferent.

I think that each of you today understood that the choice of a profession is a very important event in the life of every person. Try to determine the area of \u200b\u200byour interests now, read more, gain experience and knowledge. To do this, you need to try yourself in a variety of areas. As one wise man remarked very well: “In order not to be mistaken, one must have experience. To have experience you have to be wrong. "

And, of course, dream. After all, as scientists say, our thoughts are material.And we believe that our happiness will not pass us by.

continue implementation in employment centers efficient technologies, methods and forms of vocational guidance activities that promote vocational guidance adolescents and youth, conscious choice of life path in the labor market

vocational guidance of students of educational institutions

continue to inform parents about the possibilities and prospects of vocational education

Extracurricular activity on the topic: "Who to be? How to be? " (for vocational guidance, I recommend for conducting in elementary school).

Developed by: L.N. Kapustina

Objectives : expand students' knowledge of professions; show the importance of work in human life; instill an interest in professions, work; foster a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions; develop memory, attention, speech.

Equipment: illustrations depicting people of various professions, cards with tasks, carpentry tools, various small items that characterize belonging to a profession.

The course of the event.

There are many professions in the world,

It is impossible to count them.

Many are important today

And relevant and needed.

And you rather grow up -

Master the profession.

Try to be the first in business

And bring benefits to people.

Who guessed what the lesson will be about today? Yes, we will talk about professions. You will "try" some professions for yourself. I propose to guess some riddles.

He walks into the forest - he looks home, goes home - looks into the forest. (Ax.)

Bows, bows, comes home - stretches out. (Ax.)

Toothy, not bite. (Rake.)

She gnaws quickly, chews finely, does not swallow herself. What is it, who will guess? (Saw.)

Gnawing wood is a simple matter: I ate sawdust,

I drank wood juice! Who am I? .. (Saw.)

If I want to, I will bow so, but I will be lazy, so I will fall. (Ax.)

Himself thin, and the head with poods. (A hammer.)

The humpbacked skate has wooden sides,

White shavings fly from under his hooves. (Plane.)

She started dancing with a screw,

And he, spinning, got stuck in the board. (Screwdriver.)

The guest will be received from the heart:

So hugged - do not breathe. (Vise.)

Who is most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses? (Doctor)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying an airplane, but a huge rocket. Children, tell me who is this? (Cosmonaut).

Guys, while you are still children. But already from the first grade they should know that everything needs to be learned. School teaches perseverance, teaches to learn. As long as we live in the world, we learn as much. As early as possible, you should know what professions are, strive to acquire knowledge that will be very useful to you in life. And whatever you dream of doing, you need to learn. In our country, everyone has the right to education. It doesn't matter where - at the institute, technical school - you have to remember, try, think, perform various tasks, invent something of your own. To master any profession, you need to learn its knowledge.

What is a profession? If you look into Ozhegov's dictionary, it says:"A profession is the main occupation of a person, his work activity."

"A profession is a type of work that requires a certain training, knowledge and skills from a person."

What does the word "labor" mean? It is true that the professions of people are connected with their work.

I suggest you play a little. Everyone who wishes prepares a pantomime depicting people engaged in some kind of business. By the movement of arms, legs, body, you should guess what kind of business the person is doing.

Guys, how many professions do you think there are on earth? (Children's answers).

You can't count all the professions!

What can you name?

We will now play a game"Tell me a word" ... Be careful ...

The train drives ... (driver)

Plows in the field ... (tractor driver)

The plane is ruled by ... (pilot)

Tables are made ... (joiner).

We sing songs ... (singer).

Busy in trade ... (seller).

On the loom weaves fabrics ... (weaver).

Heals diseases ... (doctor).

Medicines will give us ... (pharmacist).

Bread will be baked in the bakery ... (baker).

He will fold the stove for us for the winter ...

In the Far North… (polar explorer) works.

Will translate from another language ... (translator).

Fix the tap ... (plumber).

The clock is repaired ... (watchmaker).

Loads with a crane ... (crane operator).

The bread is removed ... (combine).

In the house the light was conducted ... (fitter).

Working in the mine ... (miner

In a hot forge ... (blacksmith)

Who knows everything - well done!

Well done boys!

No wonder the people say:

All professions are important, all professions are needed!

Without work, without what he loves, a person feels superfluous. His place among other people, job satisfaction, health, happiness, joy depends on how correctly the life path is chosen.

In everyday life, we often do not attach importance to what surrounds us, we believe that it has been, is and will always be. Think about who the proper nutrition depends on, who builds and repairs our houses, who brings us joy with excellent clothes, beautiful furniture, who can repair plumbing and household appliances?

Masters of blue-collar professions help us cope with various everyday difficulties.

Let's collect proverbs about labor. Everyone has a task card on their desk.

Who loves to work

Don't know boredom

Patience and work

If there is nothing to do

Skillful hands

Tom does not sit still

Bored day until evening

Grind everything

Read the resulting proverbs, explain their meaning.

What do you think, what professions people need to work? (Everyone has to work).

Well done!

What professions do you know? Why do people choose this or that profession?

It is very important for every person in life to choose the right profession. Then a person works with pleasure and brings joy to himself and the people around him. But with any choice of profession, know that they are all important and necessary.

Here's an example: Poem by L. Kuklin

Think what it would be

When would the tailor say:

I don't want to sew a dress.

I'll have a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They went home after him.

People used to walk naked

Down the street in winter.

Think what it would be

When the doctor would say:

I don't feel like pulling my teeth

I will not, even though you cry!

Sick medical care

There wouldn't be any.

And you would sit and suffer

With a tied cheek.

A teacher at school would say:

Me this year

I don't want to teach children

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

Would roll in the dust

Would you be unlearned

They grew up to old age.

Think what would

Suddenly trouble happened!

But he just won't do it

Nobody ever

And people won't refuse

From the required work:

Teacher required

Will come to class the next morning,

And the bakers diligently

The bread will be baked for you.

Any business will be done.

Whatever you entrust them

Tailors and shoemakers

Chauffeurs and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in one country

And everyone works honestly

In place in its place.

Well done! And now a game of attention.

Funny company,

Double your focus!

Rhyme used to help

And now she has become insidious.

You, my friend, take your time

Don't get hooked!

All black, like a rook,

Climbs from our roof ... (chimney sweep)

Rolls and rolls for us

Every day they bake ... (bakers)

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat ... (cook)

Arius, opera writer

Called ... (composer)

They talk about sounds that are paired

At school, you and me ... (teachers)

Planted hundreds of roses

In the city garden ... (gardener)

Trains lions, dogs

Brave, brave our ... (tamer)

Who grazes the cows, sheep?

Well, of course ... (shepherd)

Sweeps clean the yard

At six in the morning, of course ... (janitor)

Knight and rook walk in the cells -

Preparing his winning move ... (chess player)

Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight

Bold and strong went ... (gymnast)

Guys, I would really like you to tell us what profession you would like to choose. (Children's answers)

There are countless wonderful professions in the world,

And glory and honor to each profession!

Children, you have tools for plumbing and joinery on your desks. Your task is to select the tools that are required for the manufacture of a particular product.

Well done!

And the next task requires ingenuity and speed. (One student goes to the blackboard and guess the word denoting the profession, which is encrypted on the card)







(locksmith, turner, miner, carpenter, joiner, teacher).

Well done, well done. The guys will read you a poem "How Dangerous Laziness". Listen.

Once upon a time there was a lazy man leafing lazily for days.

Our fast age has not yet known such a lazy person.

It used to lie on the bed and sleep for twenty hours:

He really doesn't want to sleep, but too lazy, brother, to wake up.

And if this individual lowers his loins into a chair,

That is how it will sit all day: too lazy to get up from the chair.

And if, having mastered laziness, he rises honor by honor,

It will stand like a stump, not moving, in place.

But somehow, with great difficulty moving his legs,

A lazy man went to walk along the road on a fine day.

It takes an hour, and three, and five ... The sun is setting ...

The lazy man is already tired of walking, but too lazy to stop!

He would have to turn home, but too lazy to step back.

And he went into the distance in a straight line, and where he is - is not clear!

It is not easy to find the poor man ... and here it is convenient to say,

That laziness can lead very, very far.

Vladlen Pakhnov .

Every person on earth - from young to old - must work, since one cannot live without labor. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Your mums and dads go to work every morning. They carry out various tasks and assignments, have different professions... You guys are sitting at the school desk. What is your main business? (Study.)

Learning is also labor and labor is not easy. Each of you probably wondered who he will be when he grows up. You still have a lot of time ahead to choose your profession. Today we talked only about some professions. But even now we can conclude that all the works are good - choose the taste! I think when you grow up, you will choose the profession that you like, but always remember that any profession is important!

Our event has come to an end. You worked well today. Choice future profession is a very important matter. We will talk many times about choosing a profession. As KD Ushinsky said “If you successfully choose a profession and put your whole soul into it, then happiness itself will find you. "

Game in elementary school "All works are good!"

Objectives: expand, systematize students' knowledge of professions; generalize knowledge on technology (device of tools, technology of manufacturing products); develop an understanding that the knowledge gained from technology lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills; instill an interest in blue-collar occupations, work.

Equipment: cards with a picture of the house; paints; brushes; students' work.

Game progress

I. Message topic.

Teacher... Today we have an unusual lesson, a game lesson "All works are good!"

A profession is an occupation, a favorite business, a pile of all life. Therefore, a favorite business is chosen once and for life. But how hard it can be to choose! After all, you want to become a doctor, a driver, an astronaut and a diver, a teacher and an artist. That is why now you need to prepare for a serious choice. What you know about professions, we will find out today.

There are many professions in the world,

But you should only choose the one

What is dearer to you in the world,

To devote yourself to work.

II. Game part.

1. Getting started.

Reader 1.

Warmed by the gentle light

We are on a sunny Earth.

The day comes with dawn

In every city and village.

Reader 2.

The clear morning is calling

In the field, mine, to the factory:

Work begins!

And we have our own concerns.

Reader 3.

We are not wasting time:

So that everything is always clear -

We know mathematics by five,

We love to build, paint.

Reader 4.

We learned to be friends

To cherish a good deed

Grow up - we will all be ourselves

Do with these hands.

I want to learn a lot -

Choose a business on the shoulder.

2. Game "Mysterious Word".


Yes, the professions are countless,

There is time to take a closer look

What do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to find out.

The teacher shows cards, each of which has a word written, but the letters are represented in it in the most inconceivable way. Students must guess which word is encrypted:

barks yavsh praov shaknemki

zhirnene yevitol rtomas

(Fisherman, seamstress, cook, bricklayer, engineer, driver, sailor.)

3. Contest of "builders".

Teacher... We invite masons to compete first.


I want to become a builder as soon as possible.

I will learn to build houses and palaces

And schools where children will go.

The task... Make a drawing of a house from a picture cut into parts

Figure: 1. A sample of a picture cut into parts

Teacher. Now painters enter the competition.


It's time to paint the room

They invited a painter.

But not with a brush and a bucket

Our painter comes into the house.

Instead of a brush, he brought

Metal pump.

Splashing paint on the wall

The sun is shining in the window.

The walls have turned blue

Like the sky above

The new home is almost ready

Will receive residents for the holiday.

Attached to the board are drawings of the house made on a sheet of paper. 2-3 students should color at home to their liking so that it is beautiful and fast.

Figure: 2. House for coloring

4. Game "Guess the proverbs".

Teacher... While our "painters" are working, I suggest you guess the proverbs. I will begin the adage and you will continue it. Without difficulty - ... (you can't take a fish out of the pond).

Without hunting - ... (no work).

Without craft - ... (as without hands).

To live idle - ... (only smoke the sky).

There would be a hunt - ... (all work will go well).

Without an ax, not a carpenter, ... (without a needle, not a tailor).

Love your work ... (you will be a master).

5. The game "Who lost his instrument?"

The lost property office received many items. Who do you think lost them? Name the profession of the owner of these items:

scissors spatula light bulb

saucepan thermometer sieve

brush tape measure wrench

calculator weight pointer

6. Quiz "Guess the profession".

1) Who plows, sows, harvests bread? (Grain grower.)

2) Who bakes our bread? (Baker.)

3) Who dispenses medicines? (Pharmacist.)

4) Who dresses us in fashion?

Who sews the costume for the day off?

Everyone knows - he is ... (tailor).

5) He comes to us with a letter directly to the house - who is he? (Postman.)

6) Here on the edge he cautiously paints iron;

He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted motley. (Painter.)

7) At night, at noon, at dawn, he carries out his service in secret,

On the path, on the shore, blocking the path of the enemy. (Border guard.)

8) He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

A huge rocket. Children, tell me who is this? (Cosmonaut.)

9) Who is most useful in days of illness

And heals us from all diseases? (Doctor.)

10) The elder brother serves the dear Fatherland.

Protects our lives, he is ... (soldier).

11) The ear of the cat hurt, there was a fuss in the house.

Grandfather grumbles, sister whimpers

The soup in the cat bowl is getting cold.

What should I do? What do i do?

Where to treat a kitten? (At the vet.)

12) The frog burst into tears: a speck on the abdomen,

A speck on the leg - be careful!

With whom will we treat this disease? (At a dermatologist.)

13) A speck on the fly got into the eye of a handsome crane.

Guys, which doctor should the crane go to? (To the optometrist.)

14) Sister Dasha was born - our joy, our sorrow.

Doesn't eat bread, spits porridge,

Who should I go to with my sister Dasha? (To the pediatrician.)

15) The girl sits on an iron bird,

He lowers the arrows, raises the weights. (Crane operator.)

7. Competition "Technology Expert".

On the table, under certain numbers, there are products obtained by bending, cutting, gluing, sawing, sewing, knitting, etc. The teacher names the technological process, and the students must choose the corresponding product.

8. Contest "Find the extra".

Words are written in large letters on a board or card. It is necessary to cross out the "extra" word that is not related to this technological process... For example: needle, thread, nail, tape measure, thimble. (The word "nail" is superfluous, since it is not used when working with fabric.)

1) Brush - glue - ruler - knitting needle - scissors.

2) Yarn - knife - knitting needles - scissors.

3) Saucepan - spoon - grater - hook.

Musical pause.


We love to work very much,

We like to work.

Everyone will cope with a difficult task,

He will cope with any work.

They say I'm fighting

Combat, so what.

My mom is fighting

Well, then who am I?

Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to skillet.

But then four days

Couldn't wash me off.

Ira, Olya, Katerina

Fired up to embroider,

With all their zeal they tried

More orders are accepted.

They say - skillful

The girl is timid.

But any job I do

I will finish it to the end.

We all sang ditties -

Good or bad.

And now we ask you,

For you to clap!

III. The outcome of the game.

Final words of the teacher... Well done boys! Today you showed your skills and knowledge in technology, told a lot about different professions.

As you can see, children, there are many professions - choose this one for yourself,

So that she becomes the work of your whole life,

So that by honest labor you glorify your land.