Presentation of my future profession as a teacher in English. Presentation "Profession teacher". The teaching profession requires

Teacher profession

is one of the most ancient professions on Earth.

at the time when man began to hunt wild animals ...

the older generation

taught young to all receptions

this unpretentious occupation.

The man who taught teens and children

was highly respected a member of the tribe,

he was always given some privilege .

With the evolution of human life

teaching profession

more and more became necessary .

ancient roman school

ancient egyptian school

ancient greek school

In ancient Rome,

in ancient Greece,

the teachers were very important people!

With the Baptism of Rus, the first books and the first literate people appeared.

One of the main roles in education was played by the first schools in Russia.

prince Vladimir

Red Sun


The first schools in Russia:

In order to strengthen the position of Christianity,

in under construction

in all cities

and villages of the church


literate and



Prince Vladimir gave the order to select children from families " the best people"And take them into" book learning ".

For the ancient Russians, such an innovation was wild, the new faith was alien, and the schooling was incomprehensible

and scary.

Mothers brought their children to school, sobbing and wailing, as if they were seeing off their last journey.

The very first large school was founded in 1028,

when the son of Prince Vladimir is Prince Yaroslav the Wise

was able to collect in Novgorod

300 children

and gave the command

"Teach them books."

Boris Kustodiev

"Zemskaya school in Moscow Russia" 1907

Mikhail Nesterov

"Exam in a rural school" 1884

Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky

"Oral account" 1895

one of the oldest professions

The profession of a teacher is a unique profession.

still in demand today


Profession "Teacher"






Personal qualities:

- a tendency to work with children;

-the ability to interest in your idea, to lead;

Personal qualities:

- self-control and poise;

-high degree of personal responsibility;

-tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people

(perception "as is");

Personal qualities:

-interest and respect for another person;

- striving for self-knowledge, self-development;

- originality, resourcefulness, versatility;


Personal qualities:

- purposefulness;


-the demand for yourself and others;

Personal qualities:


(the ability to see trends in a child's development,

in the formation

his skills,




and interests).

The teaching profession requires

Must be able to express their thoughts competently, convincingly, expressively, in a simple and understandable language for their pupils;

The teaching profession requires

-objectivity, observation, resistance to stress, perseverance, attentiveness;

The teaching profession requires

- must engage in self-improvement: read specialized literature,

take part in various competitions,

be ready for advanced training and professional development.

The most important professional feature of a teacher, without which his effective activity is impossible, is

love for children.

Responsibilities of the teacher ...

- teaching various sciences;

-explanation of the new material by means available for a given age and individual characteristics;

-control over the assimilation of the material;

Responsibilities of the teacher ...

-conducting educational work with children;

- assistance in unleashing the creative potential, abilities and capabilities of students;

Responsibilities of the teacher ...

-revealing the interests and inclinations of students for an adequate selection of programs and teaching methods;

Studying the individual characteristics of children and providing an effective psychological and pedagogical impact on them;

Responsibilities of the teacher ...

-construction of a training program based on knowledge of general age patterns of children's development;

-provision of assistance in the formation of the student's personality;

- assistance in the development of students' desire to master new knowledge;

Responsibilities of the teacher ...

-organization of extracurricular group activities, conducting discussions, disputes, meetings;

-explanation of current social events and phenomena;

Responsibilities of the teacher ...

-participation in the development and implementation of educational and training programs;

- drawing up thematic and lesson plans;

- preparation of documentation (magazines, reports) ...


profession teacher

- communication with children;


-stability in work;

-long vacation;

-recognition by the public.


profession teacher

-great responsibility;

-low wages;

-psychological pressure and stressful situations.

"Always look at things

from the bright side,

and if there are none, rub the dark

until they shine "

Chinese wisdom

“Teachers only open doors,

you go yourself "

Chinese wisdom

A student who learns without desire is a bird

without wings.


The teacher's task is

"Give the student wings!"

Essay "My pedagogical philosophy"

And I don't need more happiness,
When I see the radiance in their eyes!
There is only one reward for the teacher's work -
The reciprocal step is mutual understanding.

Teaching is difficult, but youth, healthy optimism, good mood and a feeling of joy from every day help you to start working. And today I can say that the teacher is rich and strong not only with his knowledge, convictions, but also with his love for children, the ability to share the warmth of his soul.

School is a big and complex world. A world filled not only with joys and discoveries, but also with problems, sometimes difficult to solve. I often ask myself the question: why did I come into this world, what can I say to this world?

I remember a fine September day, when a little girl with a huge bouquet of red tulips in her hand and an alphabet book in her portfolio entered an amazing school life... I still fondly remember my first teacher - E.N. Rybakov. She taught me not only writing and counting, she awakened in me a fantasy, a dream, a desire to reflect, to seek answers to the most difficult questions.
School even then became for me a country in which I want to live. The teachers seemed like celestials to me, and they were. I was lucky to have been taught to learn. And I think that the desire to improve, which means to become smarter, more educated, kinder, will never dry out in me. Back then, in my youth, the boundless respect for the teaching profession helped me determine the future. Now I am not disappointed with the present. Tomorrow gives me hope for an interesting, eventful life. Everything is still ahead of me - successes, mistakes, big bumps! And it makes me happy!

Only outwardly, our work seems mundane, routine: endless notebooks, magazines, thrashing from head teachers ... But in essence, it is joyful and majestic, because we nurture a person, a personality, we dream of him becoming happy, which means that we we will be happy.

It is very important for me that the students see in me not only a teacher, but also a like-minded person, friend, helper.

And how many times will I enter the class to my students, fidgets and why, and never get tired of repeating: “Hello! Today I want to think with you, discuss, disassemble ... ".

I teach Russian language and literature, I am a teacher of literature. A teacher's arsenal should have many professional tools, for me the main thing is the word. The word comforts and inspires, it can be a slogan and a cry from the soul, pain and joy, a holiday, a hope. In a word, I try to educate, carefully and tenderly, with love and understanding.

A lesson for me is not a process of transferring knowledge, but an invaluable time of communication, the discovery of new truths, the birth of ideas and their implementation.

What do I always want to see in my lessons? What do I expect from them?

Surprise, inspiration, passion, curiosity in the eyes of my students. Their hands are stretching upward, and it is impossible for them to restrain emotions from realizing that they are the very best ...

When this happens at least a little bit, I am overwhelmed by a feeling of joy, and I want it never to end ...

I leaf through children's notebooks, essays with vivid pictures, these "material" evidence of a child's life. Each of them has his own world, his own admiration, his own surprise. Everyone has their own destiny. But I also exist in their life, simply because I have chosen a wonderful profession. There is nothing more expensive than feeling needed by many.

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What is a teacher?

Teacher - a person who is involved in the upbringing and education of children and adolescents on the basis of methods created for teaching, who has a special pedagogical education.

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History of the profession

In the origin of the profession, the teacher does not have any fixed or even agreed date. It is as ancient as the world itself, but it has become relevant relatively recently.

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The importance of the profession

The importance of the profession of a teacher is difficult to overestimate - it is one of the most honorable and necessary professions on the ground. However, teachers have a great responsibility - after all, it is these people who are responsible for improving the younger generation, on which our future depends!

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Requirements for the profession

The main requirements that society places on a teacher are, first of all, civic responsibility, socio-political and social maturity, professional and pedagogical competence, availability of professional knowledge and skills, as well as breadth of outlook and high culture. Highlight the requirements for the personality of the teacher-master.

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Great people about the teacher

Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher. (Confucius)

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It is important to know not what is, but what is useful. J.J. Russo

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Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, should and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices one makes to his calling. - L. Tolstoy

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Outstanding teachers

Janusz Korczak (1878-1942). "There are no children - there are people. But with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings."

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Profession "Teacher".
Teacher. How proudly this word sounds! It is difficult to find more important than a profession, After all, knowledge makes life the basis for us, wisdom and experience give us to gain.
Completed by: Chetaykina A.

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The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, because the versatility of the development of knowledge of the young generation, his convictions, worldview, largely depends on his work, moral qualities... Pedagogical activity requires a special calling. Education and training can be carried out by people with an inclination and love for this business. A teacher must love and pass on his knowledge to others, be carried away by the very process of teaching and educating a person.

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Success teaching activities largely depends on the communicative abilities of the teacher, on his ability to establish correct relationships with children. The work of a teacher places great demands on his attention. The teacher works with the entire class and needs to keep many students in sight. He must be able to notice all changes in their behavior. Thus, observation, distribution of attention, its switchability are professional important qualities teachers.

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This profession is eternal. No matter how society changes, no matter how far it goes in its development, it will never do without a teacher. In the future, some professions will disappear, but there will always be teachers.

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Why did I choose Primary School?
Any building should have a foundation that cannot be replaced by a beautiful façade, a trendy interior, or a new roof. Without a foundation, the building will collapse. It is precisely this foundation in the life of every person that is the elementary school, or rather, the knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities acquired in elementary school. Therefore, a person who chooses the profession of a teacher primary grades, must be fully aware of the burden of responsibility he is going to place on his shoulders. It is not for nothing that the people say: “In middle and high school, look for an advanced school for your child, and in primary school look for a good teacher. "

The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, because the versatility of the development of knowledge of the young generation, its convictions, worldview, moral qualities largely depend on his work.

"What a proud vocation to give others education ..." What a proud vocation - To give others education - To give away a particle of heart, To forget empty quarrels, After all, it is difficult to talk to us, Sometimes it is very boring to repeat the same thing, Check notebooks at night. Thank you for always being so right. We want to wish that you do not know troubles, Health, happiness for a hundred years!

To knock on every heart of Those whom you decided to teach, And the secret door will open To the souls of those whom you could love! And some overslept boy Will be late for the first lesson, And a mischievous girl in the past Will invite to last call! And many more years will pass, Maybe someone's fate will be formed, And pain and adversity will disappear, Shooting will stop everywhere! In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study And the answers sound at the blackboard, Without violence, peace and without anger, And the petals presented to roses! Mark Lvovsky

There are many of them Snub-nosed, dissimilar, Flying into school in a crowd. And it's not easy with them. And yet anyone is dear to his Soul. He led them Along the ladder of knowledge, He taught the country to cherish, And to see through the distance of distances, And to be friends with a clever book ... Let someone become a builder, And someone is the master of rivers, But my heart believes: Will put them in the Five for tomorrow. And, becoming adults, through the years, the Children will remember well And his severity, and cares, Not an easy teacher's work. B. Gaikovich

Teacher! How precious is this word! How much affection and kindness there is in him, you were often a strict mentor, But more often - a source of warmth! Everything was encountered in your work: There were hardships and joy of victories, But the most important thing is that in the souls of children, you leave every trace

There is no more beautiful profession in the world - You bring the source of knowledge to children. And our teacher is our idol, with whom we learn the world. And on this day we want to promise you that, having risen from school desks, And we will be able to convey to people our work, warmth of hearts and search for passion!

Teacher! Our elder friend, our invaluable friend, Our constant campfire! The mighty plant of fire Is rustling with the enduring foliage. And he is above our disputes, And entertainment, and ventures - The life-giving fire that you saved, our Prometheus. You deserve this name. You infected Us with your selflessness and taught Us, Shining on others, to burn ourselves. More than once, bristling with evil feathers, Like Prometheus among the rocks, the Eagle of heartlessness, distrust shamelessly pecked at you. But, having overcome adversity, As before it shines, crushing darkness, Filled with the highest passion, Inextinguishable soul. Gives salvation from old age, And our youth is alive, And green foliage rustles on the never-dying plant. Love Orphan

If there were no teacher, then there would probably not have been neither a poet, nor a thinker, nor Shakespeare, nor Copernicus. And to this day, probably, If there were no teacher, the Undiscovered America Remained undiscovered. And we would not have been Icars, We would never have soared into the sky, If in us by his efforts Wings were not grown. Without his kind heart the world would not be so amazing. Therefore, the Name of our teacher is very dear to us! Veronica Tushnova