It's time for all of us to board the ship. Scenario of the holiday of the last call "to the shores of dreams." Stand up in a semicircle. roll call

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Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone to the Last Call! This year it is called "To the Shores of Dreams." And this is no coincidence, because today the graduates of the 9th and 12th grades are completing their many years of sailing in the ocean of Knowledge and are sailing to the harbor of school exams and partings ... Their next cruise will be called "Independent Life". Dear graduates, you have been sailing for several years, met many obstacles on your way, and achieved success. And today we will all make a farewell voyage around the world, remembering those moments that were most important to you. So, give up the mooring line, remove the anchor! We're sailing away! All hands on deck! All in place!
Full speed ahead! Time is running out!

A video is shown on the screen in which the song "Dream" from the movie "Treasure Island" is played.

Gray clouds are floating in the azure of heights,

And changing on the fly, the clouds go into a dream,
They float like dreams, exactly -
In the night, in the night, in the night.

The gray-haired sails are solemnly clear,
I, like a boy, immersed in dreams, in dreams,
And decreasing on the fly, the ships sail into a dream,
Unable to overcome the wind -
Away, away, away.

Leading boy and girl come out.

Everywhere today is an unusual day,
Today is a joyful holiday with us.
And we came to you in an unusual form,
Not the one in which we come to class.

But on this day, without any risk,
For breaking the form, cause anger,
We changed the school to the sea,
Seeing a special symbol in this.

And our ship is sailing
Into the vastness, blue!
Lighthouses will show the way in the fog.
Russia is famous for its teachers,
Disciples bring glory to her.

The wind filled the sails
Along the way, the course blows in the back.
And distant places await
In the vast ocean blue

The ocean is raging with life
But there are piers and piers,
To pester the continents.
To see off and meet.

Today our pier sees off
School ship to distant lands.
On it we will send on a journey
The matured crew of the ship.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone to the Last Call! This year it is called "To the Shores of Dreams". And this is no coincidence, because today the graduates of the 9th and 12th grades complete their many years of sailing in the ocean of Knowledge and swim to the harbor of school exams and partings ... Their next cruise will be called "Independent Life". Dear graduates, you have been sailing for several years, encountered many obstacles on your way, and achieved success. And today we will all make a farewell voyage around the world, remembering those moments that were most important to you. So, give up the mooring line, remove the anchor! We're sailing away! All hands on deck! All in place! Full speed ahead! Time is running out!

The sound of the ship's bell. Leaders leave.

The song "Time" is performed by a 12th grade student Margarita Timusheva and a graduate Roslyakova Tatyana.


Time, time flies along the way
Time, time to be at the helm
Time, time to say - I'm sorry
Time, time has not passed in vain.

When the fairway is not aligned
The course is not clear, but you need to swim,
The time of the alma mater comes
Evaluate without prejudice.
When it's time to leave the pier
An initial breeze is needed
To guide us into the river of truths
A ship called Life.


When the tide is deceiving
And an alien wind blows backwards
Science of the highest importance
It's time to test.
When you understand
What's most important
Confident in body and soul
Believe you will remember
Everything that I left behind.

Chorus 2 r.

Leaders come out.

Today the school bell will ring
Which will not be quite ordinary.
The thread of that usual sequence will be interrupted,
When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.

Graduation classes are making noise, worrying,
Ringing the farewell echo of the voice
The school ship set sail.
And now other ways await him.


Let's greet the brave
The stormy school years that passed by.
Those who walk the road of victories into life, -
Solemn and important graduates!

Music sounds, graduates and homeroom teachers rise from their seats.

Leading: We welcome the crew of the class 9 A ship with its navigator Minaeva Larisa Viktorovna!

M: Teams of 9 B and 9 D classes and their navigator Lyudmila Evgenievna Fedorova!

D: We applaud the crew of the class 9 B ship! Navigator - Natalya Ivanovna Rudskaya!

Leading:Let's welcome the team of crews of 12-class ships! Class teacher 12 A and 12 B, navigator Gosteva Lyubov Alexandrovna!

D: Are the teams ready to embark on a journey to the shores of a dream?


I ask everyone to stand up! Matching the flags!
Wide space for dreams and for life
The years to come open to us.
Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is and it will always be so!

Slide. The anthem of Russia sounds

Leading:Please sit down!

M:I see the land right ahead! it Captains Island. Dock

Leading:Let us recall the lines of the famous poet of the Silver Age Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov.

In the polar seas and in the south,
On the bends of green swells
Between basalt rocks and pearl
The sails of the ships rustle.

The swift-winged captains lead
Discoverers of new lands
For whom hurricanes are not afraid
Who has tasted malstroms and stranded,

Let the sea go mad and whip
The crests of the waves rose to the skies
Not a single one trembles before a thunderstorm,
Neither will fold the sails.

The reader comes out.

Reader Myakinnikova Maria (11 A)

And if someone took the wrong course
And pulls the whole ship into a skew,
The captain is one of the very first
Rushing to the rescue at the SOS signal.
A ship floats on the sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge
And you, Natalya Alekseevna, are at the helm.
Lead clearly and skillfully
You are the entire crew of the ship.
Like a captain big ship,
You stand on the captain's bridge forever,
And to the wharf named Earth
In the midst of storms you will certainly lead us.
Behind you, like behind a stone wall:
Help, settle the problems,
For leadership school country
At this holiday we will all say "thank you"!

We are weaning in the port,
We signal you before the big parting:
Thank you for your reliable shoulder,

For the faithful teacher's hand,
For your captain's science,
For courage, patience, kindness.

The director is handed flowers and invited to the stage.

M: We ask you to accept these flowers as a gift from us, go to the helm and say a few words to us at parting.

Director's word.

Leading:Our holiday today is attended by guests who sail with us to the shores of dreams! Hello ... and we open the floor.


Back on the road!
What country is there?
Warmed by warmth and care ?!

Head of the Creek - the name of the country,
And we must go there today.

Headmaster Zavod let's visit
We will visit the administration!

The school path is not easy at sea,
You have worked tirelessly:
We remember with a kind word
You, the captain's first mates!

We know: there is no need to be afraid of you,
And we will express a strong opinion
That a school without administration is
A ship out of control!

D: We express our gratitude to our head teachers for educational work: Shalimova Elena Nikolaevna and Starkova Nelly Semyonovna

M:Head teacher for educational work: Mikhailova Maria Adamovna

D: Deputy Director for AHP : Borzenkova Tatyana Yakovlevna

Presentation of flowers.

Leading:And we give the floor to read the order for admission to exams ...?

Leading:Guys, our ship is sailing on the sea of \u200b\u200bMemories!

M: I see school years flashing past the window.

D: Let's drop anchor in these waters, we have something to remember and something to tell.

Leaders leave

Slide. A film is shown on the screen.

The song is performed by a 12th grade student Margarita Timusheva

Fly fast school years,
Children grow up and grow up forever
Pranks, toys, we forget
Friends grew up, everyone is in love with someone.


And childhood is leaving, it's a pity
Everything passes, February ends again
And March begins, spring -
It's time for our youth, we're leaving the yard,
We will solve the issues in an adult way.

Goodbye childhood, after we say
The memory will warm up, remembering your days,
And the cheerful bell escorts us.
Goodbye school, goodbye cute class!

Chorus (2)

A rock rises to the right along the side.

"School teacher" it is called.

We moor here, rudder right!
Remove the sails!
And here is the earth!

The inhabitants of this land meet us,
And the children dedicate songs and poems to them.


The evening dawn is burning in the west,
And the school is like a ship at the pier
Where are they waiting teacher's pupils,
To start a new life.

Leaders leave.

Teachers, class teachers of 9th grade come out

Fedorova L.E .:

I kneel before fate
Being a teacher is great!
Everything will pass, will not taste decay
Only love, over which they have no control

Minaeva L.V .:

Not a year, not a trouble, not an insult,
Everything is hidden until the time, but believe
The teacher is just for show
The heart split into quarters.

Rudskaya N.I .:

The class is not a connoisseur of peace,
Keeper of unlearned rules ...
Only the heart, burning with love,
The title "teacher" can suffer.

Students come out, line up in front of the teachers.

Reader 1Laskina Julia (9 A)

Lovely. Hearty, good,
My good teachers.
I say goodbye to childhood and school,
Only I do not say goodbye to you.

Reader 2 Pavlova Julia (9 B)

You are in the fate of each of us,
You pass along it like a red thread.
We speak proudly every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

Reader 3Izvarina Daria (9 B)

We are all in his safest hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder ...
Live always in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

Reader 4 Gavrilchenko Alina (9 B)

Thank you for loving us,

For the fact that you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything that has been done for us.

The song "My Teacher" is performed by Roslyakova Tatyana.

Presenting flowers to teachers.

Leaders come out.

D: Seryozha, where are we now?

This is the Bay of Homeroom Leaders!
Quiet bay, safe dock,
A gentle light above the water shone.

Our ship enters safe waters,
That will protect from any bad weather.
Our dear class teachers,
Looking into the hall, we are reflected in your eyes!
My favorite teacher in the hall in tears ...

The reader comes out. Music from the film "The Tale of the Star Boy", "Meeting".

ReaderKolesnichenko Marina (9 V)

Thank you for loving us,
Although they were strict with us at times,
For the fact that you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything that they did for us.
We say goodbye. What's more?
What else can we say?
After all, it was often in your will
Spare us, or punish us.

Hear praise from you -
Such a rare bliss.
Let you be a teacher of the highest class.
May we be imperfection itself.
But to us in our unhappy lot
Keeping so much pity
Of my own and free will
With a soul full of fire
You saved our assessments,
And with them you saved us.
So that, by raising self-esteem,
The class could believe in himself.

Leading:The answer on behalf of the class teachers is provided class teacher 12th grade Guest Lyubov Alexandrovna.

The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably glorify
To others, he will set obstacles!
And it's very hard to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your destiny,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Take your time to retreat
It is only given to the strong to win!
The cherished hour has come, friends,
And life is big for the first time
Calls you all to go forward.
So friends, bon voyage!

Sounds of the storm.

D: What is the storm starting?

M:No, we just float into sea with a strange name EXAMS.

Participants of the scene "Final Exam" come out.

Leaders come out.

M: I see the bay!

In that bay on the dock, the parents sit
In excitement and sorrow, everyone is looking at the sea.

It is so difficult to hold out in the sea of \u200b\u200blife during storms ...
Who is the best to help us stay afloat?


Hurry, hurry up the sails
And to parent's Bay you swim up!

The reader comes out.

ReaderIzvarina Daria (9 B)

Our dear parents,
We want to say thank you
For caring, for being with us
All are ready to pass exams.

You passed from class to class,
They gained knowledge and grew.
Everything they taught us at school
You helped us to master everything.

We all owe you support,
Adult life comprehending the essence.
We will justify your hopes,
We will find our way among hundreds!

Leading:A response word on behalf of the parents is provided ...

The mainland of adulthood is the port of our residence.
Here we will disembark.
The path has been long.

But, as usual, on time
The last call will sum up everything!


The last one is the most wonderful call
He is a sign that the last lesson has been learned.
Another day is over, one hour.
Giving new knowledge for you.
It rings like a brook, heralding success,
And maybe the glory that awaits everyone soon.
Dreams, hopes, expectations -
Everything is in the future, everything is ahead.
Well, now, in a silent building
Rings, bells, rings, rings!

The right to make the last call is given to a class student ... and a class student ...

Music sounds.

The reader comes out.


The last bell rang out.
Doves took off in the ringing silence.
The last moment, and forever guys
Let's leave this school this spring!
Everything has been and has passed and will not return
And there are no going back to childhood.
But still, let it stay with us
Favorite school windows quiet look!

Leaders come out.

D: Our long school voyage is over. We drop anchor in the bay of Certificates, completing our voyage on the ocean of Knowledge.

M:The next journey will be called "Independent Life".

Childhood drives away to distant countries,
Leaving your pier forever
We do not say to childhood: "Goodbye"

And at this hour the last parting
Joy and sadness suddenly mixed up
We do not say goodbye to childhood
And we whisper a short one - goodbye!

We will sadden a little in silence
Funny childhood is a cute school land.
We say, "Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!"
But, like a prayer, we whisper: "Goodbye ..."

The boy and the girl leave.

The teacher comes out.

The teacher performs the song "Little Ship" by the group "Earthlings".

Leading:So our holiday of the Last Call has come to an end! We wish you all good luck and good mood! See you at the prom!

Leaders 1-2 enter the hall to the music.

Lead1: Fragrant flowers

Spring meets us

And it seems that with us

The whole world is dancing the waltz.

Lead 2: Last collected

We will take you to the elegant hall

He escorts those to school

Who is dearer to us in life.

Lead 1: Who is dearer to us than anyone else in the world?

Of course, these are our children.

They leave for the first time

With all our hearts, we are to them now

Let's say : "Good hour!" Alumni exit "Minuet" - presentation of children.

1st child.

Dressed up kindergarten

You don't know directly.

Your very best outfit

Put on by mom.

And ironed trousers

Cleanly washed hands

And the excitement is just us

Escorted to first grade!

2nd child.

To be honest -

How can we not worry!

How many years have we lived here

They played and were friends!

3rd child... We built factories together

Castles, towers and bridges

From constructor and clay

Unprecedented beauty!

4th child. We ate delicious meals

We slept in the bedroom during quiet hours.

And in the frosty winter

We fed the birds more than once.

5th child. Answered and played

They listened to the fairy tale in silence,

There were noisy, funny,

Mischievous kids!

6th child... We are flying away today

Like birds from a nest.

It's a pity I have to say goodbye

With kindergarten forever!

7th child. And today is a farewell day

We will not lose heart

Our kindergarten will be long

Remember with a kind word!

Lead 2: He is both sad and cheerful

This holiday is with the guys

We say: "Hello, school!"

Everything: "Goodbye, kindergarten!" SONG "Learning should be fun" ___

A boy and 2 girls come out.

Malch: Hurray, hurray! Finally, it's time!
Dev 1: I don't understand why you are happy - that you are leaving kindergarten?
Malch: Well yes. I will not sleep during the day
Dev 2: And you will read everything, write
Malch: But I won't eat porridge
Dev 1: If you want to get up, they will say to sit down
Malch: We'll come home early
Virgo 2: And we won't find mom at home.

Into the fridge myself, lunch myself, my own lessons ...

Malch: And the neighbor? I'll invite Vovka to visit. (2nd boy runs up)

He and I will eat whatever we find.
Then we'll go for a walk with him,

Malch 2 - Let's take my Maruska cat and play with her a little.

Then we will fight in the sea battle ...

Dev 1: Wait, please, wait.

Then solve the task

After all, you can get a deuce, and mom is very upset.

M 2 - Yes, brother, that's the way it is. As you can see, youth has passed ...
M 1 - Yes, you are right, we have matured, serious things await us
Together: We go to first grade!

HOST 1:Let's get on the boat

And let's go hiking

Over the seas, over the oceans

To different islands and countries.

And in the sea there are fabulous waves ...

And the islands are full of mysteries. But how can one be without a captain? He should be invited! Children: Captain!

To the music, the captain enters, slowly walks around the hall, stops in the middle of the hall, looks into the distance through a telescope.

Lead 2.: (at that time) Look, look, the captain is coming!

Traveled, seen thousands of countries!

In a cap, with binoculars, shiny stripes.

I think he's a real captain

Captain:Did you call me, friends?

They told me about your desire!

The ship "CHILDHOOD" is waiting for the guys! (points to the ship)

Departure will be in five minutes!

Passengers are kindly requested to come on deck!

The whistle of the steamer sounds d children get into the model of the ship.

Captain: We sail, we sail, miracles await us in the sea!

Sailing away, sailing away, set sail!

Let's go, friends, to the islands of a happy childhood .

The whistle of the steamer. Sounds the song "Our boat is sailing away".

Cap : (Looks through the spyglass) I see an island in the sea! This is the island of Childhood. Who lives there, friends?

Let's go ashore? - Yes! Sound of the sea

A waltz sounds, the Fairy of Childhood enters the hall, spinning

Fairy: I am the fairy of Childhood, I am the good fairy

I can do the kinder guys!

I have been living in the toy kingdom for many years,

I give children a holiday, dawn smiles!

The kids laugh, giving me joy.

Cute babies meet friends. BABIES ENTER

1 BUThe same crumbs

You came to kindergarten,

Learned to stomp their feet

Now you have grown up. Poems of younger children: Dance of kids "Quarreled, reconciled".

2 Vedas: Let's say "many thanks" to the kids

Child.We will remember the island of childhood more than once,

That island, especially beloved,

Which was called Kindergarten,

Children: Our cute, kindergarten, unique!

Fairy of Childhood. Have a good trip! (give to kids air balloons, they are going away)

Captain: Guys, the ship is waiting for you. Go to places soon, forward! Phono "Dream Island" - waving their hands.

Captain.And here the land is visible, only it is very dirty.

deuce and Bummer with a pillow enter, Bummer lies down in the middle of the hall.

Deuce. Hey Bummer, get up quickly!

A motor ship is approaching us,

He's bringing children here.

Lazy person... / Brushing off/

Deuce, deuce, get off

Impossible life here.

Always you shake me

And you won't let me sleep.

Deuce. Yes, rather get up

And, wider, smile.

We will meet children in love

And we will keep it.

To get deuces,

To grieve their mothers.

Both.Welcome to the "Island of Bad Luck"


Stay, children with us,

It's bad at school, just awful!

There they will make you learn,

There they will force you not to be lazy.

Answer in class

And get "five"!

Lazy person. You don't even know what's with you to school

1 Ved. Our children are already graduates of d / s, and they know very well what they need at school.

Lazy person. But we'll check it now! Attraction "What to take to school"

Deuce.So be it, we will go on a journey with you.

2 Leading.Wait, wait, you're not in a hurry, you're not good for us! We won't let you in, go away!

Deuce: Look at them, me too, know-it-alls! Every student knows, at school I am the mistress! I am adorable, everyone marvels, everything is bent beautifully, I am Deuce is super, I am a star! It is always easy to study with me, More, only, for you, friends, You just have to be lazy.

1 Lead: No, the Deuce will not be useful to us! I think you yourself know ...

Deuce:No, auntie, you don’t understand.
You probably have a temperature.
Look at my figure!
What a neck, what a head!

Lead 2: Yes, the neck is long, but the head is empty! This is not good for learning.

Deuce:I cannot bear such an insult!

1 Lead: The guys don't need you, understand? Happy path, and forget the road to us!

Deuce: They don't want to be friends with me, so so be it ! We leave Lazy from here, maybe in other d / s guys will be found and make friends in dreams. (leave)

Captain: All in place! We sail, we sail, Miracles await us in the sea. Sailing away, sailing away

Set sail! Sound of the sea.

CAPTAIN: - report the situation. What is the crew doing?

1 Lead: - The ship's crew is resting. Everyone is playing boats.

CAPTAIN: - It's good. Allow me to rest!

A boy and a girl with a boat come out:

Virgo: - (Boy's name) ... .., do you remember, we played with boats, in the spring they were allowed to go through the puddles.

M: - Yes, girlfriend, believe me:

All this is in the past now!

My paper boat, Cheerful and brave,
Now your course is for school, and there is no turning back. I'm at the helm. I took a lot with me, I took friendship and knowledge, Thank you, kindergarten!

CAPTAIN: - Boatswain, report the situation. What is the crew doing?

2 Vedas: - The ship's crew is sad. It's a pity to part with the garden.

CAPTAIN: - It is necessary to defuse the situation. I propose to organize a marine disco.


2 Leads: - There is to organize a marine disco. Disco dance "Cap, Clap, Top"

Cap: Give up the mooring lines! Raise the anchor! We are sailing away! (Looks through binoculars) A schooner flying a black flag is coming straight at us. Who is it?

Everything: Pirates! (to the song "Pirates" pirates run in )

1st pirate: Everyone stay put!

“From the helm! Stop the motors!

I'll deal with you soon!

Oh, I'll blow your courage off you!

And I'll board! "

2th pirate: Come on, give your jewelry!

Captain : The jewels are in front of you. This is my team and passengers.

1st pirate: Are you all joking? And you can't joke with us! Come on, give away your wealth quickly.

Captain: Our wealth is our friendship!

2nd pirate : Friendship? What is friendship? Is it made of gold?

1st pirate: Never heard of.

1 Leading: Friendship is something without which we cannot live a day. Have you never seen friendly guys? So here they are, in front of you ... DANCE "Queen of Beauty"

  1. Pirate: what is this dance. This is how to dance. Dance of Pirates_Papaprintano
  1. Ved. :An adult uncle, like a child,

Ill-bred from the cradle!

Twos were without a doubt

Your behavior!

  1. pirate:

I haven't studied anywhere,

Only engaged in robbery!

And the science of division, and the science of plunder!

Studied from A to Z.

  1. Ved. :Yes, science went for the future

You could become famous

Not good deeds

And robbery robbery.

2.pirate :

Well, well teach me Davey Jones,

Children, make me laugh soon.

And then I began to get bored a little.

And I want to take weapons again

1 Leading: Do you know ?! After all, soon summer, then autumn will come to us -

Autumn will lead all our children to study!

  1. pirate: "To the school!" What sly ones! School ... What a miracle? Maybe an overseas fruit? Explain to me here! "What is a school?" Poems of children about school. ( 1 )

PIRATE:Well, well let us let you go.

2 VED:It's time for us to hit the road, goodbye, gentlemen. The pirates leave.

CAPTAIN: - The sea is calling us again! In places! Full speed ahead! We will go around the entire planet - we will find the Island of Knowledge. Ahead of the course is land. The Queen of Knowledge enters.

Queen:Hello guys! I am the Queen of Knowledge. Are you going to school? Before going to school I want to play with you, as you know the letters, I want to know. Children lay out the words (School, mom, Moscow, world).

Queen:Well done boys! I see you are ready for school. You are worthy of becoming a school student. Especially for this day, I, the Queen of Knowledge, issued a Decree. Let me proclaim it ...

ORDER of the Queen of KNOWLEDGE. With this decree, I, the Queen of Knowledge, dedicate the children of the MBDOU "D / s No. 2 KV" in Pikalevo. "In schoolchildren. From now on, you have to go to school every day and only get 4 and 5!

I order my children to be hardworking and well-mannered first graders!

From now on you are not preschoolers, now you are first graders! I wish you health and success!

Queen: Leave the island as soon as possible, and return to the garden as soon as possible. You will go to school to study, there you will meet new friends. The Land of Endless Happiness, guys, is ahead of you. And we wish you good luck and happiness to find your own there. Birds return home, sing at their own porch,

And you say goodbye to the kindergarten, it has come, it's time! The teacher's song "Our Children" - children with toys. The queen of knowledge goes to music.

CAPTAIN:All soon to the places, we need to return. Coming home! Farewell prom ball. Soundtrack "Mysterious Island"

CAPTAIN: Here is your native shore,

Letting you go home.

Thank you, yoongi, for the effort.

I want to tell you goodbye:

Your main campaign is ahead,

I wish you a good journey.

Dream, study well,

Rush to your dream without fear.

Well, now - continue the ball,

And I have to go, friends, goodbye! The children say goodbye and thank the Captain.

Stand up in a semicircle. ROLL.

1st child

Our dear kindergarten,

You have become our home,

We say goodbye to you

And we are a little sad.

2nd child

We will study soon, we will!

The school is already waiting for the children.

But we won't forget for a long time

Our favorite kindergarten.

3rd child

They will live in our house

Naughty kids

They should be friends and not grieve

We wish from the bottom of our hearts!

4th child

We will not forget about

How they made noise in the quiet hour

Do not be sad, good home,

We're leaving for first grade!

5th child

We will have a lot of holidays -

Spring and autumn, birthday, tree,

And this one is the very first graduation -

Will stay in my soul for a long time!

6th child

Today we say goodbye

With your favorite kindergarten,

We have grown, we have grown

We need to go to school.

7th child

We will say "thank you" to everyone.

Today is a special day -

Both sad and cheerful.

We have grown, we have grown! Let's go to school!


Lead 1:

It's getting quieter in our groups

And the reason is known to everyone here:

Our very best KIDS

Leave her for good.

They dream of school

Sleep and see their class.

She and mom choose a portfolio,

They bought the uniform now.

Lead 2:

We secretly wipe away a tear

Remembering your cheerful laughter.

It was difficult for you and me, we know

You are still the best for us.

It becomes quiet in our hall.

We say goodbye to you, friends.

We accompany you to school to study,

We wish you good luck always.

Dance. "WALTZ of Graduates". Head graduations. Word to parents

Holiday participants:

-Two Leading-


-Childhood Fairy-


-Lazy person-

- Two Pirates-

- Queen of Knowledge-

Tatiana A
Script for the graduation party "Our ship is sailing ..."

Graduation Party Script

« Our ship is sailing to other shores ...»

Dance "Sail of childhood" (from boats) f. 1

After the dance, they stand in a line.


And here is our the ship is sailing,

The scarlet sail calls us to a dream

But do not forget this pier,

Kindergarten - we will come back to you!

(Children sing a song « Our boat is sailing away» ) f. 2

1 child:

Preschool childhood is a golden time,

happy days round dance.

what a pity they fly so fast.

And now the school is waiting for us.

2 child:

How fun, together we lived in the kindergarten,

Played all day long

They laughed and sang and were close friends,

And now the school is waiting for us.

3 child:

We read poems for Santa Claus,

when the new year came

in the spring we met migratory birds,

but now the school is waiting for us.

4 child:

Preschool childhood rushed off somewhere

And time is running forward.

See how our guys have grown!

And now the school is waiting for us.

5 child:

Preschool childhood is a big country

She was lost in the magical seas.

This country cannot be found on the map.

All the guys want to get to that country.


Let's go sailing on the islands of our childhood right now. Do you want to visit the skeletons of childhood?

Children: Yes!

6 child:

These are the words of real dreamers!

We will definitely get to those islands!

A magic frigate will help us in this -

He will bring the guys to those islands.

7 child:

And where are the guys our captain

Traveled, seen a thousand countries?

With binoculars, in a cap with a shiny cockade

Look, the real captain is coming!

To the music "There lived a brave captain" enters the captain F. 3


I hear noise, fun, singing

Joyful mood!

The blue sea awaits us


To the music of F. 1 are sailing


I see an island right ahead!

This is the island of kids, kids want to congratulate you too

Congratulations from the children of the younger group

Dance "Lilliputik" (pants with ruffles, bibs and caps with ruffles, rattles) f. 4


Sailing off! Sailing off!

Miracles await us in the sea!

Sailing off! Sailing off!

Set sail!

To make it more fun, come out, sailors, dance heartily!

Dance "Salazhata" f. five

The blue sea awaits us


The captain looks through binoculars:

Some island is right on the course.

Children from their seats read:

8 child:

This is the Island of Wonder Colors

Colorful and funny.

Wonder colors invite

To visit them.

9 child:

Many colors on the planet

We will color everything in the world!

The sky will turn blue!

The sun will be golden!

10 child:

Red - poppy!

Green - meadow!

We will paint everything around!

There are many colors on the planet.

You are friends with us, children!

Guys! Let's create a multi-colored picture with the help of our magic paints and take it with us. She will remind us of this wonderful island.

A GAME "Scenery" Cheerful music f. 6


The blue sea is waiting for us!

In places! FULL FORWARD!


Past the big island

There is no way for us to swim

because they come from there

Sound of music, friends!

11 child:

This is a musical island

Song and dance

Song "It's a pity to leave" f. 7 (+)


Come out, come out

Dance from the heart!

Dance "Colorful game" (Glass) f. eight

In the morning we look out the window (hands above our heads "House", slopes to the right, left)

The rain is pouring down

The rain is pouring down

The rain is pouring from a bucket.

Only can help us out (look through binoculars, turns with a spring to the right, left)

Colorful game

Colorful game

Multi-colored game.

(they shake a finger, the left hand holds the right elbow)


(close eyes with fingers, turn around)

(open the right, then the left eye, raise the shoulders)

Don't tell anyone about our secret (repeat)

And pick up the multi-colored glass.

Close your eyes and turn around three times

Now open your eyes and be surprised!

Two common gray cats (8steps forward, hands in front of you, fig. Cat)

Get wet in the middle of the yard

Get wet in the middle of the yard (8steps back, hands in front of you, depicting a cat)

Get wet in the middle of the yard.

Can make them colored (hands on the belt, rotate the pelvis left and right 4 times)

Colorful game

Colorful game

Multi-colored game.

Don't tell anyone about our secret (chorus repeat)

And pick up the multi-colored glass.

Close your eyes and turn around three times

Now open your eyes and be surprised!

Don't tell anyone about our secret

And pick up the multi-colored glass.

Close your eyes and turn around three times

Now open your eyes and be surprised!

What are the glasses for? (arms bent at the elbows. Fingers to the sides, movement to the right and left)

It's time to tell

It's time to tell

It's time to tell.

You look in them, and the world is painted, (binoculars, spring-loaded turns to the right, left)

That's our whole game

That's our whole game

That's our whole game!

Don't tell anyone about our secret (repeat)

And pick up the multi-colored glass.

Close your eyes and turn around three times

Now open your eyes and be surprised!

Don't tell anyone about our secret

And pick up the multi-colored glass.

Close your eyes and turn around three times

Now open your eyes and be surprised!


The blue sea awaits us


There is an island on the course,

He is not low, not high

I see the skeleton of the tale.

Who lives there, friends?

(To the music from the movie "Buratino" Malvina enters) f. nine


On a fairy island soon

A new school will open!

I invite everyone, friends,

I enroll in school.

Do you want to study at school?

Children: Yes!


Then you need not be lazy

And show perseverance, patience, diligence

(Buratino runs in to the music) f. nine


How to be assiduous? Great question!

After all, I stick my long nose everywhere!


Oh, these boys for me. ,

With them you need an eye and an eye.

Or else in a notebook and books,

On shirts and pants

They put greasy blots.


To study well

First you need to eat!


Do not worry: who is trying,

He succeeds! Pinocchio, now we will do math with you. Sit up straight, put your hands in front of you, do not hunch over! You have 2 apples in your pocket.

Buratino: Lying, not one!

Malvina: Imagine that you have 2 apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left?

Buratino: Two!

Malvina: Think well!

Buratino: Two!


Buratino: I won't give an apple to anyone, even though he is fighting!

Malvina: Pinocchio, you have no ability for mathematics.

Buratino: But I am the most cheerful and I like to play.

Educator: Then the guys and I invite you, Buratino to play the game "Collect a portfolio"

A GAME "Collect a portfolio"f. ten

Malvina: Pinocchio, well, when will you improve?

Buratino: But I love theater!

Educator: Then, Buratino and Malvina, take a look scene, which the guys prepared ...

SCENE"Conversation" f. 11.f. 12, f. 13, f. fourteen


The blue sea is waiting for us!



This is the Island of Grades

I see "Top five" and "Two"!

Attention attention!

From September 1st, work starts at good grades. Anyone can apply to their parents.

Do you guys want to play?

A GAME "Pyaterochki" f. ten


And now we will check what grades our parents studied for….

A GAME "With dads" f. ten

Over-the-head capes with the letters A-O, N-L, E-I, SH-P. one letter at the front, the other at the back. 4 dads.

A question is asked, a solution - the word will be from 4 letters. Dads must construct clue words.

1. It is a fish, and it is an instrument (saw)

2. The tree from the flowers of which aromatic tea is brewed (Linden)

3. Sometimes it is football, sometimes it is wheat (field)

4. What can't you hide in a bag? (awl)

5. Shoes for the wheel (tire)

6. Sometimes marine, sometimes shaving (foam)

7. Little horse (pony)


The blue sea is waiting for us!


You can see from a distance

Great school country!

12 child:

In Preschool Country we played and sang.

But the time has come to say goodbye, friends!

13 child:

We got big, we all matured.

Our boat is sailing to other shores.











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