Beautiful words of gratitude for the kindergarten teacher - from parents and children - in poetry and prose. This is warmer than fire ... What will warm us in the winter cold Funny videos of scenes from parents at the prom in kindergarten

The very first and probably the most touching graduation in life takes place in kindergarten... Yesterday's kids are moving from the category of carefree kindergarteners to the status of more serious first graders. Educators and parents with a sinking heart look at yesterday's fools, who, as if by a wave of a magic wand, have become completely adults. At such a touching moment, parents always want to express special gratitude to those who made their kids so clever and clever. A parent's word of mouth at kindergarten graduation in poetry or prose is ideal for this purpose. And with the help of an unusual response word in the form of a scene or a song-rework, you can congratulate the children in a special way on the first graduation. In our article today, you will find options for the parent's answer with a video of graduation in kindergarten. We hope that they will help you create a memorable and interesting scenario for the holiday, which will be remembered by everyone present for many years.

The answer from parents at the graduation in kindergarten, a script for the holiday

Parental feedback is an important part of the script. graduation party in kindergarten. There are no clear criteria for what the parents should say in response - in poetry or prose, in the form of a scene or song. In each kindergarten, parents, together with educators, decide for themselves the answer in what format they will provide the audience with a festive performance. But it is worth noting that recently, many parents have preferred unusual and original versions of words of gratitude to educators and children, who are really remembered for many years and give a good mood to all guests.

What is the answer word of parents at the graduation in kindergarten to choose for the script of the holiday

So what is the answer to the parents at the prom in kindergarten? The answer to this question depends solely on the desires and abilities of the mothers and fathers of graduates. The more artistic and creative personalities there are among them, the brighter and more interesting the parents' number will be. Next, you will find several original options for the parent's answer to the graduation in the garden.

Unusual response word at the graduation in kindergarten from parents, video

If you have opted for an unusual response from your parents at your graduation in kindergarten, then we recommend that you take a closer look at the following formats. Firstly, the most unusual response word at the graduation in kindergarten for educators and children from parents can be prepared in the format of a congratulatory video. It can be either a beautiful clip with poems and photographs, or a whole theatrical performance for educators. Secondly, a great option for an unusual response word is the speech of parents. You can put on an incendiary dance number, prepare a scene about the everyday life of kindergartners, or sing a funny remake song. Find more ideas for an unusual parenting response below.

Ideas for an original and unusual response word from parents at the graduation in kindergarten

A beautiful answer from parents at the graduation in kindergarten in poetry and prose

If we talk about the traditional versions of the parents' answer to the prom in poetry and prose, then they are more suitable for a beautiful end high school prom in kindergarten. Beautiful and touching words of gratitude to the educators and kind parting speeches to future first-graders will help make the end of the evening warm and cozy at home. You will find options for the beautiful answer words of parents at the graduation in kindergarten in poetry and prose below.

Beautiful verses for the response of parents at the graduation in kindergarten

You gave our children

A piece of your warmth

You taught them a lot,

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

Our guys have matured

First class is on the horizon.

We wanted to say thank you

Don't let happiness pass you by.

Both educators and nannies,

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

For being through your eyes

The kids were watching the world!

Our kids have grown up very much,

We didn't have time to blink an eye,

After all, the years of the kindergarten flew by instantly.

We send kids on an educational journey.

We are grateful to everyone for their upbringing

For painstaking, very important work,

For the contribution to children, care and attention,

That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

We wish the staff prosperity,

And to the kids - success on the way.

Let life be full of charm.

And we all go together with the children!

We congratulate you on your graduation

All kindergarten teachers,

We wish each of you

So that happiness is always there,

From all parents now

Accept many wishes,

We are grateful to you for everything

For your sensitivity and diligence!

Parents today

A very exciting day.

At this moment, forgivable.

The kids are their own kindergarten

Today they leave.

Mysterious door to school

Open together.

Graduation today is yours

Let it be fun.

Days of wonderful, carefree

Let's not forget together.

Variants of touching prose for the response of parents at the graduation in kindergarten

Today is a very important event in the life of our kids. Our children have grown up and say goodbye to the kindergarten. On this day we want to wish them happy days, joyful events, carelessness. May your childhood last a little longer, and the school will welcome you with open arms!

Our children have their first adult and responsible holiday. This is a serious event, because you will already become a school student. Textbooks and notebooks await you ahead. For us parents, this is very exciting. We sincerely thank the entire teaching staff of the kindergarten. You taught, raised our children, put love and soul into them. We wish your work to be appreciated and respected. Low bow!

Congratulations to our flowers, the kindergarten team, and of course our parents on the prom! Hearts are overflowing with love and pride for children's successes, all the words in the world are not enough to express gratitude to teachers, and gratitude knows no boundaries! Thank you for being with the kids this important time for them, taking care and protecting, helping to grow up. Health, kindness and new little smiles.

A remake song, as a response word at the graduation in kindergarten from parents

For the original response word at the graduation in kindergarten, parents often choose remake songs. These songs are based on popular melodies and hits of past years, but the words of the text have been changed to suit the theme of the holiday. In this case, in the song-alteration, as in the response to the graduation in kindergarten from the parents, it is sung about gratitude to the educators. You can also remake a congratulation song for children, for which a melody from a cartoon or children's movie is perfect. When choosing this format of the response word, parents should also remember about the accompanying props and suitable costumes. See the following videos for several versions of songs-alterations for graduation in kindergarten from parents.

Lyrics-alterations for the response words of parents at the graduation in the garden

Song to the tune "Little Country".

Sometimes it was difficult

Is it worth remembering

Through all the sorrows

We hurry to the kindergarten again.

We will not forget these years

Let's keep in memory

Garden 108, where we went

Everything connected with him.

Where there is always a place for everyone,

Where there is always spring!

Let it be an island of dreams and childhood

Joy and love

In the heart they will remain forever

Kindergarten days

It is a pity that they will not return

Good years

But remember with a smile of happiness

We will always be them!

Small country, small country

Our children are waving at us

From the school window.

The song `Lips with a bow`

Verse 1: Oh, and who is it we produce?

Who is this going to school?

Who jumped and played here

I grew up imperceptibly

Are you saying goodbye to kindergarten today?

Chorus: Lips with a bow, eyebrows with a house.

Looks like a little sleepy gnome.

In my head in the morning one hundred thousand why,

Explain, educators, what's what.

Verse 2: I really want school,

As well as here - with us,

The teachers understood and loved you.

So that you receive knowledge,

And they became even smarter

And at least occasionally, they still remembered us.

Verse 3: As a child, understanding comes to us,

How pleasant and precious the attention is.

Moms know, dads know

How we love you guys

And how touching it is to part with you.

The song is an alteration at the prom in kindergarten from parents to educators. On the motive "Team of our youth".

Thanks to the wonderful educators,

You were the second family for the children,

And all mothers and fathers know

Sometimes it's hard with children.

To captivate and teach children,

Surround with your attention

We have already trodden paths here,

We walked in summer and winter,

And you brought up our children,

Always (Hearts) they were warmed by kindness.

To captivate and teach children,

Surround with your attention

And always be an example in everything,

How difficult it is to be educators.

And it's a pity that we are parting so soon

But the time cannot be calmed and held,

A team of the best teachers,

Could you always surprise us.

To captivate and teach children,

Surround with your attention

And always be an example in everything,

How difficult it is to be educators.

Talents are tested for loyalty

We have something to thank fate for

And if, what, then immediately to this kindergarten,

We will bring all the children to you.

To captivate and teach children,

Surround with your attention

And always be an example in everything,

How difficult it is to be educators.

Song to the tune `Where does childhood go ... '

How fast time rushes by

years run, hurry.

Once upon a time babies

They came here.

Learned to drink from a cup

Put on your pants

But now the time has come

See them off to school!

And in winter and summer we will remember you-

How boys fought, and more than once

The bumps were stuffed, and bruises under the eye.

We will remember you mischievous people!

We wish you happiness

Smiles, bright days,

So that the school class meets you

smiles of friends.

Do not forget the garden

Who played ball with you,

Who stroked the head

And wiped away my tears!

P-in the same

Where do the children go?

Where will they go?

Let's join you

We will remember these days.

When Nikita fought

When Maxim was awake ...

Let's take a little,

Let's keep quiet for a while….

The answer from parents at the graduation in kindergarten - unusual scenes from the video

If the time and scenario of the graduation in kindergarten allows, then we strongly recommend that parents take a closer look at such a format of the response word as unusual and funny scenes... Almost any number performed by moms and dads can make a graduation party much brighter and more original. Especially if this number also becomes an answer word for graduates and educators. If we talk about the theme of the parents' answer at the graduation in kindergarten in the form of an unusual scene, then preference should be given to a funny everyday situation. Dance numbers performed by moms and dads will also fit well into almost any scenario. Interesting ideas unusual scenes for a response word at the graduation in kindergarten can be seen below.

Unusual scenes for the response of parents at the graduation in the garden, video

Graduation in kindergarten is a very memorable holiday for children, parents and educators. it sad holiday goodbyes, which can and even need to be brightened up with memorable speeches and kind words of gratitude. The parents' response at the graduation ceremony in kindergarten is not just a good tradition, but also an important component of the holiday scenario. Regardless of which format of the response word parents choose - in poetry, prose, in the form of a scene or a song-rework, it will be remembered by children and educators for many years. They will also warm the souls of educators who have put a piece of their heart into your wonderful kids!

For the matinee dedicated to the graduation in the kindergarten, both parents and future first-graders devote short and long touching poems to the teacher and the rest of the staff. On a beautiful and joyful day, they say a huge thank you to all the employees who come to work every day early in the morning in order to provide the kids with everything they need and create for them coziness and comfortable conditions for obtaining primary knowledge and developing hidden talents. This is not an easy task and not every person is able to constantly give a piece of his heart. But people who have chosen the upbringing of the younger generation as their life's work are happy to do this day after day for many years. Such work is worthy of all respect and the most beautiful words of thanks, congratulations and wishes.

Beautiful poems for a kindergarten teacher for the graduation party from parents

It is necessary for a kindergarten teacher to pick up beautiful poems for a graduation party from parents in advance. It is better if an initiative group of several active mothers and fathers, whose kids this year are going to leave the hospitable shelter of the children's institution and go to school, are engaged in this.

What poems to give preference to, parents will have to decide for themselves. We can only advise you to choose beautiful, optimistic, cheerful works that contain very pleasant, touching phrases and warm words of thanks. Too long poems are not needed here, because the festive matinee has a certain time format and does not provide for long solo performances.

Can be organized with moms and dads in common beautiful number, where everyone will devote one verse to the educators and nannies with touching and sublime words of gratitude, and good wishes.

If all parents want to speak in person, you need to find small pieces for them and clearly prescribe the reading sequence. Several joint rehearsals should be held immediately before the solemn day. Then the performance will turn out to be harmonious and will bring equal pleasure to both spectators and children and participants.

Collection of poems for kindergarten teachers for the graduation holiday from moms and dads

Our kids have grown up very much,

We didn't have time to blink an eye,

After all, the years of the kindergarten flew by instantly.

We send kids on an educational journey.

We are grateful to everyone for their upbringing

For painstaking, very important work,

For the contribution to children, care and attention,

That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

We wish the staff prosperity,

And to the kids - success on the way.

Let life be full of charm.

And we all go together with the children!

And again you say goodbye to the children

They won't come up to you, they won't ask you about anything.

They became your sons, daughters,

They take away a part of you in their souls.

And let the whirlpool of school days whirl,

Textbooks, diary, backpack, grades,

But everyone will save in his heart,

The way they were blown on their broken knees.

With all our hearts we say thank you

For tenderness, warmth, love and affection,

What did you give our dear children

For their happy, shining eyes.

The years have passed too fast

And the kindergarten, in fact, is behind the back!

Our kids have grown up very much

Our kids have graduation!

Thanks to the manager, teacher,

To all nannies, favorite cooks

For the work, love and strength that you spent,

For everything we say thank you!

You gave our children

A piece of your warmth

You taught them a lot,

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

Our guys have matured

First class is on the horizon.

We wanted to say thank you

Don't let happiness pass you by.

Both educators and nannies,

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

For being through your eyes

The kids were watching the world!

Our children have matured

The first class is ahead,

All smart today

They leave the kindergarten.

We wish you dear

Joy, happy days

And good, faithful friends to you,

It will be more fun with them.

Good at school

And good grades

We wish you to receive!

Short, beautiful poems to a kindergarten teacher from children at graduation

Very short, beautiful poems for a kindergarten teacher will be flattering and pleasant to hear from children at the graduation. For kids who say goodbye to childish carelessness and are preparing to become schoolchildren, this will be an excellent opportunity to thank their mentors for their comprehensive care, attention, love and the knowledge they donated.

In beautiful, sublime and quivering rhymed lines, children will express their sincere attitude towards educators and nannies who have been caring for the little ones for several years, going through important initial stages of life with them and doing everything to make boys and girls feel confident and calm. This is hard, but extremely important and significant work, worthy of the highest praise and approval. After all, only a very kind, patient and attentive person can work in kindergarten, turn a blind eye to the little pranks of the wards and in a soft, unobtrusive form teach them the correct behavior, respect for elders, love for loved ones and a respectful attitude towards the world around them.

Collection of short beautiful poems in honor of the graduation in kindergarten to educators from children

Kindergarten left behind -

School soon, first grade awaits us.

We are parting, educators, we are with you,

But we are sure that we will not forget you!

For warmth, care and attention

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Your kindness and understanding

Forever we will keep in our hearts!

With you we have become big

From dummies to books

We jumped together, played

The years flew by in an instant.

The first big school,

Our favorite kindergarten,

There have been so many happy days

Crying out of place in the morning.

With us you are second mothers,

We studied day after day.

And now we are first graders

Let's go hand in hand

Our beloved teacher

Now graduation.

All year round you were there

And they did not know about peace.

We spent time with us

We were taught to draw

Songs were sung and molded

We were put to bed.

We love you very much

For warmth and kindness,

For care, tenderness, affection

And of course beauty.

Soon we will leave the kindergarten,

We'll go to school soon.

Who would have figured out six years ago

That we will grow up so quickly?

Soon we can be without mistakes

Educators, for you,

Write your "thank you" -

Let the first class teach!

To everyone who was next to us,

He raised us, raised us,

He took care of us

Did different jobs

To everyone who every minute

Worried about us

We will bow now.

Beautiful poems for the teacher and staff at the graduation in kindergarten

Boys and girls leaving the walls of their beloved institution to go to school devote very beautiful poems to the teacher and staff at the graduation in kindergarten. In touching and inspirational rhyming lines, children from the bottom of their hearts thank their mentors for teaching them to be honest, sincere and compassionate, respect elders, support friends and always do what befits a real person.

With pleasant, warm words in verses, parents are sure to address the educator and the staff. In the most touching, joyful and optimistic terms, they thank all the teaching staff and service staff for their patience, endurance, sincere attention and comprehensive care of the kids for several years. After all, thanks to the kind hearts of employees, children feel at home in kindergarten, diligently learn the basics of behavior in society, comprehend the first knowledge and make new friends.

Examples of beautiful poems for the teacher and staff at the graduation in kindergarten

Accept our recognition today

For all your kindness and for your experience,

For raising our children!

Your profession is not more needed in the world,

And the children are all accustomed to your hands,

And now it will be difficult to explain to us

That they will not see your eyes henceforth,

Their years go by, they add up days,

And children, of course, have grown up with us,

After all, they were always with you in business,

Now with a song, now with a brush, with a lot of books!

You taught the letters and numbers of the kids,

And now they will go to school,

And they are grateful to you with love

Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you

There will be a desire for success and creativity,

Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,

We wish you happiness, we are all inspired!

Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And it's light on a gloomy day.

You felt sorry for us, you loved us

You raised us like flowers.

Dal that we can not you

Take with you to first grade.

Being a tutor is not easy!

Sometimes, after all, father and mother -

Native people, two adults,

I cannot cope with the child!

We wish you patience

Your work is not easy,

We sincerely congratulate you,

You are always young at heart!

May smiles always light up

Warm light any day in life,

Our children play happily

The shadow does not touch their sadness.

And in the morning you are always at work,

Whether it's heat, or cold, or rain,

Our children are taken care of

And misfortunes pass them away.

You don't just follow them,

Developing, giving them a game,

Our family educators,

You have dedicated your life to them.

Let your hard work

It flourishes in the hearts of children

And they play, as if by notes,

Love, kindness and success to you.

This is a difficult task

Calm those who cry

Punish and reward

Teach children to be friends.

Wise, kind educator,

First words teacher,

Congratulations on the holiday,

And we wish you patience.

Inspirational and touching poems for the teacher at the graduation party

The most tender, inspirational and touching poems to the teacher at the graduation matinee in kindergarten can be read by both parents and future first graders. If you want to hold a solemn event in a more original way, you should create a common room with the participation of the kids themselves, moms, dads and other relatives. For the participants, you need to choose short rhymed couplets containing quivering words of sincere gratitude for the hard, but so necessary work of educators, nannies and all the staff of the institution. Such a performance will make the most favorable impression and will forever remain in the hearts of mentors, children and parents. And the memories of him will warm the souls of spectators and participants for a long time with their sincere warmth, ingenuousness and kindness.

Several touching, inspirational poems for the teacher at the graduation party

Thank you for your efforts,

For warmth and kindness,

For love and understanding,

Heart sensitivity, breadth.

With our tutor

Calm and warm.

With our tutor

We are very lucky:

There is no kinder character

And there is no more generous soul.

Happiness and joy to you

Kids wish!

The maples are sad at the fences

Farewell day ...

Goodbye kindergarten,


We sit at our desks

This fall!

Even a teddy bear

Doesn't want to sleep ...

Sits on the floor in the corner

They said goodbye to him.

Here are raindrops on the glass

Rolled ...

It's a sad day, we guys

And funny.

Goodbye, kindergarten.

Hello school!

We are here for you, dear,

They brought their own happiness -

And then you met us with love,

And since then we have grown together with you ...

You have been essential support to us,

Always helping us with advice.

And for children, you have become a gentle family,

After all, as to relatives, they came here to you!

Thank you for your colorful childhood

For our lovely nice kids!

It was very interesting for them with you!

More friends like here!

Happy graduation today

Congratulations and sadness,

And in the fall with a portfolio

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And the strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

Dear educators,

Our moms are second

Your chicks now

Go to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,

We really appreciate and respect.

Let your pupils

They can make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,

For kindness, warmth, care

We sincerely want to say

Wish you happiness in life!

You gave our children
A piece of your warmth
You taught them a lot,
But it's time for us to say goodbye.

Our guys have matured
First class is on the horizon.
We wanted to say thank you
Don't let happiness pass you by.

Both educators and nannies,
I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.
For being through your eyes
The kids were watching the world!

Our kids have grown up very much,
We didn't have time to blink an eye,
After all, the years of the kindergarten flew by instantly.
We send kids on an educational journey.

We are grateful to everyone for their upbringing
For painstaking, very important work,
For the contribution to children, care and attention,
That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

We wish the staff prosperity,
And to the kids - success on the way.
Let life be full of charm.
And we all go together with the children!

Today we have a big holiday, today our children are leaving the kindergarten. This is their first graduation, today is their day of growing up. To all the parenting team, we say “thank you very much” to all of you for bringing up the children, for kind fairy tales, for interesting activities, for fun walks, for the kindness and warmth of your hearts. May the sonorous children's voices of cheerful and inquisitive children always sound in this kindergarten, may you always succeed in opening the world of wonders and dreams for the pupils. We wish all educators and nannies, all kindergarten employees and guests of this holiday great luck, strong strength, and prosperity. And let each of us have our own fairy tale in life. Good luck, children. Let your favorite garden leave the brightest and most joyful memories in your memory.

And again you say goodbye to the children,
They won't come up to you, they won't ask you about anything.
They became your sons, daughters,
They take away a part of you in the soul.

And let the whirlpool of school days whirl,
Textbooks, diary, backpack, grades,
But everyone in his heart will save
The way they were blown on their broken knees.

We say thank you with all our hearts
For tenderness, warmth, love and affection,
What did you give our dear children,
For their happy, shining eyes.

What an exciting moment has come
How imperceptibly the children matured
We went to this garden for many years,
Now we are leaving these walls.

And we will certainly keep in our hearts
Your warm light and tender care,
And we thank the team for everything -
For sensitive work and hard work.

We flew year after year
The kids were growing up
Yesterday's kids
They became graduates.

At the prom says goodbye
Kindergarten with them,
Parents "thank you"
They want to tell you.

Favorite educators,
Head of the kindergarten,
Nurse, cleaning ladies,
To cooks and nannies.

Thanks for the love,
For kindness, care,
For giving your soul
You children and work.

The years have passed too fast
And the kindergarten, in fact, is behind the back!
Our kids have grown up very much
Our kids have graduation!

Thanks to the manager, teacher,
To all nannies, favorite cooks
For the work, love and strength that you spent,
For everything we say thank you!

Our dear children,
Now the time has come
Say goodbye to kindergarten
Wish him well.

You were taught a lot here:
Sing songs, read poems,
In neat rows
Write letters with numbers.

School is soon in front of you
Will open its doors
And today kindergarten for you
Goodbye says!

Dear kids:
Both girls and boys
The red summer will pass
And a wise year will come
A year of study and effort
And discoveries, new knowledge.
Behind your kindergarten -
He is always very glad to see you!
We parents want
Wish you a lot of strength.
And we wish you to grow
By leaps and bounds!

Our children have matured
The first class is ahead,
All smart today
They leave the kindergarten.

We wish you dear
Joy, happy days
And good, faithful friends to you,
It will be more fun with them.

Good at school
Learn the alphabet, read,
And good grades
We wish you to receive!

Thanks to all teachers,
Bow to you to the ground,
But that with your care
You could warm the kids.

We will never forget your work
Your profession is difficult.
Let there be health and happiness
Always love your job.

You gave our children
A piece of your warmth
You taught them a lot,
But now, it's time for us to say goodbye.

Our guys have matured
First class on the horizon
We wanted to say thank you
Don't let happiness pass you by.

Both educators and nannies,
I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.
For being through your eyes
The kids were watching the world!

Our kids have grown up very much,
We didn’t have time to blink an eye.
And the years of the kindergarten flew by instantly
And they set off on the educational path.

We are grateful to everyone for their upbringing
For painstaking and necessary work.
For the contribution to children, care and attention,
That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

We wish the staff prosperity,
And to the kids - success on the way.
Let life be full of charm.
And we all go together with the children!

Today is a very important event in the life of our kids. Our children have grown up and say goodbye to the kindergarten. On this day, we want to wish them happy days, joyful events, and carelessness. May your childhood last a little longer, and the school will welcome you with open arms!

Our dear children,
Now the time has come
Say goodbye to kindergarten
Wish him well.

You were taught a lot here:
Sing songs, read poems,
In neat rows
Write letters with numbers.

School is soon in front of you
Will open its doors
And today kindergarten for you
Goodbye says!

Parents today
A very exciting day.
And our trembling voice
At this moment, forgivable.

The kids are their own kindergarten
Today they leave.
Mysterious door to school
Open together.

Graduation today is yours
Let it be fun.
Days of wonderful, carefree
Let's not forget together.

Our sons and daughters
You are not kids anymore
Have grown like mushrooms
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Kindergarten behind.
School time is waiting for you
We are very proud of you,
We shout in your honor!

Nursery, kindergarten behind
Toys and swings.
The kids are waiting for the first class -
Our children have matured.

Let the excellent students become
Everyone, without exception,
After all, they learned in the garden
Necessary skills.

The team gathered here
The best teachers,
And to bring up children -
Calling from God.

Best regards today
We say "thank you".
That our children were raised
Thank you sincerely.

The kids have matured a little
And the school bench is already waiting,
You leave the garden of the doorstep,
May the new world bring you.

You have already learned a lot,
Thoughts and eyes have grown up,
How beautifully you dressed up
And the parent is happy about that.

So go ahead down the road,
Stumbling, always getting up
Let there be a little sorrow
May the years be happy!

Congratulations on your graduation,
Our dear children!
We will dedicate poems to you,
So that you do not forget the kindergarten.

At the graduation in kindergarten, it is customary for parents to say an answer to the educators, nanny, music director and physical education worker, cook and administration. In the scenario below, all thanks go in exactly this sequence, but depending on the specifics of the celebration, they can be swapped, and some can be excluded altogether.

A small group of parents is required for the parents to speak at the graduation in kindergarten (first, calculate how many kindergarten employees need to give bouquets and gifts and determine who and how will do it so that everything looks beautiful and harmonious). It is better to entrust the reciprocal speech of thanks for each worker of the garden to one parent, and, on the contrary, read the poetry in chorus. It will be more interesting and organic.

Scenario of the response of parents in kindergarten

Designed for the performance of six parents-soloists, as well as the choral performance of adults and children. Speaking parents go to the center of the hall.

First parent:

We want to say thank you so much for all your work! How much kindness, patience and love were invested in our guys so that they, now so beautiful, smart and well-mannered, performed here in front of us. Do you remember how the girls and boys came to you? Noisy, restless, undisciplined. Thank you so much for such work, for turning the scattered children's crowd into a friendly, real team!

Second parent:

Dear educators (it is better to call them by their names)! We thank you for the fact that for some time you became mothers to our children - kind, but strict, understanding, but demanding. You are real teachers capable of developing talent in every pupil! (gives flowers / gift)

Third parent:

Dear nanny (replace with a name)! Every day you looked after not only the cleanliness of the group, but also to ensure that the children were safe and comfortable in the kindergarten. And you also brought them delicious food and made sure that every pupil was warm. We are grateful for that! (gives flowers / gift)

Fourth parent:

Dear muses. leader and sportsman (replace with names)! The love of our children for singing and dancing, for movement and sports is your merit! We remember every holiday and every competition specially arranged for children! Thank you so much for your work! (gives flowers / gift)

Fifth parent:

Our dear chefs! Complete and tasty baby food - your efforts! Look how well-fed and satisfied our guys are, but they came very thin! Now instead of sausages and dumplings, they ask for cutlets "like in a garden." Thank you very much! (gives flowers / gift)

Sixth parent:

Dear administration (head, methodologist, secretary, etc., replace with names). Year after year, you took care of everything: the development of the kindergarten, the provision of a pleasant working atmosphere, and coordination in work. And at the same time, you know each child personally, and they love you! Thank you so much for your sensitive attitude and mother's heart! (gives flowers / gift).

First parent:

We have prepared a small gift especially for you. Poems were written about our kindergarten, our group and our wonderful teaching staff!

Read all together:

Thank you for everything: for happy children,
For each of the bright, brilliant undertakings;
For strictness in moderation and for kindness.
For every smile, for work and warmth.
We know our children will remember kindergarten
As a kind place where children are pleased.
Where they feed very tasty, play and sing,
Where the roles of foxes and bears are handed out for the holiday,
Where their first friend sat next to him on a pot,
Where childhood all of a sudden rushed to school ...
But it was bright, open and simple,
And you gave them a lot of new knowledge.
Thank you for this, from the heart, from the heart
Let's all say: and parents (all parents in unison: Thanks!),
and our kids (all children in chorus: Thanks!)!