Funny ditties for mother's day at school. Chastooshkas for mom. Scenario for schoolchildren "Everything is beautiful from mom"

Scenario for Mother's Day

There are many good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more necessary,

Of two syllables - the simple word "Mom".

And there are no words dearer than it!

Good evening!

Hello our dear mothers!

And also the mothers of our mothers and fathers are beloved grandmothers!

Traditionally, Mothers Day of Russia is celebrated in our country at the end of November.

In the fall of 1997, the State Duma adopted the federal law about a new holiday designed to "increase the social significance of motherhood, preserve the humane tradition of honoring the mother, recognizing her merits in raising the younger generation and her important role in strengthening the family, the moral atmosphere in society and the state." The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998 determined: Mother's Day should be celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November.

I don't know any other word.
To please the ear so.
I will repeat it over and over again
Sorry that the voice is deaf.
We were the first to learn this word.
We live with this word to death
And when the clouds are gathering
be sure to call mom
mom, mom my dear.
The most faithful and loving friend
I feel with all my heart
The warmth of your gentle hands.
These hands were leading me
from childhood to adulthood.
These arms protected me.
From diseases of the blows of fate.

We, today's children, are accustomed to the idea that a mother is strong, she does not need anyone's support, she herself will support anyone. Is this so? Maybe our mothers just want to appear strong even in those situations when they really need support - in a word, in deed, at least with a glance ...

Mom is the only one whose life from beginning to end is dedicated to us children.

And no matter how old we are, mother is interested in every step we take, every deed is important.

They do not want to initiate us into their experiences, because they spare us: we will have time to sip more of our worries. And also because they think: they are still small.

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us, accompanying all life.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I am going into this world. What should I do?

God answered:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language?

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

What is the name of my angel?

No matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom".

soft music sounds. A Boy and a Girl are sitting on a cloud fromwings of angels.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

Who was sitting on a cloud

Who looked at the world from above.

Angels in the face of children

Mothers were chosen.

Boy. Soon I will be born!

I need to decide.

Mom will be with me

Like a clear dawn

As the spring water is clear

Like fluffy snow is tender

Warm like rain in spring

The sweetest and dearest.

Girl. I want the same

I will fly with you!

Come on at this finest hour

We will choose mom for us.

Several women come out.

Boy. Here, look, they are coming. There are so many of them here and there!

Girl... I want this mom!

In the whole world, I know, no

More fun, more tender, kind,

More beautiful than my mom.

Boy. You can't find a better mom! I'm flying, on my way.

Catch me up soon!

You will be my sister.

the song is playing aboutmom. "SONG OF THE MAMMOTTEN"

Boy and Girl... We found the perfect mom!

Let her get to know you.

Mama... How difficult it is to be a mother.

And raise a man

With care and attention,

With diligence.

What a happiness to be a mom

And give love to the baby

With affection, understanding,

Forgiving everything in advance!

Mom ... She is our song ...

She is our miracle!

If you are near, you will forget troubles.

Hands will stretch out, gently embrace,

Looks tenderly - he will remove all sorrows!

Only the mother's heart experiences our successes and mistakes as its own.

- As long as we love and cherish our mothers, everything will be fine both at home and in the country.

Together... Happy holiday, dear ones!

Mommy thanks dear
Thank you for the love, for the warmth,
I congratulate you today
And I wish you luck in everything!
The best in the world, I know
I love you more than life
Mommy, dear, congratulations!
And thank you for everything!

Mothers Day -

A worthy good holiday

Which is included

The sun in the family.

And not nice

For those who are the kindest in the world -

For real mothers, ditties sound

Mother's day ditties

1. To all mommies on this day
We give ditties
So that mommies are with us
There were merry ones!

2. We say this word
Each time, two hundred times:
Mom, give! Bring me!
Mom, mom, help!

3. Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
Wash, wash dishes,
Who forgives everything in the world
This is MOM - the children know.

4. Our mom at work
Strongly respected
And she comes home -
They love it very much!

5. I love my mom,
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I cheat,
She forgives me everything.

6. Do not be angry with your mother,
If he says the wrong thing
You better hug your mom
Kiss warmly.

7. Dad is strong, dad is smart,
Dad is wonderful
Only mommy always
Kinder necessarily.

8. If you are angry with your mother,
Who sticks his nose in business
You will become a mother too,
You will understand everything then!

Children: (in chorus)
From you, our dear mothers,
Let's take an example in everything.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

Competition program

Mothers with their children take part in the competitions. Each competition is attended by 2 mothers. The winner receives an honorary title and a "medal", both mothers receive gifts from their children. The selection of participants is carried out with the help of a "drum", mothers receive numbers in advance. Between competitions (every 5th) - amateur performances.

1. "Mom is a hug champion." Inflated scattered across the floor balloons... A mother with a child, holding one of the balls together, must hug tightly so that the ball bursts. The winner is the mother who can burst in 3 minutes more balls.

2. "The strictest mom". Hold out for 1 minute, calmly answering a son or daughter, persuading him to give 500 rubles for a toy.

3. "The most singing mother". Mothers take turns to sing the songs. For example, which have "flowers".

4. "Mom is a needlewoman". Mothers are given needles with thread and beads (or beads). In 1 min. string the beads on a string. The mother with the longest chain wins.

5. "The most poetic mom". Write a poem-burime for given rhymes: love, organization, carrots, presentation.

6. "The most affectionate mother." Write as much as possible in 1 minute sweet words to your child.

Dance "Happiness"

Our dear mom
These gentle lines to you.
Let sorrows not enter your house
Let the disease pass.
All our lives, our dear mother,
I am in deep debt to you.
Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy, dividing in half,
You wished us a better life in everything.
Beautiful, kind, cheerful and tender,
We need you daily and forever.

The song "Mommy"

All: "We love you"

Giving gifts

November 28 - Mother's Day of Russia

What is most sacred in our heart?

It is hardly necessary to think and guess.

There is the simplest word in the world

And the most sublime is MOTHER!

On the last Sunday of Russian autumn, we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day, which was included in the calendar of holidays of our country by the Decree of the President of Russia in January 1998. Women have a lot of advantages, they have won themselves the right to choose any profession and proved that they can do everything no worse than men. But there is such a mission on earth that belongs entirely to a Woman: to stand at the cradle, to fight any misfortunes. protecting the faint light of a new life, to introduce the young man into the old world and help him take his first steps. This feminine work inspired almost every writer, poet, artist to sing with words, colors, sounds the most sacred on Earth - MOTHER.

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world.

You look openly and directly in the eyes.

No matter how far the road calls us,

We are all seen off by beautiful mothers.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often.

And a kind mother forgives all this,

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the burden of worries, without bending stubbornly,

She does her duty patiently.

Every mother is beautiful in her own way -

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

As a child, she amuses us with a toy,

Sometimes we whisper something to her happily ...

Someday, mom, you will become an old lady
But you will still be the most beautiful!

Or quietly call

Any time of the day - early

Or when you go to bed.

What happiness to give her

A live bouquet of your favorite roses,

And call her ten times a day

Laughing or choking with tears.

Suddenly gaining new strength

And, unexpectedly arriving,

For her to bring plums in the winter.

What a joy it is to shout "Mom!"

Or quietly call

Any time of the day - early

Or when you go to bed.

Small crossword puzzle "Fabulous mothers"

Open and play now (size 67 kb)


The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby - mother

Mother's anger that spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt

There is no sweeter friend than dear mother

The stepmother is kind, but not the mother.

Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, all an orphan

Mother's heart warms better than the sun

A blind puppy crawls to his mother

It's warm in the sun, good in the mother


Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties for you!

Congratulations on the holiday

And hello big send to you!

On my mother's holiday

Dad made lunch himself

And I'll tell you a secret

Did a lot of troubles:

He boiled milk

I went away not far.

I went up to him again:

Milk is not to be seen!

Soup and porridge are burnt,

He poured salt into the compote,

How our mother returned,

There was a lot of trouble for her.

Vova rubbed the floor to a shine,

I made a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do:

There is no work!

The mother says to the lazy man:

"Make your bed!"

And the lazy woman: "Mamma,

I'm still small! "

A sooty saucepan

Julia was cleaning with sand.

Three hours under the shower Julia

Mom washed afterwards.

Dima dressed in the morning

And fell for some reason:

He shoved for no reason

Two legs in one leg.

I washed my hands under the tap.

And I forgot to wash my face.

Trezor saw me

He barked: "What a shame!"

In the morning our mother Mila

I gave two sweets.

I barely had time to give
She ate them herself.

Mom instructed Misha

Remove the pits from the cherries.

Misha managed to do everything:

He took out the bones and ate the cherries.

Whether in the garden, in the garden

Volodya helped weed.

After helping him

Nothing grows there.

We finish singing ditties,

We promise our mothers:

Let's be kind to grow

To behave!


Competition "Remember a fairy tale"(let's check how well mothers remember and know children's fairy tales)

1. The tale of the first victim of a bad investment?

2. The tale of how love turns a beast into a man?

3. The tale of farming for growing vegetables?

4. A tale about the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones?

5. The tale of the girl. who almost got married 3 times?

6. The tale of how a wild animal used in its household child labour?

7. The tale of how losing your shoes sometimes helps you get married?

Answers: 1. The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino. 2. A scarlet flower. 3. Turnip. 4. Three little pigs. 5. Thumbelina. 6. Masha and the Bear. 7. Cinderella.

Several players turn their backs to the audience and say in unison: "Mom! Congratulations!" One of the mothers, to which the presenter points out, answers "Thank you!" Whoever recognizes the voice of his mother gets a fant (prize).

Competition "Win a gift for mom"

Children stand in a close circle shoulder to shoulder, hands behind them. One of the children in the center of the circle, he will have to win a present for mom. Very fast cheerful music sounds. Children pass the toy to each other behind their backs. The presenter suddenly stops the music, the child must guess who is holding the toy.

Competition "Hostess"

Mothers are blindfolded, they must determine the type of cereals by touch (rice, buckwheat, barley, peas, etc.)

Alternatively: identify dried berries, herbs or leaves for making tea by smell and appearance (lemon balm, mint, chamomile, currants, cherries, raspberries, etc.)

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Celebration of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday
Comes to us in the fall.

This is a celebration of obedience
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

Since 1998, on the last Sunday of November, Russia has celebrated the Day of the Mother, Keeper of the Hearth. This is a kind of thanksgiving day, an expression of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed us with love.

The famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky said that when a child's finger hurts a little, his mother's heart will immediately ache. There is no person on earth more sensitive and loving than mother.

Voices outside the doorChild: I will be born tomorrow. Tell me, God, what should I do in that world, because I know nothing and am very afraid?

God: Don't worry, I will give you an angel who will always be there and protect you from troubles and sorrows.

Child: What is the name of this angel?

God: It doesn't matter, because you will call him mom.

Dear mommy, mommy
Dear dear to us man
Love tightly and kiss
Be happy all your life.


- The boy chose the rose carefully,
So that the rest do not wrinkle,
The saleswoman looked anxiously:
Help him, not help him?

With thin fingers in ink
Bumping into flower thorns
Chose the one that revealed
Petals in the morning today.

Raking my change out of my pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
I got embarrassed in a very strange way:
« Mom ... ", - whispered barely audibly.

Birthday, she's thirty today ...
We are very close friends.
Only now she is in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I am over forty, she is over fifty.
Women should have been born
To raise guys like that.

Once the children started an argument, and they began to argue about whose mother is better.

"Children's dispute about whose mother is better"

My mom sings the best

And mine tells fairy tales!

Do not boast, because you do not know

How much my mother gives affection!

I have the same mom's nose
And the same, by the way, hair color!

And although I am shorter, but still
Our eyes and nose are alike!

Joy and sadness is a must
We share with mom over and over again
Because a daughter for every mother -
Faith and hope and love.

Like two drops, we are alike with my mother,
And when we leave the yard,
Passers-by often say
That she is my older sister.

Well then my turn came

Without hesitation, I’ll tell you straight away.
With mom we are generally one to one,
Even I also frown stubbornly.

We don't have to argue

Trust us without interference,

We confirm to you in detail,

Our mothers are really the best!

And now relatives, loved ones, affectionate

We congratulate you on this important day.

And wishing beautiful, fabulous days

We will sing a song for mothers.


I'm not a problem child
I tell everyone about it.
Even my mother confirms ...

- Really, Mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

I don't want to have lunch now!
I'd better eat candy!
Smiling, mom will say ... (shoves mom, mom zero reaction)
Mom will say ... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

I brought four deuces
And there are no fives at all!
Mom, don't be silent, what do you say?
- Everything is good?(shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

The house is a terrible mess
Cream is smeared on the floor.
I don’t want to clean up!
- May I, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!

I know that such a mother
Everyone wanted it at once!
Connect to the internet
And everything will be ...(shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

To all mommies on this day
We give ditties
So that mommies are with us
There were merry ones!

We both write and read
And we compose ditties
And on the holiday of our mothers
We will also dance for you!

If necessary, we will dance
If necessary, we will sing
Don't worry our moms
We will not be lost anywhere!

Eh, stamp my foot

Yes, I'll stomp another

We will congratulate mom

We will celebrate the holiday.

So I decided that for a holiday

I will do to my dear mother -

I will become very obedient

Kisses for a week!

I say this word
Each time, two hundred times:
Mom, give! Bring me!
Mom, mom, help!

I love my mom
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I cheat,
She forgives me everything.

The first quarter has passed

We are head over heels happy.

And now we stand and sing

We are ditties for you.

Twos in our diaries

We won't let you get through.

We promise you very much

To try for a whole year.

Mom writes an essay
And he solves the equation.
It turns out that "5"
We will receive together.

Mom asks Vasya:
- What are you, Vasya, doing in class?
He thought a little
And he answered: - I'm waiting for the call!

I am very pleased with my mother,

My dear mommy!

Because our mom

It’s the hardest thing to be!

Mother's anger, like the first snow,

It melts fast, fast

Us for pranks she

Forgives one hundred times a day!

Why does our mom have

Are there so few hands?

She has at least a couple more

So that it keeps up everywhere!

I love mommy very much!

I declare directly.

There's a new star in the sky

I'll call it "mom"!

"I will help mom" -

Our Alyoshka says.

But how to wash the dishes

His stomach hurts.

So that mom is surprised

We made dinner.

For some reason even a cat

She ran away from cutlets.

I found a broom in the kitchen

And swept the whole apartment

But what remained of him

3 straws in total.

If mommy said:

Don't touch it, don't dare.

You gotta listen because

Our house rests on her.

I love my mom
I'll give her flowers!
Snow white daisies
And a green note ($)!

Mom with affection and kindness
Helps me in everything
I thank her
I give you obedience!

No one is more beloved than you
And no more expensive.
Even if you get around
The whole planet!

Our dear mothers,

We ourselves admit

That, of course, we are not always

We behave well.

We often grieve you

That sometimes we don't notice.

Let's be kind to grow

To behave.

We came to congratulate mom
Happy world holiday!
You always love us
And live peacefully!

Dear mothers

Congratulations on the holiday

Cute, beautiful

Most loved ones!

We finish singing ditties
And we give this advice.
Help more moms -
They will live a hundred years!


A son:

Now, on the day of the holiday, I will speak with my mother in poetry.

Mom enters with heavy bags.

A son:

I can't even find words

Well, how can you, mom,

Carry gravity in wallets

Ten kilograms?

I look, it’s just light again

You're from the supermarket ...


So what do you do? Give advice?

Son: Go twice, mom!

Scene: What kind of children are they, right?

Egor - I'm thinking, wondering,
Why are children born?
So you guys don't mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

Why do you need all this?

For a specific answer!

Preparing for adulthood ...

You came up with it cleverly!

Egor - Yes, I'm sorry for my mother,
Life is not visible from problems.

Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Not an easy position - mom.
How much easier it would be for her
Without children like us.

Fu! What nonsense!
She will be bored then!
And in old age, compote
Who will bring it in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom has no children at all!

Egor - It's quiet at home ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
He's not alive without children!

But on the other hand, I'll tell you straight,
Mom is having a nice rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solve problems for children,
Write an essay,
For various tricks
Then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Sparing no nerve cells,
Drive children into bed!

And to hear, falling asleep, ...
You are so beautiful
Honestly - honestly,
Mom, I love you so much! ...

Yes ... um-hm ... sounds beautiful ...
And such a prospect? - "
I just raised children ...
I got married as soon as possible ...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

So what? Play again.
Respond to granny
They sat down, got up, ran,
All the toys were collected again,
Cooking at the stove
Carry home bustle

Why would they have such a life?

Aerobics is solid!
Hurry up to be in time.
There is not even time to grow old

No! I still doubt it
So many nerves and worries!
I am more and more convinced:
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to grow them,
And educate, teach,
Don't get enough sleep day and night
Experience day and night
Sick to treat
Guilty - to beat,
And help in my studies,
And feed and dress up ...

Egor - Yes-ah, I got the answer -
And the meaning of life is evident in this.

The meaning of life is evident in
So that the kids have a full house!

I kiss your hands, my dear
You are the softest in the world, I know for sure
There is no dearer in the world, in my heart you are
Hold me tight, I want to keep warm!

Mom, always be with me!

Mom, don't be sad!
Forgive me for everything, mommy!
Do you hear, mom, be always with me!
Mom, I don't need more!
Mom, don't be sad!
Forgive me for everything, mommy!

Only you will always support and calm
And you will hide me from envy and anger.
I love you - you are an angel, I live by you.
With gratitude, I kiss your hands.


Light in the window, we are together
The soul is light.
Mom, dear, how warm it is with you!
I pray at night that you live
To keep you healthy, mommy!
My mommy gave me life
More than anyone else in the world, I love you!
