A lesson of secular ethics Justice presentation for a lesson on Orxe (grade 4) on the topic. Fairness Presentation Presentation Secular Ethics Justice

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Remember, you had situations when you were treated unfairly?

The heart will tell Sasha and Zhenya's mother one chocolate bar for two. Sasha broke it, but only it did not work out equally: one part is larger than the other. The one that was smaller, he offered to his brother, and the one that was bigger, he was about to stuff it into his mouth as soon as possible. Mom noticed this and strictly told Sasha that he was acting very ugly. - I shared and gave Zhenya half of it. - You shared, but shared dishonestly, unfairly. - It's not my fault that the chocolate did not break equally. - You thought about yourself, about your pleasure, so you acted unfairly. - But what then is fair to do if the pieces of chocolate are uneven? - And you yourself think and ask your heart what to do right, - my mother answered, - it will always prompt an honest and fair decision ...

- How to act fairly in this situation? -What does your heart tell you? - Why did Sasha act unfairly? - If instead of a chocolate you had to share a tasteless cutlet, what part would Sasha give to Zhenya?

Justice is an honest and correct attitude (action, decision) that the heart prompts (a sense of justice comes from the heart). A just person knows how to act as his heart tells him (in accordance with truth and truth), even when it is not profitable for him (not in his interests). A just person, making a fair decision, thinks not about himself (about his own benefit and interests), but only about what is honest and correct. He acts according to his conscience, as his heart tells him. An unjust person often does not know how to act (think, relate, make a decision) honestly and correctly. When he wants something (also resentment, affection, protection of his own), he quickly forgets about honesty and justice, begins to cheat and does what he wants himself (takes into account and is guided by his personal interests and opinions).

Fairness - fair treatment of someone, impartiality. (Explanatory Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov) Justice is one of the seven human virtues, a complex moral concept that means doing things according to the truth, conscience, rightness, law. (Russian encyclopedia)

Wise thoughts. If strength is combined with justice, then what can be stronger than this union. Aeschylus It is very easy to be kind, and to be just that is difficult. V. Hugo Seeing injustice and keeping silent means participating in it yourself. J.J. Russo

There are two principles of justice: do not harm anyone and benefit society. Cicero

Themis is depicted with a bandage over her eyes, which symbolizes impartiality, with scales in one hand and a sword in the other - such a widespread image she received from the Romans, who borrowed her image from the Greeks in the form of Justice. The Romans put a sword in her right hand instead of a cornucopia, but initially she did not have a bandage either, that is, she was depicted with scales and a cornucopia. Libra is an ancient symbol of measure and justice. On the scales of justice, good and evil are weighed, the deeds committed by mortals during their lifetime. The posthumous fate of people depended on which cup outweighed. The cornucopia in the hand of Themis is a symbol of retribution or non-retribution to those brought before her judgment.

Justice is a perfect virtue To reason well about virtue does not mean yet to be virtuous, and to be just in thought does not mean yet to be just in deed.

In the 19th century, noblemen held a high position in society. They were revered primarily for their high position and wealth, not merit and outstanding abilities. This was considered morally justified and fair.

Some peoples used to consider “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” to be just. And today the custom of blood revenge still exists.

Signs of justice proportionality equalization merit score "equal for equal"

"Moral rules" - Avoid evil in their actions (humiliation of dignity, deception and violence) - Strive in the fight against vices and shortcomings, and not with people who have them - Recognize the rightness of other people, doubt their own unconditional rightness Be ready to go to meet another person, looking at the situation from his point of view. Strive to find a solution that would suit everyone Respect for the rights of other people;

Thus, we can say that in the minds of people there are three different ideas about justice: * compliance with reality; * good and unbiased attitude towards people; * execution of the law.

What unfair relations of some heroes to others are told in fairy tales?

Proverbs and sayings related to the concept of "justice". As it comes back to haunt, such is the pay for him Do you like to ride, An eye for an eye, What you sow, Where is justice, Who stands for a just cause, How is acquired, What is the worker - and will respond and lived a tooth for a tooth. then you reap there really. he will always win. love and sleigh to carry

Made me think ... - made me think ... - I learned in the lesson ... - I consider it necessary to remember ... Reflection. Complete the sentence. - today I learned ... - it was interesting ...

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  • Justice -
  • What is justice?
  • What kind of person can be called fair?
  • What does it mean to treat people fairly?
  • How do you react when you are treated unfairly?
  • Is it easier to be fair to strangers or to those you love?
  • Make sentences with the suggested phrases:
  • just deed; fair decision; fair remuneration; fair punishment.
Indian fairy tale "Sly Jackal"
  • -Why did the peasant free the tiger?
  • - How did the tiger want to thank the man?
  • - Is it correct that the tiger was in the cage again?
  • - What do you think is justice?
  • Themis - the goddess of justice - is sometimes depicted with a blindfold over her eyes, as a symbol of impartiality, with a sword and scales in her hands.
  • Not from wealth
  • and poverty people do wrong.
  • It is good to think about virtue -
  • does not mean yet to be virtuous,
  • and to be fair in thoughts does not mean to be fair in deeds.
  • Aristotle
  • (384-322 BC), ancient Greek philosopher and scientist.
  • Aristotle:
  • Justice is the fulfillment of duty,
  • injustice is not doing
  • what should evasion
  • [from performing their duties].
  • Democritus:
  • Democritus Abdera
  • (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher
  • -Speak the truth and do it.
  • - It was true, but went into the forest.
  • - In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.
  • -Everything is looking for the truth, but not everyone creates it.
  • -Without truth - not living, but howling.
  • -Do not look for the truth in others, if you do not have it.
  • -The truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.
  • -The truth hurts.
  • -The truth is that you can't hide an awl in a bag.
  • - Eat bread and salt, but listen to the truth.
  • The cat, Murka Sharik iz
  • kennels survive.
  • And why would it seem to her: she herself lives in a big house, and Sharik is in a tiny booth. But the whole point was that the house was not hers, but the kennel - Sharikov!
  • And she began to purr to the owners, saying that Sharik was quite old and became lazy, and still too kind, which is why strangers made their yard a gateway!
  • It all ended with Sharik being kicked out of the booth. And instead of him, they put Murka on a chain. The owners were smart. They realized that such an evil cat would be better than a kind dog to guard the house. And Sharik, so be it, was allowed into the canopy - to live out a century!
  • Situation 1. "Game"
  • Sister:
  • - I'm older, so I need more cubes. Her brother answers her: - I also want to play. Share with me.
  • Assess the behavior of the children. Who did the wrong? Why? How can justice be restored?
  • Situation 2. "Friend"
  • Mom came home from work and asked her son: - Son, did you take a walk with Druzhok? The son replies to her: - Take a walk with your friend, otherwise I need to learn lessons. - But we agreed that you will walk with the dog during the day, and I - in the evening. You made a promise, - my mother was indignant. The boy was offended and said to his mother: -Just you don't love me, that's why you give me instructions!
  • Appreciate the boy's action.
  • We dug in cherries.
  • Sergei said:
  • - I'm superfluous.
  • Five trees, five guys
  • - I went out into the garden in vain.
  • And how the cherries ripened
  • Sergei goes out into the garden.
  • - Well, no, now you are superfluous!
  • The guys are talking.
  • Agniya Barto.
  • Is it fair
  • the words of the guys in the poem by A. Barto
  • "I'm superfluous"?
  • The only thing that every honest person should be guided by in his actions is whether what he is doing is fair or unjust, and whether it is an act of a good or an evil person. Socrates
  • The norm of human action
  • justice must be served.
  • Nikolay Chernyshevsky
  • Justice is as vital a product as bread.
  • Ludwig Berne
  • Write down some laws of justice for yourself and try to follow them during the week. At the end of the week, write down which laws of justice are harder or easier to follow.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Fundamentals of secular ethics Justice Lesson 12. G.O. Samara Compiled by the Teacher of MBOU secondary school № 85 Shmonina Natalya Aleksandrovna

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Lesson objectives: To acquaint students with the concept of "justice", with its impact on a person. Learn about opposing concepts. Expand the meaning of the concepts of "justice" and "injustice" Discuss and learn with students the moral rules of a just person.

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Lesson Objectives: Discuss the moral rules of a just person with students. Raise a sense of justice in children. To develop educational skills for working with information in the process of reading: the ability to navigate in information sources, sort information, draw conclusions and generalizations. Develop the horizons of students, enrich vocabulary.

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You will learn: What is justice. What are the criteria for judging justice. What moral rules must be followed to be fair.

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You cannot be fair without being human. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargue is a famous French philosopher, moralist and writer. Information and Analytical Block

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Justice is an impartial, fair attitude towards someone, something. What is justice? ancient Greek philosopher Justice is the perfect benefactor. It is not because of wealth and poverty that people act unfairly. Aristotle Information - Analytical Unit

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Injustice An injustice committed against one person is a threat to all. French writer, jurist and philosopher, author of the novel "Persian Letters" Charles Louis Montesquieu Information and Analytical Unit

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Signs of fairness proportionality equalization assessment of merit "equal for equal" Information and Analytical Block

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Comparison of two concepts: Justice is a moral rule that regulates relations between people in the distribution of benefits, rewards and punishments, income ... Injustice is a lack or lack of justice in a person or a phenomenon, this is not good and not bad, it is only a tool, as an element of reality. what prevents to live at your own discretion Information and Analytical Block

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Justice and injustice Injustice in life is when a delicate flower with great difficulty makes its way through the thickness of the asphalt, in order to end up being crushed by a passing car. Life justice is when the weak gives way to the strong, stupidity gives way to the mind, and evil gives way to good. Information - Analytical Block

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K. D. Ushinsky "Grandfather and Granddaughter" Once upon a time there was a decrepit old man. His eyes were dim from old age, his knees were shaking, and he, poor man, could hear badly. When he sat at the table, he could hardly hold a spoon in his hand, carried it past his mouth and spilled the soup on the tablecloth. His son and daughter-in-law looked at him with disgust and, finally, placed him in a corner behind the stove, where they brought him meager food in an old earthen bowl. The old man often had tears in his eyes, and he looked sadly in the direction where the table was laid. One day, the bowl, which his hands were weakly holding, fell and shattered into smithereens. The young daughter-in-law burst into reproaches to the unfortunate old man. He did not dare to answer, and only with a sigh dropped his head. They bought him a wooden bowl, from which he ate constantly since that time. A few days later, his son and daughter-in-law saw that their child, who was four years old, was sitting on the ground, folding boards. "What are you doing?" His father asked. “Boxes,” the son replied, “to feed daddy and momma from them when they get old.” The husband and wife looked at each other in silence, then wept, and since then they began to put the old man at their table again and never treated him rudely. Information and Analytical Block Respect the old man: you yourself will be old.

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What makes justice different from other human qualities? Signs of justice are consent and reciprocity. Where there is agreement, there is always justice; this is also true of reciprocity. Family way of life - in the old days, a large family gathered at the table and all family members took turns scooping food from a common plate with a spoon: this was how justice was manifested. The social system - caring for the weak, for the elderly and children is a manifestation of social justice. Justice is as vital a product as bread. Ludwig Berne - German writer Information and Analytical Unit

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Rules of a just person Avoid evil in your actions. Strive to combat vices and shortcomings, and not with the people who have them. To admit that other people are right, to doubt your own unconditional rightness. Be ready to meet the other person halfway by looking at the situation from his point of view. Strive to find a solution that can suit everyone. Do not infringe on the personality and dignity of a person Perform duties to others and to oneself. By committing unfair deeds, a person loses the ability to correctly assess himself, thereby he is unable to see his moral shortcomings and cannot correct them. Information and Analytical Block

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No person has the right to act unjustly, even if they were unjustly treated. Viktor Frankl Conclusion: Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and neurologist, prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp. Motivational block.

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Group work The first group will try to determine where this word came to us from by the etymological dictionary and will select the words that are appropriate in meaning. The second group will try to draw a conclusion about justice by studying popular proverbs. Motivational block.

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From the old Slavic word righteous, really. -the truth, truthfulness, justice, impartiality, truthfulness, impartiality, judgment, law Proverbs: Everyone seeks the truth, but not everyone creates it. Eat bread and salt, but listen to the truth. Don't look for the truth in others, if you don't have it. The truth that the awl in the bag cannot be hidden. Tell the truth and do it. Life is impossible without truth. In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that. CONCLUSION: Fairness is truth. Motivational block.

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Justice Lesson 12. Compiled by: Pichugina LN, primary school teacher MBOU "Karavannenskaya secondary school" Fundamentals of secular ethics

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Lesson number 12. JUSTICE Purpose: To acquaint students with the concept of "justice", with its impact on a person. to form the moral rules of a just person. Lesson objectives: to introduce the concept of justice; develop the ability to analyze actions; to form the ability to work together in a group. Discussing the moral rules of a just person with students. Raising a sense of justice in children. Development of educational skills in working with information in the process of reading: the ability to navigate in sources of information, to adequately understand what has been read, to sort information in terms of its importance, to draw conclusions and generalizations. Development of students' outlook, enrichment of vocabulary.

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Parable by Leonardo da Vinci. “JUSTICE” There is no justice in the world! ”The mouse squeaked plaintively, miraculously escaping from the claws of the weasel. “How long can you endure a lie!” The weasel shouted indignantly, barely managing to hide in a narrow hollow from the cat. “There’s no life from arbitrariness!” The cat meowed, jumping onto the high fence and looking with apprehension at the courtyard dog squealing below.

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“Calm down, friends!” Said the wise owl sitting in a cage in the peasant’s yard. “There is some truth in your complaints about life. But does justice belong by right to one of you? At these words, the mouse looked out of the hole, the weasel stuck its nose out of the hollow, the cat settled down more comfortably on the fence, and the dog sat down on its hind legs. “Justice,” the owl continued, “this is the highest law of nature, according to which reasonable harmony is established between all living on earth. All animals, birds, fish and even insects live according to this wise law. See how the bee swarm lives and works together.

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The owl was indeed right. Anyone who has ever seen a beehive knows that the queen bee reigns supreme there, disposing of everything and everyone with the greatest intelligence and fairly distributing responsibilities among the members of the numerous bee family. For some bees, the main concern is collecting nectar from flowers, for others - working in a comb; some guard the hive, driving away annoying wasps and bumblebees, others take care of maintaining cleanliness. There are bees who should take care of the queen, not leaving her a single step. When Lady 7 is old, the strongest bees carefully wear her on themselves, and the most experienced and knowledgeable will heal with all sorts of drugs. And if even one bee violates its duty, inevitable punishment awaits it.

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In nature, everything is wise and thought out, everyone should do their own thing, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life. Conclusion:

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How can justice be manifested? (in work, to others, to oneself). What does it mean to be fair?

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Basket of ideas Aphorisms: Justice is the highest of all virtues. Justice is to give each one his own. Fairness is based on an understanding of all circumstances. (W. Wadler) Anger is often the cause of injustice. Unknown author It is not because of wealth and poverty that people do wrong. Justice is the fulfillment of duty, injustice is not doing what is due, evasion [from the fulfillment of one's duties]. D / Z?

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JUSTICE is a moral rule that governs relationships between people about the distribution of benefits, rewards and punishments. Every deed should be judged according to merit.

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JUSTICE is the truth of justice. Fair - correct, done legally, in truth, in conscience, in the right. Dahl's explanatory dictionary V.I.

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A basket of ideas Proverbs and sayings: You tell the truth- There was truth, Everyone is looking for the truth, Do not look for truth in others, Eat bread and salt, In whom there is no good, there is little truth. truth and do. Yes, she went into the forest. but not everyone creates it. but listen to the truth. if you don't have it.

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Justice is to give each one his own. Injustice is achieved in two ways: either by violence or by deception. Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) - Roman statesman, an outstanding orator and writer, popularizer of Greek philosophy. Justice is the highest of all virtues. Mark Tullius Cicero:

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It is not because of wealth and poverty that people act unfairly. To reason well about virtue does not mean yet to be virtuous, and to be just in thought does not mean yet to be just in deed. Aristotle (384-322 BC), ancient Greek philosopher and scientist. Aristotle:

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Justice is the fulfillment of duty, injustice is not doing what is due, evasion [from the fulfillment of one's duties]. Democritus: Democritus t Abdera (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher

Justice is an honest and correct attitude (action, decision) that the heart prompts (a sense of justice comes from the heart). A just person knows how to act as his heart tells him (in accordance with truth and truth), even when it is not profitable for him (not in his interests). A just person, making a fair decision, thinks not about himself (about his own benefit and interests), but only about what is honest and correct. He acts according to his conscience, as his heart tells him. An unjust person often does not know how to act (think, relate, make a decision) honestly and correctly. When he wants something (also resentment, affection, protection of his own), he quickly forgets about honesty and justice, begins to cheat and does what he wants himself (takes into account and is guided by his personal interests and opinions).

A developed sense of justice - the ability to listen to conscience, the voice of the heart ... Justice (a very rare quality) - the ability to rise above oneself and one's interests ... Prejudice and addiction, companions of selfishness, doing injustice. Selfishness makes it difficult to face the truth ... A sense of justice helps to do right and beautiful in life, reconciles people ...