Baba Yaga script in kindergarten. Scenario of the graduation party in kindergarten “What Baba Yaga learned from children. Russian folk games: "Burn, burn clearly" and "Zhmurki"

Characters.Host, Baba Yaga - adults.

Equipment.Baba Yaga costume, broom, large wooden spoon, empty plastic bottle, a fake big chocolate bar, a bundle, toys, a pillow, a broom, 2 briefcases, school supplies.

Leading.Today we are bright, but a little sad holiday... We accompany our children to school. It seems that quite recently they crossed the threshold of the kindergarten, and today we are already calling their graduates. So let's welcome our graduates with joy. (Guests applaud standing up).

Solemn music sounds, children enter. Read poems, sing songs (optionally musical director. They sit down).

Leading. Our children have learned a lot in the school, and today they will show all their knowledge and skills.

Hear funny poems performed by them.


1 early morning mom

I sent my son to the class,

She said: “Don't fight, don't be angry,

Do not boil! Well, go, it's time!

And no fluff, no feather! "

An hour later, barely a diva

The cock is going home

Waddles barely

He's from the schoolyard

And on it, in fact

There is no fluff, no feather!

2.The crocodile leads the lesson:

“Prepare, children, feathers,

Write, what am I behind the door?

Rook deduced: "Crack - co - dil!"

The duckling deduced: "Quack - co - dil!"

The frog deduced: "Qua - co - dil!"

The piglet deduced: "Oink - co - dil!"

Leading. We can't sit still,

We love to have fun!

We are not too lazy to dance and sing,

We would dance all day!

Dance "Merry Polka" D. Kabalevsky.

Leading. One, two, three, four, five,

It's time to play!

Game "Look for" T, Lomovoy.

Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga. Come on, vagrant (whistles)! Eh-eh! It doesn’t fly, again the engine is stuck and, as always, at the most inopportune moment. And I'm in a hurry for a festive dinner at Kikimora's. Wow, and we eat there to the full. Where did it take me? (Looks around). The place is unfamiliar, unknown. But beautiful! Whisper !!! Not that we have in the dense forest. Yes - ah! It is necessary to tell about the interior of Kikimore, let him change the situation in his swamp. Oh, what am I talking about? I have to fix the broom and hurry to Kikimora for lunch. And then I really want to eat: I haven't eaten anything for 3 days. Getting ready! (Sniffs the air). Come on, come on, it smells like something ! (Sniffs the air). Fu Fu Fu! I can smell, I can smell the Russian spirit! It's good! (Sees children.) Oh, priests! How many kids are here: girls, boys! And everyone is so clean, so plump! Wow, and I'm eating! So it’s like this: I’ll have lunch, have dinner, well, so be it, at the same time, and have breakfast. And I'll take a couple with me as a gift to Kikimore. Well, well, well (rubs his hands). What's your name girl? Vika? You will be with me, Vika, in strawberries. What's your name, boy? Sasha, then. You will be with me, Sasha, under yogurt! And what is your name? Lisa? You will be with me, Lizaveta, in candy. The beauty! Delight! So let's get started ...

Leading . Oh, yes, we have guests! Hello grandma!

Baba Yaga. And hello, hello, honey! Don't bother me, go your own way!

Leading. What's going on here?

Baba Yaga. Like what? So I’m going to eat, there are a lot of kids here, and they are all so plump, cute, they themselves are asking for something in their mouths! And, most importantly, there are so many of them here! Enough for me for a long time . (Suspiciously). Are you hungry too, killer whale? No, honey, you won't have enough. It's not enough for me alone, and I still have to leave Kikimora, so go, dear, where did you go. And don't bother people to eat.

Leading. Sorry, grandma, I don’t eat children and I don’t advise you.

Baba Yaga. And why is that?

Leading. Because our children are very fast and dexterous, they still need to be caught.

Baba Yaga. Look, I scared, now I will overcatch and eat everyone.

Russian folk game "Babka Yozhka".

Baba Yaga... Oh, I can't! Oh, I'm tired! Well, you give. Okay, now I'll have a little rest, and, anyway, I'll eat all of you!

Leading. But you won't eat it. Our children can not do that. They are also smart!

Baba Yaga(sarcastically). Smart, you say? Oh, I believe something, honey. Oh, I can't believe it.

Leading. Let's check it out?

Baba Yaga. Come on, killer whale, come on.

Leading. Grandma, do you love poems?

Baba Yaga. What? Jam? Oh, I love, honey, I love. Who doesn't like jam. But I don’t know such a poem-jam. Raspberry - I know, Strawberry there, strawberry, currant I know. I tried it. Delicious! And this, as you call it - that? Poems? Nope, I haven’t tried it. Is it tasty? Listen, girl, let me try, though, I'll know what it is!

Leading.Yes, what are you, grandma! Poems are not eaten.

Baba Yaga(offended). What do you want? Is it a pity? Well, give me a spoon. And I will come to Kikimora and boast that I ate a poem-jam. She, tea, did not taste it either. Well, give, at least, half a spoon. Do not be greedy.

Leading. Yes, I'm not sorry ...

Baba Yaga ( impatiently).Then carry it quickly. I'm already drooling. A spoon on you (takes out a large wooden spoon). Just get the full one. Do not be greedy. Well, run, run quickly. I'll get ready (sits down).

Leading. Grandma, I’m telling you in Russian: you don’t eat poems ...

Baba Yaga. What? Do they drink? So I'll drink, you just carry it quickly.

Leading... Well no! Poems are not drunk or eaten. Their chi - ta - yut!

Baba Yaga(disappointed). Are they reading? What is it like? I don't know how to read.

Leading. Well, it doesn't matter! You can not only read poems yourself, but also listen to how others read.

Baba Yaga. What are you, dear?

Leading. Yes, grandma! And poems are so interesting! Do you want to listen?

Baba Yaga. Oh, I want a killer whale! Really want to.

Leading... Then sit down and listen.


Jam and poem.

I am learning a poem

And quietly eating jam:

Spoon, spoon, spoon again

Just a little bit to the end ...

Marmalade, chocolate -

How sweet it is to study!

I learned a poem

I would learn it

It's just a pity that in the buffet

There is nothing left!

P. Sinyavsky.

Baba Yaga. Wow! What a funny poem! Do you also know?


I came home from school, my mother is not at home.

Lunch is left on the table for me.

But, if mom is not at home,

Don't waste half a minute, -

And jam from the buffet

Get it out quickly!

I had lunch like this today:

A pound of jam

A pound of candy

Paul - watermelon with cake,

Orange with halva,

I'm not dead yet

But not alive either ...

I don't eat for half a week,

I haven't slept for 5 nights

There are beds by my side

Already, half - the city of doctors!

Baba Yaga. Oh, I can't! Oh, how funny your poems are (dangles his legs).Oh, I can't stop, even tears flowed. Where is my handkerchief? (Takes a wreath from a bundle). It's not that, but - ah, here it is (wipes her tears with a handkerchief). They made me laugh, they made me laugh.

Leading... Oh, grandma, what's so beautiful about you.

Baba Yaga. These are wreaths, girl. Do you like? (Boastful). Weaved it myself. All day I collected flowers: field, meadow, and then weaved. Look how much! (Pulls out wreaths). These are gifts: for Kikimora, her daughters, for Mokryona and for grandmother Nepopodushka. Here!

Leading... Listen, grandma, but our girls have learned beautiful dance and, just, with wreaths. Would you like to have a look?

Baba Yaga. Of course. And I’ll give you wreaths, because I wove them in vain, or what?

Dance with wreaths to the song "Wreath" (Spanish by D. Gurtskaya).

Leading. Well, how, grandma, did you like the dance?

Baba Yaga.How much I liked it! How beautiful they danced! I'll fly to Kikimora, I will teach her such dances. Although she does not know how to dance, but she is a craftswoman to sing! As soon as it sings, in the neighboring swamp, frogs begin to croak, and crayfish whistle.

Leading. And our children can sing too.

Baba Yaga. But where can they compare with Kikimora! I suppose they only know (singing maliciously): "Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother." Ugh, tired of listening. ( Dreamily).Now, if only something new ...

Leading. Our children know a lot of good songs. I'm sure you have never heard of such. And they sing very well. What song would you like to listen to: sad or funny?

Baba Yaga. Of course, funny. Only with Kikimora, anyway, no one can compare.

Leading. You first listen, and then compare.

Song "Unusual Concert" A. Dementyev.

Leading. Well, how?

Baba Yaga. Yes, a mistake came out. You sing well. Mentally! And your song is so funny, right, your legs are torn to dance. Eh - eh! I'll dance right now.

Dance of Baba Yaga (falls at the end).

Baba Yaga. Oh, I can't. Oh, my legs hurt. Oh! Apchhi! True! Fathers! Apparently, while flying on her broomstick, she caught a cold. Oh, it stabbed in the side. Oh, my back was twisted! Oh, save, help, and call the doctor soon.

Leading. You don't need to call anyone, you just need to go in for sports more often and always do gymnastics in the morning.

Baba Yaga. What kind of gymnastics is this?

Leading. But this one. Get up with us and repeat.

Gymnastics to music.

Baba Yaga... How amazing! It became so easy, such lightness was formed in the whole body! Nothing hurts, does not hurt anywhere, does not ache. Let's play.

Russian folk games: "Burn, burn clearly" and "Zhmurki".

Leading. Grandma, let's rest, and the children will show you how you are, how they can count.

Leading. You know, grandmother, our children can count in their heads and solve difficult problems.

Baba Yaga. What are these other tasks?

Leading. Well, for example:

In the clearing, by the oak tree,

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3).

Baba Yaga. Can I try. Only also about mushrooms, I love them very much, especially fly agarics.

Leading. Okay, listen. How much will it be if to 2 porcini mushrooms (exposes on the table) add 2 more porcini mushrooms.

Baba Yaga. It will not be enough.

Leading. What is not enough?

Baba Yaga. What, what? There are not enough mushrooms.

Leading. Oh well! Add 3 porcini mushrooms to 2 porcini mushrooms (adds 1 more).

Baba Yaga. All the same, it will not be enough. And, in general, you don't understand anything. Well - kAa give back the basket - then (takes the basket, takes out all the mushrooms from it, admires).Now it's just right! Wow, and the soup will be rich. Real jam!

Leading. What are you, grandma? What kind of soup?

Baba Yaga... How what - mushroom! And from fly agarics the spirit and bite are specific. Here! Give me a pot, I'll cook it now. If you try, you won't come off.

Leading. Grandma, this is how we solve the mushroom problem, not cook mushroom soup (removes excess mushrooms). Guys, help Baba Yaga solve the problem: add 3 mushrooms to 2 mushrooms. How many mushrooms will there be? (five).

Baba Yaga. Look, you! And they know how to solve problems. You are my clever, clever little ones! Do you know how to cook porridge? You know how. And what is needed for this?

(Children call: saucepan, water or milk, cereals, salt, sugar, gas stove).

Baba Yaga. Right, right. But what will you cook in?

Leading. So, they told you - in a saucepan.

Baba Yaga... What kind of a saucepan? I do not know. I know the pot, I know the iron pot, but I don’t know the pot.

Leading. But look, we are now going to play the game "Cook porridge".

Game "Cook porridge"(2 teams must transfer the cereal in spoons, without spilling it, and pour it into the pan. Whose team does it accurately and quickly, he will win).

Baba Yaga(looks at the pan). Good thing! And I don't have one.

Leading. Let's give Yaga a pot, guys? Here's a gift from us, grandma.

Baba Yaga. Thank you, darlings. Will you give Kikimora?

Leading. And we will give Kikimora. Take both.

Baba Yaga... What are you kind, glorious! But I will not leave you without a present either. Here's a pot from me. You can also cook porridge and cabbage soup in it.

Leading. Thank you, Yaga. You know, we know one very interesting old game. It is called the "Pot".

Russian folk game "Pot"

Everyone is in a circle. A child is selected - "potty", "Seller" and "Buyer".

Customer... How much is the pot?

Seller. For the money.

Customer. Isn't it cracked?

Seller.Try it.

The buyer "knocks on the pot".

Customer. I take it.

The Buyer and the Seller stand with their backs to each other and, on command, run in different directions in a circle, whoever reaches the “Pot” first takes the “Pot”.

Baba Yaga. Well, you are a master at games. Well done! Oh, what else is so beautiful with you. I have never seen such a thing when I was born.

Leading. This is a cap.

Baba Yaga. Cap. Cap. Now let's try (puts on his cap in different ways, admires himself). Well, how, kids, do you like it? In my opinion, this is not my style. I'll take this to Leshem, it will suit him better. And then he has been wearing an old earflaps for 100 years. Oh, what is this? How many! And everyone is so beautiful, painted (trying on kokoshniks, flirting). Oh, and how good I am in this kokoshnik - that. As I show myself to Kikimora, she will turn even greener with envy, and Goblin will fall from the stove. Am I beautiful? Now I will choose the best one for myself.

Leading. Wait, grandma, first watch the fun dance, and then we'll give you the most beautiful kokoshnik.

Russian round dance (girls).

Leading. And this is for you, grandma (gives the kokoshnik).

Baba Yaga(shedding tears). Thank you, dear ones, for everything. I will not eat you, - you are very good, kind! And I will put your gifts in my bundle.

Leading. Tell us, grandma, what's in your bundle?

Baba Yaga.Oh, honey, now I'll show you everything. Here I have everything I need, yes! I always carry it with me and even took it to school. Look here ( pulls out an empty soda bottle).Moisten this throat after chatting with Kikimora the whole lesson ( "Drinks"). Don't let yourself dry up! and this (takes out a "big chocolate bar"),only the teacher begins to explain the lesson, and you immediately begin to unfold the chocolate bar, unwrap the food, rustle. Eat and look out the window and listen to no one. Isn't that great?

Leading: That's why you don't know a lot.

Baba Yaga: You don’t understand anything. Look further (takes out toys), and this, when you get tired of chatting and eating, you take a toy and play with it. I played all the lessons with her. Here! And this (takes out a pillow) the most important, the most necessary. Tired of you playing, took out a pillow, put it on the desk and fell asleep (lies down and starts snoring).

Leading(pushes her). Grandma, what about books, notebooks, pens, pencils?

Baba Yaga(asleep).And this, honey, is not the main thing (falls asleep again).

Leading(wakes her up again).But no! This is just the main thing. Really, children? Get up, Yaga, see what you need to take with you to school.

Game "Collect a portfolio".

Baba Yaga. Wow, you are dexterous, fast and accurate! How well and correctly you got ready for school, and in general, thank you for everything! It's good with you: interesting, fun, joyful. You yourself are so kind, smart, friendly. I changed my mind - I won't eat you. Grow and learn! Oh, do you hear, the engine is running, it's time for me to fly away - my kikimora is tired of waiting. I’ll come to her, I’ll tell you everything, I’ll show you everything - let him be jealous. And you guys, I wish you to be always so good, kind, obedient, to study well. Goodbye! (Flies away).

Leading. Here, guys, the adventures of Baba Yaga are over, and it's time for us to end our holiday. Let's say goodbye to kindergarten and thank everyone who has taken care of you all these years. (children come up to their parents, take flowers and stand in a semicircle).

1. We will soon leave kindergarten,

It's time for us to go to school.

2. We know that we need to learn a lot,

To grow and become smart.

3. We stocked ourselves with health and strength,

We have learned to love work.

4. Let's say to the garden for this: thanks!

And we promise not to forget him.

Song "Goodbye, d / s" A. Filippenko.

They give flowers to employees to the music, sit down.

The leader gives the floor to the manager. Presentation of gifts.

Title: Script graduation party in kindergarten "What Baba Yaga Learned from Children"
Nomination: Kindergarten, spring, preparatory group, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, graduation at the preschool educational institution

Position: musical director of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 41 "Korablik"
Location: Moscow region, Serpukhov

Scenario of a holiday-entertainment for the Children's Day "Baba Yaga visiting children"


Create a festive mood among children, consolidate the knowledge gained in the academic year in mathematics and on the topic "transport".


Torba (bag), tambourine, on the wall there are pre-hung numbers indicating the outline of the ship, chalk.

Holiday progress:

(Children on the veranda, Baba Yaga runs to them).

Baba Yaga:

Hello crumbs!
Oh, my legs are tired,
Long to you I
Was going
And she dressed up beautifully.
Scraped off the dirt
From the body
I put on my best dress,
I used a fork to comb my hair
I picked my teeth with a match.
No scissors in the house
To bite my nails
I had to.
Here, for a holiday
I came,
I brought you tasks!

You recognized me, friends!
Yes, Baba Yaga is me!
(shakes hands with everyone)

Now, introduce yourself!
What is your most mischievous name!
(children call their naughty names)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, who is it tearing out of the bag (the sound of a tambourine is heard in the bag).

Ah-ah-ah, this is my funny tambourine, it cannot resist if there are many children nearby. Will you play with him?


Baba Yaga:

Then listen to the rules!

Game "Jolly Tambourine"

While the music is playing, you need to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands dances with a tambourine in his hands to cheerful music, like this (shows). Clear?

(Children sit in their seats).

Baba Yaga:

How fun I am! And you?


Baba Yaga:

Well, this is too much! After all, I'm Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game - grumbling "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Baba Yaga:

Answer loudly, amicably: "this is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

Answer loudly, but
There is one condition:
In some places you will be silent,
And where necessary - there shout!

How many of you, tell me, children, have dreamed of summer for a whole year?
- Who of you now find out, is dying of boredom here?
- Who loves to play outdoors in the forest, on the river, in the field?
- In the summer, who surprises everyone - resting in bed?
- Who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and dance?
- Who of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
- Which one of you is such a dodger, plays ball best?
- Who of you, everyone will say ah, sunbathes in boots?
- Who are you, I want to know, bully and fighter?
- Who of you guys keeps things all right?
- Which of you kids walks dirty from ear to ear?

Baba Yaga:

Oooh, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me! (notices the numbers on the wall)

Baba Yaga:

What it is? Is this some kind of spell?


These are numbers.

Baba Yaga:

And if you connect them, you can guess what happens?


Baba Yaga:

Who is the bravest? Come out! (children help to connect the numbers in order, it turns out a boat)

Baba Yaga:

Wow, what is this?


Baba Yaga:

Co-ra-bl, is it eaten?


No, this is water transport.

Baba Yaga:

Water! What other transport is there?


Ground, air ...

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I know, the ground one is my chicken legs, and the air one is my stupa.


Not. Ground - cars, trains, bicycles. Air - plane, helicopter, balloon, rockets.

Baba Yaga:

Why is it needed?


You can travel on it!

Baba Yaga:

I love to travel, how I will fly on my stupa, over forests, over fields, over rivers and seas. But I have never traveled on water, do you guys have a ship?


Baba Yaga:

Give me a ride, please! (go and sit on the ship)

Oh, the sea is worried, the waves are rising, and how many sea figures (sounds of the sea sound).

Game "The sea is worried ..."

Baba Yaga

Turns away from children and says loudly:

"The sea is worried once,
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three
Freeze the sea figure in place! "

On the word "freeze" the children should freeze in the position in which they find themselves.

Baba Yaga

Examines the resulting figures. Whoever is the first of the guys to move, takes the place of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

Time to go back, the storm is coming. I see the Earth, the forest, my friend lives there, Mikhailo Ivanovich is a clumsy bear. He loves mushrooms and berries very much.

Game "At the Bear in the Forest"

Baba Yaga chooses a "bear" from among the children. The guys cheerfully go into the forest for berries and mushrooms, singing a song at the same time:

The bear in the forest
Mushrooms, berries!
The bear is hateful
Frozen on the stove!

When the children utter the last words, the bear, until then dozing in the den, begins to move, stretch and reluctantly climbs out of the den, after which it tries to catch one of the children. The captured child becomes the new "bear".

Entertainment is held in the summer in the hall or outside.

Children enter the hall, sit on high chairs. The presenter has a colorful telegram in his hands.

Leading. Guys, we received a very unusual telegram. Baba Yaga invites us to visit. Today is her birthday, she turns 500 years old. Let's go to her and congratulate her on this round date. But to make it fun on the way, we will take a song with us.

A musical-rhythmic composition is performed to the song "When my friends are with me", lyrics. M. Tanicha, music. V. Shainsky.

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. Hello my dear, good, dear guests. I am very glad that you came to my holiday. I have been preparing all day, you see - I wound my hair, I prepared presents for you.

Leading. Dear Baba Yaga, we wish you a happy birthday. Always be kind, affectionate, beautiful.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I am not angry at all now and I am not harmful anymore.

Leading. And our children have prepared gifts for you.

Baba Yaga. Well, let's get them soon. Passion, how I love gifts!

Leading. Listen, Baba Yaga is a poem.

Birthday today

At Grandma Yaga

Blush on the table

A heap of pies.

Tidied up in the hut,

For chicken legs

There is a couple in the closet

Brand new boots.

Granny was running

In curlers in the morning

And I met the guests

In the middle of the yard.

Goblin all flowers

Ripped off in the woods

And shouts to me with joy:

"I'm bringing it to my grandmother!"

Yagusya smacked

On the cheek of the old man.

Stretches to her with a bouquet

And my hand.

If you will be all year round

Kind, gentle, sweet,

Let's stop calling you

We are evil spirits!

The host gives flowers to Baba Yaga.

Leading. Grandma Yaga, we celebrate your birthday at the most beautiful time of the year - in summer, when all the meadows are covered with beautiful flowers.

Baba Yaga. Guys, what flowers do you know? I have a lot of them growing in the forest.

Leading. Listen to what poems children will read about flowers and summer.

Children read poetry.

Girls perform "Dance with Flowers".

Leading. Baba Yaga, to have fun on your birthday, I suggest you play a little.

The game "Collect the flower" is held.

Game progress. Petals of four colors are scattered on the floor. Four children collect their own flower of a certain color at speed. Baba Yaga also plays, but picks the flower incorrectly, i.e. collects different petals.

Leading. Baba Yaga, you probably often remember your youth, when you were beautiful, attractive? Now our children will make a gift for you - they will draw your portrait in your youth.

The attraction "Draw a funny face" is held. (Two children blindfolded on round flannelegraphs lay out their eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, and Baba Yaga evaluates their work.)

Children of the middle group perform the "Polka" dance, music of the choice of the muses. head.

Baba Yaga. Oh, kids, what a wonderful day today! You sing songs, dance, play with me. I wonder why I was so mean and nasty ?! And remember, I'm at your holiday christmas tree stole a bag with gifts that Santa Claus brought? Oh, how ashamed I am! Please forgive me.

Leading. Yes, truly miracles are happening today. We are not afraid of you, but we even give gifts and rejoice with you.

Children senior group perform the song “These are the miracles", Sl. N. Berendhof, music. A. Filippenko.

Children of the middle group perform the song "Who grazes in the meadow?" sl. Yu Chernykh, muses. A. Pakhmutova.

Baba Yaga. Yes, he who drinks milk will be strong and dexterous and will live a long, long time, as I do - 500 years.

Leading. And our children are the strongest and most agile.

The game "Move the ball in the racket" is played.

(The game is played in the form of a relay race. Two or three teams of 6-7 people play.)

After the game, the presenter imperceptibly rings a bell near Baba Yaga's ear and says that young children also want to play with her.

The game "Zhmurki with a bell" is held.

Baba Yaga. Oh, guys, how nimble and fast you are, you can't be caught!

The host invites Baba Yaga and all the children to the final dance.

The Dance of the Ducklings is being performed.

Baba Yaga thanks all the children and gives them gifts.

Children say goodbye to the birthday girl and leave the hall.

The script of the holiday for preschoolers of senior and preparatory age was prepared by musical director Oborina Ekaterina Alkafovna, MBDOU "CRR-kindergarten No. 161", Perm.

  • "Carry a balloon in a spoon"

Two teams of 5 people participate in the event. You need to carry a balloon in a wooden spoon, run around the landmark and pass the spoon to the next participant.

  • "Who can stand on one leg longer."

Three cubes are placed in the hall. Baba Yaga calls three children and asks them to stand on one leg on a cube. The one who stays longer will win.

  • "Relay on scooters"

Two teams of 4-5 people participate in the relay. You need to go around the landmark on a scooter, go back and pass the scooter to the next participant.

Baba Yaga:

- I took up physical education,
The lomota settled down instantly!
Now you can meet guests!

Music sounds, Leshy appears.


- Oh, Yagusya-beauty! I congratulate you!
Always be beautiful, sweet
Let me hug you soon! (They hug.)
Accept my congratulations -
Listen to the poem!


- Baba Yaga is in no mood,
She got up on the wrong leg, probably.
Looks at Leshy as an enemy
Scary and angry Baba Yaga.
Goblin could get angry in response -
He picked a bouquet of forget-me-nots!
The wicked old woman thawed out at once,
I even put the flowers in a vase!

Baba Yaga:

- Thank you so much!


- Oh, do you remember how we fought with you before,
We did not know about friendship with you at all.

Baba Yaga: - Well, me too, spruce cones! Well that was 990 years ago!

Leshy: - Maybe we will remember?

Baba Yaga: - Well, let's remember!

Baba Yaga is dancing with Leshim.

Leshy: - Oh, and there were times, beauty! Oh, do you hear?

Baba Yaga: - Yeah, the bushes rustle ...

Leshy: - Guests are in a hurry to visit us!

Music sounds. A Merman appears with a fishing rod and a bag of gifts. He walks, examines the house of Baba Yaga.


- Hello, gossip Yaga!
How do you live like a leg?

Baba Yaga:

- Breaks in the evening to the weather,
Let go today, like.


- You accept on your birthday
Congratulations from the neighbor.
Soul warmer with fur
And a fish in your ear!

Hands over the hot-wire to Baba-Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

The soul warmer is good!
- Well, where is the little fish?


- I hear the sound of the surf!
Here it is, the sea! (At the entrance to the hall, Ivan the Fool hides behind the fabric and sways the fabric, depicting the waves of the sea.)
I throw a fishing rod into the sea -
Maybe I'll catch a fish there!

The sound of the surf is heard. The water one throws a fishing rod behind the fabric.


- I'll push myself, one, two, three!

Pulls out Ivan the Fool.

- That's a fish, look!


- Oh, what is it with me?
Am I dead or alive? (Feels himself.)

Baba Yaga: - Seems alive!

Leshy: - Fu, scared!

Water: - How did you get there?


- What are you doing, you old rogue, here?
I am called Ivan the Fool,
Would you like to taste my fist?

Swings his fist at the waterman.


- You, Ivan, do not push!
Do not wave your fists!


- I wanted to catch a fish,
Make three wishes!
It's Yaga's birthday.
Here I wanted to please.

Ivan: - OK OK. I can help. I know how to conjure! Make a guess!


- I want jolly,
We sang ditties for Yaga!

Children sing ditties about Baba Yaga. All the heroes are dancing.

1 ditty:

We will sing ditties for you
Still wonderful,
That old women will go to dance
The old men will dance! Wow!

2 ditties:

How the roosters crowed
Today nightingales,
Poems are being written
Like songs, yourself!

3 ditties:

Birthday Ivan
Gave Yaga a sofa!
She flies on it
And the stupa is resting.

4 ditties:

Don't go kids to the forest
Horror will overtake you.
There mushrooms grow like a wall
But not enough for everyone.

5 ditties:

So as not to freeze in the snow
Feet by the hut
I bought her for fur
Boots for the old lady!

Baba Yaga: - Wow, thanks, my iris!

Water: - Thank you, Wan, you are very much!

Ivan: - Now let's get the second one!


- I want that in this room
Mermaids danced for Yaga!


- Let them come from the depths of the sea
Raise adrenaline in your blood!


- Look quickly, oh-yes, a miracle!
The sea will foam violently.
From the depths of green waters
Mermaids lead a round dance.

Girls perform "Dance of the Mermaids", music "Aquarium".


- I was completely stunned!
I was sweating from beauty!

Water: - Wan, thank you for your efforts!

Ivan: - Give the third wish!


- Surprise, Vanyusha, everyone!
Show that you can do the best!


- Oh, cheesecakes, rolls,
I love to ride the stove!


- Hey, Vanyushi, come out,
Take out your stoves!

Boys perform the dance "Roly on the stove."

Baba Yaga: - Thank you, we made you happy! I haven't seen such dances for a long time!

Koschey rides a horse to the music, a truck with a cactus behind him.

Baba Yaga: - Hello, Koscheyushka!

Koschey: - Well, I finally got to you, my beloved! Happy Birthday!

Koschey presents Baba Yaga with a large cactus.

Baba Yaga: - That's for me? (Sniffs.) How handsome! Nobody gave me cacti for 100 years! This is where you dug it out?

Koschey: - In the swamp near Leshey! Oh, how good it is!

Hugs Babu Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

- Oh, Kashcheyushka, what an awesome cactus!
Oh, thanks to everyone, everyone, everyone!
I promise I won't
I catch children everywhere!
I will be a good old woman
Good-natured and obedient!


- Well, all honest people,
Start a round dance!

Children, heroes, guests-parents perform a common round dance "Babaka-Yozhka", music - T. Morozova.

Baba Yaga:

- I meet my guests!
I invite everyone to tea!

All: - Hurrah! !

Everyone goes to drink tea.

Nadezhda Kiseleva
New Year's party in middle group "Baba Yaga's Tricks"

Scenario new Year's party in the middle group

« Baba Yaga's tricks»

Leading: Music sounds. A boy and a girl enter


Blizzards and blizzards again

They flew to us today,

On birch and spruce

They put on white caps.


Poured a lot of snow

Not to be seen around the earth.

If it snows together

So soon ... (together): New Year!

A holiday awaits us today -

Wonderful New Year!

Open wide the doors!

Come in, little people!

Music sounds, children enter "Icy palms"


What kind of guest came to us?

So smart, so slim

All in toys, all in needles,

It's a festive ...

Children in chorus: Christmas tree!


Happy New Year to us

The Christmas tree has come.

And the fragrant smell of pine needles

I brought it to kindergarten.


Shook off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow.

And is more beautiful than everyone

In a green dress.


Hello, dear tree!

Again you are our guest.

All toys sparkle

On outstretched branches.


Spun festive

Friendly round dance!

So welcome, herringbone,

New Year is with us!

Song about a Christmas tree.

The snow is fluffy, white

Everyone is at home in lush hats

Silver patterns

Winter gave us.

We were looking forward to

First snowball.

Finally with us again

Russian Winter.

4 child: It's good that winter

Comes to visit us

And cheerful new Year

It leads to itself.

Song "First snow".

(The children sat on the chairs)

Veda: Guys, do you know that the New Year is a time of miracles. They say that if you want something badly, then it will certainly come true. For example, in New Year's night to see the Brownie with my own eyes. Do you know who the Brownie is? This is a kind old man who protects the house from all kinds of trouble. Would you like to see the Brownie? What if we get lucky? Only Brownies are afraid of noise and light. Let's sit quietly in the dark and wait.

The lights in the hall are turned off, only a garland flickering far from the tree is blinking, music is playing. After a short sound, the music falls silent and in the darkness a Brownie appears with a candle, walks, shuffling and grumbling.

Brownie: Ehehe! Calmed down, finally! Everything is the same, everyone day: turn off the light behind them, pick up the pieces of paper, but I’m not young, I have been living for 300 years. The whole economy is on me! And now here's another - the New Year was invented. What kind of New Year is this, what is it with? The tree has already been dressed up (walks around) Yes! Good! Heard the songs are being sung, getting ready (Pulls out a guitar, strumming it)... I love music - I have no strength, so I learned to play at night, I even composed a song about myself.

Sings to the tune of the song of Water from the movie "Flying ship":

I am a Brownie, I am a Brownie,

You will not meet with me during the day.

And I sit in the barn and sing songs.

Oh, what a pity!

Eh, my life, a tin!

Get her into the swamp!

The piano sounds like a bank!

And for me to play - (3 times)

Brownie (sighs): Oh, if I could sing with the guys, that would be a present for me!

I learned all the songs!

The light comes on

Veda: Brownie, and the guys and I heard everything!

Brownie (runs around the hall): Oh, what a disaster! Nowhere to hide! Well, you didn't see me, I didn't see you!


Brownie: It is impossible for us, Brownies, to show ourselves to people. If they find out about me, I am lost!

Veda: Don't be afraid, we won't tell anyone about you, right, guys?

Brownie: Well, if so, then okay.

Veda: We heard that you want to sing songs with us.

Brownie: Really want to!

Veda: Then join the guys.

Song "What kind of tree is this?"

Brownie: Oh, how great! Is my dream coming true! That's how miracles!

Veda: Wait, miracles are just beginning.

Brownie: How amazing! Can I play a little fancy?

Veda: Try it!

Brownie: Let it sound in the hall today

Our cheerful, ringing laughter.

Let the tree sparkle with lights

What is the most elegant of all!

Come out, fireflies,

Have fun circling

With their groovy dance

Light the Christmas tree!

Dance of the Fireflies

After the dance, lights are lit on the Christmas tree.

Veda: Thank you, Brownie! He helped us light the lights on the Christmas tree.

Children do not make noise

And sit quietly!

Hear, the snow crunches ...

Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

(The Snow Maiden enters the hall)

I love frosty frost

I can't live without a cold.

Santa Claus chose a name for me.

What are my friends?

(Children answer)

I see you were not lazy

And they did a great job!

Your tree is just a wonder

So smart and beautiful!

Only something is missing on it ...

Brownie:And I know: Beads are missing.


Round, beautiful

Hang on a ribbon

Shine, shimmer,

They are looking at the Christmas tree.

See how shine

beads on the tree.

And the beads shine

She has needles.

The girls put on their bright outfit

Dresses on beauties burn like beads.

What a bead, just a marvel!

How beautiful they burn!

Let's dance more fun!

We will delight all guests!

Dance of the beads.

Snow: Well done kids

We danced with all our hearts!

Brownie: Oh, oh, oh, the tree was dressed up, but they forgot to put things in order. I can hardly make it alone! We'll have to call assistants. Hey, Domovyata, come quickly to my aid!


Brownie: The beauty! Purity! Now I am satisfied, now I can rest. I liked singing and dancing with you, but it's time for me to leave. Goodbye kids!


Become, guys

Quickly into the round dance.

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the new year together!

General dance "Don't you dare quarrel"


Where is Santa Claus

It's time for him to come

He stayed on the way.

Santa Claus, ay, ay!

Do you hear me calling you?

Veda: No, he doesn't hear, silence.

Suddenly a snowdrift begins to move, whirls, stomps his feet, Baba Yaga appears from it, she wears the Snow Maiden's crown

Baba Yaga: Wow, poor me! How many I sat in a snowdrift, I can not straighten up.

(to children) Do you recognize me?

Children: Yes, Baba Yaga!

B. Yaga: What are you doing! It's me - the Snow Maiden! See what a figure!

Leading: That's how interesting! We will test you with a song!

Children: (singing) Tell me, Snegurochka, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

B. Yaga: (sings) The stupa broke by January, flew on a broomstick, oh, what am I saying (covers his mouth)

Children: Where do you live, Snegurochka, tell us, show us your crystal house ...

B. Yaga: My crystal castle on two legs

Children: Come on, come on, come out to dance

B. Yaga: No, kids, no kids, wait!

Leading: We, Yaga, recognized you. Would say hello to us!

B. Yaga: Say hello, well, this is very possible.

Hello to you, tree, thorny needle! Hello, boys, wow, you, my little mice!

Leading: You came to children's partylike the last ugly!

B. Yaga: What, are you afraid of me?

Leading: We are not at all afraid, we even invented a game with you.

(a game "Baba Yaga")

B. I: And now I will call my girlfriends.

1 We are sisters, we are girlfriends

2. We live in a forest, in a hut

1. The hut has one leg.

2. You are Yaga! And I am Yaga!

1. Oh, you guys look here!

Both girls and boys!

2 Fu you, well, you get dressed

How they sat down at the holiday.

1 Why did they dress up like that?

2. And why did you come here?

Everyone is singing and having fun

They lead a noisy round dance

Because today is a holiday

This holiday is New Year.

1 And we cancel the fun

2. We expel everyone from here!

(banging brooms)

1Okay, okay, aren't you afraid?

2 Well then hold on!

You don't make a noise, granny

Better sit down, rest.

We love to sing and dance

For guests to perform!

Dance "Babok Ezhek"

Baba Yaga: How did you like my hedgehogs? Guys, have you come to celebrate the new year? Are you waiting for Santa Claus with gifts? And I also love gifts, especially sweets.

Leading: If you want, Baba Yaga, we will treat you with sweets, just play with us first.

Attraction "Take the candy off the tree"

(the host collects candies in a bag)

Leading: Here, Babu Yaga, take the candy.

(Baba Yaga takes candy, tries)

Baba Yaga: Delicious candy! And why one, look, how greedy! Well, I'll show you some more!

(runs away)

Leading: Happy New Year,

We will start a round dance

We will sing songs, dance

To invite Santa Claus to visit!

Song "Kids are waiting for gifts"

Snow: Do you want me to help you to call Santa Claus? I'm a sorceress too. Then everybody repeat the magic words after me.

Let's clap our hands together!

We'll stamp everything with two feet!

Three - let's all scream together!

Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus (children and parents perform movements)

Santa Claus: I'm completely stuck in the snow, I can't get to you.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, throw us a rope and hold on to it, and the guys and I will pull you out.

Children grab the other end of the rope and pull it. Santa Claus appears.

Santa Claus:

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the guests!

Congratulations to all children!

Guys, I was in a hurry here!

Even on the road to the ravine fell through,

But it seems that he came to visit on time!

Leading: JM take a rest and listen to some poetry

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

Santa Claus did not forget you,

And for a holiday new Year

He brought a new song.

Get up in a round dance

Sing along!

Leading: Children will sing a song. "The Wizard D. Moroz"

Wow, how hot it became in the hall!

We all danced great!

Good grandfather, Santa Claus

He came to us for the evening.

How happy we are

New Year's meeting!

Grandfather Frost is a good man.

Smiling like this

The fur coat is so soft

And the beard is completely gray!

Santa Claus came to us

Dances with us

How good it is

Everyone at our Christmas tree.

We meet Santa Claus

We treat sweet tea,

Take a rest from the road

Frozen feet.

New Year's Eve

Miracles are everywhere.

And on our windows

Forests have grown.

Look how many trees and birches!

That's what an artist Santa Claus is!


Grandfather would come up with a game

Amused the kids!

Game with D. Moroz

Santa Claus: And now it's time for me to leave.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you haven't done something yet.

D. m.: How did you not? Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Children: Played.

Santa Claus: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Children: Danced.

Santa Claus: He sang songs, made children laugh?

Santa Claus: What else have I forgotten?

Snow Maiden (loudly in the ear): You forgot your gifts.

Santa Claus: Santa Claus has not forgotten you

Bring gifts to the cart!

(he takes out 2-3 packages, hands them over to the presenter or distributes them to the children. Vedas or children notice that the packages contain candy wrappers, orange peels, etc.)

Veda: Santa Claus, look, someone ate our gifts!

Santa Claus: How did you eat? (looks) And it’s true. But how is it? Who was it that misbehaved?

I'll have to get my magic mirror and look into it.

(looks in the mirror) And there is! so I thought! Look, granddaughter. Do you recognize the ugly?

Snow Maiden: Oh, Grandpa, it's Baba Yaga!

Santa Claus (gives a look to the presenter): See? That's who sits, eats your gifts. Well, now I'll talk to him!

Well, turn the staff,

Show Baba Yaga to the children!

(B. Ya. runs, eats candy on the go, throws candy wrappers or an orange, throws the peel, sits down under the tree with all its might and starts eating with appetite, not paying attention to anyone)

Santa Claus (indignantly): No, you admire her - she eats children's gifts, as if nothing had happened! Are you ashamed, Baba Yaga, to leave children without gifts?

Baba Yaga: Am I ashamed? Tell me, Santa Claus, without concealment, in front of everyone, do you bring gifts to children every year?

Santa Claus: Yes.

Baba Yaga: Have you brought it to me at least once? This is it, I also want it. Okay, I'll return your gifts ... the rest

i saved the candy

You can't eat this candy!

She's magical friends!

I will rake the snow under the tree,

I'll put the candy there!

I start to conjure

I'll run around the tree, I'll wave a broom a couple of times,

I will shout out loud "Yum Yum Yum"

And I will give all the gifts.

(takes out a large candy from the craft (there are gifts, distribution of gifts)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, and they are waiting for us,

Guys, both there and here.

After all, everyone wants gifts

Very tasty, very sweet.

Santa Claus: Yes, yes, rather on the road,

And don't forget the gifts.

Congratulations to everyone guys

I wish you laughter, joy,

Live a year without upset

And more luck to you

So that there is no hassle

I'll be back to you in a year.

Baba Yaga: Yes, and it's time for me to go to the salon,

I have become kind now

I will hurry to the forest,

I'll tell everyone about it.

(heroes leave)

Leading: Wonderful winter gives a holiday -

And both young and old are waiting for him,

To experience moments of happiness

Wish at midnight to make!

He brings hope with him

And faith in a fairy tale, and in a dream,

And into the beauty of bright, snowy days!

Good luck in a happy year!