Treatment of diarrhea in goslings at home. Diseases of goslings: how to recognize the disease and prevent the death of young animals. Methods for treating diarrhea in goslings

Goose diseases can occur for a number of reasons. These include poor quality feed, drafts, low temperature, high humidity in the room, dirty bedding, and inappropriate conditions of detention.

When raising geese, you need to follow some mandatory requirements, which at the same time are preventive measures. Healthy livestock can be raised only by maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room, feeding with high-quality and complete feed, keeping the house clean, and having clean and fresh water in the required volumes.

Despite the fact that geese are unpretentious birds and they have a fairly high resistance to various diseases, you can face problems in their health and development at any time. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the diseases of geese and their symptoms, you will learn what little goslings are sick with and how to treat diseases, what antibiotics to use and what preventive measures to take.

Diseases of little goslings: symptoms and treatment

In the first days of life, goslings need to carefully monitor their content and diet. The body of the chicks is still weak and most susceptible to disease. Any attack can lead to the death of a large number of livestock.

There are quite a few diseases of young geese and it is chicks that are susceptible to them. Modern poultry farming implies, among other things, the development of veterinary medicine - medicine does not stand still and some diseases can be successfully combated.

Diseases in goslings: signs and treatment

Viral enteritis

Chicks aged 5-12 days are mainly susceptible to such diseases. However, the virus can infect birds up to 3 weeks of age. Most often, the heart and intestines are affected, but to a greater extent - the liver. The mortality rate for such a disease can be up to 95% of the livestock. Viral enteritis can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through a hatching egg.

The bird behaves sluggishly, often freezes, freezes in one place with closed eyes. In later stages, liquid feces with bloody discharge may appear. If goslings can be cured of the virus, then they will still lag behind in development from a healthy livestock in the future.

Prevention and treatment
To protect the chicks from this scourge, small goslings are vaccinated with special preparations when they are 20-38 days old. In addition, it is recommended to vaccinate an adult bird 1.5 months before the start of egg-laying.


The disease, which is also called Paratyphoid, is very difficult. Goslings between 5 and 30 days old are particularly susceptible to this disease. The main sources of the virus are rodents, poor quality feed, sick birds.

The goslings are drowsy, inactive, drink a lot, vilify, their eyes are often closed. The disease is fatal after 2-4 days.

Prevention and treatment
The sick bird is isolated from the main stock. The room where the infected turkey poults were kept, as well as the feeders, drinkers are completely disinfected. Goslings are sick with salmonellosis - how to treat? The main and most effective drug is furazolidone. Give it for 7-10 days, 5 mg once a day, adding to the feed.


The virus causes a large mortality among young animals. The main cause of this disease in geese is the litter (or food) in which mold has formed.

Goslings fall to their feet, become drowsy and lethargic, begin to sneeze, in order to breathe in air, they stretch their necks.

Prevention and treatment
The first step is to remove the litter from the house and fire the floors and walls with a blowtorch. Another preventive measure is the treatment of sick chicks with aluminum iodine aerosol. The disease can be cured with the drug nystatin, which must be given along with food at 20-30 mg per kilogram of weight.


In the list of diseases of young goslings, this virus is the most common. Most commonly transmitted through infected birds. Geese are sources of the disease for a long time even after complete recovery.

The main ones are diarrhea, drowsiness, lethargy, constant drinking. The chicks become so weak that they can hardly move.

Prevention and treatment
The first step is to isolate the infected chicks from the main herd. For prophylaxis, baytril is usually given (added to water).

Pasteurellosis (cholera)

A disease caused by pasteurella bacteria. It mainly affects immature organisms in goslings. Carried by rodents, the virus can be transmitted by air, food or water. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are most often created in cold and damp weather.

Symptoms include depression, lack of appetite, wheezing, and constant thirst. In goslings with this ailment, mucus flows from the beak, feathers stick out, and droppings come out with bloody discharge. In the later stages of the disease, the chicks begin to fall from lack of strength. Sulfonamides and antibiotics are used for treatment. The best prevention is regular cleaning, cleaning and disinfection of the house.

Important! The above diseases of geese are treated, but the infection may not leave the body for a very long time. Therefore, such a bird should not be allowed on the tribe. The best option is to fatten for meat.

Video: why goslings are dying

We present to your attention a useful video from Igor Lunin, in which he talks about why the goslings die and what to do, as well as how to treat them so that this does not happen.

What geese are sick with: symptoms and treatment of major diseases

Infectious diseases of geese, their symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment


Males are most often affected by this ailment. Geese can become infected from dirty bedding, pathogens are mainly staphylococci and streptococci. During the development of the infection (30-45 days), the bird noticeably decreases in weight, then the following symptoms appear: swelling of the affected areas, ulcers, redness in the anus. Sick individuals are usually cleaned, and the premises and equipment are thoroughly disinfected.


Fever, foamy droppings, lack of appetite, and constant thirst are all clear signs of this disease.

Reasons: poor quality food and drink, a room without ventilation, unacceptable conditions of detention. The disease cannot be treated and the infected bird will have to be removed. The poultry house and all equipment must be treated with formaldehyde or bleach.

For prophylaxis, geese are given a furacilin solution. The main antibiotics are neomycin (50 g per 1 kg of live weight). The drug is given along with food for 7-10 days.

Non-infectious diseases of domestic geese


Diseases of the paws in geese can occur precisely because of a lack of vitamins and because of an unbalanced diet. For example, if the bird's body lacks vitamin B2, then the quality of the hatching egg and egg production in general will most likely decrease. Lack of vitamin E can lead to problems with the nervous system, which manifests itself in an unnatural throwing of the head back and muscle twitching.

Yolk peritonitis

Females suffer from this ailment during oviposition. The main reason is the ingress of the yolk mass into the intestines, as a result of which inflammation begins. In this case, the abdomen increases significantly in size, the temperature rises.

The disease can also be caused by a lack of vitamins, excessive protein content, fear, physical damage. There are no methods of treatment that could help. For prevention, crowding of females should not be allowed, constantly monitor the cleanliness in the poultry house, and provide geese with high-quality food.

Oviduct prolapse

Inflammation of the oviduct tract, anus, frequent constipation and diarrhea, as well as the laying of too large eggs can lead to the loss of this organ.

The fallen oviduct must be placed back. To do this, it is washed with water with the addition of potassium permanganate and put back into the anus. It is very difficult for geese with such an ailment to carry eggs, so they need to be helped - to get the eggs with clean hands whole or if this is impossible in parts.


Choline and manganese deficiency in the body can cause perosis. With this disease, the development of young animals slows down, it becomes difficult for the bird to walk - the legs give way, and walking can lead to dislocation of the legs.

Blockage of the esophagus

Too frequent feeding with dry food, lack of water can lead to a blockage of the esophagus. The bird becomes very restless, it develops shortness of breath, weakness, staggering when walking, its beak is constantly open.

The most common are downy eaters. When they spread, geese begin to develop poorly, egg production in geese decreases. For prevention, special ointments are used, for treatment - pest control.


Stale food and dirty water are the main causes of worms. The bird begins to lose weight before our eyes, its immunity decreases. It is optimal to prevent the appearance of worms, since it is very difficult to treat geese for them. Preventive measures include regular house cleaning and disinfection.

Goose poisoning

Poultry can get poisoned from moldy, spoiled food, the use of poisonous plants, fertilizers and poisons. Poisoning can take on a chronic form. Symptoms include restless behavior, constant thirst, seizures, and liquid droppings.

A poisoned bird can die very quickly. To cure the geese, a light vinegar solution is added to the water, the eyes are washed with water. If the food is the cause of the poisoning, then herbal decoctions, vodka, vegetable oil are used for treatment.

For prophylaxis, you should constantly monitor the cleanliness of the room, feeders and drinkers. Do not feed the geese with potatoes and beets during treatment.


Every poultry breeder should know that it is possible to avoid large losses among the livestock by taking measures at the initial stage of the disease. A clean house with ventilation and lighting, regular cleaning, and a well-balanced diet is the key to healthy bird growth.

An acute disease of young goslings, characterized by damage to the intestines, heart, liver and accompanied by a high mortality rate of young animals (30-95%) in the first three weeks after hatching, but more often 6 - 12-day-old young animals are ill. The disease is very contagious and is transmitted from sick and ill birds through hatching eggs. Infection occurs through the air or with food and water.

The disease is caused by a virus that is localized in the internal organs. The main source of the disease is sick birds that excrete the virus with droppings. A bird that has been ill for a long time (3-4 years) remains a virus carrier.

The main symptoms of the disease are as follows: goslings are depressed, gather in small groups, tremble, strive for warmth, stand more with half-closed eyes, sometimes completely fall asleep, lowering their head or tilting it to one side, often yawning, do not react to sound, there is no appetite. Some birds have conjunctivitis, nasal discharge. In the future, watery diarrhea with an admixture of blood appears. Sick and recovered goslings lag sharply behind in growth and development.

At autopsy of the dead bird, a slightly enlarged heart is noted, the myocardium is pale, flabby, the color of boiled meat. The liver is enlarged, filled with blood, the gallbladder is filled with bile. The spleen is light pink, sometimes dark red. The glandular stomach usually contains mucus. The intestines are inflamed. In young goslings, catarrhal and hemorrhagic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is more often found, and in older ones, fibrinous inflammation.

For the purpose of prophylaxis, young and adult geese are vaccinated with a live vaccine. Replacement young animals are vaccinated once at 21 - 28 days of age, adult geese - 1.5 months before the start of egg-laying, again after two weeks.

Vaccination of geese against viral enteritis in the goose-breeding farm is mandatory.

Pasteurellosis (cholera)

An infectious contagious disease proceeding overly acute, acutely or chronically with symptoms of septicemia and high mortality. Domestic and wild birds of all kinds are sick, geese and ducks are especially susceptible.

The source of infection is a sick and recovered bird, and the factors of transmission are contaminated water, feed, care items, and ambient air.

The incubation period lasts from several hours to 2-5 days. A hyperacute course is characterized by the sudden death of an apparently healthy bird. At the same time, the number of dead birds is growing rapidly.

In the acute course of the disease, the bird becomes lethargic, frothy mucus stretches from the nasal openings and beak. The body temperature is increased to 43.5 degrees. The stool is thin, gray, yellow, or greenish, sometimes mixed with blood. There is no appetite, a strong thirst appears, general weakness, and the bird dies.

The chronic course of pasteurellosis is observed after an acute manifestation of the disease. Viscous outflows appear from the nasal openings of a sick bird, and difficulty breathing is observed. In adult geese, arthritis and inflammation of the tendon sheaths are noted, as a result of which lameness and drooping of one or both wings are expressed. The disease lasts from several weeks to several months. A bird that has had pasteurellosis acquires immunity, but is an open carrier of infection.

With the hyperacute course of pasteurellosis, there are no changes in the corpses of birds. Well-fed geese usually die. Sometimes exudate is found in the heart shirt, and punctate hemorrhages under the epicardium.

In the acute course of the disease in a dead bird, hemorrhages are found on the epicardium, serous membranes of the digestive organs, peritoneum, pleura and subcutaneous tissue. The pericardium and epicardium are covered with numerous hemorrhages and, as it were, splattered with blood. An accumulation of fibrous exudate is found in the abdominal cavity.

In the chronic course of the disease, the corpses are emaciated, the liver is enlarged, cherry-colored, and necrotic foci are found in its parenchyma. Pulmonary edema is sometimes observed.

When a disease is established, all sick birds from a dysfunctional poultry house are immediately killed. The poultry house, walking areas, the area adjacent to the poultry house are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. At the same time, the geese of other poultry houses are provided with adequate feeding and their living conditions are improved. The following antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed to the remaining livestock for prophylactic purposes: biomycin once subcutaneously at a dose of 25,000 - 50,000 per 1 kg of live weight; chloramphenicol at a dose of 30 mg / kg of live weight mixed with 1 g of fish oil 2 times a day for 5 consecutive days; sulfadimezin at a dose of 0.2 g per head 2 times a day with feed for 5-6 days; sulfadimezin in the form of a 1% solution instead of drinking water; spofadizin with feed 2 times a day at a dose of 0.075 g per 1 kg of live weight of a bird for 3-4 days.

Geese can be vaccinated against pasteurellosis no earlier than 5 days after the use of drugs. For vaccination, a live or inactivated vaccine is used.

Salmonellosis (paratyphoid)

Acute illness. The most susceptible goslings are from 5 days to one month old. But the chronic course is also observed in adult geese. A sick bird for a long time (up to 2.5 years) can remain a carrier of bacteria and carry infected eggs, from which infected goslings are hatched. The susceptibility of goslings to this disease increases with poor feeding and maintenance, underheating or overheating. A sick bird with droppings excretes the causative agent of the disease - Salmonella. They are very resistant to unfavorable environmental factors, retain the ability to infect birds, being in droppings for up to 1 year 8 months, in the soil for up to 120 days, on the surface of premises for up to 150 days. Salmonella remains in frozen carcasses for up to 2-3 years, which poses a certain danger to people.

Salmonellosis proceeds with lightning speed, acutely, subacutely and chronically. With a lightning-fast course, no clinical signs of the disease are observed, death occurs suddenly.

In the acute course of the disease, weakness, drowsiness, thirst, decreased appetite, and shortness of breath are noted. Nervous phenomena are characteristic: convulsions, paralysis. Lacrimation appears, turning into purulent conjunctivitis.

With the subacute course of the disease, goslings have difficulty breathing, diarrhea. The surviving goslings are emaciated and develop poorly.

Chronic disease often occurs in young adults. In this case, diarrhea, exhaustion, swelling in the joints, lameness, nervous phenomena, conjunctivitis are observed. In an adult bird, the disease proceeds without visible signs. During oviposition, sick geese have inflammation of the cloaca, oviduct, and ovaries. Sometimes their joints swell, wings drop, diarrhea appears.

When a dead bird is opened, an accumulation of exudate is found in the pericardial sac, the heart is flabby, the lungs are hyperemic, the liver is enlarged 1.5-2 times, filled with blood, fibrous overlays are noticeable on its surface. In the liver parenchyma, multiple necrotic nodules of a grayish-yellowish color are found. The gallbladder is enlarged, filled with bile. Catarrhal inflammation of the intestines is noted, in some cases, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) is observed.

When diagnosed with salmonellosis, sick and suspected birds are removed from the herd and killed. The inventory, premises and adjacent territory are disinfected with a 3% sodium hydroxide solution, a 2% formaldehyde solution or a 2% fresh lime solution. Drinking bowls and feeders are thoroughly washed in hot water and disinfected with a 5% solution of bleach.

The most effective therapeutic agents are nitrofuran preparations (up to 5 mg furazolidone per one gosling with feed once a day for 8-10 days in a row), antibiotics (biomycin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, 20 mg per 1 kg of live weight with feed 2 times a day for within 5-10 days), sulfonamides (sulfadimezin 200 mg per 1 kg of live weight with feed 2 times a day for 3-5 days).

Conditionally infected young geese are immunized orally with a live avirulent vaccine against salmonellosis of waterfowl at the age of 2-4 days, if the parent flock has not been vaccinated before the start of laying. Against the background of maternal immunity, goslings are vaccinated at the age of 8-10 days. An adult bird is vaccinated twice 20-30 days before the start of the productive period with an interval of 4-5 days. The administration of medications is stopped 28-45 hours before vaccination.

Salmonellosis refers to zoonoses, that is, it can be transmitted from person to bird, and vice versa.


Acute, subacute and chronic disease of geese, characterized by damage to the respiratory organs. Young animals have a high mortality rate, an adult bird is more resistant.

The causative agent of the disease is a microscopic fungus from the genus Aspergillus. Infection occurs aerogenically, aspergillus penetrates into the internal organs (heart, liver) with the blood stream.

The source of the pathogen is sick birds, as well as infected feed, litter, and soil. The spread of aspergillosis is possible through incubators, where fungal spores enter with hatching eggs from dysfunctional poultry houses. Fungi cause the death of embryos, a large number of "cuffs" appear, which burst and infect the environment. Goslings become infected during hatching in the first days of life, as a result of inhalation of air containing fungal spores. Dampness in the room, wet litter, disturbance of the microclimate, crowding of birds predispose to the onset of the disease. The disease most often occurs in the spring.

A distinctive feature of Aspergillus is unpretentiousness to living conditions and high resistance to the action of chemical and physical factors.

A sick bird becomes lethargic, drowsy, inactive. In the acute course of the disease, the respiratory organs are mainly affected. During inhalation, a sick bird stretches its neck, opens its beak, swallows air, and sneezes often. A serous, sometimes frothy fluid flows out of the beak and nasal openings. With the defeat of the air sacs, exhalation is accompanied by a wheezing wheezing. Upset of the gastrointestinal tract appears, progressive exhaustion. Before death, the bird has convulsions. Among goslings, mortality can be 50-100%.

On autopsy, a lesion in the larynx, at the site of the trachea bifurcation, in separate air sacs is noted in a dead bird. In the lungs, nodules of various sizes (from small millet to large) are found. With a prolonged process, Aspergillus nodules form in the trachea, bronchi, lungs, as well as the liver, spleen, and kidneys. The nodules are dense, gray-white or yellowish-gray. White plaque forms on the mucous and serous membranes.

The most effective destruction of the fungus in the external environment and in the poultry house is burning the walls of the room, metal objects, and equipment with a blowtorch (flamethrower) fire. The use of formaldehyde in the form of an aerosol is also effective. It has been found that vitamin A concentrate increases the resistance of young poultry to aspergillosis.

In case of an outbreak of the disease, it is recommended to use an iodine aerosol at the rate of 20 ml of a 0.5% solution per 1 cubic meter of room for 5-6 days with an exposure of 40 minutes. It is recommended to give a 0.05% solution of copper sulfate with drinking water for 3-5 days in a row. For the purpose of prevention, goslings can be treated with aluminum iodine aerosol. Nystatin is also used at a dose of 25-30 mg per 1 kg of live weight of a bird with feed 2 times a day for 7-10 days.

The main condition for the effective action of drugs is the exclusion of moldy food and mold litter. With aspergillosis, antibiotics are prohibited, since they contribute to the development of the fungus.


An infectious disease of young animals, less often an adult bird is sick.

The main source of infection is sick geese that excrete the pathogen with droppings, as well as contaminated items, equipment, food, water, etc. A recovered bird remains a carrier of infection for a long time, the disease is transmitted through eggs.

The disease is facilitated by violations of the veterinary and sanitary regime, technology of keeping and feeding.

In young animals, colibacillosis is acute and manifests itself in depression, thirst, and drowsiness. Conjunctivitis, nervous phenomena, diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood are possible. Two-three-month-old goslings become weaker, can hardly get up and move slowly. An adult sick bird has prolapse of the oviduct, inflammation of the ovaries, and peritonitis. The disease manifests itself especially strongly during oviposition. At the same time, the death rate of geese reaches 20%.

When young animals are opened, an increase and filling of the liver and spleen with blood are found. The vessels of the mesentery and kidneys are hyperemic. In the pericardial sac, an accumulation of straw-colored serous exudate is noted. The small intestine is inflamed. In an adult bird, the liver is light brown, dense, brittle, the ovary is hemorrhagic inflamed, the ovarian mucosa is catarrhally inflamed, in males there are punctate hemorrhages in the testes. Sometimes, single and multiple tumor-like formations from a pea to a chicken egg are found in the cecum, liver, less often in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, oviduct, lungs, air sacs.

The sick bird is killed and destroyed. Clinically healthy herds are treated. Antibiotics are prescribed to determine the sensitivity of the isolated microbial cultures. It should be noted that pathogenic colibacteria quickly acquire resistance to antibiotics, therefore, the regimen and method for the prevention and treatment of colibacillosis should be periodically changed. The best remedies are neomycin 50 g once a day with feed for 6-10 days, biomycin and tetracycline 20 mg each, chloramphenicol 30 mg per 1 kg of poultry live weight. An excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of colibacillosis is baytril, which is given to the bird with water.

Passive immunity is transmitted to young animals through eggs and lasts for 1-3 weeks, active immunity lasts up to three months and is developed during vaccination. The vaccine is given to young animals at 3 and 6 days of age.

As a prophylactic agent, for the first 3 days, propionic acidophilic broth culture is drunk for goslings in the ratio of 1 ml of the drug to 10 ml of water instead of water.

Incubators are treated with formaldehyde vapors, and day-old goslings are treated with antibiotic aerosols.

Compliance with sanitary requirements, feeding and maintenance regimes, as well as feeding the bird vitamin supplements helps to prevent the disease.


Acute infectious disease of young geese. The causative agent is a short stick. The microbe is unstable in the external environment. When exposed to a temperature of +50 degrees, he dies within 10 minutes, and +60 degrees kills him after 30 seconds. Low temperatures, on the contrary, preserve the pathogen, as it were. So, at a temperature of -17 degrees, it lasts up to two months. Indoors - on walls, bedding, sand, forage - at room temperature the pathogen remains viable for no more than three days, and in water - up to 50 days.

Disinfectants kill the pathogen pretty quickly. So, when exposed to 1% sodium hydroxide solution, 1% creolin emulsion, 0.5% solutions of bleach, carbolic acid, it loses its viability after 3 minutes.

Young geese are susceptible to the disease. Infection occurs through scratches and trauma to the skin, as well as the consumption of contaminated feed and water. Infection is also possible through the respiratory organs. The main source of infection is a sick bird, which releases the pathogen into the external environment. The sick young animals develop weakness, the body temperature rises to + 43-44 degrees, and the appetite is lost. The geese's wings hang down, the young sit with an open beak, breathe often, sometimes wheezing is heard. Swelling of the head and legs is often noted. After 2-5 days, coordination of movements is disturbed, diarrhea appears. The mortality rate among diseased goslings reaches 70%.

When a disease appears, obviously sick goslings are killed, the carcasses are scalded with boiling water. Conditionally healthy young animals are transferred to a clean room, and the former are disinfected. For prophylactic purposes, instead of water, a 0.5% solution of hydrochloric acid or formalin diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 10000 is drunk.

Geese neisseriosis

An infectious disease characterized by reddening of the mucous membrane of the cloaca of geese, the formation of fibrinous scabs, bleeding erosions, swelling of the affected tissues. In ganders, the disease is manifested by sclerotic inflammation of the penis, curvature and prolapse of the organ from the cloaca. The causative agent is diplococcus from the genus Neisseria. The accompanying microflora can be staphylococci, streptococci, proteas and other bacteria. Geese over the age of 16 months are susceptible to the disease. Geese are especially susceptible to infection.

The disease proceeds in the form of an epizootic, as well as sporadic cases and is characterized by a sharp increase in the number of unfertilized eggs (up to 90%), since the gander lose the ability to mate. Cases of death of adult geese from the disease were noted (2.5 -12%).

The source of the pathogen is sick and recovered geese. Infection occurs through sexual contact, transmission of infection through an infected bedding is possible. The incubation period of the disease is 3-15 days. The disease occurs during the breeding period, when geese mate. The duration of the disease is 1-1.5 months. The bird loses weight and dies when the septic process occurs.

With a pathological autopsy of a dead bird, changes in the cloaca and penis (fibrinous scabs, erosion, ulcers, scars, sclerotic changes) and peritonitis are noted. The diagnosis of neisseriosis is established on the basis of a complex of epizootological, clinical, pathological data and laboratory studies (detection of diplococcus in pathological material, isolation of the pathogen culture and bioassay). Neisseriosis of geese should be differentiated from diseases of the cloaca and penis, in which the causes may be injuries, competitive fights of ganders, poor conditions of detention, vitamin deficiency.

Bicillin-3 (once, at a dose of 60 thousand units / kg of live weight) or bicillin-5 is administered intramuscularly to birds from a dysfunctional herd for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Simultaneously with the feed, chloramphenicol is given at 0.15 g per head twice a day for five days. Instead of chloramphenicol, tetracycline or monomycin can be given with food. If necessary, this course of treatment is repeated after 6-8 days.

In the breeding season, once every 1-1.5 months, a clinical examination of the genitals of geese is carried out and individuals who are sick and suspected of the disease are discarded. The rest of the bird is given antibiotics. This procedure is repeated during the autumn acquisition of the parental herd of geese. Production facilities, walking areas, containers and equipment are disinfected in accordance with the instructions.

The goose, like other birds, needs care. Geese are susceptible to many diseases, so you need to know in advance why they arise and what needs to be done so that the birds do not die.

Geese viral enteritis is an infectious disease that affects the liver, heart, kidneys, brain, gastrointestinal tract and can lead to death of the bird. If left untreated, the birds die. Enteritis is also called Hold's disease. The disease is widespread throughout the world, including Russia. Young birds 6-20 days old are very sensitive to enteritis.

In adult geese, this disease occurs without any symptoms. If they have been cured of the virus, then they, one way or another, remain carriers of the virus for 3-4 years.

The causative agent of the virus is small and it multiplies in the nucleus of cells. At a temperature of + 4 °, the virus can persist for 2-5 years. It is thermally stable.

Viral enteritis of geese is transmitted transovarially (through mothers to their children), alimentary, aerogenic and contact. The epidemic often begins in March and April. It is worth noting that the virus enters the body of young animals along with food or water. First, the virus is sent to the intestines, attaches to the crypts of the mucous membrane, thus provoking their detachment and cell lysis. Then it enters the bloodstream and enters all organs.

The main causes of the disease:

  • increased density of stocking of young birds for growing;
  • poor living conditions for birds.


The duration of the incubation period is 2-6 days. It happens that immediately after the penetration of the virus, the goose dies in a few hours without preliminary clinical signs. There are cases of asymptomatic disease. In birds of different ages, the symptoms of enteritis may differ.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • acute course - weakness, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, sudden depression, poor coordination of movements, feather loss on the neck and back, conjunctivitis, frequent squeak and lack of response to sound;
  • subacute course - a sharp decrease in growth, poor appetite, dermatitis, sagging abdomen, conjunctivitis, diarrhea with bloody discharge;
  • chronic course - the onset of diarrhea, the complete cessation of the growth of young animals.


As soon as signs of viral enteritis were found, quarantine should be immediately introduced and unhealthy geese should be destroyed. Otherwise, they will infect others and die themselves. It is very important to see the disease in the early stages, since even its medical treatment does not guarantee the bird's recovery. For treatment, convalescent serum, antibiotics, citrated blood are used. After that, all surviving and cured geese are immunized.

Pullorosis (white diarrhea)

Pullorosis, or white diarrhea, is an infectious disease that infects the intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, and other parenchymal organs. In Russia, the infection was first detected and registered in 1924. The causative agent of white diarrhea is Salmonella pullorum gallinosum - a stick in the shape of the letter L with rounded ends. The pathogen is growing on MPA (mesopatamia agar).

White diarrhea is a fairly common disease. If not found in time, most of the herd will die. Geese are more susceptible to it, especially at a young age. Pullorosis is transmitted through infected eggs and droppings, which can enter food, water, and contact with infected birds.

It should be noted that in recovered geese, the causative agent of pullorosis remains and is located in the organs of egg formation. Periodically, it is excreted along with the eggs. Salmonella pullorum gallinosum can be found in the yolk, white, or shell. The bacillus can also be transmitted through an infected person, animal, as well as through food, bedding, water. When the pathogen enters the respiratory or digestive organs, together with the blood it enters the liver, spleen, ovaries and causes inflammation.

The main causes of infection with this diarrhea:

  • poor economic and economic conditions;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • long transportation;
  • hypothermia.


There is white congenital and postnatal diarrhea.

Symptoms of congenital diarrhea:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • poor appetite;
  • lowered wings;
  • falling feathers;
  • glued down fluff near the cloaca;
  • breathing with an open beak;
  • discharge of white mucous feces.

Signs of postnatal diarrhea:

  • weakness;
  • poor coordination of movements;
  • lowered wings;
  • legs wide apart;
  • inflammation of the joints.

The incubation period for infection is 1-6 days.


For the treatment of white diarrhea, various antibiotics are used (Biomycin and Furazolidone, Dibiomycin, Biovit, Terramycin), sulfanilamide, nitrofuran medicines. Sick birds must be immediately destroyed, and conditionally healthy ones must be treated. Otherwise, all the birds in the barn will begin to die.

Sulfadimezin with a concentration of 0.05-0.1% is directly added to the feed and given to birds for 2 weeks. After the drug stop giving and repeat the course in 2-3 days. 0.1-0.2% sulfadimezin is added to water. After recovering from white diarrhea, geese are regularly checked in laboratories, and their eggs are disinfected.

Birds limp

Violations in the musculoskeletal system of a goose can occur not only due to injury, but also due to infection with infectious diseases. Why do birds limp and what to do about it?

Possible causes of lameness:

  • physical damage (bruise, fracture, dislocation of the joint);
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • salmonellosis.

How can I help you?

If the goose begins to limp, it is necessary to diagnose the bird for infectious diseases. To do this, you need to measure the temperature, check the droppings and see if there is any discharge from the eyes and nose. The surest sign of infection is poor general condition of the body, lack of appetite.

  1. In case of an ordinary bruise, you can lubricate with a special bruise ointment, which is sold at the pharmacy. A dislocation or fracture does not need to be treated on your own, but you should contact your veterinarian.
  2. To make up for the lack of vitamin D and prevent rickets, it is necessary to give the goose vitamin D3, calcium, fish oil, phosphorus. It is also necessary to provide the birds with sunlight every day.
  3. Pasteurellosis is a very dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the joints, so the bird will not be able to move at all. Symptoms of pasteurellosis include frothy nasal discharge, gray feces, ruffled feathers, drooping wings, and rapid and heavy breathing. In this situation, the goose must be urgently isolated from other birds and treated.
  4. Another cause of lameness can be the presence of an infectious disease - salmonellosis. In such a situation, it is also necessary to isolate the bird and treat it, vaccinate it. Otherwise, a large number of households will die.

Geese lower their wings

If you see drooping wings in at least one goose, quickly isolate the bird and diagnose it, since the wings often drop in the event of an infectious disease. But how do you do it?

How can I help you?

Dropped wings can be a sign of pasteurellosis (cholera). The disease is also accompanied by lameness, fever and mucous nasal discharge. The poultry farmer needs to go to the laboratory and pass tests on the bird with the wings down to confirm the infection, otherwise the bird will die. After that, treatment with antibiotics or other medications is carried out.

Lowered wings may indicate influenza. This is an acute infectious disease to which young geese are very susceptible. If birds do not eat well, breathe with their beak, coordinate movements poorly, their head and legs swell. Such birds must be killed before they die, and the carcasses must be scalded with boiling water. Conditionally infected birds are treated with medication.

Peck eggs

Are the geese eating their eggs? Not sure why this is happening and what to do? Everything is very simple and the fault lies with the poultry farmer, who did not provide his birds with a balanced diet.


Very often poultry farmers observe that their birds, especially in winter, peck their eggs. Birds eat their eggs for only a few important reasons, which are related to nutrition and the environment.

Reasons for geese eating their own eggs:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • the presence of pure eggshells in the feed;
  • violation of the temperature regime in the barn;
  • the presence of ticks in the room;
  • incorrect and old bedding;
  • toxic substances in feed;
  • incorrect placement of nests;
  • very quick change of diet.

Solution to the problem

To eliminate the problem of eating eggs, it is necessary to analyze each cause and act comprehensively. In case of a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, birds are given more vitamin D3, calcium.

Remember, geese need a minimum of 5-7 grams of protein per day. Their diet should include fish meat and bone meal, fat-free cottage cheese, vitamin hay from legumes, carrots, beets, and potatoes.

If you give eggshells to birds, they get used to the smell and mistake their eggs for food. Correctly grind the egg shells very finely and add to the feed. Chalk and shell can be given in pure form.

If there are no problems with their nutrition, then analyze the habitat of the geese, namely the barn. Create comfortable nests for layers and distribute them well. Each nest must be equipped with a special opening for the passage of eggs, thanks to which the fruits will be isolated from the geese.

If you notice that only one layer is eating its eggs, immediately separate it from the flock for a few days and individually feed it with special dietary supplements with calcium and other vitamins and minerals. If, among other birds, she starts eating her eggs again, discard her. Now you know what are the causes of this disease of birds and what to do in order to avoid it.

Video "Why do geese die"

We present to your attention an entertaining video of a farmer on why goslings are dying and how to feed them correctly.

Diarrhea in goslings is a dangerous disease, since their body does not yet have stable immunity and is too weak to independently withstand negative environmental factors. Diarrhea can manifest itself as a separate specific reaction to stimuli, and as a symptom of other serious diseases. Untimely treatment can lead to the death of birds due to dehydration, as well as the spread of the disease to all livestock of the farm.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Diarrhea in goslings manifests itself in the form of loose stools (sometimes mixed with blood and a fetid odor), loss of appetite and high fever. Birds become sleepy, lethargic, plumage looks disheveled. Sick birds most often sit in one place, sometimes fall, tipping over on their backs.

The cause of diarrhea in young geese is most often a violation of the conditions of detention, the use of poor-quality feed and dirty water. The weak body of young poultry can react with indigestion and intestinal upset to hypothermia due to being kept in a damp, draft-filled room.

Treatment of diarrhea in goslings

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after laboratory tests. He will advise on how to treat the gosling and what to do to prevent the spread of the disease to other birds on the farm.

You should not try to treat goslings on your own without identifying the cause of the disease, since the wrong choice of drugs and their dosage can only worsen the condition of the birds. As a first aid, you can use folk recipes.

Sick goslings are fed with warm boiled potatoes. The starch in potatoes will help to secure the stool, which will prevent the goose from quickly dehydrating. A mixture of finely chopped cabbage with bran can also help against diarrhea, which should be sprinkled with tobacco ash to improve the effect.

Diarrhea caused by hypothermia should be treated by watering the bird with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 days.

If the cause is an infection, you will have to resort to the help of sulfa drugs (sulfadimezine, norsulfazole) or broad-spectrum antibiotics (penicillin, biomycin, oxytetracycline). These preparations are most often used within 5 days by mixing the birds into drinking water.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the prevention of diseases in goslings, since it is very difficult, and often impossible, to cure a weak young organism. First of all, it is necessary to provide the conditions necessary for growing healthy birds. To do this, you need to keep the goslings in a warm, draft-free room, which should be cleaned regularly. It is also necessary to provide birds with dry bedding and clean water.

One of the ways to prevent infectious diseases is to keep birds of different ages separately. It is also necessary to restrict access to the poultry house of such carriers of diseases as rats and mice. To do this, you need to place traps and traps in places that are safe for goslings.

When entering the room in which the goslings are kept, it is necessary to spread a rug made of porous material. As it dries, it needs to be soaked in a disinfectant solution to avoid transferring infection to the shoes.

When transferring birds to another room, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning using a 2% caustic soda solution.

In order to avoid the spread of the disease to all livestock, it is necessary to isolate sick birds in time. In order to identify them in a timely manner, it is necessary to carry out regular inspections of the livestock for the presence of sluggish, ruffled goslings that have no appetite.

Particular attention should be paid to white diarrhea in goslings. It is often a symptom of a dangerous disease of pullorosis with a high mortality rate, in which even cured individuals remain carriers of the infection for life. Therefore, it is important to identify the sick bird in time and slaughter it.

How to treat diarrhea in goslings?

Today, this type of activity, such as keeping and breeding goslings in agriculture and at home, is the most profitable and profitable in terms of productivity, since as a result you can get meat, fluff and fresh eggs.

It is important to know that diarrhea caused by infectious diseases is most dangerous for goslings, as the body weakens and dehydrates, which can lead to the death of goslings. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment is essential.

In many cases, with the exception of infectious diseases, diarrhea in goslings can be treated with folk remedies. One example would be regular potatoes. It needs to be boiled and given to the goslings warm. Thanks to starch, potatoes tend to strengthen the stool in case of diarrhea.

Thus, the article examined the main causes and symptoms of a disease such as diarrhea in goslings. In conclusion, we can add that timely preventive measures and adherence to the rules of sanitation and hygiene will help to avoid such problems.

Diarrhea in goslings: how to treat, causes

The main\u003e Poultry\u003e Geese\u003e How to cure diarrhea in goslings

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Today, the breeding of domestic goslings in rural areas is a fairly profitable business. This is an excellent income, as well as a chance to provide relatives with high-quality natural meat products. Every animal, even with proper care, can pick up some kind of disease. For example, when pets vilify, you can say the development of the disease.

Diarrhea in goslings

Diarrhea in goslings is a dangerous condition, because an adult has a well-formed stable immunity, but in a gosling the body is just developing, it is unstable and weakened, so it cannot show full resistance to negative environmental factors.

Why do goslings vilify

The question of why goslings have diarrhea is not particularly difficult, there are not many reasons as such. The main thing is to determine what exactly caused the reaction of the body in this case, and this is quite problematic.

Infectious infection is the most common cause, they include:

  1. the causative agent of salmonellosis;
  2. enteritis;
  3. causative agent of paterellosis;
  4. colibacillosis.

Symptoms of diarrhea due to infection

The main symptoms of diarrhea:

  1. weakness;
  2. lethargy;
  3. decreased appetite;
  4. temperature jumps;
  5. diarrhea with blood, mucus;
  6. bloody diarrhea, in goslings - white profuse.

Pullurosis is another name for white diarrhea, it is referred to as acute infectious diseases that provoke gastrointestinal disorders of the bird.

The virus infects internal organs, mainly the intestines. A bird is sick with this when the pathogen pullorum enters its body, there is also such a name as the stick salted galinarum. In the soil, the bacillus can easily exist for about one year, in the litter - 3 months, on poultry farms - about 100 days, on the shell of an infected egg (laid by an infected bird) - 25 days. Newborn birds are most susceptible to this disease. At the age of 120 days from the birth of the chick, the risk of developing the disease is significantly reduced.

Where does the disease come from?

The main source of the spread of the disease is the droppings of infected birds, as well as birds that have suffered the disease earlier. The egg they carry will retain the remains of the infection for another 24 months. White diarrhea occurs as a result of overheating or hypothermia, poor quality or malnutrition. The incubation period is on average 4-6 days. Doctors divide the condition of birds into three stages of infection:

  1. subacute;
  2. acute (the most dangerous condition);
  3. chronic (when the body gets used to it, but continues to experience stress);

The acute period has the following features:

  1. drowsy state of goslings;
  2. the wings are down;
  3. watery eyes;
  4. intermittent breathing with an open beak.

After 3-5 days, the birds begin, refuses to eat and the main symptom is white diarrhea with mucus and a pungent odor. As a result, it becomes difficult to defecate, fluff sticks around the cloaca, and the pet dies in one week.

As soon as an outbreak of this infectious disease is found in poultry, drastic measures must be taken: to destroy all chicks with obvious signs of the disease, this is the only way to stop the spread, after which it is necessary to test the bird for 12 days until the test shows a negative result.

But Pullurosis is not a reason to throw away infected animal carcasses. After high-quality and complete processing, they can be used for food purposes.

For prevention, you need to disinfect the droppings with a solution of sodium, formaldehyde, hydroxide.

Varieties of infectious diseases in birds


Amidostomatosis is another infectious disease, the cause of which lies in the ingestion of the larvae of the pathogen along with water or grass. Goslings are most susceptible to this disease. They have it in a more severe form and most often end in death within a week.


As in the previous case, geese become infected with this disease by ingesting contaminated shellfish or cyclops. This disease can be quickly transmitted from bird to bird, but is usually traced at least 20 days after the release of geese into polluted water bodies. Infected individuals begin to have diarrhea, young animals are stunted, lose weight (become thinner). You can also observe convulsions, unstable gait and at the initial stage - slight paralysis of the limbs.


Pasteurellosis is also known as cholera. It is classified as a dangerous infectious disease. It is characterized by rapid spread. Within one day, the first signs of infection appear. The bird is tormented by a strong thirst, it refuses to eat, it has a lack of coordination of movements, and also flows from its beak. Goslings become lethargic and sleepy, and bloody diarrhea is another symptom. Sick individuals are destroyed, their meat is heat-treated to kill bacteria, but in the future it is no longer used for food.

How to treat little goslings for diarrhea

Treatment is a complex process that requires certain medications. The main thing that is important to understand is that an accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests by a veterinarian. If little goslings are vilified in yellow or white, the first thing to do is contact a specialist. He will advise what to do, how to treat young goslings for diarrhea, if it is yellow or white, and what to use to prevent the spread of infection.

Self-treatment is fraught: the wrong dosage or choice of drugs can have the opposite effect: worsen the health of the bird. It is recommended to use folk remedies as first aid. You can give warm boiled potatoes: this has a good effect on the body, the starch in potatoes fixes the stool, which means it prevents rapid dehydration. Plus, you can give a mixture of bran and finely chopped cabbage, seasoning it with tobacco ash for the best effect. In the early days, they give a mixture in milk, adding a boiled egg, barley, bran, fresh herbs, millet, grated carrots and other natural ingredients.

Drugs for treatment

Treatment for hypothermia has its own nuances. To do this, you need to dilute potassium permanganate with water and water the bird with a pale pink solution for an average of 2 days.

If the reason is an infection, then the question of how to treat small goslings for diarrhea has the following answer: treatment involves the use of sulfa drugs and antibiotics. Most often used:

  • Norsulfazole;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • Oxytetracycline;
  • Biomycin;
  • Penicillin.

The drugs should be given with water. They are added to the drink for little goslings. It is important that the drink is freshly prepared and well cooled; drugs cannot be added to the hot liquid.

Diarrhea in goslings: preventive measures

Much has been said about the treatment of goslings for diarrhea, but, according to doctors, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure and fight its consequences later. Therefore, prevention must be of great importance if the farmer's plans are to make a profit. The first thing to take care of is the conditions for raising healthy individuals, in this case, birds. This requires a well-insulated, draft-free room, which is regularly cleaned. Next, you need to provide goslings with clean water and dry bedding.

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Farmer's weekdays # 6 Gusyatnik. Weekly goslings. What they feed

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One of the methods of prevention, if diarrhea has begun in goslings, is to keep geese of different ages separately. The producer must limit as much as possible access to the poultry house of special pests, which are the cause of the spread of the disease, this is said about mice and rats. To do this, traps and traps are placed in places that are safe for the bird.

Where the goslings are at the entrance, you need to spread a disinfecting mat made of porous material. Periodically, it must be impregnated with a solution: this will help to avoid the transfer and further spread of the infection. If the bird is transferred to another room, it is important to first carry out wet cleaning with caustic soda, because the cause of the disease can remain for a long time on the surfaces of objects and completely indoors.

Diarrhea in goslings

Today, breeding goslings in rural conditions is a profitable and profitable business. This is not only an income, but also an opportunity to provide your family with fresh natural products. This process is not easy, since goslings are susceptible to various diseases.

Why do goslings have diarrhea

Why do goslings have diarrhea, the question is generally not difficult - there are not so many reasons. Another thing is that it is quite problematic to determine the cause of diarrhea in each specific case.

Diarrhea, which is caused by an infection, is most dangerous, as it leads to dehydration and death of goslings. It is important to correctly and timely diagnose the disease. The most common reasons include:

Symptoms of diarrhea are loose stools with mucus, fetid odor and blood, lethargy, weakness, fever, and loss of appetite.

Goslings have white diarrhea (Bacillary white diarrhea)

White bacillary diarrhea or pullurosis is an acute infectious disease that affects the intestines and parenchymal organs. The causative agent is the salmonella bacillus galinarum and pullorum. In droppings, they can persist for up to three months, in the soil for more than one year, on poultry farms for up to one hundred days, on the surface of eggs for up to twenty-five days. Goslings are most susceptible to disease in the first days of life. After three months, the risk of the disease decreases. The incidence rate is 60%, the mortality rate is 80%.

The source of the disease is the droppings of sick and sick birds. They lay infected eggs for two years. Hypothermia, overheating or inadequate feeding contributes to the occurrence. The incubation period lasts from one day to seven days. Distinguish between acute, chronic and subacute conditions. The acute period is characterized by the drowsy state of young goslings. They gather in groups and stand with their limbs spread wide, their heads pulled in. They breathe with an open beak, with lowered wings and closed eyes. After a while, they develop white diarrhea mixed with mucus. This leads to fluff sticking around the cloaca, and this makes it difficult to defecate. Most goslings die within a week.

On the farm where the outbreak occurred, all diseased birds, as well as weak young animals, are destroyed. Adult birds are examined every twelve days until negative results are obtained. The destroyed carcasses and eggs after heat treatment can be used for food purposes. The droppings are disinfected with a 2% solution of formaldehyde, sodium or hydroxide.

The gosling has diarrhea and flows from the beak (Pasteurellosis)

Pasteurellosis or cholera is a dangerous infectious disease. It is characterized by a particularly rapid spread. Within a day after infection, the first signs of the disease are detected. The goslings refuse to eat, they are thirsty, flow from their beak, and a lack of coordination of movements is visible. They become drowsy and lethargic. Diarrhea appears mixed with blood. Sick goslings are slaughtered. The meat then undergoes a special heat treatment. It is advisable not to use it for food in the future.

Diarrhea in goslings, how to treat?

Diarrhea in goslings, what to feed?

  • grain crushed feed;
  • wheat bran;
  • fresh herbs;
  • skim milk;
  • local animal feed;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • cake;
  • fresh herbs;
  • shell.

In the first days of life, goslings are given a mixture of milk from ground barley, boiled eggs, oats, millet with bran, boiled potatoes, finely chopped fresh herbs and grated carrots. Potatoes can be replaced with grain flour 60% concentrate. In the first month, goslings are fed seven times a day.

Geese are considered one of the most hardy and unpretentious birds raised at home. However, little goslings, like all chicks, cannot withstand all adversities, despite their strong immunity from birth. Therefore, you should not rely only on endurance and good health of goslings, because, as they say, knowledgeable means armed. That is why we want to "arm" you with the knowledge about what diseases of goslings - with symptoms and treatment - may lie in wait for the younger generation of these cackling birds!


With coccidiosis, the bird shivers even at high outside temperatures, coordination of movements may be impaired. With such symptoms, you should pay attention to the feces of goslings, if they are of an unnatural color, liquid, there is diarrhea with admixtures of mucus and blood - almost 100% of goslings have coccidiosis. The cause of coccidiosis can be unsanitary conditions in the goose house, other infected goslings or adults, as well as food, water, equipment. The fact is that oocysts are formed in the body of a bird infected with coccidiosis, which leave the intestines into the environment and continue to infect other birds.


Viral enteritis belongs to the category of acute contagious (infectious) diseases. Its target is the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, heart and even the brain. The mortality rate from this disease is very high, if an outbreak of enteritis occurred on your farm for the first time, unfortunately, you will have to say goodbye to 90-100% of your livestock. The manifestations of the disease can be observed in goslings at the age of 6-12 days, if they independently overcome the disease, they will remain its passive carriers for 3-4 years. In patients with enteritis, goslings have no appetite, weakness and inactivity are noted.

They may have nasal discharge and tearing, hyperemia of the skin, diarrhea, as well as accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which can then be seen during autopsy. The source of infection can be other infected individuals, contaminated food or water. Another transmission method is transovarian. When a virus-carrying goose lays infected eggs, already infected goslings hatch from them, if at all, since the mortality of embryos infected with viral enteritis is very high.


To many, diarrhea may not seem like a very serious problem, however, it is not, it greatly depletes the body of a young gosling, and can also be a symptom of dangerous infectious diseases (for example, coccidiosis). Loose stools are often a signal that your birds are not doing well. Dirty water or hypothermia can also cause intestinal upset and diarrhea in the little gosling. Sometimes, together with diarrhea, there is also a decrease in appetite, fever and ruffled plumage. Birds can either just sit in one place, or fall, tipping over on their backs.

Diarrhea also appears in infectious diseases such as salmonellosis, viral enteritis, pasteurellosis and various invasive diseases that require immediate treatment.

Why does baldness develop?

Some breeders may face the problem of their pets balding for no apparent reason. The main one is a kind of cannibalism among birds. Often, goslings peck at each other's feathers themselves. They do this with crowding and no walking.

Geese are herbivorous birds, accustomed to spending most of their time on pastures and pinching the grass there, if they do not have this opportunity, the goslings begin to pinch each other's feathers. If you notice this, give free rein to your birds, and especially affected individuals, plant them until they acquire a new fluff.

Why do chicks fall on their backs?

Some breeders have faced this problem when their goslings fell on their backs and they did not understand why this was happening. However, this is not an independent disease and usually manifests itself in conjunction with other symptoms (for example, diarrhea). Chicks can fall on their backs due to some infectious and invasive diseases, discussed below.


A very dangerous disease. The gosling has diarrhea, profuse discharge from the nasal and oral cavities, rapid breathing, with wheezing. There is general weakness, exhaustion, due to which the exhausted gosling can fall on their back. The chronic course of the disease can cause swelling in the joints or on the head of the bird. In an acute course, treating a bird is, alas, useless, inevitable death awaits her in 1-3 days.



For goslings, as for many other types of poultry, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. Such as Biomycin, Penicillin, Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline, as well as Furazolidone, Sulfadimezin, Norsulfazole. I would also like to mention the drug Baytril. The active substance of this drug, enrofloxacin, is a fluoroquinolone, has antibacterial and antimycoplasmic effects, inhibits the growth and development of a number of pathogenic organisms. In particular, those that cause colibacillosis, mycoplasmosis, enteritis, salmonellosis and a number of similar infectious diseases, the causative agent of which is sensitive to enrofloxacin.

Baytril is available as a solution and is administered orally. It is well absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and belongs to the category of moderately hazardous substances. The course of treatment with Baytril is 3 to 5 days at the dosages indicated in the instructions for the drug. The combination of Baytril with other antibiotic drugs, such as Levomycetin, Tetracycline or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is not allowed. Slaughter of poultry after using Baytril is possible no earlier than 11 days after using the drug.

Baytril has a number of analogues - drugs that also contain enrofloxacin as an active ingredient. These are Enroxil, Enroflon, Floxacin, Enroflox, Vetaflok. The difference may lie in the dosage of the active substance, which is indicated in the instructions for use of a particular drug. Consider this when treating your goslings for enteritis and other diseases!

Disease prevention

We consider it useful to repeat again that high-quality nutrition from the first days of life, proper sanitary conditions, keeping young animals separately from the adult livestock, control of temperature and humidity - will negate the possible risks associated with various diseases of the livestock. The best prevention is the right conditions of detention. In addition, at the moment there are many vaccines that are becoming more advanced every year and are able to protect your herd from most infections.

It is also important to have a sufficient amount of vitamins, the need for them in a young organism is higher. Goslings can obtain vitamins from grass, grain and root crops. Here are the approximate norms of vitamins for goslings, based on 1 ton of feed:
A - 10 g;
D3 - 2.5 g;
K - 2 g;
E - 10 g;
B1 - 1 g;
B2 - 4 g;
B3 - 10 g;
B4 - 500 g;
B5 - 20 g.

An additional supply of vitamins will provide variety in the diet. Don't forget about mineral supplements - phosphorus and calcium are also needed by goslings. Their source can be meat and bone meal or fish meal, fish oil.