Creating a slide show on iPhone. How to watch photos on iPhone or iPad in slideshow mode. How to create your own slideshow on the iPhone

It received the tab Memories With the possibility of grouping photos on events and create a slideshow.

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Open the application Photo On the device with iOS 10 and select the tab Albums. Select the desired album to create a slideshow (movie).

Apple offers two options for creating a slideshow.

Option 1 (Creating a video movie from all photos of the album + the ability to save)

1 . Click on the arrow in the line with the date of creation of the album (see the screenshot below). 2 . Click on the top animated thumbnail with the play icon. The creation of a video movie from the photo will begin with its subsequent playback on the entire screen.

3 . To change the parameters, tap the screen. Select the version of the musical design (dreamy, sentimental, soft, lightweight, cheerful, cheerful, disco club, etc.).

Option 2 (creating a video movie from selective photos of the album + wider opportunities for choosing the effects of animation and musical accompaniment)

1 . To select all photos for a slideshow click on the first photo in the album. To create a slideshow from selective photos, click Choose And select the necessary pictures.

3 . Select Slide show. Slideshow will start automatically on the entire screen.

4 . To change the parameters, tap the screen. Press the button Options To change the slideshow settings.

In chapter Music Choose one of five standard compositions or music from the application. Music (Apple Music).

In chapter Topic Select the display style slides. In order for the slides to be repeated, activate the item To repeat.

To reduce or increasing the speed of playback of the picture, use the turtle and hare adjuster.

Changing the soundtrack entails and recompose the entire clip - so that it corresponds to the tempo and the tone of the composition.

It should be noted that the slideshow created using the second option does not provide for the ability to save video and send to friends. Created slideshow can only be viewed on the iOS device or with the prefix.

iOS 10 is already available to developers, in July, the version of the public testing is expected to have a public testing by all wishing.

One of the basic functions of the iPhone and iPad - view photos in the slideshow mode. But, to our surprise, not all users know how to use it. This instruction will teach how to watch photos on the iPhone or iPad in slideshow mode in two ways.

You can run a slide show on the iPhone and iPad in two different ways. The first one runs the slideshow from the pictures that are stored in a particular album. The second allows you to select specific photos to view in a slideshow mode. Below we reviewed both of these methods.

How to watch photos from albums on iPhone or iPad in slideshow mode

Step 1. Open the application " Photo».

Step 2. Select the album you want to view in a slideshow mode.

Step 3. Click " Slide show»In order to start viewing photos from the selected album.

Slideshow will start instantly. By pressing anywhere display, you can access the slideshow parameters. Here you can specify the topic of slideshows, music that is reproduced during the display, the speed of shifting frames and the need to automatically repetition slideshows after its end.

How to watch selected photos on iPhone or iPad in slideshow mode

Step 1. Start the application " Photo"And select the tab of the same name.

Step 2. Click " Choose"(If the button is not displayed, press one of the time intervals) and mark the pictures you want to play in the slide show mode.

Step 4. In the menu that opens, select " Slide show».

As in the first case, the slideshow will start instantly. The ability to change the display parameters as well.


Photocollages are a great way to demonstrate a large number of photos taken during a short time. At the same time, you do not need to pour on the device a million pictures and spend the unnecessary free space of the device on them. The App Store is now available many applications of this kind, let's figure out which of them are the best.


MOLDIV (Review)

MOLDIV is one of the most unique and interesting applications, since it has a huge number of diverse opportunities. You can, for example, change the outlines and image size, distance between photos, add background, stickers and text using various fonts and textures. And even if the presented options for the free version will not be enough, you can buy additional layouts of collages in a special shop. When one of your masterpieces is completed, you can send it to one of the social networks or save on your device in high resolution.

Pic Stitch.



Photocollages are a great way to demonstrate a large number of photos taken during a short time. At the same time, you do not need to pour on the device a million pictures and spend the unnecessary free space of the device on them. The App Store is now available many applications of this kind, let's figure out which of them are the best.


MOLDIV (Review)

MOLDIV is one of the most unique and interesting applications, since it has a huge number of diverse opportunities. You can, for example, change the outlines and image size, distance between photos, add background, stickers and text using various fonts and textures. And even if the presented options for the free version will not be enough, you can buy additional layouts of collages in a special shop. When one of your masterpieces is completed, you can send it to one of the social networks or save on your device in high resolution.

Pic Stitch.



You can easily create and share a slideshow from your favorite photos on the iPhone or iPad.

Want to create a slideshow from photos on your iPhone or iPad? You can do this using software built into iOS application "Photo" (Photos).

You can choose the photos you want to enable in a slide show by date or place them in the album. You can also choose a special topic for a slideshow, which will apply a certain font and background music.

Beginning of work

First open the application "Photo" (Photos)on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. You have several solutions, which photos include in the slideshow: by date, for example, choose a specific day, week or year, depending on when you took pictures; Using tools "Memories" (Memories)which combines the images based on the date; Or by placing certain photos in the album, which gives you more control. Let's check all three methods.

Slideshow by date

In the application "Photo" (Photos)touch the photo icon at the bottom. You must see a collection of various photos located at certain dates or dates range, for example, weekends. To create a slideshow from photos taken on a specific day, click on the arrow icon to the right to the right of the date.

Slideshow by year

Want to include more photos? Click the link "Years" (years)in the upper left corner to view photos by year. Click on the right arrow to create a slide show for a certain year.

Slideshow for memories

Now let the app decides which photos to use for a slideshow. Click on the icon "Memories" (Memories)at the bottom of the screen. Scroll down the page down to see groups of photos organized by certain dates.

choose your own

Want to choose your own photos for a slideshow? The easiest way is to first put them in the album. Click the icon "Albums" (Albums), then symbol «+» in the top left corner.

View your photos and click on the ones you want to add to this album. Then click "Done" (Done).

The new album will appear in the section "My albums" (My Albums)applications "Photo" (Photos).

After that, click on the album to open it, then the right arrow to create a slideshow.

After the application creates a slideshow, click the play button. The application will launch a slideshow as a film, complete with beautiful font and background music.


After the slideshow is complete, you will see the screen on which you can edit it by selecting another topic. Each topic has its own font and background music. To check the specific topic, select it and click on the play button in the upper right corner of the screen. You can also see the duration of the slideshow: the timer on the screen informs you how long it will last.

You can stop playing a slideshow at any time: just press your finger to the screen, and then the pause button. After you have decided on the topic you like, click on "Change" (Edit)in the upper right corner to make further changes.

The application will tell you that to edit a slideshow, you must add it to the memories. Click Ok.


A screen will appear, allowing you to change the title and its style, music, duration and photographs included in the slideshow. Touch any item to change it.


You can choose any music from albums stored on your device, and set the duration of the slideshow. In addition, it is possible to add or delete photos. After all changes click "Done" (Done).