Broilers drink a lot of water and vilify. Treatment of diarrhea in chickens. Does Where Broilers Live Affect

Broilers have long been raised on poultry farms and in households. There are reasons for this - such chickens are relatively unpretentious in care and grow quickly. But they periodically give their masters trouble. One of the most common troubles is diarrhea in a bird, so this problem requires separate consideration.

The appearance of diarrhea in chickens or adult chickens can be caused by the following factors:

  • the intake of poor quality feed or, conversely, the use of excessively fortified food;
  • a sharp change in diet (from grain to greens and vice versa);
  • poisoning;
  • seasonal (spring) avitaminosis;
  • stay of chickens in a contaminated poultry house, which is especially dangerous for young animals;
  • severe stress or hypothermia.

In addition, there is another group of causes that can cause diarrhea.
These are infectious diseases of poultry, the most common of which are:

Important! The cause of the disease may also be a prolonged stay of the bird in an open area like a corral (especially if there are other animals nearby or the remains of their vital activity are visible).

Many people know about these reasons, but when keeping a large livestock, it is far from always possible to immediately calculate the sick chick, which becomes dangerous for the rest. If you do not do this on time, then diagnostics will soon come to the fore.

A correctly diagnosed is the key to successful treatment, so the delivery of the litter to the veterinary laboratory will be the most appropriate. This will clarify the cause of the disease, differentiate ailments with similar symptoms and prescribe treatment.

But in practice, poultry owners do not always turn to specialists: it happens that there is no veterinarian nearby, and the situation requires an urgent solution.
The main thing is not to panic. Moreover, experienced owners know how to determine the cause of diarrhea by the nature of the discharge. Let's listen to their recommendations.

White diarrhea in broiler chicks

Frequent whitish liquid droppings are proof that diarrhea is triggered by infectious diseases. Usually this is salmonellosis of the initial stage or pullorosis.
The following symptoms should suggest the same thought:

  • slow breathing through a constantly open beak;
  • lethargy of the bird and unwillingness of chicks to move;
  • developmental delay (in the case of pullorosis, sick individuals are almost half the size of healthy peers).

Did you know? The Ayam Chemani chicken has a gene that causes hyperpigmentation. Because of this, the birds are completely black, and not only outside, but also inside - their organs and even bones are black.

These manifestations are most dangerous for chicks less than a month old. If the infection occurred while still in the incubator, the chances of survival, alas, are extremely small. Monthly broilers with diarrhea are considered healthy and treatable.

If you notice traces of dark brown diarrhea, pay attention to the bird - there is a high probability that broilers develop acute intestinal pasteurellosis. It is recognized by:

  • inactivity - the chicken is cuddly and practically does not move, and the feathers are disheveled;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • constant thirst;
  • discoloration of the comb (it becomes pale or blue);
  • profuse discharge of mucus from the nasal openings;
  • the presence of blood fragments in the feces.

All of these symptoms, along with difficulty breathing, overlap with signs of coccidiosis.
Unlike extensive pasteurellosis, it is quite treatable, therefore, if brown diarrhea is detected, it is advisable to send feces to the laboratory - this will allow the veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

This color of liquid droppings usually indicates feeding misses:

  • if there is light green diarrhea, then the reason is poor-quality wet mash;
  • a darker shade of green discharge often appears with an abrupt transition from grain feed to greens;
  • yellow feces are noticeable when using low-quality grain mixtures and mixed feed.

Important! Day-old chicks are best bought from poultry farms or from trusted sellers - rejected chicks often come to the markets, whose health raises questions.

Such manifestations are non-infectious, and therefore relatively safe and easy to treat.

Broilers with their "sedentary" lifestyle rarely get sick, but the owners should still remember about the symptoms of a dangerous ailment in the form of:

  • decreased activity and lack of appetite;
  • lowering of the wings of chickens;
  • darkening of the skin on the head: in young animals it turns black, and in adult chickens it becomes dark blue;
  • lowering the temperature;
  • changes in the behavior of a sick bird - it hides its head under its wings, and in case of a massive defeat, sick chickens flock into flocks.

Fortunately, broilers tolerate histomonosis more easily than other birds (such as turkeys), but 1-3 weeks of exacerbation still leave the owners in the dark - the bird can recover, remaining a carrier of the infection, or die.

The arsenal of tools used is quite extensive. The most popular of them are the following compositions:

  • chloramphenicol... It is used in the fight against salmonellosis. Reception is carried out at the rate of 30-50 mg / kg of weight, three times a day;
  • Coccidin... From the name it is clear that it is taken to treat diarrhea caused by coccidiosis. Within 3-5 days, 250 mg of this powder is added to 1 kg of feed, after which the dose is reduced to 125 (this rate is maintained for another week). Analogs of the drug - Zolene and Sulfadimezin;
  • furazolidone... His "specialization" is the treatment of pullorosis and pasteurellosis. The dosage depends on the age. For example, 0.02 mg is poured into the feed for chickens up to 10 days old (this is for 10 individuals), while two-week-old young animals already need 0.03 mg. The adult norm is 0.04 mg;
  • metronidazole from histomonosis. It is put into food for 5 days (20-25 mg / kg body weight);
  • "Biomycin"... This is the most versatile remedy. It is diluted in water at the rate of 1 mg / 1 l or injected intramuscularly (2-3 mg per 2 cc syringe with water).

Did you know? The number of chickens on the planet exceeds the number of people by about 3 times.

All of these drugs are used to treat infectious diseases and are strictly prescribed by a veterinarian. He adjusts the dosage according to the situation.

It is somewhat easier to cure diarrhea caused by an improper diet - it is revised by removing the ingredients that caused such complications. There are also some nuances here.

So, if problems with digestion have arisen as a result of consuming a large amount of greens, they replace it with grain, pouring oatmeal jelly or rice water into the drinkers.

If it turns out that the reason is poor-quality food, broilers are watered with disinfectants (weak furacilin, potassium permanganate). In parallel, you can use chloramphenicol. As a fixing agent, baked potatoes or boiled eggs served in crushed form are used.
When starting treatment, do not forget about isolating sick birds, as well as disinfecting rooms or cages, feeders and drinkers.

Good afternoon, dear readers and readers of the site about chickens and. Additional income for a family on breeding and feeding a chicken family requires constant vigilance. It is much easier to buy seeds in bulk and sell in your region, dacha cooperative or garden partnership. After all, seeds and planting material do not get sick! And chickens and chickens can get sick. Today we will talk about the treatment of diarrhea in chickens.

Fluffy yellow lumps, just hatched from eggs, are too tender to immediately adapt to not always pleasant environmental conditions. No wonder they say: chickens are counted in the fall.

Many chicks die in the first week, and some more in the next month. Only the strongest and those who have been carefully looked after will remain.

Treatment for diarrhea in chickens

The first signs of a chicken are its untidy appearance: the fluff falls off, loses its sunny yellow color, turns gray, collects dirt on itself. The chick is weakly on its feet, staggers when moving.

Such a pet should be checked for infection with diarrhea - to see if it vilifies. The correct symptoms are in the chick around the anus, the droppings are thin, frequent. So the chick is not far from dehydration, and there - even to death.

The causes of diarrhea in chickens are many. This is hypothermia from drafts, and wet paws, and at the wrong time litter changed, and illiterate heating. The first step is to find out and eliminate the cause, then the diarrhea will recede.

Chicks showing signs of diarrhea are immediately placed in a separate box or cardboard box. To avoid contamination of the rest of the "pack". What if an infection ?!

They check if the paws are cold, if so, insulate the bedding and increase heating (only without overheating!) Both in the "quarantine" and in the common box.

Chicken intestine function depends. Chicks with suspected diarrhea should be fed dry or cereal more often.

Rice porridge is the most effective food remedy. It is cooked viscous, you can even pour unsalted rice broth into a bowl for chicks instead of water.

Whey and low-fat cottage cheese are left from dairy products in small quantities. You can give a hard-boiled egg yolk. But you remove the greens and grass until you recover.

Chickens with dirty tails should be treated with disinfectants. This list includes not only rice broth, but also oatmeal, bird cherry.

An infusion of pomegranate peels treats an intestinal disorder well: they are dried and harvested for future use for such cases. Care should be taken with chamomile: although it has antiseptic characteristics, it has the property of relaxing the intestines.

How to treat diarrhea in chickens?

A few crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the drink for the nagging chicks. A weak pink solution is given to chickens, even forcibly, to cleanse the intestines and kill pathogenic bacteria.

When potassium permanganate is not at hand, chloramphenicol or tetracycline is used. One tablet is dissolved in a liter of boiled cooled water and given to chicks to drink. Chickens receive the same remedy from the first day after hatching to prevent diarrhea.

Growing healthy, productive broiler chickens is within the power of every farmer. But for this it is not enough to own a large livestock, you need to be able to notice problems in a bird flock in time and take action. One of the troubles that poultry farmers face is broiler diarrhea. How to help sick youngsters, and how reliable is the prevention of diarrhea?

Causes of intestinal upset in broilers

An intestinal disorder does not arise out of the blue and can give rise to a lot of complications. What is the most common cause of diarrhea in broiler chicks?

  • Poor quality feed. It is unlikely that only one individual will suffer from stale, poor nutrition - usually several chickens begin to vilify at once. All feed mixtures should be checked for freshness, and only grain should be served for some time.
  • Bird stress. Any fright, like a sharp change in living conditions, can provoke diarrhea in a broiler. But this is a temporary phenomenon. Once the chick gets used to the new home, the diarrhea usually disappears.
  • Cold. Drafts, dampness in the chicken coop lead to hypothermia of the bird's body, and diarrhea is one of the symptoms of this condition. Chickens should spend several days in a warm room under the control of the owner.
  • Intoxication. If you constantly smoke or spray chemical aerosols near the poultry house, the broiler can easily be poisoned and stuck against this background. But poisoning happens not only from the named factors. Even the material from which the feeders are made plays a role: copper, galvanized dishes are not suitable for feeding birds. You should be careful about poultry walking. No poisonous plants, such as celandine, spurge, buttercups, should grow in the yard. If possible, check all areas of the walk for small items that the chicken can easily swallow.

A separate significant cause of diarrhea should be the disease, which is primarily determined by the color of the droppings.

How can a broiler chicken get sick?

  • Pulloresis (avian typhus)... The disease incubates for about 90 days, but it can kill a young broiler in just 3-7 days. Pulloresis diarrhea can be either white or brownish-green.
  • Helminthic invasion. Gives a yellow stool.
  • Coccidiosis. Incubated up to 8 months. With this infection, there are traces of blood in the diarrhea.
  • Pasteurellosis (cholera)... The stool is loose, green, with bloody streaks.
  • Salmonellosis (paratyphoid). Diarrhea has a foamy consistency.
  • Bird flu. The virus is accompanied by debilitating, profuse diarrhea and is often fatal.

Stale feed or a contracted infection are the main causes of diarrhea in broilers.

Poultry health diagnostics

Do not rely on intuition, broilers must be examined by an experienced veterinarian. Without professional intervention, you can miscalculate and lose your brood in a matter of days. When should you call your veterinarian?

  • Chickens do not eat well, move a little, behave sluggishly.
  • Loose stools last more than 2 days and can have a special color and consistency.
  • The temperature is high.
  • The movements are disturbed, not coordinated.

Any of these symptoms should alert the owner. After the veterinarian examines the chickens, their droppings will need to be submitted for analysis for the reliability of the diagnosis. Only in this way will the chickens receive the right treatment: different diseases and conditions require different measures.

How can the owner help?

Before a medical examination, it is necessary to provide the entire flock with plenty of drink. Diarrhea severely dehydrates the body. Oatmeal or rice broths are well suited for soldering birds. If only one broiler is diarrhea, it must be isolated from the flock to avoid contamination of the broiler. Broiler food should be supplemented with absorbents such as activated carbon or wood ash. Boiled yolk will be a suitable food supplement, and sometimes you need to offer chickens a decoction of pomegranate peel or quince juice as a drink.

A good folk remedy is considered to be 2 drops of red wine added to drinking for chickens. Wine has astringent properties and helps relieve diarrhea.

Medicines that can help the chicken:

  • Levomycetin (antibiotic). 1 tablet of the drug must be diluted in 1/10 liter of water and this solution must be soldered to chickens several times a day in small doses.
  • Biseptol (antibacterial medicine). Cut the whole tablet into 8 equal slices. An adult chicken is fed 1 slice twice a day for a week.
  • Emprobio (probiotic that improves the digestive tract) and Flosan (antibiotic). These veterinary drugs are used strictly according to the attached instructions.

In summer, broilers eat as much grass as possible. Despite the fact that such food is rich in vitamins, its excess can provoke intestinal upset. This is immediately apparent from the change in litter. In a healthy bird, the droppings are dense, dense, covered with a small layer of white bloom (or speckles). Any deviation from this norm requires attention. In the summer, if the broiler begins to vilify, you should reduce the time for his walks.

In the spring, any living creature suffers from vitamin deficiency, including broilers. The consequence of vitamin deficiency is diarrhea. Vitaminization of the whole flock of chickens is required. At the pet store, you can purchase special food rich in vitamins, or you can agree with your veterinarian vitamin supplements that will interfere with the food. Minerals should always be present in a separate feeder for broilers.

Prevention of diarrhea

A responsible poultry farmer would always prefer to prevent a nuisance rather than fix it later. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are especially dangerous for a flock of birds, as they provoke massive infection of chickens. The best and most popular way to prevent diarrhea is to disinfect the house. It should be done on a farm of any size where bird numbers change rapidly. After each brood of broiler chickens, the chicken coop is well cleaned, washed, all feeders and drinkers are cleaned and treated with disinfectants. It is imperative to plan for the whitewashing, drying and ventilation of the house before the next flock moves in.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the quality of chicken nutrition. Frozen, stale, moldy and all suspicious feeds are forbidden to be served on the poultry table. Usually, after poisoning with stale green food, the bird has liquid, green stools. In this case, the feed is replaced with a rougher one. All additives must also be quality tested. Drinking water should be filtered and changed regularly. The chicken coop must meet sanitary and hygienic standards, be well lit and sufficiently ventilated. Dampness, cold, drafts are prohibited.

On large farms, it is advisable to vaccinate the flock. This will be the best way to protect birds from dangerous ailments, one of the symptoms of which is diarrhea.

The following remedies help well in the prevention of infections in broiler chickens:

  • Enroxil (10%);
  • Baytril (10%);
  • Chiktonik;
  • Enrobioflox (solution);
  • Kenflox Oral;
  • Enrofloxacin.

For coccidiosis, chickens are given one of the following drugs:

  • Brovaseptol;
  • Baycox;
  • Solicox;
  • Tromexin;
  • SOL.

All medicines are used in the course indicated in the instructions, stirring in boiled water.

No matter how much you rely on your own knowledge, a veterinarian visit will never be superfluous. Sometimes it is not easy to accurately determine the nature of a disease, and it is not advisable to risk an entire farm. The correctness of the treatment and the health of your entire house will depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Video "How to help broiler chickens survive"

Many take on broiler raising, however, not all manage to provide them with the necessary care. Broilers are hybrids obtained by crossing selected and meat and egg breeds of chickens. Broilers grown up to two and a half months of age are slaughtered for meat. By this time, their weight reaches one and a half kilograms. It is impractical to raise chickens for more than the specified period. In this case, the nutritional value of their meat will be lost.

Does Where Broilers Live Affect

The room set aside for growing broiler chickens does not require round-the-clock lighting. The recommended daylight hours for broilers should be about 17 hours. On an area of \u200b\u200bone square meter, 18 birds are allowed to be placed, since the chickens do not need to be pastured. Good ventilation is a key requirement for broiler housing. This will prevent the colonization of various infections. However, drafts should be avoided. When the chickens are still very young, the temperature in their room should not drop below 26 ° C. Gradually, the temperature can be reduced to 18 ° C.

If it is too cool in the room where the chickens are growing up, they will not be able to gain the necessary weight, all the body's resources will go to overcome the cold. And weakened individuals may even die. In the cold season, the required temperature regime is provided with the help of household heating appliances. Broiler chickens live on a dense layer of sawdust, which must be regularly updated.

What broilers eat and how it affects them

From the first days, broiler chickens are fed with green feed at the rate of 6 grams per chicken per day. Sprouted barley grains are ideal. It is imperative to connect herbal flour at the rate of 2 grams per chicken per day. It is undesirable to give more than 5 grams of herbal flour per day, since it is difficult to digest due to its high fiber content. Red carrots, which experienced farmers add to the mash, work well.

As soon as the chickens are a little older, fish waste, sunflower and soybean cake, and raw potatoes are included in their diet. The growing body of broilers needs mineral supplements, which will become:

1 shell;

3 bone meal.

It is advisable to pour crushed gravel into the feeder, the chickens love it very much. The pebbles contribute to better digestion of food. It should be remembered that sand does not enter the feeder.

When they reach twenty days of age, foods rich in calcium are added to the diet of chickens:

2 serum;

All chickens need vitamins A, E, D and C for full development. Vitamin D should be used with great care, avoiding overdose, otherwise the risk of poisoning increases. The required fortified diet will prevent the development of rickets and other diseases.

Broiler chickens are raised for meat production. To do this, they need to provide a good diet. In the first week of life, chickens should be fed up to 8 times a day, in the second week, food intake is reduced to 6 times. Then feeding is carried out 4 times a day. In the first month of life, broilers gain weight very intensively, so they need a lot of nutrition. Farmers recommend offering chicks during this period highly nutritious wet and dry feed to promote good weight gain. A month later, broilers are transferred to succulent grass or grass flour if the chickens grow in winter.

Broiler chickens can be kept in cages, limiting their living space for rapid muscle gain. Thus, broilers will not waste resources on unnecessary movements.

Chicks constantly need clean, warm water. They will not drink water of too high temperature. If all the above requirements for caring for broilers are met, diarrhea can be avoided over a fairly short period of their life. If diarrhea sometimes occurs, it is recommended to add manganese to the water and change the litter more often. If the diarrhea is severe, the feed should be checked and a small amount of baking soda should be added to the food.

White diarrhea in broilers: treatment and possible causes

The most likely cause of frequent loose stools with whitish stools is an infection with salmonellosis. This infection is very common in poultry and human infection is considered its greatest danger. Infection of young livestock occurs during contact with a sick bird, in addition, the spread of infection is facilitated by the use of common equipment and the lack of regular cleaning of the premises in which the bird is located.

The development of salmonellosis is confirmed by other symptoms, such as:

1 deterioration of the general health of the bird;

2 drowsiness and lethargy;

3 stunting;

4 presence of discharge from the nose and eyes;

5 shortness of breath, shortness of breath, wheezing;

6 bluish crest.

If the infection affects a large number of poultry, for example, on an industrial scale, then its treatment, as a rule, is not carried out, since it requires a lot of time and financial investments. In case of an outbreak of salmonellosis in private backyards, treatment consists of soldering the bird with sulfa drugs. In this case, the infected livestock is recommended to be transferred to a separate room in order to prevent further spread of the infection.

Broilers have brown diarrhea

If you notice that broilers have brownish or brownish diarrhea, then there may be two reasons for this phenomenon:

1 Eating poor quality feed.

2 Disease of coccidiosis.

Coccidiosis is an infectious disease that is most common in the poultry industry. The peak of the development of infection, as a rule, falls in the spring-autumn period, and the spread of pathogens occurs through the consumption of contaminated feed or water. The clinical picture of coccidiosis, in addition to diarrhea, consists of the following symptoms:

1 lethargy and passivity of the bird, unwillingness to move;

2 ruffled feathers;

3 impurities of mucus and blood in the stool;

4 lack of appetite;

5 bluish skin tone and pallor of scallops;

6 fast weight loss.

The appearance of blood in the feces of a sick bird signals a strong destruction of the intestinal mucosa. Ignoring the problem in this case can lead to the death of the broiler, therefore, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible with special drugs aimed at destroying coccidia. In chickens, the presence of undigested food in the feces is a dangerous sign.

However, the presence of blood in feces does not always indicate the development of coccidiosis, if the bird is at the same time quite active and with a good appetite, then a violation of the stool can signal mechanical damage to the intestinal mucosa by poor-quality feed. This symptom is also often the result of an unbalanced diet, in which the bird does not receive enough vitamins and minerals.

Green, yellow diarrhea in broilers

Green or yellow liquid stool can signal the development of infectious diseases such as influenza, avian typhus and pasteurellosis. Infection can occur as a result of contact with vectors of the disease: rodents, insects and other birds. It usually takes a couple of months from the moment of infection until the first symptoms appear.

Green diarrhea is also directly related to the diet, so the bird reacts to poor quality feed or spoiled greens. If during diarrhea, broilers' bowel movements turn yellow, then the reasons may be as follows:

1 stress, for example, when changing the place of residence;

2 long stay in a cold room;

Diarrhea in broiler cross, causes and treatment

In order to treat and prevent diarrhea in poultry, the following rules must be observed:

1 Constantly monitor the quality of the feed.

2 Broilers with signs of the disease should be placed in a separate room, and the remaining poultry should be fed with Levomycetin dissolved in water.

3 All work equipment must be treated with boiling water.

4 The poultry house, in which the sick livestock was located, should be thoroughly whitewashed with a solution of slaked lime.

If the implementation of all the above manipulations did not lead to a solution to the problem, then proceed as follows:

1 bird is soldered with a saturated solution of Activated carbon;

2 the feed is carefully checked for the presence of foreign impurities (stones, shells, etc.);

3 the soaked compound feed is combined with the same amount of boiled rice and this mixture is used for feeding the poultry;

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of diseases that provoke diarrhea in broilers must be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, since only a competent specialist is able to diagnose and select the most suitable drugs. In some cases, poultry treatment is impractical, and all livestock are sent for slaughter. It is recommended to do this in case of an outbreak of infectious diseases that are dangerous not only for birds, but can also be transmitted to humans.

Bloody diarrhea in broilers

The presence of blood in bird feces is considered one of the most dangerous signs. In this case, treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the disease can be fatal. To begin with, it is recommended to conduct a laboratory study of feces, which will identify the causative agent of the disease.

In most cases, the development of diarrhea in poultry can be triggered by the use of poor-quality feed or the penetration of infectious pathogens into the body.

The course and duration of treatment in this case depends on the established diagnosis. Diagnostics should be performed only by a specialist with veterinary education. To begin with, a visual examination of the sick poultry population and determination of body temperature is performed. After that, it is necessary to examine the feces in the laboratory, which will identify the causative agent of the disease. Establishing the exact cause of the ailment will allow the specialist to determine the course of treatment that is individual for each case.

Treatment of diarrhea in poultry with folk methods

Regardless of the choice of treatment option, the fight against the disease should be started immediately, which will save the bird population from inevitable death. In this case, many owners prefer to use traditional medicine recipes, which very often are in no way inferior to drug treatment. The following recipes are most effective in treating diarrhea in poultry:

1 clay solution. At the first sign of malaise, a little clay should be added to the drinking water and the bird should be soldered with it for two days;

2 rice water. This treatment has long been used to treat diarrhea in both humans and pets and poultry. To prepare it, pour a little rice with plenty of water and cook until tender. After that, the broth is cooled, carefully filtered through a sieve and the broilers are soldered with it;

3 wine water. Natural red wine has astringent properties, therefore, in case of diarrhea in a bird, it is recommended to add a little of this alcoholic drink to drinking water;

4 pomegranate broth or quince compote. Both of these drugs are identical in their action to wine water;

5 decoction of chamomile flowers. Such treatment is suitable if the diarrhea in the bird is not infectious;

6 pale pink potassium permanganate solution. Its use is recommended both for the treatment of non-infectious diarrhea and for its prevention.